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Tingkat Provinsi
Tahun 2016

IT-Software Application


Kompleks Kemdiknas Gedung E Lantai 12-13
Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Senayan Jakarta 10270
Telepon (021) 5725477 (hunting), 5725466-69, 5725471-75
Fax. 5725467, 5725469, 5725049

In this Test Project, you are required to develop an information system following the

requirement given on the Test Project. In general, there will be 4 project resources given to

you, which is:

1. ERD and Data Dictionary for Test Project

This will be used to guide you to create the database files. Ensure that all entities

created on the database are related with the given ERD, following the relationship

and also the criteria in Data Dictionary for each entity!

2. Navigation Diagram for the Application

Use the Navigation Diagram to develop the form interaction inside the application.

You are free to add new interaction between forms, without neglecting the defined

interaction in this diagram.

3. Example Design (Wireframe) of desired Information System

This file is used to give you design guidelines of all required forms. Please note that

your form designs are not limited to these examples!

4. Data files (if any)

The data files will be used to support you test and develop the information system on

each module. Please use this data files in the development, you are allowed to use

another resources outside the given data files only if instructed in the module.

Soal LKS SMK Tingkat Provinsi Tahun 2016 Hal 2 dari 22



Employee AssignmentDetail Branch

PK EmployeeID PK BranchID PK BranchID

Name PK EmployeeID Title

Address Address
ContactNo ContactNo

Email BranchManager


Password Item StockDetail


Title PK BranchID

Price Stock

TransactionHead TransactionDetail
er PK TransactionID
PK TransactionID PK ItemID
TransactionDate Qty
BranchID SoldPrice

Soal LKS SMK Tingkat Provinsi Tahun 2016 Hal 3 dari 22



Table KEY Column Data Type Length Required? Notes

Auto Increment. Should formatted
PK EmployeeID CHAR 5 Y
with: EM000
Name TEXT - Y
Address TEXT - Y
Employee ContactNo TEXT - Y
Email TEXT - Y
Can only filled with Staff or
Role TEXT - Y
Password TEXT - Y
Auto Increment. Should formatted
PK BranchID CHAR 5 Y
with: BR000
Title TEXT - Y
Branch Address TEXT - Y
ContactNo TEXT - Y
FK BranchManager CHAR 5 Y
Auto Increment. Should formatted
with: IM000
Item Title TEXT - Y
Price NUMBER - Y
Auto Increment. Should formatted
with: IM000
StockDetail Auto Increment. Should formatted
PK, FK BranchID CHAR 5 Y
with: BR000
Auto Increment. Should formatted
PK, FK EmployeeID CHAR 5 Y
with: EM000
Auto Increment. Should formatted
PK, FK BranchID CHAR 5 Y
with: BR000
Auto Increment. Should formatted
PK TransactionID CHAR 10 Y
with: TR00000000
Auto Increment. Should formatted
FK BranchID CHAR 5 Y
TransactionHeader with: BR000
Auto Increment. Should formatted
FK EmployeeID CHAR 5 Y
with: EM000
TransactionDate DATETIME
Auto Increment. Should formatted
PK, FK TransactionID CHAR 10 Y
with: TR00000000
Auto Increment. Should formatted
TransactionDetail PK, FK ItemID CHAR 5 Y
with: IM000
SoldPrice NUMBER

Soal LKS SMK Tingkat Provinsi Tahun 2016 Hal 4 dari 22



Login As
Master Employee

Login As Login As
Administrator Administrator 07
Master Branch

Login As Login As
Branch Manager Branch Manager
05 06
Master Item Manage Stock

01 02
Login Form Main Form

08 09
New Transaction View Transaction

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01 Login Form

02 Main Form

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03 Master Employee Form

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04 Master Branch Form

05 Master Item Form

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06 Manage Stock Form

07 Manage Assignment Form

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08 New Transaction Form

09 View Transaction Form

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NUSANTARA MART is one of Indonesia top growing retail mart located in Jakarta. Having

so many branch that have their own warehouse, spread in Jakarta Area, Nusantara Mart

owner thinks it is the time to use Information System to support their business process,

starting from managing item stock data and handling transaction process. After hiring

famous consultant to analyze and design the system, it is the time to develop the system.

Based on the system design given to you, youre required to develop Information system to

support the business process of Nusantara Mart. Ensure your developed solutions can

accommodate Nusantara Mart business process properly, following the instruction on the


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Module 1: Database Creation and Main Form Development

1. Create the Database

Create a database using your MS SQL Server on the local database server following

the ERD and Data Dictionary given to you.

2. Insert the Data

Create example data given to the related table on your newly created database,

every table should contain at least 5 example data, and for AssignmentDetail,

StockDetail, TransactionHeader and TransactionDetail data, there should be at least

20 example data.

3. Create Application

Create an application using your preferred platform (C# or Visual Basic.NET).

4. Create 01 Login Form

Create the main form of the application as outlined in 01 Login Form in the

wireframe with detailed functionality below:

Validate the user must fill the username and password before login!

If the user choose exit, then the Application will automatically closed.

5. Create 02 Main Form

Create the main form of the application as outlined in 02 Main Form in the

wireframe, with detailed functionality below:

The menu displayed on this Main Form will varies according to employee role

logged in, following these scenario:

Soal LKS SMK Tingkat Provinsi Tahun 2016 Hal 12 dari 22

Available Menu
Employee Role Condition
(Refer to Wireframe)

Administrator Employee Role are set as All Menu

Administrator in Employee Table

Staff Employee Role are set as Staff in Logout, Transaction, Sales

Employee Table Report

Branch Manager Employee Role are set as Staff in Logout, Transaction, Sales
Employee Table, and also defined as Report, Master Item, Manage
BranchManager in one of Branch Stock
Table data

If the user choose Logout menu, then the Main form will be closed and the

Login form will be showed to the user.

6. Create 03 Master Employee Form

Create only the main form design of the application as outlined in 03 Master

Employee Form in the wireframe.

7. Create 04 Master Branch Form

Create only the main form design of the application as outlined in 04 Master Branch

Form in the wireframe.

8. Create 05 Master Item Form

Create only the main form design of the application as outlined in 05 Master Item

Form in the wireframe.

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Module 2: Master Form Development

1. Create 06 Manage Stock Form

Create only the main form design of the application as outlined in 06 Manage Stock

Form in the wireframe.

2. Create 07 Manage Assignment Form

Create only the main form design of the application as outlined in 07 Manage

Assignment Form in the wireframe.

3. Complete 03 Master Employee Form

Complete the main form of the application 03 Master Employee Form developed

before, with detailed functionality below:

Ensure the form can list all Employee data stored inside the database

When the user typing in the Search by Name box, the list on the data grid

should automatically updated matching the query entered by the user.

For example, if the user typed as then all employee who have name

containing as letter should be displayed on the list. And this list are updated


Ensure all data are filled before adding or updating the data.

Ensure the total data calculation are showing the number of active rows in the

data grid above.

The Add New, Edit Data, and Delete Data button are functioned correctly. As

for Save and Cancel button are only enabled when the user choose to Edit

the Data.

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If employee are not allocated in any branch, then the data should display -,

which means, this employee are available to be assigned in all branch.

If the user click the Show/Hide Password button, then the letter in password

box should be covered and uncovered respectively.

If the user choose to generate new password, then system will automatically

generate new password with format lowered case

[EmployeeID]+RandomNo. From 1000 to 9999. Example if the EmployeeID

are EM001 then the password generated are em0018787 or em0014567

Ensure all general form function are working correctly

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4. Complete 04 Master Branch Form

Complete the main form of the application 04 Master Branch Form developed

before, with detailed functionality below:

Ensure the form can list all Branch data stored inside the database

When the user typing in the Search by Title box, the list on the data grid

should automatically updated matching the query entered by the user.

For example, if the user typed as then all branch which have title containing

as letter should be displayed on the list. And this list are updated


Ensure all data are filled before adding or updating the data.

Ensure the total data calculation are showing the number of active rows in the

data grid above.

The Add New, Edit Data, and Delete Data button are functioned correctly. As

for Save and Cancel button are only enabled when the user choose to Edit

the Data.

Ensure the employee who are eligible to appointed as Branch Manager are

the employee who already assigned to this corresponding branch.

If the user click Manage this Branch Stock then the 06 Manage Stock Form

will be opened.

If the user click Manage this Branch Employee then the 07 Manage

Assignment Form will be opened.

Ensure all general form function are working correctly

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5. Complete 05 Master Item Form

Complete the main form of the application 05 Master Item Form developed before,

with detailed functionality below:

Ensure the form can list all Branch data stored inside the database

When the user typing in the Search by Title box, the list on the data grid

should automatically updated matching the query entered by the user.

For example, if the user typed as then all item which have title containing

as letter should be displayed on the list. And this list are updated


Ensure all data are filled before adding or updating the data.

Ensure the total data calculation are showing the number of active rows in the

data grid above.

The Add New, Edit Data, and Delete Data button are functioned correctly. As

for Save and Cancel button are only enabled when the user choose to Edit

the Data.

If the user click Manage this Item Stock then the 06 Manage Stock Form

will be opened.

Ensure all general form function are working correctly

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Module 3: Transaction Form Development

1. Complete 06 Manage Stock Form

Complete the main form of the application 06 Manage Stock Form developed

before, with detailed functionality below:

This form can be opened from Manage Branch or Manage Item form, and the

radio button Manage By will automatically selected to respective form which

open this form, this also applied to the combo box Title value.

The combo box Title will be filled with ALL branch or item list stored in the

database, following the selected radio button Manage By. So, if the Branch

radio button is selected, then the combo box, will be filled with all Branch data

from the database

The format to display the data inside the combo box is:

[ID] [Title], example BR001 Nusa Dua Branch

The data grid will be filled with list of Branch or list of Item according to the

selected radio button, with the condition below:

o If the selected radio button are Branch then the data grid will display:
ItemID Title Stock

o If the selected radio button are Item then the data grid will display:
BranchID Title Stock

The user should be able to edit the stock directly on the data grid!

Ensure all general form function are working correctly and able to edit item

stock data from correct perspective.

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2. Complete 07 Manage Assignment Form

Complete the main form of the application 07 Manage Assignment Form

developed before, with detailed functionality below:.

This form can be opened from Manage Branch form, and the combo box

Title value will automatically filled to respective branch data selected in

previous form.

The format to display the data inside the combo box is:

[ID] [Title], example BR001 Nusa Dua Branch

All Employee data grid should display all employee who are not assigned to

any Branch!

Assigned Employee in Branch data grid should display all employee who

are currently assigned in selected Branch!

Both data grid should display these column:

EmployeeID Name

Ensure all general form function are working correctly and able to edit

employee assignment data.

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3. Complete 08 New Transaction Form

Create the main form of the application as outlined in 08 New Transaction Form in

the wireframe with detailed functionality below:

If the employee trying to open this form are not assigned to any branch, then

the form cannot be open. Please show the explanation message to the user!

The TransactionID, and TransactionDate should be filled automatically,

whereas Branch and Employee should be filled with respected Branch Title

and Employee Name, of employee who are signed in.

When the user typing in the Search Item box, the list on the data grid

Available Item should automatically updated matching the query entered by

the user. For example, if the user typed as then all item which have title

containing as letter should be displayed on the list. And this list are updated


The data grid Available Item should list, all item that have available stock in

the respective Branch, for example, if stock of Item IM001 are 10 in branch

BR001, then item IM001 will be showed up in this grid, therefore if the stock

are 0, then the item IM001 will not be showed up.

If the user choose any item in Available Item grid, then the item data will be

displayed on the detail on the right, ensure the employee should entry the

item quantity before adding to Shopping Cart. Ensure the quantity to be

bought are not greater than the available stock.

The Grand total should always updated when any item are inserted to the

Shopping Cart

Ensure all general form function are working correctly

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4. Complete 09 View Transaction Form

Create the main form of the application as outlined in 09 View Transaction Form

in the wireframe with detailed functionality below:

Ensure the user should choose Branch and Month of Transaction to be

displayed first.

The Header Transaction grid will list all transaction conducted in respective

branch, that occurs in selected month.

The Detail Transaction grid only show the data of selected transaction

header, if there is no data selected then this grid should be empty

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Module 4: ERD Design and Data Dictionary

Nusantara Mart is going to continue the development of their Information System to support

another business process of the Mart. The next phases are going to develop the system for

Customer Membership and Goods Receipts Module.

The customer of Nusantara Mart are awarded with this benefits:

1. For every accumulative purchase of IDR 5.000.000, the customer will get fixed 5%

discount, capped at 20% discount.

2. Free purchasing tax.

As for Goods Receipts Module, the module can automatically detect which vendor are doing

the deliveries, and also maintain the vendor master data. This will also help distribute item

stock data in many Nusantara Mart branch.

Giving the simple constraint above, please design the ERD and Data Dictionary to support

Customer Membership and Goods Receipts Module in Nusantara Mart. Please refer to

existing ERD and Data Dictionary to develop your design solutions.

Soal LKS SMK Tingkat Provinsi Tahun 2016 Hal 22 dari 22

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