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Talent Management Guide

The information below provides considerations and questions to help you think about how you might apply our Schwan talent rating
scale. This guide is to help think about future talent within the organization. Are your employees actions, performance and
conversations consistent with someone seeking a long term career with Schwan? What behaviors are your employees demonstrating?
When questions arise, managers and direct reports should work together to set appropriate expectations.

Promotability Rating:
Promotability ratings reflect the potential for an individual to grow a career within our organization. When assessing promotability,
consider an individuals long term performance track record, career aspirations, and ability to lead authentically.
Promotable- Individuals considered Promotable have clear capability for greater responsibility and promotion within the
next three years. A lateral development role intended to accelerate and/or broaden development for an individual assessed
as promotable could also be a next career step. Promotable individuals have consistently strong performance track record,
effectively model How We Work and How We Lead behaviors, and aspire to take on broader responsibilities with greater
Pro in Place- Individuals considered Pro in Place are successful in their current role with a solid performance track record.
Individuals who are Pro in Place are highly valued by the company. They regularly pursue personal and professional
development and look for ways to expand capability in their current role. A Pro in Place could also be successful in lateral
positions to broaden development and organizational impact, but is not seen as promotable at this point in time.
Inconsistent Performer - Individuals considered as Inconsistent Performers are not currently meeting the performance
expectations for their role. This may be due to poor job fit, lack of clarity about job expectations, or poor performance.

Does the employee have a history of promotions in past positions or companies?


Is your employee aligned with the companys goals? How well did this employee stick to our core values?

Does this individual earn the respect of their colleagues, go out of their way to share knowledge, and provide support
when its needed?

Flight Risk Rating:

Flight Risk indicates the likelihood of an individual choosing to depart our organization. Common indicators include perceived culture fit,
lack of clarity on how his/her job fits in with Company priorities, lack of clarity on career path, lack of alignment with company mission
and values, compensation issues and/or relationship challenges with current leadership, personal reasons
High: Clear indication that the individual may leave the Company
Medium: Some indication that the individual might consider leaving the Company
Low: Little or no indication that the individual would consider leaving the Company

Has the employee expressed a negative opinion of the future of the company?

Did the employees last performance self-rating, differ from your manager rating?

The employee has discussed a desire to have greater flexibility in their work schedule?
Has the employee stated their intention in looking for a new role outside the organization?
How much time has passed since the employee has been recognized for their work?

How We Lead Rating:

Strength - Consistently applies in daily work; sought out for advice in this area
Effective- Models behavior and applies in daily work most of the time
Opportunity- Does not demonstrate on a regular basis

What accomplishments have contributed to this individuals professional success to date?


What are this individuals strengths? (What key skills, experiences, or behaviors allow this individual to be successful in

his/her current or potential future roles?)

What are this individuals development areas? (What key skills, experiences, or behaviors could be built in order to increase
this individuals effectiveness in his/her current or potential future roles?)
Leads Self
Leads Self reflects how well you know yourself and your impact on others. It is about constant learning and walking the
talk. Individuals who know themselves and are self-aware live out their values every day, demonstrate humility and
courage, seek feedback, and value lifelong learning.
Lives core values and purpose
Has a clear sense of what they stand for and what motivates them?
Knows oneself and understands leadership impact
Understands own strengths and weaknesses and recognizes how they show up to others
Models transparency and learns from mistakes
Leads with candor and positive intent and uses mistakes to learn and improve
Courageously aligns words and actions
Understands that actions are more powerful than words and ensures their words and actions consistently align

Leads Others
Leads Others is all about how you lead your immediate team and how you collaborate with others. Effective leaders build great
teams, regularly share feedback, genuinely care about those they work with, and allow others to step up and lead while providing
appropriate support and guidance. Individuals who excel in Leading Others collaborate and work seamlessly with others across the
organization in the spirit of driving business growth.

Selects and develops great teams

Hires exceptional talent; aligns and builds diverse teams who have characteristics, skills, and abilities to successfully confront
challenges and deliver results
Coaches, listens and engages in direct dialogue
Strong developer of talent who provides direct and balanced feedback about performance; promotes healthy, respectful
Empowers others and models accountability
Allows others to make decisions and take actions with appropriate guidance; holds self and others accountable for outcomes
both positive and negative
Builds trusting and caring relationships
Develops relationships with others in the spirit of genuine care and concern
Leads cross-company teamwork and collaboration
Engages others across the company to solve problems and grow the business; takes action
on to break down silos
Leads Forward
Leads Forward reflects each leaders ability to inspire and motivate others to take action, make business
decisions based on sound data and logic, and does what is needed to support and lead others through change.
Inspires others and is optimistic about the future
Highly optimistic about the future; inspires others daily to achieve Desired State
Thinks critically and acts strategically
Makes fact-based decisions anchored in industry and market knowledge; asks thought-provoking questions to invite learning;
investigates root cause
Champions change to grow the business
Challenges status quo; invites new ways of thinking

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