Brooklyn NY Daily Star 1911 - 0194

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DAILY STAR M O N D A Y , J A N U A R Y 30, 1911.



A se^patlonal knockout in the eighth
round, when Frank Tenny. of South January 38.
Brooklyn, aent in a right to the Jaw of

P. S. NO. 85 TODAY
Mildred Elisabeth Nlesa, four years. 179
Al Deerlng, the Graham avenue boy,
at the quarters of the Standard Ath-
letic Club on Manhattan avenue, WELL III TRIAL JURORS Stateenth avenue, Long Island City.
Joseph Kroupa, forty
place, East Williamsburg.
years, Cottaga.

OVER GULF Greenpolnt, last Saturday nlghL caused WlUlam Eckhardt, t h i r t y - t w o years, 6I
Theodore eireet, l , o n s laland City.
the crowd of tight fans to Jump to Archibald Charlea Smith, aiz months, S
their i v t in tho wildest enthusiasm.
The bum was pronounced the oast that
has yet been seen at the new olub.
memory of a knockout he received vironment."
(Continued From First Page)

exclude such Industrial subjects as be-

IJt'orliK entered the ring with the long to schools with an industrial en-
Thirty-Three Diplomas Presented by
Commissioner Joseph Hotharing-
tonDr. Sath Stewart Makes
Address to Graduates.
THE LEAD Lists of Those Who Will Have to
Serve tho County of Queens for
- tho First Week in Month
of February.
Penfold road, Elmhurat.
Emllle llabure, eleven year*. 467 Linden
street, Ridgewood Height*.
I.ouia Tbleda, t h i r t y - s e v e n years, J a -
maica Hospital, Jamak-a.
Thomas V. McNamara, fifty-nine years,
from the South Brooklyn flgnter In In reference to playground facilities St. John's Hospital.

J. A.D. McCurdy Making

Manhattan recently still fresh In his in connection with the public schools John A. Plewks, s e v e n t y - s e v e n years, JT
mind From the tap of the first gong, the report says: "Tho necessity of bet- Park Place. Evergreen. "* i
H I G H IN SATURDAY'S Albert Fischer/ sixty-four years, 25t
however, peering seemed to be able to ter provision for the children to play, This Monday morning Commissioner The following Orand Jury has been drawn Woodward avenue, Ridgewood.
reach Tenny oftener than the return to txercisj and to grow physically Joseph Hitherington presented thirty- GAME. for a term of County Court to be held a t Michael Monlce, f o r t y - o n e years, 8 L
punches got to him. The bout was strong has taken trcmendaus hold un three diplomas t o the graduates of 1 n a g Islsitd City far t h e w w t c o m m e n c i n g John's Hospital. Dong laland City.

Flight From K^ West fast (mm th> start and the enthusi tho public mind and substantial pro-
asm grw among the members. Tenny vision for the playground has become the
carries a reputation for taking drub- a prominent item in municipal bud- John J. Dempsey is principal,
bings without a aign of minding the gets. . . . The entire playground
January class of Public School No.
in upper Astoria, of which Mr. Though tho Local
More Qamas and Has More Points
School Has W o n
February 6th:
August Wuartropp, Rlchriond Hill; Char-
les Htocklnger, Middle Village: John Striker. plutl, Long Island City.
Union Terrace; Abraham f.. Itlkcr. K i m -
Leonard Erwln Poxley, four days, l i t
f t e l n w a y avenue. Long Island City.
John Phelon, t w o years, St. John's K o s J '
Frances Anlonl, s e v e n t y - s e v e n years, 181

To Havana. punishment, and he lived up to his moviment is essentially and funda- Dr. Seth T. Stewart, district super- hurst; William Campbell, W h l u n i o u - ; E l - Woodward avenue. Kid,-<-wood Heights.
T h a n Other Schools, There ia a mer W. Payntar, Lrong Island City; T h o m a s
"r*v" on Saturday night. mentally an educational factor in our intendent, made the address to the Napier, Brooklyn Manor; Frank. W. yager, Dutch Joseph Wagner, eventy-four years, 25
In the third, Deerlng sent in a left civilisation and It should bo closely graduates. Flushing; J o h n Kollmer, Middle Village: Kills street, Lone Island City.
Question of Championship.
arm Jab to Tnny's eye that bothered allied with the educational interests of A very Interesting program was pre-* Kdwin V. Roe, Whltestone; John P. P e t e r - sonMinnie K. Horn, forty-elsTht years, T h o m -
avenue, Winfleld.
him for the rest of the battle. Seeing the State. T h e playground idea should sented showing the hard work of both son, Hollls; Theodore P. Brokaw, Jr.,
Whlteetuiie,. Murray Blam-uani. Richmond Frederick Lleblg, fifty-two years, 691 H a r -
F O R C E D F O R W A N T O F L U B R I - his advantage, Deerlng Indulged In fast be extended to every school district in teachers, graduates and other school Hill; Guy B. Wait*, VVhltcatono; I r a n * W. mon atreet, Ridgewood H e i g h t s .
footwork, pounding freAuenlly_ajt the tlt Slateand- the- tew-wisely confers pupils, to make the semi-annual com- E v e r y o n e interested l a b a s k e t ball In Bum. Elmhurst; William D. Llewellyn, J a -
CAT!NO OlL T O L A N D INTOOXF" bad right eye. and then getting away. upon boards of education the power to mencement one of the most pleasing Queens Borough h a s been w a t c h i n g t h e Siatca: Max K. Kastner, Long Island City; January 29.
Deerlng: opened the seventh with a acquire land for playgrounds and in the history of the school. The pro- tournament carried o n by t h e high schools Hlolen, Jamaica; iSinll Klein, Woodhaven: Andrew J. Van Bridget Cumlakey, forty-nine years, St.
10 M I L E S F R O M H A V A N A . Ccrl ikrharfenberger, I^ong John's Hospital, Long Island Oity.
terrible stab to the eye. The unconcern recreation fields. The playjcround of NCw Tork City, that have entered t h e Island City; Frank 1C Hopkins. J a m a i c a ;
with which Tenny took the Jolt drew ought Id be a part of the school equip- gram folows:
Sulute to the Flag, Graduating Class. Public School Athletic League, w i t h Inter- Bdgar Bowne, Flushing; William A. Hank,
Baby Daniel. 20 minute*. Llttlo Neck.
Raymond George Cummlngs, five months,
a round of applause from the fans. ment and should be cheerfully provid- est, a n d t h e y are now In a e l a t e of anxiety, Flushing and John W. Brunjes, Elmhurst. 671 Palmetto atreet, Richmond Height*.
U, 8. Torpedo Boat Destroyers 8 t s - DeerlnK kept at it. ed and supported by the citizens of -Overture, Mlsa-Bagnasro, Otto Hoffmann, thlrty-*lx years, i t Zetd-
w a i t i n g f o r t h e final a n n o u n c e m e n t t e l l i n g The following panel o f Trial Jurors h a s
The fans howled for a knockout aa everv community as an important cle- Scriptures, XXIII Psalm, Arend been drawj) for a term of SuaVeme Court lcr avenue, Staspeth.
w h i c h school la to receive t h e c h a m p i o n - Part I to be held a t Long Island City, In
tionod All Along CourseWasra Deerlng continued to land repeatedly, ment in the school system of the State. Behrens. Song, "Hail, Smiling Moon" (SpoR- h i p title. and for Quaena County, for the week c o m - second street, Flushing,
A d a m Pfaft, nfty-one years, ro T w e n t y - .
* Life Prosorver and Can't but by the end of the seventh Tenny In an Industrial ajje where health and orth), Chorua. ^ mencing Monday, February <lh: Frederick Austin Coombs, 77 Thirteenth
had taken a brace and waa sending In vigor are tho chief factors in einclency, There a r e still a f e w points t o bo s t r a i g h t -
DrownBoats to Rsscua. Recitation, "Tho Famine," Antoin- ened o u t by t h e u-ecuere l a c h a r s * of t h e ingFirst WardOscar Grossman, 91 Flush- atreet, L o n r Island City,
blo*% that worried Deerlng. physical Ijalning in connection with avenue; John Messenger, 45 Woolsey Joseph M. Klesel, t w e n t y - f o u r years. VII-
The eighth opened with a rush, but our schoolS is too practical and im- ette Kohl. League, In reference to soma o f t h e Samoa, street; Rudolph Kass. 576 Seventh a v e - ard avenue, Hollls. ^-
Deerlng was seen to be weakening. portant a problem to be overlooked or Gymnastics, Bar Bells, SB Grade. but N e w t o w n followera are confident t h a t J. nue; Jacob Doyle. 31 Eighth avenue; Albert Maria Host, e i g h t y - f o u r years, Husson
Vocal duet; "Music of t h e . Birds" Connors, 1>1 Pearihli street: J a m e s H. avenue, Quena. / ,
[Special to The Star.] With a few seconds of the round re- ignored. The compulsory education vcheo t h o cloud* roll by t h e aun will ahino Murphy, 470 Firat avenue; John K. MeCul- John J. Egan, fifty-seven years, St. John's
maining, Tenny started a fusillade of law enforces attendance at school and (8. Clover), Arend Behrens and Fred w i t h a l l ita aplendor, on t h e N e w t o w n five. lough, 2 Hallett street; Herman Kleefeld, Hoepital, Long Island City,
Key West, Fla., Monday.In the blows. Deerlng ducked too late to the parents have a right to demand TeJraU IS1 Jackson a v e n u e ; Oeorce K. Harrison, 192 Robert W. lirun, twenty-lx year*, 23
pretence of thousand* of spectators, prevent a left wallop to his head. He that the health of their children be Recitation, "Marmion and Douglas," School T h e eligibility of Goldberg, of t h e Hlgih Flushing a v e n a e : Arthur J. H Iff man. 151
of Comrncn- ind Cohen o f t h e Twelfth s t r e e t , Arthur Hadden, 100 Radde Bradford avenue, Flushing.
J. A. D. McCurdy started from 'J,'rum- staggered and Tenny followed this up projected against disease by suitable Joseph Fisher. Eaatern District i School, h a s b e e n etreet; Oeorge W, Hughes, Hit Second a v e - 'James F. Papon, t w e n t y - t w o years, St.
bo field In his biplane for a flight of with a Mtronja right to the Jaw. Deer- provisions In summer and winter for Highland Schottische, Graduates. quavi<m.<d. Bvidcn aid t o h a r e been s e - nue; John's Hospital, Long Island City.
Herbert Fogae, 870 Eleventh a v e n u e ;
about 160 miles over the Gulf of Mex- lng fell heavilKio the floor, amid wild exercise on playgrounds and In gym Gymnastics, Dumb Bells, Sixth Year cured thu i , i u athietea point* t o a Oeorge Kahrmann, Walcott and Fourth a v e -
ico to Havana at 7:32 o'clock, Central cheers for the victor. r e a l i g n m e n t in the standing a f t e r t h e ctnw- nues; Samuel UrVnnun, 134 Wilbur a v o n u e ; LAST WEEK'S MORTALITY
naslums." Pupils. gea have been adjudicated. B o t h boy*, i t John Lauless, 127 Fluahlng avenue; M a x
time, this morning. Tho torpedo de- 4 Song. "Old King Cole, English Air, ia aald, h a v e confessed to h a v i n g taken part Klausner, 1213 Van Alst avenue. I N Q l ' E K N S IIOKOl t i l l
stroyers far out in the Gulf had re- D O R O T H Y A R N O L D N O T The Regents of the University have Chorus. on o r g a n i s e d fives while p l a y i n g for their
ported fairlly good weather and the from time to time during the past six Second WardPeter J. Klein, Wycfcoff During t h e past week there have been re-
Recitation, "Sister's Cake," Hubert actinol team*.
daring young aviator decided that he I N LONG I S L A N D C I T Y years taken action directed toward
Ebdon. Of t h e everal games s c h e d u l e d li* t h o Heights: Anthony W. Benak. Wlnneld; corded with the registrar o f vital statist!"-*
would wait no longer. Half the citi- lessening* the volume of the examina- final round laal Saturday, o n l y o n e w a a Charles (Sublet-. Germanla Hetghta: Jason of the board <f health of the Borough of
The attorneys for the family of the tions and of tho requirements upon Built," Recitation, "The House That Jack Played, N e w t o w n High routing t h e .Manual Sehrmlg, Maspeth H e i g h t s ; Joseph Specht, Queens 77 death*. 45 m i l e , and 32 female*;
zens of Key West had been up since Lucy Miller. T r a i n i n g Ave aa they pleased. T h e Eastern Evergreen; David F. Kemp, Elmhurst. 13C birth*, 35 marrlage.1, a n d 9 still horn.
daybreak in anticipation of the flight, missing Dorothy Arnold an Saturday the individual students and upon tho Oxdansen, Graduates, % _ District vs. Erasmus Hall g a m e w a s n o t Third WardSJames U Maher. W h l t e - Of the deaths there were In the Flrt Ward
21; Second Ward, 32; Third Ward, 7; Fourth
which has kept the community in a received a letter from a man in Long schools. The tendency has been to contested, through a, misunderstanding. T h e stone; Oeorge
Vocal solo, "A Winter Lullaby" (R. last w e e k found many o f t h e schools, e n - Dewls Assenmacber, Whlleatone; Arthur O. Ward, 13: Fifth Ward. 4. There were six-
E. Worman. College P o i n t ;
.state of anxious expectation for a Island City who claimed Hhat the girl place Increased responsibility for tho de Koven), Alice Relcheiiberg. g a g e d In playing off their p o s t p o n e d g a m e * Jone*. Flushing: Charles Devrles, Flushing. teen children under live y e a r s of age, t w e n -
week. was in this part- of New York. Al- progress of the students upon local Fourth WardClarence F. Chatfleld, ty-fltfe between five a n d forty-five years,
though this letter had every mark of school authorities either by relieving ' Gymnastics, Wands, 7B Grade. however. De Witt Clinton a n d Commerce
Songs, (a) "Blow. Blow, Thou Win- found court* on which to play Jtifo o f their Richmond Hill; Walter A. Wilson, J a m a i c a ; twenty-one between forty-five nnd irixly-
McCurdy rose as gracefully as a' being genuine, so far as the sincerity the student from some of his exami- previously scheduled games, a n d each c a m e Frederick D. Beckerle. Richmond Hill; J o a - Jlve a n d fifteen sixty-five yeara nnd over.
sea gull and with his machine under of the wording could Indicate, the a t - nations or by accepting the ratings of ter Wind" (McNaught), (b) "When but w i t h rising colors In both engagement*. eph B. Hose, Dunton; Walter Dtcke, R i c h - Sixteen of the death* were In institutions,
perfect control circled twice oyer tho' torneys give it to the reporters for local school authorities. . The report Love Is Done" (Bourdillon), Chorus. The surprise of t h e week w a a furnished Course; mond Hill; Charlea V. Dott, Jr., Union thirty-seven In dwellings, t w e n t y - t w o In
Merchant of Venice, Act I, Scene II: veaant when t h e Ked and Black defeated t h e Stuy- William H. Oaltea, Dunton; W i l l i a m tenements, t w o in o t h e r places, while six-
held, and then took his course 'toward publication instead of turning it over says: "The fact that tho Regents aca- five in a fa*t game, w o n In t h e last Austin. Jamaica; Reuben Q. Drew, Jr.. Mor- teen wer coroner's cases, a n d eight were
Sand Key at 8:14 o'clock. When he to detectives who might "fjave laid a demic examinations have been an "Portia," Rose Kaplan; "Nerlssa," mln-uto o f play, by a score of 17 t o I I . ris Park; Oustav I.. Blattmaoher, W o o d - violent deaths.
had been in the air about forty-two trap for tho writer. enormous power for good, especially In Mamie Fischer; "Servant," Ethel Only three team* have uccceded In c o m - haven; Charlea P. B r a c k e t t . Jr., B r o o k l y n The causes of death according to the per-
minutes, MoCurdy passed over the the smaller schools of the State, by Ross. p l e t i n g their full llet of t e n g a m e s n a m e l y , Hills. mit* upon which t h e y were Issued were:
The- Long Island City letter writer
torpedo destroyer "Roe," at a point, demanded 1500 deposited at 6 o'clock glvlnur greater deflnlteness to the in- Presentation of Diplomas, Commis- N e w t o w n , Manual Training a n d Flushing. Fifth WardMorrell Smith, F a r Rook- Influenza 4, tuberculosis 6, cancer 1, apop-
Of t h e tn games played N e w t o w n h a s away. lexy 2, heart disease 8, a c u t e bronchitis 1.
about twenty miles out in the Gulf. Saturday night at a weighing machine struction by directing It along more sioner Joseph HetheTlngton. The following panel o f Trial Jurors h a s chronic bronchitis 1, p n e u m o n i a 7, broncho
The 'destroyer "Paulding" was the in front of Sherrer's hotel at Borden logical lines, while stimulating teach- Address to Graduates, Dr. Seth T. wino na nnine, losing only t o E a s t e r n District
ejttra, period contest. T h e latter five been drawn for a term of Supreme Court,' pneumonia S, diseases o l the s t o m a c h 1,
only boat in the torpedo fleet equipped and Vernon avenues. This place, on ers " and students to greater effort, is, still retalna second place, with s e v e n g a m e s Part II, for t h e week c o m m e n c i n g Monday, dlarrhoeal 1, hernia 1, B r l g h t ' s disease 10,
* * *
with a platform from which a n e w . week nights, la a busy point, aa It is evidenced by the demand that has ex- Scvigr, 'The Star Spangled Banner," won a n d t w o defeats. D e W i t t Clinton a n d siding: February th. Justice J o s e p h Asplnall pro- diseases of women 1, congenital debility S,
old a g e 2, accidental 7, aucide 1, all other.
flight could be made, In case McCurdy a trolley transfer point. isted for these examinations; that the School ana) Guests. C o m m e r c e are still disputing third position,
First WardJohn Krlngs, 210 Goodrich causes 11, HI defined 2.
beneficial results of the examinations each school having alx victories o u t of i t s
* M forced to drop Into the Gulf> The Saturday night there were few peo- The graduates were: Arend Beh- e i g h t g a m e s played. 8tuyveaant i s fifth, street: Benjamin Moore, 135 Franklin s t r e e t ; T h e placet of tho d e a t h * according to the
"PauWing" has taken a position about ple aroumfat the time when the money may be presetted without rating all rens, Waldemar BJork, Frances Cech, w i t h "four game* lost out o f n i n e contested. P*lllp Kendet, 20 E l e v e n t h avenue; Char- w a r d s and their location a r e aa f o l l o w s :
half way between Key West and Ha- should have been deposited. The pub- of the papers in the Department seems Antoinette Cerney, Elizabeth Cl*p- T h e e n s u i n g week will find nil the t e a m s les W. Lucklngs. 116 Main street; Oeorge First WardLong I s l a n d City 28, Astoria
vana, and is in constant touch with lication of the story, of course, made clear from our experience in 1910; that pette, Harry Cotton, Hazel Ebdon, Hu- e n g a g e d in completing their schedules. D e W. der,
Worth, 60 East a v e n u e ; Edward S c h n e i -
89 Newtown road; J a m e s Taylor, 714 Second WardRidgewood 8, Corona f.
both cities by wireless, McCurdy is the possibility of any development the placing of still greater responsi- bert. Ebdon, Mamie Fisher, William Witt Clinton a n d Richmond Hill will start Ninth avenue; Adolf Dewln, IS F l u s h i n g
by p l a y i n g a g a m e which waa w o n by t h e avenue; Evergreen 2, Maspeth 8, E l m h u r s t 3, Laurel
so equlped with his pneumatic live very remote, but reporters watched the teachers of the schools would still fur-bility for the examinations upon the Hammen, Mary Hamilton, Edith Frederlok Mursden, 304 Freeman Hill 3, Olendale 1, Winfleld 2, East W i l -
T/ontc Island team early in t h e schedule, but
preserving Jacket that his friends be- neighborhood for hours in vain at- ther tend to strengthen the teaching Kaino, Hedwlg Kallsta, Rose Kaplan, ordered t o he replayed by t h e ( i l g h s c h o o l s avenue; nue;
Benjamin Flick, 625 Fourth a v e - liamsburg 1.
Frederick Lloyd, 233 E l m street; Char-
lieve there is little danger of his be- tempt to. get sorrje further Information. by strengthening the teachers, seems Clara Klausner, Antoinette Kohl g a m e s c o m m i t t e e owing t o t h e ineligibility Third W a r d F l u s h i n g 4, College Point a,
les P. Lunlng, 130 Hunter a v e n u e ; T h o m a s Fourth WardRldhmond- Hill 6, Jamaica
ing drowned in case of accident. The Helen Komorowsky, Herman Kramer, of o n e of t h e Richmond Hit] players. Dunn. 68 Fifth street. 6, Chester Park 1, W o o d h a v e n 1.
>rpedo boats are so equally ulstrlbut- John Krlngs^ Anna Mackay, Leo l Tschool. h e s t a n d i n g of t h e t e a m s f o l l o w s ;
^ W o n . uat. Second V'ardLouis Llchter, Corona; Fifth WardFar R o c k a w a y 3, Roclcaway
along- the course as to make It title of the Commissioner's Markowtts, Oeorge Mlkutas, Lucy Wewtowti .......... t t Qasrsw & k a l i . WlaSol*; Wntmm W.
* * Cameron, Corona; John Burnmelster, R l d g o - ' During the week there h a v e been reported
almost certain that McCurdy would
Several stabbing affrays took place special theme for the annual report is Miller, Rose Prucha, Alice Retehen- Eaatcrn De Witt Clinton
District T
Wood H e i g h t s ; Walter A. Nads, Corona; ninety-seven contagious d i s e a s e s a* follow*:
not go long without aid, if he fell. "Religion, Morals, Ethics and the berg, Ethel Ross, Joseph Scarvagllone, t .7$* Joseph M. Tymann, Winfleld; Henry Seller, Tuberrulosl* IS, typhoid fever 2, cerebro
in the upper end of Greenpoint on Lena Schwartz, Clarence Smith, Fred- Commerce . . . . . . . . . . . * 6 1 .TS0 Corona:
HavanaMcCurdy was sighted by Sunday night and early this Monday Schools." After carefully discrimin- Frederick Dreycr, Elmhurst;
erick! Smith, Robert Steed\ Justlna Stiryvesant . . . . . . . . . . . . . s 4 .SSI George C. Meaklm. Laurel Hill; Albert H o f - spinal meningitis l, m e a s l e s 32, scarlet fever
torpedo boats off Morro Castle three morning. ating between the words "religion," Manual Training % 3 .500 matin. Corona; Raphael Alcan, Winfleld; 29, diphtheria 10, c h i c k e n p o x 6, whooping
hours after he started from Key West. "morals," and "ethics," the Commis- Vranek, Elisabeth Wilson. F l u s h i n g S 5 ..8 Edward Ruth, Jr., Winfleld. c o u g h 4.
A few moments later he was sighted fall, Shortly before midnight John West- sioner shows how other nations have Honorable mentionJoseph Fischer. Boys' R i c h m o n d Hill , , 2 6
thirty-two years old, of 362 Oak- High 3 6 .no
.110 Neck: Third WardWrlliam H. Seaman, T.ittle
t>y the observatora stationed on Morro land street, was attacked at the corner nandled this question and discusses The class motto- Lost Opportuni- J a m a i c a I 7 .185 Hoyer, Frank Wultorot, Creedmoor; Charles
Castle. the attitudo or New York State to the ties Never Retlirn." E r a s m u s HaU 0
College Point; Leroy Style*, B a y -
Havana.A report that McCurdy in of Clay street and Manhattan avenue, subject
Class colorsPurple and white.
. aide; Lawrence S. Folger. College Point. l a m e s M. F a g a a .
Fourth WardLouis Berliner, R i c h m o n d
his aeroplane had been sighted by the* and slashed across the forehead by a T h e m a n y friends o f J a m e s M. F a g a a o f
man vvtth a knife. Westfall met Pat- "The American state"' he says, "rea- Class flowerWhite rose. Hill; Morris W. Bloomenfeld, Osone P a r k : 91 Monson street, Astoria, w i n be grieved
torpedo boats which signaled the ob- rolman
scrvator at Morro Castle became cur-
rent shortly after 11 o'clock. A great point
Charles Draheiin, of the Green- sons that, by refusing to become the
avenue station, who called an bone of contention between religious FLUSHING. Michael Flynn. Chester Park; Andrew E l - to learn of hla death, w h i c h took place S a -
liott, Richmond Hilt; Samuel
maica; Louis Graf, Richmond Hill; F r a n k
BufUa, J a - turday afternoon a t St. J o h n ' s Hoepital.

crowd lined tho water front waiting ambulance.

Latter, Drahelm arrested William
sects, it will promote the freedom of
to see the aviator pass over the city Lampert, twenty-five years old, of 1M0 worship, and it desires to do that be-
religious feeling and the expansion of WH1TEST0NE. Re^r R. 1* Forman, pastor of the
Andrea, J a m a i c a ; Joseph W. Bergen, J a -
maica; Oeorge A. Baldwin, Jamaica. of
T h e deceased, w h o w a s t w e n t y - t w o yeara
a g e a n d a plumber, h a d been i a failing
f o r some time. H e Is survived by a
Tn following panel o* Trial Jurors h a s mother, one sister. M i s s K a t h e r i n e a n d three
en route to Camp Columbia. Later Manhattan avenue, who la charged cause It knows that its own structure Flushing Methodist Church, who has been drawn for a term o f County Court t o brothers Joseph, J o h n a n d Francla.
the torpedo boats put about and head- with the aacault. and stability depend upon the moral On Saturday evening the basketball been ill with the grip, was able to be held In Long Island City, Tor the w e a k The funeral will t a k e place from h i s lata,
ed back toward Key West. The rea- character and the religious attributes team of the Ridgewood- A. C. came to ocoupy his pulpit at the regular, ser- commencing Burt J. Humphrey,
Monday, February I t h , J u d g e
presiding: residence and the Church o f Our Lady at
Another affray is said to. have taken Whltestone and lined up against the vices in his church on Sunday. Mt. Cermet Tuesday afternoon a n d inter-
son for this is not known y e t place on Oakland street, corcernlng .of Its people. It refuses special favor First W a r d Christian Borhack, B.79
Eighth a v e n a e ; Paul S. Rooney, 1M R o m - m e n t will be In Calvary.
Havana.McCurdy, In hin flight which nothing could he learned from to, and repels the slightest dictation Junior Warlow team on the local c o u r t . Last Friday the first steps wore sen street; John Clark, tit First a v e n u e ;
from Key West to Havana, ran out the police. by, and one church, because It would The Whltestone boys were successful? taken at the Army (Building: Whitehall Dr. Robert Sways* Fremtlsa.
vitalize all churches and gather to it- by the score of 46-10. W. Connolly and street New York City, towards the Kern, Frank A. Toung, 2(3 Orand avenue: E m l l
of lubricating oil and was forced to 2*78 Prospect s t r e e t ; Daniel J. O'Brien Dr. Robert s w a y n e Prentiss, formerly a
land in water ten miles from the en- celf th advantage whicn conies from H. Greiser played excellent games for great work of eliminating the grade 470 Eighteenth avenue; Charles Engel, 483 prominent medical practitioner o f Astoria,
MAX ROBE GONE. the moral or religious work of all. The the Warlows. crossings on the Port Washington street; Darwin Hanauer, **1 Tenth a v e n u e ; died suddenly at hla home, corner PJnehurat
tranoe to Havana harbor. state would have religious-peace that
Washington.McCurdy descended In At a meeting last week over which branch of the Long Island Railroad, Charlea E. Gardner. 887 Second a v e n u e :
O. Dalgnean. 139 Fifth atreet; W i l - avenue a n d West 178th street, the Bronx,
Since last Tuesday nothing has been it may have more and better religious
Gulf of Mexico ten miles outside of seen of Max Rose, a clerk living at work. District 8upt. James S. Chadwlck pre- which la preliminary to the electrifica- Arthur liam L, Herold. 319 First a v e n u e ; John P . Saturday morning, J a n u a r y ?Sth of a n g i n a
Therefore the state does not
Havana, according to a wireless dis- 687 Manhattan avenue, the police of object to religious; us distinguished sided, the official board of the local tion ofby the line, when a hearing was Marinan, 1'2S E l e v e n t h street; John Hart, pectoris.
patch received this afternoon at the the Greenpolnt avenue station were front* sectarian, influences in the Methodist Episcopal Church extended given the army engineers on the 167 Radde straet; Horatio L. Clark, 131 Dr.
Third, street; Frank Roeoklln, 110 Main Conn., October t t h , 1889. H o w a s descended
Prentiss w a s born In N e w London,
War Department. It waa stated that told this Monday morning by a cousin, schools. Indeed, by all that the state a call to tho Rev. William Dalziel to proposition of lengthening and raising street! William Heppa, 1*1 E a s t a v e n u e ; on hi* mother's s i d e from B e n j a m i n Frank-
the aviator had been picked up by Isaac Kauflelt, with whim he lived. does in Its own affairs, it encourages return to the pastorate of the church the drawbridge over Flushing creek on Robert Krouse, 286 Freeman avenue.
the line of the railroad. As this creek
lin, h i s maternal g r a n d m o t h e r h a v i n g been
one of the V. 8. fJForpedo boat destroy- Rose Is twenty-Ave years old. A gen- such exercises, fc only steps in, in the for the eighth yeara length of ser- is a_navlgaMe stream nothing can be Second WardWllllara A. Remeen. E i m . a gsand-niece; o n h i s father's side from t h e
well-known Prentiss family w h i c h settled In
ers. * eral alarm was sent out by the police interest of religious peace, to atop e x - vice Which Is unusual in this church done to the bridge without the consent harst; Christopher Rlrkmeyer, Evergreen-
Francis Flood. Corona; William Molntosh, N e w London In 1681. Dr. Prentiss received
Resumed Hie Flight.. in an effort to locate him. ercises which accord with the beliefs and speaks well for the popularity of a careful education a t t h e Bartlett H i g h
of one sect fhen they are protested by the pastor. The board also presented of the War Department. At the hear- Louis Corona; Joseph Dees, Wyckoff H e i g h t s ;
Kastner, Corona; Cornelius Roth, Jr., School of h i s native city a n d w a s valedic-
Havana.McCurdy resumed hi* the Rev. Mr. Chadwlck, who leaves the ing there were present representatives Ktdgewood H e i g h t s ; J o s e p h Siege I, Sr., C o - torian o f his class In 13SB. After complet-
flight to this city from the deck of the B A R O N C A R R I E 8 H O D H E R E Another sect. The exercises are a s district this year, with a silk umbrella. of thf railroad, of associations In rona; Carl Ahrens, MaspeVh; Nicholas V. E. ing his studies there, h e decided t o study
deatroyer "Paulding," by which he was common and go about as far a s the
T O A I D H I S G O V E R N M E N T religious unity or magnanimity of the Following the meeting, refreshments Flushing and of the Board of Estimate Onofrlo, Corona; H e n r y SchmJndt. RTOge- Ills diploma from t h e College medicine and surgery. In 1870, he received
of the City of New York, Approval of wood Heights; Henry U c h t , Melrina; T h o - and Surgeons, Columbia University. at Physicians
picked up. An inclined platform had were served by Mrs. Dalziel in the
been built on the "Pauldhig^' as Mc- Baron Kuno Von Eltz. nephew of the patrons of the sch<wlswlU ,permit church rectory. the proposed plans waa volaed by all I g h t J f c - C j J M t t t B i Corona; William B i s c h - for Ave years connected wlh t h e H e waa
CurSy was expecting to make a flight Prime Minister of Hungary, daily dona vVhen the limit is reached, so much of these representatlvea. The bridge will r Dispensary a n d for t w e n t y years :h* prac-
from the deck of that vessel follow- overalls, carries a dinner-pall like .eliglous instruction or ceremony a s la The enteFtalument "toDoTield T^isi-"
has to stop. But, happily, day under the auspices of Whltestone have to be raised In order to give the Francis Tnlrd W aioF2-L6W H S r x , College P o i n t ; ticed in New york* City a n d eighteen y e a r s
A . lmandt. W h l t e s t o n e ; H e n r y L i n Astoria.
ing his arrival at Havana, 5 other laborers, and travela to Law- sectarian in most places the limit la never Council, Royal Arcanum in their haU necessary grade for the railroad to Schlagerter. ST., College Point; Ernest T
On September 37th, 187*. h e married Mlts
promises to be one of the most suc- pass over Main street, Just four blocks
rence, Mass., to put in nine hours of reached." Luetters, Cellege Point; John M. J>. B a u e r
hard work on a new worsted mill. to the east, upon an elevated struc- College Point. Madeline C. Johnson of N e w York City.
QUEENS COUNTY cessful of Its kind. Chairman Henry ture. It Is believed that tho approval Fourth Ward Oeorge Fell, J a m a i c a Sho died April 2d, U 8 8 . I n 1889 he m a r -
He Joins a gang, wields a pick or W. Slerk and his committee of ar- of the engineering corps of tho War South; A m a s l a h Foster, Jr., SprlngSeld ried hi* present w i f e ' w h o w a s Miss Ella
8 U R R O O A T E ' 8 C A L E N D A R shovel or carries a hod. After his . "Tho' story of religious, moral, and Forfey of Nashville, Tenn.
rangements are sparing no pains to Department will bo speedily forthcom-
day's work he wrltea a report to his educational progress in all lands," he Dr. Prentlaa w a s o n e of the /foremost, a s
Tuesday, January 31stWill case, government. He Is here learning the says, "seems to show, first that-the make It successful. ing, as the plans while In preparation well a s one of t h e m o s t popular practition-
Lydia A. Whiting, Annie Langone; ac- details of mjll construction for the enlightened feeling of the people who The street around the trolley cross- were submitted to them. As soon a s
counting estate, Retnhardt A, and benefit of his country, where on his sustain churches and give substance to overs at the foot of Eleventh avenue this approval is given the work can
Howard A. Kaempf; matter estate of return he expects to superintend the society, holds that the dominance of and at Eighth avenue south of Six- be commenced and It Is expected *thls
RJBT TOTTEH NOTES. ers In Long Island City. H e w a s a charter
member nnd a trustee of the Medical S o -
c i e t y of the Creator City of N e w York, a
non-resident m e m b e r of t h e Now Yorte
Elizabeth Frey. construction of concerns for worsted literary and scientific studies by the teenth street, Whltestone, which has will he within a month. County Medical Association and a n e x - m e m -
Wednesday, February 1stWill case manufacturing. The Hungarian noble- ecclesiastically sectarian point of view been In such condition as to call forth First Lieut. Louis L. Pendleton, C. A. ber of t h e New* York Medical Society.
of James Rld>r; accounting estate of man la thirty-two and Uvea lit the his- Is limiting to an extent which cannot complaint from the Whltestone Im- Tho Upper Flushing Association, C, the commanding officer of the
Mary E. L, Stewart; matter estate"of toric Phillips Inn In Andover, vxhere bo acquiesced In, and that theology provement Association, has now been which made such a valiant fight to 135th Company, has returned to Totten
Bridget ODonoghue. ; protect tho interests of the residents after a month's furlough spent at his
the words of "America" were written. will have to square with modern put in proper condition by the New of that section of Flushing, is receiv- home In Lebanon, Tenn.
Fhursday, February 2dWill case of knowledge and feeling rather than York and North Shore Traction Com- ing the rewards oMts efforts In an In-
John J. McLaughlin. jrlth ancient history and dogma; sec- pany. Sergeants Adam Schuman and Bror
Friday, February SdWill case of BLESSING G I V E N 3,000 creased membership. All residents Of
ond, that there Is no Irrepressible con- The annual beefsteak dinner of the the section who want to see the district Johnson, observers first class, have
WjlJlam T. McOllbrey. C H I L D R E N Y E S T E R D A Y flict between science and religion, and Columbia Club of Whltestone will be improved now feel that they best can been detailed to detached service with P R E N T I S S A t h i s h o m e in Plnehurst a r -
Monday, February 6thAccounting the organised militia of New Tork
that the spiritual feeling of men and held in their rooms on the evening of get what they want by giving support nu, corner or W e s t 179th atreet, N. T-
estate of Ann QalTney. Three thousand children and more women Is not only to aid and influence Saturday, February 11th. On Tuesday to the association. Nine new mem- State. City, on J a n u a r y 28th, 1911. Qr. Robert
Business transacted during the past than one thousand mothers packed the search for scientific truth, but is t o Livening, February 21st, they will hold bers have been elected, a s follows: C. Captain Le Vert Coleman, C. A. C , year Swayne' 1 Prentlf*. In t h e seventy-second
week: of his age.
the Roman Catholic Church of the bo Itself acted upon by definite sclen their anniversary celebration. T. Timonler. Arnold Despognle. John has been detailed as summary officer of Services this Monday evening, January
Wills proved: T.ina Mlstell, Rudolph Annunciation at Convent avenue and tine knowledge; third, that science and The members of the Cllonlan Society Dornletn, Dr. Arthur 8. Bugbeo, C. G, the New Tork Eastern Artillery Dis- 30th, a t his late residence a t 8 o'clock. I n - ^O
Wolff, Charles A. Hashhy. West One Hnudred and Thirty-Second religion, so harmonized, are necessary of Whltestone. are planning to hold Hughes, John Merrltt, W. H. Chaplin, trict, vice Captain Harry L. Steele, re- terment private, * Mtl
Decree granted accounting estates: stfeet on Sunday at the ceremoy of yokefellows In the ovolution of individ- their first annual banquet on the even- Theodore B. Deems. At the annual lieved.
John Simpson, William Newton Wood- the "Blessing o'f the Children" by the ual character and of governments that ing of Washington'a Birthday. Details election all the old officers were re- The following promotions of non-
cock, Maria E, Salt.
Matter estate of William J. Balbach
missionaries of the Vlncentlan Order. ran best servo the great Interests of as to place and speakers have not yet elected with the exception of President commissioned offleers hsrve been an-
The children were blessed by the tho human race; fourth, that the sub- been settled, but It will probably bo Hugh Hall and as the by-laws provide nounced: Corporal Charles Anderson,
held for briefs; estate Herman Oberg- Rev. Father P. F. Flannagan. The stitution of formal courses In morals hold in the rooms of the Beechhurst that a president can serve but two con- old Company, to sergeant; Privates
loek held for order; estate Michael F. ceremony marked the ending of the
Too Lale For Classification
Ryan, no answer; estate Harvey W. mission held every fourth year at this for religious training or for the relig- Yacht Club. The committee In charge secutive terms, and Mr Hall having Jasper Baber and William Cohen, 167th GREAT bargain; o l d house needs repairing;
Peace held for decision. . ious influence In the schools will not of the banquet ia composed of W. W. seryed that number, he was ineligible Company, to corporals. price 3-1,380; cash 1100; balance easy;
church. Fourteen hundred men at- settle the difficulties and meet the Held, chairman; Miss Winifred Blls- for re-election. Owing to the splendid . Second Lieut. John P. Smith, C. A, Dundy, I t 2 Ninth St.. L. , 1 . City. It-t
AdjournmentsAccounting estate of tended the final exercises for men at needs of the situation; and fifth, that sert, A. Van den Drlessche, Guy B. services of Mr. Hall the members C. haa been relieved from the Garri- r '* ' i i .

Carrie Royal, February 7th; matter es- the church .last night R F L I A R L E Oerman, married, experienced
to long, at loast a s contention over re- Walte, sr Harry W. Weir and C. A. would have bean glad to re-elect him. son School course and detailed for post shipping clerk, good marker and packer.
tate Bridget O'Donoghue, February The officers elected were Captain C graduate service. First Lieut. James with executive ability; a l s o some k n o w l e d g e ,
?th; estate Thomas P. Lally, February unions theory and resulting seels per- Prlchard, ex-officio.
s i s t what needs to be done will be best K. Olson; vice presidents, Charles S. Duaenbury has been detailed a s in- of typewriting, desires permanent position
28th; estate Michael F. Ryan, Febru- 600 DOGS S E N T E N C E D T O Hyde, John A. Carlstrom, M. J. Morri- structor in infantry drill regulations. at anything a t all. Address "Trustworthy,"
ary 15th. done and, aa far as It may be, by the
D I E I N P E R R Y V I L L E , K Y . church being wholly Independent of DUKE OF CON NAUGHT TO son, R. E. Holcomb; secretary, Joseph Garrison School, vlee Captain Harry 235 William st., L. 1. City. -l
BE CANADA'S GOVERNOR Cavanaugh; treasure*^ Marcus H. Fox. L. Steele, relieved, \ A. R B A L chance for builder t o buy a chess-
There are so many dogs In Psrry- the state, and the state and Ita schools
vllle. Ky., that a street fight that be- being wholly independent of the London, Monday.It Is officially a a Dr. Frederick A. Cook has been in Corporal Theodore O. Klndberg, E llot,m st., 88x149, with 30 foot l a n e In rear, o a
between V a n AJst a n d E l y S T . ;
W A N T F R T E I M M I G R A T I O N came epidemic lasted three hours. church; by the churches seeking Intel- nounced that the Duke of ConnaugfcgJ Flushing sevsral days during the past lttth Company, of Totten, has been atreet asphalted; a l l a s s e s s m e n t s paid;
lectual light as well as spiritual im- will succeed Earl Grey in September* *J
Thereupon the town council held a week and he attracted considerable at- returned to this post, having been re- price 11,800; Raven, 66 Remaen st., Astoria,
Delegates of the Federation of Jew- hurried meeting and ordered everyone pulse, and by the schools having, at as Governor General of Canada. He ~ ention. The doctor who once con- liever! from detached service at Fort
ish Organizations of the state of Now of trfo 600 dogs In the village killed. r.H hours of the day, the advantage of will hold appointment for two years, veyed the impression that he had Schuyler. A R E A D bargain on Fourteenth av., l a fast
York, representing 800 societies, met yet more strict moral discipline and of and that period may be extended. reached the North Pole U now posing growing section, > story cemented cellar,
on Sunday afternoon in the Young MOIXIC STEALS. C I G A R E T T E S all the religious influence that tho before the moving picture machine of R E A R O U M E N T O F E M P L O Y E R S ' 11 room, 2 baths, n e w 2 family house; all
Men's Benevolent Association rooms, sects ran agree that they may have." from Various reports have been cusront one of the local Aim manufacturers, Improvements, lot 16x108, f6,2t; 81,094
211 East Broadway, and by an over- TOOK SURVEYOR'S omom time to time, particularly from and he proposes to give an Idea of Just L I A B I L I T Y CASE FEB. 2 0 T H cash; Raven, 6* Remsen en . Astoria. 10-1
whelming vote declared for unrestrict- Canadian sources, that the Duke of what he did in the northern resioua to
After cigarette b u t t s a n d p a c k a g e s s e a A F I N E chance for factory sit* o r tire
ed immigration. R<9olut!ons were disappeared for Several w e k s l a t h e office CHARLIE EBBETT8 HOME Conn: nght would not be tho next Gov- the people supplied by this concern. [Special to The Star.]
adopted asking the Government to or Kenneth D. Owen, a surveyor, a t Moat- W I L L S T A R T W O R K A T ONCE ernor General of Canada, although on Washington. Monday.--The United paln eav,, w l a w tenement*, 100 feat from princi-
near Astoria ferry; plot 7xl4.
the original announcement of his ap- Commissl<}ier John J. Halleran, of States Supreme Court today set Feb- 88,000; 83,000
appoint Jewish army and navy chap- flair, N. J., some one looked In a closet.
There It w a s found a. m o u s e h a d reared pointment, shortly after the death of the w9ard of Tax Commissioners of ruary 20th a* the date for the reargu- at., Astoria. m o r t g a g e ; Ravers 66 RernSSS) to-l
lains. Charlie ISbbetU, president of the the City of New York, has notified the ment of tho employers' liability case.
a family In a milk bottle a n d lined It with
Brooklyn Baseball Club, returned King Krivnrcl, It was officially sta{0il dinner committee of the Flushing.
cigarette papers a n d tobacco. W A N T E D A girl o r woman f o r general
BLACKSMITH FILLED home today on the steamship "Coamo." that It had been the wish of the King Business Men's Association that he The court, upon adjourning today, will housework:; w a g e s l i t . A p p l y . t o Mrs, W.
ITSR A T O M S * Ho wont away for a rest on January that ther,
the Duke of Connaught, his bro- will have as his guests on that occa- take a recess until February 20th.
should go to Canada aa Governor
T. p o t t e . Shell Road, near Belt's a r . , W l a -
H I M S E L F W I T H TACKS sion: President Lawsou Purdy, and 30-1
Tth, and said the trip had done him General.
W h e n flatting through t h e f t * in a private much good. He dented that his visit Commissioners Edward Kauffman, B A Y S H O R E M A N K I L L E D A R E S P E C T A B L E w o m a n w a n t s washing
William Dunne, a bladtamtth of lake near Montlcello. K. T.. Fr/Uk. Tuttle A lata dispatch from London stated Charles White, Daniel S. McElroy and V T R A I N TOO AY t o do at ihome: call a t 1 f t Oreenpolrtt s v . ,
Summit, N. J. la looking for a large c a u g h t a seven-pound pickerel / a s s w a y - to Porto Rico had been for the pur- that the Duke would be appointed re- Judson G. Wall, his associates oa the Greenpolnt, one s t a i r s up t o r i g h t 30-1
magnet to aid hint In getting rid of his backed aa a horse. pose Jt locating a field for winter and gent durtPT the absence of King
I..-ml* Reutter." flatting through ice near snrlng practice, and said the South
tax board. This will be the first time Fresea Koterlo, thirty one, of Bay- E T W H A T Y O U W A N t itV&rtT 1
Untitled Document

cargo of tacks. He had hla mouth full

of tacks while busy on a household whoaa Wtnsted, Conn,, c a u g h t a pickerel, around was good enough for practice work. George in 1 ,d1a for the coronation dur- that some of th* commissioners have shore, unwittingly stepped in front of T I M E . H A V E Y O U LOST S O M E -
tall he had placed a r i n g t w e l v e years bar. Such an appointment, It waa had the opportunity of meeting the an express train at tho railroad station
Job, and when someone called him, ago. The rlag w a s still there, and h a threw Ho will get busy at once getting the believed, would serve to delay the business men of Flushing Thomas M. Tryniski end tho in that Tlllsjje early today. He THINOt OO Y O U N E E D A M R -
wallowed most of them. tke Bah back. prooklyn team Into shape. Duke's replacing Karl Grey, guests will be welcomed;
309 South 4th Street
Fulton New York VAMTT A R E Y O U L O O K I N G FOR
instantly killed. ROOMS* "RHONE t i t slCjf>OMn,

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