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Physical Education/6-8/Middle School Performance Task Rubric


Push through the Student always Student frequently Student rarely Student does
board and leave demonstrates all demonstrates most demonstrates not demonstrate
jumping foot on of the skills of the skills needed the skills any of the skills
the board needed to to properly perform needed to needed to
properly perform this phase of the properly perform properly perform
this phase of triple jump this phase of the this phase of the
triple jump triple jump triple jump

Once you land Student always Student frequently Student rarely Student does
swing oppsite leg demonstrates all demonstrates most demonstrates not demonstrate
through and of the skills of the skills needed the skills any of the skills
heels should needed to to properly perform needed to needed to
cross each other properly perform this phase of the properly perform properly perform
this phase of triple jump this phase of the this phase of the
triple jump triple jump triple jump

Push upwards Student always Student frequently Student rarely Student does
then thrown your demonstrates all demonstrates most demonstrates not demonstrate
legs up and of the skills of the skills needed the skills any of the skills
chest comes needed to to properly perform needed to needed to
down and reach properly perform this phase of the properly perform properly perform
for your toes this phase of triple jump this phase of the this phase of the
heels should triple jump triple jump triple jump
land in the sand
first then slide
your butt in

Overall Performance Score:

12 11 pts. = A 10 pts. = B 9 pts. = C 8 pts. = D / 7 pts. < = F

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