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Wind Road SAP Implementation Project Sales & Distribution

Process ID WR_SD.01.01.01 Process Name Customer Master

Related Modules FI Department PM or AL Shop
Created by Jo Sup Keun Creation date 2010. 02. 16
Process Owner(Reviewer) Review date

1. Process description & Purpose

The process is to create master data necessary to manage customer information. Customer in SD module
is roughly classified into sold-to party, ship-to party, bill-to party and payer. Sold-to party is managed
information required to place an order to a supplier or a vendor, ship-to party to receive materials from a
supplier and a vendor, bill-to party to issue invoice, and payer to manage account receivable and
payment. Once sold-to party is created, ship-to party, bill-to party and payer also simultaneously and
automatically created with the same code number. In case that a sold-to party has several ship-to parties
to receive goods, they should be created additionally with other code number.
Customer master has three views like general view, accounting view and sales view, and each view
manages its information according to its characteristics. Therefore, a ship-to party can have only the
general view and the sales view and payer only the general view and accounting view.

2. Steps of Procedure

Step 1 Customer master creation

Step 2 Customer master change
Step 3 Customer master display

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3. Procedure

3.1 Step1. Customer Master Creation

1) Access Transaction By :

Menu path Logistics Sales And DistributionMaster DataBusiness


Transaction code XD01

2) Business procedure and conditions

-. When there is a new customer for tower sales, request finance team in CS Wind Corporation
to create a new customer. Finance team receives a request for creating new customer, put
data in Customer Master, and notify new customer creation to relevant organization.
-. When there is a new customer for other sales, request finance team of each production
business unit to create a new customer via e-mail, etc.. Finance team receives this
request, creates new customer in Customer Master and notify it to relevant organization.
-. For customer master change, finance team in CS Wind Corp or in production business unit
changes data by a request from relevant customer accounts and notify contents of change to
relevant organization.

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<3.1.1 Customer Master Creation Initial Screen >


Account Group : Refer to the below table, do entry

Account Group Description Remark
1000 [CS WIND] Sales Customer
2000 [CS WIND] Affiliate Customer
3000 [CS WIND] Accounting Customer
7000 [CS WIND] Ship-to Party
8000 [CS WIND] Bill-to Party
9000 [CS WIND] Payer
9900 [CS WIND] One-time Customer

2 Customer : SAP System Internal Numbering

3 Company Code : 2000 CS WIND Vietnam

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4 Sales Organization : 2000 CS WIND Vietnam Sales Organization

5 Distribution Channel: 10 Domestic, 20 Direct Export, 30 - Others
6 Division : 10- Tower, 20 - Non-Tower, 30 - Int. Mounting, 90 - Others.

<3.1.2. Customer Master General View>


1 Title : Default Company

2 Name : Formal name of customer
3 Search Term : When a user create new transaction related to customer number, he/she can easily search
for customer number that he/she want

4 Address : Customer address

5 Country: Customer country.

6 Language : Language which is used in the formal document with customer. Default setting as 1.

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<3.1.3 Customer Master Company Code Data >

1 2

[ Account Management]

1 Recon. account : Refer to the below Reconciliation Account table and do entry

Account Description Remark

131110 Trade Receivables - Dometstic
131210 Trade Receivables - Export
136010 Related parts receivable - Domestic

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136020 Related parts receivable - Export

138810 Other Receivables
332110 Advanced from customer - Domestic
332120 Advanced from customer - Overseas
332130 Other advanced from customer

2 Sort key : 001(Posting date) FIxed value

[ Payment Transactions ]

3Terms of payment : Refer to the below Terms of Payments table and do entry.

Terms of Payments Description Remark

B000 [Bank] Payment immediately
B010 Within 1 day Due net
B100 [Bank] 16~31 days payment end of next month
C000 [Cash] Payment immediately
C010 [Cash] Payment next day
C100 [Cash] 16~31 days payment end of next month
T060 [T/T] Payment within 60 days

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<3.1.4 Customer Master Sales Area Data >


[ Sales View ]
1 Sales OfFIce : 2000 CS Wind Vietnam Sales OfFIce.
2`Customer Group : IdentiFIes a particular group of customers for the purpose of pricing
10 Wind Power Ind., 99 Others
3 Currency : The main currency used in trade with customer for charge or payment
4 Cust.pric.proc, : Default setting as 1

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5 Cust.Stats.Grp : Default setting as 1

[ Shipping ]
1Shipping Conditions : General shipping strategy for the delivery of goods from CS Wind to the
customer. Default setting as 01

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[ Billing Document ]
1 Incoterms : Commonly-used trading terms(ex, FOB, CIF etc).
2 of payment : Refer to the below Terms of Payments table and do entry.
Terms of Payments Description Remark
B000 [Bank] Payment immediately
B010 Within 1 day Due net
B100 [Bank] 16~31 days payment end of next month
C000 [Cash] Payment immediately
C010 [Cash] Payment next day
C100 [Cash] 16~31 days payment end of next month
T060 [T/T] Payment within 60 days

3Account assignment group : Refer to the below table and do entry.

Account Assignment Group Description Remark
01 Domestic Revenues
02 Foreign Revenues
03 Affiliate Comp Revenue

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4Tax Cl. : Default setting as 1

[ Partner Functions ]
1 Partner function: Ship-to party, Payer, Bill-to party are automatically determined.
1 Sold-to party: Unchangeable, coming from manual entry value in initial customer creation entry
2 Bill-to party: Customer code automatically determined by sold-to party and to receive invoice in sales
order transaction processing.
3 Payer: Customer code automatically determined by sold-to party and to charge billing amount in
sales order transaction processing.
4 Ship-to party: Customer code automatically determined by sold-to party and to receive goods in
sales order transaction processing.
- Click to save master data.

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3.2 Customer Master Change

1. Access transaction by

Menu path Logistics Sales And DistributionMaster DataBusiness


Transaction code XD02

2. Business procedure and conditions

<3.2.1. Customer Master Change Initial Screen >

1 Customer : Customer code to be changed.
2 Company code : 2000 CS WIND Vietnam
3 Click , then display change mode

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Change the value and save it

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3.3 Customer Master Display

1. Access transaction by.

Menu path Logistics Sales And DistributionMaster DataBusiness


Transaction code XD03

2. Business procedure and conditions

<3.3.1. Customer Master Display Initial Screen>

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Process ID WR_SD.01.01.02 Process Name Material Master

Related Modules PP, MM Department PM or AL Shop
Created by Jo Sup Keun Creation date 2010. 02. 16
Process Owner(Reviewer) Review date

1. Process description & Purpose

Each view of a material determines the use of some application area for a transaction data
creation. For example, if sales-related data is not filled up in sales view of a material master for
finished goods, a transaction data creation like sales order and delivery using it is impossible.
Therefore, even if a material type of a material is ZRO1 (Steel plate) and it has sales-related data
thru sales view creation, sales order creation is possible. In SAP System, a material master by its
each view like purchasing, MRP or sales can be created using one material code.
So, a material master can be created considering time and place, like sales view can be created by
sales person.
Here, the procedure is handled only for creating and managing sales view of a master data

2. Steps of Procedure

Step 1 Material master creation

Step 2 Material master change
Step 3 Material master Display

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3. Procedure
3.1 Material Master

For a material master which was already created, to add or change the sales data in it sales
view, choose all sales-related views from pop-up window.

1) Access transaction by

Menu path Logistics -> Material Management -> Material Master ->
Material -> Create (General) -> Immediately

Transaction code MM01

2) Business procedure and conditions

-. After material master codes are created by production technology or production management related
organization, its information is to be transferred to project management team. filling up sales data
through sales view creation of its master code

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3.1.1 <Create Material_Sales View>


1 Material : Material No.

2 Industry Sector & Material Type : Input only a material no. and press enter key, then industry sector and
material type is automatically determined and some message is displayed at the bottom line.
Ignore it and keep going by pressing enter key one more time.
Choose sales-related views from pop-up window and click .

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[ Input Organization Levels ]

1 Input value of plant, sales organization and distribution channel from each possible entry and
click .

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[ Sales : Sales org. 1]

1 Tax ClassiSDcation : Default value is 1.

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1 2

[ Sales : Sales org. 2]

1 Matl statistics group : Material statistics group : Default value is 1.

Setting required to update sales data to LIS(Logistics Information System)

2 Matl Pricing group : Default value is 01.

3 Acct assignment grp : Choose the correct one from possible entry screen.
To classify the type of sales revenue.
AAG Description
01 Tower
02 Non-Tower
03 Al A'ssey
04 Trading Good
05 Semi finished Good
09 Others

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1 2

1 Trans. Group : Default value is 1000

A grouping of materials that share the same route and transportation requirements
On-stand is to be used for tower, or section
2 Loading Group : Default value is 2000
A grouping of materials that share the same loading requirements

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3.1.2 <Change Material Master >

1) Access transaction by

Menu path Material Management->Master Data->Material Master

Transaction code MM02

1 Input a material no. and press the enter key. And then the popped-up window is displayed.

Choose the view that you want to change and click .

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3 Input organization level information and press the enter key.

Material master (sales view) must be created for 2010(Fac. 1), 2020(Fac. 2) for towers, sections.

Change the value and save it

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3.1.3. < Material Master Display >

1) Access transaction by

Menu path Material Management->Master Data->Material Master

Transaction code MM03

1 2

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Execute the same steps as material master change.

Process ID WR_SD.01.01.03 Process Name Price Condition Master

Related Modules FI, CO Department PM or AL Shop
Created by Jo Sup Keun Creation date 2010. 02. 16
Process Owner(Reviewer) Review date

1. Process description & Purpose

This process is to manage all kinds of pricing condition including selling unit price. These are used for
optimal price calculation or determination in sales order processing and billing processing except for
planning price.

2. Steps of Procedure
Step 1 Condition creation
Step 2 Condition change
Step 3 Condition display

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3. Procedure
3.1 Create Condition Master
1) Access transaction by

Menu path Logistics->Sales and Distribution->Master Data->Conditions-

>Select using Conditions Type

Transaction code VK11

3.1.1. Create Condition Records(ZPR0)

1 Condition Type: Input Condition type ZPR0 and press the enter key

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1r Input values of Sales Organization, Distribution channel, and Customer.

2 Input values of Material code, Sales Unit price, Currency unit, Unit of Measure , Valid-From and Valid-to and
click .

3.1.2<Create Price Condition (MWST)>

1 Condition Type: Input Condition type MWST and press the enter key.

2 Choose Departure Country / Destination Country from pop-up window.

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2 3

1r Input values of departure country.

2 Input values of destination country (Customer).
3 Input values of valid from & valid to
Valid from: starting time of business with Customer
Valid to : 2999.12.31 is recommendable information.
When tax code is changed, valid from and valid to need to be updated.
4 Input values of tax code from possible entry screen and click .

3.2 Condition Master Change

1) Access transaction by
Menu path Logistics->Sales and Distribution->Master Data->Conditions->Select
using Conditions Type

Transaction code VK12

1 Input condition type ZPR0 and press the enter key

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1 Fill up data in each screen field and click .


1 Rate, Valid-On and Valid-to are changeable. Changed the value and save it.

3.3 Condition Master Display

1) Access transaction by

Menu path Logistics->Sales and Distribution->Master Data->Conditions-

>Select using Conditions Type

Transaction code VK13

-. Conduct the same step as price condition change.

-. Price change is impossible.

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3.4 Indivisual price create, change, display

1) Access transaction by

Menu path Logistics->Sales and Distribution->Master Data->Information

System ->Conditions & Pricing -> Pricing Reports

Transaction code V/LD

1 fill up data in pricing report field and click .

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1 fill up data in fields above and click .

1 Click to transact to Create Price (ZPR0) with Reference

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Click to transact to Change Price Condition (ZPR0)

Click to transact to Display Price (ZPR0)

Process ID WR_SD.02.01.01 Process Name Sales Order

Related Modules FI, CO Department PM or AL Shop
Created by Jo Sup Keun Creation date 2010. 03. 25
Process Owner(Reviewer) Review date

1. Process Description and Purpose

This process is to create firm export sales orders from customer, which is a standard sales order type.
Order type is designed by distribution channel, and input data are sales organization, distribution channel,
products group, etc..

2. Step of Procedure
Order type, sales organization, distribution channel on firm sales order needs to be confi rmed.
Step 1 Create Sales Order
Step 2 Change Sales Order
Step 3 Display Sales Order
Step 4 Sales Order List

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3. Procedure
3.1 Create sales order
Create export sales order from customer.

1) Access transaction by

Menu path Logistics Sales and Distribution Sales Order


Transaction code VA01

3.1.2. Sales Order creation <Create Sales Order: Initial Screen>

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SDeld Name R/O/C Input Value Remark

Z100 : Domestic
1. Order Type R
Z500 : Export
2. Sales Organization R 2000 : CS WIND Vietnam

10 : Domestic
3. Distribution Channel R
20 : Direct Export
10 : Tower
20 : Non-Tower
4. Division R Group of product
30 : AL Assy
90 : Others

5. Sales Office R 2000 : CS WIND Vietnam

Input data above should be accurate to maximize reliability of cost analysis. <Create Standard Order : Overview>

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4 5

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


Required entry is 1, 2 (management no.), 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

SDeld Name R/O/C Input Value Remark

Sold-to party R Select customer (sold-to party)

PO Number R Manual Input. Internal Project

Management No.

Req. R Schedule Line Date(Delivery Day)

Payment terms R Automatic assignment by entry

data of customer master
(modification is available)

Incoterms R Automatic assignment by entry

data of customer master
(modification is available)

1. Sold-To-Party : Select a customer (Sold-To-Party). Initial input data

2. PO Number : Input number and date of sales order, press enter key.
3. Req. delivery date : Date of sales order is input automatically, if there is a difference between
requested delivery date and that of sales order, it is changeable (entry by item is available). firm

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date is linked with Planned Goods Issue data via availability control.
4. Payment Term : Payment term registered already in customer master is input automatically. If
there is a difference, it is changeable.
5. Intercoms : Incoterms registered already in customer master is input automatically. If it is
different from sales order, it is changeable.
6. Item Level _ Material No : Display material code number of order (finished Section) and select
7. Item Level _ Order Quantity : Input order quantity. 1 EA only can be input referring section ID.
8. Item Level _ Plant : Input plant information for production and outbound delivery.
9. Item Level _ Customer Project No : Input Customer Project No. deSDned already.
10. Item Level _ Tower Material No : Input tower material number of SDnished section.
11. Item Level _ Ref. Section ID : Input ID of SDnished section. This data is to be used as batch
information in PP Module and it is to be assigned to batch information on sales distribution
12. Item Level _ PO Number : Input PO number from customer. PO number in upper level is for
intermal project management purpose.
13. After all data input, check and press save icon. Check sales order number created.
14. Item condition : It is to see condition master. <Create Standard Order:Item Data>


Field Name R/O/C Input value Remark

Price R Display Price condition

master info display

Output Tax C Automatic display Export VAT : 0% (zero tax)

Internal price C Automatic display Basic input data for proSDt

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1. Click price icon in overview window. Actual price. Changeable.

2. Automatic display on 0% value added tax. Not able to change (export sales)
3. Standard cost to estimate profit. Not able to change <Create Standard Order: Definition of Dates>

Terminology Definition SAP Application // CSW Vietnam Application

Request Delivery Date Requested Delivery Date first Date on Sales Order
to a designated place
requested by Customer
Actual Delivery Date Actual Delivery Date to No application to CS Wind
a designated place
Ex-plant Date Departure Date of goods Loading date of Sales Order
from Plant (Trucking)
Request Shipping Date Planned Date of Planned Goods Issue Date on Sales Order
Actual Shipping Date Actual Date of Shipment Actual Good Issue Date on Delivery
Request Manufacture Requested Production Material avail. date on Sales Order
Date Completion Date from
Actual Production Date Actual Date of Goods Receipt Date on Production Order

1. As Requested Delivery Date is Planned Date of Shipment for CS Wind Vietnam, Input the same date with
Request Delivery Date and Request Shipping Date

2. Input dates to implement Delivery Date and Material Avail Date in production scheduling as shown below.

3. Input Confirmed Completion date of TowerDoc in Sales Order information as invoice date from
CS Wind Corp to Customer (Change Sales Order).

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3.2 Sales order change

If there is a change or necessity of availability check-up after creating sales order for domestic sales from
customer, change sales order through this procedure.
1) Access transaction by

Menu path Logistics Sales and Distribution Sales Order Change

Transaction code VA02

3.2.2. Sales Order change <Change Sales Order: Initial Screen>

1. Input Sales Order No. and press the enter key. <Change Sales Order: Overview>

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1. Change the value and save it.

first date is a delivery date required by customer, which is usually stated on Purchase order issued by

Case 1) If there is a change on material available date or requested delivery date requested by customer,
change dates in Sales Order and implement it in production plan. (Daily schedule information is
transmitted automatically)

Case 2) When billing is done to customer after completion of customer required documentation, input
date of billing in H.Q IV Date).

3.3 Displaying sales order

Display sales order for local demand from customer.

3.3.1. Access transaction by

Menu path Logistics Sales and Distribution Sales Order Display

Transaction code VA03

3.3.2. Displaying sales order

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1. Input sales order number to be displayed, and press enter key. <Display Sales Order: Overview>

1. Check up sales order document, and change window via [sales document-Change] and change
contents if necessary.

3.4 Displaying list of sales orders

Sales orders are to be displayed in list, and are changeable.

1) Access transaction by

Menu path Logistics Sales and Distribution Sales

Information System Orders List of Sales Orders

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Transaction code VA05N

3.4.2. <Order List Display> <List of Sales Orders>

1. Input data by item to display and press the enter key <List of Sales Orders>

1. Display sales order list.

2. Click order to change or display, and press icon.
Items of list of sales order can be selected, added, located, and stored in certain forms.

3.5 Return sales orders

Sales orders are to be returned.

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1) Access transaction by

Menu path Logistics Sales and Distribution Sales Order


Transaction code VA01

3.5.2. Sales Order Return <Return Sales Order: Initial Screen>

1 Input Order Type (Z510).

1 Input Organizational Data and click enter.

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1 Input Order reason and click Save icon

Check Sales Order number created (Numbering is not similar with ordinary sales order number). <Return Sales Order: Outbound Delivery>

1 Input Z510 in Sales Document Box


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1 Input batch number (from the list)

1 Click Post Goods Receipt

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Check Return Delivery Number displayed <Return Sales Order: Billing>

1 Input organization Data to display Billing Due List and click enter key

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1 Click box with a certain Document number.

1 Click Save icon

Process ID WR_SD.02.03.01 Process Name Outbound Delivery

Related Modules FI, CO Department PM or AL Shop
Created by Jo Sup Keun Creation date 2010. 02. 16
Process Owner(Reviewer) Review date

1. Process Description and Purpose

This process is to create outbound delivery for products or goods issue, and make accounting
documents on certain dates.

2. . Step of Procedure

Step 1 Create Outbound delivery

Step 2 Display on hand inventory
Step 3 Display Outbound delivery

3. Procedure

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3.1 Create Outbound Delivery

1) Access transaction by

Menu path Logistics Sales and Distribution Shipping and transportation

Outbound Delivery Create -> Single document or Collective
Processing of Documents Due for Delivery

Transaction code VL01N, VL10A

3.1.2. Creating Outbound Delivery

There are three ways to create outbound delivery documents, one is to select Deliver in a window of
sales order creation/sales order change/sales order display, another one is to display sales order number
via Transaction code [VL01N], the other one is to display Delivery Due List via Transaction code
[VL10A]. Delivery Due List via Transaction code [VL10A] is recommendable. <Sales Orders, Fast Display>

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1 Input value for Shipping Point/Receiving Pt (2010 : 1st Plant, 2020 : 2nd Plant, 2030 : AL Plant)

2 Input value for search condition and click

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1 Choose Sales order no. and click <Outbound Delivery Create: Overview>

1 Check item that you should delivery and then click to picking tab.

49 / 79
Wind Road SAP Implementation Project Sales & Distribution <Outbound Deliveries for Goods Issue>

1 Input actual good issue date to pick date/time field

2 Input value for storage location, quantity and batch no.(Section ID) field and click

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3.2 Display on hand inventory

1) Access transaction by

Menu path Logistics Materials Management Material Master Other Stock


Transaction code MMBE < Stock Overview : Company code / Plant / Storage Location / Batch>

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1 Input material no., plant and check No zero stock lines. And then click

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1 There is an unrestricted stock with section id 173833 in storage location 3000.

After good issue (SD outbound delivery), there is appear on hand inventory.

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21 Input sales order document no. and click

1 Display window above, and check up outbound delivery document no.

2 Choose GD goods issue : delvy field and click

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1 Check up Goods issue with Section ID 173833 in storage location 3000 and with movement type 601.

2 Click Accounting Documents button, and display pop-up screen below.

1 Double click Accounting document SDeld, and then display window below (Accounting document).

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3.3 Cancel Outbound Delivery

Outbound delivery or billing document is not able to be deleted, but able to be cancelled.
Outbound Delivery must be cancelled only after cancelling billing document.

1) Access transaction by

Menu path Logistics Sales and Distribution Shipping and Transportation

Post Goods Issue -> Cancellation/Reversal

Transaction code VL09

3.3.1 Display sales order

1 Click display document flow.

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1 Refer document flow status and make sure of invoice is cancelled.

3.3.1 Cancel Outbound Delivery

1 Mark on Inbound Delivs & Outbound Delivs

2 Put Outbound Delivery No.
3 Click execute icon.

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1 Click Define date.

1 Make sure that RvrsDate is the same date as ActGIDat. If not, change date in the Local
date field the same as ActGIDat.
2 Click


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1 Click

11 Make sure of text message with green and Click

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Process ID WR_SD.02.03.02 Process Name Goods movement

Related Modules FI, CO Department PM
Created by Jo Sup Keun Creation date 2010. 03. 20
Process Owner(Reviewer) Review date

1. Process Description and Purpose

This process is to define material movement by type and stock transfer posting.

Fabrication shop does Goods Receipt by Production requisition after production request from PM for Non-
tower. Completed Non-tower product is to be done with Goods Issue by using Cost Center (Fab.). The
reason for using Cost Center is payment from customer to CS Wind Corp, meaning cost of Sub material to
be allocated to Fabrication shop (Goods Movement Type 201).
Plant location of Goods Issue for Non-tower is 2020.

2. Step of Procedure

Step 1 Goods Issue (Non-Tower)

Step 2 Stock Transfer (finished Section)

3. Procedure
3.1 Goods Issue

2) Access transaction by

Menu path Logistics Material Management Inventory

Management Goods Movement Goods Issue

Transaction code MB1A <Transaction MB1A Goods Issue for Non-Tower >

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1 Doc date : Date of document (date of slip)

2 Posting date : Enlisted Date into system.

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1 Input Cost center (202300 for Fabrication Shop Cost Center)

2 Input Quantity (no batch information required for Non-tower) and click Save icon.

Display material document list.

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Check document number created and quantity. ( - means consumed) <Cancel process>

Step 1 : Display Material Document and check.

Step 2 : Using T-code MIGO, cancel Material Document and Save.

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Input document number and click enter

Check Document Date, Posting Date and Click Save icon

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Check Material document number created.

Input Material information and click Execute

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Check quantity

3.2 Stock Transfer Posting

For outbound delivery for tower item, a plant must be where Black section is released, which means
transfer posting to plant of black section released must be done by PM

1) Access transaction by

Menu path Logistics Material Management Inventory

Management Goods Movement Transfer Posting

Transaction code MB1B

3.2.2. Transfer Posting <Display stock of material>

Using T-code MB52, access to Display Warehouse Stock of Material

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1 Input date of Plant, Storage Location, Material Type for displaying stock.
(MB1B for finished section, MB1A for Non-Tower)
2 Click execute icon. <Enter Transfer Posting : Initial Screen>

Using T-code MB1B, to access Enter Transfer Posting

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1 Input Movement Type (301: Transfer posting plant to plant) and click enter.

1 Receiving Plant : Material location to be transferred to (2010 : Fac. 1. 2020 : Fac. 2)

2 Input material number, quantity, and copy batch number in display and past it.

Click Enter to make sure that Batch number is in the box.

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Click save

Display warehouse stock of material to check location of plant after transfer.

1 Check plant after transfer.

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1 Input ZFR3 for display warehouse stock for non-tower material

Process ID WR_SD.02.04.01 Process Name Billing

Related Modules FI, CO Department PM or AL Shop
Created by Jo Sup Keun Creation date 2010. 02. 16
Process Owner(Reviewer) Review date

1. Process Description and Purpose

This process is to create invoice for sales order after completing delivery, and to conSDrm account
receivable and proSDt.

2. Step of Procedure

Step 1 Create Billing document

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Step 2 Display Billing document

3. Procedure

3.1 Create Billing Document

3.1.1. Access transaction by

Menu path Logistics Sales and Distribution Billing Billing

Document Process Billing Due List

Transaction code VF04

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Wind Road SAP Implementation Project Sales & Distribution

3.1.2. <Billing Creation> <Maintain Billing Due List>

1 Refer to actual delivery date(good issue date) and input Billing date
2 Input SAP Organization unit.

3 Check Order-related and delivery-related SDeld and click <Maintain Billing Due List>

1 Choose delivery document in Billing due list and click . <Invoice (ZF2) Crate: Overview of Billing Items>

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Wind Road SAP Implementation Project Sales & Distribution

1 Check material, quantity, amount and press the save button. Then create billing document

3.2 Display Billing document

1) Access transaction by

Menu path Logistics Sales and Distribution Billing Information System

List Billing Documents

Transaction code VF05 N

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Wind Road SAP Implementation Project Sales & Distribution

3.2.2. <Display Billing document> <List of Billing Documents>

1 Input billing doc. Date to display

2 Input Sales Organization unit

Check Billing Doc. In SD and click

3 <List of Billing Documents>

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Wind Road SAP Implementation Project Sales & Distribution

1 Choose billing documents line and click . <Invoice 900000012 (ZF2) Display: Overview of Billing Items>

1 Display Document flow (click or shift + F7) <Document Flow>

1 Choose invoice document and click .

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Wind Road SAP Implementation Project Sales & Distribution <Invoice 90000073 (ZF2) Display : Overview of Billing Items>

1 Click and display pop-up screen for documents in accounting.

2 Double click Accounting Document Line. <Display Document : Account Document>

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Wind Road SAP Implementation Project Sales & Distribution

3.3 Cancel Billing document

1) Access transaction by

Menu path Logistics Sales and Distribution Billing Billing document ->

Transaction code VF11

3.3.1 Display sales order

1 Click display document flow.

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Wind Road SAP Implementation Project Sales & Distribution

1 Refer invoice number

3.3.1 Cancel billing document

Outbound delivery or billing document is not able to be deleted, but be cancelled.

1 Input invoice number to be cancelled, and enter.

2 Click save icon.

3.3.2 Display document flow

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1 Make sure of a cancel invoice is created resulting from cancelling.

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