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Name: Class : Score: ./14 x 100 = .

Chapter 4
Exercise 7
Learning Area: Carbon Compounds.
Learning Objective: Understanding natural polymers.

1. Diagram below shows an experiment to compare the elasticity of a natural rubber, (Rubber P)
with a natural rubber that has been soaked in sulphur monochloride solution, (Rubber Q).

Diagram 3

(a) State the hypothesis that can be made from this experiment.
(b) State the variable in this experiment.
(i) Controlled variable:
(ii)Manipulated variable: .

(c) Based on this experiment, which rubber is more elastic?

(d) Mark ( ) the objects which are made of natural rubber that has been processed as in rubber

Tyre Balloon Shoe sole

A rubber planter wanted to sell his latex and rubber.
He mixes the latex with an alkali (ammonia) to maintain its liquid form.
To produce rubber he mixes the latex with acid (ethanoic acid).

(a) Based on the above statement, write one suitable hypothesis.

(b) Describe an experiment that you can carry out in a laboratory to prove this hypothesis. Your
description should include the following;
(i) aim of experiment
(ii) identification of variables
(iii) list of apparatus and materials
(iv) method
(v) tabulation of data
(vi) conclusion

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