Articles Written by Srila Prabhupada

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Numerous original essays written by rla Bhaktisiddhnta Sarasvat hkura appeared in

Sajjana-toa, the Gauya, Nadia Prakash, and the Harmonist, many of which are listed
below. When applicable, an English translation of the title is also included within parentheses.
Articles indicated as biographical describe the person whose name forms the title of the cited
essay. Not listed here are the many redacted lectures that appeared in the Gauya under
generic titles (such as rla Prabhupdera Hari-kath), selections from his letters, and short
pieces, such as Smayika Prasaga (Description of current topics), that were ascribed to him.


Sanskrit Bhaktamla [review of the Sanskrit translation of Bhaktamla, a book composed in



rman Nthamuni [biographical]

Ymuncrya [biographical]

r Rmnujcrya [biographical]


Prva Bh (Introductory words)

Prra Prati Day (Compassion toward living beings)

r Madhvamuni-carita [biographical, concerning r Madhvcrya]

hkurer Smti-samiti (About the Bhaktivinoda Memorial Committee)

Divyasri v lvr [about ancient saints of the r sampradya]

Jayatrtha [biographical]

Goddev [biographical]

Pcartrika Adhikra (Eligibility according to the pcartrika system)

Prpti Svkra (Acknowledgement of receipt) [as in writings sent by post to an editor]

Vaiava Smti (Scriptural regulations for Vaiavas)

r Patrikra Kath (The message of the holy magazine)

Bhaktghri-reu [biographical]

Kulaekhara [biographical]

Smayik Prasaga (Current topics)

r Gaurga [philosophical topics concerning r Gaurga]

Abhakti-mrga (The path of nondevotion)

Viucitta [biographical]

Pratikla Matavda (Contrary theory)

Mahtm rla Kadsa [biographical, about Kadsa Bbj, the servant of rla
Bhaktivinoda hkura]

Toara Kath (The message of Sajjana-toa)

r Guru Svarpa (The identity of the guru)

Prabodhnanda [about r Prabodhnanda Sarasvat]

r Bhakti-mrga (The path of devotion)

Samlocan (Critical review)

Toa-prasaga (About Sajjana-toa)

Artha o Anartha (Meaning and non-meaning)

Baddha, Taasth o Mukta (Bound, on the border, and free)*

Gohite Prvdea (Previous edicts concerning cow protection)

Prkta o Aprkta (Material and nonmaterial)

Antardvpa [about Antardvpa, part of Navadvpa-dhma]

Prakaa-prim (The full-moon night of Lord Caitanya's appearance)

Caitanybda (The calendar calculated from the date of Lord Caitanya's appearance)

Upakurva [brahmacarya undertaken with the intention or option of later marrying]

Vara-ea (Year end)


Nava-vara (New Year)

saner Kath (The message of Bhaktivinoda sana)

crya-santna (Descendants of cryas)

Videe Gaura-kath (Lord Caitanya's message in foreign countries)

Samlocan (Critical review)

mra Prabhura Kath (Topics about my master) [about rla Gaura Kiora dsa Bbj]

Vaiavera Viaya (A devotee's sense object)

Guru-svarpe Puna Prana (Another question about the identity of a guru)

Vaiava-vaa (Vaiava dynasty)

Viraha-mahotsava (A festival of separation)

r Patrikra Ukti (Statements in the holy magazine)

Prkta-rasa-ata-di (A hundred refutations of mundane mellows)

Duii Ullekha (Two words)

Gnera Adhikr Ke? (Who is eligible to sing?)

Sadcra (Scripturally ordained behavior)

Amy (Non-dissemblance)

Prrthan-rasa-vivti (Explanation of the mellows of Prrthan)*

Pratibandhaka (Obstacle)

Bhi Sahajiy (Brother sahajiy)

Vara-ea (Year end)


Nava-vara (New Year)

Samlocan (Critical review)

SajjanaKplu (A devotee is merciful)

akti-pariata Jagat (The material world as a transformation of the Lord's energy)

SajjanaAkta-droha (A devotee is inoffensive)

SajjanaSatya-sra (A devotee is truthful)

Prkta dra Vaiava Nahe (A person with the nature of a dra cannot be a Vaiava)

Ngar-mgalya (Conferring auspiciousness upon the gaura-ngars) [poem]

SajjanaSama (A devotee is equally disposed to all)

SajjanaNirdoa (A devotee is faultless)

SajjanaVadnya (A devotee is magnanimous)

Bhaiy Bhakta Nahe (A hired person is not a devotee)

SajjanaMdu (A devotee is gentle)

SajjanaAkicana (A devotee is without material possessions)

Sajjanauci (A devotee is pure)

Vaiava Darana (Vaiava philosophy)

Vara-ea (Year end)


Nava-vara (New Year)

SajjanaSarvopakraka (A devotee is a benefactor to all)

Sajjananta (A devotee is peaceful)

Gaura Ki Vastu? (What kind of phenomenon is Gaura?)

SajjanaKaika-araa (A devotee takes shelter only of Ka)

SajjanaAkma (A devotee is desireless)

SajjanaNirha (A devotee is aloof from ordinary worldly affairs)

SajjanaSthira (A devotee is fixed)

SajjanaVijita-a-gua (A devotee conquers the six pushes)*

r-mrti o Myvda (The worshipable form of the Lord and the doctrine of Myvda)

r Viva-Vaiava-rja Sabh [about the organization so named]

SajjanaMita-bhuk (A devotee accepts sense objects in moderation)

Bhaktisiddhnta (The philosophical conclusion of the devotional path)

SajjanaApramatta (A devotee is sane)


Varodghta (Bringing in the new year)

SajjanaMnada (A devotee offers respect to others)

SajjanaAmn (A devotee does not desire to be honored)

SajjanaGambhra (A devotee is grave)

SajjanaKarua (A devotee is compassionate)

SajjanaMaitra (A devotee is a friend to all)

Kla-sajya Nma (Names for the divisions of time)

aukra o Vttagata Vara-bheda (Divisions of social orders according to birth and


Karmra Kanakdi (The wealth and other assets of fruitive workers)

Guru-dsa (The servant of a guru)

Dkita (The initiated)


Hyanodghta (Bringing in the new year)

Aikntika o Vyabhicra (Exclusive devotee and licentiousness)

Nirjane Anartha (The faults of solitary worship) [the poem beginning dua mana! tumi
kisera vaiava?]

SajjanaKavi (A devotee is a poet)


Pacopsan (The system of worshiping five gods)

Vaiavera Smti (Scripture that delineates regulations for Vaiavas)

Saskra-sandarbha (An essay on sacraments)

SajjanaDaka (A devotee is expert)

Vaiava-maryd (Vaiava etiquette)

SajjanaMaun (A devotee is silent)

Yogaphe r-mrti-sev (Deity worship at the Yogapha)

Aprkta (Nonmaterial)


Nava-vara (New Year)

Saviea o Nirviea ([concept of the absolute as being both] With and without attributes)

Meki o sal (Bogus and genuine)

Smrta Raghunandana [about the smrta authority Raghunandana]

Hari-nma Mah-mantra (The great mantra of the name of Hari)

Mantropsan (Worship by mantra)

Niiddhcra (Forbidden activities)

ikakera-laghu-vivaraa (A brief description of ikaka)

First Year (192223)

r-ka-janma (Lord Ka's birth)

Madhura Lipi (Sweet writing)

Loka-vicra (Public opinion)

Paramrtha (The highest goal of life)

Pura-savda (The message of the Puras)

Nti-bheda (Differences in ethics)

Ruci-bheda (Differences in taste)

r Jva Gosvm [biographical]

Gauye Prti (Affection for the Gauya magazine)

Durg-pj (Worship of Durg)

rady Vhana (Durg's carrier)

Je Dike Bts (Whichever way the wind)

Mrute Secana (Sprinkled by the wind)

Smrtera Ka (The section of Vedic literature dealing with smrta rites)

Vicra-dlata (Court of judgment)

Sevpara Nma (The name as uttered by one devoted to service)

Tridai Bhiku Gti (The song of the tridai-sannys)

r Madhva-janma-tithi (The appearance day of r Madhvcrya)

Aprakaa-tithi (Disappearance day)

Vraje Vnara (Monkeys in Vraja)

Cyuta-gotra (A fallen lineage)

Nmtrdhikra (The right of every human)

Bhtaka-rot (A hired audience)

Vaiava o Abhtaka (A Vaiava and one not hired)

Dk-vidhna (The process of initiation)

surika Pravtti (Ungodly tendency)

r Baladeva Vidybhaa [biographical]

Sadcra-smti [discussion of Sadcra-smti, by Madhvcrya]

Pacartra [discussion of topics concerning Pacartra]

Nigama o gama (Vedic and related scriptures)

r Vivantha Cakravart [biographical]

Vaiava Darana (Vaiava philosophy)

Varntara (Changing caste)

Paricaye Prana (A question about identity)

Asatye dara (Respect for untruth)

Ayogya Santna (Unworthy offspring)

Adra Dk (Initiation for non-dras)

Pjdhikra (Eligibility to perform pj)

Antma-jna (Lack of knowledge of the self)

Nija-paricaya (One's own identity)

Vaa-pral (Dynastic discipular lineages)

Gaura-bhajana (Worship of Gaura)

Dhny o ym (Cultivated rice and weeds resembling rice)

Ttya Janma (Third birth)

Avaidha Sdhana (Illegitimate practice)

Baija-brhmaa (Seminal brhmaa)

Pracre Bhrnti (Mistakes in preaching)

Bhgavata-ravaa (Hearing rmad-Bhgavatam)

Maha Ki? (What is a maha?)

che Adhikra (There is eligibility)

rdhara Svm [biographical]

Vyavahra (Manners and customs)

Kamin (Ignobility)

akti-sacra (Empowerment)

Vara-park (Annual examination)

Eka Jti (One caste)

Ihaloka Paraloka (This world and the next)

Second Year (192324)

Vara-pravea (Entering the new year)

Brahmaya-deva (The Lord of the brhmaas)

Guru-bruva (So-called spiritual masters)

Krtane Vijna (Science in krtana)

virbhva-tithi (Appearance day [of rla Bhaktivinoda hkura])

Mahera Utsava ([Gauya] Maha festivals)

Dkita (The initiated)*

Gosvm-pda (Honorable gosvm)

Ke Bhoga-buddhi (The mentality of enjoying Ka)

Gauya Bhajana-pral (Gauya spiritual practices)

r-vigraha (The deity form)

Jabl-kath (Discussion of Jabl)

Brhmaa o Vaiava (Brhmaas and Vaiavas)

Prakta Bhokt Ke? (Who is the real enjoyer?)

Gauyera Vea (Gauya apparel)

Pratisambhana (Speech in reply [to speeches of praise])

Stra-vidvea (Enmity toward the thread [i.e., toward the Gauya Maha practice of
awarding the sacred thread regardless of caste])

Third Year (192425)

Gauya Hsptla (The Gauya hospital)

Bhgavata-vivti (Explanation of rmad-Bhgavatam)

r Kulaekhara [biographical]

Meyeli Hinduwn (Effeminate Hinduism)

Fourth Year (192526)

Madhura Lipi (Sweet writing)

Arauta-darana (Non-Vedic philosophy)

Vednta-tattva-srer Upodghta (Introduction to the Vednta-tattva-sra)

Fifth Year (192627)

Darane Bhrnti (Philosophical error)

Vaiava-rddha (Vaiava obsequies)

locakera locan (The criticism of the critics)

Nykbokra Svarpa (The nature of a contemptible fool)

Sixth Year (192728)

Mna-dna o Hni (Offering respect, and loss)

Gauapura (The city of Gaua)

sala o Nakala (Real and counterfeit)

Ahaituka Dhma-sevaka (A selfless servant of the dhma)

Sarva-pradhna Vivecanra Viaya (The most important thing to consider)

Bhi Kutrkika (Brother quibbler)

Ka-bhakta Nirbodha Nahen (A devotee of Ka is not foolish)

Prcna Kuliyy Sahara Navadvpa (The city of Navadvpa is in old Kuliy)

Kapaat Daridratra Mla (The source of poverty is deceitfulness)

Ekacandra (One moon)

Puyraya (Sacred forest)

Goy Galad (Basic mistake)

Nlcale rmat Saccidnanda Bhaktivinoda (rmad Saccidnanda Bhaktivinoda in Pur)

Seventh Year (192829)

Virakta Jghanya Nahe (A renunciant is not contemptible)

mi Ei Nai, mi Sei (I am not this; I am that)

Vyavasdrer Kapaat (The merchants cheating)

Hasajtir Itihsa (History of the swanlike people)

Mantra-saskra (The sacrament of receiving the mantra)

Bhoga o Bhakti (Enjoyment and devotional service)

Sunti o Durnti (Good and evil policies)

Ka-tattva (The true position of Ka)

rdhma-vicra (Conclusions about the holy dhma)

Ekyana-ruti o Tad-vidhna (The Ekyana Veda and its prescriptions)

Pratcye Kra Sampradya (The school of devotion to Ka in the West)

Pacartra [discussion of topics concerning Pacartra]

Nlcale rmad Bhaktivinoda (rmad Bhaktivinoda in Pur)

Trtha Parapura (The holy place Parapura)

Mikya Bhskara [praise of the King of Tripura]

Vaiava-smti (Scriptures giving rules of Vaiava behavior)

Mahnta Guru-tattva (The principle of the guru as an exalted Vaiava)

Boam Prlme (The parliament of Vaiavas)

Sumedh-tithi (The day observed by intelligent persons) [about the disappearance

anniversary of rla Bhaktivinoda hkura]

Eighth Year (192930)

rdhma Mypur Kothy? (Where is rdhma Mypur?)

Gaucale r Bhaktivinoda (Bhaktivinoda hkura in Bengal)

Stvata o Astvata (Devotees of Ka and nondevotees)

Bhrata o Paramrtha (India and the supreme goal of life)

Paramrthera Svarpa (The nature of the supreme goal of life)

Prcna Kuliyya Dvrabhet (Charging admission to temples in Navadvpa)

ikaka o ikita (The teacher and the taught)

Viayra Ka-prema (The materialists love of Ka)

ramera Vea (Apparel for different stages of life)

Ninth Year (193031)

r-bhakti-mrga (The holy path of devotion)

Bhava-rogra Hsaptla (A hospital for those with the disease of material life)

Jagabandhura Knulana (Jagabandhu Prabhu's cultivation of Ka-bhakti)

Tenth Year (193132)

Gauya Mahim (In praise of the Gauya magazine)

Sat-ikrthra Vivecya (What a student of truth should consider)

Nimba-bhskara [biographical, describing Nimbrkcrya]

Aja o Vijera Narma-kath (Joking talks between a fool and a wise man)

Vaiava-vaa (Vaiava dynasty)

Kanphucor Vicra (The philosophy of Confucius)

Eleventh Year (193233)

Ekdaa Prrambhik (Entering the eleventh year of the Gauya)

Vaiave Jti-buddhi (Considering a Vaiava to belong to a particular caste)

Mdhukara Bhaikya (What should be solicited in door-to-door begging)

Dui-vaiklavya (Distress from wrongdoing)

mra Kath (My message)

Sat-ik Pradaran (The spiritual education exhibition)

Ka Bhakti-i oka-kma-jypah (Devotion to Ka is the only way to get rid of

lamentation, desire, and lethargy)

Kre Matir Astu (May your inclination be toward Ka)

Twelfth Year (193334)

Kprvda (Merciful blessings)

Thirteenth Year (193435)

Sva-para-magala (Auspiciousness for oneself and others)

Vaikuha o Gua-Jta Jagat (The spiritual world, and the universe produced from nature's

Bhogavda o Bhakti (Hedonism and devotion)

Fourteenth Year (193536)

Nava-vara (New Year)

Baa mi o Bhlo mi (Big I and good I)

Tadvana (That forest)*

Vstava-vastu (The real entity)

Fifteenth Year (193637)

Hyanodghta (Bringing in the new year)

Original articles attributed to rla Bhaktisiddhnta Sarasvat that appeared in editions

of the Gauya after his disappearance

Fifteenth Year (193637)

r Guru Pda-padma-i Aoka-abhaya-amta-dhra (The lotus feet of the guru are

certainly the reservoir of sorrowless-ness, fearlessness, and immortality)

Tri-vidha Adhikra (Three kinds of eligibility)

Pramrthika Smayika-patrera dara o Nti (The ideal and principle of a spiritual


Sixteenth Year (193738)

lo o Klo (Light and black)

r Bhakti Sraga Gosvm Prabhu [laudatory]

Seventeenth Year (193839)

Adhirovde Guru Grahaa (Accepting a guru by the philosophy of overstepping)

Eighteenth Year (193940)

a-vaimukhyera Parima o Tad-drkaraopaya (The result of aversion to Godhead and

the means of removing that)

rauta Vicra (The judgment of Vedic authorities)

Prakta Mahjana Ke? (Who is a genuine great personality?)

Tri-vidha Adhikrra Kartavya (Duties of the three kinds of eligible devotees)

Guru Pdraya (Shelter at the feet of a guru)

Aikntika Hari-bhajana (Exclusive devotion)


Vaiavera Svata-siddha Brhmaatva o Aprktatva (The inherent brahminical status and

transcendental position of a devotee)

Nineteenth Year (194041)

r Bhgavata-dharma ikrthi-gaera Kartavya (The duty of persons desiring to learn

about bhgavata-dharma)

Twenty-first Year (194243)


r Gauya-mnya

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