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A Golden Gift

TO .................................................

Pls accept this highly appreciated

iconic book on authored
by the most sought after,
impartial authority on network marketing.

I strongly believe that

you will be able to achieve
enormous prosperity and success by
following the path shown in the book.
The power to change your life lies within you.

With love, blessings and regards


Dr Ujjwal Patni

International Trainer, Author & Motivational Speaker
Title - Why India is best for Network marketing

Published by - Medident India Books

First Medident impression- 2015

Translation @ Mrs Rashmi Rastogi

Cover page @ Tushar Vaghela, Filmmaker

ISBN 978-93-84976-09-5
Copyright @ Author Dr Ujjwal Patni

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into
retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the author & the publisher. Any
person who does any unauthorized action in relation to this publication may be liable to face criminal
prosecution & civil claims for damages.


This book is dedicated in memoriam to

My Grandfather, Father & Mother

I promise that with your divine blessings, I will add value to this world & meaning to
my existence.


As a motivational trainer & networking specialist, I interacted with many directors and top
leaders of leading network marketing companies. More than 1 million networkers participated in my
seminars. After working hard for years, I could understand, why one person succeeds in this system
and why another fails? Why one company survives and reaches the top while an other company has to
shut doors?
Now I am confident that this is not an easy earning system, neither a shortcut to attain wealth.
This system demands hard work and devotion. I personally believe that its a great business
opportunity and will hold a major share in global business in years to come.
In the last few years, the scenario of the mlm industry has suddenly changed. Lot of companies
entered into the Indian market. Few of them survived, but most of them vanished. The companies that
survived, are now doing extraordinary business in India. Most of them rate India as the biggest global
market in coming years.
Many companies in states like Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, MP and Rajasthan closed their
shops after looting billions of hard earned money of their associates. Most of these companies lacked
quality products and education system. They just lured the people by promising them huge returns. I
have no doubt that such companies did serious fraud.
But, with due sympathy, I personally feel that people who invested and lost their money, were
also at fault. Any person with commonsense can easily understand that it is not possible for any
company to give such unrealistic returns. Still they invested because greed attracted them.
Most of these companies do not exist now. Many premises had been raided, bank accounts were
sealed and directors were put behind bars. That was a dark period, but there is a silver lining in it
also. The agitations sensitized Government about this business. People became more aware to
distinguish right from wrong. The Government in all seriousness made committees to formulate rules.
Now the opportunity is bigger and better than, it ever was, in India. Some old companies have
introduced better and ethical systems due to fear of Government action. New companies are trying to
be ethical in accordance with government rules.
Now the belief is coming back. Millions of networkers, who believe in networking, who love
the lifestyle and freedom of networking, but were depressed, are again ready to fire. This experienced
mass will join the existing companies to create a revolution.
This book throws light on why to join MLM and how to succeed in India. The special section on
why India is best for MLM, is unique. The laws on how to communicate with your team and handle
your down line will give you new insights.
People often join fraud companies and spoil their future. I have added an alarming section which
highlights the differences between right and wrong company. I have included multiple network
warnings in between the chapters as an impartial advice. I sincerely wish that every networker must
understand the merits and demerits of this business system. This book provides all the India centric
answers on network marketing.
The Chairman of a top MLM company rates this book as a Gold standard book for Networkers,
Some top networkers rate this as the most fair and impartial book ever written. I am sure that the
networkers will be benefitted largely through this book. The book will reveal the Indian mind set and
techniques to deal with them. This is your own book in your own words. I am thankful to all those
people who helped me in writing this book knowingly and unknowingly.

Go Diamond and stay Diamond.

Dahi Loot

The concept of networking is more than 1000 years old, from Haandi-Fod to multi-level marketing

Dr Ujjwal is an international trainer, best selling author and motivational speaker.

He is the proud achiever of three Guinness world records.
He has been included in the prestigious Top 10 Global Indian Thinkers List of 2014.
He is an author of 6 books that are published in 12 languages and read in more than 18 countries.
He has conducted more than 1500 seminars in 100 plus cities with around one million
He is the proud recipient of 15 prestigious awards including Kamal Patra, Pundit Sunderlal
Sharma literature award, best corporate trainer of India & many more.
Lakhs of people start their Saturday morning with his free motivational program The Ujjwal
Patni show. These talks are available on his mobile app available as Ujjwal Patni.
He has been featured in most of the leading newspapers, and TV channels for his personal and
team achievements.
Turnover of Direct selling industry
2010- 11: 5229 CRORE
2011- 12: 6385 CRORE
2012- 13: 7164 CRORE
Source - Indian Direct selling Association Annual survey report, 2012-13


There is no business that would be suitable for everybody on this earth. Every business has its
own set of challenges and opportunities. Even individuals have their own choices. Some hate field
work whereas some love it, some hate a desk ridden job whereas some like the comfort, some like a
fixed time job whereas some like a flexible job, some hate meeting people where as some love it, and
the list goes on. Just because someone doesnt find a particular career engaging, that doesnt mean
that the career is bad.
The same applies to the segment of Network marketing. You might love or hate it, thats a
personal choice, but that doesnt make the whole business unworthy. The important question is the
cost of opportunity. Are you resourceful enough to put in the required cost, infrastructure and risk to
start a career that might give you a great return? If you are, please dont opt for network marketing.
In case, you are not resourceful enough, your risk taking capacity is less, or you have lots of
responsibilities then what will you do? Are you willing to kill your dreams or would love to take a
little pain for your loved ones? This is a burning question which requires serious introspection.
This is an undisputed fact that network marketing/direct selling/MLM is a low cost opportunity.
This is well documented that many people have achieved high end luxuries, enviable lifestyle and
recognition through this system.
The possibility of becoming something at a negligible cost and risk is worth considering. This
possibility may come with little pain, rejection and hard work, but if you love the rewards, then other
things dont matter. Choice is yours.


Network Marketing is not a novel idea; man has been inadvertently practicing it for ages.
Most of us habitually praise and recommend a good movie, a good tailor or a good doctor to
others. We tend to share with others, the good and bad qualities of almost every consumer product
and service that we happen to use. By this word of mouth publicity, we create an impact on the sales
of these items, but without any benefit to us in return. Yet, we continue to practice this through our
entire life.
Now here is a business model, where you are compensated for your direct or indirect
recommendations. In this method, if a product sells by your recommendation or you are able to
influence people to connect to a particular business, you receive certain remuneration. If you work
diligently and persistently towards promoting a product or a business model with a proper plan,
chances are that you will certainly be benefitted with a good income. In long term, you may achieve
more than that you make through your primary profession.
You have to continue the same old job of recommending things in a more structured and planned
way and you get a new remuneration by developing lucrative business overtime.
If you are over-intelligent and are discovering your own ways,
If you are ignoring and neglecting the instructions of up lines,
If you are not following the system,
Then you can achieve short-term success But you cannot maintain that for long.
Try to find, what is hidden in this Image.
Think from different perspectives. Develop your lateral thinking ability.

Send your answers on my

Facebook page : Ujjwal Patni


The last 20 years have brought about a sea-change in the economy of several nations and the
livelihood of people. Technological innovations and the spread of multinationals across the globe has
revolutionized the way business is being conducted. The advent of high speed communication
networks in the form of mobile phones and the internet has seamlessly merged countries and
continents to provide a universal level playing arena for business and commerce.
This amazing transformation has undoubtedly brought about its own set of advantages and
disadvantages for the different types of business. Infusion of technology in India initially resulted in
several lakhs of people losing their jobs in labor intensive industries. The closure of several age-old
textile mills in the last few decades remains a classic example. The arrival of several multi-national
giants like Pepsi and Coca Cola in the cold-drinks segment, two and four wheeler manufacturers in
the automotive segment, forced many Indian companies either to close down or to merge with them.
The introduction of an ordinary software Tally caused untimely retirement of our traditional
accountants munshis in many Indian organizations. Similarly, mobile phones led to shutting down of
thousands of STD/ISD telephone booths across the country.
In todays scenario of rapid technological development, it is not certain that our existing
business which has been set up with heavy investments will continue to generate returns in future
also, unless the business transformation is driven in synchronization with the technology changes
around. Every other day we hear of the advent of a new technology that brings about the demise of an
old technology, putting the multitude of people involved into problems of making a livelihood.
Often, a slight change in government policy can render millions of people unemployed,
shattering their dreams of marrying their daughters, or providing higher education for their children,
or owning a house and living a life of comfort.
Even if you are gainfully employed by the government or a private organization, threat of
retirement shall always keep dangling like a sword over your head. Most industries have excess work
force, or, new business methods are making people redundant. To survive in a fiercely competitive
environment, these industries are left with little option but to lay-off excess workers, or induce them
to take up voluntary retirement.
Just introspect, does the existing business provide income adequate to take care of your present
and future needs? Does it leave enough cash surplus to provide for a rainy day?
It is unlikely that with the current inflation, and uncertain bank interest rates, one would be able
to avoid erosion of his savings. On the contrary, I fear that someday we may be required to pay a fee
to our bank for being the custodian of our deposits.
You should indeed consider yourself very lucky, if, despite the ever increasing competition and
decreasing margins in every sphere of commerce and industry, your business remains secure, is able
to generate revenues, and allows you time to share with your family and friends.
My dear friend, if there is any element of insecurity, if you are skeptical about the future, if you
are worried about fulfilling your dreams for your family, then you have an opportunity to get
connected to Network Marketing. Unlike any other business venture, network marketing does not
require capital, machinery, and staff in its implementation. It only calls for your long term
commitment, efforts and perseverance.
I feel proud that Direct Selling Industry has reached a turnover of Rs 6,385 crore in 2011-12.
Industry is estimated to scale up to Rs 10,844 Crore by 2015 and hopefully reaching to Rs 34,000
crore by 2020.

Chavi Hemanth, Secretary, IDSA



Our forefathers instilled in us the importance of hard work. We were taught that only hard work
can fetch us success. This perhaps may have been true in earlier days, but is not valid in the present
times. These are days of working smarter.
In a large number of occupations, hard work alone is barely able to make people earn enough for
a living and to fulfill the basic needs of their family. On the other hand, there are people who are able
to make a handsome earning from an average job, without much effort. Very often, an extremely
efficient and diligent employee is denied a raise, while his not-so-efficient boss earns a promotion as
well as a bonus.
In a team work, the responsibility of a task is dispersed among the various members of the team
but few people are sincere in their work. The rest shirk away from their responsibilities and ride
piggy-back on the path to success. When success does come, it is shared by the entire team. This
becomes quite demeaning and frustrating for the few sincere and diligent people of the team.
The bitter but well known truth is, in the government and semi-government organizations,
promotions are not merit based. There is no system of evaluating either your work, or worth. There
are no rewards for sincerity and dedication. This is mortifying for an individuals zest for work, for
his loyalty to his organization, and results in gradual degeneration of their spirit to endeavor and make
a positive contribution.
Amidst this bleak and stressful scenario, the concept of network marketing comes in as a wisp of
fresh air. It rewards you amply for your efforts, trust and sincerity. You alone get full credit for your
work, because here you are your own boss. You can surpass the earnings of your seniors by proving
your talent. Network marketing is a business which rewards you for every bit of hard work.
Nobody can foretell how, when, and where a person may get connected to you and lend a new
dimension to your business. The basic criterion is that you should work with dedication and work
methodically. This done, no one can deny you success.
This business platform assesses you on a daily basis. As soon as you add a new person to your
network, your share of commission is credited to your account. As soon as you sell a product, your
share is determined and put into your account. The results are spontaneous.
A researcher, who is presently a known networker, related his story to me. He spent 14 years
researching in a government laboratory, during which period he conducted valuable research work
conforming to highest international standards. But unfortunately, his senior deprived him of all the
credit that was due to him. Consequently, he became very frustrated, and began sulking from his work.
Then a friend of his introduced him to the prospects of Network marketing not only to draw him
out of his cocoon, but to also help him supplement his income. He was assured that in this venture, he
will be rewarded for his labor and not deprived of his share of credit. The scientist decided to
connect with this business opportunity that had come his way, and made an example of his success
Friends, if you are looking for sure rewards for your hard work and talent, then Networking is a
good opportunity for you because no Tom, Dick or Harry can snatch your credit.


By Capital, I am not imputing this word only for the monetary investment, but also for the
precious time and intense labor that goes into establishing any business.
Today, one requires substantial capital to start even a small business. Setting up a business may
involve organizing an office, a warehouse, legal registrations, communication facilities, manpower,
electric supply, publicity and advertisements, and various other expenses. Not every person is
capable of investing so much, and this lack of adequate capital can shatter entrepreneurial aspirations
of people. Despite this, any enterprise or venture is not guaranteed of financial success. There are
risks of incurring a loss due to multiple factors.
What if you dont have the required capital to arrange all of the above prerequisites? What if you
dont have the daring or resources to start a good business? What if you are restricted due to
responsibilities, qualities or any other factor? What if one downtrend or policy change ruins you of
your hard earned money?
Dont lose heart because you have an option with minimum capital. I have closely scrutinized the
business models of many leading networking companies and find that they offer unlimited
opportunities at a minimal investment. One can get connected to these companies with a tiny capital
ranging from Rs 200 to 40,000. Moreover, many of these networking companies return a major part of
your investment, by way of offering you their products and training material.
I have also had a chance of interacting with leading networkers who earn lakhs, on an investment
of less than Rupees 15,000/-. No normal business can ever offer you unlimited profit on such meager
investment. Since networking requires small investment, it demands more determination and sincerity.
Instead of money, this business method demands an investment of your total personality, your qualities
and all those virtues which God has bestowed upon you. Once you click, you have the key to infinite
gains and opportunity to rewrite your destiny.


Networking is not just another method of doing business, but a new way to live life. Let me
elaborate on this.
We maintain strong family relations and traditions. We share moments of joy & sorrow with our
family members. We spend plenty of time throughout the year celebrating myriad of festivals and
family functions. But the changing life style in modern times has reduced the healthy effect of our
customs. These customs and traditions that fostered bonds are slowly fading away. The most
important factor influencing this change is lack of time.
A mechanical life style, a highly competitive environment, has changed our way of living and
approach to life. Parents today do not find enough time to devote to their growing children. The youth
are so busy in careers that finding time for their aging parents has become difficult. It may not be that
we all have become self-centered, but the pressure on us to excel, perform and survive in a fiercely
competitive world puts extreme demands on our time and finally takes a toll of our responsibility
towards our family.
To think of it, we will either end up living a mechanical life, or continue to live expecting a
divine intervention that will throw in a bit of extra time for us to truly enjoy. With such paucity of
time, it can be least expected from us as parents, that we shall be able to instill good values in our
children, or nurture their tender minds for a positive attitude in their own life.
Many affluent and highly educated people have lacked enjoyment, have not been able to live life
to its fullest, despite their abundant wealth. They remain stressed, their families are breaking apart,
and they themselves suffer from life-style related physical and mental disorders. Their sole excuse is
Dont have time
I consider network marketing as a new style to live life because it transforms you into a human
being, from a machine by giving you ample extra time. You assign to yourself the liberty to live life.
You use your time according to your own wishes, which to my mind is the greatest freedom in this
In networking, you decide when and how much to work. It is entirely your prerogative to decide
how many people you wish to meet, where to meet, and when to meet, from the break of day until
night. There is no need to work for the full month. You may achieve your monthly targets within a
week, by enthusiastically connecting to as many new people as you can. You are then free to spend
the remaining three weeks as you wish. You can determine your own life style.
Most of us envy this freedom of time. Before I opted for the career of a motivational speaker and
author, I used to work as successful dentist where I had to devote fixed hours to my patients at the
clinic. Even a days holiday has to be planned at least a fortnight ahead so as not to disturb the
treatment schedules of my patients. I was often hard pressed for time to attend family functions and
celebrate festivals. So I attach very much importance to freedom of time. There are millions of people
who struggle to snatch extra bits of time from their daily routine.
In contrast, a networker is able to plan his work hours himself. Most professionals, be they
doctors, lawyers, or teachers, all earn commensurate to the hours of work they put. A networker
works only for a few hours during which he connects other people to himself. Later, when these other
people work, a part of their earning is added to the income of networker, and so the cycle continues.
The simple theory is, either you work alone for hundred hours, or alternatively, create a team of
hundred people who work an hour for you.
If you find your job boring with mundane routine, and wish to find time to fulfill your desires and
hobbies, and share maximum time with your family, then network marketing can be a good alternative
to your present occupation.


Generally, operations of any business and commercial entity are specific to a defined
geographical territory. For example, if you are a dealer or distributer of Hero MotoCorp at Nagpur,
you may not be permitted to promote this business at Amravati. Again, if you are a dealer for
Hindustan Lever at Delhi, you cannot sell the products in Chandigarh. These restrictions are partly in
compliance with the rules and regulations of the local tax authorities with whom your business may
be registered, and are partly due to the rules and codes of conduct established by your parent
On the other hand network marketing allows you total freedom of territory. You can interact with
the entire population of the country and make them to join your network without any binding of rules
and regulations. You may utilize or build your contacts as and when you choose to, anywhere in the
country, and entirely to your benefit.
In network marketing, you will never feel short of customers for your products. You can encash
your potential, capabilities, and contacts, to fetch you a good income.
You can explore new territories - places and states, where your friends have not yet reached.
Using your leadership qualities, marketing knack, you can pick up adequate business there.
In this business, sky is the limit and you are a free bird. You can fly wherever you wish, and as
far as you desire, and set up your business wherever you feel comfortable.


Ask any one of the leaders who have reached the summit of their career in network marketing, as
to what inspired them to get connected to this novel business practice, and the answer will surely be
to cherish the unforgettable moments of glory and honor bestowed upon them.
Once, while waiting to board a flight from Kolkata, I saw a huge crowd of more than 500 people
at the airport waiting to receive somebody. The first thought that crossed my mind was that this
assemblage must be for some politician arriving, but a look at the nature of crowd was telling me a
different story. People were formally dressed and appeared to be professionals.
After the flight landed, an ordinary looking young man in his early thirties emerged in the lounge
and was soon welcomed by the congregation. People sprinkled rose petals on him and garlanded him
till his face was no longer visible. Outside the airport, there was a band and fireworks to greet him. It
was indeed a royal welcome in total grandeur, which I had only read of until then, and I was
flabbergasted. On enquiries, I was informed that the gentleman was at a diamond position in a
networking business. The crowd was his down line, which was in total awe of the success of their
I happened to witness a similar scene at Chennai railway station some time later. Hundreds of
young men and women stood at the platform to welcome a lady. A band had been organized and it
began to play as she alighted from the train. She was given a traditional Indian welcome, her forehead
anointed with tilak and aarti performed, besides the profuse garlanding. This lady too was at the
emerald position in a network marketing company.
These two incidents convinced me that even politicians, after spending enormous amounts to
tempt and lure crowds, are no match for network marketing business leaders who command a
spontaneous following on the strength of their achievements that benefit all those connected together.
This is a business in which the upline as well as the downline, both are winners. The upline
helps downline by going jointly to meetings, making business presentations, and training new people.
This cohesive and concerted effort enables the victory of the whole team. This is surely a win-win
business. The person you add to your group becomes indebted to you for offering him an amazing
business opportunity and you both develop a strong relationship to last a lifetime. The mutual feelings
of respect, dedication, and desire to succeed are innate and spontaneous.
Very often, network companies invite me to speak in their programs. I have felt the tremendous
enthusiasm that pervades during these functions. Thousands of people applaud the achievement of
others and give them a standing ovation. The leaders and promoters are physically lifted up and
carried to the stage. Such adulation is envy even for leaders of big corporate houses.
Many ordinary people are inspired by these real-life moments of hope, enthusiasm and
accolades, and put in greater efforts to reach pinnacles in their career. When you watch ordinary
people attain extraordinary success, all thoughts of failure, pessimism, adversity, and inferiority
automatically start fading. If you similarly desire to be honored like the top rung performer, gain
recognition, and be applauded by hundreds and thousands of people, then you must strive to join a
network marketing company and achieve success.
However, the fruits of success are not attained so easily. One is required to put in serious and
great efforts to connect to a large number of people, and to selflessly assist them in developing their
business. It is only then that they scale such heights of performance and achievement, and become
worthy of the respect and adulation, that I happened to witness. This process begins right at the point
when you have to choose between carrying on with an ordinary mundane life or a life with luxuries
and honour.
Network marketing companies do not pay you from their pocket. It is hardcore business and not a
charity. They earn from you and return a part to you. Its not a free money.


It gives immense pleasure to be called the chief executive of an independent enterprise, to be in

total and singular command of the business. You are then not under any compulsion to report daily
and reach office on time. You are not burdened by maze of files and chain of orders, or face the
pressure of extra work.
And there is no job that will guarantee that you will reach the top notch position of a CEO of a
company even after slogging there for 20-30 years.
On the other hand if you wish, you can become the CEO in the very next moment. All you have to
do is to get connected to network marketing, and start shaping your own destiny. You have to take
your own decisions, carve your own plans for growth and decide on your own targets to be achieved.
All of this in a time frame of your own choice.
There is no age limit, no threat of retirement, and you can be the CEO of your own business,
irrespective of your age. So, would you like to become a CEO?


Once, I asked a networker, who had very recently joined a popular network marketing
organization, the reason for his joining this business of networking. His candid answer astonished me.
He told me that he had a very lowly job that earned a salary of Rs. 10000, but he always aspired to be
a part of professional and social circles.
He went on to tell me that he made a small investment to get connected to the network marketing
company, which gave him immense opportunity to get connected to the elite gentry, and break the
barriers of class distinction. Today, he could shake hands, hold meetings with the well-heeled; they
acknowledged his greeting in public places and exchanged conversations.
He further admitted that now his colleagues are surprised to see his vast and ever growing
connections with many people. These contacts have brought about a positive transformation in his
own personality, and his gradually rising status amongst his friends, family and workplace. And all
this that he could achieve in the last 2 years, would have been an impossible dream to fulfill even in a
lifetime, were it not for his foray into network marketing.
I fully agreed with his views. If I decided to connect with and build relations with 1000
respectable people in society, I am sure, it would take me at least two years to do so, but networking
can make this possible in a matter of few days.
Working together cohesively makes these bonds stronger with time. People connected with
others help them in times of need, share each others joys and sorrows, and solve lifes problems
together. Would you not like to become a part of this gold mine of relations?
Do not be attracted towards this business just because it does not demand large investment and easy
Here, the investment is of your dreams, time and courage to hear a NO and that is the biggest


One of my friends, a dentist, was genuinely apprehensive that if due to any unforeseen reason, he
was unable to attend clinic, lose out on his ability to work, how would he be able to shoulder the
responsibility of his family.
I, ever curious to get to the root of his rather grim apprehension, asked him the reason for his
negative thought. He queried in utter seriousness, whether it was possible for him to continue with his
profession of dentistry, if he were to lose his right thumb. It immediately dawned upon me that it was
not possible to hold the various instruments, without the gripping support of a thumb.
He added, if he happened to permanently injure just his right thumb, this singular event could
suddenly endanger his career and could possibly change the course of his life and that of his family.
Though a bit upset with my friends pessimism, on serious thought, I was taken aback by his
compelling argument. A surgeons thumb, a bowlers shoulder, the fingers of an instrumentalist is
most precious for their respective career. One small injury and everything is gone.
But, in network marketing, a thumb, shoulder or fingers cannot ruin your career. Your income
will continue. For a networker, his hard work of past and today will enable him to enjoy the fruit of
his labor throughout his life. His income will continue in the form of royalty.
Thus this great business of network marketing offers you an income, even without active work.


Often, it is late in life that we realize only to repent, that we wasted our youth whereas we
should have made serious efforts to study. Most of us were not gifted enough by Gods kindness to be
able to pursue higher studies due to more pressing responsibilities of family or some other extraneous
circumstances. An average education does not provide us with opportunities to hold good jobs. Some,
who are lucky to have family business, get absorbed there. Many of us, may have the drive and
determination, but may not be resourceful to start our own business.
For such people, network marketing comes as a golden ray of hope. It does not lay down any
pre-conditions of educational qualifications, and experience. One is required to have only the desire,
and drive to achieve ones dreams. Dedication, efforts, perseverance, will do the rest to navigate and
raise ones status in the business of network marketing.
Network Marketing is perhaps the only profession where a doctor, a chartered accountant, a
manager, or a fruit vendor, all get the same respect. In this business, people are not differentiated at
any stage on the basis of their education. It is subsequently their differentiating performance on the
basis of which they will acquire a differential status and recognition.
In my view a formal education alone does not guarantee success. Henry Ford, Soishiro Honda,
Dhirubhai Ambani are examples of lesser qualified people who have built huge business empires on
the strength of their wisdom and ability to convert opportunities to their advantage.
This does not however, imply that education can be done away with, or that education is of little
value. Education is indeed important in this competitive age. I only wish to bolster the spirits of
people who for some reason, were deprived of the advantage of a good formal education. It is to tell
them that it is not the end of the world for them.
Another significant aspect is that education by itself does not guarantee success. Consider an
example of two doctors, equally qualified. But, one has a queue outside his clinic, while the other is
mostly idle. Similarly, compare two teachers, both equally qualified, and teaching the same subject.
One becomes popular with large student following, while the other stands looking at empty benches.
Above examples only go to illustrate that apart from good formal education, certain additional
qualities are required in ones personality to succeed. So, lack of education need not disappoint one.
No educational certificates, degrees or diplomas are required here, just a strong dream will
compensate for all the shortcomings. God has bestowed upon each individual several traits and
qualities, which make him or her, stand out. One has only to recognize ones talents and develop them
It is well said that there are two types of people, those who build their own dreams and those
who build someone elses dream, who are you ?


While browsing through advertisements for employment and jobs, I feel very uncomfortable
when I read that employers have laid down conditions of an upper and lower age limit. Even
government and several private organizations have a pre-decided age for retirement. No sooner that
an employee approaches the age of retirement, he automatically begins to feel old and unwanted, even
if he is physically and mentally fit.
Competitive examinations also follow the same pattern, such that intelligent people who may be
under-age, and likewise an active and healthy person who is over-age, are denied participation in
these exams. But when I read the several autobiographies of leaders, industrialists, performers, to me
they reveal a very different story.

Ronald Reagan became the president at the age of 70.

Walt Disney created Disneyland when he was 54.
Karl Marx wrote Das Kapital at the age of 54.
Ray Crock established McDonald at the age of 54.
Mary K Ash began MLM company at the age of 52.

If age never stood in the way of these illustrious people who reached the pinnacle of their
achievements at a late age, I wonder how did this detrimental word like retirement come into
Friends, network marketing or multi-level marketing has created a revolution in this era. It offers
tremendous opportunities to all, irrespective of whether one is young or old. No one can be declared
unfit, or asked to retire. This business only demands a passion to rise from an average to an
extraordinary level.


Reservations are paralyzing the country. Reservations in school admissions, in higher studies,
and in jobs that too on the basis of caste and creed is very painful. Personally, I feel that reservations
should be the privilege of only the poor and needy, the deprived strata of the society who cannot
If we are keen to bring the backward classes into the main stream, the country has a
responsibility to impart quality education, free of cost, in a congenial environment, but not by
lowering educational standards.
Having reservations for obtaining a job is absolutely ridiculous. Once a level playing field is
created for all sections of the society, then employment and promotions should be performance based.
At least, in network marketing there is no such reservation. Every individual is welcome to
enroll in this business practice; every person enjoys an equal right to prosperity and success, and to
enjoy the result of hard work. There is no differentiation between castes or the rich and poor.
To witness an India of your dreams- without any caste differentiation and free of ill feelings, you
must participate in a seminar conducted by some good network marketing company.


Some days ago, I was having a meeting with two gentlemen, both of whom held senior positions
in a large network-marketing company. One of the two gentlemen remarked that the horoscope of
networkers is never bad. Astonished, I asked why was it so? In reply, I was told that even if an
individuals horoscope predicted tough times for him, there would be other people down the network
with a healthy and favorable horoscope. Since it is a team business, horoscope of one individual
never affects the whole scenario.
This was an ordinary, yet a very significant revelation. In India particularly, many people have
innate faith in astrology and horoscope, and abide by astrological advice. For all such people,
business based on network or multi-level marketing becomes a good idea, where an individuals
fortunes are based on the performance of large number of downstream members, besides his own.
There are ancient and strong Hindu beliefs tied to the notion of conducting business. Days like
Amavasya & Pitra-paksha are considered ominous for business. Refraining from business during
these periods will obviously fetch no income. However, network-marketing is immune to such
beliefs, as even on these days, someone or the other, of different faith and ideology, will be working
to keep the business in motion, and ensuring a continuous flow of income.
Instead of performing an expensive Yagya or wearing precious stones to overcome adversities,
better would be to join network marketing, and connect to people with a brighter and positive
horoscope, to reduce the ill effects, if any, of your horoscope.


An ocean takes in water without any discrimination, from thousands of rivers, irrespective of
whether the water is sweet, or salty, clean or dirty. The sunlight reaches and brightens all alike, the
rich and the poor, the towns and the villages. Likewise, network-marketing offers equal opportunity to
all people across the spectrum, to get connected. There is no discrimination between the rich and the
poor, the educated and uneducated, dark and fair, short or tall, etc.
In most business, attractively dressed beautiful ladies are preferred for the reception and smartly
dressed sales-persons for marketing of products. The external appearance is gaining more importance
day by day. A person, who lisps and stammers, will never be placed in a public department.
But in network-marketing, no such limitations or restrictions exist. Irrespective of your physical
appearance, qualifications, or disqualifications, you can enter in this business.
All decisions are ones own, and the individual can script his or her success story, at any place,
and at any time. There is no other business to my knowledge which will permit a plethora of
opportunities, without setting down a rigid framework of rules and regulations.
But, each one will have to work hard to achieve success. One shall have to get accustomed to
hearing a No.


If I were to list the three most significant benefits of network-marketing, helping others would
be certainly one of them. Let us understand how we can transform our own lives to become a medium
to provide succor to others.
If you own a business or you are a professional, and you have a desire to help others, what is
that you will do? You may perhaps help the people either in cash or kind, but only up to a certain
limit. You will certainly not extend the help to the extent of damaging your own interests.
But, on the other hand, if you are part of network marketing, your actions can alter the lives of
thousands of people. The beauty is that when you help others, you help your own business.
You have an opportunity to be able to motivate even the most hopeless and despairing people,
and fill them with zeal and enthusiasm, rekindling a desire in them to get on with their life. Network
marketing is an amazing business, wherein all your efforts and attempts to make others successful
eventually determine your own success.
Cut-throat competition is a characteristic of all types of business; but network marketing is
unique, wherein every person tries to ensure success of his peers, because finally the victory or
success of one implies the success of entire team.
Friends, there cannot be a better way to help script a bright future for others around you. You can
ignite hope in the most pessimistic and forlorn souls, by introducing to them an opportunity to change
their conditions of despair and destitution, and showing them a path of success and self-sufficiency.
These people shall remain ever indebted to you.
If you really wish to help others and allow them moments of joy, then introduce them to network
marketing. Go ahead and explain to them in details about Network Marketing, and assist them to get
connected to an MLM company. Influence them to work with full vigor and enthusiasm.


Friends, I have addressed lakhs of networkers till date. In this process, I got opportunity to
understand the working of network marketing. I closely analyzed their business strategies, the methods
deployed to maintain an active distribution chain, and their training practices. It is now my firm belief
that organizations with a vigorous support system, structured practice of training their distributors
with seminars, books and Cds will be more sustainable in their business mission. Companies which
are solely selling oriented and ignore educating their people, have a greater threat of failure.
By systematic training methods and immense opportunities, network marketing companies play
an important role in developing confident individual personalities. I have known people who once
suffered from stage fright, who lacked self-confidence, suffered from inferiority complex, and feared
talking to strangers, are willing to strike a conversation with anyone, anywhere, anytime.
After attending few educational seminars on network marketing, even the negative and
pessimistic people change their perspective and outlook towards life. All this happens without their
even realizing the change. Today, these people are very different in their approach and behavior, and
very popular.
I have often encountered people, totally shattered and disgusted with life who had suffered
enough and had lost hope beyond the point of redemption but these training sessions transformed their
life. It inculcated in them a desire, not only to live, but to win. They saw a ray of hope which guided
them to take their life forward. Instead of fearing difficulties, they began to overpower all adversities
and win over them.
These extraordinary qualities did not get instilled overnight by some personality development
course. The change was the outcome of training programs of network-marketing organizations. These
training sessions lift the person out from a morass of negativity into a world of immense possibilities
and positivity.
Even though you may not want to become a distributor, or advisor, for a network company, but I
would still advise you to participate in seminars to acquire a confident personality.
By this, you will have a better image in your family and society. People will look forward to
your companionship. This personality development component is one of the most vital elements of
this business model.
Overconfidence, self-complacency and arrogance must be strictly avoided in this business.
It is proved that failure rate of over smart people is high in network marketing.


Most businesses and work schedules in this highly competitive world make a person hard
pressed for time, leaving him very little to even dream and aspire for better prospects.
At a seminar, a clerk working in the government education department, shared his thoughts about
what he believed was a grim future for himself. He was 41 years of age. He had assessed his meager
savings, evaluated his current status and the best he would be able to climb-up in his job. He knew
the salary, benefits and gratuity he would be bestowed with on his retirement, and also the ever-
increasing daily expenses.
He had now reasons to be deeply concerned about the difficult prospects of his being able to
fulfill his long cherished desire of providing good higher education to his two children, their
marriage, and a dream of owning his own house.
This person had been closely observing the life style of his peers and senior colleagues who
were on the verge of retirement. He felt convinced that his job alone would never allow him a future
as he had desired. His conviction to do something more to augment his income became stronger by the
day, till he finally joined a network marketing company, on the suggestion of a friend.
Today, when he watches his leaders and other senior colleagues in the company flourishing and
prospering, it instills in him a desire to strive, to do better, to succeed, and live life to its fullest. He
is now close to fulfilling his lifes aspirations, and sees his dreams nurturing.
There was truth in what he said. During the workshops I ask the participants to share their
dreams. Their dreams strengthen my belief that Network marketing permits the freedom to think big
and to achieve them.


Assuming that you are hesitant to link to a network marketing business, you are shy to tell the
people about your business, or you do not crave to supplement your income, even then you have
reasons to connect to this business practice.
You would certainly be purchasing items of daily need for your home and the family, for use in
your office, or in your business. When you buy these goods at market price, a major part of the profit
is shared between the C & F, local distributor and finally the retailer.
But when you get connected to a consumer product or services Network Company, these
channels get eliminated. You will avail of substantial discounts on the purchase of these products.
The discounts become your remuneration, as indeed money saved is money earned. Your earnings are
commensurate with the volumes you purchase and use. Most important, you do not have to buy extra
products, but only according to your daily requirements.
A friend of mine is linked to a network company in the garment trade. He sources all his
requirements of his family, friends and relatives from this company. Not only has he the satisfaction
of good and consistent quality, but he also makes a substantial saving by way of discounts allowed on
the purchases, which become his disposable income.
Another person I know is connected to an insurance product marketing company. He has availed
several insurance policies for himself, his family and friends from this company. As no agents are
involved, he and his kinfolk enjoy the benefit of much lesser premiums and also earn the hefty
commission on them.
A simple and very good reason to get connected to a network company is that you can make your
necessary purchases and shop without incurring any additional expenditure, and also earn in return.
It is said that Buy what you buy ordinarily, use what you use ordinarily, and earn what you
never earned for the same.


Black money and white money are common terms in the financial sector. People accumulate
wealth through various means, legal and illegal, and the fear of income-tax haunts them. In spite of
earning well, we fear flaunting wealth because our credit cards, telephone bills are all scrutinized by
the income-tax department.
Network marketing offers a respite here. Frankly speaking, network marketers are the true
patriots of the country because they file returns with full honesty. They receive their commissions
through cheque or bank transfer with a TDS deduction. These earnings are 100% white money and
they can spend it as per their wish. A person belonging to this group does not need to give bribes or
buy property in false names.
Besides acquiring wealth to move up in society, this aspect of networking business will attract
many people, because everybody wants to live a life free from hassles of law and court. I personally
take it as a serice to the nation because very less number of business follow honest practice.
Legendary investor Warren Buffet and Richard Branson, Founder of Virgin airlines have many
things in common.
They are world famous, they are super rich and they both started Network Marketing companies.

I read my affirmations daily

I am healthy and very fit
I love people and people love me
I work hard and I am very close to my goals
I am highly respected in family and society
Gods blessings are always with me
I enjoy life to the fullest
I am a winner and a true achiever


Network marketing in true sense is a peoples business. The larger the number of people that get
attracted to it and join it, greater would be the chances of success for this business.
India and China being the most populous countries in the world, therefore, provide the best
opportunity for growth of MLM. But in China, these companies cannot function so liberally, due to
strict government policies. Thus, India becomes the most conducive region, globally, for success of
MLM organizations.
The one hundred and forty crore people in India outnumber the combined population of many
countries. This makes India the best option for establishing a MLM company. Smaller populations of
most countries mean lesser opportunities for growth of this business. The high density of population
in India, directly makes it easy to access people and reduces the business development expense.
Contrast this with countries with sparse inhabitation and people living at distances. Here, it will
require greater time, effort and expense for this business to propagate.


The vast majority of the Indian population is needy with low income, but large aspirations. They
all dream to do big in life. Most Indians belong to the lower and middle income group with an innate
desire to rise higher.
It has been generally observed that people belonging to the higher strata of society habituated to
a life of comfort and luxury, have been less successful in Network Marketing. This leads us to believe
that people with some form of deprivations, coupled with an in-born desire to excel and large dreams
to be realized, will become a successful networker.
A grand house, a luxurious car, a foreign trip, an expensive mobile phone, a modern laptop are
common dreams visualized by most people. Every person desires to give his children a good
education and his aging parents a life of comfort. Network Marketing provides the revolutionary
medium to realize these aspirations.
Even a small business start-up requires skill, investment, work space, infrastructure, work
experience, government permission, etc., which every person is not capable of organizing and
handling. Network marketing offers such needy people the facility to start business immediately
without much investment and hassles.
Our huge needy population out-numbers even China and this becomes a virtue for MLM
organizations to set up base here.


India not only has the largest population, just next to China, but also the largest population of
youth in the world.
While MLM is suited to, and preferred by, people of all ages, it is seen that a large number of
youth get attracted to it, and are actively involved in this business. The youth strive for attractive
career options, and they also have many factors to their advantage.
The young are physically fit, energetic, brimming with enthusiasm, and can easily commute from
one place to the other. They are able to grasp new things easily. They are willing to put in hard work,
while wanting quick results. They have high aspirations, but unlike the preceding generation, they
cannot wait to realize them till they are old. Above all, they do not have to shoulder too many family
responsibilities, which allow them to focus on their business.
The youth of today can easily connect to a large number of people through mobile phones and
internet with which they are very familiar. From my experience, I can say with conviction, that if a
youth of 20 years of age makes a successful career in network marketing, he would have earned so
much that by the time he is 30 years old, he will not need to earn for the rest of his life.
No wonder that the large population of youth in India makes it the most favorable country in the
world for network marketing.


India is a country that has preserved its traditions as much as family bonds. Hundreds and
thousands of relatives, friends and well-wishers assemble at each ceremony, be it child birth, mundan
(head shaving ceremony), marriage, or even a death. When so many people meet at one place, they
spend time together and various issues are discussed. A networker can utilize such congregations and
meetings to his benefit.
In the terminology of network marketing, this is called a close circle. In MlM, a networker
always begins by signing his relatives and friends first. India is different from western countries,
when it comes to maintaining large number of relationships.
When MLM companies can prosper in western countries which lack the culture of good family
bonding, then India which has a strong social network can surely bring about a revolution in this
India is known to celebrate large number of festivals & cultural functions in the world. Along
with celebration, festivals call for meeting people and sharing sentiments.



Network Marketing is a business based on meeting people, so the more people that you meet; the
more will be your prospect list.
In India, one does not have to find reasons to meet each other. Meeting people and getting
involved in others life, makes this business model most viable for India. A large population, and
above all celebrating festivals after every few days, meeting and spending time with people, coming
closer to each other, meeting more new people, this sequence itself solves most of the initial
problems of network marketing.
While other businesses regularly crib about large number of leaves taken by manpower due to
different festivals, network marketing industry finds it an opportunity to explode.


Hard Facts and the opportunities

My research team got these international figures from a blog. We were not able to verify the
facts but I chose to present some of them as an indicator. These facts may not be exact, but are
reflective of the immensity of the direct selling industry.
The interesting fact is, India, the country with the second largest population nowhere reflects in
this fact sheet. This shows the enormous opportunity. On the basis of this list, my inference is that
Network marketing in India still has a huge potential to grow and we are far away from saturation.
Fact 1 - The world leader in network marketing is the U.S. with Japan in close pursuit in the $20
to $30 billion range. Countries with at least $1 billion in sales include the U.K., Brazil, Italy,
Germany, France, Canada, and Taiwan. Business is booming in the new frontiers as well: Eastern
Europe, Russia and the Peoples Republic of China.
Opportunity - India with such a huge population doesnt exist in this statement and it makes
India the hottest country for network marketing, a nation with endless opportunities for direct selling.
Fact 2 - Seventy-five percent of all network marketing distributors are women. Men account for
25 percent. These numbers likely reflect the demographics of long-dominant companies working in
the cosmetic and home product segment. Recent growth in the industry has been among newer
companies that have a more even balance between male and female distributors.
Opportunity - In India males are predominant in Network marketing. Large number of women
population can take it as a career to be self employed. The society is opening up in India and more
women are coming out of their homes to develop an additional source of income.
Fact 3 - Approximately 80 percent of networkers are part-time and 20 percent full-time people
who work 30 hours a week or more in their business. For the vast majority of networkers, it is a
second job.
Opportunity - The large population of hardworking Indian can take it as a second job without
taking the risk of losing the first job.
Fact 4 - Approximately 66 percent of distributors are between ages 25 and 44. Another 14
percent fall into the 45 to 54 age bracket. Seniors over the age of 65 account for about 5 percent of
direct sellers.
Opportunity - India is a nation with the highest population of youth. According to this study,
maximum distributors belong to young age group, so that makes India the most attractive destination.
Info Source :
In preceding years, the business of Network Marketing witnessed a setback. Many companies
closed down in the states of Bengal, Bihar, Rajasthan, etc., after collecting huge subscriptions from
their vast number of members.
Police investigations revealed serious frauds and directors of many of these network companies
were taken into custody. After these events, Networking consultants and gurus began to believe that
this business model was over for good, and would never again take off.
However, I do not at all agree to these views and firmly believe that the present time is most
favorable for Networking in India. Just as weeding is essential to get a healthy yield of crop,
similarly, I look upon these events as a churning phase for this business. Closure of fraudulent
companies was essential to weed out the bad elements.
The companies that are now left and have been set-up are serious in their mission. These will
operate within the legal framework, and under the strict vigil of the government and public, and will
definitely prosper.
I have valid reasons to state that this is the best time for network marketing in India.


After the closure of fraudulent companies in Rajasthan, MP, Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar and
other states, the government woke up to take stern steps and pass new laws for such business entities.

These laws have forced many companies to shut their doors and some more are in the pipeline.
To comply with the directives, the new companies are adapting ethical methods. It is expected that
network business will get a legal stamp soon. This will allow them to work fearlessly with respect.
These laws will safeguard the interest of distributors and ethical companies. These laws will create a
level playing platform.

Laws are important not only from companies point of view but also for serious and ethical
networkers. Many networkers make overstatements and wrong commitment to get fast money. Such
practices will be curbed with the announcements of laws.
Global Laws in MLM
United States state specific law,
Britain fair trading act 1973
European Union commercial agents regulations - 1993
Malaysia direct selling act 1993
Singapore multilevel marketing and pyramid selling act 1993, 2000
Business standard, June, 2013



During the last few years, many episodes of fraud by Network Marketing companies have been
published in newspapers and broadcast by the media, which has made the public, both cautious and

The companies are now forced to do honest business because people enquire for the companys
bona-fides, such as their business registration, etc., before joining. Today, the networker has means to
differentiate right from wrong. Despite this, if somebody indiscreetly invests at a wrong place, then it
is solely at his own risk.
In the past, several unethical network marketing companies attracted people, and often the
networkers lost their investments, being ignorant about the companys profile. But today, the scenario
has changed. Due to media activism, people are better informed, more aware and discerning. This
awareness is positive sign because it will empower the people to foresee and appreciate this
opportunity by looking beyond negativity.


The new laws and regulations promulgated by the government to prevent frauds and
malpractices, together with increasing awareness of the networker, created a stir amongst many MLM
companies. Several such organizations which indeed were not serious about this business and had
jumped with ulterior motives, wilted under the pressure and closed down, or are on their way out of
Those with clear objectives reformed their operating methods conforming to the new laws,
bringing in transparency in their plans, and payment practices.
For example, most companies are now deducting tax at source and issuing payments by cheque
or directly to the networkers bank account. The huge TDS collection from MLM companies has also
taken the government by surprise, and now this business is being taken seriously.
Many good companies have also transformed their marketing strategy. Not only have they
reduced the registration fee, but have also made their products cost effective. Companies have also
agreed to have the products returned within a stipulated time, if the customer is not satisfied, i.e.
provide a look-in period.
Hence, with so much of new developments for the better, current time seems to be better than
before for Network Marketing.


Earlier, more than a thousand MLM companies were entering the market, every year. These
were devoid of any ethical objective, had no saleable products. Their mission was to entice money
and siphon it out, and bring down the shutters stealthily.
Recent bad publicity resulted in making public aware. The governments clamp down on such
unethical business establishments with tough regulations has resulted in a decline in numbers of such
newly formed companies. Public is now twice shy of investing in Chit-funds and such money
laundering companies.
Fraudulent companies who marred the reputation of this business slowly began to decrease and
this business has once again begun to bloom. Many Network Companies have now formed an
Association to take up various issues on a larger platform, and have also applied for membership of
international associations. They are now endeavoring to create awareness for the larger and better
business models in practice abroad.


In my opinion, a person who gets into the habit of earning through networking does not like to do
any other job in his life. He is able to earn enough by just meeting people and indulging in sweet talk.
Network marketing and direct selling gets into his DNA. In the last few years, when hundreds of
network companies saw their downfall, many networkers came out of the business due to
circumstances or willingly.
Most of these people are eagerly waiting to join network marketing industry again. Is this
therefore, not an opportune time when many capable networkers are ready to join hands with you ?
So get prepared with a right plan and good products, and welcome these trained and mature
networkers into your team. Network Marketing has never witnessed a better time in the history of this



The success and growth of top notch MLM companies of the world lies in their excellent
structured training system. Seminars, C Ds, books are the mighty tool used by them to enhance their
In stark contrast, Indian companies have rarely paid attention to their training methods. In fact,
they believed in the principle of Make members and move ahead, which has become the sole reason
for their downfall. These companies never took the initiative to train and motivate their team. As a
result of which, slightest of disturbance evolved into a major crisis creating divide amongst the team
But today, most companies have understood the importance and value of educating their teams.
Many companies have also consulted me for providing them educational support system. Training to a
networker is just as essential as breathing is for our existence.
If you are planning to join a network company, first inquire whether it has a sound training and
support system. You may land up in trouble if you are working for a company that does not focus on
training its networkers.
This is documented globally that all the topmost companies have developed extraordinary
training and support systems for their distributors. The business of Network Marketing started in India
many years back but only recently have the companies begun to focus on improving the quality of
networkers thus making this the best time for Network Marketing.


During the last three years, many Indian and foreign companies that were operational did not
have any products to sell. These would simply collect money from new members, promising to return
a substantial amount, maybe double or even four times, after a definite period of time. Many frauds
took place. Lakhs of people who were lured into investing their hard earned retirement funds,
provident funds, marriage funds for children, lost all their money, and some became totally bankrupt.
As a result of pressure built by the government and subsequent awareness among people, new
companies are launching product based plans, which indeed is a good sign. At the same time, these
companies are also focusing on improving the quality of their products.
Product based network plans complemented by standard quality, will make it simpler for the
Networker to expand his business. This seems to be the most appropriate time for Networking.

Im learning to look at the positive

Im learning to focus on someone besides me
Im learning to whine less
I am learning not to complain, until it is a must
Im learning not to be angry all the time
Im learning not to always see the negatives
Im learning to be grateful
When I think about all the good in my life
I learned that its much
Much easier to be happy
Source - Unknown
Network marketing is a great opportunity for two types of people
Those who have limited income and are unable to meet the growing responsibility of family and so
life is in trouble
& Those who have good income on general parameters but their dreams and aspirations are bigger
than what they earn
If you dont belong to any of them, it would be better to leave this business.

10% I CANT
80% I CAN
90% I AM

100% I DID
Source : worldwideweb


Any routine business that generates good returns will also require huge investment and costly
manpower, and in all likelihood will be dependent on the vagaries of various risks, such as change in
policies, etc.
Contrary to this, the business of network marketing calls for a small investment. Like the large
door opens with a small key, small investment in network marketing can open large doors to a
wealthy and prosperous life.
Generally, people get involved with network marketing considering it to be a small and ordinary
business. It is not taken seriously, hence desired efforts are lacking. A laidback approach fails to
yield desired results, leading to disenchantment. No business can give good returns, if the approach is
lacking sincerity and hard work.
Dear Friend, dont evaluate this opportunity with what you invest, but focus on what can you
achieve through this small investment. Network marketing needs to be handled like a multimillion
company, because this is an opportunity which can fetch you a multimillion.
Your visiting card, letter head, your attire, mannerisms should all reflect that you are the head of
a big enterprise. You must feel proud while you talk about your business. Never allow the thought,
that you joined Network Marketing because you had no other businesses, to even cross your mind.
You must make yourself and others believe that this career option has not been taken under any
compulsion, but is a well considered decision of your life. Choose right, graceful and serious
language while communicating with other people about this business. This will create a positive and
lasting impression in their minds.


Time and again these business practices and ventures have acquired bad publicity in several
countries. Some of it was certainly a result of negative propaganda done by competing businesses that
were affected by network-marketing concept. Some was genuinely a result of frauds perpetrated by
network-marketing companies that did not subscribe to any business ethics.
Ranting of unsuccessful and insincere distributors, who put the blame of their personal failures
on the business practice are also responsible for the widespread negativity in market.
When you try to convince people to join this business, some of them are bound to be skeptical
about the credentials of the organization. They will resist your offer because they tend to relate this
business to many cheap chit fund companies that have mushroomed. In situations like these, it is better
not to contradict them. Allow them a patient hearing, and then give them the correct details of the
business. Their initial resistance and distrust is justifiable, because they have heard and read many
stories about frauds in this line of business.
You shall have to satisfy such people with true testimonials and proof of the genuineness of your
business, and work your way to win their confidence.
The business is not fraud
The company makes profits by directly selling to the end consumer. In the process, it eliminates
the need for intermediate distribution channels like wholesaler, retailers, stockist etc. Network
companies also save on marketing department and marketing personnel, advertising and publicity
expenses. These savings are transferred as earnings to the members of network.
This is not a chit fund
This business is governed by the laws of the land, laid by the government and internationally
accepted financial and business practices. If properly done, it does not violate any legally ratified
business practice.
This is not a pyramid scheme
One among the worlds biggest network marketing company Amway had to face many hurdles
from the media and the federal trade commission in its initial years. Many objections were registered
against it with several regulators. But after years of legal battles, network marketing was ultimately
declared as legal in USA and subsequently in other countries. Later rules and regulations were laid
down as per international norms.
Today network marketing is a genuine business practice in many countries world-wide. The
people who dont know about this model label it as pyramid scheme and thats not true.
The backbone of network marketing is education.
Dont ever choose a company that ignores education and lacks support system.
Dont choose a company that does not promote educational books and audio-video tapes.
Dont ever choose a company that does not organize training programs at regular intervals.


Many people say that network marketing is saturated, lets explore the truth. After joining a
Network Company, the new member generally tries to bring in additional members. By sheer
coincidence, he meets some people who have been unsuccessful in networking, or those who harbor
negative perceptions about it. They hear abundance of negative views and skepticism about the
The negative news ambassadors categorically tell them that this business has become saturated,
with no room for further expansion. This begins to erode the zeal and interest with which the member
had joined the network group. They start nurturing serious doubts on the future of the business and
their career related to it.
A report of USA stated that, in the nineties, majority of people who could afford, had a fridge
and TV in their homes. It was then predicted by some business leaders, that these goods would have
very few consumers henceforth, and thus a limited market. This news had created a flurry among the
manufacturers of these products.
Surprisingly, fridge and TV manufacturers did even better business in the years to come, and
continue to do year-after-year. The reasons were many - increasing disposable incomes with the
middle-class, growing penchant for a better life-style, ever increasing range of makes, models,
features, sizes, etc., advertisement, intense competition and technology enhancements. Finally, easy
availability of finance and loans to fuel consumption.
There are absolutely no reasons for a business to get saturated? Products may change, as also
their design but the business of making these products reach the end consumer shall continue. There
may be a slowdown of specific business in a given region, at a point of time, due to ever changing
demand and supply equations, but all these are transient phases. Further, business of network
marketing knows no boundaries.
Till such time as man continues to live on earth, eat food, wear clothes, yearns to live in style,
and travel, network companies will continue to thrive until then. They shall continue to add new
products and services to cater to his changing needs and requirements. You will be surprised to know
that today not even 2% of people of the world are engaged in network marketing, and there remains
tremendous scope for global success.


During a workshop on network marketing, a participant shared an interesting experience with

me. He had failed in various attempts to make a person join the business - the person, although not
totally against the idea of joining, was not positive either.
At an opportune moment, our participant asked this person whether he had any dreams, to which
the person retorted expressing his wish to have his two children educated at Oxford University. The
participant further inquired about the persons monthly savings which he said were about six thousand
The participant then quickly calculated that with an annual savings of merely Rupees 72,000.00,
he could not possibly fund the education of two children at Oxford even after 3-4 years from now, and
there was no way in which he could have his dream realized in the present circumstances.
The person looked very dejected on hearing this. Quick to catch on the situation, the participant
then quietly suggested to this person an attractive alternative source of earnings which would make
him realize his dreams. This alternate source could be a result of joining the network business.
The person sensed a ray of hope, and immediately agreed to the proposal, which he had long
been resisting. He hugged the proposer, leaving aside all formalities.
Dreams are invaluable. Without dreams, no discoveries would have been possible, and the
human civilization would not have reached where it stands today. Truly, if there are dreams, there is
If you can make a person to dream and show him the way how to realize them, the person in all
possibility will agree to your offer to have his dreams fulfilled.


During seminars, I often hear people saying that they have a limited social circle and dont know
many people. I ask them to prepare a list of people they know. When they start making the list in a
systematic manner, they realize the fact that they know quite a good number of people. If you also feel
your social circle is small, start making a list of the people you know.
The list may include-
Your friends
Your children, their friends & family
Friends of your spouse
Your relatives
Your colleagues
Your wifes colleagues (if she is working)
Your grocery man
Your teachers
Your shoes retailer
Your insurance agent
Your Chartered Accountant
Your Bankers
Your postman
Your saloon
Your vehicle mechanic
Your fruit seller
Your book seller
Your present neighbor
Your beautician
Your doctor
Friends of your father
Friends of your father in law
This list can be very long. There is no dearth of people you could be acquainted with. You can
go all out to add new members to your group. You dont even complete your list and you start getting
lists of your downline. So there is no excuse like a small social circle.
This business practice does not assure you of instant riches or becoming rich without work.
It demands hard work & determination. If one could become rich without working, nobody in the
world would ever work.


Seek an appointment
It is a good practice, and a good rule to seek an appointment before meeting a person. While
doing so, you need not elaborate on the purpose of your meeting, but may just mention that it is in
connection with an opportunity that could have a significant bearing on the future course of his life.
During any journey, when you meet new people, it is an opportune moment to start a
conversation and develop acquaintance. You can then casually brief them about your activity, and
informally go onto present this business opportunity.
From the unknown towards the known
You may face resistance if the person you are meeting is apprehensive about network marketing.
It is advisable that you must initiate a conversation by talking on subjects of general interest like
sports, family, politics, economic issues, etc. It would be considered audacious to start to talk
directly about the business, as the person may be apprehensive that you are forcing your business
proposal on him, and he will tend to raise his guard and resist whatever you say.
Instead, by engaging the person in conversation on other topics for a brief while, will allow you
to read and understand him better, gauge his mood, and break-down the likely barriers. You may then
gradually shift the conversation to the subject of your intent, and explain your proposal in total
seriousness. This way you would have gradually diffused any likely opposition and resistance that the
person may have harbored, and converted him into your ally.
Engage with Question
The essence of networking lies in speaking less, listening more. In order to listen more, you will
have to encourage the other person to speak more by putting forth smart and pointed questions that he
or she is forced to answer with equal clarity.
Example - Should I meet you again on Wednesday or Thursday? The other person will have to
answer choosing one of the days.
What is your priority, or to what do you give more importance - Economic freedom, freedom of
time, or something else?
Conversations of these kind help to remove the other persons inhibitions and you can speculate
what is going in his mind. To take the conversations ahead, use exclamatory words such as OK,
Oh, why, where, oh really, wow, wonderful, amazing, etc. These words join your
sentences and help you to know more about the person.
Stroke the dreams
If the other person is listening to you attentively and answering with patience, then talk about his
dreams which he wishes to fulfill, but is facing obstacles in the way. Awaken his dreams - in the
words of Allen Peace, a top specialist in body language states it rightly by saying - press the right
Be a common man and give assurance
After invoking the dreams and desires, reassure him that he has the capacity to fulfill his dreams
and that you will support him in achieving his goal. Once you have won his confidence, you would
have crossed all hurdles.
Invite him to a seminar
Invite him to the very first seminar taking place after he has joined the network, so that his bonds
with the organization are strengthened. Only then will he understand the principles of this business,
and participate in all earnestness to earn a good income. He will also be convinced that you have
shown him the right direction to a good future.


There is an old adage, An apple a day, keeps the doctor away. Similarly, there is a saying in
Network Marketing, 3 plans a day, keep bouncing cheques away.
If you are able to visit 3 new people every day and explain your plan to them, you will maintain
a good bank balance and your cheques will never bounce due to a deficit account.
However, the exercise of explaining plans to 3 persons every day is not an easy task. It requires
great effort, determination and courage to hear a No from many people. If you are able to sustain
this ritual for a couple of months, then you are capable of changing your entire life.
So, get ready with your long list and set out to present your plans to people. While doing so,
keep aside any fears or worries about failure. The more number of times that you fail only reflects the
efforts you have made in meeting that many people, and ultimately you will be rewarded.


Always keep yourself connected with ordinary people who have attained extraordinary success
through networking, and make it a point to introduce these successful people to your downline.
When you tell a new person about the possibility of huge income from MLM business, he or she
will initially find it difficult to believe what you say. He would be suspicious of your claims and will
necessarily question you on the possibility of such incomes without any investment and equipment.
All logic may fail to convince such a new person.
At this juncture, references of real people who started from scratch and have scaled heights,
prove to be the best tool to convince the skeptics. When these people realize, how ordinary people
very much like them could cross all hurdles and work hard in this business to achieve success, it
lends a ray of hope to them. All their doubts dissipate, and they are encouraged to follow in the
footsteps of the successful people they have met or heard about.


The best part of getting involved in network marketing is that you can start it as a side business
without affecting your main business or profession. This becomes a source of additional income that
enhances your esteem and self-confidence due to improved financial status.
With an elevated self-confidence, you are bound to have greater zeal, more focus and
concentration in your work. You acquire a new, vibrant personality. Also the many friends you would
have made in this network will routinely tend to support you in your main business.
In my workshops, many people have candidly confessed of making tremendous progress in their
primary profession and business after they joined network marketing as a side business. Some of them
owed their success to a positive transformation in their personality. Others achieved success due to
new friends and contacts made in the course of expanding their network. Most participants confessed
that many acquaintances from their network had also become customers in their private business, thus
automatically boosting sales of their present business.
An important aspect of network-marketing business is that you continue to earn even after you
have stopped working as a royalty income. Rare streams like musicians, writers, poets etc. get
royalty. Normal business can earn only in proportion to the hours of real work put in.
You can thus develop network marketing as a part time business venture, in addition to your
regular business or work. After reaching to a certain height in networking, many networkers quit the
main business to live according to their wishes.


Myth - This business is fraud

Fact - The business is not a fraud. It is a proven model world over. Business is not bad but
sometimes the individuals or companies who run the business go out of track to earn quick profits but
the list of success stories is endless.
Myth - The products are very expensive
Fact - Some companies invest in extraordinary research to develop niche products and hence the
products are costly. However some unethical companies are also there who keep a high pricing
without any reason. The market kicks them out in due course of time. Choose a right company.
Myth - Network companies wrap up business and run away
Fact - This is a small percentage. Unethical companies, companies with poor products, shady
management, temporary mindset and many such reasons lead to companies running away. This is
evident in all business segments, not just in network marketing. Thats why it is said that do a proper
research before joining a company.
Myth - You have to go from door to door like a salesman
Fact - Door to door is not the apt term. It is a fact that you have to keep meeting the people on a
regular basis because this is a peoples business. Every business is associated with some challenge.
People who are ready to take this challenge the pains ultimately get the pride.
Myth - This is a business for the unemployed
Fact - This is a business meant for everyone who wants to earn something extra, who have big
dreams or who want to rewrite their destiny.


When we talk to new prospects to influence them to join our business, very often we rave about
ourselves and about the success stories of influential people. We try to impress the potential prospect
with our oratory skills, bombarding his mind with plethora of thoughts, in an attempt to get his consent
to join the network.
The result is just the opposite. The other person becomes skeptical of your motives, and wants to
avoid you. Contrary to your desires, he starts reinforcing his resistance to your moves. In future he
may not even answer your phone and will maintain a distance from you.
In my experience, whenever you meet somebody to make him join you, you must talk less only
putting forth small questions and let the other person do most of the talking. Gradually, he will let out
all the steam of his negative ideas, if he has any. You will have to patiently bear with him. But after
sometime when he is fully exhausted, and has expressed all his sentiments, he will have nothing but to
lend you his ear.
Believe me, even if this person does not become part of your network chain, it is certain that he
will buy at least one of the products, because you have patiently heard him for so long.
A person who speaks less is generally considered to be wise because others cannot assess his
acumen. A person who speaks much, tends to disclose all his weaknesses and secrets, and puts
himself to a position of disadvantage.


In network marketing, generally people join your group and then products are sold to them, or
through them, but in some cases it is the reverse.
One of my acquaintances uses a laptop procured through a network company. He becomes a
reference point for others, who see him using that laptop. They begin to appreciate the product and
when required, they are tempted to buy the same brand, and through him. Thus, a user also becomes
the distributor for the company and this is true with majority of networkers.
I conduct seminars for an insurance network company. Most of the networkers buy insurance
products from their own company. Other people following the trend get into the comfort zone when
they are able to perceive the benefits of the product being used by their colleagues and friends, viz.,
easy availability, reliability, transparency of terms, and cost benefit. They are convinced into buying
similar insurance policies and become a part of the company.
One of our neighbors washes their car using a special product purchased from a network
marketing company. When others around see the shining car and inquire about the product being used
by this person, he shares the product with them, allowing them to test it in their own way. Gradually,
all the people in our street have got into the habit of using the same car shampoo.
One of our good family friends use a dinner set of a network company. His wife, who is a good
cook and a host, makes it a point to serve the food in the dinner set. The guests not only appreciate her
cooking, but the dinner set as well, and many guests end up as customers placing an order for the
dinner set.
Another person, a health fanatic always uses socks, garments, caps and mattresses of the same
company. Whenever others inquire about the secret of his good health, he eloquently talks about these
health products, and how these products have benefitted him. He even advises others to use these
products. Gradually the market for these products has picked up, and all those who have benefitted by
their use, have given ample word of mouth publicity to further boost the business.
Unless you use the products yourselves you will not be fully confident, and will not have the
conviction to strongly recommend it to others. When others watch you using the product, they will be
automatically convinced about its quality and will join your fold.
The biggest hurdle in this business is a small word NO
you tend to get discouraged, or feel hurt on hearing so then you have to change your temperament,
else you will fail in this business.
If you can handle NO, you can achieve extraordinary success.


Every person in this world is unique. Every individual is different in temperament, approach,
and thoughts. So it is not possible to have one single plan for such diversities in people.
While the information and facts will remain unaltered, their mode of presentation and
implementation will change with varying priorities of people.
In a proposal to somebody who is well-to-do in life, wealth will not be on priority. Similarly, a
plan presented for an unemployed person will overlook constraints of time. As the prospects change,
the design and so also the method of presenting the plan changes based on the requirements and
priorities of the prospect. Before meeting prospects, it is essential to study the needs, in order to
reduce the chances of failure.
If you have prepared only one style to cater to all types of people, then however wonderful the
plan may be, chances of your success will diminish. Just as a doctor prescribes different medicines
for different ailments, keeping in mind the age, physical fitness of patient, and seriousness of the
disease, likewise, a networker must present his plan depending on the age, mental and physical
condition, the circumstances and requirements of the prospect.

Try Again
Try once more
Try it a little differently
Try it again tomorrow
Try and ask for help
Try to find someone who has done it
Try to determine what is not working
Try to determine what is working
Just keep trying


Whenever we have to enlighten a new person about this business venture of network marketing
and describe the products we are promoting, the conversation should carry a certain warmth of
Never go and start elaborating on the technical aspects of products getting into a parroted
monotonic pitch - as is done by typical salesmen. You must pay stress on building a rapport with the
prospective customer by discussing his interests, his job, his family and other things, which will
endear him to you.
Remember, if you build-up a good endearing relationship, you can sell even a mediocre product
like hot cakes, but if you are unable to strike the right chord, you will fail to sell even the most select
and desired products.
When there is a display of sincerity, warmth and patience while talking to others, you will be
liked by all. Once others develop this regard for you, they will begin to appreciate everything that is
linked to you. They will even overlook your faults. So it is important to behave like a human, and not
like a machine, by connecting to others not through technique and logic, but with your heart and soul.
I am acquainted to several successful networkers who do not talk business at all in the first few
meetings. After having made friends, they will persuade them to join in the business.


Once you have introduced your company to a prospect, and explained to him all about the
system, products and benefits, but the prospect still clings to a state of indecision, then the next best
step would be to invite him to a seminar. There is no need to worry, if you have not been able to
clarify and failed to explain some minute details of the business to the prospect. It is important to
invite him to a seminar. When he observes hundreds of people maintaining the same view about the
business as you have been propagating to him, he is likely to be convinced into making up his mind,
and you can expect his consent to join.
The seminars of networking companies are indeed amazing. There is no feeling of jealousy or ill
will amongst the participants at these seminars. People clap and applaud at others achievements. It
appears like a celebration. Most participants are common people, but they are welcomed and cheered
with so much enthusiasm, as if they were holding the most exalted position of the country.
The new member who attend a seminar for the first time, are so overwhelmed with emotions
when they witness all people, being welcomed with respect and applause. When people from all
strata of the society relate their story of hardship and suffering on the stage, it evokes the emotions of
people. In the pervading spirit, their problems seem to be very small, and many are able to gather
courage to cross all obstacles and achieve their aim. These seminars renew peoples zeal and
enthusiasm to work with extra energy.
You will be a loser if you shy away from attending a seminar. If you are not inviting new
prospects to a seminar, you are certainly depriving yourself and others around you from uniting with a
group of enthusiastic believers who could be the tipping point in your life.
Participate in every seminar, if you wish to increase the chances of your success. These
occasions offer an opportunity to learn and gain from others experiences. Active participation
invokes feeling of enthusiasm within yourself and your friends whom you invite, and leads everybody
to the winning post.


Many people effusively thank me and compliment me for my audio video products.
While presenting this business idea, networkers give my audio CD to the prospect. They are
confident that listening to this message on the CD will make the prospect to change his indecisiveness
or negative decision into a positive one. According to many members, listening to my CD everyday
charges their mental battery.
These audio video talks agitate the mind, and touch your feelings. Gradually and unknowingly,
the thoughts of the speaker in the form of eloquent and incisive messages penetrate the mind of the
A person, for example, drives, for 60 minutes every day, i.e. 1800 minutes in a month, or 15
days in a year. While driving. if he or she is able to listen to recorded educational and inspirational
lectures, then these 15 days of the year become a bonus in his life, transforming his outlook and
These audio video tapes are a wonderful medium of self-learning for every individual, as well
as to teach others. It is a potent tool to infuse thoughts and transform a listener.
If you wish to experience and realize the power of Audio CD, I suggest that you sit in solitude,
dim the lights, make yourself free of any stress, and listen with full concentration.
You will immediately appreciate the influence of a voice coming straight from the heart. Audio
video DVD are the most potential tools to connect to people.
We have developed extraordinary audio & video tapes for Networkers & companies, as
educational tools.


In all other business, one has to continuously develop new strategies and maintain market share
by indulging in aggressive marketing of products but network marketing is just the opposite. Chances
of failure here may increase if you try and introduce new marketing techniques.
When a new multi-level Marketing company introduced itself in India, it initially launched only
four products. One of these products was a detergent powder, which produced minimum lather. For
the Indian market, this was a strange phenomenon, because a typical Indian housewife carried the
notion that a detergent which produced good amount of lather would clean better.The distributors for
this new brand of detergent faced much difficulty in convincing their customer. Nevertheless, their
persistence paid off. They overcame the teething problems and gradually the market for this detergent
started growing.
On the other hand, there was another group of distributors who had a feeling that these products
would not sell in India. They were also enterprising and tried new approach to marketing the product
which was, however, not in compliance with the instructions of their company management. When
they failed to achieve good business results, they became dissatisfied with the product, the system,
and began to oppose it, slowly alienating them from the network.
By the end of the year, the picture had become very clear. Members belonging to the second
group which had experimented with new ideas had failed in their attempts, and were now out of
business. But the first group which was assiduously following its leaders, had turned around the
situation with greater determination and strength, and relatively fewer drop-outs.
Notably, the people of the first group consisted of people with an average intellect, while those
of the second group had a majority of smarter and more intelligent people. This is ample testimony
that downstream members should abide by the guidance and teachings of their successful leaders and
trainers, to tread the path of success. Duplication is the key to victory in MLM.
As one moves up the hierarchy ladder in a Network Marketing organization, one forms a team of
associates with members down the line, referred to as downline. If one is a good leader, the team
will soon start following the leader blindly, a feeling which can inflate the leaders ego and pride.
This pretension can often result in making the leader go astray from his main goal, and he begins
to preach without practicing himself.
In contrast, the real purpose of a good leader is to guide the team up-front and lead by example.
The leader must have a positive attitude, and the humility to accept ones own faults and
criticism, while at the same time, be critical of others follies without any bias.
For any organization to be successful, it is important to have people with leadership qualities at
all levels, people with vision and judgment, people who can take tough decisions, without letting
their personal ego and motives to vitiate their decisions.


To be successful in the business of Network Marketing, it is must to develop and nurture

leadership qualities in the down-line. The single motto is to create your duplicates. The leader may
be physically present only at one place, there shall be many more like him who will be leading to
produce similar results at different places.
If followers are created in the downstream, such people shall always remain dependent on the
leader for solving even small problems.
They will neither take the business seriously, nor remain active for long. Leaders become great,
not because of their power, but because of their ability to empower others.
If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more,
you are a true leader.
- John Quincy


Even in adverse situations, and in the face of tough competition, a good leader does not lose his
hope. He maintains his composure, and his head-on positive attitude. The seriousness of a situation
may let a pall of fear engulf him, depleting his courage, but this will not reflect in his attitude, his
body language, and on his face. If the commander of the army loses his mettle, the army is sure to lose
the battle.
Leaders become great not because of their power, but because of their ability to empower
The coach or captain of a team plays a major role in making his teams lose or win. If the leader
loses hope, his team mates can never make it to the winning point.
Leader is a dealer in hope.
- Napolean Bonaparte


The leader shoulders the entire responsibility of his team, so he cannot be a hypocrite. He must
have the courage and integrity to take tough decisions, even if these are harsh on others.
While diplomatically managing various situations, a leader may choose to keep silent amidst an
agitated group or a discussion, but he will stick to the truth.
In order to maintain the solidarity of his group, he may also allow his subordinates a chance to
rectify their wrong, but he will never stand by wrong practices. For the benefit of his whole team, a
leader must take a tough judicious stand irrespective of whether his team mates like it, because
ultimately the entire responsibility of the result lies on the leader.
A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they
dont necessarily want to go but ought to be.
- Rosalyn Carter


A group comprises of all kinds of people - the successful, the mediocre and the unsuccessful. A
capable leader honors the successful, inspires the mediocre to do better, and instills courage and
hope in the unsuccessful people of his group.
Using his leadership qualities and oratory skills, a leader conveys the message to his group that
failure is not the end, but be regarded as a lesson to be learned, and perform better in future. A true
leader is one who inspires the unsuccessful to achieve beyond their limits. Leader is responsible for
the motivation and speed of the team.
Leadership is about making others better as a result of your presence and making sure
that impact lasts in your absence.
- Sheryl Sandberg


Great leaders are different as they never cease to learn. Learning and attaining knowledge is an
incessant process. They believe in upgrading self and others. Every moment spent with true moment is
a learning moment.
A leader keeps learning every moment, sometimes from own mistakes and at other times from
the mistakes of others. As a young man, George Bernard Shaw failed in almost 9 out of 10 attempts,
which inspired him to work 10 times harder so as to avoid being unsuccessful. He counted those nine
efforts as learning not as failures.
If you feel that you have learnt everything, then there is no meaning to continue living in this
world, you may either become an ascetic or leave the world.
Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a
leader, success is all about growing others.
- Jack Welch


The zeal and energy in a leader is infectious and can charge all his team members. Words and
phrases like impossible, cannot do it, not worth it, do not exist in the leaders dictionary. The
language of the leader is we will do it, we can do it, and we will win.
In the Geeta, Arjuna is mentioned to be singularly focused only at the eye of the fish while
taking aim with his arrow; likewise a leader must have his objectives clear, and he should be
focused. A leader should be brimming with passion such that others in his group forget their fears and
weaknesses, and work towards their goal courageously.
In the pursuit of his goals, a leader may commit mistakes, will encounter many obstacles and
hardships, but he will not stop and accept defeat. On the contrary, a leaders passion to succeed
makes him learn from his mistakes and improve himself. If a person fails in his work on multiple
occasions, but continues to attempt the task one another time, then truly the person has in him
leadership qualities.


Limit criticism to the present moment

In our criticism of a person or his/her work, very often we begin to rake up old issues. This
becomes personal incrimination, and hurts the person most. The person feels that the criticism is
being done to castigate him or her.
The main objective of the criticism, which ideally should be to correct the situation, is thus
diluted and can trigger retaliation. Such scenes are witnessed not only in business, but in personal life
as well.
In moments of conflict, it is often seen everywhere that people keep increasing the circle of
criticism. The silly old issues escalate the conflict further. The wisdom lies in the sheer fact that keep
the moments of conflict and criticism limited to the present moment.

Criticism should be directed to the work

While criticizing someone, try to avoid comments on personality like you are very careless,
untidy, do not know how to talk or you are very adamant. Such demeaning and berating remarks on an
individuals personality or nature, generally evoke retaliation and disharmony, making the leader
making these remarks unpopular.
Network Marketing is a business which brings people with similar mission together, and binds
them in a cohesive group to achieve their personal ambitions and aspirations. Since the associates
and members share much of their time together, they become close to each other, get to know each
others weaknesses and strengths. Gradually, some people begin to take liberty with personal
fallacies and comments.
In this business, if we are careful not to hurt the feelings of others, mainly of those associated
with us, our journey on the road to success shall be very smooth.

Criticism should be accompanied by praise

Every individual is inherently also gifted with some strengths and talents, while having some
weaknesses. But many leaders fail to praise people for their attributes, and only criticize them. A
more acceptable and effective method of criticizing would be to sandwich criticism between layers
of praise.
A person subjected to continuous criticism will soon begin to ignore the criticism. Instead of
deriving any constructive benefit out of the criticism directed at him, he or she will begin to grudge
this mistaking it to be a personal vendetta, and may even retaliate.
But, if this criticism is presented along with words of praise, it takes a positive turn, and is
easily accepted.

Criticize in solitude praise in public

This principle applies not only to Network Marketing, but also in our day to day interaction
with people. To impose our superiority, we often criticize a person in presence of others, making him
an object of ridicule. This hurts the persons pride and ego and is very humiliating.
A leader, who tries to impress others by criticizing and condemning people in public, reveals a
very weak trait of his personality. On the contrary, a leader displays greater maturity, sensibility, and
power, by resolving such situations while maintaining composure in a crowd and impartially
reprimanding a person in solitude.
This would be the true test of ones leadership skills, and will always be acknowledged by all.

Think twice before you criticize

Words once spoken, like a bullet out of the muzzle of a gun, or an arrow shot from the bow, are
not retractable. The impact of a few harsh words, once spoken, could permanently imperil our career,
our business, and relationships with our friends and family.
We must carefully ponder over the various aspects of the subject in hand, before speaking out
our comments. Making criticism on the basis of wrong or incomplete information could permanently
spoil our relations with people.


Lack of ethics is the biggest problem in network marketing in modern days. For silly gains or out
of greed people change companies, break other groups, spread rumors, and mistreat downlines and
lot more. This business deals not only in selling of products, but at the same time connecting more and
more people to your network, your every step and action, whether right or wrong, affects your down-
One can jeopardize the entire group and the business, by resorting to wrong methods, false
claims, and dubious actions. It is therefore imperative to exercise caution in following respects:

Never make unwarranted claims about products.

Do not commit what is not possible.
Never try to lure members from other groups.
Never make any direct criticism of competitor companies.
Do not promote wrong practices in your down-line.
Do not tolerate or ignore wrong activities in your group.
Dont create any difference on the basis of caste or religiaon.
Dont promote any false documents in your group.
If you are into network marketing and are serious about the success of your team, go ahead and
Dr. Ujjwal Patnis exclusive seminars.
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If you are a leader, or an entrepreneur, the responsibility of your entire team lies with you.
Any act of cross lining or misconduct, can spread like an infection within the group and ruin the
prospects, akin to a drop of color that can tint hundreds of litres of water.


Whenever we begin our exercise to add new members to our downstream, we normally prefer to
include people who are smart, influential, have a vast circle of friends and those who hold a high
position in society. It is natural to have high expectations from such prominent people. They get
special treatment and privileges. These gestures are also observed by other fellow members. When
such favored members fail to deliver desired results, and do not meet our expectations, we try other
means and efforts to pressurize them and to motivate them. But when these efforts also go in vain, then
we begin to lose our confidence.
If you belong to this category of leaders, who will blindly trust a few people, just because of
their social status, and allow them special privileges while ignoring other colleagues then you must
become cautious because you are certain to be unsuccessful.
The business of Network Marketing requires people who have the drive to work and learn
incessantly. These people should not be disheartened on hearing a No for an answer. Persistence,
along with a pinch of good social behavior, are the drivers of this business. If any person possesses
these qualities, it is of little significance if he does not have a vast circle of acquaintances, or he does
not hold a high position. Such dark horses on whom nobody would ever bet, are often winners in
this business.
It is never advisable to be vindictive in your attitude towards your colleagues. There is no harm
if you show extra affection for some, but never be partial in reprimanding people for their mistakes.
Avoid any prejudices while enrolling new members. Do not pre-judge them as successful or
unsuccessful, influential or average. These preconceived thoughts should remain strictly confined to
you only.


Primitive man, in some parts of the world, used a boomerang to hunt. It would be aimed at birds,
and it would return to the person who threw it.
Life also works on the principle of boomerang, what you give to others returns to you.
Do unto others as you would like them to do to you. If you give people the credit for their
work, they will give due credit to you. Give to others what is precious to you. If you want others to
understand your views and sentiments, you will first have to take the initiative to understand them. If
you want others to stand by you in difficult times, you will have to help them in their times of need.
If you want to be loved, love others. Show sincerity towards others, if you want them to be
sincere. Be honest to others, if you want them to be honest to you. Discipline yourself in order to
discipline your group.
The Boomerang principle plays a significant role in Network Marketing. If the up-line is
sincerely working towards a specific goal, it is needless to mention that the impact is visible even
down the line. If the leaders are courteous and polite, then the whole group shows a similar behavior.
Generally, whatever a successful leader says and does is followed by the people downstream.
Most importantly, if you desire success, you must put in efforts to make others successful. In
return, the whole group will work hard to achieve the common or the organizations desired goal.
It therefore goes without saying that in Network Marketing, do good to others, if you wish
others to be good to you.


We enjoy doing business with people who are good at heart. Likewise, we solicit the company
of people who make us feel good and comfortable, but shun those who are snobbish, and talk bitter.
I often take my family out for dinner to a specific restaurant. It is not that there is anything
extraordinary about that place, but it is the cordiality of the staff and waiters that impresses me most.
As soon as I park my car, the guard respectfully salutes me and opens the door. In the lawns, there are
swings for children and the caretaker guides my child towards that area. When I take my seat at the
table, the manager and the waiter greets us. The good ambience coupled with extra courtesy and
respect, makes dining a sheer pleasure.
Similarly, in our personal relations with people, we can make them happy by our good behavior.
Expensive gifts and false praises are never required to make others feel good. Large corporate often
organize workshops and training program for their staff in order to improve inter-personal
Where the dealer are rude to the customer, sales decline, even if the product is good. On the
other hand, good and courteous salesmen are able to perform much better in achieving their targets,
even if the products are of average quality. It is human chemistry, if a salesman can endear himself to
a potential customer, the latter will accept the product as well.
This holds well not only for Network Marketing, but in all walks of life. It is a small world.
Make it a point to always make others feel good and treat everyone well, as you do not know when
you will need their help. It should be remembered that good behavior is remembered forever.
In Network Marketing, many companies are involved in fraudulent and illegal practices.
They will lure you with promises, great commissions, glamour and fake testimonies. Dont get
Take right decision & choose an ethical company
Dont allow your greed to impact your decision


For quite some time I have been training networkers from many companies. In the course of these
sessions, I have learnt from senior leaders that the rule of averages implies to a majority of cases in
The average ratio in network marketing is 10:5:3:1. This means that if ten people listen to your
presentation, five will react enthusiastically towards this business. Three may associate with you.
After some time, one will leave the business or will become inactive and one will stay as a buyer.
Only one person out of then will become an active networker. As you get experience, this ratio of
conversion becomes higher.
It is not suggested that you test the probability of this law of averages after meeting only a few
people. Perhaps, initially itself you may have come across several people with a negative mindset.
Assess your success according to this law, after you have met at the least about 200 people.
Dont give any additional guarantee about any policy or product.
In case of a problem, you will be trapped because this was your personal commitment and the
customer will blame you.
Just ethically promote whatever is stated in the materials of the company.


After becoming successful in Network Marketing, many people start behaving arrogantly. This
shift could be observed in other business as well. But Network Marketing is an altogether different
business practice. It strongly professes that people connect to each other through their hearts. People
join together through empathy and endearment.
Here, you can even ruin your business through impropriety of your behavior with upline and
downline members. It needs to be clearly understood that these are not employees, but have
voluntarily joined you to achieve and realize some of their aspirations and goals in life.
Often successful networkers begin to behave like arrogant tycoons and begin to make an
ostentatious display of their newly acquired wealth. Their conduct makes others feel small. It begins
to sow seeds of disenchantment. They forget the basic principle of networking, which is connecting to
others through fellowship in achieving common goals and aspirations. Gradually, people get out of
their network, with a resultant decrease in the business.
I strongly suggest that successful networkers should enjoy the luxuries and facilities that they
have acquired, but at the same time maintain a fellowship with their fraternity by behaving like an
average person.
You will then have friends who will realize that you have succeeded in life through this
business, and they will like to follow in your footsteps by joining you.


Man proposes & God disposes. God decides what situations we will pass through, but we
decide how we will tackle these situations.
It would be nigh impossible to find a single soul in this world who can claim to be free of any
problem. Each one of us faces some or the other difficulty, may it be in the family, or our society, be
it regarding health or finances. It is important, though, in what spirit do we take these problems. Do
we spend most of our time pondering over the problems, in turn increasing our tensions, or do we
consider these problems as a challenge?
We have to choose. Do we wish to become part of the problem or a part of the solution.
Robert Schuller mentions in Possibility Searching Principle that there is not a single problem
on earth which cannot be solved. In fact, within every problem lies its solution.
We conduct a workshop called Leadership Unlimited, where in participants are asked to
mention five major problems in their lives. They are asked to sum up each problem in hundred words,
and are not allowed further time and space to stretch the problem. After elaborating on the problems,
there is a general discussion on the topic from problem to solution. Each participant is now asked to
write down 5 possible solutions to each of the mentioned problems and while doing so they are
advised to keep aside any negative feelings, and search for solutions maintaining a positive attitude.
Very often when the participants are unable to find a solution to a problem, we motivate them,
but we do not accept any other answer except the solution to the problem. It is my personal
experience that by the end of the workshop, all participants are able to arrive at a solution to all their
five listed problems, however weak, or strong they may be.
I can definitely claim that no motivator or specialist can solve your personal problems. The
solution to each problem lies within you; it is only your mind-set and attitude that restrains you from
discovering it. A motivator can only show you the way, but you have to take the initiative yourself to
explore a solution. If you can get rid of all the ifs and buts, your problems will be resolved.
Network Marketing is besotted with several problems. Companies which do not maintain good
standards have contributed much to tarnish the image of this business model. It is not surprising that
many people do not trust these companies considering them to be fraud, and hesitate to join the
network. So what, still network marketing has changed the life os many people.
There could be numerous other such problems, but each hurdle can be overcome. You are not the
only one to face such problems, many people before you would have already faced similar problems.
And many of these who have successfully surmounted these problems may be found around you. You
may attend their seminars, read autobiographies and good books, listen to audio tapes.
You will have to make up your mind right away whether to be a part of the problem or of the


People have begun to fear failure because undue importance is being given to success. On being
unsuccessful, a person feels as if everything is finished. On the contrary, if the person can accept
failure, he will achieve success sometime later. In reality, failure is the stepping stone to success, and
we must readily accept both success and failure as part of our life.
We are always envious of the fame and prosperity of successful people, without bothering to
find out about the struggle and sacrifices these successful people would have made to reach this
position. We will rarely find a swimmer who would have learnt swimming without water choking his
nose and mouth, or a cyclist who did not suffer a fall.
Falling, rising and moving ahead is the signature of life. But instead of gaining strength to rise
after a fall, we have begun to fear a likely fall, and not attempt at all.
Instead of letting the fear of defeat, or failure, intimidate us, we need to learn to would accept
success. If we fail even after having made sincere efforts, we have no reason to harbor any regrets.
All we need to do is learn to improve further on our performance, and try again till we succeed.
Failure is indeed, the best teacher. Failure only implies that a person is struggling and striving
for success.
Our greatest success lies not in our never falling, but in standing again after every fall.


One of my favorite seminars is on Effective Public Speaking. During these seminars, I always
experience great and wonderful moments. Within few hours of the commencement of the seminar, it is
observed that the participants shed their ego, their fears and inhibitions, and freely start discussing
their strengths and weaknesses.
Initially, some hesitate because of their lack of command over language, which is generally
English; some suffer from stage fear, while some are uncomfortable in a crowd. Those who are not
well educated, have to endure an inferiority complex, still others worry about their personal
appearance. In short, every person has his own fears, but when these thoughts are shared with others,
the fears are blown over.
During the seminar, our team applies a variety of techniques to make all the participants feel at
ease. We also discuss autobiographies of eminent people and watch video clippings. We show them
footage of speakers who are neither smart nor fluent, but yet command a large following. Stories of
physically challenged people, who have attained great success in this business, are true eye openers.
Friends, we all in this world are born with some weaknesses and strengths. Successful people
realize their imperfections, but work on their strengths, whereas unsuccessful people tend to overlook
their positive attributes and continue to cry over their misfortunes. It is important to introspect and
search for your hidden attributes.
Write down the positive attributes of your personality, and hone these skills. You will
surely be a winner.
There are many people whom I know, who are ever thankful to God that they are healthy and
born in a good family. We have our weaknesses, but we must focus on our strengths, and move ahead
in life.
An aged person suffers from debilitating diseases of diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma and
weak vision. Yet he is ever thankful to God that at this age he is able to perform all his routine tasks.
If you are invited to join with a promise or an assurance that somebody will prepare your down-
line, do not be lured by this proposition.
There is no free lunch in this world. Nobody pays a penny for nothing. Such a proposition is only a
bait to entice you.
This is your life and you have to work hard to ensure success.


Begin a task only when you are prepared to put in your maximum efforts, and work to your best
abilities. Any work that is performed half-heartedly, merely as a formality, does not fetch any results.
It is better not to perform a work to which you cannot connect mentally. But if the task is important, it
is advisable to leave aside all excuses, and do it in right earnest, with complete zeal.
In some people, the level of enthusiasm and dedication keeps fluctuating. While sometimes they
are full of vigor, and put in their utmost efforts, at other times, they may become passive. Despite the
fact that these people may be very capable, yet they may not achieve success.
If you embark upon a mission, or taken upon yourself a task, then make use of all your
capabilities and energy in doing so, or else do not take it up at all. This way, if despite your best
efforts you fail to achieve your goal, you will not carry the feeling of guilt because you have left no
stone unturned.
There are people who will readily commence a task, but begin to make excuses no sooner they
face hardships. They may even abandon the work at hand mid-way, and cut a very sorry figure.
Network marketing lays emphasis on 100% commitment. If you are not inclined to take this business
seriously, assuming it to be a small venture, you are destined to be unsuccessful. You cannot expect
desired results if you lack the drive to fulfill your dreams, or do not have the courage to hear a
negative answer.
At my workshops on network marketing, I convey the message that to be successful, people
should work with full zest and total dedication, putting in sincere efforts. One must look at this
business as ones life and also as the future of ones family. Then only one will be driven to strive
The day you take full responsibility of all your doings, the day you stop making excuses,
you begin to tread on the path to success.


It is a general belief that very intelligent people never face defeat in any area of work. This
however, is untrue, and certainly does not hold any water in the domain of network marketing. Here
intelligence has to be supplemented with qualities of patience, dedication and persistence.
In my opinion, very smart people are rather impatient. They will also take short cuts in order to
succeed fast. In Network marketing, the people that follow the rules and directions set by their
leaders and managers of the company grow fast.
My conversations with several people who have made a career in this business, have led me to
the conclusion that very smart and intelligent people either fail to succeed, or fall out of business,
after sometime. In contrast, people with average intellect, modest and unassuming, have proven to be
more successful, and some of these have even reached the pinnacle simply due to consistent hard
Network Marketing, therefore, is a business idea for ordinary people; There is no need to be
extra smart or intelligent. People with an average educational background and ordinary talents have
also proven to achieve extraordinary success, but only if they have remained sincere in this business.


Network Marketing is recognized the world over as legal business. However, in India, very
strict rules have not been enacted for this business. Taking advantage of this fact, some Network
Companies cheat their customers.
It is often heard that a company has collected money from the members, and wound up their
business. Such fraudulent acts have not only resulted in a loss of wealth of many, but have also ruined
the career of people who had joined the company with great hope.
If you doubt the credentials of a company, you must inquire about its registration number and
certificate. If it is not already mentioned in its brochures, you can inquire from the concerned
department or get the information from the website, RBI, Sebi or Company Board.
This small initial exercise will safeguard your future, time and wealth.


Before joining a company, it becomes mandatory to make proper inquiries and clear all doubts.
One should know the credentials of the promoters of the company. It is important to find whether they
were doing any business in the past, and if so, whether their past track record is clean of and
fraudulent practices.
Are the promoters educated and specialists in their field? Is the company controlled by family
members, or is it managed by a group of professionals?
Answers to most of these queries can be obtained from the Company website, and their
brochures. If you find that the Company has an unsuccessful past or is dealing in malpractice, then
rather than wasting your time and effort, and putting your career at stake, it is better that you search
for another company.


Choose a company that has products which suit the lifestyle of the common man. Products which
are used daily, and which cater to the needs of masses, are the most easily promoted.
Several years back, some company launched a business of offering website space. In those early
days, Indians were not very computer savvy and were not familiar with the internet. As a result, this
product was unacceptable to the masses and the company had to soon close shop. Hence, you must get
connected to a company which offers products that are contemporary, neither too outdated, nor too
Prefer company with a diverse range of products, backed by proper research, with some unique
features. A product that is good enough will reduce your hard work. Quality products give you repeat


Some companies charge a heavy introductory fee to join them. In return they give either average
or low quality products, or very exorbitantly priced items.
The sole objective of these companies is to collect maximum initial fee, rather than offering a
good range of quality products. After having paid a heavy fee, members become hesitant to withdraw
themselves from the system for the fear of losing the amount paid by way of initial fee.
It is thus better to join a company which charges a nominal registration fee and in return gives
you quality products of value. Several guidelines regarding entry fee/ registration fee / introductory
fee have been laid down by Government.


Several companies have products which are priced very high. Often, and sadly, the quality of
these products does not match their price.
On the other hand, there are companies which have tied up with good national & international
brands to sell quality branded products through their network. They also provide after sales service,
and thus do excellent business.
If you are getting connected to a network marketing scheme, then choose a company whose
products are of a good quality, has tie up with branded companies, and provides good after-sales
service support. The products should carry quality evaluation certification and marks, and should be
available at reasonable price.



Network Marketing is a peculiar business. Thousands of people join the same system and sell
the same product, but some earn handsomely, whereas, some fall out of business. Chances of failure
are mitigated, if networkers cautiously follow the guidelines laid down by the upline of the team.
These guidelines, prescribed methods, good practices, rules and principles all of which form the
cornerstone for the company to navigate itself in the business, are instilled in the members through
proper training programs and seminars.
I have prepared rigorous seminars specially for networkers on subjects like The art of effective
speaking, & Leadership in networking. These seminars besides improving the inter-personal and
communication skills, infuse a sense of new direction in participants, and as a result often passive
down-line associates become active, thus reviving the whole business.
After attending these seminars when people share their intense feelings with me through phone,
mails and letters, I find it hard to believe that training can bring about such a transformation. A good
support system and training forms a strong base for Network Marketing. Without the training &
education, you may continue business for some time, but cannot reach up to the summit.
Before you join a Network Company, always collect information about their training policies
and the quality of their training programs.
I strongly suggest that all such organizations which do not have formal training programs, and
support system, should become alert. Most Network Companies in the world have failed in spite of
their quality products, just because they lacked in imparting proper training to their members.


Every company makes its Pay-out to its distributors at regular intervals. The payments made can
be weekly, monthly, biannually or annually.
A Company which settles payments to its distributors in short periods is better. The company
that deducts tax at source and issues a TDS certificate, in compliance with the local tax laws is the
right system.
You must inquire about the payment terms of the company from people already connected to its
network. You must also enquire about the regularity & consistency of payments.
Some companies give pins or some symbolic items instead of money, it is better to stay away
from them. There is no guarantee of that currency. That is a method to stop you from taking your
profits out.


Some of the new companies work in tight fisted manner, and do not pay their distributors unless
they achieve a fixed target of sales. Still others again charge a registration fee, if the sales target are
not met.
Hence, you must be careful in selecting a company which pays you in proportion to your
achievements, i.e., effort and hard work.
In fact, this is the difference between other kinds of business and Network companies, wherein
in case of former, organizations fire their workers if they do not meet their target, while with the ideal
network company, there is an element of flexibility. A networker is not thrown out of the team even if
he fails to achieve a set target.

We have extraordinary audio and video products on different subjects like personal growth,
success, professional growth, parenting, network marketing etc. You can change your life by reading
few pages daily and by listening to CDs. You can use these motivational products for gifting to
friends, family and employees.
You can buy all the audios and videos online from They are also
available with top online sellers like Amazon, Snapdeal and ShopClues.
Call for Products : 9229186002, 9229186001
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List of Video CDs

Public Speaking Mastery Course

The Success Habits
Shraddhanjali do, Safalta lo
Shoonya se Shikhar tak
Dus paise se bani meri zindagi (Parenting)
Super Business, Super life
Mahanta ke 10 Siddhant & More

List of Audio CDs

Shandaar Zindgi Ke 30 Minutes

10 Kahaniya- 10 Mahan Sabak
Jeet Ya Haar
Prabhavi Bolne Ki Kala
UPSC-Ujjwal Patni Success Capsule
Load Mat Lo
Sakaratmak Soch & More

Network Marketing CD

Network Marketing- Six Steps

Diamond Banne Ka Raaj
Network marketing Prashikshan ke sutra

Thousands of people have achieved extraordinary success by participating in Dr Ujjwal Patnis

programs. Training & Motivational programs are essential to upgrade ourselves.
Dr Ujjwal Patnis motivational training programs are conducted on network marketing, personal
success, business success, public success, leadership, parenting and other subjects. The topmost
signature programs of Dr Ujjwal Patni are Excellence Gurukul and VIP.
The programs are highly interactive backed by audios and videos. Customized programs are
created as per clients requirement. The programs are residential as well as non residential. To
organize Dr Ujjwal Patnis motivational programs in your city, or to participate, Connect via:

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