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B.E. / B.


First Semester
Time: Three hours Maximum: 100 Marks
Answer ALL questions
PART A (10 X 2 = 20 marks)

1. State the characteristics of computers.

2. How will you classify computer systems?
3. Differentiate Application software and System software?
4. Name any two Internet applications.
5. Draw a flowchart to find the maximum among the three numbers.
6. Name any four Application Software Packages.
7. Write the following conditions using "?" operator.
4x+100 for x<40
Salary = 300 for x=40
4.5x+150 for x>40
8. Write the limitations of using getchar() and scanf() functions for reading strings.
9. Define a C function to exchange the content of two variables.
10. Write the format of the following functions: (a) fseek (b) fopen.

PART B (5X16=80marks)

11. a) i) Explain the evolution of computers. (8)

ii) With suitable diagram explain about computer organization. (8)
b) With suitable example, explain about Number Systems. (16)
12. a) Explain the various types of software with suitable examples. (16)
b) Explain in detail about the software development steps. (16)
13. a) i) Draw a flowchart to multiply two matrices. (8)
ii) Write the pseudo code to multiply two matrices. (8)
b) i) What is an algorithm? Write an algorithm to print even numbers from 2 to 100. (8)
ii) Explain any 8 Formatting features of an Application packages. (8)
14. a) i) Explain the various looping constructs. Give an example for each and explain the Working f the
construct. (8)
ii) Write a C program to find the sum of the series:
S = 1+x+x2+x3++xn (8)
b) i) write a C program to print the given numbers in reverse order. (8)
ii) Explain any 2 constructs used for decision making. Given an example for
each and Explain the working of the construct. (8)
15. a) i) Explain about the different parameter passing methods with examples. (8)
ii) Write notes on storage classes in C. (8)
b) i) Explain about structures and unions suitable examples. (8)
ii) Write notes on Pointers. (8)

B.E./B.Tech.Degree Examinations,Nov/Dec 2010

GE2112 Fundamentals of Computing and Programming
Time: Three Hours Maximum: 100 Marks
Answer ALL Questions
Part A - (10 x 2 = 20 Marks)

1. What are Super computers? Give examples.

2. Find the hexadecimal and decimal equivalent of the number (1110101101)2
3. List few application software's.
4. How each computer in the internet is being identified?
5. What is the difference between program and algorithm.
6. What are the main software's in oce package.
7. What do you mean by `C' Tokens?
8. Write a C program for the following expressions.
i. a = 5 <= 8&& 6 ! = 5
ii. a = b++ + ++b where b = 50
9. What is the value of b[0] in the following program?
int a[5]={1,3,6,7,0};
int *b;
b=&a[2]; }

10. Consider the declaration:

struct {
char name;
int num; }
Illustrate the application of size of operator to this structure.

Part B - (5 x 16 = 80 Marks)

11. (a) (i) Illustrate the process of addition and subtraction in 1s and 2s complement
system with suitable examples. (Marks 8)
(ii) Explain the evolution of computers. (Marks 8)
11. (b) (i) Find the decimal equivalent of the number(A2B:D8)16 (Marks 3)(ii) Find the binary equivalent
of the number(108:625)10 (Marks 3)
(iii) Draw the block diagram to illustrate the basic organization of computer
system and explain the functions of the various units. (Marks 10)

12. (a) (i) State and explain the various steps involved in development of a software.
(Marks 8)
(ii) Differentiate between application software and system software.
(Marks 8)
12. (b) (i) Explain the following:
WWW, URL, Internet Service Provider, Web Browser. (Marks 8)
(ii) Explain the various types of internet connection. (Marks 8)

13. (a) (i) Explain guidelines for preparing flowcharts,benefits and limitation of flowcharts.
(Marks 8)
(ii) Write an algorithm for finding sum and average of n numbers. Also state
the properties of a good algorithm. (Marks 8)
13. (b) What is pseudo code? How does it differ from flowchart? write a pseudo code
to add up all the even numbers between 0 and 100 and print the result. (Marks 16)

14. (a) (i) What are the different operators available in C? Explain with examples.
(Marks 12)
(ii) Differentiate between signed and unsigned integer. (Marks 4)
14. (b) (i) Write a C program to compute the following function: S = (x2 +x4 +...+ x2n)=n. Trace the
program for the values x = 2 and n = 5. (Marks 12)
(ii) Compare `for', `while' and `do-while' loops. (Marks 4)

15. (a) Explain, with examples, the different types of storage classes in C. (Marks 16)
15. (b) (i) Discuss the different forms of macro substitution in preprocessed directives.
(Marks 6)
(ii) Define a structure called student that would contain name, reg-no and
marks of five subjects and percentage. Write a program to read the details of name, reg-no and marks of
five subjects for 30 students, calculate
the percentage and display the name, reg-no, marks of 30 subjects and
percentage of each student. (Marks 10)


Answer ALL questions
PART A (10 X 2 = 20 marks

1. What are the factors needed to classify computers?

2. Write the binary and octal equivalent of hexadecimal number 7BD.
3. What is IP Address?
4. List the different types of software.
5. What is pseudo code?
6. List any four office packages.
7. Distinguish between While..Do and DoWhile statement in C.
8. Write a C program to print the number 10 ten times, the number 9 nine times and so on.
9. Write a C function to check whether the given year is leap or not.
10. Write any two different between structures and union.

PART B (5X16=80marks)

11.a) i) Explain different types of computers. (8)

ii) Discuss about the evolution of computers. (8)
b) With suitable diagram, explain the basic organization of computers. (16)

12. a) Explain the step involved in software developments with suitable example. (16)

b) i) Discuss the services provided by the internet. (8)
ii) Describe the basic Internet terminologies used. (8)

13. a) i) Write algorithm to print the Fibonacci series: (0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,) (8)

ii) Draw a flowchart to add two matrices. (8)
b) i) Write a pseudo code for calculating compound interest. (8)
ii) Write the uses of flowchart and algorithm with suitable examples. (8)

14.a) Explain different data types in C with suitable examples. (16)

b) i) Write a C program to count the letters in a sequence of characters. (8)
ii) Write the use of switch case construct with its syntax and an example. (8)
15. a) i) Write a C program to concatenate two strings. (8)
ii) Discuss about pointers and its use in C. (8)
b) i) Explain about structure declaration in C with suitable example. (8)
ii) Discuss about preprocessor facility in 'C'. (8)


Time: Three hours Maximum: 100 Marks
PART A (10 X 2 = 20 marks)

(1) Why computer is known as data processor?

(2) What is cache memory? How is it different from primary memory?
(3) Different between web page and web site.
(4) What is the difference between interpreter and compiler?
(5) What are the rules for pseudocode?
(6) Write algorithm to print biggest of three numbers.
(7) What is the purpose of main()?
(8) What is an argument? Differentiate between formal arguments and actual arguments.
(9) How a variable is declared to be a pointer?
(10) Why use arrays?

PART B (5X16=80marks)

11 a) i) Explain in detail the characteristics of Computers. (8)

ii) Discuss in detail the classification of computers. (8)
b)Write short notes on: i) Menory of a computer ,ii) Secondary storage devices. (8+8).

12 a) Discuss about the different steps involved in the software development. (16)
b) How the software are classified? Explain each with relevant example. (16)
13.a) What is the difference between an algorithm and pseudocode? Also write an Algorithm and
pseudocode for solving a quadratic equation. (16)
b) i) Explain any eight formatting features with suitable example. (8)
ii) Explain application of software packages.

14. a) Describe various data types in C.

b) Describe any four I/O statement of 'C'. (8+8)
c) Draw a flowchart and write a C program to print student grade using structure. (16)
15. a) Write C program to read and write employee and their data of joining using nested
structure. (16)
b) i) Describe what is meant be passing by reference. Explain with your own example.
ii) Describe how to declare two dimensional array using pointers. And write a for loop to store
information and later modification to the declared pointer. (8+8)


Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
Answer ALL questions.
PARTA-(10 x2=20 marks)

1. What are the characteristics of von Neumann architecture?

2. Find the equivalent octal number for AF6.
3. Write the procedure for subtracting two binary numbers using two's
4. What is an icon? Give an example.
5. What is meant by Desktop publishing?
6. What are the functions of an editor?
7. List the bitwise operators supported by C language.
8. What are the advantages of switch statement?
9. What is the difference between union and structure?
10. Write the C code for finding the sum of N integers using pointers?
PARTB-(5 x 16=80marks)
11. (a) (i) What are the advantages of stored program computers? (4)
(ii) List the registers used in a computer and explain their use. (6)
(iii) Convert 225.225 to octal and hexadecimal. (6)
(b) (i) f)raw the basic block diagram of a digital computer and explain the
functions of each unit. (8)
(ii) classify computers based on their usage and explain their
characteristics. (8)
t2. (a) (i) What are the functions of an operating systems? @)
(ii) What are the merits of High level languages? (3)
(iii) Show the step-by-step division process when (-160)/(+12) is
computed. (9)
(i) Explain the working of an interpreter using a flow chart. (8)
(ii) Explain how multiplication and division of binary numbers can be
done using arithmetic shift operation. (8)
13. (a) (i) Draw the flow chart for find the sum of all the odd numbers in a
given set of numbers. (8)
(ii) Describe the features of MS-word. (8)
(i) Describe the features of Spreadsheet. What are its applications? (8)
(ii) Write a pseudocodefo r finding the factorial of given number. (8)
(iii) Explain the following control statements using examples:
WHILE statement; IF ELSE IF statement. (8)
(ii) Write a C program to read a line of mixed text and to display after
converting all upper case to lower case, all digits to 0 and all other
special characters to*.
Write a C program to sort thc elements of an n display the elements in the following pattern :
With examples, explain how input and output managed in C. (8)
15. (a) (i) Write a C program using pointers to concatenate two strings. (8)
(ii) Write notes on preprocessor directives. (8)
(b) (i) Write a C program to read m element of last column of each other columns in that row.
x n matrix and to check whether the row is the sum of the elements of the array (8)
(ii) Explain the use of structure within a structure and structures using examples.(8)

(Common to all branches)

Answer all questions

1.What are different components of computer?

2.Draw flow chart to find the lowest of two numbers.
3.Write C assignment statements to evaluate the following equation T=(2ab)*g/(a+b).
4.Write a C program to find the greatest of given 10 numbers.
5.What is the advantage of using register variable?
6.Give an example for enumerated data type.
7.What is the difference between structure and union?
8.What do you mean by dynamic memory allocation?
9.Define Stack and Queue.
10.What is the main advantage of linked list?


11 (a) (i) Discuss about different services provided by the internet.

(ii) List the different categories of softwares.
(b) (i) Draw a flow chart to solve a quadratic equation
Ax2+Bx+c=0 where A!=0
(ii)Draw a flow chart for finding the sum of first ten natural numbers.

12 (a) (i) Write a C program to find the simple interest? Inputs are principal amount, period in year and
rate of interest.
(ii)Write a program to calculate the sum of remainders obtained by dividing with modular division
operation by 2 on 1 to 9 numbers.
(b) (i) Write a C program to evaluate the following series.

13 (a) Write a C program to arrange the names in alphabetical order.

(b) (i)Illustrate the principles of different storage classes in C.
(ii)Write a C program to find the factorial of a given number using recursion.

14 (a) (i)Write a program to display array elements and their address using pointers.
(ii)Write a program to assign pointer value to another variable and write program to add two numbers
through their pointers.
(b) (i) Write a program to write data to a text file and to read it.
(ii)Write note on self referential structures.

15 (a) Implement a queue so that each element of the queue hold a list of integers. Write the funcions
add_Q and remove_Q for such a queue.
(b) Write a C program to insert to note in the beginning, middle and end of the linked list


PART A (10 X 2 = 20 marks

1. What are the factors needed to classify computers?

2. Write the binary and octal equivalent of hexadecimal number 7BD.
3. What is IP Address?
4. List the different types of software.
5. What is pseudo code?
6. List any four office packages.
7. Distinguish between While..Do and DoWhile statement in C.
8. Write a C program to print the number 10 ten times, the number 9 nine times and so on.
9. Write a C function to check whether the given year is leap or not.
10. Write any two different between structures and union.

PART B (5X16=80marks)
11.a) i) Explain different types of computers. (8)
ii) Discuss about the evolution of computers. (8)
b) With suitable diagram, explain the basic organization of computers. (16)

12. a) Explain the step involved in software developments with suitable example. (16)
b) i) Discuss the services provided by the internet. (8)
ii) Describe the basic Internet terminologies used. (8)

13. a) i) Write algorithm to print the Fibonacci series: (0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,) (8)

ii) Draw a flowchart to add two matrices. (8)
b) i) Write a pseudo code for calculating compound interest. (8)
ii) Write the uses of flowchart and algorithm with suitable examples. (8)

14.a) Explain different data types in C with suitable examples. (16)

b) i) Write a C program to count the letters in a sequence of characters. (8)
ii) Write the use of switch case construct with its syntax and an example. (8)

15. a) i) Write a C program to concatenate two strings. (8)

ii) Discuss about pointers and its use in C. (8)
b) i) Explain about structure declaration in C with suitable example. (8)
ii) Discuss about preprocessor facility in 'C'. (8)




PART A-(10*2=20MARKS)

1.Distinguish between Analog and Digital computer.

2.Convert 0.4375 decimal to binary system.

3.Distiguish between complier and interpreters.

4.What is web server?

5.What is an algorithm?

6.Give the importance of a graphic packages.

7.Write a code segment using while statement to print numbers from 10 down to 1.

8.Write a c program for the following expressions.

(a)a=5 <= 8 && 6!=5

(b)a = b++ + ++b where b = 50

9.How strings are represented in c language?

10.What are the advantages of unions over structures?

PART B-(5*16=80 MARKS)

11.(a)(i)What are the characteristic of a computer? Discuss

(ii)Briefly explain the various generations of computers.
(iii)Convert the decimal number 59.8125 into binary and octal.


11(b)Explain the different components of a computer system with block diagram.

12.(a)(i)Describe the differnt types of software with examples.

(ii)List the differnt software development steps and explain.


12.(b)(i)Explain the common types of internet access.

(ii)Write short notes on web brwer.
(iii)Explain a typical structure URL.

13. (a)Draw and explain the various symbols of flowchart and also draw the flowchar
to add an array
of N elements


13.(b)(i)Explain the features of Power Point package.

(ii)List and explain the features supported by spreadsheet package.

(iii)Briefly write about Desktop Publishing Software.
14.(a)(i)What are the different operators available in C? Explain with examples.
(ii)Differentiate between signed and unsigned integer.


14.(b)(i)Explain the following conditional statements.

1.nested if-else statement
2.switch-case statement
(ii)Write a Cprogram that reads a number and display whether the number is prime or

15.(a)(i)Write a C program to reverse a given string.

(ii)Differentiate pass by value and pass by address in c.


15.(b)Write a Cprogram that gets and display the report of n students with their
personal and academic detials using structures.

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