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Claudius Ptolemys Law of Refraction

Stephen R. Wilk

Emus tenui aqua tegitur et fracti Ptolemy constructed a straightfor-

speciem reddit ward goniometer, marking off the
degrees along the edge and placing the

A n oar is covered with shallow

water and gives the appearance of
being broken. Thats Lucius Annaeus
center at the interface between two
dielectric media. He examined refrac-
tion at the interface between air and
Seneca, noted Roman philosopher and water, between glass and air, and
author, writing in his book, Natural between glass and water. He varied the
Questions, circa 63 C.E.1 Senecas is angle of incidence between 10 degrees
an early observation that light passing and 80 degrees in units of 10 degrees
into water is refracted, but its not the (measured from the normal to the
earliest. Titus Lucretius Caro had interface) and measured the corre-
expressed much the same thought sponding angle of refraction. So why
about a century earlier2 in his philo- didnt the world get the law of refrac-
sophical poem, De Rerum Natura.* tion fifteen hundred years before Snell
Lucretiuss poem was an interpreta- and Descartes?
tion of Epicurean philosophy, so the I first learned of Ptolemys work
observation could easily be centuries in C.B. Boyers wonderful book,
older. Its hard to imagine those sea- The Rainbow: From Myth to
going Greeks not noticing the way the Mathematician, astronomer and physicist Mathematics. 4 In it, Boyer notes that
line of a submerged oar seems to break Claudius Ptolemy performed a series of George Sarton, in his Introduction to
careful experiments in the first century C.E.
at the interface between air and water. the History of Science, 5 called Ptolemys
to determine the rules of refraction.
This is how the science of optics usu- work the most remarkable experimental
ally found expression in the ancient research of antiquity. Ptolemys work
world: a single observation, rather vague, had learned, as I think every optics stu- certainly does follow the model of exper-
qualitative rather than quantitative. dent has, that the law of refraction was imental science weve been brought up to
Some observations, by contrast, were sur- discovered by Dutch mathematician revere. He made an observation (the
prisingly accurate and modern, seem- Willebrord van Roijen Snell in 1621 and apparently broken oar), hypothesized a
ingly far ahead of their time. They first published in Christiaan Huygens cause (change of angle at the water-air
werent, of course; they were part and 1703 book, Dioptrica. The law was not interface), arranged an experiment in
parcel of a tradition of careful and exact published by Snell during his lifetime exemplary fashion, made his observa-
measurement that was largely forgotten and was independently discovered by tions and came up with a result. So why
before the Fall of Rome and for the most Ren Descartes; it is thus known in didnt history follow the rest of the script,
part has not been translated into modern France as Descartess law. By means of giving us modern optics a millennium
English. Examples are well known to this powerful law, Descartes was able to and a half earlier?
some classical scholars and to historians calculate the location of the rainbow and To listen to some of the critics, youd
of science, but not to the general public Newton was able to derive the laws of think that Ptolemy didnt get it right at
or even to most scientists. When you imaging with lenses. Because of the care- all. A look at Internet sites that deal with
stumble upon a gem such as The Sand- ful experimental work of Snell, Descartes the topic imply that Ptolemys numbers
Reckoner by Archimedes (which has a and others, modern optics took root in were off by quite a bit, and that his big
discussion of extremely large numbers the 17th century.3 assumption was that for small angles, the
and estimates the number of grains of So I was amazed to discover that angle of incidence is proportional to the
sand needed to fill the universe), you are mathematician, astronomer and physicist angle of refraction. Even Boyer, after pre-
astonished by its clarity and modernity. Claudius Ptolemy had already performed senting the evidence, notes that A closer
One such piece of ancient science I a series of careful experiments in the first glance suggests that there was less
stumbled across was Claudius Ptolemys century C.E. to determine the rules of experimentation involved in it than orig-
determination of the law of refraction. I refraction. Whats more, Ptolemys was a inally was thought As in other por-
quantitative study, and a startlingly mod- tions of Greek science, confidence in
* The title is sometimes translated as, On the Nature ern one at that, performed just as it is mathematics was here greater than that
of the Universe, but it could as easily be rendered,
The Way Things Are. today in many undergraduate optics labs. in the evidence of the senses, although

14 Optics & Photonics News October 2004


the value corresponding to 60 agrees optical engineer.) All things considered, give the sines of the angles directly, but
remarkably well with experience. Ptolemys results are pretty darned good. rather the lengths of the chords of those
Someone reading the critics might be So why does everyone say theyre bad? angles, measured on a circle having a
led to conjecture: Ptolemy had a good One reason must be that his work has radius of 60 units. The chord of an angle
idea but didnt follow through well. He not been widely disseminated, so most is proportional to the sine of half the
wasnt a good enough experimentalist, or people havent seen it firsthand. The fig- angle, and this makes the relationship
he let his expectations rule the observa- ures for the air-water interface are in even less obvious.9
tions. He got the figure right on about 60 Boyer, but the other figures I obtained Furthermore, Ptolemy was very clearly
degrees, but not on the other values. from A. Mark Smiths Ptolemy and the taken by another feature of his tables of
But such conclusions would be incor- Foundations of Ancient Mathematical angles. In all three cases (air-water inter-
rect. I submit, as evidence, Fig. 1, in Optics. 7 Smith, in turn, took them from face, air-glass interface and water-glass
which Ptolemys results for the air-water his own translation of Ptolemys Optics. interface) the second differences between
interface are plotted alongside modern As far as I can tell, Smiths is the first the angles of refraction are constant. In
results obtained from Snells law. The 60- translation of this important work into other words, while the angle of incidence
degree data point is not, in fact, the sole English. It appeared as recently as 1996.8 increases by 10 degrees each time, the
intersection with reality: Ptolemys data Several writers take Ptolemy to task intervals between the angles of refraction
agree with modern findings to within for not having determined the correct are decreasing (8 degrees, 15.5 degrees,
about 0.5 degrees for all values except 80 relationship between the sines of the 22.5 degrees, 29 degrees differ by, succes-
degrees. (In fact, the best agreement isnt angles of incidence and refraction. This is sively, 7.5 degrees, 7 degrees and 6.5
at 60 degrees but at 70 degrees.) somewhat ironic, since Ptolemy compiled degrees). The difference between the
We get similar results if we plot what is essentially a widely used table of intervals is always -0.5 degrees.
Ptolemys results against modern results sines. Whats more, its by no means obvi- Furthermore, Ptolemy found the second
for the air-glass or the water-glass inter- ous that the sines of the angles would be difference to be the same in all three cases
face. (I assumed n = 1.5 for the refractive the functions to have a linear relation- its always -0.5 degrees. This amounts
index of glassthe first refuge of the ship. Moreover, Ptolemys tables did not to saying that the relationship between

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October 2004 Optics & Photonics News 15

the angles of incidence and refrac- angles of refraction were expressed

tion, measured in degrees, is 50 by Ptolemy for small angles). But
quadratic. Happily, the equations if you were to plug in the above
assume a relatively simple form. values youd find that the incorrect
For air-water, the relationship is: 40 refractive index leads to an error:
the predicted power of the lens
refract= 1 2
- would be too low, the focal length
40 incident 400 incident 30 too long.
Rpti In fact, we need not go to all
For air-glass, the linear coeffi- Ri that trouble to find a situation
cient becomes 29/40, and for 20 where Ptolemys measurements
water-glass it becomes 39/40. The will produce a discrepancy with
quadratic coefficient, of course, is experiment. We can consider an
always (-1/400). 10 effect very similar to the ancient
Two errors are involved. broken oar problem: the fact
Ptolemy rounded his numbers, that a ring placed at the bottom of
almost always to the nearest half of 0
0 20 40 60 80
a basin appears to be closer when
a degree. But not always, especially the basin is filled with water.13
for the refraction corresponding to  Ii Using simple paraxial optics, you
80-degree incidence. He evidently calculate that the apparent dis-
saw the beginnings of a quadratic pattern Ptolemys measurements for angle of refrac- tance of the ring from the waters surface
and allowed it to shape his reported tion vs. angle of incidence at air-water inter- is 1/n times the distance it truly is. This
face (red) vs. predictions based on Snells
observations. As has been noted by oth- experiment would be simple to carry out
10 law (blue).
ers, Ptolemys reported angles of refrac- and the difference between an index of
tion arent really raw data: theyve been 1.21 and one of 1.33 would be speedily
smoothed and massaged. numbers for anyone wishing to pursue a noted.
Smith suggests that Ptolemy was con- mathematical study of refractive optics. The problem is, of course, that no one
ditioned by his work in astronomy to see With the advantage of two millennia of actually did the experiment. Ptolemy
a pattern of constant second differ- mathematics and physics, we can see that never followed through on his work, and
ences,11 so its not surprising that he the function no one else carried it on. If anyone had
noticed what he thought was the same pursued this tantalizing lead, they would
pattern in optics. If you use the correct undoubtedly have discovered the incon-
values and Snells law, of course, you find  1 sin (
refract= sin1
incident) sistencies. That, of course, is the sort of
that the second difference is not a con- thing that is necessary for good science:
stant -0.5 deg-1. The second derivative of ought to be expanded in a Taylor series, peer review and testing of hypotheses.
the function varies considerably from giving a linear term followed by a cubic, Ptolemys experiment resembles less a
0 deg-1 at 0 degrees to about -1.5 deg-1 at rather than by a quadratic, term. If you modern research paper than it does an
70 degrees for air-water. use only the first two terms of the expan- undergraduate experiment: performed
Why did Ptolemy fail to discover sion, however, your result wont be as once, written up and not reviewed again.
Snells law? Smith says that Ptolemy good as Ptolemys is with his two terms. Had Ptolemy been forced to explain the
wasnt trying to answer the same ques- So maybe its not so bad to stick to his discrepancies, he might even have pro-
tions: he was not seeking to explain the formulation. duced the law of refraction as we know it,
radiation of light, but the nature of What would have happened if some- despite those cumbersome sines
sight.12 It seems to me, however, that to one had actually used Ptolemys law to expressed as chords.
explain one is to explain the other. formulate geometrical optics? Well, the But until fairly recently, optics did not
Ptolemy had great successes elsewhere in first thing youd find is that the refractive receive treatment as comprehensive as did
his work, why did he fail here? indices dont come out quite right. other branches of mathematics and sci-
It seems clear to me that Ptolemy felt Waters is 40/33, giving it a refractive ence. The evidence lies in the fragmentary
he had reached the correct result and index of 1.212 instead of 1.33. Glass has state of our knowledge of ancient optics.
decided to push no farther. It was not of an index of 40/29 = 1.37 instead of 1.5. We know that several books on the topic
central importance to him, despite the The results carry through to cause prob- were penned, but few have survived and
investment in time and equipment. lems in later calculations. You can derive those that have are incomplete. For
Having satisfied himself with an answer, paraxial optics and end up with the same Ptolemys own Optics, we have only a
he moved on. results we have today, including the lens- 12th century Latin translation of an Arabic
Ptolemys result may not have been makers formula for the power of a lens copy, and we lack Book I and the end of
perfect, but it was, as shown above, not a (since the assumptions of a linear rela- Book V.14 And, as I noted, an English
bad result. It certainly provided concrete tionship between angles of incidence and translation has only become available

16 Optics & Photonics News October 2004

within the past decade. Ptolemys ideas formula you derive from Ptolemys
did not get fully corrected for the same data predicts that the rainbow lies at
reason they did not have a significant 42 degrees from the anti-solar point. The
impact on the history of optics: they were modern geometrical optics result, using
not widely disseminated. Snells law, predicts 42.5 degrees.15
As Neuegebauer notes, Ptolemys work In other words, we came extremely
had its greatest influence through the close to having a correct theoretical
Arabic students of optics, who knew of explanation for the rainbow several cen-
it indirectly through the work of Ibn turies in advance of its actual discovery,
al-Haitham (better known as Alhazen). and only missed it (arguably) because
Even with this audience, however, it did Ptolemys book didnt quite last long
not find full expression. Among the lost enough or wasnt popular enough to
parts of Ptolemys Optics is his explana- reach the proper hands.
tion of the rainbow. The Arabic opticists
Stephen R. Wilk ( is director of
Qutb al-Din al-Shirazi (1236-1311) and technology applications at MXL and a visiting scien-
his student Kamal al-Din al-Farisi (circa tist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
1320) both studied the rainbow, produc-
ing surprisingly modern results. They
1. Book I, section 3.9. I quote both the Latin and the
modeled the raindrop as a sphere of translation from the Loeb Classical Library edition of
Seneca: Natural Questions (Naturales Quaestiones),
water and experimented with a glass Books I-III, trans. T. H. Corcoran, (Harvard Univ. Press,
sphere filled with water, following the 1971), 38-9.
beam of light as it refracted, reflected 2. Lucretiuss observation of the apparent bending of the
oar (and of the rudder as well) appears in Book IV, line
once inside, then refracted upon leaving 437. On page 144 of the Penguin translation by R.E.
Latham, this is rendered as: So much of the oars as
the drop. They correctly explained both projects above the waterline is straight, and so is the
the primary and secondary rainbow in upper part of the rudder. But all the submerged parts
appear refracted and wrenched round in an upward
this way, and made the first observation direction and almost as though bent right back so as
to float on the surface. (Penguin Books, 1951).
of a tertiary rainbow. At almost precisely
3. See, for instance, page 3 of E. Hechts Optics, (2nd
the same time, a French-German monk ed., Addison-Wesley, 1987) this was one of the
named Theodoric of Freibourg was great moments in optics. By learning precisely how
rays of light are redirected on traversing a boundary
working along the same lines in Europe. between two media, Snell in one swoop swung open
the door to modern applied optics.
His drawings have come down to us
4. C. B. Boyer, The Rainbow: From Myth to Mathematics,
(al-Shirazis and al-Farisis, sadly, have (Princeton Univ. Press), 61-2.
not), and his pictures of a primary or a 5. Smiths book, published by the American Philosophical
Society in 1999, is actually Transactions of the
secondary rainbow could have been taken American Philosophical Society, 89, Part 3.
from a modern optics text, or from 6. G. Sarton, Introduction to the History of Science,
(Baltimore 1927-47).
Descartes work on the rainbow. 7. A. Mark Smith, Ptolemys Theory of Visual Perception:
Descartes, you may recall, used Snells An English Translation of the Optics with Introduction
and Commentary. Transactions of the American
law to imagine the trajectories of rays Philosophical Society, 86, Part 2 (1996)
entering a drop of water at different dis- 8. See, for example, O. Neugebauer A History of Ancient
Mathematical Astronomy, I (Springer-Verlag, 1975)
tances from the center and, noting that 21.
the rainbows occurred at a maxima or a 9. Boyer says this, so does Smith in his 1999 book. See
also Neugebauers History of Ancient Mathematical
minima in the angle of refraction, calcu- Astronomy, II (Springer-Verlag 1975), 894-6.
lated for the first time the angle of the 10. See, for instance, for an example from Babylon, J.
Evanss The History and Practice of Ancient Astronomy,
rainbow. If they had been armed with (Oxford Univ. Press, 1998), 333.
Ptolemys formula, al-Farisi, al-Shirazi or 11. Smith, 1999, page 8. See also his article Ptolemys
Theodoric, who knew the path of the ray Search for a Law of Refraction: A Case-Study in the
Classical Methodology of Saving the Appearances
through the drop, could have done the and Its Limitations, in Archive for History of Exact
Sciences, 26 (1982) , 221-40.
same 300 years earlier. Moreover, they 12. Seneca observed this phenomenon and tried to use it
would have obtained the correct result. to argue his case for the rainbow. See his Natural
Questions, Section I, 6.5 , in T. Corcorans translation
Unlike the paraxial optics examples I in the Loeb Classical Library (Harvard Univ. Press,
noted above, which depend on the values 1971) 54-7.
13. See Neugebauer (1975) II, 892-3.12.
at small angles (where Ptolemys insis-
14. See Boyer (1959) 110-25.
tence on constant second differences led 15. See, for example. R.A.R. Trickers Introduction to
him into error), the rainbow angle is cal- Meteorological Optics, 50-3. I leave derivation of the
formulas for higher-order rainbows as an exercise for
culated on angles where Ptolemys results the reader. I note, with regret, that Ptolemys results
are almost perfectly correct (despite his dont work so well for secondary rainbows, predicting
that they lie at 35 degrees, rather than the true value
having fudged the data). The quadratic of 50 degrees.

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