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Around the 18th century AD Islam stagnated thought. On Muslims generally
preoccupied by asceticism. Where the door of ijtihad has been closed more
incentive. In addition, the tradition of innovation and rampant superstition. This
resulted in blind people with the teachings contained in the Qur'an and Sunnah. In
Islamic countries there are many sheikhs graves scattered congregations. Every
city, even villages have grave sheikh or guardian who buried it to solve problems
in their daily lives. There is requested so that children are given, some are calling
for a mate given, there is again asking to be healed of his leprosy. Sheikh or
guardian who has passed it in perspective as one having authority to resolve any
issues encountered in nature.
Seeing this kind of condition, it raises motivation and inspiration for
Muhammad ibn abd Wahab to respond by trying to revive the spirit of
reconciliation initiated the pure teachings of Islam, as it had done by his
supporters Ahmad ibn Hanbal and Ibn Taymiyyah. In doing than through oral
preaching and writing, as well as through a movement organized keagaman
sufficient and successful, both in the religious and political aspects.
The thoughts of Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab has values that are useful in
education because education is broad in scope, not limited to just teaching in the

Suwitno dan fauzan, Sejarah Pemikiran Para Tokoh Pendidikan, (Bandung: Angkasa, 2003),
hlm. 267-268.
A. Sheikh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab (1115 - 1206 H/1701 - 1793 AD)
Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab's full name Abu Abdullah bin Abd. Al-
Wahab bin Sulaiman bin Ali bin Mohammed bin Rashid at-Tamimi. He was born
in 1703 M/1115 H in Uyainah, Najd, Saudi Arabia. He is a founding member of
the "Wahhabi". He and his followers named his group with al-Almohad
(supporters of tawhid). While Wahhabi is the nickname given their enemies,
which is also used by the people of Europe and eventually become commonplace.
Muhammad ibn Abd since childhood. Wahab has been getting a pretty strong
religious education. Under the tutelage of his father, Muhammad bin Abd. Wahab
get the first lesson. He is a smart kid, memorized the Quran and the hadith of the
Prophet since many under the age of 10 years. With his father he learned the
Hanbali school of fiqh, tafsir and hadith. He also studied the books written by Ibn
Taymiyyah and al-Qayyim Jauziyyah.
After a long settled in Mecca and Medina, he then moved to Basra. Here he
lived longer, so many sciences gained, particularly in the field and musthalahnya
hadith, fiqh and fiqh proposal, as well as grammatical knowledge (science
qawaid). Besides studying, he had also preached in this city.
Shaykh Muhammad ibn `Abdul Wahab began his preaching in Basra, where
he resided at the time to study. However, there is less glowing sermons, as
encountered many hurdles and obstacles from the local clerics.
Among supporters of preaching in the city of Basra was a scholar named
Shaykh Muhammad al-Majmu'i. But Shaykh Muhammad ibn `Abdul Wahab with
supporters under pressure and threats from some scholars who accused heretic.
Eventually he left Basrah and wander into some Muslim countries to spread
knowledge and experience.
After a while, he then returned to al-Ahsa see his teacher Sheikh Abdullah
bin `Abd al-Latif Ahsai to explore some specific areas of study that has not had
time to learn. There he lived for some time, and then he returned to his native
village Uyainah.
In 1139H/1726M, his father moved from 'Uyainah to Huraymilah and he
took part with his father and learned to his father. But he is still continuing his
strong challenge deeds-deeds religion in Najd. This causes a great conflict and
discord between him and his father who Ahlussunnah wal Jama'ah (as well as the
inhabitants of Najd). The situation continued it into 1153H/1740M year, when his
father died.
In 1738 his father died, he eventually returned to Uyainah. Over a year there
he gave himself to meditation and after he filed a new doctrine to the public. In
the early days of his preaching he got a lot of challenges. His view of the outside
Uyainah attention so he went to get followers Dar'iyah and almost the entire
population of the city and build a mosque there.
Many of the challenges faced by Muhammad ibn Abd. Wahab at the time in
Dar'iyah, but it may face due entirely political support of Muhammad bin Saud. In
1795, Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University managed to collect and account for
his works into 12 volumes, covering the fields of tawhid, fiqh, hadith and tafsir.
Muhammad ibn `Abdul Wahab has spent over 48 years in Dar'iyah. His whole life
is filled with activities writing, teaching, preaching, and jihad as well as serve as
information minister in the Land of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Muhammad
bin Abdul wahab preach until the age of 92 years, he died on the 29th of Shawwal
1206 H, along with 1793 AD, at the age of 92 years. His body was interred in
Dar'iyah (Najd).
Teachings passed on by his students and the mission is to be a very strong
reformist movement during the 18th century until the 20th century AD.2

B. Thought Muhammad bin Abd. Wahab

The thought of Muhammad ibn Abd. Wahab departed from monotheism to
the understanding of God. He divided monotheism into two, namely monotheism
and monotheism uluhiyah rububiyah. Uluhiyah Tawhid Tawheed means to
establish that it only belongs to the divine nature of God, the testimony that there
is no god but Allalh, who was born with utter the phrase "La ilaha illallah".

Suwitno dan Fauzan, Sejarah Pemikiran Para Tokoh Pendidikan,(Bandung: Angkasa, 2003),
hlm. 273.
Besides worship only Him alone. In other words, the belief that the God who
created this universe is God and serve him only. While the meaning of
monotheism rububiyah belief that God is the creator of this world, but not to serve
In the thought of Muhammad ibn Abd. Wahab, uluhiyah monotheism is
brought by the prophets and apostles, while monotheism rububiyah only form of
misuse of human devotion to other than Allah. Thus he argues that the only way
to save mankind from the darkness of polytheism and is back to the Book of
Allah. According to him, monotheism has been possessed by many things that
almost equaled shirk. Such as visiting the graves of the trustees, presented gifts
and believed that they were able to bring in profit or distress. As though God were
the same as the ruler of the world that can be approached through their leaders.
According to Muhammad ibn Abd. Wahab, purify the creed is a major foundation
in Islamic education. He also asserted that education by example or instance is the
most effective method of education. This is in line with the thinking of
Muhammad ibn Abd. Wahab that mankind back to the Prophet and his
companions as an excellent role model for humans.
Basic principles of the teachings of Muhammad ibn Abd. Wahab was based
on the teachings of Ibn Taymiyyah and the Hanbali School, namely:
1. Belief in One God is the absolute
2. Back to the true teachings of Islam, as embodied in the Quran and Hadits
3. Separation can not trust of action, such as prayer and charitable giving
4. Believe that the Koran is not a human creation
5. Real confidence against al-Quran and Hadith
6. Believe in destiny
7. Condemning all views and actions do not correct
According to him, people are free to think within the limits set by the
Qur'an and Sunnah. He combating all forms of heresy and directed that the
beribahad and pray only to God, not to the trustee, sheikh, or the grave. If they
clean like a creed creed pandahulunya that upholds the phrase "La ilaha illallah"
meaning not consider other things as God but God, do not fear death, then surely
the Muslims to regain the glory of victory.
The thoughts of Muhammad ibn Abd. Wahab have an influence on the
development of thinking on the renewal of the modern period3, including:
1. Only al-Quran and al-Hadith is the original source of the teachings of Islam,
not a source of scholarly opinion
2. Taqlid to the scholars are not allowed
3. Door of ijtihad was not closed but open

C. Muhammad bin Abd. Wahab and Intellectual Development in the Islamic


Sense development is a basic requirement for every human being who can
support the success of i'tikad because the knowledge would make the
"understanding" for what is believed. A Muslim must have evidence of his Lord
to gain strong confidence. Islam does not justify its adherents muqallid, think with
the mind of others who participated without their own wits. In finding faith, one
must think for themselves, reflect and understand that could further strengthen his

Therefore the establishment of Islamic education should put reason as the

main principle of education is based on the understanding of al-Quran and Hadith
that puts on a glorious sense. Islamic education is obliged to revive the intellectual
tradition of Islamic society and tries to put the perfect system based on Islamic
sources are pure and tried to free the Muslim mind from the shackles of
superstition (distorted belief that diada berpandukan-invent the actions and events
of nature that apply ), rigid (frozen; static), and imitation (following the words of
the words is not proof). As a medium to build a revived sense and scientific
tradition, Muslims can use the Islamic schools, universities, mosques, halaqah,
magazines, libraries, and others.

To develop a sense of effort is expected to emerge Muslim intellectuals,

those who have the mind, the intellect, responsiveness is sensitive, the
comparability of the sharp, precise power analysis. Characteristics of prominent

Ibid., hlm. 273.
Muslim intellectuals and in accordance with the thought of Muhammad ibn Abd.
Wahab was that he watched, think, and reflect on the phenomenon around him as
a sign of divine. This is where the function of monotheism that should not be
released in a development sense. In other words, conclusions and formulas have
been obtained for nature, form the basis of the science and benefits, and that will
be the basis of belief in Allah SWT.4

D. Wahhabi movement

Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab tried to revive the Islamic struggle

movement, supporters are often called Wahhabist movement, but they reject this
term because it is basically teaching ibn Wahhab was the teachings of Prophet
Muhammad, not the teachings themselves. Therefore, they prefer to call
themselves as Salafis or Muwahhiddun, which bererti "one God".

The term Wahhabi often caused controversy in connection with the origin
and emergence of the Islamic world. Muslims generally wrong with them because
they keep their mendakwah schools of thought and the flow Ahmad ibn Hanbal,
al-Hanbaliyyah or al-Hanabilah which is one of the schools of al-Sunnah wa al-
Jama'ah. Or Wahhabis name al-Wahabiyyah seem linked to the name of 'Abd al-
Wahhab, al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn' Abd al-Wahab al-Najdi. However, the name
was rejected by the Wahhabis Wahhabis themselves and those deploying them as
a class of al-Almohads (Unitarians) because they want to restore mendakwah
teachings - teachings of Islam and monotheism into pure life according to the
Sunnah of the Prophet. He made a covenant with Muhammad ibn Saud.
According to the agreement, until recently the title "royal family" held by the
State of Saudi Arabia Saud family.

Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahab called his movement, "Muwahidin

Movement is a movement that aims to purify and clicking-Esakan God with
purely simple, easily understood, and practiced just like in the early days of
Islamic history.

Movement led by Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab are called "Wahabi
Movement" as a mockery by his opponents. The things that are emphasized by
this movement are:

1. Worship to other than Allah is one, and who did so he was killed.
2. People who seek Allah's forgiveness by visiting the graves of pious men,
including group idolaters.
3. Including the idolatrous act of giving instruction in prayer on behalf of the
Prophets or the guardian or angel (like Hadrat Muhammad).
4. Including Kufr which does not provide a science based on the Qur'an and
Sunnah, or the knowledge that comes to the minds solely.
5. Including the kufr and ilhad menginkari "Qadr" in all actions and
interpretation of the Koran with the ta'wil.
6. Prohibited from eating the fruit of prayer beads in pronouncing the name
of God and prayer-prayer (wird) reasonably count on the fingers.
7. Sources of Islamic law in the matter of halal and haram just sheer Quran
and other sources is sunnah Rasul thereafter. Mutakallimin words of
scholars and jurists of haram-halal not hold true, as long as not based on
these two sources.
8. Ijtihad door remains open and anyone may perform Ijtihad, as long as it
meets the terms.
Harsh nature of the Wahhabi movement, straightforward, and simple really
force can mengoncangkan and revived consciousness of the Muslims who were
soundly sleeping in the dark. Together with Ibn Su'ud, founder of the dynasty
Su'udiyah (Saudi Arabia) fought with unyielding attitude. Ibn Su'ud in running the
government inspired by sheikh Muhammad.5

E. Struggle purify Islamic Aqeedah

Since that time, Sheikh Muhammad was no longer bound. He freely

express faith-akidahnya own course, refused and the exclusion of religious deeds-
deeds performed by Muslims at the time of tolerance and mutual respect for
differences of opinion.

Muslims see the state that has violated faith, he began planning to develop
a line of monotheists (muwahhidin) which he attributed to the movement to purify
and restore the faith of Islam. By his opponents, the movement came to be called
by the name Wahabiyah movement.

Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab started a movement in the village itself,

Uyainah. When it is, Uyainah ruled by an Amir (ruler) named Uthman ibn
Muammar. Amir Usman welcomes new ideas and Sheikh Muhammad, he even
promised to help and support the struggle.

One time, Sheikh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab Amir Uthman asked
permission to demolish a building that was fostered in the maqam Zaid ibn al-
Khattab. Zayd ibn al-Khattab are siblings Umar ibn al-Khattab, the second Caliph
of the Prophet. Making buildings on the grave in his opinion could lead to
Amir replied "Please ... no one may be prevented this noble design." But he
worried that the problem will eventually blocked by residents who live near the
tomb. Then Amir provide 600 soldiers for that purpose together Shaykh
Muhammad tear down the sacred tomb.

Actually, what they refer to as the tomb of Zaid ibn al-Khattab ra. who
died as martyrs' movement Yamamah when menumpaskan False Prophet
(Musaylima al-Kazzab) in the country Yamamah first time, just based on mere
prejudice. Because there are dozens of martyrs' (hero) who is interred Yamamah
no longer clear their introduction.

It could be that they think is the tomb of Zaid ibn al-Khattab was the tomb
of another person. But because local people there have already assumed that it
was his tomb, they were mengkeramatkannya and build a mosque nearby. The
tomb was later destroyed by a Sheikh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab for the help
Amir Uyainah, Uthman ibn Muammar.

Movement of Shaykh Muhammad did not stop there, he then destroyed

several tombs which he considers harmful to monotheism. This is thought to
prevent the grave is not the object of worship used by the local Muslim
News of this movement eventually spread widely in the community and outside
Uyainah Uyainah.

When the government of al-Ahsa 'got the news that Muhammad al-
Wahhab preached bin'Abd opinion, and governments' Uyainah also sustaining it,
it then gives a warning and a threat to the government' Uyainah. This apparently
managed to change mind Uyainah Amir. He then called Sheikh Muhammad to
talk about how the pressure exerted by the Amir al-Ahsa '. Amir Uyainah awry in
a position at that time, on the one hand he wants to support the struggles of sheikh
but on the other hand he is powerless against Amir al-IHSA pressure. Finally,
after an argument between the Amir sheikh Uyainah, at Reach a decision: Sheikh
Muhammad had to leave the area Uyainah and flee to other areas.

In his book Al-Imam Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab, Da'watuhu

Wasiratuhu, Shaykh Muhammad ibn `Abdul-` Aziz ibn `Abdullah ibn Baz, he
said:" In order to avoid bloodshed, and because there is no other option, in
addition to some Other considerations then compelled to leave the country Sheikh
Uyainah towards the country by traveling in Dariyah walk alone unaccompanied
by anyone. Uyainah He left the country in the early hours, and up to the country
Dariyah at night time. " (Ibn Baz, Sheikh `Abdul-` Aziz ibn `Abdullah, 22 ms).
But there are also other posts saying that: In the beginning Shaykh Muhammad
received the full support of the state government Uyainah Amir Uthman ibn
Mu'ammar, but after the fire ignited the movement, resigned from the local
government arena movements for political reasons (most likely afraid of being
fired from his position as Amir Uyainah by the boss). Thus, Sheikh Muhammad
lived with some faithful companions to continue preaching. And a few days later,
Sheikh Muhammad expelled from the country by the government.6

Shaykh al-Islam al-Imam Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab bin Sulaiman ibn
Ali ibn Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Rashid bin Barid ibn Muhammad ibn al-
Masyarif at-Tamimi an-Hanbali al-Najdi is a Muslim theologian and a prominent
leader of the movement salafiah who had served as information minister Kingdom
of Saudi Arabia. Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab sought to resurrect the movement
of Islamic struggle, proponents of this movement is often called a Wahhabist, but
they reject this term because it is basically teaching ibn Wahhab is the teachings
of the Prophet Muhammad, not the teachings themselves. Therefore, they prefer to
call themselves as Salafis or Muwahhiddun, which bererti "one God".
In the concept of religious understanding of Muhammad ibn Abd. Wahab,
the issue of monotheism is the most fundamental teachings of Islam. Therefore,
the focus of attention of Muhammad ibn Abd. Wahab was trying to respond to
these problems. With attention to these aspects, then he wrote his first book
entitled "The Book At-Tawhid". In it highlights about khufarat, heresy, tawasub, a
pilgrimage to the tomb of the trustees and so forth.
Of thinking about the purification of monotheism, contained in values
education very important, including:
1. Teach people to be free thinking, ijtihad, be creative and not be dogmatic to the
scholars or sheikhs. It teaches us to continually develop all the potential that
exists, especially intellectual potential.
2. Teaches men to imitate the pious. This was stated by Muhammad ibn Abd.
Wahab Muslims to imitate the behavior of the Prophet, companions, and the
tabi'in who have genuine faith.
Reasoning is the highest gift of God given only to men. With reason and
thought it was also the man who had occupied the highest place among other
creatures, whether angels, jinn, animals and so on.

Suwitno dan Fauzan. 2003. Sejarah Pemikiran Para Tokoh Pendidikan. Bandung:

Compiled as One of the Graduation Requirements to Meet

course Modern Islamic Thoughts

(Dr. Jamal Abdul Aziz, M. Ag.)


1. Intan Nur Azizah (1123301064)

2. Wardatul Jannah (1123301166)

3. Rosyda Nur A. (1123301002)

4. Lutfi Muamar Z. (1123301074)

5. Muh. Fadlun (1123301086)

6. Sareh Siswo S. (1123301070)

7. Sumiati (1123301214)

4- PAI 1/ Tarbiyah






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