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18th International Senckenberg Conference 2004 in Weimar

Neogene lithological formations and fossil remains

in the Majalengka Area (West Jawa, Indonesia)

Department of Geology, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132,

In the Majalengka region, it is possible to being swamp deposits and also contain the fos-
distinguish several lithological formations of dif- sil remains of plants and vertebrates (cervids,
ferent stratigraphical age, ranging from the Late proboscideans and crocodils) (DESYANA 1999;
Miocene to the present. These are (from oldest to ZAIM 1999). The clay stones of the Kaliwangu
youngest): the Subang Formation (clay stones), Formation are overlain by the sandstones and
the Kaliwangu Formation (sandstones and clay conglomerates of the Citalang Formation. At
stones), the Citalang Formation (sandstones other sites, the contact between the Kaliwangu
and conglomerates) and nally terrace deposits and Citalang Formations is similar to that just
and alluvium (Fig. 1). The area has previously described, but it lacks the black clay stone
been mapped by DJURI (1973) and DJUHAENI & and, therefore, their associated freshwater
MARTODJOJO (1998) at a scale of 1:100,000. mollusc and vertebrate fossils. However, bone
The depositional environment of the Subang and tooth fragments have also been found in
Formation is interpreted as being upper bathyal the sandstones and conglomerates of the Cita-
to inner neritic (marine), based on the foramini- lang Formation. According to their sedimentary
feral record (DESYANA 1999; KURNIA 2002). The structure, the sandstone and conglomerate
sandstone and clay stone of the Kaliwangu For- layers were interpreted by uviatile deposits
mation accumulated in littoral (marine) environ- produced by repeated transitions from braided
ments (DESYANA 1999; KURNIA 2002). The Citalang to meandering river systems. All of these older
Formation indicates a uvial regime (terrestrial), formations were overlain by terrace deposits
which is also the case for the terrace and allu- and alluvium.
vial sediments. All of the formations mentioned have been
At particular localities, the marine Kaliwangu faulted and folded (DJURI 1973; NOER AZIS 1993)
Formation contacts directly with a black clay and most of the layers dip between 40 and 75
stone containing freshwater molluscs, such as degrees. As part of the current project, minera-
Bellemia/Paludina sp., Sulcospira tertudinaria, logical and sedimentological methods are
Melanoides (Terebia) junghuhni, Melanoides being used to reconstruct the original position
fennemai and Brotia oppenorthi (ZAIM 1999). The of these layers and to interpret the source of the
freshwater mollusc beds, which are believed to sediments, especially of the conglomerates of
be Lower Pleistocene in age, are interpreted as the Citalang Formation.
18th International Senckenberg Conference 2004 in Weimar

Fig. 1
General stratigraphic units of Majalengka and its surrounding.

DESYANA, E. R. (1999): Geologi dan analisa Foraminifera Daerah Marongge dan Sekitarnya, Kabupaten
Majalengka, Jawa Barat. Dipl. thesis: 67 pp.; Institut Teknologi Bandung.
DJUHAENI & MARTODJOJO, S. (1998): Stratigrafi daerah Majalengka dan Hubungannya dengan Tata Nama
Satuan Litostratigra di Cekungan Bogor. In: Proceedings PIT IAGI XVII.: 227-252; Jakarta.
DJURI (1973): Peta Geologi Bersistem Pulau Jawa, lembat Arjawinangun, skala 1:100,000. Direktorat
Geologi Bandung, Bandung.
KURNIA, R. (2002): Geologi Daerah Karyalaksana dan Sekitarnya, Kecamatan Pembantu Cigasong,
18th International Senckenberg Conference 2004 in Weimar

Kabupaten Majalengka, Jawa Barat. Dipl. thesis: 52 pp.: Institu Teknologi Bandung.
NOER AZIS, M. (1993): Penafsiran Lain terhadap system sesar Mangkubumi, kompleks malati, Kabupat-
en Majalengka. Bull. Geol. Jurusan Teknik Geologi, Inst. Teknologi Bandung, 23: 28-32; Bandung.
ZAIM, Y. (1999): Palaeoenvironment of vertebrate Fossils site at Cikamurang, NE-Sumedang, West
Jawa. Bull. Geol. Jurusan Teknik Geologi, Inst. Teknologi Bandung, 31: 85-91; Bandung.

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