Academic and Resource Planning Division: To Arp@pilani - Bits-Pilani -

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Academic and Resource Planning Division

To: Dean, ARP Division Date:26.04.2017

Through: _____________________

Form for changing the description of a course

1. Name of Department and campus proposing the change: Civil Engineering, Hyderabad, Pilani, and Dubai

2. Details of the course for which change in description (s) is (are) being sought:

S.NO. Course No. Name of Course L P U

CE F244 Highway Engineering 3 1 4

3. Existing course description(write topics only):

Basic characteristics of Transportation systems, social factors and strategic consideration; Demand Forecasting
and Economic Analysis; Planning and Design of Transportation Facilities; Design of Geometric Standards: Cross
section elements, sight distances, horizontal and vertical alignments; Pavement Materials and testing: Soil,
Aggregate, Bitumen and Bituminous Concrete; Design of Highway Pavements: Flexible and Rigid Highways: IRC
method; Design of flexible overlays over flexible pavements; Traffic Engineering: Traffic Characteristics;
Highway capacity and level of service concepts; traffic measurement and analysis; Traffic signals; parking studies
and analysis; design of at-grade and grade separated intersections; analysis of traffic accidents; Introduction to
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS).
4. Proposed course description:
Overview of basic characteristics of Transportation systems, social factors and strategic consideration; Road
development plans; Highway development projects in India; Road Development organizations; Stages in
highway alignment and Detailed Project Report (DPR) preparation; Introduction to transportation planning;
Geometric design Standards: Cross section elements, sight distances, horizontal and vertical alignments;
Pavement Material Characterization: Aggregate testing and blending, Bitumen and Bituminous Concrete testing
and mixture design protocols, introduction to Superpave Mixture Design protocols; IRC methods for the design
of flexible and rigid highway pavements; Overview of different stages in flexible and rigid highway construction;
Overview of Highway Evaluations and Maintenance; Traffic Engineering: Traffic Characteristics, Highway
capacity and level of service concepts, Traffic measurement and analysis, Traffic signals, parking studies and
analysis, traffic accidents; Introduction to Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS).
5. Justification for the change in course description:
Road development and project preparation aspects were not included in the course description earlier. In this
revision, based on the industrial experts as well as the CCDCA committees recommendations, this topic is
included. Few topics like Superpave, Highway Evaluation and Maintenance aspects have also been added to
make the course more suitable for industrial application.

6. Have the proposed changes been discussed in Departmental committee on academics (DCA ) and the cross
campus Departmental Committee on Academics (CCDCA)?
This has been deliberated at DCA as well as CCDCA meetings with faculty across Pilani, Hyderabad and Dubai
campuses where the Civil Engineering programmes are currently running. The above description has been
arrived at after all the DCA and CCDCA meetings only

Signature of Head of the department

[A signed hard copy of this form is to be submitted to campus Associate Dean, ARP for record. A softcopy in MS word
with file name as Department Name_Campus (eg. EEE_Pilani) to be sent to]

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