Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 3

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Kerjakanlah soal-soal berikut pada kolom titik-titik yang tersedia

I. Introducing your self
Lengkapi dialog berikut ini!
Fariq : Hello, Im Fariq. Whats . . . . . name?
Ahmad : Hello, Fariq. . . . . . . . Ahmad Perdana. Please call me Ahmad.
Fariq : . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., Ahmad?
Ahmad : I live at Jl. Achmad Yani 27.
Fariq : Oh, nice to meet you Ahmad
Ahmad : . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

II. Klasifikasikan kata-kata berikut berdasarkan jenis kata (noun, verb, adjective, or
eg : Fan ( Noun )
1. Walk (.............................)
2. Chair (.............................)
3. Wonderfull (.............................)
4. Handsome (.............................)
5. Quickly (.............................)
6. Teach (.............................)
7. Study (.............................)
8. Play (.............................)
9. Book (.............................)
10. Whiteboard (.............................)

III. Isilah dengan possesive pronouns yang tepat: mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs, its.
e.g : -Those are their pens. Those pens are theirs.
1. This is my table. This table is .................
2. This is his umbrella. This Umbrella is..................
3. This is your dress. This dress is..................
4. These are our cars. These cars are................................
5. These are her bicycles. These bicycles are...................
6. These are their shirts. These shirts are...............
7. This is his pencil. This pencil is............................
8. These are your notebooks. These notebooks are..............
9. This is my chicken. This chicken is..................
10. These are our houses. These houses are.................
IV. Gantilah kata atau kata-kata yang digarisbawahi dengan kata ganti orang yang
e.g:- Abdullah is buying a car. He is buying a car.
- The elephant has a tail. It has a tail.
1. Usman is a doctor. ...... is a doctor
2. Aisyah and Khodijah are playing badminton. ......... are playing badminton
3. The cat is sleeping near the door. ....... is sleeping near the door
4. Fatimah is absent from school today. ........ is absent from school today
5. Umar dan Kholid are very diligent. ......... are very diligent

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