Pulp Density Formula

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solids sp. Gr.

slury sp. Gr. Sm
Liquid sp. Gr. Sl

% solids by volume Cv (Sm-Sl)/(S-Sl) %

Cv 100-[(100-Cw)xSm] %

% solids by wt. Cw 100-[(100-Cv)/Sm] %

Cw 100xS/[100/Cv +( S-1)] %

slurry sp. Gr. Sm (100-Cv)/(100-Cw)

Slurry sp. Gr. Sm [Cv(S-1)/100]+1

Calculation for Washery throughput( BCCL)

plant operation 3 shift /day

6 hr/shift
7 days/week
43 weeks/year
maint. Hours 0 hours/month
utilisation 100%
Availability 90%
Processing hours per year shift/day X hr/shift X days/week X week/year X Availability X utilisati
4860 hr/year
Plant throughput 5 million tonnes per annum
tph 1029 tph
r X Availability X utilisation - main hr/year
mass of solids t tph
Volume of water Vw m3/hr
Volume of solids Vs m3/hr
Density of solids ds t/m3
Density of pulp dp t/m3
% solids by wt Sw %w/w
% solids by volume Sv %v/v
% moisture by wt m %

Group1 when solids tonnage(t) ,solids density(ds) and % solids by wt.(Sw) is known

Volume of water Vw .= (100-Sw)X t/Sw how much water is as

Volume of pulp Vp .= Vw+(t/ds) volume of water+volum
Density of pulp dp .= (Vw+t)/Vp mass/volume

Group2 when pulp volume (Vp), pulp density(dp) and solids density(ds) is known

Solids tonnage t .= VpXds/((dp-1)X(ds-1))

Volume of water Vw .= Vp-(t/ds)
% solids by wt. Sw .= 100.t/(t+Vw)

how much water is associated with t tonnage
volume of water+volume of solids
solids sp. Gr. S
slury sp. Gr. Sm
Liquid sp. Gr. Sl

% solids by volume Cv (Sm-Sl)/(S-Sl) %

Cv 100-[(100-Cw)xSm] %

% solids by wt. Cw 100-[(100-Cv)/Sm] %

Cw 100xS/[100/Cv +( S-1)] %

slurry sp. Gr. Sm (100-Cv)/(100-Cw)

Slurry sp. Gr. Sm [Cv(S-1)/100]+1


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