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12 Saturday, July 31, 2010


learning through Failure

Disasters teach more than suc- creasingly deep waters. of rigid airships. And engineering,
cesses. They say the catastrophic failure by definition, is a problem-solving
While that idea may sound para- involving the Deepwater Horizon profession. Technology analysts
doxical, it is widely accepted among oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico on April say that constructive impulse, and
engineers. They say grim lessons 20 — which took 11 lives and started its probable result for deep ocean
arise because the the worst offshore oil spill in United drilling, is that innovation through
reasons for triumph States history — will drive the tech- failure analysis will make the
william j. in matters of technol- nological progress. wells safer, whatever the merits
ogy are often arbi- “The industry knows it can’t have of reducing human reliance on oil.
broad trary and invisible, that happen again,” said David W. They hold that the BP disaster will
whereas the cause of Fowler, a professor at the Univer- ultimately inspire technological
a particular failure sity of Texas, Austin, who teaches advance.
can frequently be a course on forensic engineering. From the sinking of the Titanic
uncovered, documented and re- “It’s going to make sure history to the meltdown of the Chernobyl
worked to make improvements. doesn’t repeat itself.” reactor in 1986, from the collapse
Disaster, in short, can become a of Washington’s Tacoma Narrows
spur to innovation. Bridge in 1940 to the World Trade
There is no question that the Center’s fall in 2001— all forced en-
trial-and-error process of building Disaster, never gineers to address what came to be
seen as deadly flaws.
machines and industries has, over
the centuries, resulted in the loss of desirable, often Design engineers say that, too
much blood and many thousands frequently, the nature of their pro-
of lives. sparks innovation. fession is to fly blind.
Failures, sometimes appalling, Eric H. Brown, a British engineer
are inevitable, and engineers say who developed aircraft during
it pays to make good use of them to World War II and afterward taught
prevent future mistakes. The result In London on June 22 at the World at Imperial College London, can-
is that the technological feats that National Oil Companies Congress, didly described the predicament.
define the modern world are some- protesters from Greenpeace inter- In a 1967 book, he called structural
times the result of events that some rupted an official from BP, the com- engineering “the art of molding
might wish to forget. pany that dug the runaway well. materials we do not really under-
“It’s a great source of knowledge Planetary responsibility, a pro- stand into shapes we cannot really
— and humbling, too — sometimes tester shouted before being taken analyze, so as to withstand forces
that’s necessary,” said Henry Pet- away, “means stopping the push for we cannot really assess, in such a
roski, a historian of engineering dangerous drilling in deep waters.” way that the public does not really
at Duke University and author of The history of technology sug- suspect.”
“Success Through Failure.” “No- gests that such an end is unlikely. Dr. Petroski, at Duke, writing in
body wants failures. But you also Devices fall out of favor, but seldom “Success Through Failure,” noted
don’t want to let a good crisis go to if ever get abolished by design. the innovative corollary. Failures,
waste.” The explosion of the Hindenburg he said, “always teach us more than
Now, experts say, that kind of showed the dangers of hydrogen as the successes about the design of
tIMEs wIdE world photos
analysis will probably improve the a lifting gas and resulted in new em- things. And thus the failures often
complex gear and procedures that phasis on helium, which is not flam- lead to redesigns — to new, im- the 1937 hindenburg crash placed a new emphasis on helium in
companies use to drill for oil in in- mable, rather than ending the reign proved things.” airships, rather than using flammable hydrogen.

When Adults Have Attention a computer game.

They may feel they
have no choice but
that each contained a single task,
sorted in order of priority. It’s a sub-
tle switch, she says, but surprisingly

Disorders, Spouses Seethe to constantly nag

to make sure things
get done.
One of the biggest challenges is for
both spouses to accept the very real
Spouses w it h toll an attention disorder can take.
By TARA PARKER-POPE Adults with attention disorders of- attention deficit, Often the partner without A.D.H.D.
Does your husband or wife con- ten learn coping skills to help them mea nwhile, a re worries that the diagnosis will give
stantly forget chores and lose track stay organized and focused at work, often unaware of the other partner an excuse for not
of the calendar? Do you sometimes but experts say many of them strug- their latest mis- helping; meanwhile, that partner
feel that instead of living with a gle at home, where their tendency take, confused by typically has a hard time under-
spouse, you’re raising another to become distracted is a constant t hei r pa r t ner’s standing how his or her behavior
child? source of conflict. Some research simmering anger. affects others.
Your marriage may be suffering suggests that these adults are twice stuart bradford A lengthy to-do list “Initially I think I was a bit of a
from attention deficit hyperactivity as likely to be divorced; another or a messy house skeptic about A.D.H.D. in general,”
disorder. study found high levels of distress in like the person I’d become either.” feels overwhelming to the A.D.H.D. said a 52-year-old man from Cleve-
An A.D.H.D. marriage? It may 60 percent of marriages where one (They are now happily married, she brain, causing the person to retreat land whose wife recently received
sound like a punch line, but the idea spouse has the disorder. added.) to a computer or a video game — fur- a diagnosis. He described a life of
that attention problems can take a Melissa Orlov, author of the new Complaints that a husband or wife ther infuriating the partner. “crushing responsibility,” of work-
toll on adult relationships is getting book “The A.D.H.D. Effect on Mar- is inconsiderate and inattentive, or “It’s not because they’re lazy or ing full time, caring for his children
more attention from mental health riage,” to be published in Septem- doesn’t help enough around the they don’t love their spouse, but and his wife.
experts. In a marriage, the common ber, says she became interested in house, are hardly limited to mar- because they are distracted,” Ms. “After years of this, I felt I didn’t
symptoms of the disorder — distrac- the topic after her husband got the riages in which one or both part- Orlov said. have two children, I had three chil-
tion, disorganization, forgetfulness diagnosis about five years ago. Al- ners have attention problems. But “But if you don’t know that dis- dren and no one to help,” he said. “I
— can easily be misinterpreted as though she had been working for A.D.H.D. can make matters worse. traction is the issue, you start to was always the one who said, ‘No,
laziness, selfishness and a lack of years with Dr. Ned Hallowell, a It can leave one spouse with 100 think the person doesn’t care about we can’t do that,’ or ‘Get this done.’ I
love and concern. leading researcher on the subject, percent of the family responsibility, you, and anger and resentment build had to be sort of a nag.”
Experts suggest that at least 4 Ms. Orlov had not realized that the because the other spouse forgets to up.” On the brink of divorce, the wife
percent of adults suffer from the disorder was also ruining her mar- pick children up from school or pay Although treatment often starts found Ms. Orlov and Dr. Hallowell’s
disorder; that as many as half of all riage. bills on time. Partners without at- with medication, it typically doesn’t Web site,, and
children with A.D.H.D. do not fully “I felt like he was consistently in- tention problems may feel ignored solve a couple’s problems. Behav- began consulting with Ms. Orlov.
outgrow it and continue to struggle consistent,” she said in an interview. or unloved when their husband or ioral therapy and coping strategies “It’s been a revelation,” the wife
with symptoms as adults; and that “I could never count on him It goes wife becomes distracted — or, in — for both partners — are essential; said. “I didn’t realize what a critical
many adults with the disorder never from feeling responsible for every- another symptom of the disorder, for instance, Ms. Orlov would ban- piece the A.D.H.D. has been in my
got the diagnosis as children. thing to just chronic anger. I didn’t hyperfocused on a work project or ish long to-do lists in favor of cards marriage.’’

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