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Voracious (reads voraciously/ Voracious appetite)

Steeped in (work)
Replete (with wonders)
to eat humble pie (to admit your error and apologize)
a pig in a poke (an item you purchase without having seen; a disappointment)
How paradoxical that the
To compound the puzzle
There has rarely been a tinge of rumor or scandal
Casting doubts
Tinge (a trace, smattering, or slight degree)
a flash in the pan (promising at the start but then disappointing)
Badger (to pester, nag, annoy persistently)
Implore (beg/ plead)
Drudgery (hard menial or dull work.)
Interminable (unending)
to pour oil on troubled waters (to make peace, to calm someone down)
Review Words Definitions

____ 1. Abound a. to be completely soaked in something

____ 2. annals b. to be able to tell what will happen in the future
____ 3. automaton c. someone's special field
____ 4. badger d. to continually nag
____ 5. Compound e. carelessly chosen
____ 6. drudgery f. related to science of engineering
____ 7. eminent g. to add to
____ 8. implore h. beg for assistance
____ 9. indiscriminate i. of outstanding reputation
____ 10. interminable j. a mature woman
____ 11. matron k. small amount of
____ 12. paradox l. dull, difficult work
____ 13. perceive m. desiring huge amount
____ 14. prognosticate n. existing in great number
____ 15. Realm o. historical records
____ 16. replete p. to come to have an understanding of
____ 17. steeped q. completely filled with
____ 18. technology r. machine that behaves like a person
____ 19. tinge s. seemingly self-contradictory situation
____ 20. voracious t. unending

____ 21. to eat humble pie u. a blind item; poor purchase
____ 22. a pig in a poke v. admit to defeat
____ 23. a flash in the pan w. a star today, a flop tomorrow
____ 24. to pour oil on troubled waters x. to try to make peace


1. n 7. i 13. p 19. K
2. o 8. h 14. b 20. M
3. r 9. e 15. c 21. V
4. d 10. t 16. q 22. U
5. g 11. j 17. a 23. W
6. 1 12. s 18. f 24. x
Review Words Definitions
____ 1. Accost a. uncommunicative
____ 2. Adroit b. enthusiastic
____ 3. Avid c. alert
____ 4. Cajole d. overabundance
____ 5. Enhance e. courageous
____ 6. Fabricate f. to greet first
____ 7. Felon g. an excuse
____ 8. Furtive h. unlucky
____ 9. Gesticulate i. angry
____ 10. Hapless j. criminal
____ 11. Intrepid k. basic, elementary
____ 12. Irate l. clever
____ 13. Laconic m. to make up a lie
____ 14. Nuance n. great number of people
____ 15. Plethora o. concise, pithy
____ 16. Pretext p. to use lively gestures
____ 17. Reticent q. shade of difference
____ 18. Rudimentary r. sly
____ 19. Throng s. coax, wheedle
____ 20. Vigilant t. to make greater

____ 21. the sword of Damocles u. an expensive conquest
____ 22. Pyrrhic victory v. spoilsport
____ 23. a wet blanket w. defy an opponent in his home
____ 24. to beard the lion x. any threatening danger


1. f 7. k 13. o 19. n
2. l 8. r 14. q 20. c
3. b 9. p 15. d 21. x
4. s 10. h 16. g 22. u
5. t 11. e 17. a 23. v
6. m 12. i 18. k 24. w
Review words Definitions

____ 1. Bristle a. despise

____ 2. Caustic b. menacing
____ 3. Cessation c. evil
____ 4. Condolence d. a pause
____ 5. Dupe e. just starting
____ 6. Euphemism f. trembling
____ 7. Inadvertent g. to have one's hair stand up
____ 8. Incipient h. stinging
____ 9. Incongruous i. earthly
____ 10. Infamous j. due to an oversight, negligent
____ 11. Jostle k. make a specific demand
____ 12. Lackluster l. to push, to elbow
____ 13. Loathe m. an easily fooled person
____ 14. Mundane n. expression of sympathy
____ 15. Ominous o. to scold severely
____ 16. Reprimand p. seize
____ 17. Repudiate q. having inconsistent elements
____ 18. Stipulate r. disown, refuse to accept
____ 19. Tremulous s. lacking brightness
____ 20. Wrest t. saying something in a less direct
____ 21. crocodile tears u. run down district
____ 22. to carry the day v. hypocritical sympathy
____ 23. Skid Row w. to win the honors
____ 24. to go up in smoke x. end fruitlessly


1. g 7. j 13. A 19. f
2. h 8. e 14. i 20. p
3. d 9. q 15. b 21. v
4. n 10. c 16. o 22. w
5. m 11. l 17. r 23. u
6. t 12. s 18. k 24. x
Review Words Definitions

____ 1. Alacrity a. scorn

____ 2. Aspirant b. to make afraid
____ 3. Belligerent c. frantic outburst
____ 4. Belittle d. person of eighty
____ 5. Brash e. to mock
____ 6. Castigate f. make public, proclaim
____ 7. Disdain g. pretense, sham
____ 8. Dregs h. combative
____ 9. Feint i. candidate for better job
____ 10. Frenzy j. seeking war, hostile
____ 11. Intimidate k. speak of as unimportant
____ 12. Laceration l. vulgar, using indecent language
____ 13. Octogenarian m. insolent
____ 14. Promulgate n. punish, chastise
____ 15. Pugnacious o. comfort
____ 16. Scoff p. most worthless part
____ 17. Scurrilous q. able to be touched
____ 18. Solace r. rough cut
____ 19. Sordid s. filthy, ignoble
____ 20. Tangible t. quick willingness

____ 21. to throw down the gauntlet u. be the boss, lay down the laws
____ 22. feeling no pain v. under the influence of alcohol
____ 23. Hobson's choice w. to offer a challenge
____ 24. to rule the roost x. to have no say in a matter


1. t 7. a 13. d 19. s
2. i 8. t 14. f 20. q
3. j 9. g 15. h 21. w
4. k 10. c 16. e 22. v
5. m 11. b 17. l 23. x
6. n 12. r 18. o 24. w

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