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void shipCollision() {

invincibilityTimer(); //Check for invincibility

if (!isInvincible) {
if(aliens.size() > 0){ //Check to see if the national guard has been called

for(int i = 0; i < aliens.size(); i++){ //For every alien that exists

float aliensX = aliens.get(i).getX(); //Store the X value of the alien ship
in a variable
float aliensY = aliens.get(i).getY(); //Store the Y value of the alien ship
in a variable
if(shipX <= aliensX + 12.5 && shipX >= aliensX - 12.5 && shipY <= aliensY +
11 && shipY >= aliensY - 11){
shipFrames = frameCount; //Frame counter for ship debris
sDebris = new ShipDebris(shipX, shipY);
reset(); //reset the starting parameters
cannons.clear(); //Remove all cannon bullets after ship crash
lives--; //Reduce the amount of ships remaining by one
time = millis(); //Set point in time equal to elapsed time at point of
isInvincible = true; //Set invincibility to true

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