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As we all know, Malaysia is a tropical country located near the equator of the earth.

For that reason, there are hot and humid weathers throughout the year. Having air-

conditioning is extremely crucial as it helps to reduce hot temperature and high humidity,

giving us a cooler, more comfortable environment to live in. The serving function of

improving our overall indoor air quality naturally encourages people to install the system.

This is why nowadays, it is such a norm to see air-conditioning being installed whether at

residential properties, workplaces, shopping malls, and even in public transport systems.

However, with that being said, air-conditioning also has some obvious side effects towards

our environment and health. Most air-conditioning systems use Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC)

refrigerants to operate which leads to ozone layer depletion. The prime purpose of having

ozone layers is to protect us from the Suns ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Without it, there is

nothing to shield us from UV radiation, increasing the chances of eye cataract and skin

cancer which may threaten our lives. As an initiative, the government is doing their part to

spread the awareness of green technology in air conditioning.

What is the term Green Technology? Green Technology refers to using technology

or inventions which make products and processes more environmentally friendly and

effectively reducing the negative cause of human activities. Over the years, people have

been more depended on air-conditioning without considering the impacts that may occur

from it. As global warming and its consequences have become more visible, people are

getting more aware of the environment and would do what it takes to solve the problem. To

make a difference, the Malaysian government has initiated and implemented a new policy,

that is, National Green Technology Policy to promote and develop green production. This

policy encourages four major pillars such as Energy, Environment, Economy and Social. Any

products or systems used should be energy efficient in its utilization and enhance national

economic development through use of Green Technology. Likewise, it should also conserve

and minimize impact on the environment while improving the quality of life for all people.

These four pillars are essential and can be a stepping stone towards a more sustainable

development. Hence, what can we do to make air-conditioning systems more eco-friendly

and less harmful to the environment? What are the ways they that can promote Green

Technology in our country?

With the advancement of our technologies and the increasing awareness towards our

environment, specialists are able to create air-conditioning systems which are suitable and

less harmful to the environment. One of them includes the chilled water system. Chilled

water system enhances green technology by substituting refrigerant which may be harmful

to the environment such as Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) with water in the coil. Knowingly, a

chiller is just a part of the system where its purpose to remove heat from the building so that

the indoors will have colder and less humid surroundings. However, how does the system

remove heat? As the name of the system suggests, it is obvious that chilled water system

involve the use of water. Water is a very good choice as it is cheap, non-corrosive, has

specific heat value, and non-toxic. Initially, a building would contain a lot of heat which is

absorbed by chilled water. After that, the water returns to the chiller and removes its heat by

the refrigerant process where water is chilled and cooled using a chilled barrel evaporator.

Into more detail, the process starts when cold water straight from the chiller is pumped

through chilled water piping, thereby passing through a coil where it will be exposed to air

from the building. The coil will absorb heat in the air. Now, due to thermal equilibrium, the

water will contain the same temperature as the coil. The heated water is then pumped back

into the chiller to remove the heat and leave the chilled water evaporator at a fairly low

temperature which is approximately 7 degree Celsius. Having chilled water indicates that our

process is completed so the entire process is then repeated. Normally, a cooling tower

would be used to remove heat from the condenser. Besides being eco-friendly, chilled water

systems are also cost effective, encouraging large commercial building and industrial areas

which require substantial amount of cooling to use them.

Besides that, solar air-conditioning system can also enhance Green Technology.

Solar air-conditioning systems are systems of cooling and heating which use solar power

instead of electricity. In Malaysia, there are mostly hot weathers throughout the year.

Situated near the equator of the earth, our country does not have seasons such as summer,

spring, autumn and winter. Since we do not have winter, heating systems are not required in

our country. However, since we have mostly hot weathers just like summer, it is very suitable

for us to use solar air-conditioning for cooling purpose. The Sun being present all year round

enables us to have unlimited supply of solar energy which uses the Sun as its prime energy
source. This makes solar air-conditioning systems more reliable than other systems. Other

than being environmentally friendly, it is also renewable, energy efficient, can be cheaper

and a good investment over a longer term. Solar air-conditioning uses the Suns energy to

heat water. After that, captured heat is then used to power thermally activated cooling

systems to provide air-conditioning. How does one works? A conventional solar air

conditioning cools the building by using standard vapour compression refrigeration cycle.

The heat inside the building was transferred to the refrigerant gas, which is then distributed

to the condenser where excess heat is removed. Then, the cold refrigerant is circulated back

into the building to repeat the cycle. A conventional solar air conditioning systems draw

power from the solar operation instead of electricity mains. For example, solar thermal air-

conditioning are commonly used in residential applications. Solar absorption system is one

of the solar thermal air conditioning systems. Solar absorption system uses heat energy to

evaporate the liquid refrigerant to cool the air. The water is heated by solar energy is used to

initiate a dynamic process which involved heating at low-pressure chamber under water is

cooled to 7 degrees Celcius. After that, cold water is taken to a series of copper pipes where

cold air is blown through the pipes and into the house.

Furthermore, another type of air conditioning system that promotes greener

environment is the inverter system. There are two types of split system air conditioners we

can install which are the inverter and non-inverter air conditioners, both of which share

similar functions. Nevertheless, a distinct difference is showcased between both types of air

conditioners where the difference depends on the type compressor running the system.

What is a compressor? A compressor is part of the air-conditioning unit which is used to

compress refrigerant into liquid and is shut off to let the liquid refrigerant expand effectively.

The refrigerant starts to cool down during this moment of expansion which leads to the

efficient cooling effect. There are many benefits of using an inverter system. Basically, an

inverter is able to control the speed of the compressor motor and regulate the temperature

continuously. As we all know, an inverter system has a more variable speed when

comparing with a non-inverter system which has a fixed speed. An inverter system with

variable speed compressor is more sophisticated because they can enhance control at the

compressor by prohibiting the compressor from running at its maximum all the time. How
does it work? Firstly, the inverter is switched on. The compressor functions at a fairly high

speed for the room to cool quickly. When the room temperature has risen to a set

temperature such as 20 degrees Celcius, the compressor will start to slow down and

maintain at this temperature. If the inverter senses any fluctuations in room temperature, it

will be adjusted back to the set temperature. Moreover, it is also energy efficient. Since the

compressor can control and adjust the temperature of the building effectively, the cooling

process is made smooth, easy and automatic, dropping energy consumption by 30% as

compared to non-inverter systems. Besides, it also provides a quieter sound as inverter

system would switch on and off automatically when they reach their temperature limit, using

less power while a non-inverter system would maintain and adjust its temperature constantly,

producing more noise.

As a conclusion, I find that air conditioning systems with green technology features

are very important for our people and our environment. Without it, our world might be at

stake of being consumed by the bad side effects of air conditioning refrigerants, leading to

pollutions and natural disaster such as global warming. As the Malay proverb goes, prepare

an umbrella before it rains. This means that people should be more aware and cautious of

how air conditioning affects our environment and finding a solution to make it better before it

is too late. They should not be sitting under a rock, blinded by the fact that air conditioners

only provide comfort and not taking considerations of other factors. This is why we have to

thank our government who has implemented the policy of National Green Technology that

has raised awareness to many people in our country. (1537 words)

Reference List
1. (n.d.). Retrieved May 25, 2017, from
2. Lexicon. (n.d.). Retrieved May 25, 2017, from


3. Chilled Water System Basics | HVAC Cooling. (2016, July 19). Retrieved May 27,

2017, from

4. Solar Air Conditioner Heat Pump. (n.d.). Retrieved May 28, 2017, from

5. Blue, C. (2016, December 08). What is solar air conditioning? Retrieved May 28,

2017, from

6. Inverter Vs Non-Inverter Air Conditioner Unit. (n.d.). Retrieved May 29, 2017, from
7. Home. (n.d.). Retrieved May 29, 2017, from

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