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3 March 2017
2013-055875 SCL 9

Reflection Paper on Fireproof (2008)

As people say, it is not difficult to fall in love, but rather the challenge lies within
staying in love with ones partner. People often enter marriage without fully
comprehending what it means and what responsibilities such act would entail. To remedy
failed marriages, some countries allow divorce to nullify the promises both of the parties
had once vowed to each other. Notwithstanding the fact that divorce may have its
reasonable objectives, allowing such reduces the sanctity of Marriage.
Marriage is to be envisioned by people to be something sacred. It is not to be
seen as something inescapable, but rather something to be continuously reparable,
therefore rendering it to be unconditional. It is a union and partnership between two
people to constantly grow to be better persons that contributes to the societyto bear
children for the procreation of life.
The film Fireproof exhibited a very Christian example of marriage that is on the
verge of falling apart. Caleb and Catherine have been given the option of divorce in which
they have mutually agreed to out of rage. However, Calebs father convinced him to hold
the divorce proceedings and insisted to try the Love Dare which is a 40-day challenge
to improve marriage, and also to which Caleb reluctantly agreed to.
Inevitably, the challenge improved their relationship together. Catherine
confronted Caleb about the challenge upon seeing the notebook and asked him what day
of the challenge he was in. Catherine was surprised to hear that Caleb was on his 43rd
day, and she says she needs time to reconsider the divorce, and then subsequently
decided to reconcile with him.
The film shows that no matter how many trials and hardships a married couple
may come across with, it may still be reconciled given the proper approach. Love must
be unconditional. Having a valid marriage means all the the requisites have been met at
the time it was consummated, which means both parties are fully able and capacitated to
enter such. The Church teaches us to make wise decisions and to see marriage as union
not only to our partners, but also to God and to uphold His teachings and Christian values.

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