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V o l u m e X I X , I s s u e 6



Defense against Discouragement

The first time I ever heard Billy Graham speak was in London in 1954. One thing he said at
that service never left me. He said, God never uses a discouraged Christian. I thought that
over and concluded that was not really fair. Discouragement was definitely a problem I was
facing in those days myself, and I thought it was not very nice for him to say that.

he example he gave was Gideon sitting behind items of military equipment: the girdle of truth,
the winepress, threshing the wheat and hiding the breastplate of righteousness, the shoes of the
in utter discouragement. The angel came to gospel of peace, the shield of faith, the helmet of
Gideon with the unexpected statement, The LORD salvation, and the sword of the Spirit. These are not
is with you, you mighty man of valor! (Judges 6:12). just fancy names or theological subtleties. They are
Gideon surely looked around to see whom the angel very practical realities which each of us needs to lay
was talking to, because he was cowering in fear from hold of. I want to take just two of those six items
the Midianites. The Lord had to change Gideons and give you some specific practical teaching from
picture of himself before He could do anything with Scripture on how to resist the onslaught of spiritual
him. discouragement.
The same is true of us. If we cant look at ourselves
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but
through the eyes of faith, then we are scarcely
against principalities, against powers, against the
eligible for Gods service. A wrong negative picture
rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiri-
of ourselves will frustrate everything God wants to
tual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
do for us unless we view things in a different light.
Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that
Basically I want to talk to you about the Scriptures
you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and
answer to discouragement and how to deal with that
having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, hav-
type of spiritual attack.
ing girded your loins with truth, having put on
the breastplate of righteousness; and having shod
The Equipment We Need your feet with the preparation of the gospel of
peace; above all, taking the shield of faith with
In the sixth chapter of Ephesians are listed six which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts
V o l u m e X I X , I s s u e 6

of the wicked one. And take the I would not recommend that mean we are out of Gods will. On
helmet of salvation, and the anyone get involved in spiritual the contrary, it is probably a good
sword of the Spirit, which is the warfare or in building the Kingdom indication that we are on the way
word of God. of God without first putting on the into the Kingdom of God.
Ephesians 6:1217 armor. Why? Because when you Of the six items of equipment
attack the devil, believe me, he will Paul lists, I only want to talk about
Based on my studies and on fight back, and he does not play two: the breastplate and the shield.
numerous modern translations, I according to the rules. The other four are necessary, but
believe that first verse might more for the purpose of this letter, I
accurately read this way: For our Therefore, take up the whole want to focus on the two I have
wrestling match is not against armor of God, that you may be mentioned. I want to explore in a
persons with bodies. That is very able to withstand in the evil day. very practical waymainly out of
vivid. In other words, we are not Ephesians 6:13 personal experiencethe use of
wrestling against human beings. the breastplate and the shield.
Notice that Paul assumes the evil
Your mother-in-law is not the
day is coming. I do not believe this
problem, nor even some dictator
like Stalin or Hitler.
refers to the Great Tribulation. It The Breastplate
means that every Christian is going
Our wrestling match is not to go through his own particular evil To begin with, lets note an
against persons with bodies, day. When Jesus gave the parable interesting parallel passage to part
but against rulers with realms of the two men who built houses, of Ephesians 6 in 1 Thessalonians
of authority, against the world one on the rock and the other on 5:
dominators of this present dark- the sand (Matthew 8:2427), He
But let us who are of the day be
ness, against spiritual forces of did not say, If the wind and rain
sober, putting on the breastplate
wickedness in the heavens. come. He said, When the wind
of faith and love, and as a hel-
and rain come. Each house was
met the hope of salvation.
subjected to the same test.
verse 8
Put on Your Armor When Jesus told the parable of
the sower, He said, When tribula- Ephesians 6:14 says, the breast-
We are involved in a total, all- tion or persecution arise (Matthew plate of righteousness, but 1 Thessa-
out conflict with unseen spiritual 13:21). He did not say if. He took lonians 5:8 tells us more specifically
persons who have tremendous it for granted that persecution will what that righteousness is. Its not
power, who are highly organized, come. Every Christian will have to the righteousness of self-effort or
and who are totally opposed to us go through the evil day when he has good works but the righteousness
and to everything that stands for to face affliction and persecution. of faith which works by love. (This
God and the people of God. Their As Paul said in Acts 14:22, We theme of faith, by the way, is central
headquarters is in the heavenlies, must through many tribulations to these items of equipment and
and they exert every type of spiritual enter the kingdom of God. There also to the vital organs of the body
pressure against us that will in any is no other way. which they protect.)
way bring us down. As a logical So, first of all, we need to get that What vital organ of the body
conclusion of that fact, Paul says in when fixed firmly in our minds. does the breastplate protect? The
verse 13, You have to put on your Remember that it doesnt mean heart. The protection of the heart
armor. Otherwise you are going to something is wrong when we find is the purpose of the breastplate of
be a casualty. That is a very logical, ourselves in the evil day, under righteousness through faith which
practical conclusion. tremendous pressure. It doesnt works by love. Bear in mind that

t h e t e a c h i n g l e g a c y o f d e r e k p r i n c e | d p m a r c h i v e
V o l u m e X I X , I s s u e 6

scriptural faith is always in the This whole issue was the very be reached by the fiery dart. In
heart, not in the head. For instance, first mistake that humanity made. the same way, the shield of faith
Romans 10:10 says, For with the When the serpent in the Garden of protects the whole person.
heart one believes unto righteousness. Eden questioned the word of God, Sometimes we misunderstand
Real faith is not just intellectual and Eve entertained that question, faith, thinking of it as something
concepts nor theology nor doctrine. she was defeated. Genesis 3:6 tells we have to be consciously doing all
It is heart faith which works along us what pressure Eve responded to: the time. I must flex my spiritual
one primary linelove. So when the woman saw that the tree muscles and believe. But faith is
In conjunction with this, look at was good for food. The key word not so much an action as it is an
Galatians 5:6: there is saw. Eve moved out from attitude of trust in God.
the realm of faith in the invisible My late wife Lydia used to give
For in Christ Jesus neither cir- word to trusting her sight; the very the example of a little boy nestled
cumcision nor uncircumcision next moment, she was defeated. in his fathers arms. The little boy
avails anything, but faith work- This same principle applies to us. would hold tightly onto the lapels
ing through love. When we go by what we see, we of his fathers coat so that he
That is a simple, yet profound, are no match for the devil. We must wouldnt fall, but after a while he
statement. We need to constantly walk by faith, not by sight. would get sleepy and nod off. His
remind ourselves that the only thing The breastplate that protects our hands would relax, but his father
that really matters in the whole heart is faith in the invisible God would still be holding him. The
Christian life is faith that works by and His word, and this faith works boys holding on to the lapels was
love. We can get so sophisticated by love. The moment we abandon really an unnecessary effort. That
that we have answers to all sorts of that faith, we cease to be truly is like us with God. We can hold
theological questions and still miss loving. Some people say, Love is on, but even when we let go, God
the one central realityfaith in the more important than faith. That is still holding on.
heart working by love. Without may be, but the only way to love is In a certain sense, we can relax.
that, you have missed it all. by faith. Since faith works through Faith is not a continuous effort
The breastplate that protects the love, it is no wonder we get irritable, to hold on to God lest He get
heart is faith that works through frustrated, impatient, and snap at away. Instead, it is an attitude of
love. Once the breastplate is our spouses the moment we let the just knowing God is there, and
removed, our most delicate vital breastplate down. Our faith, which underneath are His everlasting
organ, the heart, is exposed. is the only thing that produces love, arms. Along with that attitude,
Concerning the nature of faith, has gone. Consequently, out comes there is an affirmation of the faith
we need to see that it always relates the old man with all its nasty quirks you have.
to the invisible, never to the visible. and idiosyncrasies. But what is the You may have heard about the
As 2 Corinthians 5:7 states very basic problem? The breastplate has three fsa very familiar teaching.
simply, For we walk by faith, not been lowered. They are: fact, faith and feeling, in
by sight. Walk means live. Our that order. The facts are in the Bible,
whole life as Christians is based not The Shield faith affirms those facts, and your
on what we see, but on what we feelings take care of themselves.
believe. It is by faith, not by sight, If the breastplate protects the But if we begin with our feelings,
and these two are in opposition to heart, the shield protects the whole we will be as unstable as they are.
one another. If we go by what we person. In the Roman era, if you Facts never change; feelings vary
see, we are not going by what we knew how to manipulate a shield, from moment to moment.
believe. there was no part of you that could We cannot afford to base our

t h e t e a c h i n g l e g a c y o f d e r e k p r i n c e | d p m a r c h i v e
V o l u m e X I X , I s s u e 6

faith on our feelings. Base your Giving thanks to the Father who and hope, enabling us to stand
faith on the facts in the Word of has qualified us to be partakers victoriously in His Spirit.
God, which never change. They of the inheritance of the saints Taken from New Wine Magazine,
June 1979.
are the same hour by hour, day by in the light. He has delivered
day, year by year. To believe that us from the power of darkness
requires a mental decision. Smith and has conveyed us into the
Wigglesworth once said, Im never kingdom of the Son of His love,
moved by what I feel; only by what in whom we have redemption
I believe. through His blood, the forgive-
The only permanent, un- ness of sins.
changing, valid source of facts is
It is a fact that God has de-
the Bible. Faith says, The Bible is
livered us from the power of
true and I believe it. God is here.
darknessSatans kingdomand
He wont let me go. My feelings
translated us into the Kingdom of
can take care of themselves.
Christ. Thus, we have redemption For further study, we recom-
If you have that attitude, your mend Derek Princes CD:
and our sins are forgiven. We are
feelings will come into line with War in Heaven
no longer in Satans territory nor
the facts. But if you begin with We are making this material available to you
are we under His authority. The at no charge. Just use the enclosed reply slip
your feelings, youll never get to to request your copy.
unbelieving, the Christ-rejecters,
the facts. Its an absolute priority Reproduction of articles from
the rebellious and the disobedient
that you begin with the facts in the the DPM archive for free
are under Satans legitimate auth- distribution is permitted. To
Word of God. receive regular teaching and
ority. But we are not. encouragement by e-mail, sub-
In order to do that, you have scribe at
The fact is that when we repented
to know the facts. You have to be
and surrendered to Jesus Christ and
aware of what Scripture says.
made Him Lord, we were translated,
carried overspirit, soul, and body
Knowing the Facts out of the kingdom of Satan into
the Kingdom of Christ.
For example, the fact of our These are facts. We believe facts
redemption. The word to redeem from the invisible realm of His
means to buy back. Scripture Word because we no longer go by
says that we were sold under sin our feelings. That shield of faith
in Satans slave market, but Jesus covers every area of our lives. No
redeemed us, or bought us back, fiery dart need ever get past it. Derek Prince Ministries
P.O. Box 19501
out of Satans slave market with We can see, then, that God Charlotte, NC 28219
His precious blood. Where does it has provided us with an effective 704.357.3556
state that fact? Psalm 107 verse 2 defense for when the enemy
says, Let the redeemed of the LORD tries to discourage us. When we
say so, whom He has redeemed from remember to prepare ourselves
the hand of the enemy. The Lord daily by putting on these pieces of
has redeemed us so that we are no armor (and the other four as well)
longer in the hand of the enemy as a defense against the attacks
but in the Lords hands. that will surely come, we will find
Then consider Colossians 1:1214: God faithful to strengthen our faith TL116

t h e t e a c h i n g l e g a c y o f d e r e k p r i n c e | d p m a r c h i v e

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