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The Equation Game

For Stage 4, to develop higher-order thinking particularly in more advanced

Syllabus: Students should
- generate equations with a given solution.
- Check solutions to equations by substituting

Students are to organise themselves into groups of 4. Teacher to then explain:

- There will be 4 solutions written on the board eg a = 3, b = -6
- In their groups, students must create ONE equation for each of the given
- The more elaborate the equation, the more points awarded (refer to
points table below)
- If the equation does not deliver the required solution, it is incorrect
- NO zeros or other steps that dont typically appear in equations as they
are too simple, eg in a(3+7) = 30 the (3+7) can be instantly simplified and
wouldnt appear in a normal equation therefore is not allowed.
- Time limit of 10 minutes, all equations must be written on one single
sheet of paper with group name and round on it
- Groups are to swap papers and solve/mark the equations accordingly

Operation Points per operation

Addition/Subtraction 2
Multiplication 3
Division/Fractions 4
Brackets 5
Pronumerals on both sides 8
Incorrect equation -2 only (no other points
to be allocated)

Begin first round with simple, positive integers. Add negatives and fractions as
the round continue and the students become more confident. Surds may be
incorporated as well, although points cannot be allocated for squared
pronumerals/numbers as it would be a requirement for the solution.

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