U.S. Navy Office of Naval Intelligence Worldwide Threat To Shipping (WTS) Report 5 June - 5 July 2017

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(U) WORLDWIDE: Worldwide Threat to Shipping (WTS) Report

5 June - 5 July 2017
6 July 2017

(U) Table of Contents

1. (U) Scope Note
2. (U) Warnings and Advisories
3. (U) Summary
4. (U) Counter-Piracy and Maritime Crime Announcements and Advisories
5. (U) Details: Monthly Incidents by Region
6. (U) Appendix A: Further Contact Information and Resources
7. (U) Appendix B: Terminology and References
1. (U) Scope Note
1. (U) The Worldwide Threat to Shipping (WTS) message provides info on piracy threats to, and criminal action
against, merchant vessels and the shipping industry worldwide in the last 30 days. This report is produced primarily
to inform merchant mariners and naval forces.

2. (U) Warnings and Advisories

1. (U) UKMTO ADVISORY NOTICE 001/JUL/2017: Category: Suspicious Approach. Description: At
051220ZJUL17, a Merchant Vessel was approached by 7 skiffs in position 1417.9N - 04221.3E. Closest point of
approach was 320 meters. 5 to 6 persons were sighted on each skiff with weapons. Vessel and crew are SAFE.
Mariners are reminded to exercise caution whilst transiting this area. Source: Email from Master. Any queries
regarding this Advisory Notice ring 0044 2392 222060 for further information.

2. (U) UKMTO ADVISORY NOTICE 005/JUN/2017: Category: Irregular Activity. Description: At 280800ZJUN17, a
Merchant Vessel sighted five skiffs with 4 - 5 persons onboard in position 12:28N - 043:44E (Bab el Mandeb). The
skiffs closest point of approach was 0.5 nm and later dropped back. Vessel is SAFE. Mariners are advised to
exercise caution whilst transiting this area. Any queries regarding this Advisory Notice ring 0044 2392 222060 for
further information.

3. (U) UKMTO ADVISORY NOTICE 004/JUN/2017: Category: Irregular Activity. Description: At 251411ZJUN17, a
Merchant Vessel was approached by one dark hulled skiff with 8 persons onboard in position 14:43N - 042:05E
(southern Red Sea). Skiffs approached to 3 cables on the post side of the merchant vessel and continued south.
Vessel is SAFE. Mariners are advised to exercise caution whilst transiting this area. Any queries regarding this
Advisory Notice ring 0044 2392 222060 for further information.

4. (U) UKMTO ADVISORY NOTICE 003/JUN/2017: Category: Irregular Activity. Description: At 131350ZJUN17, a
Merchant Vessel was approached by four skiffs with 6 or 7 person onboard in each skiff in position 1256.49N
04312.17E (Bab el Mandeb). Skiffs approached at speed and followed for 10 min, CPA 0.5 NM. AST showed
weapons and Skiffs dropped back. Vessel is SAFE. Mariners are advised to exercise caution whilst transiting this
area. Any queries regarding this Advisory Notice ring 0044 2392 222060 for further information.


3. (U) Summary
A. (U) KUWAIT: On 5 July, Kuwaiti officials stated that they had arrested two Egyptians and one Kuwaiti for
attempting to smuggle drugs into the country by sea.

B. (U) RED SEA: On 5 July, a merchant vessel was approached by 7 skiffs in the southern Red Sea.

C. (U) PHILIPPINES: On 5 July, two Vietnamese men were beheaded by Philippine Islamist group Abu
Sayyaf, the country's military said.

D. (U) MOZAMBIQUE: On 2 July, two robbers attempted to board a container ship anchored in Nacala

E. (U) VENEZUELA: On 30 June, five robbers boarded a chemical tanker anchored in Puerto La Cruz Anchorage.

F. (U) AUSTRALIA: On 29 June, authorities found 92 kilograms of cocaine in a shipping container onboard the
container ship SPIRIT OF SHANGHAI, in the port of Melbourne.

G. (U) INDONESIA: On 13 June, four suspicious persons approached an offshore supply vessel anchored in
Singatac Anchorage, Pulau Bintan.

4. (U) Counter-Piracy and Maritime Crime Announcements

A. (U) GULF OF ADEN: Government of Japan convoy schedule for July 2017. To apply for JMSDF escort, visit
http://www.mlit.go.jp/en/maritime/maritime_fr2_000000.html, please contact directly the Anti-Piracy Contact and
Coordination Office, Maritime Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MILT),
Japan: Tel: +81-3-5253-8932; Fax: +81-3-5253-1643. Email: INFO-PIRACY@mlit.go.jp. (MSCHOA)

B. (U) GULF OF ADEN: Korean Navy convoy schedule for July 2017. All merchant vessels wishing to join
the convoy group must submit their application forms directly to the ROK naval warship carrying out the mission.
The ROK MTG can be reached directly at 1-203-574-6387. Email: bluesea24@navy.mil.kr. (MSCHOA)

C. (U) GULF OF ADEN: Chinese Navy convoy schedule for July 2017. For further information, please e-
mail planavy@navy.mil.cn, or call Tel: 00870 773 121 248; or 441 203 136. (MSCHOA)

D. (U) GULF OF ADEN: Indian Navy convoy escort schedule for July 2017. To register, email
dgcommcentre-dgs@nic.in; or visit www.dgshipping.com. Telephone numbers for contact are: 91-22-22614646 or
fax at 91-22-22613636. (MSCHOA)

5. (U) Details: Monthly Incidents by Region

(U) This section lists reports of active violence against shipping, credible threats to shipping, or the potential for a
situation to develop into a direct threat to shipping over the last 30 days. Every effort is made to ensure that
incidents are not double-counted. In the event double-counting is detected, or an incident is later learned to be
different than initially reported, an explanation of the cancellation of the inaccurate report will be made in at least
one message prior to dropping the erroneous report.


1. (U) UNITED STATES: On 15 June, the U.S. Coast Guard said a terminal at the Port of Charleston in South
Carolina will reopen after investigating a "potential threat" of a dirty bomb on a container ship. "Unified Command
has determined no existing threat to the port. Terminal will reopen and safety zone has been lifted," the U.S. Coast
Guard Southeast said in a press release. There were four containers that posed a threat to the terminal, USCG
said. "These have been scanned and cleared by authorities." (Reuters)


2. (U) MEXICO: On 6 June, Navy of Mexico spokesman announced a cocaine bust, saying that 177 kilograms of
cocaine were found in three cylinders 1.75x0.5 meter each. They were attached to the forward section of the hull,
below the waterline, of the container ship CLIFFORD MAERSK in the port of Lazaro Cardenas.


Figure 1. Central America - Caribbean -

South America Piracy and Maritime Crime
1. (U) VENEZUELA: On 30 June, five robbers boarded a chemical tanker anchored near position 10:16N - 064:42
W, Puerto La Cruz Anchorage. The robbers entered the forepeak storeroom. Alert crewman noticed the robbers
and raised the alarm, resulting in the robbers escaping without stealing anything. (IMB)

2. (U) VENEZUELA: On 24 June, eight robbers boarded an anchored tanker near position 10:12N - 064:46W,
Jose Terminal Anchorage, during the pre-departure inspection. They assaulted a duty crewman on security rounds.
Another crew noticed the robbers, raised the alarm and injured himself as he fled from the robbers. The duty officer
sounded the general alarm and ships whistle resulting in the robbers escaping. No loss of property was reported.
The injured crew was sent ashore for medical attention. Coast Guard informed. (IMB)

C. (U) ATLANTIC OCEAN AREA: No current incidents to report.


1. (U) BELGIUM: On 10 June, police and customs officers in the port of Harlingen found 300 kilograms of cocaine
onboard fishing vessel DUBBELE SENIOR Z-181. Five persons were arrested, three Dutch, one Pole and one from
Montenegro. (www.fleetmon.com)



1. (U) MEDITERRANEAN: Between June 26 and 27, about 5,000 migrants were rescued off the Libyan coast by
emergency services, Italy's Navy, aid groups, and private boats, according to an Italian Coast Guard spokesman.
"Despite all efforts, three people died from a sinking rubber boat" and rescue boats in the area are struggling to
cope, a German humanitarian group said through a social media post. (www.marinelink.com)

2. (U) MEDITERRANEAN: On 25 June, an Irish naval ship rescued 712 people including pregnant women and
infants off the coast of the Libyan capital of Tripoli as part of an international migrant rescue effort, Ireland's
Defence Forces said in a press release. The ship, L EITHNE, led the rescue of multiple vessels in distress 40
kilometers north-west of Tripoli throughout the day. (www.marinelink.com)

3. (U) GREECE: On 16 June, the Greek Coast Guard seized 1,557,200 contraband cigarette packs from the
Tanzania-flagged cargo ship GOLENDRI as it was sailing south of Crete. The ship, with six Ukrainian crew
members had left Bar, Montenegro, and was heading to Tobruk, Libya, when it was located by Greek
authorities sailing south of Crete with its navigation lights and its automatic identification system (AIS) turned off.
Soon after, the ship stopped its engines 1.5 nautical miles off the coast of Sfakia. The Coast Guard, using a thermal
camera and radar, saw a speed boat approaching the freighter and starting to unload the illegal cargo. A Coast
Guard vessel intervened, chased and stopped the ship and led it to the port of Heraklion, where the vessel was
impounded. (www.greece.greekreporter.com)

4. (U) MEDITERRANEAN: On 19 June, a group of alleged Libyans boarded a large rubber raft carrying more than
120, mostly Sudanese, migrants. The thieves stole the boats motor, causing it to take on water and eventually sink,
killing all but four people in the boat. (www.africanews.com)

5. (U) MEDITERRANEAN: On 9 June, an NGO rescued 716 migrants from rickety boats in the Mediterranean. One
death was reported. (www.reuters.com)


1. (U) NIGERIA: On 30 May, the wife of an oil company employee was kidnapped at her residence in Ugberikoko, a
suburb of Gana in Sapele, Sapele Local Government area of Delta State. An eyewitness said the incident
happened swiftly, as the gunmen came to her shop at about 9:30pm, pretending to be customers. The source
said: As soon as she came out, they shot into the air and seized her. Then they dragged her into the creeks,
where we suspected they had come from. They were still shooting sporadically until they disappeared into the
night. (www.nigeriatoday.ng)



Figure 2. Arabian Gulf Piracy and Maritime

1. (U) KUWAIT: On 5 July, Kuwaiti officials stated that they had arrested two Egyptians and one Kuwaiti for
attempting to smuggle drugs into the country by sea. The smugglers were caught with 47 kilograms of hashish, one
kilogram of heroin and 9,000 captagon pills. (www.news.kuwaittimes.net)

2. (U) ARABIAN GULF: On 16 June, the Saudi Navy reported that they had captured three members of Iran's
Revolutionary Guard Corps from a boat as it approached the kingdom's offshore Marjan oilfield. "This was one of
three vessels which were intercepted by Saudi forces. It was captured with the three men on board, the other two
escaped," a statement from the ministry's center for international communications said. "The three captured
members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard are now being questioned by Saudi authorities," it said, citing a Saudi
official. The vessel was reportedly carrying explosives and intended to conduct a "terrorist act" in Saudi territorial
waters. (www.marinelink.com)



Figure 3. Indian Ocean - East Africa

Piracy and Maritime Crime
1. (U) RED SEA: On 5 July, a merchant vessel was approached by 7 skiffs in position 1417N - 04221E, in the
southern Red Sea. Closest point of approach was 320 meters. Five to six persons were sighted on each skiff,
carrying weapons. Vessel and crew are SAFE. (UKMTO)

2. (U) MOZAMBIQUE: On 2 July, a duty crewman onboard a container ship anchored near position 14:22S -
040:42E, Nacala Anchorage, noticed two robbers attempting to board the ship. Alarm was raised and crew was
mustered. Seeing the crew alertness, the robbers escaped without stealing anything. (IMB)

3. (U) RED SEA: On 28 June, a merchant vessel reported that 5 skiffs with 4 - 5 persons aboard and carrying
weapons made a suspicious approach near position 12:28N - 043:44E. The reported closest point of approach
was 0.5 nm. (UKMTO)

4. (U) BAB EL MANDEB: On 25 June, a merchant vessel reported that one dark hulled skiff with 8 persons aboard
and carrying weapons made a suspicious approach near position 14:43N - 042:05E. The reported closest point of
approach was 600 meters. (www.pviltd.com)

5. (U) KENYA: On 19 June, duty crewman on anti-piracy watch onboard a product tanker berthed near position
04:04S - 039:39E, Mbaraki Terminal, Mombasa, noticed a robber attempting to board via the poop deck using a
hook attached with rope and informed the duty officer in the cargo control room. As the robber approached the
ships railing the duty crew shouted at him resulting in the robber escaping. A search was made throughout the
tanker. It was reported that nothing was stolen. (IMB)


6. (U) JORDAN: On 12 June, authorities intercepted a shipment of 1,200 cartons of smuggled cigarettes in the port
of Aqaba. (Al-Ra'y Online)

7. (U) RED SEA: On 14 June, suspected Shiite Huthi rebels fired a missile at a Saudi-led coalition warship off
Mokha, Yemen, in the Red Sea. (www.news.xinhuanet.com)

8. (U) RED SEA: On 13 June, a merchant vessel reported being approached by 4 skiffs near position 12:56N -
043:12E, just north of Bab el Mandeb Strait. The skiffs followed the ship for 10 minutes. The embarked security
team showed their weapons and the skiffs turned away. (UKMTO)


Figure 4. East Asia - Southeast Asia - Indian

Subcontinent Piracy and Maritime Crime
1. (U) PHILIPPINES: On 11 November 2016, ten persons armed with guns approached the underway bulk carrier
ROYAL 16 near position 06:40N - 122:31E, 10 nm north-northeast of Basilan Island. Ships master raised the alarm
and activated the SSAS. The armed persons boarded the vessel and took its crew hostage. They stole ships
property, kidnapped six crewmen, and escaped. One crewman was injured during the incident. Incident reported to
the Philippines Coast Guard. A patrol vessel was dispatched and the authorities boarded and escorted the vessel
to a safe port. (IMB; www.fleetmon.com; gCaptain) UPDATE: On 5 July, two Vietnamese men have been beheaded
by Philippine Islamist group Abu Sayyaf, the country's military said. Their bodies were found on Basilan Island in
the country's south, a stronghold of the group. The two victims were part of six Vietnamese sailors from the bulk
carrier Royal 16 kidnapped by the militants last year. The southern Philippines have seen a surge in Islamist
militancy with recent fighting in the city of Marawi claiming more than 400 lives since May. "Our troops found the
headless bodies after local residents alerted us," the Philippine military said in a press release. Three of the
hostages are thought to still be held while one was freed last month. (BBC)


2. (U) INDONESIA: On 13 June, duty crewman onboard an offshore supply vessel anchored near position 01:00N
104:14E, Singatac Anchorage, Pulau Bintan, noticed four suspicious persons in a small boat near the stern of
the vessel. He immediately informed the duty officer, switched on the search lights, sounded the ships whistle and
shouted at the robbers. Seeing the crew alertness, the robbers escaped. A search of the ship was carried out.
Nothing reported stolen. (IMB)

3. (U) MALAYSIA: On 23 June, CP 41, a laden tanker en route from Singapore to Songkhla, Thailand, was boarded
by six armed pirates from a speed boat near position 03:55N - 103:52E, 33 nm north-northeast of Kuantan. They
took the 17 crew members hostage, hit a few crewmen, damaged the navigation and communication equipment,
and robbed valuables from the crew. All crewmen and the captain were safe but almost half of its cargo was
siphoned off by the pirates who spoke Bahasa (Indonesian). CP 41 was loaded with 3.8 million liters of diesel oil,
and the pirates siphoned 1.5 million liters of the cargo to another ship and left the hijacked tanker the next morning.
The crew said they were held captive at gunpoint during the hijack. (IMB; Fleetmon; The Malay Mail Online; Thai
PBS Online; The Star Online)

4. (U) INDONESIA: On 21 June, while carrying out pre-departure checks a duty crewman noticed wet footsteps on
the poop deck of a cargo ship anchored near position 01:04N - 104:08E, Jetty No. 3, CPO Kabil Port, Batam.
Upon carrying out further checks he noticed the padlocks to the steering gear and engine rooms were removed and
engine spares were missing. Alarm was raised, crew was mustered and a search of the ship was carried out. The
incident was reported to port authorities and local agents. No intruders were found on board. (IMB)

5. (U) PHILIPPINES: On 11 November 2016, ten persons armed with guns approached the underway bulk carrier
ROYAL 16 near position 06:40N - 122:31E, 10 nm north-northeast of Basilan Island. Ships master raised the alarm
and activated the SSAS. The armed persons boarded the vessel and took its crew hostage. They stole ships
property, kidnapped six crewmen, and escaped. One crewman was injured during the incident. Incident reported
to the Philippines Coast Guard. A patrol vessel was dispatched and the authorities boarded and escorted the
vessel to a safe port. (IMB; www.fleetmon.com; gCaptain) UPDATE: On 16 June, a kidnapped Vietnamese sailor
grabbed the opportunity and dashed to freedom as government troops pounded the lair of the Abu Sayyaf Group in
Basilan province. Col. Juvymax Uy, Joint Task Force Basilan commander, identified the Vietnamese sailor as
Hoang Vo, the second mate of the Vietnam-registered bulk carrier ROYAL 16. The kidnapped victim was airlifted
by an air ambulance and is now in Zamboanga City, Uy said, citing Vo sustained bruises as a result of his daring
escape. Vos five companions who remain in captivity include the ROYAL 16 master, chief mate, third officer,
bosun, and assistant bosun. (www.pna.gov.ph)

6. (U) PHILIPPINES: On 14 June, two men with a loaded firearm were arrested while attempting to enter Pulauan
Port in Dapitan City. During an inspection, the two were found carrying a 9 mm. pistol and 30 rounds of
ammunition. (www.news.mb.com.ph)

7. (U) PHILIPPINES: On 14 June, a robber boarded an anchored tanker via the hawse pipe near position 13:44N -
121:01E, Batangas Inner Anchorage. The robber stole ships properties and escaped unnoticed. The theft was
discovered by duty crew during routine rounds. (IMB)

8. (U) BANGLADESH: On 13 June, partially dismantled offshore crude oil processing ship NORTH SEA
PRODUCER at a Chittagong ship breaking yard was found to be radioactive and possibly dangerous for workers,
according to media reports. Radioactive levels found inside pipes were above permissible levels. Scrapping of
the ship is suspended until completion of an investigation and estimating possible hazards. (www.fleetmon.com)

9. (U) INDONESIA: On 13 June, robbers boarded a research vessel anchored near position 00:45N - 104:08E,
Galang Layup Anchorage, stole ships equipment and escaped unnoticed. The theft was noticed in the morning
during routine rounds. Incident reported to the local agents and Port Authorities. (IMB)

10. (U) MALAYSIA: On 8 and 10 June, a Malaysian bunkering company reported falling victim to a phishing scam.
The owner of the company told police they had been defrauded of approximately 1 million US dollars. Malaysian
police believe spyware was embedded in the victim's computer allowing the perpetrators of the fraud to read email
exchanges between the bunker company and its fuel supplier. The company claimed it had been deceived into
making two transactions to a bank in Greensboro, North Carolina, in the United States on 31 May and 2 June.


(Malaysian National News Agency (BERNAMA))

11. (U) INDONESIA: On 7 June, two robbers boarded an anchored tanker near position 01:21N - 104:36E, 8 nm
north of Tg. Berakit, Bintan Island. They threatened the duty crewman with a knife, took his radio and held him
hostage. They then entered the engine room through the steering flat door. When the duty crewman failed to report
to the bridge, the duty officer raised the alarm resulting in the robbers escaping with stolen ships property. (IMB)


1. (U) TAIWAN: In early June, customs officials seized approximately 18.6 metric tons of smuggled tobacco at the
Port of Taichung in central Taiwan. Officials noted that the cut tobacco could have been used to manufacture more
than 1.46 million packs of cigarettes. Two cargo containers registered as carrying tobacco leaf waste imported from
Vietnam were opened for spot checks when customs officials found the contraband. (www.focustaiwan.tw)


Figure 5. Pacific Ocean - Southern Ocean

Piracy and Maritime Crime
1. (U) AUSTRALIA: On 29 June, authorities found 92 kilograms of cocaine in a shipping container onboard the
container ship SPIRIT OF SHANGHAI, in the port of Melbourne. (www.skynews.com.au)

6. (U) Appendix A: Further Contact Information and Resources

(U) This appendix provides contact information for the author of the WTS as well as other entities that can be
contacted with maritime crime reports. It also lists other resources where the WTS is posted and where piracy and
maritime crime incident information can be found.

(U) Contact

(U) Originator of this WTS report requests consumer feedback. Originator will incorporate all anti-shipping events
and violence against the maritime industry into this weekly message where appropriate. To aid in our reporting,
please add the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) to your normal corporate and organizational reporting
requirements. The 24-hour watch can be reached at +1 (301) 669-4053.


(U) Other Resources

(U) This Worldwide Threat to Shipping Report is posted at the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agencys Maritime
Safety site: http://msi.nga.mil/NGAPortal/MSI.portal. The International Maritime Bureau (IMB) also publishes a live
piracy report based on reporting from the IMB Piracy Reporting Centre in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, listing all piracy
and armed robbery incidents in the last ten days: http://www.icc-ccs.org/. The PAWW and WTS Reports are posted
weekly on the ONI Intel Portal: http://www.oni.navy.mil/Intelligence_Community/piracy.htm.

7. (U) Appendix B: Terminology and References

(U) This appendix is provided to promote consistent use of accurate terms of reference in reporting and also
identifies those references that were used to gather the information contained in this report. ONI welcomes
comment and suggestions for addition or amendment.

(U) Terminology

(U) In order to promote consistent use of accurate terms of reference, the following have been adopted to describe
the range of criminal anti-shipping activity and impediments to safe navigation in our worldwide reporting and
analysis. Please note that these terms relate to observable activity and are independent of target vessel status and
exclude actions by governmental powers in lawful pursuit of their authorities:

(U) Attempted Boarding Close approach or hull-to-hull contact with report that boarding paraphernalia were
employed or visible in the approaching boat.

(U) Blocking Hampering safe navigation, docking, or undocking of a vessel as a means of protest.

(U) Boarding Unauthorized boarding of a vessel by persons not part of its complement without successfully
taking control of the vessel.

(U) Fired Upon Weapons discharged at or toward a vessel.

(U) Hijacking Unauthorized seizure and retention of a vessel by persons not part of its complement.

(U) Kidnapping Unauthorized forcible removal of persons belonging to the vessel from it.

(U) Robbery Theft from a vessel or from persons aboard the vessel.

(U) Suspicious Approach All other unexplained activity in close proximity of an unknown vessel.

(U) Sourcing

(U) ONI derives information in this report from direct reporting and analysis of reports from the following agencies
and commercial sources.

Agence France Presse (AFP)

Associated Press (AP)
Baltic and International Maritime Council (BIMCO), Denmark
BBC News
EU Naval Forces (EU)
Fairplay (FP), London
Informa Group (INFO), formerly LLP, Llp Limited, London
International Maritime Bureau (IMB), London and Kuala Lumpur
International Maritime Organization (IMO), London


Latitude38.com (LAT) website

Local Media (LM)
Maritime Administration (MARAD), U.S.
The Maritime Executive (website)
Maritime Security Centre - Horn of Africa (MSCHOA)
Maritime Security Council (MSC), U.S.
Marine Domain Awareness for Trade Gulf of Guinea (MDAT-GoG)
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), Navigation Safety System
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Brussels
Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) (analysis and comment)
Operator (owner or operator of affected vessel)
Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC)
Regional Cooperation Agreement on Combating Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships in Asia,
Information Sharing Center (ReCAAP ISC)
Royal Australian Navy (RAN)
Royal New Zealand Navy (RNZN)
Seafarers Assistance Program (SAP), Kenya
Tradewinds (TW)
United Kingdom Maritime Trade Organization (UKMTO)
United Press International (UPI)
U.S. Maritime Liaison Office (MARLO) Bahrain
U.S. Coast Guard (USCG)
U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

(U) ICOD: 5 July 2017

(U) The PAWW and WTS reports are posted each week on the ONI Intel Portal and can be found at:


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