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Core Clinical Competencies in

A case-based approach
The core clinical competencies in anesthesiology can be pretty blurry just how do they apply to
real life?
This book answers this question, incorporating the core clinical competencies into an
engaging format that anesthesiologists like: case studies. So, far from being a dry and dusty
volume of forgotten lore, this book actually makes learning the competencies fun!
Written in the same engaging style as a number of other anesthesia books (specifically, the
Board Stiff opus) by anesthesiologists from leading medical centers across the United States,
this book brings the core clinical competencies to life for residents, attendings, and medical
students alike.

Dr. Christopher J. Gallagher is an Associate Professor in the Department of Anesthesiology at Stony

Brook University. He is the recipient of teaching awards from Duke University, University of Miami,
and Stony Brook University. He was also awarded the Anesthesiology Teaching Recognition Award for
Achievement in Education by the International Anesthesia Research Society. Dr. Gallagher is the author of
books on oral boards, anesthesia procedures, transesophageal echocardiography, and simulation. Outside
of medicine, he has written one book on tennis, one on World War I, and another on learning foreign
languages. He is fluent in five languages, conversant in another five, and can ask for the bathroom in an
additional five. He has not yet achieved People magazines 50 Most Beautiful People list, but hope springs
eternal in the human breast. He is the father of one and husband of one.

Dr. Michael C. Lewis is a Professor at the Miller School of Medicine at the University of Miami (UM).
He has served as chief of anesthesia service at the Miami Veterans Affairs Health Care Center and as its
director of medical student teaching. At UM, he has also held the position of chief of academic programs
in transplant anesthesia in addition to his capacity as residency program director, chair of the Medical
School Faculty Council, and vice chair of the University Senate. Most recently, he was appointed assistant
dean for international graduate medical education. Dr. Lewis has been awarded a Hartford Award from
the American Society of Geriatrics and was a Fulbright Scholar in 2006. He is active in the Florida Society
of Anesthesiologists, presently serving as its president. He is also the current national president of the
Israel Medical Association, World Fellowship: USA, and is on two committees of the American Society
of Anesthesiologists, while being an active member of the House of Delegates of the American Board of
Anesthesiology. He is married to Judy and has three daughters.

Dr. Deborah A. Schwengel is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Anesthesiology at Johns

Hopkins School of Medicine and a pediatric anesthesiologist at the Johns Hopkins Childrens Center.
She is the anesthesiology residency program director and designer of an innovative education program at
Johns Hopkins. She is founder and director of the International Adoption Clinic of the Kennedy Krieger
Institute and the Johns Hopkins Childrens Center. In addition, she is a critical care consultant at St. Agnes
Hospital and Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital, both in Baltimore. Dr. Schwengels research is focused
on clinical studies of the care of children with obstructive sleep apnea. She is also newly involved in edu-
cational research, no longer content with the old apprenticeship and lecture hall residency education
programs. She has three internationally adopted children who, together with 75 anesthesiology residents,
make life a never-ending string of dramatic and humorous tales.
Core Clinical Competencies in
A case-based approach
Edited by
Christopher J. Gallagher
Stony Brook University

Michael C. Lewis
University of Miami

Deborah A. Schwengel
Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions
Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore,
Sao Paulo, Delhi, Dubai, Tokyo

Cambridge University Press

32 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10013-2473, USA
Information on this title:

c Cambridge University Press 2010

This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception

and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements,
no reproduction of any part may take place without the written
permission of Cambridge University Press.

First published 2010

Printed in the United States of America

A catalog record for this publication is available from the

British Library.

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication data

Core clinical competencies in anesthesiology : a case-based

approach / edited by Christopher Gallagher, Michael Lewis,
Deborah Schwengel.
p. ; cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-521-14413-1 (pbk.)
1. Anesthesia Case studies. I. Gallagher, Christopher J.
II. Lewis, Michael (Michael C.) III. Schwengel, Deborah A.
[DNLM: 1. Anesthesia Case Reports. 2. Clinical
Competence Case Reports. WO 200 C7965 2010]
RD82.45.C67 2010
617.9 6dc22 2009036865

ISBN 978-0-521-14413-1 Paperback

Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the

persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third-party
Internet Web sites referred to in this publication and does
not guarantee that any content on such Web sites is, or will
remain, accurate or appropriate.

Every effort has been made in preparing this book to

provide accurate and up-to-date information that is in accord with
accepted standards and practice at the time of publication.
Although case histories are drawn from actual cases, every effort
has been made to disguise the identities of the individuals involved.
Nevertheless, the authors, editors, and publishers can make no
warranties that the information contained herein is totally free
from error, not least because clinical standards are constantly
changing through research and regulation. The authors, editors,
and publishers therefore disclaim all liability for direct or
consequential damages resulting from the use of material
contained in this book. Readers are strongly advised to pay careful
attention to information provided by the manufacturer of any
drugs or equipment that they plan to use.
To that person who coined the phrase that guides residency directors
everywhere: a residency director should beat the love of learning into his
or her residents with a stout stick.
Rogues Gallery of Contributing Authors xi

Introduction: From the mountain 1 Case 10. Flame on! 56

Christopher J. Gallagher and Matthew Neal
1 An anesthetic view of the Core Clinical
Competencies 3 Case 11. What date would you like
carved in stone? 61
2 Anesthetic cases through the Core
Clinical Competencies looking glass 7 Christopher J. Gallagher and Anna Kogan
Case 12. Spasm, spasm, how do I treat
thee? Bronchospasm in a stage IV
Part 1 Contributions from Stony breast cancer patient 65
Brook University Medical Center Bharathi Scott and Shiena Sharma
under Christopher J. Gallagher Case 13. Why dont you join the HIT
Case 1. Pop goes the aneurysm 11 parade? HIT in a cardiac surgery patient 69
Christopher J. Gallagher and Tommy Corrado Bharathi Scott and Jason Daras

Case 2. No Foley, no surgeon; what Case 14. Bad lungs in the ICU 73
now? 18 Shaji Poovathor and Rany Makaryus
Christopher J. Gallagher and Khoa Nguyen Case 15. A simple breast biopsy 79
Case 3. Bad airway in the Andes 23 Neera Tewari and Ramtin Cohanim
Christopher J. Gallagher and Khoa Nguyen Case 16. Fast-track perioperative
Case 4. Wedge is 18; he must be full 28 management of patients having a
laparoscopic colectomy for colon
Christopher J. Gallagher and Dominick
cancer 83
Brian Durkin and Sofie Hussain
Case 5. Calling across specialties 34
Case 17. Treatment of complex
Christopher J. Gallagher and Kathleen Dubrow
regional pain syndrome when the
Case 6. Extubation wrecking a payer doesnt know anything about
perfectly good Sunday 40 what you are treating 86
Christopher J. Gallagher and Eric Posner Marco Palmieri and Brian Durkin
Case 7. The sin of pride after an awake Case 18. OB case with cancer and
intubation 43 hypercoagulable state 90
Christopher J. Gallagher and Eric Posner Joy Schabel and Andrew Rozbruch
Case 8. Brown-Sequard and the Case 19. Extubated and jaws wired shut 95
orthopedic knife extraction 46 Peggy Seidman and Ramon Abola
Christopher J. Gallagher and Tommy Corrado
Case 20. Code Noelle: A tale of
Case 9. When were those stents placed? 52 postpartum hemorrhage 102
Christopher J. Gallagher and Matthew Neal Rishimani Adsumelli and Ramon Abola

Case 21. Are you sure theres a baby Case 36. Mr. Whipple and the case of
there? A tale of the morbidly obese the guy who likes to mix a few vikes
parturient 108 with his vodka 184
Ellen Steinberg and Ramon Abola Misako Sakamaki and Brian Durkin
Case 22. Smoking, still smoking, and
wont quit 114 Part 2 Contributions from the
Deborah Richman and Rany Makaryus
University of Medicine and
Case 23. Pseudoseizures following
office extubation 119
Dentistry of New Jersey under
Ralph Epstein and Andrew Drollinger Steven H. Ginsberg
Case 24. What happened to the ETT Case 37. Burn, baby, burn: Anesthesia
tip? 123 inferno 191
Ralph Epstein and Tate Montgomery Jeremy Grayson and Stephen Lemke
Case 25. Jerry and Terry want one Case 38. CABG 198
more baby 128 John Denny and Salvatore Zisa Jr.
Rishimani Adsumelli and Vishal Sharma
Case 39. The Da Vinci Code for
Case 26. Overhextending yourself 134 anesthesiologists 203
Helene Benveniste and Jonida Zeqo Steven H. Ginsberg, Jonathan Kraidin,
and Peter Chung
Case 27. Broken catheter after Whipple 137
Xiaojun Guo and Khoa Nguyen Case 40. Transhiatal esophagectomy:
Do you have the stomach for it? 211
Case 28. Pierre who? 142 Jonathan Kraidin, Steven H. Ginsberg,
Ron Jasiewicz and Khoa Nguyen and Tejal Patel
Case 29. Submandibular abscess 147
Syed Azim and Jane Yi Part 3 Contribution from the
Case 30. ERCP with sedation: A Big University of Texas M.D. Anderson
MAC (monitored anesthesia care),
supersized! 153 Cancer Center under Marc Rozner
Tazeen Beg and Michelle DiGuglielmo Case 41. Never yell fire in a crowded OR 217
Case 31. On call in labor and delivery: Charles Cowles and Marc Rozner
The morbidly obese nightmare 158
Ursula Landman and Kathleen Dubrow Part 4 Contributions from the
Case 32. Kidney transplant 164 University of Miami Miller School
Syed Azim and Louis Chun
of Medicine under Michael C. Lewis
Case 33. Electrical glitch 169
Daryn Moller and Joseph Conrad Case 42. Nephrectomy 227
Michael C. Lewis and V. Samepathi David
Case 34. What do you mean you stop
breathing in your sleep? 175 Case 43. Another day at the
Deborah Richman and Vishal Sharma office. . . based anesthesia 232
Steven Gil and Nancy Setzer-Saade
Case 35. Please prevent postop
puking 181 Case 44. OB to the core 236
viii Neera Tewari and Vedan Djesevic Deborah Brauer and Murlikrishna Kannan

Case 45. Cut off at the knees 240 Case 58. DIC: Disseminated
Ashish Udeshi intravascular coagulation or
devastating injury to the cervix? 313
Case 46. Neuro 246
Sayeh Hamzehzadeh and Tina Tran
Eric A. Harris and Miguel Santos
Case 59. All I had was a knee
Case 47. Cardiac catheterization bursectomy; now do I have RSD (CRPS)? 318
laboratory to cardiac operating room 252
Adam J. Carinci and Paul J. Christo
Lebron Cooper and Adam Sewell
Case 60. Obstetricians cannot detect
Case 48. Lap choly in someone great FH sounds, and Moms cyanotic: Whats
with child 260 an anesthesiologist to do? 324
Amy Klash Pulido and Shawn Banks Ramola Bhambhani and Lale Odekon
Case 49. Renal transplant 263 Case 61. A case of mistaken identity 334
Carlos M. Mijares and Sana Nini Nishant Gandhi and Bradford D. Winters
Case 50. Surprise! Its a liver and Case 62. To block or not to block, that
kidney transplant 266 is the question: Anticoagulation and
Michael Rossi and Sujatha Pentakota epidural anesthesia 340
Case 51. Left lower extremity pain 269 Brandon M. Togioka and Christopher Wu
Omair H. Toor and David A. Lindley Case 63. Anterior mediastinal mass
Case 52. Trauma 276 with total occlusion of the superior
Edgar Pierre and Patricia Wawroski vena cava and distal tracheal
compression 347
Case 53. Whack-an-eye 281 Andrew Goins and Daniel Nyhan
Steve Gayer and Shafeena Nurani
Case 64. Puff the magic dragon 352
Steven J. Schwartz
Part 5 Contributions from Johns Case 65. You mean the screw isnt
Hopkins Medical Institutions supposed to be in the aorta? Massive
bleeding during spine surgery 360
under Deborah A. Schwengel Melissa Pant and Lauren C. Berkow
Case 54. Singin the OSA blues 289
Case 66. Oh no, someone get the NO! 365
Jennifer K. Lee and Deborah A. Schwengel
Rabi Panigrahi, Brijen L. Joshi, and
Case 55. Oxygen 295 Nanhi Mitter
Justin Lockman and Deborah A. Schwengel Case 67. What to do when HITT hits
Case 56. My patients an airhead! the fan 369
Management of air embolism during Ira Lehrer and Nanhi Mitter
sitting craniotomy 301
Case 68. Just dont stop my achy,
Alexander Papangelou breaky heart. . . 375
Case 57. Fifty-one-year-old female Sapna Kudchadkar and R. Blaine Easley
with abdominal pain, diarrhea,
Case 69. Too bad, so sad. . . its Friday
flushing, and heart murmur for
afternoon with a VAD 382
exploratory laparotomy 307
Jeremy M. Huff and Theresa L. Hartsell
Peter Lin and Ralph J. Fuchs


Case 70. The disappearing left Case 75. Mind, body, and spirit 425
ventricle: A double lung transplant in a Christina Miller and Adam Schiavi
patient with severe pulmonary
hypertension 391 Case 76. Hes not dead yet! 434
Kerry K. Blaha and Dan Berkowitz Veronica Busso and Mark Rossberg

Case 71. Exit procedure twins! 397

Gillian Newman and Eugenie Part 6 Contribution from the
Heitmiller Medical College of Wisconsin
Case 72. OMG, thats the RV! 403 under Elena J. Holak
Christine L. Mai and Robert S. Greenberg
Case 77. The Four Horsemen of Notre
Case 73. Aborted takeoff 410 Dame or the Four Horsemen of the
Emmett Whitaker and Deborah Apocalypse? The story of how horses
A. Schwengel tried to ruin my first night on call 441
Elena J. Holak and Paul S. Pagel
Case 74. Revenge of the blue
crab cake 416 Summary 449
Samuel M. Galvagno Jr. and Theresa L.
Index 451

Rogues Gallery of Contributing Authors

The following people allegedly contributed to this Misako Sakamaki, MD, Resident
book. An insignificant number (p .05) were water- Joy Schabel, MD, Associate Professor
boarded into this admission. Bharathi Scott, MD, Professor
Peggy Seidman, MD, Associate Professor
Stony Brook University Medical Center Shiena Sharma, MD, Resident
Ramon Abola, MD, Chief Resident Vishal Sharma, MD, Resident
Rishimani Adsumelli, MD, Associate Professor Ellen Steinberg, MD, Associate Professor
Syed Azim, MD, Assistant Professor Neera Tewari, DO, Assistant Professor
Tazeen Beg, MD, Assistant Professor Jane Yi, DDS, Resident
Helene Benveniste, MD, Professor Jonida Zeqo, MD, Resident
Louis Chun, MD, Resident
Ramtin Cohanim, MD, Chief Resident University of Medicine and Dentistry of
Dominick Coleman, MD, Resident
Joseph Conrad, MD, Resident New Jersey
Tommy Corrado, MD, Resident Peter Chung, MD, Resident
Jason Daras, DO, Resident John Denny, MD, Associate Professor
Michelle DiGuglielmo, MD, Chief Resident Steven H. Ginsberg, MD, Associate Professor
Vedan Djesevic, MD, Resident Jeremy Grayson, MD, Assistant Professor
Andrew Drollinger, DDS, Resident Jonathan Kraidin, MD, Associate Professor
Kathleen Dubrow, MD, Resident Stephen Lemke, DO, Resident
Brian Durkin, DO, Assistant Professor Tejal Patel, MD, Resident
Ralph Epstein, DDS, Assistant Professor Salvatore Zisa Jr., MD, Fellow
Christopher J. Gallagher, MD, Associate Professor
Xiaojun Guo, MD, Assistant Professor
Sofie Hussain, MD, Resident University of Texas M.D. Anderson
Ron Jasiewicz, DO, Assistant Professor Cancer Center
Anna Kogan, DO, Resident Charles Cowles, MD, Instructor
Ursula Landman, DO, Associate Professor Marc Rozner, MD, PhD, Professor
Rany Makaryus, MD, Resident
Daryn Moller, MD, Assistant Professor
Tate Montgomery, DDS, Resident University of Miami Miller School of
Matthew Neal, MD, Resident
Khoa Nguyen, MD, Resident
Marco Palmieri, DO, Resident Shawn Banks, MD, Assistant Professor
Shaji Poovathor, MD, Assistant Professor Deborah Brauer, MD, Assistant Professor
Eric Posner, MD, Resident Lebron Cooper, MD, Assistant Professor
Deborah Richman, MB, ChB, FFA(SA), Assistant V. Samepathi David, MD, Fellow
Professor Steve Gayer, MD, Associate Professor
Andrew Rozbruch, DO, Resident Steven Gil, MD, Resident xi
Rogues Gallery of Contributing Authors

Eric A. Harris, MD, Assistant Professor Jeremy M. Huff, DO, Resident

Murlikrishna Kannan, MD, Resident Brijen L. Joshi, MD, Fellow
Michael C. Lewis, MD, Professor Sapna Kudchadkar, MD, Fellow
David A. Lindley, DO, Assistant Professor Jennifer K. Lee, MD, Fellow
Carlos M. Mijares, MD, Assistant Professor Ira Lehrer, DO, Resident
Sana Nini, MD, Research Associate Peter Lin, MD, Resident
Shafeena Nurani, MD, Resident Physician Justin Lockman, MD, Fellow
Sujatha Pentakota, MD, Resident Christine L. Mai, MD, Fellow
Edgar Pierre, MD, Assistant Professor Christina Miller, MD, Resident
Amy Klash Pulido, MD, Resident Nanhi Mitter, MD, Assistant Professor
Michael Rossi, DO, Assistant Professor Gillian Newman, MD, Resident
Miguel Santos, MD, Resident Daniel Nyhan, MD, Professor
Nancy Setzer-Saade, MD, Associate Professor Lale Odekon, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor
Adam Sewell, MD, Resident Rabi Panigrahi, MD, Resident
Omair H. Toor, DO, Fellow Melissa Pant, MD, Resident
Ashish Udeshi, MD, Resident Alexander Papangelou, MD, Instructor
Patricia Wawroski, MD, Resident Mark Rossberg, MD, Assistant Professor
Adam Schiavi, PhD, MD, Instructor
Steven J. Schwartz, MD, Assistant Professor
Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions Deborah A. Schwengel, MD, Assistant Professor
Lauren C. Berkow, MD, Assistant Professor Brandon M. Togioka, MD, Resident
Dan Berkowitz, MD, Professor Tina Tran, MD, Assistant Professor
Ramola Bhambhani, MD, Resident Emmett Whitaker, MD, Resident
Kerry K. Blaha, MD, Resident Bradford D. Winters, PhD, MD, Assistant Professor
Veronica Busso, MD, Resident Christopher Wu, MD, Associate Professor
Adam J. Carinci, MD, Resident
Paul J. Christo, MD, MBA, Assistant Professor
R. Blaine Easley, MD, Assistant Professor Medical College of Wisconsin
Ralph J. Fuchs, MD, Assistant Professor Elena J. Holak, MD, PharmD, Associate Professor
Samuel M. Galvagno Jr., DO, Fellow Paul S. Pagel, MD, PhD, Professor
Nishant Gandhi, DO, Resident
Andrew Goins, DO, Resident Note on the authors: In their defense, many of these
Robert S. Greenberg, MD, Associate Professor authors were dropped on their heads several times dur-
Sayeh Hamzehzadeh, MD, Resident ing their formative years. The rumor that others were
Theresa L. Hartsell, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor abducted and raised by wolves has yet to be substanti-
Eugenie Heitmiller, MD, Associate Professor ated.

Core Clinical Competencies in
A case-based approach
Introduction: From the mountain

A long time ago, in a medical galaxy far, far away, med- another, and the ground thereon to be sown with salt,
ical education was a simple matter of apprenticeship: so nothing there shall ever grow again.
 You washed up on the shores of a residency. And the teachers of doctors trembled before the
 For three years, you did anesthesia. men and women of education. And these same teach-
 The residency released you into the wild, with the ers rent their garments and gnashed their teeth, crying
admonition, Go ye forth and minister anesthesia out, Woe is us, that the daytime and the nighttime will
unto the people. be filled with documenting all we say and all we do. So
great is the fury of the men and women of education
But, alas, as time passed, the educational process grew that we will live all the years of our lives in fear and
in complexity. loathing and documenting.
Enter the Core Clinical Competencies. Night fell.
Wise men and women gathered themselves to- The sun rose the next day.
gether and reconsidered the apprenticeship idea. And Ah, what is this on a teacher of
thusly they spake, The doctors know not of what they doctors cried out. A book, a book which reviews anes-
teach. They are misguided and errant in their ways. thesia cases via the Core Clinical Competencies! As
For them to teach unto their young charges, they must manna from heaven fed those who wandered through
teach as we, the wise men and women of education, feel the desert, so also this book from three residency
you must teach. directors will feed those who wander through the
And the wise men and women of education Core Clinical Competency land. Yea, verily, this is
climbed a great mountain, to seek commandments. a boon to medical students, residents, and teachers
They sought 10, but found they only 6. And these six alike.
commandments, they were writ in stone and given And great was the happiness.
unto the wise men and women of education. From And now, as you read on, so also will your happi-
the mountain came they down, bearing six command- ness be great.
ments with them. And they showed these six com- For first we shall review the Core Clinical Compe-
mandments to all who would teach doctors the art of tencies, and we shall show ye how these selfsame Core
healing the halt and lame. Clinical Competencies are viewed through the prism
And the teachers of doctors became sore afraid. of anesthesia. Then we will leave off the jabber, for we
And the teachers of doctors asked, Whence came seek not to be as the cackling of hens or the screeching
these commandments, which we of needs must now of monkeys. We will go us forth into actual cases, cases
employ as we teach the young doctors? we have done ourselves, and we will explain these cases
So the wise men and women of education said, with great and terrible emphasis on the Core Clinical
Ye are not put on this earth to question the com- Competencies.
mandments given from on high. Ye are to obey the And lo, your understanding will grow mightily.
six commandments in all your teaching, and ye are to And you will use this knowledge to minister unto those
spend all the hours of the day and all the hours of the who are afflicted by the thousand and one ills that flesh
night documenting that ye are teaching via the com- is heir to.
mandments. All those who disobey will be cast aside And when a dark cloud appears upon the hori-
and their residencies shuttered, their hospitals razed zon, and a great crash of thunder is heard, and the
unto the ground, so that one brick no longer lies upon Four Horsemen of the Residency Review Committee
Introduction: From the mountain

(RRC) Apocalypse come pounding up to your door, Competencies, as we have been commanded by the
you will hold up this selfsame book, and you will have men and women of education.
no need to avert your gaze or feel ashamed in your And the Four Horsemen of the RRC Apocalypse
Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Educa- will rein in their furious mounts, and away they will
tion compliance nakedness. For you will say, Look, ye ride, for no citations will they give, and no complaint
terrible Horsemen of the RRC Apocalypse, and note will they raise.
well. Much have we studied, and all through and with For the book is good.
and under the benevolent wing of the Core Clinical And now you may rest under the shade of the tree.


An anesthetic view of the Core

1 Clinical Competencies

Here are the Core Clinical Competencies with an anes- but if the tube doesnt find the trachea, or the spinal
thetic twist. The first two, patient care and medical needle doesnt splash down in cerebrospinal fluid, or
knowledge, are the traditional things weve always the central line knifes through the pleura, then were
taught. The last four are a bit softer and harder to nail doing it all wrong.
down. But hey, you have to know all six, so lets plow Patient care means taking care of the patient cor-
through them. rectly, and to detail how you take care of a patient cor-
rectly, read Miller cover to cover and do a residency.
Because it all boils down to taking good care of the
Patient care patient:
Residents must be able to provide patient care that is  Secure that airway.
compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat-  Get the line in.
ment of health problems and the promotion of health.
 Keep an eye on those vital signs.
Residents are expected to do the following:
 Provide good analgesia.
 communicate effectively and demonstrate caring  React to changes and problems.
and respectful behaviors when interacting with  Keep those lines open between you and the
patients and their families
 surgeon, the obstetrician, and the consultants so
gather essential and accurate information about you dont miss anything.
their patients
 make informed decisions about diagnostic and That is the anesthetic take on patient care, and theres
therapeutic interventions based on patient not a lot of room for interpretation.
information and preferences, up-to-date scientific
evidence, and clinical judgment
 develop and carry out patient management plans
Medical knowledge
 counsel and educate patients and their families
Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab-
 lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cognate
use information technology to support patient
(e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sciences
care decisions and patient education
 and the application of this knowledge to patient care.
perform competently all medical and invasive
Residents are expected to do the following:
procedures considered essential for the area of
 demonstrate an investigatory and analytic
 provide health care services aimed at preventing thinking approach to clinical situations
 know and apply the basic and clinically supportive
health problems or maintaining health
 work with health care professionals, including sciences that are appropriate to their discipline
those from other disciplines, to provide
patient-focused care The anesthetic take on medical knowledge
The anesthetic take on medical knowledge is little
The anesthetic take on patient care removed from the anesthetic take on patient care. You
This is the most inherently obvious of the clinical com- need to know the medicine to care for the patient:
petencies. We are patient care people, after all! You can  Chest pain, ST segment changes? You have to
wax dreamy about all the other educational rigmarole, know the components of ischemia, know the latest
Chapter 1 An anesthetic view of the Core Clinical Competencies

on beta-blockade (good and bad), and know how to raise a child. When it comes to interpreting med-
best to intervene. ical information, it takes the global medical village to
 New device for securing the airway safely? You guide our therapy. Heres one example that affected our
have to know how to use it to care for the patient. recent thinking:
 New block (say, the transverses abdominalus  Beta-blockers are great! Studies drift out that seem
planar (TAP) block for relieving abdominal pain)? to indicate that one beta-blocker pill given in the
You need to know the landmarks, how you can tell perioperative period will stave off death for a
the transverses abdominus on echo, and how to thousand years!
lay the local anesthetic in there.  Hey, lets give everyone beta-blockers, and all our
This is just the knowing behind the doing, so theres not patients will live forever.
 This makes inherent sense because slowing down
much interpretive wiggle room in this Core Clinical
Competency. the heart prevents ischemia. Right!
So far, so good. Now things get a little mushier.
Now, the literature looks at this more rigorously.
Out comes the POISE study, looking at 80,000 plus
Practice-based learning patients and giving them all beta-blockers. And theres
and improvement a fly in the soup!
Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their  Ischemia is, indeed, down.
patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scien-  But death and stroke rates are up.
tific evidence, and improve their patient care practices.  Oh, no! The sacred cow of perioperative
Residents are expected to do the following: beta-blockade is slain.
 analyze practice experience and perform
practice-based improvement activities using a Could any one of us, in our own experience, have
systematic methodology come up with these conclusions? I dont care how fast
 locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from you turn over a room; youre not going to rack up
scientific studies related to their patients health 80,000 anesthetics in a short time and study this issue
problems hence practice-based learning and improvement as a
 obtain and use information about their own Core Clinical Competency.
Whats the crucial skill you need in this area? You
population of patients and the larger population
need to answer the question, is the information in the
from which their patients are drawn
 apply knowledge of study designs and statistical literature valid? Is it meaningful? Should I change my
practice based on what the authors say?
methods to the appraisal of clinical studies and
Every month, the journal articles are filled with
other information on diagnostic and therapeutic
studies do you change your practice every time a new
 use information technology to manage paper comes out? Do you snap up every new procedure
because it has an Oh, that looks neat! air about it?
information, access online medical information,
Obviously not. The connoisseur of the literature knows
and support their own education
the good stuff from the bad, the Dom Perignon from
the Listerine.
The anesthetic take on practice-based
learning and improvement Interpersonal and
This means looking at the literature. None of us have
enough experience in our own individual practice to
communication skills
draw meaningful demographic conclusions. We tend Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal
to stew in our empiric juices and say, Well, I did this and communication skills that result in effective infor-
once and somehow the patient survived, so gee whiz, mation exchange and teaming with patients, their
this must be the way to do it! patients families, and professional associates. Resi-
This n of 1 that weve all leaned on doesnt hold dents are expected to do the following:
4  create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically
up to statistical scrutiny, so we have to go to the lit-
erature. Hillary Clinton told us that it takes a village sound relationship with patients
Chapter 1 An anesthetic view of the Core Clinical Competencies

 use effective listening skills and elicit and provide different cultures, being sensitive to gender concerns,
information using effective nonverbal, being sensitive to different disabilities.
explanatory, questioning, and writing skills This is the Core Clinical Competency that steams
 work effectively with others as a member or leader most anesthesiologists (and, I suspect, most other spe-
of a health care team or other professional group cialties, too). Of course, we know to be professional!
God all fishhooks, we went through premed and med
school and are now in postgraduate training. Do I need
The anesthetic take on interpersonal the Core Clinical Competencies to tell me that I have to
and communication skills be ethical? We all took the Hippocratic oath; our whole
This competency and the next one (professionalism) life has been geared to taking good care of our fellow
are damned hard to tease apart. I wish they would have human beings. Now some educationo-wonk is telling
checked with me before they split these into two. Here me I have to be sensitive and appropriate around a
goes, but, as you will see, theres a lot of overlap here. person of different background, or a person with a
You cant be an oaf, dolt, moron, or insensitive clod disability?
with the patient, and you have to get ideas to them Gimme a break!
and get ideas from them. Same goes for working with
nurses, cardiopulmonary bypass techs, doctors, inten- Systems-based practice
sive care unit staff, respiratory techs, you name it. Any-
Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and
one that crosses paths with you in the clinical orbit, you
responsiveness to the larger context and system of
have to work well with them and make sure you get the
health care and the ability to effectively call on system
information right.
resources to provide care that is of optimal value. Resi-
dents are expected to do the following:
Professionalism  understand how their patient care and other
Residents must demonstrate a commitment to carry- professional practices affect other health care
ing out professional responsibilities, adherence to eth- professionals, the health care organization, and
ical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient pop- the larger society and how these elements of the
ulation. Residents are expected to do the following: system affect their own practice
 demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a  know how types of medical practice and delivery
responsiveness to the needs of patients and society systems differ from one another, including
that supersedes self-interest; accountability to methods of controlling health care costs and
patients, society, and the profession; and a allocating resources
commitment to excellence and ongoing  practice cost-effective health care and resource
professional development allocation that does not compromise quality of
 demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles care
pertaining to provision or withholding of clinical  advocate for quality patient care and assist
care, confidentiality of patient information, patients in dealing with system complexities
informed consent, and business practice  know how to partner with health care managers
 demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to and health care providers to assess, coordinate,
patients culture, age, gender, and disabilities and improve health care and know how these
activities can affect system performance
The anesthetic take on professionalism
As noted previously, this goes hand in glove with The anesthetic take on systems-based
the competency of interpersonal and communication practice
skills. A professional communicates well with patients,
Money makes the world go round, and medicine is
fellow doctors, and all other medical providers. (Core
no exception. For anesthesiologists, the main idea we
Clinical Competencies force you to use administrato-
glean from systems-based practice is related to money:
speak, with stupid phrases like health care providers 5
and crap like that.) Part of that communication is reg-  practice cost-effective medicine
istering the different backgrounds your patients have  know how you fit into the great big overall picture
Chapter 1 An anesthetic view of the Core Clinical Competencies

 do QA things (they dont call it that anymore about the Core Clinical Competencies, youll probably
they say continuous quality improvement but we get some variant of my barbed comments.
all know thats just more administratodouble But theyre here to stay, and we have to know how
talk) to teach them, so thats why this book exists. Rather
than sit here and dwell on them and debate their rela-
There you have it, the Core Clinical Competencies tive merits, lets do what were best at: clinical anesthe-
laid out, complete with the anesthetic take on them. sia. Well lay out a case, then wrap that case around the
Sound jaded? Core Clinical Competencies. That way, well breathe
Yeah, its a little jaded. If you pull aside the aver- some life and relevance into these bastards. So grab
age resident or attending and ask what he or she thinks your hat and mask, and lets have at it.


Anesthetic cases through the Core Clinical

2 Competencies looking glass

Without further ado, we launch into the meat of Every case will not be so exhaustive. Slavish adher-
the book clinical cases with interesting twists (we ence to each and every sentence in the Core Clinical
actually did these cases!). And well look at each Competencies is not the purpose of these cases, nor is
case through the prism of the Core Clinical Compe- it the purpose of this book. Different anesthetic chal-
tencies. lenges provide different areas of emphasis. As you will
The first case, Pop Goes the Aneurysm, is over see, there will be cases in which all we talk about is two
the top/overdone/overkill/too much. I have linked or three of the competencies.
aspects of the case to every single sentence of every sin- So bear with us on this first one. This will show you
gle competency. As you will see, this leads to interest- how you can take a case, or one horrific moment in
ing verbal gymnastics as I struggle to find a connec- midoperation, and wrap it around the Core Clinical
tion. Competencies.

Part Contributions from Stony Brook

1 University under
Christopher J. Gallagher
Part 1 Contributions from Stony Brook University under
Case Christopher J. Gallagher

1 Pop goes the aneurysm

Christopher J. Gallagher and Tommy Corrado

The case Make informed decisions about diagnostic and

A previously healthy 45-year-old man developed therapeutic interventions based on patient
headaches and blurry vision. Workup revealed a large information and preferences, up-to-date scientific
cerebral aneurysm requiring a heroic procedure. In evidence, and clinical judgment.
effect, his face would be taken apart to get at the
aneurysm. The lesion itself was extremely large, and It doesnt take a genius to peg this as Cushings triad
the neurosurgeon was quite concerned about whether stemming from a catastrophic intracerebral bleed.
hed be able to get the clamp around the base. Clinical judgment says that you have to do everything
After an initial tracheostomy and 5 hours of dis- you can to decrease swelling in the brain, and you have
section, a faint and barely audible pop! was heard, fol- about an eighth of a second to do it.
lowed by a nonfaint and easily audible oh, shit! from
the surgeon. The patients blood pressure rose to 260, Develop and carry out patient management plans.
and his heart rate fell from 90, to 80, to 70, and didnt
stop until reaching 40. Slam in some Pentathol and go with hyperventila-
A glance over the ether screen revealed a brain bal- tion (to hell with concerns about cerebral ischemia
looning out of the skull. The brain was stretched so taut you are in disaster mode).
that there were no sulci present, just lines on a globe
where the sulci used to be. Counsel and educate patients and their families.
At this point, youd need to jump into a time
Patient care machine and go back to the preoperative area to dis-
Residents must be able to provide patient care that is cuss what will be done if things go wrong intraop. Here
compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat- is a patient who was healthy up to this point, but there
ment of health problems and the promotion of health. is a genuine worry that things may end up very badly
(keep in mind that the surgeon himself was extremely
Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring concerned, and even getting at the aneurysm required
and respectful behavior when interacting with quite an effort).
patients and their families. Does the patient have a living will? Is organ dona-
tion (see the later discussion) something the patient
No family is in the room, and the patient is under and family are willing to discuss and consider?
general anesthesia, so we dont have to sweat about car-
ing and respectful behavior in our interaction. We can Use information technology to support patient
show the most respect by reacting like lightning to the care decisions and patient education.
developing catastrophe.
Again, this is the sort of thing that is best handled
Gather essential and accurate information about in the preoperative phase of the operation. You look
their patients. up any studies the patient has had (a chest X-ray or the
computed tomograph or magnetic resonance image of
Check those monitors; make sure the transducer the aneurysm) so that you will have knowledge of what
didnt fall on the floor. the surgeon will be doing. 11
Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

Perform competently all medical and invasive rate went down for a linked reason (vagal response
procedures considered essential for the area of to the massive increase in blood pressure). Of course,
practice. you do a quick check to make sure nothing else could
have caused this instapole vault of the blood pressure
At induction, a competent anesthesiologist would (syringe swap, patient instantly getting very light).
skillfully place adequate venous access and a preinduc- You jump to Cushings triad by putting it all together
tion arterial line (to monitor blood pressure on a beat- complexity of the case; physiology of increased pres-
to-beat basis during induction and intubation) and sure in the brain; your look into the field, confirming a
would secure the airway appropriately. Later, when the disaster.
surgeon has placed the tracheostomy (done because
the face would be so disrupted by the approach), the Know and apply the basic and clinically
anesthesiologist would make sure the switch from oral supportive sciences that are appropriate to their
endotracheal tube to tracheostomy was done well. discipline.

Provide health care services aimed at preventing Before you cross the threshold into the neuro-
health problems or maintaining health. surgery room, you make sure you understand all
the physiology that applies to these complex cases:
The number-one preventive measure we take dur- cerebrospinal fluid formation; cerebral autoregulation;
ing such a case is timing the delivery of prophylactic function of the blood-brain barrier; intracranial pres-
antibiotics. Current standards dictate that antibiotics sure; and cerebral blood flow responses to hypoxemia,
be delivered within 1 hour of incision. hypo/hypercarbia, and potent inhaled agents. The
Obviously, this aspect of the Core Clinical Compe- supportive science for neuroanesthesia fills hernia-
tencies seems a bit Pollyannaish at this point worry- inducing textbooks.
ing about maintaining health when the patient has just The quick and dirty physiology that you draw on
had a massive and potentially life-threatening bleed right now follows:
into the very center of his brain. This is included for  the aneurysm popped
the sake of completeness (each case considers all the  blood is pouring into the meat of the brain
Core Clinical Competencies, but different competen-  as the brain expands, it attempts to maintain
cies receive different emphasis).
perfusion by increasing the blood pressure
 the heart (which has no way of knowing whats up
Work with health care professionals, including
those from other disciplines, to provide in the head) sees high blood pressure and reacts
patient-focused care. by slowing down

Right now, you are married to that neurosurgeon

you are joined at the hip, one and the same, because
death stalks the land right now. Are you going to work
Practice-based learning
closely with the neurosurgeon and all the other mem- and improvement
bers of the operating room (OR) team to get out of this Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their
jam? As Sarah Palin would say, You betcha! patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific
evidence, and improve their patient care practices.
Medical knowledge Analyze practice experience and perform
Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab- practice-based improvement activities using a
lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cognate systematic methodology.
(e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sciences
and the application of this knowledge to patient care. Something about the surgeon being spooked about
this case and saying oh, shit! tells you that you are in
Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic deep trouble right now. Call it the worlds fastest anal-
thinking approach to clinical situations. ysis of practice experience:
12  This surgeon has been working for years.
On goes your thinking cap that blood pressure
went through the roof for a reason. And that heart  He knew this was bad going in.
Case 1 Pop goes the aneurysm

 Hes swearing and the brain is blowing up like a shortest of short terms and need all the help you can
Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade cartoon get, so you abandon considerations of whats best long
character. term and just do what you can do to try to get a handle
on things and save the patient.
There is, unfortunately, no time right now to per-
form a practice-based improvement activity, but all is Obtain and use information about their own
not lost as far as this Core Clinical Competency is population of patients and the larger population
concerned! The hospital, neurosurgery, and anesthe- from which their patients are drawn.
siology should all have Continuous Quality Improve-
ment committees. Obviously, right this minute, you This is another way of saying what was said pre-
cannot whip up a committee, but later on, you should viously you draw on your own experience, and you
do just that. Difficult cases, complications, deaths all draw on the larger world of experience, that is, the
these things demand a systematic analysis afterward. experience described in the literature. In other words,
You, as the anesthesiologist, should participate in these you review and keep abreast of experience with clip-
after-action reports. Never assume, we did every- ping cerebral aneurysms.
thing right, so lets not talk about it.
Maybe the case could have been done with coils? Apply knowledge of study designs and statistical
Was this case so horrifically complicated that it should methods to the appraisal of clinical studies and
have been referred to a better-equipped tertiary cen- other information on diagnostic and therapeutic
ter? Should the surgeon have done cardiopulmonary effectiveness.
bypass with circulatory arrest to more safely clamp the
aneurysm? Oh, just kill me now that theyve mentioned statis-
tics! Well, theres no getting around it if youre going
Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from to be more than a last-sentence-of-the-conclusion
scientific studies related to their patients health reader, you have to dig in to the guts of the studies and
problems. determine whether that last sentence is actually mer-
Who are we kidding? This is the gist of practice- Back to the cerebral aneurysm literature: lets look
based learning and improvement keeping up with at just one aspect of the literature that is worth con-
and analyzing the literature. This includes the hefty sidering. In the middle of this intracranial Armaged-
command, You need to know what constitutes good don, you might think, Maybe we should cool this guy
literature and what constitutes dreck. down a little! That will decrease his cerebral metabolic
Ooph! In other words, you cant just look at the rate and might protect him!
last sentence of the conclusion and say, OK, sounds To the literature!
good! What does the literature say about this patient? No soap! Using mild hypothermia to improve neu-
In a perfect world, each time you did a case, youd rologic outcome has been examined in the litera-
read a timely, scientific article on the very case youre ture and has been found wanting. Although it makes
doing. What does the literature say about clipping physiologic sense that hypothermia would protect the
aneurysms? Keep control of the pressure; be ready to brain, a study looking at that very issue showed that
drop the pressure drastically if the surgeons having hypothermia does not protect the brain. Not only that,
trouble getting the clip on; and administer adenosine but hypothermia causes its own problems (including
if you need a heart-stopping (literally, for you and the rhythm disturbances).
patient both) few moments, good oxygenation (duh, as So, even in the hurry-up, oh-my-God! atmosphere
if we need to hear that), and eucarbia to avoid cerebral of an OR emergency, you still have to be able to draw
ischemia. on the literature to guide individual steps.
What does the literature say about a disaster like
this? It is difficult to do a double-blind, placebo- Use information technology to manage
controlled, multicenter, sufficiently powered study on information, access online medical information,
how best to handle a disastrous and ultimately fatal and support their own education.
bleed into the brain. So youre left with your best phys- 13
iologic guess right now. In the long term, hyperventi- What did we do before PubMed and all the other
lation is not a good idea, but right now, you are in the online wizardry that brings the worlds literature to our
Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

fingertips? In this case, you wouldnt be looking things teaching rounds, go to meetings, and get the latest on
up in the OR, but rather, youd look up neuroanesthe- medical practice.
sia updates the night before and make sure you show
up prepared. In the OR, you might use an automated Demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles
record system to keep your hands free while the patient pertaining to provision or withholding of clinical
is crashing. care, confidentiality of patient information,
Support your own education with information informed consent, and business practice.
technology? Of course. Get the latest American Society
of Anesthesiologists refresher courses on neuroanes- Before the case, make sure that informed consent,
thesia online, or troll the Internet for learning material site of surgery, and all the paperwork are in order.
(different anesthesia programs have the PowerPoint Observe all HIPAA regulations (dont talk about the
presentations of their lectures online). Surf the Inter- case where others can overhear, and dont reveal any
net and get smart what a concept! confidential patient information). When filling out
your billing slips, be ethical. Bill for what you did and
Professionalism nothing more. As noted previously, this is background
behavior that applies to all cases.
Residents must demonstrate a commitment to carry-
ing out professional responsibilities, adherence to eth-
Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to
ical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient pop-
patients culture, age, gender, and disabilities.
Say this patient were not a 45-year-old man with
Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a
a generic suburban lifestyle. You would make a note
responsiveness to the needs of patients and society
of each aspect of the patients background and hold it
that supersedes self-interest; accountability to
up for mock and ridicule to crack everyone up in the
patients, society, and the profession; and a
holding area, right?
commitment to excellence and ongoing
Uh, no.
professional development.
You could call this aspect of professionalism the
OK, were in the middle of big trouble with this Eagle Scout mandate. Behave like an Eagle Scout
intracranial fire hose pouring blood into the middle of around your patients, with appropriate deference and
the brain. Is there a way to shoehorn this lofty profes- respect for everything that they are:
sionalism stuff into the picture? In a practical sense, no,
 Sexist comments to make someone feel
not right this instant. But in terms of your background
preparation for the case, yes, there is. (If this sounds uncomfortable about his or her gender? No, an
like a stretch, I agree, it is.) Eagle Scout wouldnt do that.
 Disparaging comments about a patients national
Respect and compassion are demonstrated to the
patient and family in the preop visit and the holding identity? No, an Eagle Scout wouldnt do that.
 Poke fun at the elderly? Point and stare at the
area. Integrity involves getting enough sleep the night
before so you show up alert and ready to work. Check mentally or physically challenged? Of course not
your machine, and do all the things a good, sound if our imaginary Eagle Scout wouldnt do it, then
anesthesiologist does to provide the best possible neither should we.
Responsiveness to the needs of patient and society, (Truth to tell, mandates like these set my teeth
superseding self-interest? If youre on call and this case on edge. Just what is the reason for laying this obvi-
rolls in, this is no time to check the insurance status ous commandment out there? Is the implication that,
and refuse if youre not going to get paid. Account- before the Core Clinical Competencies came along,
ability? Are your continuing medical education cred- doctors were taught to make fun of their patients and
its, your licensing requirements, and your hospital treat them impolitely? The wise men and women of
privileges all up to date? That is part of account- education may find this hard to believe, but before
14 ability and, hence, professionalism. Commitment to the Core Clinical Competencies became the law of the
excellence and your development? Attend hospital and land, we were taught to be respectful.)
Case 1 Pop goes the aneurysm

Interpersonal and communication Back to the case, what happened, and what we did.
It became evident, after just a few minutes, that the
skills bleed into the brain was unstoppable and the brain
Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal damage was irreversible. There was no way to sal-
and communication skills that result in effective infor- vage this man. Frantic medical attempts to drive down
mation exchange and teaming with patients, their the pressure (whole sticks of Pentathol, Nipride wide
patients families, and professional associates. open) as well as attempts to decrease intracranial pres-
sure (hyperventilation, more head up, mannitol bolus)
Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically were all futile. The bleed into the brain from the burst
sound relationship with patients. aneurysm was too much. The swollen and expanding
Back in our time machine, fly back to yesterday brain looked like a scene from a science fiction movie.
during the preop visit as well as this mornings prein- We all suspected (and we later demonstrated) that the
duction. Part of building up a sound and therapeu- man was effectively brain-dead.
tic relationship starts with hand washing! Wash those What now? Turn off the ventilator and call it a day?
hands before you go in to shake the patients hand. No. Heres how the discussion among the team
Introduce yourself, look professional, and give the went:
patient your undivided attention.  We had to notify the family.
 We now had an otherwise healthy man with
Use effective listening skills and elicit and provide intact kidneys, liver, heart, and lungs.
information using effective nonverbal,  Efforts should now focus on keeping all organs
explanatory, questioning, and writing skills.
viable for possible donation.
As an anesthesiologist, your job is to get the infor-
Clergy was brought into the discussion, along with
mation you need a directed history and physical. In
organ procurement and surgical teams a host of dif-
the case of this 45-year-old man, you would pick up
ferent members of the health care team joined in the
clues as to the mans level of understanding and gear
your interaction appropriately. University professor in
the neurosciences? Your explanation can be technical.
Blue-collar worker who never finished high school? Systems-based practice
Different tack on the explanation, of course. Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and
Your preop note will demonstrate your writing responsiveness to the larger context and system of
skills. The rule here is simple: if, for some reason, you health care and the ability to effectively call on system
cant do the case (say, e.g., you get shot by a jealous hus- resources to provide care that is of optimal value.
band between the preop visit and doing the case), then
make sure all the information is there. In this particu- Understand how their patient care and other
lar case, you would want to make sure that your notes professional practices affect other health care
include the surgeons concerns (big aneurysm, possi- professionals, the health care organization, and
bility of rupture is real), the plans for the airway (intu- the larger society and how these elements of the
bation followed by trach because of extensive dissec- system affect their own practice.
tion in the facial area), and the patients understanding This first aspect of systems-based practice segues
of the risks. with the last aspect of professionalism just stated.
Work effectively with others as a member or (These damned competencies overlap all over the
leader of a health care team or other professional place its hard to draw a line where one ends and
group. another begins.)
This neurosurgical patient has suffered a life-
Aha! Now theres some actual relevance, and we ending hemorrhage, but his organs may save the lives
can get away from Eagle Scout discussions! (You will of others in society. Thus your responsibility has, in
see this same pattern in subsequent cases discussed in a sense, shifted to the concerns of the larger society.
this book different areas of the Core Clinical Com- You are to take the best possible care of this patient to 15
petencies merit emphasis in different cases.) ensure that his organs are best preserved. That means
Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

maintaining hemodynamic stability, keeping fluids to The primary people who need assistance in system
a minimum (to avoid pulmonary edema, thus ruin- complexities at this point are the family members, who
ing the lungs for transplant), avoiding vasoconstrictors are wrestling with the heartrending consequences of
(harmful to kidneys and liver), and keeping the patient the operation and the decision to donate organs. Your
heart healthy (monitoring, preventing, and treating advocacy for quality patient care is manifested as you
any ischemia) all the considerations that go into pro- continue to take good care of all the physiologic vari-
viding anesthesia care for an organ donor. ables (which can be tough, as the brain-dead patient
can develop all kinds of instability).
Know how types of medical practice and delivery Your assistance with the family may be required.
systems differ from one another, including A few points (which we all know, and this is insulting
methods of controlling health care costs and your intelligence) follow:
allocating resources.  Get everyone in a private room this is no
hallway conference.
The primary resource of interest here is the healthy  Turn your beeper and cell phone off this is no
organs of the soon-to-be donor. As an anesthesiologist,
time for interruptions.
you should be aware of the hospitals policy on notify-  Allow time for family members to vent their
ing the organ procurement team and how much lead
time they need (including, of course, the all-important emotions.
 Repeat information as necessary this is difficult
discussion with family). Allocation will be up to the
organ team, but you should at least know how the sys- material to process.
tem works (organ recipients are kept on call and are
notified when an organ becomes available; extensive Know how to partner with health care managers
blood work is required from the donor to make sure and health care providers to assess, coordinate,
complex cross-match studies are performed). Different and improve health care, and know how these
areas of the country have different teams. Sometimes a activities can affect system performance.
harvest team is flown in, whereas sometimes surgeons This is another aspect of the case that is handled
at the hospital do the harvesting for them. afterward. Keep in touch with hospital administration
about where the organs went. A lot of times, the organ
Practice cost-effective health care and resource
procurement people will send letters to the OR team
allocation that does not compromise quality of
letting them know, for example, that the kidney went
to a 34-year-old woman, who was so happy to get off
High flow of oxygen? Most expensive potent dialysis and the liver saved a man with idiopathic
inhaled agent? No and no. Responsible care of the cirrhosis. The whole team in the OR should main-
patient at this point mandates standard cost-effective tain that link with the team outside the OR that was
maneuvers: low flows of oxygen; no need for expen- involved in this patients care and, ultimately, his dona-
sive desflurane, can use isoflurane; muscle relaxant tion to other peoples lives.
pancuronium. Because a quick wake-up is not exactly
The first case (gloomy, admittedly) wrestles with
in the cards here, you shift gears to the least expensive
just what is brain death. An article on brain death is
regimen, while always maintaining the optimal physi-
included in Additional Reading.
ologic environment for organ preservation.
You will notice that in this, the first case, we wrote
Advocate for quality patient care and assist something for each sentence of each competency. We
patients in dealing with system complexities. wont be doing that for all the rest of the cases because
different cases will emphasize different competencies.

Case 1 Pop goes the aneurysm

Additional reading 2. Qureshi AI, Suri MF, Khan J, et al. Endovascular

treatment of intracranial aneurysms by using
1. Wijdicks EFM. The diagnosis of brain death.
Guglielmi detachable coils in awake patients: safety
Neurosurgery 2001;344:12151221.
and feasibility. J Neurosurg 2001;94:880885.

Part 1 Contributions from Stony Brook University under
Case Christopher J. Gallagher

2 No Foley, no surgeon; what now?

Christopher J. Gallagher and Khoa Nguyen

The case made the snippy comments about looking for love in
all the wrong places. (Oops, that was me. Forget that.)
A 70-year-old man is scheduled for coronary artery
bypass surgery in the usual way on the usual day Gather essential and accurate information about
with the usual people. Ho hum, what could go wrong? their patients.
Induction is carried out in the (what else?) usual fash-
ion, and the airway is secured. Invasive lines are placed, Review the chart have they had trouble placing a
while the nurse attempts to place a Foley catheter. Foley before? Does the patient have a history of pro-
No luck! statism or urethral stricture?
The catheter wont pass for love or money. Specu-
Make informed decisions about diagnostic and
lation arises as to prostatism or, perhaps, just perhaps,
therapeutic interventions based on patient
some kind of a urethral stricture (the hang-up is early
information and preferences, up-to-date scientific
on and not later on, pointing to the urethra as the cul-
evidence, and clinical judgment.
prit). Of course, a urethral stricture could arise from
any number of things, but one subject of intense spec- At this point, the question is whether to get a gen-
ulation is this patients early dalliances in the roman- itourinary (GU) consult or not to place the Foley.
tic realm. Could this Foley-not-passing be evidence of Theyll likely need their fancier kinds of probes, per-
looking for love in all the wrong places? haps going all the way to checking things out with a
The cardiac surgeon is summoned because this scope. In the last word on this, with no way at all to
looks like a tough Foley placement. Consideration is place a Foley, the next step is a suprapubic catheter.
also given to summoning clergy so that the patient can
receive a stern admonition as to wayward conduct/the Develop and carry out patient management plans.
sins of the flesh/eternal damnation and related top-
God, how I hate phrases like patient management
ics of the ecclesiastic bent. (This latter idea is quashed,
plan. It has an air of the administrator who calls
mores the pity.)
patients clients and junk like that.
The surgeon doesnt answer the call. Still, the Foley
The current best (gag) patient management plan in
wont pass, and now theres blood in the tip of the organ
the cardiac realm is to use the common sense that all
of interest. Now what?
anesthesiologists have when watching any patient:
 keep the myocardial oxygen supplydemand ratio
Patient care favorable
Residents must be able to provide patient care that is  fast-tracking makes sense get the patient off the
compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat- ventilator and breathing on his own as soon as
ment of health problems and the promotion of health. safe and practical
 to minimize the time on the table, call the GU
Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring
and respectful behaviors when interacting with consult right away and get that Foley in
 give gram-negative antibiotic coverage; all this
patients and their families.
digging around in the urethral area may well be
The patient is under anesthesia, so we cant be talk- seeding the bloodstream with gram-negative
18 ing to the patient or family. To instill a little more bacteria, and the last thing you need is a
respect in the room, consider smacking the people who perioperative infection in a cardiac patient
Case 2 No Foley, no surgeon; what now?

Perform competently all medical and invasive Practice-based learning

procedures considered essential for the area of and improvement
Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their
No real thinking here get your art line and central patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific
line in competently. evidence, and improve their patient care practices.

Provide health care services aimed at preventing Analyze practice experience and perform
health problems or maintaining health. practice-based improvement activities using a
systematic methodology.
Be sure to follow the current guidelines to mini-
mize the possibility of central line infection: In the middle of a difficult situation with a bleed-
ing urethra and no surgeon, this is not the optimal
 wash hands ahead of time
time to get a committee together to discuss how we can
 gown and glove
improve on the situation and possible future situations
 full body drape
like it. That would best be discussed after the Foley was
placed and the case went off without a hitch. Possible
Work with health care professionals, including discussion topics could include a more detailed med-
those from other disciplines, to provide ical and social history, an array of different catheters
patient-focused care. to fit the various different anatomical specimens
seen in the operating room (OR), and an alternative
If that cardiac surgeon doesnt show up, then you method to drain urine with the help of our urology
have to assume the role of consultant getting a consul- colleagues.
tant and do whats right for the patient. Tell the GU doc
whats going on and get him or her whatever equip- Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from
ment is necessary for the funky Foley placement. scientific studies related to their patients health

Medical knowledge Since you were prepared for anything that might
Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab- occur with your patient, you did your research into
lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cognate difficult Foley placement. You read several case stud-
(e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sciences ies of the effects of traumatic Foley placements, includ-
and the application of this knowledge to patient care. ing urethral strictures postoperatively to even (gasp!)
a venous air embolism in the vena cava. There are
Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic not a great deal of scientific data regarding the place-
thinking approach to clinical situations. ment of Foleys. The gist of the available data shows
that educating the people who place Foleys (i.e., nurses
It doesnt take Sherlock Holmes or Albert Einstein and physicians) about the anatomy and proper tech-
to analyze this situation. The case is at a standstill and nique reduces the incidence of iatrogenic injury. The
the surgeon is AWOL. Nothing can happen until the moral of story is that you hope the nurse who tried to
urine drainage situation is addressed, so have at it. place the Foley has been properly trained and educated
about the anatomy; otherwise, he or she should defer
Know and apply the basic and clinically to someone who has more experience placing a diffi-
supportive sciences that are appropriate to their cult Foley such as our urology colleagues.
Apply knowledge of study designs and statistical
Basic science tells us that a cardiac case involves a methods to the appraisal of clinical studies and
lot of fluid administration, including lots of fluids con- other information on diagnostic and therapeutic
taining mannitol (from the cardiopulmonary bypass effectiveness.
machine). This will fill the bladder with lots of urine, so
proceeding without a Foley invites problematic blad- Again, not many studies have looked at difficult 19
der overdistension, or even rupture. Foley placement as they are usually unanticipated
Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

cases; otherwise, we could prepare for them and make consult, while another person should be continuing to
them not so difficult. contact the surgeon. If possible, a nurse or technician
may start to look for alternative Foley catheters and
Use information technology to manage prepare for suprapubic placement of a catheter, if nec-
information, access online medical information, essary.
and support their own education.
With the Internet at our fingertips these days,
there is a wealth of knowledge waiting to be obtained.
Systems-based practice
PubMed is always available for finding articles related Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and
to your desired topics. Having our urology colleagues responsiveness to the larger context and system of
give the OR department a refresher on tips and tricks health care and the ability to effectively call on system
to placing a Foley may not be a bad idea, as well. resources to provide care that is of optimal value.

Understand how their patient care and other

Interpersonal and communication professional practices affect other health care
skills professionals, the health care organization, and
the larger society and how these elements of the
Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal
system affect their own practice.
and communication skills that result in effective infor-
mation exchange and teaming with patients, their Our current dilemma with the Foley may involve
patients families, and professional associates. other services, such as urology, but should not affect
the larger society per se. How we handle this situation
Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically may affect patients who face similar problems in the
sound relationship with patients. future and, it is hoped, affect them in a positive way
This should have been done during the preoper- as we determine the best course of action, having been
ative visit, and again that morning, prior to entering through this once already.
the OR. Make sure that all questions are answered and Practice cost-effective health care and resource
everyone is on the same page. Also, make sure you look allocation that does not compromise quality of
and act professional, and that includes being on time. care.
Use effective listening skills and elicit and provide Cost-effective health care, at this point, may
information using effective nonverbal, include not opening every Foley catheter that the OR
explanatory, questioning, and writing skills. has stocked and waiting for our urology associates to
determine what they need and have those tools avail-
This was mentioned previously as part of devel-
oping a sound relationship with the patient. Listen to
what the patient has to say and provide all explana- Advocate for quality patient care and assist
tions effectively using whatever methods work best for patients in dealing with system complexities.
the patient. Hone your writing skills as you write your
updated history and physical in the patients chart as During the case, you can advocate for the least
well as your possible plan for the case. invasive but safest method for placement of the Foley
catheter, but if you called a urology consult for expert
Work effectively with others as a member or advice, it would probably be smart to follow that
leader of a health care team or other professional advice. There are not a great deal of complexities in the
group. system about Foleys.
With no surgeon to be found, you as the anesthe- Know how to partner with health care managers
siologist must take the lead in the OR. Communicate and health care providers to assess, coordinate,
with those in the room and start to delegate respon- and improve health care and know how these
20 sibility to the other team members about a plan of activities can affect system performance.
action. One person should be calling for a urology
Case 2 No Foley, no surgeon; what now?

This can be done once the case is completed. A Our urology colleagues can also, at that time, give us
multidisciplinary team of nurses and physicians can sit a refresher on the anatomy and proper technique of
down to determine the best way to prevent trauma dur- placing a Foley catheter to help improve the outcomes
ing difficult Foley placements and what do to in the of future placements and reduce cost from lost OR
event of such an event in the middle of an OR case. time as well as complications.

Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

Additional reading 2. Kashefi C, Messer K, Barden R, Sexton C, Parsons JK.

Incidence and prevention of iatrogenic urethral
1. Chavez AH, Reilly TP, Bird ET. Vena cava air
injuries. J Urol 2008;179:22542257; discussion
embolism after traumatic Foley catheter placement.
Urology 2009;73(4):748749.

Part 1 Contributions from Stony Brook University under
Case Christopher J. Gallagher

3 Bad airway in the Andes

Christopher J. Gallagher and Khoa Nguyen

The case made to make sure the patient and her family under-
stand everything that is being discussed. Make sure
They dont have electricity up there, in the moun-
to answer all questions asked by the patient and fam-
tains, the plastic surgeon told me. Its all oil lamps.
ily after listening to all their concerns. Having a local
Kerosene. And then the kids, you know, theyre crawl-
translate may also be helpful in that he or she could
ing around, pulling on things, so they pull on the blan-
give you an idea of what may be considered appro-
ket thats hanging down, and everything comes down
priate and disrespectful behavior in this region of the
on them. The lamp, too. Thats how they get burned.
world, as I am sure that there are differences between
And did they get burned. Maria Luisa was the worst
this region and the United States.
of all.
But the scarring? I asked. We get burns in Amer-
Gather essential and accurate information about
ica all the time, but you dont see scarring like this.
their patients.
No, the surgeon said, you dont.
Maria Luisas lip was fused to her chest, her 13- As accurately as possible, get a detailed history
year-old head bent straight down, forcing her to be from the patient and her family regarding the injury
forever straining her eyes upward to see forward. and her general state of health. Make sure a full phys-
Drool ran down her chest. She dabbed at it every few ical exam is done to best determine physical health,
minutes. but obvious attention should be placed on the head
Maria Luisa looked up/forward at us. With her lip and chest exam, considering that that is our area of
fused to her chest, she was in the exact wrong position expertise.
for placing the endotracheal tube. And we were stand-
ing in Loja, Ecuador, high in the Andes, at a small hos- Make informed decisions about diagnostic and
pital. They didnt have any fiber-optic equipment here. therapeutic interventions based on patient
How was I going to get that tube in? information and preferences, up-to-date scientific
evidence, and clinical judgment.
Patient care Considering the obvious limitations due to lack of
Residents must be able to provide patient care that resources in our current location and the severity of
is compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the her injuries, the patient and her family should be given
treatment of health problems and the promotion of a detailed explanation of all the risks, benefits, and
health. alternatives to make the best informed decision they
Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring can about the upcoming surgery. The glaring risk for
and respectful behaviors when interacting with her surgery is loss of her airway, as she would be con-
patients and their families. sidered a difficult airway in my book. Regional anes-
thesia is definitely not an option here. Do we have any
This is an extremely important issue, especially equipment to aid in obtaining the airway? Is the sur-
when dealing with a difficult situation in a foreign geon prepared to perform an emergency surgical air-
country. First, if one does not speak Spanish (or the way maneuver? In addition, if and when we secure the
local language) fluently, then make sure that some- airway, what if we cannot extubate? Can the facility
one who does is in the room to translate. As a part handle such a patient postoperatively? Laryngeal mask 23
of being respectful and caring, every effort should be airways seem to work well in these types of patients,
Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

per our colleagues in India and the Middle East, as your staff in the operating room (OR) should also be
their case reports seem to show, though some imagina- observant of what is transpiring to be ready to jump
tion is required for their placement. If none of the nec- into action at the drop of a hat.
essary tools that may be required are at our disposal,
then would postponing this case and transferring her Medical knowledge
to a larger, more well-equipped facility that can handle
Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab-
her delicate situation be a better choice?
lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cog-
Develop and carry out patient management plans. nate (e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sci-
ences and the application of this knowledge to patient
The patient and the family are desperate and do care.
not have the means to travel to another hospital, so
we are moving forward here. Luckily, we have brought Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic
variously sized laryngeal mask airways (LMAs), endo- thinking approach to clinical situations.
tracheal tubes (ETs), and stylets. The patient is top-
icalized with 1% lidocaine, which we happened to You knew things were bad as soon as you saw
have, through a syringe attached to a 20-gauge angio- the patient, and immediately, you went into difficult
catheter. She can barely open her mouth, but there airway mode. The first thing that came to mind was
is enough wiggle room for us to work. We induce awake fiber optics, but that is just not an option, espe-
with some inhaled halothane from the local anesthe- cially when you do not have a fiber-optic scope handy.
sia machine and then hold our breaths as we try to You performed a thorough history, and after speaking
secure the airway. She is spontaneously breathing well, to the surgeon, you made the patient and her family
so minimal assistance is required for mask ventilation. aware of the situation. Using the resources available,
you made the best plan you could to secure the airway.
Counsel and educate patients and their families.
Know and apply the basic and clinically
The patient and her family are made aware of our supportive sciences that are appropriate to their
concerns regarding her surgery, and all questions are discipline.
answered as thoroughly as possible with the help of our
trusty translator. The difficult airway algorithm runs through your
head over and over, and you regret not buying that
Use information technology to support patient handheld fiber-optic scope you saw on eBay. Nonethe-
care decisions and patient education. less, you adhere as closely to the algorithm as possible
with what you have, and fortunately, it works.
Not many people in the Andes have Internet capa-
bilities, including the hospital, so information technol-
ogy is not so helpful here. Practice-based learning
Perform competently all medical and invasive
and improvement
Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their
procedures considered essential for the area of
patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific
evidence, and improve their patient care practices.
Place all available monitors that we have (our
portable pulse oximeter, electrocardiogram machine, Analyze practice experience and perform
and blood pressure cuff) and obtain intravenous access practice-based improvement activities using a
in the event that trouble finds us. systematic methodology.

Work with health care professionals, including Not often are you put in a situation in which you
those from other disciplines, to provide have such an unusually difficult airway with no real
patient-focused care. equipment, as in this case, so this is the perfect time to
analyze the experience. If you plan to travel to exotic
24 Make sure that the plastic surgeon is in the room destinations and perform anesthesia on any patient
at all times if a surgical airway is required. The rest of that may come, then consider investing in a small
Case 3 Bad airway in the Andes

arsenal of equipment such as portable fiber-optic You obtained informed consent prior to the opera-
scopes, intubating LMAs, and other such emergency tion and confirmed the site with your eyes. Confiden-
devices. Do some research into the area of travel to tiality is not really possible as everyone in the village
learn more about the health care system and the larger knows that Maria is going to surgery, but keeping the
hospitals in the area, if needed, to better acquaint your- details of the operation private may provide some level
self with what youre getting yourself into. of privacy.

Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to pa-
scientific studies related to their patients health tients culture, age, gender, and disabilities.
You made sure that you asked the translator several
Not a great many studies exist on cases, but it times what not to do so that you would not offend the
is always helpful to read case studies on how others people of region. You tried your best to make Maria feel
obtained the airway and performed anesthesia on such comfortable, even though she was severely deformed,
difficult cases. by looking her in the eyes when you spoke to her and
even offering to dab the saliva from her chest.
Use information technology to manage
information, access online medical information,
and support their own education.
Interpersonal and communication
After returning from the trip, make an effort to
write up the case with all the details and cross reference
them with the current case reports. The more infor- Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal
mation we have on a subject, the better, as these case and communication skills that result in effective infor-
reports may give someone an idea in the future about mation exchange and teaming with patients, their
how to handle a difficult airway in a remote area. patients families, and professional associates.

Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically

sound relationship with patients.
Residents must demonstrate a commitment to carry- This was addressed earlier with a local transla-
ing out professional responsibilities, adherence to eth- tor, as we made sure that the patient and her family
ical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient pop- fully understood everything that was involved in the
ulation. case. Part of sustaining a sound relationship entails
obtaining the patients trust, which we do by answering
Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a all her questions as honestly and compassionately as
responsiveness to the needs of patients and society possible.
that supersedes self-interest; accountability to
patients, society, and the profession; and a Use effective listening skills and elicit and provide
commitment to excellence and ongoing information using effective nonverbal,
professional development. explanatory, questioning, and writing skills.

Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity by Having the local translator there is the most effec-
being honest about the whole situation, providing a tive skill we have. We make sure to listen atten-
translator to make sure the patient and her family fully tively as the patient, her family, and the translator
understand all that was discussed, and provide the best speak, although we can only catch bits and pieces of
care that you can with the available instruments. their mile-a-minute Spanish. Then we listen attentively
again as the translator explains the answers in English.
Demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles
pertaining to provision or withholding of clinical Work effectively with others as a member or
care, confidentiality of patient information, leader of a health care team or other professional
informed consent, and business practice. group. 25
Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

As the anesthesiologist, you make the effort to be best represent our superb training and ourselves. Hav-
a team leader in the OR. Coordinating duties between ing experiences like this under our belt helps us realize
surgeons, nurses, and aids in the OR is no easy task, how fortunate we are to have the tools we do and gives
but you do what is necessary for the patient, especially us more knowledge to handle difficult situations with
one with special needs. the tools at hand.
Practice cost-effective health care and resource
Systems-based practice allocation that does not compromise quality of
Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and care.
responsiveness to the larger context and system of
Not much choice here. We never compromise the
health care and the ability to effectively call on system
quality of care we provide, but cost is not an issue as
resources to provide care that is of optimal value.
we dont have many options to choose from.
Understand how their patient care and other Advocate for quality patient care and assist
professional practices affect other health care patients in dealing with system complexities.
professionals, the health care organization, and
the larger society and how these elements of the If we can teach the local physicians how to use their
system affect their own practice. present tools more effectively and introduce them to
new tools in anesthesia, we can advocate for better
Our actions in a foreign country represent those quality patient care and thus assist the most important
of our home country, so we must act and perform to piece of the health care system: the patients.

Case 3 Bad airway in the Andes

Additional reading pediatric-burned patient: a new solution to an old

problem. Paediatr Anaesth 2006;16:360361.
1. Rutledge C. Difficult mask ventilation in 5-year-old
due to submental hypertrophic scar: a case report. 3. Karam R, Ibrahim G, Tohme H, Moukarzel Z, Raphael
AANA J 2008;76:1778. N. Severe neck burns and laryngeal mask airway for
frequent general anesthetics. Middle East J Anesthesiol
2. Khan RM, Verma V, Bhradwaj A, et al. Difficult
laryngeal mask airway placement in a

Part 1 Contributions from Stony Brook University under
Case Christopher J. Gallagher

4 Wedge is 18; he must be full

Christopher J. Gallagher and Dominick Coleman

The case These include the vitals from the monitor, PA num-
bers, intravenous (IV) fluid/nutritionals or drips the
A 72-year-old vasculopath goes to the operating room
patient may be on to maintain hemodynamic stability,
(OR) for endovascular repair of a thoracoabdominal
and also output such as urine and drains. In addition, it
aortic aneurysm. At first, all seems well, the stent
would be important to know the hematocrit and coag-
deploys in the OR, and the patient seems all better.
ulation status.
Alas, things take a turn. The stent causes a leak in
the aorta and the patient bleeds like nobodys business, Make informed decisions about diagnostic and
requiring a heroic trip back to and through the OR. therapeutic interventions based on patient
Blood, factors, packing the abdomen, reexploration information and preferences, up-to-date scientific
the whole shooting match. evidence, and clinical judgment.
Now the patient is back in the intensive care unit
(ICU), urine output is down, and someone has floated The patient is s/p (status post) endovascular
the almighty pulmonary artery (PA) catheter. Wedge aneurysm repair (EVAR) with hemorrhage from an
is 18, and the renal service advises furosemide. The aortic puncture, which was explored intraop and con-
wedge is 18; he must be full, they say. trolled. Although the patient was aggressively resusci-
A furosemide drip is started. The next day, the tated with blood products and factors in the OR, inter-
patient is started on continuous venovenous dialysis. compartmental fluid shifts would warrant ongoing
resuscitation to ensure adequate perfusion. It would be
necessary to monitor for ongoing bleeding and also be
Patient care aware of the complications related to EVAR and also
Residents must be able to provide patient care that is those related to the repair that was necessary to control
compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat- the bleeding (e.g., were any vessels ligated that could
ment of health problems and the promotion of health. lead to bowel ischemia?). Also, the patient is in renal
failure, which is assumingly inadequately responsive
Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring to a lasix drip, thus requiring continuous veno venous
and respectful behaviors when interacting with hemodialysis (CVVHD).
patients and their families.
Develop and carry out patient management plans.
Assuming that the patient is intubated and the sur-
geon has communicated with the family the events in At minimal, a CVP would be necessary, along with
the OR, at this point, the family would need to be appropriate colloid, crystalloid, and factor replace-
updated as to the current state of the patient, including ment. Fluid replacement would be guided by lab val-
concerns regarding the low urine output. It would be ues, blood pressure, and urine output. Use of a PA
appropriate to explain why the patient is still intubated catheter (PAC) in the acutely ill patient, as in this case,
and answer the familys questions truthfully, without is useful for determining the CO, pulmonary filling
omission. This would likely involve answering ques- pressures, and mixed venous O2 saturation.
tions about pain, death, and length of stay in the ICU.
Counsel and educate patients and their families.
Gather essential and accurate information about
28 their patients. As stated previously, honest and open discus-
sions with the family regarding the patients status are
Case 4 Wedge is 18; he must be full

important to help minimize stress. They should be Medical knowledge

informed of the efforts being taken to get the patient
Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab-
better and also be made aware that there is a possibil-
lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cognate
ity that the patient may expire.
(e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sciences
Use information technology to support patient and the application of this knowledge to patient care.
care decisions and patient education. Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic
thinking approach to clinical situations.
At some point, the patient may need a computed
tomography (CT) angiogram to assess the repair. Also, Currently the patient is being treated for low urine
depending on kidney function, a renal ultrasound may output, which could be prerenal (low intravascular vol-
be warranted in the future. ume or blockage of one or both of the renal arteries
by the graft), renal (acute tubular necrosis or ATN),
Perform competently all medical and invasive or postrenal (kinked Foley). Also, there is concern
procedures considered essential for the area of regarding the elevated wedge of 18, which could be due
practice. to pulmonary (evolving ALI/ARDS) or cardiac causes
A PAC was placed in this patient, which may not (valvular disease). Knowing that the patient is a vascu-
have been necessary; however, an arterial (CVP) line lopath almost always implies the presence of coronary
would be appropriate, as would an ALine. artery disease (CAD), and possibly even cerebrovascu-
lar disease (CVD) and/or peripheral vascular disease
Provide health care services aimed at preventing (PVD). Therefore sustaining a myocardial infarction
health problems or maintaining health. (MI) or stroke in the immediate future is a real pos-
Aseptic technique when placing all invasive lines is
paramount. The patient should be on broad-spectrum Know and apply the basic and clinically
IV antibiotics. It is important to perform frequent supportive sciences that are appropriate to their
suctioning of the endotracheal tube (ETT) while on discipline.
the ventilator and chest physical therapy (PT) as the
The patient has sustained a hemorrhage requir-
chance for ventilator-associated pneumonia is high.
ing both crystalloid and colloid resuscitation. Being
Also, turning the patient at least every 2 hours would
aware of the fluid shifts and hemodynamic changes
help with preventing decubitus ulcers, and placing
and their consequences is important. The low urine
sequential compression devices (SCDs) would ward off
output implies decreased perfusion of the kidneys but
acute deep venous thromboses (DVTs) with resultant
could also be the result of damage caused by the kid-
pulmonary embolus (PE).
neys being hypoperfused previously. Giving diuretics
Work with health care professionals, including intravenously on an as-needed basis or as an infusion
those from other disciplines, to provide should stimulate the kidneys to make urine, provided
patient-focused care. that perfusion is adequate. However, if there is signifi-
cant damage, dialysis is necessary.
Efficient and appropriate consults are important. Wedge pressure is an indirect measure of left-side
As in this case, the renal service was consulted due to atrial pressure, normal being approximately 612. Ele-
low urine output and the appropriate management was vation would be due to either a cardiac or pulmonary
implemented. However, consults are not golden, and cause. When interpreting the data, understanding the
so their recommendations should be factored into the Startling curve is helpful. A wedge of 18 may be present
equation. Their concern with the wedge of 18 is possi- in someone who has had an MI or long-standing car-
bly inconsequential as the patient may be developing diac disease and needs a high wedge to maintain CO.
acute lung injury/acute respiratory distress syndrome In the absence of significant cardiac disease, the ele-
(ALI/ARDS) due to the amount of transfusions and vated wedge would be due to fluid overload or pul-
fluid replacement. Furthermore, questions regarding if monary pathology. When giving massive transfusions,
or when to start IV anticoagulation would need to be it is important to remember the sequelae that can 29
answered by the surgeon. result, including fluid overload and/or ARDS.
Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

Practice-based learning Apply knowledge of study designs and statistical

methods to the appraisal of clinical studies and
and improvement other information on diagnostic and therapeutic
Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their effectiveness.
patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific
evidence, and improve their patient care practices. As stated, it is known that EVAR offers an
aneurysm-related survival benefit over an open repair.
Analyze practice experience and perform One multicenter randomized control study (RCT)
practice-based improvement activities using a demonstrated this benefit to be approximately 3%.
systematic methodology. However, the postoperative complications for up to
4 years postprocedure were significantly higher with
With regard to improvements, the sentinel event in the EVAR group. Furthermore, there is no difference
this case is a known complication related to the pro- between EVAR and open as it relates to all-cause mor-
cedure. There should be a discussion at some point tality.
to determine what might have gone wrong to cause
such a big leak. Was it a flaw with the equipment being Use information technology to manage
used, or was it a technical error on the part of the sur- information, access online medical information,
geon? and support their own education.
Familiarity with literature using such databases as
Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from
PubMed is most beneficial when addressing issues
scientific studies related to their patients health
such as those presented in this case. For a more
comprehensive review of specific topics, information
Abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs) can be resources like UpToDate are helpful.
repaired either open (i.e., laparotomy) or endovascu-
larly. Patients are selected for EVAR based on vari- Professionalism
ous factors, including body habitus, anatomy of the Residents must demonstrate a commitment to carry-
AAA, and comorbidities. It is known that EVAR offers ing out professional responsibilities, adherence to ethi-
a slight survival benefit as it relates to the aneurysm cal principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient popu-
itself; however, EVAR is associated with more com- lation.
plications than an open repair. These complications
include having to reoperate for bleeding secondary to Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a
endoleaks around the stent. As with any major bleed, responsiveness to the needs of patients and society
prompt resuscitation with crystalloid and blood prod- that supersedes self-interest; accountability to
ucts is key to maintain hemodynamics and adequate patients, society, and the profession; and a
end-organ perfusion. The use of a central venous pres- commitment to excellence and ongoing
sure (CVP) catheter or PA catheter to help assess ade- professional development.
quacy of resuscitation is determined on an individual
basis. Respect and compassion, while caring for this and
any other patient in the ICU, are important. When the
Obtain and use information about their own patient is unable to communicate for himself or her-
population of patients and the larger population self, at least one family member is usually available
from which their patients are drawn. to inform the service of the patients wishes, includ-
ing whether the patient would not want blood prod-
This is an elderly patient with vascular disease ucts due to religious beliefs or personal preference.
undergoing an AAA repair. One can assume that the This would have also been addressed with the patient
patient has CAD and possibly some degree of renal preoperatively as part of the informed consent. Also,
insufficiency. Prior to going to the OR, the patient depending on the patients prognosis, at some point,
would have been medically optimized and assessed for there may need to be a discussion with the family about
30 appropriateness to undergo an EVAR procedure. do not resuscitate/do not intubate (DNR/DNI) status.
Case 4 Wedge is 18; he must be full

Integrity would be demonstrated by ensuring that Use effective listening skills and elicit and provide
everything is being done for the patient, and by doing information using effective nonverbal,
so in a timely fashion. For example, if a CT scan is explanatory, questioning, and writing skills.
scheduled but there are delays, going the extra step to
discuss the matter with the CT tech to have the scan Allowing the patient to talk and ask questions is the
done faster would demonstrate integrity and commit- best way to determine how much the patient under-
ment to the patient. stands about his or her condition, his or her beliefs
related to health care in general, and his or her level
Demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles of anxiety. Communicating effectively, both nonver-
pertaining to provision or withholding of clinical bally and verbally, would be done by responding to any
care, confidentiality of patient information, issues that may arise during the conversation. Again,
informed consent, and business practice. this is building trust between you and the patient.
Again, discussion of care-related issues with the
Work effectively with others as a member or
family of an intubated patient is usually done with a
leader of a health care team or other professional
designated next of kin or health care proxy. It is impor-
tant to be up front with any information that is known.
At the same time, care for every patient should be opti- Working in the ICU implies work with a team,
mal and not determined by social class, race, or abil- which includes doctors, nurses, social workers, a phar-
ity to pay for the service. In addition, prior to the ini- macist, and a respiratory therapist. Effectively com-
tial surgery, all patients should have informed consent municating within this multidisciplinary system opti-
regarding the procedure and its potential complica- mizes care for the patient and thus again demonstrates
tions, including bleeding, infection, pain, and the need integrity.
for additional surgery.

Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to Systems-based practice

patients culture, age, gender, and disabilities. Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and
responsiveness to the larger context and system of
An integral part of being professional is being able health care and the ability to effectively call on system
to deal with individuals from many different back- resources to provide care that is of optimal value.
grounds with various beliefs and disabilities. Simply
being dedicated to the patient and his or her well- Understand how their patient care and other
being, without bias, fulfills this requirement. professional practices affect other health care
professionals, the health care organization, and
Interpersonal and communication the larger society and how these elements of the
system affect their own practice.
Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal The patient was taken to surgery for a minimally
and communication skills that result in effective infor- invasive procedure to repair an AAA and was taken
mation exchange and teaming with patients, their back promptly for bleeding. In the recovery period,
patients families, and professional associates. resuscitation with transfusions, while at the same time
properly diagnosing and managing any other issues,
Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically such as low urine output or transfusion reactions, have
sound relationship with patients. implications for length of stay in the hospital. The same
is true with regard to appropriately ordering diagnos-
Developing a trustworthy relationship with the
tic studies.
patient begins at the very first meeting; first impres-
sions are lasting impressions. If the patient feels that Practice cost-effective health care and resource
you care, are approachable, and are open in your dis- allocation that does not compromise quality of
cussions with him or her, you will have effectively care.
developed a sound relationship. 31
Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

Again, an example of this would be appropri- social services workers would ensure that these things
ately ordering diagnostic studies. Also, placing the PA are available.
catheter could compromise quality of care due to mis-
interpretation of the data gathered. Inappropriately Know how to partner with health care managers
bolusing the patient or starting pressors or vasodilators and health care providers to assess, coordinate,
could lead to compromised care and also incur costs and improve health care and know how these
due to prolonged hospitalization and potential com- activities can affect system performance.
pounding complications. Again, communicating with the team members
Advocate for quality patient care and assist effectively, letting everyone know the plan for the day,
patients in dealing with system complexities. and keeping abreast of any changes that may have
occurred will help to optimize care. When every-
The multidisciplinary team approach in the ICU one is informed and ideas are shared, the patient is
setting is set up to specifically deal with quality of care better cared for and unforeseen problems are better
and also with helping the patient and his or her fam- managed.
ily deal with social issues in the hospital and at home. A final word I felt that they should have placed
If a social worker is not involved, contacting the social a transesophageal echocardiograph (TEE) to see if he
work service and communicating with them through- really was overloaded at a wedge of 18. He may have
out the patients stay in the hospital is important. This been empty, with the wedge falsely elevated by the
would be useful especially if the patient has limited extensive abdominal packing.
insurance but requires extensive and prolonged treat- I strongly advocated for the ICU to incorporate
ment. In addition, when the patient leaves, if there is TEE into their evaluations rather than placing faith in
a need for equipment in the home, working with the the (ever controversial) PA catheter.

Case 4 Wedge is 18; he must be full

Additional reading 3. Greenhalgh RM, Brown LC, Epstein D, et al.

Endovascular aneurysm repair versus open repair in
1. Barkhordarian S, Dardik A. Preoperative assessment
patients with abdominal aortic aneurysm (EVAR trial
and management to prevent complications during
1): randomised controlled trial. Lancet
high-risk vascular surgery. Crit Care Med 2004; 32:
4. Vincent J-L, Pinsky MR, Sprung CL, et al. The
2. Ferguson ND, Meade MO, Hallett DC, Stewart TE.
pulmonary artery catheter: in medio virtus. Crit Care
High values of pulmonary artery wedge pressure in
Med 2008;36:30933096.
patients with acute lung injury and acute respiratory
distress syndrome. Intensive Care Med 2002;28:

Part 1 Contributions from Stony Brook University under
Case Christopher J. Gallagher

5 Calling across specialties

Christopher J. Gallagher and Kathleen Dubrow

The case to quickly check all the monitors and recycle the
manual blood pressure cuff. If an arterial line is in
A 59-year-old woman is having a transhiatal esopha-
place, then double-check the transducer location. This
gectomy. She suffers from malnutrition (she has not
patient will likely need blood; ask the nurse in the
been able to eat well for many months), chronic ob-
room to make sure that this patient has a current type
structive pulmonary disease (COPD), and coronary
and cross and to get cross-matched blood in the room
artery disease (CAD). The general surgeon is having
as soon as possible.
a hard time during the reach-up part of the opera-
tion, and the anesthesiologist must remind him sev- Make informed decisions about diagnostic and
eral times that he is compressing the mediastinum and therapeutic interventions based on patient
forcing the blood pressure down. information and preferences, up-to-date scientific
A distinct oops is heard coming from his lips as evidence, and clinical judgment.
he tries to wedge free the esophagus way up by the
neck. Bright blood is seen filling up the neck, and the It is likely that the surgeon has avulsed or ruptured
blood pressure drops to the 50s. an artery (descending aorta?) while manipulating
the esophagus. This patient is becoming hypovolemic
from the rapid blood loss, and the anesthesiologist
Patient care needs to hang blood on the patient as soon as pos-
Residents must be able to provide patient care that is sible. While waiting for the blood, the patient needs
compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat- to be given crystalloid/colloid for fluid replacement.
ment of health problems and the promotion of health. If necessary, further intravenous (IV) access needs to
be established, and supportive vasoactive medications
Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring need to be administered, if necessary. While the anes-
and respectful behaviors when interacting with thesiologist is trying to save the patient, the surgeon, it
patients and their families. is hoped, will be trying to stop the source of bleeding,
When evaluating this patient preoperatively, we and the circulating nurse will be calling the cardiotho-
can show caring and respect by explaining the anesthe- racic surgeon for a sideline consult.
sia management in terms that the patient can under-
Develop and carry out patient management
stand and by answering any questions that the patient
or family member may have. As anesthesiologists, we
should continue this behavior in the postoperative The anesthesia team needs to hang blood, open up
period, as well. During this particular situation, we fluids, start an arterial line if one is not already in place,
would not have any family members around, but an and obtain further peripheral and central IV access. All
anesthetized patient who has become acutely critical these things need to be done immediately and basically
needs our quick attention. all at the same time. The anesthesia team may need to
Gather essential and accurate information about
their patients. Counsel and educate patients and their families.

34 This patient needs quick action to attempt to reach At this point, it may be difficult to consider the
the best possible outcome. The anesthesiologist needs patients family. If and when the patient becomes more
Case 5 Calling across specialties

stable, a conversation could be held with the family teamwork between the anesthesia, surgical, and nurs-
regarding the patients status. If the outcome is poor ing personnel. Morbidity and mortality will be reduced
with this patient, the wishes of the patient and the if patient care is a team effort
family regarding end-of-life care, further resuscitation,
and possible organ donation need consideration. Even
if the patient and family were educated regarding all Medical knowledge
possible risks of the surgery prior to the procedure, Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab-
a poor outcome will necessitate counsel and support lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cog-
from the surgical and anesthesia team. nate (e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sci-
ences and the application of this knowledge to patient
Use information technology to support patient care.
care decisions and patient education.
This patient may have computed tomography scans Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic
of the chest preoperatively that will show his or her thinking approach to clinical situations.
anatomy. The use of ultrasound-guided line placement
In addition to acting quickly to improve the out-
may be helpful.
come for this patient, it is vital to determine the
Perform competently all medical and invasive cause of this drastic change. The patient is having an
procedures considered essential for the area of esophagectomy, possibly likely secondary to cancer.
practice. While manipulating the esophagus, the surgeon likely
ruptured or avulsed the aorta, which is obvious given
Given this patients current critical condition, an the immediate rush of bright red blood and the dra-
arterial line and central line are a necessity. This patient matic drop in blood pressure.
needs multiple large bore IVs and possible Cordis
placement. Conversation between the anesthesiologist Know and apply the basic and clinically
and surgeon will need to take place because this patient supportive sciences that are appropriate to their
is likely in the lateral position, which may make line discipline.
placement extremely difficult. Cross-matched blood
and fluids need to be run wide open in this patient. The This patient is having this procedure likely because
use of a rapid fluid infuser would be very helpful. of esophageal cancer. Understanding a basic patho-
physiology is helpful to an anesthesiologist in periop-
Provide health care services aimed at preventing erative management. Esophagectomies performed for
health problems or maintaining health. esophageal cancer are associated with increased mor-
bidity and mortality.
In between checking and hanging blood, placing Anesthetic considerations regarding a patient with
lines, and praying, the anesthesiologist should ask the esophageal cancer include the following:
circulating nurse to page the primary care doctor stat
to find out when this patient last had the flu shot and  chronic alcohol use (increase MAC)
his most recent colonoscopy. (Just kidding!)  liver disease (drug metabolism)
Prior to this catastrophic event, antibiotics should  significant smoking history (ventilatory
be given prior to incision within an hour. Assessment difficulties, COPD)
of need and continuation of beta-blockers should also  emaciation, malnutrition (decreased reserve,
be established. decreased preload and intravascular volume,
hemodynamic instability)
Work with health care professionals, including
those from other disciplines, to provide
patient-focused care. Knowledge of these factors will help the anesthesiolo-
gist to better care for this specific patient. Perioperative
This patient is in an extremely critical situation. problems may be prevented from an anesthesia per-
To realize the best possible outcome for the patient, spective through anticipation and vigilance to patient 35
it will be absolutely necessary to have rapid and fluid care.
Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

Practice-based learning Use information technology to manage

and improvement information, access online medical information,
and support their own education.
Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their
patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific The torture of the Dewey Decimal System is over.
evidence, and improve their patient care practices. Feel free to Google away, but be aware of inaccurate
sources. Look for respectable medical journals and
Analyze practice experience and perform review articles for quick references.
practice-based improvement activities using a
systematic methodology. Professionalism
An esophagectomy is an invasive surgery that must Residents must demonstrate a commitment to carry-
be performed by a well-trained surgeon. Even in ing out professional responsibilities, adherence to eth-
clinical situations where every manipulation is done ical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient pop-
correctly by a world-class surgeon, complications or ulation.
adverse outcomes may occur.
Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a
Regardless of the outcome for this unfortunate
responsiveness to the needs of patients and society
soul, a discussion should be held, possibly in the form
that supersedes self-interest; accountability to
of a mortality and morbidity conference. A conver-
patients, society, and the profession; and a
sation among a group of professionals in the surgical
commitment to excellence and ongoing
and anesthesia field may improve outcomes for future
professional development.
 What went wrong? How was it handled? Did all Professionalism is the easy part. Respect and com-
parties act accordingly? What could have been passion were obvious with the preoperative discussion
done differently? What will be done next time? held with the patient and the patients family. As physi-
 Was there enough surgical exposure? Should cians, we must act with integrity at all times by keeping
cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) have been more the patients safety and best interests in mind. Prepare
readily available? accordingly for each case and show up ready to work
and take care of each specific patient.
Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from Demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles
scientific studies related to their patients health pertaining to provision or withholding of clinical
problems. care, confidentiality of patient information,
informed consent, and business practice.
What does the literature say about handling com-
plications of esophagectomies? Esophagectomies are Prior to surgery, as an anesthesiologist providing
usually performed in a minimally invasive laparo- care to an anesthetized patient, it is our responsibility
scopic approach with possible conversion to a more to make sure that the patient has been fully consented
invasive, open approach. Either approach may be effec- regarding risks, benefits, and alternatives to surgery.
tive in achieving a successful anastomosis, but differ- The patient also needs to be aware of potential blood
ences exist in postoperative outcomes. loss and the need for blood products intraoperatively.
As part of the health care team, we need to respect
Obtain and use information about their own confidentiality of patients. A simple act like placing the
population of patients and the larger population chart in the appropriate area is important. When talk-
from which their patients are drawn. ing to and examining patients, we should pull curtains
The anesthesiologist will provide better care to and speak in appropriate tones to respect the privacy
patients by being well read on esophagectomies, differ- of patients.
ences in surgical approaches, potential complications, Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to
and considerations of anesthetic management (laparo- patients culture, age, gender, and disabilities.
36 scopic vs. open, CPB, one-lung ventilation).
Case 5 Calling across specialties

Patients come from all different backgrounds, and When these critical events are happening with this
this must be considered in a preoperative evaluation of patient, the operative team must act together quickly.
patients. Addressing patients as Mr. or Mrs. shows The surgeon must control the bleeding; the anesthesi-
a great deal of respect. Maybe a females religion pro- ologist must treat hemodynamic instability; and nurs-
hibits men from seeing her exposed, and a different ing must be ready to run for supplies and make calls
operative team may need to be assembled. for help, make a crash cart available, and be ready to
Showing respect to patients isnt just for health give report to the intensive care unit (ICU). The car-
care professionals. Being respectful to people in gen- diothoracic surgeon and CPB team need to be imme-
eral makes someone a good human being! diately aware of this patient. The blood bank needs to
be called to make available a full supply of blood prod-
Interpersonal and communication ucts. If the patient is able to make it out of the operat-
skills ing room, then respiratory therapy should be available
for ventilatory management. Pharmacy needs to know
Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal
about this patient to make sure plenty of vasopressors
and communication skills that result in effective infor-
are made available for inotropic support.
mation exchange and teaming with patients, their
patients families, and professional associates.
Systems-based practice
Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and
sound relationship with patients. responsiveness to the larger context and system of
Build a relationship with the patient during the health care and the ability to effectively call on system
preoperative evaluation and postoperative follow-up. resources to provide care that is of optimal value.
Explain the procedure in terms the patient will under-
Understand how their patient care and other
stand. Let the patient know of possible complica-
professional practices affect other health care
tions and adverse outcomes, and discuss his or her
professionals, the health care organization, and
wishes with the patient should extremely poor out-
the larger society and how these elements of the
comes occur. As physicians, we need to both act and
system affect their own practice.
look the part. Looking professional and exuding con-
fidence will help to instill confidence in their physi- This patient needs quick action to realize the best
cians in the patient. Showing up with rumpled, day-old outcome. Despite best efforts by all parties involved,
scrubs and bleary eyes will not help treat preoperative it is likely that this patient will go into hypovolemic
anxiety. shock, suffer cardiac arrest, and die. Once efforts
become futile, and any possibility for a good qual-
Use effective listening skills and elicit and provide
ity of life no longer exists, resources should no longer
information using effective nonverbal,
be used for this patient. Blood products are a limited
explanatory, questioning, and writing skills.
resource and will no longer benefit this patient. ICU
Speak to patients and their families in a language care in hospitals is expensive and is sometimes used as
that they can understand, including about all risks, a wasted resource.
benefits, alternatives to the surgery, and anesthetic
management. This will need to be done with the coop- Practice cost-effective health care and resource
eration of the surgeon. Proper documentation of these allocation that does not compromise quality of
discussions should be made in the medical record. care.
Invasive procedures with a high risk of morbidity and Every effort must be made to save this patient,
mortality need proper explanations to patients, and using all the resources possible, until efforts become
documentation reflects completeness of patient care. futile, which is extremely likely with this patient. Blood
Work effectively with others as a member or products, medical supplies, and ICU care should not
leader of a health care team or other professional be used on a patient who has undergone hours of
group. CPR and hemodynamic instability. It is also possible
to care for this acutely critical patient by practicing 37
Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

cost-effective anesthesia. Expensive anesthetic agents well as the administrative duties they will have prior to
like Precedex for sedation wouldnt be indicated in releasing their family member.
this patient. It is likely that minimal anesthetic agents
would be needed in a patient who is so unstable. Know how to partner with health care managers
and health care providers to assess, coordinate,
Advocate for quality patient care and assist and improve health care and know how these
patients in dealing with system complexities. activities can affect system performance.
Prior to officially calling this patient, the family End-of-life issues will affect anesthesiologists
should be informed of the critical nature of the patient. working with critically ill patients. We should be
CPR could be continued until the patient arrives in the familiar with our hospitals policies and the methods
ICU so that the family is able to see the patient prior for dealing with the death of a patient. This knowledge
to passing. Once the patient has died, the family will will help to expedite the process for the family and
need assistance from the operative team and the hos- allow the grieving period to continue outside the
pital in handling the emotional aspect of the death as hospital.

Case 5 Calling across specialties

Additional reading
1. Nguyen NT, Hinojosa MW, Smith BR, Chang KJ, Gray
J, Hoyt D. Minimally invasive esophagectomy: lessons
learned from 104 operations. Ann Surg

Part 1 Contributions from Stony Brook University under
Case Christopher J. Gallagher

6 Extubation wrecking a perfectly

good Sunday
Christopher J. Gallagher and Eric Posner

The case Develop and carry out patient management plans.

A great hue and cry arises from the neuro intensive
care unit (ICU). A patient has summoned sufficient The plan would be to call for help from my col-
guff and moxie to extubate herself, in spite of a rich leagues and from surgery.
array of clinical and laboratory signs that such a move
Counsel and educate patients and their families.
is detrimental to her health. Much to your dismay, on
arrival at said neuro ICU, you see a note above her bed In this case, it would be best to speak to the family
saying, Extremely difficult intubation, took 1 hour at length after the intubation is complete; however, I
with a fiber optic. would briefly explain to them that their family member
Respiratory therapy is mask ventilating the patient. needs to be intubated and possibly may need a surgical
You see the worlds shortest chin and neck. You are airway.
alone in this setting as its Sunday afternoon.
Perform competently all medical and invasive
Patient care procedures considered essential for the area of
Residents must be able to provide patient care that is practice.
compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat- Wise counsel would indicate that the trachea is the
ment of health problems and the promotion of health. intubation target of choice because the esophagus has
Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring done poorly in several attempts at being a respiratory
and respectful behaviors when interacting with organ.
patients and their families.
Provide health care services aimed at preventing
Because of the urgency involved, it would be best to health problems or maintaining health.
tell the family, if they are present, that this is an emer-
This is not immediately applicable; however,
gency and that their loved one needs to be reintubated
restraints may be needed after the patient is intubated.
immediately, and I would ask them to step out and then
I will speak to them after. Work with health care professionals, including
Gather essential and accurate information about those from other disciplines, to provide
their patients. patient-focused care.

The information that I need seems to be there. The In this case, I would need help from my anesthesia
writing is on the wall, literally. colleagues as well as surgeons and nursing and respi-
ratory therapy.
Make informed decisions about diagnostic and
therapeutic interventions based on patient
information and preferences, up-to-date scientific
Medical knowledge
evidence, and clinical judgment. Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab-
lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cog-
The patient needs to be intubated. nate (e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral)
Case 6 Extubation wrecking a perfectly good Sunday

sciences and the application of this knowledge to This patient is of the difficult intubation popula-
patient care. tion; therefore I would apply my knowledge of this and
be prepared for what could be a very difficult situation.
Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic
thinking approach to clinical situations.
As this is an emergency, I would need to quickly Systems-based practice
formulate a plan with the help of others and carry out Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and
that plan as safely as possible. If the patients vital signs responsiveness to the larger context and system of
are stable, I would attempt to reintubate, with the sur- health care and the ability to effectively call on system
geons standing by to perform a surgical airway. resources to provide care that is of optimal value.
Practice cost-effective health care and resource
Practice-based learning allocation that does not compromise quality of
and improvement
Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their It would be cost-effective to intubate this patient as
patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific quickly as possible to prevent any further damage to
evidence, and improve their patient care practices. the patient.
So you see, some cases require prolonged discus-
Analyze practice experience and perform sions of all the core clinical competencies. But others,
practice-based improvement activities using a such as this airway emergency, require only the briefest
systematic methodology. treatment of the competencies.
I would use the difficult airway algorithm.

Obtain and use information about their own

population of patients and the larger population
from which their patients are drawn.

Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

Additional reading 2. Djabatey EA, Barclay PM. Difficult and failed

intubation in 3430 obstetric general anaesthetics.
1. Williams WB, Jiang Y. Management of a difficult
Anaesthesia 2009;64(11):11681171.
airway with direct ventilation through nasal airway
without facemask. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 3. Huang YT. Factors leading to self-extubation of
2009;67(11):25412543. endotracheal tubes in the intensive care unit. Nurs Crit
Care 2009;14(2):6874.

Part 1 Contributions from Stony Brook University under
Case Christopher J. Gallagher

7 The sin of pride after an awake intubation

Christopher J. Gallagher and Eric Posner

The case The plan is to reintubate this patient.

A 320-pound man with an ego to match attempts to Counsel and educate patients and their families.
lift a 700-pound refrigerator. Rrrrip! His biceps tendon
peels off its attachment to the bone and goes fip-fip-fip After all is said and done, I would counsel the
up his arm like an old window shade. patient about his difficult intubation and that he
Clever you, you see that he will be a difficult intuba- should inform his anesthesiologists in the future about
tion (thick, muscular neck; Mallampati class IV view; this problem.
big teeth), so you do an awake intubation.
The case goes well, and now its time to extubate. Provide health care services aimed at preventing
You do all the cautious stuff sitting him up, making health problems or maintaining health.
sure hes wide awake. You extubate, and within roughly
To prevent future problems, I would counsel this
6 nanoseconds, you see that this was not the bright-
patient to lose weight and also to keep his doctors
est idea of your life. He starts to obstruct, arterial sat-
informed about the fact that he is a difficult intubation.
uration drops to the middle to low 80s, and his color
looks less than reassuring. He has neither lost weight Work with health care professionals, including
nor improved his airway since last you intubated him, those from other disciplines, to provide
which was approximately 2 hours ago. patient-focused care.
I would refer the patient to his primary care physi-
Patient care cian to get help losing weight.
Residents must be able to provide patient care that is
compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat-
ment of health problems and the promotion of health. Medical knowledge
Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab-
Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cog-
and respectful behaviors when interacting with nate (e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sci-
patients and their families. ences and the application of this knowledge to patient
This is an emergency, and because there will be no
family around, the best thing would be to reintubate Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic
this patient as quickly and safely as possible. When the thinking approach to clinical situations.
patient is in the recovery room, I would then explain
to the family members what is going on. This is a situation that would call for immediate
action using the difficult airway algorithm.
Gather essential and accurate information about
their patients.
Practice-based learning
I already know that this patient is a difficult intu- and improvement
Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their
Develop and carry out patient management plans. patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific 43
evidence, and improve their patient care practices.
Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from This patient is obese and has a difficult airway, so
scientific studies related to their patients health I would draw on my knowledge of this population to
problems. treat this patient.
There! Weve made the point twice. Brief cases with
I would not be able to look up any studies for the focused problems result in a brief brush on the core
immediate care of this patient, but I would be expected clinical competencies, no more.
to be aware of the current literature regarding airway
Obtain and use information about their own
population of patients and the larger population
from which their patients are drawn.

Case 7 The sin of pride after an awake intubation

Additional reading 2. de Almeida MC, Pederneiras SG, Chiaroni S, de Souza

L, Locks GF. Evaluation of tracheal intubation
1. Kheterpal S, Martin L, Shanks AM, Tremper KK.
conditions in morbidly obese patients: a comparison of
Prediction and outcomes of impossible mask
succinylcholine and rocuronium (in Spanish). Rev Esp
ventilation: a review of 50,000 anesthetics.
Anestesiol Reanim 2009;56:38.
Anesthesiology 2009;110:891897.

Part 1 Contributions from Stony Brook University under
Case Christopher J. Gallagher

8 Brown-Sequard and the orthopedic knife

Christopher J. Gallagher and Tommy Corrado

The case Gather essential and accurate information about

Love is many things, earning the sobriquet a many- their patients.
splendored thing among others. But Cupids arrows
may sometimes be too barbed, as one 32-year-old man A protracted and extensive medical and social his-
learned too late. tory may seem contraindicated in the case of a patient
Lover boys lover took a steak knife in her right who is having his intravascular volume maintained by
hand and registered her displeasure with events by a knife now acting as a wine cork. First and foremost,
burying this knife to the hilt, right in the middle of the think the ABCs. Is he acutely stable (relatively) or
mans back. Perfect precision was the order of the day, unstable? Does he have an airway? Is he actively hem-
as she created a perfect Brown-Sequard syndrome. orrhaging buckets, or is his bleeding relatively con-
The knife is still sticking out of his back, and hes trolled? Do we have good access, or are we working off
going to the operating room (OR) for removal. He cant a 22 Ga in the scalp? As mentioned before, if the patient
lie on his back, and angiography shows the knife inside is able to communicate, we can speak directly to him
the aorta, with the perfect position of the knife acting (while being mindful not to move or agitate him sta-
as a tamponade. bility is not this guys strong suit). If not, we would like
to hear from the trauma team that is caring for him and
the emergency medical service (EMS) responders, and
Patient care the results of the studies taken.
Residents must be able to provide patient care that is
compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat- Make informed decisions about diagnostic and
ment of health problems and the promotion of health. therapeutic interventions based on patient
information and preferences, up-to-date scientific
evidence, and clinical judgment.
Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring
and respectful behaviors when interacting with Now that we know what we can about this patient,
patients and their families. we have to get him to the OR (this isnt a wait-and-
see type of injury). The big hurdles we are looking at
Effective communication may not be this gentle- here are going to be smoothly securing the airway of a
mans strong suit (the overwhelming majority of lovers patient who cannot be moved and maintaining hemo-
quarrels fortunately dont end up in a stabbing), but dynamic stability in a patient with a major vascular
its our duty to tactfully and efficiently gather as much injury and an acute spinal cord injury.
information about this situation as possible. If the
patient is awake and responsive, we can first reassure Develop and carry out patient management plans.
him that we will do everything we can to help him
(hes probably having a pretty rough day as it is) and Like any good Boy Scout could tell you, being pre-
then get a quick history (allergies, last meal, medical pared is going to be key for this patients survival. This
conditions and medications, assess airway, etc.). If he means appropriate equipment, primary and ancillary
came in accompanied by someone, it may be worth- services, and sufficient personnel. Blood bank should
while talking to that person, as well (the same person be made aware, with matched blood obtained, if avail-
46 who stuck him in the back may be the one who pushes able, and O negative, if necessary, as well as sufficient
his insulin every morning). other products (fresh frozen plasma [FFP], platelets,
Case 8 Brown-Sequard and the orthopedic knife extraction

factor VII, etc.). Ideally, we would like to be able to removed, we have to be ready for the inevitable change
isolate the lungs to aid the surgeons, but all our plans in hemodynamics (huge fluid shifts; the potential need
need contingencies a surgical airway if we fail; per- for cross-clamping, requiring the use of sodium nitro-
fusionists ready for partial cardiopulmonary bypass prusside (SNP), nitroglycerin, or esmolol, as seen in
(CPB), if necessary. Appropriate intensive care unit aortic aneurysm repair, etc.).
(ICU) care should be arranged for the patient to ensure Not only do we have to worry about the knife in
the smooth transfer of care. the aorta, but we also have the spinal cord injury to
worry about. While the loss of sensation contralateral
Counsel and educate patients and their families. and loss of motor function ipsilateral to and below the
Acutely, the family should be made aware of the lesion in Brown-Sequard syndrome may not affect us
severity of the situation and should be provided with much now, the possible decrease in spinal cord reflexes
whatever support is available (e.g., a chaplain should and the potential drop in SBP may complicate issues
be made available should they request one). intraoperatively. Also, we have to be mindful of the
likelihood of a growing hematoma in a patient at severe
Use information technology to support patient risk for coagulopathy.
care decisions and patient education.
Provide health care services aimed at preventing
While the time for an in-depth literature review health problems or maintaining health.
is not at hand, information technology may still play
a role. Many hospitals now have integrated computer Not only should we be aware of the immediate
systems, which allow the practitioner to view radiolog- issues, but also, we should be thinking about optimiz-
ical studies, access old records, and so on. A quick look ing long-term outcomes. Things like dosing and redos-
at the patients angiogram and any other studies he may ing of antibiotics, steroid administration for spinal
have had will certainly help direct anesthetic care. cord injury, and maintaining euthermia all play a role
in positive patient outcome.
Perform competently all medical and invasive
procedures considered essential for the area of Work with health care professionals, including
practice. those from other disciplines, to provide
patient-focused care.
Now we have to use our clinical knowledge and
skill. For all intents and purposes, we are living an oral Eventually, this patient is going to have significant
boards stem. Airway issues will be paramount here. needs that may require the assistance of many differ-
Not only can we not lay this guy on his back, but ent services (appropriate surgical follow-up, neurol-
with any movement, we run the risk of him bucking ogy and physical and occupational therapy for his neu-
and dislodging the knife that is, at present, holding rological deficits, pain management issues, and psych
the blood in him. While we are going to ensure that and social work, to name a few).
the patient is adequately anesthetized and will have
a fiber optic ready, with support to help us use it, as Medical knowledge
well as rescue equipment (maybe intubating laryngeal
Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab-
mask airway (LMA), direct laryngoscope (DL) in a
lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cognate
weird position in a pinch), we are also going to want
(e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sciences
surgery to have open and ready everything necessary
and the application of this knowledge to patient care.
to do an emergent tracheostomy or cricothyrotomy
should the need arise. Apart from appropriate Amer- Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic
ican Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) monitors, we thinking approach to clinical situations.
would need invasive monitoring such as ALine (both
right arm and femoral monitoring would be nice to In this very complicated case, it was extremely
monitor perfusion pressures both above and below the important to break things down into recognizable and
aortic lesion) as well as central access for both fluids manageable pieces that the resident had likely seen
and medications. Perfusionists may want to prepare before. Understanding that airway management would 47
for partial CPB, if necessary. When the knife is finally be difficult and being prepared with knowledge of
Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

the difficult airway algorithm were key. Recognizing  If any adverse events took place, at what point did
the similarity between this case and aortic dissection/ they occur? Where was there a deviation from the
rupture helped give direction to managing this patient standard of care, if any, and what policies can be
from a hemodynamic perspective. Being aware that enacted to prevent a repeat of this deviation in the
the spinal cord injury not only played an acute role in future?
this patients management, but also had the potential to
worsen throughout the case helped the resident main- Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from
tain focus on the entire patient, not just on the obvious scientific studies related to their patients health
and acute vascular wound. problems.

As we mentioned before, this is no time for a liter-

Practice-based learning ature search; rather, this looks like a case study wait-
and improvement ing to be written up (not an M&M, it is hoped, should
Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their things go badly). It is possible, however, to extrapolate
patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific information from related cases and apply that knowl-
evidence, and improve their patient care practices. edge where appropriate. Keeping up to date with the
current recommendations for managing a ruptured
Analyze practice experience and perform aortic aneurysm, for example, would likely be applica-
practice-based improvement activities using a ble to the patient who has recently had his or her aorta
systematic methodology. redesigned at knifepoint.
A quick literature search after the case, when the
Like many traumas, there is less time for evaluation details are still fresh, would be a great idea. Doing this
than action. After the case is done, however, a tremen- would allow the resident to reevaluate what was done
dous amount can be learned from it. An interdisci- and possibly see how management of a similar case
plinary debriefing would be hugely valuable. All too could be improved in the future.
often, when a case is done, the team members line up
to shake hands like a Little League baseball team and
then retire to their respective dugouts. Taking the time Obtain and use information about their own
to go over the critical events and reviewing, in a non- population of patients and the larger population
judgmental way, what was done can help improve effi- from which their patients are drawn.
ciency and safety. For example, points to address could Its hard to think of a case for which this com-
include the following: petency is more relevant. While its unlikely that
 What was done right: take note of things that were many people will see this exact case on a regular
done properly, which facilitated the case. Was the basis, the basic components are much more common.
OR notified ahead so they had sufficient Major vascular injury (as a result either of trauma or
equipment ready? Were appropriate team aneurysm rupture), penetrating trauma, spinal cord
members present? Were adequate resources injury (either total or partial), and difficult airway are
available? all entities most practitioners have seen at some point
 What could be improved: was the transfer of the in their careers. What is required here is the ability to
patient efficient and thorough? Did anesthesia extract relevant information about the care of each of
notify surgery of changes in patient status these patients and combine it into a reasonable care
(trending changes in pressure, urine output [UO], plan for this case in particular.
etc.)? Did surgery notify anesthesia before any
major interventions (cross-clamping, placing or Apply knowledge of study designs and statistical
removing shunts, etc.)? Was paper work properly methods to the appraisal of clinical studies and
filled out and returned? Was the patient other information on diagnostic and therapeutic
adequately followed up by services other than effectiveness.
primary services? For example, if the patient
48 began to decompensate, were OR and anesthesia Obviously, this sort of case doesnt lend itself to the
notified in advance about the possibility of a randomized, prospective, double-blind study design.
bring-back? Individual case studies or retrospective analyses may
Case 8 Brown-Sequard and the orthopedic knife extraction

be the only reasonable way to effectively evaluate this type of case, and a whirlwind of people are going
type of patient. to be surrounding the patient, we can still do our
best to maintain some semblance of modesty. This
Use information technology to manage
can include simple measures like closing curtains and
information, access online medical information,
moving bystanders along. (The same people who stop
and support their own education.
to look at a car crash will want to watch something like
In the age of Medline, most people can string this. If they arent involved in the care of the patient,
together enough Booleanisms to do a decent literature they have no place in the immediate area.)
search, and this should certainly be the backbone of
any significant clinical investigation. Other resources, Interpersonal and communication
however, can add some depth and perspective to a res-
idents education. Plugging a term into a search engine
like Google is bound to return a host of places to Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal
begin to get information, as is doing a wiki search. and communication skills that result in effective infor-
While many of these sources arent peer reviewed and mation exchange and teaming with patients, their
their information may be flawed, they frequently have patients families, and professional associates.
good references and can help focus your efforts. Many Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically
sites have message boards or forums, in which people sound relationship with patients.
post information about cases they have done and novel
ways they approached various problems. I am going to put you to sleep so they can take the
knife out of your spine and the giant vessel coming out
Professionalism of your heart establishes a relationship pretty damn
Residents must demonstrate a commitment to carry- fast. In reality, though, its the role of the anesthesiol-
ing out professional responsibilities, adherence to eth- ogist to be a reassuring and calming presence in what
ical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient pop- has the potential to be pandemonium.
Use effective listening skills and elicit and provide
Demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles information using effective nonverbal,
pertaining to provision or withholding of clinical explanatory, questioning, and writing skills.
care, confidentiality of patient information,
A case like this invariably has a great deal of
informed consent, and business practice.
information flying around, and therefore the potential
This is likely the case everyone is going to want exists for any number of mistakes. Properly checking
to talk about. When everyone has finally scrubbed blood products and medications helps prevent poten-
out, youll want to tell a coresident and the nurses tially devastating errors. While in the heat of a trauma
and maintenance and that nice lady in the cafeteria paper work seems tertiary at best, the OR record is a
and . . . Long story short: while there is definitely valid- valuable tool for patient care. Trending vitals and not-
ity to discussing a case for the sake of education, sen- ing times and types of blood products, medications
sitivity for the patient and his family and loved ones is and fluids given, and lab results like arterial blood
as much our responsibility as placing a tube. Patient gases (ABGs) can help guide patient care intraopera-
information should never be discussed in a public tively. Also, should the case be reviewed at a later date,
place (the elevator opens more mouths than Mac and anything written (or not written) in the chart can have
Miller combined), and identifiers like names or dates huge medical and legal implications.
of birth shouldnt be included when referring to the
Work effectively with others as a member or
case for educational purposes.
leader of a health care team or other professional
Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to group.
patients culture, age, gender, and disabilities.
Communication with all members of the health
Sensitivity can be an issue in such an acute case, care team cannot be overemphasized. Roles may 49
but there are still a few things we can do to soften change during the course of care, and the smooth tran-
the situation a little. While chaos tends to follow this sition of power and communication are paramount.
Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

Initially, EMS will come in with the patient and hand Practice cost-effective health care and resource
off responsibility to the trauma team. A team leader allocation that does not compromise quality of
should be recognized, and each members role should care.
be well defined. As the case progresses, the anesthe-
sia team will likely assume leadership as the patient If asked what they find most rewarding about their
is anesthetized in the OR. When the patient is sta- job, most physicians would rank taking care of patients
ble, the trauma surgeon assumes control of the patient. far above efficiently utilizing resources in an economi-
While this is an oversimplification, constant and clear cally sound manner. That being said, its a grim reality
communication is important. In a trauma such as this, that even medicine is subject to the limits of the bot-
things should be structured but fluid enough to accom- tom line. There are a number of things the anesthesiol-
modate any changes that occur. Coordination with ogist can do to operate in a more cost-effective manner.
resources out of the OR (blood bank, chemistry lab, Using less expensive agents, not opening up equipment
ICU) is also the role of the team leaders. or drawing up drugs unless they are going to be used,
and disposing of only sharps in sharps containers save
significant amounts of money over time. Judicious use
Systems-based practice of blood products saves not only money, but also a very
Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and limited resource. The smooth transfer of patient care
responsiveness to the larger context and system of not only improves safety, but also more efficiently uti-
health care and the ability to effectively call on system lizes manpower and time.
resources to provide care that is of optimal value.
Advocate for quality patient care and assist
patients in dealing with system complexities.
Understand how their patient care and other
professional practices affect other health care After his surgery is complete, this poor guy still has
professionals, the health care organization, and a world of obstacles ahead of him. Assuming no major
the larger society and how these elements of the complications from the surgery itself, this person with
system affect their own practice. Brown-Sequard syndrome will have to learn to cope
with his new neurological impairment. For a 32-year-
This patient definitely had a significant, life- old, this means not only loss of function, but possibly
changing event. Goals for this patient should not focus also loss of employment and social and psychological
only on his physical well-being. Not only do we want issues (lets not forget that a good piece of his support
to see him reach a state of optimal function, but we structure just planted a knife in him like she was rais-
also want to see him return to a productive role in soci- ing a flag on Everest). Getting him in touch with social
ety. Support is going to be necessary after his hospital work as early as possible will help him gain access to
stay, and access to those resources should be provided the resources necessary to help him regain and rede-
as soon as possible. fine a meaningful existence.

Case 8 Brown-Sequard and the orthopedic knife extraction

Additional reading neurological syndrome. Spinal Cord 2005;43:

1. Jonker Frederik HW, Schlosser Felix JV, Moll Frans L,
Muhs Bart E. Dissection of the abdominal aorta: 3. Simsek O, Kilincer C, Sunar H, et al. Surgical
current evidence and implications for treatment management of combined stab injury of the spinal
strategies: a review and meta-analysis of 92 patients. cord and the aorta case report. Neurol Med Chir
J Endovasc Ther 2009;16:7180. (Tokyo) 2004;44:263265.
2. Harris P. Stab wound of the back causing an acute
subdural haematoma and a Brown-Sequard

Part 1 Contributions from Stony Brook University under
Case Christopher J. Gallagher

9 When were those stents placed?

Christopher J. Gallagher and Matthew Neal

The case on your heart, and we need to discuss the implications

of this on your surgery today.
A 65-year-old man has leukoplakia on his vocal cords.
One of your hospitals top referral bases (this ear-nose-
Gather essential and accurate information about
throat [ENT] doctor brings bazillions into the hospital,
their patients.
and people come from far and wide for her expertise)
schedules him for a vocal cord biopsy tomorrow. When a case is taking longer than you planned and
You get the nod because youre a heart guy, and this the surgeon looks up and says, I should be done in
guy has a little heart problem. about 30 minutes, it is usually safe to assume that
Yes? you ask, ever curious. you arent going anywhere for at least an hour, prob-
He had two eluting stents placed two days ago, but ably more like an hour and a half. No anesthesiologist
the cardiologist says his vessels are fine now. Theyre I know takes a surgeon at his word on something as
stented open, after all! The ENT surgeon, who doesnt benign as op time, so why would we take them at their
like to hear no for an answer, says, I gave the cardiolo- words on something as important as the patency (or
gist your cell phone number to talk to you, in case you lack thereof) of a coronary or two? Patient care dictates
get the heeby-jeebies. Have a nice day. that you gather a little more information. You should
get the patients records from cardiology, for instance,
Patient care a cath report. Sure, the coronaries are stented open
Residents must be able to provide patient care that is now, but oops . . . the ejection fraction is only 15%. It is
compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat- amazing how many fun surprises you can uncover by
ment of health problems and the promotion of health. digging into the patients chart, instead of just reading
medically cleared for surgery off a prescription pad
Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring and calling it a day.
and respectful behaviors when interacting with The other important piece of information that is
patients and their families. missing is why the patient went for cath 2 days ago.
Was it a routine follow-up, was it a failed stress test, or
In this case, the patient needs to be brought into is the patient now 2 days out from an acute myocardial
the loop. Even if the patient doesnt connect the dots infarction (MI)? These are all things you may want to
between anticoagulation (i.e., aspirin and Plavix) and find out about. If the patient had an MI in the last few
electively cutting on the airway, you, as a responsi- days, he is at risk for having another MI in the periop-
ble health care provider, are obligated to connect the erative period.
dots for him. Effective communication with the patient
includes explaining the benefits as well as the risks of Make informed decisions about diagnostic and
the proposed procedure. That being said, the situation therapeutic interventions based on patient
needs to be handled tactfully; dont open with some- information and preferences, up-to-date scientific
thing like Sir, Ive met a lot of jackasses in my day, but evidence, and clinical judgment.
that surgeon of yours sure takes the cake. You need to
find a way to explain the situation to the patient with- Elective surgery should be postponed for a min-
out alarming him and without throwing the surgeon imum of 12 months after placement of drug-eluting
52 underneath the bus. A better opening line might be stents, though exact guidelines for eluting stents are
Sir, I understand that you recently had a procedure tough to nail down. Even if the patient had a bare
Case 9 When were those stents placed?

metal stent, the procedure should be postponed for

Know and apply the basic and clinically
a least 6 weeks not 2 days [2]. Even if the surgeon
supportive sciences that are appropriate to their
is willing to operate on a patient who remains on
antiplatelet therapy, the perioperative period induces
a hypercoagulable state, which makes the risk of stent The key issue here is the drug-eluting stents. You
thrombosis unacceptable. You should be prepared to need to know that a minimum of 1 year of antiplatelet
integrate these facts into your decision-making pro- therapy is recommended after placement of a drug-
cess when determining whether to go forward with the eluting stent [2]. You also need to know the risks
case. of bleeding if this procedure is performed with the
patient 2 days out from his Plavix load.
Counsel and educate patients and their families.
This goes back to knowing the risks and benefits. Practice-based learning
To properly counsel the patient, you need to know and improvement
this stuff like the back of your hand. Maybe the rea-
Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their
son the surgeon is so gung ho to go ahead is because
patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific
she doesnt really understand the risks either. This
evidence, and improve their patient care practices.
could present a golden opportunity not only to educate
your patient, but also to educate one of your surgical
Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from
scientific studies related to their patients health
Work with health care professionals, including
those from other disciplines, to provide If you want the surgeon to change her plans, it will
patient-focused care. probably help if you back up your request with some-
thing more substantial than your own opinion. A 5-
A phone call and/or face-to-face chat with the sur- minute PubMed search for the terms eluting stent
geon is in order here. It is better to discuss the risks and elective surgery will probably yield the evidence
of going ahead with the surgery beforehand than it is you need. You could also consult a textbook or a more
to discuss what the hell just happened after you had to highly regarded colleague every department has a
shock the patient back to life and send him back to the couple of those.
cath lab for the second time in 3 days. It should also be
noted that timing is pretty important here. You should
have this conversation in the holding area, not in the Professionalism
operating room (OR), after the patient is strapped to Residents must demonstrate a commitment to carry-
the table or, God forbid, already asleep. ing out professional responsibilities, adherence to eth-
ical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient pop-
Medical knowledge
Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab- Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a
lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cognate responsiveness to the needs of patients and society
(e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sciences that supersedes self-interest; accountability to
and the application of this knowledge to patient care. patients, society, and the profession; and a
commitment to excellence and ongoing
Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic professional development.
thinking approach to clinical situations.
Throw out your own ego and remember that your
Investigate further. Look at the cath report; call the responsibility is to the patient, not to yourself. If
cardiologist. After you have gathered some informa- you are having a disagreement with a surgeon, dont
tion, analyze it. What are the benefits of this procedure, take it personally; you should simply think about the
and what are the potential risks? With this informa- implications for the patient. This will help you keep 53
tion, you can decide on the best approach going for- a cool head while dealing with your colleague on the
ward. other side of the ether screen.
Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

Demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles health care and the ability to effectively call on system
pertaining to provision or withholding of clinical resources to provide care that is of optimal value.
care, confidentiality of patient information, Understand how their patient care and other
informed consent, and business practice. professional practices affect other health care
This is the time to bring the patient into the loop. professionals, the health care organization, and
With the cooperation of surgery, you should explain the larger society and how these elements of the
all the risks and benefits of the procedure in terms the system affect their own practice.
patient can easily understand. If the patient has family This is where you must consider the implications of
members at the bedside, you should always ask permis- a disagreement with the surgeon. Ticking off a major
sion before discussing sensitive medical issues in front source of revenue for your hospital could have negative
of them. consequences for you and your department. It really
By involving the patient and his family in the comes back to professionalism. You have to gather
decision-making process, you can ensure that every- your evidence and figure out a way to approach the
one has the patients best interests at heart. Even if you conflict in a professional manner so that nobodys feel-
risk angering a surgeon who brings in a lot of business, ings get hurt and the OR can remain a happy and pro-
the professional thing to do is to involve the patient in ductive workplace. Remember that without the sur-
the process. geons, you dont have a job; nobody comes into the
hospital to get anesthesia just to catch up on his or her
Interpersonal and communication sleep.
skills Practice cost-effective health care and resource
Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal allocation that does not compromise quality of
and communication skills that result in effective infor- care.
mation exchange and teaming with patients, their
patients families, and professional associates. Cost-effective health care includes avoidance of
unnecessary tests and procedures. In this case, you
Use effective listening skills and elicit and provide already have all the information you need to determine
information using effective nonverbal, the patients cardiac status, and there is no need for
explanatory, questioning, and writing skills. further testing. In other words, if you have a 2-day-
After you speak your peace to the patient, take old cath report, dont send the patient for an echo. It is
time to listen to the patients questions and concerns. amazing how often we order a test without really stop-
Communication does not begin and end with you. If ping to think about whether we really need it. A prime
the patient wants references, give him references. If he example of this is the daily complete blood count and
thinks he will have trouble remembering, then write it electrolyte panel. If it has been normal 6 days in a row,
down for him. By taking just a few minutes to focus why order it every day?
on the patient and his concerns, you can drastically An easy way out of the situation for you would be to
improve your relationship with him. postpone the case for further testing maybe you can
even postpone it until you are postcall and it becomes
someone elses problem. This will probably add costs,
Systems-based practice and nothing else, to the patients care. If you have the
Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and information you need to make a decision, then make a
responsiveness to the larger context and system of decision. Dont just pass the buck.

Case 9 When were those stents placed?

Additional reading 2. Nuttall GA, Brown M, Stombaugh J, et al. Time and

cardiac risk of surgery after bare-metal stent
1. Rabbitts JA, Nuttall G, Brown M, et al. Cardiac risk of
percutaneous coronary intervention. Anesthesiology
noncardiac surgery after percutaneous coronary
intervention with drug-eluting stents. Anesthesiology

Part 1 Contributions from Stony Brook University under
Case Christopher J. Gallagher

10 Flame on!
Christopher J. Gallagher and Matthew Neal

The case ate ends and interpersonal and communication skills

begin, send me an e-mail. They sound awfully close to
A smell like barbeque fills the entire emergency room.
Funny, you think, no one told me there was a pic-
Bottom line the patient care that is most com-
nic. You note that the smell is coming from the trauma
passionate for a truly hopeless case (this patient had
bay, and you go there as a code T (trauma) is called
third-degree burns over every square inch of his body;
the fact that he was even alive at this point was some
Inside, a man is stripped completely bare of his skin
kind of celestial miracle) is comfort care. He got as
and hair. An industrial accident has left him burned
much morphine as I could inject through the one IV
over 100% of his body, yet he is talking, coherent, com-
we were able to get through the burned skin. I warmed
plains only of feeling cool, and has no pain.
the room up, too (he felt cool, which patients some-
Give him morphine, the resident tells you. We
times do if all the nerve endings are singed off).
got an IV in him so just keep giving him morphine.
You ask if youre going to intubate or what exactly Gather essential and accurate information about
the plan is. their patients.
Morphine, the resident tells you again. Thats the
plan, you follow me? Hes a goner. I did a physical exam to confirm that, indeed,
everything was burned off on this man. There were no
Patient care eyebrows, no eyelashes, and his surface appeared white
and meaty, for lack of a better term.
Residents must be able to provide patient care that is
Usually, in such a case, when you are in resuscita-
compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat-
tion mode, you would be scrambling for a host of lab-
ment of health problems and the promotion of health.
oratory data, as well:
Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring  arterial blood gas, including carbon monoxide
and respectful behaviors when interacting with level
patients and their families.  hematocrit
This is based on a real case, believe it or not. No one
 chest X-ray
could find any family members for this patient, and he
was eerily and creepily awake and alert for about the
But in this curious world of provide comfort only,
first half hour I was with him. Given the extent of his
the approach was different. Why get a bunch of labs
injuries, it was downright Twilight Zoneesque that he
that youre not going to act on anyway?
was so with it, so I had to give it to him straight.
This event is among my most memorable experi- Make informed decisions about diagnostic and
ences of a lifetime, and I will take this one with me therapeutic interventions based on patient
until its time for me to get some morphine. (Now to go information and preferences, up-to-date scientific
from the sublime to the ridiculous.) And this is where evidence, and clinical judgment.
you can see the various Core Clinical Competencies
tripping over each other because the main thing here I confirmed with the resident, and asked that we
56 is communicating with the patient. If you can figure confirm with the attending, that this was truly a hope-
out where providing patient care that is compassion- less case and that we werent writing someone off who
Case 10 Flame on!

stood a chance. That was the consensus, and the burn Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic
people came down and gave us their blessing on this, thinking approach to clinical situations.
Shift into high gear and become the worlds leading
Develop and carry out patient management plans. expert on burns in a hurry in this case. Although the
focus in this case is comfort care, that doesnt mean
This is where I really hate the Core Clinical Compe- that the next burn patient is going to be as badly off.
tencies. Carry out patient management plans. God, Following are the main points:
what a bloodless and administrato-gobbledygook way  Watch for signs of an upper airway burn (singed
of saying be a doctor and treat the patient.
nose hairs, carbonaceous sputum) and secure the
Counsel and educate patients and their families. airway right away in case of any doubt whatsoever.
Once the airway swells up, the patient will become
Back to Core Clinical Competency overlap land. an impossible intubation in no time.
This is interpersonal and communications skills as well  Volume replacement can be tremendous as the
as professionalism all wrapped into one. Ill get into insulation is lost and the patient loses vast
what I told the guy in the latter section. amounts of fluid.
 Carbon monoxide inhalation is as stealthy as it is
Use information technology to support patient deadly. A patient can appear perfectly lucid and
care decisions and patient education. still have high levels of carbon monoxide, then,
To hell with information technology at this point; later on, suffer severe neurologic damage.
its all hands on and physical exam. Investigatory and analytic with a burn patient? Snoop
around for the hidden problems of a burned airway,
Perform competently all medical and invasive lost volume, and stealth carbon monoxide.
procedures considered essential for the area of
practice. Know and apply the basic and clinically
supportive sciences that are appropriate to their
As long as I didnt stick the morphine syringe into
the mattress by mistake, I was performing compe-
tently. The main thing here was to keep misguided res- For anesthesia, this means the ABCs writ large
cuers from running in the room and coding or intu- because this is our stock in trade.
bating this guy.

Provide health care services aimed at preventing

Practice-based learning
health problems or maintaining health. and improvement
Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their
Day late and a dime short here.
patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific
evidence, and improve their patient care practices.
Work with health care professionals, including
those from other disciplines, to provide Analyze practice experience and perform
patient-focused care. practice-based improvement activities using a
The most important element here is hooking up systematic methodology.
with the burn people and making sure that Im doing The most practical approach to this Core Clinical
the right thing for this poor patient. Competency is simply this: review the literature perti-
nent to burn patients and make sure that you are up on
Medical knowledge the latest.
Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab- Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from
lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cognate scientific studies related to their patients health
(e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sciences problems. 57
and the application of this knowledge to patient care.
Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

A modern twist on all this? Google burns, or him, providing pain medication, waving off the code
do a Medline search to see what the latest thinking is team, and staying until the end. This opens the whole
regarding treatment of the burn patient. end-of-life discussion.

Obtain and use information about their own

Demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles
population of patients and the larger population
pertaining to provision or withholding of clinical
from which their patients are drawn.
care, confidentiality of patient information,
I paged the burn team right away. They deal with informed consent, and business practice.
this stuff all the time and know the ins and outs of the
The main thing here is to withhold heroic care that
burn unit, so they were the people to contact regarding
would prolong the patients misery.
this unfortunate patient.

Apply knowledge of study designs and statistical

methods to the appraisal of clinical studies and
Interpersonal and communication
other information on diagnostic and therapeutic skills
effectiveness. Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal
and communication skills that result in effective infor-
Much as we hate statistics (most doctors glaze over
mation exchange and teaming with patients, their
when biostatistics are mentioned), we still have to
patients families, and professional associates.
know this deadly dull field. If we dont know statistics,
we cannot really weigh the validity of a study. Sugges- Use effective listening skills and elicit and provide
tions for the reading public? Heres what I did; you can information using effective nonverbal,
run with it however you want. Aviva Petrie and Caro- explanatory, questioning, and writing skills.
line Sabin [1] broke up the forbidding areas of statistics
into digestible parts. Give this book a try if youre lost This is the most important aspect of this case, so
in statistics. Ill linger here a while. Following is the conversation I
had with this patient, as nearly as I can reconstruct it.
Use information technology to manage
(This was such an emotionally wrenching event that it
information, access online medical information,
made a hell of an impression on my memory banks.)
and support their own education.
You can agree or disagree with my approach and choice
At the time of this case, the year was all of 1984, so of words, but heres what I did. Ill call the patient, for
the Internet was not yet even a glimmer in Bill Gatess the sake of this reconstruction, Jim Smith.
eye. But today, of course, youd Google anything you Jim, Im going to be giving you some morphine to
didnt know. make you a little more comfortable.
Its bad, huh? (As mentioned earlier, he was sur-
prisingly lucid.)
Professionalism Jim, youre burned over all your body, and its all
Residents must demonstrate a commitment to carry- third degree, thats the worst kind.
ing out professional responsibilities, adherence to ethi- Its cold in here.
cal principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient popu- I put a blanket over him; his nerve endings were
lation. charred, so that didnt hurt him. I turned up the ther-
Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a mostat in the room.
responsiveness to the needs of patients and society Jim, this burn is pretty bad. I mean really bad. But
that supersedes self-interest; accountability to Im going to make sure youre nice and comfortable.
patients, society, and the profession; and a Will they be doing any operations or anything?
commitment to excellence and ongoing No, Jim, were mainly going to make sure you
professional development. dont hurt. Do you follow what Im saying? This is not
the kind of burn you can recover from, Jim.
58 Translation for this case? Stick it out with this guy. The morphine started kicking in (I was being pretty
He deserves that. I made sure I stayed in the room with generous), and he started getting sedated.
Case 10 Flame on!

Yeah, yeah, I know what youre saying, Doc. Understand how their patient care and other
Want me to call anyone, Jim? Jim? professional practices affect other health care
It was probably volume loss and hypotension that professionals, the health care organization, and
finished him. I was hoping that it would go that way the larger society and how these elements of the
and not end up with an obstructed airway. system affect their own practice.
Work effectively with others as a member or To subject a person with fatal burns to an epic jour-
leader of a health care team or other professional ney of ventilator dependence, a million skin grafts,
group. and a zillion dollars worth of treatment is a waste of
We divided up the emergency room that night, and societys resources when the issue has already been
I stayed with Jim. decided. But as treatments improve, the day may come
when we go for it with such a patient. No easy
answers here.
Systems-based practice Practice cost-effective health care and resource
Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and allocation that does not compromise quality of
responsiveness to the larger context and system of care.
health care and the ability to effectively call on system
resources to provide care that is of optimal value. See the preceding comment.

Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

Additional reading 3. Cochran A. Inhalation injury and endotracheal

intubation. J Burn Care Res 2009;30:190191.
1. Petrie A, Sabin C. Medical statistics at a glance. 2nd ed.
Malden, MA: Blackwell; 2005. 4. Belgian Outcome in Burn Injury Study Group.
Development and validation of a model for prediction
2. Chai JK, Sheng ZY, Yang HM, et al. Treatment
of mortality in patients with acute burn injury. Br J
strategies for mass burn casualties. Chin Med J (Engl)
Surg 2009;96:111117.

Part 1 Contributions from Stony Brook University under
Case Christopher J. Gallagher

11 What date would you like carved in stone?

Christopher J. Gallagher and Anna Kogan

The case emaciation could only confirm the obvious no mat-

ter what they found on this patient, he was not going to
A 73-year-old man is scheduled for a mediastinoscopy.
be able to endure chemo, radiation, or surgical therapy.
He is emaciated, has positive findings of metastatic dis-
ease on his chest X-ray, and is unable to lie down in the
Make informed decisions about diagnostic and
least, getting short of breath if hes anything other than
therapeutic interventions based on patient
bolt upright.
information and preferences, up-to-date scientific
He is to have this mediastinoscopy for a tissue diag-
evidence, and clinical judgment.
nosis of an obviously horrible cancer. He is now on the
operating table with the back all the way up, and youre The main point about this case and this write-up is
preoxygenating him. Its all you can do to get the satu- that you have to be a perioperative physician, not just
ration up to 92%. an anesthetic accessory to a surgical procedure.
Suddenly, you throw up your hands, call for the sur-
geon, and say, This is ridiculous, Im not doing this Develop and carry out patient management plans.
case. What the hell are we doing this for?
The surgeon gets mad as a wet hen and takes you Cancel the stupid case!
outside. You look him in the eyes and say, What date
do you want carved in this guys stone? You might as Counsel and educate patients and their families.
well carve todays if I go ahead.
Believe it or not, it often falls to us, the anesthesi-
ologists, to go out, sit down with the family, and spell
Patient care out the entire picture. When I went out and talked
Residents must be able to provide patient care that is with the patients family, I asked what they pictured us
compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat- doing, and they all agreed that he was far too sick to
ment of health problems and the promotion of health. be subjected to some monstrous cure. Better to let him
be. (After the burn case discussed in Case 10, youre
Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring going to think Im some sort of angel of death, stalk-
and respectful behaviors when interacting with ing the hallways of the hospitals with my scythe and
patients and their families. robe!)

OK, so maybe saying what the hell are we doing Use information technology to support patient
this for was not, precisely, caring and respectful, but it care decisions and patient education.
sure was effective! The main thing here was to take a
step back and look at the whole picture, not just this A complete review of the computed tomography
one procedure. scans confirmed that this guys entire mediastinum was
involved and that nothing was going to save the day
Gather essential and accurate information about here.
their patients.
Perform competently all medical and invasive
A review of the chart and a physical exam con- procedures considered essential for the area of
firmed everything I needed to know about this man. practice. 61
The severe degree of disability and advanced state of
Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

I could have done the anesthetic, taking into ac- Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from
count the considerations of mediastinal mass. But that scientific studies related to their patients health
was not the point; rather, the point was to decide whats problems.
best, not just dish up an anesthetic.
By all means, know about the implications of a
Provide health care services aimed at preventing mediastinal mass on the airways and vascular struc-
health problems or maintaining health. tures. The biggest concern is sedating, anesthetizing,
and giving muscle relaxants and ending up with the
Its a little late to tell the patient to stop smoking.
patient getting cardiorespiratory collapse from the
Work with health care professionals, including
those from other disciplines, to provide
Apply knowledge of study designs and statistical
patient-focused care.
methods to the appraisal of clinical studies and
I didnt have to slap the surgeon around to see my other information on diagnostic and therapeutic
point of view. I just had to threaten to slap him around effectiveness.
to get him to see my point.
Oy! Statistics again. Theres no avoiding it sort of
like death and taxes.
Medical knowledge
Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab- Professionalism
lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cognate Residents must demonstrate a commitment to carry-
(e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sciences ing out professional responsibilities, adherence to ethi-
and the application of this knowledge to patient care. cal principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient popu-
Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic
thinking approach to clinical situations. Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a
The biggest analysis that needed doing here was responsiveness to the needs of patients and society
seeing the forest for the trees. Dont think do anesthe- that supersedes self-interest; accountability to
sia for this one procedure; rather, think do whats best patients, society, and the profession; and a
for the patient given his overall situation. commitment to excellence and ongoing
professional development.

Practice-based learning To beat the same drum here, the best way to express
respect for this man is to spare him a useless procedure
and improvement that wont help him or alter his treatment anyway.
Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their
patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific Demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles
evidence, and improve their patient care practices. pertaining to provision or withholding of clinical
care, confidentiality of patient information,
Analyze practice experience and perform informed consent, and business practice.
practice-based improvement activities using a
systematic methodology. When I went out in the hall to talk with his fam-
ily, I made sure I followed HIPAA and commonsense
This is where being clinically and scientifically pre- guidelines. We went to a private room and discussed
cise can be very tough. Where, oh, where, in the world all this far from prying ears.
is there a well-controlled, large study that looked at this
exact situation an emaciated patient with advanced
everything, and you wonder whether you should pro-
Interpersonal and communication
ceed with a mediastinoscopy. This is where medicine skills
62 is more art than science, all due apologies to practice- Residents must be able to demonstrate interperson-
based learning and improvement. al and communication skills that result in effective
Case 11 What date would you like carved in stone?

information exchange and teaming with patients, their Systems-based practice

patients families, and professional associates.
Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and
Use effective listening skills and elicit and provide responsiveness to the larger context and system of
information using effective nonverbal, health care and the ability to effectively call on system
explanatory, questioning, and writing skills. resources to provide care that is of optimal value.

Most of the listening came in that private room, as Understand how their patient care and other
I dealt with the familys concerns. A major point is to professional practices affect other health care
let them have their say and not try to steer the conver- professionals, the health care organization, and
sation so much. the larger society and how these elements of the
system affect their own practice.
Work effectively with others as a member or
leader of a health care team or other professional The main thing in this case was think what well
group. do with this information. Thats what made me throw
up my hands and say, Enough! So we find out its
Of course, the surgeon got fussy, but what can this or that cancer. Are we going to treat it anyway?
you do? Theyre always mad. Maybe we should sneak If the answer is no, then dont do the case in the first
Prozac into their cornflakes? place.

Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

Additional reading the ICU facilitate end-of-life decision making. Am J

Hosp Palliat Care 2009.
1. Slinger P, Kursli C. Management of the patient with a
large anterior mediastinal mass: recurring myths. Curr 3. Pantilat S. Communicating with seriously ill
Opin Anaesthesiol 2007;20:13. patients: better words to say. JAMA 2009;301:
2. Marik PE, Callahan A, Paganelli G, Reville B, Parks
SM, Delgado EM. Multidisciplinary family meetings in

Part 1 Contributions from Stony Brook University under
Case Christopher J. Gallagher

12 Spasm, spasm, how do I treat thee?

Bronchospasm in a stage IV breast cancer patient
Bharathi Scott and Shiena Sharma

The case Gather essential and accurate information about

A 54-year-old black female presented with a lung nod- their patients.
ule of unknown origin for thoracosopy and partial
It is essential to recognize, acknowledge, and
resection of the right lower lobe. The patient had a his-
address anxiety preoperatively. This is the compassion
tory of breast cancer, reactive airway disease, and high
component of being a physician, as applied to anes-
anxiety. The patient was sedated in the holding room,
thesia, in particular. A reassuring smile or squeeze of
brought back to the operating room, and induced and
the hand can do wonders in alleviating preop jitters
intubated with a right-sided double lumen tube. The
and utilizes the one competency seldom taught in text-
patient subsequently went into bronchospasm, which
books: the power of human touch.
was ultimately broken by our superb efforts.
The patient was extubated on termination of the Make informed decisions about diagnostic and
case and was completely unaware of our quick and therapeutic interventions based on patient
stoic measures to battle the beast of anesthesia, the information and preferences, up-to-date scientific
spasm, a wild and unruly creature whose insidious evidence, and clinical judgment.
and sudden onset can throw off even the most expe-
rienced of the people under the drapes (OK, so we We spoke to the patient after careful review of
are behind the drapes, but this phrase reminded me of the chart and confirmed her history, allergies, and all
People under the Stairs . . . anyone see that movie?). the good stuff that goes into a thorough preoperative
evaluation. We identified that her history of reactive
airway disease had no relation to smoking and was
Patient care related to anxiety and weather. We decided that hav-
Residents must be able to provide patient care that ing an inhaler intraop would be a good idea, hence the
is compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the Proventil.
treatment of health problems and the promotion of
health. Develop and carry out patient management plans.

Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring The master plan was induction, intubation
and respectful behaviors when interacting with (smooth as butter, of course), ALine, surgical proce-
patients and their families. dure, extubation . . . lunch!

On arrival, Mrs. Z had high anxiety, but not the Use information technology to support patient
Oh, my God, am I gonna die? type. She was quiet care decisions and patient education.
and reserved a true picture of composure. However,
a careful, real look into those big, round eyes, and I General anesthesia was explained, followed by an
was reminded of Bambi facing a semi on Interstate 495. explanation of standard monitors and invasive moni-
We reassured her and her daughter and told them that tors.
we would take care of her to the best of our ability Perform competently all medical and invasive
and make her as comfortable as possible. I maintained procedures considered essential for the area of
good eye contact, answered the patients questions, and practice.
smiled . . . then versed incoming! 65
Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

Because this case involved isolating a lung for sur- During this time, it was quickly noted how diffi-
gical procedure, it was important to have read about cult it was to hand ventilate the patient. Peak airway
the surgical requirements of the procedure in the pressures were in the 50s, and auscultation of squeaky,
preop period. Effective placement of the double lumen high-pitched, distant breath sounds were appreciated.
tube, including confirmation of placement with a fiber-
optic scope, should be reviewed. Know and apply the basic and clinically
supportive sciences that are appropriate to their
Provide health care services aimed at preventing discipline.
health problems or maintaining health.
Rather than collapse in a heap of panic and frenzy
The patient took albuterol on the morning of the and radio every airway specialist overhead, a system-
procedure. atic and structured approach was utilized to identify
the problem. The fiber-optic scope was quickly placed
Work with health care professionals, including to determine if the tube was in an appropriate position,
those from other disciplines, to provide which it was. The patient was maintained on 100%
patient-focused care. oxygen, and sevoflurane was turned on to highest
Surgical considerations and requirements for this minimum alveolar concentration. Muscle relaxant
type of case are of utmost importance. One must be in was administered, corticosteroids were given intra-
sync with the ventilating and dropping of the surgically venously, and Proventil was administered via an endo-
marked lung per the surgeons request. tracheal tube.

Medical knowledge Professionalism

Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab- Residents must demonstrate a commitment to carry-
lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cognate ing out professional responsibilities, adherence to eth-
(e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sciences ical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient pop-
and the application of this knowledge to patient care. ulation.

Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a

thinking approach to clinical situations. responsiveness to the needs of patients and society
that supersedes self-interest; accountability to
When performing a one-lung ventilation case,
patients, society, and the profession; and a
one must anticipate complications and roadblocks to
commitment to excellence and ongoing
maintaining adequate ventilation. A physicians job is
professional development.
to consistently adapt and apply his or her fund of
knowledge to challenging situations and unforeseen Sometimes under the legality of medicine, we com-
complications in a timely manner. Hence all critical sit- promise our most basic instincts of nurturing. We fear
uations require touching our patients because it can be interpreted the
 investigation wrong way. In this case, I felt compassion that super-
 formulation of a hypothesis seded any legal guidelines involving physical contact
 correction of supposed underlying problems with patients that I had received in those mega (bor-
(aided by hours of training, journal clubs, QA, ing) all-resident conferences.
lectures, experience, and mistakes) Here was a lady who had been through a lot. She
 prevention of future occurrences was scared. I felt her fear. So I went with my instinct
and stroked her head and verbally consoled her to the
In our case, shortly after induction with the reg- best of my ability, as her tired eyelids closed slowly
ulars, a 35-mm left-sided double lumen tube was and the milky white snaked its way up her veins. My
placed on the first attempt. Anesthesias friends were all attending stood by me, one hand in the patients hand,
in attendance to confirm proper placement, including the other gently on her neck. It was an act of compas-
66 Mr. EtCO2 , Mrs. Equal B/L B.S, and, of course, Senor sion, and it was more than any textbook could ever
fiber optic. teach me.
Case 12 Spasm, spasm, how do I treat thee?

We all know that at times, anesthesia gets the

Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to
stigma of being impersonal and isolated in terms of
patients culture, age, gender, and disabilities.
establishing good patient relationships due to the mere
With the patient being a victim of breast cancer and fact that, hey, we put people to sleep for a living. How
radiation, my attending and I were very aware of the can we talk to them theyre asleep!
guarded nature of patients who have been in the health In this case, however, it was demonstrated that
care system. They are often weary of medical profes- effective communication has no time constraint and
sionals and, in general, approach procedures with a no indication for verbalization. Simply listening atten-
sense of impending doom. It is our job not only to treat tively and patiently to your patient can give you clues
medical ailments, but also to be sensitive of patients to deliver an above average standard of care.
fragility and fears.
Work effectively with others as a member or
leader of a health care team or other professional
Interpersonal and communication group.
The cardiothoracic (CT) surgeon approached me
Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal
and said, You know, I just wanted to thank you for
and communication skills that result in effective infor-
your care with that patient the other day. I saw her
mation exchange and teaming with patients, their
today, and she mentioned that the anesthesiologist was
patients families, and professional associates.
so kind and caring and appreciated the gentle stroking
Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically of her head as she fell asleep. Thank you for making it
sound relationship with patients. a pleasurable experience. Nice touch. Wow . . . yeah, I
was grinning ear to ear, no lie! But after all, we are a
My attending consistently reminded me that if I team!
treated all patients as my own family, I could never go Surgeons, anesthesiologists, nurses, techs we are
wrong good advice! the well-oiled machine that delivers optimal care.
Although a patient is considered to be CT-surgery or
Use effective listening skills and elicit and provide
an ortho patient, they are all our patients. This is all the
information using effective nonverbal,
more reason to work with our peers as one big unit,
explanatory, questioning, and writing skills.
rather than as a subdivision of specialties.

Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

Additional reading 2. Mayne IP, Bagaoisan C. Social support during

anesthesia induction in an adult surgical population.
1. Nadaud J, Landy C, Steiner T, Pernod G, Favier JC.
AORN J 2009;89:307310, 313315, 318320.
Helium-sevoflurane association: a rescue treatment in
case of acute severe asthma (in French). Ann Fr
Anesth Reanim 2009;28:8285.

Part 1 Contributions from Stony Brook University under
Case Christopher J. Gallagher

13 Why dont you join the HIT parade?

HIT in a cardiac surgery patient
Bharathi Scott and Jason Daras

The case on a clinical basis and is supported with the previously

mentioned tests and therapy.
A 70-year-old male is scheduled for coronary artery
bypass graft (CABG) on pump. He has the usual his-
Develop and carry out patient management plans.
tory of unstable angina, diabetes, and hypertension.
The cardiac catheterization report shows triple vessel Communicate the issues with all members of the
disease with normal left ventricular ejection fraction. surgical team. Choices of alternate method of antico-
You are thrilled that finally, you have a routine CABG agulation therapy are argatroban, bivalirudin, and lep-
this week. No big deal, been there and done that. Just irudin. Bivalirudin (Angiomax) is the most commonly
as you are walking down the floor to see the patient, used antithrombin agent in cardiac surgical patients.
the friendly cardiologist says, The patient has recently Dosing involves an initial loading dose (1 mg/kg) fol-
dropped his platelet count and we are waiting for the lowed by a maintenance infusion of 2.5 mg/kg/hour.
antibody test. I think the patient has HIT [heparin- Activated clotting times are monitored and the dosage
induced thrombocytopenia]. We stopped heparin yes- is adjusted accordingly. Dosage is reduced in patients
terday and started him on argatroban. What the . . . ? with renal insufficiency and failure. Argatroban is
more commonly used in patients undergoing percu-
taneous coronary intervention.
Patient care
Residents must be able to provide patient care that is Perform competently all medical and invasive
compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat- procedures considered essential for the area of
ment of health problems and the promotion of health. practice.
Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring Stick to the basics of bypass surgery! Secure
and respectful behaviors when interacting with your airway, invasive monitors, and, if needed, trans-
patients and their families. esophageal echocardiography (TEE). Be sure to min-
imize traumatic tube and line placement the less of
The anesthesia team must be able to communicate the red stuff, the better. Appropriate blood and blood
the special issues involved in the anticoagulation man- products should be readily available.
agement with the patient, surgeon, and other members
of the operating room (OR) team, especially the perfu- Work with health care professionals, including
sionists. those from other disciplines, to provide
patient-focused care.
Gather essential and accurate information about
their patients. Whether it is in or out of the OR, health care
professionals must understand that they are working
The anesthesia team should make sure the appro- toward the same goal. All health care providers must
priate steps are taken to provide alternative anticoag- be included.
ulation for surgery. This includes special attention to
platelet count and response to cessation of heparin.
Check the platelet factor 4 antibodies in vitro to Medical knowledge
confirm the diagnosis of HIT (type II). In addition, it is Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab- 69
important to recognize that diagnosis of HIT is made lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cognate
Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

(e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sciences Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a
and the application of this knowledge to patient care. responsiveness to the needs of patients and society
that supersedes self-interest; accountability to
Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic
patients, society, and the profession; and a
thinking approach to clinical situations.
commitment to excellence and ongoing
When you find yourself staring down the belly of professional development.
HIT, you must think of a differential for the drop in
So this patient with this possibly devastating con-
platelets before confirming the HIT diagnosis. Could
dition is thrown your way. No sweat . . . or at least, never
this patient have leukemia? Could he or she have been
let them see you sweat. True to life, if you break down
exposed to a virus or some other drug that may have
and start screaming at others in the OR, they will
caused this?
start screaming back; the patient, if awake, will start to
What does this mean for your intraop manage-
panic, and then you will start to panic can you see
ment? Alternate anticoagulation and excessive bleed-
a vicious circle? Think about your own attendings
ing that may lead to the use of blood and blood
who are the most composed, professional, and level-
products? Managing the hemodynamic response to
headed? Ill bet you the best anesthesiologists are the
hypovolemia versus the hemodynamic response to a
ones who can calm down a thoracic surgeon who just
failing heart TEE would show all in this case! Get it
dissected an aorta. These are the anesthesiologists who
out and start imaging the heart.
command the most respect and communicate best in
the OR. So if a patient with HIT comes into your OR,
Practice-based learning be prepared and make sure the patient and surgeon are
and improvement prepared for what potential disasters may develop.
Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their
Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to
patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific
patients culture, age, gender, and disabilities.
evidence, and improve their patient care practices.
Always remember, you have a life to take care
Analyze practice experience and perform
of, which is a unique position for a person to be in.
practice-based improvement activities using a
Patients are all different. Some may have more edu-
systematic methodology.
cation and may understand a condition and its conse-
It is important to learn from your own practice quences better than others. They may have the means
of these cases or your colleagues cases and discuss to research their own medical problems. In a condition
the improvements that could be made. Asking ques- so unique as HIT, some patients may need more expla-
tions and following up literature is an important way nation. Culture can play a huge roll, especially when
to improve your practice-based learning. a Jehovahs Witness appears with the declaration that
you may not use blood products your hands are com-
Assimilating evidence from your own practice pletely tied, right? Well, maybe to some degree, but
with the literature. there is always autologous blood salvage or transfu-
sions. Assure the patient that you will do your best with
Ultimately, this is a very hard task, and one that
the given restrictions, instead of getting upset with the
separates the experts from the amateurs. Can you look
situation or the patient. There is a very important psy-
at studies on HIT and, from those studies, create a bet-
chosocial aspect to every case you deal with as a physi-
ter method of facilitating diagnosis and/or treatment?
cian, so you may as well embrace it.
It is hard to find a double blind, randomized study on
such a not-so-common reaction to heparin.
Interpersonal and communication
Professionalism skills
Residents must demonstrate a commitment to car- Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal
rying out professional responsibilities, adherence to and communication skills that result in effective infor-
70 ethical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient mation exchange and teaming with patients, their
population. patients families, and professional associates.
Case 13 Why dont you join the HIT parade?

Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically Understand how their patient care and other
sound relationship with patients. professional practices affect other health care
professionals, the health care organization, and
Many might say that of all physicians, anesthesiol- the larger society and how these elements of the
ogists have more of a problem forming relationships system affect their own practice.
with patients because the majority of our interaction is
under anesthesia. However, through our preoperative We must all understand our role in the health care
visit bedside and postoperative visit, we can communi- system and our limitations. Sometimes we go above
cate all our concerns, and the patients can communi- and beyond what we may have to do to save a patients
cate theirs. Devising a plan and allowing the patient to life. In the process of treating HIT in a patient under-
be educated about his or her medical issue will ensure going CABG, we act as the cardiologist, hematologist,
less anxiety pre- and postop. and anesthesiologist, all the while keeping in mind our
own limitations and asking for assistance, if needed.
Work effectively with others as a member or
leader of a health care team or other professional Practice cost-effective health care and resource
group. allocation that does not compromise quality of
A very important aspect is communication of all care.
staff, especially when dealing with a patient who has
The key here is the fact that practicing cost-effective
a unique medical condition. Many people working on
medicine should not compromise patient care. How
the case may not know the extent or ramifications of
in HIT can we practice cost-effective medicine? Well,
the illness. Perhaps you may not be comfortable deal-
we can take into account that these patients bleed
ing with this patient it happens. Dont be a cowboy;
more intraop, and patients will be receiving vari-
read and communicate. Dont be afraid to talk to the
ous blood products. Keeping a mindful watch on the
surgeons because we are all in this together.
amount of product you are using, placing packed red
blood cells in the refrigerator that are not being used,
Systems-based practice and keeping good communication between the blood
Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and bank and OR will contribute toward this. Other cost-
responsiveness to the larger context and system of effective methods during your anesthetic manage-
health care and the ability to effectively call on system ment can go a long way, so stop cranking up those O2
resources to provide care that is of optimal value. flows!

Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

Additional reading
1. Warkentin TE, Greinacher A. Heparin induced
thrombocytopenia: recognition, treatment and
prevention. Chest 2004;126:311S337S.

Part 1 Contributions from Stony Brook University under
Case Christopher J. Gallagher

14 Bad lungs in the ICU

Shaji Poovathor and Rany Makaryus

The case Gather essential and accurate information about

A full-term, 24-year-old, pregnant African American their patients.
woman was rushed to the operating room (OR) for
emergency cesarean section secondary to fetal distress. Look at the patient. Examine her. Look at the mon-
Post cesarean section, she started to bleed profusely itor. How bad is her lung (remember the pink, frothy
in the abdomen. She was taken back to the OR and stuff from her ET tube?)? How high is the airway pres-
ended up having a hysterectomy under general anes- sure? Order appropriate labs.
thesia. However, she uncontrollably lost around 1.5 L
Make informed decisions about diagnostic and
of blood. She received 10 units of packed red blood
therapeutic interventions based on patient
cells, 10 units of fresh frozen plasmas, 2 units of cry-
information and preferences, up-to-date scientific
oprecipitate, and multiple boluses of crystalloids. She
evidence, and clinical judgment.
was left intubated and was admitted to the surgical
intensive care unit (SICU). While she was connected to Can this patient develop disseminated intravascu-
the ventilator, the respiratory therapist noted a copious lar coagulation? Can this patient develop transfusion-
amount of pink, frothy fluid in her endotracheal (ET) related lung injury (TRALI)? Can she develop acute
tube. respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)? Can she
develop pulmonary embolism (PE)? Can she develop
sepsis? The answer is yes, she could develop any one
Patient care of these. Again, clinical judgment warrants looking for
Residents must be able to provide patient care that is these and acting on them.
compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat-
ment of health problems and the promotion of health. Develop and carry out patient management plans.

Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring Supportive measures for the lung are important.
and respectful behaviors when interacting with Remember the ARDS net trial: low tidal volume, low
patients and their families. airway pressure to avoid blowing off her lung, and
chest X-ray every day to evaluate her lung condition.
After initially attending to the patient and making An echocardiogram (EKG) to reveal her heart sta-
sure that the patient is stable enough (how stable is tus is needed. What if the EKG had shown a right ven-
enough is a clinical judgment; if the patient is not sta- tricular dilation (which this patient had)?
ble enough, the family members still need to under- Does she need any prophylactic antibiotics?
stand the unfortunate outcome), the resident needs to Evidence-based study shows no primary role for
communicate effectively with the primary service who antibiotics in terms of prophylaxis, unless and until
operated on her. Make sure that the family members there is solid evidence of wrong bugs in the wrong
and next of kin are fully aware. It is the joint responsi- place at the wrong time.
bility of the primary service and the SICU to keep the Administer proper sedation and pain killers so
family members updated. What can we do? What are that she doesnt yank off her tube. Also give vaso-
the unfortunate outcomes? Could there be any other pressors, if needed, to support hemodynamics, and get
alternative? Does the patient have a living will? labs to ensure that she is not bleeding, not going into, 73
Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

and not going into kidney failure and to check lytes and Work in close association with the primary service,
repleting lytes, as needed, arterial blood gases, and so cardiologist (if one was involved for the EKG evalu-
on. ation), SICU nursing staff, patient relation team (for
closer relationships with the next of kin and family
Counsel and educate patients and their families. members), and organ donation task force (now may be
Now it is time to jump in and evaluate the overall the time to think of a living will, organ donation, etc.).
situation. What if things dont work? Think about the
living will. Should we involve the organ donation task Medical knowledge
force? Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab-
lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cognate
Use information technology to support patient (e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sciences
care decisions and patient education. and the application of this knowledge to patient care.
Again, look at chest X-rays, labs, ventilator param-
Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic
eters, spirometry, neurological examinations, abdom-
thinking approach to clinical situations.
inal examinations, and so on. If an EKG has shown
a right ventricular dilation, what are you thinking? Several situations arise in this particular patient:
Could this be an extra strain on the heart from a PE? 1. Multiple blood products think of
How is the patients hemodynamics? Does she have an transfusion-related lung injury versus adult
alveolar arterial O2 gradient? (Look at the ABG and respiratory distress versus acute lung injury. Look
the FiO2 . Does she need an increasing O2 requirement for those bilateral, fluffy, homogenous chest
to keep that PaO2 up?) Should we order a computed X-rays and increasing FiO2 requirements.
tomography (CT) angiogram? 2. A right ventricular strain on EKG (evidence of
If your instinct says maybe, then dont waste time right ventricular dilation) may prompt you to
considering her hemodynamics and other clinical think of a PE in combination with severe
judgments. Go for it. If PE is positive, we need to find hemodynamic fluctuations (vasopressor-
out if anticoagulation using heparin is called for, after dependent).
appropriately discussing this with the primary service.
3. With an increasing temperature and white blood
Perform competently all medical and invasive cells think of sepsis. Order and look for the blood
procedures considered essential for the area of culture results.
practice. 4. Rising creatinine and abnormal lytes will prompt
you toward ongoing kidney damage.
Make sure that the patient has a central line for 5. Avoid the stress gastric ulcer. Have proton pump
access and central venous pressure monitoring and inhibitors going.
an arterial line for continuous beat-to-beat analysis of 6. Oozing from IV sites, hematuria, bloody sputum
blood pressure and frequent ABGs. think of DIC? Look for the platelets and
Provide health care services aimed at preventing
health problems or maintaining health. Know and apply the basic and clinically
supportive sciences that are appropriate to their
Priorities are supportive ventilatory management
using extremely low tidal volumes, as per the ARDS net
trial, to prevent severe barotrauma. Also important are Make sure you understand all the physiology that
early diagnosis of PE to prevent catastrophes, and labs, applies to these complex cases: lung parenchymal dam-
including blood cultures, to discover the hiding bugs, age from blood transfusion, physiology of plateau
if any, and to treat them appropriately with antibiotics. pressure, pathophysiology of ARDS, PE causes and
consequences, response of the body to PE and ARDS/
Work with health care professionals, including TRALI. Following is the sequence:
those from other disciplines, to provide
74 patient-focused care. 1. massive blood loss
2. massive transfusion
Case 14 Bad lungs in the ICU

3. hit to the lungs: TRALI

Obtain and use information about their own
4. hit to the legs or circulatory system, causing population of patients and the larger population
thrombus-embolic phenomena from which their patients are drawn.
5. difficulty with oxygenation and ventilation
6. bad, bad, bad lungs! A study of posttransfusion patients who develop
acute pulmonary edema would be beneficial, but of
even more benefit would be a study that looked at the
Practice-based learning prevention of TRALI in multiparous women.
and improvement
Apply knowledge of study designs and statistical
Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their
methods to the appraisal of clinical studies and
patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific
other information on diagnostic and therapeutic
evidence, and improve their patient care practices.
Analyze practice experience and perform Here are some of the highlights of which we need
practice-based improvement activities using a to be aware:
systematic methodology. 1. early use of the gold standard CT angiogram to
Again, all is not lost as far as this Core Clini- diagnose PE in high-risk cases or in cases with a
cal Competency is concerned! The hospital, obstetric- high index of suspicion
gynecological (OB-GYN) service, anesthesiology, and 2. the ARDS net trial study with low plateau pressure
the critical care service team should all have contin- and low tidal volume, minimizing lung damage
uous quality improvement committees. As previously 3. literature on deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis:
mentioned, difficult cases, complications, deaths all heparin versus fractionated heparin
these things demand a systematic analysis afterward.
Were there any other alternatives to doing this case Use information technology to manage
in the OR or any other alternatives in managing this information, access online medical information,
case in the ICU? Should the patient never have been and support their own education.
allowed a sedation vacation as she had bad lungs hit
with transfusion, ARDS, and PE? Were we late in diag- In this case, it is very simply a matter of know-
nosing the PE? Did we use the concept of permissive ing how to find information about this topic. Entering
hypercapnia and hypoxemia? a PubMed search with institutionalized full-text links
is very useful in finding the most up-to-date infor-
Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from mation. This would include searching for TRALI
scientific studies related to their patients health and TACO and combining these terms with mul-
problems. tiparous or postpartum. Combining these search
terms would improve the relevancy of the results to the
This is when we need to turn to the collective expe- patient at hand.
riences of others who have taken care of patients with
this reaction. Anesthesia and medicine are ever chang- Professionalism
ing and expanding fields; as continuous adult learn- Residents must demonstrate a commitment to carry-
ers, and for the benefit of our patients, we need to ing out professional responsibilities, adherence to eth-
keep abreast of the current literature. It would be pru- ical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient pop-
dent for the team members of this patients care team ulation.
to look up the most recent literature on TRALI and
transfusion-associated circulatory overload (TACO): Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a
responsiveness to the needs of patients and society
1. Whats better a continuous positive airway
that supersedes self-interest; accountability to
pressure (CPAP) machine, or no CPAP?
patients, society, and the profession; and a
2. Should the patient be placed on an oscillator? commitment to excellence and ongoing
3. What monitoring devices have been proven to be professional development. 75
best in this situation?
Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

This is demonstrated by the teams dedication to As an ICU physician, your job is to get the infor-
the care of this patient during this difficult acute mation you need with a complete accounting of what
situation and continuing to provide the best possible happened in the OR, presurgical comorbidities, and a
care. Using background medical knowledge, building directed history and physical.
on this with a review of the current literature, and Your critical care note will demonstrate your writ-
applying this to the patient show ongoing professional ing skills. Examination of the patient will demonstrate
development. your nonverbal finding skills. History taking from the
patients family members will demonstrate your ques-
Demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles tioning skills.
pertaining to provision or withholding of clinical
care, confidentiality of patient information, Work effectively with others as a member or
informed consent, and business practice. leader of a health care team or other professional
In these situations, we have to be very careful
to keep the patients wishes in mind. Many times, This involves the following:
advanced directives may restrict care that we may be  Notify the family of the seriousness of the issue.
able to give as anesthesiologists. We may sometimes  Notify risk management.
want to do more for the patient, but such directives  Study the living will and discuss it with family
may limit care; at other times, it is the opposite. The members.
key factor is that the treatments we provide must be  Involve the organ donation task force.
consistent with what the patients wishes are or would  Notify the pastor.
have been. Saying that is the easy part, but figuring it  Work in close association with nursing staff and
out is where it gets a little tough!
the OB-GYN service.
Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to pa- All should join in the process with appropriate coordi-
tients culture, age, gender, and disabilities. nation and cooperation.
In a nutshell, show respect and compassion to the Systems-based practice
patient and family members irrespective of age, reli-
Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and
gion, culture, gender, or race.
responsiveness to the larger context and system of
health care and the ability to effectively call on system
Interpersonal and communication resources to provide care that is of optimal value.
skills Understand how their patient care and other
Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal professional practices affect other health care
and communication skills that result in effective infor- professionals, the health care organization, and
mation exchange and teaming with patients, their the larger society and how these elements of the
patients families, and professional associates. system affect their own practice.

Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically This patient has suffered a life-ending hemor-
sound relationship with patients. rhage, but this could be useful for the general public.
Involvement of the organ donation task force early on
Wash your hands before you go in to examine the will help. We have to take the best possible care of this
patient and after examining the patient. Of course, patient to ensure that her organs are best preserved.
look professional and give the patients family your Maintain hemodynamics and avoid barotrauma/
dynamic attention. (Dont be texting while youre talk- volutrauma to the lungs and heparinization to avoid
ing with them, for example.) further embolic phenomena and further damage.
Use effective listening skills and elicit and provide Practice cost-effective health care and resource
information using effective nonverbal, allocation that does not compromise quality of
76 explanatory, questioning, and writing skills. care.
Case 14 Bad lungs in the ICU

The primary concern here is to avoid further dam- wrestling with the consequences of the operation. Your
age to the other organs as the lungs are already bad and advocacy for quality patient care will manifest as you
crunched. Be aware of the hospitals policy on notify- continue to take good care of all physiologic variables
ing the organ procurement team, how much lead time (which can be tough, as the brain-dead patient can
they need (including, of course, the all-important dis- develop all kinds of instability).
cussion with family), and also their protocol. Remem- Your assistance with the family will be required:
ber that the other organs could be jeopardized as the 1. Get everyone in a private room.
lungs are already bad. Also keep in mind that care- 2. As usual, turn your beeper and cell phone off; this
ful and professional discussion is warranted as the idea is no time for interruptions.
of organ donation for the immediate family members 3. Allow time for family members to vent their
could be extremely painful. emotions.
Again, responsible care of the patient at this point 4. Repeat information as necessary.
mandates standard cost-effective maneuvers. Main-
tain low nitric oxide ppm (remember that NO is very
expensive); avoid frequent and unnecessary labs; and Know how to partner with health care managers
to the best of your ability, shift gears to the least expen- and health care providers to assess, coordinate,
sive regimen, while always maintaining the optimal and improve health care and know how these
physiologic environment for the patients physiologic activities can affect system performance.
Advocate for quality patient care and assist Make sure that you keep in touch with hospi-
patients in dealing with system complexities. tal administration. The whole team in the SICU and
OR should maintain that link with the team outside
The main group of people dealing with system the OR and ICU that was involved in this patients
complexities at this point are the family members, care.

Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

Additional reading 4. Petersen B, Deja M, Bartholdy R, et al. Inhalation of

the ETA receptor antagonist LU-135252 selectively
1. Terragni PP, Rosboch G, Tealdi A, et al. Tidal
attenuates hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction. Am J
hyperinflation during low tidal volume ventilation in
Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol
acute respiratory distress syndrome. Am J Respir Crit
Care Med 2007;175:160166.
5. Bloch KD, Ichinose F, Roberts JD Jr, Zapol WM.
2. Parsons PE, Eisner MD, Thompson BT, et al. Lower
Inhaled NO as a therapeutic agent. Cardiovasc Res
tidal volume ventilation and plasma cytokine markers
of inflammation in patients with acute lung injury.
Crit Care Med 2005;33:16. 6. Pelage J-P, Le Dref O, Jacob D, Soyer P, Herbreteau D,
Rymer R. Selective arterial embolization of the
2. Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Network.
uterine arteries in the management of intractable
Ventilation with lower tidal volumes as compared with
post-partum hemorrhage. Obstet Gynecol Surv
traditional tidal volumes for acute lung injury and the
acute respiratory distress syndrome. N Engl J Med

Part 1 Contributions from Stony Brook University under
Case Christopher J. Gallagher

15 A simple breast biopsy

Neera Tewari and Ramtin Cohanim

The case The patient refused to take PO Bicitra. After 2

mg of IV midazolam, the patient is calm, and you
A 61-year-old woman is scheduled for a breast biopsy.
think, This wasnt that bad. In the OR, the rapid
Her past medical history includes mental retardation
sequence IV induction and intubation [1] are smooth,
and gastroesophageal reflux disease. She lives in a
and the surgery is completed without complications.
home because she is unable to care for herself. She is
The patient is given postoperative nausea/vomiting
nonverbal. Her sister understands her nonverbal cues
prophylaxis and a propofol infusion was maintained
and is able to communicate with her and calm her.
intraoperatively to decrease the amount of volatile
It is 7:00 a.m. on Monday, and its nice to be back
agents used. The patient is extubated, comfortable, and
at work after a relaxing weekend. Youve had your first
taken to recovery. Her sister soon joins her to keep her
cup of coffee, the drugs are drawn up, the machine is
calm as the anesthetic wears off.
checked, the operating room (OR) is almost ready to
go and the nurses tell you that they need 15 more
minutes to set up and see the patient. You go out to Patient care
holding to meet your first patient. As you draw the cur- Residents must be able to provide patient care that is
tain, a middle-aged woman is sitting in the stretcher, compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat-
in street clothes, straddling and hugging your patient ment of health problems and the promotion of health.
while humming in her ear. The patient is wearing
a hospital gown, a hair cap, and thick mismatching Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring
socks. She sees you and shrieks (loudly!). The woman and respectful behaviors when interacting with
in street clothes motions to you to close the curtains. patients and their families.
You do as asked, and the humming just gets louder,
and now they are rocking in unison, until the patient In this case, it is very important to discuss the
is again in a calm trance. details of the anesthetic with the patients sister. You
The patient has no known allergies, has a history must also understand how the patient and her sister
of nausea and vomiting from prior general anesthet- communicate with each other and how you can make
ics, weighs about 68 kg, and has poor dentition and it as comfortable of an experience for both the patient
a MP class I airway (you couldnt help but notice as and the family as possible. Including the family in the
she shrieked on your arrival). You explain to the sis- discussion actually helped our anesthetic plan. The sis-
ter that you need to obtain intravenous (IV) access ter was able to comfort and distract the patient while
to anesthetize the patient. After a lengthy discussion the IV was inserted. Without this smooth IV insertion,
considering PO (per oris) sedation, IM (intramuscu- the start of the case could have been quite involved. The
lar) darts, EMLA (eutectic mixture of local anesthetic), patient refused PO Bicitra, so attempting PO sedation
mask induction, and IV induction, the sister explains [2] would have been difficult. A mask induction or an
that the patient will allow you to start an IV if you IM injection are possible but would be hard to do in a
do it in the holding area, while she is present and noncompliant, anxious, combative patient. Remember
the curtains are drawn. She explains that the patient how she reacted when you drew the curtains in hold-
has had several successful blood draws. Remember- ing. It is obvious that the sister is really in tune with
ing your rather loud welcome, you quickly locate your the patient and is able to manage her well. It is to our
resident, present the patient, and observe while she advantage and the patients benefit to incorporate the 79
smoothly obtains IV access. Excellent! family in her care.
Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

You will want to look at prior electrocardiograms

Gather essential and accurate information about
and chest X-rays.
their patients.
Perform competently all medical and invasive
Again, more of what was said earlier. In this case,
procedures considered essential for the area of
it is important to obtain all the information possi-
ble from the family because we cannot communicate
with the patient. She has gastroesophageal reflux dis- All procedures starting IVs, intubating, main-
ease (GERD), mental retardation, and a prior history taining the anesthetic, and waking up the patient
of nausea and vomiting (NV) after general anesthesia. must be done according to standards of care.

Make informed decisions about diagnostic and Provide health care services aimed at preventing
therapeutic interventions based on patient health problems or maintaining health.
information and preferences, up-to-date scientific The patient can be given a nonparticulate antacid
evidence, and clinical judgment. to prevent aspiration pneumonia. To prevent infection,
We need to devise an acceptable plan for the care you must make sure that antibiotics are given 1 hour
of this patient. She has a history of GERD and is non- prior to incision.
verbal is she a candidate for IV sedation? IV seda-
Work with health care professionals, including
tion could be a difficult option as she will not be able to
those from other disciplines, to provide
express pain or discomfort; likewise, it can be frighten-
patient-focused care.
ing to lie under surgical drapes, and she may become
uninhibited or combative under a propofol infusion. You must discuss your plan with the surgeon and
With her history, it may be best to proceed with gen- all OR personnel. This patient may be calm at the start
eral anesthesia. There are several methods of induc- of the case (thanks to some IV midazolam), but the
tion (IV, IM, mask) which one is best for her? Is a wake-up may be a different story. Everyone must be on
mask induction safe with her history of GERD? A thor- board to have a quiet and calm OR when the patient is
ough discussion with the family and an understating waking up. Manpower should be available if she wakes
of the patients history allows you to make informed up thrashing and combative.
decisions about the care of this patient. As discussed
earlier, IV induction looks like our best option. Medical knowledge
Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab-
Develop and carry out patient management plans.
lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cognate
Once a sound anesthetic plan is devised and agree- (e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sciences
able to all, you must proceed as discussed and always and the application of this knowledge to patient care.
be prepared for emergencies.
Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic
thinking approach to clinical situations.
Counsel and educate patients and their families.
When you first examine the patient and obtain her
In our case, the patient may not understand much history, you realize that good old propofol, succinyl-
of what is going on, based on her history. It is our choline, tube may not work here. This clinical sce-
responsibility to educate the family with an open dis- nario demands that you tailor your anesthetic plan.
cussion about the risks and benefits of our plans and Can you do this with some IV sedation, even though
what will happen in the perioperative period. The the patient has GERD and is nonverbal? If not, how
patient has a unique medical history that poses certain will you proceed with general anesthesia? How can you
challenges to her care, and the family must understand avoid PONV (postoperative nausea and vomiting)?
this [3].
Know and apply the basic and clinically
Use information technology to support patient supportive sciences that are appropriate to their
80 care decisions and patient education. discipline.
Case 15 A simple breast biopsy

The past medical history includes GERD you This patient is a 61-year-old woman with a history
must know how to do a rapid sequence induction. You of mental retardation. You must be sensitive to her dis-
must also know how to proceed with the different types abilities. It is inappropriate to make fun of her condi-
of induction. What are the drugs and doses for an IM tion! Be respectful.
injection? Can you proceed with a mask induction in
a patient with GERD [1]? Interpersonal and communication
Professionalism Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal
Residents must demonstrate a commitment to carry- and communication skills that result in effective infor-
ing out professional responsibilities, adherence to eth- mation exchange and teaming with patients, their
ical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient pop- patients families, and professional associates.
Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically
sound relationship with patients.
Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a
responsiveness to the needs of patients and society In this case, you have a double challenge: you must
that supersedes self-interest; accountability to gain the trust of the patient and her sister. With her
patients, society, and the profession; and a sister, you can communicate verbally and develop a
commitment to excellence and ongoing relationship, but it is equally important to try to gain
professional development. the trust of the patient with your nonverbal language.
Include her in the discussion as much as possible
Did you come in on time this morning? Did you set (dont ignore her). If her sister is able to communicate
up the room appropriately? Did you get a good night with her, ask for tips they may be helpful in the OR!
of rest? Did you show compassion to the patient and
family, even if she did greet you with a deafening shriek Use effective listening skills and elicit and provide
when you first met her? This is not the time to turn information using effective nonverbal,
around and run, but rather, to be calm and respectful. explanatory, questioning, and writing skills.
Your patient is here for an important (maybe even life- Again, listen carefully to what the family tells you.
saving) procedure, and you must give her the best care In our case, that is the only option we will have. Make
you can. appropriate eye contact when talking to the patient and
the family. Be aware of your body language. Answer all
Demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles questions appropriately and in simple, lay terms. Defer
pertaining to provision or withholding of clinical surgical questions to the surgeon if you are not sure of
care, confidentiality of patient information, their answers it is best not to guess. If you dont know
informed consent, and business practice. an answer, be honest and ask your attending.

When you are interviewing in the holding area, Work effectively with others as a member or
review the consent with the sister, confirm the site of leader of a health care team or other professional
surgery, and observe all HIPAA rules. It is inappropri- group.
ate to reveal confidential information and discuss the Discuss the plan with the OR team. If the OR is
details of the case while riding the elevator! delayed, discuss this with the holding area. Postoper-
atively, discuss the patients needs with the recovery
Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to
room staff and make yourself available for problems or
patients culture, age, gender, and disabilities.

Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

Additional reading 3. Butler M, Hayes B, Hathaway M, Begleiter M. Specific

genetic disease at risk for sedation/anesthesia
1. Ng A, Smith G. Gastroesophageal reflux and aspiration
complications. Anesth Analg 2000;91:837855.
of gastric contents in anesthetic practice. Anesth Analg
2. Petros AJ. Oral ketamine: its use for mentally retarded
adults requiring day care dental treatment.
Anesthesiology 1991;46:646647.

Part 1 Contributions from Stony Brook University under
Case Christopher J. Gallagher

16 Fast-track perioperative management of

patients having a laparoscopic colectomy
for colon cancer
Brian Durkin and Sofie Hussain
The case thoroughly addressed. In so doing, patients and their
families are integral members of the decision-making
Your institution is interested in getting on board the
team and, as such, have reported increased satisfac-
fast-track surgery train that has been traveling across
tion with their perioperative care. Ideally, the impor-
the civilized world, as surgeons and engineers create
tance of epidural anesthesia for colorectal surgery will
increasingly innovative ways to take things out of peo-
be conveyed to the patients by a representative from
ple without them knowing about it. Operations that
each interdisciplinary department (i.e., surgery, anes-
used to leave incisions measured in feet are now being
thesia, nursing), and literature further explaining the
measured in millimeters, and the resulting postopera-
risks and benefits of the procedure can be distributed.
tive morbidity is shrinking, along with the reimburse-
You are in charge of your hospitals acute pain ser- Medical knowledge
vice and are responsible for placing and managing all Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab-
the epidurals used to control postoperative pain. The lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cog-
new colorectal surgeon would like you to help take care nate (e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sci-
of his patients and get them out of the hospital sooner. ences and the application of this knowledge to patient
He says that where hes from in Europe, there is this guy care.
named Dr. Kehlet, and hes always talking about multi-
modal analgesia and fast-track protocols. You see, the Know and apply the basic and clinically
longer you stay in the hospital, the more bad things supportive sciences that are appropriate to their
can happen to you. How are you going to help get this discipline.
project on track and be successful?
Be able to understand and articulate the risks and
benefits of epidural anesthesia. Furthermore, specific
Patient care to this case, the resident should be able to discuss
Residents must be able to provide patient care that is the pathophysiology of the postoperative patient. For
compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat- example, to support the use of neuraxial blockade in
ment of health problems and the promotion of health. this setting, one must know the relationship between
opiates and paralytic ileus and length of hospital stay.
Counsel and educate patients and their families.
Additionally, fluid management must be understood
When seen preoperatively, the patient as well as and applied, multimodal analgesia must be appre-
his or her family should be counseled on the risks ciated, and preoperative predictors of postoperative
and benefits of epidural anesthesia, particularly as it morbidity must be identified and addressed.
pertains to colorectal surgery. One could explain, for
example, that although there is a risk of a postdu- Practice-based learning
ral puncture headache, it is far less than the chance
for postoperative incisional pain, which would com- and improvement
promise early ambulation, which has its own conse- Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their
quences. If patients are taking blood thinners, the risks patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific
and benefits of stopping these medications need to be evidence, and improve their patient care practices. 83
Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from refuses, for example, the resident must not show dis-
scientific studies related to their patients health appointment or judgment.
Be up to date with the recent literature regard- Interpersonal and communication
ing specific cases. Pertinent to this case are many skills
recent articles exploring the morbidity and mortality
Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal
of patients undergoing so-called traditional colorec-
and communication skills that result in effective infor-
tal surgery as compared to those undergoing fast-track
mation exchange and teaming with patients, their
colorectal surgery. It is important that the resident be
patients families, and professional associates.
familiar with these studies and guidelines as well as
those specifically targeting epidural analgesia and mul- Use effective listening skills and elicit and provide
timodal anesthesia. If the resident is unaware of cur- information using effective nonverbal,
rent literature, he or she must have the tools to access explanatory, questioning, and writing skills.
online journals and other sources of current literature.
Spend some time with the patient and his or her
family, discussing treatment options. For instance,
Professionalism when addressing the issue of postoperative pain and
Residents must demonstrate a commitment to carry- the role of epidural anesthesia, it may help to have a
ing out professional responsibilities, adherence to eth- surgical colleague present to further the conversation.
ical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient pop- In so doing, the patient and family are met with a cohe-
ulation. sive medical team. It may also behoove one to dis-
Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a cuss the likelihood of a shorter hospital course with
responsiveness to the needs of patients and society a fast-track approach. This could help the patient to
that supersedes self-interest; accountability to consider economic factors as well as allow the res-
patients, society, and the profession; and a ident to consider cost-effective health care (without
commitment to excellence and ongoing any foreseeable detriment to the patient). Reassurance
professional development. is also of utmost importance with respect to patient
satisfaction, so be certain to listen to the patient and
Despite whatever the resident may feel is the best provide contact information should further questions
course of action for anesthetic care, if the patient arise.

Case 16 Fast-track perioperative management of patients having a laparoscopic colectomy for colon cancer

Additional reading 2. Ender J, Borger M, Scholz M, et al. Cardiac surgery

fast-track treatment in a postanesthetic care unit:
1. Chase D, Lopez S, Nguyen C, et al. A clinical pathway
six-month results of the Leipzig fast-track concept.
for postoperative management and early patient
Anesthesiology 2008;109:6166.
discharge: does it work in gynecologic surgery. Am J
Ob Gyn 2008;199:541.

Part 1 Contributions from Stony Brook University under
Case Christopher J. Gallagher

17 Treatment of complex regional pain

syndrome when the payer doesnt know
anything about what you are treating
Marco Palmieri and Brian Durkin
The case growing inpatient with her, so its important that you
talk to her and validate her concerns. Assure her that
Your patient is a 23-year-old woman who suffered a
you will not just brush off her symptoms as her being
severe right ankle sprain while exercising her clients
overly dramatic.
dog in the park. She stepped on a rock, twisted her
ankle, and ended up in the emergency room, where
Gather essential and accurate information about
X-rays showed no fracture just soft tissue swelling.
their patients.
This happened 6 months ago, and finally, she is sent to
your pain clinic for evaluation of possible reflex sym- Luckily for your and the patients sanity, all the lab
pathetic dystrophy (now called complex regional pain work and radiology exams were done at your institu-
syndrome) and medication management. Because this tion and are on the new computer system. You are able
was an on-the-job injury, workers compensation will to review the plain films, computed tomography scan,
be paying her medical bills. She lets you know that her magnetic resonance image, and three-phase bone scan
job doesnt provide insurance because she is only part- done recently as part of the workup completed by the
time. This is one of three part-time jobs that she works previous physicians who were caring for her. No one
while trying to get into graduate school. has been able to pinpoint a diagnosis, and all the exams
Your evaluation leads you to believe that she has were essentially normal.
complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) type I she
has allodynia, excessive nail and hair growth, swelling, Develop and carry out patient management plans.
and color changes, and she is very depressed about the
whole thing. She tells you that the hydrocodone/APAP Your treatment plan will focus on three things: (1)
(N-acetyl-p-aminophenol) that her primary care physical therapy, (2) pain control with medications
physician is giving her doesnt even touch the pain. and nerve blocks, and (3) psychological counseling.
Shes taking four to five acetaminophen and seven to The patient went to physical therapy after the injury
eight ibuprofen tablets per day. She tells you that since but stopped going because it made the pain worse.
she has the appointment to see pain management, that You must assure her that with adequate pain control,
she expects you to refill her medications. she should be able to get back to therapy and regain
function in her leg. Typically, a diagnostic and, pos-
Patient care sibly, therapeutic lumbar sympathetic block is done
and then followed with a physical therapy session or
Residents must be able to provide patient care that is two. Your office staff reminds you that you have to
compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat- get authorization before scheduling her for any blocks,
ment of health problems and the promotion of health. and they say that theyll get right on it.
Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring Medication options should focus first on neuro-
and respectful behaviors when interacting with pathic pain medications and then anti-inflammatory
patients and their families. medications and opioids, if needed to perform ade-
quate physical therapy. You decide to start with pre-
This is very critical for all patients, but especially gabalin 75 mg twice per day and titrate up to 150 mg
for a patient who has been told by every health care twice per day over a weeks time. You also start ami-
86 professional thus far that every test and exam has been tryptiline 25 mg at night and instruct the patient to
essentially normal. Her family and friends may be increase her dose to 75 mg over the next 2 weeks.
Case 17 Treatment of complex regional pain syndrome

Finally, you start her on lidocaine 5% patches and tell Your office staff lets you know a couple days after
her to place three over her right lower leg and foot. your initial consultation that workers compensation
You give her some hydrocodone/APAP so she doesnt wants an independent medical examiner (IME) to
go into withdrawal and tell her to limit her acetami- evaluate the patient. The following week, you find out
nophen to less than 34 g/day (assuming normal liver that the IME has diagnosed chronic regional pain syn-
function). drome and has recommended a series of three stel-
From the psychological perspective, you let her late ganglion blocks. You reread this report and cant
know that you are trying to find a psychologist who believe what you see. Did this doctor see the same
specializes in pain control, but the closest one avail- patient? Did I miss something? Wasnt this an ankle
able is about an hour away. The pain psychiatrist at injury? You call the workers compensation office, and
your institution is too busy and is not taking any new they tell you that they have to stand by what the IME
patients, and the institution is not hiring anyone, ever says, and maybe you should call him yourself.
(I know it doesnt make sense). So you must now Having been a big fan of the Hardy Boys when you
wear the hat of a psychologist and counsel her appro- were a kid, you decide to do some investigating. Lets
priately. You may even try to find some cognitive- get him on the phone and work this out. You Google
behavioral exercises or desensitization techniques that him and find several phone numbers scattered around
may be helpful. different locations. You also find a Web page that gives
Thats the plan start medications, get authoriza- a little biography and learn that he is a retired ortho-
tion for lumbar sympathetic blocks, and get her spirits pedic surgeon who graduated from medical school in
up. 1958. He was on the faculty at your institution more
than 20 years ago, and now he has a little business
Use information technology to support patient in retirement, in which he does independent medical
care decisions and patient education. exams. Coincidentally, he has a son who is a physi-
cian in New Orleans and who is an interventional pain
Perhaps you can direct her and her family members specialist. After Googling yourself and finding noth-
to some useful Web sites to become more informed on ing but a B movie star who shares your name, you give
her diagnosis and possible treatment options. one of his office numbers a call and leave a message
explaining what must be an honest mistake. After all,
Perform competently all medical and invasive he has spawned a son who ought to know the right
procedures considered essential for the area of thing to do.
practice. Two days later, a note is on your desk from the IME.
Like we said before, part of the treatment for CRPS I am returning your phone call to let you know that it
is pain control with medications and various nerve is illegal for me to talk to you about this case. Great.
blocks. Two such blocks are stellate ganglion blocks You wonder about the choice you made going into
(upper extremity) and lumbar sympathetic blocks medicine and then decide to call New Orleans. You call
(lower extremity). These blocks are used to see if there the IMEs son and leave a message with his staff and lis-
is a sympathetic component to the pain. It is hoped, ten to the uncomfortable silence afterward. Well for-
for you and your patient, that the block can be both ward this to our doctor. Yall from New York, huh?
diagnostic and therapeutic, and whamo, you can nail
your diagnosis. There is little evidence-based informa-
tion regarding the proper timing, number, or appro-
Medical knowledge
priateness of these nerve blocks for the treatment of Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab-
CRPS; however, these blocks are used to reduce pain lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cognate
and to enable patients to resume functional rehabilita- (e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sciences
tion, which is our ultimate goal. and the application of this knowledge to patient care.

Work with health care professionals, including Know and apply the basic and clinically
those from other disciplines, to provide supportive sciences that are appropriate to their
patient-focused care. discipline. 87
Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

Before you step into the room and see this patient, Interpersonal and communication
you are assured that you know all the critical elements
to make the appropriate diagnosis of CRPS. First off, skills
the person has to have pain, duh! But seriously, accord- Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal
ing to the International Association for the Study of and communication skills that result in effective infor-
Pain, at least one symptom in each of the following cat- mation exchange and teaming with patients, their
egories should be present: patients families, and professional associates.
1. sensory (i.e., hyperesthesia)
Advocate for quality patient care and assist
2. vasomotor (temperature or skin color
patients in dealing with system complexities.
3. sudomotor-fluid balance (edema or sweating Many patients, like ours in this case, who develop
abnormalities) CRPS have to prove their diagnosis to justify treat-
4. motor (decreased range of motion or weakness, ment. You, the pain physician, must aggressively seek
tremor, or neglect) out and document those objective findings on physi-
cal exam. Perhaps these findings are not present at all
Also, at least one sign in two or more of the following
office visits; you must be diligent and help your patient
categories should be present:
navigate through the endless obstacles she may face as
1. sensory (allodynia or hyperalgesia) she seeks out treatment for her disease.
2. vasomotor (objective temperature or skin color
abnormalities) Know how to partner with health care managers
3. sudomotor-fluid balance (objective edema or and health care providers to assess, coordinate,
sweating abnormalities) and improve health care and know how these
4. motor (objective decreased range of motion or activities can affect system performance.
weakness, tremor, or neglect)
As the old saying goes, if at first you dont succeed,
The diagnosis of CRPS can be difficult, and other diag- try, try again. Make another phone call to that pain
noses should be excluded such as diabetic and other specialist in New Orleans, and perhaps he can provide
peripheral neuropathies, thoracic outlet syndrome, some insight to the IME as to the proper treatment
entrapment neuropathies, discogenic disease, deep of CRPS. Of course, when you do so, you are sure to
venous thrombosis, cellulitis, vascular insufficiency, keep all the patients personal information to yourself,
and lymphedema. in keeping with HIPAA policy.

Case 17 Treatment of complex regional pain syndrome

Additional reading 2. Cepeda M, Lau J, Carr DB. Defining the therapeutic

role of local anesthetic sympathetic blockade in
1. Meier P, Zurakowski D, Berde C, Sethna N. Lumbar
complex regional pain syndrome: a narrative and
sympathetic blockade in children with complex
systematic review. Clin J Pain 2002;18:216233.
regional pain syndromes: a double blind
placebo-controlled crossover trial. Anesthesiology

Part 1 Contributions from Stony Brook University under
Case Christopher J. Gallagher

18 OB case with cancer and

hypercoagulable state
Joy Schabel and Andrew Rozbruch

The case reconstruction after her mastectomy. With the afore-

mentioned contingencies arranged, the patient then
A gravida 1 para 0 (G1P0) parturient presented at
received dinoprostone for induction of labor. On
38 weeks gestation with a past medical history sig-
arrival to L&D, the patient received an epidural to
nificant for breast cancer status post (s/p) bilateral
manage her labor pain and provide a safe mode of
mastectomy, chemotherapy and extensive flap recon-
anesthesia care in the event of a stat cesarean sec-
struction, superior vena cava syndrome, expanding
tion. The patient was also placed on a hydromor-
brachial plexus mass, chronic pain syndrome, hyper-
phone patient-controlled analgesia and fentanyl trans-
coaguable disorder with bilateral internal jugular (IJ)
dermal patch, as prescribed by the acute pain service,
vein clots, superior vena cava (SVC) clots, and clots
to manage her chronic axilla pain and opioid require-
in the venous system of bilateral upper extremities.
ments. Over the course of the next 32 hours, the
This patient had become pregnant via in vitro fertil-
patients labor progressed without complications, and
ization (IVF). On admission to our institution, prior to
the patient delivered vaginally.
planned induction of labor, the patient was seen by the
obstetrical anesthesia staff for consultation. The main
issues of concern regarding the care of this patient Patient care
were adequate intravenous (IV) access, hypercoagula- Residents must be able to provide patient care that is
ble status, early epidural placement, surgical backup compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat-
should cesarean section be necessary, effective pain ment of health problems and the promotion of health.
management, and logistical coordination of necessary
resources and personnel. Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring
After interdepartmental discussion with anesthe- and respectful behaviors when interacting with
sia, obstetrics, surgery, interventional radiology, pain patients and their families.
management, labor and delivery (L&D) personnel,
and main operating room (OR) staff, a plan for the care When speaking of bedside manner, either you have
of this patient was established. IV access was partic- it or you dont, right? Wrong well, sort of. Some
ularly challenging in this patient. We were unable to of us are better than others at communication, listen-
use either upper extremity secondary to lymph node ing, and showing patients that we care. If you have it
dissection from her mastectomy or extensive venous built in, great; if you dont, you need to learn. Our job
sclerosing from the chemotherapy; additionally, the as anesthesiologists in establishing trust and building
patient had bilateral IJ clots, further limiting upper rapport with a patient is a tad more difficult than for
body access. We also wanted to avoid femoral access the patients primary care physician or obstetrician-
due to the high risk of clot formation and the need for gynecologist because we are often meeting the patient
hip flexion for vaginal delivery. Prior to induction of for the first time right before she hands her life over to
labor, the patient was sent for placement of a peripher- us. The patient hasnt done any research about us, she
ally inserted central (PIC) line with ultrasound guid- hasnt had the opportunity to speak with us before
ance to ensure safe and secure access. you catch my drift. So game face on! Approaching a
Coordination with general surgery and their avail- patient with respect and instilling a sense of caring and
ability for backup was also arranged in the event of trust with that patient requires homework. Thats right,
90 a cesarean because the patient had extensive mesh as old as you get, you still have to do your homework.
reconstruction in her abdomen secondary to flap What do I mean? First, know something about your
Case 18 OB case with cancer and hypercoagulable state

patient before you meet her. Pick up her chart, review concerned about the clots because the catheter would
her medical history, speak to other physicians caring be placed proximal to her SVC clots, and explained
for the patient, and have a sense of who the patient is that this intervention would be the safest, most practi-
both medically and as a person before you barge into cal plan for her. In this manner, I gained the patients
her room and start speaking at her. Which brings me respect and trust and used good clinical judgment in
to my next point: dont speak at your patients; rather, knowing my limitation of knowledge with respect to
speak to them. Most of our patients have not gone PIC lines, and I went to the appropriate resources to get
through medical school like we have. Dumb it down a the patient sound, truthful information. Part of good
little. Introduce yourself, extend your hand, get down patient care is knowing your limitations and when to
to the patients eye level, sit down next to her if you ask for help.
can. We are not in a hurry, right? We have nothing else
to do, right? Wrong, but the patient does not need to Provide health care services aimed at preventing
know that. She should feel as though she is your num- health problems or maintaining health.
ber one priority.
So with the PIC line in place, we can go ahead and
Gather essential and accurate information about have the obstetricians induce the patient, right? What
their patients. if she needs that stat cesarean? All that mesh in her
belly from previous surgery, that shouldnt be a prob-
Know as much about your patient as you can before lem, well deal with it when the time comes. Dont
you meet her. Your history and physical should be think so! Part of good patient care is always staying one
an opportunity to confirm what you already know step ahead. Making sure that general surgery would be
about the patient and clarify some loose ends. This available for backup prior to induction of this patient
will instantly set the patient at ease and win you many was mandatory, not optional. Remember, lets not get
brownie points. If the patient senses that you are learn- caught with our pants down.
ing about her for the first time, as you are speaking
to her, she may begin to have doubts, especially if the Counsel and educate patients and their families.
patient is a nurse, like our patient was. Dont get caught
Although many of our patients homeschool them-
with your pants down if you always do the right
selves with the Internet and seem to know a good
thing, you wont get caught in a compromising situ-
deal about what will happen to them, oftentimes,
they are misunderstood or misinformed. Dont believe
Work with health care professionals, including everything you read. Educating your patients not only
those from other disciplines, to provide enables them to work with you in their care, but it also
patient-focused care. gives you an opportunity to show how smart you are,
which only serves to instill more trust and confidence
Since we are doctors and we know everything, with the patient.
we should dictate to our patients what the plan for
them will be. Wrong. While we are highly educated, Medical knowledge
trained professionals, we dont know everything. If you
Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab-
dont already know that, you need help. Listen to your
lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cog-
patients concerns. For example, with this patient, IV
nate (e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sci-
access proved to be a very challenging task, yet of
ences and the application of this knowledge to patient
utmost importance. We suggested to the patient the
placement of a PIC line. The patient was concerned
because of the clots she had in her superior vena cava. Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic
Good point; did I think of that? Well, sort of, but Ill thinking approach to clinical situations.
just let the interventional radiology people deal with
it, right? No, I listened to the patient, acknowledged Come to your cases with a plan in mind. Dont
her concerns, and consulted with the interventional leave it to your attending to dictate what you are going
radiologists. I then shared the facts of my conversa- to do with your patient. Youll never learn anything 91
tion with the patient, explained that she need not be that way. Use your cases as a vehicle to draw out
Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

important topics and learning issues. Take this case, Apply knowledge of study designs and statistical
for example; its chock full of juicy points. Take some methods to the appraisal of clinical studies and
time, identify the important elements, and run with it. other information on diagnostic and therapeutic
Read, talk to others, and be prepared for your sake and effectiveness.
the sake of your patient. The more you know, the better
it is for all parties involved. Think for yourself. But I read it in a paper. Any-
one can get something published. Do your homework,
dig deep back to your knowledge of statistical meth-
Practice-based learning ods and study design, and see if what youre reading is
and improvement worth reading. If not, move on and find a better article.
Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate
their patient care practices, appraise and assimilate Professionalism
scientific evidence, and improve their patient care
Residents must demonstrate a commitment to carry-
ing out professional responsibilities, adherence to eth-
Analyze practice experience and perform ical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient pop-
practice-based improvement activities using a ulation.
systematic methodology.
Demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles
As we say in the business, some of your worst mis- pertaining to provision or withholding of clinical
takes can end up being your greatest lessons; it is hoped care, confidentiality of patient information,
that you did not harm your patient. During medi- informed consent, and business practice.
cal school and residency is the time to make your
mistakes, but remember not to make the same mis- This complicated patient became pregnant via IVF
take twice. Thats the whole idea behind practice-based with donor sperm by an IVF specialist. There was no
learning and improvement. Take the time to discuss father of the baby in the picture. One may question the
both what went wrong and what went right, and always ethics involved in IVF practice for a patient so criti-
build on your experiences for future practice. cally ill. The obstetricians involved in the care of this
patient felt that this patient would be denied the abil-
Use information technology to manage ity to adopt a child because of her illnesses, but there
information, access online medical information, are fewer rules and regulations for IVF. Who is going
and support their own education. to care for this child in the event of likely health dete-
If you dont know, ask; better yet, look it up. As anesthesiologists, we deal with life-and-death
Evidence-based medicine, kids its the wave of the issues more so than social issues. IVF is typically
future. Know your patient and her medical prob- considered more of a social patient issue. However,
lems, and know them well. With the advent of online the IVF of this patient created a life-and-death issue
resources such as PubMed and Google, it has never for her. She was already hypercoagulable, which was
been easier to look something up and actually have sci- worsened with getting pregnant. IV access could only
entific support for what you are saying. be obtained with radiologic assistance. What if she
threw a clot to her lungs, heart, or brain? What if she
Obtain and use information about their own started to hemorrhage after delivery and additional
population of patients and the larger population IV access would be necessary to transfuse blood and
from which their patients are drawn. fluids rapidly? We had to be ready for potential life-
threatening disaster created by IVF. I doubt that life-
Talk to your friends and colleagues at other places threatening appeared anywhere on the IVF consent
HIPAA, of course and share war stories. Different form. It should have been listed there for this case.
institutions and different geographical areas see dif-
ferent pathology and do things a little differently. Go Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to
92 to conferences; see whats out there. Suck it all up and patients culture, age, gender, and disabilities.
incorporate it into your practice as you see fit.
Case 18 OB case with cancer and hypercoagulable state

Though it is difficult to understand and support the Understand how their patient care and other
incomprehensible decision to impregnate this patient professional practices affect other health care
via IVF, what was done was done. We could only be professionals, the health care organization, and
respectful to the patient and her decision making as the larger society and how these elements of the
we anticipated the potential complexities involved in system affect their own practice.
her management. Her medical diseases and limita-
tions challenged our ability to care for her, but we The IVF specialist in this case should have been
did so with compassion and sensitivity to her many available to observe the extensive medical and surgical
needs. planning necessary to keep this patient out of harms
way. I do not think the IVF specialist was aware of
the larger context of health care involved with mak-
Interpersonal and communication ing this patient pregnant. Lifelong learning in systems-
skills based practice is critical to the practice of medicine,
Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal no matter the specialty. Discussion and planning with
and communication skills that result in effective infor- surgery, obstetrics, anesthesiology, radiology, main OR
mation exchange and teaming with patients, their and L&D staff, and the acute pain team were essential
patients families, and professional associates. to be prepared for anything from a vaginal delivery to
a stat cesarean section in this case.
Work effectively with others as a member or
leader of a health care team or other professional Advocate for quality patient care and assist
group. patients in dealing with system complexities.

Taking the necessary time to obtain a thorough his- The multidisciplinary care team worked together to
tory was crucial in this case to understand all the com- advocate for the best quality care for this patient and
plicated medical and surgical issues, establish the safest her unborn child, given multiple different scenarios.
management plan, and establish trust. Recent review Being prepared was essential to maximizing patient
of closed claim analyses has shown poor communica- safety and minimizing patient harm.
tion among health care providers to be a growing and Know how to partner with health care managers
alarming trend among obstetric anesthesia malprac- and health care providers to assess, coordinate,
tice claims [1]. We need to communicate openly and and improve health care and know how these
honestly with patients and other health care teams to activities can affect system performance.
maximize patient safety.
The coordination of this patients care maximized
patient safety for this patient and her unborn child.
Systems-based practice What is missing in the coordination of health care in
Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and this case is the involvement of the IVF specialist once
responsiveness to the larger context and system of fertilization had taken place. One would wonder if the
health care and the ability to effectively call on sys- IVF specialist would have changed his or her future
tem resources to provide care that is of optimal practice after being part of the delivery end of this
value. patients care scenario!

Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

1. Davies JM, Posner KL, Lee L, Cheney FW, Domino
KB. Liability associated with obstetric anesthesia: a
closed claim analysis. Anesthesiology

Part 1 Contributions from Stony Brook University under
Case Christopher J. Gallagher

19 Extubated and jaws wired shut

Peggy Seidman and Ramon Abola

The case treatment of health problems and the promotion of

A 16-year-old male patient is under the care of the
pediatric intensive care unit (PICU). He was a pedes-
trian struck by a motor vehicle and has suffered a Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring
traumatic brain injury (TBI) and mandible fracture. and respectful behaviors when interacting with
He has been stabilized over the past week after endo- patients and their families.
tracheal intubation, intracranial pressure (ICP) mon-
itor placement, ventriculostomy, and decompressive There are no family members in the room. Thank-
craniectomy. He has required high levels of sedation fully, the PICU staff made the wise decision to ask
and paralytics for ICP control. Mom and Dad to leave the room during extubation.
He undergoes open reduction and internal fixation However, should the family be allowed to stay in the
of the mandible with the oral-maxillary facial surgery room?
(OMFS) service. Preoperative, his oral-tracheal tube is Family members have reported various satisfaction
exchanged to a nasal-tracheal tube. The operation pro- levels when they have been allowed to be present for
ceeds uneventfully. His jaws are wired at the end of the their loved ones in an emergency resuscitation setting
procedure. He returns to the PICU nasally intubated. [1]. However this scenario is quite different from an
Overnight, the patients pulmonary status is favorable. emergency resuscitation in an emergency room. In this
He has maintained normal oxygen saturation with a situation, the patient would not benefit from family
fractional inspired oxygen (FiO2) of 35% and is sponta- being present, and it is not clear if the family would
neously breathing with 5 mm of pressure support and benefit from being at the bedside.
5 mm of PEEP. We often bring parents into the operating room
The patient is following some, but not all, com- for the induction of anesthesia for the benefit of both
mands. He is evaluated by the PICU staff and the deci- the parent and the child. However, the data do not
sion is made to extubate. After extubation, he quickly clearly support the benefit to the child of having a
becomes hypoxic, with a SpO2 in the 80s. Chest aus- parent in the operating room. Apparently, around the
cultation reveals clear lungs with course upper airway world, people are also bringing clowns into the operat-
sounds. The PICU staff is unable to properly suction ing room with their pediatric patients [2, 3]. A recent
the oropharynx because of the jaw wires. Anesthesia is article in the Canadian Journal of Anesthesia states,
called to the bedside. He continues to be hypoxic and Contrary to popular belief, in most cases parental
in respiratory distress. presence does not appear to alleviate parents or chil-
As the anesthesia resident on call, you look at drens anxiety. In the rare instances when it does seem
the PICU staff, who are searching for answers. The to diminish parents or childrens anxiety, premedicat-
patients jaws are wired shut, and hes not doing well. ing children with midazolam has shown to be a viable
You wonder what to do with this handy MAC 3 laryn- alternative. Other anxiety-reducing solutions, such as
goscope that youre holding in your left hand. distracting children with video games, should also be
considered [4, p. 57].

Patient care Gather essential and accurate information about

Residents must be able to provide patient care that
their patients. 95
is compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the
Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

Consider the following: staff has discussed with the family the possibility that
1. A quick glance at the patient reveals that he is in the patient may not tolerate extubation. There is the
respiratory distress. His breathing is labored and very real possibility of reintubation and, ultimately, the
noisy. patient may need a tracheostomy.
2. The monitors support this diagnosis the patients
Use information technology to support patient
pulse ox is reading 80% with 100% oxygen
care decisions and patient education.
administered through a non-rebreathing mask.
3. The PICU resident gives you a quick and brief Perhaps the use of information technology and
summary of the patients history and the events online resources is not so useful in the emergency
this morning that have led to the present situation. situation. After this episode, a review of the perti-
nent literature regarding anesthesia management for
Make informed decisions about diagnostic and oral-maxofacial surgery is most useful. Periopera-
therapeutic interventions based on patient tive Anesthetic Management of Maxillofacial Trauma
information and preferences, up-to-date scientific Including Ophthalmic Injuries [5] sounds like a good
evidence, and clinical judgment. place to start.

Lets see. The patient was breathing fine with a Perform competently all medical and invasive
breathing tube. We have now removed the breath- procedures considered essential for the area of
ing tube, and patient is no longer doing fine. You try practice.
to remember the anesthesia attending who asked you
how long the brain can tolerate not receiving oxygen. A competent anesthesiologist will be able to per-
Four minutes? Maybe it was 5 minutes? (For those who form direct laryngoscopy and oral intubation in the
like mnemonics, remember Seidmans rule of 7s: 70 presence of a difficult airway. He or she would also be
days to starve to death, 7 days to dehydrate to death, skillful in performing nasal intubation for the origi-
7 minutes of no O2 until death.) Is that time less nal surgery. An anesthesiologist must also assess and
because the patient suffered a traumatic brain injury? determine a proper time for extubation. The anesthesi-
Wait! Why are you wasting your time? You need to ologist must be prepared for failed extubation and have
reestablish an airway quickly! ready a plan should this occur.
An anesthesiologist needs to be able to assess and
manage the emergency airway, which includes deter- Work with health care professionals, including
mining important equipment and personnel that need those from other disciplines, to provide
to be readily available. patient-focused care.

Develop and carry out patient management plans. The coordination of anesthesia, PICU nursing and
physician staff, and oral-maxo-facial surgery is essen-
Your plan: oral intubation. Well need to cut those tial to providing the optimal care for this patient, espe-
jaw wires to get the tube in there. Thankfully, the cially in the emergency situation. Future consultation
OMFS service have placed wire cutters at the head of with the pediatric surgery or otolaryngology service
the patients bed, as is standard for care for this type of to evaluate for placement of a tracheostomy may be
patient for exactly this reason. Its always useful when warranted.
things are where they are supposed to be. The OMFS
service showed the PICU staff how and where to clip
the wires during evening rounds last night, and no one
Medical knowledge
actually thought that this information may be needed. Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab-
You move toward the head of the bed and prepare for lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cognate
direct laryngoscopy. (e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sciences
and the application of this knowledge to patient care.
Counsel and educate patients and their families.
Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic
96 No time to educate the patient and his family dur- thinking approach to clinical situations.
ing this emergency. However, you hope that the PICU
Case 19 Extubated and jaws wired shut

Respiratory distress after extubation occurs. You 4. management of ICPs in the head trauma patient
need to quickly consider a differential diagnosis as to 5. ventilator management for the ICU patient
the current situation. Postoperatively, failed extuba-
tion could be related to several factors:
Practice-based learning
1. drugs: too many sedative/hypnotics on board to
adequately maintain an airway, inadequate and improvement
reversal of muscle relaxation Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their
2. pulmonary: pulmonary edema, pneumothorax patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific
(hey, we werent operating anywhere near the evidence, and improve their patient care practices.
lungs, buddy), asthma/bronchospasm, cardiac
problems (right ventricular failure, pulmonary Analyze practice experience and perform
edema from congestive heart failure?) practice-based improvement activities using a
systematic methodology.
3. airway obstruction from posterior pharyngeal
problems or laryngospasm, upper airway Debriefing and discussion sessions about critical
secretions unable to clear events are important to promote learning and educa-
tion. Debriefing sessions can come in a variety of dif-
This list is obviously not nearly as exhaustive as it
ferent forms: a formal meeting between departments,
should be. The anesthesiologist must also be knowl-
a discussion between the attending and residents, or
edgeable about determining the appropriateness of
even a discussion between physicians and nursing
extubation. Extubation criteria in the operating room
staff. There are a variety of different perspectives about
may have some difference to criteria in the ICU setting.
the events, the critical decisions, the implications of
However, some basic (and not so basic) principles fol-
those decisions, and lessons for future patient care.
1. Is the patient awake or alert enough to protect his Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from
own airway? scientific studies related to their patients health
2. Is the patient hemodynamically stable? problems.
3. Has the initial reason for intubation been
resolved? Our PICU has developed an algorithm for the sur-
gical and medical treatment of TBI patients and the
4. Does the patient demonstrate adequate
management of intracranial pressure. This algorithm
oxygenation and ventilation during a spontaneous
was designed after reviewing the pertinent literature
breathing trial or during a T piece trial?
and clinical trials that relate to this topic [6]. Algo-
5. Is the patient strong enough to remove ventilator
rithms, if designed well, should allow for the imple-
support does he demonstrate an adequate
mentation of so-called best practices. Critical eval-
negative inspiratory force or an adequate vital
uation of the data from which these algorithms are
capacity? Will he be able to maintain effort of
designed is important to determine the validity of
respiration in face of nutrional status? Will he
these recommendations and management steps [6].
fatigue after time?
Our guidelines for the management of TBI patients
6. Does the patient demonstrate a favorable rapid,
include some of the following:
shallow breathing index?
PICU Management of High ICP/Low Cerebral Perfu-
sion Pressure (CPP)
Know and apply the basic and clinically
First-Tier Therapies
supportive sciences that are appropriate to their
discipline. 1. administer appropriate sedation/analgesia in
patients with secured airways
The medical knowledge that is needed in providing 2. elevate head of bed 30 and in midline
adequate care for this patient is extensive: 3. manage patients temperature aggressively to
1. ICU care avoid hyperthermia and increased cerebral
2. approach to the trauma patient metabolic rate 97
3. approach to the patient with TBI 4. provide seizure prophylaxis
Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

5. maintain normal glucose levels 2. Do the therapeutic recommendations show a

6. treat acute increase in ICP or decrease in CPP significant improvement to change patient
with sedation, mannitol, or 3% saline management?
7. treat acute increases in ICP with mild 3. Have our own practice experiences been in
hyperventilation (PACO2 or ETCO2 between 30 agreement with clinical studies?
and 35) while obtaining one of the preceding
Second-Tier Therapies Residents must demonstrate a commitment to car-
1. surgical: neurosurgery to consider placement of rying out professional responsibilities, adherence to
an extraventricular drain ethical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient
2. medical: hyperventilation with goal pCO2 of population.
3035 if ICPs have been unsuccessfully managed
with sedation, osmotherapy, and ventricular Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a
drainage responsiveness to the needs of patients and society
3. medical: if these measures do not control ICPs, that supersedes self-interest; accountability to
patient will be placed in a pentobarbital coma patients, society, and the profession; and a
with continuous electroencephalography until commitment to excellence and ongoing
burst suppression is achieved professional development.

Third-Tier Therapies Physician A is a participant in this clinical scenario.

1. surgical: if continued elevated ICPs, neurosurgery Physician A begins asking whos to blame for this situ-
to evaluate for possible decompressive ation. Who is the responsible party who caused further
craniectomy harm to this patient? Physician A sneers at the accused,
2. medical: consideration of use of 3% saline infusion stating that the case should have been handled differ-
ently and that Physician A should have been called
Although these recommendations are guidelines that sooner. Physician A stammers that it has always been
the PICU staff uses to manage head trauma patients, the policy that these extubations should be handled in
essential to the idea of practice-based learning is this manner to a resident and an attending who are
to (1) understand the clinical foundation on which both unaware of any such policy. In a condescending
these guidelines were made and (2) critically evaluate tone, Physician A says, I hope that youve learned your
these recommendations for areas in which change may lesson.
improve patient outcome. One such idea is consider- Physician B is a participant in this clinical scenario.
ing the use of decompressive craniectomy as an early He or she gathers information from the various groups
surgical therapy for these patients. Another example is involved to obtain a clear picture of what happened. He
that hyperventilation was a routine practice in the past or she discusses with the various medical services their
for these patients; however, this practice has fallen out opinion of the situation, what decisions were made,
of favor. Decreased ICPs secondary to hyperventila- and how those decisions influenced the results. Physi-
tion only last 612 hours, and there are concerns about cian B tries to identify reasons for why an unintended
decreasing cerebral blood flow to an injured brain with outcome occurred, not who is the responsible party.
vasoconstriction. Physician B seeks to identify ways to improve both his
or her own clinical practice and the clinical practice of
Apply knowledge of study designs and statistical the health care unit.
methods to the appraisal of clinical studies and
other information on diagnostic and therapeutic Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to
effectiveness. patients culture, age, gender, and disabilities.
Critical evaluation of clinical studies is important: Children are not little adults. This is a phrase
98 1. Does the study group adequately represent the recited time and time again by our pediatric col-
characteristics of my current patient? leagues.
Case 19 Extubated and jaws wired shut

Ultimately, our patient failed extubation secondary Essential to medical practice is being able to pro-
to his TBI. His pulmonary status appeared to be opti- vide families with unpleasant information and to be
mized, but his TBI is the reason for being unable honest about events that occurred during their med-
to properly protect his airway and clear his secre- ical care. Who is the unfortunate resident or physi-
tions. This is supported by the clinical observation cian who has to tell this patients family that (1) he
that the patient was not following commands prior to did not do well after we tried to take out the breath-
extubation. ing tube, (2) we have to bring him back to the operating
In the adult patient, our hospital will routinely room, and (3) we had to reintubate the patient essen-
place tracheostomy tubes early in a patients hospital tially everything being a step in the wrong direction?
course if it appears that the patient will need prolonged Because you are the emergency consultant without a
mechanical ventilation. This allows for a decrease in relationship with the family, the ICU team will need
sedation and mobilization of the patient out of bed, if to do this, and they are the most appropriate medical
possible. The question is, why not place a tracheostomy service to inform the family. Often, it is best for the
in our 16-year-old PICU patient during this first week, physician who has developed a relationship with the
when he has demonstrated that he will likely require family to meet with the family to discuss bad news. As
prolonged ICU care? an anesthesiologist, meeting with a family postopera-
Although practices differ between hospitals, our tively is enhanced by the presence and support of the
PICU will typically try to avoid placing a tracheostomy surgeon, who has developed a patient-physician rela-
tube unless it is absolutely necessary because trachs tionship prior to the day of surgery.
in children can be very difficult for the families to Communication is key to a healthy and working
deal with. This has been the observation of our PICU relationship between the medical staff, the patient, and
staff, and it represents an example of how the prac- the family. Discussion with patients and families ahead
tice of medicine requires the clinician to be sensitive of time about what to expect, plus the possible com-
to the patients age and also the family members, who plications, is essential to help guide patients through
become patients themselves, in a way. medical care. Looking at things from a medicolegal
perspective, communication may be beneficial in pre-
venting medical malpractice litigation [7].
Interpersonal and communication skills
Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal Work effectively with others as a member or
and communication skills that result in effective infor- leader of a health care team or other professional
mation exchange and teaming with patients, their group.
patients families, and professional associates.
Essential in any emergency situation is the devel-
opment of a team leader and team players. The team
Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically leader provides the guidance and plan for care, and
sound relationship with patients. the team members are just as essential to complete the
One of the most difficult aspects of the medical tasks and provide feedback to the team leader about
practice is providing patients and families with bad the situation. Team building is essential for a group of
news. Similar to history taking or physical exam, giv- people to respond in an organized fashion to an emer-
ing bad news requires practice. gency situation. Think of code blues and cardiac arrests
In this current case, our patient did poorly after for which there was complete chaos, with no order and
extubation. His wires, which were cut, were then noted people running around like chickens without heads.
to be located in both his stomach and pharynx, as they This is a place where simulation can help by allowing
were not accounted for during the airway emergency teams to work together in the safety of simulation.
after extubation. The patient needed to be brought
back to the operating room and placed under general Systems-based practice
anesthesia for endoscopy and direct laryngoscopy to Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and
extract these jaw wires and remove them as an infec- responsiveness to the larger context and system of
tion risk and to prevent them from getting buried into health care and the ability to effectively call on system 99
mucosa or other tissues. resources to provide care that is of optimal value.
Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

Know how types of medical practice and delivery therapy, and pharmacy allowing for optimization of
systems differ from one another, including care and keeping all services in agreement.
methods of controlling health care costs and
allocating resources. Know how to partner with health care managers
and health care providers to assess, coordinate,
and improve health care and know how these
One aspect of ICU care that is relatively new is activities can affect system performance.
the ICU checklist. The checklist is a systems-based
list that ensures important goals and objectives of the Important after any critical event is communica-
ICU patient on a daily basis such as number of antibi- tion between members of the health care team in a
otic days, days since central lines have been placed, professional manner to provide optimal care for future
or nutritional and feeding management. Checklists situations. The purpose of these meetings and discus-
allow for important aspects of patient care not to sions is to identify systems-based mistakes. Typically,
be missed on a daily basis. ICU checklists may also no error in medicine occurs in isolation. Pointing fin-
evaluate a patients need for continued ICU, which gers and trying to find who is to blame are typically not
may significantly impact the cost of the patients very productive means of improving future care.
care. After this case, it was decided that similar cases
In addition to the ICU checklist are interdis- should coordinate PICU staff, OMFS, and anesthesia,
ciplinary rounds, which facilitate communication who are to be readily available at bedside for quick and
between the various medical services of ICU patients efficient airway management in the event of a failed
the medical staff, nursing staff, nutrition, respiratory trial of extubation.

Case 19 Extubated and jaws wired shut

References anesthesia induction and parent/child anxiety. Can J

Anaesth 2009;56:5770.
1. Myers TA, Eichhorn DJ, Dezra J, et al. Family presence
during invasive procedures and resuscitation. Top 5. Shearer VE, Gardner J, Murphy MT. Perioperative
Emerg Med 2004;26:6173. anesthetic management of maxillofacial trauma
including ophthalmic injuries. Anesth Clin North Am
2. Vagnoli L, Caprilli S, Robiglio A, et al. Clown doctors 1999;17:141153.
as a treatment for preoperative anxiety in children: a
randomized, prospective study. Pediatrics 6. Carney NA, Chestnut R, Kochanek PM. Guidelines for
2005;116:e563e567. the acute medical management of severe traumatic
brain injury in infants, children and adolescents.
3. Golan G, Tighe P, Dobija N, et al. Clowns for the Pediatr Crit Care Med 2003;4(Suppl):S1.
prevention of preoperative anxiety in children: a
randomized controlled trial. Paediatr Anaesth 7. Sack K. Doctors say Im sorry before see you in
2009;19:262266. court. The New York Times 2008 May 18;A1.
4. Chundamala J, Wright JG, Kemp SM. An
evidence-based review of parental presence during

Part 1 Contributions from Stony Brook University under
Case Christopher J. Gallagher

20 Code Noelle
A tale of postpartum hemorrhage
Rishimani Adsumelli and Ramon Abola

The case Anesthesia colleagues join the operating room to

assist in volume resuscitation. The patient becomes
A 45-year-old woman, gravida 4 para 3, presents at
anxious and inconsolable secondary to the emergency
38 weeks gestation for cesarean section. The patient
situation or secondary to the acute loss of blood. The
has had three previous cesarean sections. Obstetrical
father is escorted from the operating room. The patient
colleagues inform you that she has placenta previa
is induced with ketamine and succinylcholine and is
and strong possibility for placenta accreta. The patient
intubated for general anesthesia.
is originally from Pakistan and speaks only Punjabi
and had general anesthesia without complications for
her previous three cesarean sections, which were per- Patient care
formed in Pakistan. Nursing staff has had a difficult Residents must be able to provide patient care that is
time placing an appropriately sized peripheral IV. The compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat-
patients airway examination is unremarkable and her ment of health problems and the promotion of health.
body mass index is within normal limits.
After discussion with colleagues about the risks
Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring
and benefits of regional versus general anesthesia for
and respectful behaviors when interacting with
this case, a decision is made to recommend regional
patients and their families.
anesthesia with spinal anesthesia. The patient is reluc-
tant about having a spinal and inquires about general When the patient expresses her shock that, when
anesthesia. Fortunately, one of the obstetrician resi- general anesthesia was successfully performed with-
dents also speaks Punjabi and facilitates communica- out any complications in her home country of Pak-
tion. Discussion takes places, informing the patient istan, why the sophisticated American anesthesiolo-
about the reasons for preferring regional anesthesia, gists are so concerned about dangerous complications,
and the patient agrees to this anesthetic plan. Arrange- it is important not to ignore her very pertinent obser-
ments are made for blood salvage equipment for use in vation. It was important to convey that even we can
the operating room. do GA safely if we need to, but we prefer the regional
The patient is brought to the operating room and because it is at least a tad safer [1,2]. Communicating
spinal anesthesia is administered successfully. There the various nuances via appropriate communicators is
is routine delivery of a healthy infant. However, after very important. Here, having the obstetric resident as
delivery of the placenta, a peek over the field reveals a an interpreter was very helpful.
uterus sitting in a large pool of blood that is steadily
growing faster than anyone would like. The patient Gather essential and accurate information about
becomes tachycardic and hypotensive as shes losing their patients.
quite a bit of blood (up to 700 cc/min, to be exact).
The obstetricians inform you that they suspect that Medical information is important, such as previous
the patient does in fact have an accreta and plan for uncomplicated GA, other comorbid conditions, blood
an emergency hysterectomy. Code Noelle is called product availability, and not-so-easy IV access (nurses
hospital mobilization for postpartum hemorrhage couldnt get IV, even though the patient was not obese).
which coordinates anesthesia, obstetrics, and the
102 blood bank. Medical therapy is attempted to slow the Make informed decisions about diagnostic and
hemorrhage, with minimal improvement. therapeutic interventions based on patient
Case 20 Code Noelle

information and preferences, up-to-date scientific  competency in administering general anesthesia

evidence, and clinical judgment. in a pregnant woman; GA was given when she was
Prepare for a possible need for interventional radi-  competency in obtaining IV access, both
ological procedures such as uterine artery emboliza- peripheral and central
tion [3] and cell saver use. (The worry that a cell  competency in placing an arterial line
saver might produce amniotic fluid embolism has been  competency in using the pharmacotherapy
unfounded. Moreover, if you salvage the blood after
the placenta is removed, there is no worry at all [4,5].)
If you feel that the patient is extremely nervous and Provide health care services aimed at preventing
that GA can be done safely, you could even choose gen- health problems or maintaining health.
eral anesthesia instead of regional. It all depends on
your judgment after careful consideration of risks and Pertinent points include the following:
benefits.  preparation for counteracting massive blood loss
and maintaining hemodynamic stability
Develop and carry out patient management plans.  measures to prevent aspiration such as naught per
A regional anesthesia with GA backup is planned. oris status, use of H2 blockers and Bicitra, and
Prepare for major blood loss with good IV access, rapid sequence induction
 timely antibiotic administration
blood products, a cell saver, an arterial line, and central
venous access, if needed.
Work with health care professionals, including
Counsel and educate patients and their families. those from other disciplines, to provide
The following considerations should be made: patient-focused care.
 discussion regarding the possible need for blood
This case is a true reflection of a multidisciplinary
transfusion and hysterectomy
 honest discussion about the possible need for approach:
 dialogue with obstetrics
interventional radiology help and even intensive
 discussion with the blood bank, labor and delivery
care unit (ICU) admission
 discussion of the possible need for postop nurses, and other support staff
 discussion with the interventional radiology team
and surgical ICU team
Use information technology to support patient
care decisions and patient education. Medical knowledge
Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab-
The pertinent issues in this case are as follows:
lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cog-
 the advantages of regional versus GA nate (e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sci-
 the useful role of interventional radiology ences and the application of this knowledge to patient
procedures care.
 recent pharmacological modalities for uterine
atony Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic
 the use of a cell saver thinking approach to clinical situations.

The pertinent points in our case are as follows:

Perform competently all medical and invasive  Is a well-conducted GA really so harmful? What is
procedures considered essential for the area of
practice. the current thinking?
 Is it better to do preemptive radiological
The following should be considered: procedures?
 competency in performing and conducting  Am I really prepared for possible blood loss of
regional anesthesia 700 cc/min?
Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

 in general, having good exposure to blood

Know and apply the basic and clinically product therapy
supportive sciences that are appropriate to their  application of the knowledge gained from other
areas of anesthesia in her situation (at times,
The following should be considered: knowledge from other areas takes time to trickle
 thorough knowledge of blood therapy and down to obstetric anesthesia)
 additionally, debriefing and discussion between
complications such as transfusion-related acute
anesthesia residents and attendings about case
lung injury
 appropriate use of products management, critical events, and lessons from the
 knowledge of pharmacotherapy of uterotonics case aid in generating new information
 resident self-reflection on the role of their
 role of recombinant factor VII
individual management of the patient,
self-reflection on learning and prediction of their
Practice-based learning performance in this situation if they had been the
attending, and aid in continuing practice-based
and improvement learning
Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their
patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific
evidence, and improve their patient care practices. Apply knowledge of study designs and statistical
methods to the appraisal of clinical studies and
Analyze practice experience and perform other information on diagnostic and therapeutic
practice-based improvement activities using a effectiveness.
systematic methodology.
This involves the following:
This is based on the following:  knowledge of the statistics needed to evaluate the
 your own experience of exposure to such cases in power of the studies
the past  ability to analyze statistical significance
 your own reflection of how to improve care
 departmental quality control reviews of these
Use information technology to manage
cases and debriefings that follow
 knowledge of the departmental protocols that information, access online medical information,
and support their own education.
were formulated based on the debriefings
This involves the following:
Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from  ability to use search engines to get information
scientific studies related to their patients health  knowledge of departmental online resources
This is based on the following: Professionalism
 lectures on this topic that you attended Residents must demonstrate a commitment to carry-
 literature searches ing out professional responsibilities, adherence to ethi-
 departmental online resources cal principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient popu-
Obtain and use information about their own Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a
population of patients and the larger population responsiveness to the needs of patients and society
from which their patients are drawn. that supersedes self-interest; accountability to
Consider the following: patients, society, and the profession; and a
 having knowledge of newer modalities of airway commitment to excellence and ongoing
104 professional development.
management in case of difficult intubation
Case 20 Code Noelle

This involves the following:  overcoming language barriers

 respectful communication regarding the pros and  effective communication with Dad when he needs
cons of GA to leave the room and continuing the
 respectful communication about the need for an communication about patient status and new
arterial line and large-bore IV when still awake developments
 overcoming language barriers to connect with the
patient Use effective listening skills and elicit and provide
 preparing with necessary skills such as advanced information using effective nonverbal,
cardiac life support and neonatal advanced life explanatory, questioning, and writing skills.
 attending departmental grand rounds and This involves the following:
continuing use of medical education resources  judging that there is a severe uterine atony and
massive hemorrhage by the expression on the
Demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles obstetricians face
pertaining to provision or withholding of clinical  knowing that there is significant hypotension
care, confidentiality of patient information, when the patient looks spaced out
informed consent, and business practice.
This involves the following: Work effectively with others as a member or
 ethicality of refusing the care [6] if the patient is leader of a health care team or other professional
adamant about GA group.
 misplaced worry about additional cost because of
This involves the following:
the cell saver and all the hotline sets because there
is a possibility that she may not need them  effective communication about the patients
status, need for GA and blood products, and need
Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to for more personnel
 calling code Noelle when extra help is needed
patients culture, age, gender, and disabilities.
This involves the following:
 understanding that because of her background,
Systems-based practice
she may be extremely uncomfortable if not Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and
covered responsiveness to the larger context and system of
 might be more comfortable with women
health care and the ability to effectively call on system
 care not to be condescending of the medical care
resources to provide care that is of optimal value.
in her country
Understand how their patient care and other
Interpersonal and communication professional practices affect other health care
professionals, the health care organization, and
skills the larger society and how these elements of the
Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal system affect their own practice.
and communication skills that result in effective infor-
mation exchange and teaming with patients, their This involves the following:
patients families, and professional associates.  understanding of the hospital rules and
Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically regulations for narcotic use
 thorough understanding of the impact of a
sound relationship with patients.
skeleton staff of nurses and other support
This involves the following: personnel after 3:00 p.m. [7]
 honest informed consent and explanation of the  availability of help from other physicians such as
rationale behind the use of invasive monitoring interventional radiologists and gynecologists
Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

Practice cost-effective health care and resource The pertinent issue in our case is finding the right
allocation that does not compromise quality of person to translate for the patient.
care. Know how to partner with health care managers
This involves the following: and health care providers to assess, coordinate,
 having a rapid infuser available but not ready and improve health care and know how these
 cost differences between bupivacaine and activities can affect system performance.

ropivacaine The pertinent issue in our case is that in our hos-

 cost comparison of various inhalational pital, systems-based multidisciplinary protocols have
anesthetics been developed for risk stratification, effective treat-
ment, and rapid mobilization of resources by calling
Advocate for quality patient care and assist code Noelle. Knowledge of the resources that will be
patients in dealing with system complexities. mobilized by the code and when to activate this code
is important.

Case 20 Code Noelle

References combined with leucocyte depletion filtration to

remove amniotic fluid from operative blood loss at
1. Gulur P, Nishimori M, Ballantyne J. Regional
caesarean section. Int J Obstet Anesth 1999;8:79
anaesthesia versus general anaesthesia, morbidity and
mortality. Best Pract Res Clin Anaesthesiol
2006;20:249263. 5. King M, Wrench I, Galimberti A, et al. Introduction of
cell salvage to a large obstetric unit: the first six
2. Afolabi BB, Lesi F, Merah N. Regional versus general
months. Int J Obstet Anesth 2009;18:111117.
anaesthesia for caesarean section. Cochrane Database
Syst Rev 2006;18:CD004350. 6. Chervenak F, McCullough L, Birnbach D. Ethics: an
essential dimension of clinical obstetric anesthesia.
3. Hong TM, Tseng H, Lee R, et al. Uterine artery
Anesth Analg 2003;96:14801485.
embolization: an effective treatment for intractable
obstetric haemorrhage. Clin Radiol 2004;59:96101. 7. Bendavid E, Kaganova Y, Needleman J, et al.
Complication rates on weekends and weekdays in US
4. Catling S, William S, Fielding A. Cell salvage in
hospitals. Am J Med 2007;120:422428.
obstetrics: an evaluation of the ability of cell salvage

Part 1 Contributions from Stony Brook University under
Case Christopher J. Gallagher

21 Are you sure theres a baby there?

A tale of the morbidly obese parturient
Ellen Steinberg and Ramon Abola

The case a controlled fashion; emergency cesarean section

may result in fetal or maternal compromise.
A 32-year-old gravida 1 para 0 (G1P0) presents to
labor and delivery for induction of labor for a large- 8. Cesarean section is performed under epidural
for-gestational-age fetus. The patient is at 39 weeks anesthesia; emergency and difficult airway
gestation. Past medical history is significant for mor- equipment is available in the operating room.
bid obesity. She is 5 foot 6 inches but weighs 400 9. The cesarean section proceeds uneventfully under
pounds. She presents to the floor for induction in the regional anesthesia.
early evening, a similar practice for most inductions as
patients should then be in active labor during the day-
time hours. Anesthesia staff is present 24 hours, how- Patient care
ever, with less help available during the evening hours.
Residents must be able to provide patient care that is
During your evening huddle a meeting between
compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat-
obstetrics (OB), nursing, and anesthesia services this
ment of health problems and the promotion of health.
patients case is discussed. The patient is also a so-
called difficult patient, demanding of the nursing staff,
Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring
and lacks insight into the severity of her situation. She
and respectful behaviors when interacting with
is unhappy that she is being treated differently than the
patients and their families.
other expectant mothers on the floor.
Discussion between OB and anesthesia determines Communication between the staff and patient is
that appropriate management will be as follows: (1) of the utmost importance in the medically challeng-
placement of an epidural (prior to induction) available ing and difficult patient. As health care practition-
for use for emergency cesarean section for maternal ers, we have to be able to convey our concerns to the
or fetal distress, (2) induction of labor, and (3) vaginal patient. Educating patients about these concerns helps
delivery a reasonable plan. the patient understand the prescribed care plan.
The reality: The patients body habitus, in our case, complicates
1. Nursing staff is unable to obtain intravenous (IV) medical care:
access.  difficult IV access
2. Anesthesia requires IV access prior to epidural  potential difficult airway management if general
placement in case of emergency. anesthesia is needed (mask ventilation in a
3. Central venous access is placed secondary to 400-pound, pregnant patient who will rapidly
inadequate peripheral access. desaturate secondary to decreased functional
4. Epidural is placed after multiple attempts, with residual capacity, with increased metabolic
success after a second anesthesia team attempts demand and an excess of soft tissue in the airway,
epidural placement. does not sound pleasant)
5. Induction of labor is initiated.  potentially difficult placement of regional
6. Patient fails induction of labor. anesthesia (Do you know where the midline is?)
7. OB and anesthesia staff agree that the best  difficulty in accurate monitoring both fetal and
108 approach will be to perform a cesarean section in maternal
Case 21 Are you sure theres a baby there?

 increased comorbid conditions during pregnancy internal jugular triple lumen catheter was placed
(hypertension, diabetes [1]). under ultrasound guidance. There is current
 potentially difficult cesarean section debate about increased safety, success rate, and
 increased risk of infection after cesarean section time to placement [3]. An article from Interactive
[2] and Cardiovascular Thoracic Surgery concludes
that in patients with a potentially difficult central
line insertion, the ultrasound technique reduces
Gather essential and accurate information about
complications and time to insertion. However, in
their patients.
those patients where no difficulty is predicted,
A quick review of this patient reveals a morbidly there is no evidence that the ultrasound technique
obese patient, G1P0, with an intrauterine pregnancy at confers any advantage [3, p. 527].
term. There is no significant past medical history, and 3. Placement of epidural anesthesia prior to
there have been no significant problems during this induction of labor should be completed. Should
pregnancy. The patient has had no previous surgeries. the patient develop the need for a stat cesarean
Medications include prenatal vitamins. section (i.e., nonreassuring fetal heart tracing),
Physical exam reveals a blood pressure of 110/70, having epidural anesthesia in place would allow
P 76, SpO2 96% on room air. The patient appears to be for rapid administration of surgical-level
in no acute distress. Her airway exam reveals a good anesthesia, without instrumentation of the
mouth opening and a Mallampati class II airway, with patients airway.
good neck extension. Thyromental distance appears 4. Then, induction of labor for a
to be greater than three finger breadths; however, the large-for-gestational-age fetus should be
patients neck circumference is quite large. You suspect performed.
that the patient would easily exhibit airway obstruc- 5. Should general anesthesia become necessary,
tion with too much sedation. Auscultation of the chest difficult airway equipment, including different
and heart are difficult secondary to the patients body laryngoscope blades, a laryngeal mask airway, an
habitus. You note the multiple attempts that the nurses intubating laryngeal mask airway, gum elastic
have made in placing an IV. bougie, and other airway tools should be readily
Laboratory studies are reviewed, revealing an available.
appropriate hematocrit of 36, a platelet count of 140,
and normal coagulation studies. Gathering the essen-
tial information is important to developing an appro- Perform competently all medical and invasive
priate management plan for this patient. procedures considered essential for the area of
Develop and carry out patient management plans.
Invasive procedures performed during this case
A useful tool in medical practice is to predict what include (1) establishing IV access in a difficult patient,
will or what could possibly happen during the care of a (2) placement of an epidural catheter, (3) placement of
patient. Planning for all possible outcomes allows one central venous access for a patient with poor periph-
to better prepare for an emergency. The management eral access, and (4) airway management in the obese
plan for this patient was as follows: patient should general anesthesia be needed. Essential
for the anesthesiologist is determination of the appro-
1. Placement of IV access prior to epidural
priateness of each invasive procedure.
anesthesia should be performed. During a
regional anesthetic procedure, IV access Work with health care professionals, including
administers essential IV fluids or emergency those from other disciplines, to provide
medications for resuscitation. Complications with patient-focused care.
neuraxial anesthesia include hypotension from
sympathectomy, high spinal block, and local Labor and delivery requires coordinating the ser-
anesthesia toxicity from intravascular injection. vices of anesthesia, obstetrics, and nursing staff to pro-
2. As placement of peripheral IV access was vide optimal care. Each area of expertise provides a dif- 109
unsuccessful, a central line was placed. A right ferent perspective about the current problem, and by
Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

communication and discussion, the best medical plan Regional anesthesia provides an attractive anes-
should be established. thetic plan for these patients as it allows for surgery
without manipulation of the airway. A postoperative
concern for this patient is pain management, and
Medical knowledge regional anesthesia allows one to minimize systemic
Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab- analgesics that may depress respiratory function.
lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cognate The anesthesiologist must be informed about
(e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sciences obstetrics to facilitate decisions regarding patient care.
and the application of this knowledge to patient care. Knowledge of the indications for a cesarean section
allows the anesthesiologist to be an advocate for good
Know and apply the basic and clinically patient care. Questioning a colleague about the indi-
supportive sciences that are appropriate to their cation for this procedure may allow a patient not to
discipline. have an unnecessary procedure. Knowledge of the
procedure itself is important. In the morbidly obese
With any parturient, the anesthesiologist needs to patient, a cesarean section is not a simple procedure:
be mindful of the physiological changes in pregnancy (1) how much tissue is there between the skin and
and how this will affect their management. Knowl- the uterus? (2) Can you find the uterus to apply fun-
edge of increased blood volume and increased edema dal pressure when extracting the fetus? (3) An opera-
is important as this will result in increased airway tive delivery can have increased complications of poor
edema, fragile mucosa, and more difficult airway man- wound healing and wound infection. This is surgery
agement. Lung volumes are decreased secondary to that would benefit from as much expertise and assis-
the gravid uterus, with a decreased functional resid- tance as is available. A stat cesarean section in this
ual capacity. The pregnant patient will become hypoxic patient may likely have complications. Alternatively,
faster with apnea than the nonpregnant patient. Addi- vaginal delivery may not be a better option. These
tionally, the pregnant patient has an increased risk patients have an increased rate of large-for-gestational-
of aspirating gastric contents because progesterone age fetuses, and there is a higher risk of shoulder
relaxes the lower esophageal sphincter tone and there dystocia.
is increased pressure on the abdomen by the gravid
uterus [4].
Obesity increases the probability of difficult airway Practice-based learning
management, certainly making ventilation more diffi- and improvement
cult and possibly making intubation more difficult [5].
Proper patient positioning for intubation is important. Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their
The morbidly obese patient demonstrates (1) a patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific
decreased functional residual capacity and (2) a evidence, and improve their patient care practices.
decreased closing capacity, both of which will result
in faster oxygen desaturation with apnea. Increased Analyze practice experience and perform
chest wall weight results in increased airway resistance practice-based improvement activities using a
and higher peak airway pressures during positive pres- systematic methodology.
sure ventilation. Patients with morbid obesity have a
high incidence of sleep apnea, which can be associ- Essential to anesthesia learning is to review the
ated with pulmonary hypertension and, ultimately, cor events of this case, the decisions that were made, the
pulmonale. patient outcome, and if alternatives to therapy should
These patients may have associated medical condi- have been done.
tions that complicate both their anesthetic and obstet- On our obstetric anesthesia service, we perform
ric management, including hypertension, diabetes, a daily debriefing with residents and attendings that
and coronary artery disease. These patients are at reviews the days critical events, teaching points, and
an increased risk of developing gestational hyperten- lessons for future care. It is a system that reviews clin-
110 sion, preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, and fetal birth ical experience to help shape learning and future deci-
weight greater than 4,000 g [6]. sion making.
Case 21 Are you sure theres a baby there?

Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from in loss of the airway, hypoxia, cardiac arrest, and loss
scientific studies related to their patients health of both the mother and the fetus. The physician must
problems. remain mindful of this problem and perform the ethi-
cal principle of nonmaleficence. This is not to say that
Reviewing pertinent literature before and after this an urgent cesarean section cannot be performed, but it
case about the obstetric management of the morbidly should not be done in a matter that may jeopardize the
obese patient allows one to ensure that one is perform- life of the mother.
ing evidenced-based medicine and adhering to good
practice principles. Reviewing literature may also pro- Interpersonal and communication
vide ways to improve patient care, for example, would
the use of ultrasound guidance improve success in skills
epidural placement [7]? Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal
and communication skills that result in effective infor-
Apply knowledge of study designs and statistical mation exchange and teaming with patients, their
methods to the appraisal of clinical studies and patients families, and professional associates.
other information on diagnostic and therapeutic
effectiveness. Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically
sound relationship with patients.
Reviewing the medical literature about the com-
plications noted in the morbidly obese parturient as Communication skills were essential in dealing
well as performing a critical review of this information with this difficult patient. The medical staff needed
for its validity will allow the medical team to prepare to develop a trusting relationship with this patient
patients for what they should expect in their care. The in a very short amount of time. Trust is important
care of the morbidly obese paturient has a high likeli- from this patient, particularly as several invasive pro-
hood of complications, both for the mom and for the cedures needed to be performed central line access
fetus. and epidural placement.

Work effectively with others as a member or

Professionalism leader of a health care team or other professional
Residents must demonstrate a commitment to car- group.
rying out professional responsibilities, adherence to
ethical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient One practice that we have implemented on labor
population. and delivery is the huddle, which is to occur twice a
day. The nursing, anesthesia, and obstetric staff meet
Demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles briefly to discuss the patients on the unit, any poten-
pertaining to provision or withholding of clinical tial problems, and planned medical care. This also
care, confidentiality of patient information, provides an opportunity for each medical service to
informed consent, and business practice. express its concerns about individual patients.
One of the most difficult aspects of obstetrical care
is that we are caring for two patients: both the mom Systems-based practice
and the fetus. A principle to review is that fetal well-
Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and
being is dependent on maternal well-being. If maternal
responsiveness to the larger context and system of
health is jeopardized, then the outcome of the fetus is
health care and the ability to effectively call on system
jeopardized. However, this relationship does not nec-
resources to provide care that is of optimal value.
essarily apply in reverse.
Consider the following scenario: our morbidly Understand how their patient care and other
obese patient is on labor and delivery with continu- professional practices affect other health care
ous fetal monitoring. The fetus demonstrates nonre- professionals, the health care organization, and
assuring fetal heart tracing, and the decision is made the larger society and how these elements of the
to perform a stat cesarean section. Performing an ill- system affect their own practice. 111
prepared general anesthetic in this patient may result
Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

This case highlights some of the challenges of care uate the airway, (2) evaluate possible peripheral IV
with a morbidly obese pregnant patient during deliv- access, and (3) provide patient education about anes-
ery. A task force was formed to evaluate several of the thetic management at the time of delivery. Educating
issues surrounding this case. The task force looked at patients about the placement of an epidural catheter
ways to improve system practices for these patients. early in labor allows them to understand the benefits of
What quality improvement measures can be done the medical plan. The outpatient setting also allows for
to optimize patient care? Several policies have been more time in a lower-stress environment for questions
implemented. and concerns to be properly addressed. An anesthetic
We have compiled the data from the medical liter- plan can be formulated prior to presentation on labor
ature that assess the complication rates and outcomes and delivery.
of pregnancy in the morbidly obese patient. This infor- As noted in this case, given the difficulty of IV
mation has been given both to health care providers access, our staff has become more aggressive at hav-
and to patients. This education highlights the risks, ing peripherally inserted central catheter lines placed
dangers, and outcomes of the morbidly obese patient by interventional radiology before admission to labor
during pregnancy. Better educating patients should and delivery.
allow them to modify their expectations should they Improving the health care system and using a
decide to become pregnant. multidisciplinary approach to these patients should
Assessing a patient prior to presentation at labor improve patient care.
and delivery allows for anesthesia providers to (1) eval-

Case 21 Are you sure theres a baby there?

Additional reading 4. Birnbach D, Browne I. Anesthesia for obstetrics. In:

Miller R, editor. Millers anesthesia. 6th ed.
1. Castro LC, Avina R. Maternal obesity and pregnancy
Philadelphia: Elsevier Churchill Livingston; 2005:
outcomes. Curr Opin Obstetr Gynecol
5. Popescu WM, Schwartz JJ. Perioperative
2. Schneid-Kofman N, Sheiner E, Levy A, Holcberg
considerations for the morbidly obese patient. Adv
G. Risk factors for wound infection following
Anesth 2007;25:5977.
cesarean deliveries. Int J Obstetr Gynecol 2005;90:
1015. 6. Weiss JL. Obesity, obstetric complications and
cesarean delivery rate a population-based screening
3. Espinet A, Dunning J. Does ultrasound-guided central
study. Am J Obstetr Gynecol 2004;190:10911097.
line insertion reduce complications and time to
placement in elective patients undergoing cardiac 7. Ali ME, Laurito C. Ultrasound guidance for epidural
surgery. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg catheter placement: a coming of age? J Clin Anesth
2004;3:523527. 2005;17:235236.

Part 1 Contributions from Stony Brook University under
Case Christopher J. Gallagher

22 Smoking, still smoking, and wont quit

Deborah Richman and Rany Makaryus

The case Patient care

Joe the plumber is a 44-year-old male who presented Residents must be able to provide patient care that is
to preoperative services with low back pain because of compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat-
a herniated disc at L5/S1, going for a discectomy. He ment of health problems and the promotion of health.
had been having severe radiating pain, especially down
his right leg, and was treating this pain with all the Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring
Vicodin he could get his hands on! He did not have any and respectful behaviors when interacting with
paraesthesias or weakness. As a self-employed contrac- patients and their families.
tor, and with no other medical problems besides hyper-
Joe the plumber is a model U.S. citizen! He defi-
tension (HTN) and gastroesophageal reflux disease, he
nitely deserves respect! This is a difficult situation, in
just wanted to get this surgery done so he could get
which we must understand the difficult dilemma this
back to work and pay his bills again. Since hes had
patient is in and respect his decision in going forward
surgery before (a laparotomy about 20 years ago, with
with surgery, even though his medical condition is not
no problems), of course, he would have no problems
optimized. Part of the problem is that he may not be
with this surgery, right?
able to afford the surgery if he puts all his hard-earned
On further questioning and a review of systems, it
money into medical optimization.
was discovered that he also smokes just a little only
about two packs per day for 30 years! On top of this, Gather essential and accurate information about
he also has a chronic cough, worse in the morning and their patients.
productive of brown sputum, as well as a wheeze. He
denied having frequent urinary tract infections, pneu- A great deal of time was spent trying to gain infor-
monia, or bronchitis. He doesnt take any pulmonary mation from this patient to establish a working diag-
medications because he doesnt have insurance. He nosis and optimize this patient with as little further
was also suspect for obstructive sleep apnea, being that testing as possible so as not to impart much cost to the
he snores, has daytime tiredness, has been observed to patient. Careful assessment of his pulmonary function
stop breathing in his sleep, and has a history of HTN. and stability of his presumed chronic obstructive pul-
He cant, however, afford a sleep study because his monary disease (COPD) are mainly done on history
darned health insurance, which, again, doesnt exist, and physical exam.
cant pay!
On the positive side, though, he is a contractor and Make informed decisions about diagnostic and
works hard with great effort and tolerance. He is self- therapeutic interventions based on patient
employed; he cant work because hes in too much pain, information and preferences, up-to-date scientific
and he cant afford not to work because he has way too evidence, and clinical judgment.
many bills to pay.
This is where being a clinician, and individualizing
His only medication at this time is Vicodin. A phys-
medical care for each patient, becomes very important.
ical exam revealed that he is 5 feet 11 inches tall, weigh-
Ideally, this patient should do the following:
ing in at 225 pounds, with a blood pressure of 158/92
and with bilateral wheezes mainly in the upper air-  see a pulmonologist for optimization
way that improve with coughing and in an open-  be encouraged to quit smoking and have his
mouth sniffing position, but not completely. The rest surgery scheduled for 8 weeks after he quits
of the physical exam was noncontributory.  have his sleep apnea evaluated and treated
Case 22 Smoking, still smoking, and wont quit

However, for him, it may be much more beneficial to tive in detecting this disease in the preoperative popu-
go ahead with surgery, simply assuming that he wont lation.
quit smoking and that he has severe sleep apnea, and
to provide anesthesia with these facts and assumptions Perform competently all medical and invasive
in mind. procedures considered essential for the area of
Develop and carry out patient management Chest X ray, pulmonary function tests, and blood
plans. gases are not proven to change management or out-
The patients plan includes smoking cessation, come in these patients and are not indicated.
incentive spirometry education preoperatively, and Provide health care services aimed at preventing
beta agonist nebulizer prior to surgery; combined local health problems or maintaining health.
and general anesthesia; and postoperative monitor-
ing, incentive spirometry, and deep venous thrombosis Teach the patient preoperatively how to use the
prophylaxis. incentive spirometer and send him home with one.
The physician should keep careful documentation Offer a prescription for nicotine patches. If sputum
of these plans and the reasoning behind them. Com- is infected (green or yellow), have the patient take an
munication with the anesthesia and surgical teams antibiotic for at least 48 hours prior to surgery, with
who will be providing care for this patient should be the goal of preventing pulmonary complications post-
maintained to ensure the best possible care for this operatively.
Work with health care professionals, including
Counsel and educate patients and their those from other disciplines, to provide
families. patient-focused care.

This patient needs to be educated on multiple Hold discussions with the surgical team, the oper-
health care concerns. First and foremost is education ating room (OR) anesthesia team, the postanesthesia
on the negative effects of smoking, especially in such care unit team, pulmonary experts, and the patient to
little oh, sorry, I mean large . . . oh, sorry, I mean enor- provide the best possible anesthesia care.
mous amounts!
Also important to discuss with this patient is the Medical knowledge
fact that taking Vicodin for pain should be done in Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab-
moderation not only because of the possibility of lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cognate
opioid toxicity, but also because of the adverse hepatic (e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sciences
effects of acetaminophen. Sometimes it would be bet- and the application of this knowledge to patient care.
ter to provide the patient with opioid medications sep-
arately from the acetaminophen. Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic
Finally, if it is decided to go ahead without further thinking approach to clinical situations.
optimization, the patient needs to be aware of the extra Think about how to treat chronic bronchitis/
risks he is taking on specifically postoperative pul- COPD. Think about how to treat OSA.
monary complications, and worse, the risk of being
canceled on the day of surgery by the anesthesiologist Know and apply the basic and clinically
due to lack of optimization. supportive sciences that are appropriate to their
Use information technology to support patient
care decisions and patient education. Preop use of nebulizers and/or albuterol to use or
not to use? If you gave the patient an inhaler, would his
This patients probable diagnosis of obstructive inhaler technique be adequate enough to get the drug
sleep apnea (OSA) would not have been discovered delivered, or would most be drifting into the ozone?
had the STOP screen questionnaire not been used, Also, consider the advantages and disadvantages of 115
which, in the literature, has been proven to be effec- preoperative steroids.
Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

How long should the patient stop smoking for? Have studies shown that screening for OSA is effec-
Six hours (CO effects)? Twenty-four hours (sympa- tive in preventing complications? What about these
thetic effects of nicotine withdrawal)? Two weeks study designs and/or statistical methods supports that
(return of ciliary function)? Eight weeks (decreased assertion?
postoperative pulmonary complications)? Ten years
(return to nonsmoking population risk of coronary Use information technology to manage
artery disease and lung cancer)? Or my personal information, access online medical information,
favorite whenever you stop is good, excellent, and and support their own education.
wonderful! Much information about COPD, OSA, smoking
cessation, local support groups, and so on is available
Practice-based learning online and in pamphlets that can be handed out to
and improvement
Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their
patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific
evidence, and improve their patient care practices. Residents must demonstrate a commitment to carry-
ing out professional responsibilities, adherence to eth-
Analyze practice experience and perform ical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient pop-
practice-based improvement activities using a ulation.
systematic methodology. Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a
Consider carefully why this patient is different responsiveness to the needs of patients and society
from a 75-year-old with the same history and if that supersedes self-interest; accountability to
that patient could be sent to surgery without further patients, society, and the profession; and a
workup its all about the riskbenefit ratio. Remem- commitment to excellence and ongoing
ber age and closing capacity. professional development.
In this case, responding to the needs of the patient
Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from is top priority the need to have surgery to regain
scientific studies related to their patients health the ability to make a living is most important for this
problems. patient and thus needs to be most important for the
Look up management of COPD, preop optimiza- clinician, as well.
tion for smokers, advantages of quitting tobacco use, Demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles
and so on. Also look up the usefulness of the STOP pertaining to provision or withholding of clinical
screen, what to do with the screen, what is a positive care, confidentiality of patient information,
screen, and the importance of identifying patients informed consent, and business practice.
with OSA.
Respecting the patients decision to go ahead with
Obtain and use information about their own surgery without medical optimization, while he con-
population of patients and the larger population tinues to smoke, is important, as is the ethical principle
from which their patients are drawn. to the patient of first, do no harm . . .

This patient needs individualized care, and this Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to
must be drawn from known information on how to patients culture, age, gender, and disabilities.
deal with patients with similar disease processes.
Keeping these factors in mind, making the deci-
Apply knowledge of study designs and statistical sion to go with surgery on this patient, while giving
methods to the appraisal of clinical studies and the patient all the important information and medi-
other information on diagnostic and therapeutic cal education for surgical optimization, is the result
116 effectiveness. of being sensitive to the patients disabilities, lack of
insurance, and need for employment.
Case 22 Smoking, still smoking, and wont quit

Interpersonal and communication Understand how their patient care and other
skills professional practices affect other health care
professionals, the health care organization, and
Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal the larger society and how these elements of the
and communication skills that result in effective infor- system affect their own practice.
mation exchange and teaming with patients, their
patients families, and professional associates. Deciding that this guy is OK to do might fit your
clinical judgment and moral values youve spoken
Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically with a real person, not a cold chart that looks sick or an
sound relationship with patients. anxious supine patient without his teeth. But if the sur-
geon and anesthesiologist of the day do not agree with
Take care of the patient as a person, not as another
your opinion the OR stands, the surgeon fumes, and
subject of medical treatment.
your colleague thinks you are an idiot (the feeling will
Use effective listening skills and elicit and provide probably be mutual) there is going to be downtime
information using effective nonverbal, in the OR (mega bucks).
explanatory, questioning, and writing skills. If your judgment is not sound, the patient may suf-
fer postop pneumonia, increased length of stay, tests,
Listening to the patient brought out the fact that consults, and more mega bucks! And the state just cut
he lacks insurance, yet needs this surgery. Using inex- our budget again.
pensive tests and interventions, for example, the STOP
screen and incentive spirometry, to assess and manage Practice cost-effective health care and resource
this patient provided necessary medical information allocation that does not compromise quality of
and allowed the patient to make appropriate medical care.
decisions. Providing this patient with surgery that will em-
power him to return to work and regain a functional
Work effectively with others as a member or
lifestyle is very important all the while using effec-
leader of a health care team or other professional
tive health care, while maintaining the least possible
cost to the patient, is key in this case.
Communication with the surgical team and the Advocate for quality patient care and assist
anesthesiologist providing the patients care is huge patients in dealing with system complexities.
the anesthesiologist of the day would not be wrong
to cancel our friend Joe the plumber. Find the right Helping this patient gain the benefits of surgery,
guy or gal, give him or her a heads up, and let him without giving him undue financial stress, is important
or her think it over, bounce it off the boss/spouse/dog, here.
and make an informed decision to anesthetize this
patient because of the unique circumstances of Know how to partner with health care managers
2009. and health care providers to assess, coordinate,
and improve health care and know how these
activities can affect system performance.
Systems-based practice
Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and The patients surgery and recovery period were
responsiveness to the larger context and system of uneventful. He was discharged home on postop day
health care and the ability to effectively call on system 1 and has significant improvement in his symptoms,
resources to provide care that is of optimal value. enabling him to return to work . . . and smoking.

Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

Additional reading surgery: systematic review for the American

College of Physicians. Ann Intern Med 2006;144:
1. Qaseem A, Snow Q, Fitterman N, et al. Risk
assessment for and strategies to reduce perioperative
pulmonary complications for patients undergoing 5. Warner DO. Perioperative abstinence from cigarettes:
noncardiothoracic surgery: a guideline from the physiological and clinical consequences.
American College of Physicians. Ann Intern Med Anesthesiology 2006;104:356367.
2006;144:575580. 6. Egan TD, Wong KC. Perioperative smoking cessation
2. Pasquina P, Tramer MR, Granier J, Walder B. and anesthesia: a review. J Clin Anesth 1992;4:
Respiratory physiotherapy to prevent pulmonary 6372.
complications after abdominal surgery: a systematic 7. Practice guidelines for the perioperative management
review. Chest 2006;130:18871899. of patients with obstructive sleep apnea: a report by
3. Wong D, Weber E, Schell M, Wong A, Anderson C, the American Society of Anesthesiologists Task Force
Barker S. Factors associated with postoperative on Perioperative Management of Patients with
pulmonary complications in patients with severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Anesthesiology
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Anesth Analg 2006;104:10811093.
1995;80:276284. 8. Chung F, Yegneswaran B, Liao P, et al. STOP
4. Smetana GW, Lawrence VA, Cornell JE. Preoperative questionnaire: a tool to screen obstructive sleep apnea.
pulmonary risk stratification for noncardiothoracic Anesthesiology 2008;108:812821.

Part 1 Contributions from Stony Brook University under
Case Christopher J. Gallagher

23 Pseudoseizures following office extubation

Ralph Epstein and Andrew Drollinger

The case daughter exhibited this behavior previously in a medi-

This is a case of a 19-year-old female college student cal office. Not knowing if the patient was actually hav-
presenting to a private dental office for comprehen- ing a seizure, intravenous (IV) access was obtained via
sive dental care under general anesthesia. Her medi- a 20-gauge catheter and with D5-1/2 as the IV fluid.
cal history includes depression, panic disorder, prob- The patient was administered midazolam 10 mg over
lems with mental health, needle phobia, anemia, latex 10 minutes with no change in her seizurelike behavior.
allergy, and seasonal allergies. She takes sertraline for Diazepam 5 mg was then administered, also with no
depression, lorazepam for anxiety, and amoxicillin for changes noted. Her BIS was noted to be in the 70s, as
dental infection. expected after the administration of benzodiazepines.
At a recent dental appointment under general anes- It was noted that this seizurelike behavior would
thesia by the same anesthesiologist, blood studies were start and stop and increase and decrease in inten-
obtained, including complete blood count (CBC) with sity, particularly with her mothers involvement. About
platelets and differential and a thyroid panel. All results 20 minutes into this event, when she was called by the
were found to be within normal limits. Evaluation of wrong name, she opened her eyes slightly and jokingly
her airway classified her as Mallampati class I, with full became upset that such a mistake was made, and then
range of motion of her neck and with adequate thyro- slipped back into shaking and shuttering.
mental distance. At 8:20 p.m., emergency medical services (EMS)
Owing to the patients needle phobia, general anes- were called to transport the patient to the local emer-
thesia was initiated via mask induction with sevoflu- gency department. This decision was made collec-
rane, nitrous oxide, and oxygen. A 7.0 nasal endo- tively, including with the mother. The patient was
tracheal tube was inserted atraumatically through the transported to the emergency department via ambu-
patients left naris. Monitoring included electrocardio- lance. All the involved dentists went to the emergency
gram, blood pressure, heart rate, pulse oximetry, pre- department to provide necessary information to the
tracheal auscultation, capnography, temperature, and emergency department physician and to provide sup-
bispectral index (BIS). Anesthesia was maintained by port to the patient and her mother.
propofol and dexmedetomidine infusion, and her den- After about 1 hour in the emergency department,
tal work, which included root canal on nine teeth, the physician, in hearing the distance of the patient,
was completed as expected. The anesthetic course was recommended sedation with propofol and reintuba-
smooth, with no aberrations. At the completion of tion to take a brain magnetic resonance image (MRI).
treatment, infusions were discontinued, and she was The mother was opposed to the reintubation and, fol-
extubated without complications (6:50 p.m.). lowing the advice of the anesthesiologist, she left the
At 7:00 p.m., the patients mother, a physician, was treatment room to call her husband, also a physi-
brought into the recovery area with the patient being cian. Approximately 3 minutes after the mother left the
awake, responsive, and resting comfortably. At 7:20 room, the patient opened her eyes, woke up, and the
p.m., the patients behavior began to change. She started seizurelike behavior stopped. A brain MRI was taken
shaking and shuttering and was no longer respon- and the patient was admitted overnight. The brain MRI
sive. Her blood pressure was 113/70, with a pulse of was read out without any positive findings.
88 and oxygen saturation at 98%. A BIS monitor was When the IV started by the anesthesiologist in
placed, and a reading of greater than 90 was noted. the private office was removed the next morning, the
At this point in time, the mother reported that her patient exhibited 5 minutes of the seizurelike activity. 119
Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

The same seizurelike activity occurred later in the

Perform competently all medical and invasive
afternoon, when the IV started in the emergency
procedures considered essential for the area of
department was removed.
Later follow-up indicated that the patient had a
video electroencephalogram (EEG) performed. Dur- General anesthesia was performed as planned
ing the video EEG, the patient exhibited four episodes and without incident. After pseudoseizures began, IV
of the seizurelike activity. The official impression from access was obtained and benzodiazepines were admin-
the neurophysiologist conducting the video EEG was istered.
as follows:
 four nonepileptic events Work with health care professionals, including
 EEG normal those from other disciplines, to provide
 large beta may be secondary to Ativan patient-focused care.

The mother reports that the primary neurologist has Everyone who was involved in patient care escorted
made a diagnosis of pseudoseizures. the patient to the emergency department to provide all
necessary information to the emergency department
Patient care
Residents must be able to provide patient care that Medical knowledge
is compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab-
treatment of health problems and the promotion of lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cog-
health. nate (e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sci-
ences and the application of this knowledge to patient
Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring
and respectful behaviors when interacting with
patients and their families. Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic
The decision was made early on to involve the thinking approach to clinical situations.
patients mother. The patients behavior was immediately suspected
Gather essential and accurate information about to be seizure and was treated accordingly.
their patients.
Vital signs and BIS were recorded, and seizure
Practice-based learning
activity was highly suspected. and improvement
Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their
Make informed decisions about diagnostic and patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific
therapeutic interventions based on patient evidence, and improve their patient care practices.
information and preferences, up-to-date scientific
evidence, and clinical judgment. Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from
scientific studies related to their patients health
Suspected seizure activity was treated accordingly.
Develop and carry out patient management plans. This patient presented with a psychological history
The patient was treated for seizures and trans- of anxiety and depression.
ported to the emergency department via EMS within
an appropriate time frame. Professionalism
Counsel and educate patients and their families. Residents must demonstrate a commitment to car-
rying out professional responsibilities, adherence to
120 The patients mother was included in the decision- ethical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient
making process. population.
Case 23 Pseudoseizures following office extubation

excellence and ongoing professional

Demonstrate respect, compassion, and
integrity; a responsiveness to the needs of
patients and society that supersedes self- Everyone involved in the patients care went to the
interest; accountability to patients, society, emergency department and stayed until her care was
and the profession; and a commitment to complete.

Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

Additional reading 3. Parry T, Hirsch N. Psychogenic seizures after general

anaesthesia. Anaesthesia 2007;47:534.
1. Ng L, Chambers N. Postoperative pseudoepileptic
seizures in a known epileptic: complications in 4. Taylor DC. Pseudoseizures and the predicament:
recovery. Br J Anaesth 2003;91:598600. pseudoseeing is pseudobelieving. Epilepsy Behav
2. Allen G, Farling P, Ng L, Chambers N. Anaesthesia
and pseudoseizures. Br J Anaesth 2004;92:451452.

Part 1 Contributions from Stony Brook University under
Case Christopher J. Gallagher

24 What happened to the ETT tip?

Ralph Epstein and Tate Montgomery

The case 2 hours and 30 minutes. All vital signs, respiratory

A 16-kg, 2-year, 6-month-old male presented to the sounds and ETCO2 , SpO2 , temperature, and BIS read-
dental office with multiple carious, nonrestorable ings were within normal limits.
teeth. His past medical history and family history When the dentist finished, she removed the throat
were noncontributory. On examination, it was deter- pack and allowed the anesthesiologist to extubate the
mined that he would require a more extensive exam- patient. It was done atraumatically, although some
ination, radiographs, multiple restorations, cleaning, secretion or something came out with the tube. The
and extractions. It was decided that because of age and tube was placed on a tray to the right, and all atten-
behavior, the treatment would be done with the patient tion was returned to the patient. He was recovering
under general anesthesia in the dental office. Prior to very well. On glancing to the right, the anesthesiolo-
the date of treatment, the anesthesiologist evaluated gist noticed that the tip of the NRAE was abnormal and
the patient and determined that he was a good candi- that part of it was missing. A direct laryngoscopy was
date for office-based general anesthesia. performed and there was no sign of a foreign body. The
The child was seen preoperatively by his pediatri- patient continued to have an oxygen saturation of 98%.
cian and was found to be healthy, with no contraindi- His lungs were clear to auscultation and he was then
cations to general anesthesia. Prior to the start of anes- transferred to another room to continue recovery and
thesia, the patient was evaluated by the anesthesiolo- monitoring. The operatory was thoroughly inspected
gist and found to be in good condition for office-based and cleaned in an attempt to find the missing tip from
general anesthesia on this date. The patient was given the NRAE, but nothing was found.
15 mg oral midazolam in the waiting room. Twenty The entire situation was explained to the parents.
minutes later, he was taken to the treatment room Following consultation with a pediatric radiologist at
and general anesthesia was induced by sevoflurane and University Hospital 1 mile away, the patient was trans-
nitrous oxide/oxygen. Intravenous access was obtained ported by the anesthesiologist to the hospital, without
with a 22-gauge Jelco catheter in the right anticubital discontinuing his IV. A pediatric radiologist reviewed
fossa. Standard ASA monitors were placed as well a BIS the patients chest PA and a lateral and found an area
monitor and a precordial stethoscope. of prominent markings in the right upper lobe due
Both nares were prepared with oxymetazoline to atelectasis or infiltrate, no air trapping, and no
drops, and nasal airways 2026, which were lubricated opaque foreign body. A pediatric mag study was also
with 2% lidocaine jelly, were successively placed in done, and there was atelectasis or infiltrate in the right
the right naris. To decrease the trauma to the naris, upper lung field; no radiopaque foreign body and no
an uncuffed Mallinckrodt 4.5 nasal RAE was removed nonopaque foreign body surrounded by air was found.
from its package and placed in very hot water. Imme- Intravenous access was discontinued, and the patient
diately prior to insertion of the NRAE in the right was transported to the private office of the chief of oto-
naris, the tube was lubricated with 2% lidocaine jelly laryngology.
that was on a 4 by 4 inch gauze. The patient was intu- The patient was inspected via anterior rhinoscopy,
bated on the first attempt, and it was atraumatic. The direct fiber-optic nasal endoscopy, and laryngoscopy
tube was secured, eyes were taped, and the head was with phenylephrine. There was no evidence of a foreign
wrapped in the usual manner for a dental procedure. body, abrasion, or any airway compromise. The patient
The dentist placed one throat pack. Maintenance anes- was then sent home, and instructions were given to
thesia was sevoflurane and nitrous oxide/oxygen for the parents that if anything abnormal occurred with 123
Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

regard to his breathing, they should inform the anes- Make informed decisions about diagnostic and
thesiologist and immediately go to the emergency therapeutic interventions based on patient
department. The patient was followed by his pedia- information and preferences, up-to-date scientific
trician, radiographs were retaken 34 days posttreat- evidence, and clinical judgment.
ment, and he was evaluated in the office 6 days later.
The patient did well, and the parents never reported It was decided to first transport the patient to the
any problems. hospital for further examination, and when satisfac-
Mallinckrodt was informed of the situation via e- tory results were not found, the patient was then trans-
mail, and digital photographs of the tube were sent. ferred to a specialist to further determine what could
After several months, by letter, Mallinckrodt explained be done to ensure that the best care was provided.
that the tubes are manufactured in one piece. The Mur-
phy eye is then punched after the tube is formed. They Develop and carry out patient management plans.
explained that the tube was probably punched twice
The postoperative management was handled as
and not detected by their quality control procedures.
described previously.
This defect was reported to both the quality and manu-
facturing departments, and they requested that correc- Counsel and educate patients and their families.
tive action be implemented to avoid the reoccurrence
of this problem. Most information was given to the parents because
This was a situation that was challenging to manage of the patients age. The parents were informed about
because it occurred in a private office, where all means everything and were very cooperative.
where not immediately available to address the con-
cerns of an incomplete tube discovered on extubation. Use information technology to support patient
All information was disclosed to the parents, and they care decisions and patient education.
were assisted and informed throughout the entire pro-
It was explained to the parents that everything was
cess. We are reminded by this incidence that we must
done to find the missing piece of the endotracheal tube.
always be ready to manage unexpected situations in a
In the past, the most that might have been done would
professional and ethical manner. I currently check not
have been to take a chest X-ray, but with the aid of the
only the cuff on my endotracheal tubes, but the entire
specialist, much more was done to maintain the health
tube every time I intubate! Will you now?
of the patient.

Patient care Perform competently all medical and invasive

procedures considered essential for the area of
Residents must be able to provide patient care that is
compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat-
ment of health problems and the promotion of health. The anesthesiologist transferred the patient to two
different and independent health care providers to
Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring reevaluate and confirm that nothing was abnormal.
and respectful behaviors when interacting with
patients and their families.
Medical knowledge
It was necessary for the anesthesiologist to care- Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab-
fully explain, in full detail, in a manner that the parents lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cognate
could understand, what happened and what was going (e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sciences
to need to be done. and the application of this knowledge to patient care.

Gather essential and accurate information about Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic
their patients. thinking approach to clinical situations.
As the patient was so young, it was necessary to dis- Before the patient was transferred to the hospital,
124 cuss with the parents the health of the child and to ask the room was thoroughly searched to see if the missing
appropriate questions. piece could be found. After the situation occurred, the
Case 24 What happened to the ETT tip?

manufacturer was contacted to further explain what Throughout this entire case, the parents were fully
happened. informed and involved to make sure they knew that the
best health care available was provided to their child.
Practice-based learning
and improvement Interpersonal and communication
Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their skills
patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal
evidence, and improve their patient care practices. and communication skills that result in effective infor-
mation exchange and teaming with patients, their
Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from patients families, and professional associates.
scientific studies related to their patients health
problems. Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically
sound relationship with patients.
The manufacturer was contacted to determine if
this has been a problem and to see what would be done The family was kept informed of the status of
to ensure that this did not happen again. their child during the posttreatment evaluation pro-
cess. Multiple postoperative phone calls were made to
Obtain and use information about their own answer questions and to make sure the child had no
population of patients and the larger population further complications.
from which their patients are drawn.
Work effectively with others as a member or
This was an unexpected issue that was not specific leader of a health care team or other professional
to this patients population; however, it could occur to group.
anyone undergoing intubated general anesthesia.
The entire staff was involved in attempts to find
the missing piece and to determine a plausible cause
Professionalism for the issue. Multiple other health care providers
Residents must demonstrate a commitment to car- were consulted, but the anesthesiologist took the
rying out professional responsibilities, adherence to lead, gathered information from all possible resources,
ethical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient and made leadership decisions for the benefit of the
population. patient.

Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a

responsiveness to the needs of patients and society
Systems-based practice
that supersedes self-interest; accountability to Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and
patients, society, and the profession; and a responsiveness to the larger context and system of
commitment to excellence and ongoing health care and the ability to effectively call on system
professional development. resources to provide care that is of optimal value.

Because this patient required unexpected addi- Understand how their patient care and other
tional care, other patients had to be rescheduled to professional practices affect other health care
another day. Total productivity for the day was de- professionals, the health care organization, and
creased, which resulted in a decrease of income for the the larger society and how these elements of the
operating dentist and the anesthesiologist. system affect their own practice.

Demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles This case demonstrates how office-based general
pertaining to provision or withholding of clinical anesthesia care affects multiple health care practition-
care, confidentiality of patient information, ers and institutions and also how dependent we are
informed consent, and business practice. on multiple providers to ensure the best care for our 125
Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

Practice cost-effective health care and resource ent specialists. The complexities of accessing specialty
allocation that does not compromise quality of consultant care were far from normal. While attend-
care. ing to the recovery of the child, multiple phone con-
sultations outside the treatment facility were required
This case demonstrates that when providing cost- to schedule and organize the best treatment for the
effective office-based general anesthesia and being pre- patient.
sented with the most unexpected of complications, the Know how to partner with health care managers
patients quality of care was not compromised. and health care providers to assess, coordinate,
and improve health care and know how these
Advocate for quality patient care and assist activities can affect system performance.
patients in dealing with system complexities.
The private office had predetermined where a
The anesthesiologist was with the patient through- patient would be transported if it were ever necessary.
out the multiple visits he received. He was there to This way, there was no time wasted when it was actu-
explain the results that were obtained from the differ- ally necessary.

Case 24 What happened to the ETT tip?

Additional reading 3. Wang PC, Tseng GY, Yang HB, et al. Inadvertent
tracheobronchial placement of feeding tube in a
1. Pritt B, Harmon M, Schwartz M, et al. A tale of three
mechanically ventilated patient. J Chin Med Assoc
aspirations: foreign bodies in the airway. J Clin Pathol
4. Krzanowski TJ, Mazur W. A complication associated
2. Lampl L. Tracheobronchial injuries: conservative
with the Murphy eye of an endotracheal tube. Anesth
treatment. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg
Analg 2005;100:18541855.

Part 1 Contributions from Stony Brook University under
Case Christopher J. Gallagher

25 Jerry and Terry want one more baby

Rishimani Adsumelli and Vishal Sharma

The case perform abdominal hysterectomy. During the surgery,

the patient develops hypotension and bradycardia. The
A 39-year-old gravida 10 para 9 (G10P9) is admitted
patient is transfused 5 units of packed red blood cells,
for treatment and evaluation to the obstetrics floor for
2 units of platelets, and 2 units of fresh frozen plasma.
abdominal pain. The obstetricians are telling you that
Her lowest hemoglobin was 6.7 and her hematocrit was
the patient probably has placenta accreta and placenta
24. The patient is transported to the recovery room,
previa on ultrasound. Furthermore, the obstetricians
where she recovers from her surgery. She has no other
relate to you that the baby has no heart rate and no
complications and is eventually discharged after 5 days
movement is visualized on ultrasound at 36 weeks ges-
of hospitalization.
tation. The patient has no significant past medical his-
tory. Her obstetric history is extensive, including five
vaginal births and four previous cesarean sections. Her Patient care
cesarean sections were complicated by uterine atony Residents must be able to provide patient care that is
after each procedure, requiring blood transfusions and compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat-
an intensive care unit stay for the last one. It is rec- ment of health problems and the promotion of health.
ommended to the patient that she undergo bilateral
uterine artery embolization as well as abdominal hys- Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring
terectomy to remove the dead fetus and to prevent and respectful behaviors when interacting with
postpartum hemorrhage from previa and accreta. The patients and their families.
patient is devastated at the loss of her child and is refus-
ing all medical care. She just wanted to be given some Although the patient wanted only sedation and
sedation and sleep. wasnt willing to discuss any other medical manage-
After extensive discussion with the patient and the ment, it was not an option for the medical team. We
obstetrician, it is determined that an initial attempt to couldnt sedate unless consents were signed for man-
perform a cesarean section will be made; if, however, agement.
the patient begins to have bleeding of any kind, no fur- Faced with this situation, the only option was to
ther attempts will be made to deliver the placenta, and give her some time for this devastating event to sink
the patient will then undergo abdominal hysterectomy. in, while continuing discussions with her husband. We
The patient is brought to the operating room and showed empathy by having different staff try to get
an epidural catheter is placed successfully with a across to her, even a pastor. After 2 hours, one of the
T5 thoracic level obtained using 2% lidocaine with labor and delivery nurses managed to convince her
1:200,000 epinephrine, approximately 20 mL. An arte- that the rest of her children needed her and that she
rial line and three large-bore IVs are placed. The needed to consent to the treatment plan. After the con-
patient is sedated with versed and incremental doses sent was obtained, sedation was given.
of ketamine. During the surgery, the obstetricians per- It must be said that this mother of nine children
form a cesarean section; after opening the uterus, a has an abundance of progeny, and although the loss of
large amount of brownish amniotic fluid is expelled, a child may be devastating, the clear course of action in
and it becomes readily apparent that the cause of IUFD this case would be to prevent postpartum hemorrhage.
was, in fact, placental abruption. The obstetricians dis- You must put aside any resentment and difficulties you
128 continue efforts to remove the placenta after initial might have with providing care for a patient not will-
attempts reveal brisk bleeding and then successfully ing to comply with the advice of doctors. The patient
Case 25 Jerry and Terry want one more baby

is making the best decision for her, and not for you. ine artery, or the hypogastric artery, to prevent intra-
The role that the physician should play in this situa- operative hemorrhage. The option of general anesthe-
tion is to inform the patient of the risks, benefits, and sia was offered to the patient in view of her emotional
alternatives of surgery and anesthesia and advise a status and high risk of hemodynamic instability. Her
course of action that is both safe and effective in treat- airway examination was optimal. However, the patient
ing this mother. Adapting to the patient is part of being refused general anesthesia, and the procedure was per-
a good anesthesiologist. formed with epidural. Obviously, hemodynamic insta-
bility in this case would warrant an arterial line and
Gather essential and accurate information about several large-bore IVs for the administration of fluid,
their patients. blood products, and vasopressors.
The patient had many risk factors for postpartum Discussion with interventional radiology about
hemorrhage. This patient had advanced maternal age. the possible need for intervention subsequent to the
The patient had four previous cesarean sections. The surgery was warranted.
patient had a previous history of uterine atony. The
patient had an ultrasound consistent with placenta Counsel and educate patients and their families.
previa and accreta. A discussion with your patient is needed to facil-
Make informed decisions about diagnostic and itate understanding and trust between doctor and
therapeutic interventions based on patient patient. In this difficult situation, you are trying to pro-
information and preferences, up-to-date scientific vide anesthesia safely, while trying to appease not only
evidence, and clinical judgment. the mother, but also the father. It is important not to
neglect the father in this situation because the mother
Placenta previa is a condition in which the placen- may have some degree of trust in you, but not nearly
tal tissue covers the cervix. There are both partial and the amount of trust that she has in her husband. Medi-
complete varieties, which refer to the degree of previa cal decisions are not made by patients; rather, they are
covering the cervical os. The incidence of previa is 1 in made by the patients and their families.
200 pregnancies and increases with prior cesarean sec- Here, discussing the options of GA versus regional
tions, advanced maternal age, and multiparity. Ultra- was important. It is also important to discuss possible
sound remains the most useful diagnostic test used to conversion to GA, if need be.
detect previa.
Placenta accreta is an abnormal adherence of the Use information technology to support patient
placenta to the uterine wall. This degree of invasion care decisions and patient education.
of the uterine wall can be graded as accreta when the
chorionic villi are in contact with myometrium (80% of The preoperative discussion is when information
cases), placenta increta when the chorionic villi invade from the obstetrician and anesthesiologist can be pre-
into myometrium (15% of cases), or the most serious, sented to the patient so that she can have an abundance
percreta, when the chorionic villi invade into serosa of understanding about the risks that she is under-
(5% of cases). taking and can make an informed decision about her
health care. In this case, the high incidence of bleeding
Develop and carry out patient management plans. and the useful role of interventional radiology can be
Since there was no live baby, hysterectomy without
opening the uterus was an option in this situation. That Perform competently all medical and invasive
will decrease the bleeding. However, the ultrasound procedures considered essential for the area of
diagnosis of placenta accreta is not specific. Moreover, practice.
the patient was adamant that the uterus be preserved.
She only consented to hysterectomy as a life-saving It is important to remember that this is not an
measure. emergency. All proper steps should be undertaken to
Our initial plan, which was defeated by the patient, reduce risk to the patient. Having an epidural with an
included uterine artery embolization. This is a pro- adequate level is key to providing anesthesia and keep- 129
cess in which a balloon can be inserted into the uter- ing the patient comfortable throughout the procedure.
Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

There is a need for large-bore IVs, and an ALine must occult bleeding. No vigorous attempts were made to
be in place prior to incision. Ensuring an adequate sup- remove the placenta, the partially abrupted placenta
ply of blood and blood products is also critical for this was left relatively intact without significant blood loss
procedure. Having additional means of placing access, when the hysterectomy was initiated. However, the
that is, an introducer, and devices to give large vol- patient became hypotensive. Remember that with a
umes of fluid or blood products, such as a level 1 rapid closed uterus, an obstetrician may not readily identify
transfuser, is also important. Adequate sedation is also bleeding from a previa. With all the IV access, this did
needed here to keep the patient calm throughout the not become an issue, and the patient was given crystal-
procedure you must remember that this isnt the loid solutions and blood products to keep her hemody-
procedure the patient wanted or expected. Pharma- namically stable.
cologic interventions would include oxytocin, methyl-
ergonovine, and prostaglandin F2alpha. These drugs Know and apply the basic and clinically
are used frequently in the obstetric population to treat supportive sciences that are appropriate to their
uterine atony. discipline.
Provide health care services aimed at preventing An appreciation of intraoperative obstetrical hem-
health problems or maintaining health. orrhage is key to being prepared for this situation. The
All the steps mentioned previously are designed to uterine artery at term delivers 700 mL/min of blood
prevent hemorrhage in the operating room and after- to the uterus. With unchecked bleeding, it can become
ward. very clear that this patient can exsanguinate in merely
45 minutes.
Work with health care professionals, including
those from other disciplines, to provide
patient-focused care. Practice-based learning
Having good communication with an obstetrician and improvement
is critical to get a sense of when critical events will Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their
occur in the operating room and the overall state of patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific
their concerns with regard to this patient. Being able evidence, and improve their patient care practices.
to talk to a surgeon alleviates stress and ensures that
things are not omitted. In this situation, the decision to Analyze practice experience and perform
perform hysterectomy was made immediately when practice-based improvement activities using a
the uterus was opened. Knowing this, we can plan our systematic methodology.
anesthesia accordingly.
Also, communication with the interventional radi- This is what can never be taught, but rather, must
ology in case there is continuing oozing even after hys- be experienced in the operating room from previous
terectomy is warranted. cases. The vigilance that must be provided for this
patient is heightened not only by knowledge of the lit-
Medical knowledge erature, but also by previous cases. Experience teaches
us the finer nuances that cannot be learned from a
Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab-
lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cognate
For example, in this case, when the patient looks as
(e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sciences
if she is spacing out, it probably means that she is losing
and the application of this knowledge to patient care.
blood rapidly and in shock. Bleeding in obstetrics is
Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic difficult to assess. Alert the surgeon.
thinking approach to clinical situations. Your previous experience tells you that at times, the
blood products may not reach you in a timely fashion,
The sudden cause of hypotension in this patient so make arrangements so that you have enough sup-
130 should alert the anesthesiologist to the possibility of port staff to help you.
Case 25 Jerry and Terry want one more baby

patients, society, and the profession; and a

Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from commitment to excellence and ongoing
scientific studies related to their patients health professional development.
In this case, it would have been so much better if
This is mostly accumulated knowledge. In our case, the patient had agreed to the management options that
it is also good to know the newer options to treat bleed- were presented to her, instead of refusing medical care
ing such as recombinant activated factor VII. and wanting to die with her baby. However busy you
Obtain and use information about their own might be in labor and delivery during the night, giving
population of patients and the larger population her time to come to terms with the situation and let-
from which their patients are drawn. ting various health care personnel reach out to her was
being respectful of her beliefs.
This is the knowledge acquired from departmental
statistics and also the literature. For example, in this Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to
case, how effective is uterine artery embolization? How patients culture, age, gender, and disabilities.
effective is recombinant factor VII? Understand possi- In this case, her wish to have more children might
ble adverse reactions to the blood products and their sound irrational. However, keep in mind that nobody
presentation. is rational all the time, and engaging in nonjudgmental
Apply knowledge of study designs and statistical dialogue is important.
methods to the appraisal of clinical studies and
other information on diagnostic and therapeutic Interpersonal and communication
effectiveness. skills
Although randomized controlled studies are the Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal
gold standard, in cases like this, we have to consider and communication skills that result in effective infor-
observational studies and case reports. The knowledge mation exchange and teaming with patients, their
that somebody had a good result with recombinant patients families, and professional associates.
factor VII is useful, even though it is not a controlled
study. Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically
sound relationship with patients.
Use information technology to manage
In our case, explaining all the patients options in
information, access online medical information,
a nonjudgmental way, while giving her time to absorb
and support their own education.
the barrage of information, really helped in communi-
The ability to perform a literature search and use cating with her. Furthermore, using the help of labor
your hospitals resources for full text articles and and delivery nurses, who might have different commu-
review articles any time of the day is important. nication styles, to help the patient come to terms with
Maybe the obstetric anesthesia department has com- the situation before presenting the technical informa-
piled important articles and study materials, which are tion was also important.
made available via the resident portal. Good communication with obstetrics about all the
aspects of planning, including involvement of inter-
ventional radiology, is also essential.
Residents must demonstrate a commitment to car- Use effective listening skills and elicit and provide
rying out professional responsibilities, adherence to information using effective nonverbal,
ethical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient explanatory, questioning, and writing skills.
Here, even though the patient expressed that she
Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a wished to die, knowing that she really didnt want to
responsiveness to the needs of patients and society die and making her feel that we empathized with her 131
that supersedes self-interest; accountability to situation was very important. It is also important to
Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

include in the chart all the important elements of the

Practice cost-effective health care and resource
conversation, while waiting for the patient to make a
allocation that does not compromise quality of
Work effectively with others as a member or
leader of a health care team or other professional Here, the appropriate examples are as follows:
 keep a level 1 rapid transfuser available but not set
This situation is a true example of a multidisci-  ropivacaine versus bupivacaine
plinary approach. It would have been inappropriate to
give sedation, even though the patient was demanding
Advocate for quality patient care and assist
it, before obtaining consent. Planning and coordina-
patients in dealing with system complexities.
tion of care involves a team approach.
The appropriate examples in our case follow:
Systems-based practice  help Mom and Dad find the resources to deal
Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and with their grief such as bereavement support
responsiveness to the larger context and system of groups
health care and the ability to effectively call on system  help Mom and Dad understand how to navigate
resources to provide care that is of optimal value. the physical facility
 help Mom and Dad understand what to do with
Understand how their patient care and other
professional practices affect other health care the little child who accompanied them to the
professionals, the health care organization, and hospital
the larger society and how these elements of the
system affect their own practice. Know how to partner with health care managers
and health care providers to assess, coordinate,
In our situation, the following would fall under this and improve health care and know how these
category: activities can affect system performance.
 ability of the blood bank to provide much needed
products in a timely fashion This category includes the following:
 availability of interventional services at odd hours  take an appropriate time-out
 availability of experts, such as a trauma team or,  administer antibiotics
even better, a gynecologist, in case the surgical  fill out a QA form if there are any issues that need
bleeding becomes hard to control to be addressed so that care can be improved
 availability of any help that may be needed down  fill in log books for data collection and
the line, such as a need for intensive care unit care management

Case 25 Jerry and Terry want one more baby

Additional reading 4. OBrien D, Babiker E, OSullivan O, MCauliffe F,

Geary M, Bryne B. Causes of massive obstetric
1. Teo TH, Law YM, Tay KH, Tan BS, Cheah FK. Use of
haemorrhage and outcomes of medical and surgical
magnetic resonance imaging in evaluation of placental
management strategies. Am J Obstetr Gynecol
invasion. Clin Radiol 2009;64:511516.
2008;199(Suppl 1):S93.
2. Delotte J, Novellas S, Koh C, Bongain A, Chevallier P.
5. Esakoff T, Sparks T, Poder L, et al. How good are
Obstetrical prognosis and pregnancy outcome
ultrasound and MRI for the diagnosis of placenta
following pelvic arterial embolisation for post-partum
accreta? Am J Obstetr Gynecol 2008;199(Suppl
hemorrhage. Eur J Obstetr Gynecol Reprod Biol
6. Laird R, Carabine U. Recombinant factor VIIa for
3. Breathnach F, Geary M. Uterine atony: definition,
major obstetric haemorrhage in a Jehovahs Witness.
prevention, nonsurgical management, and uterine
Int J Obstetr Anesth 2008;17:193194.
tamponade. Sem Perinatol 2009;33:8287.

Part 1 Contributions from Stony Brook University under
Case Christopher J. Gallagher

26 Overhextending yourself
Helene Benveniste and Jonida Zeqo

The case somebody says. The only thing she has gotten since
induction is a bag of . . . Hextend! Oh, we better stop
A 68-year-old woman goes to the operating room
that, just to be sure.
(OR) for elective resection of a meningioma. She has
Now, back at the farm, the patient is stable; she is
hypertension (HTN) (reasonably treated!), a history
not yet fully awake but will soon be ready to be extu-
of deep venous thrombosis (DVT), and is obese. After
bated. The next day, the patient is fine. A later workup
a smooth intravenous (IV) induction, relaxation, and
clarified an allergic reaction to Hextend.
intubation, an arterial line is placed, as are two large-
bore IVs. The mean arterial blood pressure (MABP)
is approximately 60 mmHg, and a bag of Hextend Patient care
is started to counteract mild hypotension during the
Residents must be able to provide patient care that is
expected long (1-hour) neurosurgical prepping and
compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat-
draping, delaying surgical stimulation. A Foley is also
ment of health problems and the promotion of health.
placed. The attending leaves to start another case.
Twenty minutes later, the attending returns to check on
things and finds the resident bending over the arterial Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring
line. Its not working, he says. The attending notices and respectful behaviors when interacting with
patients and their families.
that there is sinus tachycardia and a no/low end-tidal
carbon dioxide (ETCO2 ) on the respiratory trace mon- This patient did not have any relatives at the hos-
itors and immediately starts resuscitating, while telling pital. The appropriate action is therefore to stay with
the resident that there is no problem with the arterial the patient at all costs during the acute and suba-
line something else is going on, but what? At this cute phases and to explain to the slowly awakening
point, the patient is oxygenating well, tachycardia is patient what is going on and why she has not yet had
present, but there is not yet any profound hypotension. any surgery for her primary condition. It will also be
No antibiotics have yet been given. appropriate to contact her relatives by phone and to
The neurosurgical prepping is stopped; the pres- communicate the current state of the patient and the
sure is maintained now with an epinephrine drip. Flu- plan for workup and rescheduling of surgery.
ids and Hextend are continued for maintaining MABP,
and anesthesia is discontinued as surgery is canceled; Gather essential and accurate information about
a femoral venous catheter is quickly placed for cen- their patients.
tral venous access. Given the history of DVT, it is
suggested that the patient might have thrown a pul- Continue to astutely follow the vital signs from the
monary embolism. We rush to radiology; the com- monitors; alert the surgeon about the situation and
puted tomography (CT) scan is negative. The anes- maintain resuscitation procedures until the cause of
thesiologist notices a rash on the chest of the patient the situation has been established. Call for help to
and decides to give diphenydramine, ranitidine, and get a plan together. Examine the patient: check breath
steroids in case of a possible anaphylactic reaction sounds; get a neurological exam, if possible; and what
to what? The MABP stabilizes within 10 minutes, and about temperature? It would also be appropriate to
the epinephrine drip is off in no time. But the patient assess urine output and to get an ABG (arterial blood
134 did not get anything that could cause this reaction, gas).
Case 26 Overhextending yourself

Make informed decisions about diagnostic and seek information on the possibility of Hextend causing
therapeutic interventions based on patient an anaphylactic reaction.
information and preferences, up-to-date scientific Perform competently all medical and invasive
evidence, and clinical judgment. procedures considered essential for the area of
The patient is suddenly hypotensive without appar-
ent reason; go through the list of possibilities: air- An arterial line was placed immediately after
way, ventilation/oxygenation, circulation, cardiac his- induction, which was appropriate for a case involv-
tory (electrocardiogram shows normal sinus, although ing resection of a large meningioma. Two large-bore
there is tachycardia). Given the history of DVT, rule IVs were also placed. Resuscitation was continued
out a pulmonary embolism. through a femoral venous catheter was that really
necessary? Probably, given the need to infuse pres-
Develop and carry out patient management plans. sor drugs. Can epinephrine safely be given through a
peripheral venous catheter? Yes, you can, and people
Make preparations to transport the patient from do give epinephrine through peripheral intravenous
the OR to the radiology suite, while maintaining lines, however in a code situation you would prefer to
patient stability. Call for help transporting and for use a central line. And of course a concern arises that
monitors, and alert radiology that there is an acute sit- if the peripheral line would infiltrate, you can get skin
uation. Coordinate and communicate. necrosis at the site.
Counsel and educate patients and their families. Provide health care services aimed at preventing
health problems or maintaining health.
It is essential to stay with the patient through this
episode; she has no relatives nearby, and you are her Aseptic technique when placing all invasive lines is
closest relative at this time as well as her patient advo- paramount; the femoral line is probably in the worst
cate. In parallel, her family should be informed contin- place, given infection, and should not stay in. Con-
uously about her status. sider antibiotic coverage given the anaphylactic reac-
tion, can an antibiotic be given safely? During the acute
Use information technology to support patient phase, the patient was intubated because she was anes-
care decisions and patient education. thetized, but the plan after she was stabilized was to
extubate as soon as possible. She was admitted to the
As all most likely possibilities were ruled out surgical intensive care unit and placed under a stan-
(pulmonary embolism, intracerebral hematoma), it is dard of care that included suctioning of the endotra-
appropriate to go to scientific and clinical databases to cheal tube and turning, including DVT prophylaxis.

Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

Additional reading anaphylaxis: summary report. J Allergy Clin Immunol

1. Mertes PM, Laxenaire MC, Alla F. Anaphylactic and
anaphylactoid reactions occurring during anesthesia 3. Smith PL, Kagey-Sobotka A, Bleecker ER, et al.
in France in 19992000. Anesthesiology Physiologic manifestations of human anaphylaxis. J
2003;99:536545. Clin Invest 1980;66:10721080.
2. Sampson HA, Munoz-Furlong A, Bock SA, et al.
Symposium on the definition and management of

Part 1 Contributions from Stony Brook University under
Case Christopher J. Gallagher

27 Broken catheter after Whipple

Xiaojun Guo and Khoa Nguyen

The case deficit, considering that there is now a small plastic for-
eign body floating around the patients epidural space.
Bruce was about to undergo a major operation with
Having that exam gives a baseline level of function to
removal of several internal organs the Whipple. He
compare to, should there be a change later on. Measure
received the standard spiel about the anesthesia and
the broken catheter to determine how much of the tip
received the pain-destroying epidural catheter prior to
may have broken off. Also, examine the insertion site
entering the operating room (OR). The case went as
to make sure that no further trauma has been missed
smoothly as it could have, considering it was a Whip-
on movement.
ple. As he was being moved over to the stretcher for
transport to the recovery room, he hit a snag, or at Make informed decisions about diagnostic and
least, his catheter did. The tip of the catheter became therapeutic interventions based on patient
caught up on a rail on the bed and the tension was too information and preferences, up-to-date scientific
much for the small catheter. It gave way after stretching evidence, and clinical judgment.
to its fullest. No problem, thought the anesthesiologist,
who assumed that the catheter was just pulled out of its Based on the textbooks that you have read regard-
snug position in the thoracic spine. On closer inspec- ing epidural catheters, you decide to leave the broken
tion, the catheter was missing something peculiar catheter piece in place, assuming the patient remains
the tip! asymptomatic. The literature on broken catheters
recommends watchful vigilance with asymptomatic
patients, imaging to determine exact location of the
Patient care fragmented catheter, and a possible neurosurgical con-
Residents must be able to provide patient care that sult should you need their expertise to remove it.
is compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the
treatment of health problems and the promotion of Develop and carry out patient management plans.
As the patient becomes more awake, you make him
Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring aware of the event that has transpired regarding the
and respectful behaviors when interacting with catheter. You explain to him the risks of having a for-
patients and their families. eign body in the epidural space (i.e., infection, migra-
tion leading to nerve irritation or compression) and
The patient is just waking up after general anesthe- the red flags to watch out for symptomatically. You
sia and no family is present now, so the most caring then send him for the appropriate imaging studies to
and respectful interaction we can have is making sure get an exact idea of the catheters current location,
that the patient arrives to the recovery room in stable while sending out a consult to your neurosurgical
condition and that no other lines or catheters become friends so they can get to know the patient should they
dislodged or removed. take him to the OR in the future.

Gather essential and accurate information about Counsel and educate patients and their families.
their patients.
The patient and his family should be counseled
As the patient is waking up, make sure a quick neu- about the fact that most of the cases like this have no 137
rological exam is done to determine if there is any further sequelae related to the broken catheter. Answer
Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

all questions regarding the situation as honestly as pos- (e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sciences
sible. Make sure the patient understands that he should and the application of this knowledge to patient care.
be aware of red flags such as pain, weakness, or fever in
the affected areas. He must be advised to call his sur- Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic
geon or the anesthesiologists if complications do arise thinking approach to clinical situations.
and be ready to return to the emergency room if things
worsen quickly. During his recovery at home, his fam- Removing an epidural catheter is usually unevent-
ily should also be made aware to watch for the same ful, but not in this case. Your first investigative thought
symptoms and act accordingly. is where exactly the tip is located. To answer that ques-
tion, you send the patient for a computed tomography
Use information technology to support patient or magnetic resonance scan. Your analytical thought
care decisions and patient education. leads you to possible outcomes of the broken catheter,
including neurological deficits or dysfunction and pos-
We have done that by looking up the latest recom- sible infection. You start antibiotics and do routine
mendations regarding the handling of such situations. neurological exams.
We reviewed the case reports and are acting on the cur-
rent knowledge base to support our decisions about the
patients care. Practice-based learning
Perform competently all medical and invasive
and improvement
procedures considered essential for the area of Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their
practice. patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific
evidence, and improve their patient care practices.
All imaging and physical exams should be per-
formed competently so that we have a baseline should Analyze practice experience and perform
anything change with the catheter position or the practice-based improvement activities using a
patients status. systematic methodology.
Provide health care services aimed at preventing Using the case reports and review articles you
health problems or maintaining health. found, you act according to what the experts recom-
mend. After following this patient, writing up your
Giving the patient a course of antibiotics may not own case reports to add to the information that already
be a bad idea considering that he does have a foreign exists for situations like this may allow for improve-
body in a usually sterile place that may be a nidus for ments in catheter manufacturing or appropriate man-
infection. Also, give the patient the appropriate con- agement when catheters are sheared in patients. Also,
tact information for the anesthesia department and reeducate all operating personnel about proper patient
arrange a follow-up appointment in the near future to movement and the dangers that lie within.
assess for any changes in the catheter position and any
possible related symptoms.
Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from
Work with health care professionals, including scientific studies related to their patients health
those from other disciplines, to provide problems.
patient-focused care. It is known that this situation does not happen very
We have already contacted our colleagues in the often, and thus there are not many studies regarding
neurosurgery department, but it is hoped that we will its management. What does exist is advice from text-
not need their services. books, the experience of others in case reports, and a
few reviews of the current literature. Currently most
literature recommends leaving the catheter in place,
Medical knowledge assuming that the patient is asymptomatic, and imme-
138 Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab- diate removal should the catheter lead to problems.
lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cognate Sounds simple enough.
Case 27 Broken catheter after Whipple

Develop a rapport with the patient and his fam-

Use information technology to manage
ily. Arrange a follow-up appointment for the patient
information, access online medical information,
with a neurologist or neurosurgeon and make sure
and support their own education.
that you are at that follow-up appointment to demon-
We know you feel badly enough about the situa- strate to the patient that you are committed to his care,
tion, but reliving it through literature searches about which should contribute to a sound relationship with
the subject is necessary to learn from the mistake and him.
see how others managed the situation.
Use effective listening skills and elicit and provide
information using effective nonverbal,
Professionalism explanatory, questioning, and writing skills.
Residents must demonstrate a commitment to car-
rying out professional responsibilities, adherence to During the preop visit, a focused history and phys-
ethical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient ical was obtained. You listened to the patients ques-
population. tions and concerns and addressed them all appropri-
ately using language he could understand. You then
Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a documented the history and physical and conversa-
responsiveness to the needs of patients and society tion in the chart and have now become a consultant
that supersedes self-interest; accountability to in interpersonal and communication skills.
patients, society, and the profession; and a
commitment to excellence and ongoing Work effectively with others as a member or
professional development. leader of a health care team or other professional
You apologize to the patient and his family, explain group.
exactly what occurred, and offer any resource that
Since you were the one ultimately responsible for
the hospital has should they need it to demonstrate
the epidural catheter, you arrange the appropriate
respect, compassion, and integrity.
imaging modalities needed as well as any consults and
Demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles follow-up appointments. Make sure that all involved
pertaining to provision or withholding of clinical are on the same page regarding the management of the
care, confidentiality of patient information, situation.
informed consent, and business practice.
Observe all HIPAA regulations and keep the Systems-based practice
patients information confidential when you present Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and
this case at the next quality assurance meeting. responsiveness to the larger context and system of
health care and the ability to effectively call on system
Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to pa- resources to provide care that is of optimal value.
tients culture, age, gender, and disabilities.
Understand how their patient care and other
Follow the golden rule. Enough said.
professional practices affect other health care
professionals, the health care organization, and
Interpersonal and communication the larger society and how these elements of the
skills system affect their own practice.
Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal The patient had an unfortunate event occur with
and communication skills that result in effective infor- the breakage of the catheter. It is now your respon-
mation exchange and teaming with patients, their sibility to make sure that the patient has appropri-
patients families, and professional associates. ate follow-up for the possible complications that may
Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically occur. That means further studies and visits to other
sound relationship with patients. health professionals to ensure the best outcome of this 139
Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

Make sure to remind the patient that you are avail-

Practice cost-effective health care and resource able to assist the patient with further follow-up should
allocation that does not compromise quality of he run into difficulty with scheduling office visits or
care. other appointments.
Cost-effective health care at this point probably Know how to partner with health care managers
involves not ordering every imaging modality known and health care providers to assess, coordinate,
to medicine to find the catheter, but rather, ordering and improve health care and know how these
one that will provide adequate visualization so that you activities can affect system performance.
only need one test, and also one with the least radiation
to the patient to maintain quality of care. Writing up this case as a report can aid in the
improvement of handling these types of situations.
Advocate for quality patient care and assist With enough reports and expert opinions, a consen-
patients in dealing with system complexities. sus may be reached about how to systematically deal
with such situations.

Case 27 Broken catheter after Whipple

Additional reading 2. Fragneto RY. The broken epidural catheter: an

anesthesiologists dilemma. J Clin Anesth
1. Mitra R, Fleischmann K. Management of the sheared
epidural catheter: is surgical extraction really
necessary? J Clin Anesth 2007;19:310314.

Part 1 Contributions from Stony Brook University under
Case Christopher J. Gallagher

28 Pierre who?
Ron Jasiewicz and Khoa Nguyen

The case Gather essential and accurate information about

We were having an enjoyable morning in the their patients.
endoscopy suite, and then we were told that we would
have an add-on endoscopy from the neonatal intensive Getting a detailed history of the pregnancy and
care unit (NICU) by our pediatric gastroenterology birth as well as the patients short medical history is
colleague. The patient was a 1-month-old with fre- vital in anesthetizing such a unique patient. In addition
quent emesis after feeding. And yes, he was premature, to speaking with the parents, it is necessary to speak
but without apneas and bradycardias while in the to our NICU colleagues about the patients medical
NICU. He had been diagnosed with Pierre Robin course so far. Important issues to consider are cardiac
malformation. Our friend was 2.5 kg and quite active. and respiratory status as many of these patients often
Although he could not roll yet, we were convinced have cardiac abnormalities. Nutritional status is also a
that he wanted to run out of the room! He must have concern as children with Pierre Robin syndrome have
suspected what was going to happen to him and didnt cleft palates, which can cause respiratory and feed-
want any part of it. ing difficulties. Malnourishment may lead to anemia,
He was brought into our world as an elective causing decreased oxygen delivery for the infant, so
cesarean section because his mothers preeclampsia the patients hematocrit may be useful to obtain. Be
was worsening. Born with Apgar scores of 7 and 8, aware of current medications the infant may be taking
he appeared to have a murmur on oscillation. He pre- which may interact with the anesthetic medications.
sented to our suite with no other medical history. At Naught per oris (NPO) status must be determined as
the time of delivery, he was 35 weeks postconception. this patient is about to undergo a procedure in which
Currently he was a feed and grow in the NICU near- aspiration is a concern.
ing discharge, but had trouble keeping it down.
Make informed decisions about diagnostic and
Patient care therapeutic interventions based on patient
information and preferences, up-to-date scientific
Residents must be able to provide patient care that is
evidence, and clinical judgment.
compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat-
ment of health problems and the promotion of health. This patient is considered to have a difficult air-
Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring way, so a plan must be made regarding securing
and respectful behaviors when interacting with the airway for the procedure. Numerous case reports
patients and their families. have led to several review articles with recommen-
dations for securing the airway in Pierre Robin syn-
Considering that our patient is a neonate, most of drome patients. Infants may be intubated awake and
our interaction will be with the parents. Speak with the unanesthetized as they usually tolerate the stress well.
parents about the procedure in a compassionate way, Maintaining spontaneous respiration is recommended
as this must be a difficult time for them. Respect them as there is a high risk of airway collapse with induc-
by making sure that you use language they under- tion or muscle relaxation. Intubation may be car-
stand. For truly effective communication, give them ried out via fiber-optic scope or with direct visualiza-
142 a chance to ask questions, while you listen attentively, tion with laryngoscopy. Inhalational inductions may
and answer them as best you can. be done with an emphasis on keeping the patient
Case 28 Pierre who?

spontaneously breathing due to a risk of loss of the

airway. Provide health care services aimed at preventing
health problems or maintaining health.
Develop and carry out patient management plans.
This is the whole reason for the case. We were
After appropriate monitors are placed, the patient attempting to provide a service to the patient (the
is allowed to spontaneously breathe, while an intra- endoscopy) with the aim of preventing any further
venous (IV) is placed. Once the IV is functional, an deterioration and maintaining his health!
awake intubation is attempted but is unsuccessful due
to the patients vigorous activity. Inhalational agents Work with health care professionals, including
are then used to help with sedation for another attempt those from other disciplines, to provide
at intubation, but due to the severity of the patients patient-focused care.
airway issues, the intubation attempt is aborted as the With the help of our NICU and gastrointestinal
patient begins to obstruct. The patient is then emerged. (GI) colleagues, in this case, we were able to provide
Oral midazolam is agreed on by the team to help with a high level of patient-focused care.
sedation with causing airway obstruction. The mida-
zolam works well, and the airway is obtained, though
it did require some serious external airway mani- Medical knowledge
pulation. Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab-
lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cognate
Counsel and educate patients and their families. (e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sciences
and the application of this knowledge to patient care.
Again, this is mainly directed to the patients fam-
ily. Every effort should be made to explain to the par- Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic
ents the severity of the situation. The patient needs an thinking approach to clinical situations.
urgent procedure to help with a diagnosis, but there
are always risks involved. Airway collapse is the major Hearing the words Pierre Robin should automat-
concern. Counseling the parents must include the pos- ically generate the three common entities associated
sibility that the endotracheal tube may remain in place with the syndrome. The three include micrognathia,
after the procedure, until it is determined to be abso- glossoptosis, and cleft palate. Also, we must also be
lutely safe to remove it. ready for other congenital anomalies the patient may
have other than the three just mentioned, especially
Use information technology to support patient the cardiac anomalies. Difficult airway is synonymous
care decisions and patient education. with Pierre Robin patients, and thus we develop an
analytical approach to obtaining the airway, with a
The parents may not fully understand the scope backup plan and a backup plan for the backup plan,
of Pierre Robin syndrome and can be directed to the which was put into action in this case.
many Web sites and support groups for parents of chil-
dren with similar issues.
Practice-based learning
Perform competently all medical and invasive and improvement
procedures considered essential for the area of Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their
practice. patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific
IV placement should be done quickly and com- evidence, and improve their patient care practices.
petently to minimize stress to the patient as well as Analyze practice experience and perform
to confirm that a patent IV is available should the practice-based improvement activities using a
patient require rescue medications. The most impor- systematic methodology.
tant procedure in this case was obtaining the airway,
which was successful, but only after several attempts At the conclusion of the procedure, it would make
due to the abnormal anatomy related to the patients sense to sit down with our NICU and GI colleagues 143
disease. to analyze what we did correctly and what we could
Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

improve. Attention to what worked well in this patient care, confidentiality of patient information,
may serve us well in the future with patients like him informed consent, and business practice.
or others with difficult airways.
When referencing this case in the future, during
Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from presentations or case reports, be sure to respect HIPAA
scientific studies related to their patients health policies and do not divulge any confidential patient
problems. information.

This is exactly what was done prior to taking this Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to
case on. We made sure that we had an idea of what to patients culture, age, gender, and disabilities.
expect when we looked into the patients airway. We You did your best to demonstrate your sensitivity to
also tried to read and learn about what worked for our the patients disabilities by speaking in depth with the
colleagues around the world when dealing with Pierre parents and showing compassion when discussing the
Robin syndrome patients. Thus we had all our airway specifics about the case. Answering all their questions
equipment ready as well as medications to help allow appropriately shows your responsiveness.
us to obtain the airway.

Obtain and use information about their own

Interpersonal and communication
population of patients and the larger population skills
from which their patients are drawn. Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal
and communication skills that result in effective infor-
We will be sure to record the experience with this
mation exchange and teaming with patients, their
case for future reference, and in time, we should have
patients families, and professional associates.
a sizable database from which to learn.
Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically
sound relationship with patients.
Residents must demonstrate a commitment to car- This seems so obvious and redundant, but the rap-
rying out professional responsibilities, adherence to port that you develop with the parents will help create
ethical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient a level of trust that contributes to a sound relationship
population. with the patient and his family.

Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a Use effective listening skills and elicit and provide
responsiveness to the needs of patients and society information using effective nonverbal,
that supersedes self-interest; accountability to explanatory, questioning, and writing skills.
patients, society, and the profession; and a Summoning all that you learned in grade school,
commitment to excellence and ongoing you use your ears and eyes as much as your hands and
professional development. mouth to practice effective listening and explanatory
It is very easy to act responsively to the needs skills.
of such a young and unique patient in a way that Work effectively with others as a member or
supersedes our own self-interest. Your commitment leader of a health care team or other professional
to excellence is shown by the extensive preparation group.
done to make sure this case goes off without any com-
plications. Your commitment to ongoing professional Before and after the procedure, you work as a mem-
development is evidenced by your writing a case report ber of the health care team to ensure that the patient
of this case to add to your repertoire of anesthesia and his family are on the same page as the health care
experience. team. During the procedure, you become the team
leader and manage the patient and team to ensure that
144 Demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles the procedure is completed safely so that the appropri-
pertaining to provision or withholding of clinical ate treatment can be determined.
Case 28 Pierre who?

Systems-based practice Practice cost-effective health care and resource

Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and allocation that does not compromise quality of
responsiveness to the larger context and system of care.
health care and the ability to effectively call on system
resources to provide care that is of optimal value. You do your best to be cost-effective by not open-
ing instruments or drugs that you may not need so
Understand how their patient care and other that their integrity is intact for the next patient, but
professional practices affect other health care by no means do you compromise the quality of care
professionals, the health care organization, and for any patient, especially this one, with such unique
the larger society and how these elements of the needs.
system affect their own practice.
This patient has a constellation of issues that may Advocate for quality patient care and assist
require further medical intervention in the future. patients in dealing with system complexities.
Making sure that this patient gets appropriate diagno-
sis and treatment early on for his medical issues may Provide the parents with documentation of the
help reduce his chances of having more serious med- management of the patients airway for future refer-
ical issues in the future. That alone affects everyone ence, if necessary. Make sure that the parents under-
involved in his care, from his parents to his physicians stand that you are always available for consultation
and, finally, the big health care organizations. from an anesthesia perspective for their child.

Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

Additional reading 3. Meyer AC, Lidsky ME, Sampson DE, Lander TA, Liu
M, Sidman JD. Airway interventions in children with
1. Shprintzen RJ, Singer L. Upper airway obstruction and
Pierre Robin sequence. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg
the Robin sequence. Int Anesthesiol Clin 1992;30:
2. Olasoji HO, Ambe PJ, Adesina OA. Pierre Robin
syndrome: an update. Niger Postgrad Med J

Part 1 Contributions from Stony Brook University under
Case Christopher J. Gallagher

29 Submandibular abscess
Syed Azim and Jane Yi

The case important; and sometimes they lie. I once had a patient
deny having had any medical conditions, but when I
A 44-year-old male presented for an incision and
asked her if she had high blood pressure, she said yes.
drainage of a left submandibular abscess. The patient
As I continued with the interview and asked about
had presented to the emergency department with a
her past surgical history, she revealed that she had
chief complaint of pain and swelling for 15 days, lim-
coronary artery disease, with a history of myocardial
ited mouth opening, and difficulty swallowing. Com-
infarction (MI), and was status post (s/p) coronary
puted tomography (CT) scan of the head and neck
artery bypass graft (CABG) 4!
revealed moderate displacement of the trachea to the
This is why we should ask pointed questions. For
right. Physical exam by oral maxillo-facial surgery
example, one could ask, Do you have any allergies to
(OMFS) revealed trismus and a carious mandibular
any medications, latex, or foods? rather than asking,
left third molar, with periapical pathology.
Do you have any allergies? Speaking of allergies, it
is also important to confirm whether a documented
Patient care allergy is an actual allergy. Once I read in a patients
Residents must be able to provide patient care that is chart that she had an allergy to general anesthesia.
compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat- What does that even mean? Did she have a history of
ment of health problems and the promotion of health. malignant hyperthermia? It turned out that she had a
history of postoperative nausea and vomiting.
Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring
and respectful behaviors when interacting with Develop and carry out patient management plans.
patients and their families.
Abscesses that invade the fascial spaces can become
Always introduce yourself to the patient and family airway nightmares, especially if it is bilateral-Ludwigs
members. Keep in mind that most people are afraid of angina. Furthermore, if imaging studies show tra-
the unknown. You may have been involved in dozens cheal deviation, the abscess should be properly drained
of surgical procedures, but this might be the patients urgently. So, needless to say, the most important part
first surgery. of this anesthetic plan lay in successfully securing the
Gather essential and accurate information about The anesthesia plan was general anesthesia (GA)
their patients. with awake, fiber-optic, nasal intubation. Equipment
included a fiber-optic scope; nasal endotracheal tubes,
Before administering anesthesia, you want to know preferably soaked in warm water to soften; and nasal
the patients past medical history (PMH), past sur- airways, with lubrication. Drugs used included gly-
gical history (PSH), current medications, allergies, copyrrolate (antisialogogue), dexmedetomidine (seda-
naught per oris (NPO) status, and Mallampati air- tive), 4% lidocaine nebulizer and 5% lidocaine jelly
way assessment. It is also important to get a his- (topical anesthetic), and oxymetazoline spray (topical
tory of present illness, family history (especially of decongestant).
anesthesia), and social history. Many patients are not
completely forthcoming with information. Sometimes Counsel and educate patients and their families.
they dont remember; sometimes they dont think its 147
Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

Explain the following: tell the patient to think of it as a lollipop or popsicle,

1. nasal versus oral intubation: nasal intubation is advancing it further, as tolerated.
preferred because the approach for the I&D was
going to be both extraoral and intraoral Provide health care services aimed at preventing
2. awake versus asleep intubation: awake is preferred health problems or maintaining health.
because of the risk of losing the airway Make sure antibiotics ordered by surgery are ad-
The idea of being awake for the intubation might be ministered appropriately. Ideally, antibiotics should be
frightening to some patients. I explained it as such: delivered within 1 hour of surgical incision. Know
Because of the changes in your airway brought on your patients allergies and know the antibiotics. Some
by the abscess, we need to use a camera to place the antibiotics, such as vancomycin, should be adminis-
breathing tube for you. You will be awake because it tered over a longer period of time, whereas others,
is safer if you are breathing on your own, but you will such as aminoglycosides, will potentiate the effects of
be sedated and your throat will be numb. Remember, neuromuscular blocking drugs. Usually, the pre-
the patient is probably already feeling quite anxious ferred antibiotic for dental infections is penicillin,
imagine being unable to open your mouth and unable but because of the patients allergy to penicillin, clin-
to swallow, and having difficulty breathing. damycin was ordered. Once you start the antibiotics,
watch for signs of an allergic reaction.
Use information technology to support patient
care decisions and patient education. Work with health care professionals, including
those from other disciplines, to provide
Use the CT of the head and neck as an illustration patient-focused care.
for the patient. For the most part, patients like to be
informed and appreciate having an active role in their It is really important to communicate with the sur-
health care. Showing this patient the deviation of his gical team. OMFS explained that they will take an
trachea emphasized the importance of an awake, fiber- extraoral and intraoral approach as well as extracting
optic intubation. the carious tooth. Therefore nasal intubation was pre-
ferred so that the tube would not be in the way of the
Perform competently all medical and invasive surgical site. It is also a good idea to know that the
procedures considered essential for the area of surgeon is planning on using local anesthesia. In this
practice. case, the surgeon used 2% lidocaine with 1:100,000
epinephrine. We should know that the maximum dose
Make sure you have adequate peripheral access,
is 7 mg/kg and make sure surgeons and nurses are
especially when the patient arrives with an IV already
in place. If the IV is running poorly but is not infil-
trated, do yourself and the patient a favor and use it to
induce but start a new one, once the patient is asleep. Medical knowledge
Also, try to avoid the ante-cubital fossa (ACF) so you Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab-
dont have to concern yourself with making sure the lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cognate
patients elbow isnt bent. Most likely, the patient will (e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sciences
be continued on IV antibiotics postoperatively, so he and the application of this knowledge to patient care.
will appreciate having an IV elsewhere.
Once the IV is placed, you can start the steps Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic
toward a successful awake, fiber-optic, nasal intuba- thinking approach to clinical situations.
tion. A little bit of glycopyrrolate goes a long way. Its
amazing how much easier it is to make out anatomy Infection of the submandibular space causes
when you dont have salivary juices getting in your swelling that begins at the inferior border of the
way. Start the dexmedetomidine 0.51 g/kg since this mandible and extends medially to the digastric muscle
loading dose should be infused over a period of 10 and posteriorly to the hyoid bone. Some clinical signs
148 15 minutes. During this time, have the patient start can include the following: trismus, drooling, dyspha-
puffing on the nebulizer containing 4% lidocaine. Then gia, and dyspnea. Progression of this swelling can lead
squeeze some 5% lidocaine on a tongue depressor and to upper airway obstruction. The most common cause
Case 29 Submandibular abscess

of this abscess is a dental infection, usually involving Once it is determined that an awake, nasal, fiber-
the mandibular third molars. optic intubation is the plan of choice, one has to decide
Knowing this, we should expect that we wont be the appropriate steps to follow through with this plan.
able to properly assess the airway due to trismus and The literature supports the use of different drugs to
swelling. We also know that it would be even more ben- provide adequate sedation and analgesia for the patient
eficial to administer an antisialogogue, to counteract during what can be a frightening experience (and Im
the drooling due to dysphagia. Lets not forget the obvi- not just talking about the patient here). The most
ous; this can become a true airway emergency. important thing we need for successful awake fiber-
optic intubation is spontaneous respiration. In addi-
tion to that, it would be nice to have analgesia, amne-
Practice-based learning sia, and sedation.
and improvement Reusche and Egan [2] reported the use of remifen-
Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their tanil as a sedative-analgesic for an awake intubation in
patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific a patient with Ludwigs angina. The patient was pre-
evidence, and improve their patient care practices. medicated with glycopyrrolate 0.2 mg IV, droperidol
0.625 mg IV, and midazolam 2 mg IV over 10 min-
Analyze practice experience and perform utes. The airway was topicalized with 4 mL of 4% lido-
practice-based improvement activities using a caine through the use of a nebulizer, and the right
systematic methodology. naris was swabbed with 4% cocaine. Then a remifen-
tanil infusion at 0.05 g/kg/min was started before
As you proceed in a case like this, you realize how nasal fiber-optic intubation. Spontaneous ventilation
overwhelming things can get, especially when it comes was maintained and the vocal cords were sprayed with
to the airway. It is therefore important to develop a 2 mL of 4% lidocaine via the suction port located on
systematic approach to the steps taken, from the the fiber-optic scope. Moreover, this article reports
moment the patient enters the OR to the point at which the advantages of using remifentanil as the following:
he settles down in the recovery room. Institution- short context-sensitive half-time, analgesia, synergis-
specific protocols call for certain types and dosages tic with sedatives, and the ability to suppress laryngeal
of antibiotics to be administered, requiring use of reflexes. The disadvantage of using remifentanil is that
multiple lines. Have the difficult airway cart ready it is an opioid and has all the side effects that come with
and checked. With proper preparation and practice, that classification of drug. Remifentanil can cause res-
experience, and practice-based improvement activi- piratory depression, bradycardia, hypotension, nau-
ties, there should be little variation in the way this sea, vomiting, muscle rigidity, and pruritis [2].
surgery is handled, even among different clinicians. Abdelmalak et al. [3] described the use of dex-
medetomidine as a sedative for awake intubation in
Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from the management of a critical airway. Dexmedetomi-
scientific studies related to their patients health dine is an 2-agonist that has the desirable proper-
problems. ties of analgesia and amnesia and that acts as an anti-
When a patient presents with an abscess that sialogogue. Abdelmalak et al. further describe a case
invades fascial spaces, always keep in mind the pos- of a patient with a submandibular abscess presenting
sibility of an airway complication. Larawin et al. [1] with progressive respiratory difficulty. A loading dose
reported upper airway obstruction that required tra- of dexmedetomidine 1 g/kg was initiated for 10 min-
cheotomies in 8.3% of patients. Other complications utes, followed by a maintenance dose of 0.6 g/kg/
included septic shock, asphyxiation and descending hour. Additionally, 4% lidocaine via nebulizer and 2%
mediastinitis, and respiratory failure. Moreover, death lidocaine gel were used to topicalize the oropharynx.
was reported in 8.7% of patients. Four percent lidocaine was also administered dur-
ing bronchoscopy in what the author described as a
Apply knowledge of study designs and statistical spray-as-you-go-technique. Once general anesthesia
methods to the appraisal of clinical studies and was induced, the dexmedetomidine infusion was dis-
other information on diagnostic and therapeutic continued. The advantage of using dexmedetomidine 149
effectiveness. is that you have the desired effect of sedation with min-
imal risk of respiratory depression. The disadvantages
Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

of dexmedetomidine include possible bradycardia and Interpersonal and communication

hypotension [3].
Is there an alternative to an awake fiber-optic intu- skills
bation? Shteif et al. [4] describe the use of the super- Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal
ficial cervical plexus block to drain a submandibu- and communication skills that result in effective infor-
lar and submental abscess as an alternative to general mation exchange and teaming with patients, their
anesthesia. The patient is placed in the supine posi- patients families, and professional associates.
tion and draped in a sterile fashion. The landmarks
identified are the following: the mastoid process and Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically
Chassaignacs tubercle of C6 transverse process. Using sound relationship with patients.
a 25-gauge needle, local anesthetic is delivered with Hand washing is an important habit to develop,
the fan technique. The goal is to block all four major especially when seeing patients with infectious pro-
branches of the superficial cervical plexus. Supplemen- cesses going on in the system, like this particular
tal anesthesia may be required in the form of the long patient had.
buccal for a submandibular abscess and an inferior
alveolar block for a submental abscess. Shteif et al. Use effective listening skills and elicit and provide
describe advantages of using a block as opposed to information using effective nonverbal,
general anesthesia as the following: lowered patient explanatory, questioning, and writing skills.
cost, decreased recovery time, and decreased surgi-
The patient will likely have many questions, some
cal time. However, the disadvantages would include
of which you may not be able to answer in detail.
complications such as hematoma, local anesthetic tox-
You may even be asked a question more appropriately
icity, nerve injury, phrenic nerve block, and possible
answered by the surgeons, in which case, you should
spinal anesthesia. Furthermore, a contraindication for
respectfully defer to your colleagues.
the use of a superficial cervical plexus block would be
patients with significant respiratory disease and highly Work effectively with others as a member or
stressed or anxious patients [4]. leader of a health care team or other professional
Professionalism The significance of working effectively with other
Residents must demonstrate a commitment to car- members of the OR staff should be reiterated. In addi-
rying out professional responsibilities, adherence to tion, as you transition to the recovery room, your
ethical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient input may be requested not only by the recovery room
population. staff, but also by ENT and OFMS and intensive care
unit personnel.
Demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles
pertaining to provision or withholding of clinical
care, confidentiality of patient information,
Systems-based practice
informed consent, and business practice. Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and
responsiveness to the larger context and system of
Review informed consent, double-check on health care and the ability to effectively call on system
surgery site, and be cognizant that there are others resources to provide care that is of optimal value.
around you as you discuss details of your patients
medical record in the holding area. Also, make sure Understand how their patient care and other
the surgeon has seen the patient prior to taking him professional practices affect other health care
to the OR. professionals, the health care organization, and
the larger society and how these elements of the
Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to pa- system affect their own practice.
tients culture, age, gender, and disabilities.
Many levels of coordination are involved in airway
What may transcend all cultures, ages, gender, and cases. It is important to understand the urgency of the
150 disabilities is the notion of treating your patients as you case and scarce resources that should be handled with
would wish to be treated. utmost diligence. You have a challenge to contribute
Case 29 Submandibular abscess

to the likelihood of success by being vigilant in the OR Understand the immediate postoperative concerns
and by effectively handling the situation in a controlled for this patient and be prepared to react appropri-
fashion. ately in certain situations. For example, what do you
do if the patient develops stridors or becomes short
Practice cost-effective health care and resource of breath? What if he develops high-grade fever and
allocation that does not compromise quality of is not responding to antipyretics? Knowing what to do
care. beforehand allows for a smoother postoperative course
For this case, we discontinued the dexmedetomi- and a potentially better surgical outcome.
dine after induction of anesthesia. However, you might
Know how to partner with health care managers
want to consider continuing the infusion. This would
and health care providers to assess, coordinate,
decrease the amount of anesthetic needed and also
and improve health care and know how these
decrease the amount of waste. Just know the surgery
activities can affect system performance.
and know when to discontinue the dexmedetomidine.
There are some reports of delayed awakening when it The immediate postoperative period is important
is not discontinued at the appropriate time [1]. in terms of laying out the goals, standards, and pro-
tocols for the care of the patient. Usually, medication
Advocate for quality patient care and assist
orders will be clearly preprinted. Communication with
patients in dealing with system complexities.
the ENT and OFMS teams is imperative.

Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

References 3. Abdelmalak B, Makary L, Hoban J, Doyle DJ.

Dexmedetomidine as sole sedative for awake
1. Larawin V, Naipao J, Dubey SP. Head and neck space intubation in management of the critical airway. J Clin
infections. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg Anesth 2007;19:370373.
4. Shteif M, Lesmes D, Hartman G, Ruffino S, Laster Z.
2. Reusche MD, Egan TD. Remifentanil for conscious The use of the superficial cervical plexus block in the
sedation and analgesia during awake fiberoptic drainage of submandibular and submental abscesses
tracheal intubation: a case report with an alternative for general anesthesia. J Oral Maxillofac
pharmacokinetic simulations. J Clin Anesth Surg 2008;66:26422645.

Part 1 Contributions from Stony Brook University under
Case Christopher J. Gallagher

30 ERCP with sedation

A Big MAC (monitored anesthesia care), supersized!
Tazeen Beg and Michelle DiGuglielmo

The case (for the pain) with a 150-mg chaser of propofol. The
patient becomes apneic, so you tell the gastrointesti-
A brand-new anesthesia attending, you have just fin-
nal (GI) doctor to place his endoscope, thinking the
ished a case and the anesthesia coordinator asks you
stimulation will make her breathe again. His scope is
to go get some lunch and then go to the endoscopy
in but the oxygen saturation monitor is reading 80%;
unit for an ERCP (endoscopic retrograde cholangio-
you attempt jaw thrust, and he yells, I cannot have
pancreatography). ERCP? You remember learning
you in my field or the patient moving! As you point
about it in medical school but never got a chance to
to the monitors, a look of fear comes over his face and
observe one being done. While wolfing down a greasy
he quiets down, whispering, Do whatever you need
cheeseburger deluxe from the cafeteria, you Google it
to do. The saturation monitor continues to go down,
and find that it is usually done prone and under seda-
so you grab for your circuit to bag the patient back up
tion. Easy MAC, let me grab a bunch of propofol, you
with some positive pressure ventilation. Uh-oh, theres
think to yourself.
no mask on the end of the circuit in your new sur-
You reach the endoscopy unit after getting lost a
roundings, you forgot to do a machine check! You ask
few times on the way there and introduce yourself to
the nurse to bring in the stretcher and put the patient
the gastroenterologist. He explains that the patient is
back in the supine position quickly, as the endoscope
in-house and not that sick and that the gastroenterol-
is removed by the gastroenterologist. You realize that
ogist needs to get to office hours, so can we do this
you never looked at her preoperative potassium lev-
quickly? Wanting to develop a good rapport in the
els, so you forget the succinylcholine and just do direct
endoscopy suite as a new attending, you reassure him
laryngoscopy. Luckily, you have a grade 1 view of the
that youll get things moving along its just a MAC
vocal cords, so you throw in an entotracheal tube, hook
case after all! You then go to the room, draw up your
up the circuit, and bag her back to a saturation of 98%.
propofol syringes, and, as a final thought, crack open
You tape your tube in and calmly say to the GI attend-
the succinylcholine vial.
ing, Proceed with your ERCP. That cheeseburger you
The patient arrives. She is a 52-year-old female with
scarfed down at lunch might be making a reappearance
a history of hypertension (HTN), 65 kg, and recently
diagnosed with gallstone pancreatitis. She looks as if
shes in pain. You approach the patient and introduce
yourself. The patient looks around and asks, Are there Patient care
any real doctors here? You look like my granddaugh- Residents must be able to provide patient care that is
ter! You reassure her that youve been practicing anes- compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat-
thesia for years, and she relents by shrugging her ment of health problems and the promotion of health.
shoulders. After a quick airway (class II with upper
dentures) and physical exam, you explain the risks Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring
and benefits of anesthesia and the prone position. The and respectful behaviors when interacting with
patient is then moved over to the procedure table and patients and their families.
makes herself as comfortable as possible in the prone
position. You place the monitors and make sure the IV Preoperatively, the patient seemed concerned
is secured and flushing well. You put a nasal cannula about how young you look! Reassurance is crucial; the
on her at 2 L/min, see that youre getting adequate end- patient needs to know that you are a trained medical 153
tidal CO2 , and proceed by pushing 50 mcg of fentanyl doctor and that you have had years of experience
Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

specifically in the field of anesthesia. In addition, it true for cases under general anesthesia greater than
was noted that the patient appeared to be in pain. 6 hours.
Emphasize to your patient that pain control is a vital
part of anesthesia and that you will do all you can to Perform competently all medical and invasive
provide pain relief in a safe manner. procedures considered essential for the area of
Gather essential and accurate information about
their patients. Remember to always do a machine check! You
would have picked up on the fact that there was
The patients history can come from a variety of no mask attached to the circuit had you adequately
sources. In this particular instance, we learn from the checked your ventilator. Off-site anesthesia is quickly
attending doing the procedure that she was not that becoming the norm in many hospitals, and your anes-
sick. Recognize that other physicians may simplify thesia equipment is not always ready and available to
medical conditions that to an anesthesiologist are crit- you as in your comfort zone of the main operating
ical. Did she vomit prior to reaching the endoscopy rooms.
suite? Is she a full stomach, or will she aspirate? Are
her electrolytes out of whack, and is succinylcholine a Use information technology to support patient
possibility if an emergency situation surfaces? A his- care decisions and patient education.
tory and physical exam (H&P) with the patient are also
crucial after all, a good H&P is the very heart of Preoperatively, the anesthesiologist can review
medicine! Realize that some patients do not know the diagnostic studies to determine the number and size
extent of their medical conditions, so a chart review of the gallstones for removal this may give an indi-
is important, particularly for inpatients who may have cation as to the length of time the procedure will take
seen several physicians in consultation and/or have and whether or not the patient will be able to tolerate
had many diagnostic exams. This patient was known ERCP under MAC.
to have HTN what medications is she on? Was there
an electrocardiogram (EKG) done? Work with health care professionals, including
those from other disciplines, to provide
Develop and carry out patient management plans. patient-focused care.

Lets look at this case retrospectively. You did the Preprocedure, the GI and anesthesiology attend-
Google search over lunch most review articles report ings discussed carrying out this case quickly under
that ERCP is done under MAC in American Society of MAC in an otherwise healthy lady. Remember, with
Anesthesiology (ASA) III patients; her HTN was pre- any procedure, its not about doing it fast, but rather,
sumed to be under control, she was thin, and she had a its about doing it right! Intraoperatively, as critical
good airway with upper dentures. You were pretty cer- events develop, the anesthesiologist must adapt calmly
tain you could intubate her if you needed to, and sure to changes and direct those in the room on what they
enough, you ultimately had to! But remember that the can do to help in stabilizing the patient. Postopera-
ABCs are not always as easy as 1-2-3; perhaps general tively, a debriefing of critical events is beneficial to see
anesthesia with an endotracheal tube should have been what went wrong and how to avoid such situations in
instituted from the start, especially given the prone the future.

Counsel and educate patients and their families.

Medical knowledge
Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab-
You informed the patient of the risks and benefits lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cog-
of anesthesia as well as the risks of the prone position nate (e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sci-
corneal abrasions, facial and upper airway edema, ences and the application of this knowledge to patient
154 and postoperative vision loss. This is particularly care.
Case 30 ERCP with sedation

of this case during a lunch break! As stated earlier,

Know and apply the basic and clinically multiple review articles revealed that ERCP is an off-
supportive sciences that are appropriate to their site procedure performed under MAC in the prone
discipline. position in most patients with average ASA classifica-
Our patient became apneic after a small dose of tions of 13. When administering monitored anesthe-
fentanyl and what can be considered an induction sia care, one must realize that just as with a general
dose of propofol. Although approximately 2 mg/kg of anesthetic, each patient is individualized, and extra
propofol are necessary for tolerating the placement of care must be taken not to be heavy-handed with medi-
an upper endoscope in most patients, anesthesiolo- cations your airway is not secured. In addition, the
gists should not treat all cases like a chocolate chip airway in the prone position is not readily available
cookie recipe (milk of anesthesia and cookies yum!). to you, and it is being shared with the gastroenterol-
Use your knowledge of anesthesia to figure out a quick ogist! Have a backup plan if apnea ensues, and if the
algorithm for yourself in this situation. You need to airway was difficult from the beginning or the patient
maintain the ABCs airway, breathing, circulation; you was vomiting perioperatively, then have a low thresh-
just took away your A and B with the drugs you pushed, old for endotracheal intubation.
and you know that if you dont do something soon,
youll lose your C as well: Professionalism
1. You tell the GI doc to place his scope, hoping that Residents must demonstrate a commitment to carry-
that will stimulate ventilation, but alas, it does not, ing out professional responsibilities, adherence to eth-
and saturations are dropping. ical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient pop-
2. Hmmm, the fentanyl dose was small, Narcan ulation.
wont help the situation, and why has no one
designed an antidote to propofol? Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to pa-
3. Jaw thrust next to open the airway and, it is hoped, tients culture, age, gender, and disabilities.
provide a painful stimulation to breathe. Negative.
4. On to positive-pressure ventilation ugh, theres This patient was middle-aged and concerned that
no mask! Hypoxia continues as you hear your you, as a junior attending, looked like her granddaugh-
saturation alarm drop dont let it follow with ter. Regardless of your specialty in medicine, introduc-
bradycardia and cardiopulmonary resuscitation tions and first impressions are key. Dress profession-
(CPR). ally, whether in a shirt and tie or scrubs. Keep your
scrubs clean; if you dirty them, then change patients
5. OK, think of the Nike ads Just tube it! Intubate
do not want to see blood running down your scrub
the patient, confirm tube placement, secure the
pants or vomit on your scrub top! Wear your white coat
airway, and proceed with ERCP under general
when not in a sterile location, and have your ID badge
visible at all times in the hospital. If youre fatigued
from too many hours on call and it shows on your face,
take 5 minutes to wash up and reapply that makeup!
Practice-based learning In sum, look the part of a doctor, and your age should
and improvement not matter to the patient. The patient will see that at
Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their the core, you are clinically competent (hows that for
patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific alliteration?).
evidence, and improve their patient care practices.
Demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles
Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from pertaining to provision or withholding of clinical
scientific studies related to their patients health care, confidentiality of patient information,
problems. informed consent, and business practice.
Unsure of what an ERCP entailed, the anesthesiol- The patient was adequately informed of the risks of
ogist utilized time well by doing an online search of the procedure by the gastroenterologist as well as the 155
the procedure and the usual anesthetic management risks for anesthesia. Particularly crucial to this case was
Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

explaining to the patient that she would be sedated in things are spiraling downward in a crucial situation,
the prone position, which can be uncomfortable and it is important to firmly delegate tasks so that all hands
intimidating to a patient. are helping. Remember that people panic and freeze in
emergencies, and you as an anesthesiologist have only
Interpersonal and communication two hands to do many, many tasks. If an anesthesia
tech had been in the room, he or she could have been
skills a valuable source for finding a mask to ventilate the
Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal patient. You told the GI doctor to remove the endo-
and communication skills that result in effective infor- scope; you told the nurse to get the stretcher; collec-
mation exchange and teaming with patients, their tively, you turned the patient from prone to supine and
patients families, and professional associates. were able to secure the airway. At the end, you said with
calm composure to the gastroenterologist to continue,
Work effectively with others as a member or
even though, on the inside, you were dying!
leader of a health care team or other professional
This case is chock full of communication and inter-
Systems-based practice
personal skills! As a new attending, it is important Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and
to be cordial to your colleagues, especially in this era responsiveness to the larger context and system of
of off-site anesthesia. You never know to which cor- health care and the ability to effectively call on system
ner or crevice of the hospital you will be asked to resources to provide care that is of optimal value.
go to provide your services! The preoperative con- Understand how their patient care and other
versation between the anesthesiologist and the gas- professional practices affect other health care
troenterologist was necessary to determine how stable professionals, the health care organization, and
the patient was and to agree on monitored anesthe- the larger society and how these elements of the
sia care in the prone position. The GI doc had office system affect their own practice.
hours to follow, and of course, you want to keep him
happy by having things go efficiently and smoothly, but When critical events arise, do not underestimate
remember that patient safety does not always follow a the power of a debriefing session with all those
time line. involved sometimes even the patients themselves
When gallstones hit the fan and the patient quickly so that a thorough review of the situation can occur.
became hypoxic from sustained apnea, the anesthesi- Attempt to answer the question of how this situation
ologist in the case maintained composure; the GI doc- can be avoided in the future. Perhaps an ERCP pro-
tor began yelling about patient movement, but instead tocol can be developed; perhaps all ERCPs should be
of raising a voice in retaliation, a quick point to the done under general anesthesia with endotracheal tube
monitors can get your intentions across. In fact, the (ETT) from the very beginning.
gastroenterologist quickly humbled after this. When In sum, dont supersize that Big MAC!

Case 30 ERCP with sedation

Additional reading and use as an intravenous anesthetic. Drugs

1. Tagaito Y, Isono S, Nishino T. Upper airway reflexes
during a combination of propofol and fentanyl 3. Wehrmann T, Kokabpick S, Lembcke B, et al. Efficacy
anesthesia. Anesthesiology 1998;88:14591466. and safety of intravenous propofol sedation during
routine ERCP: a prospective controlled study.
2. Langley MS, Heel RC. Propofol: a review of its
Gastrointest Endosc 1999;49:677683.
pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic properties

Part 1 Contributions from Stony Brook University under
Case Christopher J. Gallagher

31 On call in labor and delivery

The morbidly obese nightmare
Ursula Landman and Kathleen Dubrow

The case
Gather essential and accurate information about
There is a 30-year-old, 450-pound plus, as stated in
their patients.
the chart, gravida 1 para 0 (G1P0) in labor and deliv-
ery room 4 who is being induced with no epidural, The patient was actually much larger than 450
and there is still no IV. The patients blood pressure is pounds that was an understatement. One area of the
120/70, pulse 70, respirations 15, fetal heart rate (FHR) chart stated that her weight was 600 pounds plus. On
140s. Past medical history/past surgical history none. repeat interview of the patient, she admitted to 600. I
Her meds included perinatal vitamins, and she had no always like to recheck history and physical exam for
known drug allergies. There were multiple IV attempts myself. Many times, I will gain additional important
during the afternoon, without success. The obstetric information, just by asking the question again.
anesthesiologist states that the patient wants general
anesthesia if she is to have a c-section. The obstetri- Make informed decisions about diagnostic and
cian states that he does not need anesthesia now. The therapeutic interventions based on patient
obstetric anesthesiologist has left. What do you do? information and preferences, up-to-date scientific
evidence, and clinical judgment.
Patient care
Residents must be able to provide patient care that is It doesnt take a genius to see that this is a disaster
compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat- about to happen. The patient has no IV and no epidural
ment of health problems and the promotion of health. and wants general anesthesia for cesarean section if she
needs one. Patient preference here is not an option. The
Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring risks had to be clearly spelled out to this patient and
and respectful behaviors when interacting with her husband. She was also being induced after normal
patients and their families. hours.
A mutually agreed on plan is of the utmost impor- Develop and carry out patient management plans.
tance. The patient needed to gain the trust of the new
team so that a further attempt at an epidural and IV It was necessary to try to get an epidural in this
could be done. It was also important to note that the morbidly obese patient, in addition to large-bore IV
day team had tried multiple times to get an epidu- access. This was discussed with the obstetric attend-
ral and an IV. The first concern would be to check ing. Of course, this obstetric attending then left, and
the patients airway just in case she does have a a new obstetrician attending took over. The plan for
cesarean section. Next, the patient would have to be an epidural was discussed again. Communication is
asked directly about retrying for an epidural, given all very important between the team, especially so that
the risks that would go along with a general anesthetic. they understand the possibility of a difficult airway and
Although multiple attempts for an epidural were made, difficult IV access. Attempts were made again, with-
I felt it necessary to try to get an epidural in this mor- out success. The difficult airway box was checked, as
bidly obese patient, in addition to large-bore IV access. was availability of the fiber optic and other necessary
The patient actually agreed to another attempt and, if equipment. You should use what you are most com-
158 an epidural was obtained, realized it would be used for fortable with and have that available in the operating
cesarean section. room. The other attending in-house was also made
Case 31 On call in labor and delivery

aware but stated that he was unable to help if there was debrief about the patient was done so that we could all
a need for cesarean section. be on the same page regarding her care. The problem
was the change of shift, so this had to be done multi-
Counsel and educate patients and their families. ple times, and each time, we had to convince the new
Here is a patient who was as healthy as a 600-pound obstetrician taking over that we could not just throw
plus patient could be up to this point, but there is a our hands up and hope for the best if she were to be
genuine worry that things may end up very badly. It is sectioned. We needed to attempt an IV and an epidu-
best not to sugarcoat the risks, but just tell it like it is: ral again. It is also in the obstetricians best interests to
the risks are x, y, and z, and this could very well hap- have an appropriate anesthetic on board it will make
pen because you are at increased risk. I explained to the his or her job easier and be the safest for the patient.
patient the possibility of having a difficult airway. She
appeared to understand this and became more willing Medical knowledge
to have an epidural attempted again. Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab-
Use information technology to support patient lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cognate
care decisions and patient education. (e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sciences
and the application of this knowledge to patient care.
If the obstetricians have done a bedside ultrasound,
it is great to hear their estimate of the babys size and Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic
how the placenta is lying. This can alert you to further thinking approach to clinical situations.
needs, for example, blood availability if the placenta is
It was also necessary to have the longer Tuohy
low lying. This patient did not have a low-lying pla-
needle for the additional attempt at an epidural. We
centa. Also, the baby was predicted to be of average
had various sizes available, and the one that was suc-
cessful was almost harpoonlike, in the words of the
Perform competently all medical and invasive nurse who was assisting me. Persistence truly paid off
procedures considered essential for the area of after about 2.5 hours of attempts for an epidural. A
practice. pearl for these obese patients: the excess soft tissue was
taped up to help visualize the back better. This was a
A competent anesthesiologist would skillfully place much needed intervention. Sometimes it is necessary
adequate venous access and an arterial line (to moni- to think outside the box and use other means to maxi-
tor blood pressure on a beat-to-beat basis, especially if mize the best attempt. It made a world of difference in
there is lack of an adequate cuff size). comparison to just attempting without the tape. Dont
underestimate the importance of this taping. A criss-
Provide health care services aimed at preventing
cross V was made with tape, and the area was prepped
health problems or maintaining health.
with povidone-iodine.
One preventive measure that we can take in this
size of a patient is application of compression stock- Know and apply the basic and clinically
ings to avoid deep venous thrombosis (DVT) later on. supportive sciences that are appropriate to their
Also, if this patient were to have a cesarean section, discipline.
then during such a case, timing the delivery of pro- The FHR was checked multiple times, and it was
phylactic antibiotics is important. Current standards fine. A Doppler transducer was used at first, and then,
are for antibiotics to be delivered within an hour of because it was taking a while to obtain an anesthetic, a
incision. fetal scalp electrode was placed. The fetal scalp elec-
Work with health care professionals, including trode is most accurate. The cervix does need to be
those from other disciplines, to provide 13 cm dilated for use, and membranes must be rup-
patient-focused care. tured. A cardiotachometer uses the peak or thresh-
old voltage of the fetal r-wave to measure the interval
We must work with the obstetricians closely and between each fetal cardiac cycle. There was good FHR 159
develop a plan for this type of patient. A huddle to baseline variability (fluctuations in the baseline FHR of
Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

2 cycles per minute). Normal baseline FHR remained The Internet can be a great place to keep up to date
140150. This gave me the leisure to continue epidural on the latest knowledge in the field. Also, the American
attempts. In actuality, a spinal was purposefully done College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and Soci-
with the epidural needle because the epidural space ety for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology publica-
could not be located. tions can be great to review for information in the field.

Practice-based learning Professionalism

and improvement Residents must demonstrate a commitment to car-
Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their rying out professional responsibilities, adherence to
patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific ethical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient
evidence, and improve their patient care practices. population.

Analyze practice experience and perform Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a
practice-based improvement activities using a responsiveness to the needs of patients and society
systematic methodology. that supersedes self-interest; accountability to
patients, society, and the profession; and a
It took some time, but after more and more of these commitment to excellence and ongoing
morbidly obese patients began to come to deliver, a professional development.
task force was formed to develop practice guidelines
for these patients, who are now frequent in labor and It is always important to treat the patient and fam-
delivery. There was a systematic analysis done with the ily with respect and compassion, even if they seem to
obstetricians and the anesthesiologists, and now anes- have crazy ideas. This patient wanted general anesthe-
thesia is consulted in advance on these patients. They sia, but once her concerns were addressed and all was
are seen in clinic, and they may now have lines placed explained, then she was amenable to another attempt
preemptively if they are such a difficult stick. at epidural. As always, even for a regional anesthetic, it
is important to set up for a general anesthetic, just in
Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from case this means that you should always check your
scientific studies related to their patients health machine and have medications prepared and ready.
problems. The best way to be responsive to patient needs is to
listen it sounds simple, but many physicians do not,
The literature was reviewed and recommendations and they can miss information or miss cues regarding
were made based on it. Early preoperative evaluation the patients needs. Facial expressions and body lan-
by the obstetric anesthesia team is a necessity. The ulti- guage are very important, and this can help the patient
mate disaster can be averted here. It was helpful to have if you can pick up on them. Also, patients can pick up
the obstetricians hear our needs and us theirs. We are on the anesthesiologists facial expressions and body
all looking to have the best outcome a healthy baby language, so its best to be nonjudgmental and not to
and mother. approach the patient with hands on your hips many
times, the patient will not open up to you about the
Obtain and use information about their own situation.
population of patients and the larger population Professionalism encompasses a commitment to
from which their patients are drawn. excellence and your own development. If you have
been attending hospital and teaching rounds and going
It is important to revisit this literature in case new
to meetings, this will help you keep up to date in the
developments occur regarding morbidly obese preg-
field. There is always new information in medicine,
nant patients.
and we cannot ignore that you have to be a lifelong
learner as a physician.
Use information technology to manage
information, access online medical information;
160 and support their own education. Demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles
pertaining to provision or withholding of clinical
Case 31 On call in labor and delivery

care, confidentiality of patient information, sies, such as listening to all in the room and answering
informed consent, and business practice. questions, puts the patient at ease.
It is unprofessional to talk about other patients in Use effective listening skills and elicit and provide
front of your patient. Many times, we have multiple information using effective nonverbal,
laboring patients, and it is best to take the discussion explanatory, questioning, and writing skills.
outside of labor and delivery so that it can be dis-
cussed in privacy. Patient privacy should be respected. We have to ask directed questions. Many times,
I always make it a practice to knock on the door before we have emergent situations in which we get only the
I enter the labor and delivery room and to wash my most basic of information: last ate, allergies, and so
hands in front of the patient before and after seeing on. If we ask these questions and look the patient in
her. It also seems silly, but a time-out should be held the eye then it could mean a world of difference to
with the patient, nurse, and physician to ensure that the patient. Of course, we are doing a hundred other
the patient is receiving the correct procedure. Many things: putting monitors on, starting a line, and so on.
times, patients will comment, Of course I am having
a c-section dont we all know that? Just look at my Work effectively with others as a member or
belly! leader of a health care team or other professional
Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to On labor and delivery, we work very closely with
patients culture, age, gender, and disabilities. the obstetricians, and we become aware of many
idiosyncrasies, for better or worse. The case began
Many of the female laboring patients come to us with the slowest truly slowest obstetrician in the
from different backgrounds, and although they have to hospital. At the 1.5-hour mark, I suggested that we
bare their bottom to deliver, they still want to pre- get another obstetrician to help, or else my anesthetic
serve modesty. I always tell my residents to place a would run out (remember that I had done an inten-
drape up while the patient is being prepped in the oper- tional spinal, so I did not have an epidural to redo)
ating room. This is then switched out with the ster- a big worry because the patient had a class 34 airway.
ile drape afterward. Patients who have modesty and/or The patient was operated on in a regular bed that did
cultural issues will then be more at ease. They will only not go up and down and managed to have an anesthetic
see the anesthesiologists, and although they know very that did last. The anesthesiologist has to have a good
well that they are naked for all in the room, it will now rapport with the obstetrics team here a second obste-
not be so disturbing to them. trician was clearly needed, and my suggestion worked
well enough to have the obstetrician say, Yes, please
call her in.
Interpersonal and communication
skills Systems-based practice
Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal
Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and
and communication skills that result in effective infor-
responsiveness to the larger context and system of
mation exchange and teaming with patients, their
health care and the ability to effectively call on system
patients families, and professional associates.
resources to provide care that is of optimal value.

Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically Understand how their patient care and other
sound relationship with patients. professional practices affect other health care
professionals, the health care organization, and
Everyone with whom I work needs to introduce the larger society and how these elements of the
himself or herself by name and position. We have a system affect their own practice.
short period of time in which we must gain the trust
and respect of the patient. If we just barge into the The patient was operated on in a regular bed that
patients room with no regard, the patient will not did not go up and down, and this complaint of mine to 161
have a good first impression of us. Common courte- the RNs and director of obstetric anesthesia enabled
Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

the unit to change the type of operating room tables patients and their families make informed decisions
available so that no other team would have to endure regarding their care. This patient allowed me to reat-
what I had endured. It was an impossible situation in tempt an epidural once everything was explained to
which to operate, but we made do at the time. Even her. The day crew had tried to explain everything ear-
placement of the spinal was challenging because I am lier, just before the change of shift, but was it done well?
tall and had to bend down; normally, I would bring the Maybe the team was looking just to go home. We owe it
bed up, but this one only went so high. to our patients, though, to explain all, even at the end of
the day. We have to repeat information as necessary
Know how types of medical practice and delivery this is difficult material to process.
systems differ from one another, including
methods of controlling health care costs and Know how to partner with health care managers
allocating resources. and health care providers to assess, coordinate,
and improve health care and know how these
Review of the literature showed us that there are activities can affect system performance.
more and more morbidly obese pregnant patients
around the country, and it was good to see how each This baby was not in distress and did not have any
institution deals with this patient population, thus apnea. I still like to know how these babies are doing
the idea to see patients in a clinic beforehand, for and will follow up with the neonatal intensive care unit
evaluation. team afterward, just so I know how all is going for the
baby and family. The baby girl had a 9, 9 Apgar, which
Practice cost-effective health care and resource is a scale signifying heart rate, respiratory effort, mus-
allocation that does not compromise quality of cle tone, reflex, irritability, and color. It is measured
care. at 1 and 5 minutes (less than 7, then continued every
5 minutes up to 20 minutes). There are limitations
Standard cost-effectiveness should be used. This
Apgar is useful in predicting short-term mortality for
would mean not opening up additional epidural kits if
groups of infants with low birth weight. It has a low
this can be avoided. The best action would be to open
value in predicting the survival of an individual. Pri-
an additional larger epidural needle as it is needed.
mary apnea occurs after the initial attempts to breathe
Thus we use only what we need and will have the others
(stimulation or tapping feet can cause resumption of
for a rainy day or another day with a similar potential
breathing). Secondary apnea occurs with continued
disaster case.
oxygen deprivation the baby gasps several times and
Advocate for quality patient care and assist then enters secondary apnea (stimulation does not
patients in dealing with system complexities. restart breathing). I also followed up with postpartum
on the patient. She did not even get a postdural punc-
Sometimes we can be the only voice of reason ture headache. As one of the senior anesthesiologists
for the patient. A calm voice that is reassuring and who trained me stated, Its better to be lucky than
can state the facts in a nonjudgmental tone will help good.

Case 31 On call in labor and delivery

Additional reading 2. Mhyre J. Anesthetic management for the morbidly

obese pregnant woman. Int Anesth Clin
1. Hawkins J. Labor and delivery management of the
morbidly obese patient. IARS 2008;57:6.

Part 1 Contributions from Stony Brook University under
Case Christopher J. Gallagher

32 Kidney transplant
Syed Azim and Louis Chun

The case information and preferences, up-to-date scientific

evidence, and clinical judgment.
A 61-year-old male with a history of end-stage
renal disease secondary to long-standing diabetes and A patient with end-stage renal disease (ESRD)
hypertension, on hemodialysis for 5 years, presents for on hemodialysis presents many challenges, which
deceased-donor renal transplantation. include if and when to transfuse blood, how to cor-
rect metabolic acidosis if you decide to, and what to
Patient care do with hyponatremia/hypernatremia. Remember, the
deceased-donor kidney is on the watch. You may just
Residents must be able to provide patient care that is
have to work with whatever numbers you have in front
compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat-
of you as you prepare to wheel the patient to the OR.
ment of health problems and the promotion of health.
Develop and carry out patient management plans.
Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring
and respectful behaviors when interacting with Have drips ready to go, (e.g., antibiotics, gan-
patients and their families. cyclovir, methylprednisolone, and alemtuzumab). At
some point, you will need heparin. You may also use
No doubt this is a big day for the patient, as he is
Benadryl to prevent allergic reactions; albumin, man-
about to not only go under anesthesia, but also receive
nitol, and furosemide to flush the new kidney; and
an organ that could potentially alter the rest of his life,
sodium bicarbonate and calcium chloride to counter-
for better or worse. Building rapport and showing con-
act the effects of hyperkalemia after restoring blood
fidence in your ability to take care of the patient in the
flow to the new kidney. Usually, these patients are
operating room (OR) cannot be overemphasized. Let
chronically anemic. It is imperative to have blood
him know that you will need to place multiple intra-
ready to be transfused.
venous (IV) lines, a central venous catheter, an arterial
catheter, and a Foley catheter. By the time he wakes up, Counsel and educate patients and their families.
he should feel like a Christmas tree.
Organ transplant surgeries seem always to occur
Gather essential and accurate information about at the most unexpected (and inconvenient) of times
their patients. (e.g., when the schedule for the day is packed to the
point where the laparoscopic appendectomy is to fol-
When was his last dialysis? This gives an indication low three emergency laparotomies and an intubation
of whether he might be dry as a prune (immediately of a patient with epiglottis, or when you are cozying
postdialysis) or plump as a tomato (just before dialy- up on that favorite couch in the call room at 1:00 a.m.
sis). Where is his fistula (if any)? You would never want waiting for the organ and patient to arrive). It
to place monitors or establish access on that extremity. is therefore easy to lose sight of the importance of
What is his exercise tolerance or cardiac status? This informing the patient and family just what to expect
will help guide our anesthetic induction and mainte- during and after surgery.
Use information technology to support patient
164 Make informed decisions about diagnostic and care decisions and patient education.
therapeutic interventions based on patient
Case 32 Kidney transplant

Review all available laboratory values, including with bleeding diathesis. Compounding it to chronic
Chem8, complete blood count (CBC), chest X-ray, and anemia, and you could have a recipe for disaster. Every
electrocardiogram results. Check a finger-stick glucose now and then, check how much blood was lost in the
prior to starting. suction canisters and lap pads, and make sure you have
blood ready to go.
Perform competently all medical and invasive Metabolic acidosis can be a chronic problem in
procedures considered essential for the area of these patients. With metabolic acidosis comes hyper-
practice. kalemia, which, by the way, could be exacerbated by
Perform induction and intubation, followed by a number of things, including hemorrhage, massive
establishment of an arterial line (on the extremity blood transfusion, and the establishment of perfusion
without the arterial-venous fistula) to monitor beat-to- to the new kidney (acidosis). So how do you recognize
beat variations in blood pressure and a central line to hyperkalemia? You may want to occasionally check
monitor fluid status. the electrocardiogram (EKG) monitor for the earliest
signs, that is, peaked T-waves, flattened P-waves, pro-
Provide health care services aimed at preventing longed PR, and a widened QRS complex.
health problems or maintaining health.
Know and apply the basic and clinically
The survival of the graft kidney depends, in part, supportive sciences that are appropriate to their
on the timely administration of antibacterial, antiviral, discipline.
and immunosuppressive agents. We can do our part by
getting those drugs in the patient intraoperatively. The kidney is a vital part of homeostasis, affecting
multiple organ systems. Knowing the altered physiol-
Work with health care professionals, including ogy of a patient with ESRD helps prepare for the crit-
those from other disciplines, to provide ical stages of surgery. Common problems associated
patient-focused care. with ESRD include electrolyte imbalance and cardio-
vascular and hematologic dysfunction.
Your transplant surgeons need your help as much
as they need the help of their scrub and circulating
nurses. The surgeon may let you know when to give Practice-based learning
the heparin and when to get the blood pressure up and improvement
to ensure perfusion to the new kidney. Also, you may Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their
need to ask the circulating nurse to send off multiple patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific
ABGs, and when you notice that the H&H confirms evidence, and improve their patient care practices.
that the pallor of the patients fingers is not the lat-
est fashion statement on nail polish, you may ask the Analyze practice experience and perform
nurse to fetch blood in the refrigerator. Can you spell practice-based improvement activities using a
t-e-a-m-w-o-r-k? systematic methodology.
As you work through a case like this, you realize
Medical knowledge how overwhelming things can get, especially if there
Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab- is an unanticipated glitch along the way. It is there-
lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cognate fore important to develop a systematic approach to
(e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sciences the steps taken from the moment the patient enters
and the application of this knowledge to patient care. the OR to the point at which he settles down in the
Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic recovery room. Institution-specific protocols call for
thinking approach to clinical situations. certain types and dosages of antibiotics, antivirals,
and immunosuppressants to be administered, requir-
Always expect the worst and hope for the best. As ing the use of multiple lines. Developing a way to avoid
you begin this case, think about what could go wrong tangling the spaghetti is helpful, to say the least. As
in the operating room. The patient will likely have the surgery progresses, having an idea of the timing 165
abnormalities in platelet function and may present of giving certain medications is crucial. With proper
Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

preparation and practice, experience, and practice- Professionalism

based improvement activities, there should be little
Residents must demonstrate a commitment to carry-
variation in the way this surgery is handled, even
ing out professional responsibilities, adherence to eth-
among different clinicians.
ical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient pop-
Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from
scientific studies related to their patients health Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a
problems. responsiveness to the needs of patients and society
that supersedes self-interest; accountability to
Know what is recommended. For example, how patients, society, and the profession; and a
would you carry out your maintenance anesthetic? commitment to excellence and ongoing
A number of different combinations of inhaled and professional development.
intravenous medications have been used with reason-
able safety margins. General anesthesia is preferred. Again, although this may seem like another 4-hour
Desflurane, isoflurane, and sevoflurane can all be used, haul for you in the middle of the night, when you wish
although there may be some concern with renal toxic- you were snoozing away, try to think about it from
ity from the use of sevoflurane due to production of the patients perspective. As you would on a typical
fluoride and compound A. Opioids other than mor- midmorning routine, you should be prepared to han-
phine and meperidine, which have metabolites depen- dle a bag of emotions at the bedside and demonstrate
dent on renal clearance, should be safe. Ideally, a mus- the appropriate respect, compassion, and responsibil-
cle relaxant not dependent on renal clearance, such as ity that your patient demands.
atracurium or cisatricurium, should be used.
Demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles
Obtain and use information about their own pertaining to provision or withholding of clinical
population of patients and the larger population care, confidentiality of patient information,
from which their patients are drawn. informed consent, and business practice.

Review the latest on anesthetic management of Review informed consent, double-check on sur-
renal transplantation. gery site, and be cognizant that there are others around
you as you discuss details of your patients medical
record in the holding area. Also, make sure the surgeon
Apply knowledge of study designs and statistical has seen the patient prior to taking him to the OR.
methods to the appraisal of clinical studies and
other information on diagnostic and therapeutic Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to
effectiveness. patients culture, age, gender, and disabilities.
Is there any evidence to what is being done? For What may transcend all cultures, ages, gender, and
example, is an arterial line absolutely necessary for a disabilities is the notion of treating your patients as you
kidney transplant procedure? The answer is no there would wish to be treated.
is no proof that arterial line placement improves graft
outcome. However, it seems beneficial to have con-
tinuous blood pressure monitoring, particularly after Interpersonal and communication
revascularization of the transplanted kidney, because skills
hypotension can lead to delayed graft function and/or Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal
renal vein thrombosis. and communication skills that result in effective infor-
mation exchange and teaming with patients, their
Use information technology to manage patients families, and professional associates.
information, access online medical information,
and support their own education. Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically
166 sound relationship with patients.
Again, review the latest literature.
Case 32 Kidney transplant

Hand washing is an important habit to develop, utmost diligence. From a societal perspective, many
especially when seeing patients who are potentially individuals are on a waiting list to receive a kidney,
immunocompromised, as in this case in the postop- and the ultimate measure of success may mean an
erative period. improved quality of life for a prolonged period of time.
You have a chance to contribute to the likelihood of
Use effective listening skills and elicit and provide success by being vigilant in the OR and by follow-
information using effective nonverbal, ing necessary infection precautions when seeing your
explanatory, questioning, and writing skills. patient.
The patient will likely have many questions, some
Practice cost-effective health care and resource
of which you may not be able to answer in detail.
allocation that does not compromise quality of
Although the patient may be emotionally prepared to
undergo surgery (as he may have had a few years to
ponder on this while being on dialysis), many patients Intraoperatively, one may consider using isoflu-
may still have a zillion thoughts going through their rane as this is relatively inexpensive and provides ade-
heads. You may even be asked a question more appro- quate anesthesia for a lengthy case such as this one.
priately answered by the surgeons, in which case, you From a long-term perspective, length of graft survival
should respectfully defer to your colleagues. is important to overall health care cost. Thus improv-
ing overall outcome means maintaining a blood pres-
Work effectively with others as a member or
sure that will optimize perfusion to the graft without
leader of a health care team or other professional
compromising the anastomoses.
The significance of working effectively with other Advocate for quality patient care and assist
members of the OR staff should be reiterated. In addi- patients in dealing with system complexities.
tion, as you transition to the recovery room, your input Understand the immediate postoperative concerns
may be requested not only by the recovery room staff, for this patient and be prepared to react appropriately
but also by urology, nephrology, and intensive care unit in certain situations. For example, how do you deal
personnel. with steroid-induced psychosis? What is the optimal
blood pressure for this patient? What do you do when
Systems-based practice urine output is not responding to fluid challenges?
Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and Knowing what to do beforehand allows for a smoother
responsiveness to the larger context and system of postoperative course and a potentially better surgical
health care and the ability to effectively call on system outcome.
resources to provide care that is of optimal value.
Know how to partner with health care managers
Understand how their patient care and other and health care providers to assess, coordinate,
professional practices affect other health care and improve health care and know how these
professionals, the health care organization, and activities can affect system performance.
the larger society and how these elements of the
system affect their own practice. The immediate postoperative period is important
in terms of laying out goals, standards, and protocols
There are many levels of coordination involved in for the care of the patient. Usually, medication orders
transplanting a deceased-donor kidney into a recipi- will be clearly preprinted, and fluid management is
ent. It is important to understand that viable organs focused on urine output assessment. Communication
are scarce resources that should be handled with the with the urology and nephrology teams is imperative.

Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

Additional reading 2. SarinKapoor H, Kaur R, Kaur H. Anaesthesia for renal

transplant surgery. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand
1. Lemmens HJ. Kidney transplantation: recent
developments and recommendations for anesthetic
management. Anesthesiol Clin North Am 3. Halloran PF. Immunosuppressive drugs for kidney
2004;22:651662. transplantation. N Engl J Med 2004;351:27152729.
Erratum, N Engl J Med 2005;352:1056.

Part 1 Contributions from Stony Brook University under
Case Christopher J. Gallagher

33 Electrical glitch
Daryn Moller and Joseph Conrad

The case the nature of the electrical failure. If the problem is lim-
ited to the machine, these monitors should continue
A previously healthy 58-year-old female with a family
to function; a problem with the electrical supply could
history of breast cancer noted a lump in her left breast
affect these monitors. Your Foley catheter should func-
on self-examination. Following a positive biopsy and
tion appropriately.
an in-depth discussion with her surgeon, the decision
was made to proceed with bilateral total mastectomy
with left sentinel lymph node biopsy. Make informed decisions about diagnostic and
After a smooth induction, easy intubation, and 90 therapeutic interventions based on patient
minutes of general anesthesia with oxygen, desflurane, information and preferences, up-to-date scientific
and fentanyl, the surgeon has nearly completed dissec- evidence, and clinical judgment.
tion of the first breast. In your vigilance, you glance at
your anesthesia machine and notice the digital display As it stands, the patient remains anesthetized and
has gone dark, the bellows are not moving, and there intubated, but without any fresh gas flow, ventilation,
is no evidence of fresh gas flow. or volatile anesthetic. On top of that, patient monitor-
ing has been compromised. Intervention will concen-
trate on these areas.
Patient care
Residents must be able to provide patient care that is Develop and carry out patient management plans.
compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat-
ment of health problems and the promotion of health. With an airway already established, breathing
is top priority. For ventilation without a ventilator,
Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring Ambu-bag is the answer. If possible, a portable venti-
and respectful behaviors when interacting with lator will solve this problem as well, but will obviously
patients and their families. take time.
The patient is asleep, and you have your hands full, As the patient is still in the middle of an opera-
so your caring behavior will be exactly that caring tion, she will need anesthesia. The options are limited
for the patient. There will be plenty of time after the to intravenous (IV) anesthetics, so an infusion should
operation for respectful discussion of the days events be started as soon as possible. If the electrical supply
with the patient and her family. to the room is intact, your infusion pumps will work
without a problem. Even in a temporary blackout, their
Gather essential and accurate information about battery backup should still do the job. In case of apoca-
their patients. lypse, total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA) can be done
the low-tech way, with a bag of propofol on a microdrip
With your preoperative assessment complete and IV set.
the patient under general anesthesia, information Monitoring will be a problem. Electrocardiogram
gathering is limited to physical exam and available and pulse ox are easily replaced by battery-powered
monitors. In this case, the oxygen sensor, gas analyzer, units, and blood pressure can be done manually. How-
and end-tidal capnography are lost with the machine. ever, an end-tidal CO2 monitor may be hard to come
The pulse oximeter, blood pressure cuff, electrocardio- by; you may have to make do with auscultation and 169
gram, and temperature probe function will depend on observation of chest wall motion for the short term.
Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

The oxygen sensor and gas analyzer may simply be

unavailable. Work with health care professionals, including
With basic life support reestablished and all avail- those from other disciplines, to provide
able monitors in place given the circumstances, the patient-focused care.
next step is to determine whether to abort the opera-
Patient safety and care in the OR depends on
tion. In an elective case such as this, the safest situation
teamwork and communication among the anesthesi-
might be to have the surgeon close at the next possible
ologist, surgeon, and OR staff, even under optimal
conditions. When adverse circumstances do arise, the
Counsel and educate patients and their families. anesthesiologist should communicate clearly with the
rest of the team what needs to be done to alleviate
Clearly the anesthesiologists opportunities to the problem.
counsel and educate patients undergoing general
anesthesia are limited to the preoperative and post-
operative periods. Preoperative counseling should
Medical knowledge
include discussions of reasonably foreseeable risks Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab-
and their management. Unforeseeable events, such lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cognate
as total malfunction of the anesthesia machine, are (e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sciences
better left to the postoperative period. and the application of this knowledge to patient care.

Use information technology to support patient Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic

care decisions and patient education. thinking approach to clinical situations.

While the loss of machine function represents an Once the patient is stable, an attempt should be
acute problem and intervening to stabilize the patient made to determine the underlying nature of the prob-
leaves little time for immediate information gather- lem and its implications for the rest of the case.
ing, the anesthesiologists thorough knowledge of the Where was the malfunction that caused the anesthesia
machine and operating room (OR) environment will machine to stop working? If the digital display fails and
allow effective decision making. the machine continues to work, that is likely a problem
limited to the display itself. That the whole machine
Perform competently all medical and invasive shut down indicates either a problem in the machines
procedures considered essential for the area of power supply or a problem with the electrical supply
practice. to the OR. Multiple circuits in the OR help to localize
the problem. If the anesthesia machine, electrocautery,
Competent performance in this case requires the surgeons stereo, and everything else in the room
quick, rational judgment. As in any case, you must craps out simultaneously, the problem is likely outside
realize that there is indeed a problem, identify and the OR and nothing you can fix. If your machine is
prioritize the relevant issues, and then address those the only piece of equipment in the room to fail, you
issues. This means skillful use of hand ventilation and should check that it is plugged into an uninterruptible
proper preparation of necessary infusions and moni- power supply, that is, a power supply with a backup.
tors to expedite patient care. An interruptible power supply, one that can go off and
stay off, may be identical to the uninterruptible socket,
Provide health care services aimed at preventing and machines have been plugged into the wrong sup-
health problems or maintaining health. ply. You should never assume that somebody probably
checked it; you may be the first to diagnose this prob-
Once a situation such as this arises, the anesthe-
lem in your own OR.
siologist maintains the patients health by reestablish-
ing adequate resuscitation and monitoring. Again, in
an elective case such as this, preventing health prob- Know and apply the basic and clinically
lems and maintaining health may best be carried out supportive sciences that are appropriate to their
170 discipline.
by aborting the procedure.
Case 33 Electrical glitch

You dont need a biomedical engineering degree Again, the anesthesiologists knowledge base de-
to be a competent anesthesiologist, but you should rives from attentive assessment of each patient, com-
know enough about your anesthesia machine to per- bined with a knowledge of the current literature per-
form basic troubleshooting. The high-yield solution is taining to the patients primary disease process and
to perform a complete machine check every day, ask- comorbidities.
ing yourself at each step, What might go wrong, and
how will I fix it? Apply knowledge of study designs and statistical
methods to the appraisal of clinical studies and
Practice-based learning and other information on diagnostic and therapeutic
Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their Once again, in the face of equipment failure, there
patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific is not much time for a perusal of the literature, and it
evidence, and improve their patient care practices. would be difficult to anticipate this type of event the
night before, while reading up on your cases. How-
Analyze practice experience and perform ever, once you have run into this type of difficulty,
practice-based improvement activities using a you should be acutely interested in how others have
systematic methodology. approached similar circumstances, and it is likely that
whatever reports you do find about similar cases will
Again, the best systematic approach to machine- stick in your mind better, having faced the problem
related problems in the OR is thorough knowledge firsthand. You should examine how other clinicians
of the machine and the OR environment, reviewed have approached these problems in the past and com-
daily through the machine check. When you do have pare their methods with your own.
a problem with a machine, you must address it. While
you may not have the means or expertise to rem- Use information technology to manage
edy every problem, you should contact someone who information, access online medical information;
can. Between your hospitals biomedical engineering and support their own education.
department and the machines manufacturer, you will
eventually find someone who can fix the glitch. While the literature on power failure and similar
problems is limited to case reports and letters, it is
Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from likely that any problem you face will not be the first
scientific studies related to their patients health of its kind and that someone, somewhere has faced the
problems. same issues and lived to describe the experience. The
best way to access the worlds clinical experience is via
The literature on power failure in the OR is in
the Internet, and this should be a regular part of every
somewhat short supply relative to other clinical
clinicians practice.
parameters. However, patient care in this setting
should be based on the published data and recommen-
dations in more broadly applicable areas.
Monitoring is founded on the American Society of Professionalism
Anesthesiology (ASA) standards for basic monitoring. Residents must demonstrate a commitment to car-
This begins with qualified anesthesia personnel, fol- rying out professional responsibilities, adherence to
lowed by assessment of oxygenation, ventilation, circu- ethical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient
lation, and temperature. Beyond that, the anesthesiol- population.
ogist must be familiar with the planned procedure and
the patients comorbidities as they relate to the anes- Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a
thetic plan. responsiveness to the needs of patients and society
that supersedes self-interest; accountability to
Obtain and use information about their own patients, society, and the profession; and a
population of patients and the larger population commitment to excellence and ongoing
from which their patients are drawn. professional development. 171
Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

Responsiveness to the needs of the patient is neatly mation exchange and teaming with patients, their
summed up in the motto of vigilance. The anesthesiol- patients families, and professional associates.
ogist must function as the physician in the OR, attend-
ing to the anesthetized patients needs while the sur- Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically
geon addresses a specific pathology. In this way, the sound relationship with patients.
anesthesiologist is uniquely accountable to the patient
because no other group of physicians has more direct The anesthesiologists interaction with the patient
and immediate control of their patients physiology. may be brief relative to that of other physicians, but
In this case, the vigilant anesthesiologist immediately the relationship should not suffer for that fact. From
recognizes a compromise in the patients respiration the preoperative assessment, the physician should
and quickly addresses it, while protecting her from the encourage the patient to be open and honest to opti-
harm of pain and intraoperative awareness. mize the assessment and should, in turn, be honest
with the patient about plans and expectations for the
Demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles coming procedure, including reasonably foreseeable
pertaining to provision or withholding of clinical risks.
care, confidentiality of patient information, While the risk of failure of an anesthesia machine
informed consent, and business practice. or other mechanism in the OR would not typically be
addressed, the physician should make every effort to
As in any case, the physician must honor the
reassure the patient that when adverse events do occur,
patients privacy and autonomy by keeping informa-
they are handled as effectively as possible, with the goal
tion confidential and ensuring preoperatively that the
of patient care in mind.
patient knows what to expect from the perioperative
Use effective listening skills and elicit and provide
Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to information using effective nonverbal,
patients culture, age, gender, and disabilities. explanatory, questioning, and writing skills.

These general principles should influence every Following failure of your machine and subsequent
physician-patient interaction, if slightly more subtly in stabilization of your patient, document! In the case of
the operative setting. The anesthesiologist should be an adverse event or near-miss, the events should be
familiar with the patients disabilities, including med- recorded as accurately as possible for future review and
ical, surgical, and substance history, and these should improvement.
influence intraoperative decision making. For exam-
ple, females should be expected to have a higher rate Work effectively with others as a member or
of postoperative nausea and vomiting, patients with leader of a health care team or other professional
hypertension will more likely have labile blood pres- group.
sures requiring tighter pharmacologic control, and
persons of increased age will have decreased require- The machine stopped working, and you are for-
ments for inhalational anesthetics. mulating your plans while hand-ventilating. If you are
However, most of the immediate maneuvers in manually ventilating your patient, then no one in the
the case of a machine failure should be applicable to OR is performing a more critical task. Now is the time
any patient. While the anesthesiologist should have an to assert yourself as doctor of the operating room.
idea of the patients respiratory reserve, any patient You will need the assistance of the surgeon and the OR
for whom the ventilator fails should be immediately staff, and likely outside help, to care for your patient
switched to hand ventilation, if necessary, with an effectively. Call on individuals and assign tasks just as
Ambu-bag, regardless of the state of health. you would in an advanced cardiac life support (ACLS)
code. As professionally as possible, determine with the
Interpersonal and communication surgeon whether and how to proceed with the remain-
der of the operation. If conditions are temporarily
172 skills unsafe to continue, ask him or her to pause. If condi-
Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal tions cannot be improved, alert the surgeon that the
and communication skills that result in effective infor- case must end as soon as possible.
Case 33 Electrical glitch

Systems-based practice Advocate for quality patient care and assist

Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and patients in dealing with system complexities.
responsiveness to the larger context and system of
health care and the ability to effectively call on system Make the most of the precious few minutes spent
resources to provide care that is of optimal value. with the patient during the preoperative assessment.
Inform patients of what to expect.
Understand how their patient care and other In the OR, be attuned to potential problems in the
professional practices affect other health care system. Try to look critically at aspects of patient care
professionals, the health care organization, and usually taken for granted. If a defect is identified in
the larger society and how these elements of the the machine you were using for this case, look at your
system affect their own practice. next machine to see if the same defect is present. If
the machine was simply plugged into the incorrect
The anesthesiologist must be aware of the effect of power supply, see to it that other machines are properly
his or her own actions on other physicians, particularly set up.
the surgeon in the room. Honest and respectful com-
munication sets the tone for a good working relation- Know how to partner with health care managers
ship and can facilitate proper patient care. and health care providers to assess, coordinate,
and improve health care and know how these
Practice cost-effective health care and resource activities can affect system performance.
allocation that does not compromise quality of
care. If you notice problems or ambiguities that might
lead to compromised patient care, address these con-
In this relatively long case, perhaps a more cost- cerns to the proper authority, whether it be the
effective inhalational anesthetic than desflurane might OR coordinator, engineering, or a quality assurance
have been considered. body.

Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

Additional reading 2. Yasney J, Soffer R. A case of power failure in the

operating room. Anesth Prog 2005;52:6569.
1. Chawla AV, Newton NI. Machine and monitor failure
from electrical overloading. Anaesthesia 2002; 3. Welch RH, Feldman JM. Anesthesia during total
57:11341135. electrical failure, or what would you do if the lights
went out? J Clin Anesth 1989;1:358362.

Part 1 Contributions from Stony Brook University under
Case Christopher J. Gallagher

34 What do you mean you stop breathing

in your sleep?
Deborah Richman and Vishal Sharma

The case 44). An electrocardiogram shows sinus rhythm, with

peaked P-waves.
Your patient is a 45-year-old, hard-drinking, hard-
You review his screening worksheet: no allergies
smoking, and loud-snoring construction worker fresh
are listed, but surprise, surprise his STOP screen has
from the work site. Appropriately attired in steel toe
four out of four positive answers!
boots, muddy jeans, and a classic yet form-fitting flan-
nel shirt, he and his wife stop by the preoperative
assessment clinic before heading to the steakhouse
for a 16-ounce T-bone with many, many sides. His Patient care
abdomen cascades down his waistline, and his cough Residents must be able to provide patient care that is
reminds you of a bulldozer moving gravel. The patient compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat-
is scheduled for shoulder arthroscopy within 2 weeks ment of health problems and the promotion of health.
secondary to a fall he suffered 1 month prior. You ask
him about his accident, and he tells you that he fell Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring
asleep on his lunch break and hit his shoulder against and respectful behaviors when interacting with
the table. His past medical history is nondescript; he patients and their families.
has no medical problems, takes no meds, has no aller-
gies, had no previous surgeries, drinks about a six pack The concerns here are multifocal. In addition to
a day, and smokes about a half pack of cigarettes a day. obesity, the patient demonstrates signs and symptoms
He has chronic shoulder pain, for which he initially of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) but has a recent
saw the orthopedist, who recommended that he have injury that has him needing surgery to repair it and
shoulder arthroscopy after magnetic resonance imag- hasten his return to active work. So he has two issues
ing revealed a slight rotator cuff injury. During your that need to be addressed and may not be prepared for
interview, a nurse asks for your assistance, and you the first: a sleep consult and workup to get in the way
briefly step out of the room. When you return to your of the second his surgery.
office less than 5 minutes later, your patient is slouched OSA is characterized by repetitive obstruction of
over, snoring louder than Homer Simpson after a night the airway during sleep with apnea lasting more than
at Als Tavern. You ask him about his sleep, and he 10 seconds.
relates to you that he frequently wakes up at night short Why is this clinically significant for anesthesiol-
of breath, has morning sleepiness, falls asleep at work ogists and the patient? OSA is associated with sig-
all the time, and has noticed that he has been having nificant perioperative morbidity and mortality. OSA
headaches more frequently. His wife states that he has is associated with increased risk of difficult intuba-
snored forever, and sometimes in the middle of the tion, postoperative hypoventilation and apnea, and
night, hell wake up huffing and puffing. arrhythmias as well as medical comorbidities such as
You examine him and notice that he is a middle- hypertension, heart disease, obesity, and pulmonary
aged, obese white male with nicotine-stained fingers hypertension. It is important in this situation to
on his right hand. He has a short, thick neck. His heart express concerns about undiagnosed and untreated
sounds are normal and his lungs are clear. His vitals OSA and to refer these patients to experts knowledge-
reveal an elevated blood pressure of 155/84, a heart able about sleep-related disorders to reduce their over-
rate of 65, and a respiratory rate of 10. His weight is all risk from developing complications during surgery 175
143 kg, and his height is 180 cm (body-mass index = and later down the road.
Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

Although this gentleman seems less worried about  less postoperative (opiate- and sedative-aided)
his overall fitness than Lance Armstrong, it doesnt apneas with extubation to CPAP
necessarily mean that he wouldnt be concerned about
the possibility of having a disorder of sleep. You must The patient should also receive counseling regarding
educate the patient about your concerns of OSA, obe- weight loss, exercise, and smoking cessation and con-
sity, and cigarette smoking and inform the patient trol of systemic hypertension.
about medical care from which he may benefit, even In terms of surgical venue, high-risk patients are
if the patient seems apathetic about his own well- not appropriate for free-standing ambulatory surgi-
being. centers (American Society of Anesthesiologists [ASA]
guidelines). Additionally, the CPAP machine should
Gather essential and accurate information about be brought on the day of surgery for use in the recovery
their patients. period.
Shoulder repairs are generally done under general
History and physical have given us a clinical diag- anesthesia in combination with regional anesthesia
nosis. We need to assess our patient for end organ dam- (interscalene nerve block). This is especially important
age from his clinical sleep apnea and hypertension. in the OSA patient any possible avoidance of opiates
Basic testing includes the following: and sedatives is good.
1. a hemoglobin as an assessment of chronic Obese patients with sleep apnea are at increased
hypoxemia risk for difficult intubation. Advanced airway equip-
2. renal function secondary to hypertension ment may be needed and staff experienced in its use
3. electrocardiogram looking for evidence of should be available. Postop CPAP availability as well as
ischemia, left ventricular hypertrophy, and right postop monitoring and ventilation facilities and opiate
heart strain and benzodiazepine antagonists should be at hand.
4. resting room air oxygen saturation ASA guidelines recommend that patients with
OSA be monitored for 3 hours longer than their non-
Any abnormalities here would suggest further investi- OSA cohorts in recovery, and any episode of desatura-
gations possibly echocardiogram and arterial blood tion warrants another 7 hours in a monitored bed. For
gases, and of course, the aforementioned sleep consult. ambulatory patients, it is best to book them early in the
day to prevent overnight admission for this indicated
Make informed decisions about diagnostic and monitoring.
therapeutic interventions based on patient
information and preferences, up-to-date scientific Counsel and educate patients and their families.
evidence, and clinical judgment.
The risks of untreated OSA should be explained
This patient is being evaluated in the clinic well in to the patient so that he can make an informed deci-
advance of his surgery, and steps should be undertaken sion on whether to continue with diagnostic testing
to optimize him for his surgery. The definitive test for and therapy. With OSA, he is at risk for heart disease,
OSA remains the polysomnogram. stroke, or death.
Develop and carry out patient management plans. Use information technology to support patient
Formal diagnosis of OSA, initiation of treatment care decisions and patient education.
preoperatively, and a specifically tailored anesthetic There are numerous resources online for patients to
plan will offer the patient the lowest risk periopera- utilize to gain information on the diagnosis and treat-
tively: ment of OSA. It is important that you direct the patient
Appropriate continuous positive airway pressure to Web sites with useful information and not Web sites
(CPAP) treatment should be instituted to achieve the steered toward home remedies and miracle drugs that
following: simply have not been proven to work or that might
 decreased airway edema and easier intubation be dangerous. One excellent resource for patients is
 decreased sympathetic tone and lower WebMD (, a patient-centered
cardiovascular risk Web site with medical information on a vast array of
Case 34 What do you mean you stop breathing in your sleep?

medical topics designed to inform patients. Another a sleep report, which confirms the presence of OSA
is the Web site of the American Sleep Apnea Associa- and quantifies its severity. Benumof and colleagues
tion (, which provides use- reported on the interpretation of a sleep study in The
ful information and written literature on OSA and its New ASA OSA Guidelines, published in 2007: the
treatment. results of a sleep study are reported as events and
indices. An apnea event is no airflow for more than
10 seconds; an hypopnea event is a tidal volume less
Medical knowledge than 50% of the control awake value for more than
Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab- 10 seconds; a desaturation event is a decrease in the
lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cog- SpO2 greater than 4% and an arousal event can be
nate (e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sci- clinical (vocalization, turning, extremity movement)
ences and the application of this knowledge to patient or a burst on the EEG. Indices are events per hour;
care. the apnea hypopnea index (AHI) is the number of
times the patient was either apneic or hypopneic per
Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic hour; the oxygen desaturation index is the number
thinking approach to clinical situations. of times the patient had a decrease in SpO2 greater
than 4% per hour and the arousal index is the num-
Further findings to be looked for on physical exam ber of times the patient aroused per hour. The severity
are signs of pulmonary hypertension and hypoxemia, of OSA is most universally expressed in terms of the
such as clubbing, cyanosis, ruddy facies, loud P2, RV apnea hypopnea index, in which 620 is mild, 1540 is
heave, and right heart failure (enlarged liver, distended moderate, and 40 is severe and is scored 1, 2 and 3
neck veins, and peripheral edema). These advanced respectively.
findings would warrant further investigation with arte- Using these data, the sleep physician will then
rial blood gases and echocardiogram. decide whether to place the patient on therapy for
The STOP questionnaire, developed by Chung OSA, which includes CPAP. CPAP has been the main-
et al. and published in the Journal of Anesthesiology [5], stay of treatment for patients with OSA, but it is only
confirms our suspicion. STOP corresponds to the fol- in severe OSA that it has been shown to have signifi-
lowing questions: cant benefit. CPAP is administered via an oral/nasal or
1. Do you snore loudly (louder than talking or loud oronasal face mask. Surgical intervention is sometimes
enough to be heard through closed doors)? necessary for patients with severe OSA and patients
2. Do you often feel tired, fatigued, or sleepy during who have OSA symptoms that are refractory to high
daytime? levels of CPAP and anatomy amenable to surgical
3. Has anyone observed you stop breathing during intervention.
your sleep (Honey, you stop breathing at night)? Use the PSG results to arrive at an OSA score, and
4. Do you have or are you being treated for high use this for clinical decision making. The score consists
blood pressure? of the sum of two components:

When incorporating other factors, such as body-mass Component 1: severity of OSA 1 = mild, 2 = mod-
index, age, neck circumference, and gender, the STOP- erate, and 3 = severe
Bang screen has a very high sensitivity for detect- Component 2: the higher of the following two scores
ing patients who have OSA and serves as an effective
screening tool.
Polysomnography (PSG) incorporates electroen- Surgical
cephalogram monitoring, chest and abdominal pres- Postop opiate need invasiveness/anesthesia
sure for respiratory effort, an electrooculogram for 0 = None 0 = None/local anesthesia
NREM sleep versus REM sleep, capnography for air- 1 = Low dose oral 1 = Superficial/regional
flow determination, pulse oximetry for the detection of anesthesia
oxygen saturation or desaturation, and an electrocar- 2 = High dose oral 2 = Peripheral/GA
diogram for the determination of arrhythmias. After 3 = Parenteral/neuraxial 3 = Airway/major/ 177
the sleep study, all these raw data are converted into abdominal/GA
Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

Practice-based learning patients have a right to informed refusal of testing or

procedures (autonomy is one of the four principles of
and improvement medical ethics).
Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their
patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to
evidence, and improve their patient care practices. patients culture, age, gender, and disabilities.

Analyze practice experience and perform Dont threaten him with, If you dont get your
practice-based improvement activities using a sleep apnea treated, you may get a head injury next
systematic methodology. time!

Incorporate the STOP questionnaire in preopera-

tive screening to readily detect patients with undiag-
Interpersonal and communication
nosed OSA. skills
Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal
Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from and communication skills that result in effective infor-
scientific studies related to their patients health mation exchange and teaming with patients, their
problems. patients families, and professional associates.
Several studies were used in this case. Use effective listening skills and elicit and provide
information using effective nonverbal,
Professionalism explanatory, questioning, and writing skills.
Residents must demonstrate a commitment to carry-
Document clearly your thoughts in the chart,
ing out professional responsibilities, adherence to eth-
including reason for referral, expected change in man-
ical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient pop-
agement, and the calculation of the OSA score. Also
include risks and benefits discussed with the patient.
Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a
Work effectively with others as a member or
responsiveness to the needs of patients and society
leader of a health care team or other professional
that supersedes self-interest; accountability to
patients, society, and the profession; and a
commitment to excellence and ongoing Book this patient first case in the day of his ambu-
professional development. latory surgery. Send appropriate information to the
sleep center, including urgency, as it is a preoperative
Inform the patient of your suspicions of undiag-
assessment. Keep the surgeon informed of the need
nosed sleep apnea and the risks both perioperatively
for further testing, possible previously unknown risks
and long term. Offer advice on how to proceed as well
involved, and the need for change of venue or anesthe-
as evidence-based information as to the importance of
sia plan.
following this up preoperatively.

Demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles Systems-based practice

pertaining to provision or withholding of clinical Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and
care, confidentiality of patient information, responsiveness to the larger context and system of
informed consent, and business practice. health care and the ability to effectively call on system
Ask the patients permission to refer him to a sleep resources to provide care that is of optimal value.
center or suggest that the patient ask his personal Understand how their patient care and other
physician to refer him. professional practices affect other health care
Should the patient elect to defer sleep evaluation, professionals, the health care organization, and
respectful discussion of an appropriate anesthesia plan the larger society and how these elements of the
178 and the increased risks, including that of admission system affect their own practice.
and possible postoperative ventilation, is appropriate
Case 34 What do you mean you stop breathing in your sleep?

OSA still remains underdiagnosed and poorly sult/study spot for a CTR would use up the urgent
treated because of the issues with testing and treat- slots in the sleep clinic, making them unavailable to
ment. Sleep studies are not readily available in all parts other patients like our Mr. Jolly, whose management
of the country, and CPAP can be costly, uncomfort- depends on the severity of his OSA.
able, and embarrassing, causing patients to discon-
tinue therapy. Know how to partner with health care managers
and health care providers to assess, coordinate,
Practice cost-effective health care and resource and improve health care and know how these
allocation that does not compromise quality of activities can affect system performance.
It is not enough to just screen for OSA (or other
Having this patient canceled on the day of surgery common diseases that impact perioperative out-
because of lack of optimization or admitted postopera- comes). One has to have an organized and easily nego-
tively has high economic impact on the institution, the tiable referral system for these patients to get the indi-
patient, and his insurance. It may also cost the family cated workup without extensive delays in surgery or
time off work. cost to the patient or institution.
Remember, too, that if he were having a carpal The patient did indeed have severe OSA with an
tunnel release (CTR), a preop sleep study would not apnea-hypopnea index of 37 and oxygen desaturations
change management, except for early booking, which down to 82%. His surgery was performed early in the
can be done anyway with the clinical suspicion of OSA. morning in the main operating room with interscalene
The maximum OSA score for CTR surgery would be 4, block and general anesthesia. He was extubated to his
so it is acceptable to proceed in a free-standing ambu- CPAP machine and discharged home after an unevent-
latory center, and the procedure is done under local ful 6-hour stay in recovery.
anesthesia with minimal sedation. Using a sleep con- He and his wife now sleep peacefully at night.

Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

Additional reading a report by the American Society of Anesthesiologists

Task Force on Perioperative Management of Patients
1. Chung SA, Yuan H, Chung F. A systemic review of
with Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Anesthesiology
obstructive sleep apnea and its implications for
anesthesiologists. Anesth Analg 2008;107:15431563.
4. Joshi GP. Ambulatory surgery for the patient with
2. Benumof JL, The new ASA OSA guideline. ASA
sleep apnea syndrome. ASA Refresher Courses
Refresher Courses in Anesthesiol 2007;35:1;113.
Anesthesiol 2007;35:97106.
3. Gross JB, Bachenberg KL, Benumof JL, Caplan RA,
5. Chung F, Yegneswaran B, Liao P, et al. STOP
et al. Practice guidelines for the perioperative
questionnaire: a tool to screen obstructive sleep apnea.
management of patients with obstructive sleep apnea:
Anesthesiology 2008;108:812821.

Part 1 Contributions from Stony Brook University under
Case Christopher J. Gallagher

35 Please prevent postop puking

Neera Tewari and Vedan Djesevic

The case I reassured Mrs. B that I would do everything in my

power to decrease her chance of getting PONV again.
Mrs. B, a 52-year-old woman with a strong family
I let her know that I would administer a volatile-free
history of breast cancer, underwent a workup that
anesthetic, supplemented by a number of antiemetic
revealed a carcinoma of the right breast, and she is
medications, and minimize the use of perioperative
now scheduled for a right mastectomy. After seeing her
opioids. Her anesthetic would be a total intravenous
chart the day before her proposed surgery, I noticed
infusion of propofol, and she would get aprepitant,
that she had no other significant medical problems.
dexamethasone, and ondansetron perioperatively. I
The challenge for me would be to prevent postopera-
also let her know that I would speak with her surgeon
tive nausea and vomiting. The common thread in her
about using local anesthetics at the surgical site to min-
surgical history was postoperative nausea and vomit-
imize narcotic use.
ing (PONV) I was ready to face this challenge and
I explained to her my multifaceted approach to
provide this patient with a nausea-free anesthetic.
combat nausea and vomiting, but unfortunately, I
On the morning of surgery, I met Mrs. B. She was
couldnt guarantee it I could only try my level best.
a pleasant lady with big blue eyes and curly blond
She seemed relieved and was very happy to be included
hair. I immediately noticed that she was anxious and
in the plan. Usually they dont explain all this, she
uneasy because she was constantly massaging her fin-
gers throughout our conversation. Being a biochemist
and having gone through two surgeries prior to this
one, she was well aware of the risks of anesthesia and,
more important, the postoperative nausea with which Medical knowledge
she was always afflicted. Mrs. B was at high risk for PONV because she had mul-
tiple risk factors for postoperative nausea and vomit-
ing. She had a history of PONV, and she was a non-
Patient care smoker and of female gender. In addition, the surgery
I knew I was going to have a challenge coming to was going to be longer than an hour, and it was breast
work, but I didnt realize I would be facing an exten- surgery, both of which are surgical risk factors for
sive family history of postoperative nausea and vom- PONV. Some of the anesthetic risk factors that con-
iting. I reassured her that I would do everything in tributed to her PONV in the past were use of nitrous
my power to make this a vomit-free experience. It was oxide, use of volatile anesthetics, and the adminis-
important for me that I gain her trust right before the tration of intraoperative and postoperative opioids. I
operation and let her know that I was well aware of her explained all these factors to her but also let her know
concerns and fears. Not only was she having an impor- that, on a positive note, many new antiemetic therapy
tant surgery, but her postoperative comfort level was regimens have been developed in recent years.
essential, as well.
I inquired extensively about her surgical and family
history. She told me, Doctor, I had PONV after my Practice-based learning
tonsillectomy with ether, my mother had it after her
cholecystectomy with halothane, and my grandmother and improvement
had it during her labor with chloroform. I want this to Right before we went into the operating room, I 181
be the first operation without it. Please! gave Mrs. B a pill called Emend (aprepitant), a new
Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

neurokinin antagonist that significantly reduces post- I gave Mrs. B a dose of a potent nonsteroidal anti-
operative nausea and vomiting at 24 hours and 48 inflammatory drug (30 mg of ketorolac), as well.
hours after surgery. After the Emend, I gave her a good
dose of benzodiazepines to calm her anxiety and wor-
ries. For her induction and maintenance of anesthe- Professionalism
sia, I decided to use propofol. I placed a laryngeal It was very comforting to see Mrs. B emerge from her
mask airway. I avoided nitrous oxide and inhalational surgery comfortable and without any nausea or vomit-
anesthetic and minimized my intraoperative opioids. I ing. She was pain-free and at ease. She was pleased and
asked Dr. S, her surgeon, to infiltrate a fair amount of surprised that we were able to curb her genetic predis-
local anesthetic to decrease the need for postoperative position toward postop nausea. It was a rewarding day
opioids. In addition, following the newest guidelines for me, knowing that I used my knowledge and pro-
for management of postoperative nausea and vomit- fessionalism to combat one of the oldest complications
ing, I gave Mrs. B a steroid (4 mg of dexamethasone) postsurgery.
at the beginning of the surgery and a serotonin antag- Note in this case how we cut to the chase on four
onist (4 mg of ondansetron) and an antidopaminer- of the six core clinical competencies. By now (youve
gic drug (0.625 mg of droperidol) toward the end gone through 38 cases), you should be thinking com-
of the procedure. To minimize my use of opioids, petencies and be able to do this yourself.

Case 35 Please prevent postop puking

Additional reading 2. Diemunsch P, Gan TJ, Philip BK, et al. Single-dose

aprepitant vs ondansetron for the prevention of
1. Gan TJ, Meyer T, Apfel C, et al. Society for
postoperative nausea and vomiting: a randomized,
Ambulatory Anesthesia guidelines for the
double-blind phase III trial in patients undergoing
management of postoperative nausea and vomiting.
open abdominal surgery. Br J Anaesth
Anesth Analg 2007;105:16151628.

Part 1 Contributions from Stony Brook University under
Case Christopher J. Gallagher

36 Mr. Whipple and the case of the guy who

likes to mix a few vikes with his vodka
Misako Sakamaki and Brian Durkin

The case So it seems like this patient is one of those that

leads you to say, Is that him? Oh, no! Here he comes
You are consulted the week before surgery by the surgi-
again . . . what do I do now? When taking care of a so-
cal oncologist about another one coming for surgery
called challenging patient like this one, it is particularly
for pancreatic cancer. You remember fondly the last
important to establish a good doctor-patient relation-
one, who drove everyone crazy, from the preoperative
ship. Gaining trust from a patient like this would be a
admission area nurses to the guy who held open the
first major step toward effective patient care (and will
hospital door as he left for home and let it slam him
also make your perioperative life a little easier). After
in the rear. He had his big life-saving cancer surgery
all, this patient has a cancer that is threatening his life,
and was lucky to get out of the hospital alive and that
and now he has to undergo major surgery. He is most
meant that someone had to keep the staff from killing
likely scared, anxious, and emotionally devastated. Be
him. This is the dreaded narcotic user and abuser who
compassionate he needs your help!
will tax your professionalism to the nth degree. You
remember those days back in high school, when they Gather essential and accurate information about
showed those black-and-white movies about people their patients.
who fell ill to the needle? Today, they dont dress as
nice, may actually not use a needle, and may actually After establishing a good rapport with the patient,
get their opioids from the same guy who gives you a flu now its time to get to know him. All we now know
shot. They live among us, and yes, they are often your is that he has a major cancer and is a longtime nar-
patient. cotic user (is he really an abuser?). We need to know
The Whipple procedure (did Dr. Whipple succumb in detail about his other medical issues, cancer history
to pancreatic cancer? I think he did) is a long, tedious (stage and prognosis), and pain management history.
operation performed occasionally at your institution Is this patient a real narcotic abuser/seeker, or is he
by a surgeon who likes to keep the patient dry. Dont a pseudo-abuser he may be not addicted, but actu-
follow those rules you usually follow. Urine output ally undertreated (because his doctors are negatively
is not that important. I dont want them to bleed too biased against him and are denying adequate opioid
much. These are the words of this surgical oncologist, coverage), and he is only seeking adequate pain relief.
who also doesnt want you to use local anesthetic in the Talk to the patient and also contact his personal medi-
epidural for the first 24 hours postoperatively. cal doctor, oncologist, and pain management specialist
What are you to do for this patient? Can his post- to get a full picture of this patient before you come up
operative pain be effectively managed? with an effective anesthetic plan.
We also need to know if he has any toxic habits:
Patient care a patient with substance use disorders to alcohol,
Residents must be able to provide patient care that is marijuana, or nicotine will show a higher incidence
compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat- of dependence on other substances than the general
ment of health problems and the promotion of health. population. In fact, nearly 70% of opioid addicts in
the United States are dependent on either cocaine
Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring or other habituating substances. Opioid-dependent
and respectful behaviors when interacting with patients with superimposed cocaine dependence may
184 patients and their families. present additional problems for us, including hemody-
namic instability and extreme emotional lability.
Case 36 Mr. Whipple and the case of the guy who likes to mix a few vikes with his vodka

Make informed decisions about diagnostic and Perform competently all medical and invasive
therapeutic interventions based on patient procedures considered essential for the area of
information and preferences, up-to-date scientific practice.
evidence, and clinical judgment.
Place adequate intravenous access, a thoracic
Assuming that this patient has no other medi- epidural catheter (without making a wet tap!), and an
cal issues, the main concern for him and his anes- arterial line and secure the airway appropriately.
thesiologist is how to establish effective perioperative
pain management. A patient like this usually has a Work with health care professionals, including
very high tolerance to opioids, and he would not only those from other disciplines, to provide
require a very high dose of narcotics perioperatively, patient-focused care.
but may not even adequately respond to narcotics
without significant unwanted side effects. I would talk Involve the surgeon, the pain management special-
to this patient about the use of neuraxial analge- ist, the oncologist, and possibly a psychiatrist prior to
sia (thoracic epidural) for effective perioperative pain the patients surgery to come up with the most effec-
control. Discuss with the patient what the alternative tive plan. For example, talk to the surgeon preop and
option is (intravenous patient controlled analgesia) explain to him or her how important it would be to
and explain the risks and benefits of each option. Make use epidural analgesia/anesthesia intraoperatively. We
sure the patient has no contraindication to neuraxial understand that surgeons are concerned with the pos-
anesthesia. sible hemodynamic changes associated with epidural
sympathetectomy during the case. Discuss with the
Develop and carry out patient management plans. surgeons the risks and benefits of using an epidural
catheter during the case. If hemodynamics are an issue,
The plan is general anesthesia plus epidural anes- we can always administer narcotics without local anes-
thesia/analgesia and the use of a multimodal analgesia thetic during the case.
for the best perioperative course.
If there is no contraindication and the patient
consents (and you really hope he does!), I would Medical knowledge
place a thoracic epidural catheter in this patient pre- Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab-
operatively. I would then dose his epidural catheter lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cognate
with local anesthetics prior to surgical incision. If the (e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sciences
patient has not taken his usual dose of oral opioid on and the application of this knowledge to patient care.
the morning of surgery, I would also administer the
equivalent dose of opioid at the beginning of surgery. Know and apply the basic and clinically
Use multimodal/balanced analgesia: pain is medi- supportive sciences that are appropriate to their
ated by various mechanisms; therefore, in addition to discipline.
narcotics, we should be using different drugs tar- This is an opioid-dependent patient who is coming
geting distinct mechanisms, for example, anti- for a major abdominal surgery. First, adequate peri-
inflammatories (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory operative pain control is important, and not only for
drugs, cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor), N-methyl d- the patients comfort it would also affect the postop
aspartate receptor antagonists (low-dose ketamine), course: uncontrolled pain would place a patient at
and alpha-adrenergic mediated analgesias (clonidine). higher risk for postop cardiopulmonary complication
Use information technology to support patient and might prolong the patients hospitalization.
care decisions and patient education. While this patient would certainly require a much
higher dose of narcotics perioperatively, this does not
Even though there are no bibles or official guide- mean you just load him with buckets of intravenous
lines for acute pain management in opioid-dependent narcotics. Narcotics have dose-dependent detrimen-
patients, numerous clinical studies have been done, tal side effects such as nausea and vomiting, respira-
and there seems to be general consensus among the tory depression, and decreased gastrointestinal (GI) 185
experts. Use evidence-based medicine. motility. This patient is undergoing major abdominal
Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

surgery the use of mega-dose intravenous nar-

cotics would slow down his GI recovery. Also, use of Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a
high-dose narcotics can induce opioid-induced hyper- responsiveness to the needs of patients and society
algesia. that supersedes self-interest; accountability to
Neuraxial administration of opioids offers a more patients, society, and the profession; and a
efficient method of providing postop analgesia than commitment to excellence and ongoing
parental or oral opioids. Epidural doses of morphine professional development.
are roughly 10 times more efficacious than the same Respect the patient and be compassionate. Your
dose of morphine given parentally. Therefore signif- patient might be a drug addict, but he is your patient,
icantly greater levels of analgesia can be delivered to and he needs professional help from you. He deserves
those patients recovering from more extensive proce- the best care, just like any other patient.
dures where postop parental opioid doses would be
expected to be very high. Demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles
Use of neuraxial analgesia/anesthesia has also been pertaining to provision or withholding of clinical
shown to be beneficial for cancer-related surgery by care, confidentiality of patient information,
decreasing the incidence of cancer recurrence. This informed consent, and business practice.
is believed to be due to suppression of the stress
response. Make sure the patient has informed consent. This
Nonopioid analgesic adjuvants may also be used means that the patient should have an understanding
to reduce opioid dose requirements and provide of the risks and benefits of each therapeutic option and
multimodal analgesia. Nonopioid analgesics include alternative. Follow health insurance portability and
anti-inflammatory drugs, low-dose ketamine (0.5 accountability regulations for patient confidentiality.
mg/kg), and alpha-adrenergic-mediated analgesia When filling out your billing forms, be ethical bill
(clonidine). only what you did.

Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to

Practice-based learning patients culture, age, gender, and disabilities.
and improvement Talk to the patient and try to understand why he is
Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their doing what he is doing why is he taking so much pain
patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific medication? What is his understanding of his illness,
evidence, and improve their patient care practices. and how is it affecting him physically, emotionally, and
Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from
scientific studies related to their patients health
problems. Interpersonal and communication
There have been only a small number of published
Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal
reviews that address the treatment of acute pain in
and communication skills that result in effective infor-
patients with substance abuse disorders, and fewer
mation exchange and teaming with patients, their
have focused specifically on perioperative pain man-
patients families, and professional associates.
agement in opioid-dependent patients.
Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically
sound relationship with patients.
Residents must demonstrate a commitment to car- Always address patients by name (not just, Hi,
rying out professional responsibilities, adherence to sir), introduce yourself, shake hands, look profes-
ethical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient sional (no coffee-stained coat!), and give the patient
186 population. your undivided attention.
Case 36 Mr. Whipple and the case of the guy who likes to mix a few vikes with his vodka

Use effective listening skills and elicit and provide Practice cost-effective health care and resource
information using effective nonverbal, allocation that does not compromise quality of
explanatory, questioning, and writing skills. care.
To establish effective anesthetic and perioperative
plans, we need to know the patient in full picture. We Good patient care ultimately leads to cost-effective
need to get the information we need so that we can health care. In this case, effective perioperative pain
provide the best care for the patient. Ask proper ques- management would reduce the length of postanesthe-
tions and listen to what the patient says. Some patients sia care unit time, fasten postsurgical recovery, and
dont know the direct answers to your questions, but thereby minimize the length of intensive care unit
they may give you clues. stay.

Contributions from Stony Brook University under Christopher J. Gallagher Part 1

Additional reading
1. Mitra S, Sinatra R . Perioperative management of acute
pain in the opioid-dependent patient. Anesthesiology

Part Contributions from the University of

2 Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey

under Steven H. Ginsberg
Part 2 Contributions from the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New
Case Jersey under Steven H. Ginsberg

37 Burn, baby, burn

Anesthesia inferno
Jeremy Grayson and Stephen Lemke

The case myself. I take a thorough history, keeping in mind that

not everyone is a doctor. I limit the amount of medical
It was pediatric ear-nose-throat (ENT) day, and my
jargon but also dont dumb it down too much, as either
first case was a 6-year-old girl with obstructive sleep
extreme can be offensive. Based on the conversation, I
apnea for tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy. While I
adjust my vocabulary accordingly. Goal number two:
was setting up the room, Disco Inferno was playing
try not to freak out the little girl. This can be a chal-
on the radio, and I struggled to contain my urge to
lenging task, to say the least. I blew up a latex glove,
dance. After greeting my patient and her family in the
adorned it with a smiley face, and let her play with it as
holding area and taking a thorough history and phys-
I washed my hands. I sat down on the bed next to her
ical, we proceeded to the operating room. Following a
and put my stethoscope on her stuffed giraffe. Then I
boring mask induction with oxygen, nitrous oxide, and
let her listen. Decreased breath sounds on the right,
sevoflurane, Mom gave her munchkin a kiss and was
she said (OK, maybe she didnt). Finally, making sure
escorted back to holding. We intubated using a 5.5-mm
my stethoscope was nice and warm, I listened to her
uncuffed endotracheal tube, confirmed proper place-
heart and lungs. By the time my attending showed up,
ment, and auscultated a leak over the trachea at 20 cm
the patient was happily playing with her glove, and the
of water. Music, please! exclaimed the surgeon. I
parents were pretty sure we werent going to kill their
dialed up isoflurane in a 50-50 mixture of oxygen and
daughter. Moms happy, Dads happy, and the patient is
nitrous oxide and sang along We didnt start the fire;
happy . . . mission accomplished.
it was always burning since the world was turning
and before I knew it, the first tonsil was out. Suddenly, Gather essential and accurate information about
there was a loud pop, and my patients mouth looked their patients.
like the Fourth of July.
So far, it may seem as though I have accomplished
nothing. Not true, my friend. I blew up a balloon and
Patient care played with a stuffed animal. I also carefully gathered
Residents must be able to provide patient care that is all the information needed to plan my anesthetic. She
compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat- lets just call her Suzie, so I can stop saying she is 6
ment of health problems and the promotion of health. years old, weighs 20 kg, was a full-term vaginal deliv-
ery; Suzie has no medical problems or recent illnesses,
Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring
has never had surgery, and has no family history of
and respectful behaviors when interacting with
problems with anesthesia. I also found out that Suzie
patients and their families.
snores like a 747 and has been sleepy and daydreaming
Establishing good rapport is critical, especially for at school, which, according to Mom, is why she needs
pediatric anesthesia. Goal number one: get Mom and a tonsillectomy. On physical exam, I noted no obvious
Dad to confidently put their childs life in my hands. anatomic abnormalities other than two big, meatball-
Im keenly aware of this fact as I approach the patient sized, grade +4 kissing tonsils.
and her family. Right now, my attending is still yawn- Make informed decisions about diagnostic and
ing and wiping the crust from his eyes. Its my time therapeutic interventions based on patient
to shine. I got a good nights sleep, shaved, and even information and preferences, up-to-date scientific
brushed my teeth. I smile as I enter the room and con- evidence, and clinical judgment. 191
fidently shake both parents hands while introducing
Contributions from the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey under Steven H. Ginsberg Part 2

It sounds like Suzie has obstructive sleep apnea, so Suzie was still sedated and intubated and promised
I peruse the chart to look for a sleep study. Indeed, them that we would take the tube out once the swelling
polysomnography confirms the diagnosis. Since Im a subsided to the point that there was a leak around the
stellar resident (just ask me), my attending assumes endotracheal tube.
that Ive read the most recent American Society of
Anesthesiologists guidelines pertaining to periopera- Use information technology to support patient
tive management of obstructive sleep apnea and con- care decisions and patient education.
gratulates me for not heavily sedating the kid, pre-
When my attending was a resident, around the time
disposing her to airway obstruction and apnea in the
Lincoln was shot, people didnt have tonsils, let alone
holding area. I smile and nod, and whisper to the
the Internet. The night before the case, I did a literature
nurse, Cancel the Versed as he walks away. Just
search to look up the latest tonsil gossip and, of course,
kidding, I didnt order Versed; the great rapport I
check out what was going on with Britney Spears. Just
established with Mom, Dad, and Suzie will be premed-
before fire erupted, I couldve been surfing the Web on
ication enough. I did, however, read all about tonsil-
my phone.
lectomy and adenoidectomy and was well prepared for
the case. I also read about airway fire, although it is Perform competently all medical and invasive
rarely seen with this particular surgery. I know that it procedures considered essential for the area of
requires three components: ignition (such as an elec- practice.
trocautery device), fuel (tonsillar tissue, gauze, etc.),
and an oxidizing agent (oxygen or nitrous oxide). I had all necessary, and potentially necessary,
equipment ready to go. This means a proper laryn-
Develop and carry out patient management plans. goscope blade, endotracheal tube, breathing circuit,
and bag. All medications were drawn up according to
Although I hadnt planned on setting my patient Suzies weight, with a 21-gauge needle on those that
ablaze or losing my composure, both happened in that could be injected intramuscularly. I also looked up
order. The fire abated as quickly as it started, and the which drugs could be given through the endotracheal
surgeon pulled out the electrocautery device with a tube. I calculated her fluid requirements, checked the
hunk of flaming tonsillar tissue. I immediately stopped monitors and equipment, put the IV in a vein and the
fresh gas flow by disconnecting the breathing circuit, endotracheal tube in the trachea twice and demon-
extubated, then reintubated with a size 5 cuffed tube. strated how to deal with an airway fire. I believe I
Together with the ENT surgeon, we surveyed the dam- performed all procedures competently, although Im
age. Although the pharyngeal mucosa was clearly en slightly biased.
fuego, the patient was hemodynamically stable and
the airway was secure, so the surgery was completed. Provide health care services aimed at preventing
Postop, even with the cuff deflated, there was no audi- health problems or maintaining health.
ble leak. I obviously couldnt extubate. Suzie was trans-
As a general rule, I try not to set my patients on fire.
ferred to the prenatal intensive care unit (PICU) for
Besides that, I give antibiotics when appropriate, wash
further care.
my hands, use clean equipment, and keep my patient
warm (Ill admit, usually not this warm). Lighting the
Counsel and educate patients and their families. kid on fire segues perfectly with trying to get Dad to
quit smoking. Im pretty sure I shouldnt bring this up
Before the surgery, Mom and Dad wanted to know
now, but the health impacts of secondhand (and even
why Suzie couldnt eat breakfast and were also con-
thirdhand, as I just learned on my iPhone) smoke on
cerned about anesthesia awareness. I explained the
kids are well documented, and this subject should be
naught per oris guidelines and how pancakes are bad
broached prior to her leaving the hospital.
for the lungs. I assured them that I would carefully
monitor her vital signs and use a bispectral index mon- Work with health care professionals, including
itor. After the surgery, we had a lot of explaining to do. those from other disciplines, to provide
192 Along with the surgeon, my attending and I discussed patient-focused care.
the days events with the parents. We explained why
Case 37 Burn, baby, burn

Any case in which we share the airway with surgery radius of the lumen to the fifth power for turbulent
demands complete collaboration. Once a fire occurs, flow. Hows that for droppin some knowledge!
we must decide together whether its safe to continue
the case and also how to manage Suzie postoperatively. Know and apply the basic and clinically
After agreeing to keep her intubated and sending her supportive sciences that are appropriate to their
to the PICU, I remained involved with her care. With discipline.
surgery, nursing, and respiratory therapy present, I
Being familiar with the anatomy of the pediatric
spoke about the implications of the airway fire to make
airway is very important for this case. In kids, again,
sure we were all on the same page.
the narrowest part of the airway is at the cricoid carti-
lage. For this reason, endotracheal tube sizing is crit-
Medical knowledge ically important. Too large a leak may make ventila-
tion difficult and put everyone in the operating room
Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab-
to sleep. Too small a leak can place the child at risk
lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cognate
for postextubation stridor. Classic teaching is to refrain
(e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sciences
from using cuffed endotracheal tubes in kids less than
and the application of this knowledge to patient care.
8 or 9 years old. However, I read a study that found
no difference in the incidence of long-term sequelae
Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic or postextubation stridor in PICU patients with cuffed
thinking approach to clinical situations. versus uncuffed tubes. Instead, the author believes
the occurrence of mucosal edema to be more closely
What couldve happened here? As I mentioned pre-
related to using too large a tube or having a long
viously, three components must be present for fire to
surgery. In light of this, I reintubated with a cuffed
occur: fuel, an ignition source, and an oxidizing agent.
endotracheal tube, trying to create a less combustible
Although I had no control over the first two, I couldve
surgical environment equivalent to room air.
limited my FiO2 and turned off the nitrous oxide after
induction. Apparently, the oxygen index of flamma-
bility, or the percentage required to support combus- Practice-based learning
tion, is between 25% and 30%. I auscultated a cuff leak and improvement
over the trachea at 20 cm of water. Last night, I read
Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their
in an article by Mattucci and Militana [4] that with a
patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific
cuff leak of less than 12, the pharyngeal concentrations
evidence, and improve their patient care practices.
of nitrous oxide and oxygen are equal to that of the
inspired mixture. If the leak is greater than 12, the pha- Analyze practice experience and perform
ryngeal gas concentration equals that of room air. In practice-based improvement activities using a
other words, with a cuff leak of 20, its unlikely that this systematic methodology.
could be the culprit. What I neglected to do is recheck
for a leak after the ENT surgeon put in the mouth gag At this point in my residency, Ive done roughly 30
and repositioned the head. This, too, can increase the tonsillectomies and was beginning to feel pretty cozy.
leak. Although Ive never said in my vast experience or
I also knew not to extubate her at the end of the in my practice to my attending, I have indeed begun
case without a leak around the endotracheal tube. Now to cultivate my own style. I have seen all too often
pay attention: in a child, the narrowest portion of the the emergence delirium that can be caused by mainte-
funnel-shaped airway is at the cricoid cartilage, and nance with sevoflurane. Last time I gave too much nar-
the lack of a leak meant that on extubation, her air- cotic, this time I roasted my patient. Without a doubt,
way could close up or get really, really narrow where the traumatic events of today are forever burned into
the tube was once stenting it open. Airway swelling is memory and will affect my practice tomorrow. Just
worse in children as every millimeter of swelling, in when I thought I couldnt be any more of an obsessive-
an already narrow airway, increases resistance, and this compulsive control freak, so that others may learn
resistance is inversely proportional to the radius of the vicariously through me, we hosted an interdepartmen- 193
lumen to the fourth power for laminar flow and to the tal meeting involving anesthesia, ENT, operating room
Contributions from the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey under Steven H. Ginsberg Part 2

staff, and PICU staff to discuss the case. It was hoped My dad is a highly intelligent man but can barely
that this would facilitate safer care in the future. use a cell phone. He despises technology. Being a
millennial resident, Ive acknowledged technological
Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from advances as my friend. Playing Tiger Woodss golf in
scientific studies related to their patients health the operating room is just bad form, but being able to
problems. access the seemingly infinite resources on the Web has
revolutionized medicine.
In my reading, I found that there are two main
reasons for doing a tonsillectomy in a child: chronic (First authors note: Tiger Woods golf may be losing
pharyngitis and obstructive sleep apnea. Knowing how some popularity for other reasons, as well).
both conditions can affect anesthetic management is
crucial. If Suzies obstructive sleep apnea was associ- Professionalism
ated with other comorbid conditions or syndromes, I
Residents must demonstrate a commitment to carry-
wouldve used information technology to ensure that I
ing out professional responsibilities, adherence to eth-
was prepared to deal with those issues. After the case,
ical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient pop-
I changed my pants and did a literature search to see
how others have dealt with this issue. I was delighted
that I remembered to stop fresh gas flow, disconnect Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a
the circuit, extubate, and then reintubate. responsiveness to the needs of patients and society
that supersedes self-interest; accountability to
Obtain and use information about their own
patients, society, and the profession; and a
population of patients and the larger population
commitment to excellence and ongoing
from which their patients are drawn.
professional development.
In my vast experience with tonsillectomies, I have
We should always be cognizant of this. Before see-
cared primarily for ASA-I and -II patients and, occa-
ing the patient, I remembered that asking the nurse if
sionally, a child with Downs syndrome. We are very
my patient was a FLK (funny-looking kid, for those of
fortunate in that we treat a very ethnically diverse
you not hip to the lingo) is unprofessional. I also tried
group of patients. As you might expect, many kids with
not to ignore Suzie during the initial encounter or tell
obstructive sleep apnea are obese. This is the perfect
her to suck it up when she started crying on the operat-
opportunity to educate parents about the benefits of
ing room table. When the Bovie exploded, I didnt tell
healthy eating, exercise, and weight loss.
the surgeon that his mistake was going to cost me my
Apply knowledge of study designs and statistical 12:00 tee time at Beth Page Black or that it would take
methods to the appraisal of clinical studies and me a couple months to get back there. I did my best to
other information on diagnostic and therapeutic deal with the situation in a respectful manner, realizing
effectiveness. that Im a patient advocate as well as part of the peri-
operative team. Later, I reported the event to the anes-
I have to be honest, whenever I hear terms like thesia quality assurance committee so that we could
Kruskal-Wallis test or chi squared, I vomit a little into review the case at our next meeting and also make it the
my mouth. Well, get your ondansetron, because in topic of an upcoming multidisciplinary conference.
the age of the six Core Clinical Competencies and
evidence-based medicine, understanding basic statis- Demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles
tical analysis is a must for truly being able to interpret pertaining to provision or withholding of clinical
journal articles and studies. Speaking of vomiting, in care, confidentiality of patient information,
my literature search, I found that prevention of postop- informed consent, and business practice.
erative nausea and vomiting is key for tonsillectomies.
While flipping through the chart, I noticed that
Use information technology to manage this patient was self pay. However, I did not walk out
information, access online medical information, of the holding area and tell the medical student to
194 and support their own education. take care of this one; apparently its on the house!
or announce it to everyone, infuriating the Joint
Case 37 Burn, baby, burn

Commission for Accreditation of Hospitals. I didnt I nodded compassionately when they spoke. When
replace my sevoflurane vaporizer with enflurane or Mom asked me how the anesthesia works and how
use cheaper drugs because of the patients socioeco- I know how much to give, I didnt reply, Why, are
nomic status. Ive already taken my cultural compe- you some sort of amateur pharmacologist who spent
tency classes for the year and know this would not last night huffing butane out of a brown paper bag? I
be ethical. After the case, I explained to the parents gave a basic explanation and was prepared to tailor the
what happened and helped them understand why discussion based on verbal and nonverbal cues, being
Suzie would remain intubated until the airway edema mindful not to scare little Suzie. Aside from taking a
resolved. detailed history and physical, I also wrote a legible,
full account of the airway explosion, including how it
Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to was dealt with and the rationale for keeping Suzie intu-
patients culture, age, gender, and disabilities. bated until the swelling resolved.
Again, I took my cultural competence classes for Work effectively with others as a member or
the year, so I know that if the family only spoke Span- leader of a health care team or other professional
ish, for example, it would be inappropriate to commu- group.
nicate without an interpreter. I also know that using
the patients 14-year-old brother as the interpreter is When fire broke out, I had to act decisively, with
inappropriate. Our hospital has official translators on confidence and without hesitation. I knew it was my
staff to provide that service, and if, for some reason, the job to stop gas flow, disconnect the breathing cir-
only Icelander is not available to translate for young cuit, extubate, and resecure the airway. Along with
Bjork and her mom because shes back in Reykjavik on the surgeon, my attending and I surveyed the damage
holiday, I know that the telephone interpreter is avail- and made a joint decision to continue with the case.
able 24/7/365! Later, I called the pediatric intensivist to give a detailed
report of the transpired events and to ensure that a
bed would be ready for Suzie. Continuity of care was
Interpersonal and communication further established as my attending and I transported
her to the PICU and gave report to all residents, fel-
skills lows, nurses, and respiratory personnel who would be
Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal involved. Finally, I visited her on a daily basis until dis-
and communication skills that result in effective infor- charge so that I could see the effects of my care beyond
mation exchange and teaming with patients, their the operating room.
patients families, and professional associates.

Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically

sound relationship with patients.
Systems-based practice
Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and
Before meeting Suzie and her parents the morn- responsiveness to the larger context and system of
ing of surgery, I stopped by the bathroom and made health care and the ability to effectively call on system
sure I looked as professional as possible. I didnt want resources to provide care that is of optimal value.
to walk in looking like I spent the night sleeping on
42nd Street, hair tussled and smelling like a distillery. Understand how their patient care and other
Nothing instills fear in a parent like a hungover, dirty professional practices affect other health care
resident. professionals, the health care organization, and
the larger society and how these elements of the
Use effective listening skills and elicit and provide system affect their own practice.
information using effective nonverbal,
explanatory, questioning, and writing skills. This is one reason I visited Suzie postoperatively.
Not only did I have a vested interest in her health, but
When speaking with my patient and her family, I I was also interested to see how the PICU team would
purposely made eye contact with Suzie and both par- manage her care. I learned that although airway fire 195
ents. To show them that my head was in the game, is a rare complication, it has serious effects, not just
Contributions from the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey under Steven H. Ginsberg Part 2

for the health of our patient, but also for the entire know, intractable nausea and vomiting is a major cause
system. This unplanned admission was expensive and for unplanned hospital admission.
consumed many valuable resources. Complications
directly, and indirectly, contribute to the ever escalat- Advocate for quality patient care and assist
ing cost of health care and insurance. patients in dealing with system complexities.
For the anesthesia team, our role with respect to
Practice cost-effective health care and resource
this competency is to talk to parents about the unfore-
allocation that does not compromise quality of
seen electrocautery explosion as well as the unplanned,
yet necessary, overnight intubation and to educate
Giving a cost-conscious anesthetic should always them about what to expect during Suzies hospital
be a consideration, as long as care is not compromised stay.
as a result. I try never to draw up unnecessary drugs, Know how to partner with health care managers
and if possible, I try to use a generic version, as long and health care providers to assess, coordinate,
as its efficacy and safety are proven. Using low flows and improve health care and know how these
of oxygen and nitrous oxide is a great way to conserve activities can affect system performance.
inhaled anesthetic. Especially for this case, giving
prophylactic antiemetics can decrease the likelihood As mentioned earlier, notifying the PICU team
of postoperative nausea and vomiting and poten- about a surprise admission to their service is the first
tial issues with hemostasis (which could lead to the step in transferring care. In addition, social workers
dreaded postoperative tonsillectomy bleed, the man- should be available to assist Mom and Dad with their
agement of which I have read about in many other needs, including logistical and psychological support,
texts), which may accompany vomiting. As we all during this unforeseen stressful time.

Case 37 Burn, baby, burn

Additional reading 4. Mattucci KF, Militana CJ. The prevention of fire

during oropharyngeal electrosurgery. Ear Nose Throat
1. American Society of Anesthesiologists. Welcome!
J 2003;82:107109.
2009. Available from:
publicationsAndServices/sleepapnea103105.pdf. 5. Roland KN, Chidiac EJ, Zestos MM, Ahmed Z.
Electrocautery-induced fire during
2. Barash PG, Cullen BF, Stoelting RK. Clinical
adenotonsillectomy: report of two cases. J Clin Anesth
anesthesia. 5th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams
& Wilkins; 2006.
3. Cote CJ, Todres ID, Lerman J. A practice of anesthesia
for infants and children: expert consult. New York:
Elsevier Health Sciences; 2008.

Part 2 Contributions from the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New
Case Jersey under Steven H. Ginsberg

John Denny and Salvatore Zisa Jr.

The case This is no time for a chart review and a rectal exam.
We must figure out what is going on now and act imme-
A 62-year-old male is admitted for coronary artery
diately if we are to beat back the grim reaper on this
bypass grafting (CABG). His history is significant for
case. You take a quick glance at the field to make sure
stable angina, hypertension (HTN), hyperlipidemia,
the surgeon has not poked a hole in the aorta or the
and type II diabetes. He reports, My sugar got out
PA, or any blood-containing chamber, for that matter.
of control. I used to take the pills but now I take the
No blood pouring from the chest! Your transducers are
zeroed, and all your equipment is working. You quickly
After an uncomplicated three-vessel CABG, you
recall from your diligent preoperative evaluation that
breathe a sigh of relief as the blood pressure (BP) sta-
this patient has been on NPH insulin, and you just gave
bilizes at 105/60. The surgeon asks you to give the pro-
tamine, and you humbly comply. As you begin to tidy
up your lines, you glance up at the monitor and notice
Make informed decisions about diagnostic and
that the BP is now 60/30 and shows no signs of going
therapeutic interventions based on patient
up. Another 30 seconds pass, and the BP is still heading
information and preferences, up-to-date scientific
down. You also notice that the peak inspiratory pres-
evidence, and clinical judgment.
sure on your ventilator has jumped from 25 to 50! Help!
You quickly surmise that this must be a protamine
Patient care reaction. After all, you have been reading the litera-
Residents must be able to provide patient care that is ture and recall that there is approximately an 8- to 10-
compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat- fold increased risk of a major protamine reaction in
ment of health problems and the promotion of health. patients receiving NPH insulin. Your clinical judgment
says act now, or the patient will forever rest in peace.
Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring You make an informed decision based on the MAP of
and respectful behaviors when interacting with 40 that it is time to undertake a therapeutic interven-
patients and their families. tion.
Although at this point, the best way to demonstrate
caring and respect is to quickly diagnose and treat the Develop and carry out patient management plans.
problem at hand; you did meet the patient the night Systemic hypotension within 10 minutes of giving
before surgery and discussed the anesthetic plan with protamine suggests protamine as the cause. Specific
him. He is a simple man, with whom you sat for 20 therapy depends on associated hemodynamic events.
minutes and answered all his questions about anes- If simply due to rapid administration, BP will usually
thesia and incubation. You respectfully and politely respond to giving volume.
explained that he will remain intubated for some time Complete vascular collapse due to anaphylaxis
after the operation immediately postop. After explain- can only occur with previous exposure to protamine.
ing everything in simple terms, the patient and family Bronchospasm usually coexists. Stop protamine, if not
felt comforted by your visit. already given. Discontinue anesthetic agents and ven-
Gather essential and accurate information about tilate with 100% FiO2 . EPI, EPI, where art thou my
198 their patients. epinephrine, that is. Contractility and systemic vas-
cular resistance (SVR) have suffered, so reach for the
Case 38 CABG

big guns. Reassess and reassess after each interven-

Perform competently all medical and invasive
tion, but dont lose your cool the next few seconds
procedures considered essential for the area of
can be life or death. If rapid volume administration
and epinephrine are not corrective, prompt, full rehep-
arinization and going back on bypass are necessary. Cardiac surgery and big lines go hand in hand.
Subsequently, add H1 and H2 blockers, bronchodila- Establish large-bore intravenous access, an arterial
tors, and steroids. line, and an introducer in a central vein to start. Secure
Normal pulmonary artery pressures with low BP the airway. Do the transesophageal echo exam, main-
suggest either that protamine was given too quickly or tain the patient, and transition to CPB. Technical skill
that an anaphylactoid reaction occurred. Anaphylac- and attention to detail are essential to ensure a good
toid reactions are nonimmunologic and thus do not outcome. When the resident does many invasive pro-
require previous exposure to the antigen. IgG anti- cedures during residency, the Residency Review Com-
bodies to protamine and the heparin-protamine com- mittee will become happier and happier with the resi-
plexes can activate the complement system and gener- dents core competency in procedures.
ate fragments called anaphylatoxins. The complement
activation generates thromboxane, causing acute pul- Provide health care services aimed at preventing
monary vasoconstriction. These complement-medi- health problems or maintaining health.
ated reactions can range from a little fall in BP to
severe pulmonary vasoconstriction, acute RV failure, At this point, the only thing we need to prevent
and cardiovascular collapse. The RV obstruction pro- is the patients death. However, you did remember to
duces a systemic fall in BP, requiring inotropic support. give the antibiotics prior to skin incision, right? Those
Inotropes, such as milrinone, will support the failing sternal wound infections can be nasty. Furthermore,
RV, while facilitating flow across the pulmonary vascu- future hospital (and physician) reimbursement will be
lature. Systemic hypotension can be a problematic side penalized when so-called preventable surgical wound
effect requiring pressors. Nitric oxide can be useful. infections occur.
With severe hemodynamic deterioration, unrespon- Work with health care professionals, including
sive to more conservative measures, full rehepariniza- those from other disciplines, to provide
tion and return to cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) may patient-focused care.
be necessary.
Right now, this patients survival will require 100%
Counsel and educate patients and their families. focus and effort on the part of the entire operating
room team. Anesthesia, perfusion, and the surgeon
This patient needs to be told of his life-threatening will interact and react to each others coordinated
reaction and requires outpatient follow-up with an efforts to try to bring this crisis under control. Part of
allergist and possibly skin testing. This can be done residency training is learning to resolve the inevitable
during the postoperative visit, as part of our periop- differences of opinion that will occur in such a crisis,
erative physician model of delivering care. without unfavorably impacting patient care. If only the
Core Clinical Competency writers could see us now
Use information technology to support patient they would be so proud.
care decisions and patient education.
You review the preoperative catheterization, elec-
Medical knowledge
Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab-
trocardiogram, labs, and echo, if available. This is valu-
lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cognate
able information that can paint a picture for you as
(e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sciences
to how frail or robust the patient is and should not
and the application of this knowledge to patient care.
be overlooked. The hospital intranet and the Web can
offer valuable access to medical information. Of partic- Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic
ular relevance to cardiac surgery are echocardiography thinking approach to clinical situations.
Web sites. 199
Contributions from the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey under Steven H. Ginsberg Part 2

Hmmm, lets think this through. The blood pres-

Analyze practice experience and perform
sure tanked soon after giving an exogenous polypep-
practice-based improvement activities using a
tide. A quick survey to rule out other causes like
systematic methodology.
bleeding or an equipment malfunction turned up
empty (dont forget to make sure your transducers are Analyzing our practice experience begs the ques-
zeroed). Could it be air shot down a coronary? This tion, could things be done differently to avoid such
certainly can cause ventricular dysfunction but is usu- occurrences in the future? Is this a common occur-
ally limited to the distribution of the affected vessel, rence, or was this an idiosyncratic reaction limited to
not like the global insult we are seeing here. The tem- this patient? At the end of the day, do you leave the hos-
poral relation to the administration of a medication, pital saying, Well, that was interesting, and return the
the dramatic change in the patients condition, and next day as if it never happened? Not if we are follow-
the knowledge of prior exposure to the substance seals ing our clinical competencies. Look at these issues as
the deal. We must be dealing with an anaphylactic they occur in your practice systematically, and review
reaction. the published data to avoid the morbidity and poten-
Perhaps the most important analysis one can make tial mortality from reoccurring.
here is to recognize this as anaphylaxis. If a return Should patients at increased risk be pretested by an
to CPB was necessary, it would have required more allergist or premedicated to reduce the likelihood of a
heparin. As indicated earlier, you now must decide catastrophic reaction? Only patients with a prior his-
whether the risk of further protamine administration, tory of an adverse response to protamine merit special
and the risk of repeating this scenario, outweighs spon- treatment.
taneous resolution of the effects of heparin and its
associated increased risk of bleeding. If this is truly Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from
anaphylaxis, the latter may be justified. Round two scientific studies related to their patients health
of protamine versus heart may be the fatal knockout problems.
A look at the literature suggests that the inci-
Know and apply the basic and clinically dence of such adverse reactions can vary from 0.06%
supportive sciences that are appropriate to their to 10.6%. They have been reported in patients with
discipline. fish allergy, in those previously exposed to protamine
(the diabetic taking NPH), and in vasectomized and
Its a good thing you didnt fall asleep during that infertile men. Why, you may wonder? The all-knowing
endocrine lecture in medical school as you recalled literature says that these men develop antibodies to
that the P in NPH stands for protamine (neutral pro- protamine due to sperm released into the bloodstream.
tamine hagedorn). The protamine is complexed with Thankfully, catastrophic reactions to protamine dur-
regular insulin so that when it is injected subcuta- ing cardiovascular surgery are estimated at only
neously, it slows absorption, giving you intermediate- 0.13%.
acting insulin. You remember this well because you
were kind of grossed out to learn that protamine is Use information technology to manage
actually made from salmon testes! Your extensive basic information, access online medical information,
science training taught you all about how prior expo- and support their own education.
sure to these proteins forms antiprotamine IgE, just
If any of the preceding is to be done, we must
waiting for you to come along and give some pro-
be proficient at utilizing the Internet and electronic
tamine and set off an immunological firestorm.

Practice-based learning Professionalism

and improvement Residents must demonstrate a commitment to car-
Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their rying out professional responsibilities, adherence to
200 patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific ethical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient
evidence, and improve their patient care practices. population.
Case 38 CABG

Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to Systems-based practice

patients culture, age, gender, and disabilities. Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and
Be professional and include all of the preceding responsiveness to the larger context and system of
considerations. Enough said! health care and the ability to effectively call on system
resources to provide care that is of optimal value.

Interpersonal and communication Practice cost-effective health care and resource

skills allocation that does not compromise quality of
Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal care.
and communication skills that result in effective infor-
Here is something we can control as anesthesia
mation exchange and teaming with patients, their
providers. Do I choose the expensive desflurane or
patients families, and professional associates.
the cheap isoflurane? Use the cheap pancuronium or
Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically expensive rocuronium? In cases in which the patient
sound relationship with patients. will be kept intubated, cheap, longer-acting agents suf-
fice. Those routine CABG patients on the fast track
As anesthesiologists, we have to gain the patients may need more expensive agents to allow quicker
trust in a short period of time. Knowing the patients wake-up, but remember that the quicker they get out
issues by prior chart review, being informed of the pro- of the expensive intensive care unit, the more money
cedure to be done, and possessing the ability to answer the hospital saves.
all the patients questions thoroughly go a long way We should be aware of the cost of the agents we use
here. and keep this in mind as we tailor the anesthetic to each
Work effectively with others as a member or individual patients surgery.
leader of a health care team or other professional
group. Advocate for quality patient care and assist
patients in dealing with system complexities.
Working together with the operating room team is
essential as procedures become more and more com- While he or she is under anesthesia, we are the
plex. Poor communication can lead to errors and, ulti- patients advocate. Do whats right for the patient to
mately, harm to the patient. ensure a safe anesthetic.

Contributions from the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey under Steven H. Ginsberg Part 2

Additional Reading surgery. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1990;85:713

1. Panos A, Orrit X, Chevalley C, Kalangos A. Dramatic
post-cardiotomy outcome, due to severe anaphylactic 3. Levy J, Zaidan J, Faraj B. Prospective evaluation of risk
reaction to protamine. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg of protamine reactions in patients with NPH insulin-
2003;24:325327. dependent diabetes. Anesth Analg 1986;65:739742.
2. Weiler JM, Gelhaus M, Carter J, et al. A prospective 4. Levy J, Franklin N. Anaphylaxis during cardiac
study of the risk of an immediate adverse reaction to surgery: implications for clinicians. Anesth Analg
protamine sulfate during cardiopulmonary bypass 2008;106:392403.

Part 2 Contributions from the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New
Case Jersey under Steven H. Ginsberg

39 The Da Vinci Code for anesthesiologists

Steven H. Ginsberg, Jonathan Kraidin, and Peter Chung

The case The brother asks why you didnt mention a Swan
Ganz, as he wanted. You let him know that in some-
This case involves a 52-year-old gentleman of Indian
one with a healthy heart, it is not indicated, and that
descent with no significant past medical history. He
the latest reports show that robotic prostatectomy has
seems to be extremely anxious and is surrounded by
significantly less blood loss than a conventional, open
family. He has a good airway and plans to have robotic
prostatectomy. He is 5 foot 10 inches and 82 kg in
The brother really wants a cardiac anesthesiolo-
gist, and you tell him that your attending and you
work with his doctor all the time and are very comfort-
Patient care able and proficient at taking care of patients having this
Residents must be able to provide patient care that is
Dont say what youre thinking: leave the anesthe-
compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat-
sia to me. You obviously should stick to the exercise
ment of health problems and the promotion of health.
When the patient asks you to come closer so that
Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring he can whisper his concern for his ability to pee and,
and respectful behaviors when interacting with more important, get a hard on after the surgery, you
patients and their families. call the surgeon, who is the best person with whom to
After you speak to the patient and his family in the have this conversation. Usually, this conversation has
holding area and go over his past medical history, you already occurred, and the surgeon has mentioned what
tell them about the anesthetic plan for the day. You you have read: that there is great nerve sparing and less
describe the two intravenous lines that you will place, of an occurrence of impotence with robotic surgery
how you will keep him warm, and how you will remove compared to open prostatectomies.
the breathing tube at the end of the case. You let
him know that he may be swollen in the face or arms Gather essential and accurate information about
after the surgery due to the positioning. He may actu- their patients.
ally look a bit bug-eyed with those edematous sclera
(dont forget that when there is swelling on the out- You tell your attending about your concerns for
side, there may be swelling around the airway). The this patient and family. You have made them much
brother (the cardiologist) wants to know why he would more comfortable about the surgery with your inter-
be swollen. You let him know that the facial and airway view, and now you would like to give the patient an
swelling may occur because of a decrease in venous anxiolytic prior to going into the operating room. You
return because of the patient positioning. wouldnt mind giving a little something to the cardi-
They want to know why the steep Trendelenburg ologist brother, but you dont mention this because
position is needed. You let them know that for the sur- of your sensitivity to him and the family. Now youre
geon to get the view he needs, he will need the head thinking if you were even permitted to have that con-
of the table down at a steep angle, leaving the legs up versation with our government and hippopotamus
and spread eagle. If there are any other questions about (HIPAA). Speaking of silly regulations! Of course! The
it, the surgeon can better explain things related to the patient was present, and if he had any objection to it, 203
surgery. he would have mentioned it.
Contributions from the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey under Steven H. Ginsberg Part 2

Patients are often worried about recall of surgical

Develop and carry out patient management plans.
events, so you let the patient know that this is very
rare and that you take particular precautions to see
I cant really measure urine, and the patients arms that it doesnt happen by using a special monitor to
are tucked should we need access, how about a CVP measure the depth of sleep. This stuff isnt perfect, so
and an arterial line to manage volume status and draw there is always a chance of recall, particularly if the sur-
some labs if the patient gets into trouble? Your attend- geon hits something bad and the blood pressure falls
ing states that back in the day (2002, at our institution), so much that the only way to save the patient from
when the urologists were still on the learning curve of Mr. Death is to turn the anesthesia off.
robotic surgery, invasive monitoring was indicated in You kindly and patiently answer any questions and
a patient like this, who is otherwise healthy, but now let the family know about the recovery room course
they actually seem to know what those controls and and how you will be there throughout the surgery, and
joy sticks do so that theyre not running into trou- that your attending will be with you intermittently and
ble. Know your surgeon, know your case, know your will be continually supervising your care. You let the
ability my attending speaks wisely. patient know that you will visit with him the day after
After performing an uneventful induction, you tell surgery.
your attending your plans for the care of this patient.
You mention that you will assist in placing the patients Use information technology to support patient
arms at his side, while padding the elbows and leaving care decisions and patient education.
the palms in rolled towels to maintain a neutral posi-
tion. You will make sure that nothing is tangled and You have searched the anesthesia, urological, and
that the strap that is placed over the patients chest is laparoscopic surgical literature and discussed with
not too tight. your attending the common problems that are seen
You explain that the purpose of this strap is to with these types of cases. Of course, there is not much
maintain the patients position on the operating room out there, and the other hospitals dont even have
table in this totally unnatural upside down position. protocols for this stuff. Some of the things that you
You tell your attending that the history of using the discuss include facial and airway swelling due to the
shoulder braces for this purpose has caused more harm decreased venous return from the insufflation of pres-
than good, with shoulder nerve and brachial plexus surized gas in the abdomen, corneal abrasion, and
injury. lower extremity weakness after surgery because of the
You are using an underbody warming blanket and low flow state that can occur with prolonged litho-
one wrapped around the patients torso. Somehow you tomy and Trendelenburg position. You discuss the
are hoping to keep this patient warm, when he has need to keep Trendelenburg to a minimum and still
been naked for the last 45 minutes of positioning for be able to do the procedure effectively. The proce-
this operation. He better be warm after surgery, or the dure is in its infancy, and there arent any blinded,
insurance company wont pay a dime. Oh, yeah, hes controlled-outcome studies; it is clearly better retro-
not Medicare, and this isnt a patient who is part of spectively at decreasing blood loss and hospital length
the SCIP (Surgical Care Improvement Project) initia- of stay. There was a recent review which stated that
tive, so we are OK with the insurance. You say that there may be a greater incidence of impotency and uri-
you wont use a lot of fluids at the beginning of the nary dysfunction in the robotic group although eth-
case, unless they are needed to maintain blood pres- ically this study cannot be done in humans. Patients
sure, because the fluid may affect visualization of the should check with their surgeons for their particular
surgical field while using the robot as well as to mini- rates of morbidity as they vary greatly with experi-
mize facial and laryngeal swelling. ence. Although you couldnt find any precise informa-
After that prostate is out, I am going to catch up tion, you learned that obese patients will be harder
with 12 L of those fluid warmers, or hell be shivering to ventilate and oxygenate during this surgery. You
like theres no tomorrow in the recovery room. explain that you will see a great V/Q mismatch in steep
Trendelenburg and will have a decreased functional
204 Counsel and educate patients and their families. residual capacity with increased airway pressures. So
basically, if youre short and fat, were going to have
Case 39 The Da Vinci Code for anesthesiologists

problems but you knew that when you ate the two we wont extubate him until tomorrow. Hes got a lot
pizzas for dinner. of splaining to do, Lucy. You will do a blood gas at
that time and a lactate level, and maybe a creatinine
Perform competently all medical and invasive kinase and urine myoglobin, if you are really worried.
procedures considered essential for the area of If the patient is still stable and the surgeon can finish
practice. the surgery in under an hour, then he can continue.
In addition to the standard basic American Society
of Anesthesiologists monitors, bispectral index, and Work with health care professionals, including
nerve stimulator, you would consider invasive moni- those from other disciplines, to provide
tors based on the experience and skill level of the sur- patient-focused care.
geon and on the medical status of the patient. You have
I have worked closely with the urological team on
performed a smooth induction without any complica-
this case, and we have communicated throughout the
tions and plan to be vigilant with respect to patient
procedure and addressed each others needs as they
positioning throughout the case.
pertained to our patient. I even held up a calendar and
Provide health care services aimed at preventing flipped some of the pages to let the surgeon know that
health problems or maintaining health. he should hurry it up a bit. This patient gave me a
benign medical history, so I did not have the need to
As soon as we are ready in the operating room, discuss things further with his primary care physician,
I call my attending, and the surgical and anesthesia although I did have an in-depth conversation with his
attendings do a time-out, in which they confirm the brother the cardiologist. At that time, I explained the
patients name and type of surgery with the circulat- lack of medical necessity for invasive monitoring for
ing nurse. This is to make sure that the wrong per- this procedure and his brothers care.
son didnt sneak in and get a prostatectomy. Nowa-
days, this is so nonchalant that no one really listens,
and while it is designed to prevent an error, one may Medical knowledge
occur anyway. Ill have to discuss my concerns with the Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab-
head nurse and my attending. This is another way to lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cog-
partner with health care management (in a later com- nate (e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sci-
petency). ences and the application of this knowledge to patient
I have read the institutional policy on robotic care.
surgery, which mentions that it should not be per-
formed after 4 hours and in patients who have major Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic
health issues or in patients who have a body-mass thinking approach to clinical situations.
index (BMI) greater than 20% of their expected BMI.
All criteria have been met; however, you are concerned They started the robotic surgery, and the patients
about the length of the surgery. What if the surgeon blood pressure is on the high side. What did you
decides not to pay attention to that policy this week? learn in your reading? Thats right. These patients get
Who am I going to call? My attending is a wimp and hypertension, and its not just from a reflex reaction
the fourth attending on this case. I dont know what from the decreased venous return. Their catechols rise,
to do. and they have an increase in vasopressin, too. So how
I tell the surgeon that the abdomen has been insuf- about some more anesthetic, or maybe start some
flated for almost 5 hours and that he will have to stop nitro.
surgery. He wants to know why, and you explain that You know what? Ill sneak some nitrous; lets see if
we set up this policy to limit patient morbidity and it seeps into the field and catches a spark. That would
mortality and that he must deflate the abdomen and be some neat little explosion in this guys gut. Thatll
let the patient come out of Trendelenburg for at least take his mind off the cancer.
30 minutes. What you really tell him is that the patient Theres decreased venous return because of the five
will get a compartment syndrome of his legs and theyll harpoons in his abdomen, which are insufflating gas 205
have to be amputated. He wont be able to walk, and into it at a pressure of 1520 mmHg!
Contributions from the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey under Steven H. Ginsberg Part 2

Know and apply the basic and clinically Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from
supportive sciences that are appropriate to their scientific studies related to their patients health
discipline. problems.

The patient didnt have hypertension at the begin- Tell the surgeon up front about your concerns
ning of the case or at any other time in his life. So what about steep Trendelenburg and the case reports you
are we doing here? We have an increase in SVR from have read. It is good to keep communicating. Is this
the decrease in venous return, I cant give any volume, a Core Clinical Competency, too?
and theyre putting all that gas in the belly. Dont they Tell him why you want his help with the two warm-
know what it will do to him? ing blankets so that maybe next time, it will become
routine. That is, if he cares at all.

Practice-based learning Obtain and use information about their own

population of patients and the larger population
and improvement from which their patients are drawn.
Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their
patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific The last time I did one of these, I didnt use fluid
evidence, and improve their patient care practices. warmers and was OK until I gave that final liter the
patient woke up shivering. I almost thought he was
Analyze practice experience and perform having a seizure. It made the prior 4 hours of excellent
practice-based improvement activities using a care go out the window.
systematic methodology. K.I.S.S. Keep it simple, stupid! Just two intravenous
lines, some propofol, sux, and put the tube in. Keep
There are no sinks in the operating rooms, but I him warm and limit the fluids. Stop trying to read
better make sure that I keep my hands clean at all and play with yourself with the lights off. Try to stay
times. Oh, no! Did I forget the antibiotics? Do I come awake.
clean or just give them now and write them on the
record at the beginning of the case? I think we give Apply knowledge of study designs and statistical
too many antibiotics. In another couple of years, they methods to the appraisal of clinical studies and
wont work for anyone. other information on diagnostic and therapeutic
They keep bugging me about wearing my scrubs to effectiveness.
work, but I havent seen any study that shows that it We are presently studying the last 400 of these cases
matters. to see if there were any problems and their trends. We
In the last one of these cases, I got in trouble for let- already see a shorter hospital stay, no one is getting
ting the CO2 get too high. This time, I think Ill hyper- addicted because they dont need much pain relief, and
ventilate a bit once they start insufflating the abdomen. the patients have great erections. What more can you
Maybe Ill use pressure support ventilation for those want?
high airway pressures. Theyre also not peeing on the floor as much
I remember how my attending is a stickler for and can go back to work sooner, which is good
that twitch monitor. Check the twitches whenever you because . . . wait until they get the bill.
relieve someone or take a break. You dont want to look In about a year, we can start to look at 10-year data
like an idiot with a moving patient. Two twitches are on the robot and see how we are doing. Its still gonna
fine with this procedure. cost some serious bucks to buy it, maintain it, use it,
Literature search and current institutional practice and train people for it.
and experience, and guess what? I wont have to set up
a triple transducer and look for those cables and con- Use information technology to manage
stantly level the thing, like they did at the start of the information, access online medical information,
century, when they used an arterial line, introducer, and support their own education.
206 and Swan!
Case 39 The Da Vinci Code for anesthesiologists

I checked all the labs last night on the hospital I told the patient about many of the issues in my
computer and did that full literature search before we preop speech. Im not going to tell him that he could
started. The surgeon even threatened to call adminis- die from this anesthesia stuff unless he asks. I told him
tration because I was delaying his case. Thats the only that I could hurt a tooth or cut a gum.
way Im going to learn anything in this program, while
my attending is checking his e-mail in his office. Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to
patients culture, age, gender, and disabilities.

Professionalism I know not to say things like youre old enough to

Residents must demonstrate a commitment to car- be my grandfather, is that your wife . . . oops, daugh-
rying out professional responsibilities, adherence to ter? or where did you get that accent and can some-
ethical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient one translate for me?
population. Our patient is really concerned about losing his
erectile function; it is hoped that this is a conversation
Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a the surgeon had with the patient preop because it is not
responsiveness to the needs of patients and society meant for the day of surgery. You must show compas-
that supersedes self-interest; accountability to sion and sensitivity at this point. Dont say that there
patients, society, and the profession; and a are other things in life, and be happy if they get the
commitment to excellence and ongoing cancer.
professional development.

Maybe if the attendings stop talking about charity

Interpersonal and communication
care and Medicare reimbursement, I can concentrate skills
on the real reasons for being here because I really do Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal
care about what I am dong, as long as I dont have to and communication skills that result in effective infor-
work more than 80 hours this week. What about my mation exchange and teaming with patients, their
attending? How many hours is he working? patients families, and professional associates.
I am looking forward to a smooth wake-up and see-
ing this guy in a few days to see how happy he is. I Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically
have learned from my prior patient populations that sound relationship with patients.
they feel really good after this procedure. I just hope This is where the preop comes in handy. I spent
the brother the cardiologist isnt there. time with the patient and his family. I patiently
answered all their questions even the ones from the
Demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles brother the cardiologist. I deferred to the surgical team
pertaining to provision or withholding of clinical on the questions that should have been left for them to
care, confidentiality of patient information, answer and helped relieve some of the patients anxiety
informed consent, and business practice. related to the procedure and his hospital course.

Thats a lot of requirements from me! Lets start Use effective listening skills and elicit and provide
with not mentioning the brother to the other residents information using effective nonverbal,
over lunch. Of course, if anything goes wrong or off the explanatory, questioning, and writing skills.
beaten path, theyll hear from me at our morbidity and
mortality conference, where I will have to cross out his In the holding area, despite our different back-
name and refer to him as the patient, and not as the grounds and ages, I was able to touch base with this
prostate. patient and occasionally pass a joke that made him
What about the ethics when they ask me if the sur- laugh during this serious time.
geon is any good and I know that he shouldnt oper- Work effectively with others as a member or
ate on my pet? I still havent figured that one out. My leader of a health care team or other professional
attending does refuse to work with certain surgeons group.
because of their lack of ability. 207
Contributions from the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey under Steven H. Ginsberg Part 2

I effectively communicated with the surgical team We got that sheet with prices of drugs at the begin-
about my concerns related to this procedure at the ning of the year; I always try to refer to it. Whenever I
beginning of the case. They clearly understood and lis- have a clean, drug-filled syringe at the end of the case, I
tened and seemed to have the same concerns. I prob- try to bring it to my next assignment. I think that phar-
ably dont need to show them the calendar to let them macy can do a better job of limiting and controlling the
know how long they are taking! extra medications than I can.
Unfortunately, these multidose vials always get
thrown out and dont get made in smaller-dose vials.
Systems-based practice I only draw up the amount of paralytic that I plan to
use. For example, I drew up into two 5-cc syringes
Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and
that 10-cc (mg) of rocuronium at the beginning of
responsiveness to the larger context and system of
the case. I wish there was an inexpensive way to reuse
health care and the ability to effectively call on system
the clean items that are thrown out at the end of the
resources to provide care that is of optimal value.

Understand how their patient care and other Advocate for quality patient care and assist
professional practices affect other health care patients in dealing with system complexities.
professionals, the health care organization, and
the larger society and how these elements of the The other day, I saw a bewildered patient wander-
system affect their own practice. ing around the hospital. I approached him and said,
You look lost. Can I help? I brought him to his des-
Doing robotic surgery can be very expensive, and
tination. Our system can be very overwhelming for us
I always wonder if the cost outweighs the benefit. Our
as well as our patients.
society really cant afford all the latest gadgets and tech-
I tried to explain why I needed an additional
niques, and it is frustrating to me that the costs are
electrocardiogram (EKG) this morning because the
never contained. It costs over a million dollars just to
faxed copy from the patients primary doctor could
purchase the robot. The procedure also takes longer
not be read. I didnt really have a good answer when
than an open prostatectomy. I wonder if they can really
the patient asked me about the bill for the extra EKG,
get all the margins cancer-free with the robotic proce-
although I do think that the hospital charges might be
bundled they dont really tell the residents anything
I am also glad that this surgeon is not new because
about this.
more patients would get hurt with his learning curve.
I took the extra time this morning to make sure
Do the patients actually know this information? Prob-
that an additional torso warming blanket was placed
ably not.
prior to the drapes being applied and that all the pres-
sure points were protected. This is part of my rou-
Practice cost-effective health care and resource tine; sometimes the surgeon yells when it takes too
allocation that does not compromise quality of long, and I hope that I have an attending who backs
care. me up.
I use eye patches, but it is important to check
The patients certainly have to eat that terrible hos- frequently for and avoid surgical equipment, robotic
pital food for 12 fewer days, but the surgery costs arms, and cables lying across the patients face. I check
more. the patients arms and face throughout the procedure,
Although in some countries, the breathing circuit keeping his safety in mind. Safety first!
will be cleaned and reused, we wont even think about
that in the United States. I can make sure that I use Know how to partner with health care managers
inexpensive inhalants for the long cases and reserve the and health care providers to assess, coordinate,
expensive, short-acting ones for the short ambulatory and improve health care and know how these
cases. I always try to use inexpensive narcotics such as activities can affect system performance.
208 morphine.
Case 39 The Da Vinci Code for anesthesiologists

I told the head nurse that we can use the room patient charts the day before so that the patient didnt
a little better for robotic surgery by moving some have to come in so early prior to his surgery. If I had
of the equipment slightly, and we can try this the his phone number, I could call the patient the night
night before the case. I actually felt good that my prior to surgery to help make him more comfort-
input mattered here. We even talked about getting the able.

Contributions from the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey under Steven H. Ginsberg Part 2

Additional reading 5. Danic J, Chow M, Alexander G, Bhandari A, Menon

M, Brow M. Anesthesia considerations for robotic-
1. Miller RD. Millers anesthesia. 7th ed. New York:
assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy: a review of 1,500
Elsevier Health Science; 2009;2128, 23892403.
cases. J Robotic Surg 2007;1:119123.
2. Phong SVN, Koh LKD. Anaesthesia for
6. Joseph JV, Leonhardt A, Patel HRH. The cost of
robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy: considerations
radical prostatectomy: retrospective comparison of
for laparoscopy in the Trendelenburg position.
open, laparoscopic, and robot-assisted approaches. J
Anaesth Intensive Care 2007;35:281285.
Robotic Surg 2008;2:2124.
3. Berryhill R, Jhaveri J, Yadav R, et al. Robotic
7. Hu J, Gu X, Lipsitz S, et al. Comparative Effectiveness
prostatectomy: a review of outcomes compared with
of Minimally Invasive vs, Open Radical Prostatectomy.
laparoscopic and open approaches. Urology
JAMA 2009;302(14).
4. Box GN, Ahlering TE. Robotic radical prostatectomy:
long-term outcomes. Curr Opin Urol

Part 2 Contributions from the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New
Case Jersey under Steven H. Ginsberg

40 Transhiatal esophagectomy
Do you have the stomach for it?
Jonathan Kraidin, Steven H. Ginsberg, and Tejal Patel

The case by offering patient controlled analgesia (PCA) or an

epidural for postoperative pain management, which
A 64-year-old man required an esophagectomy to
the patient should more than appreciate.
remove a cancerous section. The procedure involves
removing the distal esophagus, ripping a pathway
through the mediastinum from the abdomen to the Gather essential and accurate information about
neck, and finally, mobilizing the stomach through that their patients.
path for attachment to the proximal esophagus.
During the part of the case when the surgeon had Information gathering is of the utmost importance,
his hand blindly dissecting through the mediastinum, starting with the baseline hemoglobin. If the patient
the pressure fell. The pressure continued to fall, and the is starting out with anemia, one should not hesitate to
heart rate rose as blood began to pool in the chest. We start transfusing the patient to a reasonable level once
quickly realized that a blood vessel had been ripped the case begins. If an epidural is planned, one should
and that the patient would soon be dead. query the patient about the use of blood thinners
such as Plavix and Coumadin. He might think you are
(First authors note: This is similar to an earlier case. strange to ask about garlic supplements, but these, too,
Lets see how these authors write up the core clinical can cause significant bleeding. A good PT/INR (pro-
competencies from their point of view.) thrombin time/international normalized ratio), PTT
(partial prothrombin time), and platelet count are a
Patient care good idea, too.
Even though you might be concerned about intra-
Residents must be able to provide patient care that is
operative bleeding, do not forget about the rest of the
compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat-
vital systems. Inquire about cardiac, pulmonary, and
ment of health problems and the promotion of health.
kidney function. Check the airway while you are at it.
You dont want to be so worried about potential prob-
Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring
lems, only to be blindsided by a difficult intubation.
and respectful behaviors when interacting with
Your colleagues would have a good laugh at that one!
patients and their families.
This pertains to getting a good history and per- Make informed decisions about diagnostic and
forming a good physical. Remember, this is an inter- therapeutic interventions based on patient
action between you and the patient; this is a time for information and preferences, up-to-date scientific
you to get information and to answer questions and evidence, and clinical judgment.
relieve patient-family anxiety. Prepare the patient for
the intravenous (IV) access lines, arterial line, and pos- The most salient feature about this case is the
sibility for postoperative ventilatory support. chance for a catastrophic bleed if the surgeon violates
The patient also needs to know, in the kindest of the aorta, pulmonary vessels, or vena cava. Knowing
ways, that this is not a small operation and that there this, it does not take a genius to understand the need
is a risk of blood loss. This way, the patient understands for large-bore IV access. A double lumen tube is also
why large-bore IV access is required, and if periph- needed to drop a lung so the surgeon can explore either
eral access is unacceptable, the patient knows why cen- chest cavity, looking for the source of bleeding, should 211
tral access is a necessity. One can also be considerate this become necessary.
Contributions from the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey under Steven H. Ginsberg Part 2

In addition, one needs to insert an arterial line in an hour after the epidural is placed, and not before
either arm. When the surgeon is ripping (and I mean placement.
ripping) a pathway through the mediastinum, he will
be compressing the heart and vena cava. One needs to Perform competently all medical and invasive
know exactly how the blood pressure is responding for procedures considered essential for the area of
quick intervention. practice.

Develop and carry out patient management plans. When you are thinking about an epidural, make
sure the team and patient know that if there is signif-
Dont stand there looking at the patient. Get those icant bleeding during the case, and the patient devel-
lines placed! Make sure that there is an arterial line ops a coagulopathy, clotting studies must be close to
transducer set up; get those warming blankets, and normal before the epidural can come out. Epidural
while youre at it, call for the bronchoscope and check hematomas can form from removing a catheter in this
that it works before you start the case. If you have never situation. Consider treating any underlying condition,
had a broken bronchoscope or one with poor fiber and think about giving platelets, fresh frozen plasma
optics, then you have not done enough of them. (FFP), and cryoprecipitate if they are indicated. When
the epidural is removed, perform neurological checks
Counsel and educate patients and their families. frequently for the first 12 hours.
One needs to discuss with the patient and family Provide health care services aimed at preventing
the potential for receiving copious amounts of fluids health problems or maintaining health.
and blood products, and if large amounts of fluids are
given, the patient may wake up on a ventilator. There is a saying I like with regard to taking care of
The patient has a choice for postoperative pain patients: no one is your friend. What does this mean?
relief. The resident should ascertain the patients pref- Does it mean to be antisocial? No.
erence toward intravenous narcotics or a thoracic Think of how one perceives taking care of a friend.
epidural. One cuts corners and bends some rules. Maybe we will
do one less blood draw to save our friend from a nee-
Use information technology to support patient dle stick. Maybe 9 days off Plavix is enough because
care decisions and patient education. we want our friend to have the best pain relief. This
is wrong, and this is how mistakes are made. Treat
Look at the lab work to determine if you need to everyone the same, prince and pauper alike. Think of
alter your management plans. If the patient has not how your friend will feel if he gets that epidural, and
been eating, he may have a volume contraction; if he then gets an epidural hematoma because you made an
has been losing blood, he could be anemic. Is his exception for him.
potassium elevated such that it would preclude the
use of succinylcholine or make an arrhythmia more Work with health care professionals, including
likely? How is the patients cardiac function? If the his- those from other disciplines, to provide
tory or electrocardiogram are suggestive of ischemia, patient-focused care.
the patient might need an angioplasty or stent before
undergoing this stressful operation. We need to look at the patient as a whole. Is there
Lets not forget about the coagulation studies. A any other pertinent history? How is the patients heart?
thoracic epidural would be an excellent choice for pain This is a very physiologically stressful procedure, and
management, and many patients will express an inter- one should make sure the heart is up to the challenge.
est. However, one can only place one if the poten- If there are symptoms suggestive of ischemia, a stress
tial for harm is minimal. The patient must not have test might be in order so we can determine if we need
a history of any bleeding disorders, and coagulation to optimize coronary perfusion. This would be a good
studies must be normal. The patient should not have time to call your friend the cardiologist.
received low molecular weight heparin within the last If there are no contraindications for the procedure,
212 24 hours, and Plavix must have been stopped for 10 dont neglect your surgical colleague. Keep up with the
days. Also, check if the surgeon is going to use sub- status of the case and anticipate potential events. Crack
cutaneous heparin. This will have to be given at least a few jokes with the team if you wish, but ask now and
Case 40 Transhiatal esophagectomy

then how things are going and if more blood loss or ing through a chest full of blood is a lung popping up
mediastinal manipulations are anticipated. in his face.

Medical knowledge Practice-based learning

Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab- and improvement
lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cognate Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their
(e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sciences patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scien-
and the application of this knowledge to patient care. tific evidence, and improve their patient care prac-
Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic
thinking approach to clinical situations. Analyze practice experience and perform
practice-based improvement activities using a
While the surgeon was creating a path through the systematic methodology.
chest for the neoesophagus, the blood pressure fell.
This is normal for this case and could be due to com- I have usually found in my experience that a patient
pression of the heart and vena cava, or it could be a who loses more than 40% of his blood volume will be
vagal response. However, the blood pressure should dead if nothing is done about it. Furthermore, I have
rise when the surgeon stops the dissection. In this case, found in my experience that the best remedy for blood
the blood pressure continued to fall and blood contin- loss is giving packed red blood cells. If the cancer is not
ued to fill up the suction canisters. In a very short time, a contraindication, cell-salvaging techniques diminish
there were liters of blood in them. the number of autologous units the patient requires.
One needs to think fast about the causes for Whether or not this patient lives, one needs to ask
acute hypotension. One also needs to plan ahead and if there was adequate IV access from the beginning.
have blood in the room. Think of the horse and not Should a central line have been placed? Could the sur-
the zebra. The surgeon had his hand digging through geon have used a different surgical approach to avoid
the chest, ripping the tissues to make some space. The the situation?
blood pressure is low and the heart rate is high. Oh, and In an ideal world, you would have a surgeon who
there are three liters of blood in the suction canisters, never makes mistakes and patients who have no co-
and the volume of blood is growing. Chances are really morbid conditions. Alas, this blissful fantasy is not for
good that a blood vessel got ripped and the patient this world. Surgeons do make mistakes, and patients
does not have long before complete exsanguination. do have other problems, but we deal with them. How-
ever, if the surgeon happens to make a lot of unnec-
essary mistakes, maybe one needs to set up a meet-
Know and apply the basic and clinically
ing with the surgical and anesthesia departments to see
supportive sciences that are appropriate to their
how one can improve the situation.
Vital organs need oxygen. The blood carries oxy- Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from
gen, which crosses the cell membranes when there is a scientific studies related to their patients health
sufficient pressure. No blood means no oxygen and cell problems.
death. In other words, the patient needs blood, and a After doing the case and taking a few days of
lot of it. a much needed vacation, consider doing a literature
One needs to communicate over the drapes there search. You might want to call one of your colleagues at
yonder and update the surgeon about the hemody- another institution to see how the cases are done there.
namic situation. What is he doing about it? Does he
have control of the bleeding? Does he need more help? Use information technology to manage
Does he have to do a thoracotomy or sternotomy? If information, access online medical information,
the surgeon needs to do a thoracotomy, then we need and support their own education.
to isolate one of the lungs with that double lumen tube. 213
Now the double lumen tube placement makes sense Sometimes it is a good idea after a long, bloody case
because the last thing the surgeon needs while comb- to step back and research how other institutions do
Contributions from the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey under Steven H. Ginsberg Part 2

the same thing. Maybe they use a thoracic approach, ing, you should not think he is cracking a joke just to
instead of an abdominal one. see your facial expression.
These listening skills are useful preoperatively, too.
When eliciting the patients history, pay attention to
Professionalism any signs suggesting that this may be a more difficult
Residents must demonstrate a commitment to car- case. Maybe the patient received radiation therapy to
rying out professional responsibilities, adherence to the chest, resulting in fibrous strictures.
ethical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient
population. Work effectively with others as a member or
leader of a health care team or other professional
Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a group.
responsiveness to the needs of patients and society
that supersedes self-interest; accountability to As mentioned before, communication is of par-
patients, society, and the profession; and a amount importance. Maybe more help can be pro-
commitment to excellence and ongoing cured by asking for it. Have someone watch the vitals
professional development. while products are given. Direct someone to give pres-
sors, as needed. Inquire with the surgeon about his
If you have read The Hitchhikers Guide to the progress; maybe he can temporarily pack the area to
Galaxy, a running theme is dont panic. You may be allow you to catch up with the blood therapy.
wading though puddles of blood, but yelling, scream-
ing, and barking orders to staff members wont make Systems-based practice
the problem go away. Stay calm. Think calmly. Be calm. Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and
This, of course, doesnt mean to lay down, kick up your responsiveness to the larger context and system of
feet, and order that pina colada. You still need the 20 health care and the ability to effectively call on system
units of blood, FFP, and platelets, but you can get them resources to provide care that is of optimal value.
without freaking out at everyone.
Understand how their patient care and other
professional practices affect other health care
Interpersonal and communication professionals, the health care organization, and
skills the larger society and how these elements of the
system affect their own practice.
Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal
and communication skills that result in effective infor- After you give 28 units of blood products and your
mation exchange and teaming with patients, their patient survives pulseless electrical activity, you better
patients families, and professional associates. tell the ICU about all the troubles you encountered in
the OR. Give them a phone call and give a detailed
Use effective listening skills and elicit and provide report. Tell them about the operative course and the
information using effective nonverbal, patients current status. Inform them what products
explanatory, questioning, and writing skills. and fluids the patient received and the current hemo-
dynamic status. Postoperative ventilation will be given,
One needs to always pay attention to ones sur- so have those ventilator settings ready.
roundings. You need to know where the surgeon is in How is your patient going to affect these profes-
the operation so you can anticipate potential problems. sionals practice? Its going to give them a lot of work!
When the surgeon says that there is significant bleed- But hey, theyre here to work, too.

Part Contribution from the University of

3 Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center

under Marc Rozner
Part 3 Contribution from the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Case under Marc Rozner

41 Never yell fire in a crowded OR

Charles Cowles and Marc Rozner

The case comes to your mind, I hope Dr. Pyro hasnt told the
family that everything is OK.
You are counting the days left in your residency, and
the staff running the board grants a bit of leniency
from the typical CA-3 day of doing a single-lung trans- Patient care
plant on the guy with malignant hyperthermia. The Residents must be able to provide patient care that is
case given to you is a wide local excision of a suspicious compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat-
lesion on the face. Meeting the patient for the first time ment of health problems and the promotion of health.
right before the procedure, you find that he is a jovial
chap who weighs in at about 250 pounds, and if he were Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring
to slap on a white beard, he could play Santa without and respectful behaviors when interacting with
any extra stuffing needed. He has the surgeons initials patients and their families.
drawn right by the little dot residing about one-third
of the way between the ear and the nose. Sally, his wife, You might have chosen anesthesiology because you
pipes in during your preop assessment to remind you are not the social butterfly and prefer to hang around
that he snores really badly at night. the comatose, but when dealing with patients who are
Dr. Pyro, the plastic surgeon, meets you in the awake, you will have to dust off those people skills that
room and tells you that this will be a really quick case you sold to the department chair during interview sea-
and a little sedation is all he needs. Five minutes son. Explaining what to expect to the patient prior to
tops, he says. the administration of any drugs, and the likely events
You get started with a bit of propofol and midazo- that will take place during the case, is important to a
lam, but within a minute, the patient drops his sats to successful sedation case. Telling patients that it is nor-
92%. He is snoring away; some people saw logs when mal to hear noises, smell smoke (to a degree), and feel
they sleep, and your patient does it with a chainsaw. pressure will help to soothe them and reassure them
Dr. Pyro tells you he cant work with all that snoring, that everything is going as planned.
so you slip in a nasal airway and crank up the oxygen If an unanticipated event occurs, you may want to
on the face mask. All is now good. incorporate the TEAM approach in breaking bad news
The excision is over and Dr. Pyro leaves it to his to the family. Specifically,
trusty resident to dry up and close, while he goes to Tell the truth
talk with the family. The resident, Dr. Crispers, has one Empathize (eye contact, emotion, evidence of com-
little bleeder he needs to zap with the Bovie, which he passion)
does. Apologize (with appropriate context, i.e., for the
Now there is a loud pop, a sizzle, and a swoosh. You inconvenience, discomfort, unanticipated out-
look up and the oxygen mask, drapes, and patient are come, and for a mistake if one occurred)
on fire. It looks like someone dropped a lit match on a Manage (this is really key: explain to the patient and
BBQ pit after a drenching with lighter fluid. The scrub family what will happen next to deal with the
tech throws water on the inferno, the nurse pulls off the unanticipated outcome)
drapes, and you think to disconnect the oxygen tubing
and shut off the gas. The fire is out, the patient has an The experts who analyze anesthesia-related closed
oxygen mask melted to his face, and he is screaming. It claims, which are derived from direct feedback from 217
Contribution from the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center under Marc Rozner Part 3

the patient or family members involved, suggest this the lit cigarette of a surgeon (just kidding I was test-
TEAM approach (R. A. Caplan, personal communica- ing to see if you were still awake). The plan for a high-
tion, April 30, 2009). risk procedure involves educating yourself in the exit
routes to be used in case of fire, the medical gas cutoff
Gather essential and accurate information about location, the location of the nearest fire extinguisher,
their patients. and the location of one of those little red fire pull boxes
Follow up on that preop lead that Sally was men- for the alarm.
tioning: does the patient snore and stop breathing at Because an ESU might be used to control bleed-
night? Was he ever formally evaluated for obstructive ing, and you will probably need to use oxygen sup-
sleep apnea (OSA)? Is a copy of the sleep lab assess- plementation, this case becomes a high-risk procedure
ment available? These data might give you some clues for an intraoperative fire. You should have a fire time-
to the degree of difficulty in managing this patient. See out prior to the start of the procedure, at which time,
if plans should be altered for narcotic use and sug- everyone in the OR should be given a specific task in
gest the need for additional postoperative observation case a fire occurs. The surgeon should be aware that if
time. the patient requires more than 30% FiO2 to maintain
adequate oxygen saturation, then the airway will need
Make informed decisions about diagnostic and to be secured with a laryngeal mask airway or endotra-
therapeutic interventions based on patient cheal tube prior to the use of an ESU.
information and preferences, up-to-date scientific Also, in this case, your plans for the use of narcotics
evidence, and clinical judgment. may need to be altered given the history of possible
OSA. The postoperative recovery of this patient may
Even in simple MAC cases, the anesthesiolo- require monitoring in postanesthesia care unit for a
gist needs to know the application of complex patient longer period of time than usual and may require the
management issues spanning across several special- use of a continuous positive airway pressure machine
ties. This includes practice advisories and guidelines during the recovery phase. It should be clear by now
from our own specialty, such as the American Society that this is not the case to be booked at 5:00 p.m. on
of Anesthesiologists, as well as other professional orga- Friday, unless you really have nothing to do this week-
nizations, such as the American College of Cardiolo- end.
gists/American Heart Association, who provide guide-
lines for perioperative evaluation. If your attending Counsel and educate patients and their families.
asks about the differences between a guideline, stan-
dard, statement, and advisory, you might explain that You dont need to show your patient pictures of dis-
standards provide rules or minimum requirements for figured faces with oxygen masks melted into them, but
clinical practice; a guideline assists the anesthesiolo- you want to make the patient aware of how the anes-
gist in making decisions; statements are the opinions, thetic plan may change, depending on how the patient
beliefs, and best medical judgments of a group like the responds to sedation and if cautery is used. A brief
ASA House of Delegates; and finally, advisories are sys- mention of the fact that if sedation is not tolerated,
tematically developed reports to assist clinical decision then the airway may need to be secured with an ETT
making. However, all the guidelines in the world can- of LMA for safety and medical management would be
not substitute for clinical judgment. satisfactory to most patients and families.

Develop and carry out patient management plans. Use information technology to support patient
care decisions and patient education.
There may not be a better instance of the need for
planning than in cases deemed a high-risk procedure To maintain that superstellar gunner reputation,
for fire. The ASA classifies these cases as the use of you could look at a resource like the
oxidizers in the proximity of an ignition source. The night before a case. This is the site of the National
oxidizers can be either oxygen or nitrous oxide. Igni- Guideline Clearinghouse, with links to most any
tion sources commonly used in the operating room guideline relevant to health care, and there are prob-
218 (OR) are the electrosurgical unit (ESU), a cautery or ably a few included that arent relevant, just for fun. If
the Bovie, lasers, high-intensity laparoscope lights, and you are able see the patient in a preop clinic (I know
Case 41 Never yell fire in a crowded OR

you are thinking that anesthesiology and clinic are two check, cautery is going to be used near the oxygen
words, like government and help, that should never be source, check, so now we have assessed the potential
in the same sentence), you might want to hand the for a high-risk procedure. Of course, it would prob-
patient and family a few well-established Web sites to ably be wise to be working with your supervising
research the anesthesia plan they have been provided attending at this point.
before they search and find something like iwasawake- Also in this situation, a fire time-out should be initiated. This time-out will provide information and
assignments so that everyone in the OR understands
Perform competently all medical and invasive the serious nature of the problem and gets assigned a
procedures considered essential for the area of specific task to complete, like throwing saline on the
practice. fire, pulling the tube, shutting off gas flow, grabbing
Like all the rest of your patients, you should aim fire extinguishers, and removing the drapes. Note that
well in IV and LMA/ET placement. Should a fire occur there is no correct order in which these events should
in or around a patients airway, the patient should be carried out. Time should not be wasted deciding
undergo a formal airway assessment, preferably by what should be done first, especially with a lit ET tube.
rigid bronchoscopy. In some facilities, the anesthe- Remember, the goal is quick extubation and to quickly
siologist may be the only one experienced in bron- turn off the gas supply. No set order needed, just get-
choscopy. r-done.
Finally, make every effort to quickly notify your
Provide health care services aimed at preventing surgeon if an intraoperative or postoperative compli-
health problems or maintaining health. cation should arise. No one likes surprises in the sur-
gical environment. If the patient management is more
Well, the big picture here is to be ever so respectful complex than usual, you may want to ask the surgeon
of the fire triangle, which consists of heat, fuel, and oxi- to hang around in case of complication. It will give you
dizer. That will avoid a health problem of grand mag- an extra set of hands and will keep the surgeon from
nitude. Also, give the preop antibiotics in a timely fash- rushing out to the family with the everything went
ion and position the patient to prevent aspiration. Lets fine speech.
move on.

Work with health care professionals, including Medical knowledge

those from other disciplines, to provide Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab-
patient-focused care. lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cog-
nate (e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sci-
There are not many better opportunities to play in
ences and the application of this knowledge to patient
the sandbox with the surgeons, nurses, scrub techs,
and even firefighters than in a procedure that could set
the patient blazing. Good teamwork leads to good out- Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic
comes, even under fire (pun intended). Many institu- thinking approach to clinical situations.
tions utilize crew resource management adapted from
the aviation industry. Under this model, all crew For this case, the risk of fire can be reduced if one
members have the ability to bring a potentially unsafe recognizes that this is a high-risk procedure (where an
practice to the attention of the crew leader. The pro- ignition source may come in proximity to an oxidizer-
cedure cannot continue further until the problem is enriched atmosphere, thereby increasing the risk of
directly addressed or a protocol is followed. In this fire). The obese patient with a history of snoring may
case, if the anesthesiology resident thinks the situation require supplementation of oxygen if sedated, espe-
is headed toward ignition of the patient, he or she can cially if narcotics are used. This should prompt the ana-
alert the surgeon that a high-risk situation exists. If the lytical thinker to secure the airway with a LMA or ET
surgeon blows the resident off, then the anesthesiol- tube to contain the oxygen, preventing oxidizer enrich-
ogy resident can evoke a further assessment of the sit- ment of the surgical field where cautery is used. Since
uation based on an algorithm like patient needs oxy- this is a high-risk procedure with respect to fires, you 219
gen, check, the patient does not have secured airway, should hold a fire time-out (discussed earlier). This
Contribution from the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center under Marc Rozner Part 3

will define your role and the roles of others should fire in the field is unknown. Observational and bench stud-
break out. ies have indicated that if the FiO2 is kept below 30%,
Recall that the key difference between monitored the dilution will result in an oxygen percentage pre-
anesthesia care and conscious sedation is that anes- sumably safe for procedures near an ignition source.
thesiology professionals can convert the monitored But the safest course of action is either to isolate the
anesthetic care to a general anesthetic, if needed, for oxygen within the airway using an ETT or LMA or to
the given clinical situation. Conscious sedation is pro- use 21% oxygen (like room air).
vided by non-anesthesia-trained personnel and incor- Finally, ignition sources such as the ESU (the
porates a ceiling, where any procedure has to be Bovie), lasers, and even the tip of laparoscopes are used
aborted if sedation fails to provide the desired clinical in nearly every case. The ESU tool should be returned
effect (i.e., the patient is jumping off the table). to the holster between uses because the surface can be
hot enough to ignite surgical drapes. The tip of the
Know and apply the basic and clinically ESU should be cleaned of debris by using a scratch
supportive sciences that are appropriate to their pad. Surgeons should notice if the spark at the ESU
discipline. tip seems more intense than usual, indicating the likely
presence of an oxidizer-enriched environment. Surgi-
There is a bit of overlap here with the manage- cal scopes can generate enough heat at the tip or at the
ment plans stated earlier and elsewhere, but lets have a light source to ignite paper drapes or alcohol preps.
course in fire basics. When the elements of fuel, oxidiz- Laser use requires an entire set of operating rules to be
ers, and heat come together, they experience a chem- followed, not the least of which is the use of the proper
ical reaction, and voila! Fire! In the OR (or anywhere laser tube if the laser is used in the proximity of the
you sell your services), these elements are quite abun- endotracheal tube.
We begin with the racing car fuel used to clean Practice-based learning
your patient the isopropyl alcoholbased prepping
solutions. These solutions are highly flammable com-
and improvement
pounds that should be avoided to prevent convert- Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their
ing your patient into a Sterno heater. If they are used, patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific
they must be allowed to dry fully. Draping and barri- evidence, and improve their patient care practices.
ers should be configured to prevent pooling, either in Analyze practice experience and perform
natural recesses, like the umbilicus, or underneath the practice-based improvement activities using a
patient or in the table sheets. Consider that the flames systematic methodology.
of alcohol-based fires are very difficult to see because of
the heat of the flame and the purity of the fuel, and the If the preceding case were to happen, all the oper-
flame gets harder to see in the field with bright surgi- ating room faculty and staff who were present should
cal lights. Of course, flesh, the plastic oxygen mask, the participate in an immediate debriefing, if possible. As
ET tube, or the LMA can be a fuel. Remember, in the time passes, the recollection of exact events begins
presence of a high concentration of oxidizers, nearly to fade, so it is best if this is done as soon as pos-
anything can burn. sible. Support should be offered, if needed, to team
Speaking of oxidizers, we commonly use two in the members, especially if there is a catastrophic outcome.
OR: oxygen and nitrous oxide. They function equally Participation in specialty-specific morbidity and mor-
in the role of filling one of the sides of the fire tri- tality and interdisciplinary rounds is an important
angle. It is impossible to determine the concentration educational activity. Compare the facts and progress-
of oxidizers at the surgical site. For example, we can ion of your case to current standard of care, and review
measure oxygen concentration as it leaves the delivery institutional policies to see if they can be improved
device as FiO2 , but once that is mixed with air, the con- or redesigned to facilitate safe and consistent care.
centration becomes unknown. So even though we can Personally, you can review your actions to see what
reduce oxygen flows and concentration, like when per- could have been done differently and how you can
220 forming a tracheotomy, the actual oxygen percentage change your own practices based on this experience.
Case 41 Never yell fire in a crowded OR

Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from improve patient safety), and the previously mentioned
scientific studies related to their patients health The ASA has an OR fire algorithm to
problems. review and post at anesthetizing locations. This, of
course, should be done way ahead of time, not when
Not a lot can be found in the area of OR fires with you smell smoke.
respect to formal randomized control trials (RCTs).
The institutional review boards seem unwilling to
approve a protocol with In arm number 1, we will Professionalism
set the patient on fire. But multiple case studies have Residents must demonstrate a commitment to car-
been published and are interesting from the perspec- rying out professional responsibilities, adherence to
tive of Gee, I never thought of that happening. Learn- ethical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient
ing from the mistakes or misadventures of others can population.
certainly help your own practice. Also, review the liter-
ature and recommendations to see if they are scientifi- Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a
cally valid and not based solely on the authors opinion. responsiveness to the needs of patients and society
that supersedes self-interest; accountability to
Obtain and use information about their own patients, society, and the profession; and a
population of patients and the larger population commitment to excellence and ongoing
from which their patients are drawn. professional development.
This can well be applied if you work in Americas An extra minute or act of kindness with the patient
Fattest City or the Sunshine Capital. Many specialty and his family may leave an impression of profes-
centers are known for obesity-related procedures, and sionalism that may serve you well if a complication
MAC cases may create quite a challenge. Sun-related arises. Accountability is a major component of being a
damage is one of the leading causes of investigation physician. You assume responsibility for your patients
and removal of skin lesions. These cases are the ones health and well-being in the operating room under
in which the unknowing are led down the path of your care. Accountability means total responsibility for
destruction by lighting up the electrocautery in prox- your actions and dedication to safety because unlike
imity to an open oxidizer source such as an oxygen others, you are assumed to have the intellect and power
mask. to change or stop what is not right. Integrity means
that you are up front with all involved parties and that
Apply knowledge of study designs and statistical you are honest and not seeking to cover things up
methods to the appraisal of clinical studies and or shift the blame. A commitment to excellence even
other information on diagnostic and therapeutic begins with your relationship with the surgeon; you
effectiveness. should always introduce yourself and talk to the sur-
Even though no RCTs exist relating to proper man- geon before the case, not just when problems arise.
agement of OR fires, the ASA has published a prac-
tice advisory containing a robust literature search and Demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles
analysis of the topic. It includes solid scientific prin- pertaining to provision or withholding of clinical
ciples, like the fire triangle, which have considerable care, confidentiality of patient information,
applicable information. informed consent, and business practice.

Use information technology to manage Even in surgery centers where high case turnover
information, access online medical information, is expected, there may be cases that should not be
and support their own education. performed due to patient safety concerns. Also, bad
outcomes can result in media inquiry. However, even
For cases that are known high-risk procedures, if your local investigative reporter prints the story
online information is available from the Anesthesia Death under the Knife: It Could Happen to You, con-
Patient Safety Foundation (APSF), ECRI (a large non- fidentiality still must be maintained, even if you have to
profit institute dedicated to testing and research to be the no comment guy. Like any case you perform, 221
Contribution from the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center under Marc Rozner Part 3

proper consent should be verified, and billing informa- fidence in you. Be honest and up front with answers to
tion should be kept factual. any questions your patient may have.
Like any good physician, you should have evidence
Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to of a history and physical, anesthetic plan, and postop
patients culture, age, gender, and disabilities. care plan. These items should be legibly documented
For this case, it might be wise to hang the old into the patient chart, with minimal errors.
patient is awake sign on the door to keep your friends
from stopping by and telling of their weekend exploits Work effectively with others as a member or
or the usual dark humor of the OR. We have all heard leader of a health care team or other professional
jokes and stories told in the OR at the expense of group.
one or more of the mentioned categories. This is not
For this case, beginning with a fire time-out to alert
good when the patient is wide awake and listening or,
the crew that this is a high-risk procedure and des-
according to the hearing is the last sense to go theo-
ignating roles in case of fire set a professional exam-
rists, even when he or she is asleep.
ple. Demonstrate your role as an expert consultant by
asking the surgeon if cautery will be needed around
Interpersonal and communication the head and neck area so that he or she will under-
skills stand the need to convert to a general anesthetic with a
secure airway should the patient be unable to maintain
Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal
an adequate oxygen saturation. If complications arise,
and communication skills that result in effective infor-
lead the team through the situation, and also discuss
mation exchange and teaming with patients, their
complications with family members, Quality improve-
patients families, and professional associates.
ment initiatives, and risk management.
Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically
sound relationship with patients.
Try to establish rapport with your patient early for
Systems-based practice
Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and
a planned MAC case to get a feel for how social he or
responsiveness to the larger context and system of
she will be. Some patients need a bit of reassurance,
health care and the ability to effectively call on system
and others want constant attention. Some are easy and
resources to provide care that is of optimal value.
others are difficult, but all deserve your professional
attention. Oftentimes, cues will need to be given dur-
ing MAC cases to remind your patient to be quiet and Understand how their patient care and other
still. It is also helpful to explain what is going on rela- professional practices affect other health care
tive to the surgery. If there is an unexpected complica- professionals, the health care organization, and
tion with a bad outcome, dont run from the situation. the larger society and how these elements of the
Instead, follow up with the patient and the family. Give system affect their own practice.
them adequate time for questions and discussion, and One of the few things worse than a bad outcome
let them air their concerns. is the associated bad press. Cases that make their way
Use effective listening skills and elicit and provide into the court of public opinion are not good for
information using effective nonverbal, anyone, including you, your colleagues, your hospi-
explanatory, questioning, and writing skills. tal, and your fellow anesthesiologists. Societies may
have to address the area of concern and may initiate
Follow up on those leads given by family as to med- a task force to examine means to handle the problem.
ical history. Assessing the patient early on for nonver- Be consistent in your commitment to always do the
bal clues to nervousness, claustrophobia, cooperation, safe thing, which can lead to a paradigm shift from
and fear may help you decide that MAC may not be practices like oxygen supplementation in the uncon-
the best option for the patient. Also, be and look pro- trolled airway and the use of alcohol-based surgical
222 fessional because these actions will inspire patient con- preps.
Case 41 Never yell fire in a crowded OR

Practice cost-effective health care and resource extinguisher, ETT rated for use with lasers, replace-
allocation that does not compromise quality of ment tubes, masks, circuits, drapes, sponges, and even
care. a rigid bronchoscope for airway assessment. Finally,
a copy of the ASA Algorithm for the Management of
Safety can be accomplished by common practices OR Fires can be attached to the anesthesia machine for
and common sense, with a little bit of planning. You review during those 20-hour-long cases with nothing
do not need expensive, well-dressed consultants with to do but stare at railroad track vital signs.
elaborate, multicolored reports to have a safe operating
environment. Combining select representatives from a Know how to partner with health care managers
variety of specialties with staff who work in the OR to and health care providers to assess, coordinate,
form a safety review committee will allow the assess- and improve health care and know how these
ment of various procedures, with the purpose of iden- activities can affect system performance.
tifying whether improvements can be made. Even the
Joint Commission wants one question to be answered If you take the initiative in any topic, by learning a
in a sentinel event: why? bit more than the average bear and presenting a lec-
One should never compromise patient care or ture at a grand rounds, you will have taken the first
safety to achieve quick turnovers or financial gain. In step toward improving health care. From there, you
the long run, it will cost you more and may even cost a can speak at other venues at your hospital and even
life or your reputation. at a medical or nursing school. Eventually, your local,
Also, if you work at a location that performs many state, and national societies will take notice, and you
high-risk procedures, then you might want to assem- can progress to leadership within those societies. Share
ble a cart for high-risk cases. The cart can include your thoughts with colleagues and help on committees,
several bottles of saline, carbon dioxide (CO2 ), a fire if you are so inclined. You can make a difference.

Contribution from the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center under Marc Rozner Part 3

Additional reading 6. Eade GG. Hazard of nasal oxygen during aesthetic

facial operations. Plast Reconstr Surg 1986;78:
1. Caplan RA, Barker SJ, Connis RT, et al. Practice
advisory for the prevention and management of
operating room fires. American Society of 7. Howard BK, Leach JL. Prevention of flash fires during
Anesthesiologists Task Force on Operating Room facial surgery performed under local anesthesia. Ann
Fires. Anesthesiology 2008;108:786801. Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1997;106:248251.
2. Milliken RA, Bizzarri A. Flammable surgical drapes. 8. Reyes RJ, Smith AA, Mascaro JR, Windle BH.
Anesth Analg 1985;64:5457. Supplemental oxygen: ensuring its safe delivery
during facial surgery. Plast Reconstr Surg 1995;95:
3. Halstead MA. Fire drill in the operating room: role
playing as a learning tool. AORN J 1993;58:697706.
9. Gross JB, Bachenberg KL, Benumof JL, et al. Practice
4. Greco RJ, Gonzalez R, Johnson P, Scolieri M, Rekhopf
guidelines for the perioperative management of
PG, Heckler F. Potential dangers of oxygen
patients with obstructive sleep apnea: a report by the
supplementation during facial surgery. Plast Reconstr
American Society of Anesthesiologists Task Force on
Surg 1995;95:978984.
Perioperative Management of patients with
5. Barker SJ, Polson JS. Fire in the operating room: a case obstructive sleep apnea. Anesthesiology 2006;104:
report and laboratory study. Anesth Analg 10811093.

Part Contributions from the University of

4 Miami Miller School of Medicine under

Michael C. Lewis
Part 4 Contributions from the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
Case under Michael C. Lewis

42 Nephrectomy
Michael C. Lewis and V. Samepathi David

The case 3. Request that a copy of the original test result be

available in the patients current chart.
A 50-year-old male with poorly controlled-insulin-
dependent diabetes has an incidental computed tomo- 4. Review previous medical records of the patients
graphy finding of a left renal mass. The patient is sched- care
uled to undergo a laparoscopic-assisted left nephrec- 
Electronic medical record chart from Health
tomy. Information Management Department

Make informed decisions about diagnostic and

Patient care therapeutic interventions based on patient
Residents must be able to provide patient care that is information and preferences, up-to-date scientific
compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat- evidence, and clinical judgment.
ment of health problems and the promotion of health. Develop and carry out patient management
Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring
and respectful behaviors when interacting with Discuss with the patient and family the role you
patients and their families. will execute in perioperative management:
Preoperative evaluation includes the following: 1. Preoperative preparation and optimization of the
patient begins with the preoperative interview on
 Meet with the patient and family in a quiet room. the day of surgery:
 Acknowledge everyone in the room.
 Empathize with the familys anxiety and lack of

laboratory tests

fasting blood sugar
knowledge about medical care.
 In explaining the anesthesia use understandable

interval change in patients medical status

regional analgesic blocks, invasive monitors,
 Ask the patient and his family if they have any and venous access
other questions. 2. Perform intraoperative monitoring, treatments,
and interventions during induction, maintenance,
and mergence.
Gather essential and accurate information about
3. Postoperative management includes the following:
their patients.

acute pain management
This includes the following: 
patient controlled epidural analgesia
1. Familiarize yourself with the patients chart

monitoring, treatments, and interventions in
(consultations, laboratory tests, etc.) prior to the the postanesthesia care unit
preoperative interview. If necessary review 
repeat fasting blood glucose
previous medical records of the patients care. 
complete blood count
2. Speak directly with primary care and referring
physicians regarding unresolved questions about a Counsel and educate patients and their families.
patients medical history. 227
Contributions from the University of Miami under Michael C. Lewis Part 4

1. Preoperative During emergence, use the train-of-four monitor

Obtain informed consent by guiding the to determine reversal of muscle relaxation prior to
family through the risks and benefits of the extubation.
options for anesthesia.
Provide health care services aimed at preventing

Discuss relevant information regarding
health problems or maintaining health.
practice guidelines.
2. Postoperative  Administer prophylactic antibiotics 30 minutes

Be honest and open when discussing patient prior to incision.
 Check serum blood glucose serially.
harm that resulted from the administration of

Share expectations regarding further recovery Work with health care professionals, including
from the effects of anesthesia. those from other disciplines, to provide

Use family/patient-based questions that arise patient-focused care.
in the postoperative period as an opportunity
to educate.  operating room nurses
 postanesthesia care unit nurses
 physician assistants
Use information technology to support patient
care decisions and patient education.  consultant physicians
During the preoperative interview, educate your
patient and show him/her the guidelines and standards
of care that are used during their care. These guidelines Medical knowledge
and standards of care are available on the computer. Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab-
lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cog-
Perform competently all medical and invasive nate (e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sci-
procedures considered essential for the area of ences and the application of this knowledge to patient
practice. care.
Prior to induction, the following should be consid-
Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic
 Intravenous catheters should be placed after thinking approach to clinical situations.
disinfecting the skin. Use a systematic and organized approach to differ-
 Protective gloves should be worn. ential diagnosis and treatment plans.
 All monitors should be applied in standard
fashion. Know and apply the basic and clinically
 A good mask seal should be established during supportive sciences that are appropriate to their
preoxygenation. discipline.

During induction and intubation,  pharmacology

 the patients eyes should be protected from injury  anatomy
 the sniffing position should be sought to  physiology
improve intubating conditions and reduce injury  biology
to the teeth and tongue
 universal precautions should be practiced during
placement of the arterial line and a second
Practice-based learning
intravenous line and improvement
 all pressure points should be padded Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their
 hospital policy of two-person cross-checking of patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific
blood prior to administration should be used evidence, and improve their patient care practices.
Case 42 Nephrectomy

Analyze practice experience and perform Particularly important regarding patient manage-
practice-based improvement activities using a ment are the following:
systematic methodology.  Does the benefit of an arterial line or central line
placement outweigh the risk of its placement?
1. continuing medical education  Does an epidural for postoperative pain
management lead to reduced hospital stay and
a. ASA SEE Program
reduced morbidity?
b. difficult airway workshop
c. regional anesthesia workshops 1. degree of statistical significance
d. ultrasound-guided techniques 2. sufficient power
2. individual quality improvement indicators 3. double blinded
4. degree of randomization
a. reintubation rate
b. postdural puncture headaches
Use information technology to manage
c. unrecognized difficult airways information, access online medical information,
d. escalation in care and support their own education.
e. unanticipated hospitalization
f. postoperative hypothermia Access medical records and old charts.
3. corrective action
a. CME Professionalism
b. video seminars Residents must demonstrate a commitment to car-
c. apprenticeship rying out professional responsibilities, adherence to
4. hospital committee involvement ethical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient
a. quality improvement committee
b. performance improvement committee Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a
responsiveness to the needs of patients and society
that supersedes self-interest; accountability to
Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from
patients, society, and the profession; and a
scientific studies related to their patients health
commitment to excellence and ongoing
professional development.
1. online sources  work ethic
a. PubMed  dependability
b. Google  motivation
c. American Society of Anesthesiology  taking initiative
2. reference textbooks
a. coexisting disease Demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles
pertaining to provision or withholding of clinical
3. annual meeting syllabus
care, confidentiality of patient information,
a. abstracts informed consent, and business practice.
b. poster presentations
 HIPAA regulations
4. correlate with existing practice guidelines and
 informed consent prior to all procedures
accepted practice standards

Apply knowledge of study designs and statistical Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to
methods to the appraisal of clinical studies and patients culture, age, gender, and disabilities.
other information on diagnostic and therapeutic  Respect religious preferences.
effectiveness.  Refer to patients by their surnames.
Contributions from the University of Miami under Michael C. Lewis Part 4

 prolonged hospitalization/delayed discharge

Interpersonal and
limiting available bed space
communication skills  emergency room patient flow and intensive care
Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal unit (ICU)/PACU transfers
and communication skills that result in effective infor-  optimization of comorbidities in association with
mation exchange and teaming with patients, their their referring physician and other subspecialists
patients families, and professional associates.  appropriate invasive/noninvasive monitors to
guide fluid administration
Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically  frequent monitoring of blood sugar levels and
sound relationship with patients.
Preoperative evaluation involves the following:  regional anesthetic techniques for postoperative
 Meet with the patient and family (spouse, pain management, where applicable
 unplanned ICU admission, leading to an
children, parents) in a quiet room.
 Acknowledge everyone in the room. escalation in care
 Sympathize with the familys anxiety and lack of  postoperative recovery needs based on the
knowledge about medical care. preoperative assessment
 Use simple terms and illustrations.  surgical ICU, MICU, critical care unit, step-down
 Ask if they have any other questions. unit, telemetry
 Maintain eye contact.  increased laboratory and diagnostic testing
 Speak clearly. 
surgery postponed until the patient has been
Systems-based practice  increased exposure to morbidity
Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and  nosocomial infections
responsiveness to the larger context and system of 
perioperative glucose control
health care and the ability to effectively call on system 
perioperative antibiotics administered
resources to provide care that is of optimal value.
according to hospital protocol
Understand how their patient care and other  iatrogenic injury
professional practices affect other health care
professionals, the health care organization, and

limit invasive procedures
the larger society and how these elements of the 
ultrasound guidance, where appropriate
system affect their own practice. 
avoidance of escalation in care/prolonged
hospital stay
In the following, I describe how these elements
affect my practice:
 other health care professionals 
limited access to inpatient hospitalization and

increased requirement for subspecialty 
escalation in health care delivery costs
consultative services

establish patient-subspecialty physician Practice cost-effective health care and resource
relationship prior to surgery allocation that does not compromise quality of

encourage input from subspecialists as care.
early as possible

ensure that all diagnostic test results are on This includes the following:
the patients chart, to avert potential delays  Follow evidence-based practice guidelines,
in obtaining the results in the preoperative assessment, and intraoperative
postoperative period management and monitoring.
230  Use finger-stick glucose monitoring rather than
 health care organization
repeated serum testing.

resource utilization  Use PONV prophylaxis and prompt treatment.
Case 42 Nephrectomy

 Reduce utilization of supplies. medical-surgical floor, and intensive care

 Maintain perioperative normothermia. units.

Reduce utilization of supplies.

In conjunction with the surgeon and other

Reduce hypothermia-related complications. health care practitioners, keep the family
informed of progress in the operating room
 Prepare/utilize only essential equipment and and recovery room.
supplies in the operating room. 
Remain visible to the family in the immediate

Reduce waste. postoperative period.

Advocate for quality patient care and assist Know how to partner with health care managers
patients in dealing with system complexities. and health care providers to assess, coordinate,
and improve health care and know how these
This involves the following: activities can affect system performance.
 Maintain clear communication with patient and
family.  surgical services

Ensure that instructions are concise and  infection control
devoid of complex medical terms.  pharmacy and therapeutics

Make them of aware of where the operating  performance improvement/quality assurance
room is in relation to the recovery room,  medical executive

Part 4 Contributions from the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
Case under Michael C. Lewis

43 Another day at the office...based

Steven Gil and Nancy Setzer-Saade

The case When she slowly walks away, the daughter does not say
much. When the mother is outside the holding area,
A 15-year-old girl is scheduled at an outpatient facility
you introduce yourself again and state that everything
for colonoscopy with monitored anesthesia care. She
discussed is confidential and will not be told to her
has been complaining of diffuse abdominal pain for
mother. At this point, the girl starts whimpering. You
6 weeks, intermittent diarrhea, and occasional blood
ask what she is feeling. Suddenly, you are immersed
per rectum. Her primary care provider feels she would
within a story of how she and her boyfriend had been
benefit from lower endoscopy. The patient and her
sexually active 6 weeks ago and that they had broken
mother arrive at your practices office on Tuesday. She
up this past weekend, when she told him she missed
missed school yesterday because of her symptoms.
her period last week. She thinks she is pregnant and
that this is causing her pain. You comfort the girl and
Patient care slowly begin to consider your subsequent actions.
This young lady is suffering from a constellation of
medical problems. While irritable bowel syndrome Interpersonal skill
and Crohns disease are possible diagnoses, other and communication
potential diseases must be considered and ruled out.
In anesthesia, we are accustomed to our patients
It appears that her primary care provider, either her
being asleep (or pleasingly sedated), but in unexpected
pediatrician or gynecologist, has excluded more com-
times, we may be faced with medicosocial problems
mon etiologies such as infectious or menstrual issues
more attuned to a primary care provider. It would
and has sought the help of a specialist in diagnos-
be irresponsible of the doctor-patient relationship to
ing her disease. Abdominal pain can be one symp-
abandon this girl in her time of need. This may have
tom of a multitude of disease processes with anesthetic
been the first time away from her mother that she has
implications that affect her preop, intraop, and postop
been able to speak to a medical professional honestly
care. During your evaluation, consider that her prob-
about her situation. The competencies deem that we
lem might be more severe than previously considered;
be able to give compassionate care to our patients. Not
does she have a small bowel obstruction? Would this
every emotional medical problem can be solved with a
make her a candidate for an office-based procedure?
benzodiazepine, and we need to ensure that the com-
When you first address the daughter and mother,
petencies address the compassion needed for patients
you introduce yourself and your role within the cen-
in need of support.
ter. The mother is aggravated and demanding to know
why her daughter is waiting for the procedure, why she
had to do the colon preparation, and why her daugh- Professionalism
ter could not eat anything this morning. The daugh- Patient confidentiality is a basic tenet of the doctor-
ter is strangely quiet, preferring not to look you in patient relationship and a precept of being a profes-
the eye. You politely explain the reasons for all her sional. Only when patients have complete trust in their
concerns and ask that you be able to speak with her medical provider can one assume that the provider is
daughter alone for a few minutes so that you are able beginning to provide optimum health care. Requesting
to talk and examine the daughter about her condition that the patient be allowed to speak with the physician
232 and the ensuing procedure scheduled for the morn- without the mother present allowed a breakthrough in
ing. The mother seems apprehensive but acquiesces. the treatment of her medical condition.
Case 43 Another day at the office. . . based anesthesia

Systems-based practice was no absolute contraindication for proceeding with

the endoscopy. Can you proceed?
At some point, the acute care physician is ultimately
After you apologize for the delay, the mother agrees
unable to follow up on the long-term care of patients.
to proceed. You start your anesthetic, and the pro-
Therefore other professionals will need to be consulted
cedure goes without complication. Some biopsies are
and introduced into the picture. The girls primary
sent, and a report will be given to the family at a follow-
care provider, a social worker, and the endoscopist are
up clinic appointment later that week. The patient is
going to have long-term follow-up with this girl. It
now in the postanesthesia care unit and is suffering
would be beneficial to recognize the utility of using a
from intractable nausea and vomiting. You delay dis-
team of professionals to assist in this patients care. We
charge and administer additional intravenous fluids,
function within a system of providers; not one is per-
but she is not feeling better. Although the outpatient
fectly situated to give all care, but all are able to ask for
clinic staff is scheduled to go home, you are concerned
help to give a better outcome.
about the patients status and consider transferring her
After discussing the girls situation with her gas-
to the hospital for overnight hospitalization and rehy-
trointestinal physician, you decide to perform a preg-
dration. After you persuade the clinic staff to stay late,
nancy test, with the patients permission. The patient
and after another dose of an antiemetic, the patient
has a urine test, which is negative, and you tell her the
is feeling better and soon able to tolerate liquids. The
results. She is relieved, but realizing that her stomach
patient and her mother express having a long and emo-
pain is still prevalent, she is curious as to why she still
tional day and thank both you and the clinic staff. The
feels ill. You therefore continue with her preoperative
patient also thanks you for listening to her social situ-
assessment. Other than a slight anemia, her evalua-
ation earlier in the day. You promise to keep her story
tion is normal. You decide that she is optimized for
confidential. They leave the surgery center and will
MAC and that it is OK to proceed with the proce-
return later on that week for results of the study.
dure. Her mother returns and is still upset over the
delay. You tell her of the medical need to be thorough
before colonoscopy. She is irate and wants to leave the
Practice based learning
You have had a patient who needed the complex care
of many arms of the health care community. She began
the day with psychosocial issues and a straightforward
Interpersonal skills medical problem. Before the day was through, she
You are in a very delicate situation of maintaining the ended with a resolution of part of her problem but the
doctor-patient relationship while supporting and ex- unveiling of a more complex issue, mainly, the possi-
plaining to the mother how the medical process works. bility that she might need to be transferred to an upper-
Any irreverence, trust-destroying comments, or mis- level facility for fluid replacement secondary to nausea
understandings could be detrimental to the patient, and vomiting.
her family, your employer, and your professional A couple days later, a colleague who witnessed the
standing. Through practice and patience, one should previous days story pulls you aside and compliments
be able to explain the necessity of the process, while you on your performance. You thank her and real-
maintaining respect for all those involved. Although ize that although you are satisfied with the outcome,
the mother demands to know what her daughter there is always room for improvement in any field of
told you, your first obligation is to your patient, the medicine.
daughter. Superficially, it seems that alls well that ends well
with this case, but you wonder how you might have
done better and might improve the experience for both
Medical knowledge the practitioners and patients in this setting in future
Is the patient prepared for the procedure? What is your similar circumstances. You contact your colleague who
plan for anesthesia? Is her anemia a contraindication specializes in quality improvement for your group and
for this invasive procedure? Is your facility prepared suggest that you present this case at your next meeting
for all types of complications? The patient is suffering for discussion. You realize that you would have had an 233
from a storm of social and medical issues, but there uncomfortable predicament if the pregnancy test had
Contributions from the University of Miami under Michael C. Lewis Part 4

been positive and that community resources to help in form a multitude of multilevel perioperative functions
similar circumstances should be identified before the compared to the large-practice, hospital-based group.
need arises. The Core Clinical Competencies apply just as easily
The outpatient setting presents a unique set of to this setting as any other situation resident physi-
problems, rewards, and complexities to the anesthe- cians face every day. As the role of the anesthesiolo-
siologist. Although patients may present with more gist expands in different settings, we constantly explore
straightforward medical problems and be healthier how to apply these principles to our everyday prac-
overall than those in an inpatient unit, the anesthesiol- tice and strive to implement them in future unknown
ogist is more isolated and needs the adaptability to per- circumstances.

Case 43 Another day at the office. . . based anesthesia

Additional reading 3. American Society of Anesthesiologists.
1. Ross AK, Eck JB. Office based anesthesia for children.
standards/12.pdf Accessed 10-12-2009.
Anesthesiol Clin North Am 2002;20:195210.
4. Fletcher G, Glavin R. The non-technical skills of
2. Matthes K. Gastrointestinal endoscopy in the
anesthetists. In: Greaves D, editor. Clinical teaching a
office-based setting. In Shapiro FE, editor. Manual of
guide to teaching practical anaesthesia. Lisse, the
office-based anesthesia procedures. Philadelphia:
Netherlands: Swets and Zeitlinger; 2003:5362.
Lippincott; 2007:120132.

Part 4 Contributions from the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
Case under Michael C. Lewis

44 OB to the core
Deborah Brauer and Murlikrishna Kannan

The case
A lazy Sunday evening, 7:00 p.m. Time for a shift Gather essential and accurate information about
change funny how everything seems to happen their patients.
around this time. The outgoing call team has had a very
quiet day; debriefing of the days events includes new Some of us are poor history takers, so our patients
cheat maneuvers on the play station. Thirty minutes tend to be poor historians. Gather all essential and
into the call, the pager sounds a request to preop a accurate information. Please be patient for this, though
new patient. you want to scream out for help. Also, read the chart
The anesthesia resident ambles along and reaches and collaborate with the obstetrician to supplement
the labor room. The obstetric resident quickly reaches and enhance your understanding of your patient.
out and hands you a few papers on the patient, which
reveal the patients history. Make informed decisions about diagnostic and
A 28-year-old primigravida at 36 weeks gestation therapeutic interventions based on patient
is admitted to the labor floor for an evaluation of information and preferences, up-to-date scientific
hypertension to rule out preeclampsia. Her med- evidence, and clinical judgment.
ical history is significant for an aortic stenosis. She If you do not know the answer to a patient question
is currently under the care of the cardiologist, who or you are unsure, say so! Dont guess or, still worse,
has advised that she is medically optimized and that tell her the completely wrong thing. You will have to
her exercise tolerance is relatively unimpaired, with eat your words. Determine what the patient wants and
her most recent echo estimating her valve area to be what she knows (some patients may know more than
1.0 cm2 and her valve gradient to be 50 mmHg. you, thanks to Google!).
You stare at a nebulous mass of facts: aortic steno-
sis, preeclampsia, hemodynamics, pregnancy, CSEs, Develop and carry out patient management plans.
general anesthetics, obstetric drugs with cardiac side
effects an endless list, so lets start to simplify. The patient may have a lot of questions, too, so
work it out answer all her questions, while being sure
to hear all her answers. Do not be rude and cut her
Patient care sentences short during a conversation. Then, make a
Residents must be able to provide patient care that is collaborative, informed decision for optimal manage-
compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat- ment.
ment of health problems and the promotion of health.
Counsel and educate patients and their families.
Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring
and respectful behaviors when interacting with Be polite, make eye contact, smile, and show empa-
patients and their families. thy even though you quietly wish that this shift would
magically end.
Ascertain with whom you are speaking the guy
standing next to the moaning patient may be her son or Perform competently all medical and invasive
husband so do not put your foot in your mouth. You procedures considered essential for the area of
236 will probably never break enough ground to recover practice.
from mistakes like this.
Case 44 OB to the core

Do an arterial line, but do it using a clean tech- preeclampsia change your approach to this underlying
nique, possibly with local anesthesia. Explain why you condition?
are doing it, and avoid medical jargon while explain- Now, given all these parameters, the key is to antic-
ing. Performing an arterial line can be a lot of pressure ipate the possible situations that could get our patient
because the patient sees your skilled hands at work, into trouble. Some of the important examples are given
whereas during an epidural, you can hide behind the in the following list, but surely this list is not exhaus-
patient. tive. Build your own list, system-wise, if need be:
1. What are the patients hemodynamic parameters,
Provide health care services aimed at preventing
Hb/Hct, and echo findings?
health problems or maintaining health.
2. What is the obstetric plan? Vaginal delivery or
Does she need antibiotics prophylaxis for infective cesarean section? What is the anesthetic plan if a
endocarditis? If unsure, check with her cardiologist; stat cesarean section becomes indicated?
do not guess! More important, always follow the first 3. Do they expect to use oxytocin or methergine or
principle: first, do no harm. Do not start inserting hemabate? What would be the effects of these
PA catheters, even though you just did it the previ- drugs on SVR? If youre not sure, look it up.
ous month in cardiac rotation. Your surroundings are 4. Does the patient wish to have labor analgesia in
completely different. the form of CSE or epidurals? It is preferable to
get an arterial line? This will necessitate intensive
Work with health care professionals, including care unit monitoring, so is there a bed available?
those from other disciplines, to provide 5. Does the obstetrician anticipate postpartum
patient-focused care. hemorrhage, any polyhydramnios, premature
This is the ultimate goal of the entire team. The aim rupture of the membrane, placenta previa, or a
is to have a healthy and happy mother and baby. Know multiple pregnancy, to list just a few possibilities?
important pager numbers and the extensions of those
So we reiterate: understand the significance of
who may come in handy when you need help. Be kind
diagnostic values, anticipate circumstances and co-
and cordial at all times to all members of the health
morbidities specific to the parturient, and devise an
care team.
adaptable plan that will best accommodate the current
as well as potential changing status of your patient(s).
Medical knowledge
Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab- Practice-based learning
lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cognate
(e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sciences and improvement
and the application of this knowledge to patient care. Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their
patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific
Know and apply the basic and clinically evidence, and improve their patient care practices.
supportive sciences that are appropriate to their
discipline. Analyze practice experience and perform
practice-based improvement activities using a
The competency of medical knowledge in this sce- systematic methodology.
nario does not expect you to spew out all signs and
symptoms of aortic stenosis and the minutiae of the So the case went on smoothly, but dont be too
effects of pregnancy and anesthesia on aortic stenosis. quick to pat each other on the back. The enemy of good
Residents need to synthesize all information presented is better, so reassess if anything can be done better in
by the patient with the facts spelled out by her lab tests. the future.
This approach should be involved in analyzing all Whatever methodology suits you, adopt it. Discuss
the patients parameters. Residents need to understand the case with peers and colleagues. You will get inter-
what each parameter actually means. What does the esting views and some irritating Monday-morning
valve size mean? What does that transvalvular gradi- quarterback reviews. Take both in stride; your best 237
ent of 50 or 60 indicate? How would a diagnosis of critic is your best friend (painful, but true).
Contributions from the University of Miami under Michael C. Lewis Part 4

Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a
scientific studies related to their patients health responsiveness to the needs of patients and society
problems. that supersedes self-interest; accountability to
patients, society, and the profession; and a
Life is short, so learn from other peoples mis- commitment to excellence and ongoing
takes. Nothing stresses the importance of reading professional development.
journals and case reports than this saying. Cursing
under your breath damn, I should have read the case In short, be altruistic. Is this really possible? You
report well instead of watching the movie will not will encounter patients across a spectrum, from the
bode well in private practice. curious, to the unrealistic, to the hypochondriac. This
You will not have the time to use Google Scholar. is where the rubber meets the road.
Obstetric emergencies involve a great many knee- You are leery of spinals and epidurals in this patient
jerk reactions, reactions that have been passed down with tight aortic stenosis, but the patient requests a
through generations because they work well, but with- CSE. You should not try to talk her out of it, but rather,
out a scientific principle. Time is of the essence; do attempt to lay out facts and case reports, and allow
your homework when you have elective complicated her to make an informed choice. Try all this in 9 min-
cases. You can assimilate these experiences when deal- utes; it is impossible, especially if you have not read the
ing with emergencies. Do not count on your iPhone or literature properly.
Amazons Kindle to spew out facts and myths to help
you make an informed decision. Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to
patients culture, age, gender, and disabilities.
Apply knowledge of study designs and statistical
Remember that an Asian or Latin patient with aor-
methods to the appraisal of clinical studies and
tic stenosis will be approached differently compared to
other information on diagnostic and therapeutic
a Caucasian. Understanding this might help you navi-
gate your preanesthetic visit and titrate your talk based
Do you want to practice evidence-based medicine? on patient needs. We are not asking you to be racially
Actually, you do not have a choice. So you will be better biased, but rather, to have understanding on a case by
off if you are able to analyze whether you are reading case basis and to tailor your interactions. This will help
a good study or not. You always thought, If it is in a you to be an effective communicator.
good journal, the study has to be good but did you
realize that all these journals give retractions in small
columns of pages of future issues?
Interpersonal and
communication skills
Use information technology to manage Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal
information, access online medical information, and communication skills that result in effective infor-
and support their education. mation exchange and teaming with patients, their
patients families, and professional associates.
If you are savvy in using iPhone and Twitter, you
will be cool with this. For the rest of the population, Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically
you have to catch up or else be left far behind. More sound relationship with patients.
advancements are online than in print. Get to your
university library and ask them to help you with this. Your obstetrician had 9 months to do this. You have
probably 9 minutes or less. Because time is against
you, act like you know what you are doing. Here we
Professionalism would like to reinforce what we said in the section
Residents must demonstrate a commitment to car- about patient care: make eye contact; smile; and dont
rying out professional responsibilities, adherence to just hear, but listen. Use effective listening skills and
238 ethical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient elicit and provide information using effective nonver-
population. bal, explanatory, questioning, and writing skills.
Case 44 OB to the core

Though the preceding sentence seems obvious, not to take active part in obstetric morbidity and mortality
doing this is the most common cause for medical meetings to understand how things are viewed outside
lawsuits. It will be well worth your while to actually the anesthesia world.
do this like a quick speech, pausing for moments of
contractions. Practice cost-effective health care and resource
allocation that does not compromise quality of
Work effectively with others as a member or care.
leader of a health care team or other professional
group. The patients echo was done last year. Her clinical
picture has not changed since that time. Repeating an
You might think this is a no-brainer, but this might echo may not be a worthwhile exercise, especially if the
end up being as painful as stubbing your toe. Talk with hospital has to pay more to get a tech to come and do it
other team members and establish a good rapport. Be on a Sunday night. On the other hand, with the hemo-
sure to get a specific response from a specific provider dynamic changes of pregnancy, an updated assessment
to close the communication loop. may still be prudent. Residents will need to ask the
As an anesthesiology resident, you may have to take important question, Will performing this test tell me
on the role of team leader. It may not be a frequent anything that I dont already know? If it will, how will
occurrence, but the willingness to take on a leadership that information affect my anesthetic plan?
role may be the difference between a living or dead
patient. Situations like massive hemorrhage will need Advocate for quality patient care and assist
change of anesthetic plan, liaison with the blood bank, patients in dealing with system complexities.
and planning for safe intensive care unit transfer. Is this really my job? The answer is yes. If your hos-
pital policy does not ambulate epidural patients, try
Systems-based practice to find out why. It may be because of lack of adequate
Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and staff to walk laboring mothers. Can the patients family
responsiveness to the larger context and system of take care of this issue? Can the family understand their
health care and the ability to effectively call on system role? This involves breaking the mold and walking the
resources to provide care that is of optimal value. fine rope between policy safety straps and improving
patient experiences.
Understand how their patient care and other
professional practices affect other health care Know how to partner with health care managers
professionals, the health care organization, and and health care providers to assess, coordinate,
the larger society and how these elements of the and improve health care and know how these
system affect their own practice. activities can affect system performance.
In obstetric anesthesia, it is important to under- The patients experience can be enhanced by health
stand what is going on in the obstetric world. It is care managers coordinating follow-up of this patient
important to understand how subtle changes in the by all the involved specialties cardiology, anesthesi-
local hospital can have wide ramifications to the prac- ology, and obstetrics early on in her pregnancy. This
tice of anesthesia. For example, hospitals might bring will allow the patient to meet and get to know the team
in a policy that the patient be given a dose of heparin involved in her care and have a definitive plan for labor
soon after surgery to commence DVT prophylaxis. If and delivery. Her file, which has logged all hospital
you are using CSE, the accusing finger for delay in hep- visits, labs, imaging, and detailed discussion with the
arin dosing is toward anesthesia! Or if you are leaving patient, can be pulled out. This avoids repetitive ques-
the epidural catheter in the patient, removal is now an tioning, and outcomes are significantly better when the
issue that has to be worked out. The resident will need same teams work over a period of time.

Part 4 Contributions from the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
Case under Michael C. Lewis

45 Cut off at the knees

Ashish Udeshi

The case Since this is his second time undergoing total knee
replacement, it is helpful to know what type of anes-
Mr. J is a 67-year-old business executive and avid skier.
thesia he received in his previous surgery. Mr. J had
He has a history of hypertension and diabetes and is
no idea what kind of anesthesia was used last time.
scheduled to undergo his second total knee replace-
He didnt even meet his anesthesiologist until min-
ment. His prior surgery 5 years ago on the other
utes before his procedure. All he remembers is that he
leg resulted in intolerable postoperative pain and an
received some medications, a tube to help him breathe
extended hospital course due to the development of a
was inserted, and he was knocked out for the whole
deep vein thrombosis (DVT). To avoid a recurrence
case. Finally, when he woke up, he was in the postanes-
of these problems, Dr. Hammer (the orthopedic sur-
thesia care unit with a lot of pain in his leg and was told
geon) wants his patient anticoagulated and mobilized
to push a button for pain medication around the clock.
as soon as possible after the procedure and requests an
This didnt work and only made him drowsy, nauseous,
anesthesiologist with a working knowledge of regional
and itchy. He couldnt get out of bed until 3 days after
surgery and somehow developed a clot that required
him to be in the hospital for 2 weeks.
Patient care
Residents must be able to provide patient care that is Make informed decisions about diagnostic and
compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat- therapeutic interventions based on patient
ment of health problems and the promotion of health. information and preferences, up-to-date scientific
evidence, and clinical judgment.
Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring
With Mr. Js description of his past surgery, it seems
and respectful behaviors when interacting with
he underwent general anesthesia and pain manage-
patients and their families.
ment was probably facilitated using a patient con-
Since the total knee replacement is an elective pro- trolled analgesia (PCA) pump containing opioids. This
cedure, Mr. J and his family were scheduled to come wasnt totally effective. He was in significant pain,
to speak with the anesthesia team at the preoperative which, together with the side effects of the opioids, lim-
evaluation clinic. This visit occurred 1 week before the ited his ability to move and rehab quickly, leading to
scheduled surgery. It was important to make sure that the potential of DVT formation.
both Mr. J and his family could have the experience Alternative options for postoperative analgesia
of speaking with the anesthesia team face-to-face con- available to us for this surgery include neuroaxial
cerning about his options and participate in the devel- blockade, peripheral nerve blocks, or intraarticular
opment of his anesthesia care plan. local anesthetics.

Gather essential and accurate information about Develop and carry out patient management plans.
their patients.
While talking with Mr. J and his wife, we discuss
His preoperative visit in our clinic kind of acts like the available options, including regional anesthesia,
a first date. It represents a time during which we have and the option of using peripheral blocks such as a
240 a chance to ask him a series of important questions femoral nerve block catheter in combination with a
that relate to our future (our anesthesia relationship). single-shot sciatic nerve block. We explain to him that
Case 45 Cut off at the knees

these techniques can be used either in combination go with the blocks and being completely out during
with general anesthesia or as the sole anesthetic tech- surgery. I appreciate the explanation and look forward
nique and that the major benefit of a catheter place- to seeing you next week.
ment either epidurally or on the femoral nerve lies in
the extended pain control. Use information technology to support patient
care decisions and patient education.
Counsel and educate patients and their families. Looking at his prior medical records, we notice
Mr. J responds and says, Im a pretty smart and that he sees his primary care physician, Dr. Feel-Good,
educated man, but I dont speak doctor. Do you mind yearly. He suffers from hypertension and diabetes mel-
saying that in English? It is clearly explained what litus. His blood pressure has been controlled with
an epidural catheter is, and how it will block the pain low-dose metoprolol twice daily, and he takes met-
fibers in the areas of his surgery. He responds, That formin for glucose control. He also had an electrocar-
makes sense, but what was the other thing you men- diogram (EKG), which showed mild left ventricular
tioned, some femoral thingy? We explain to him that hypertrophy (LVH) and normal sinus rhythm, and his
there are nerves in the thigh and knee that can be prior two-dimensional echo showed an ejection frac-
blocked specifically where he would feel the most pain. tion of greater than 55%, with mild LVH. His labo-
Since he is still at our preoperative evaluation clinic, we ratory results included a coagulation panel that was
show him on a diagram on the wall where the femoral within normal limits. His chest X-ray was normal. Dr.
nerve is and exactly how we plan on blocking the areas Feel-Good has also provided him with medical clear-
it supplies. Additionally, we indicate that we can put ance for the surgery.
a catheter in the area surrounding the nerve, which
will deliver pain medication from a pain pump for Perform competently all medical and invasive
48 hours after the procedure. It is explained that one of procedures considered essential for the area of
the major benefits of this type of this technique is that it practice.
lacks central effects and wont make him drowsy, nau- The following week, Mr. J and his wife arrive for
seous, or itchy. He says, Thanks, doctor, that makes the surgery and are in the holding area. His anesthesia
a lot more sense to me and my wife, but how about plan is reviewed again. He signs his consent, with his
the blood clot? Dr. Hammer wants me to start taking wife as a witness. We take him to our regional block
blood-thinning pills right the next day after surgery room and start an intravenous (IV) line and connect
and continue this for a few weeks. We explain to him him to a noninvasive blood pressure cuff, O2 saturation
that the medication is probably oral Coumadin, and monitor, and EKG leads.
we confirm this with a phone call to Dr. Hammers
office. After this explanation we jointly agree that a Provide health care services aimed at preventing
femoral catheter and a single-shot sciatic block rep- health problems or maintaining health.
resent the best choice because the femoral catheter
can be left in place and removed 2 days after surgery, After placing the monitors, prophylactic antibi-
even with the blood-thinning medicine, whereas an otics are administered. Dr. Hammer had ordered 1 g
epidural catheter would have to come out. Mr. J says, of vancomycin IV, and this is started about an hour
Thats great, doctors, but there has got to be some before the patient is supposed to leave for the operat-
risk with these nerve blocks. It is explained that the ing room, and an infusion is started at the appropriate
risks of peripheral nerve blocks include nerve injury, rate.
local anesthetic toxicity, and hematoma. He is assured An oxygen mask is placed on Mr. Js face. Mild
that these risks are rare. Mr. J responds, I understand sedation is produced with the administration of some
and I think I would like this technique, but during IV midazolam. After performing a time-out to iden-
surgery, I dont want to hear or see a thing. We inform tify the patient and to verify the correct site and pro-
him that this can be accomplished either by making cedure, the operator disinfects the femoral crease area
him sleepy or by completely putting him to sleep with with chlorhexidine and then puts on a sterile gown and
a general anesthetic after the nerve blocks have been gloves. An assistant opens the femoral nerve block kit, 241
performed. Mr. J states, That sounds fantastic, lets which contains sterile drapes.
Contributions from the University of Miami under Michael C. Lewis Part 4

Work with health care professionals, including Know and apply the basic and clinically
those from other disciplines, to provide supportive sciences that are appropriate to their
patient-focused care. discipline.
Mr. J is mildly sedated, his vital signs are stable,
Before we started giving the patient any anesthesia,
and he is positioned supine on the stretcher, with
we went to check with Dr. Hammers team in the oper-
his right femoral crease area disinfected and sterilely
ating room to make sure that the surgical site had been
draped. Four major nerves innervate the lower extrem-
marked and that there werent any delays, and that we
ities: the femoral (L2L4), obturator (L2L4), lateral
were still on the same page regarding Mr. Js surgery.
femoral cutaneous (L1L3), and sciatic nerves (L4
We also verify with the nursing staff that all paperwork
S3). The first three nerves are in the lumbar plexus, and
is complete, such as the surgical informed consent, and
the common peroneal and tibial nerves are continua-
that the history and physical are updated.
tions of the sciatic nerve from the sacral plexus. With
the placement of the femoral catheter and the single-
shot sciatic block, we are able to provide analgesia to
Medical knowledge the knee during the patients surgery and can prolong
Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab- these effects with the femoral catheter postoperatively
lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cog- for the femoral and lateral femoral cutaneous nerves.
nate (e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sci- The first step in placing this block requires us to
ences and the application of this knowledge to patient remember the phrase we learned in first-year medi-
care. cal school, NAVEL, which helps us identify that the
femoral nerve is always lateral to the artery (lateral
Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic medical, nerve, artery, vein, empty space, and lym-
thinking approach to clinical situations. phatics). The nerve is encased in a sheath that extends
from the psoas muscle to just below the inguinal
Now that Mr. J and the entire operating room team ligament. To find the femoral nerve, we palpate the
are ready, its time for us to carry out our detailed anes- femoral artery in the femoral crease. The femoral
thetic plan. We have chosen to go with a regional tech- nerve is located about 1 cm lateral to the artery. After
nique, with the insertion of a femoral catheter that can some local anesthetic infiltration of the skin, the nerve
aid in postoperative pain via a PCA pump, combined block needle (a 2-inch, 22-gauge stimulating needle) is
with a single-shot sciatic block as well as a general advanced, and we look to see if there is any response.
anesthetic for the duration of the procedure. With the We notice an appropriate twitching in the quadriceps,
combined technique, we can accomplish two impor- or a patellar snap. Now we reduce the stimulation
tant things for the patient. to less than 0.5 mA, inject 1 mL of local anesthetic,
The first is prolonged postoperative analgesia with and when we witness the disappearance of motor activ-
the femoral catheter and a continuous infusion of local ity, we aspirate for blood (which is negative) and then
anesthetics that lasts for up to 48 hours or even longer. inject 2030 mL of local anesthetic. An indwelling
This will reduce the need for systemic pain medica- catheter is then placed at this location. The patient is
tions such as opioids and consequently reduce their then turned into a lateral position, and a posterior sci-
side effects such as drowsiness, itching, and nausea. atic nerve block using Labats classic approach is per-
The improved pain control will allow Mr. J to partic- formed.
ipate earlier and more effectively in his physical ther- Once the nerve blocks have been established, the
apy and will get him out of bed faster, which should patient is transferred to the operating room for the
reduce his risk of DVT development. In addition, this induction of the general anesthetic.
technique does not interfere with Dr. Hammers plan
for immediate postoperative anticoagulation.
The second is that we can comply with the patients
Interpersonal and communication
wish of being completely out doing surgery. We can skills
242 administer a general anesthetic technique in addition Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal
to the nerve blocks. and communication skills that result in effective
Case 45 Cut off at the knees

information exchange and teaming with patients, their nerve blocks and nerve block catheters, and is also a lit-
patients families, and professional associates. tle bit concerned that Mr. J cant move his quadriceps
too much, while his foot and lower leg have normal
Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically strength. We explain to him that this is quite normal
sound relationship with patients. but can be improved by reducing the infusion rate of
the femoral catheter.
Right before general anesthesia is induced we reas- We also locate Mr. Js nurse before leaving the floor
sure Mr. J. We also explain every step of the anesthesia and make sure that she knows that we reduced the
induction and warn him about the burning sensation infusion rate and that Mr. J can have pain medications
that is sometimes associated with propofol injection. for breakthrough pain, as ordered. She is reminded
After surgery, we will make sure that his pain is well that she can contact us at any time if there are any
controlled in recovery, and we will follow up on him questions regarding Mr. Js care. Finally, we run into
daily on the floor to manage his postoperative pain and the intern working on Dr. Hammers team. He con-
to ensure his progress. fuses the femoral catheter with an epidural and wants
to make sure that he can start the patient on oral
Use effective listening skills and elicit and provide Coumadin. We point the difference out to him and
information using effective nonverbal, reinforce the importance of the DVT prophylaxis in
explanatory, questioning, and writing skills. Mr. Js case.

At the end of surgery, Mr. J regains conscious-

ness, he is extubated, and transported to the recov- Systems-based practice
ery room. The patient is somewhat concerned now, Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and
because he cant move his toes. This concern exists responsiveness to the larger context and system of
despite the fact that he was informed in the preop- health care and the ability to effectively call on system
erative visit that motor block can be associated with resources to provide care that is of optimal value.
our nerve blocks and may last until the next day. We
patiently explain this again to Mr. J and his family. Understand how their patient care and other
The patient and his family are provided with an edu- professional practices affect other health care
cational brochure on what to expect from a periph- professionals, the health care organization, and
eral nerve catheter and an infusion of local anesthet- the larger society and how these elements of the
ics. In addition, we question Mr. J about whether he system affect their own practice.
has any other complaints such as a sore throat or nau-
Mr. J continues to make great progress. He has been
sea, and we inspect the site of our nerve block catheter
able to achieve a lot of flexion in his knee joint on
to make sure that Dr. Hammer and his team didnt pull
the continuous passive motion machine and is actually
the catheter out when they removed their drapes and
able to walk on the second day after surgery. Owing to
the tourniquet. To make sure the nursing staff knows
his rapid rehabilitation, he is able to leave the hospital
whats going on with the patient, we give a detailed
on the third postoperative day, without experiencing
report before we leave the recovery room and mention
any complications. He states that this second surgery
the nerve blocks. We also point out to the nursing staff
was like day and night when compared with his prior
that the nerve block procedure note is in the chart, and
we fill out the infusion order form for our nerve block
Mr. Js case is a great example of how choosing an
appropriate anesthetic plan can affect the outcome of
a surgery and influence patient satisfaction and soci-
Work effectively with others as a member or
ety. In this instance, reducing the patients pain allowed
leader of a health care team or other professional
him to have a shortened hospital stay and minimize
excessive hospital costs. Other advantages include:
The next morning, when we visit Mr. J for the  The patient does not want postoperative pain or
first time on the floor, the physical therapist had just complications such as DVT and wants quick 243
arrived. He is new in our hospital and not familiar with surgery with quicker rehab.
Contributions from the University of Miami under Michael C. Lewis Part 4

 The surgeon wants to work with someone who is

Advocate for quality patient care and assist
efficient and who can also provide the patient with patients in dealing with system complexities.
efficient pain control in the postoperative period.
 The hospital wants patients and surgeons to be On the second postoperative morning, Mr. J tells
satisfied and wants to avoid complications that us during our visit that the physical therapist hasnt
would result in prolonged hospital stays. shown up yet, as he had promised the day before. He
is a little bit concerned because nobody seems to be
Know how types of medical practice and delivery able to tell him whats going on, and he is really look-
systems differ from one another, including ing forward to getting out of bed and trying to walk
methods of controlling health care costs and a short distance. We call down to the physical therapy
allocating resources. department for the therapist and come to find that they
are short staffed due to some unexpected illnesses. We
Mr. J is so happy with these blocks that he has remind the physical therapists of Mr. J, and they assure
another idea. My son is having ambulatory surgery in us that somebody will come in the afternoon to work
an outpatient surgical center next month on his shoul- with Mr. J. The patient is relieved to hear that he has
der. Anything that you guys would suggest so he can not been forgotten after we explain the circumstances
also have a pain-free experience? We advise Mr. J that to him.
his son should discuss the option of an interscalene
catheter placement with the anesthesiologist taking Know how to partner with health care managers
care of him. While an ambulatory center probably does and health care providers to assess, coordinate,
not have an acute pain service following up on patients and improve health care and know how these
with nerve block catheters, patients can be sent home activities can affect system performance.
with this technique after appropriate instruction, and
Every month, we attend the meeting of the Oper-
the follow-up can be done over the phone by the nurses
ating Room Committee, at which we discuss with hos-
in the ambulatory center. That saves resources, and the
pital administration and our surgical colleagues how
patients can still benefit from the advantages associ-
things can be made better in our hospital and for our
ated with the continuous nerve block technique.
patients. Once we presented scientific evidence on how
Practice cost-effective health care and resource beneficial regional anesthesia techniques and, conse-
allocation that does not compromise quality of quently, improved pain management can be for our
care. patients and the facility, they were all ears and sup-
ported our endeavor.
By utilizing nerve block techniques for Mr. Js peri- The main goal of any health care provider or insti-
operative care, we were able to be very cost effective. He tution is to provide top-quality care to patients. The
didnt require any expensive medications to treat nau- only way to improve performance is to know what
sea and/or vomiting in the recovery room, and also he works and what you can do better next time. The
didnt require pain medications. We did have expenses best way to judge performance is to follow up with
by using special nerve block needles, placing a nerve your patient. In this case, we followed up with Mr. J 3
block catheter, and infusing local anesthetics. How- months later. He was pleased to hear from us. He told
ever, Mr. J was able to walk and leave the hospital in us that he was progressing with his recovery and that
record time, without having another DVT, which rep- he was looking forward to his next skiing trip over the
resents a tremendous cost savings overall. coming winter.

Case 45 Cut off at the knees

Additional Reading 3. Hollman MW, Wieczorek KS, Smart M, Durieux ME.

Epidural anesthesia prevents hypercoagulation in
1. Raya J, Mikhail M. Anesthesia for orthopedic surgery.
patients undergoing major orthopedic surgery.
In: Morgan GE, Mikhail MS, Murray MJ, editors.
Regional Anesth Pain Med 2001;26:215222.
Clinical anesthesiology. 4th ed. New York:
McGraw-Hill; 2006: 848860.
2. Peripheral nerve blocks. In: Morgan GE, Mikhail MS,
Murray MJ, editors. Clinical anesthesiology. 4th ed.
New York: McGraw-Hill; 2006: 324348.

Part 4 Contributions from the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
Case under Michael C. Lewis

46 Neuro
Eric A. Harris and Miguel Santos

The case What laboratory studies are needed for this pa-
tient? Because the patient is young and otherwise
The patient is a 29-year-old female with a 3-month
healthy, coagulation studies are probably not neces-
history of worsening headaches. She had a witnessed
sary. A chemical profile and liver enzyme levels may
seizure 2 weeks ago which prompted her to seek care
be ordered at the discretion of the anesthesiologist;
in the emergency room. A magnetic resonance image
although phenobarbital can cause liver and kidney
(MRI) done at that time was suspicious for an intra-
abnormalities, the short course that the patient has
cerebral arteriovenous malformation (AVM). This
been on (2 weeks) makes these complications unlikely.
diagnosis was confirmed by a cerebral angiogram per-
A complete blood count is also debatable; while many
formed 4 days after the MRI. The patient is now sched-
practitioners insist on this study in female patients
uled for endovascular embolization of the AVM in the
of childbearing age, this specific procedure does not
neuroangiography suite, and she presents to the preop-
place the patient at risk for blood loss. If intracranial
erative clinic as an outpatient 2 days before her sched-
bleeding does occur, it manifests more as an increase
uled surgery. She reports that she is otherwise healthy
in intracranial pressure, rather than a decrease in cir-
and denies tobacco, alcohol, or drug use. She has been
culating volume. A urine pregnancy test is recom-
taking phenobarbital 100 mg bid since her seizure.

Patient care Counsel and educate patients and their families.

Residents must be able to provide patient care that is
compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat- The patient states that she has not been sexually
ment of health problems and the promotion of health. active for several months and refuses to submit to a
pregnancy test. How do you proceed? The patient has
Gather essential and accurate information about the autonomous privilege of refusing to have the test.
their patients. It is the residents responsibility to explain the risks
of both the anesthetic and the radiation exposure to
Is there any other relevant medical history? This both the patient and a possible fetus. If the patient
should include a full review of systems, a review of remains adamant about refusing the test, the discus-
prior surgeries and anesthetic events, a review of the sion should be fully documented, and a release from
patients medication regimen and allergy history, and liability should be signed by the patient.
a family history.
A thorough physical exam must be completed and Work with health care professionals, including
documented. Special attention should be paid to the those from other disciplines, to provide
airway exam as well as a neurological exam to discover patient-focused care.
and document any deficits that might be attributable
to the AVM . If the anesthesia resident is unsure of the radia-
tion risks to the patient, a colleague from the radiology
Make informed decisions about diagnostic and department should be consulted.
therapeutic interventions based on patient
information and preferences, up-to-date scientific Provide health care services aimed at preventing
246 evidence, and clinical judgment. health problems or maintaining health.
Case 46 Neuro

The patient states that she has been compliant with should familiarize himself or herself with the area
her oral phenobarbital regimen, but her blood level prior to the patients arrival. The location of
(drawn 2 days previously) is slightly subtherapeutic. emergency equipment, such as a difficult airway
Given the absence of further seizure activity, it is advis- cart and a malignant hyperthermia cart, should be
able to proceed with the case. Premedication with a ascertained (systems-based practice [SBP]: work
benzodiazepine will further raise her seizure thresh- effectively in various health care delivery settings
old. Her neurology or neurosurgical team should be and systems relevant to their clinical specialty).
made aware of the lab values. Because many neuroangiography cases are done
without anesthesiologists involvement, the
resident may need to coordinate the anesthetic
Medical knowledge plan with the allied health care providers in the
Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab- room. The nurse should be aware that continuous
lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cognate suction must be available, and the radiology
sciences and the application of this knowledge to technicians must confirm that the anesthesia
patient care. machine and cart will not obstruct the mobile
radiology equipment.
Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic
thinking approach to clinical situations.
Interpersonal and
Prior to the anesthetic, the resident must consider
the following:
communication skills
Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal
 What do I need to know about this patients
and communication skills that result in effective infor-
pathology? AVMs can be fragile structures that mation exchange and teaming with patients, their
are exquisitely dependent on the patients blood patients families, and professional associates.
pressure parameters. Even a transient spike of
hypertension during induction or laryngoscopy Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically
could result in rupture and subarachnoid sound relationship with patients.
 What do I need to know about the surgical and The patient is brought to the neuroangiography
suite. She is alone and somewhat nervous. This is an
anesthetic management of AVMs (endovascular
ideal time to review the risks and benefits of the anes-
therapy vs. clipping via open craniotomy)? Since
thetic plan with the patient and solicit any further
this patient will receive endovascular treatment, a
questions or concerns. When this is complete, con-
flow-directed microcatheter will be used to access
firm with the nurse that all appropriate consents have
the lesion. During the portion of the procedure in
been signed and witnessed and that a time-out has
which the neuroradiologist gains access to the
been performed. Quality patient care includes check-
AVM, the patients blood pressure should be kept
ing with the neuroradiologist before sedation is given
no lower than the preinduction value as
to ascertain if he or she requires any further input from
hypotension will frustrate the effort to properly
the patient or if a final neurological examination is
direct the catheter. During the embolization itself,
the neuroradiologist will likely request that the
The patient is moved off the stretcher, positioned,
blood pressure be reduced approximately 20%.
and given a sedative dose of midazolam. Again, the
This will slow flow through the AVM and give the
benzodiazepine offers a dual advantage of sedation and
liquid embolic material more time to harden
elevation of the seizure threshold.
within the target area. Owing to the small
tortuous vessels that will be navigated, any patient Show compassion, integrity, and respect for others.
movement could be catastrophic. Therefore
adequate neuromuscular paralysis is mandated. The patient has calmed significantly, and you are
 What do I need to know about the ready to place monitors on the patient. Clearly the
neuroangiography suite? This may be an ASA standard monitors are required. Additionally, the 247
unfamiliar territory for the resident. He or she patient will need an arterial line. Constant beat-to-beat
Contributions from the University of Miami under Michael C. Lewis Part 4

blood pressure monitoring is essential during these roradiologist to manipulate the microcatheter. N2 O is
procedures, and the arterial line will also facilitate the not contraindicated, and the small sympathetic boost
multiple blood draws necessary for following the ACT. it provides may help to counteract the hypotensive
However, because the patient is in good health, the effects of isoflurane.
arterial line can be placed after induction to spare her
the distress. Central venous pressure monitoring is not
standard in these cases unless clinically warranted by
Systems-based practice
coexisting disease. It would not be indicated in this Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and
case. An anesthesia awareness monitor (e.g., BIS mon- responsiveness to the larger context and system of
itor) will be impossible to use as the strip placed on the health care and the ability to effectively call on system
forehead will preclude the proper radiographic imag- resources to provide care that is of optimal value.
ing of the AVM. A neuromuscular twitch monitor is One hour later, the patient is doing well; she
mandatory. remains in sinus rhythm with a blood pressure of
The patient has a 20-gauge intravenous catheter 124/60 and is adequately paralyzed. SpO2 reads 100%
in her right hand. Is this adequate intravenous (IV) on an FiO2 of 0.3, FiN2 O is 0.7, and isoflurane is set
access? These cases do not involve large volume shifts at 1.3. The neuroradiologist informs you that he is
or significant blood loss. In fact, it is advisable for us to preparing to embolize the first branch of the AVM and
limit our IV fluids as the patient will be receiving sig- requests induced hypotension to a systolic of approxi-
nificant boluses of saline and contrast via the femoral mately 100 mmHg. How will you accomplish this?
catheter. It is not unusual for the neuroradiologist to
flush the microcatheter with over 1 L of fluid and 200 Practice cost-effective health care and resource
cc of contrast per hour; these boluses provide a road allocation that does not compromise quality of
map for the flow-directed catheter. That being said, care.
many practitioners feel uncomfortable with only a 20- Many agents can be used to induce controlled
gauge IV. It would not be unreasonable to heparin lock hypotension. The key in this case is that the period
this site and seek larger access elsewhere. A urinary of hypotension will be transient; the neuroradiologist
catheter is mandatory, given the large amount of fluid will inject that material, it will harden within the AVM
that will be administered. within 30 seconds, and the blood pressure can then be
The patient is comfortable and ready for anesthetic brought back to its normal range. Therefore we want
induction. Baseline vital signs show a sinus rhythm of to choose an agent that is titratable and short acting.
72 bpm, a respiratory rate of 8, and a blood pressure of Once these criteria have been met, we would also pre-
118/62. fer an agent that is easy to prepare and that is inexpen-
No drugs are specifically contraindicated during sive. Labetolol works well, but the hypotension may
this patients induction. Sodium thiopental or propofol last longer than desired. Sodium nitroprusside has a
would be good choices for an induction agent but must very short duration of action, but unless it is set up in
be titrated to avoid prolonged significant hypotension. advance, this may be a time-consuming chore. Small
Narcotics, if given, should be given sparingly; after the doses of nitroglycerine (50 mcg boluses) titrated to the
punctures of the arterial line insertion (by the anesthe- desired blood pressure seem to work well and fulfill all
siologist) and the femoral artery access (by the neu- the preceding requirements.
roradiologist), both of which will occur within the
near future, there should be no further painful stim- Work effectively with others as a member or
uli. A moderate- to long-acting muscle relaxant should leader of a health care team or other professional
be given and must be rebolused as needed (or given group.
via a continuous infusion) until the conclusion of the
case. Three minutes after the injection of the embolic
How should the ventilator settings be managed for solution, the patient experiences a rapid oxygen desat-
this patient? Is the use of N2 O contraindicated? The uration to 72%. The other vital signs remain stable.
patient should be maintained with an ETCO2 in the How do you proceed?
248 range of 3540 mmHg. Keeping the patient minimally Your primary action should be to inform the neu-
hypercapnic may allow for dilatation of the intracere- roradiology team of this occurrence and ask them
bral vasculature, thereby making it easier for the neu- to temporarily halt the embolization until you can
Case 46 Neuro

troubleshoot the problem. FiO2 should be increased to It is important that we be advocates for our pa-
100%. As with any episode of desaturation, you must tients, and at no time is that sponsorship more impor-
first investigate the most common culprits such as tant than when the patient is under general anesthe-
circuit disconnection, tube occlusion, endobronchial sia and unable to represent his or her own interests. In
tube advancement, bronchoconstriction, and so on. this case, it may seem easier not to challenge the neu-
Once these factors have been ruled out, it is reason- roradiologist and allow the case to end. Human nature
able to conclude that there may be a cause and effect may encourage us to let the patient return in 4 weeks to
relationship between the injection of the embolic par- have the procedure finished; at that time, the case may
ticles and the desaturation, given their close temporal be someone elses concern. However, good patient care
connection. Despite the induced hypotension, it is not demands that the neuroradiologist be questioned as to
uncommon for embolic particles to traverse the AVM whether the best course of action is being pursued. In
and pass into the venous drainage system. From there, this case, the decision to abandon the procedure was
they may freely flow until they lodge in the pulmonary in fact made on medical grounds and not out of conve-
microcirculation. (If the patient has a patent foramen nience. It is dangerous to embolize a large number of
ovale or other intracardiac passage, they may enter vessels feeding a single AVM during a single session.
the arterial circulation.) Depending on the volume As each arteriole is embolized, the blood supply that it
and size of the particles that lodge in the pulmonary used to carry to the AVM is rerouted to the remaining
vasculature, there may be an immediate increase in feeding vessels. Each feeder that is embolized there-
dead space ventilation and a drop in the oxygen sat- fore increases the pressure and volume in its remain-
uration. This is the likely scenario that occurred in ing brethren. Embolization of too many arterioles may
this patient. Treatment is mostly supportive and rests therefore result in rupture of one of the residual ves-
on a cornerstone of positive end-expiratory pressure sels feeding the AVM. Therefore the embolization is
(PEEP). PEEP should be introduced starting at a level done in stages to allow the remaining arterial feed-
of 10 cm H2 O and gradually increased if the patients ers time to adjust to their increased blood flow and
saturation doesnt respond. Resolution of the desatu- pressure.
ration typically occurs within 30 minutes. Although The procedure is complete, and the patient is ready
the exact mechanism of recovery is not known, it has for emergence. Are there any special considerations
been theorized that the increase in pressure proxi- for this patient? The primary factor to consider during
mal to the obstruction forces the opening of collat- emergence is the maintenance of normotension. An
eral circulation, thereby reducing the effect of the dead infusion of an antihypertensive drug may be necessary
space ventilation. Large embolic pieces may need to be for a short period following emergence. As with any
removed manually via the fluoroscopic introduction of neurosurgical procedure, it is valuable if the patient
an intraarterial basket or retrieval device. can be relatively alert following emergence so that a
neurological evaluation can be performed.
Accountability to patients, society, and the You are called to the neurosurgical intensive care
profession. unit 2 hours later to see the patient. She is awake and
crying hysterically. She states that she has not been able
Within 20 minutes, the patients oxygen saturation to see anything at all since she awoke from surgery.
has returned to 98% on an FiO2 of 0.3 and a PEEP Her family is also present, and they are also justifi-
of +5. With your approval, the neuroradiologist con- ably concerned about the patients new-onset blind-
tinues the procedure and uneventfully embolizes two ness.
additional arterioles supplying the AVM. The neuro-
radiologist announces that he has a meeting to attend Participate in identifying system errors and
and decides to stop the case, despite the fact that the implementing potential systems solutions.
patient still has four arterial feeding vessels that will
require embolization. He states that the patient will Postoperative blindness is one of the scariest sce-
be rescheduled for a second-phase embolization in 4 narios an anesthesiologist can face. One of the leading
weeks. Because the patient is hemodynamically stable causes, retinal artery ischemia, is typically caused by
and her desaturation has resolved, you question the faulty head positioning or continuous pressure on the 249
decision not to complete the entire embolization now. eyes. In this case, during which the patient was supine
How do you proceed? and had no pressure applied to the globes, this seems
Contributions from the University of Miami under Michael C. Lewis Part 4

unlikely. We must therefore proceed with a three-way Know how to partner with health care managers
approach. First, we must talk with the patient and and health care providers to assess, coordinate,
her family and assure them that all measures will be and improve health care and know how these
taken to solve the problem and restore the patients activities can affect system performance.
sight. Next, we must alert the neuroradiology team
and immediately involve them in the resolution. It Youre not sure you understand their suspicion of
is also a good time to decide if input from any other an anaphylactoid reaction, so you page the team to
specialists would be valuable. Finally, we must review discuss it with them. In the meantime, how can you
the record to ascertain if this might be an anesthetic proceed?
complication. Anaphylactoid-mediated blindness to intravenous
The neuroradiology team is called, and they order a iodinated contrast is a rare but not unheard of com-
stat computed tomograhy (CT) scan of the head with- plication. A literature search should be performed,
out contrast to rule out a bleed in the occipital cortex. and this would reveal several published case reports
They will meet the patient in the CT suite to evaluate describing this phenomenon (PBLI: locate, appraise,
her. A stat ophthalmology consult is also ordered. In and assimilate evidence from scientific studies related
the interim, you are called back to the operating room to their patients health problems; use informa-
to proceed with your next case. You update the patient tion technology to optimize learning). This condi-
and the family and return to the operating room. tion is caused by the entry of high-osmolality con-
After your next case is finished, you return to the trast into the occipital cortex, resulting in localized
intensive care unit to visit the patient. She is now 5 swelling. Although it will correct itself with time, the
hours postop and still has no vision. You review the administration of intravenous steroids and contin-
results of her CT scan, which reveal no evidence of ued hydration will reduce the duration of the com-
ischemia or hemorrhage. The ophthalmology team has plication. Vision should begin to return within 72
visited and left the following note in the chart: hours, starting with the peripheral fields and moving
1. Pupils 5 mm bilaterally, reactive to light and The patient begins to regain her vision by postoper-
accommodation ative day 3 and has a complete resolution of her blind-
2. Fundoscopic exam normal ness by postoperative day 5. She is discharged from the
3. No nystagmus in response to optokinetic drum hospital the next day.
rules out hysterical response
Participate in the education of patients, families,
4. Suspect idiosyncratic (anaphylactoid) reaction to
students, residents, and other health professionals.
Optiray 300
5. Recommend methylprednisolone 30 mg/kg IV, Job well done. Owing to the interesting set of
then 5.4 mg/kg/hour, as well as increased complications you faced, you should consider pre-
hydration senting this case at a morbidity and mortality con-
6. We will follow up ference.

Case 46 Neuro

Additional reading the Operating Room. Russell GB, ed. Butterworth-

Heinemann, Boston, 1997, p 171194.
1. Harris EA. Pre-anesthetic assessment of the patient for
endovascular coiling. Anesthesiology News 2005 May; 3. Blackburn T, Taekman J, Cronin A, Russell G.
31(5): 3942. Anesthesia considerations for interventional
neuroradiology in Alternate Site Anesthesia: Clinical
2. Barr JD, Lemley TJ. Interventional neuroradiology
Practice Outside the Operating Room. Russell GB, ed.
in Alternate Site Anesthesia: Clinical Practice Outside
Butterworth- Heinemann, Boston, 1997, p 195-223.

Part 4 Contributions from the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
Case under Michael C. Lewis

47 Cardiac catheterization laboratory to cardiac

operating room
Lebron Cooper and Adam Sewell

The case needed another sample of blood. Simultaneously, an

An 87-year-old female with severe and symptomatic ABG previously sent came back with a hemoglobin of
aortic stenosis was to undergo a percutaneous aor- 5 g/dL. Rapid infusion of crystalloid was slowed, but
tic valve replacement in the cath lab under general blood pressure could not be sustained.
anesthesia. Workup included a tight AS by transtho- The blood bank was called again, and emergency-
racic echo, with an aortic valve area of 0.4 cm2 and a release, type O negative blood was requested. The
transvalvular gradient of 85 mmHg. She had a history blood bank supervisor refused to release the blood,
of HTN, on metoprolol, and NIDDM, controlled with stating that he needed a cross-match. The anesthesi-
Glucophage, although she had forgotten to refill her ologist spoke with the supervisor and reiterated the
prescription after her last doctors appointment. She need for immediate release of the emergency type O
was short of breath and had episodes of syncope. Her negative blood. The supervisor was upset and stated
EKG showed NSR with a HR of 68 bpm. Her labs were that he would only send a form that needed to be
all within normal limits, with a HCT of 30 g/dL and a completed as a written request for him to release
glucose level of 283. any emergency blood product. The anesthesiologist
General anesthesia was induced with etomidate yelled into the phone, Dont you know what emer-
and fentanyl. Muscle relaxation was achieved with gency means? The blood bank supervisor hung up the
rocuronium. Anesthesia was maintained with sevoflu- phone.
rane in oxygen. Twenty units of intravenous (IV) The blood bank was called again, and the supervi-
insulin were given to treat the elevated glucose level. sor was told to send the type O negative blood immedi-
Two hours into the procedure, just prior to deploy- ately. Five minutes later, a blood bank technician came
ment of the valve, a wire passed across the valve inad- into the OR with a form in hand, but no blood. The
vertently transected the wall of the proximal aorta. The anesthesiologist completed the form, and the blood
patient rapidly decompensated and the blood pressure bank tech returned to the blood bank.
dropped to 70 mmHg systolic, with a pulsus paradoxus The surgeons succeeded in groin cannulation, but
noted with each ventilator breath. Rapid administra- the CPB pump had been primed with crystalloid. A
tion of crystalloid solution was initiated, and the blood repeat ABG showed a hemoglobin of 3 g/dL. The anes-
bank was notified to send 4 units of packed red blood thesiologist, in conjunction with the surgeon, decided
cells. to delay initiating CPB until blood arrived to prime the
Cardiac surgeons responded, and the sternum was pump.
rapidly opened. In spite of rapid fluid administra- Fifteen minutes later, 4 units of O negative blood
tion, blood pressure continued to fall. Epinephrine was arrived, and 2 units were rapidly infused into the
given in 10-mcg boluses to no avail. Open cardiac mas- patient, while 2 units were added to the CPB prime
sage was done by the surgeons, and the patient was (crystalloid solution was removed simultaneously).
transported to the operating room (OR) to control the CPB was then initiated, and the case proceeded
bleeding, repair the proximal aorta, and complete the uneventfully.
AVR. On weaning from CPB, epinephrine infusion at
On arrival to the OR, heparin was administered 0.5 mcg/kg/minute was administered. An IABP was
and the groin was cannulated for cardiopulmonary inserted via the remaining groin, and separation from
bypass. The blood bank was called again, but the super- CPB was successful. Bleeding was controlled following
252 visor stated that the cross-match had expired, so he protamine administration, and the chest was closed.
Case 47 Cardiac catheterization laboratory to cardiac operating room

The patient was transported to the intensive care have prevented a drop in systemic vascular resistance,
unit. which could have been catastrophic, as a decrease in
SVR in critical AS can lead to acute cardiac arrest sec-
Patient care ondary to decreased coronary artery perfusion during
Residents must be able to provide patient care that is
Knowing your patients medical history can pre-
compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat-
vent a catastrophic or deadly mistake!
ment of health problems and the promotion of health.

Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring Make informed decisions about diagnostic and
and respectful behaviors when interacting with therapeutic interventions based on patient
patients and their families. information and preferences, up-to-date scientific
evidence, and clinical judgment.
This case doesnt actually provide the opportunity
to meet and discuss risks and benefits with the patient, The choice to administer insulin to treat an acutely
but obviously, that would have been necessary prior elevated glucose is an example of this. Another exam-
to inducing general anesthesia. Understanding and ple is the reaction in the face of sheer crisis once
explaining the risks of valve replacement and the pos- the wire transected the aortic root, close observation
sibility of failure in the cath lab requiring emergency of decreased blood pressure and a concomitant pul-
surgery in an 87-year-old patient is paramount to good sus paradoxus suggested pericardial tamponade and
clinical practice. impending cardiovascular collapse. The decision to
call the cardiac surgeons was an example of good clin-
Gather an accurate information about their ical judgment, as was the decision to rapidly infuse
patients. volume. Evidenced-based literature suggests treatment
of tamponade for supporting circulating volume and
The history obtained from this patient was essen- calling for help in a crisis situation.
tial in determining the risk the patient would undergo
if she decided to and consented to the procedure. Develop and carry out patient management plans.
A history of hypertension, although not uncommon,
was treated effectively with metoprolol, and the heart There is no real time for the development of a plan
rate seemed to be well controlled, thus, it was hoped, you just need to act. Emergency chest compressions
reducing the risk of myocardial ischemia during gen- and ACLS protocol had to be initiated immediately.
eral anesthesia. Her diabetes did not appear well con- Organization to get ready for transport to the OR, with
trolled, and it was appropriate to obtain the glucose CPR in progress, and ventilation via Ambu-bag were
level to determine if there was an opportunity to critical. During transport, the plan to eventually go
decrease her risk of neurologic and other organ dam- on CPB includes thinking ahead about what you will
age, which may result from high glucose levels. It also need as youre going down the hallway. That includes
provides the opportunity for the physicians to find out heparin.
why she didnt refill her prescriptions. Although she
may have told the doctors that she forgot, in fact, Counsel and educate patients and their families.
she may not have had the finances, or possibly may Prior to the initial procedure, during your preop
not have had transportation, to have her prescriptions assessment, would have been the only time to speak
refilled. Seldom do patients who have diabetes simply to the patient and family because you planned gen-
forget to refill their prescriptions. This is an example eral anesthesia up front. The question is, how much do
of how you may be able to identify social issues that you tell them? There is always a risk of crisis and sur-
may be better addressed (at a later time, of course) by gical intervention, but detailed possibilities frequently
involving a social worker. frighten patients. Simply informing them of the possi-
Finding out about the severity of the aortic steno- bility of a need to go to surgery is usually sufficient.
sis via transthoracic echo findings, aortic valve area,
and gradient across the valve allowed the anesthesiol- Use information technology to support patient
ogist to make an informed decision concerning induc- care decisions and patient education.
tion agents. The choice of etomidate in this case may
Contributions from the University of Miami under Michael C. Lewis Part 4

Electronic medical and anesthesia records are Medical knowledge

available and in use in many hospitals. Other textbooks
Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab-
address specifics as well as the advantages and disad-
lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cog-
vantages of these systems, but suffice it to say here that
nate (e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sci-
automated alerts that remind you of critical incidents
ences and the application of this knowledge to patient
(such as antibiotic timing or low blood pressure) are a
feature that can help you improve patient care.
Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic
Perform competently all medical and invasive
thinking approach to clinical situations.
procedures considered essential for the area of
practice. In this case, we have to think fast everything was
going well until the wire slipped past the valve and
Obviously, intubation is critical. Bagging the
transected the aorta. The rapid decompensation and
goose gets you nowhere, really, really fast! Whether
the pulsus paradoxus are clinical signs that you can use
you considered invasive central line monitoring or
to determine the severity of the injury and plan your
access was of paramount importance, even if the case
next steps.
had gone smoothly. You cant expect to rapidly infuse
We know that a wire transected the proximal
large amounts of volume through standard peripheral
aorta what we need to determine is the amount of
IV catheters, especially in a crisis situation. Absolutely
damage that it caused. So we look at our patient
making sure your line is in the central vein is critical.
a sudden rapid decrease in blood pressure and the
Either transducing the catheter prior to placing a wire
presence of pulsus paradoxus what did that pesky
or checking placement with ultrasound is mandatory.
wire do? We know that the hemodynamic change
Had you failed to know the line was in the right place,
and the development of pulsus paradoxus were very
you would have been in a heap of trouble!
rapid too rapid for just plain bleeding from the
Provide health care services aimed at preventing
So now we think back to what pulsus paradoxus
health problems or maintaining health.
is: an exaggeration of the normal change in pulse
Well, this isnt really a case that meets this part of when the patient inspires. What kind of injury could
the competency, huh? Your decision to proceed with be caused by a small wire that would give us such
general anesthesia was the best example of how you rapid development of pulsus paradoxus? If the bleed-
did this. Providing immediate volume and chest com- ing were inside the pericardium, then that would cause
pressions, while planning ahead on your trip to the decreased expansion of the entire heart (because the
OR to give heparin prior to instituting CPB, also meets heart is competing for space with the blood).
this. We would then see pulsus paradoxus from the
LV being able to fill less during inspiration, due to
Work with health care professionals, including decreased space available inside the pericardium. Nei-
those from other disciplines, to provide ther the right ventricle nor the left ventricle can fill.
patient-focused care. Our stream of thinking points us toward the conclu-
sion that the patient has a cardiac tamponade.
This is exactly what we do in every single case. Rapid developments call for rapid diagnoses. Wait-
While the surgeon is the patients primary doctor, ing to get imaging or validation will only delay treat-
we are the consultant physicians. Surgeons and anes- ment and may result in patient death.
thesiologists are typically the only specialists work-
ing so that the primary physician takes care of the Know and apply the basic and clinically
patient simultaneously with the consultant physician. supportive sciences that are appropriate to their
Also included in the mix are the nurses and techs in discipline.
the cath lab, followed by the nursing and tech team in
the OR. Add in the perfusionists and the transporters, For us to be good physicians and treat patients cor-
254 and you have a whole slew of people you work with, all rectly, we need to understand the basic cardiac physi-
in an interdisciplinary manner. ology and be able to detect common physical findings
Case 47 Cardiac catheterization laboratory to cardiac operating room

that might be important. In this case, we would need  Ensure that staff of the blood center understand
to draw on our knowledge of the following: what emergency release means and perform their
 cardiac physiology functions appropriately.
 respiratory physiology  Eliminate barriers to patient care in emergency
 how breathing affects pressures inside the chest situations such as bureaucratic processes,
 how respirations affect blood flow unnecessary forms, and personnel who cannot
 normal clinical findings (e.g., pulsus paradoxus perform efficiently during times of
with SBP change less than 10 mmHg) emergency.
 what clinical findings would correlate to which
illness Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from
scientific studies related to their patients health
Practice-based learning problems.
and improvement Ideally, before this procedure, we would need to
Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their develop our skills at being able to analyze what liter-
patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific ature is good and what literature is flawed and invalid.
evidence, and improve their patient care practices. Before starting the case, it would be good to read about
(if there is anything to read about)
Analyze practice experience and perform
practice-based improvement activities using a  anesthesia treatment goals for the patient with AS
systematic methodology.  outcome of patients with AS and percutaneous
In this case, analysis of your practice experience replacement versus open replacement
 common complications that occur during
tells you that you will need three things:
 a CT surgeon to open the chest percutaneous repair
 intraoperative monitoring of patients undergoing
 an OR that will have the necessary setup,
such procedures
including cardiopulmonary bypass, for you to  standard of care for patients who are undergoing
perform open heart surgery
 an OR nursing/tech staff, and perfusionists, who such a procedure
can handle an open heart surgery
 a lot of blood and pressors to resuscitate the
Obtain and use information about their own
patient population of patients and the larger population
Unfortunately, this is not the time to work on practice- from which their patients are drawn.
based improvement activities as you have a serious When reading through the literature, its always
emergency. However, after this case, it will be impor- a good idea to see if it is applicable to the types of
tant to go over the major issues that occurred in the patients you deal with. Who are the patients you usu-
case and ensure that if something similar to this case ally treat? Is the population with which you work dif-
happens again, your practice will have all the resources ferent from the population of the literature? Are your
to deal with the situation: patients more likely to have certain issues, and should
 When performing percutaneous heart procedures,
you take steps to be prepared for such issues? Are
is a CT surgeon available in such an emergency? the studies you read applicable to your population of
 Make sure the necessary equipment is available patients?
for crashing on CPB. Apply knowledge of study designs and statistical
 Ensure that a good communication system is in methods to the appraisal of clinical studies and other
place to allow for quick communication between information on diagnostic and therapeutic effective-
teams and resources. ness. As we have gone over before, we should always
 Make sure that when a type and cross is make sure that the studies we read are performed
completed, it is valid and the patient has blood correctly and have valid significance before we start 255
readily available. putting them into practice.
Contributions from the University of Miami under Michael C. Lewis Part 4

Use information technology to manage Demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles

information, access online medical information, pertaining to provision or withholding of clinical
and support their own education. care, confidentiality of patient information,
informed consent, and business practice.
With all the available technology, we quickly, and
sometimes easily, access a vast amount of resources We can make sure that the patient is properly con-
very quickly. Before the case, we could have done a sented and that everyone on the team is aware of the
search to review the literature. Perhaps, if we werent details of the patient and is prepared. Making sure that
confident in the physician who was performing the the patients information is confidential and not left
percutaneous valve repair, we could have reviewed open for anyone to see is not only a HIPAA require-
the common complications of such procedures and ment, its the right thing to do to protect the patients
the best ways to manage them. privacy. Perhaps most commonly, make sure that our
During this crisis period, we could have an elec- conversations regarding patients and their care are
tronic OR record system that would be recording the confidential and not conducted in front of people who
various vital signs so that when things slow down again are not members of the health care team.
later in the case, we can accurately document what
Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to
occurred as well as what steps we took, and when, to
patients culture, age, gender, and disabilities.
correct these issues.
Cultural issues come into play more often than
Professionalism most of us notice. Being sensitive doesnt mean that
Residents must demonstrate a commitment to car- you need to pretend as if youre one of the characters
rying out professional responsibilities, adherence to from a Lifetime miniseries; just take note, and take the
ethical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient proper steps. Is the patient from a culture in which they
population. dont discuss medical matters with their family? Per-
haps the patient is from a culture in which they dont
Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a have choices in medical care, and they dont under-
responsiveness to the needs of patients and society stand that now, they have options.
that supersedes self-interest; accountability to The patients age, gender, and disabilities are very
patients, society, and the profession; and a important as well; will the patient have a different set of
commitment to excellence and ongoing risks or be unable to perform or understand important
professional development. tasks that the procedure requires?
Consider putting yourself in your patients shoes
So, in this case, respect and compassion can be to see what he or she sees: an unfamiliar environ-
demonstrated to the patient in the preoperative hold- ment; myriad people interacting with the patient,
ing area. Integrity can be demonstrated by being hon- using words with which the patient may not be famil-
est to the patient about risks and benefits of the pro- iar, or perhaps in a language that could be the patients
cedure and the anesthetic. Being mentally alert and second or third language. It doesnt take a leap of the
ready, having all necessary equipment, and ensuring imagination to see how this could be overwhelming for
that all labs and studies are correctly done and ready many people.
are just as important. For example, the type and cross
could have been confirmed prior to proceeding. Interpersonal and
The interaction between the anesthesiologist and
the blood bank director could definitely be classi-
communication skills
fied as unprofessional. A better approach would be to Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal
keep your cool and speak calmly, even if at that very and communication skills that result in effective infor-
moment, you dont agree with what you are being told. mation exchange and teaming with patients, their
Listening to the concerns of other health care profes- patients families, and professional associates.
sionals may help you understand their points of view, Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically
256 and they may help prevent you from making an error sound relationship with patients.
that could cause harm to a patient.
Case 47 Cardiac catheterization laboratory to cardiac operating room

Just like youve heard a gazillion times before, wash the patient to the OR. Without effective and pointed
your hands before you see a patient. It not only sets communication, disaster could just as easily have hap-
a professional tone, but its also the right thing to do! pened.
Health care workers are notorious for spreading con- Once in the OR, though, communication fell apart.
tamination around the hospital, and hospital-acquired Attempts to obtain O negative, emergency-release
infections can increase morbidity and mortality. blood were unsuccessful, and while the patient circled
During your preop assessment, dont just pop in the drain, the anesthesiologist quickly lost his cool,
and stay for a second or two, and dont sit in front of with a less than appropriate response to the blood
the patient with your nose in the chart or writing on a bank director, who, although being somewhat obstruc-
piece of paper at the expense of talking and listening to tionist in this crisis situation, did not deserve to be
the patient. Make her feel like you care. yelled at over the phone. The upset anesthesiologist,
who became condescending and yelled into the phone,
Use effective listening skills and elicit and provide only caused a further delay in receiving the blood.
information using effective nonverbal, The blood bank director should not have hung up
explanatory, questioning, and writing skills. the phone; an alternative solution should have been
sought. However, the anesthesiologist did not know
Listening, as stated earlier, is one of the most im-
the specifics of the blood bank policies for emergency
portant parts of your preop assessment. Writing every-
release of blood and assumed that the blood bank
thing down you see in a medical record, although
director was an imbecile.
important for documentation purposes, doesnt give
These interactions show specifically how not to
you any information, except what someone else has
behave. The delay caused by the personal interactions
already obtained. If you listen to the patient, you will
between the anesthesiologist and blood bank direc-
frequently learn more from the patient personally,
tor only put the patient at further risk. It is impera-
which will make a major difference in the patients care.
tive that although you may not understand or know all
Work effectively with others as a member or the details about an interdepartmental policy or rea-
leader of a health care team or other professional soning, you listen and state your concerns in a calm,
group. cohesive fashion. Never lose your cool and stoop to
denigration of anyone else on the team. Doing so has
Working with others was addressed earlier, under the potential to cause extreme patient harm, or even
the Patient Care competency section. Teamwork is death.
of utmost importance, and all members of the team
should feel equally welcome to raise questions or point Systems-based practice
out potential hazards or errors that are about to occur.
Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and
Intimidation by any team member, whether surgeon,
responsiveness to the larger context and system of
cardiologist, anesthesiologist, nurse, or perfusionist,
health care and the ability to effectively call on system
is simply unacceptable, and studies have shown an
resources to provide care that is of optimal value.
increase in morbidity and mortality directly related to
intimidation in critical settings such as an OR. Understand how their patient care and other
Of course, someone has to be in charge in a crisis, professional practices affect other health care
just like an airplane pilot is in charge of an airplane, professionals, the health care organization, and
but any team member should feel welcome to bring up the larger society and how these elements of the
concerns with any step in patient care. Arrogance has system affect their own practice.
no place in the OR or any other setting.
In this case, once the crisis in the OR happened, There are several examples in this case concern-
discussions among the cardiologist, surgeons, and ing systems-based practice. The simple fact that gen-
anesthesiologist took on a new meaning of quick con- eral anesthesia was chosen allowed the procedure in
sult. Everyone had to be on his or her toes, rapidly the cath lab to proceed without patient movement.
acting to stabilize the patient, while consulting the sur- That decision further made it easier to immediately
geons emergently, giving report of the situation, and respond to the inadvertent placement of the wire 257
communicating effectively the need to urgently move through the wall of the aorta by concentrating on
Contributions from the University of Miami under Michael C. Lewis Part 4

crisis management in conjunction with the cardiolo- as open heart surgery, save money, or does it just add to
gist, prompting immediate volume resuscitation and the overall cost? You have to consider prolonged inten-
chest compressions as well as activation of the cardiac sive care unit care, if surgery is your answer, when you
surgeons. make these types of decisions.
The challenge incurred with the blood bank offers Is society better off by providing less invasive
a great example of how systems in a health care facility care, even at greater initial cost than if the definitive,
can be improved. The form that was required to release more costly procedure were done? How can we justify
O negative, emergency-release blood was an obstacle spending so much money on staffing and equipment
to receiving the blood. An electronic approach, or a if were only doing a nondefinitive treatment? Or by
different system implemented to allow release of the spending that money on staff and equipment, are we
blood in such a crisis situation, is begging to be found. avoiding the increased costs in the long run?
The communication between the anesthesiologist Working within the health care system to deter-
and the blood bank director is an example of how mine the best approach, which is most cost-effective
patient care was hindered by their interaction. This and has the best patient outcomes, is exactly what this
suggests that a system solution is needed to address competency is all about. Deciding the proper mix of
how physicians and other health care professionals types of practice allows for best use and allocation of
approach problems, speak to each other, and learn to limited and costly resources.
manage their emotions in a crisis.
Can a system be sought that doesnt require Advocate for quality patient care and assist
telephone communication or paper forms that may patients in dealing with system complexities.
delay care? These are perfect examples of how to
As stated earlier, the situation in this case with the
improve interactions, health care delivery, and patient
blood bank begs for a solution. As the anesthesiologist,
the patients physician, it is your responsibility to fol-
Know how types of medical practice and delivery low up on this situation to see if you can come up with,
systems differ from one another, including within the scope of practice of the blood bank prac-
methods of controlling health care costs and titioners, a better system to get blood to the clinical
allocating resources. areas much faster in a crisis. Setting up meetings with
the blood bank director and/or supervising pathol-
This case is a great example for showing how med- ogist may be the first step in identifying challenges
ical practices and delivery systems differ from each associated with release of un-cross-matched blood and
other. Working within the cath lab, frequently, vigi- offers the opportunity to create and write policies and
lance may be lacking, but things can quickly go awry procedures that meet the goals of the hospital, the
without much warning. Seldom in an OR environment requirements of the physicians, and the needs of the
are things out of control. patient.

Practice cost-effective health care and resource Know how to partner with health care managers
allocation that does not compromise quality of and health care providers to assess, coordinate,
care. and improve health care and know how these
activities can affect system performance.
If youve ever worked in a cardiac catheterization or
elecrophysiology laboratory environment, youve seen Following such a case, reviewing the challenges
the loads and loads of catheters used to stent, dilate, with other health care providers, such as the sur-
ablate, or somehow treat a certain cardiovascular dis- geons and cardiologists, is really important. Identify-
ease. Sometimes it may seem the catheters are used ing problems encountered and coming to consensus
with no consideration of cost, while things in the OR solutions that may prevent those problems from recur-
are watched closely. The question from a financial per- ring in the future is the goal.
spective is this: does opening and using another costly Involving hospital administrators in your dis-
catheter that allows successful treatment of the disease, cussions with the blood bank and pathologist may
258 yet prevents a further, more invasive procedure, such reveal budgetary constraints or hospital administrative
Case 47 Cardiac catheterization laboratory to cardiac operating room

policies about blood transfusion unknown to you Meeting with these folks will give you the opportunity
before the incident. Perhaps you find that the blood to identify issues that may be solved by updating poli-
bank policies have been set to be able to meet demand, cies or supporting the need with the financial guys to
based on limited staffing due to budgetary constraints. give greater funding to the blood bank.

Part 4 Contributions from the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
Case under Michael C. Lewis

48 Lap choly in someone great with child

Amy Klash Pulido and Shawn Banks

The case Besides the usual preoperative information, a his-

tory about the pregnancy was necessary, as well.
A 28-year-old female presents for a laparoscopic chole-
Had the patient been receiving regular prenatal care?
cystectomy for acute cholecystitis. She is 18 weeks
Were there any related complications? Has she been
pregnant (G1P0). She has no other past medical his-
feeling the baby move regularly?
tory and no allergies. She had general anesthesia in
the past for a tonsillectomy at age 7, with no anes- Develop and carry out patient management plans.
thetic complications. The patient was symptomatic and
a decision was made to do the operation as conser- Management for a laparoscopic cholecystectomy is
vative treatment had failed. Her obstetrician was con- not a difficult management plan to formulate. How-
tacted regarding fetal monitoring. She recommended ever, adding a second unborn patient into the mix
that fetal heart tones be monitored immediately prior increases the stakes. We will err on the side of safety
to induction and then postoperatively as well. and avoid nitrous oxide and midazolam. This patient
Once the patient was in the operating room (OR), will be treated as a full stomach, and we will reduce
she was laid supine on the OR table with some lat- the risk of aspiration by giving a nonparticulate antacid
eral uterine displacement, and standard ASA monitors and performing a rapid sequence induction. Uter-
were applied. A labor and delivery nurse recorded the ine displacement will be maintained and hypotension
fetal heart rate at approximately 160 beats per minute. promptly treated.
The fetal monitoring was then discontinued.
Counsel and educate patients and their families.
The patient received a nonparticulate antacid in the
holding area preoperatively. A rapid-sequence induc- The patient was nervous for obvious reasons. What
tion was performed with propofol, and neuromuscu- effect will the surgery have on her and, more important
lar relaxation was achieved with succinylcholine. Once to her, the baby? Sensing this, I gave her my routine
general anesthesia was attained, the surgery com- spiel about what to expect when going back to the OR
menced. plus some extra information on anesthesia and preg-
At conclusion of the operation, the patient was nancy. The goal is to inform her without unnecessarily
extubated and taken to the postanesthesia recovery burdening her with scary details.
unit. The same labor and delivery nurse was available
to monitor the fetal heart beat, and it was documented Use information technology to support patient
as being within normal limits. The patient did very care decisions and patient education.
well postoperatively and was discharged home from
Every time is the right time for a Google search!
the hospital on postoperative day 2.
Dont forget UpToDate, MD Consult, and PubMed.
We have such extensive resources literally at our finger-
Patient care tips; it would be a crime not to utilize these resources.
Residents must be able to provide patient care that is
compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat- Perform competently all medical and invasive
ment of health problems and the promotion of health. procedures considered essential for the area of
Gather essential and accurate information about
260 their patients. Luckily, the procedure is a simple one, and the
patient does not have any comorbidity that would
Case 48 Lap choly in someone great with child

require more invasive monitoring. For the fetal heart

tones, we will have an expert come, just because we Use information technology to manage
can. information, access online medical information,
and support their own education.
Work with health care professionals, including Have there been further studies since the Barash
those from other disciplines, to provide chapter was written? Most likely so.
patient-focused care. Clinicians can resort to looking at the current prac-
This one is easy. We spoke with the patients obste- tice guidelines and recommendations. Many review
trician to get current recommendations as well as to articles will even grade these suggestions. Unfor-
alert her to the fact that the patient was requiring tunately, most are grade 2C recommendations. This
surgery. We were fortunate to have a labor and delivery means that it is a weak recommendation from
nurse present to record fetal heart tones immediately moderate-quality evidence. Because few would want to
before and after surgery. do prospective, randomized, controlled trials on preg-
nant women, most of the data are retrospective or from
animal studies. Case studies are another way to fill in
Medical knowledge the gaps lacking in the current literature.
Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab- The medical student is yearning to learn all about
lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cognate how hormonal changes during pregnancy increase the
(e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sciences viscosity of bile and relax the gallbladder, leading to
and the application of this knowledge to patient care. stasis. We also can take time to educate the OR nurse
about pregnant womens increased risk for throm-
Know and apply the basic and clinically boembolism. This way, he or she can understand why
supportive sciences that are appropriate to their we are so insistent about putting sequential compres-
discipline. sion devices on the patient.
As inferred from the preceding verbiage, this com-
petency is intimately linked to patient care. One must Professionalism
have core knowledge of the medical problems with Residents must demonstrate a commitment to car-
which patients present to anticipate problems that may rying out professional responsibilities, adherence to
arise in the perioperative setting. Because we under- ethical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient
stand from embryology that organogenesis is primar- population.
ily a first-trimester phenomenon, the surgery will be
safer during this trimester. Pharmacology teaches us Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a
that midazolam is a category D drug, according to responsiveness to the needs of patients and society
the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. This means that supersedes self-interest; accountability to
that there is positive evidence of risk. Investigational patients, society, and the profession; and a
or postmarketing data show risk to the fetus. We will commitment to excellence and ongoing
avoid this drug. Most important, our medical knowl- professional development.
edge tells us that anesthesia is safe. This is because of
a Swedish study published in the 1980s. It showed that Was it mentioned that this procedure was just get-
the risk of congenital anomalies and stillbirths is not ting going at 11:00 p.m.? Your dinner has long since
increased in women requiring anesthesia versus those been eaten, and you have been doing cases non-
having procedures without general anesthesia. stop since 7:00 a.m. Nonetheless, you down some
performance-enhancing drugs, that is, caffeine, and
get to work. This competency happens every time a
Practice-based learning resident makes the patient feel that the resident would
and improvement much rather be taking care of her than sleeping.
Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their
patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific Demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles 261
evidence, and improve their patient care practices. pertaining to provision or withholding of clinical
Contributions from the University of Miami under Michael C. Lewis Part 4

care, confidentiality of patient information, Systems-based practice

informed consent, and business practice.
Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and
We take care to interview the patient without fam- responsiveness to the larger context and system of
ily members in earshot for her own privacy as well as to health care and the ability to effectively call on system
enhance the potential for the whole truth and nothing resources to provide care that is of optimal value.
Understand how their patient care and other
professional practices affect other health care
Interpersonal and professionals, the health care organization, and
communication skills the larger society and how these elements of the
Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal system affect their own practice.
and communication skills that result in effective infor-
mation exchange and collaboration with patients, their In this case, with an unborn child hanging in the
patients families, and other health professionals. balance, it is easy to see how this would affect future
resources. A child born with a birth defect or severely
Use effective listening skills and elicit and provide premature will incur an enormous cost to society at
information using effective nonverbal, large.
explanatory, questioning, and writing skills.
Practice cost-effective health care and resource
For the anesthesiologist, the preoperative evalua- allocation that does not compromise quality of
tion is where the money is. It is akin to speed dating, care.
in which you have 5 minutes to make a good impres-
sion, but instead of getting someones phone number, We reuse whatever items we can, such as the blood
you get his or her life in your hands. There is such lim- pressure cuff, pulse oximeter, and electrocardiogram
ited time in which to create this relationship that every- electrodes, and send her to the recovery room with
thing you say or dont say to the patient matters. This those, as well. We only set up what we expect to use
patient, in particular, had many questions about anes- during the case. This includes not opening five dif-
thetic implications to her baby, which deserved infor- ferently sized endotracheal tubes or setting up more
mative answers. The word doctor comes from the Latin than one intravenous bag. Only essential drugs will be
term for teacher, and it is especially during these pre- drawn up. These small efforts can add up to save hun-
operative conversations that we can perform this role. dreds of dollars.

Part 4 Contributions from the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
Case under Michael C. Lewis

49 Renal transplant
Carlos M. Mijares and Sana Nini

The case thesia. Regional anesthesia for post operative pain con-
trol was refused as it was assumed that the risks (given
A 54-year-old African-American female with a long
her renal failure) were too high. All consent documen-
history of renal failure presents for a kidney transplant.
tation was signed and witnessed.
The patient has been undergoing peritoneal dialysis
In the holding area a peripheral IV was started and
for the last 10 years. Hemodialysis had been attempted
standard premedication (midazolam 2 mg and gly-
in the past but she had problems with infection
copyrrolate 0.3 mg) was administered. A nonpartic-
and thrombosis in the fistulae. On admission labora-
ulate antacid (bicitra) was administered to increase
tory investigations revealed a BUN 80, creatinine 5.0,
gastric pH and reduce the risk of acid aspiration on
and potassium 4.0 mEq/L. An admission electro-
induction. Once an initial time-out was completed the
cardiogram revealed normal sinus rhythm with left
patient was transferred to the operating room.
bundle branch block and left ventricular hypertro-
Standard ASA monitors were applied. Intraopera-
phy. Physical examination was unremarkable. She was
tive monitoring included heart rate, noninvasive blood
accompanied to the hospital by other family members.
pressure, oxygen saturation, end tidal CO2 and elec-
Anesthesia management of renal transplants re-
trocardiogram in all patients. Peripheral intravenous
quires a thorough understanding of the metabolic
access was secured in the hand opposite to the pre-
and systemic abnormalities in end-stage renal dis-
existing fistula and induction of anesthesia was done
ease (ESRD). Knowledge concerning transplant
with propofol (2 mg/kg-1). A modified rapid sequence
medicine and expertise in managing and optimizing
technique used. Neuromuscular blockade was main-
these patients produce the best possible outcome.
tained with rocuronium (0.6 mg/kg). The patient was
The related co-morbid conditions increase the com-
intubated and ventilated. Anesthesia was maintained
plexity of anesthesia and perioperative morbidity and
with 40% N2 O in oxygen supplemented with 12%
mortality. Hence, optimal anesthesia management of
isoflurane with fresh gas flow of 2 l/min. Analgesia was
these patients includes a multidisciplinary approach
maintained with fentanyl (25 mcg/kg) and at the end
with well-designed strategies.
of the case morphine was administered for long-term
pain control (0.1 mg/kg).
Patient care The patient was intubated easily using a glide scope.
Residents must be able to provide patient care that It was decided to use both continuous invasive arterial
is compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the pressure and central venous line (CVP) monitoring.
treatment of health problems and the promotion of The CVP line was placed in the right internal jugular
health. vein. Strict asepsis was maintained at all times. Normal
Following an initial history and physical, the saline was administered during the surgery. It wasnt
patient was confirmed for renal transplant. All inves- necessary to give colloid or blood.
tigations were reviewed. In the preoperative holding Immunosuppressant therapy was given. Surgery
area the patient was interviewed with her family mem- lasted approximately 5 hours. Following reperfusion
bers. Risks, benefits, and options concerning anesthe- urine output and arterial blood gas values (ABGs)
sia technique were outlined to both the patient and the were within acceptable values. The patient was extu-
family. Having considered all the presented issues, an bated to the intensive care unit.
anesthetic plan was developed with the agreement of The patient had no complications. A chest x-ray
the patient. It was agreed to administer general anes- was normal. The patient was discharged after 5 days. 263
Contributions from the University of Miami under Michael C. Lewis Part 4

Medical knowledge ical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient pop-

Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab-
Resident physicians should follow the guidelines
lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cognate
(e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sciences
and the application of this knowledge to patient care. 1. interact in a professional manner with other
Every year in excess of 16,000 patients undergo kid- members of the health care team intensive care
ney transplant in the United States. This number is unit
expected to increase. Because the 1-year survival rate 2. wash hands before and after examining the patient
for the majority of transplant recipients is around 90%, 3. maintain patient confidentiality and respect
an increasing number of transplant patients present patient privacy
like our patient in a semi-elective fashion for surgery. 4. demonstrate empathy and compassion for the
Transplantation provides an almost normal life and patient
outstanding rehabilitation compared to dialysis and as 5. prior to seeing the patient review current
in our case is the favored means of treatment for end- management practices and research in transplant
stage renal disease patients. anesthesia
It would be expected that if the resident physician 6. act in a professional manner when coming in
had not administered anesthesia for a renal transplant contact with patients
before they would read and review any institutional 7. have the patients safety in mind at all times
protocols for patients undergoing transplant surgery. 8. develop ethically based relationships
Residents should also review biochemical sciences per-
tinent to the case. Interpersonal and communication
Practice-based learning and Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal
improvement and communication skills that result in effective infor-
mation exchange and teaming with patients, their
Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their
patients families, and professional associates.
patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific
Residents should do the following:
evidence, and improve their patient care practices.
The resident had done enough prior transplants 1. interact with the patient, family, and other
to feel comfortable. In our case the resident had a members of the health care team
strong understanding of immunosuppressants; steril- 2. act in a professional manner when coming in
ity; whether to extubate at the end of surgery; using an contact with patients
ABG to monitor a patients optimal physiology, par- 3. have the patients safety in mind at all times
ticularly around the events of reperfusion; and being 4. explain all issues involved with surgery and
vigilant about urine output throughout the case. anesthetic care
In this transplant case, the resident physician had 5. work effectively with transplant surgeons and
reviewed all scientific evidence and had simulated and medical staff before, during, and after procedures
planned for general anesthesia, keeping in mind steril-
ity when placing invasive lines. The patient was aware If, after surgery, the resident sees the family in the hos-
of better outcomes with living related donors than pital, and the family is requesting information, the res-
cadaveric donors. The resident had reviewed outcomes ident should show empathy and explain to the family
of related procedures, rejections, and complications that the procedure went well from his or her point of
post transplant. The resident continued to monitor the view on the anesthetic care team, but further details
patient postoperatively. on the surgery should be discussed with the surgical

Professionalism Systems-based practice

264 Residents must demonstrate a commitment to carry- Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and
ing out professional responsibilities, adherence to eth- responsiveness to the larger context and system of
Case 49 Renal transplant

health care and the ability to effectively call on system 4. provide a safe environment so that the patient is
resources to provide care that is of optimal value. not injured by anesthesia procedures (like line
Residents should do the following: placement) by using an ultrasound device and
1. remain focused on the care of the transplant airway devices, particularly for patients with a
patient, including preoperative visits and history of difficult airways
evidence-based knowledge of organ transplants 5. review previous anesthesia records and the
in this case, a kidney transplant due to ESRD, patients history of blood transfusions
which can have different etiologies (e.g., 6. recognize that this transplant will have an impact
polycystic kidney disease) on the patient in both the short term and the long
2. provide the most sterile environment possible term
3. ensure safe positioning of patients, especially 7. ensure that organs are preserved as well as
diabetic patients, who may already have possible, according to the residents current level
preexisting neuropathies, to avoid deterioration of of training, and show perseverance in ensuring
marginal nerve function the patients well-being

Part 4 Contributions from the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
Case under Michael C. Lewis

50 Surprise! Its a liver and kidney transplant

Michael Rossi and Sujatha Pentakota

The case rare metabolic disorder. The girl had type I primary
hyperoxalosis, for which the treatment of choice is
A 16-month-old girl with end-stage renal disease due
combined liver and kidney transplant.
to primary hyperoxalosis is undergoing a combined
We discussed the plan with the surgeons, pediatric
liver and kidney transplant. The childs weight is 6.2 kg
nephrologists, and other subspecialists involved.
(less than the fifth percentile), and her overall state of
health is poor. Her parents had traveled from Mex-
Make informed decisions about diagnostic and
ico for the surgery. They do not speak English, and
therapeutic interventions based on patient
their native language is Spanish. The familys religion
information and preferences, up-to-date
is Judaism, and they are rigorously observant. The
scientific evidence, and clinical judgment.
child is going to surgery late on Friday afternoon (the
upcoming sabbath). The anesthesiology team had been We were informed of this patient in the immedi-
unaware of this patient until the day of surgery. ate preoperative period. We decided to proceed as the
organs were immediately available, and given that we
Patient care were at a major transplant center, we understood the
difficulty of procuring a compatible organ for a small
Residents must be able to provide patient care that is
child (two, in this case).
compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat-
During the intraop period, we performed regular
ment of health problems and the promotion of health.
arterial blood gas (ABG) analyses and acted on them.
For example, peak inspiratory pressures were reduced
Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring
to decrease tidal volume and increase PaCO2 , and cal-
and respectful behaviors when interacting with
cium and PRBC were given to correct hypocalcemia
patients and their families.
and low hematocrit. Along with the initial ABG, a
We conducted a thorough preoperative interview blood sample was drawn for thromboelastography.
with the family, with the help of a Spanish-speaking
colleague. Informed consent was obtained. We were Develop and carry out patient management plans.
honest with the parents and conveyed to them the
major risks involved in the surgery, including the risk After induction, we placed radial and femoral arte-
of death. rial lines. We decided to use the patients hemodial-
ysis catheter as a central line as a preop ultrasound
Gather essential and accurate information about had revealed thrombosis in the internal jugular veins.
their patients. After the IVC clamp was on, the surgeons began push-
ing on the diaphragm, causing difficulty in effectively
We reviewed the patients medical record and ventilating the patient, and we communicated to the
obtained the results of the laboratory tests and various surgeons the problem we were having. As the surgery
diagnostic imaging studies that had been performed. progressed and the patients hemodynamic status dete-
We noted that the preop blood chemistry was accept- riorated, we called for help. Another pediatric anes-
able. We ascertained that the patient had undergone thesiologist and CRNA came to the operating room.
hemodialysis prior to surgery. Intraop, the patient developed pulmonary edema and
266 We performed a PubMed search to understand bet- had a low hematocrit. We did an exchange transfusion
ter the pathophysiology of primary oxalosis as it is a with packed red blood cells to increase the hematocrit
Case 50 Surprise! Its a liver and kidney transplant

without increasing the blood volume. On reperfusion, developed refractory hyperkalemia, we attempted to
the patient developed severe hyperkalemia, resulting contact the nephrologists again for CVVHD. Through-
in cardiac arrest. Defibrillation was ineffective. The out the case, we were in constant communication with
surgeons attempted direct cardiac massage. the surgeons.

Counsel and educate patients and their families.

Practice-based learning
We impressed on the parents the risks involved and improvement
with the surgery the probable need for intensive care
Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their
unit care, the prolonged rehab that would be involved,
patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific
and the significant probability of death.
evidence, and improve their patient care practices.
Use information technology to support patient
Analyze practice experience and perform
care decisions and patient education.
practice-based improvement activities using a
Primary hyperoxalosis is a rare, autosomal, reces- systematic methodology.
sive genetic disorder. We did a literature search on
Our experience with this patient made us realize
PubMed and reviewed the Mayo Clinic hyperoxalo-
the importance of preoperative planning and a mul-
sis registry to understand better the varied presenta-
tidisciplinary approach to optimize patient care. We
tions of this disorder. We reviewed the patients ultra-
realized the need to establish a better bereavement pro-
sound imaging to establish the patency of the neck
cess, especially for families with diverse cultural and
vessels because the patient would need an internal
linguistic backgrounds.
jugular central line for CVP monitoring, for blood
product transfusion, and for resuscitation.
Perform competently all medical and invasive Residents must demonstrate a commitment to car-
procedures considered essential for the area of rying out professional responsibilities, adherence to
practice. ethical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient
In the operating room, the preop ASA standard
monitors were placed. Postinduction, we established a Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a
radial and femoral arterial line for monitoring. responsiveness to the needs of patients and society
that supersedes self-interest; accountability to
Provide health care services aimed at preventing
patients, society, and the profession; and a
health problems or maintaining health.
commitment to excellence and ongoing
Postinduction, we gave the patient preop antibi- professional development.
otics. Preincision, we held a final time-out, per our
We informed the parents in a nonjudgmental man-
hospital guidelines. We started immunosuppressive
ner of the realistic probability of death involved in the
agents in a timely manner. We observed barrier pre-
case. We understood the significance of the linguis-
cautions and asepsis in placing all lines.
tic and cultural barrier that existed in this situation.
Work with health care professionals, including Hence we took advantage of the help of one of our
those from other disciplines, to provide Spanish-speaking colleagues in our discussions with
patient-focused care. the parents.

Preop, we tried to contact the nephrologists to dis- Interpersonal and

cuss our concerns about two adult organs being trans-
planted into a 1-year-old girl and the necessity of hav- communication skills
ing an intraop renal replacement strategy, if required. Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal
We contacted the postanesthesia care unit attending and communication skills that result in effective infor-
and ascertained that they had a bed for the patient for mation exchange and teaming with patients, their 267
postop monitoring and care. Intraop, when the patient patients families, and professional associates.
Contributions from the University of Miami under Michael C. Lewis Part 4

Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically Systems-based practice

sound relationship with patients. Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and
responsiveness to the larger context and system of
We need to understand the concerns of the family health care and the ability to effectively call on system
as a whole while taking care of pediatric patients. We resources to provide care that is of optimal value.
need to appreciate the level of understanding and emo- Understand how their patient care and other
tional involvement of the family. It is imperative that professional practices affect other health care
the family understand the probability of various risks professionals, the health care organization, and
involved in each case. In the present situation, we did the larger society and how these elements of the
our best to convey these to the parents. At the end of system affect their own practice.
the case, we did our best to explain the outcome gently
to the parents, with the help of a Spanish-speaking An interdisciplinary case review was performed
colleague. We honored their request to remove all after this case. The transplant service held an intrade-
the lines before transferring the patient to the mortu- partmental case review. We had a departmental M&M
ary. We accommodated their wishes for postmortem so that we could share our experience with our col-
care and made arrangements to contact the Jewish leagues and get their input in an attempt to improve
chaplain. the outcome of similar cases in the future.

Part 4 Contributions from the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
Case under Michael C. Lewis

51 Left lower extremity pain

Omair H. Toor and David A. Lindley

The case tenderness, concordance, or reproduction of pain with

palpation of the lower extremities.
The patient is an 81-year-old female with an onset of
A lumbar spine MRI dated this week shows multi-
left lower extremity pain that began 1 month ago. The
level degenerative disc disease and multilevel degen-
patient states that her pain radiates down to the toes on
erative joint disease with mild multilevel central
her left foot and describes the pain as sharp and full of
canal stenosis. Pelvic fractures are noted in computed
pressure; she denies any burning qualities. The patient
sustained a fall 3 months ago and suffered a pelvic
fracture at that time. The primary care team ordered
a magnetic resonance image (MRI) last night. Patient care
The patient had a CVA between 2 to 3 years ago, Residents must be able to provide patient care that is
affecting left lower extremity motor powers. Her past compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat-
history includes hypercholesterolemia, HTN, GERD, ment of health problems and the promotion of health.
and a fall with pelvic fracture 3 months ago. Her
past surgical history includes cholecystectomy and a Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring
cesarean section. Medications include ASA 81 mg po and respectful behaviors when interacting with
qd, Lipitor 40 mg po qd, Aciphex 20 po qd, and HCTZ patients and their families.
25 mg po qd. The patient has an allergy to codeine.
Interpreters should be used when indicated for
The patient denies a history of alcohol or drug
effective communication. We would introduce our-
abuse. She quit smoking 30 years ago, after 40 pack
selves to the patient and family members who are
years. She lives with her daughter and grandchild. Pre-
present before starting a careful history and physical
viously, she was a housewife, but she has been widowed
exam. Eye contact and a handshake help to reassure
for 20 years.
the patient and family members that they have your
Vital signs are as follows:
complete attention and interest.
temperature, 97.0 C
Gather essential and accurate information about
pulse, 88 beats per minute
their patients.
respiratory rate, 20 breaths per minute
blood pressure, 138/80 Essential information here includes a careful his-
height, 5 feet 8 inches tory regarding when the pain started, the quality of the
weight, 79 kg pain, the intensity of the pain, positional provocative
factors, positional alleviating factors, associated symp-
In general, the patient is alert, awake, and oriented. toms, past treatment efficacy, failures, and side effects.
Her gait is antalgic on the right, and her stance shows History should also include circumstances around the
postural landmarks aligned. Bilateral manual muscle fall. Was it a trip and fall, or a loss of consciousness
testing reveals 5/5 in the L2, L3, L4, L5, and S1 mus- and a fall? Was it a fall and then a loss of conscious-
cle groups. Bilateral L2 to S1 dermatomes are intact ness? On physical examination, essential informa-
to light touch. There is no rash or allodynia. Paresthe- tion includes gross observation, stance, gait, palpation,
sias are noted in the stocking distribution of the distal range of motion, concordance, muscle strength test-
third of the leg and foot on the left. Negative straight ing, reflexes, sensory testing, and provocative maneu- 269
leg raising tests bilateral lower extremities. There is no vers. Imaging studies should then be reviewed to help
Contributions from the University of Miami under Michael C. Lewis Part 4

support the residents impression from history and ily medications, in addition to physical therapy and
physical examination. In this case, pertinent imaging cognitive therapies, which are therapies usually con-
studies may include past brain imaging, plain films, ducted with a psychologist who specializes in pain.
and lumbar imaging. Use of models and diagrams is also helpful, and draw-
ings used in such discussions are suitably added to
Develop and carry out patient management plans. medical records.
Because, in the detailed history taking, the patient
Use information technology to support patient
reported loss of consciousness and the subsequent fall
care decisions and patient education.
2 months ago, a portion of the workup will include
metabolic, neurologic, and pharmacologic etiologic If the patient and/or family members have Web
causes in coordination with primary care physicians access, then we would provide Web addresses for
and other specialists on the team. Further brain imag- treatment of central pain syndrome. A support group
ing may be indicated to evaluate for evolving cere- would also be helpful in designing the treatment plan
brovascular events that may contribute to a central along with the physician and would provide emotional
pain state. support.
We reviewed past plain films of pelvic fractures for
correlation with any palpatory concordance with our Perform competently all medical and invasive
physical exam. In this case, there was no concordance procedures considered essential for the area of
with the previous fracture sites and palpatory findings. practice.
We reviewed a recent lumbar spine MRI. In
this case, MRI findings included multilevel degener- Competence here is demonstrated by not perform-
ative disc disease and degenerative joint disease of ing an interventional modality that is not indicated
the lumbar spine. No significant disc displacements for central pain syndrome. As far as demonstration
were noted. Mild multilevel central canal stenosis of competence of medical modalities goes, this can be
was noted. No significant neuroforaminal stenosis was achieved by discussing the risks and benefits of opioid
noted. and adjuvant therapies.
Because evidence from the history and physical
Provide health care services aimed at preventing
examination suggests central pain syndrome, which
health problems or maintaining health.
often presents a few years after stroke, we will start
central pain syndrome therapies. We will start low- As pain physicians, we would make certain that the
dose gabapentin and plan for future dose optimization. patient is being followed by a primary care physician or
We may consider a serotonin-norepinephrine reup- neurologist for health maintenance and to help prevent
take inhibitor, which are used in central pain syn- a repeat stroke.
dromes, among other pain syndromes. However, con-
sideration must also be given to the patients age and Work with health care professionals, including
the side effects of such drugs in the elderly. The axiom those from other disciplines, to provide
start low and go slow is a good rule of thumb for titra- patient-focused care.
tion and optimization of the dose.
The role of other health care professionals is essen-
Counsel and educate patients and their families. tial to working as a team to provide care for the patient.
This requires verbal and written communication with
In each case, level of education and cognition needs other physicians to form a complete and thorough
to be assessed and the terms used adjusted accordingly. treatment plan and preventative health plan.
Educating the patient and/or family in this case may
sound something like this: There are several possible
causes of your pain, but we think the most likely cause Medical knowledge
is pain that occurs after damage to the brain after a Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab-
stroke. This type of pain may start even several years lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cognate
270 later after the stroke, as we believe is your case. This is (e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sciences
called central pain syndrome. The treatment is primar- and the application of this knowledge to patient care.
Case 51 Left lower extremity pain

Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from
thinking approach to clinical situations. scientific studies related to their patients health
The patient was referred for pain status post-
fracture. The investigatory and analytically thinking As mentioned previously, a quick PubMed search
physician will examine the other possible causes of the will reveal a good review article on central pain, with
patients pain. After careful history and physical exam- a discussion of several medical modalities as well as
ination, the resident will identify the differential diag- potential motor cortex stimulation.
noses and the most likely diagnosis, as supported by
Obtain and use information about their own
population of patients and the larger population
from which their patients are drawn.
Know and apply the basic and clinically
supportive sciences that are appropriate to their This patient is from the so-called elderly popula-
discipline. tion. Consideration has to be given to obtain appro-
priate pain goals and to start low, go slow titra-
Understanding and recognizing the pattern of pain tion. Particular attention should be given to organ
and the sequence of events is key to identifying the systems and systemic effects of medications. Comor-
source of pain in this patient. Her previous pelvic frac- bidities should be reviewed. In particular, many opi-
ture and degenerative disc disease can be red her- oid and adjuvant pain medications can contribute to
rings. It is important to recognize the characteristics cognitive and somnolent effects much more in the
of shooting, burning, and electric pain associated with elderly than in younger populations. Elderly patients
neuropathic pain so that the appropriate medications are much more sensitive to the anticholinergic effects
and therapies can be initiated. of cyclobenzaprine, tramadol, tricyclic antidepres-
sants, and other serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake
Practice-based learning inhibitors.

and improvement Apply knowledge of study designs and statistical

Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their methods to the appraisal of clinical studies and
patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific other information on diagnostic and therapeutic
evidence, and improve their patient care practices. effectiveness.
Analysis of study designs and statistical methods
Analyze practice experience and perform in the literature is needed to interpret their validity
practice-based improvement activities using a to implement this information into our practice man-
systematic methodology. agement. A review of these studies and methods can
Medical diagnostics and therapeutics are continu- guide our course of various therapies and modalities.
ously changing. Residents need to implement and aug- A bit old but still helpful study of central pain com-
ment their lifelong learning behaviors. This includes pared a serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor,
continuous perusal of the literature, efficient knowl- amitriptyline, to both placebo and other active agents
edge and use of medical informatics, problem solv- [1]. This was a double-blind, randomized cross-over
ing, and utilizing resources such as contacting and study. One should take into account, however, that
consulting colleagues. Applied to this case, recogni- although statistical significance was achieved, this
tion of the central pain state leads to further ques- study involved only 15 patients. Also, titration was per-
tions as to appropriate and inappropriate treatment formed up to an amitriptyline dose of 75 mg. One
modalities. With a quick look at review articles or should take such limiting factors into account when
consultation with an experienced colleague, one will initiating and titrating in their own patients.
find that appropriate therapy includes polypharmacy Use information technology to manage
involving combinations of physical and psychological information, access online medical information,
therapies, antidepressants, anti-seizure medications, and support their own education. 271
NMDA antagonists and opioids.
Contributions from the University of Miami under Michael C. Lewis Part 4

The resident should be well versed in the use of A selfish or unethical position may be to provide
medical informatics systems such as PubMed. Jour- higher reimbursed services for a diagnosis that is typ-
nal access is frequently granted through institutional ically not amenable to such therapy. In this case, if
library sources. This access information should be at the impression is one of mainly central pain etiology,
the residents fingertips for access to literature at all then neuraxial and/or peripheral nerve blocks would
times, whether at home or work. For example, at the not be indicated. If there was a clinical suspicion of
time of this writing, a PubMed search for central multifactorial etiology, then in that case, after discus-
pain yields 35 items. A quick glance at these will show sion of risks and benefits with the patient and referring
that some are pertinent, such as review articles titled physicians, possible interventional techniques would
Efficacy and Safety of Motor Cortex Stimulation for be indicated.
Chronic Neuropathic Pain [2] and Lamotrigine in
the Treatment of Pain Syndromes and Neuropathic Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to
Pain [3], as well as some articles that are not perti- patients culture, age, gender, and disabilities.
nent, such as Nerve Growth Factor of Red Nucleus
Involvement in Pain Induced by Spared Nerve Injury Enhanced communication can improve health out-
of the Rat Sciatic Nerve [4]. The latter is obviously not comes, better patient compliance, reduce medicole-
relevant due to its involvement of an animal model of gal risk, and improve satisfaction of clinicians and
peripheral nerve injury. patients. Empathy is an important aspect of the
physician-patient relationship. Empathy extends un-
derstanding of the patient beyond the history and
Professionalism symptoms to include values, ideas, and feelings,
Residents must demonstrate a commitment to car- regardless of the patients background.
rying out professional responsibilities, adherence to
ethical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient
population. Interpersonal and
Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a communication skills
responsiveness to the needs of patients and society Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal
that supersedes self-interest; accountability to and communication skills that result in effective infor-
patients, society, and the profession; and a mation exchange and teaming with patients, their
commitment to excellence and ongoing patients families, and professional associates.
professional development.
Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically
We would wash our hands and then introduce our-
sound relationship with patients.
selves to the patient and family members who are
present before starting a careful history. Our main The chronic pain clinic is a good place to create
duties are to respectfully serve the patient and to help and sustain this type of relationship. It is important
provide whatever needs are required. It is important
to establish a good working rapport with the patient
to show empathy and to be easily accessible to the as well as family members and primary care and spe-
patient and staff. Accountability requires you to be up
cialist physicians on the patients team. This will ulti-
to date in your CME hours and licensing. Education mately lead to better gain of information and result in
is an ongoing process, which requires staying current improved patient care. In some instances, communi-
with the literature and attending educational events
cation with family members and physicians is more
and meetings. than just a good idea. When prescribing long-term
chronic opioids, it is a medical and legal responsibil-
Demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles
ity to obtain records to review for any suggestion of
pertaining to provision or withholding of clinical
past compulsive use, abuse, or diversion activities. The
care, confidentiality of patient information,
chronic pain clinic is an excellent venue in which to
272 informed consent, and business practice.
utilize your longitudinal follow-up skills.
Case 51 Left lower extremity pain

Use effective listening skills and elicit and provide Systems-based practice
information using effective nonverbal, Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and
explanatory, questioning, and writing skills. responsiveness to the larger context and system of
health care and the ability to effectively call on system
One should dedicate sufficient and adequate time resources to provide care that is of optimal value.
and attention to all patients. The history interview can
be directed but should not be truncated prematurely. Understand how their patient care and other
In the chronic pain population, however, one should professional practices affect other health care
not rely solely on patient history in some situations. professionals, the health care organization, and
For instance, cancer patients and geriatric patients the larger society and how these elements of the
tend to underreport their pain. In this case, this geri- system affect their own practice.
atric patient may underreport her pain. Reasons geri-
atric patients in general may underreport their pain are Health care spending comes from a number of
many and include the following: sources, including Medicaid, Medicare, private insur-
ance, and out-of-pocket expenditures, which include
1. When visiting with other specialists or primary premiums and deductibles paid by those with insur-
care physicians regarding many issues, the pain ance and full medical payments paid by those with-
issue per se becomes a side point. out insurance. The importance of using treatments that
2. Geriatric patients may accept pain as normal. have a reasonable chance to help is essential to help
3. Patients may feel that an honest portrayal of their keep the costs of health care down.
pain would lead to their being labeled as a
complainer. Know how types of medical practice and delivery
4. Patients may feel anxiety regarding possible systems differ from one another, including
treatment for their pain. methods of controlling health care costs and
5. Patients may feel scared that they will be forced allocating resources.
into certain pain therapies that they do not want,
One option for slowing the increasing trend in
be they medical, physical, cognitive, or
health care spending is to increase the efficiency of
interventional modalities.
health care delivery. In pain management, this can
6. Geriatric patients may have cognitive dysfunction
be achieved by adapting the use of new technolo-
resulting in poor history or poor communication.
gies. Increased efficiency can be achieved by training
Family members sometimes help remind
in ultrasound instead of fluoroscopy this can lead
these patients of their actual complaint
to safer environments and reduced radiation expo-
sure, allowing for an increased potential for bedside
or office-based procedures that were previously done
Work effectively with others as a member or in the operating room. Another example of this is
leader of a health care team or other professional adapting e-prescribing practices. Evidence suggests
group. that this reduces time spent by pharmacists and physi-
cians in correcting errors and reduces the costs associ-
The pain physician should work in a multidis- ated with uncorrected errors [5].
ciplinary or interdisciplinary model. For instance, a
pain physician who provides medical and interven- Practice cost-effective health care and resource
tional modalities should keep in mind, and refer, allocation that does not compromise quality of
when appropriate, cognitive, physical, and comple- care.
mentary alternative modalities. A chronic pain physi-
cian should also be aware of clinical scenarios when The see one, do one teaching model of the past
communication and referral to other specialists is is not optimal for patient care. In todays health care
needed such as to rheumatology, gynecology, radiol- system and with todays resources, implementation of
ogy, surgery, or oncology. a simulation training program can be cost-effective [6] 273
Contributions from the University of Miami under Michael C. Lewis Part 4

by minimizing the suboptimal or harmful use of med- more active participants in their treatment. A little
ical resources. Simulation training can lead to superior time and effort on the physicians part can relieve a
medical outcomes. great burden on the patients part.
Advocate for quality patient care and assist Know how to partner with health care managers
patients in dealing with system complexities. and health care providers to assess, coordinate,
and improve health care and know how these
Once a diagnosis is made, patients are often inun- activities can affect system performance.
dated with the complexities of the treatment plan and
the logistics of obtaining services through third payer Various members of the health care team partici-
systems. The physician can help patients overcome pate to provide effective care for the patient. Commu-
these logistic barriers and be a patient advocate toward nication and cooperation are keys to teamwork, which
third-party payers. Directing patients toward disease will ensure that the patient has his or her needs filled
and/or pain support groups can help them to become efficiently and safely.

Case 51 Left lower extremity pain

Additional reading 4. Jing YY. Nerve growth factor of red nucleus

involvement in pain induced by spared nerve
1. Leijon G, Boivie J. Central post-stroke pain a
injury of the rat sciatic nerve. Neurochem Res
controlled trial of amitriptyline and carbamazepine.
Pain 1989;36:2736.
5. Corley ST. Electronic prescribing: a review of costs and
2. Fontaine D, Hamani C, Lozano A. Efficacy and safety
benefits. Topics Health Inf Manage 2003;24:2938.
of motor cortex stimulation for chronic neuropathic
pain: critical review of the literature. J Neurosurg 6. Wang EE. Addressing the systems-based practice core
2009;110:251256. competency: a simulation-based curriculum. Acad
Emerg Med 2005;12:11911194.
3. Titlic M. Lamotrigine in the treatment of pain
syndromes and neuropathic pain. Bratisl Lek Listy

Part 4 Contributions from the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
Case under Michael C. Lewis

52 Trauma
Edgar Pierre and Patricia Wawroski

The case bation because, as mentioned before, any medications

that are given during intubation will affect the assess-
A 26-year-old male arrives via emergency transport
ment. Any neurological defects should be noted during
at the trauma resuscitation bay after sustaining mul-
the primary survey.
tiple gunshot injuries. Wounds are located in his chest,
The last step is complete body exposure (E) to
abdomen, and groin. On presentation, his blood pres-
assess occult injuries. The patient is log-rolled to assess
sure is noted to be 76/55, with a heart rate of 130
spinal injuries.
beats per minute. His body temperature is recorded at
The primary survey is typically completed as
35.2 C. He is noted to be pale, diaphoretic, and nonre-
quickly as possible. Once the primary survey is com-
sponsive to verbal command.
pleted, the secondary survey is initiated. This con-
The first step in the care of this patient is the pri-
sists of a complete head-to-toe examination of the
mary survey. This is a coordinated effort between the
patient. Any remaining injuries are addressed and
trauma surgery and the anesthesia teams. The primary
treatment is initiated. Laboratory values are evaluated
survey follows the A, B, C, D, E structure.
and metabolic or electrolyte disturbances are treated.
The first step is assessment of the patients air-
way (A). The Glasgow coma scale is a helpful tool to
determine the need for intubation. In general, patients
with a score less than 9 will require intubation, in order Patient care
to protect the airway. In this particular case, the patient Residents must be able to provide patient care that is
is nonresponsive and will therefore need to have his compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat-
airway protected. It is important to communicate with ment of health problems and the promotion of health.
the surgeons that you plan to intubate. Tell them
about any medications administered as these drugs Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring
may interfere with the remainder of the evaluation. and respectful behaviors when interacting with
The second step is assessment of breathing (B). In patients and their families.
this case, again, the patient is unresponsive and will get
intubated, so breathing will be controlled with a ven- Trauma patients may present anywhere along a
tilator. It is important to assess the adequacy of ven- spectrum from unconscious to awake and agitated.
tilation once the endotracheal tube is in place. Any It is important to explain procedures to any awake
thoracic injuries that may interfere with ventilation, patient. Initial assessment focuses on stabilization of
including his gunshot wounds to the chest, should be the patient. It is important to try to communicate with
addressed and corrected, if possible. an awake patient and explain what is happening. When
Third is circulation (C). The patient is currently there are multiple people attempting to ask questions
maintaining a blood pressure, although his vital signs and assess for injuries, it can be very confusing to a
indicate that he is intravascularly depleted. Any source patient. Technical terminology may also be confus-
of bleeding should be assessed and addressed. Good ing to a patient. Once the primary survey is complete
intravascular access should be in place in the form of and the patient is stable, additional information may
large-bore intravenous lines or central vascular access. be sought from the patients family members or the
The fourth step is assessing the patients disabil- patient himself, if he is awake. In this situation, the
276 ity (D). Initial assessment actually occurs before intu- patient is usually not a good source of information.
Case 52 Trauma

to determine treatment. Decisions regarding the air-

Gather essential and accurate information about
way typically are made by the anesthesia team, with
their patients.
input from surgical colleagues. The primary and sec-
Again, patients, as in this case, may not be able to ondary surveys should be completed jointly in a timely
give any information pertaining to their medical his- manner.
tory or the type of injuries received. The greatest source
of information can be the emergency medical trans- Counsel and educate patients and their families.
port team, who usually gather essential information at
Discussions with the family and patient, if possi-
the scene of the injury. Although it is not appropriate
ble, are usually deferred until after the initial assess-
to abandon the patient during the primary survey to
ment is complete. In this emergency situation, the typi-
speak to the family for information, it may be possi-
cal approach is treatment to preserve life, stabilization,
ble to delegate a nonessential member of the team to
then initiation of discussions. Any discussions with the
gather information from family and friends who may
patients family should be realistic but hopeful. Fam-
be present.
ily should be made aware of the extent of injury and
It is probably not appropriate to allow family mem-
the prognosis, but it should be made very clear that all
bers to be in the resuscitation bay during the initial
efforts are being made to save the patient.
treatment phase. This can be an emotional time, and
family may become a distraction.
Use information technology to support patient
Make informed decisions about diagnostic and care decisions and patient education.
therapeutic interventions based on patient Once the patient has been stabilized, it may be
information and preferences, up-to-date scientific appropriate to perform a literature search to answer
evidence, and clinical judgment. any remaining questions. Articles pertinent to the
The primary survey should be completed in a very patients care should be reviewed.
efficient manner. On the basis of its results, it is impor-
tant to make good clinical decisions regarding initial Perform competently all medical and invasive
treatments. Although attempting to perform a litera- procedures considered essential for the area of
ture search at the time of initial presentation is not practice.
appropriate, it is necessary to stay informed about cur- Resuscitation of such a trauma patient is an emer-
rent evidence-based treatment options. In this case, gency situation. This is not the time to have a medical
clinical decisions will be made in conjunction with student or even a junior resident attempt to intubate or
the surgical trauma team. One of the first decisions place a central line for the first time. Personal limita-
to be made is whether the patient will need the oper- tions should also be recognized, and help from more
ating room to address his injuries. This decision will experienced people should be immediately available.
be based on current literature and the experience of Techniques that are known to be safest for the patient
the team. Any injuries that can be addressed in the should be employed.
trauma bay should be treated. Other decisions may
center on the choice of resuscitation fluids. Colloid and Provide health care services aimed at preventing
blood products are more expensive than crystalloids. health problems or maintaining health.
In this particular patient, blood products and crystal-
loids will likely be most beneficial. The patient is appar- The patient should be closely monitored to eval-
ently hypovolemic, as evidenced by his vital signs. He uate treatment outcomes. Sterile technique should be
will need to have his intravascular volume deficit cor- maintained at all times to prevent infection. Antibi-
rected. otics should be administered in a timely fashion to pre-
vent future infections.
Develop and carry out patient management plans.
Work with health care professionals, including
Again, in a trauma situation, management of the those from other disciplines, to provide
patient is a team approach. Open communication patient-focused care. 277
should be occurring between surgical team members
Contributions from the University of Miami under Michael C. Lewis Part 4

Communication is important among the whole performed if they are deemed appropriate and clini-
trauma team, including the surgeons, anesthesiolo- cally necessary.
gists, and nursing staff. Future treatment plans should
be conveyed among all care team members. This is Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from
especially important when care is being handed off scientific studies related to their patients health
from one care area to another, for example, from problems.
trauma to the intensive care unit.
There is a great deal of information available for
clinical practice. It is necessary to know the source of
Medical knowledge such information and be able to evaluate it objectively
Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab- as not all articles are created equal. It is also necessary
lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cognate to understand whether clinical treatments are applica-
(e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sciences ble to the current clinical situation.
and the application of this knowledge to patient care.
Obtain and use information about their own
Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic population of patients and the larger population
thinking approach to clinical situations. from which their patients are drawn.

In any trauma, it is important to evaluate and treat Past experience is the most readily available infor-
the whole patient. Attention should not be focused on mation during an emergency situation. Patient popu-
one small detail. The overall clinical picture is more lations can be unique in a hospital. Experience with
important. It is also important to adapt clinical treat- the particular patients typically seen can be invaluable
ments as necessary so that if one treatment does not in the treatment of future patients. In addition, any
seem to be helpful, a second modality should be sought knowledge gained from this patient can be used to bet-
and tried. ter the treatment of future patients.

Know and apply the basic and clinically Apply knowledge of study designs and statistical
supportive sciences that are appropriate to their methods to the appraisal of clinical studies and
discipline. other information on diagnostic and therapeutic
The specific patient and clinical situation should
be focused on when choosing treatments and medi- As mentioned earlier, not all studies are designed
cations. Pharmacologic principles should be recalled equally. Each and every journal article read should be
to anticipate any potential side effects or adverse out- viewed in its entirety, and its limitations should be rec-
comes from medication administration. Always be ognized. These limitations may come from the design
prepared to call for help when complications arise. itself or from the number of patients being studied.
Overall, case reports, cohort studies, and randomized
controlled trials each have their own strengths and
Practice-based learning and weaknesses, which need to be recognized. It is also
improvement important to determine the validity and applicability
Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their of the results to clinical situations. An outcome that
patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific shows statistical significance may not necessarily be
evidence, and improve their patient care practices. clinically significant.

Analyze practice experience and perform Use information technology to manage

practice-based improvement activities using a information, access online medical information,
systematic methodology. and support their own education.
The initial trauma patients evaluation should fol- In this information age, there is a multitude of
low a systematic approach. This includes the primary information available from several resources, includ-
278 and secondary surveys. Interventions should only be ing online journal articles, online textbooks, and
Case 52 Trauma

lectures that are posted online by various educational of the injury or the situation in which it was obtained.
institutions. These can be great sources of information Cultural background, age, or gender should not dictate
on various injuries pertinent to patient care. All the treatment. In addition, personal preferences or reli-
information should be evaluated for validity. Online gious beliefs should be recognized and respected when
comprehensive literature searches should be employed discussing treatment options (i.e., a Jehovahs Witness
to increase your knowledge base. Textbooks are also a refusing a blood transfusion).
great source for specific topics to support education.
Interpersonal and communication
Professionalism skills
Residents must demonstrate a commitment to car-
rying out professional responsibilities, adherence to Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal
ethical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient and communication skills that result in effective infor-
population. mation exchange and teaming with patients, their
patients families, and professional associates.
Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a
responsiveness to the needs of patients and society Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically
that supersedes self-interest, accountability to sound relationship with patients.
patient, society, and the profession; and a
Procedures should be described in detail. Results
commitment to excellence and ongoing
should be conveyed in a timely manner. All questions
professional development.
should be answered as best as possible. Patients should
Trauma cases may present at any time of the day. Resi- be given treatment options and alternatives.
dents need to show equal dedication to the patient and
case regardless of the time of arrival. Residents do have Use effective listening skills and elicit and provide
personal lives outside of the hospital, but separation information using effective nonverbal,
between the two areas needs to occur. Personal issues explanatory, questioning, and writing skills.
should not interfere with patient care. Team members
Time should be taken to listen to patients and their
should be treated with respect. If a disagreement arises
families. Explanations should be given at a level appro-
regarding patient care, other choices should be dis-
priate to the patients educational level. It is also impor-
cussed in a calm manner.
tant to realize that all notes become part of the med-
Demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles ical record. Notes should be written in clear, concise
pertaining to provision or withholding of clinical language with good handwriting and no abbreviations.
care, confidentiality of patient information, All notes should be legible to other members of the
informed consent, and business practice. health care team.

Patient confidentiality should be maintained Work effectively with others as a member or

throughout treatment and care. This includes being leader of a health care team or other professional
cognizant of areas of case discussion. Patient care group.
discussions should not be held in the elevators or
public areas. Family members should be taken to Concerns should be communicated in a calm man-
private areas for discussions. Informed consent should ner. We must stay calm at all times when dealing with
be obtained for procedures, unless it is an emergency patients and members of the medical staff.
situation and delay would be detrimental.

Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to

Systems-based practice
Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and
patients culture, age, gender, and disabilities.
responsiveness to the larger context and system of
All patients should be treated with equal respect. In health care and the ability to effectively call on system
this case, it is again important not to judge the cause resources to provide care that is of optimal value. 279
Contributions from the University of Miami under Michael C. Lewis Part 4

Understand how their patient care and other Limitations to patient survival and futile care must
professional practices affect other health care be recognized. Trauma patients with a low likelihood
professionals, the health care organization, and of survival may be present. All efforts should be made
the larger society and how these elements of the for high-quality health care, but resources may need
system affect their own practice. to be allocated in an efficient manner to provide for all
In an ideal world, there would be unlimited
resources available for every single patient. However, Advocate for quality patient care and assist
we do not live in an ideal world, and resources are lim- patients in dealing with system complexities.
ited. Patient care does not exist in a bubble, and it must Most residents do not understand how patients
be realized that resources (i.e., blood products) used on and their families should navigate through the health
one particular patient may not be available for other care system. A social worker should be contacted to
patients. help with the complexities of the health care system.
Know how types of medical practice and delivery Cost issues can be addressed as well as placement
systems differ from one another, including after acute, life-threatening issues are appropriately
methods of controlling health care costs and addressed. Provisions may also need to be made for
allocating resources. home health care and rehabilitation, if needed, on dis-
charge from the hospital.
It is necessary to triage appropriately operating
room time and personnel as there may be only one Know how to partner with health care managers
operating room available for multiple patients. It is and health care providers to assess, coordinate,
also important to realize that patient care and flow and improve health care and know how these
through the health care system may differ at various activities can affect system performance.
institutions, but the goals remain the same. Most resi- Multidisciplinary meetings should be held to dis-
dents will not remain at their training institution and cuss ongoing issues in patient care. Each member of
must realize that different does not necessarily mean the team may have a specific area of interest regarding
wrong. the health care of patients. These can seemingly inter-
Practice cost-effective health care and resource fere with other members interests. Understanding
allocation that does not compromise quality of must be reached to address the most life-threatening
care. issues first. Discussions should also be held to critique
performance and identify areas for improvement.

Part 4 Contributions from the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
Case under Michael C. Lewis

53 Whack-an-eye
Steven Gayer and Shafeena Nurani

The case The ophthalmologists are concerned about the pos-

sibility of vision loss. The patient and her father are
A 15-year-old female presents to the emergency
very anxious about the procedure.
department with her father following an unusual gar-
dening accident. The patient was helping her father
with lawn work and was using a weed whacker to trim Patient care
the area around a chain link fence separating their Residents must be able to provide patient care that is
property from the neighbors. A small barb of fence compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat-
wire was whacked directly into her right eye. She com- ment of health problems and the promotion of health.
plained of decreased visual acuity and pain in the right Residents are expected to:
eye. There was no loss of consciousness, and she sus-
tained no other injuries. While the lesion was out- Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring
wardly apparent, nonetheless, a computed tomography and respectful behaviors when interacting with
scan of the eye was obtained, confirming the presence patients and their families.
of a foreign body in the right eye. The ophthalmology This is a very stressful situation for this family,
service has determined that timely surgical repair of given the potential for loss of vision. The patient and
the open globe injury is warranted. her family should be approached with kindness and
The patient ate a cheeseburger and fries for lunch consideration. While it is important to keep both the
approximately 3 hours ago. The patient has no past patient and the father feeling comfortable throughout
medical history. She had an appendectomy at age 8 the process, the patient is of foremost concern and it
under general anesthesia, without complications. She would be most effective to speak to her first and then
has no known drug allergies and is not on any medica- address the concerns of her father. It would likely be
tions. best to speak to her in the absence of her father after
Physical examination reveals the following: an initial relationship has been established. This would
temperature, 37 C allow addressing any questions or concerns that she
heart rate, 105 beats per minute has that she may not vocalize with her father present.
blood pressure, 118/78 It would assure her that she is your primary concern
respiratory rate, 20 and allow for establishment of a relationship between
pulse oximetry, 100% on room air the anesthesiologist and the patient. It would also facil-
anxious, alert, and oriented to person, place, and itate determining if she is sexually active and if there
time is any possibility of her being pregnant. The need for
Mallampati2, with full range of motion at the a pregnancy test should be discussed with her, while
neck and with a thyromental distance greater than proceeding with the workup, as this may have impli-
6 cm cations for her anesthestic management. It would be
cardiac is S1, S2, regular rate and rhythm, with no important to assure the patient that the results of this
murmurs test would be kept confidential if she so wished.
lungs are clear to auscultation bilaterally
Gather essential and accurate information about
abdomen is soft, nontender, and not distended their patients.
extremities are warm and well perfused 281
Contributions from the University of Miami under Michael C. Lewis Part 4

As this is a case of traumatic eye injury, other tion of succinylcholine of 1-8 mmHg, though this is
injuries must be ruled out including skull or orbital transient. There is also the risk that the patient might
fractures, intracranial trauma and trauma to any other cough or buck during intubation, and this can raise
part of the body. The patient should be interviewed and intra-ocular pressure by 35-40 mmHg. There have
examined alone first to give her an opportunity to relay been recent studies that show that careful performance
all relevant information including her reaction to her of regional anesthesia (including either retrobulbar,
previous general anesthetic and to discuss the possibil- peribulbar or subtenons administration of anesthetic)
ity of pregnancy as mentioned above. The father can with direct visualization of the globe during anesthe-
then be present for the rest of the interview in order sia administration may be a safe alternative to general
to obtain other relevant information about the patient anesthesia in selected patients.
including any childhood illnesses that the patient may If a general anesthetic technique is used, pre-
not recall as well as a family history of adverse reac- operative treatment with a H2 blocker to reduce gas-
tions to anesthesia. tric acidity and volume as well as metoclopramide
to enhance gastric emptying should be considered.
Make informed decisions about diagnostic and The patient should also be given 30 ml sodium cit-
therapeutic interventions based on patient rate before induction. A rapid sequence induction
information and preferences, up-to-date scientific should be performed with the sellick maneuver. The
evidence, and clinical judgment. use of succinylcholine in this situation is controver-
sial, however due to its swift onset of action and short
In this case, the decision to be made involves the
duration of action, if administered after pretreatment
ophthalmologist, the patient and the anesthesiologist
with a nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocker and an
in terms of whether to proceed to the operation room
induction dose of thiopental, it results in only a small
immediately. Given that this is an open globe injury,
increase in intraocular pressure and therefore can be
with the presence of a foreign body, the patient likely
considered for this patient. Maintenance of anesthe-
requires urgent intervention. There is increased inci-
sia can be performed with a balanced technique using
dence of visual loss and infection of the eye when
inhalational agents, opioids and neuromuscular block-
surgery is delayed. The decision will ultimately be
ers if necessary. The goals for anesthesia in this patient
made by the ophthalmologist in regards to the tim-
are patient safety (minimal fluctuations in intraocular
ing of surgery based on current literature and outcome
pressure), no patient movement during the surgery as
this can cause catastrophic complications, pain control
In regards to the type of anesthesia for the proce-
and the avoidance of the oculocardiac reflex. Emer-
dure, given that the patient has a full stomach and that
gence should be smooth with minimal coughing and
the operation is an emergency the decision to choose
bucking, lidocaine 1.52 mg/kg should be considered
general anesthesia or regional anesthesia needs to be
prior to extubation. A prophylactic antiemetic should
made in consultation with the ophthalmologist (to
be considered as vomiting in the postoperative period
determine the extent of surgery) as well as the patient.
can significantly elevate intraocular pressure.
The risk of aspiration must be considered as well as the
risk of blindness in the injured eye that could result
from elevated intraocular pressure and extrusion of Counsel and educate patients and their families.
ocular contents.
In this situation the various risks and benefits of a
Develop and carry out patient management plans. regional technique versus a general technique should
be discussed with both the patient and her father.
Regional anesthesia is a useful alternative in Patient cooperation is essential for a regional tech-
trauma patients, however with an open globe injury, nique and the choice should be presented to the patient
there is the risk of extrusion of ocular content by either with minimal use of technical terms and ensuring that
the pressure generated by local anesthetics, the instru- she understands the options.
mentation of the orbit or the potential of orbital hem-
orrhage with performance of a regional technique. On Use information technology to support patient
282 the other hand, with a general anesthetic, there can care decisions and patient education.
be elevations in intraocular pressure from administra-
Case 53 Whack-an-eye

As this is an emergent situation, there may not be

Work with health care professionals, including
enough time to perform a thorough literature search
those from other disciplines, to provide
on the risks and benefits of general versus regional
patient-focused care
anesthesia or the use on succinylcholine in this situa-
tion, however a literature search should be performed Communication is very important amongst the
at a later time to look for any recent articles that one is operating room team including the anesthesiolo-
not aware of. gist, the ophthalmologist and the nursing staff. It is
The patient should be counseled on the importance important to maintain good communication with all
of not moving during the surgery should she opt for a involved so that the operating room is a safe and effi-
regional technique. The patient and her family should cient environment. It is especially important to com-
be provided with reading material regarding the sur- municate well with the ophthalmologists as this may
gical procedure and recovery as well as on how the change your anesthetic management and may alert you
regional technique is done so that they have an idea to potential problems early on giving you a chance to
about what to expect. avoid them.
It is also very important to communicate with the
Perform competently all medical and invasive patient, nursing staff and ophthalmologists in regards
procedures considered essential for the area of to any prophylactic antibiotics that may need to be
practice. administered prior to incision as well as to perform
a time-out to protect the patient from wrong site
Anesthesiologists and ophthalmologists are train- surgeries.
ed to perform regional anesthetic techniques of the
eye. The individual experience and comfort with per-
forming the block should be considered when deciding
Medical knowledge
who is to perform the block, especially in this situation Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab-
when one must closely observe the globe while admin- lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cognate
istering the local anesthetic. (e.g. epidemiological and social-behavioral) sciences
and the application of this knowledge to patient care.
Residents are expected to:
Provide health care services aimed at preventing
health problems or maintaining health. Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic
thinking approach to clinical situations.
In this situation, the use of protective eyewear Know and apply the basic and clinically
while performing any task where one might have fly- supportive sciences which are appropriate to their
ing debris should be emphasized as this measure could discipline.
have prevented the current situation. Reading material
on safe practices to protect the eyes should be provided In order to understand the mechanisms that deter-
to the patient and her family. mine intraocular pressure and how different factors
It is also very important to know the compli- influence it, one must first understand the principles
cations that can be caused by the various anes- that go into its determination. Intraocular pressure
thetic techniques considered and be prepared to deal normally varies between 10-21 mmHg. Three main
with them should they arise. All patients should factors influence intraocular pressure: 1) external pres-
be monitored with ASA standard monitoring when sure on the eye by the contraction of the obicularis
regional techniques are being performed. In addi- oculi muscle and the tone of the extraocular mus-
tion, if any sedation is to be given, the patient should cles, venous congestion of ocular veins or conditions
have supplemental oxygen delivered. In this case it such as an ocular tumor; 2) scleral rigidity; and 3)
is especially important to monitor for stimulation changes in intraocular contents such as the lens, vit-
of the oculocardiac reflex, intra-arterial injection of reous, blood and aqueous humor. Intraocular blood
local anesthetic and inadvertent brain-stem anesthesia volume is determined primarily by venous fluctuations
among other possibilities. It is important to have the in pressure. If venous return from the eye is hindered,
resources to deal with the possible complications readily intraocular pressure can rise significantly. Straining, 283
available. vomiting or coughing can increase venous pressure
Contributions from the University of Miami under Michael C. Lewis Part 4

and therefore intraocular pressure by as much as 40 lead to modification of the technique or the way in
mmHg. While these changes in intraocular pressure which patients were selected to receive general versus
dissipate rapidly, it can have disastrous consequences regional techniques for this procedure.
in the situation where the globe is open. Another fac-
tor to consider is that the maintenance of intraocular Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from
pressure is determined primarily by the rate of aqueous scientific studies related to their patients health
humor formation and its outflow. The most important problems.
factor in the formation of aqueous humor is the differ-
Residents should be able to perform literature
ence in osmotic pressure between aqueous humor and
searches on the issues relevant to the care of their
plasma. Therefore hypertonic solutions such as man-
patients and evaluate these studies for study technique,
nitol can be used to lower intraocular pressure as a
differences in patient populations, strength of the sta-
change in the osmotic pressure of plasma can change
tistical analysis to evaluate the data that have been
the formation of aqueous humor and therefore influ-
obtained as well as consistency in findings from dif-
ence intraocular pressure.
ferent groups studying the same questions. There are
often reports that suggest conflicting ideas in the liter-
Practice-based learning ature and it is important to learn to read the primary
literature and determine if the data being presented is
and improvement valid to the patient in question. It is also important
Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their to determine possible sources of error in the studies
patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scien- performed. Randomized prospective controlled trials
tific evidence, and improve their patient care practices. to evaluate the performance of regional versus general
Residents are expected to: anesthesia in cases like a traumatic open globe injury
would be difficult to perform and therefore in cases
Analyze practice experience and perform like this one must use the best available evidence, clini-
practice-based improvement activities using a cal judgment and confer with the ophthalmologist and
systematic methodology. the patient to determine what would be best for this
patient in particular.
One way in which analyzing practice experience
can be performed is to follow up on all patients that Obtain and use information about their own
the resident has any clinical interaction with to ensure population of patients and the larger population
that their outcomes are known and to find out about from which their patients are drawn.
any complications that arose after the anesthetic was
given. A more formal way to look at practice expe- It is very important to keep track of all the patients
rience and to perform practice-based improvement that are seen at the institution in which one works, so
activities would be to do a retrospective analysis of the as to determine how best their needs might be served.
patients undergoing a particular procedure and to look For example, the growing number of elderly patients
for events that occurred intraoperatively that resulted may be better served if more focus in the places treat-
in different outcomes. For example, for this case, a ing them was to be placed on preventative interven-
review of the literature revealed that in one case series, tions that this patient population is prone to. Residents
there was no difference in outcome of the patients in should be aware of the population from which their
terms of visual loss or eventual enucleation indepen- patients are drawn to be more aware of the more preva-
dent of the anesthetic technique used in a selected lent problems in that population, such as in an elderly
group of patients. This information supports the prac- population, dementia, depression, Alzheimers dis-
tice of either technique (general or regional) as long as ease, systemic hypertension, and polypharmacy that
the patients are carefully selected. However, if the res- may affect the anesthetic drugs that one would choose
ident were to do a retrospective analysis of the cases to use on the patients. There may also be regional dif-
done at their institution and found that there was a dif- ferences in outcomes for various procedures related to
ference in outcome, this would then lead to an attempt the population of patients that one treats. For example,
284 to determine if the technique used for regional anes- in the case of ophthalmologic surgery, a patient popu-
thesia in their practice was different and, if so, could lation that is not cooperative would likely benefit from
Case 53 Whack-an-eye

general anesthesia so as to assure patient safety and ical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient pop-
patient akinesis during the procedure. A cooperative ulation. Residents are expected to:
patient however, would likely benefit from a regional
technique and be encouraged to stay still for the pro- Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a
cedure, allowing for a quicker recovery time and less responsiveness to the needs of patients and society
time spent in the hospital for the procedure. The anes- that supercedes self-interest; accountability to
thetic technique used for different procedures would patients, society, and the profession; and a
vary significantly based on patient population seen at commitment to excellence and on-going
a particular institution. professional development.
It is important to treat all patients with respect and
Apply knowledge of study designs and statistical compassion. This is a very stressful time in the patients
methods to the appraisal of clinical studies and life. The traumatic eye injury patient may present at
other information on diagnostic and therapeutic any time of the day or night and should be treated
effectiveness. with the same compassion and kindness regardless of
As mentioned before, there are varying levels of the time or other circumstances in the residents life.
confidence that can be placed in conclusions made by a The first priority should always be to take care of the
particular study based on how it is designed, how large patient in the best way possible. It should be appreci-
the study is, and what patient population is being stud- ated that this is a life-changing event should the patient
ied. In general, to avoid bias in studies, they should lose their vision.
be designed with a clear hypothesis, and specific out- Demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles
come variables that are being looked at. The patients pertaining to provision or withholding of clinical
should ideally be randomized to the different treat- care, confidentiality of patient information,
ment groups; there should be a control group and the informed consent, and business practice.
evaluators of the outcomes should be ideally blinded
to the treatment group. Systematic reviews and meta- In this case, informed consent with the patient
analysis can be used to compile smaller studies, to understanding the risks and benefits of the various
make better inferences about the data collected. When options is of utmost importance. Protecting the con-
reading clinical studies, it is important to keep in mind fidentiality of patient information is also an important
how the study was designed and what it was designed principle in this case. In this case, it is very important
to assess so as not to make erroneous conclusions. It to speak with the patient alone and offer a pregnancy
is important to determine if the patient population in test in a confidential setting so as to allow the patient to
which the study was performed related to your patient be given the opportunity to discuss any concerns that
population. It is also important to determine if the she might have, or to offer counseling regarding her
hypothesis being studied has been studied by others health.
and whether the results are similar.
Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to
Use information technology to manage patients culture, age, gender, and disabilities.
information, access on-line medical information; It is important in this case to primarily address the
and support their own education. patient when discussing options as she is a 15-year-old
Residents are increasingly able to access medical female and will soon be taking responsibility for her
records online in a more legible format as well as use own health care decisions. It would empower her to
resources on the Internet such as Medline and online make a choice that she would be comfortable with. It
textbooks to quickly review information before pro- is also important as mentioned before to address any
ceeding with a particular procedure. concerns that she might have in the absence of her par-
ent in order to further establish a relationship with her
and to allow her to disclose any further information.
Professionalism She would not be likely to foster a trusting relation-
Residents must demonstrate a commitment to carry- ship with an anesthesiologist that spoke only with her 285
ing out professional responsibilities, adherence to eth- parents or primarily with her parents.
Contributions from the University of Miami under Michael C. Lewis Part 4

Interpersonal and anxiety. Explaining the process to the patient can be

soothing as she may be less anxious if she knows what
communication skills is going to happen next. Detailing the procedure of get-
Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal ting to the operating room, placement of monitors, and
and communication skills that result in effective infor- the people that will be present in the operating room
mation exchange and teaming with patients, their may help to calm the patient down and to feel more in
patients families, and professional associates. Resi- control of the situation. Providing some information
dents are expected to: about the things to expect postoperatively, such as an
eye patch can also help to make the patient calmer in
Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically
the postoperative recovery period.
sound relationship with patients.
It is important in the case of a teenage girl to create Work effectively with others as a member or
some rapport and trust with the patient, especially in leader of a health care team or other professional
this case, as it is a stressful situation with the possibility group.
of vision loss. The patient is likely extremely anxious.
Developing a good rapport with the patient and creat- It is important to communicate effectively with the
ing a trustful relationship are key elements in this case. entire operating room team in order to provide the
Use effective listening skills and elicit and provide best care possible to the patient. Each member of
information using effective nonverbal, the operating room team has a specific defined role
explanatory, questioning, and writing skills. to perform and the operating room works efficiently
when there is good communication between all mem-
In this case, listening to the concerns of both the bers of the team. It is important to address all members
patient and her father can help alleviate some of their of the team in a calm and respectful manner.

Part Contributions from Johns Hopkins

5 Medical Institutions under

Deborah A. Schwengel
Part 5 Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under
Case Deborah A. Schwengel

54 Singin the OSA blues

Jennifer K. Lee and Deborah A. Schwengel

The case woke up. Even though those events happened in 1922,
you need to dispel myths and communicate your safety
A 37-month-old boy with snoring and large tonsils is
plans. If you talk about the course of events from
scheduled for an adenotonsillectomy and bilateral ear
induction, care during surgery, and common every-
tubes. He was born 5 weeks early. His growth is on
day side effects such as vomiting, emergence delir-
the 5th percentile for weight and the 10th percentile
ium, pain, and other postanesthesia care unit (PACU)
for length. His family says that he snores loudly and
events, it tells the family what to expect. It also demon-
sleeps restlessly. He is an active child and his mother
strates that you expect the patient to have a successful
wonders if he has attention-deficit hyperactivity disor-
and safe anesthetic in the operating room, with nor-
der (ADHD). He has some language delay. He has not
mal recovery in the PACU. Spend enough time with the
had a sleep study. He has had many ear infections. He
family to build trust and let them relinquish his care
has a mild runny nose. All his other organ systems are
into your hands hands that they think will handle
healthy. He has never had an anesthetic. Family his-
him expertly, safely, and compassionately. If parents
tory is noncontributory. There is no history suggestive
are allowed into the operating room for induction, pre-
of coagulopathy.
pare them for the expected crying, breath holding, and
On physical examination, he is 12 kg and thin. He
noisy breathing when the anesthetic mask is applied
is running around the room and comes over briefly to
or crying when the intravenous (IV) line is started or
meet you but has to be held to listen to his chest. He has
propofol is injected.
some crusted secretions around the nares and dark cir-
cles under his eyes. He breathes with his mouth open. Gather essential and accurate information about
He has kissing tonsils (they are touching in the mid- their patients.
line). His chest sounds are clear and heart sounds nor-
mal. The abdomen is soft. Limbs appear normal. This child has snoring and presumably obstructive
sleep apnea (OSA). It is essential to figure out how
Patient care severe the OSA is. Without a sleep study, it is challeng-
ing to do so. It has been established that there are risks
Residents must be able to provide patient care that is of postoperative morbidity and mortality in both adult
compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat- and pediatric OSA patients. Although sufficiently sen-
ment of health problems and the promotion of health. sitive and specific screening questionnaires for pedi-
Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring atric OSA to do not exist, a history of loud snoring,
and respectful behaviors when interacting with disrupted sleep, observed apneas, growth failure, and
patients and their families. behavioral problems indicate severe disease. The chal-
lenge about observed apneas and disrupted sleep is
This will be the first anesthetic for this child. The that pediatric OSA is a REM-dominant event; REM
parents will have many questions and concerns about sleep occurs in the dead of night, when most people
their childs care unless other children in the family are in bed, thus making it unlikely that the parents have
have had similar operations. Even though the safety fully observed the extent of the childs sleep abnormal-
of anesthesia is established for most patients, many ity. Comorbidities such as prematurity, hypotonia, or
people come with preconceived ideas such as Aunt craniofacial anatomic disorders put children with OSA
Ethel died when she had an operation or Grandmas into a higher risk category. Unlike adult OSA, pedi- 289
brother had surgery when he was 5 years old and never atric OSA does not have a gender predilection and is
Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

not usually associated with obesity, although obesity, hour preoperatively will provide additional analgesia.
when present, is a risk factor. Once the IV is placed, an IV induction with lidocaine,
propofol, and 0.5 mcg/kg fentanyl is performed. A
Make informed decisions about diagnostic and short-acting paralytic can be considered if the patient
therapeutic interventions based on patient is easy to mask ventilate, although some practitioners
information and preferences, up-to-date scientific choose to avoid neuromuscular blocking agents due to
evidence, and clinical judgment. the short duration of the case. Direct laryngoscopy and
endotracheal intubation are accomplished. Care must
Would it be helpful to have sleep study information
be taken not to scrape or injure the enlarged, friable
before proceeding with the case? Yes, but sleep studies
tonsils with the laryngoscope blade and endotracheal
are expensive and not always available to every patient,
tube, or bleeding could occur.
and they should be performed at a pediatric sleep
It is not wrong to do an inhalational induction, but
study center. It is recommended that pediatric sleep
it might be fraught with problems. For instance, you
studies use the apnea hypopnea index (AHI) rather
might get an anesthetic level that is deep enough to
than the respiratory disturbance index (RDI) because
obstruct the airway but not deep enough to instru-
RDI scores measure central as well as obstructive
ment it. Remember that these patients are at signif-
events. Children normally have more central events
icant risk of airway obstruction, and complications
than adults, so RDI should not be used in pediatric
such as negative pressure pulmonary edema could
patients. Recent literature also recommends examin-
occur if the patient makes respiratory efforts against
ing the oxygen saturation nadir. Patients experiencing
an obstructed airway. It may be possible to relieve such
desaturations to 80% or lower have more serious dis-
airway obstruction with a jaw thrust, applying mod-
ease and may be at higher risk of perioperative morbid-
erate continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) of
ity [1]. Unfortunately, most pediatric patients present-
1015 cm H2 O or putting the patient in a lateral posi-
ing for adenotonsillectomy at most hospitals will not
tion. If an airway device is needed, an oral airway is
have had a sleep study. You and the surgeon will have
safer than a nasal airway due to the risk of traumatiz-
to make a judgment about whether this patient will be
ing the hypertrophied adenoids with blind placement
admitted postoperatively or sent home the same day.
of a nasal device.
Develop and carry out patient management plans. During the case, volatile anesthetic is used to keep
the patient deep enough to tolerate the surgery. The
Heres where the rubber meets the road. You have surgeons rigid mouth gag can be quite stimulating,
to make a plan with insufficient information. Much and the patient cannot gag or buck for risk of injuring
of clinical medicine is this way. You know you have the teeth, jaw, or cervical spine. Make sure the endo-
matured as a clinician when you can say that you tracheal tube (ETT) is still in good position after the
are comfortable with ambiguity and you can provide gag is placed; placement of the gag can result in kink-
good medical care for complex patients using clini- ing or displacement of the ETT. The FiO2 should be
cal experience. Several things about this child say to decreased to 0.21 by titrating in air as the patients oxy-
me severe OSA: restless sleep, ADHD, thin body gen saturation tolerates. Although not as flammable
habitus, dark circles under his eyes, mouth breathing, as oxygen, nitrous oxide supports a flame in the pres-
kissing tonsils, and age. Therefore it is my gut feeling ence of material that will burn, such as the ETT, so
that this child should be assumed to have severe OSA; the concentrations of both should be minimized to
that means induction requirements are different, opi- lower the risk of an airway fire. No additional opioids
oid sensitivity is likely, and postoperative admission is should be used until the patient is extubated and fully
necessary. Premedicating should be done cautiously, if awake. Postoperative emesis will also increase bleed-
at all, because any pharmacologically induced decrease ing, so antiemetics should be administered and the
in airway tone could result in airway obstruction when surgeons should suction out the stomach under direct
the patient lies supine and during anesthesia induc- visualization of the oropharynx. Dexamethasone may
tion. The plan is to place an IV while the child is decrease postoperative airway swelling and serve as an
breathing nitrous oxide and oxygen. Placing a local antiemetic.
290 anesthetic cream like EMLA (eutectic mixture of local The patient should be extubated fully awake to
anesthetics, 2.5% lidocaine, and 2.5% prilocaine) for 1 decrease the risk of postextubation airway obstruction.
Case 54 Singin the OSA blues

If oropharyngeal suctioning is needed prior to extu- ery in the PACU, the patient is admitted overnight
bation, it should be performed gently and only in the for observation with a continuous pulse oximeter on
midline to avoid disrupting clot and initiating bleed- a nursing unit with adequate ability to observe the
ing. Once the patient is awake and extubated, opi- patient and respond to monitor alarms. Patients who
ates can be carefully titrated to effect. Remember that used noninvasive ventilation (CPAP or BiPAP) prior
patients with OSA have increased sensitivity to opi- to surgery should be permitted either to continue their
ates [1]. Some surgeons use local anesthetics, and oth- PAP or to have continuous pulse oximetry if they are
ers do not. If local anesthetics are used by the surgeon to sleep without PAP.
the need for opiates will initially be reduced. Some sur-
geons allow the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory Counsel and educate patients and their families.
drugs (NSAIDs) postoperatively, and others do not. The family must be told that tonsillectomy patients
Although aspirin is contraindicated perioperatively in all awaken with some discomfort and that it will be
tonsillectomy patients, there is the suggestion in the our goal to titrate the pain medication to balance pain
literature that postoperative ketorolac and ibuprofen management against respiratory depression. Patients
may be safe [2,3]. In the PACU, the patient should with OSA are more sensitive to the respiratory effects
be closely monitored. These patients are at high risk of opioids [1,4]. Families also need to know that tonsil-
for hypoxia and airway obstruction due to residual lectomy isnt always an instant cure. There is perioper-
anesthesia, airway edema, blood and secretions in the ative edema, and the pharyngeal structures need time
laryngopharynx, baseline anatomic and neuromuscu- to recover, but pediatric OSA does improve in many
lar predisposition to airway obstruction, disordered patients following tonsillectomy [5].
sleep arousal mechanisms to hypercarbia and airway
obstruction, and rarely, postobstruction pulmonary Perform competently all medical and invasive
edema. There will be some postoperative discomfort; procedures considered essential for the area of
in addition to the above mentioned NSAIDs, pain can practice.
sometimes be managed with acetaminophen alone.
Opiates should be avoided or given with caution in the Procedures essential to this case are the pediatric
patient with severe OSA [1]. IV, mask ventilation, and endotracheal intubation.
Occult hemorrhage can go unnoticed as the patient
Provide health care services aimed at preventing
may swallow most of the blood. Tachycardia, even with
health problems or maintaining health.
normal or elevated blood pressure, may signal hypo-
volemia from hemorrhage. If bleeding is suspected, This is a case in which devastating complications
the surgeons should be immediately contacted, IV can occur, but they are usually avoidable with prepara-
access must be obtained for volume resuscitation, and tion and knowledge of the pathophysiology, anatomy,
red blood cell transfusion may be indicated. Ideally, effects of surgery, and pharmacodynamics.
check a hematocrit prior to transfusing blood. Airway
management should be jointly coordinated between Work with health care professionals, including
experienced practitioners in anesthesia and surgery. those from other disciplines, to provide
Because the stomach will likely be full of blood, rapid- patient-focused care.
sequence induction is necessary. The airway may be
It is essential to discuss the plan for disposition
visually obscured with blood, and the uvula may be as
with the surgeon. Both the surgeon and anesthesiol-
big as your thumb if a hot tonsillectomy (with Bovie)
ogist must be comfortable with plans for either dis-
was done, so everyone must be prepared to institute
charge or admission and the level of monitoring on
the difficult airway algorithm if the initial intubation
attempt is unsuccessful. Listen up because tonsillec-
tomies are bread and butter cases, and the case of the
bleeding tonsil is a classic oral board scenario. The Medical knowledge
most common time for tonsillectomies to bleed is 7 Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab-
10 days postop. lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cognate
Fortunately, complications after adenotonsillec- (e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sciences 291
tomy are not daily events. So after a successful recov- and the application of this knowledge to patient care.
Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic There is a range of practice that is sometimes based
thinking approach to clinical situations. on evidence and sometimes not. When there is insuffi-
cient evidence in the literature to dictate practice, indi-
The most important component of the knowledge viduals determine their own judgment based on pre-
base competency is to recognize that pediatric OSA vious or similar cases. Pediatric OSA is one of those
exists and must be considered when screening patients conditions for which judgment and experience have
for anesthesia. The prevalence is 1% to 3% [6]. The res- been the foundation for much of the management of
ident must know how most pediatric OSA differs from patients. However, there is some compelling informa-
adult OSA. Some children are obese, with features of tion to guide us, which is summarized in the review
the disorder that are more like adult OSA, but most article by Schwengel [7].
children are thin with large tonsils, and many have a
narrow craniofacial construction. There is undoubt- Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from
edly overlap between bony, soft tissue and genetic scientific studies related to their patients health
causes. Those with more than one cause may have problems.
severe disease or a higher likelihood of OSA that is not
cured by tonsillectomy. An appropriate first screen- Studies do show that both adult and pediatric
ing question is, Does your child snore? If the answer patients are at risk of perioperative morbidity. Chil-
is yes, proceed to ask more probing questions about dren, especially under the age of 36 months, have a
the severity of sleep disruption. Most children with high risk of postoperative respiratory events and
OSA do snore, with the exception of hypotonic chil- should be admitted overnight following adenotonsil-
dren, who might not generate the noise but still have lectomy. Children with severe OSA are high risk and
obstructive episodes. Downs syndrome patients are at need to be observed, especially if given opioids. Chil-
risk for OSA and may not snore. dren with comorbidities have increased risk, as well.

Know and apply the basic and clinically Obtain and use information about their own
supportive sciences that are appropriate to their population of patients and the larger population
discipline. from which their patients are drawn.
The following topics are relevant to the discussion This patient is just barely over the must admit
of OSA in children: age, and he has features suggestive of severe dis-
 basic and clinical science related to the study of ease, although a sleep study would really be needed to
Mu receptors and responses of patients with OSA confirm that. Prudence suggests keeping this patient
to opioids overnight for respiratory monitoring.
 effects of OSA on the heart, respiratory, and
sympathetic nervous systems
 sleep medicine, REM sleep, sleep studies, and the Professionalism
perioperative use of CPAP Residents must demonstrate a commitment to carry-
 bleeding risk associated with the use of NSAIDs in ing out professional responsibilities, adherence to eth-
tonsillectomy patients ical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient pop-

Practice-based learning Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a

and improvement responsiveness to the needs of patients and society
that supersedes self-interest; accountability to
Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their
patients, society, and the profession; and a
patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific
commitment to excellence and ongoing
evidence, and improve their patient care practices.
professional development.
Analyze practice experience and perform
practice-based improvement activities using a The family might be prepared to stay overnight.
292 systematic methodology. For some families, an overnight stay is reassuring,
and for others, it is distressing. It is important to
Case 54 Singin the OSA blues

respect the familys concerns, while explaining the rea-

Work effectively with others as a member or
son for admission. Listen to them, while giving some
leader of a health care team or other professional
structure to the conversation. Reiterate that every
decision we make is primarily for the safety of the
patient. Discuss the plans for induction, emergence, and
Professionalism must also be maintained in the postop care with the surgical team. The briefing and
discussion with the surgeons about patient disposition. debriefing can help, but in this case, the discussion
Express your opinion about admission based on objec- about admission must take place before going to the
tive information. Be prepared to defend your decision operating room.
rationally. Ideally, try to build relationships with the
surgeons so that you can grow to mutually trust each Systems-based practice
others decisions.
Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and
responsiveness to the larger context and system of
Interpersonal and communication health care and the ability to effectively call on system
resources to provide care that is of optimal value.
Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal Practice cost-effective health care and resource
and communication skills that result in effective infor- allocation that does not compromise quality of
mation exchange and teaming with patients, their care.
patients families, and professional associates. Sleep studies are considered the gold standard for
Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically determining the diagnosis of OSA, yet they are expen-
sound relationship with patients. sive and time-consuming tests, for which third-party
payers might refuse to pay. The alternative options for
Be supportive of the parents, who might be nervous patients with OSA of uncertain severity, but clearly
about their childs surgery. Discuss possible effects of more than mild, is to admit them overnight, discharge
the anesthetic so that they can be prepared for the post- them home after a longer PACU stay, or avoid the use
operative course. of postoperative opioids.

Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

References apnea is associated with reduced opioid requirement

for analgesia. Anesthesiology 2004;100:806810;
1. Brown KA, Laferriere A, Lakheeram I, Moss IR. discussion, 5A.
Recurrent hypoxemia in children is associated with
increased analgesic sensitivity to opiates. 5. Nixon GM, Kermack AS, McGregor CD, et al. Sleep
Anesthesiology 2006;105:665669. and breathing on the first night after
adenotonsillectomy for obstructive sleep apnea.
2. Dsida R, Cote CJ. Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory
Pediatr Pulmonol 2005;39:332338.
drugs and hemorrhage following tonsillectomy: do we
have the data? Anesthesiology 2004;100:749751; 6. Anuntaseree W, Rookkapan K, Kuasirikul S,
author reply, 751752. Thongsuksai P. Snoring and obstructive sleep apnea in
Thai school-age children: prevalence and predisposing
3. Jeyakumar A, Brickman TM, Williamson ME, et al.
factors. Pediatr Pulmonol 2001;32:222227.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and
postoperative bleeding following adenotonsillectomy 7. Schwengel DA, Sterni LM, Tunkel DE, Heitmiller ES.
in pediatric patients. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Perioperative management of children with
Surg 2008;134:2427. obstructive sleep apnea: a review. Anesth Analg,
4. Brown KA, Laferriere A, Moss IR. Recurrent
hypoxemia in young children with obstructive sleep

Part 5 Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under
Case Deborah A. Schwengel

55 Oxygen
Justin Lockman and Deborah A. Schwengel

Love is like oxygen. You get too much, you get too treatment of health problems and the promotion of
high. Not enough and youre gonna die. health.
Andrew Scott and Trevor Griffen
Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring
and respectful behaviors when interacting with
The case patients and their families.
A 2-day-old, 26-week, 740-g male infant was admitted
for repair of tracheoesophageal fistula (TEF). This is not an elective case, but you have enough
The pregnancy was the product of a rape and was time to answer questions for the mother. Not know-
complicated by polyhydramnios, herpes simplex virus ing how she might feel about the pregnancy, the baby,
infection, preeclampsia, and ultrasound suggestion of and now the babys health problems, it is easy to under-
fetal esophageal atresia and absence of the corpus cal- stand feeling uncomfortable with the discussion. This
losum. The infant was delivered by cesarean section is not the time to explore all those issues, so you give
due to maternal preeclampsia. The infant was limp the same information to this mother as you would to
and required bag-mask ventilation, then endotracheal any other mother faced with a premature newborn
intubation and a brief period of chest compressions for about to undergo major surgery. The mother should
bradycardia. Apgars were 1, 1, 5. Chest X-ray showed be counseled that the child could suffer cardiovascular
an enteric tube at the level of the clavicles, air in the or respiratory problems and neurologic complications
stomach and intestines, and bilateral diffuse granu- of the anesthetic and surgical procedure.
larity of the lung fields. An echocardiogram showed
patent foramen ovale (PFO), a small pulmonary artery Gather essential and accurate information about
and pulmonary artery hypertension, good left and their patients.
right ventricular function, and otherwise normal car- This child has a number of serious problems on
diac structure. The child also had hypospadias and which you need to focus tonight:
hydronephrosis.  prematurity: this baby is very premature and has a
The infant developed worsening lung compliance
significant mortality based on the gestational age
and was given surfactant and placed on an oscilla-
tor. You are consulted to take this child to the operat-  lung disease: the child needs ventilatory support
ing room for thoracotomy, ligation of TEF, and pos-
sible repair of the esophageal atresia; the team feels with an oscillator
 tracheoesophageal fistula: the child is at risk of
that the child is getting worse and that repair of the
TEF might help improve oxygenation and ventilation. respiratory insufficiency and aspiration
You think to yourself, Yeah, if the baby survives the
operation! To make matters worse, it is 10 oclock at Make informed decisions about diagnostic and
night. therapeutic interventions based on patient
information and preferences, up-to-date scientific
evidence, and clinical judgment.
Patient care
Residents must be able to provide patient care that Any child with a TEF needs to be evaluated
is compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the for the components of VACTERL association. Key 295
Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

investigations prior to surgery include echocardio- 35 C can produce coagulopathy due to impaired von
gram and renal ultrasound: Willebrand factor platelet interactions, clot instabil-
 vertebral anomalies ity, and slowed initiation of clot formation [2,3].
 anal atresia Most premature infants are treated with antibiotics,
 cardiovascular structural abnormalities (so an so giving additional doses in the operating room might
not be advised. Their clearance mechanisms are not
echocardiogram is essential prior to beginning an mature, and therefore dosing intervals are much longer
anesthetic) than for older patients.
 tracheoesophageal fistula In most cases of TEF, the anesthetic induction and
 esophageal atresia endotracheal intubation are accomplished in very spe-
 renal abnormalities cific ways. This patient was already intubated, but in
 limb anomalies the case of one who is not, the classic teaching is to
keep the patient breathing spontaneously. Why do we
Develop and carry out patient management plans. do this? This is core anesthesiology teaching, analo-
gous to the situation of a bronchopleural fistula. The
The diagnostic tests in this patient revealed evi- patient has an abnormal connection from the trachea
dence of TEF, PFO, pulmonary hypertension, and to the stomach. If you use positive pressure ventila-
good bilateral ventricular function. The TEF is treated tion, in the worst case scenario, the stomach is a low-
with an operation. The heart is treated by maintain- pressure sink. Air preferentially goes where the pres-
ing oxygenation and ventilation in an effort to avoid sure is lowest, and so the stomach becomes a bal-
increasing pulmonary vascular pressures related to loon that gets bigger with each breath, and you end up
hypoxemia, hypercarbia, and acidosis. The child is ven- with aspiration of gastric contents or abdominal com-
tilated with an oscillator. We must find out if the baby partment syndrome, elevated hemidiaphragms, com-
can tolerate coming off of the oscillator for the trans- pressed lung tissue, massive atelectasis, severe loss of
port to the operating room, plus our surgeon does not FRC, and therefore profound hypoxemia, complete
want to operate on the oscillator, so a trial of conven- failure of ventilation, cardiovascular compromise, and
tional ventilation is done to make sure the baby doesnt death. To avoid death, we let the baby keep breathing
crash and burn en route to the operating room. I hate it until the fistula is ligated, even if there is hypoxemia.
when my patient turns blue in the elevator! Seriously, And so we proceeded, letting the baby breathe sponta-
transport is often the most hazardous part of any inten- neously with a volatile anesthetic. With this, we accom-
sive care unit (ICU) case. plish unconsciousness, pain relief, and some degree of
The child tolerated conventional ventilation and muscle relaxation. If we use too much opioid, we might
was transported without desaturation. The neona- burn bridges and end up with apnea, so we hold off on
tal ICU staff had placed both umbilical arterial and that.
venous catheters and a peripheral intravenous line. We For this baby, we started with 100% oxygen. When
had the lines we needed, blood was available, and our conditions allow us to mix in some air, we do. This
operating room was warm and set up. Temperature patient and all severely premature infants are at risk
control is of particular importance in these very tiny for chronic lung disease and retinopathy of prematu-
patients. Their extremely high body surface area and rity (ROP). This is the get too much part of the song.
lack of subcutaneous tissue puts them at very high risk Both conditions are linked to high arterial oxygen ten-
for hypothermia. The operating room must be max- sion and, possibly, swings in oxygenation that include
imally warmed. As you pant and perspire, and the periods of hypoxemia, all affecting retinal angiogenesis
surgeons and nurses in the room complain, you take and pulmonary oxygen toxicity [4]. It is the standard of
pride in the fact that your patient is warm. Heat loss in care to keep oxygen saturations in the low to mid-90s,
the operating room is primarily due to radiation and rather than the high 90s, in premature babies less than
convection. Babies also have higher evaporative losses 34 weeks gestation.
than older patients, both from skin and the respiratory The tricky part of the anesthetic beyond induc-
tree. Conductive losses are the least. It has been shown tion is maintaining oxygenation and ventilation dur-
296 that cold babies are at risk of higher morbidity and ing the thoracotomy. After all, the surgeons hands are
mortality from thermal stress [1]. Temperatures below bigger than the kids entire chest! Yet somehow they
Case 55 Oxygen

must find the fistula and ligate it. This is done by gen- This case is all about keeping the child alive in the
tly retracting the right lung (it is a right thoracotomy). operating room and maintaining temperature, oxy-
You can bet that you will see oxygenation plummet genation, ventilation, blood pressure, and intravascu-
in this tiny baby with respiratory distress syndrome, lar volume. We try to avoid some of the complications
so hand ventilation is usually necessary to assist the of prematurity: barotrauma, patent ductus arteriosus,
babys own respiratory efforts, positive end expiratory hypothermia, hypoglycemia, intraventricular hemor-
pressure (PEEP) can be used, and of course, 100% rhage, and retinopathy of prematurity.
oxygen this is the not enough and youre gonna
die part. Our patient had episodes of desaturation
and complete lack of ventilation noticeable by loss of Medical knowledge
end-tidal carbon dioxide (ETCO2 ) and no perceptible Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab-
lung movement. Possible explanations include kinking lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cog-
of the trachea, abutting of the endotracheal tube (ETT) nate (e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sci-
against the mucosa of the airway, obstruction of the ences and the application of this knowledge to patient
ETT by blood or mucus, or loss of all ventilation care.
through the fistula. Assessment of compliance might
help establish the diagnosis, but there isnt time for Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic
much diagnostic maneuvering, so you ask the surgeons thinking approach to clinical situations.
to get their hands out of the chest to see if ventilation
Prematurity is fraught with multiple possible seri-
resumes, which, in this case, it did. Nevertheless, the
ous medical consequences. Medical science has just
ligation needs to get done, so brace yourself for multi-
not figured out how to duplicate the intrauterine envi-
ple episodes of desaturation and loss of ETCO2 you
ronment. Additionally, prematurity is more common
will just have to work with the surgeons; allow them as
in babies with congenital anomalies, maternal infec-
much time as possible to get a ligature around the fistu-
tion, other maternal illness, and placental insuffi-
la, and then you can use positive pressure ventilation.
ciency, and neonates respond differently to physiologic
The fistula gets ligated, but you arent done yet
stressors than mature humans do. Be prepared for all
now the esophageal anastomosis needs to get done.
Finally, the case is completed; the patient did OK
despite all the respiratory instability, but there was not
Know and apply the basic and clinically
much bleeding or hemodynamic instability.
supportive sciences that are appropriate to their
Perform competently all medical and invasive
procedures considered essential for the area of Know the possible configurations of esophageal
practice. atresia or fistula. There are six possible variants (this is
also something commonly found on the written board
In this case, the technical procedures were done in exam):
the neonatal ICU, before you ever met the child. The
 proximal esophageal atresia and distal
umbilical catheters are a gift, providing reliable cen-
tral venous access and arterial access. These catheters tracheoesophageal fistula this accounts for 85%
are not without complication but are much easier to to 90% of defects
 proximal and distal esophageal atresia with no
place than peripheral, percutaneous catheters, espe-
cially in the artery. A backup plan would be to ask the TEF
surgeons to do a radial or posterior tibial cutdown.  proximal TEF and distal esophageal atresia
Femoral arterial lines in this size of a patient can cause  proximal and distal TEF
the loss of a leg and so are avoided, unless there are  H-type TEF, no esophageal atresia
absolutely no other options.  esophageal stenosis, no TEF

Provide health care services aimed at preventing Recent research has raised the question of the long-
health problems or maintaining health. term safety of anesthesia for these patients. Laboratory 297
experiments in rodents have suggested that apoptosis
Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

is common in the young and old and that learning Professionalism

deficits can also be demonstrated [5,6].
Residents must demonstrate a commitment to car-
rying out professional responsibilities, adherence to
Practice-based learning ethical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient
and improvement population.
Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their
patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scien- Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a
tific evidence, and improve their patient care prac- responsiveness to the needs of patients and society
tices. that supersedes self-interest; accountability to
patients, society, and the profession; and a
Analyze practice experience and perform commitment to excellence and ongoing
practice-based improvement activities using a professional development.
systematic methodology.
Be prepared to put everything you have into this
For most residents, a case like this is way beyond case: superb vigilance, constant communication with
their comfort level. The patient is small enough to the surgeons, caring honesty with the mother, and
be completely lost under the drapes, medications are strict attention to medication dosing and fluid admin-
measured in tenths of milliliters, and the neonates istration.
physiology is different from a more mature humans.
So, unless the resident is very experienced with pedi-
atric patients and babies, this case requires attending Interpersonal and communication
presence and constant vigilance. It is important to dis- skills
cuss the case afterward and to reflect on how it felt to Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal
care for this tiny baby, but the resident probably will and communication skills that result in effective infor-
not have enough experience with such small babies to mation exchange and teaming with patients, their
have an internal barometer by which to evaluate the patients families, and professional associates.

Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically
scientific studies related to their patients health sound relationship with patients.
problems. The patients family needs full disclosure of your
There is the need to learn about an infants physiol- plans for anesthetic management and real appraisal of
ogy and the complications of prematurity. risk for morbidity and mortality.

Obtain and use information about their own Use effective listening skills and elicit and provide
population of patients and the larger population information using effective nonverbal,
from which their patients are drawn. explanatory, questioning, and writing skills.
Residents can draw something from their experi- Give the mother enough time to ask questions,
ences doing thoracotomies in adult patients and in knowing that she may be emotionally labile; she is
caring for newborns having other types of surgeries. postpartum, the pregnancy was the result of a rape, and
Some commonalities are generalizable, such as trying the infant is ill.
to avoid hypoxemia and hypotension, but the babies,
especially premies, are really totally different. There is Work effectively with others as a member or
no such thing as a double lumen endotracheal tube for leader of a health care team or other professional
this case; indeed, the single lumen endotracheal tube group.
is far smaller than the lumens of any of the double
lumen tubes available. Consequently, life-threatening Team cooperation and communication is key, first
298 obstruction of the tiny (2.5 or 3.0) endotracheal tubes with the neonatal ICU team, and next with the oper-
can easily happen due to mucus or blood. ating room team. As described, periods of patient
Case 55 Oxygen

instability are to be expected, and close communi- tem resources to provide care that is of optimal
cation with the surgeons is paramount. Additionally, value.
the anesthesia team must closely communicate with
the surgeons about where they rest their hands or Practice cost-effective health care and resource
equipment once the surgical drapes cover the patient; allocation that does not compromise quality of
it is our job to protect the patient from inadvertent care.
pressure injuries or difficulty with ventilation because The most important way to practice cost-effective
of external forces. health care in this situation is to do things as safely
as possible and try to avoid complications that might
Systems-based practice extend the patients hospital course. All the complica-
Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and tions of prematurity are possible for this extremely pre-
responsiveness to the larger context and system of mature infant with congenital anomalies; they are also
health care and the ability to effectively call on sys- personally and economically costly.

Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

References 4. Sola A, Rogido MR, Deulofeut R. Oxygen as a neonatal

health hazard: call for detente in clinical practice. Acta
1. Costeloe K, Hennessy E, Gibson AT, Marlow N, Paediatr 2007;96:801812.
Wilkinson AR. The EPICure study: outcomes to
discharge from hospital for infants born at the 5. Jevtovic-Todorovic V, Hartman RE, Izumi Y, et al.
threshold of viability. Pediatrics 2000;106:659671. Early exposure to common anesthetic agents causes
widespread neurodegeneration in the developing rat
2. Kermode J, Zheng Q, Milner EP. Marked temperature brain and persistent learning deficits. J Neurosci
dependence of the platelet calcium signal induced by 2003;23:876878.
human von Willebrand factor. Blood 1999;94:199207.
6. Wilder RT, Flick RP, Sprung J, et al. Early exposure to
3. Dirkmann D, Hanke AA, Gorlinger K, Peters J. anesthesia and learning disabilities in a
Hypothermia and acidosis synergistically impair population-based birth cohort. Anesthesiology
coagulation in human whole blood. Anesth Analg 2009;110:796804.

Part 5 Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under
Case Deborah A. Schwengel

56 My patients an airhead!
Management of air embolism during
sitting craniotomy
The case Alexander Papangelou Patient care
A 52-year-old man presents to the preop area for Residents must be able to provide patient care that
a craniotomy for tumor. You reviewed the patients is compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the
records the prior day and noted that he was previously treatment of health problems and the promotion of
healthy but has recently developed severe headaches. health.
Imaging of the head revealed a sizable mass compress-
ing the brain stem, with some cerebral edema involv- Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring
ing the pons. and respectful behaviors when interacting with
Your attending for the day doesnt usually do neuro patients and their families.
cases, especially craniotomies. The surgeon wants
maximal operative exposure and really wants this to This is a must. In this case, you can very quickly
be an awake crani so that the patient can be quickly let the patient know that everything is going to be OK.
assessed for new neuro deficits. He strongly requests an He probably wont hear you, but if he does, hell later
awake crani in the sitting position. Your attending says, appreciate your calming words. Remember, however,
Sure, whatever you want. You remember from your that THIS IS A DIRE EMERGENCY requiring quick
studies that these procedures are dangerous, but you action, and not a moment should be wasted.
cant really remember why. You convince your attend-
ing to put in both a central line and an arterial line. Gather essential and accurate information about
These are placed, with some sedation, into the right their patients.
internal jugular vein and left radial artery, respectively.
The patient is positioned and sedated to a zom- This case requires a tremendous amount of prepa-
bielike state with a dexmedetomidine drip. Youve ration and, quite frankly, some prayer. You should
given the patient 1 g/kg of mannitol, 10 mg of dexam- have looked at the surgical posting carefully, espe-
ethasone, and 750 cc of normal saline. Incision goes cially at the position preference. Cases done in the sit-
well, partly due to your superb bilateral scalp block. ting position are particularly prone to air embolism;
You notice that the surgical field is rather dry, once the the patient spontaneously breathing just adds to this
skull flap is removed. Youre now smiling and excited. risk [1].
Things are going well! Thirty minutes later, the surgeon Your preop history and physical should have
tells you that he got into the venous sinus but that he also included an assessment of intracranial pressure
thinks he can control things quickly. As you go to text (ICP). This could be done by obtaining a history
page your attending with the update, you notice that from the patient (headache worse in the lying posi-
the patient just gasped. He then starts to get tachyp- tion, headache worse in the morning, holocephalic
neic, with shallow, irregular breathing. The ETCO2 unrelenting headache, nausea and vomiting, dou-
(end-tidal carbon dioxide) reading decreases rapidly, ble vision, blurry vision) and physical examination
as does the pulse oximeter. You start playing with the (change in consciousness, bilateral sixth nerve palsies,
connections to make sure the monitors arent malfunc- papilledema, hyperreflexia). You should also question
tioning. You tell the surgeon whats going on, and he the surgeon about the scan and his or her assessment
curses loudly, asking for your attendings presence stat. of ICP.
Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

coma, and death. This is in addition to your routine

Make informed decisions about diagnostic and
preoperative discussion.
therapeutic interventions based on patient
information and preferences, up-to-date scientific Use information technology to support patient
evidence, and clinical judgment. care decisions and patient education.
Recognizing that the sitting position is dangerous The Internet and PubMed are wonderful resources.
should trigger the resident to read a book chapter or You must use them.
review article about this particular position or, even
better, about venous air embolism. Perform competently all medical and invasive
procedures considered essential for the area of
Develop and carry out patient management plans.
All craniotomies should get an arterial line. You It is hoped that youve become proficient at intu-
were right to want a central line. However, the line bating, arterial lines, and perhaps central lines. The
should have been of the longer variety a Bunegin- longer 30-cm central venous catheter needs position-
Albin catheter of 30 cm length. This should have been ing confirmed via chest x-ray (CXR). Proper position-
positioned 2 cm below the superior vena cavaatrial ing in the right atrium would be essential to treat air
junction [1]. You should have also obtained a precor- embolism.
dial ultrasound Doppler to assist with early detection
of venous air embolism. Along with a TEE, this is Provide health care services aimed at preventing
the most sensitive tool available to detect venous air health problems or maintaining health.
embolism. You should be able to detect air before it
Keeping this patient alive is now going to be a sub-
becomes clinically apparent [2]!
stantial challenge.
You or your attending should have argued against
the sitting position, especially with an awake patient. Work with health care professionals, including
Positive pressure ventilation with PEEP (positive end- those from other disciplines, to provide
expiratory pressure) is somewhat protective against air patient-focused care.
embolism. The difference in venous pressure from the
cranial veins to the right atrium drives shunting of Your preoperative discussion should definitely
air and subsequent embolism. An intubated patient have included a chat with the neurosurgeon with
in the prone position on 10 mmHg of PEEP, having regard to patient positioning and the lack of general
brain-stem auditory evoked responses (BAERs) and anesthesia with mechanical ventilation. At this point,
somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEPs) performed you cant turn back the clock, so working swiftly as a
as electrophysiological monitoring, would have been team is a must to save this patients life.
far safer.
Your plan should have included tight blood pres- Medical knowledge
sure control not too high from baseline (increases Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab-
risk of bleeding) and not too far below baseline lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cognate
(decreased cerebral perfusion). Low cerebral perfu- (e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sciences
sion pressure (CPP) should be a substantial concern, and the application of this knowledge to patient care.
especially in the seated position, with the head so far
above the heart [2]. You should have aggressively vol- Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic
ume loaded the patient, especially with the impending thinking approach to clinical situations.
diuresis from a 1 gm/kg load of mannitol. A dry patient
Proper preparation for this case would have quickly
will further reduce right atrial pressure.
helped you make the diagnosis. Even before the gasp,
Counsel and educate patients and their families. you should have been ready to act when the sur-
geons got into the venous sinus. Slow entrapment of
Your informed consent should have included the air affecting 10% of the pulmonary circulation would
302 high probability of air embolism and all the possible produce a gasp reflex [1]. This, unfortunately, reduces
sequelae. This includes right heart failure, arrhythmia, intrathoracic pressure and right atrial pressure further.
Case 56 My patients an airhead!

This could cause a rapid entrainment of air and quick 1. Improve preparedness. Pay attention to
circulatory collapse. positioning and the surgical plan. In neuro cases,
be cognizant of elevated ICP, airway issues, and
Know and apply the basic and clinically blood pressure control.
supportive sciences that are appropriate to their 2. Read about topics you dont know well. This will
discipline. allow you to have an intelligent conversation with
your surgical colleagues and your patients.
You know you are in trouble but, what can you
do now? The first thing would be to rapidly but safely 3. Improve your history taking and physical exam
secure the airway. Flatten the patient, and even put skills.
him in Trendelenburg, if possible. Ventilate and oxy- 4. Place the proper lines. You should understand
genate with 100% FiO2 . Avoid nitrous oxide as this can whether central access is needed on the basis of
expand air bubbles! Using high levels of PEEP may potential infusion of vasoactive substances,
help prevent further air embolism. Be mindful, how- blood loss (proximity to vascular structures),
ever, that PEEP can adversely affect performance of or in this case, treatment of venous air
the right ventricle [3], which will already be strained embolism.
pumping against high pulmonary artery pressures. It 5. Gather the proper equipment. You should have
may be better to avoid it in cases in which there had a precordial Doppler.
is impending circulatory collapse. Have an assistant 6. Do not allow the neuro patient to get dry. This
start an inotropic pressor such as epinephrine or nore- may exacerbate a dysautonomia, cause
pinephrine. With a longer central venous catheter, you hypotension, and decrease cerebral perfusion
could also manually remove air bubbles! The most pressure. In this case, a low CVP was clearly
air you can retrieve is about 50% of that entrained detrimental.
[1], but this may be the difference between life and 7. You should always anticipate the worst. Knowing
death. the signs of venous air embolism, with the proper
The surgeons should first flood the field with sterile detection, may have limited the damage in this
saline. They should also get quick control of the venous case.
bleeding. They should then assist the anesthesia team 8. Always simultaneously diagnose and treat a
with patient positioning. It is hoped that the surgeons life-threatening problem.
can help limit the danger to the patient during subse- 9. Get help when you need it!
quent intubation.
Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from
scientific studies related to their patients health
Practice-based learning problems.
and improvement There have been several reviews of venous air
Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their embolism. The sitting craniotomy has gone out of favor
patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific due to the particularly high incidence of venous air
evidence, and improve their patient care practices. embolism (VAE) (upward of 80% with sensitive detec-
tion) [1,2]. Experiments have been performed on dif-
Analyze practice experience and perform
ferent animals to understand what volume of air would
practice-based improvement activities using a
be fatal and to follow physiologic changes as they
systematic methodology.
occur. The lethal volume of air in dogs is 7.5 mL/kg
The first and biggest error in this case is the res- injected rapidly. The number in humans is unknown,
idents lack of proper preparedness. Never get caught but injection of as little as 100 cc of air accidentally has
flat-footed like this again! Of course, your attending led to death [1].
didnt help in this situation. You also had an insistent Apply knowledge of study designs and statistical
surgeon, who, for whatever reason, really wanted this methods to the appraisal of clinical studies and
patient awake in the sitting position. Certainly you will other information on diagnostic and therapeutic
never forget this case during your entire career. Your effectiveness. 303
points of improvement would be as follows:
Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

This is a no-brainer. When evaluating clinical stud- Use effective listening skills and elicit and provide
ies, be aware of statistical tricks. In this case, a random- information using effective nonverbal,
ized, double-blinded study would never be performed explanatory, questioning, and writing skills.
for VAE. However, studies have been done evaluating
the sensitivity of different methods of detection [2]. Communication is very important, especially
when charting a case such as this. This transcends
every part of our profession.
Residents must demonstrate a commitment to carry- Work effectively with others as a member or
ing out professional responsibilities, adherence to eth- leader of a health care team or other professional
ical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient pop- group.
Dont forget that everyone in the operating room
Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a is there to provide care to the patient. You are all there
responsiveness to the needs of patients and society for the same purpose. There is no reason for conflict or
that supersedes self-interest; accountability to anger.
patients, society, and the profession; and a
commitment to excellence and ongoing Systems-based practice
professional development. Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and
responsiveness to the larger context and system of
You may get some Monday-morning quarterback
health care and the ability to effectively call on system
chatter after this case. They may not even wait for
resources to provide care that is of optimal value.
Monday morning. Just be humble, respectful, and
accept constructive criticism. Youll be a better doctor Understand how their patient care and other
after your mistakes. professional practices affect other health care
professionals, the health care organization, and
Demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles the larger society and how these elements of the
pertaining to provision or withholding of clinical system affect their own practice.
care, confidentiality of patient information,
informed consent, and business practice. The outcome in this case is unclear but certainly
could have led to intraoperative death or poor func-
Im sure you did your best during informed con- tional outcome. This would be even more likely if
sent. Sometimes its tough to give informed consent if the patient suffered paroxysmal embolism (increased
you dont know all the risks. If you understand the pro- right-sided pressures, leading to shunting through pul-
cedure, then youll know the risks. monary or cardiac channels, i.e., patent foramen ovale
[PFO] leading to systemic arterial embolism). This
Interpersonal and communication could lead to central nervous system deficits or even
skills In case of death, the greater good of society should
Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal be considered. If the patient becomes brain-dead,
and communication skills that result in effective infor- attempt to maintain adequate organ perfusion. The
mation exchange and teaming with patients, their patient may be a candidate for organ transplant.
patients families, and professional associates.
Practice cost-effective health care and resource
Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically allocation that does not compromise quality of
sound relationship with patients. care.
This is a patient you should follow-up daily, until This was certainly a high-risk surgery, even avoid-
clinical resolution. Be honest with family members ing the sitting position. Surgically, the tumor was in
304 they will always appreciate this. a terrible location. The possibility of postop deficit is
Case 56 My patients an airhead!

relatively high. One may argue whether surgery should the patients best interests, whether with your hospital
be performed in the first place. Once a decision has administrator or with an insurance company.
been made to proceed with surgery, we have an obliga-
tion to provide whatever care is necessary, in the best Know how to partner with health care managers
interests of the patient and society. This may lead to and health care providers to assess, coordinate,
better outcomes, with less morbidity and savings to and improve health care and know how these
society. activities can affect system performance.

Advocate for quality patient care and assist Not everybody is interested in politics; however,
patients in dealing with system complexities. your input from this case may lead to quality improve-
ment at your institution. Presenting this case at mor-
You are the patients guardian and advocate, first bidity and mortality (M&M) for neurosurgery or anes-
and foremost. That probably best defines our role in thesia may lead to helpful discussion. Again, providing
anesthesia. You should always be willing to argue for excellent patient care should be first and foremost.

Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

References 3. Neidhart PP, Suter PM. Changes of right ventricular

function with positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP)
1. Palmon SC, Moore LE, Lundberg J, Toung T. Venous
in man. Intensive Care Med 1988;14:471473.
air embolism: a review. J Clin Anesthes 1997;9:
2. Porter JM, Pidgeon C, Cunningham AJ. The sitting
position in neurosurgery: a critical appraisal. Br J
Anaesth 1999;82:117128.

Part 5 Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under
Case Deborah A. Schwengel

57 Fifty-one-year-old female with abdominal

pain, diarrhea, flushing, and heart murmur
for exploratory laparotomy
The case Peter Lin and Ralph J. Fuchs obtain large-gauge peripheral intravenous access, a
A 51-year-old, 59-kg woman was admitted to the hos- triple-lumen central venous catheter was placed in
pital for elective exploratory laparotomy and resection the patients right internal jugular vein postinduction.
of a pelvic mass, thought to be ovarian carcinoma. Anesthesia was maintained with isoflurane supple-
The patient gradually developed increasing abdominal mented with fentanyl and atracurium, as judged to be
and lower back pain, weight loss of 6 pounds, cough, clinically appropriate.
nausea, and diarrhea over the course of 1 year. She The intraoperative course was hemodynamically
also noted some facial flushing, described as redness of uneventful; the heart rate varied from 70 to 100 beats
the central face that was persistent but would worsen per minute, and SBP varied from 85 to 110 mmHg.
from time to time, without any precipitating factor. However, central venous pressure (CVP) was abnor-
Her medical history was significant for chronic anxi- mally high, varying from 17 to 25 mmHg, despite
ety disorder and mitral valve prolapse. the significant venous bleeding that occurred through-
During the preoperative physical examination, the out the procedure. Small- and medium-sized veins in
patients heart rate was 120 beats per minute, and arte- fibrotic tissue resulted in bleeding that was difficult to
rial blood pressure was 105/75 mmHg. There was red- control surgically.
ness of her central face, which was described as facial The CVP trace demonstrated large C-V waves,
rosacea by the evaluating physician. A grade II/VI suggesting tricuspid regurgitation. A two-dimensional
systolic ejection murmur was noted along the left ster- transesophageal echocardiographic (TEE) examina-
nal border, without radiation. She had increased bowel tion was performed, showing an enlarged right atrium
sounds. A firm, 18-week-sized uterus with a globular and an abnormal tricuspid valve with tricuspid insuf-
mass at the fundus was palpable. The remainder of her ficiency. The tricuspid valve leaflets appeared thick,
exam was unremarkable. short, retracted, and hypomobile, resulting in incom-
Laboratory investigations were unremarkable, with plete coaptation. At this point, after discussions
the exception of a hematocrit of 24.4 vol %. A between the anesthesiologists and surgeons, a carci-
colonoscopy to evaluate for chronic diarrhea was nor- noid tumor with cardiac involvement was considered.
mal. An ultrasound of the abdomen and a computed Intraoperative surgical findings included amber-
tomographic scan showed bilateral ovarian masses colored ascites, retroperitoneal fibrosis throughout the
within the pelvis, with ascites and a moderate right pelvis, and firm, irregular, bilateral ovarian masses.
pleural effusion. The patient stated that a transthoracic The appendix appeared normal and was left intact.
two-dimensional echocardiography from 5 years ago A supracervical hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-
(taken for her history of mitral valve prolapse) was oophorectomy and omentectomy was performed. The
normal, but these results were not available. A preop- patient was awakened and extubated uneventfully.
erative chest radiograph was not obtained. With the Postoperatively, the 24-hour urinary excretion of
exception of a first-degree atrioventricular block, her 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) was elevated at
electrocardiogram (ECG) was unremarkable. 104 mg (normal is less than 6 mg per 24 hours). The
Anesthesia was induced with thiopental sodium final histopathological examination reported bilateral
and fentanyl. Atracurium was given to facilitate endo- metastatic carcinoid ovarian tumors and omentum
tracheal intubation. After induction, systolic blood with metastatic carcinoid tumor. Both argentaffin and
pressure (SBP) decreased from 120 to 100 mmHg argyrophil stains were positive, suggesting the small
but was stable thereafter. Owing to the inability to bowel as the primary site. 307
Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

Four months later, the patient underwent a sec- diagnosis of carcinoid syndrome would have permit-
ond exploratory laparotomy for small bowel resec- ted appropriate preoperative pharmacological prepa-
tion and appendectomy because there was evidence of ration of the patient. Failure to offset the vasoactive
carcinoid tumor involving the small bowel as well as substances that are produced by the carcinoid tumors
metastatic carcinoid tumor of the appendix [1]. may lead to profound hypotension or bronchospasm
on induction of general anesthesia or during intraop-
Patient care erative manipulation of the tumor.
Residents must be able to provide patient care that is Develop and carry out patient management plans.
compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat-
ment of health problems and the promotion of health. Medical decision making involves many factors,
including patient preference, scientific evidence, clini-
Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring cian preference and experience, and clinical judgment.
and respectful behaviors when interacting with However, when a clinician is presented with a rare and
patients and their families. unexpected disease, he or she is often forced to make
decisions on the best available evidence.
In any case in which the suspected diagnosis is can- In patients undergoing anesthesia, patient pref-
cer, the anesthesiologist as well as any other health care erence is often a moot issue (i.e., the patient agrees
provider must recognize the patients potentially frag- with whatever treatment the anesthetist deems neces-
ile state of mind. While most patients are already anx- sary, with some exceptions such as blood transfusion).
ious prior to any major surgery, the patient in this case In a patient with a previously undiagnosed carcinoid
was also scared to discover the extent and pathology tumor, clinical experience and preference are nonexis-
of her cancer. A patients sense of self-identity often tent and thus become nonissues. This means that what-
changes once they become labeled as a cancer patient ever decisions are made in the operating room must
(or survivor), and her anesthesiologist must recognize, be based on medical knowledge and on the best avail-
respect, and react properly to these fears. able scientific evidence. The scientific evidence and the
details of managing a patient with carcinoid syndrome
Gather essential and accurate information about are discussed in more detail later.
their patients.
Counsel and educate patients and their families.
Every health care provider has wished, at least once,
that his or her patients would carry copies of all their The patient in this case was educated about carci-
relevant medical studies. Until we have a uniform stan- noid syndrome, which not only helped her to make
dard of medical record keeping, however, we must con- informed medical decisions in the future, but also
tinue to fill in any blanks by taking a thorough history helped to allay some of the anxiety she felt about her
and physical. new diagnosis. While discussing the implications of
For the patient in this case, a thorough preoper- this disease with the patient, the health care providers
ative history and physical suggested a possible com- were also vigilant to make sure that they provided an
plex underlying pathology. In retrospect, the presence appropriate level of detail, balancing what the patient
of abdominal pain, diarrhea, facial flushing, and a wanted to know with what she could understand.
heart murmur, together with the CT findings of bilat- It was explained to her that in approximately 2%
eral ovarian masses, might have led the clinicians to to 5% of patients with carcinoid tumors, carcinoid
include carcinoid syndrome in the preoperative differ- syndrome develops. Normally, the release of vasoac-
ential diagnosis. In addition, the patients earlier diag- tive substances produces minimal, if any, symptoms,
nosis of mitral valve prolapse may have been in error, as the liver is able to rapidly inactivate these materials.
and this finding may have actually represented a man- Carcinoid tumors of neuroectodermal origin are slow
ifestation of her carcinoid cardiac disease. growing and release at least 20 different humoral sub-
The suspicion of carcinoid syndrome would have stances.
prompted the physician to request a urinary 5-HIAA Manifestations of carcinoid syndrome usually
308 level and might have led to an accurate preopera- occur in patients with liver metastasis, in situations
tive diagnosis of carcinoid syndrome. The preoperative in which tumors do not drain into the portal venous
Case 57 Fifty-one-year-old female with abdominal pain, diarrhea, flushing, and heart murmur

system such as ovarian or pulmonary tumors, or when tricuspid and pulmonic valvular disease, may be fatal.
the output of vasoactive substances overwhelms the The typical right-sided valvular lesion appears to be
ability of the liver to inactivate them. Classically, car- one of combined tricuspid stenosis and regurgitation.
cinoid syndrome is characterized by episodic flush-
ing, bronchospasm, diarrhea, and right-sided valvular Medical knowledge
heart lesions. Carcinoid tumors in the appendix have
Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab-
never been reported to produce carcinoid syndrome.
lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cog-
nate (e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sci-
Perform competently all medical and invasive ences and the application of this knowledge to patient
procedures considered essential for the area of care.
Know and apply the basic and clinically
It was fortuitous that a central line was placed in supportive sciences that are appropriate to their
the beginning of the case. This allowed the anesthe- discipline.
sia providers to interpret the CVP tracing and recog-
nize its implications. Subsequently, they also needed Anesthetic management of patients with carcinoid
to perform a TEE and recognized that some of its syndrome has focused on blocking histamine and
findings were consistent with a carcinoid syndrome serotonin receptors and avoiding drugs that facili-
related valvular lesion. tate the release of mediators from tumor cells. Drugs
Indeed, carcinoid syndrome is a rare cause of that are considered to trigger mediator release include
acquired valvular heart disease. However, cardiac opioids, specifically meperidine and morphine; the
involvement has been recognized in more than half histamine-releasing neuromuscular relaxants atracu-
of patients with this syndrome [2], and it may be the rium, mivacurium, and d-tubocurarine; and cate-
cause of death in this condition [3]. Several authors cholamines. Drugs that are reported to provoke carci-
have suggested that it is the exposure of the endo- noid crisis include epinephrine, norepinephrine, his-
cardium to elevated levels of serotonin that might tamine, dopamine, and isoproterenol. The effect of
lead to the development of heart lesions [3]. However, thiopental has been controversial. Although in vitro
the exact etiology of the cardiac plaques that occur studies have demonstrated dose-dependent histamine
remains unknown. Despite treatment that resulted in release from skin mast cells, thiopental sodium
significant reductions of urinary levels of 5-HIAA, Pel- triggered histamine release seems to be of minimal
likka et al. [3] did not observe regression of the car- importance in this clinical setting. The use of succinyl-
cinoid heart lesions in any of the 74 patients in their choline has also been discouraged because the induced
study. fasciculations can increase intra-abdominal pressure,
The definite diagnosis of carcinoid heart disease is which could potentially trigger mediator release. How-
difficult, and cardiac symptoms do not appear until ever, recent reviews have reported no adverse effects
the late stages of the disease [3]. In their large series, with the use of succinylcholine [4,5].
Pellikka et al. found that patients with cardiac involve- Carcinoid crisis can be precipitated by stress,
ment could not be distinguished on the basis of dura- physical stimulation, chemical stimulation, or tumor
tion of carcinoid syndrome or histologic diagnosis. necrosis from chemotherapy or hepatic artery liga-
However, heart murmur and dyspnea were noted more tion or embolization [5]. Anesthetic premedication
frequently among those patients with carcinoid heart with benzodiazepines may be useful to alleviate anx-
disease. Furthermore, the ECG and chest radiograph iety. Furthermore, most reports of anesthetic manage-
at presentation were nonspecific [3]. Changes show- ment of carcinoid syndrome describe the use of one or
ing evidence of cardiac enlargement may not occur more drugs that block the action of the various ectopic
until late in the course of cardiac involvement. Car- vasoactive substances. Methysergide, ketanserin, and
diac involvement in patients with carcinoid syndrome cyproheptadine have been used as inhibitors of sero-
includes not only right-sided valvular heart lesions, tonin; however, they have not always prevented
but also left-sided involvement, myocardial metas- intraoperative crises. Steroids, to inhibit the action
tases, and pericardial effusions [3]. Cardiac complica- of bradykinin, and diphenhydramine and histamine 309
tions, including right ventricular failure secondary to blockers, such as ranitidine, have also been used.
Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

More recently, anesthetic management of patients This is a case of a patient with an unusual diag-
with carcinoid syndrome has focused on prevent- nosis. That means it is unlikely that most anesthesi-
ing mediator release from carcinoid tumor cells with ologists would be experts in the diagnosis or care of
the somatostatin analogue octreotide [5]. Octreotide this patient. The literature is necessary to help deter-
appears to be the most efficacious treatment for carci- mine treatment options and to better understand the
noid syndrome, reducing symptoms in more than 70% pathophysiology involved. See the section on medical
of patients. knowledge.
Octreotide blocks hormonal release and inhibits
the action of circulating peptides by the inhibition Interpersonal and communication
of either phosphatidylinositol or adenylate cyclase. It
is a synthetic octapeptide somatostatin analogue, skills
which retains the essential action of somatostatin, Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal
yet differs in its pharmacokinetic profile. In contrast and communication skills that result in effective infor-
to somatostatin, with a half-life of 1 to 3 minutes, mation exchange and teaming with patients, their
octreotide resists degradation from serum peptidases, patients families, and professional associates.
thus increasing its half-life to 1.5 hours and allowing it
Work effectively with others as a member or
to be given by subcutaneous injection, instead of as a
leader of a health care team or other professional
continuous infusion. A dose of 150 g given by subcu-
taneous injection three times daily has been reported
effective in relieving symptoms in patients with malig- It is necessary to inform the surgeon of any
nant carcinoid syndrome. Dosages of 50 and 200 g hemodynamic or other physiologic derangements that
given intravenously have been reported effective in become evident during the surgical procedure. Bring-
rapidly reversing severe episodes of hypotension and ing in another diagnostic modality, the TEE helped
bronchospasm. Recently, Claure et al. [5] reported the to clarify the diagnosis and provide better care to the
successful use of octreotide given prophylactically in patient. When this was discussed with the surgeon, the
the anesthetic management of liver transplantation for diagnosis of carcinoid syndrome was considered.
carcinoid tumor metastatic to the liver [5]. After anes-
thetic induction, an octreotide infusion was started at
50 g/hour and was continued throughout the case.
Systems-based practice
Adverse effects, which include pain at the injection Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and
site, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal dis- responsiveness to the larger context and system of
comfort, are uncommon and mild at dosages of 300 to health care and the ability to effectively call on system
450 g per day. Octreotide inhibits insulin secretion resources to provide care that is of optimal value.
in response to hyperglycemia, and its use in combina- Understand how their patient care and other
tion with high-dose steroids in obese or non-insulin- professional practices affect other health care
dependent diabetic patients may complicate glucose professionals, the health care organization, and
management. the larger society and how these elements of the
system affect their own practice.

Practice-based learning There is no mention that a frozen section of the

tumor was submitted for pathology. Although car-
and improvement cinoid tumors are notoriously difficult to precisely
Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their diagnose by frozen section, consultation between the
patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific pathologist and the surgeon intraoperatively might
evidence, and improve their patient care practices. have led to a more diligent search for the primary
tumor. Additional diagnostic studies to help local-
Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from ize the primary tumor might have included a small
scientific studies related to their patients health bowel enteroclysis (small bowel enema), endoscopy,
310 problems. and an octreotide scan. If the diagnosis of carcinoid
is suggested, but biochemical testing for vasoactive
Case 57 Fifty-one-year-old female with abdominal pain, diarrhea, flushing, and heart murmur

substances is not diagnostic, then provocative testing bers of the treatment team. In addition to intraoper-
with a pentagastrin stimulation test can identify an ative discussions to find a primary tumor, the patient
occult carcinoid tumor [6]. and the patients family benefited from compassionate
Ultimately, effective treatment of a carcinoid tumor nursing and social work to better cope with her new
includes strong communication between all mem- diagnosis.

Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

References 4. Veall GR, Peacock JE, Bax ND, Reilly CS. Review of
the anaesthetic management of 21 patients undergoing
1. Botero M, Fuchs R, Paulus DA, Lind DS. Carcinoid
laparotomy for carcinoid syndrome. Br J Anaesth
heart disease: a case report and literature review. J Clin
Anesth 2002;14:5763. Adapted with permission.
5. Claure RE, Drover DD, Haddow GR, Esquivel CO,
2. Roberts WC, Sjoerdsma A. The cardiac disease
Angst MS. Orthotopic liver transplantation for
associated with the carcinoid syndrome (carcinoid
carcinoid tumour metastatic to the liver: anaesthetic
heart disease). Am J Med 1964;36:534.
management. Can J Anaesth 2000;47:334337.
3. Pellikka PA, Tajik AJ, Khandheria BK, et al. Carcinoid
6. Ahlman H, Nilsson O, Wangberg B, Dahlstrom A.
heart disease: clinical and echocardiographic spectrum
Neuroendocrine insights from the laboratory to the
in 74 patients. Circulation 1993;87:11881196.
clinic. Am J Surg 1996;172:6167.

Part 5 Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under
Case Deborah A. Schwengel

58 DIC
Disseminated intravascular coagulation or devastating
injury to the cervix?
The case Sayeh Hamzehzadeh and Tina Tran duce the new twins to their big sister, who is anx-
iously waiting at home for their arrival. This pregnancy
A 34-year-old female at 37 weeks gestation with twins
was surprisingly easy for her, compared to her first
was admitted for induction of labor due to suspected
pregnancy, for which she was nauseated from the first
preeclampsia. Successful delivery of two healthy baby
month. She was surprised that a routine office visit
boys was followed by concern for continuing post-
would show elevated blood pressure, but if you take a
partum hemorrhage. The initial diagnosis of cervical
car to the shop often enough, you will find something
laceration was temporized with sutures and a Bakri
wrong. Otherwise, she is healthy and happy.
balloon. The bleeding was resistant to the effects of
oxytocin, Cytotec, Hemabate, and uterine massage.
The patient had experienced 2 L of blood loss and Make informed decisions about diagnostic and
counting. The decision to proceed to an emergent therapeutic interventions based on patient
cesarean section required quick thinking and even information and preferences, up-to-date scientific
quicker action. Of course, the blood that was contained evidence, and clinical judgment.
in the abdomen came out to greet us quickly, in the
form of a rapid gush. How quickly an oozing cervi- So then why is this healthy, happy mom continuing
cal injury transformed into disseminated intravascular to bleed? Why cant the obstetrics (OB) team control
coagulation. her bleeding? So lets talk with patient about the pos-
sible need for blood transfusions. You are continuing
to bleed from the vagina. It is likely due to a cervical
Patient care laceration during the delivery. The uterus is not con-
Residents must be able to provide patient care that is tracting as it should, either due to the magnesium for
compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat- treatment of preeclampsia [1] or the increase in size of
ment of health problems and the promotion of health. the uterus needed to house the twins. The OB team
is attempting to repair the laceration quickly, but we
Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring will prepare to give you blood and monitor your blood
and respectful behaviors when interacting with pressure very closely. We will also keep talking to you
patients and their families. continuously so that we know your head, heart, and
lungs are ok. We know the risks and effects of low
The case originally began with an almost painless blood pressure and anemia and that administration of
vaginal delivery. Result: happy parents, happy babies, a lot of crystalloid can cause pulmonary edema.
happy doctors. So we let down our guard and wrap up
the vaginal bleeding, reassuring the family that we are
almost done. The nurses escort the father and babies to Develop and carry out patient management
the recovery room, assuring him that we will be out to plans.
meet him in a few minutes.
More oxygen, more fluids, call for blood. How do
Gather essential and accurate information about we know were doing more good than harm? More
their patients. monitors and more access. In come two more large-
bore peripheral intravenous (IV) lines, fluids wide
We ask our patient if she is comfortable and share open. In pops the arterial catheter, which can monitor 313
in her joy. She is otherwise healthy and ready to intro- blood pressure on a continuous basis. A central line is
Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

in the horizon, but if we get a cordis introducer in the loss of 1,500 mL. The last thing we would want to add to
room, it might ward off evil spirits. this womans problems is a surgical wound infection.

Counsel and educate patients and their families. Work with health care professionals, including
those from other disciplines, to provide
The patients husband needs to come back because patient-focused care.
this is a family decision. We explain to the patient and
her husband that we will likely need to place a breath- We want the OB team to be ready to work quickly
ing tube to protect the patients lungs from pulmonary under conditions in which they cannot see their target
edema. We will put a big IV in her neck to give her flu- organ. The patient is at a great risk of rapid exsanguina-
ids at a speed matched only by light. We will need to tion, so they need to communicate with us about blood
do this quickly because the blood pressure is quickly loss, and we with them about the patients stability. At
dropping and the patient is beginning to show signs of this point, their first estimation is about 700 mL, but it
impaired oxygen delivery. isnt that easy to estimate, so 700 400 is probably a
better guesstimate. That cant be good, especially since
Use information technology to support patient we know that the literature states that 1,000 mL is when
care decisions and patient education. things can get scary from a hemodynamic standpoint
[2]. Do not open the abdomen until we have central
We confirm that the uterus is still floppy by ultra- access and a rapid infusing system. We all have to be
sound and external palpation. We send a quick set of focused on the care of this patient not just the uterus,
labs to rule out medical bleeding, that is, a coagula- but the entire patient.
tion profile, platelets, hemoglobin, fibrinogen, and fib-
rin split products. While we wait for results, lets put a
small amount of blood in a test tube to see if it clots. All Medical knowledge
normal. Lets get to the source of this problem that can Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab-
be solved by surgery: a floppy uterus that is expanding lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cognate
to hold more and more blood. (e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sciences
and the application of this knowledge to patient care.
Perform competently all medical and invasive
procedures considered essential for the area of Know and apply the basic and clinically
practice. supportive sciences that are appropriate to their
Lets go down our checklist here. Large-bore
peripheral IVs for rapid fluid resuscitation check. Postpartum hemorrhage, or greater than 500 mL
Cordis introducer is ready to be introduced into the of blood loss after delivery, is estimated to occur in
internal jugular for even faster fluid resuscitation about 18% of births in developed countries [3]. Most
check. Large amounts of blood products are available often, the culprit is uterine atony, with the other poten-
in the room check. Pressors made up and ready tial causes being trauma to uterine structures, retained
to go check. Arterial line that allows for invasive tissues, invasive placenta, or the coagulopathies. Our
blood pressure monitoring and frequent blood draws main concern now is to keep up with the blood loss to
check. Four surgeons on hand for rapid removal of the prevent hemorrhagic shock.
uterus check. The first thing we think is that this womans uterus
is atonic and needs a little assistance from the keen
Provide health care services aimed at preventing physicians in the room. While the surgeons attempt
health problems or maintaining health. to perform uterine massage to slow down the bleed-
ing, our first approach is to use various uterotonics,
We have administered antibiotics prior to vaginal including intravenous oxytocin (Pitocin), misoprostol
delivery; however, in anticipation of a long surgery (Cytotec), and carboprost (Hemabate). We start by giv-
with potential for rapid blood loss, we need to have ing oxytocin, which we know will help contract the
314 several doses available. We planned on repeating dos- upper portion of the myometrium and, it is hoped,
ing of cefazolin every 4 hours or with estimated blood constrict down on those darn spiral arteries that may
Case 58 DIC

be causing all this trouble [4]. When this does not stability, an available member of the anesthesia team
work, then we turn to our prostaglandin options, miso- heads to the waiting room to talk with the husband.
prostol and carboprost. We explain to him that his wife has lost a lot of blood
The uterus is as toned as it can be at this point. The and continues to need it and will require a hysterec-
OBs have even placed a Bakri balloon inside the uterus tomy. Although he needs support, his wife is our first
to tamponade the bleeding, but this, too, was unsuc- priority, and we turn all our attention to her.
cessful. The OBs tell us that based on their exam, there
appear to be no obvious lacerations, and the placenta Use effective listening skills and elicit and provide
has been completely evacuated. Calculating blood loss information using effective nonverbal,
has become even more difficult as we see clots and clots explanatory, questioning, and writing skills.
of blood being evacuated from the uterus. On the basis
The husband is quiet, yet calm, which can some-
of our declining vital signs and the worried look on our
times be more concerning than a family member who
surgeons faces, we know that its time for plan B we
is frantic, screaming, and crying. The important thing
are going to open the abdomen.
is that we recognize that everyone deals with stress dif-
In the midst of all this alarm, we recall that al-
ferently. Our role is to listen, empathize, and let them
though rare, coagulation disorders can be a cause of
postpartum hemorrhage. The list of disorders include
HELLP (hemolysis, elevated liver enzyme levels, and Work effectively with others as a member or
low platelet levels) syndrome, disseminated intravas- leader of a health care team or other professional
cular coagulation (DIC), idiopathic thrombocytopenic group.
purpura, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, von
Willebrands disease, and hemophilia. Preeclampsia, Everyone in the operating room is working to save
which our patient had, can, in 5% of cases, turn into the life of this patient. As anesthesiologists, we can step
HELLP syndrome. DIC was also high on our list as it back, away from the surgical field, and take in the big
can oftentimes occur with amniotic fluid embolism, picture. The patient is continuing to bleed. We are run-
preeclampsia, sepsis, and placental abruption [5]. In ning out of blood to transfuse. The patients blood pres-
other words, once the arterial line was in, we imme- sure is requiring high-dose epinephrine. She has high
diately sent off a coagulation profile. peak airway pressures indicative of pulmonary edema.
While we were investigating the cause of the bleed- The OBs cannot get the uterus out. Not a good pic-
ing, we were taking appropriate and clinically proven ture. So speaking over the curtain, we suggest either
measures to stop the bleeding. We were also aggres- occluding the aorta so they have a clear surgical field
sively replacing the blood loss with crystalloid, col- or calling for a trauma surgeon to help with the hys-
loid, and of course, packed red blood cells. To assist in terectomy. A clamp goes on the aorta, and in comes the
coagulation, we also gave fresh frozen plasma (FFP), chief of gynecology and oncology. Now we are making
platelets, and cryoprecipitate. progress.

Interpersonal and communication Systems-based practice

Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and
skills responsiveness to the larger context and system of
Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal health care and the ability to effectively call on system
and communication skills that result in effective infor- resources to provide care that is of optimal value.
mation exchange and teaming with patients, their
patients families, and professional associates. Understand how their patient care and other
professional practices affect other health care
Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically professionals, the health care organization, and
sound relationship with patients. the larger society and how these elements of the
system affect their own practice.
While the patient is being resuscitated by skilled
and adrenaline-filled anesthesiologists, a worried hus- We update the OBs on the progress of our resus- 315
band paces in the waiting room. In a brief moment of citation efforts and communicate our concerns for the
Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

patients instability. We are all doctors and nurses car- he have questions and should help him with minute-
ing for this patient, and we all need to respect each to-minute issues such as finding the nursery, finding
others professional decision. Any moment of doubt, water and the restroom, and locating an area in which
inconsistency, or hesitation can make a difference in to sit and rest. A pastor should be available to pray with
this patients life. the husband as this is a time to have support by some-
one who shares the same faith.
Practice cost-effective health care and resource
allocation that does not compromise quality of Know how to partner with health care managers
care. and health care providers to assess, coordinate,
and improve health care and know how these
In a patient with a presumed diagnosis of DIC, it
activities can affect system performance.
is most important to find the cause and resuscitate
quickly. It is easy to give cryoprecipitate to increase After the successful surgery and resuscitation, the
the fibrinogen levels and recombinant activated factor patient needs careful monitoring. The charge nurse
VII to stop the bleeding, but none are without risks to calls for the intensive care unit (ICU) bed well be-
the patient. It is in the best interests of the patient and fore the end of the case in anticipation of immedi-
the health care system to work up a diagnosis before ate transfer to the ICU at the placement of the last
administering a therapeutic agent. Additionally, when staple. The ICU team needs to be ready with a venti-
you have found the problem and are faced with multi- lator, monitors, and pumps to deliver accurate doses
ple options for treatment, do not just throw the entire of pressers. The ICU bed needs to have transport
kitchen sink at the patient. One has to balance the level monitors and emergency medication and intubating
of invasiveness, costs, and risks associated with a ther- equipment. The security guards need to have elevator
apy before offering it to a patient. Recombinant fac- doors open and waiting. The unstable patient on the
tor VII, a treatment for patients with hemophilia A, move is a dangerous thing! We must anticipate all com-
has an off label-use in acute and uncontrolled hemor- plications as we proceed in the shortest route possible
rhage. However, because a single 90-g/kg dose for an from point A to point B. Do not stop at go, do not col-
80-kg person can cost up to $4,500, it is almost never lect 200 dollars.
a first-line therapy for acute hemorrhage. Additionally, Did we mention that the labor and delivery suite is
this agent is known to increase the risk of thromboem- up and functional? That means that epidurals need to
bolic events. However, if, after giving FFP, platelets, be placed and vaginal deliveries need to be performed
and cryoprecipitate, one is unable to control intraop- on other patients. Call in the reserves: the anesthe-
erative bleeding, then a discussion about giving factor sia call team needs to have people available for elec-
VII is justified. tive epidural placement, and the OB team needs to
Advocate for quality patient care and assist call in another team to deliver babies on the labor
patients in dealing with system complexities. and delivery floor. We need to make sure that the
other operating room is available and set up in case
While we are giving our undivided attention to we are lucky enough to have another stat cesarean sec-
the patient, we want to make sure the husband has tion come through simultaneously. Our responsibili-
support from the pastoral care and hospital staff. The ties extend to all the laboring patients, not just to our
charge nurse needs to keep the husband updated. A unstable patient in the operating room. All in a days
patient advocate should be at the husbands side should work.

Case 58 DIC

References postpartum haemorrhage. Eur J Obstet Gynecol

Reprod Biol 2004;115:166172.
1. Kantas E, Cetin A, Kaya T, Cetin M. Effect of
magnesium sulfate, isradipine, and ritodrine on 3. The prevention and management of postpartum
contractions of myometrium: pregnant human and rat. hemorrhage: report of Technical Working Group,
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2002;81:825830. Geneva 36 July 1989. Geneva: World Health
Organization; 1990.
2. Bais JM, Eskes M, Pel M, Bonsel GJ, Bleker OP.
Postpartum haemorrhage in nulliparous women: 4. Blanks AM, Thornton S. The role of oxytocin in
incidence and risk factors in low and high risk women. parturition. BJOG 2003;110(Suppl 20):4651.
A Dutch population-based cohort study on standard 5. Alamia V Jr, Meyer BA. Peripartum hemorrhage.
( or = 500 mL) and severe ( or = 1,000 mL) Obstet Gynecol Clin North Am 1999;26:385398.

Part 5 Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under
Case Deborah A. Schwengel

59 All I had was a knee bursectomy;

now do I have RSD (CRPS)?
Adam J. Carinci and Paul J. Christo

The case bilateral lower extremity pain, and combined medi-

cal therapy (e.g., cyclobenzaprine, gabapentin, duloxe-
Marcus is a 40-year-old dialysis technician who pre-
tine, oxycodone/acetaminophen) relieves the remain-
sents with severe, bilateral lower extremity pain fol-
ing 30% of his pain. SCS therapy has permitted discon-
lowing a right knee bursectomy in January 2006. His
tinuation of methadone (opioid sparing), increased
past medical history includes gastroesophageal reflux
mobility (out of wheelchair), elevated mood, 6-pound
disease, coronary artery disease treated with a stent,
weight loss, and ulcer healing.
hypertension, and a right knee bursectomy. He is mar-
ried with no children. He has no history of substance
or alcohol abuse; likewise, there is no family history of Patient care
substance or alcohol abuse. Residents must be able to provide patient care that is
The patients present pain began in January 2006, compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat-
following a right knee bursectomy. The pain initiated ment of health problems and the promotion of health.
in the right lower extremity and subsequently spread to
the left lower extremity (contiguous and mirror image Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring
spread, respectively). He describes the pain as constant and respectful behaviors when interacting with
burning, aching, throbbing, shocking, stabbing, lacer- patients and their families.
ating, wrenching, cruel, tearing, vicious, torturing, and Patients in chronic pain are desperately seeking
unbearable. He is unable to wear pants due to allo- relief. A compassionate, thorough history is indispens-
dynia and is unable to walk due to severe pain he able in assessing the patients complaints and crucial
is wheelchair bound. His numeric rating pain score is to establishing a diagnosis. Moreover, chronic pain
7 out of 10 at rest and 10 out of 10 with activity. Aggra- patients may also have the additional burden of con-
vating factors include cold, touch, walking, and stand- vincing the health care provider that their pain is,
ing, and alleviating factors include rest and sitting. The in fact, real because no objective signs or tests can
pain is associated with allodynia, vasomotor changes, confirm the diagnosis of pain. Caring and respect for
sweating, swelling, and weakness, discoloration, and patients are imperative.
ulcers in lower extremities.
Marcus is angry and depressed secondary to pain. Gather essential and accurate information about
The pain has affected his relationship with his wife in their patients.
the form of a decreased libido. Marcus is no longer able
to socialize with friends or take annual vacations to the Complex pain problems necessitate a thorough his-
local state park. Previous treatments included physi- tory and physical exam.
cal therapy (water-based) and interventional therapy Make informed decisions about diagnostic and
with lumbar sympathetic blocks. Previous medication therapeutic interventions based on patient
trials included oxycodone/APAP, hydrocodone/APAP, information and preferences, up-to-date scientific
gabapentin, morphine sulfate, pregabalin, methadone, evidence, and clinical judgment.
duloxetine, and cyclobenzaprine.
The patient was eventually diagnosed with com- CRPS is a debilitating neurologic syndrome char-
plex regional pain syndrome type I (CRPS type I). acterized by pain and hypersensitivity, vasomotor skin
318 He subsequently underwent spinal cord stimulator changes, functional impairment, and various degrees
(SCS) implantation, which has produced 70% relief of of trophic change. No one treatment modality is the
Case 59 All I had was a knee bursectomy; now do I have RSD (CRPS)?

panacea; rather, a multimodal, combined pharmaco- CRPS. Once the patient is on a stable regimen and
logic and interventional approach is often necessary. pain is well controlled, follow-up appointments can be
made once every several months. Acute flares of CRPS
Develop and carry out patient management plans. will necessitate more frequent follow-up to reassess
The goal of treatment in patients with CRPS is to the patients overall clinical presentation and any new
improve function, relieve pain, and enhance quality of changes that may have produced the acute exacerba-
life. Current guidelines recommend interdisciplinary tion. CRPS is an extremely debilitating and disabling
management, emphasizing three core treatment ele- syndrome. Patients may experience months of ade-
ments: pain management, rehabilitation, and psycho- quate pain control, only to suffer repeated flares and
logical therapy. setbacks.
Multimodal therapy is key to effective treatment Work with health care professionals, including
of CRPS. A thorough algorithm for the treatment of those from other disciplines, to provide
CRPS can be found in the literature [1]. patient-focused care.
Counsel and educate patients and their families. Referrals to pain psychologists and/or support
groups often benefit patients dealing with pain and dis-
Psychosocial counseling in addition to medical and
ability secondary to CRPS.
interventional treatments is important in patients with
Medical knowledge
Use information technology to support patient Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab-
care decisions and patient education. lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cog-
nate (e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sci-
Vascular studies, electromyogram/nerve conduc-
ences and the application of this knowledge to patient
tion testing, magnetic resonance imaging, X-rays, and
blood testing are warranted. These rule out possible
causes of the patients symptoms other than CRPS. Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic
Thermography, a three-phase bone scan, sudomotor thinking approach to clinical situations.
testing, sympathetic blockade, and phentolamine infu-
sion can help support the diagnosis of CRPS. The diagnosis of CRPS can be challenging. Again,
a thorough physical exam and history of the patients
Perform competently all medical and invasive complaints are essential to aid in diagnosis. Patients
procedures considered essential for the area of should report at least one symptom in each of the
practice. four categories and display one sign in two or more
categories, according to the 1999 modified diagnostic
Typical treatment incorporates medications (opi-
oids, tricyclic antidepressants, antiepileptics, topical
agents, bisphosphonates), interventions (sympathetic sensory: report hyperesthesia as increased sensitiv-
blocks, SCS, implantable drug delivery systems such ity to a sensory stimulation; evidence of hyperal-
as intrathecal pumps), and psychological counseling. gesia or allodynia
No two patients will respond exactly alike, and often- vasomotor: temperature asymmetry or skin color
times, a trial of therapy approach is necessary, and dif- changes
ferent combinations of interventions can be trialed to sudomotor/edema: edema or sweating changes
arrive at an acceptable regimen. All therapies assist in motor/trophic: decreased range of motion or weak-
achieving the primary objective of functional resto- ness, tremor, dystonia or trophic changes (hair,
ration. nail, skin changes)

Provide health care services aimed at preventing Once a presumptive diagnosis of CRPS is made
health problems or maintaining health. based on physical exam and history, sympathetic
blocks can then be utilized both to confirm the diag-
Ongoing patient education and follow-up are often nosis of sympathetically maintained pain associated 319
needed to help patients deal with the chronic pain of with CRPS and to treat the painful symptoms. Because
Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

the pain in CRPS may be caused by the sympathetic medications and interventions that have shown ben-
nervous system, a sympathetic block (stellate gan- efit in treating patients with CRPS.
glion block for upper extremities and ipsilateral face
and lumbar sympathetic block for lower extremities) Obtain and use information about their own
can interrupt the aberrant signaling and ameliorate population of patients and the larger population
the pain. Furthermore, the use of neuromodulation from which their patients are drawn.
(spinal cord stimulation or intrathecal medications) What benefits one patient may or may not benefit
may be required to facilitate treatment goals in patients another. A broad exposure to a variety of patients will
who achieve limited benefit from more standard help expand the practitioners knowledge base. Fur-
therapies. thermore, seeking the opinion of more seasoned col-
Early recognition and diagnosis of CRPS is asso- leagues can be especially helpful in diagnosing and
ciated with better outcomes. It is essential for patients treating CRPS.
to continue using the affected limb to prevent atrophy
and maintain function. Apply knowledge of study designs and statistical
methods to the appraisal of clinical studies and
Know and apply the basic and clinically other information on diagnostic and therapeutic
supportive sciences that are appropriate to their effectiveness.
References in the chronic pain literature are useful
Practitioners should be familiar with the typi- in diagnosing and treating CRPS [see 27].
cal presentation and physical exam findings as well
as treatment modalities when caring for patients
with CRPS. Refer to previous discussion for further
details. Residents must demonstrate a commitment to car-
rying out professional responsibilities, adherence to
ethical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient
Practice-based learning population.
and improvement Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a
Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their responsiveness to the needs of patients and society
patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific that supersedes self-interest; accountability to
evidence, and improve their patient care practices. patients, society, and the profession; and a
commitment to excellence and ongoing
Analyze practice experience and perform professional development.
practice-based improvement activities using a
systematic methodology. Patients with CRPS have diverse pain needs. A
compassionate, patient-focused, and comprehensive
Proposed diagnostic and treatment algorithms for history and physical coupled with a multimodal treat-
CRPS are available. Practitioners should avail them- ment algorithm is essential in providing maximum
selves of such aides to help guide diagnostic and treat- benefit to patients.
ment decisions. PubMed is an excellent source for
recent peer-reviewed research and investigations. In Demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles
addition, secondary sources, such as UpToDate and pertaining to provision or withholding of clinical
MD Consult, provide review articles that synthesize care, confidentiality of patient information,
the latest thinking and treatment approaches. informed consent, and business practice.

Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from Observe all HIPAA regulations (dont discuss the
scientific studies related to their patients health case where others can overhear the conversation;
problems. dont reveal any confidential patient information; pro-
vide the most relevant complications associated with
320 Chronic pain literature [e.g., 27] is replete with specific nerve blocks, implantations, or pharmaco-
case reports, case series, and investigational uses of therapies).
Case 59 All I had was a knee bursectomy; now do I have RSD (CRPS)?

Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness Work effectively with others as a member or

to patients culture, age, gender, and leader of a health care team or other professional
disabilities. group.

A respect for culture, age, gender, and so on is Any treatment plan for CRPS must be multimodal.
important when diagnosing and treating patients with Interdisciplinary treatment is the mainstay of effec-
CRPS. No two patients are identical in their clinical tive management of CRPS. Treatment plans will often
presentation or psychosocial background; therefore involve physical therapists, pain medicine specialists,
practitioners must treat every patient as an indi- psychiatrists and/or psychologists, nurses, recreational
vidual with unique needs, requirements, and ex- therapists, and occupational therapists. Respect for
pectations. each member of the team will ultimately improve
patient care and patient outcomes.

Interpersonal and communication Systems-based practice

skills Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and
Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal responsiveness to the larger context and system of
and communication skills that result in effective infor- health care and the ability to effectively call on system
mation exchange and teaming with patients, their resources to provide care that is of optimal value.
patients families, and professional associates.
Understand how their patient care and other
Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically professional practices affect other health care
sound relationship with patients. professionals, the health care organization, and
the larger society and how these elements of the
Often patients with CRPS require intense support. system affect their own practice.
This is an opportunity for practitioners to develop a
firm physician-patient relationship with clear bound- CRPS is a challenging medical problem. Effective
aries, expectations, and requirements. Patients with treatment will involve practitioners from multiple spe-
CRPS may often feel desperate or helpless, and this cialties over the course of several years. An under-
is a wonderful opportunity for physicians to estab- standing of a team approach to treating patients with
lish compassionate avenues for communication and CRPS within the greater context of the health care sys-
encouragement. tem will help ensure that patients receive appropriate
Practitioners should realize that CRPS is a syn- treatment, follow-up, and monitoring.
drome that often waxes and wanes because patients Effective multidisciplinary teams may include a
may experience acute exacerbations that worsen their pain physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, physical
pain even after several months on a stable regimen. therapist, nurse, physician assistants, and social work-
Patients may appear angry, exasperated, and dejected ers. A treatment approach that encompasses physical
over these setbacks, and this may affect their personali- and psychosocial needs is ideal.
ties and ability to communication effectively with their
providers. Residents need to be patient and kind with Practice cost-effective health care and resource
CRPS patients and maintain empathy. allocation that does not compromise quality of
Use effective listening skills and elicit and provide An understanding of both effective and less suc-
information using effective nonverbal, cessful medical and interventional treatments will pre-
explanatory, questioning, and writing skills. vent practitioners from repeating costly tests or thera-
pies and will avoid patient disappointment from dupli-
Thorough documentation of treatment successes
cating ineffective treatments.
and failures is ultimately necessary to ensure that failed
treatments are not repeated and that patients are pro- Advocate for quality patient care and assist
vided with procedural interventions and medications patients in dealing with system complexities. 321
appropriate to their specific needs.
Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

In addition to the patient with CRPS, the patients and improve health care and know how these
family members and social networks are also signifi- activities can affect system performance.
cantly affected. Engaging the family or social supports
and educating them about the course of CRPS will help The pain specialist should communicate regu-
each group cope with the often protracted nature of the larly with the patients primary care physician, phys-
syndrome. It will further assist them with the substan- ical therapist, and psychologist. Integrating available
tial psychosocial impact of the disease. inputs will better help craft treatment and tailor inter-
ventions to the unique needs of the patient. Moreover,
this allows for closer follow-up and greater patient sat-
Know how to partner with health care managers isfaction from knowing that the entire team is collab-
and health care providers to assess, coordinate, orating with the treatment plan.

Case 59 All I had was a knee bursectomy; now do I have RSD (CRPS)?

References regional pain syndrome type I with severe disability: a

prospective clinical study. Eur J Pain 2005;9:363
1. Stanton-Hicks MD, Burton AW, Bruehl SP, et al. An
updated interdisciplinary clinical pathway for CRPS:
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Med 2000;343:625630.
stimulation in sympathetically maintained complex

Part 5 Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under
Case Deborah A. Schwengel

60 Obstetricians cannot detect FH sounds,

and Moms cyanotic
Whats an anesthesiologist to do?
Ramola Bhambhani and Lale Odekon
The case is confirmed. Advanced cardiac life support (ACLS) is
During the early hours of the morning, you get a call started.
to get yourself immediately to room 1 in the labor and
delivery suite. On arrival, you find an apparently term, Patient care
obese patient in bed. She looks blue and is foaming Residents must be able to provide patient care that is
at the mouth. She is thrashing about and impeding compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat-
attempts to keep a mask on her face and to secure intra- ment of health problems and the promotion of health.
venous access. For the same reasons, you have no way
of getting a blood pressure or pulse oximeter reading, Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring
but heart rate on the electrocardiogram (ECG) tracing and respectful behaviors when interacting with
shows sinus tachycardia at 150160 beats per minute. patients and their families.
You are told that the patient ate dinner, got short of
breath, her water broke, and she started having con- The patients significant other was in the room
tractions at home. She came to the emergency depart- when she was hypoxic and combative and also heard
ment and was sent to labor and delivery right away, the obstetrics team mention that they had no fetal
and now there are no detectable fetal heart tones. Your heart tones. He just witnessed something that would
obstetrician colleague tells you that clinic notes on the be very stressful for anyone and is obviously anxious
patient indicate that she is at 40 weeks gestation and and concerned. At the moment, you would show the
has gestational diabetes mellitus, but there is no indi- most respect by focusing on oxygenation, ventilation,
cation that she has preeclampsia. The patients belly is and resuscitation of the mother and the child, so you
tilted to the left while the obstetrics (OB) team is des- ask the appropriate language interpreter and a nurse to
perately looking for fetal heart motion. kindly and respectfully escort the father of the baby to
Someone manages to get intravenous access and an adjacent room and stay with him to counsel him.
is told to guard it with her life. While the patient
Gather essential and accurate information about
turns a darker shade of blue and is losing conscious-
their patients.
ness, despite oxygen being delivered by Ambu-bag,
you attempt to suction whitish foam from the patients Let us take a step back here. Neither the ambu-
mouth while she bites the Yankauer. Your assistant lance crew nor the emergency room staff spoke Span-
applies cricoid pressure while you are giving etomidate ish, and the patient and her partner did not speak
and succinylcholine. You do a direct laryngoscopy; English. On arrival to labor and delivery, a Spanish-
suction the whitish, nonparticulate foamy stuff that is speaking nurse finds out that in response to Are you
coming through the vocal cords; and quickly place an contracting? the patient responded, I cant breathe.
endotracheal tube. End-tidal carbon dioxide is posi- Here is a crucial piece of information that was over-
tive, and there are bilateral breath sounds with crack- looked because of the language barrier. Other essential
les. Just as you are taking a sigh of relief, you hear the information would be the vital signs. None were avail-
heart rate go from 160 to 60 beats per minute. You call able due to patient movement, except the ECG. The
out for atropine, and as you repeat your request, the patient is obviously short of breath and cyanotic, and
324 heart rate goes to 40 and continues to drop. Atropine you can see secretions coming out of her mouth. As
is given. You reach for the carotid and the bad news soon as you walk into the room and take one look at the
Case 60 Obstetricians cannot detect FH sounds, and Moms cyanotic

patient, it is hard to miss the urgency of the situation placement for cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
even if no history and vitals are available. This is not the to work. Chest compressions need to be two finger
time to get a detailed history and physical exam, but breadths above the accepted point because of changes
you can keep your ears open to get as much informa- during pregnancy. It goes without saying that volume
tion as you can from the nurse and the OB team while resuscitation should also be ongoing. If, by 5 minutes
you are resuscitating. Prioritizing your actions and the into CPR, the mother has not recovered a perfusing
appropriate use of time are critical in this situation. rhythm, an urgent cesarean section is necessary for the
success of the resuscitation of the mother and the best
Make informed decisions about diagnostic and chance of recovery of a viable neonate.
therapeutic interventions based on patient
information and preferences, up-to-date scientific Counsel and educate patients and their families.
evidence, and clinical judgment.
This, of course, is no time to educate anyone, but
Clinical judgment directed you to ensure a patent we need to keep in mind that proper prenatal care
and protected airway by rapid sequence induction as has to be emphasized later on. Extending care to the
soon as possible to facilitate oxygenation and venti- uninsured and to illegal aliens (which was applicable
lation of the patient. This response is time-sensitive in this case) and educating them on what they need
as the parturient can become hypoxic in a matter of to do in the case of an emergency is beneficial. More-
seconds because of the physiological changes of preg- over, in populations where illiteracy is high, utilizing
nancy (decreased functional residual capacity [FRC] pamphlets with only pictures and instituting proper
and increased oxygen utilization) and is also at a higher social policies may forestall the lifelong dependence of
risk of aspiration. As you prepare for emergency intu- the mother and child on the system because of a pre-
bation, keep in mind the possibility of an unantic- ventable disability.
ipated difficult airway, given her pregnant state and Fast-forwarding, the patient survives and is diag-
obesity. Now you have cardiorespiratory arrest in a nosed with peripartum cardiomyopathy. She needs to
full-term patient and need to initiate ACLS protocol be counseled as to the feasibility of a future pregnancy,
with attention to left uterine displacement and chest her medical care, and the possibility of a heart trans-
compressions at a somewhat higher point on the ster- plant.
num than in the nonpregnant patient. Recall the dif-
ferences between ACLS in pregnant and nonpregnant Use information technology to support patient
patients [1]. Also, you have not just the life of the care decisions and patient education.
mother at stake, but also that of the baby, and its sur-
Although ideally, one would use the clinical data
vival depends on that of the mother while it is still in
management system of ones hospital prior to admin-
the uterus.
istering care to the patient, in this particular case, it will
Develop and carry out patient management plans. be used for the subsequent management of the patient.
In the intensive care unit (ICU), where the patient is
In developing a management plan, foresight would recovering, an ECG, serial echocardiograms, labora-
have directed the patient to the operating room rather tory results, computer tomography of the chest, and
than the labor and delivery suite. Also, the need to an ultrasound of the lower extremities will be crucial
urgently call for help from other relevant teams is nec- to patient care. Also, the ready access to this infor-
essary. It is now clear that ACLS is in order, with spe- mation for sharing among professionals from various
cial attention to the full-term status of the mother (the fields due to the development in technology will help
big uterus with the baby weighing on the inferior vena in determining the etiology of the event that ended in
cava and decreasing the preload; the decreased FRC the patient having a cardiopulmonary collapse.
and increased oxygen utilization associated with preg- Today, we are treating an increasingly older and
nancy; and elevation of the diaphragm). sicker patient population (notwithstanding advanced
All medications listed in ACLS are to be given, maternal age, with its attendant comorbidities). The
even if some may decrease uterine perfusion: atropine, volume of medical information and the increasing
epinephrine, and vasopressin. You need to be aware complexity of the medical environment, and the re- 325
that the patient should have at least 15 left uterine dis- quirement to abide by evidence-based medicine, have
Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

necessitated that each practicing physician acquaint ally, one would follow up and treat the cardiomyopa-
himself or herself with the various information tech- thy and counsel the patient as to the advisability of a
nology options available today. Devices such as PDAs future pregnancy. Antibiotic coverage during surgery
can be used to carry information to the point of and afterward (because the cesarean section was done
care. in the labor and delivery suite, rather than the oper-
Information found on the Internet may be helpful, ating room) also becomes relevant once the patient is
but it is essential to verify the source. Library liaisons successfully resuscitated.
(librarians with special interests) help physicians dis-
cover information in a particular clinical setting. Addi- Work with health care professionals, including
tionally, the educational sites listed here are available to those from other disciplines, to provide
physicians looking to broaden their information base patient-focused care.
in a particular case:
A code is an excellent example of this interaction:
1. the most qualified individual for coordinating care
2. during the code in this case is the anesthesiologist,
3. who should take charge and delegate firmly, clearly,
and respectfully the necessary tasks to other mem-
The information gathered from the preceding sources
bers of the team (nursing, obstetrics, etc.). The others
will also help guide the patients and her familys edu-
on their part need to repeat back to acknowledge the
cation and counseling about the etiology of the prob-
message and confirm that an action was taken (med-
lem and help them make informed decisions in the
ications given, pulse checks done, compression cycles
future [2].
completed). If the obstetricians have not initiated an
Perform competently all medical and invasive emergency cesarean section within 4 minutes of the
procedures considered essential for the area of code, then the anesthesiologist in charge will ask them
practice. to do an emergency cesarean section on the spot. If
the request is met with any resistance due to the fear
In a pregnant, hypoxic, and cyanotic patient, a of delivering a neurologically affected baby, then you
competent anesthesiologist would preoxygenate and need to be persistent as it is a documented way of
perform a rapid sequence induction and intubation increasing the success of the parturients resuscitation,
or an awake intubation to secure and protect the air- as well. Also, the neonatologists and neonatal intensive
way. He or she will also ensure that suction, all intuba- care unit need to be made aware of an impending deliv-
tion equipment, medications, and an end-tidal carbon ery in which a compromised neonate is a possibility.
dioxide monitor are available and will induce via an
available intravenous access (or place one in an upper
extremity, if one is not available already) in a manner Medical knowledge
that is most likely to maintain cardiovascular stabil- Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab-
ity (for left uterine displacement, a Cardiff wedge or at lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cognate
least 15 tilt included). Instituting effective CPR as per (e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sciences
ACLS protocol, acting as a team leader for conduct- and the application of this knowledge to patient care.
ing the code, and eventually placing arterial and cen-
tral lines when they are more feasible are also skills that Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic
one should possess. thinking approach to clinical situations.

Provide health care services aimed at preventing You would think back to what could have caused
health problems or maintaining health. this patients respiratory distress. Was she sitting down
in front of the TV for too long and a thrombus traveled
Though not the domain of anesthesiology at that to her lungs? She is reported to have ruptured mem-
moment, this competency would involve attending to branes, so amniotic fluid embolism is also a consider-
the patients gestational diabetes and prenatal care and ation. She is obese, 40 weeks pregnant, and has gesta-
326 perhaps an astute observation that might lead to a tional diabetes; could she also have preeclampsia that
suspicion of an impending cardiac failure. Addition- is presenting as pulmonary edema, or is she developing
Case 60 Obstetricians cannot detect FH sounds, and Moms cyanotic

cardiac failure secondary to peripartum cardiomyopa- 4. She might be a difficult airway (combine obesity,
thy? pregnancy, and likely preeclampsia).
Or could it be aortic dissection? She had dinner 5. There are two lives at stake: mother and baby.
some time back, so could it be food in the wrong
pipe? But she should have a reason for the decreased
mental status that led to aspiration in the first place Practice-based learning
(like seizures secondary to eclampsia). One also needs and improvement
to draw on the physiologic changes during pregnancy Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their
that will hasten the development of hypoxia such as patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific
decreased FRC and increased oxygen utilization. evidence, and improve their patient care practices.
Know and apply the basic and clinically
Analyze practice experience and perform
supportive sciences that are appropriate to
practice-based improvement activities using a
their discipline.
systematic methodology.
When working in labor and delivery, you will need
The patients oxygenation and ventilation are going
to have a good understanding of changes in cardio-
down fast, and you need to act now. Not much of a
vascular, respiratory, airway, and full stomach status
chance to indulge in practice-based learning at that
secondary to pregnancy (increased minute ventila-
moment. After the case, you need to conduct a debrief-
tion, decreased FRC, increased oxygen consumption,
ing session with all involved parties, to be followed by
increased blood volume and the propensity for car-
a departmental morbidity and mortality (M&M) con-
diac failure, increased possibility of difficult airway,
ference. There is always room for improvement, so dis-
and the risk of aspiration). In addition to these, she has
cuss the good and the bad with intent to improve the
changes related to obesity and gestational diabetes (not
system that is already in place. One of your colleagues
to forget a 10-pound baby resting on the inferior vena
showed up to help out of the goodness of his heart
cava, which can cause all kinds of complications). The
when he heard the overhead rapid response team to
possibility of chronic hypoxemia secondary to obesity,
labor and delivery announcement. Other teams apart
leading to pulmonary hypertension, also exists. One
from the code and neonatal ICU team were called, and
should also realize the significance of left uterine dis-
you had 20 people in the small room. The ones who
placement on facilitating venous return in the mother.
were not participating in the resuscitation had to be
Familiarity with the interpretation of fetal heart rate
escorted out by the nurse to decrease the noise level
patterns is necessary, even though, in this case, none
in the room. This is a place where the nursing team
were detectable.
had not participated in a code or a code drill in years
You need to focus urgently on the following:
but did pretty well and, thankfully, the mother was
1. The patient is tachypneic and cyanotic (she is revived without any evident neurological deficit (there
in respiratory failure and decompensating fast, were code drills conducted after this event to make the
and you have less time than in a nonpregnant nursing team more familiar with such events). Should
patient). this patient have been taken directly to the operating
2. She has a full stomach in every sense of the word room from the emergency department, rather than a
(she just had dinner, is obese, and is full-term crammed labor and delivery suite, in anticipation of
pregnant and contracting). She might have badness? You had to overcome the reluctance of the
already aspirated. obstetricians to perform the perimortem cesarean sec-
3. The patient is pregnant and has a large fetus due to tion due to the high probability of delivering a neu-
gestational diabetes, which will impede preload rologically affected infant as they have not been able
and certainly not help with cardiac output. On top to detect any fetal heart tones or motion at all. Per-
of that, she may be in cardiac failure (she had sist as the emergency cesarean section will improve the
crackles all over the chest bilaterally on likelihood of saving the mothers life. Had the cesarean
auscultation and had white froth coming out of section and CPR not restored the mothers circulation,
her mouth even when she was awake and speaking would you have been able to transport to a facility with 327
earlier during transport). extracorporeal membrane oxygenation? What about
Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

left ventricular assist device or intra-aortic balloon partum cardiomyopathy, so literature related to man-
pump? Should someone ambulance crew or emer- agement of these conditions and the risks associated
gency room staff have placed an IV prior to trans- with future pregnancies are relevant.
ferring to labor and delivery or gotten vitals? Should
the OB and rapid response team have been called to Apply knowledge of study designs and statistical
the emergency room instead? What would have hap- methods to the appraisal of clinical studies and
pened if she had coded in the elevator during trans- other information on diagnostic and therapeutic
port to labor and delivery? How do good communica- effectiveness.
tion, coordination, and foresight help in better trans-
Statistics quantify uncertainty utilizing three me-
fer of care of patients between teams? There are a lot of
thods: (1) data analysis, (2) probability, and (3) sta-
questions to be considered and answered and changes
tistical inference. We need to be aware of the kind of
to be made based on the lessons learned from this
data that are being collected and ascertain whether
the analysis is appropriate for those data this will
Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from provide the inference validity. If we are to be role
scientific studies related to their patients health models of critical thinking, we need to evaluate claims
problems. based on evidence by adhering to the six essential
elements for reasoning: falsifiability, logic, compre-
It is hoped that you would already have read and hensiveness, honesty, replicability, and sufficiency [3,
internalized the prevailing knowledge and guidelines p. 730].
on how to deal with a peripartum code. The litera-
ture will not have prospective, controlled, randomized, Use information technology to manage
double-blind studies on peripartum codes. American information, access online medical information,
Heart Association guidelines recommend left uterine and support their own education.
displacement, all advanced cardiac life support (ACLS)
The differential diagnosis for the patient was nar-
medications irrespective of their potential effects on
rowed down to amniotic fluid embolism versus peri-
the fetus, and the delivery of the fetus within 5 min-
partum cardiomyopathy. We can use one of the search
utes of the code (for the sake of both the neonate and
engines, such as PubMed, to search for information on
the mother, if the fetus is alive, and for the success of
these. Additionally, we can classify relevant literature
the mothers resuscitation, if otherwise). However,
by EndNote or RefWorks for future reference. Also,
there are several other issues that are relevant to this
Web sites, such as, where
case that have controlled trial results available. You
experts in each field stratify the abundant literature
might want to brush up on these later: especially the
under must read or changes clinical practice, can
effect of hyperglycemia on neurologic resuscitation
be consulted.
and the effect of hypothermia on neurologic recovery
postcardiac arrest.
Obtain and use information about the population Residents must demonstrate a commitment to car-
of patients and the larger population from which rying out professional responsibilities, adherence to
their patients are drawn. ethical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient
Review published case reports on CPR/ACLS on
parturients (when left uterine displacement [LUD] is Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a
necessary [more than 20 weeks], when the fetus is responsiveness to the needs of patients and society
viable [more than 2425 weeks], and theres the need that supersedes self-interest; accountability to
and decision to perform an emergency perimortem patients, society, and the profession; and a
cesarean section) and draw on the experiences of commitment to excellence and ongoing
your colleagues. Fast-forward to a time after successful professional development.
resuscitation of the patient; you need to review the dif-
328 ferential diagnosis of the initiating event. It is now nar- Providing a Spanish interpreter, keeping the sig-
rowed down to amniotic fluid embolism versus peri- nificant other informed about the condition of the
Case 60 Obstetricians cannot detect FH sounds, and Moms cyanotic

mother and baby and their progress during and after Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to
resuscitation, and updating the mother and father patients culture, age, gender, and disabilities.
about the babys condition during the time when the
baby is in another hospital are respectful and com- The parents were Spanish speaking only, illegal
passionate behaviors. Coming on time for work, well aliens in the United States, and with a much desired
rested and under no influence of anything, and mak- pregnancy now resulting in complications. They were
ing sure that the code bag and the operating rooms are embraced by the team as any other patient would be
well stocked would be examples of integrity. and were provided with care, support, and empathy.
Although the parents are illegal aliens and do not
have any insurance coverage, providing the care they
need and assisting them in getting temporary insur-
Interpersonal and communication
ance would be in line with responsiveness toward the skills
patient and society. Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal
Being up to date on ACLS and neonatal resuscita- and communication skills that result in effective infor-
tion with appropriate credentialing would be expected mation exchange and teaming with patients, their
of an accountable professional. patients families, and professional associates.
Fellowship training in ones chosen subspecialty
field would further professional development. Attend- Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically
ing national and international meetings, grand rounds, sound relationship with patients.
and journal clubs would demonstrate a commitment
A person unable to breathe initially and who
to excellence.
becomes unconscious later, and who is having her vital
organs perfused by outside help, may not be recep-
Demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles
tive to a relationship initially! In this case, you might
pertaining to provision or withholding of clinical
get a second chance by doing the right medical things
care, confidentiality of patient information,
first, and later visit her in the ICU. Inquiring about her
informed consent, and business practice.
health and that of her baby will be a good place to start
the relationship during a postop visit. Not bringing her
As this is an emergency, we do not have time to
any bacterial gifts by remembering to wash your hands
pause and get an informed consent. The same
before the interaction will be much appreciated.
applies to the obstetrician performing the perimortem
cesarean section. The requisite paper work will be Use effective listening skills and elicit and
completed after the case, dated, and timed to indicate provide information using effective nonverbal,
that the notes were written after the patients condition explanatory, questioning, and writing skills.
had stabilized.
During the case, keep meticulous detailed records In this patients case, the language barrier delayed
of interventions and vital signs. Respect the confiden- getting crucial information. In the emergency room,
tiality of the information discussed during the debrief- the classical error of medical interviews, that is, incom-
ing and the M&M. Ensure that the billing is appro- plete and incorrect agenda setting, took place [4]. This
priate for the type of anesthesia coverage the case is partly because of time pressure and partly because
received. physicians usually err in assuming that the first thing
Even though our primary patient is the mother, about the patient that draws our attention is his or
we were also concerned about the survival and prog- her most pressing need. In this case, her mention-
nosis of the baby. Owing to undetectable fetal heart ing contractions and rupture of membranes (mostly
tones and low Apgars at delivery, the prognosis for the in sign language, as no interpreter was available) dis-
baby was guarded. Several management decisions were tracted the emergency room physicians from her most
made by neonatal ICU staff in consultation with the urgent complaint, that is, her respiratory distress. This
parents. The possibility of hypoxic encephalopathy and is one area of communication in which we all have to
need for withdrawal of care were considered, but luck- improve.
ily for this baby, her subsequent clinical improvement The time to practice perfect writing skills is when 329
made this unnecessary. you are writing the postop note, which better be a
Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

detailed and exact text, without any blaming of other doing better, check on the babys status with the neona-
members of the care team, even if you are thinking tal ICU team and then continue to designate tasks in
that some things could have been done faster or better. the operating room, including central line and arte-
We need just the facts, in the order in which they took rial line placement. Ask the obstetricians about their
place. If, later, you think of something you neglected preference for antibiotic coverage as the surgery had
to write down, you can always go back and write an started under less than sterile conditions.
addendum, clearly marking the time and date to com- After transfer to the ICU, there is another oppor-
plete the record. tunity to interact as a member of the health care team.
A detailed report to the nurse and physician in charge,
Work effectively with others as a member or a discussion of the pros and cons of hypothermia for
leader of a health care team or other professional this patient, and also, a discussion on optimal glycemic
group. control should take place. Additionally, the patients
ventilator settings need to be reviewed to ensure that
During the initial encounter with the patient, you there will not be any additional insult to her lungs sec-
are multitasking: assessing the patient (who is blue, ondary to excessive volume.
thrashing about, and foaming at the mouth), acting Postoperative visits allowed the anesthesiologist to
on your initial assessment (she needs airway con- interact with the primary care team and to discuss
trol, ventilation, and oxygenation), and also interact- the working diagnosis and treatment. In the ICU, the
ing with your OB colleagues to obtain available his- patient initially had an ejection fraction of 15%. Could
tory (term pregnancy, gestational diabetes mellitus, this be attributed to stunned myocardium postcode,
not preeclamptic). You also note that the patient does or to the natural progression of a peripartum car-
not have IV access. You designate, perhaps, a nurse diomyopathy? Did the patient develop respiratory dis-
to this task (asking nicely) and emphasize how vital tress secondary to amniotic fluid embolism (ruptured
access is once it is obtained (guard this with your membranes, sudden onset of pulmonary edema)? A
life). As the situation evolves, the trachea is success- literature search on how fast the ejection fraction cor-
fully intubated, but as luck would have it, now the rects itself in peripartum cardiomyopathy may answer
heart rate is decreasing rapidly, and your commu- some of these questions.
nication is directed to others in the room. You call
one person by her name, asking her for atropine; it Systems-based practice
is hoped that she will call back the request and let
Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and
you know when it is given. You note the nonperfus-
responsiveness to the larger context and system of
ing rhythm on the monitor and check for a pulse (not
health care and the ability to effectively call on system
there!). Now your communication effort is directed to
resources to provide care that is of optimal value.
another person, as you ask him to call the code team
and your colleague upstairs (his name and number are Understand how their patient care and other
given). professional practices affect other health care
We have a term patient coding; designate one per- professionals, the health care organization, and
son to perform chest compressions, another to keep the larger society and how these elements of the
a record, and yet another to prepare and adminis- system affect their own practice.
ter medications (atropine, epinephrine, vasopressin).
Ensure that the patient has a CPR board underneath Encouraged by their training to be omniscient,
and is in LUD, and that compressions are high on physicians may find it difficult to ask for help. This
the sternum. The next item on communication is a may not always work in the best interests of their
request to OB to deliver the neonate (they are reticent patients. For example, during the maternal code, we
as they have not been able to obtain fetal heart tones), needed assistance from many members of the health
which, fortunately for all involved, happens quickly care team. Our success in returning the patient to her
and voila! Mom gets her pulse back. The next step will family intact reinforced the high-quality image of our
involve an orderly and safe transport of the patient to institution. If each element undertakes what it can, the
330 the operating room. Take a minute to inform the father whole may end up being more than the sum of its parts.
about the delivery of the baby and that the mom is The nursing, ICU, anesthesiology, OB, and neonatal
Case 60 Obstetricians cannot detect FH sounds, and Moms cyanotic

ICU teams worked together to save two lives. On the This helps with prioritizing and proper allocation of
other hand, based on a judgment call, the failure of operating room resources in an objective way.
the ambulance and emergency department teams to What happens if a cesarean section is already being
get the patients vital signs or an IV access negatively done by the night anesthesiology team? In such a situa-
impacted the ability of subsequent health care givers tion, it is justified to call in the anesthesia backup team
to help the patient, albeit for a short time. Its all inter- and an additional nursing team from another floor.
dependent. Also, seeking help from the general operating room
anesthesiology team if there is no emergency case in
Know how types of medical practice and delivery progress would be a good utilization of these resources.
systems differ from one another, including Practice cost-effective health care and resource
methods of controlling health care costs and allocation that does not compromise quality of
allocating resources. care.
At times, the scarcity of resources, such as equip- In business circles, redundancy of staff is not cost-
ment, beds, time, or excessive numbers of patients, effective, and resources allocated to high-volume areas
makes it difficult to provide all possible alternatives in increase revenues. This approach has limited applica-
health care. When these conditions of scarcity occur, bility to the medical setting. Keep in mind how this
we have to consider various factors to guide decisions patients fate might have changed if there were no 24/7
for making difficult trade-offs in a fair and compas- OB or anesthesiology team coverage available at labor
sionate manner. At times, this can be alleviated by and delivery. Would the code or rapid response teams
making the system more efficient or increasing invest- be aware of the specific requirements of resuscitation
ments (which may not always be an option), but in in a term parturient? How is cost-effectiveness defined
spite of this, a rationing decision must be made under in this context?
certain unfortunate circumstances. Transporting this patient directly from the emer-
Hospital policies and protocols should clearly out- gency department to the operating room would also
line specific situations that call for activating the code have been a good way of optimally using our resources,
or the rapid response team, and these should be as in this case it was obvious that a cesarean section
adhered to as these teams involve different personnel was in order.
and resources. Doing this will increase the efficient use
of resources. Advocate for quality patient care and assist
A question may arise as to whether a patients qual- patients in dealing with system complexities.
ity of life seems so poor that use of extensive med-
ical intervention appears unwarranted. During these Quality patient care will involve timely airway
moments, please consider who is making this quality intervention initially, a successful resuscitation, and
of life judgment is it the health care team, the patient, an evidence-based management of ventilator support
or the patients family? For example, the neonatal ICU and invasive monitoring to avoid complications. Iden-
team was considering ECMO (extracorporeal mem- tify resources for the patient medical coverage, legal
brane oxygenation) for the baby at one point, which is access, and access to care and entitlement and attend
a scarce resource. They considered the absence of fetal to their emotional and spiritual needs, and even offer
heart tones in utero and low Apgar scores after birth, transportation, as needed.
but the electroencephalogram and clinical assessment Know how to partner with health care managers
were better and more encouraging. Also, the wishes and health care providers to assess, coordinate,
of the family should be respected. The allocation of and improve health care and know how these
resources (ICU beds and prolonged ICU care) would activities can affect system performance.
also have been relevant if the mother suffered signifi-
cant neurological injury, although thankfully, that was This patient was of Hispanic descent, which is a
not the case here, and she was neurologically intact. growing population in our society. There are often
Our hospital has a three-level system for operating issues of language barriers and a certain misconcep-
room time allotment that classifies the cases into var- tion about medical interventions. For example, if this 331
ious levels, depending on the urgency of the surgery. patient had presented in labor without respiratory
Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

distress, it is likely that she would have been reluctant patients with information about pregnancy and labor,
to accept epidural analgesia for fear of paralysis. Work the right time to seek medical help, and the pros and
is already in progress at our institution (administra- cons of epidural analgesia would be beneficial. Getting
tors, masters of public health trainees, nurses, physi- these endeavors operational paves the way for reduc-
cians) to reach out to this population early in preg- ing complications in pregnancy, leading to healthier
nancy and provide education. Administrative support mothers and babies (due to a decrease in maternal
is invaluable for outreach clinics, and distributing pic- mortality and morbidity and declining neonatal death
torial and written pamphlets in Spanish that provide rate) and, overall, a healthier society.

Case 60 Obstetricians cannot detect FH sounds, and Moms cyanotic

Additional reading 2. Kurup V, Ruskin KJ. Information technology in

anesthesia education, in Anesth Infs, Stonemetz,
1. The 2005 International Consensus Conference on
Ruskin eds. Springer-Verlag London 2008; pp397407.
cardiopulmonary resuscitation and emergency
cardiovascular science with treatment 3. Shafer SL. Critical thinking in anesthesia.
recommendations hosted by the American Heart Anesthesiology 2009;110:729737.
Association in Dallas, Texas, January 2330, 2005. 4. Baker LH. What else? Setting the agenda for the
Circulation 2005;112:IV-150-3. clinical interview. Ann Intern Med 2005;143:776770.

Part 5 Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under
Case Deborah A. Schwengel

61 A case of mistaken identity

Nishant Gandhi and Bradford D. Winters

The case who is not responding to maximal therapy for increas-

It is five oclock in the morning, and you and your ing intracranial pressure (ICP) and is therefore in need
on-call team have been up all night pushing blood, of an emergent decompressive craniectomy. You leave
scopolamine, and fluid (not necessarily in that order) your very capable second year anesthesia resident in
into the parade of trauma patients and emergent cases charge of the kidney transplant patient and rush off to
that have come to your operating rooms (ORs). You the NCCU to start yet another case.
have five people on your team (four residents and one The craniotomy case does not start smoothly, and
attending), and two are in rooms already. A call comes the acuity of the operation does not permit you to
out from the wilderness of the surgical intensive care leave until well after 7:00 a.m. The anesthesiologist
unit (ICU) a critically ill renal transplant patient with in charge of the room for the next day gets sign-out
an open abdomen needs to come back to the OR emer- from you, and around 7:30, you finally get the oppor-
gently because he may be bleeding. You and the free tunity to return to the room with the kidney patient.
members of your team hastily dispatch to the ICU to Your call resident has already signed out to the resi-
find the patient sedated, vented, and on pressors, with dent assigned to that room for the day and, like Elvis,
a pulmonary artery catheter in place that has been has left the building to spend a well-deserved day com-
demonstrating worrisome values for the last few hours. muning with his pillow and studying the back of his
Many other patients in the unit are equally un- eyelids. While in the process of signing off on this case,
healthy, and the staff is in a surly and foul mood from you note the bag of packed red blood cells hanging on
a mixture of high patient acuity, a sick call-out, too the IV pole infusing into the patient, closely examine
much instant coffee, and some questionable salty snack it, and to your horror, you realize that the blood has
foods. You and your team slunk through the unit seek- a different patients name on it, and this is the second
ing the fellow who provides a thumbnail sketch of the unit being transfused. What happened?
last eight-hour course and the general history of the In a nutshell, the chart that the nurse shoved
patient. None of it sounds good. You attach your trans- between the mattress and the bed frame had the wrong
port monitors make sure you have your emergency stamp card inserted in it. No check was performed. No
drugs and airway equipment and undock from the time-out or briefing occurred. The process was rushed.
mother ship, taking care not to rip any lines out of the The staff members involved were stressed and tired.
patient or wires or tubing out of the wall. On the way The staff in the OR completely turned over shortly after
out the door, a nurse comes running up to you with the procedure began, except the surgeons, who were
the patients chart and squeezes it between the mattress much distracted. The OR nurse, not realizing the card
and the bed frame, and you hurriedly race down the did not match the chart or the patient, stamped all the
hall to the OR. forms with the wrong card. You and your team knew
In the OR, you and your team get the patient trans- who the patient was, but the new team taking over did
ferred to the OR table and hooked up to the anesthe- not. You were occupied in another emergency. When
sia machine monitors and breathing circuit and get the the blood arrived in the OR for transfusion, the res-
case under way. The patient is already anemic, and you ident from your on-call team was already gone, and
and the surgeons agree to get some blood up to the the new resident had no idea who the patient was and
room for the patient. While all of these preparations didnt recognize that the name on the blood did not
are going on, your pager goes off, informing you that match the patient. Multiple system failures occurred,
334 there is a patient in the neuro critical care unit (NCCU) leading to the patient, who was B positive, receiving
Case 61 A case of mistaken identity

O positive blood. While this is not a dire situa- But you say, This was an emergency; there was no
tion (purely by dumb luck), the patient was also time for a time-out! While, yes, this was an urgent/
cytomegalovirus (CMV) negative and got CMV posi- emergent procedure, but there was time for a time-
tive blood, which could have been a longer-term prob- out. Even in very critical situations, a time-out can still
lem. As it turned out, the patient passed away a few be called out by a member of the team while the pro-
days later, unrelated to this event. cedure is even getting under way. It takes only a few
All systems are designed to give the exact results seconds to call out the patients name (if known) and
that they produce. This phrase is often heard and, at expected procedure and have everyone on the team
first glance, seems to be an example of pure circular communicate back his or her response. The airline
logic. However, it is not. It simply underscores that industry does it all the time in emergencies, and analy-
you will only get good results from well-designed sys- ses of airline disasters have frequently shown that fail-
tems. The system described in the preceding vignette ure to adhere to these checklists sealed the planes fate.
is poorly designed, and its breakdown, and the sub- The mismatch between the card provided by the ICU
sequent error, with or without patient harm, was nurse and the patient and his chart would have been
predictable. Medical care is extremely risky, and the recognized. While the theme for this particular com-
potential to cause harm, including death, is immense. petency is to take a professional responsibility to utilize
It is incumbent on us as practitioners to strive to the systems already in place to obtain essential infor-
develop safer systems to reduce harm to our patients. mation, it also underscores the physicians responsibil-
ity to participate in the design of systems to promote
the accurate gathering of crucial patient information.
Patient care The current system of medical record keeping can
Residents must be able to provide patient care that provide for difficulties in this area. Due to the use of
is compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the both computerized and paper charting for the many
treatment of health problems and the promotion of patients across institutions, and even within one insti-
health. tution, developing systems to protect against misiden-
The primary failure in this case is that effective tification can be challenging. Until completely com-
communication did not occur and the resident did not puterized systems are in place that take advantage of
gather essential and accurate information about the bar codes, radiofrequency tags, and other identifica-
patient. Obviously, one of the most important pieces tion technology, we need to be vigilant to these risks
of essential and accurate information is confirming and employ other strategies, such as the time-out and
that you have the right patient. The system in place to checklists, in safe care design.
ensure that this information is correct, including ID
bracelets, patient cards, and names on units of blood,
failed. Why? Because they were not cross-checked with Medical knowledge
each other to ensure that they all matched. While the Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab-
resident is partly responsible for this, so is everyone lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cognate
else participating in the patients care. Blaming the res- (e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sciences
ident or any one individual for the failure serves lit- and the application of this knowledge to patient care.
tle purpose as systems need to be designed to protect The idea of analytical and investigatory thinking
against error, especially when the situation is stressful, applies to this event, even though this may seem
hurried, and chaotic, much as it was during this situ- remote. How does this case of mistaken identity relate
ation. Such protections can include time-outs (not the to medical knowledge? In the sense of knowing phar-
kind your Mom did with you when you painted the macological, biochemical, or anatomical facts, it does
cat orange when you were 4 years old) so all members not. However, the scientific method and process of ask-
of the team correctly identify the patients. Had a sim- ing and reasking questions is integral to the practice
ple time-out been in place, by which the patient, the of the science of safe medical practice as much as it is
procedure, availability of blood, and other items on in basic scientific, translational, and clinical research.
a time-out checklist are verified, the providers would When the resident took over the case from the night-
likely have identified the problem and been able to call resident, a conversation probably occurred regard- 335
correct it. ing issues such as physiological status and history.
Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

What apparently was not discussed was patient iden- through the five subcategories of this Core Clinical
tity and its confirmation, and the conversation was Competency. Very disease-oriented, isnt it? How
most likely only conducted between those two peo- much of your medical education has focused on dis-
ple. Unfortunately, because of lack of a time-out proce- ease and treatment evidence, but not on how the care
dure, the signing out resident couldnt have known the for that disease and its treatment is delivered? While
problem that was coming. Perhaps the investigation health care delivery and the science of safety may rarely
inherent in transfer of care should have been expanded be amenable to double-blinded, placebo-controlled,
beyond that two-person process. Inquisitiveness and randomized trials, rigorous methodologies exist both
investigation by the new resident with the rest of the inside and outside of medicine that may be appropri-
team, reidentifying the patient and any other issues ately applied to the delivery of health care. A full dis-
from their perspective, rather than by the first anesthe- cussion of the science of safety is beyond the scope of
siology resident, only would have uncovered the failure this book, but while the science of safety is immature,
before the blood had been hung. While this is probably to be sure, it deserves to be as much a part of practice
not the way most people go about their work, we would as genetics, which itself was in its infancy only 30 years
submit that perhaps we should expose those barriers ago. All the elements of this Core Clinical Competency
and not work in isolation, either as individuals or as should be applied to this field with as much energy
a specialty. Understanding and being cognizant of the as they would be to the management of acute lung
science of safety and how it tells us how things can go injury.
wrong can offer additional opportunities to apply sci-
ence beyond standard thinking. The science of safety
should be part of medical knowledge, just as much as Professionalism
the Krebs cycle. Residents must demonstrate a commitment to carry-
ing out professional responsibilities, adherence to eth-
Practice-based learning ical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient pop-
and improvement It is important for all health care providers to dedi-
Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their cate themselves to providing patient care in the most
patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific professional manner. There is little room for selfish
evidence, and improve their patient care practices. or egotistical behavior, and one must always put the
In the United States, an estimated 100,000 people patient first. This becomes a difficult proposition in the
die from health care errors, and many consider this reality of medical practice in the majority of hospitals,
to be a gross underestimate. Additionally, we provide specifically those that are designated teaching institu-
inadequate care to many more based on our own defi- tions, with residents from various disciplines. House
nition of what people should receive. In terms of pro- staff at times have seemingly unreasonable demands
viding recommended quality of care for a range of placed on them, which can be compounded with long
conditions and diseases, a RAND Corporation study work hours, frequent call, and lack of sleep. Despite
found that for only three conditions low back pain, these conditions, there must be a sense of account-
coronary artery disease, and hypertension did the ability to the patient, and this is the element of this
American medical system score above an F, and that competency that most applies in this case. This
grade was a D in the percentage of patients who actu- accountability broke down at several levels and across
ally received recommended treatment for their condi- disciplines nursing, surgery, OR techs, and the anes-
tions. For other conditions, such as asthma, diabetes, thesiology team. Certainly there was never malice,
and hip fracture, recommended care was provided less simply error compounded by many factors, which
than 55% of the time. How can we harm patients in have been previously discussed. How do we make
this fashion? How can we harm patients with medical ourselves and the system accountable under these
errors such as the one described here? circumstances? We do so not by blaming, accusing,
It happens because we dont treat the delivery of criticizing, and denying, but rather, by making us
health care as a science. We dont seek rigorous meth- accountable to safe practice and supporting the appli-
336 ods to analyze it, we dont standardize it, and we dont cation of the science of safety. Whenever you witness
put broad and diverse input into the process. Read others violating safe principles, such as not following
Case 61 A case of mistaken identity

checklists, procedures, standards, and policies, you is essential. Would you want your airline pilot to just
demonstrate your accountability to your patients by sign off on a checklist blindly, without going through
speaking up and empowering others to speak up and it properly? The airline industry has a culture of safety
correct the problem. We are accountable to educate that pervades everything they do. The number of acci-
ourselves and others and to participate in the develop- dents per flight takeoff is miniscule. Developing the
ment and application of safe practice principles. Our same culture of safety in medicine can yield similar
egos, self-interest, and professional autonomy take a results.
backseat to these principles and the science behind An additional problem in this case was that there
them. You do not work in isolation. No individual can was a physician and nursing shift change during
or should be asked to shoulder all the burden. You this case, and despite sign-out from the outgoing
should not take it on yourself to do so, but nor should teams to fresh, well-rested teams, the grave error still
you assume it is for others to carry. We provide care went unnoticed. Perhaps such significant staff changes
in a complex system in which communication and should require an additional time-out or some other
cooperation are key elements. We must move away formal mechanism to transfer the data. Clearly verbal
from the ABCDs of medicine (accuse, blame, criti- sign-out was inadequate or was isolated between like
cize, and deny). If you are not willing to be dedicated practitioners (nurses vs. doctors) so that there was no
to these ideals, perhaps you should consider another cross-contact. Had a multidisciplinary conversation
career. occurred, surely the error would have been quickly
realized. Thus interpersonal skills and communication
Interpersonal and communication across disciplines are at the center of the culture of
safety and safe practice and help ensure that mishaps,
skills such as patient misidentification, dont occur.
Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal
and communication skills that result in effective infor-
mation exchange and teaming with patients, their
patients families, and professional associates. Systems-based practice
Certainly the group taking care of this particular Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and
patient in the operating room thought, at the time, that responsiveness to the larger context and system of
they were performing this competency very well. The health care and the ability to effectively call on system
patient got transferred to the operating room from the resources to provide care that is of optimal value.
ICU, incision was made, and the patient was kept alive. This is what weve been talking about the whole
However, the irony of the situation is that this was the time. Medical care is provided within a system, and
greatest failure: communication. you are part of that system. All the elements in this
Several checkpoints are in place in most health care competency have been described earlier in this chapter
institutions to avoid such occurrences. Most nursing because this is the core of what it means to practice safe
units have a checklist that must be completed before medicine and prevent medical errors. While the ele-
any patient goes to the operating room; this obviously ments of this competency may not have direct bearing
includes checking the patient ID before he or she is on the immediate prevention of this patient misiden-
whisked off to the OR, even in emergent situations. We tification at that moment, understanding and applying
should all be familiar with time-out procedures that these elements is central to the science and practice of
should occur before every surgical case or procedure safety. Each one of these requires not only a knowledge
(central line placement, bronchoscopy, etc.). Unfortu- of the side effects of ketamine or the potential com-
nately, at the time this case occurred, formal time-outs plication of placing a central line catheter (safe tech-
were not part of routine care where this happened. nical work), but the understanding of safe design in
Even more unfortunate is the fact that where these are teamwork (checklists, time-outs, standards, and pro-
used routinely, they are often viewed with skepticism tocols) and how diverse teams of people tend to make
and may be performed in a haphazard fashion, where more wise decisions than individuals working in iso-
everyone in the room just agrees with what is said, lation. Had this group of people worked better as a
name bands are not checked, and the paper work is team using safe design, the event would likely not have 337
signed blindly. A commitment to the culture of safety occurred.
Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

(First authors note: Just like Case 39, we went Youll also note, by now, how often we repeat the
straight to a discussion of the main ideas under each same things in discussions of systems-based practice,
clinical competency. After 335 pages, you should be interpersonal and communication skills, and profes-
doing this automatically. sionalism.)

Case 61 A case of mistaken identity

Additional reading 2. Clarke JR, Johnston J, Blanco M, Martindell DP.

Wrong-site surgery: can we prevent it? Adv Surg
1. Winters BD, Gurses AP, Lehmann H, Sexton JB,
Rampersad CJ, Pronovost PJ. Checklists: translating
evidence into practice. Crit Care 2009 Dec

Part 5 Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under
Case Deborah A. Schwengel

62 To block or not to block, that is

the question
Anticoagulation and epidural anesthesia
The case Brandon M. Togioka and Christopher Wu continued. Complete the rest of that all important pre-
operative evaluation sheet, but before you begin, start
An 85-year-old gentleman with hypertension, known
with the most basic and often overlooked question: so
diffuse coronary artery disease with two stents to his
this is you (pointing to the patients bracelet), and we
left anterior descending artery, and now a recent diag-
are taking your prostate out today, right?
nosis of prostate cancer is scheduled to have a radical
retropubic prostatectomy in your room tomorrow. His
stents are drug eluting and were placed just under 1 Make informed decisions about diagnostic and
year ago, and thus the patient continues to be on clopi- therapeutic interventions based on patient
dogrel. The good news is that he comes with a preoper- information and preferences, up-to-date scientific
ative cardiac evaluation. In this evaluation, the patient evidence, and clinical judgment.
is deemed safe for surgery only under neuraxial anes- In this case, patient management will involve a pre-
thesia due to his many known stenotic lesions that were cise understanding of timing. This will include the time
not stented open. Today, the patient presents with his when the patient stopped taking his clopidogrel, the
family, angry because he is hungry and has been off window of clopidogrel-free time required to put a nee-
clopidogrel for 5 days. dle in someones back, and, if a catheter is put in his
back, the time to wait before it can come out.
Patient care The incidence and risk of spinal hematoma after
Residents must be able to provide patient care that is clopidogrel use in a patient who receives neuraxial
compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat- anesthesia is unknown. As such, the American Soci-
ment of health problems and the promotion of health. ety of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine have
relied on scientific data from the surgical, interven-
Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring tional radiology, and cardiology literature to come up
and respectful behaviors when interacting with with a consensus statement on this topic. In essence,
patients and their families. a consensus statement is a compromise from a set of
experts on how to answer a clinical question yet to
In this case, as in every case, the first order of be decisively answered by research. In this case, your
business when greeting the family is to establish rap- best clinical judgment is likely their best clinical judg-
port, instill confidence, and act in a manner to relieve ment, or the consensus statement. This statement rec-
patient and family anxiety. State your name, your title, ommends waiting 7 days from the time of last clopido-
and what you will be doing. Starting off on a good grel administration before a spinal or epidural is placed
note can pay big dividends later, when you have to talk [1]. You best be waiting to take the patient back.
about whether the surgery will be done.
Develop and carry out patient management plans.
Gather essential and accurate information about
their patients. Talk to the patient, his family, the surgeon, and the
nursing staff. This patient may be going home with a
Check to make sure that the patient has in fact been prostate.
off his clopidogrel for only 5 days. Verify all his medi-
340 cations, including whether he was on a beta-blocker or Counsel and educate patients and their families.
angiotensin receptor blocker and whether these were
Case 62 To block or not to block, that is the question

Now the family is a little upset. They say, Isnt there Should this case have gone to the operating room
another way? He must get his prostate out. He is going (OR), you would have been responsible for putting in
to die! an intravenous line, bolusing the patient with fluid,
At this point, some education is in order. Even if and then placing either an epidural or spinal. An arte-
you did a great job of explaining why the patient could rial line may have also been useful in this case, given
not get neuraxial anesthesia, the family may still be the cardiac concerns related to this patient.
very confused. You are a doctor, and there is always
more than one way to do something. Their thought is: Provide health care services aimed at preventing
use your education, be creative, and figure it out. Do health problems or maintaining health.
not forget that they may not have been told by the car-
Again, going back to the scenario in which the
diologist that the patient is only cleared for surgery
patient goes to the OR for regional anesthesia, the
if they get a spinal or epidural. Also, does the fam-
block would have to be placed in a sterile fashion. This
ily know why neuraxial anesthesia is dangerous while
would include skin antisepsis, maximal use of barrier
being treated by an antiplatelet medication such as
precautions, washing of ones hands before and after
clopidogrel? Do they even know what clopidogrel is?
the procedure, and the opening of a new kit contain-
Explain about the greater than average risk of bleed-
ing all new sterile equipment for each block.
ing from the procedure. Explain that this bleeding may
lead to a blood clot (hematoma), and if this is in the Work with health care professionals, including
wrong place, the patient can end up paralyzed. Discuss those from other disciplines, to provide
with the patients family that although prostate can- patient-focused care.
cer is technically cancer, waiting an additional 2 days
may lessen the risk of epidural hematoma (and thus In essence, everything we do as anesthesiologists
paralysis), whereas waiting 2 days (although mentally involves working with other physicians and health care
difficult) will not affect the advancement of cancer in professionals. In the OR, we collaborate closely with an
most cases. Such a discussion of risks and benefits can OR nurse and a team of surgeons to provide care as a
show the family that you are their advocate and that unit that would otherwise be impossible on our own.
you are looking for the best possible outcome for their Preoperatively, as we prepare our anesthetic, we con-
loved one. This can turn the conversation from com- sult with radiologists, cardiologists, and primary care
petitive to collaborative and help to alleviate the fam- physicians, whether via written or verbal communica-
ilys fears, while helping them to accept that the surgery tion. Though it may be an oversimplification, anesthe-
may not be performed today. siologists who have been tagged as lone rangers are, in
fact, linked at all times to other health care disciplines
Use information technology to support patient by the simple fact that none of their clinical decisions
care decisions and patient education. can be made in a vacuum without information gained
from other specialists.
The question here is whether there is some database
of clinical information, such as an electronic medi-
cal record, to which you could get access that may Medical knowledge
help to explain why this patients cardiologist felt so Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab-
strongly against general anesthesia. This database may lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cognate
not include all the cardiologists thoughts about the (e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sciences
patient, but it may, at the very least, provide some data and the application of this knowledge to patient care.
(echocardiogram results, stress tests, history of angina,
etc.) that could help you support your decision not to Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic
allow the surgery and educate the patient and his fam- thinking approach to clinical situations.
ily as to why you are doing this.
Now back to the case: remember that comment by
Perform competently all medical and invasive the family about there being other options? Quickly,
procedures considered essential for the area of in a matter of seconds, before giving your answer,
practice. you would have gone through the other options in 341
your head, which, in this case, mainly involve general
Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

anesthesia. You would have thought about the options tific evidence, and improve their patient care prac-
for a more hemodynamically stable cardiac induction, tices.
the drips that you may have gotten set up to help
keep the patients blood pressure within a well-defined Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from
range, and the types of monitors that you would have scientific studies related to their patients health
needed. You would have done this quickly and system- problems.
atically because that is the way you do it every time, To help answer the patients and your ultimate
and in the end, that is what would keep you from miss- question as to whether the patient can still have neu-
ing anything. Having had this thought experiment, you raxial anesthesia, you will need to know if there were
would then be able to calmly, and in a logical manner, any good studies recently published on clopidogrel and
explain the other options to the patients family. the incidence of hematomas. In this case, no such stud-
ies have been published, but even knowing that there
Know and apply the basic and clinically
are no good studies can help you in making your deci-
supportive sciences that are appropriate to their
Obtain and use information about their own
You are now just about ready to address the fam- population of patients and the larger population
ily, but first, you feel that you should quickly refresh from which their patients are drawn.
your memory about the patients pathology and the
physiology of anesthesia and a failing heart. After some Lets say that there is a strong study out on the
review, you have narrowed it down to the following for incidence of hematomas after stopping clopidogrel
easy discourse with the family: for 5 days. Does this study apply to your patient?
 The patient has known limitations to blood and Your patient is not on aspirin, but the majority of the
nutrient flow to his heart. patients in the study were. Does this affect the appli-
 Anesthesia in the surgical setting can bring out cability of this study? Your patient is also elderly, but
these limitations by increasing nutrient demand most of the patients in the study were under the age of
and potentially further limiting the bodys ability 60. Can you still apply the incidence of morbidity and
to increase supply. mortality to your patient, or is your patient more likely
 If demand outweighs supply, the heart gets to have a poor outcome?
damaged, and if the extent of damage is large Apply knowledge of study designs and statistical
enough, the rest of the body can die. methods to the appraisal of clinical studies and
 Published literature has not clearly shown a
other information on diagnostic and therapeutic
superiority of regional anesthesia over general effectiveness.
anesthesia for patients with heart disease, though
nonrandomized (or less than ideal) trials do seem Similar to the preceding, lets say that in the study
to support lower incidences of heart attacks and mentioned earlier, the patients off clopidogrel for only
death in high-risk patients with regional 5 days had a zero incidence of hematoma. Does this
anesthesia [2]. information help? Can you now safely place an epidu-
 Given the fact that we do not know the extent of ral in this patient with full confidence that he will not
the patients cardiac history and his cardiologist get a hematoma? Before you can make such a bold pre-
does, it may be the safest decision in this diction, look at the way the study was performed, and
circumstance to follow the cardiologists see if it is even a valid study. For instance, were inclu-
recommendation. sion criteria stated in the study? Were patients ran-
domly allocated? How? Were the observers and those
Practice-based learning who carried out the study blinded? Were subgroups
appropriately analyzed? Only if a study is deemed to
and improvement be valid can it even begin to be considered as a new
Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their piece of information that may change how you manage
342 patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scien- patients. Changing patient care before appropriately
Case 62 To block or not to block, that is the question

appraising the source of information is unwise and

potentially litigious. Demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles
pertaining to provision or withholding of clinical
care, confidentiality of patient information,
Use information technology to manage informed consent, and business practice.
information, access online medical information,
and support their own education. As referred to earlier, for an informed consent to be
valid, all options must be presented fairly and without
For most residents, this part of the practice-based bias. The patient must express a clear understanding of
learning and improvement competency is quite easy to the facts, and he or she must have the mental capacity
meet. Online journals, metasearches, patient informa- to understand the implications of the procedure about
tion databases, and, now ever more commonly, elec- to be undertaken. In our case, it was assumed that
tronic charting are how we prefer to learn, accumu- our patient had the mental capacity to make his own
late data for research, and complete our daily clinical decisions, but did he or his family have a clear under-
duties. Maybe they should change this part of the com- standing of the facts? The fact that the patients family
petency to include a statement that residents should thought that he could die if he did not get his pros-
make sure they still know how to use the Dewey Deci- trate out right away points to the family not having a
mal System. thorough understanding of the acuity of the situation.
(First authors note: Egad! And to think we were told This is a problem that is often encountered in the hos-
in a Stony Brook case that we were forever rid of the pital. Patients can grasp some understanding of the sit-
Dewey Decimal System.) uation, but parts of the intended procedure or disease
treatment will ultimately remain a mystery. In such
instances, your commitment to the ethical principles
Professionalism of the fair allocation of health care resources, benef-
Residents must demonstrate a commitment to car- icence, nonmalficence, veracity, and fidelity is what
rying out professional responsibilities, adherence to your patients are counting on.
ethical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient
population. Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to
patients culture, age, gender, and disabilities.
Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a
responsiveness to the needs of patients and society Revisiting our patient, I forgot to mention that in
that supersedes self-interest; accountability to addition to his mentioned history, he has congenital
patients, society, and the profession; and a sensorineural deafness, and as such, he is part of a
commitment to excellence and ongoing unique subculture of deaf Americans who communi-
professional development. cate through American Sign Language, or ASL. More
times than I would like to count, I have done a pre-
After weighing the potential gains and risks to operative assessment on a patient and seen notes from
pursing neuraxial anesthesia, we decided not to block primary teams stating that a patient is difficult, non-
this patient. Though it is a natural and necessary desire cooperative, unintelligent, unable to follow com-
for a resident to want to get procedures under their mands, and not oriented to person, time, or place.
belt, this should not by itself guide clinical decision When I first read this, I think, wow, this patient has
making. Now, oftentimes, there can be many reason- some anger management issues, or he or she has a
able treatment plans for a patient with no one option mental disability or is delirious. I go into the room,
being clearly superior to the others. In such cases, and because I know ASL, I find a totally normal human
it could be reasonable to hope for the option that being desperately waiting for someone who can com-
may expand your clinical experience, but even still, all municate with him.
options should be fairly presented with accompanying I understand that this example may be a little dif-
risks and benefits. Then, the patient should be given a ferent than what people normally think of when they
chance to weigh in on the treatment options before an hear about cultural, age, gender, and disability sensi-
anesthetic plan is chosen. tivity, but I mention it to make the strong point that 343
Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

sensitivity to a culture or characteristic requires both family understand that waiting 2 days would be in the
understanding and awareness of it. Without these patients best interest, and they go home. Two days
things, we are helpless against stereotyping and inap- later, they come back, and the patient has his prostate
propriately putting people into boxes of diagnoses that taken out with an epidural as the primary method
do not belong to them. of anesthesia. Now it is the postoperative period,
and his catheter will need to be removed at some
Interpersonal and communication time.
In this circumstance, in which timing for the
skills removal of the patients catheter will be extremely
Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal important, you will have to make sure that all those
and communication skills that result in effective involved in the care of this patient understand the
information exchange and teaming with patients, their plan. Take time to explain the situation and plan for
patients families, and professional associates. catheter removal with the nursing staff, the surgical
team, and even the floor techs who will be cleaning
Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically the patient and may not understand that small tugs
sound relationship with patients. on that funny-looking wire coming out of the patients
In our case, start by establishing a strong channel of back can lead to big problems. Furthermore, the sur-
communication, which means realizing what you are gical team should be cautioned about the use of drugs
good at and what you are unable to do. If this patient that can affect hemostasis, such as nonsteroidal anti-
happened to be Spanish speaking, I would have had to inflammatory drugs, platelet inhibitors, or other anti-
get a translator in the room, or at least on the phone. coagulants, while the catheter is still in place. Commu-
This would be a huge step toward establishing a good nication is the key here. Communication will lead to a
physician-patient relationship. Then, have patience; safe discharge.
let the patient ask you all of his or her questions,
ease his or her worries, and approach the dilemma of
whether to get the patients prostate out as a team you Systems-based practice
and the patient working together toward a common Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and
goal. responsiveness to the larger context and system of
health care and the ability to effectively call on system
Use effective listening skills and elicit and provide resources to provide care that is of optimal value.
information using effective nonverbal,
explanatory, questioning, and writing skills. Understand how their patient care and other
Again, this boils down to engaging with the patient professional practices affect other health care
and working with the patient, rather than at the professionals, the health care organization, and
patient. If you take the time to engage, you will be the larger society and how these elements of the
amazed at how easy this all becomes. These are simple system affect their own practice.
communication skills that we developed over the years Im not sure if you caught it, but you were just
through our interactions with family and friends, only able to do something amazing in the last competency.
too often, because of time constraints, we fail to apply You canceled an elective surgery and then brought the
these extremely effective methods of communication patient back in 2 days. No small feat, considering that
to the perioperative time. Change this you can! (You the OR times and schedules are often set much fur-
dont have to be Yoda to be successful. If you try, the ther in advance, and the surgeon who was to take the
force will be with you.) patients prostate out may only operate a few times
Work effectively with others as a member or a week. Congratulations! You did something difficult
leader of a health care team or other professional that ultimately led to a good outcome and high patient
group. satisfaction. Undoubtedly, you did this knowing that it
would require the surgical team to squeeze the patient
344 So, after excellent adherence to the communica- into the OR schedule and the hospital to give up OR
tion principles described earlier, the patient and his billing time, and that all this grief was back on your
Case 62 To block or not to block, that is the question

head. Wow, didnt realize you pulled off such a feat, did Practice cost-effective health care and resource
you? allocation that does not compromise quality of
Now dont just pat yourself on the back; after all, care.
you still dont know why the patient ended up coming
to the hospital for surgery after only having been off In this case, you went with neuraxial anesthesia
clopidogrel for 5 days. To be truly amazing, you would because it was safer, but evidence suggests that it was
need to analyze the process and determine what chain probably also cheaper. In a study done on patients
in the link failed. Systematically follow all the preoper- undergoing radical retropubic prostatectomies, spinal
ative instructions, from the receivers (the patient and anesthesia was found to be associated with less over-
family), to the primary surgical team, to the primary all blood loss, less postoperative pain, less time to first
care physician who cleared the patient for surgery, to flatus, and less time to ambulation, which ultimately
the cardiologist who was consulted by the primary care led to a faster postoperative recovery which has been
physician. Where did the message get messed up? Was linked to decreased hospital costs [4].
there any problem with a lack of education with any
of the physicians? Did communication get messed up? Advocate for quality patient care and assist
Was the appropriate information communicated at all? patients in dealing with system complexities.
Some have said that the next decade will be one
As described earlier, you pulled off a feat. You
in which the biggest strides in patient care will come
assisted your patient by maneuvering scheduling dif-
in the area of refining hospital policies and proto-
ficulties and hospital financial disincentives to get the
cols. In this case, our patient has encountered a prob-
best care possible.
lem that was entirely avoidable, could have been pre-
vented without any extra charge, and that we already
Know how to partner with health care managers
have the tools to eliminate; however, the simple fact
and health care providers to assess, coordinate,
is that such problems occur all the time in hospi-
and improve health care and know how these
tals, and consequently, patients are not optimized for
activities can affect system performance.
surgery. This kind of problem would not have hap-
pened if the patient had been seen at a preoperative Now that you pulled off this feat and got great
evaluation clinic (PEC). In such clinics, providers with patient satisfaction, share this success with hospital
a keen awareness of anesthetic practice assimilate con- administration. Find out how these coordinated activ-
sultants opinions into a perioperative and anesthetic ities were able to be completed in such a short time
plan. After all, consultants such as cardiologists are span. Analyze what happened, congratulate those who
invaluable, but we as anesthesiologists do not always made it happen, and make changes to help it hap-
take their advice as they are not intimately involved in pen again. Better yet, make changes so that the patient
the formulation and implementation of the anesthetic comes in at 7 days, rather than 5 days, so that jumping
plan. To help reduce day-of-surgery delays and cancel- through the hoops isnt necessary. You are now think-
lations, the use of established guidelines and clinical ing of the hospital as a system, and every system can
pathways are used in PECs to take the guesswork out be optimized. So, in the same way that research ques-
of decision making and ensure a successful periopera- tions are systematically answered, systematically ana-
tive outcome [3]. lyze your hospital system to get optimal performance.

Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

References 3. Fischer SP. Cost-effective preoperative evaluation and

testing. Chest 1999;115:96S100S.
1. Horlocker TT, Wedel DJ, Benzon H, et al. Regional
anesthesia in the anticoagulated patient: defining the 4. Salonia A, Crescenti A, Suardi N, et al. General versus
risks (the second ASRA Consensus Conference on spinal anesthesia in patients undergoing radical
Neuraxial Anesthesia and Anticoagulation). Regional retropubic prostatectomy: results of a prospective,
Anesth Pain Med 2003;28:172197. randomized study. Urology 2004;64:95100.
2. Breen P, Park KW. General anesthesia versus regional
anesthesia. Int Anesthesiol Clin 2002;40:6171.

Part 5 Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under
Case Deborah A. Schwengel

63 Anterior mediastinal mass with total

occlusion of the superior vena cava and
distal tracheal compression
Andrew Goins and Daniel Nyhan
The case the significant intrathoracic mass effect, consent also
included a detailed description of the potential for car-
A 28-year-old female, with a medical history signifi-
diopulmonary collapse in the operative theater, requir-
cant for mitral valve prolapse, has developed progres-
ing mechanical support, and the possible need for pro-
sively worsening cough and orthopnea of 3 months
longed postoperative intubation.
duration. A chest radiograph and computed tomo-
graph (CT) revealed the presence of a large anterior Gather essential and accurate information about
mediastinal mass measuring 12 10 cm, with signif- their patients.
icant distal tracheal mass effect, but without occlu-
sion. Chest CT also revealed dilated collateral venous A comprehensive history and physical exam was
involvement and a superior vena cava totally encased performed, as was an extensive chart and imaging
and occluded by the mass, which was suspicious for review. The thoracic CT was reviewed with the sur-
lymphoma. geon, who was also involved in the patients anesthesia
Efforts to diagnose the mass via transbronchial induction plan.
biopsy and supraclavicular lymph node sampling were
Make informed decisions about diagnostic and
nondiagnostic, so the patient was referred to a thoracic
therapeutic interventions based on patient
surgeon for mediastinoscopy and biopsy. In the days
information and preferences, up-to-date scientific
leading up to her procedure, her symptoms worsened,
evidence, and clinical judgment.
and she required admission for further evaluation. Her
chest radiograph featured a large right pleural effu- The rapidly increasing dyspnea and oxygen re-
sion, and transthoracic echocardiogram revealed the quirements in this patient, given her concerning tho-
presence of right ventricular compression, a depressed racic imaging studies, prompted a discussion with the
left ventricular ejection fraction of 35% with moderate surgeon about further optimizing the patients car-
diastolic dysfunction, and a large circumferential peri- diopulmonary status prior to inducing general anes-
cardial effusion. In the hours leading up to the sched- thesia. Her progressing cardiac tamponade posed a
uled operation, her oxygen requirement increased, and grave threat and could be drained prior to the oper-
she required upright positioning with a nonrebreather ation.
mask to maintain adequate oxygenation.
Develop and carry out patient management plans.
Patient care Prior to the operation, the patient was referred to
Residents must be able to provide patient care that is interventional radiology for percutaneous pericardio-
compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat- centesis, which produced 600 cc of straw-colored peri-
ment of health problems and the promotion of health. cardial fluid.

Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring Counsel and educate patients and their families.
and respectful behaviors when interacting with
patients and their families. The patient was counseled on the need for adequate
invasive monitoring and vascular access prior to her
Informed anesthesia consent was obtained from anesthesia induction due to the potential for signifi-
the patient in the company of her mother for all aspects cant cardiopulmonary complications during the peri- 347
of her intraoperative and postoperative care. Owing to operative period.
Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

Use information technology to support patient Maintaining spontaneous ventilation during in-
care decisions and patient education. duction and avoiding positive pressure ventilation if
possible are two important goals for patients with large
The patients thoracic CT was reviewed with the anterior mediastinal masses. The airway and shoulder
thoracic surgeon, and a detailed plan for the induc- girdle musculature are oftentimes maximally engaged
tion of anesthesia was agreed on. Owing to the size in maintaining tracheal and vascular patency, so it is
and location of the mass, plans to perform the oper- conceivable that chemical paralysis could result in sud-
ation in a cardiopulmonary bypasscapable operating den collapse of these two systems [1,2].
room (OR) were made. intraoperative surgical needs
were also discussed, including the need for paralysis. Know and apply the basic and clinically
supportive sciences that are appropriate to
Perform competently all medical and invasive their discipline.
procedures considered essential for the area of
practice. Given the large size of the mass and known SVC
compression, a mask induction with inhalational anes-
Given the known right ventricular compression thetics was planned after an awake arterial line and
and superior vena cava (SVC) occlusion, the potential femoral vein central line were placed. Since her air-
for cardiovascular compromise during induction was a way exam was benign, tracheal intubation was per-
concern. An awake radial arterial and femoral venous formed via direct laryngoscopy, after the patient was
cannulation were planned. The patient was counseled adequately anesthetized with sevoflurane, while sitting
about the need for this and was reassured throughout at a 45 upright angle. Spontaneous ventilation was
these procedures. thus maintained during induction, and a stable hemo-
dynamic response to short periods of positive pressure
Provide health care services aimed at preventing ventilation was ensured before administering a non-
health problems or maintaining health. depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agent to provide
The need for appropriate antibiotics to prevent sur- paralysis for the operation [13].
gical site infection was discussed with the surgeon and
was planned to be administered prior to skin incision. Practice-based learning
Work with health care professionals, including and improvement
those from other disciplines, to provide Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their
patient-focused care. patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific
evidence, and improve their patient care practices.
Plans were made to obtain an intensive care unit
(ICU) bed for postop care by contacting the central Analyze practice experience and perform
intensivist and verifying bed availability. The patients practice-based improvement activities using a
history was reported to the ICU attending who would systematic methodology.
be assuming postoperative care for the patient. The
Unfortunately, once the patients upright position
perfusionist on call was also notified to be available in
was removed and she was placed supine for the oper-
the OR and prepared for cardiopulmonary bypass dur-
ation, ventilation became a significant problem. Ven-
ing the operation.
tilator pressures increased significantly with only 100
200 cc tidal volumes delivered. Her vital signs and oxy-
Medical knowledge genation remained. However, given her large mediasti-
Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab- nal mass, there was a great deal of concern for distal
lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cognate tracheal compression now that the supporting muscu-
(e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sciences lature had been relaxed.
and the application of this knowledge to patient care.
Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from
Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic scientific studies related to their patients health
348 thinking approach to clinical situations. problems.
Case 63 Anterior mediastinal mass with total occlusion of the superior vena cava

Fiber-optic bronchoscopy revealed a distal trachea firm normal acid-base status and oxygenation prior
that was 80% compressed, distal to the end of the endo- to reversing the neuromuscular blockade and extu-
tracheal tube, and 2 cm above the carina. There are bation.
case reports documenting the use of extracorporeal
membrane oxygenation (ECMO) for short periods in
adults, requiring distal tracheal reconstruction due to Professionalism
obstruction from papillomas. ECMO is not without Residents must demonstrate a commitment to car-
significant risks, and thankfully, this method of pro- rying out professional responsibilities, adherence to
viding continuous oxygenation to the patient was not ethical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient
deployed [4]. population.
Obtain and use information about their own
population of patients and the larger population Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a
from which their patients are drawn. responsiveness to the needs of patients and society
that supersedes self-interest; accountability to
While changing various ventilator parameters to patients, society, and the profession; and a
optimize ventilation, we were able to continuously commitment to excellence and ongoing
oxygenate the anesthetized patient and maintain a sta- professional development.
ble blood pressure. Ventilation improved moderately
after positioning the patient in a 15 reverse Trende- Moments such as these help illuminate the distinct
lenburg position. A discussion with the surgeon was privilege it is to provide anesthesia to patients such
initiated, and he agreed to perform the operation with as these, with complex medical problems. Patients are
the patient in a reverse Trendelenburg position. in their most vulnerable state while they are under
our care, yet they place their trust in our abilities
(First authors note: It is worth remembering that tilt-
to see them safely through the operation. This trust
ing a patient head up can help with a wide variety of
does not come without first demonstrating respect and
respiratory headaches.)
compassion for the patient, which is why a detailed
Apply knowledge of study designs and statistical and personable preoperative discussion is always
methods to the appraisal of clinical studies and warranted.
other information on diagnostic and therapeutic
effectiveness. Demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles
In retrospect, given the patients response to neu- pertaining to provision or withholding of clinical
romuscular blockade, chemical paralysis was proba- care, confidentiality of patient information,
bly not the best course of action in this patient. Future informed consent, and business practice.
recommendations include a closer examination of the Cases such as these can easily become fodder for
surgeons request for paralysis and a detailed discus- lunchtime discussions, but care must be taken to act
sion of the potential risks of this approach in patients as a true professional and respect the patients right
with large anterior mediastinal masses. to privacy. Regardless of the educational benefit oth-
ers may glean from the discussion, efforts to abide by
Use information technology to manage
all HIPAA regulations should be ensured.
information, access online medical information,
and support their own education.
Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to
Previous thoracic CT scans were available in the patients culture, age, gender, and disabilities.
OR, which provided the anesthesia and surgical teams
ready access to information that helped in formulat- ORs can be intimidating environments, even to
ing a differential diagnosis, stratified according to the those who work in health care. This patient required
most likely to cause the ventilation encountered in an awake arterial line and femoral venous line before
this patient. Rapid arterial blood gas analysis also pro- safely inducing anesthesia and this is understandably 349
vided important information that was needed to con- anxiety provoking and potentially embarrassing. She
Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

was draped to provide as much privacy as possible and Understand how their patient care and other
verbally reassured throughout the procedures. professional practices affect other health care
professionals, the health care organization, and
Interpersonal and communication the larger society and how these elements of the
skills system affect their own practice.
Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal Since this patient would be transferred to the
and communication skills that result in effective ICU after the operation, establishing and maintain-
information exchange and teaming with patients, their ing appropriate monitoring lines and delivering a
patients families, and professional associates. problem-focused report to the ICU staff are of upmost
importance to ensure a seamless transition of care. As
Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically perioperative consultants, the ICU staff also serves to
sound relationship with patients. benefit from our input on how best to optimize the
This relationship extends into the postoperative patients ventilation status, which, in her case, included
period, as well, and includes performing a postoper- strict upright positioning and avoidance of para-
ative visit the next day to ask if the patient has any lytics.
lingering questions about the anesthetic and ensur- Practice cost-effective health care and resource
ing that there is no intraoperative recall and that the allocation that does not compromise quality of
patients pain has been adequately controlled. care.
Use effective listening skills and elicit and In a training institution, this point can easily be
provide information using effective nonverbal, lost, but to better formulate a future practice, it is
explanatory, questioning, and writing skills. worthwhile to consider the financial cost of the anes-
Demands on OR utilization oftentimes place a thesiologists decisions. Maintaining low free gas flows
great deal of pressure on the anesthesiologist, but through the vaporizers and adequately dosing nar-
care must be taken to respect the patient and provide cotics intraoperatively to limit postanesthesia care unit
the patient with the time necessary to convey his or time spent controlling the patients pain are two areas
her needs and concerns. This patient, in particular, worth focusing on.
required a detailed history to plan for a safe anesthetic. Advocate for quality patient care and assist
Simply rushing through an anesthesia induction could patients in dealing with system complexities.
have resulted in dire consequences.
This is an area worth including in the preoperative
Work effectively with others as a member or setting and includes directing family members to wait-
leader of a health care team or other professional ing areas in the hospital and establishing a means of
group. contacting them to keep them informed of their loved
Other members of the OR team look to their physi- ones progress in the OR.
cian counterparts for leadership during complex cases Know how to partner with health care managers
such as these. Keeping them informed of the sequence and health care providers to assess, coordinate,
of events leading up to the patients induction and and improve health care and know how these
including the operative course is important, especially activities can affect system performance.
if complications arise. For this reason, a detailed time-
out that includes the entire OR team is necessary. Although she was not a candidate to be down-
graded to a lower status of postoperative care, it is
worth reconsidering the need for ICU-level care fol-
Systems-based practice lowing an operation. There is an enormous demand for
Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and ICU beds, so whenever a patients condition is stable
responsiveness to the larger context and system of enough to be downgraded, it is reasonable to revisit the
350 health care and the ability to effectively call on system postoperative destination with the surgeon and keep
resources to provide care that is of optimal value. the central intensivist appraised of the situation.
Case 63 Anterior mediastinal mass with total occlusion of the superior vena cava

References 3. Cho Y, Suzuki S, Yokoi M, et al. Lateral position

prevents respiratory occlusion during surgical
1. Gothard JW. Anesthetic considerations for patients
procedure under general anesthesia in the patient of
with anterior mediastinal masses. Anesthesiol Clin
huge anterior mediastinal lymphoblastic lymphoma.
2008;26:304311. Jpn J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2004;52:476479.
2. Prakash UB, Abel MD, Hubmayr RD. Mediastinal
4. Smith IJ, Sidebotham DA, McGeorge AD, et al. Use of
mass and tracheal obstruction during general
extracorporeal membrane oxygenation during
anesthesia. Mayo Clin Proc 1988;63:10041011.
resection of tracheal papillomatosis. Anesthesiology

Part 5 Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under
Case Deborah A. Schwengel

64 Puff the magic dragon

Steven J. Schwartz

The case Mr. C was burned in a house fire, where he was

found down in the house for an unknown period of
Mr. C is an 85-year-old African American male with a
time. His wife was not burned, by report, and was
history of diabetes, dementia, coronary artery disease,
transferred to the cardiac care unit for further treat-
and multiple myocardial infarctions who is s/p coro-
ment. The patients family was not available for the first
nary artery bypass graft (CABG) 5 years prior and who
few days, and his prior history was taken from medical
presented to the burn unit via ambulance. The patient
records at an outside institution, where he had received
presented with 15% total body surface area (TBSA)
his medical care.
burn. Affected areas included bilateral hands, right
lower extremity, and face, with an inhalation injury.
Make informed decisions about diagnostic and
The patient was intubated in the field and, when trans-
therapeutic interventions based on patient
ferred to the burn unit, he was sedated and paralyzed
information and preferences, up-to-date scientific
and required blood pressure support with vasopres-
evidence, and clinical judgment.
sors. Bronchoscopy was done on admission, and his
airway was full of soot and looked charred. Soot was When burns include the face and neck, there is
present deep into all visual bronchi, and he required usually swelling and facial distortion, which makes
100% FiO2 on full mechanical support. direct laryngoscopy very difficult. The ability to mask
ventilate is also difficult due to the loss of mandibu-
Patient care lar mobility. Fiber-optic intubation performed while
Residents must be able to provide patient care that is maintaining spontaneous ventilation is safe and reli-
compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat- able under these circumstances. In adults, it is pos-
ment of health problems and the promotion of health. sible to perform fiber-optic intubation while they are
awake, but pediatric patients will not be able to toler-
Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring ate this because they cannot cooperate with the proce-
and respectful behaviors when interacting with dure. As most anesthetics cause collapse of the pharyn-
patients and their families. geal tissues and airway obstruction, it is very impor-
Care in the burn intensive care unit (ICU) is sim- tant to choose wisely from your pharmacy. Ketamine
ilar to care in the operating room. Although in most is unique among anesthetic drugs as it maintains air-
cases, families are allowed back in the rooms, each way patency as well as spontaneous ventilation.
patient is isolated and draped in sterile yellow plas-
tic. With his airway already secured, part of the bat- Develop and carry out patient management plans.
tle is over, but the war is just beginning. If burns The ability to secure an endotracheal tube in a
do not preclude it, conventional airway management, patient with facial burns also presents a series of prob-
such as mask fit, jaw lift, and mouth opening, as well lems. Taping or cross-ties over a burned area will
as standard induction and intubation procedures may cause irritation and dislodge grafts. One useful method
be employed. Rapid sequence intubation is not neces- involves the use of a nasal tie with one-eighth-inch
sary as gastric emptying is not delayed in patients with umbilical tape. The umbilical tape is placed around the
severe burns. nasal septum using 8 or 10 French red rubber catheters
352 Gather essential and accurate information about that are passed through each naris and retrieved from
their patients. the pharynx by direct laryngoscopy and Magill for-
ceps. A length of umbilical tape is tied to each of the
Case 64 Puff the magic dragon

catheters, and when the catheters are pulled out of state of hyperdynamic circulation develops. This sys-
their respective naris, a loop around the nasal septum temic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) pro-
is produced. Care must be taken to ensure that the cess is characterized by hypotension, tachycardia, and
uvula is not trapped in the loop prior to tying a knot. a marked decrease in systemic vascular resistance.
Your knot should be snug but not tight enough to cause Associated findings can include an increased cardiac
ischemic necrosis. output (if intravascular volume is adequate) as well as a
continuum of tachycardia, tachypnea, fever, and leuko-
Counsel and educate patients and their families. cytosis. In its most severe form, you can see multisys-
tem organ failure.
Prior to meeting with the family, it is important
Burn patients require large-volume resuscitation in
to understand that over the years, there has been a
the immediate postburn period. There are standard
steady rise in the rate of survival from large burn
protocols used, with the most common being the Park-
injuries [1]. The vast improvement is due to early
land formula. The Parkland formula uses isotonic crys-
aggressive resuscitation, aggressive and early excision,
talloid solution and estimates the fluid requirements
and grafting as well as improved nutritional support.
in the first 24 hours to be 4 mL/kg/% total body sur-
The development of burn centers has also been key
face area (TBSA). The use of colloids within the first
in the survival of these patients. Modern burn care
24 hours has not improved outcome [3].
depends on the coordination of a complete multidis-
Nevertheless, several different formulas can be
ciplinary team, including anesthesiologists, burn sur-
used some use colloid and some do not. The different
geons, intensivists, nurse clinicians, nutritionists, and
formulas are listed here:
physical and occupational therapists. There is also a
 colloid formulas
component of psychiatry, and pain management spe-
 Evans In the first 24 hours administer: normal
cialists often function on the team.
With all the efforts of the team, hard-core numbers saline 1.0 mL/kg/% burn, plus colloid 1.0
are available. Ryan et al. identified three variables that mL/kg/% burn, plus D5W 2,000 mL/24 hours
can be used to estimate the probability of death: age  Brooke In the first 24 hours administer: lactated
greater than 60 years, burns over more than 40% of the ringers (LR) 1.5 mL/kg/% burn, plus colloid 0.5
total body surface area, and the presence of an inhala- mL/kg/%burn, plus D5W 2,000 mL/24 hours
tional injury [2]. Mortality increased in proportion to  hypertonic formulas
the number of risk factors present: 0.3%, 3%, 33%, or  Monafo hypertonic saline Fluid is
approximately 90% mortality, depending on whether administered at a rate sufficient to maintain the
zero, one, two, or three risk factors were present. Mor- urinary output at 30 mL/hour (250 mEq Na/L)
tality also rose with the significant existence of coex-
isting disease or delay in resuscitation. Other scales Criteria for adequate fluid resuscitation
include the Baux score. The Baux score is based on  normalization of blood pressure
age plus total body surface area out of 120. This has  urine output (12 mL/kg/hour)
recently been raised from out of 100. You also add  blood lactate (2 mmol/L)
points for an inhalation injury. Mr. C had a Baux score  base deficit (less than 5)
of 100 out of 120, or 83% mortality, not including his  gastric intramucosal pH (greater than 7.32)
inhalational injury.  central venous pressure
 Cardiac Index (CI) (4.5 L/min/m2 )
Use information technology to support patient  oxygen delivery index (DO2I) (600 mL/min/m2 )
care decisions and patient education.
Major preoperative concerns in acutely burned
Prior to going to the operating room, you are faced
with multiple problems in the burn patient. Unlike
 age of patient
your basic preoperative evaluation in stratifying risk,
 extent of burn injuries (TBSI)
the burn patient will either be taken to the operating
room on his initial presentation or resuscitated. Dur-  burn depth and distribution (superficial or full
ing this period, you will be involved in the continued thickness) 353
resuscitation of the patient. If your patient survives  mechanism of injury
the initial burn shock and is adequately resuscitated, a  airway patency
Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

 presence or absence of inhalation injury catheter-related bloodstream infections, including the

 elapsed time from injury maximum sterile barrier technique (cap, mask, sterile
 adequacy of resuscitation gown, sterile gloves, and large sterile drape with a small
 associated injuries opening) [5].
 coexisting diseases
 Work with health care professionals, including
surgical plan
those from other disciplines, to provide
patient-focused care.
Perform competently all medical and invasive
procedures considered essential for the area of Modern burn care depends on coordination of a
practice. multidisciplinary team to be truly successful. Ratio-
nal and effective anesthetic management of acute burn
At induction, a skilled anesthesiologist would be patients requires an understanding of this approach so
able to place adequate venous access and a preinduc- that perioperative care is compatible with the overall
tion arterial line (to monitor blood pressure on a beat- treatment goals of the patient.
to-beat basis during induction and intubation) and
would secure the airway appropriately. With all crit- Medical knowledge
ically ill patients suffering from multiorgan involve-
Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab-
ment, the choice of monitoring in a burn patient will
lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cog-
depend on the extent of the patients injuries, his or
nate (e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sci-
her overall state, and the surgical plan. The American
ences and the application of this knowledge to patient
Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) has documented
minimum standards of monitoring, including circula-
tion, ventilation, and oxygenation. The ability to keep Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic
a patient warm is vital in a burn patient in the operat- thinking approach to clinical situations.
ing room, and the ability to measure body temperature
should be readily available at all times. To manage a patient with extensive burn injuries,
The ability to secure vascular access can be chal- the resident must understand the pathophysiological
lenging even for the most skilled anesthesiologist. In changes associated with large burns. The resident must
the burn patient, your sites of insertion may be lim- also be able to recognize the anatomical distortions
ited, the anatomy may be distorted, and the vasocon- that make airway management and vascular access
striction that occurs after shock can make the estab- difficult. The changes in the cardiovascular function
lishment of peripheral lines virtually impossible. In range from initial hypovolemia and impaired perfu-
patients with severe burns, the need to debride burned sion to a hyperdynamic and hypermetabolic state that
tissue is often required to establish access. will develop after resuscitation. These changes will
alter the response to many different anesthetic drugs.
Provide health care services aimed at preventing
health problems or maintaining health. Know and apply the basic and clinically
supportive sciences that are appropriate to
The new burn patient presents to you with no evi- their discipline.
dence of infection as the heat from the burn kills all
the bacteria that can cause infection. The skin func- Before you cross the threshold into the burn unit,
tions to protect the body from the elements. It is make sure that you understand all the physiology that
the natural barrier in relation to antigen presentation applies to these complex cases. The supportive science
and entry of pathological organisms. Once the skin for burn medicine fills entire thick textbooks. There is
has been removed and grafts have been placed, the also a society called the American Burn Association
patient is at very high risk for infection. Ultimately, that publishes monthly journals. For now, though, the
your patient will succumb from infection, or in an perioperative challenges include the following:
acute burn, as many as half die from lack of resusci-  compromised airway
tation [4]. There are measures recognized by the Cen-  pulmonary insufficiency
354  altered mental status
ters for Disease Control and Prevention for reducing
Case 64 Puff the magic dragon

 associated injuries
 Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from
limited vascular access scientific studies related to their patients health
 rapid blood loss
impaired tissue perfusion due to

hypovolemia Complications in patients with inhalational in-

decreased myocardial contractility juries alone occur secondary to the original injury and
to the barotrauma that can occur from the ventilator.

Every indication and every organ system in this 85-
 decreased colloid osmotic pressure year-old man has begun to shut down. His mortality
 edema is off the charts, and his associated morbidity is even
 dysrhythmia worse. If he lives, he is subject to wound infection,
 impaired temperature regulation respiratory insufficiency, and multiple surgeries to fix
 altered drug response scarring, in addition to retraining in relation to walk-
 renal insufficiency ing and self-care. Every scale to predict survivability
says that he will not survive. Yet there is no exact sci-
 ence to say he will not survive. Why should you stop?
When should you stop?
Remember to be prepared in advance. Adequate moni- Mr. C was taken to the operating room for the
tors, good vascular access, and availability of blood are fourth time on day 7. We performed a tracheotomy and
essential. Surgical blood loss depends on the area to be percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) place-
excised (cm2 ), time since injury, surgical plan (tangen- ment.
tial vs. facial excision), and presence of infection [6].
Obtain and use information about their own
Practice-based learning population of patients and the larger population
from which their patients are drawn.
and improvement
Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their As a resident, you draw on your own experience,
patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific and you draw on the larger world of experience, that
evidence, and improve their patient care practices. is, the experience described in the literature. In other
words, you review and keep abreast of experience with
Analyze practice experience and perform geriatric burn patients.
practice-based improvement activities using a
systematic methodology.
Apply knowledge of study designs and statistical
Many studies over the years have shown inhalation methods to the appraisal of clinical studies and
injury to be strongly associated with increased mor- other information on diagnostic and therapeutic
bidity and mortality, especially in the burned patient. effectiveness.
In one study by Shirani et al., the presence of an inhala-
tion injury increased mortality by up to 20% and pneu- Much of the morbidity and mortality associated
monia by up to 40% [7]. with burn injuries are related to the size of the injury.
Mr. C is an 85-year-old man with a questionable The injury is expressed as TBSA burned. The TBSA is
mental status premorbidly and with multiple medical used to guide resuscitation, which includes fluids and
problems, who now faces a traumatic injury with near electrolytes and blood loss. Percentage of the skin sur-
100% mortality. face that has been burned can be estimated as the rule
Your team includes senior burn surgeons, senior of nines. These estimates are based on body proportion
intensivists, and attending anesthesiologists. Your and are modified for pediatric patients. Knowledge of
decision to continue is based on multiple opinions, but the burn depth is also critical to anticipate physiologi-
the looming question has not been raised. Is this futil- cal changes as well as to help prepare for surgical inter-
ity? Is this what the patient would want? Is this what vention. The standard burn diagram is the Lund and 355
the team would want? Is this what you would want? Browder chart. There are many modifications to this,
Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

and the standard is in all burn textbooks. The diagram then it is futile. When cardiopulmonary resuscitation
is required on presentation of all burn victims to the fails, it is futile. If you are on 100% FiO2 , with a PEEP
burn unit. of 20 and a maximum dose of pressors, and you still
have saturations in the 50s, then it can be considered
Use information technology to manage futility. The patients family says he wants to live, so for
information, access online medical information, now, he will live. Remember that we have gotten very
and support their own education. good in the year 2009 at preserving physiology, but this
is not physiology he is a man who cannot speak for
The American Burn Association has a Web site, as
himself. We are relying on next of kin and substituted
do the Shriners burn units. There are also multiple Web
judgment to proceed.
sites available to aid in your education and provide you
with the tools you need to practice as an anesthesia res- Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to
ident functioning either in the unit or the operating patients culture, age, gender, and disabilities.
room. With access to PubMed, you will be able to find
any and all information available. The landmark text- The ability to sit and listen to a family and to a
book is Total Burn Care by Herndon. [8] patient and empathize with them will always be what
separates you from all your colleagues. Medicine is a
consumer-based profession. Your patients can choose
Professionalism you or the guy down the street. We all have the same
Residents must demonstrate a commitment to car- drugs, and it is our ability to communicate that distin-
rying out professional responsibilities, adherence to guishes us.
ethical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient
Interpersonal and communication
Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a skills
responsiveness to the needs of patients and society Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal
that supersedes self-interest; accountability to and communication skills that result in effective infor-
patients, society, and the profession; and a mation exchange and teaming with patients, their
commitment to excellence and ongoing patients families, and professional associates.
professional development.
Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically
Is this futility? Do we continue?
sound relationship with patients.
Mr. C was 14 days into his treatment. He had been
debrided, he had been grafted, and he was now sep- When you first meet your burn victim, your abil-
tic on 80% FiO2 , with a PEEP (positive end-expiratory ity to establish an effective relationship will be limited
pressure) of 10 and elevating plateau pressures. I asked to diving in and securing his airway. Patients suffer-
for a family meeting to stop the fragmented care. ing burn injuries often require surgical treatments for
As I sat down to go over his prognosis and plan years after the initial injury to correct functional and
for the umpteenth time, his granddaughter looked at cosmetic sequelae. Anesthetic management for recon-
me and said, I know that my granddad wants to live, structive burn surgery presents many special problems
because Oprah told me so. Then she started to sing [9], but our case focuses on the care of the acute burn
loudly, and the rest of the family joined in. and inhalational injury. The acute phase of burn injury
So, as a clinician, what do I do? Is it futility to con- is defined as the period from injury until the wounds
tinue? have been excised, grafted, and healed.

Demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles Use effective listening skills and elicit and provide
pertaining to provision or withholding of clinical information using effective nonverbal,
care, confidentiality of patient information, explanatory, questioning, and writing skills.
informed consent, and business practice.
Your initial evaluation of the burn injury begins
356 Futility is a concept that can be hard to define. One by seeing the destruction of the skin. The skin is the
definition says that if 99 out of the last 100 cases failed, largest organ of the body and provides an essential
Case 64 Puff the magic dragon

protective and homeostatic function. Your treatment Systems-based practice

must compensate for this loss, and your documen-
Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and
tation will display your understanding. Your preop-
responsiveness to the larger context and system of
erative evaluation must be complete and well docu-
health care and the ability to effectively call on system
mented and reflect the physiological changes that you
resources to provide care that is of optimal value.
can see. In addition to loss of important functions of
the skin, extensive burns result in an inflammatory
Understand how their patient care and other
response with systemic effects that alter function in
professional practices affect other health care
virtually all organ systems. During your preoperative
professionals, the health care organization, and
evaluation, special attention must be paid to the air-
the larger society and how these elements of the
way and pulmonary function. Remember that distor-
system affect their own practice.
tion may be present in the anatomy. The mouth and
neck may be involved. Alterations in mouth opening This burn patient has suffered what should have
and tongue swelling with burns to the oropharynx and been a life-ending injury, but his outcome was differ-
larynx should all be documented. A strong clinical sus- ent than the average patient. Did we practice evidence-
picion of an inhalational injury should be aroused by based medicine when we saved this patient? We
the presence of certain risk factors. The risk factors followed all the standards of care in relation to resus-
to listen for would be exposure to fire and smoke in citation. We used the most current ventilators and the
an enclosed space or a period of unconsciousness at strongest medications. We involved every service that
an accident scene, burns to the face and neck with our institution had to offer, and we saved one life. This
singed facial hair, altered voice, dysphagia, oral and patient was not ready to go, and although he gave us
nasal soot deposits, or carbonaceous sputum. The most every indication that he wanted to go, from a bron-
immediate threat from inhalation injury is upper air- choscopy that showed black lungs to plateau pressures
way obstruction due to edema. Early or prophylac- over 50, he lived. Will our practice change in relation to
tic intubation is recommended when this complica- this patient? I doubt it, but we will continue to see that
tion occurs. Traditional clinical predictors of airway anything can be possible if there is a will to survive.
obstruction have been found to be relatively insensi- The primary resource of interest here is that the
tive and inadequate for identifying early severe airway systems and protocols are in place to promote surviv-
inflammation and often underestimate the severity of ability. The team functions as a team and interacts in a
the injury [10]. Fiber-optic bronchoscopy is a safe and professional and collegial manner, and the patient has
accurate method to establish a diagnosis, but what is every chance to do well.
the yield of your initial finding? Serial exams may also
help in avoiding intubation. Always document your Practice cost-effective health care and resource
findings carefully in a clear, system-based note. allocation that does not compromise quality of
Work effectively with others as a member or
leader of a health care team or other professional To achieve the effect of adequate resuscitation, you
group. have to have an understanding of the basics. There is
no proven benefit to using invasive cardiac monitors to
So what happened to Mr. C and his family? Mr. C guide resuscitation, but you have to know when there
had multiple split thickness skin grafts, with over 3,000 is a time to use these devices. Be aware that measur-
cm2 of graft replacement, as well as a tracheotomy and ing and trending a simple bladder pressure can help
peg placement. After multiple weeks on pressor medi- prevent and, if necessary, diagnose abdominal com-
cations, antibiotics, paralytics, and ventilator support, partment syndrome. Understand that the incidence
Mr. C was liberated from the ventilator, decannulated, of acute renal failure following burn injury has been
and finally, after 45 days, sent to rehabilitation. Mr. C reported to range from 0.5% to 30% and is most depen-
beat the odds in every way. He returned to his baseline dent on the severity of the burn and the presence of
and even speaks when he feels like it. an inhalational injury [11]. Remember that lower air-
The team did not give up, the family did not give way and parenchymal injuries develop more slowly 357
up, and Mr. C decided that he wanted to live. than upper airway obstruction. Think about carbon
Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

monoxide and cyanide toxicity as they are major methodical and seamless. Hemodynamic status should
components of smoke. Treatment of cyanide toxic- be optimized prior to transport, and ASA standards
ity begins with a high-inspired oxygen concentration. to evaluate, treat, monitor, and use appropriate equip-
Pharmacological intervention includes methemog- ment prior to attempting to move should be fol-
lobin generators, such as nitrates and dimethy- lowed.
laminophenol, to increase methemoglobin levels.
Advocate for quality patient care and assist
Always maintain proper body temperature. The major
patients in dealing with system complexities.
components are the afferent system that senses
changes in core body temperature and transmits this Try to do something good for each one of your
information to the brain; the central regulatory mech- patients every day. If you cant help your patient, then
anisms, located primarily in the hypothalamus, that help the family. Provide the time and environment for
process afferent input and initiate responses; and these people so you can listen to them in a quiet and
the efferent limb that mediates specific biological secure place. Most important, remember that they are
responses to changes in core temperature. Remem- not here for you; rather, you are here for them.
ber your basic pharmacology and how burn injuries
Know how to partner with health care managers
can change the response to medications. Clearance is
and health care providers to assess, coordinate,
the most important factor determining the mainte-
and improve health care and know how these
nance dose of drugs and can influence the response to
activities can affect system performance.
drugs given by infusion or repeated bolus during anes-
thesia. Drug clearance is influenced by metabolism, Use your team and a multidisciplinary approach in
protein binding, renal excretion, and novel excretion providing care for these people. Their ability to func-
pathways. tion in society will be a direct benefit from you and
In the culture of safety, the transport of a criti- your team. Your nurse managers, caseworkers, and
cally ill burn patient to and from the operating room therapists will be your arms and legs. Treat them with
can be a formidable task. The approach should be the respect and professionalism they deserve.

Case 64 Puff the magic dragon

References 7. Shirani KZ, Pruitt BA Jr, Mason AD Jr. The influence

of inhalation injury and pneumonia on burn
1. Saffle VR. Predicting outcomes of burns. N Engl J Med mortality. Ann Surg 1987;205:8287.
8. Herndon DN. Total Burn Care. 3rd edition
2. Ryan CM, Schoenfeld DA, Thorpe WP, et al. Objective
Elsevier/Saunders 2007.
estimates of the probability of death from burn
injuries. N Engl J Med 1998;338:362366. 9. Woodson LC, Sherwood ER, Cortiella J, et al.
Anesthesia for reconstructive burn surgery. In:
3. Alderson P, Schierhout G, Roberts I, et al. Colloids
McCauley RL, editor. Functional and aesthetic
versus crystalloids for fluid resuscitation in critically ill reconstruction of burned patients. Boca Raton, FL:
patients. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2000;2:
Taylor and Francis; 2005: 85103.
10. Muehlberger T, Kunar D, Munster A, et al. Efficacy of
4. Reynolds EM, Ryan DP, Sheridan RL, et al. Left fiberoptic laryngoscopy in the diagnosis of
ventricular failure complicating severe pediatric burn inhalational injuries. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck
injuries. J Pediatric Surg 1995;30:264269.
Surg 1998;124:10031007.
5. 11. Davies MP, Evans J, McGonigal RJ. The dialysis
guidelines-for-the-prevention-of-catheter-related- debate: acute renal failure in burn patients. Burns
infections; accessed 11/25/09.
6. Desai MH, Herndon DN, Bromeling L, et al. Early
burn wound excision significantly reduces blood loss.
Ann Surg 1990;211:753759.

Part 5 Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under
Case Deborah A. Schwengel

65 You mean the screw isnt supposed

to be in the aorta?
Massive bleeding during spine surgery
The case Melissa Pant and Lauren C. Berkow treatment of health problems and the promotion of
An otherwise healthy 55-year-old woman with degen-
erative disc disease and chronic intractable low back Gather essential and accurate information about
pain presents for a seemingly straightforward level 3 their patients.
posterior spinal fusion. You and your attending come
up with a reasonable plan for her anesthetic, includ- You did a thorough history and physical this morn-
ing general endotracheal anesthesia, maintained with ing, specifically probing for cardio and cerebrovascular
a combination of intravenous and inhaled anesthetic; a disease as you know that back cases can be associated
second intravenous line; and standard American Soci- with significant blood loss and hypotension. You know
ety of Anesthesiology monitors. that the patients starting hemoglobin was 10 and that
Things are going well, the line placement and flip she has 4 units of blood available.
to prone were flail-free, and the somatosensory evoked
potential (SSEP) monitoring tech is happy with his Make informed decisions about diagnostic and
signals. Hours pass uneventfully (with an expected therapeutic interventions based on patient
amount of blood loss and fluid administration, given information and preferences, up-to-date
the case). Precipitously, your cuff pressure reads 70/30 scientific evidence, and clinical judgment.
(when it was 120/70), and strangely, you havent heard
Your clinical judgment kicks in as you calmly and
any extra suctioning or the room go quiet. As you
quickly alert the surgeon to the situation: what appears
recheck it and open the fluids, you eyeball the suction
to be a belly full of blood, hypotension, and difficulty
canisters and peek your head over the curtain. Can-
ventilating due to abdominal distension. You open
isters are the same, and the surgeons dont look ner-
your fluids, give pressor (you just got your cuff pres-
vous. In fact, they are happy as they have finally fin-
sure back at 55/23), call for blood, and call for help.
ished the last screw, which was giving them problems.
A stat chest x-ray (CXR) and bedside ultrasound are
Your patients pressure improves somewhat with fluid,
done to confirm that there is not another source for the
so you turn off your remifentanil drip (they are starting
abdominal distension. Complex fluid is seen on sono-
to close) and chalk it up to underresuscitation.
gram; compressed lungs and a large amount of abdom-
As surgery finishes up, your patient is weaned to
inal fluid are seen on CXR.
nitrous and is breathing (with some pressure support)
on her own, but her pressure is still low, considering Develop and carry out patient management plans.
that you have turned off the agent. You briefly discon-
nect your monitors for the flip. As you are reconnect- Anesthesia management of patient issues often
ing your monitors and trying to figure out why your needs to evolve rather quickly you and your attend-
peak airway pressures alarm is going off, the new SSEP ing go into disaster mode and come up with a plan.
tech asks, Is this patient pregnant? As you look up in Reanesthetize, place an arterial line, Cordis, and call
horror, you note that your patient now appears to be the blood bank stat. Call additional hands to help with
about 8 months pregnant! labs, rapid infuser, and resuscitation medications.
While doing all this, you discuss with the surgeons
the plan for relieving the worsening intra-abdominal
360 Patient care pressure while preventing further massive bleeding
Residents must be able to provide patient care that (currently being tamponaded by the patients closed
is compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the abdomen). A vascular cart (with aortic clamps), a
Case 65 You mean the screw isnt supposed to be in the aorta?

vascular surgeon, and extra hands are called in to Medical knowledge

assist, given that, most likely, a great vessel has been
Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab-
damaged. The surgeons will wait to open until the
lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cog-
cooler you ordered is up, a rapid infuser is primed, and
nate (e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sci-
you are happy with your access.
ences and the application of this knowledge to patient
Take a half second to relish the fact that you are a
senior resident now and actually know what to do.
Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic
Counsel and educate patients and their families. thinking approach to clinical situations.
You are very happy that you took a little extra time This case is anesthesia 101: significant blood loss
to explain anesthetic and surgical complications when causing a decrease in preload, exacerbated by intra-
discussing the case with your patient and her family abdominal hypertension. Hypovolemic shock: bring
this morning. You ask the circulating nurse to have on the fluid, blood, and surgical control of bleeding!
someone update the family about the complication and Monitoring of coagulation status and electrolytes is
the patients current situation. vital due to the profound coagulopathy, hypocalcemia,
and sometimes hyperkalemia that can occur with mas-
Perform competently all medical and invasive sive transfusion. Monitoring of temperature is vital to
procedures considered essential for the area of prevent both the profound coagulopathy and infec-
practice. tions associated with hypothermia.
Having just finished your neuro critical care rota-
As you expertly throw in an arterial line and intro-
tion, you know that another possibility for your
ducer neck line, you thank the Lord for all the middle-
patients condition is neurogenic shock (i.e., a screw
of-the-night traumas and cardiac cases you used to
accidentally placed in the spinal cord), but given her
complain about. You also wish you had placed an arte-
acute anemia, low central venous pressure , and other
rial line at the beginning of the case; perhaps you
signs of hypovolemic shock, you treat the most likely
would have noticed the patients hypovolemia and ane-
cause of her instability.
mia earlier and been able to alert the surgeons.
Know and apply the basic and clinically
Provide health care services aimed at preventing supportive sciences that are appropriate to their
health problems or maintaining health. discipline.
You redose the antibiotics for blood loss, make sure As the cooler arrives, you plan when you will
the patient stays warm, and keep your central line dose calcium (knowing that the citrate from all the
sites clean to try to prevent later infectious complica- blood products you are about to give will bind it) and
tions. your escalation of pressors based on mechanism of
action. You set a reasonable mean arterial pressure and
Work with health care professionals, including hemoglobin goal to balance the surgeons need for less
those from other disciplines, to provide blood in the field against the patients need to perfuse
patient-focused care. her vital organs.
The operating room is a unique place in that all
attention is on only one patient, whom all of you Practice-based learning
are desperately trying to save right now. Extra teams and improvement
from nursing, surgery, and anesthesia come to help.
Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their
Communication between surgery and anesthesia is
patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific
paramount as a concise and calm discussion of the
evidence, and improve their patient care practices.
facts, the problem, and a differential must be done, and
a plan must be decided on quickly to save your patient. Analyze practice experience and perform
An intensive care unit (ICU) bed should be obtained as practice-based improvement activities using a 361
her postoperative care will likely be complex you ask systematic methodology.
the circulating nurse to page the ICU fellow.
Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

Its not the time right now, but later, as a team, the
Demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles
case should be discussed. Anesthetic as well as surgi-
pertaining to provision or withholding of clinical
cal issues should be included in the discussion, includ-
care, confidentiality of patient information,
ing whether preparation and access were appropriate
informed consent, and business practice.
given the risk of the case (i.e., are we underpreparing
as large blood loss is often associated with this case, or Dont talk about this case in the elevator on the way
was this an outlier)? Was there a way to identify that the home. Do talk about this case in a morbidity and mor-
screw was malpositioned? Should you have mentioned tality conference so that you and your colleagues can
something earlier when the blood pressure dropped as learn from it.
they were having difficulty with the screw?

Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from Interpersonal and communication

scientific studies related to their patients health skills
Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal
You do recall something about last weeks journal and communication skills that result in effective infor-
club about large back surgery and coagulopathy. You mation exchange and teaming with patients, their
have your tech send off coags with the next draw, and patients families, and professional associates.
you also start giving blood: fresh frozen plasma in a
1:2 ratio. You also recall an article on factor VII and Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically
massive bleeding, indicating that it did improve mas- sound relationship with patients.
sive bleeding, however, it did not improve mortality, This can sometimes be tricky in anesthesia, but it
and in some cases, it even caused higher mortality due can be done (there are request cases, after all). Your
to acute thromboembolic events[14]. patient should know your name, what you do, and trust
you to take care of him or her while unconscious and
Use information technology to manage
completely defenseless.
information, access online medical information,
and support their own education.
Use effective listening skills and elicit and provide
You use Micromedex to quickly look up the stan- information using effective nonverbal,
dard concentration and starting dose for a vasopressin explanatory, questioning, and writing skills.
Your effectiveness in calmly but quickly alerting the
entire team to the need for surgical reintervention sets
Professionalism the tone for the rest of the case. If the anesthesiology
Residents must demonstrate a commitment to car- team is freakin out, then you had better believe that
rying out professional responsibilities, adherence to the rest of the team is 100 times worse.
ethical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient
population. Work effectively with others as a member or
leader of a health care team or other professional
Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a group.
responsiveness to the needs of patients and society
that supersedes self-interest; accountability to Be respectful and polite to your surgical team
patients, society, and the profession; and a members. Actively participate in the time-out, mak-
commitment to excellence and ongoing ing sure that you are in fact doing the right surgery for
professional development. the right patient, that appropriate antibiotics have been
given, and that potential problems (including blood
When the case is done and the patient is safely in loss) have been discussed before surgery begins. Know
the ICU, go talk to the patients family with the sur- the names of the rest of the providers in the operating
geon. Tell them what happened, what you did, and room.
362 what will be done for their loved one. Make it clear that And yes, be polite and respectful to the blood bank
you are available to talk later if they have questions. (who, despite their molasses pace, are making sure
Case 65 You mean the screw isnt supposed to be in the aorta?

that the patient is not exposed to another complication however, that if surgical control of bleeding can be
related to a transfusion reaction). attained, along with adequate upkeep with blood loss,
your patient will likely be fine. So bring on the blood
products, calcium, neo, epi, and vasopressin!
Systems-based practice Your hard work pays off the vascular surgeon
Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and finds and repairs the aortic tear, and the orthopedic
responsiveness to the larger context and system of surgeon fixes the aberrant screw.
health care and the ability to effectively call on sys-
tem resources to provide care that is of optimal Advocate for quality patient care and assist
value. patients in dealing with system complexities.

Practice cost-effective health care and resource Quality care in anesthesia is all about the details.
allocation that does not compromise quality of During the case, you still managed to clean off and cap
care. line ports; check your patients head, arms, and eyes;
and detangle your lines prior to arrival in the ICU. In
At this point, you realize that your patients hospi- the ICU, you give a thorough report of the case and give
tal bill just got a lot bigger, and you consider all the the accepting team time to ask questions, even though
products you are using for only one patient. You know, you just want to go home and sleep now!

Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

References 3. Rizoli SB, Nascimento B Jr, Netto FS, et al.

Recombinant activated coagulation factor VII and
1. Berkhof FF, Eikenboom JC. Efficacy of recombinant bleeding trauma patients. J Trauma
activated factor VII in patients with massive 2006;61:14191425.
uncontrolled bleeding: a retrospective observational
analysis. Transfusion 2009;49:570577. 4. Horlocker TT, Nutall GA, Dekutoski MB, Bryant SC.
The accuracy of coagulation tests during spinal fusion
2. Stanworth SJ, Birchall J, Doree CJ, Hyde C. and instrumentation. Anesth Analg 2001;93:3338.
Recombinant factor VIIa for the prevention and
treatment of bleeding in patients without haemophilia.
Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2007;2:CD005011.

Part 5 Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under
Case Deborah A. Schwengel

66 Oh no, someone get the NO!

Rabi Panigrahi, Brijen L. Joshi, and Nanhi Mitter

The case cyclin analogue, and it is only approved for primary

pulmonary hypertension. Cost is one deterrent to the
Twenty-nine-year-old Anita Heart (5 feet 2 inches,
use of the prostacyclin analogues. Nitric oxide (NO)
65 kg) comes to the operating room (OR) for a heart
has also been used, but it is not approved by the U.S.
transplant. After giving birth to her baby, she devel-
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for this use.
ops peripartum cardiomyopathy and is ready to sign
That doesnt seem to stop us, though. In the setting of
the adoption papers for her child, when she finds out
RV failure after orthotopic heart transplant, one must
that a transplant has just become available. You take
weigh the evidence. On one hand, you have the use of a
her to the OR and insert an awake arterial line and
drug (off-label) that may or may not help. On the other
induce and intubate her. You decide to line her up and
hand, you are using a drug that may help save Anitas
perform a transesophageal echo. Her baseline data are
heart! It is a tough call. Although both drugs have been
stable: heart rate in the 50s, blood pressure in the 100s
used extensively, prophylactic use still remains contro-
(50s PASP [PADP 48/20s]), and CVP 1015. The case
proceeds, and after you come off pump and give the
The current FDA approval for nitric oxide is for
protamine, the cardiac surgery fellow asks her attend-
neonatal respiratory failure, perinatal hypoxia, and
ing if the right ventricle (RV) is supposed to look so
neonatal pulmonary hypertension. Off-label use in
large and bulky. The cardiac surgeon looks across the
adults has been described and includes use in car-
drapes at you and screams at you to do something fast!
diovascular surgery, acute respiratory distress syn-
Save the RV, she says!
drome, pulmonary hypertension, congestive heart fail-
ure, high-altitude pulmonary edema, primary pul-
Patient care monary hypertension, and right-sided heart failure
Residents must be able to provide patient care that is after implantation of a left-ventricular assist device in
compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat- patients with reversible pulmonary hypertension.
ment of health problems and the promotion of health. Nitric oxide relaxes vascular smooth muscle. It
Make informed decisions about diagnostic and binds to intracellular heme moieties and activates
therapeutic interventions based on patient guanylate synthase. This results in the increase of
information and preferences, up-to-date scientific cyclic guanosine 3 ,5 -monophosphate (cGMP), and
evidence, and clinical judgment. ultimately, smooth muscle relaxation. When it crosses
the alveoli to enter into the bloodstream, it imme-
Treatment of right ventricular failure is aimed at diately interacts with hemoglobin to form methe-
increasing forward flow as well as avoiding additional moglobin and nitrates and therefore is inactivated. Its
insults to the right ventricle. This can be managed half-life is about 6 seconds, and that is why it needs
by decreasing any outflow obstruction, that is, pul- to be administered continuously via a special ventila-
monary hypertension that may be present. Physio- tor. Owing to this inactivation, inhaled nitric oxide can
logically, hyperventilating, minimizing airway pres- selectively vasodilate the pulmonary vasculature and
sures, and correcting any hemodynamic or metabolic doesnt seem to cause massive systemic hypotension.
derangements will help to attain this goal; this is easier Inhaled nitric oxide (iNO) is very popular. Did
than it sounds, though. Drugs that have been used as you know that it was termed Molecule of the Year
selective pulmonary vasodilators include nitric oxide in 1992? Yes, it has been used extensively off-label so
and prostacyclin analogues. Epoprostenol is a prosta- much so that sometimes we hear from the cardiac 365
Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

surgeons, Can we come off pump with some epi and nosis possible for RV failure, but right now is the
some iNO? time to focus so esoteric causes like fibrosis of the
Most important, when you use it, know why you myocardium are going to be placed on the back burner,
are using it! and things like pulmonary hypertension and myocar-
dial stunning are on the front burner. Contributors for
Perform competently all medical and invasive hemodynamic instability after orthotopic heart trans-
procedures considered essential for the area of plantation include myocardial stunning, hyperacute
practice. rejection, primary allograft failure, arrhythmias, and
right ventricular failure. One of the most dreaded com-
Hopefully the patient has already been lined-up
plications is right ventricular failure. When the right
but if not, a pulmonary artery catheter would be help-
ventricle goes, so does the rest of the case. There is a
ful in order to ascertain pulmonary pressures and the
high mortality rate associated with RV failure post
effectiveness of treatment modalities. Transesophageal
cardiac transplant.
echocardiography is also useful in that you can directly
RV failure can present with hemodynamic instabil-
visualize the right ventricle as well as ascertain left ven-
ity and can be due to preexisting pulmonary hyperten-
tricular function and rule out any other causes of right
sion, transient pulmonary vasospasm, air in the right
heart failure.
coronary artery, tricuspid (pulmonary valve insuf-
Work with health care professionals, including ficiency), donor-recipient heart size mismatch, pro-
those from other disciplines, to provide longed ischemia time, edema from surgical manipu-
patient-focused care. lation, and acquired obstructive causes.
The goal of treatment is getting the RV back to its
In some hospitals, one cannot even speak of nitric normal self as soon as possible. Treatment modalities
oxide much less use it without explicit permission by include, but are not limited to (do I sound like the
the powers that be. To use it, different disciplines need fine print?), correcting hemodynamic and metabolic
to communicate pharmacy, respiratory, surgery, ICU, derangements, decreasing pulmonary resistance, and
and anesthesia. Special ventilators are required for using selective pulmonary vasodilators.
the administration of nitric oxide and special circuits
are needed to attach to the anesthesia circuits. These
need to be attached appropriately prior to the accurate
administration of nitric oxide. These special attach- Residents must demonstrate a commitment to car-
ments are the way to actually give the nitric oxide as rying out professional responsibilities, adherence to
well as measure how much nitric oxide is being given. ethical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient
You may want to check with your hospital respira- population.
tory staff and pharmacy to determine who needs to be Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a
alerted ahead of time so that you are not making the responsiveness to the needs of patients and society
arrangements in the heat of the moment. that supersedes self-interest; accountability to
patients, society, and the profession; and a
Medical knowledge commitment to excellence and ongoing
Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab- professional development.
lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cognate
So when the surgeon starts screaming at you, do
(e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sciences
you scream back? No, certainly not. Most of the time
and the application of this knowledge to patient care.
in the operating room, screaming and stress go hand in
Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic hand, and it is usually hard to tell which came first. One
thinking approach to clinical situations. thing for sure is that communication diminishes expo-
nentially once someone starts screaming at another
So here is when you start wishing that you did person. Handling patients with RV failure intraopera-
internal medicine and all of you could sit around the tively can be stressful in and of itself, and having some-
366 conference room at the drug rep lunch and fill up one scream at you just adds to the stress. Screaming
the dry-erase board with the longest differential diag- back at the person just adds fuel to the fire.
Case 66 Oh no, someone get the NO!

The important thing to understand is that the Systems-based practice

patient comes first, and keeping things like that in per-
Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and
spective can help maintain calm in the operating room.
responsiveness to the larger context and system of
Another lesson to be learned is that this is not the
health care and the ability to effectively call on system
time to win the arguing battle again, focusing on
resources to provide care that is of optimal value.
the patient helps to keep you from getting into that
screaming match. Know how to partner with health care managers
Generally, reverting to crisis mode is what gets you and health care providers to assess, coordinate,
in gear. As an anesthesiologist, you will be team leader and improve health care and know how these
when it comes to codes and other critical situations. activities can affect system performance.
Things to keep in mind are closed-loop communica-
tion; clear communication; being open to ideas; asking The most important lesson in using these drugs
for information about the patient, implementing inter- is in understanding how to coordinate with others
vention strategies; and finally, maintaining a calm, pro- to improve patients outcomes. Because inhaled nitric
fessional, and possibly most important mutually oxide is a selective vasodilator and has been proven
respectful environment in the operating room. to decrease pulmonary vascular resistance, coordinat-
ing its efficient use is paramount in its administration.
Sometimes system hurdles that need to be overcome
Interpersonal and communication can be done so by communicating early with respi-
ratory therapy or pharmacy (whoever is in charge of
skills the drug at your hospital) and by demonstrating the
Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal appropriate use of the drug. Although prophylactic
and communication skills that result in effective infor- use remains controversial, one of the off-label indica-
mation exchange and teaming with patients, their tions is intraoperatively during cardiac surgery. Again,
patients families, and professional associates. it is important to weigh the risks versus benefits versus
Work effectively with others as a member or costs. At our hospital, the cost of iNO is around $150
leader of a health care team or other professional per hour. Yikes! Using this drug appropriately can help
group. manage hospital costs. Hospital costs? you ask. Well,
as a resident, this is not a priority, but to an attending,
Like we mentioned earlier, just getting on the hos- this may be the difference between a covered, heated,
pital intercom and screaming for some nitric oxide stat reserved parking spot near the coffee shop entrance to
to OR A is probably not the best way to go. Commu- the hospital versus taking a bus to work due to expen-
nicating with all members of the team is necessary. sive parking costs!
As important as this is in terms of arranging to have Additionally, any time this patient is transported
it used intraoperatively, one must also keep in mind while on inhaled NO whether it is from the OR to the
that educating other staff about it is useful. For exam- ICU (or, unfortunately, vice versa!) or from the ICU to
ple, if you shut it off all at once (rather than weaning any imaging locations she will need a special trans-
it), then the patient can experience some pretty scary port ventilator to go with her so that the iNO is not
rebound pulmonary hypertension, and you could end prematurely and abruptly discontinued. As we stated
up with the same problem you were looking to avoid earlier, premature and abrupt discontinuation can lead
in the first place. Furthermore, it can result in methe- to some pretty ugly consequences, that is, rebound pul-
moglobinemia, so it is important to communicate this monary hypertension. Therefore partnering with nurs-
to the entire team. ing, respiratory, and ICU staff is key.

Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

Additional reading 2. Frogel J, Vodur S, Applefield A, et al. An unusual case

of right ventricular failure after orthotopic heart
1. Belikov S, Hoftman N, Mahajan A. Anesthesia for
transplantation. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth
heart transplant patients. Sem Anesth Periop Med Pain

Part 5 Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under
Case Deborah A. Schwengel

67 What to do when HITT hits the fan

Ira Lehrer and Nanhi Mitter

The case for open-heart surgery. If that is not anxiety provok-

ing enough, now you must communicate that he has
A 58-year-old male presented to the emergency
developed a complication from a medication that can
department (ED) on a Saturday after he developed
become an additional life-threatening problem during
crushing substernal chest pain while attending a foot-
an already high-risk surgery. It is important to keep
ball game and yelling at his favorite football team,
your patient involved in the decision-making process
the Baltimore Ravens. On his electrocardiogram, he
of his medical care.
had sinus tachycardia (ST) elevation in his anterior-
HITT can be a devastating complication in the car-
lateral leads. After being stabilized in the ED and get-
diac surgical patient population. It should be explained
ting relief from his chest pain, he was brought to the
to the patient that if he proceeds with surgery, he has a
cardiac catherization lab and was found to have severe
higher risk of perioperative complications. These pos-
three-vessel disease. He was bolused with heparin and
sible complications include bleeding and thromboses.
scheduled for an elective coronary artery bypass graft
Owing to their already established accelerated arte-
(CABG). He was admitted for 3 days and discharged
riosclerosis, these patients are at an especially higher
home with metoprolol, aspirin, Plavix, Lipitor, and
risk of life- and limb-threatening thrombosis.
HITT antibodies are usually transient and decline
In the anesthesia preoperative clinic, the anesthesi-
to undetectable levels in 100 days. If the surgery can
ologist noted that the patient had been diagnosed with
be delayed, then the recommendation according to the
heparin-induced thrombocytopenia and thrombosis
American College of Chest Physicians is doing just
(HITT) by hematology and was scheduled to consult
that. However, this is after all cardiac surgery, and
with you regarding management plans on intraoper-
sometimes it cannot be delayed.
ative anticoagulation during surgery. You contact the
If your patient decides to proceed with surgery, it
surgeons office to discuss the diagnosis, and she says,
would be prudent for the surgeon to discuss the option
I havent had a HITT patient in the last 10 years of my
of on- versus off-pump CABG. Off-pump CABG
practice. What should we do?
requires smaller dosing regimens of unfractionated
(First authors note: Once again, we see same
heparin (UFH). Other options, such as percutaneous
problem, different institution. See how the Hopkins
intervention, should also be entertained.
approach is similar to yet distinct from Stony Brooks.)
Gather essential and accurate information about
Patient care their patients.
Residents must be able to provide patient care that When entertaining the diagnosis of HITT, it is
is compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the essential to obtain a detailed history and physical from
treatment of health problems and the promotion of your patient. Besides eliciting a history of heparin
health. exposure, it is important to obtain the exact date when
Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring the patient was first exposed to heparin. When HITT
and respectful behaviors when interacting with occurs, it results in a drop in platelet count greater than
patients and their families. 50% 510 days after exposure to heparin. Additionally,
patients given heparin can develop an abrupt drop in
Your patient has just been discharged from the their platelet count (median time 10.5 hours after the 369
hospital after having a heart attack and is scheduled start of heparin) if they were exposed to heparin in the
Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

past 100 days. This is due to the persistence of circulat- HITT is positive, can surgery be delayed long enough
ing HITT antibodies. for the antibody to clear? Second, if it is decided to pro-
On physical exam, some of these patients can de- ceed with surgery, what are the plans for anticoagula-
velop skin lesions at injection sites ranging from pain- tion while on CPB? Can his surgery be performed as
ful erythematous plaques to skin necrosis. This diag- an off-pump CABG? Third, what are plans for postop-
nostic finding can help confirm the diagnosis of HITT erative deep venous thrombosis(DVT) prophylaxis?
when further confirmatory tests are not available. To help make these decisions, a multidisciplinary
A full set of labs should be drawn, including a com- approach should be taken. The other players involved
plete metabolic profile to assess the patients renal and should be the cardiothoracic surgical team, cardiology,
hepatic function. In addition to using this pertinent hematology, perfusion, laboratory medicine, transfu-
information for all high-risk surgeries, these data will sion, and the pharmacy.
be used to help determine what type of anticoagulation You should determine what laboratory capabilities
is optimal for this patient. your hospital has to monitor the level of anticoagula-
Additionally, the patients cardiac cath report, echo- tion of nonheparin anticoagulants. Also, you should
cardiogram, carotid Dopplers, electrocardiogram, and discuss with the surgeon what experience he or she has
chest X-ray should be obtained, which will provide the with using other types of anticoagulation.
anesthesiologist with important information to direct Once the diagnosis of HITT is made, the first
the intraoperative anesthetic management. intervention is to stop all exposure to heparin. Low-
molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) should also be
Make informed decisions about diagnostic and avoided because it can cross-react with heparin anti-
therapeutic interventions based on patient bodies. Warfarin should also be avoided in patients
information and preferences, up-to-date scientific diagnosed with acute HITT because they can develop
evidence, and clinical judgment. limb necrosis from protein C depletion. After throm-
bocytopenia resolves, if long-term anticoagulation is
Now that we have three pieces of information
needed, oral anticoagulation can be initiated after
heparin exposure, a relative thrombocytopenia (50%
5 days of anticoagulation with a nonheparin anti-
in platelet count), and a positive HITT antibody
you have to decide what additional information is
needed that will help make your clinical diagnosis and Counsel and educate patients and their families.
direct further medical management and surgical inter-
vention. The patient should understand the importance of
The HITT antibody can be detected using a solid letting all future medical providers know that he has a
phase enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) history of HITT. Although this may or may not change
immunoassay, which is a very sensitive test (up to the management 10 years down the line, it is important
97%). This assay has a high false-positive rate; that information for his health care providers. Patients in
is, several people that have HITT antibodies may not whom the antibodies have cleared can receive heparin
actually have the clinical entity. Ordering more specific safely.
diagnostic tests, such as the platelet serotonin release
assay or heparin-induced platelet aggregation assay, Provide health care services aimed at preventing
can help to confirm the diagnosis. The only catch is health problems or maintaining health.
that it may take some time to receive these results, and
When patients have HITT, it is a setup for a per-
results may not be ready prior to the scheduled surgery
fect storm. You certainly want to make sure that this
patient doesnt get heparin. It is important to edu-
Develop and carry out patient management plans. cate your patient that it is still possible to receive
UFH in the future, especially for procedures for which
Without a definitive diagnosis of HITT, several it is the drug of choice. HITT antibodies are tran-
decisions need to take place before further medical sient and usually drop to undetectable levels by 100
or surgical management of your patient can proceed. days. In this circumstance, it is important for these
370 First, it needs to be decided how urgently your patient patients not to receive UFH perioperatively, and an
needs surgery. Can it be delayed long enough for a alternate form of anticoagulation should be used post-
more confirmatory diagnostic test? If a diagnosis of operatively. Not educating these patients presents the
Case 67 What to do when HITT hits the fan

opportunity for future harm. For future procedures Be sure to review your patients medicine list, espe-
that require heparin anticoagulation, as long as the cially newly prescribed ones, as drugs are a common
appropriate time has elapsed since last exposure cause of reversible thrombocytopenia. Look at the rest
and appropriate preoperative screening is done, they of the complete blood count. If other cell lines were
should still be able to receive heparin. depleted, one would lean toward a diagnosis of a pro-
Once the diagnosis of HITT is made, to prevent duction problem. Looking at a coagulation profile can
any further complications, the patients chart should be also be helpful in the differential diagnosis of throm-
marked as having a heparin allergy, and signs should bocytopenia. If the aPTT and PT are elevated, a con-
be posted at the bedside to avoid heparin flush admin- sumptive process, such as disseminated intravascular
istration. coagulation, would be more likely. Ordering a blood
smear and hemolysis labs can help diagnosis disorders
Work with health care professionals, including like idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura and throm-
those from other disciplines, to provide botic thrombocytopenic purpura. Last, but not least, it
patient-focused care. cant hurt to repeat a platelet level to make sure that it
is accurate. EDTA tubes used for blood collection can
Having a multidisciplinary approach that includes cause pseudothrombocytopenia secondary to platelet
cardiothoracic surgery, anesthesiology, hematology, clumping
perfusion, pharmacy, laboratory, and transfusion
medicine as well as the ICU intensivist is essential Know and apply the basic and clinically
in this group of patients. A hematologist can help supportive sciences that are appropriate to their
rule out other causes of thrombocytopenia. If a discipline.
diagnosis of HITT is confirmed, a hematologist can
help determine the best form of anticoagulation based Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia is an adverse
on your hospitals monitoring capabilities. Addition- reaction to heparin consisting of thrombocytopenia
ally, it is important that the intensivist be involved with or without thrombosis. Historically and in the lit-
early to make sure appropriate anticoagulation is erature, it is very confusing, because there are loads of
implemented postoperatively to decrease the risk of names that we use to define this entity such as HIT I,
DVT/pulmonary embolism and catheter thrombosis. HIT II, and HITT. What it basically boils down to is
Finally, the nurses should understand that heparin that there are really two types of HITT: immunolog-
flushes and other heparin-impregnated devices are to ically mediated HIT and nonimmunologically medi-
be avoided. ated HIT. Nonimmunologically mediated HIT is a
transient drop by less than 50% of platelets 12 days
after exposure to heparin. No treatment is required.
Medical knowledge Immunologically mediated HITT develops after
Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab- heparin binds to circulating platelet factor 4 and you
lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cognate develop antibodies to this heparin-PF4 complex. The
(e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sciences tail end of the antibody binds to Fc receptors on
and the application of this knowledge to patient care. platelets, causing them to be activated and then aggre-
gate. This results in the thrombocytopenia and the
Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic paradoxical thrombosis. Additionally, if your patient
thinking approach to clinical situations. does develop thrombocytopenia secondary to hep-
arin, it doesnt mean that he or she will definitely
When presented with a patient with thrombo- develop clinical thrombosis. That is what is most
cytopenia and recent heparin exposure, it is impor- mind-boggling about this entity.
tant to develop a differential diagnosis of the cause HIT II is an immunologically mediated response
of thrombocytopenia. As you know, not everyone that occurs after approximately 510 days of heparin
exposed to heparin develops a drop in his or her exposure, resulting in a drop in platelet count (usu-
platelets. Breaking your differential down to a defect in ally more than 50%) and (sometimes) limb- or life-
platelet production versus increased consumption and threatening thrombosis (HIT II with thrombosis). 371
destruction is a good way to remember the causes of The thrombocytopenia that develops from HITT
thrombocytopenia. usually does not lead to clinical bleeding; rather, these
Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

patients are at high risk of thrombosis. Most patients 2. Use bivalirudin if techniques of cardiac surgery
have platelet count nadirs between 20 and 150 109/L and anesthesiology have been adapted to the
(median 60 109). A few will have platelet levels unique features of bivalirudin pharmacology
below 20 but still will not develop thrombocytopenic (Grade 1B).
bleeding. Another small population will have platelet 3. Perform off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting
levels that stay above 150 but which have dropped (Grade 1B).
more than 50% from their prior levels. 4. Use lepirudin only if ecarin clotting time (ECT) is
available and renal function is normal and the
patient is at low risk for postoperative renal
Practice-based learning dysfunction (Grade 2C).
and improvement 5. Use UFH and epoprostenol if no ECT is available
Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their for intraoperative use or the patient has renal
patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific dysfunction (Grade 2C).
evidence, and improve their patient care practices. 6. Use UFH and tirofiban (Grade 2C).
7. Use danaparoid for intraoperative coagulation for
Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting (Grade
scientific studies related to their patients health 2C).
Given the limited experience most anesthesiolo-
gists and surgeons have at providing an alternate form Apply knowledge of study designs and statistical
of anticoagulation, physicians should seek the exper- methods to the appraisal of clinical studies and
tise of those more experienced. Using PubMed to other information on diagnostic and therapeutic
search for case reports and, ultimately, multicentered, effectiveness.
large, population-based, randomized, controlled tri- An important question one might ask follows: My
als is a rational approach to find the safest and most patient has thrombocytopenia with a platelet level of
efficacious method of providing anticoagulation for 60 undergoing surgery where bleeding can be a detri-
cardiopulmonary bypass for patients with HITT. It is mental complication. Should I give a platelet trans-
also prudent to use current guidelines put together by fusion? Given that HITT is a pathologic condition
experts in the field. causing hypercoaguablity, rather than bleeding, one
For those patients who have HITT or are strongly might be concerned that giving platelets could trigger
suspected to have HITT, the American College of or increase the patients risk of developing a throm-
Chest Physicians has recommended alternative non- botic event.
heparin anticoagulant over the continuation of UFH Hopkins and Goldfinger [2] report a somewhat
or LMWH or the initiation or continuation of a vita- unsubstantiated risk of thrombotic events associated
min K antagonist [1]: with platelet transfusions in patients diagnosed with
1. danaparoid (grade 1B) HITT and did not find an increased risk of this dread-
2. lepirudin (grade 1C) ful complication in their study although this may be
3. argatroban (grade 1C) attributable to the small study size and it being retro-
spective in nature. Further studies need to be done to
4. fondaparinux (grade 2C)
identify the true risk of adding insult to injury, as Hop-
5. bivalirudin (grade 2C)
kins and Goldfinger point out. According to the Amer-
ican College of Chest Physicians (ACCP), in patients
In those patients with strongly suspected HITT or with
who are actively bleeding or at risk thereof, where the
acute confirmed HITT, the following (in descending
clinical diagnosis of HITT is not apparent, platelet
order of preference) are recommended over the use of
transfusions in the setting of HITT or probable HITT
UFH for cardiac surgery:
may be appropriate. According to the ACCP recom-
1. Wait, if possible, until HITT is resolved and a HIT mendations, prophylactic platelet transfusions should
372 antibody test is negative or weakly positive (Grade not be given in patients without active bleeding with
1B). strongly suspected or confirmed HITT.
Case 67 What to do when HITT hits the fan

Interpersonal and communication tem resources to provide care that is of optimal

Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal Know how to partner with health care managers
and communication skills that result in effective and health care providers to assess, coordinate,
information exchange and teaming with patients, their and improve health care and know how these
patients families, and professional associates. activities can affect system performance.

Work effectively with others as a member or Again, partnering, communicating, and making up
leader of a health care team or other professional plans A, B, and C prior even to coming to the OR
group. is going to be what helps ensure this patients safety
and outcome. The pharmacy will play a role by provid-
If you have any people skills, this is the time to put ing the nonheparin anticoagulant that you have avail-
them into action. Coordinating the different teams and able in your hospital. The hematologist will help guide
making sure you know your plan as well as alterna- the diagnosis and aid in drug usage. The surgeon will
tives are very important prior even to getting to the lose his or her temper but, more important, will deter-
OR with this patient. One of the most important things mine what type of surgery (on- or off-pump bypass) he
during the case will be to recognize problems with the or she will do. The perfusionist will be aware of the spe-
drug that you are using for anticoagulation and having cific drug properties during bypass. The laboratory and
a plan in place for combating these problems and/or blood medicine departments will help with monitor-
complications. During every case, but especially this ing, if needed, for the drug of choice and blood prod-
case, keeping open communication with the surgeon, uct administration and availability. You will be the cap-
perfusionist, laboratory personnel, blood bank, and tain of this ship, guiding it through this storm of a case
nursing staff is very important. (as these cases can sometimes be!). Finally, the inten-
sivist will be on the receiving end and will determine
the type of nonheparin anticoagulant in the ICU post-
Systems-based practice operatively. So it can be sort of like trying to gather
Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and little children in a candy store, but it certainly can be
responsiveness to the larger context and system of done, and oftentimes very safely. The work for these
health care and the ability to effectively call on sys- cases starts well before in-room time.

Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

References 2. Hopkins CK, Goldfinger D. Platelet transfusions in

heparin-induced thrombocytopenia: a report of four
1. Warkentin TE, Greinacher A, Koster A, et al.
cases and review of the literature. Transfusion
Treatment and prevention of heparin-induced
thrombocytopenia: American College of Chest
Physicians evidence based clinical practice guidelines
(8th edition). Chest 2008;133:340380.

Part 5 Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under
Case Deborah A. Schwengel

68 Just dont stop my achy, breaky heart ...

Sapna Kudchadkar and R. Blaine Easley

The case You know that a general anesthetic in a patient with

horrible cardiac function carries a very high risk of
A 13-year-old girl with a history of congestive heart
complication but how does one couch this with an
failure underwent device closure of her atrial septal
extremely nervous teenager? Shes established that shes
defect (ASD) about 3 months ago. Now she presents
letting her mom do the talking and boy, is mom
with worsening cardiac function, and the cardiolo-
talking. This is the point at which acknowledging the
gist thinks she might have myocarditis. She presents
patient and her mothers concerns is priceless.
today for a diagnostic cardiac catheterization. Shes
I know that you are extremely nervous about this
very nervous, doctor. She cant lay still for 10 min-
procedure, and I completely understand. Youve been
utes, theres no way shes going to be able to lay still
through a lot over the last few months, and I dont
for 1 hour, her mother explains. She definitely needs
blame you for wanting to be asleep for the whole thing.
general anesthesia and thats what she wants. The
What are your major concerns, and what questions can
patient is sitting quietly next to her mother with her
I answer before I explain what I feel is the safest plan for
head down and wont look at you when you address
todays procedure? If you look directly at the teenager,
her. As you go through the preop questionnaire, you
she may be more willing to respond and ask her ques-
learn that she can only go up one flight of stairs before
tions or she may continue to be quiet. Either way, you
she looks like shes gonna faint! Yesterdays echocar-
are acknowledging that she is a young adult who is able
diogram showed a whopping ejection fraction (EF) of
to voice her opinions, help make decisions, and play an
20%. The cardiologist assured us that she would be
important role in her own medical care.
totally asleep for this.
Gather essential and accurate information about
Patient care their patients.
Residents must be able to provide patient care that is For this case, its pretty obvious what you need
compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat- to know you already know that her exercise toler-
ment of health problems and the promotion of health. ance is virtually nil. The routine preop questionnaire
should suffice here. You find out that shes otherwise
Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring had an unremarkable medical history until she went
and respectful behaviors when interacting with to camp and got this viral syndrome that ended in
patients and their families. myocarditis. Of course, her medications are impor-
tant. You find out that she is on captopril, furosemide,
Here we have a very nervous teenager and her hydrochlorothiazide, and spironolactone but that she
equally, if not more, nervous mother who has been did not take any of her meds this morning.
told by another physician (a nonanesthesiologist) how
you are going to perform this anesthetic. Nice. This is Make informed decisions about diagnostic and
the point at which a caring and respectful attitude will therapeutic interventions based on patient
get you very far with a patient and her family. Its obvi- information and preferences, up-to-date scientific
ous why this teenager is nervous shes smart enough evidence, and clinical judgment.
to know that she has a ticker that just doesnt tick well
and that shes at higher risk for any procedure, partic- At this point, its important to make sure that 375
ularly one that involves her heart. the patient and her mother understand what general
Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

anesthesia means as many people just think it means a minimally invasive and (it is hoped) short procedure.
being asleep and not remembering anything. If you A laryngeal mask airway or endotracheal tube? your
take the position mentioned in the chapter on car- choice.
diomyopathies in Pediatric Cardiac Anesthesia, the There are many ways to do this anesthetic, and
only procedure for which [patients with severe dilated almost any of them can lead to trouble. Definitely pre-
cardiomyopathy] should have an anesthetic is cardiec- pare the patient and family for the possibility of need-
tomy for heart transplantation [1, p. 530]. You know ing a breathing tube and monitoring after the proce-
that she would probably benefit from a moderate seda- dure, even if all goes well. Though the plan is to go to
tion technique with green mask keeping her car- the inpatient floor, you should prepare the child and
diac function in mind, a full-on vapor anesthetic and her parents for the possible hemodynamic problems
the medications needed for intubation and mainte- and have an intensive care unit (ICU) bed available.
nance put her at higher risk for significant hypoten-
sion and potential arrhythmias during the procedure. Counsel and educate patients and their families.
Of course, moderate sedation can include a number of You did an excellent job with this prior to the pro-
options for drugs. A benzodiazepine-opioid combina- cedure, and the case is going swimmingly, so you ask
tion is feasible but still carries a risk of hypotension in the operating room (OR) nurse to update the family.
the doses this young woman might require to be still
for the procedure. As long as she is not catecholamine Use information technology to support patient
depleted, ketamine is an excellent choice as it enables care decisions and patient education.
you to have a spontaneously breathing patient with
some analgesia and likely no major cardiac effects. This is something you took care of in your preop
You explain the risks and benefits of both options to you personally read the echo report, examined her
the mom and patient and answer all their questions. chest X-ray, and looked up her computerized patient
Either way, you want an intravenous catheter in place record, which included her course in the pediatric
to titrate the medications. intensive care unit (PICU) when she was admitted for
worsening heart failure and they noted her decrease
in cardiac function and suspected a myocarditis. Her
Develop and carry out patient management plans. last set of labs is also important given her medication
The patient and her mother agree to the sedation list youre not surprised about a potassium of 5.5
plan shes going to need a benzo either way, so you mg/dL or a hemoglobin of 11 g/dL going into the cath
give her some PO Versed before bringing her into the lab with her diuretic usage. She is on spironolactone,
room, and you are mindful of the dose because of her a K+ sparing diuretic, so you need a plan for treating
hemodynamics. The caveat is how she will do with hyperkalemia were it to become an issue have cal-
obtaining intravenous (IV) access. If she will tolerate cium available as a myocardial stabilizer and insulin
it, a little subcutaneous lidocaine might be sufficient. and glucose at the ready in case you do observe the
Otherwise, she might benefit from a little nitrous oxide classical peaked T-waves or widened QRS associated
by mask. After IV access has been established, green with hyperkalemia.
mask oxygen, and dont forget to give some glyco- Perform competently all medical and invasive
pyrrolate so you dont have a drool fest on your hands! procedures considered essential for the area of
Ketamine in, nystagmus hello! You see a nice minor practice.
bump in her blood pressure youll take it!
If general anesthesia is the agreed on choice (or Youve obtained venous access for a simple diag-
sedation fails secondary to movement), you have the nostic cath, a preinduction arterial line is probably
option of using ketamine or etomidate to maintain sta- not necessary as long as you have good cuff pressures.
ble hemodynamics during the induction. Propofol or However, with her degree of cardiac dysfunction, a
thiopental can be done but should be administered radial arterial line would be a reasonable consider-
with extreme caution as they can quickly put you in a ation. You are correct in anticipating cardiac issues
lowly place when it comes to blood pressure. For main- such as hypotension and arrhythymia. Getting your-
376 tenance anesthesia, a low-dose isoflurane or sevoflu- self familiar with the emergency equipment (i.e., a
rane (0.5% to 1% MAC) will probably be sufficient for defibrillator how to turn it on and charge), drugs
Case 68 Just dont stop my achy, breaky heart . . .

(i.e., epinephrine), and personnel (like the circulating As mentioned earlier, you are in a remote loca-
nurses and radiation technicians) that are immediately tion, and this is a very important aspect of providing
available is a good proactive plan. You must make sure safe patient care. You must make sure you have all the
you have an appropriate backup plan to secure the air- resources you need in case things get hairy. Communi-
way, if needed, and may consider discussing with your cating with the cardiologist performing the cath about
attending whether having the cardiologist in the room his or her availability during induction and discus-
would be a good idea before inducing anesthesia. sion with the cath lab nurses and techs regarding your
expectations for this patient and worst-case scenar-
Provide health care services aimed at preventing ios are imperative. That way, there are no surprises if
health problems or maintaining health. things start to go downhill. Make sure everyone knows
his or her role prior to beginning it will make every-
The parent hands you a 1998 American Heart Asso-
thing much easier down the line.
ciation card and says, I dont know if she still needs
This is also where you make sure that you know
antibiotics now that her ASD is closed. In this case,
exactly what the cardiologist has planned for the
the most important preventative care measure you
patient is this simply a diagnostic cath, or are they
can provide is subacute bacterial endocarditis (SBE)
doing a biopsy, as well? Where do they plan on getting
prophylaxis. Multiple recommendations have changed
access? Jugular? Femoral? If they are planning access in
regarding SBE treatment. Though her ASD closure will
the neck, it will be a little more challenging because the
ultimately exclude her from needing prophylaxis, she
patient will not have a secure airway and would need to
is still in the 6-month period following treatment, in
be completely covered with drapes up top; it is impor-
which current recommendations advise coverage. The
tant to discuss these things before you get started.
reason for the change in guidelines is based on cur-
rent risk-benefit studies that demonstrate that the risk
of anaphylaxis from an antibiotic is greater in most Medical knowledge
at-risk cardiac patients than developing SBE after a Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab-
nondental procedure. If this were for a simple diag- lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cognate
nostic cath, SBE would not be indicated, even if the (e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sciences
ASD were open. Point being, double-check the guide- and the application of this knowledge to patient care.
lines [2] (available at
presenter.jhtml?identifier=3047051). Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic
Another issue regarding health maintenance and thinking approach to clinical situations.
this particular patients future is she a potential trans-
Having an algorithm in your head (much like the
plant recipient? It sure sounds that way, with her wors-
difficult airway algorithm) for case-specific complica-
ening function. If this is the case, you need to think
tions is imperative. You start with a healthy patient
about how to optimize her care to provide the eas-
and move down the algorithm with management
iest possible conditions for a transplant. The main
options for various situations. If she becomes hypoten-
thing here is to avoid blood products, if at all pos-
sive on induction, what are your choices? Drugs (epi,
sible, to minimize her antibody load. All decisions
ephedrine, phenylephrine)? Fluid (bolus)? Remember,
are a balance of risks and benefits for this patient,
her heart may not handle a large fluid bolus with-
even a blood transfusion. Involve the other physicians,
out some accompanying pulmonary edema and you
like the referring cardiologist and procedural physi-
are not planning on having a secure airway initially.
cian, when deciding about the blood transfusion. In
What about arrhythmias? Which drugs should you
addition, this procedure, with the increased vascu-
have available for this highly possible event? Lido-
lar access, may facilitate certain testing that would be
caine, amiodarone, adenosine? Also, consider elec-
important to her evaluation (just as much as the cath)
trolyte repletion in the event of arrhythmia. Having
and that may not have been considered.
calcium (to stabilize the myocardium), magnesium,
Work with health care professionals, including and potassium available is important, keeping in mind
those from other disciplines, to provide you probably wont have access to a fully stocked phar-
patient-focused care. macy in your remote location. Also, consider afterload 377
reduction a readily available milrinone drip might be
Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

a life-saver and keep in mind that the patient was on outside the room; you should simply know your case,
captopril prior to the procedure! know the potential for complications, and have a plan
of action for every possible scenario. Your attending,
Know and apply the basic and clinically having probably done many more of these remote pro-
supportive sciences that are appropriate to their cedures than you have, will probably have many use-
discipline. ful tidbits in this regard after all, ya learn by being
You have already read the requisite textbook chap- burned.
ters on anesthesia for the cardiac patient- specifically
Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from
dilated cardiomyopathy. The basic physiology here is
scientific studies related to their patients health
pretty simple, not like a complicated congenital cardiac
anomaly where the blood goes in all different direc-
tions. Simply put, the pump aint workin well. So you There are many reviews on anesthetic management
need to know how to do the appropriate thing to pre- of cardiomyopathy, specifically diastolic dysfunction,
vent and treat: out there on PubMed. Reading case reports is also very
1. hypotension: gotta keep the brain and heart useful in these circumstances to draw your attention
perfused! and educate you on some unusual complications that
2. arrhythmias: the brain doesnt like these either, may arise in this patient population [3].
and throwing clots is no fun
3. pulmonary edema: unsecured airway, worsening Obtain and use information about their own
tachypnea, and hypoxia in a sedated patient yuck population of patients and the larger population
from which their patients are drawn.

Practice-based learning Your attending probably spends a good deal of his

or her clinical time doing cardiac cases and patients
and improvement with cardiac pathology. Drawing on your attendings
Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their breadth of experience as well as your own, and reading
patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific the literature, as described earlier, will enable you to
evidence, and improve their patient care practices. provide the best patient care possible.
Analyze practice experience and perform
Apply knowledge of study designs and statistical
practice-based improvement activities using a
methods to the appraisal of clinical studies and
systematic methodology.
other information on diagnostic and therapeutic
Every hospital is different, but in general, anes- effectiveness.
thesia and procedures not performed in an operating
You know this is important but for this case,
room suite have a higher rate of complications that are
youre likely concentrating on reviews and case reports
attributed to inappropriate resources. You will not usu-
to manage this specific patient.
ally have 10 anesthesiologists barrel into your room if
you page anesthesia stat when things hit the fan. Your Use information technology to manage
full pharmacologic arsenal will likely not be at your information, access online medical information,
immediate disposal, unless you already planned ahead and support their own education.
and brought every possible drug you might ever need.
If she goes into pulseless V tach and advanced cardiac Computers are awesome, as is that fine thing called
life support does not bring her back, an extracorporeal the Internet. When you have time between cases, when
membrane oxygenation (ECMO) circuit isnt standing a case is canceled, and youre trolling for something
outside the room ready to roll. This is why the preop- to do, you have a portable source of endless informa-
erative briefing among all staff involved in the case is tion at your fingertips. The challenge is using the right
so crucial. Expect the unexpected. Cliche, but if you sources the Internet is full of pages from people who
plan for it, and it doesnt happen awesome. But if claim to know what theyre talking about. PubMed,
378 you dont plan and it does crap! Now, were not say- of course, is your main source for up-to-date litera-
ing that you should have an ECMO circuit primed and ture searches on any medical topic, but dont leave
Case 68 Just dont stop my achy, breaky heart . . .

out so many other important databases, for exam- ing, while at the same time keeping her mother equally
ple, the Cochrane Database. Virtually every anesthesia involved, takes a heavy feeling of responsibility off the
textbook is probably available to you online through patient without making her feel like a kid.
your institutions library subscription, so you can read
Fausts chapter on automated implanted cardioverter-
defibrillator [4] for a quick review by the way, does Interpersonal and communication
this patient have one? skills
Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal
Professionalism and communication skills that result in effective infor-
Residents must demonstrate a commitment to car- mation exchange and teaming with patients, their
rying out professional responsibilities, adherence to patients families, and professional associates.
ethical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient
population. Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically
sound relationship with patients.
Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a
Comforting the patient from the get-go and mak-
responsiveness to the needs of patients and society
ing her feel like an adult is the most therapeutic, eth-
that supersedes self-interest; accountability to
ically sound relationship you can formulate with this
patients, society, and the profession; and a
commitment to excellence and ongoing
professional development.
Use effective listening skills and elicit and provide
Your responsiveness and bedside manner when information using effective nonverbal,
dealing with the patient and her mother during the explanatory, questioning, and writing skills.
preop are a prime example of respect, compassion, and
If she does have questions, really listen if she has
integrity. You made a recommendation based on your
a concern that may seem silly to you, make it seem like
patients best interests and safety.
the most valid concern in the world, which will make
Demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles her even more comforted. In the cath lab, listen! The
pertaining to provision or withholding of clinical interventionalists are in their own little world and may
care, confidentiality of patient information, not scream out if they have an issue or, oops, their
informed consent, and business practice. wire pokes a hole in the myocardium. Its your job to
be keyed in to every aspect of the procedure watching
Before the case, make sure informed consent, site the cath to see where they are in the vasculature and
of surgery, and all the paper work are in order. Observe what issues you might have to anticipate.
all HIPAA regulations (dont talk about the case where
others can overhear and dont reveal any confiden- Work effectively with others as a member or
tial patient information). When filling out your billing leader of a health care team or other professional
slips, be ethical. Bill for what you did and nothing group.
As noted earlier, this is background behavior that If you are having issues with hypotension or desat-
applies to all cases. uration, let the interventionalists know! This is no
time for quiet management because they might be the
Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to reason youre having issues. They have access to the
patients culture, age, gender, and disabilities. femoral sheath if you need immediate central access
plan, plan, plan for emergency readiness. It is vital to
As a teenager, you understand that your patient is talk through any problems that are occurring.
in a place of delicate balance she is expected to be
mature and understand what is going on, but she is
still a child trying to make sense of a very heavy diag- Systems-based practice
nosis. Approaching her as such and giving her a sense Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and 379
of independence and respect in medical decision mak- responsiveness to the larger context and system of
Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

health care and the ability to effectively call on system lating levels of support, including cardiac transplanta-
resources to provide care that is of optimal value. tion. These centers are willing to be dedicated.

Understand how their patient care and other Practice cost-effective health care and resource
professional practices affect other health care allocation that does not compromise quality of
professionals, the health care organization, and care.
the larger society and how these elements of the
Minimize costs in this case as much as possible. If
system affect their own practice.
you dont need a remifentanil drip, dont use one
Safely taking care of this patient by providing an low-dose vapor (isoflurane is most cost-effective, if
anesthetic with minimal risk and communicating with she tolerates it) will be just fine. However, if problems
the entire team involved in taking care of her are of develop, cost-effective may be a fairly remote issue.
the essence. The complexity of this case should suggest
Advocate for quality patient care and assist
it be carried out at a facility that can provide an ICU
patients in dealing with system complexities.
level of care to the patient. Recognition of this need is
paramount to providing optimal and safe care to this By making the patient and her mother feel com-
patient and advocating for her to have this procedure fortable with your plan and helping them navigate
elsewhere. You and the other physicians may be capa- through the risks of the various anesthetic options, you
ble, but the resources (a pediatric ICU bed; extracor- have made a potentially scary time an easier experi-
poreal support measures like an aortic balloon pump ence.
or ventricular assist device) may be lacking.
Know how to partner with health care managers
Know how types of medical practice and delivery and health care providers to assess, coordinate,
systems differ from one another, including and improve health care and know how these
methods of controlling health care costs and activities can affect system performance.
allocating resources.
If there are any concerns with this patients man-
Keep in mind that things are done differently agement and/or things that you feel should have been
everywhere there is the (insert your hospitals name) done differently, it is important to cover this in debrief-
way and we frequently forget that practice is very ing at the end of the procedure and to speak with
different in the real world. Be open to many possibil- the appropriate channels about correcting the prob-
ities and weigh the pros and cons of each it is eas- lem do you need a Pyxis machine in the cath lab
ier to practice medicine the way youre used to, but to access a comprehensive pharmacy of drugs imme-
in the appropriate situations, its important to broaden diately? Patient care should not be compromised sim-
your experience, without experimenting. This patient ply because youre in a remote location. If you feel that
clearly needs to be at a center that can provide tertiary, there are improvements that can streamline patient
pediatric-focused cardiac care that may include esca- care in this setting, let the powers that be know!

Case 68 Just dont stop my achy, breaky heart . . .

References 3. Kipps AK, Ramamoorthy C, Rosenthal DN, Williams

GD. Children with cardiomyopathy: complications
1. McKenzie I, Weintraub R. Cardiomyopathies. In: Lake
after noncardiac procedures with general anesthesia.
C, Booker P, editors. Pediatric cardiac anesthesia.
Paediatr Anaesth 2007;17:775781.
Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams, and Wilkins; 2005:
530535. 4. Trankina MF. Automatic implantable
cardioverter-defibrillator. In: Anesthesiology Review.
2. Wilson W, Taubert KA, Gewitz M, et al. Prevention of
3rd ed. Faust RJ, editor. Philadelphia: Churchill
infective endocarditis: guidelines from the American
Livingstone; 2002; 343345.
Heart Association. Circulation 2007;116:17361754.

Part 5 Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under
Case Deborah A. Schwengel

69 Too bad, so sad ... its Friday afternoon

with a VAD
Jeremy M. Huff and Theresa L. Hartsell

The case OK. Dont react. Remember that first and foremost,
it is not your patients fault that he was scheduled at the
Its a Friday afternoon; you are tired and ready for a
last minute for this procedure. He is not to blame for
much deserved weekend retreat. You have been work-
the scheduling fiasco, or his inappropriate transport
ing the GI suites all day and have been as efficient as
and desertion, or the ruining of your early vacation
you could be to get done early and have a head start on
plans. It is imperative that you first evaluate and then
your weekend.
react to the situation, remembering to always act pro-
Just as you finish your last case, you start creeping
fessionally and be caring, despite your inconvenience.
toward the door, when you notice another patient in
The patient is drowsy and, due to the lack of avail-
the preoperative area. You question the administrative
able medical information, it is best to approach the
assistant, and she says that it is a last-minute add-on
patient and determine his mental status. If you assess
and that she knows nothing about the patient, except
that it is altered, it will be necessary for you to contact
that he is scheduled for a percutaneous endoscopic
a legal guardian or next of kin prior to proceeding. You
gastrostomy/jejunostomy(PEG/J) tube placement.
will need him or her for consent purposes.
You curse, put down your bag, and proceed to rum-
mage through the various stacks of paper work, look- Gather essential and accurate information about
ing for the patients chart. There are a couple of papers their patients.
bound with a paper clip that represent the extensive
chart available on this patient. From the time you became aware of the patient,
As you approach the patient, you notice a peculiar- you have begun to gather information that is essen-
looking device at the side of the bed with various dig- tial. You secured the available paper records, the pro-
ital readings. On further evaluation, you notice the posed intervention, and, from your brief visual survey,
word THORATEC etched across the machine, and some vital information about the patients medical his-
your worst fears are realized this patient has a ven- tory. In that brief interval of patient contact, you deter-
tricular assist device (VAD). mined, based on vital signs and interviewing, that the
The patient is a 55-year-old who appears awake but patient is, at least for the moment, stable.
drowsy. He has a tracheostomy in place without sup- Other information that you likely need includes
plemental oxygen. He is afebrile and has vital signs as family contact information, the name of the surgeon
follows: heart rate 65, blood pressure 95/60, RR 1020, or gastroenterologist performing the procedure, an
SpO2 96%. You notice a single 20-gauge peripheralIV extensive medical history and indications for the pro-
in his hand and a weak smile on his face. posed procedure, medications (specifically anticoag-
ulation status), availability of blood products, results
Patient care of any recent testing, and specific information regard-
ing the settings of the patients VAD. In other words,
Residents must be able to provide patient care that is you arent rushing this one through the door without
compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat- gathering more complete information about the whole
ment of health problems and the promotion of health. situation.
Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring It is important to gather and utilize all available
and respectful behaviors when interacting with resources. An important resource includes the VAD
382 patients and their families. care team, which consists of multiple people who
are involved in various aspects of care. Your VAD
Case 69 Too bad, so sad . . . its Friday afternoon with a VAD

coordinator can help you efficiently locate information informed consent. If the patient is not competent to
about the patient and the VAD as well as assist in mobi- give consent and there are no legally appropriate repre-
lizing other resources. sentatives available, then you should approach the pri-
mary team regarding your inability to secure informed
Make informed decisions about diagnostic and consent.
therapeutic interventions based on patient
information and preferences, up-to-date scientific Use information technology to support patient
evidence, and clinical judgment. care decisions and patient education.
Remember in medical school when they said that Part of your preoperative evaluation consists of
you can make the majority of diagnoses from history locating any applicable test results, radiologic findings,
alone? Well, they were right. But this guy has a VAD surgical notes, visit summaries, and so on that can help
and a lot of stuff you cant get from history alone, espe- you formulate a complete assessment of the patient.
cially if he is too sleepy to talk. You are going to need This may involve a paper chart; however, this day and
accurate information from multiple sources to deter- age, typically, you are going to get on a computer and
mine the patients current status, his ability to tolerate look some stuff up. Obviously, you want any informa-
the rigors of the proposed procedure, and what you can tion regarding the cardiovascular status of this partic-
do to facilitate the proposed plan. ular patient keep an eye out for anything pertaining
to the VAD.
Develop and carry out patient management plans.
Many of your medical reference resources regard-
Development of the patient management plan ing physiology and treatment methods are now readily
occurs after you have gathered all applicable infor- available via information technology means. You may
mation. If you would choose to proceed without this not have to lift that hefty textbook after all. Remem-
information, please contact your insurance carrier and ber that the mark of a good physician isnt necessar-
lawyer prior to starting the case. You may need a ily always knowing, but knowing what you dont know
moment to review VAD physiology, which can be done and where to find it.
by pursuing a review article [14], opening a textbook
(scary, I know), or contacting an appropriately knowl- Perform competently all medical and invasive
edgeable colleague. procedures considered essential for the area of
Once all the available information is on the table, practice.
you make an informed decision as to the patients So, you have now decided that it is appropriate to
status and the risks and benefits of proceeding with proceed. Now you must decide what kind of moni-
the planned procedure. Review probable complica- toring is necessary to ensure patient stability. Obvi-
tions for this patient and the means by which you will ously, the standard American Society of Anesthesi-
address them. ology (ASA) monitors are appropriate (temperature,
Counsel and educate patients and their families. ETCO2 , three-lead EKG, pulse oximeter, and noninva-
sive blood pressure monitor). You must decide if there
The preoperative discussion is an ideal venue to will be significant fluid shifts during the procedure to
instill confidence and treat the anxieties of both the warrant more invasive monitoring. With this partic-
patient and his or her family members. This discus- ular case, it is unlikely that you would need to add
sion should include a complete disclosure of your anes- an arterial line or CVP/PA catheter as fluid shifts will
thetic plan with associated risks and benefits as well as be likely minimal and you will have some idea of the
discussion and responses to patient and family mem- patients overall forward flow measured from the VAD
ber questions. You must decide if the patient has a clear itself.
understanding of the risks, their implications, and any Seems like a 20-gauge peripheral IV may be a bit
future consequences; if you detect faulty understand- weak for someone who will need fluid in the event of
ing or impaired capacity for judgment whether from decreased cardiac output (see the medical knowledge
decreased mental status, psychiatric disease, baseline section). You probably arent going to need a cordis,
cognitive function, medication use, or any other rea- but an 18-gauge wouldnt hurt. Remember that the 383
son you should not consider the patient as able to give patient is likely anticoagulated (he has a Thoratec), so if
Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

the surgeons encounter bleeding, it is likely to be more assist you. VADs are implanted devices that replace or
profound than your bread-and-butter PEG/J. assist the bodys normal ventricular output. The device
flow aims to ensure optimal organ perfusion and ven-
Provide health care services aimed at preventing tricular decompression. They are implanted with an
health problems or maintaining health. inflow tract in a ventricle that collects blood into the
VAD; the blood passes into a pneumatically powered
Do no harm! This includes proceeding with the
chamber or through a rotary flow device. In the case
procedure only when the benefits are greater than the
of the Thoratec, which your patient has, the blood fills
risks. Minimize the number of invasive monitors; how-
in the chamber, and at a set volume, the device forces
ever, do what is necessary to keep the patient safe.
blood through an outflow tract into the pulmonary
Remember to give your preoperative antibiotics; after
artery (as in the case of an RVAD) or the aorta (as
all, this patient has endovascular hardware! Be vigilant
in the case of an LVAD). BiVAD is a term for a sit-
and identify trends that may be intervened on prior to
uation in which a patient has both an LVAD and an
the patient coding.
RVAD, meaning that both the right and left ventri-
Work with health care professionals, including cles are assisted. Newer devices, which may be fully
those from other disciplines, to provide implantable, use rotary propulsion mechanisms and
patient-focused care. are notable for continuous flow; these devices support
a mean arterial pressure without significant pulse pres-
This patient is likely going to need some addi- sure.
tional TLC from the whole team. Identify and utilize VADs generally collect blood passively by siphon-
resources that will allow you to focus better on patient ing from available preload and are therefore dependent
care. You may need an additional coordinator in the on preload. Your patients Thoratec is likely set on fill
room to manage the other team members so that you to empty mode, in which case, the VAD ejects its con-
can focus on the patients stability. Get the cardiac team tents only after filling to the set level. It does this inde-
on board (they know the VAD) and get the GI team in pendent of the heart function (i.e., unsynchronized).
the room and intimately aware of your concerns about The rate of ejection is capped at a set maximum; how-
patient status, positioning, and so on. There should be ever, the true rate is determined by speed of passive fill-
active communication on your and their part you ing of the device. Higher preload means quicker fill-
are the one who should facilitate that. Remember that ing, which equals a quicker rate of ejection up to the
nursing is your best friend or worst enemy, and you device maximum. For rotary flow devices, the cardiac
need all the friends you can get. output is dependent both on preload as well as rotary
flow speed [3].
Medical knowledge Thats the preload part of the physiology. VADs
also respond to changes in afterload; most specifically,
Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab-
increases in vascular resistance can decrease forward
lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cognate
flow and may result in excess wear and tear on the VAD
(e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sciences
mechanism. Most patients are maintained at the min-
and the application of this knowledge to patient care.
imum blood pressure required to sustain end organ
Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic perfusion; however, it is certainly appropriate to sup-
thinking approach to clinical situations. port blood pressure with titration of pressor agents in
the setting of hypotension. From a contractility stand-
Admit it your first impulse when you saw the point (and rate/rhythm), the patient with a BiVAD will
VAD was to run. Dont worry; you wouldnt be the be perfectly fine, unless there is a mechanical issue.
only one. VADs are foreign objects for both the patient However, patients with only one ventricle supported
and most medical providers. When you truly break may need inotropic agents or arrhythmia management
down the mechanics of ventricular support, however, to support the nonmechanically assisted side of the
you may find their management surprisingly simple. heart.
What is a VAD? If you dont know the answer to The first thing in medical management is to know
384 this question, you should be on the phone with one of when to get help. You need to discover who in your
your superiors and getting someone knowledgeable to hospital is the VAD team. Odds are pretty good that
Case 69 Too bad, so sad . . . its Friday afternoon with a VAD

if you contact any of the cardiothoracic surgeons, they  proposed case: when tailoring your anesthetic
will know the VAD coordinators contact information. plan to the needs of the patient and the demands
You need the contact information to tease (no harass- of the procedure, it is important to understand the
ment, please) vital medical history and device charac- risks and benefits. A long case that will involve
teristics from that person. The VAD coordinator will significant fluid shifts is likely to be much more
surely know the patient. He or she will also be able to complex than the simple proposed PEG tube with
tell you key pieces of information to help in the case our patient.
of device failure such as how to manually sustain the
cardiac output while someone is running for a replace- Intraoperative concerns are preload, preload, and
ment console! preload:
 anesthetic technique: anesthetic plans should
Preoperatively, things important to know include
the following: emphasize balance as there is little research to
support one particular technique over another. As
 type and location of VAD: there are various types preload is vital to proper VAD functioning, a plan
with some subtle differences that are important to that would minimize changes in preload (or
understand. You should know where the VAD is venous capacitance) is recommended. Neuraxial
located (i.e., LVAD, RVAD, and BiVAD). You anesthesia can be performed; however, the
should also know whether the VAD is a pulsatile anticoagulation status and the ability to maintain
system, like this patient has, or a rotary device, in stable hemodynamics with vasodilatation make
which case the patient will have nonpulsatile flow. this choice less popular. Invasive monitoring may
This can be a bit disconcerting if you feel for a be needed if large fluid shifts are of concern or if
pulse or if you only get a mean as you measure the nonsupported ventricle is functioning poorly.
blood pressure. You should also know the location You lucked out in our case: the patient would not
of a replacement console (if appropriate, as it likely need a pulmonary artery catheter placed for
would be for your patient with a Thoratec) and/or a PEG. (Can you imagine trying to explain
replacement batteries. A quick lesson in how to yourself if you did? Not pretty!)
hand pump the Thoratec may be appropriate, as  positioning: because the device is
well hope for the best, but always prepare for the preload-dependent, changes in position that affect
worst! preload will also alter hemodynamics. In addition,
 anticoagulation status: if the patient has a VAD although the cannulae for VADs are structured to
that requires anticoagulation, you should know prevent kinking, attention to these and to
about it. Check coagulation studies. Is the patient drivelines can be important.
on heparin, coumadin, or aspirin? If he is on  hypovolemia: if asked how you would treat the
coumadin, then you can pretty much assure majority of issues with VAD patients, the answer
yourself that you may just make that vacation will invariably be give blood, give fluid, or give
early after all as it is generally inappropriate to blood and fluid. Stability of VAD patients
proceed with an elective surgery. hemodynamically is directly related to you
 overall stability: VAD patients are generally some guessed it preload.
of the most stable patients when optimized. This  arrhythmias: patients with arrhythmias can be
gentleman was left in the GI preop area alone with monitored thats right, monitored so long as
a VAD, which is unacceptable, by most standards. the arrhythmia does not compromise VAD flows.
Who would have dared to do such a thing? Follow normal ACLS protocols when
Contacting the VAD team will verify this, in defibrillating or performing cardioversion. NO
addition to your own thorough evaluation of the CHEST COMPRESSIONS! You dont want to
patient. Those who know the patient well can also displace an inflow or outflow cannula, unless you
give you key information such as his underlying want to spend the rest of your evening on
heart function (less important for BiVADs but cardiopulmonary bypass repairing the damage.
very important in a patient with only one ventricle There is a particular protocol regarding each type
supported) and particular issues or situations that of VAD device when it comes to cardioversion 385
tend to cause decompensation. and defibrillation. You will need to get this
Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

information from the VAD coordinator or systems-based practice issue (see how those compe-
particular VAD representative. tencies overlap!).
It occurs to you that many of your fellow residents
(and some attending anesthesiologists) would not have
Know and apply the basic and clinically
known even how to approach this case, so perhaps
supportive sciences that are appropriate to their
its worth putting in some effort to create a short fact
sheet or educational review about taking care of a VAD
It is critical to understand VAD physiology to patient having noncardiac surgery. Itll make you the
manipulate that function to your, and the patients, local expert and give you the opportunity to do some
advantage. teaching.

Obtain and use information about their own

Practice-based learning population of patients and the larger population
and improvement from which their patients are drawn.
Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their With the lack of available hearts for transplant and
patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific an ever increasing need for viable tissue, VADs have
evidence, and improve their patient care practices. become ever more prevalent. There is a serious like-
lihood that you will encounter a VAD at some point
Analyze practice experience and perform during your career.
practice-based improvement activities using a However, in this case, a quick review of the lit-
systematic methodology. erature will reveal that theres not much information
You dont have the night before to bolster your about anesthesia for the VAD patient having noncar-
patient- or case-specific knowledge, but rather than diac surgery, and certainly nothing evidence based.
shooting from the hip, take a moment to think about So perhaps thats a niche youd like to fill? This is how
what youve learned before about VADs and their man- scholarly ideas (and trips to ASA meetings) are born!
agement. Perhaps during cardiac anesthesia or a car-
diac SICU (surgical intensive care unit) rotation? Use information technology to manage
It may be well worth your time to do a little tar- information, access online medical information,
geted learning before stepping into the case itself. Here and support their own education.
it may be higher yield to find an expert (the VAD coor- This will be key as the major textbooks dont have
dinator or a cardiac anesthesia attending) to give you great material in this area yet, and even if they did, you
some quick pointers, rather than looking up a review wouldnt be hauling them around in your backpack,
article, but even the latter may be worthwhile. would you? So here, either before or certainly after the
Once the case is done, presuming it goes well, you case, you need to do a quick search for resources. In
can pat yourself on the back for taking care of the this case, PubMed is a place to start, but specialty soci-
patient. However, this was clearly a suboptimal situa- eties or other academic institutional Web sites may be
tion, and ideally, it shouldnt happen again. So even if useful, as well. Or perhaps that departmental Web site
there were no medical errors, its worth making sure library section where last years PowerPoint lectures on
that the anesthesia, GI, and cardiac surgery depart- various topics are housed. If all this fails, consider a
ments review this case to decide if guidelines or pro- number of forums designed to discuss difficult clini-
tocols should be developed. These protocols should cal cases (just remember HIPAA at all costs). Last, just
include guidelines for posting VAD patients, manda- Google it and be amazed.
tory preoperative evaluation, consideration of surgi-
cal venue, a checklist of required and readily available
resources, and a VAD team representative present dur- Professionalism
ing interventions. Dont assume that this will happen Residents must demonstrate a commitment to car-
automatically theres actually a lot of learning to be rying out professional responsibilities, adherence to
386 had from being proactive and being the multidisci- ethical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient
plinary liaison to these review sessions. This is also a population.
Case 69 Too bad, so sad . . . its Friday afternoon with a VAD

Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a with the dignity and respect of a fellow human being.
responsiveness to the needs of patients and society In this age, we need to identify differences and be
that supersedes self-interest; accountability to mindful of the effect of those differences to the care
patients, society, and the profession; and a plan. We cant control many things about patient
commitment to excellence and ongoing care, but we can control how we act. We need to
professional development. learn to be sensitive, have a little tact, and show some
Ancient Chinese proverb say, It aint all about
you. The truth is, however, that it is the little things Interpersonal and communication
that you do that affect your patient, your profession,
and society as a whole. A true professional recognizes skills
this responsibility and opportunity to leave a positive Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal
mark on the lives of many. and communication skills that result in effective infor-
In this case, you step up and adhere to practice mation exchange and teaming with patients, their
guidelines, hospital policies, patient wishes, and ethi- patients families, and professional associates.
cal standards. Ultimately, you honorably perform your
Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically
responsibility to all entities by providing the best pos-
sound relationship with patients.
sible care. If you have complaints with the manner in
which the case is proceeding, maintain perspective and For some, this is second nature; for others, this
attempt to change the system at a later date, focusing is easy. Basically, we must learn to enter a room, put
your immediate attention on patient care. Believe me, patients at ease in limited time, and build a relation-
there will always be an opportunity to deal with the ship of trust. The patient may have already sensed an
system. atmosphere of fear, and even been depersonalized. It
is important that your communication be patient cen-
Demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles tered and confidence inspiring.
pertaining to provision or withholding of clinical
care, confidentiality of patient information, Use effective listening skills and elicit and provide
informed consent, and business practice. information using effective nonverbal,
explanatory, questioning, and writing skills.
In a few short lines, I have to give you an ethics
lesson that some spend years as undergrads study- This case is a fine example of learning to utilize lis-
ing. Ethics in medicine is about doing the right thing, tening skills. You have no chart, and hence no infor-
which would be easy if the world were black and white. mation, so who better to ask than the patient himself?
Medical ethics are never black and white. You must, in You can learn a lot by listening to patients. Werent
the course of your clinical experience, develop some we always told that the majority of medical diag-
moral integrity and common sense. With that com- noses could be made on information gathered from
pass, you navigate the endless decisions regarding clin- a thorough medical history alone? Learn to ask the
ical care, conduct ethical business, defend patient con- right questions so you get to the meat (sorry, vegans)
fidentiality, and truly inform patients of that which can of the information and direct the conversation with
happen and that which did happen. patients to discourage rambling. We listen to various
Remember that this is an elective case. Just because team members to determine needs and better patient
the patient is sitting in the preoperative area does care.
not mean that corners should be cut. Be sure of Nonverbal skills equal body language. Whether
your patients preoperative status and preparation and with your patient or with your team, what your body
ensure that informed consent has been obtained. tells them can strengthen or weaken your credibility as
a provider.
Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to
patients culture, age, gender, and disabilities. Work effectively with others as a member or
leader of a health care team or other professional
In other words, dont be a jerk! This patient, as any group. 387
other patient you work with, deserves to be treated
Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

Once upon a time, rants and tirades were toler- increase is what medicine is all about, right? (Surgeons,
ated in medicine. Now even Joint Commission on the pat yourselves on the back now.)
Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) What I am about to say is going to make me some
has policies regarding the disruptive physician. You enemies for sure. What does the increased length of life
can conform on your own or be compelled to change cost society? (GASP!) This cost can be monetary: the
remember, Big Brother is always watching. cost for periodic ICU level of care, endless office visits,
Seriously, is it all that difficult to work coopera- medications. The cost can be nonmonetary: increased
tively as a group? When egos are checked at the door, time on the transplant list means that someone who
it seems that everything is more efficient. When com- would have been higher on the list must wait poten-
munication is good, attitudes are optimal, and cooper- tially longer. Larger transplant demands ultimately
ation/collegiality is present, patient care is improved. mean that less quality organs are transplanted to sup-
(No need to do a study on that one just use your ply the demand and lead to repeated use of limited
noggin.) resources such as ICU beds.
Be sure to listen to the concerns of all team
members and even facilitate this interaction. Hold Practice cost-effective health care and resource
a preoperative meeting/discussion that outlines con- allocation that does not compromise quality of
cerns, expected courses of action, individual roles and care.
responsibilities, and even worst case scenarios. A post- Lets face it: we have limited resources in our soci-
operative discussion can provide meaningful feedback ety. These resources must be allocated and partitioned
to team members and instill a culture of cooperation appropriately to ensure that the best needs of the whole
that will serve to facilitate optimal health care delivery of society are being met. Physicians and other health
on future patients. Structure tends to decrease anxiety. care providers decide to allocate a portion of these
A sensitive, open-minded, confident leader can inspire resources every day; be mindful of your decisions.
the masses to greatness.
A Boy Scout leader said, or maybe he yelled, that Advocate for quality patient care and assist
we are only as fast as our slowest man. Recognize that patients in dealing with system complexities.
you are a team leader and that like any elite team, you
must encourage, reward, and motivate. Our patient has undoubtedly seen the inefficien-
cies and complications that exist in the medical system.
Quality patient care involves not only providing qual-
Systems-based practice ity medical care, but also the way in which it is pro-
Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and vided. We know the system better and therefore have
responsiveness to the larger context and system of the responsibility to help our patients navigate it as eas-
health care and the ability to effectively call on system ily as possible. Honestly, how can we say we improve a
resources to provide care that is of optimal value. patients quality of life if we leave him or her to navi-
gate our infuriatingly complex and unintuitive medical
Understand how their patient care and other system?
professional practices affect other health care
professionals, the health care organization, and Know how to partner with health care managers
the larger society and how these elements of the and health care providers to assess, coordinate,
system affect their own practice. and improve health care and know how these
activities can affect system performance.
This one is easy. The very decision to use VADs is
known as a bridge to transplant therapy. The con- Probably the most obvious defect in this patients
tinued use of VADS buys a patient time and allows course is the lack of a coordinated transfer of care.
him the possibility of a longer time on the transplant Handoffs between health care providers are increas-
list and, subsequently, a higher probability of finding ingly seen to be the weak link in the chain of qual-
a tissue donor who matches. Some studies have shown ity patient care. When poorly done, they can and
that VADs actually unload the heart to a degree such do often lead to serious patient safety issues. In this
388 that remodeling is able to occur, leaving the heart in circumstance, its likely that the team caring for the
better condition than it was found. This length of life patient on the floor didnt consider a quick trip to
Case 69 Too bad, so sad . . . its Friday afternoon with a VAD

the endoscopy suite as a transfer of care yet another on systems-based practice deals with the need for us
reason that education and a protocol for such situ- to work with others on committees, societies, groups,
ations would be important! In anesthesiology, some and so on to identify and improve the medical sys-
form of handoff is inherent at the beginning and end tem as a whole, even if its one patient handoff at a
of almost all our cases. Be involved! This whole section time.

Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

References 3. Stone ME. Current status of mechanical circulatory

assistance. Sem Cardiothorac Vasc Anesthesiol
1. Lawrence JP. Preanesthetic assessment of the patient
with an artificial circulation device. Anesthesiol News
2002;28:123128. 4. Stone ME, Soong W, Krol M, Reich DL. The anesthetic
considerations in patients with ventricular assist
2. Nicolosi AC, Pagel PS. Perioperative considerations in
devices presenting for noncardiac surgery: a review of
the patient with a left ventricular assist device.
eight cases. Anesth Analg 2002;95:4249.
Anesthesiology 2003;98:565570.

Part 5 Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under
Case Deborah A. Schwengel

70 The disappearing left ventricle

A double lung transplant in a patient with severe
pulmonary hypertension
The case Kerry K. Blaha and Dan Berkowitz Just as you are about to cross the red line, you
hear wait, wait, is that her? in the distance behind
The patient is a 43-year-old female who has had
you. The patient states that that is her mother, and she
a history of idiopathic pulmonary hypertension for
would like to see her before her surgery, if possible. Her
many years. Her home treatment regimen consisted
mother was hoping to be there earlier but just got out
of numerous medications, including a continuous IV
of work. You wheel the patient back into the postanes-
infusion of Flolan delivered by a patient-controlled
thesia care unit (PACU) and give her the chance to
pump. A recent echocardiogram revealed a RVSP
see her mother before going back to the OR. After an
(right ventricular systolic pressure) of 127 mmHg,
emotional parting, you finally arrive outside the OR,
and right heart catheterization was significant for pul-
only to hear that the surgeons are behind schedule and
monary artery pressures greater than her systemic
the operation is delayed. The patient is visibly disheart-
blood pressures. A decline in her functional status over
ened. You then begin the long trip back to her room to
the past 2 weeks landed her a top spot on the lung
play the waiting game. The patient and her family are
transplant list and a luxurious room on Osler 4.
concerned that the operation may be canceled again.
She is the youngest of many children and is sur-
After the delay, the patient returns to the OR 2
rounded by her entire family awaiting the news: will
hours later and undergoes a successful double lung
these lungs be good enough? She has been in this posi-
tion before, anxiously anticipating her new set of lungs.
She has been disappointed once before and remembers
the words Im sorry, but its a no-go all too clearly. Patient care
You thoroughly discuss the anesthetic plan with Residents must be able to provide patient care that is
the patient and her family. They are quite intelligent compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat-
and ask some pretty in-depth questions. You breathe ment of health problems and the promotion of health.
a sigh of relief as you answer the final question. You
explain that you will take excellent care of the patient Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring
as you try to put them at ease. They smile, and you feel and respectful behaviors when interacting with
as if you gained their trust. However, now that their patients and their families.
fears have been allayed, you cant help but feel anxious
yourself about the monumental task you have ahead: In dealing with such a major operation, it is crit-
the responsibility of getting her safely through the ically important to take your time and communicate
operation. with the patient and his or her family the full spectrum
You help the patient out of bed and into the of anesthetic risks that coincide with such a major
wheelchair for transport. You think you are about to surgery. It is essential that they have realistic expecta-
make a clean break for the operating room, but wait. tions so that they may be better able to cope with any
The family and their pastor start to close in around you unexpected (bad) outcomes. The patient and her fam-
and the patient. They ask, Please, doctor, join us in ily should be allowed ample time to ask any questions
prayer. You all join hands and pray for the patient, her they may have, and you should listen with undivided
surgery, and her safe recovery. Hugs abound, and it is attention. Turn off that cell phone and answer only
now just you and the patient heading for the operating emergency pages. This is the time to instill confidence
room. in the patient and her family. You must show that the 391
Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

patient is the number one thing on your mind, and you the patient in the ICU after the surgery. Seeing their
are prepared to vigilantly guide her through undoubt- loved one intubated, sedated, and fully monitored,
edly the biggest, scariest event in her life. In our case, surrounded by endless spaghetti tubing seeming to
the family asked us to join in prayer with them before come from every bodily orifice, would be disconcert-
taking their loved one to the operating room. No mat- ing to anyone, especially those not in the medical field.
ter what your religion, all walls are taken down in such It is important to educate the family about the postop-
an instance, and we felt like part of her family. erative course, including seeing their loved one imme-
diately after surgery in the ICU.
Gather essential and accurate information about
their patients. Use information technology to support patient
care decisions and patient education.
A double lung transplant is a complex case, with
many opportunities for things to go awry. Therefore From the physicians perspective, you will want to
it is important to know your patients medical his- look at the patients labs, echocardiogram, electrocar-
tory like the back of your hand and be prepared as diogram, and cardiac catheterization results prior to
to how her medical problems and resultant cardiac, the procedure.
pulmonary, and renal physiology may influence your From the patients perspective, the Internet is a
anesthetic or resuscitative efforts. fountain of knowledge, many times to the dismay
of the physician. However, it can prove very useful
Make informed decisions about diagnostic and by providing visual imagery of any or all parts of
therapeutic interventions based on patient the procedure, although some patients may take the
information and preferences, up-to-date scientific stance that the less information, the better. From
evidence, and clinical judgment. lung anatomy to the process of placing an epidural,
some patients may be put at ease if they have an under-
We need to come up with an anesthetic plan tai-
standing of the procedures involved.
lored for this patient and her specific needs. She is
fairly anxious, so an IV premedication would likely be Perform competently all medical and invasive
helpful for anxiolysis and amnesia prior to taking her procedures considered essential for the area of
back to the operating room. Given the severity of the practice.
operation, extensive invasive monitoring will be nec-
essary. She will need an arterial line, large-bore central Perform all procedures (arterial lines, central lines,
IV access, and pulmonary artery pressure monitoring IVs) under sterile conditions. Take your time and
to assess left heart pressures. Postoperatively, she will accurately identify the pulse for the arterial line and
need a plan for pain control as the clam-shell incision anatomical landmarks for your central lines; you will
is quite large. Placement of a postoperative thoracic make life easier for yourself, and your patient will
epidural should be discussed with the patient preop- appreciate fewer skin puncture holes, all of which
eratively, and her preference should be honored after have the possibility to cause complications (infection,
explaining the risks, benefits, and alternatives for post- hematoma, pneumothorax). All procedures must be
operative pain control. done according to the standard of care.

Develop and carry out patient management plans. Provide health care services aimed at preventing
health problems or maintaining health.
Once discussed with the patient, you must proceed
as planned. Deviations from the plan should only be Prophylactic administration of antibiotics is cru-
entertained when emergencies or patient safety issues cial in a transplant operation. You must give antibiotics
arise based on your clinical judgment. within 1 hour of incision and vigilantly at repeated
time intervals, according to the standard of care.
Counsel and educate patients and their families.
Work with health care professionals, including
As mentioned earlier, the patient and her fam- those from other disciplines, to provide
392 ily should be counseled extensively prior to the oper- patient-focused care.
ation. This includes preparing the family for seeing
Case 70 The disappearing left ventricle

It is important to constantly communicate with the Primary pulmonary hypertension (PPH) is a rare
surgeons in this case, especially at critically important disease that causes a progressive increase in pul-
times such as coming off bypass and reperfusion of the monary vascular resistance (PVR), which ultimately
transplanted organs. results in right heart failure and death. Although other
treatment modalities aimed at attenuating and revers-
Medical knowledge ing vascular remodeling and pulmonary vasocon-
Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab- striction (Ca2+ channel blockers, phosphodiesterase-
lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cognate 5 inhibitors, prostacyclin analogues, and endothelin
(e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sciences antagonists) are helpful, lung or heart lung transplan-
and the application of this knowledge to patient care. tation is the only curative procedure. Three pathologic
features considered to be the hallmarks of PPH include
Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic vasoconstriction, intimal proliferation, and thrombo-
thinking approach to clinical situations. sis. As a result of the progressive narrowing of the distal
pulmonary arteries, there is increasing PVR. This, in
The patient with primary pulmonary hyperten- turn, leads to RV hypertrophy and, ultimately, decom-
sion is likely to be one of the most cardiovascularly pensation, dilatation, and RV failure. RV hypertrophy
compromised patients you will encounter to anes- leads to an increase in oxygen demand for the RV as
thetize. [1] An evidence-based approach to the anes- a result of an increase in preload and RV end dias-
thetic management is not possible because the disease tolic pressure. Thus a decrease in systemic pressure,
is quite rare and large studies are thus not possible. which may have little effect in RV perfusion in a nor-
Sound anesthetic management is therefore necessar- mal heart, leads to myocardial ischemia and further
ily based on a broad understanding of the pathophys- decompensation and failure in PPH patients. In addi-
iologic consequences of the primary pathology, with tion, the dilation and hypertrophy of the RV causes
clear and accurate maintenance of hemodynamic goals displacement of the interventricular septum, which
during induction, maintenance, and emergence. Fur- limits LV filling (thus the disappearing ventricle) and
thermore, the impact of the procedure on these hemo- stroke volume, further compromising blood pressure.
dynamic goals needs to be understood so they may This is a classic scenario of supply and demand imbal-
be attenuated, or at least predicted. Historical anes- ance: inadequate myocardial blood supply coupled
thetic management has been based on case studies, and with increased cardiac oxygen demands. Progressive
in general, the outcome of these patients undergoing myocardial ischemia can rapidly deteriorate to cardiac
noncardiac surgery is notoriously poor. This is because arrest, from which successful resuscitation is rare. Car-
these patients live on the edge, and any small hemody- diopulmonary bypass may be the only option. In rare
namic alteration could lead to instability and a down- cases, unresponsive RV failure may respond to an atrial
ward spiral. Thus ultimate vigilance and preoperative septostomy, in which arterial saturation is compro-
assessment and planning are critical in these patients, mised (right to left shunt) in favor of LV filling, stroke
as is a sophisticated understanding of the underlying volume augmentation, and blood pressure.
pathophysiology. In addition to the underlying pathobiologic con-
Reperfusion after CPB and ischemic injury to sequences for anesthetic management of patients with
the pulmonary vasculature of the transplanted lungs pulmonary hypertension, lung transplantation is asso-
increases endothelial permeability and may result in ciated with significant alteration and extremes of phys-
pulmonary edema. Therefore fluid management after iology. These might include single-lung ventilation
lung transplantation is a fine balance between min- in an already pulmonary compromised patient with
imizing pulmonary edema and preserving adequate resultant hypoxia and hypercarbia and an increase
cardiac function. It is ideal to keep the pulmonary cap- in airway pressure. The acute problems associated
illary wedge pressure as low as possible after surgery, with lung transplantation in the perioperative period
without compromising preload and cardiac output [2]. include acute graft failure as a result of reperfusion
Know and apply the basic and clinically injury. There is some evidence that inhaled NO (nitric
supportive sciences that are appropriate to their oxide) might attenuate this early graft dysfunction.
discipline. If graft failure occurs and is fulminant, the patient 393
may need a period of cardiopulmonary support such
Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

as extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Long-term Interpersonal and communication

complications of transplantation include bronchiolitis
obliterans (small airway narrowing and inflammation skills
with graft failure) as well as infection associated with Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal
immunosupression. and communication skills that result in effective infor-
mation exchange and teaming with patients, their
patients families, and professional associates.
Residents must demonstrate a commitment to car-
Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically
rying out professional responsibilities, adherence to
sound relationship with patients.
ethical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient
population. For anesthesiologists, this can be a particular chal-
lenge. I mean, would you want to put your life in
Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a the hands of someone you just met a few hours or
responsiveness to the needs of patients and society sometimes minutes prior to surgery? Patients have to
that supersedes self-interest; accountability to be extremely trusting in your abilities, and this can
patients, society, and the profession; and a be facilitated by establishing a good relationship with
commitment to excellence and ongoing the patient from the onset. Communicate effectively
professional development. and in terms the patient understands. Be prepared to
thoughtfully and knowledgeably answer all questions.
No one would disagree this is a major opera- In our case, it was particularly difficult as we had to
tion. It is important to respect the patients wishes at gain the trust of the patient and her 10 eager family
all times, including inconvenient ones. In our case, we members!
could see the bright lights of the operating theater,
when suddenly the patients mother was heard down
the hallway. It was quite clear that it would mean a lot Use effective listening skills and elicit and provide
to the patient to see her mother prior to her surgery. information using effective nonverbal,
Screech! The wheelchair came to a sudden halt as explanatory, questioning, and writing skills.
we made a 180 turn back to the PACU. Dramatic, Again, listen thoughtfully to the patients concerns
but true, this may be the last time the patient sees her and address them accordingly. Obtain a thorough,
mother. accurate history from the patient and her family, if she
wishes them to be present. Sometimes the patient may
Demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles not think to mention something small, like the per-
pertaining to provision or withholding of clinical sistent expulsion of purulent phlegm balls she has been
care, confidentiality of patient information, hacking up for the past week. A family member may
informed consent, and business practice. pick up on this and chime in when you are eliciting
Because the patient is surrounded by her family, your history.
make sure she is comfortable discussing her care with
everyone present. This should be done with subtlety Work effectively with others as a member or
and in such a way that does not offend her family. Con- leader of a health care team or other professional
fidentiality should be maintained even after the case. It group.
would be inappropriate to discuss the really cool case
you did on call last night while riding in the elevators. In our case, it was important to keep all lines of
communication open between the nurses, the sur-
Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to geons, the anesthesiologists, the patient, and her fam-
patients culture, age, gender, and disabilities. ily, especially given the surgery delay, both in terms
of being prepared at the appropriate time (patient in
As mentioned earlier, you must be sensitive to room, intubated, all lines placed) to minimize organ
394 the patients cultural background, including religious ischemic time and also to help ease the anxiety the
beliefs. delay generated with the patient.
Case 70 The disappearing left ventricle

Satisfactory graft function can be obtained after

Systems-based practice an ischemic time of 68 hours. Timing is crucial, as
Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and the less ischemic time, the better. Therefore commu-
responsiveness to the larger context and system of nication between the harvesting team and the team
health care and the ability to effectively call on system in the operating room is extremely important. Once
resources to provide care that is of optimal value. the lungs are determined to be transplantable, the
OR team should be made aware and patient prepa-
Understand how their patient care and other ration begun. From the anesthesiology standpoint,
professional practices affect other health care the patient should be brought back into the OR and
professionals, the health care organization, and general anesthesia induced. All appropriate vascular
the larger society and how these elements of the access lines should be placed, in addition to the TEE.
system affect their own practice. Every effort should be made to minimize the organ
ischemic time.

Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

References 2. Heerdt PM, Triantafillou A. Perioperative

management of patients receiving a lung transplant.
1. Rubin LJ. Primary pulmonary hypertension. N Engl J
Anesthesiology 1991;75:922923.
Med 1997;336:111117.

Part 5 Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under
Case Deborah A. Schwengel

71 Exit procedure twins!

Gillian Newman and Eugenie Heitmiller

The case intravenous line and a radial arterial line were placed
A 44-year-old, gravida 4 para 0120 woman with ges- after induction. To facilitate uterine relaxation, deep
tational hypertension and a dichorionic, diamniotic inhalational anesthesia was established with desflu-
twin pregnancy was referred to our center at 21 weeks rane. Vecuronium was used to maintain muscle relax-
5 days gestation for congenital high airway obstruc- ation. A nitroglycerin infusion was titrated to achieve
tion syndrome (CHAOS) in Twin B; diagnosis was additional uterine relaxation, while a phenylephrine
confirmed by ultrasound. After multidisciplinary con- infusion was titrated to maintain maternal blood pres-
sultation and discussion with the patient, all parties sure and uteroplacental perfusion. Twenty-six minutes
agreed that the ex utero intrapartum treatment (EXIT) after induction, anesthetic conditions were appropri-
procedure was the best option. Weekly sonograms ate to allow the obstetricians to start the surgery.
confirmed that fetal hydrops did not develop. Fetal A vertical skin incision was made and low uterine
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed to exposure was achieved. Intra-abdominal/extrauterine
better delineate Twin Bs fetal anatomy. version of Twin B was successfully performed, and
Before delivery, a multidisciplinary planning ses- this position of Twin B was maintained by an obstetri-
sion was held that included physician and nursing cian. Hysterotomy was made, preserving intact mem-
teams from maternal and fetal medicine, pediatric oto- branes. Fetal vertex presentation was reconfirmed with
laryngology, neonatology, and anesthesiology (pedi- ultrasound, and membranes for Twin A were ruptured.
atric and obstetric). Two days before the procedure, the Twin A was delivered without difficulty and was passed
team conducted a walk-through in the operating room to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) team. She
(OR). was intubated, weighed (2,500 g), and transported to
The patient was admitted to the hospital at 36 the NICU. Apgar scores were 2, 4, and 6 at 1, 5, and 10
weeks gestation. Ultrasound showed a vertex position minutes, respectively. The neonate was extubated and
for the normal Twin A and a superior, anterior breech breathing room air within hours of delivery.
for the affected Twin B. The surgical plan thus included Throughout delivery of Twin A, Twin B was mon-
intraoperative sonogram and intra-abdominal/ itored with a sterile ultrasound probe. After delivery
extrauterine version of Twin B to allow for the deli- of Twin A, Twin Bs head was manually guided to
very of Twin A before the EXIT procedure was per- the uterine incision by the obstetrician, and the fetus
formed on Twin B. was situated for the EXIT procedure. Once positioned,
Delivery was planned for 3 days after admission. membranes were ruptured, and the head, neck, and
Before the patients arrival to the OR, a team brief- right upper extremity were exteriorized. Warmed nor-
ing took place, during which all personnel identified mal saline was infused into the uterus to maintain uter-
themselves and their roles. The case plan was reviewed; ine volume.
equipment, drug supplies, and blood availability were The pediatric anesthesia team administered a sin-
verified. The patient was brought into the OR and gle injection of 5 mcg/kg fentanyl, 0.2 mg/kg atropine,
placed in the supine, left uterine displacement posi- and 1.5 mg/kg rocuronium into the right deltoid mus-
tion. Standard monitors and external fetal monitors cle of Twin B. A pulse oximetry probe was placed
were applied, and the patient was preoxygenated prior around the neonates right hand; a single attempt at a
to a rapid sequence induction with 100 mg lidocaine, peripheral IV was unsuccessful.
200 mg propofol, and 120 mg succinylcholine and The otolaryngology team performed rigid bron-
was easily intubated. A second, large-bore peripheral choscopy, followed by tracheostomy with release of 397
Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

clear fluid from the lungs. Twin Bs airway was then For this case, we were providing care for three
suctioned, and a size 3.0 neonatal Shiley tracheostomy patients: the mother and her twins. It was imperative
tube was secured. Ventilation of Twin B commenced to know all the mothers medical history as well as the
via Ambu-bag with confirmation of bilateral breath important history of the twins. This allowed us to pre-
sounds and end-tidal CO2 . Delivery was completed 20 pare an in-depth anesthetic plan for the mother and
minutes after delivery of Twin A. her children.
Twin B was weighed (1,910 g) and then transported
to the NICU; her Apgar scores were 2, 4, and 4 at 1, Make informed decisions about diagnostic and
5, and 10 minutes, respectively. During the EXIT pro- therapeutic interventions based on patient
cedure, fetal heart rate was 140160 beats per min- information and preferences, up-to-date scientific
utes, and fetal O2 saturation was 40% to 50%. The pla- evidence, and clinical judgment.
centa did not separate from the uterus, and uterine
contractions were not present. One hour after surgery Since the EXIT procedure is a rarely performed
start time, the EXIT procedure was complete, and both procedure, the anesthetic team prepared in the days
babies were stable in the NICU. leading up to the surgery by reading articles, search-
The mother remained stable throughout the EXIT ing the literature, and discussing the case with experts
procedure, and the desflurane, phenylephrine, and in the field from our own institution as well as out-
nitroglycerin were discontinued after delivery of Twin side institutions. Having this information and experi-
B. She was then given 5 mg of midazolam and begun ence allowed us to give the highest possible care to this
on an oxytocin infusion. In total, 20 units of oxy- patient.
tocin were given. Over the course of the closure,
the patient received 100 mg propofol, 1.2 mg hydro- Develop and carry out patient management plans.
morphone, 4 mg ondansetron, and 3 mg/0.6 mg
An anesthetic plan was needed for the mother and
neostigimine/glycopyrrolate. After smooth emergence
her infants. Because this is a rare procedure with very
and extubation, the patients PACU (postanesthesia
few reported cases of EXIT procedures in twin ges-
care unit) course was uneventful. She was discharged
tation, it was even more important to have a detailed
to home on postoperative day 4.
knowledge of both the surgical and anesthetic require-
ments for the case. This plan was worked out with
Patient care nurses and physicians from multiple specialties; a
rehearsal prior to the day of the procedure helped
Residents must be able to provide patient care that is
identify any problems with the management plan. All
compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat-
aspects of the procedure were carried out as planned
ment of health problems and the promotion of health.
and without incident.

Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring Counsel and educate patients and their families.
and respectful behaviors when interacting with
patients and their families. The anesthesia, obstetric, and neonatology team
members discussed the preoperative, intraoperative,
Obviously, this day was full of emotion for the and postoperative course with the patient and her fam-
patient and her family the joy of childbirth coupled ily in a manner that they could easily understand;
with the fear of losing a child. It was important to share allowed for multiple opportunities to ask questions;
in the happiness of the day, while addressing all the and discussed options and possible outcomes without
patients and her familys concerns. Before proceed- causing unnecessary alarm and distress.
ing to the operating room, all anesthesia providers met
with the patient to discuss the plan as well as to provide Use information technology to support patient
support for this rare delivery. care decisions and patient education.

Gather essential and accurate information about We used literature databases to find relevant arti-
398 their patients. cles and case reports detailing EXIT procedures to
guide our anesthetic plan[13].
Case 71 Exit procedure twins!

hypoxia, it would be necessary to quickly formulate a

Perform competently all medical and invasive differential diagnosis for the hypoxia, while simultane-
procedures considered essential for the area of ously treating the patient.
Prior to induction, we secured one large-bore Know and apply the basic and clinically
intravenous line, trying to minimize the stress and supportive sciences that are appropriate to their
anxiety of the patient. Once in the operating room, it discipline.
was important to quickly and effectively secure the air- Anesthesiology is a field that bridges basic and clin-
way of the patient to provide optimal care for her and ical sciences very smoothly. In this case, it was impor-
the twins. Following airway management, we quickly tant to understand the pharmacological mechanisms
established a second intravenous line as well as an of all drugs administered, while knowing the clinical
arterial line. It was important in this case to perform implications. For example, in this case, it was neces-
these procedures competently and quickly to minimize sary to maintain uterine relaxation using nitroglycerin.
anesthetic exposure to the twins. However, nitroglycerin is a potent venous vasodila-
tor, causing iatrogenic hypotension. To counteract this
Work with health care professionals, including
hypotension, phenylephrine, an alpha-1 agonist, was
those from other disciplines, to provide
employed to maintain blood pressure. Thus a thorough
patient-focused care.
understanding of pharmacology and physiology was
One of the most important points of this case necessary, but more important, it was essential to be
was working in conjunction with maternal and fetal able to apply these clinical sciences to the clinical case
medicine, pediatric otolaryngology, neonatology, and at hand.
anesthesiology (pediatric and obstetric) as well as
operating room staff to provide the best care possible Practice-based learning
for this patient. Interdisciplinary meetings were held
prior to the operative day. In addition, before induc- and improvement
tion, every member of the intraoperative team intro- Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their
duced themselves and specified their role in the days patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific
events. The communication and teamwork of everyone evidence, and improve their patient care practices.
involved was a key part of the successful management
of this case. Analyze practice experience and perform
practice-based improvement activities using a
systematic methodology.
Medical knowledge
Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab- Following this case, we held a debriefing, which
lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cognate allowed us to assess our management of this case. If
(e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sciences a debriefing is held after each case, especially between
and the application of this knowledge to patient care. the resident and the attending, this provides for a
systematic way in which to improve practice-based
Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic activities.
thinking approach to clinical situations.
Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from
This case required a detailed preoperative investi- scientific studies related to their patients health
gatory approach while it was not necessary for the problems.
anesthesia team involved to determine the cause of
Twin Bs pathology, it was important for us to investi- As previously discussed, a major part of this case
gate the proper management of this case prior to enter- was the preoperative preparation. We searched the lit-
ing the operating room. Fortunately, there were no erature not only for information to prepare for the
intraoperative complications, but it is also important EXIT procedure, but we also needed to prepare for
to be able to think analytically in the operating room. management of Twin B intraoperatively. The entire 399
For instance, if the mother experienced an episode of team of anesthesiologists involved with the case read
Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

case reports prior to the operating room and discussed a detailed discussion with the patient about the impli-
the case with each other beforehand. cations of anesthesia for both her and her twins.

Use information technology to manage Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to

information, access online medical information, patients culture, age, gender, and disabilities.
and support their own education.
Again, this patient was 44 years old and giving birth
Informatics is a rapidly expanding and important for the first time. It was very important to respect this
part of the daily practice of medicine. In this case, I patients age, realizing that she may not have another
used PubMed to search for relevant literature to teach opportunity for pregnancy.
myself the important points of an EXIT procedure. I
also learned about Twin Bs pathology, CHAOS syn-
drome, and the clinical implications of this disease. Interpersonal and communication
Being able to use online material both pre- and intra- skills
operatively is an important skill to learn and definitely Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal
helped in the preparation for such a rare procedure as and communication skills that result in effective infor-
EXIT. mation exchange and teaming with patients, their
patients families, and professional associates.
Professionalism Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically
Residents must demonstrate a commitment to car- sound relationship with patients.
rying out professional responsibilities, adherence to
ethical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient For me, one of the most important parts of being an
population. effective physician is being able to communicate and
empathize with patients. As an anesthesiologist, there
Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a is a very brief window of time in which to form a rap-
responsiveness to the needs of patients and society port with the patient for whom you will be caring. Thus
that supersedes self-interest; accountability to it is important to develop good interpersonal and com-
patients, society, and the profession; and a munication skills to facilitate a trusting relationship
commitment to excellence and ongoing with patients.
professional development.
Use effective listening skills and elicit and provide
In this case, a 44-year-old mother is giving birth information using effective nonverbal,
to twins, one of which has a life-threatening disor- explanatory, questioning, and writing skills.
der. This is the first and, most likely, last pregnancy
for this mother. It was very important in this case to In this case, this learning point came prior to the
show respect to this patient and her family and to try case itself. While discussing the anesthetic risks and
to empathize with the situation. Imagine the possibility benefits with the patient and her family, I listened to
of one of the happiest days of this patients life (child- every concern and answered every family member in
birth) turning into one of the saddest (the loss of a turn. I was not impatient and did not try to rush this
child). It is always important to provide compassion- interview. There are many days when, as an anesthesi-
ate health care, and this case allowed me to realize how ologist, you feel rushed to get the patient to the oper-
significant this compassion is for patients. ating room. However, it is more important to assuage
patient and family concerns prior to starting a case,
Demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles and if this requires a 5-minute delay to the operating
pertaining to provision or withholding of clinical room, then the delay is necessary.
care, confidentiality of patient information,
informed consent, and business practice. Work effectively with others as a member or
leader of a health care team or other professional
400 For this case, the most applicable core competency group.
value is the informed consent. It was important to hold
Case 71 Exit procedure twins!

The biggest piece of this case was working with was essential for a successful surgery, not only for the
other physicians and nurses to provide a health care patient, but also for her children.
team. In this EXIT procedure, we had to coordinate
with obstetrics, neonatology, otolaryngology, obstet- Practice cost-effective health care and resource
ric and pediatric anesthesiology, and operating room allocation that does not compromise quality of
support nurses and staff. This was a very large group, care.
all coming together to provide outstanding care for In anesthesiology, there are areas in which we
mother and infants. The most satisfying aspect of this can provide cost-effective health care. This includes
case was the way in which the group came together to selecting volatile anesthetics that are less expensive
provide this care. to produce (such as isoflurane over desflurane) and
using generic medications, when possible, to cut down
Systems-based practice on costs (e.g., ondansetron instead of Zofran). Being
Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and aware of cost-effectiveness applies to almost every
responsiveness to the larger context and system of case.
health care and the ability to effectively call on system
resources to provide care that is of optimal value. Know how to partner with health care managers
and health care providers to assess, coordinate,
Understand how their patient care and other and improve health care and know how these
professional practices affect other health care activities can affect system performance.
professionals, the health care organization, and
the larger society and how these elements of the As previously discussed in detail, the way in which
system affect their own practice. many health care providers came together to provide
outstanding clinical care for this patient demonstrates
In this case, our anesthetic management affected how important it is to assess and coordinate the anes-
the ability of the obstetricians to perform the EXIT thetic plan with other providers prior to each and every
procedure as well as the ability of the otolaryngol- case. Ongoing communication in the operating room
ogists to care for Twin B. Our ability to maintain is an essential part of anesthesia and was the key piece
uterine relaxation without compromising blood flow of this complicated and rare case.

Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

References fetal neck mass in a twin gestation. Obstet Gynecol

1. Kiyoshi Y, Takeuchi M, Nakayama M, Suehara N.
Congenital cervical rhabdomyosarcoma arising in one 3. Stevens GH, Schoot BC, Smets MJW, et al. The ex
fetus of a twin pregnancy. Fetal Diagn Ther utero intrapartum treatment (EXIT) procedure in fetal
2005;20:291295. neck masses: a case report and review of the literature.
Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2002;100:246250.
2. Liechty KW, Crombleholme TM, Weiner S, et al. The
ex utero intrapartum treatment procedure for a large

Part 5 Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under
Case Deborah A. Schwengel

72 OMG, thats the RV!

Christine L. Mai and Robert S. Greenberg

The case Gather essential and accurate information about

A 44-year-old male with a history of pectus excava- their patients.
tum status post minimally invasive pectus excavatum
Pectus excavatum, or funnel chest, is a congeni-
repair and multiple chest reconstructions presented
tal anomaly of the anterior chest wall. The excava-
for removal of the pectus bar due to irritation and
tum defect is characterized by a depression of the
ongoing pain. The patient and his family were anx-
lower sternum, with the deepest area at the junction of
ious in the preop holding area. He had been through
the chest and the abdomen. The defect can compress
multiple surgeries and wanted to relay to the surgeon
thoracic structures, causing restrictive pulmonary
and anyone who was listening the irritation in his chest
function, shortness of breath, or chest pain [1]. Preop-
from the pectus bar and wires.
erative evaluation of patients undergoing pectus exca-
After a smooth intravenous induction, a laryngeal
vatum repair or pectus bar removal includes a thor-
mask airway (LMA) was placed with ease, and the sur-
ough history and physical exam, focusing on the extent
geon was given the green light to remove the annoy-
of the chest wall compression on pulmonary and car-
ing pectus bar. Incision was made, and after 10 minutes
diovascular function. Previous surgical history in the
of dissection, the surgery resident commented about a
chest might suggest scarring adhesions, and anesthetic
pulsatile mass that he was meticulously trying to avoid.
history could indicate any difficulties with vascular
Avoid, he did not! Gushing through the chest incision
access or airway difficulties. Lab studies include pre-
was dark, venous blood. OMG (Oh, my God), Hous-
operative hemoglobin and a type and screen. Special
ton, I think we hit a large venous structure!
studies could include a pulmonary function test, com-
puted tomogram (CT) scan, body image survey, and
Patient care exercise stress test to evaluate the extent of compres-
sion on the thoracic structures [2].
Residents must be able to provide patient care that
is compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the Develop and carry out patient management plans.
treatment of health problems and the promotion of
health. The gush of venous blood indicated that we had a
catastrophe at hand and that we needed to step up to
Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring stay ahead of the game. Timing was crucial in this case.
and respectful behaviors when interacting with An emergency was declared, and a call for help brought
patients and their families. in all the right players, including a cardiothoracic
surgeon, a cardiac anesthesiologist, and additional
The patient and his family members had con- anesthesia staff members, who were summoned to
cerns and anxiety in the preoperative holding area and man their stations for an imminent large-fluid resusci-
wanted to relay their worries to the anesthesiologist tation. In an emergency situation, a team leader needs
and the surgeon. You are communicating with an oper- to effectively communicate and organize division of
ating room frequent flier. It is best to spend the extra patient care.
time listening to his concerns, addressing these issues, A cardiothoracic surgeon miraculously walked
and being his advocate. Who knows, the trust you through the operating room door within minutes,
build with the patient and his family members may scrubbed in, and declared that the right ventricle 403
help you in the future. (RV) had been lacerated. Continuous communication
Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

between the surgeons and the anesthesiology team

was key. Once the surgeons were able to identify the Perform competently all medical and invasive
source of bleeding and temporarily control hemostasis, procedures considered essential for the area of
the anesthesiology team dove underneath the sterile practice.
drapes to secure a definitive airway. The patients air- For a standard pectus bar removal, all procedures,
way was carefully exchanged from an LMA to an endo- including starting an IV, induction, securing an airway
tracheal tube under direct laryngoscopy. Ventilation with an LMA (this usually works just fine) or endo-
was confirmed with bilateral breath sounds and end- tracheal tube, maintaining the anesthetic, and wak-
tidal CO2 . Circulation (i.e., be ready to give blood ing up the patient, must be done according to stan-
and lots of it) had to be managed expeditiously: two dards of care. In the light of an emergency such as
large-bore IVs were placed expectantly, and warm this case, additional invasive monitors, such as an arte-
crystalloid was given rapidly through pressurized bags rial line, a possible central line, and a transesophageal
(a means to reduce the workload of hand squeezing). echocardiogram, had to be performed expeditiously.
An arterial line was placed to monitor hemodynamic Remember, this stuff had to be done under drapes,
beat-to-beat variability, and a blood gas was sent stat to with the surgeons establishing control of the bleeding
determine the starting hemoglobin and acid-base bal- chest.
ance so as to permit allowable blood loss expectations.
Two units of type and crossed blood were called for Provide health care services aimed at preventing
immediately. As the cardiothoracic surgeon worked health problems or maintaining health.
on repairing the heart, continuous fluid management
with balanced salt solution was given to stay ahead of Because the risks of a pectus excavatum bar
the blood loss. A cardiac anesthesiologist performed removal involved blood loss, and possible perforation
an intraoperative transesophageal echo to assess for to the chest wall cavity and organs, a type and screen
wall motion abnormalities, preload, and right ventric- for blood must be available prior to the surgery. We
ular and left ventricular function and to determine the were happy this happened in the preop area. To pre-
extent of the damage to the heart. A heads-up was vent infection, antibiotics are given at least 30 minutes
called to the central intensivist (ICU) to arrange for to an hour prior to incision. Had the procedure lasted
postoperative care. longer, redosing would be required at regular inter-
Counsel and educate patients and their families.
Work with health care professionals, including
Now, arent you glad you had spent the extra time those from other disciplines, to provide
developing rapport with the patient and his family, dis- patient-focused care.
cussing the risks and benefits of anesthesia?
This was a multidisciplinary effort to expeditiously
Use information technology to support patient manage the catastrophe. An emergency was declared,
care decisions and patient education. and the different services responded immediately,
including the cardiothoracic surgeon, the cardiac anes-
The patients history profiles were in the medical thesiologists, the nursing staff, the critical care lab, the
records because he had been a frequent flier in the blood bank, and the intensive care unit. Key to such
hospital. A review of electrocardiograms, echocardio- teamwork was a cool, focused, organized tone set in the
grams, stress tests, CT scans, and pulmonary function OR when this happened. Everyone had his or her job
tests could indicate the extent of his cardiovascular sta- and did it. Maintaining that steely-eyed control kept
tus and restrictive lung disease. During the emergency, everyone on task. And it worked!
the intraoperative transesophageal echocardiogram
provided valuable information regarding the patients
cardiac function, ejection fraction, filling pressures, Medical knowledge
and potential violation to the myocardium. This infor- Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab-
mation, in addition to the review of cardiac and pul- lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cog-
404 monary function tests, could provide an indication of nate (e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sci-
the patients exercise tolerance and how he would han- ences and the application of this knowledge to patient
dle the insult. care.
Case 72 OMG, thats the RV!

Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic Analyze practice experience and perform

thinking approach to clinical situations. practice-based improvement activities using a
systematic methodology.
You must be able to acknowledge, respond to, and
adapt to the change in pace of the situation. We went After all was said and done, it was time to think.
from a stable patient undergoing an elective procedure What actually happened? Could we have predicted or
to remove a pectus bar in a controlled setting to a crit- prevented it? How did we think we responded? Was
ical emergency with a massive bleed and a laceration there something to learn? Sure enough, we surprised
to the heart. You must declare an emergency yup, say ourselves in how we looked in the mirror.
it and call for help. Not just for anyone, but rather, In retrospect, perhaps the history of multiple chest
you must call for the right source of help in this case, procedures might have suggested the risk of adhesions
the cardiothoracic surgeon and the cardiac anesthesi- to the heart and lungs. The patient had undergone
ologist. The perfusionist (in case we needed to go on a minimally invasive pectus excavatum repair (Nuss
bypass, if the rent was big enough) was next on our procedure), which has late complications of pectus bar
list. migration, resulting in thoracic pain. Perhaps we could
And how was the patient during all this? Just fine. have been more alert and prepared for a possible dif-
Sure there was blood coming out, but the crystalloid ficult extraction of the bar. But one thing was for cer-
supported blood pressure, the heart rate stayed nor- tain: the organized approach in the OR that afternoon
mal, and oxygenation remained fine. did the trick. Dividing and conquering of tasks made
things happen superfast and efficiently.
Know and apply the basic and clinically
supportive sciences that are appropriate to their Obtain and use information about their own
discipline. population of patients and the larger population
from which their patients are drawn.
Anticipatory fluid resuscitation was key in this
case. But what fluid should be given? Since the crystal- Correction of pectus excavatum can be done via
loid was there, it went in first. There wasnt any partic- two approaches: the Ravitch approach and the mini-
ularly good reason to give colloid. There are plenty of mally invasive surgical repair (Nuss procedure). The
debates as to whats best, crystalloid versus colloid, and Ravitch procedure involves the placement of a steel
how much to give [3]. Too little would reveal the tachy- bar behind the sternum after mobilizing the deformed
cardia of hypovolemia, while too much could lead to cartilages around the sternum. The Nuss procedure
dilutional anemia and may even lead to congestive involves the placement of a large, curved bar through
heart failure (not ideal for a heart that was already small incisions on the chest wall. The bar is rotated
damaged). Allowable blood loss (ABL) = estimated into position using thoroscopy to guide bar place-
blood volume (EBV) (hematocrit initial hema- ment [1,4]. A review of the literature shows that a
tocrit final)/hematocrit initial. Our calculated allow- laceration to the heart from removal of a pectus
able blood loss was much more than what the patient bar is very rare, with three cases of cardiac perfo-
lost; therefore blood product was not given. There ration reported in the literature. Fortunately, severe,
wasnt any hemodynamic change that would prompt life-threatening hemorrhages from perforation of the
giving blood empirically at least as a clinical test. heart, lung, and diaphragm are very rare in the lit-
Basically, we tried to balance doing good from doing erature. Common early postoperative complications
harm. Keep the patient right where he is, and keep from pectus excavatum repair include pneumotho-
watching. rax, hemothorax, wound infections, seroma, rib frac-
tures, and acute and chronic pain. Later complications
include contour overcorrection, bar displacement, and
Practice-based learning bar migration [1,5].
and improvement Use information technology to manage
Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their information, access online medical information, 405
patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific and support their own education.
evidence, and improve their patient care practices.
Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

A search through PubMed and Ovid provided mul- The patient is a 44-year-old male with pectus exca-
tiple resources and literature on minimally invasive vatum repair and multiple chest reconstructions with
pectus excavatum repair and its complications. Thank scarring. You may have never seen a patient with pec-
goodness for the Internet! tus excavatum before, but please refrain from pointing
out his chest deformity in public or talking about it in
a disparaging way. Many patients come to the hospital
Professionalism with obvious or subtle medical conditions that might
Residents must demonstrate a commitment to car- be striking to the eyes. Refrain from pointing, gawking,
rying out professional responsibilities, adherence to and making weird gestures. Act professionally and be
ethical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient respectful of the patients age, gender, and disabilities.
Interpersonal and communication
Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a
responsiveness to the needs of patients and society skills
that supersedes self-interest; accountability to Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal
patients, society, and the profession; and a and communication skills that result in effective infor-
commitment to excellence and ongoing mation exchange and teaming with patients, their
professional development. patients families, and professional associates.

For frequent fliers to the operating room, it is Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically
important to demonstrate respect and compassion. sound relationship with patients.
They have spent much of their lives in the hospital and
have experienced an array of bedside manners from During your preoperative visit with the patient, it
doctors, nurses, and hospital staff. The patient knows is important to be professional, to build rapport, and
best and can tell you what has worked for him in the to address the potential risks and benefits of the anes-
past. Care and compassion in interactions with the thetic management for this particular patient. When
family members also need to be addressed. The family emergencies arise intraoperatively, family members
has been with the patient for years during his struggle; will need to be informed of what has happened and
they can also provide information that would help with what is being done to manage the crisis. Continuity
caring for the patient. of care continues into the postoperative period with a
visit to the patient to follow up with the intensive care
management. In this case, the patient was effectively
Demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles
resuscitated intraoperatively and maintained hemody-
pertaining to provision or withholding of clinical
namic stability overnight in the ICU. He was extubated
care, confidentiality of patient information,
on postop day 1 in stable condition. A postoperative
informed consent, and business practice.
check on the patient demonstrates continuity of care
When you are obtaining the history and physical and a true test of your interpersonal and communica-
and informed consent in the holding area, confirm the tion skills in explaining the intraoperative complica-
site of surgery and review the risks and benefits of tions and what had been done to manage the situation.
anesthesia with the patient. Observe all HIPAA regu-
lations (dont talk about the case in public venues such Use effective listening skills and elicit and
as the cafeteria or elevator and dont reveal any confi- provide information using effective nonverbal,
dential patient information). explanatory, questioning, and writing skills.

(First authors note: This must be the millionth time you As an anesthesiologist, effective listening skills are
were reminded to keep your yaps shut in the elevators. key because you have a limited amount of time in
I hope everyone who reads this book realizes what a the holding area to take a focused history and phys-
HIPAA violation hotspot the darned elevator is!) ical, analyze the labs and special studies, and formu-
late an anesthetic plan. By listening to the patient and
406 Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to his family members accounts of his previous anes-
patients culture, age, gender, and disabilities. thetic history, you can fast-track to a more tailored
plan. Document that you have obtained informed
Case 72 OMG, thats the RV!

consent and that the risks and benefits of anesthesia Effective communication, organized division of
have been discussed. A signature is just a signature, care, and strong team leadership were key elements in
but written documentation that the patient has been this case to expedite care during an emergency. Involv-
informed and agrees to proceed with the anesthetic ing other experts early on for help, such as the cardio-
plan demonstrates that both you and the patient are thoracic surgeon, cardiac anesthesiologist, blood bank,
aware of the potential risks, should these risks arise. and intensive care unit, demonstrated rapid, efficient
access of the hospital system.
Work effectively with others as a member or
Practice cost-effective health care and resource
leader of a health care team or other professional
allocation that does not compromise quality of
When an emergency arises in the operating room,
Fluid resuscitation involved choosing between
effective communication with the surgeon and operat-
crystalloid, colloid, and blood products. We initially
ing room staff is crucial. An emergency was declared,
started with crystalloid because it was readily available
and a call for help brought in multidisciplinary ser-
and cheap. There was no real indication for colloid, so
vices immediately, including the cardiothoracic sur-
it was not given. The amount of blood loss, though
geon, the cardiac anesthesiologists, the nursing staff,
brisk, was well below the calculated allowable blood
the critical care lab, the blood bank, and the inten-
loss, and the patient remained hemodynamically sta-
sive care unit. It is important to organize division of
ble; therefore excessive blood transfusions were not
care. The general surgeon immediately realized that he
utilized. An invasive monitor that made a difference in
had a problem, and a call to the cardiothoracic surgeon
this case was the arterial line to monitor beat-to-beat
and cardiac anesthesiologist helped the surgeon in his
variability and obtain blood gases. Two large-bore IVs
efforts to locate and control the bleed and repair the
were placed; hence a central line was not needed for
heart. The anesthesia team rapidly mobilized to divide
access. Overall, the management of this case was very
and conquer in securing the airway with an endotra-
cost-efficient because excessive resources were not
cheal tube, obtaining large-bore IV access for fluid
resuscitation, and obtaining an arterial line to monitor
hemodynamic variability. Through effective commu- Advocate for quality patient care and assist
nication and expeditious mobilization of health care patients in dealing with system complexities.
resources, the patient remained hemodynamically sta-
ble throughout the right ventricle repair. He received In addition to the patient, the family members also
6 L of crystalloid and did not require a blood transfu- need support and assistance in dealing with an intra-
sion, even though blood was available in the operating operative emergent complication:
 Tell the family members the facts and how you are
room. His family members were informed of the emer-
gency and were reassured that the patient was hemo- handling the situation.
 Address family member questions.
dynamically stable. A call to the ICU was made, and
 Allow time for family members to vent their
the patient was transported to the ICU for postopera-
tive recovery. emotions.
The nursing staff was very supportive and gave the
Systems-based practice family intermittent updates to reassure them that the
patient had been resuscitated and would be recovering
Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and
in the ICU. Building a good rapport with the family
responsiveness to the larger context and system of
preoperatively helped with continuity of care postop-
health care and the ability to effectively call on system
eratively and assured the family that you were provid-
resources to provide care that is of optimal value.
ing care not only to the patient, but also to the family
as a whole.
Understand how their patient care and other
professional practices affect other health care Know how to partner with health care managers
professionals, the health care organization, and and health care providers to assess, coordinate,
the larger society and how these elements of the and improve health care and know how these 407
system affect their own practice. activities can affect system performance.
Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

An expeditious call for help not only to the anes- managers and ancillary staff, the patients resuscitation
thesia team, but also to the nursing staff, blood bank, effort could have lasted longer, with more blood loss
and intensive care unit set the wheels in motion for and hemodynamic instability. This was a team effort
backup help, blood availability, and bed space in the and a team victory!
unit. Without the quick response of the health care

Case 72 OMG, thats the RV!

References 3. OMalley C, Bennett-Guerrero E. Does the choice of

fluid matter in major surgery? In: Evidence-based
1. Tahmassebi R, Ashrafian H, Salih C, Deshpande R, practice of anesthesiology. Fleisher L, editor.
Athanasiou T, Dussek J. Intra-abdominal pectus bar
Saunders/Elsevier. Philadelphia; 2004: 136144.
migration a rare clinical entity: case report.
J Cardiothorac Surg 2008;3:39. 4. Nuss D. Minimally invasive surgical repair of pectus
excavatum. Semin Pediatr Surg 2008;17:209217.
2. Kelly R, Shamberger R, Mellins R, et al. Prospective
multicenter study of surgical correction of pectus 5. Leonhardt J, Kubler J, Feiter J, Ure B, Petersen C.
excavatum: design, perioperative complications, pain, Complications of the minimally invasive repair of
and baseline pulmonary function facilitated by pectus excavatum. J Pediatr Surg 2005;40:E7E9.
Internet-based data collection. J Am Coll Surg

Part 5 Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under
Case Deborah A. Schwengel

73 Aborted takeoff
Emmett Whitaker and Deborah A. Schwengel

Any landing you walk away from is a good one. observed to rise. Breath sounds were rhonchorous,
anonymous pilot wisdom with some indistinct wheezes heard primarily over the
right lung field. The endotracheal tube was suctioned
for a small amount of blood-tinged mucus. Ten puffs of
The case albuterol were given, along with 200 mg Solu-Medrol
A 12-year-old white female with idiopathic scoliosis, IV. Oxygenation was maintained while on the ventila-
but an 85 curve, comes to the operating room (OR) tor, but the patient quickly desaturated when discon-
for anterior-posterior (AP) spinal fusion. She is obese, nected from the ventilator. Compliance was not nor-
weighing 100 kg at 5 feet 1 inch, but was thought to be mal, and peak inflating pressures of 38 were required
otherwise healthy. She had limited exercise ability due to achieve a normal tidal volume. During this time,
to back pain but was reportedly able to swim six laps a left radial arterial catheter and right internal jugu-
without difficulty. She had donated three autologous lar central line were atraumatically placed. An arte-
units and came to the OR with a hematocrit of 34%. rial blood gas was obtained on 100% oxygen with the
Her other preoperative laboratory values were nor- following results: pH 7.28, pCO2 57, paO2 179, and
mal. The electrocardiogram (ECG) showed inverted HCO3 26. Owing to the patients respiratory problems
T-waves in leads III and AVF. Preoperative vital signs on induction, high peak inflating pressures, and large
were as follows: blood pressure 138/74, P 118, R 20, and A-a gradient, a chest X-ray was obtained. The radio-
SaO2 98% on room air. She reported being nil per os graph showed a loop of colon in the right chest and
(NPO) since 10 oclock the night before surgery. a moderate component of atelectasis on the right and
The airway exam was consistent with a Mallam- poor inflation of the chest overall. Aha! A diagnosis!
pati I classification, the lungs were clear, and the heart How did we even get into the operating room with this
sounds were normal. A peripheral IV was started and patient?
monitors were placed. Induction of anesthesia was The findings were made known to the surgeon, who
achieved with midazolam 5 mg, fentanyl 250 mcg, was very upset that the anesthesiologists wanted to
lidocaine 40 mg, and propofol 100 mg, and after cancel his case; after all, the patient had donated three
mask ventilation was assured, pancuronium 6 mg was autologous blood units and a whole operating room
given. Isoflurane of approximately 1% was adminis- day had been reserved for this AP fusion. It would take
tered while neuromuscular blockade was established. months to reschedule!
The patient was nasally intubated with a full, grade I
view of the vocal cords. No end-tidal CO2 was returned Patient care
and ventilation was difficult, so the patient was extu- Residents must be able to provide patient care that is
bated and reintubated with the same results. She was compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat-
again extubated, the isoflurane was increased to 5%, an ment of health problems and the promotion of health.
oral airway was placed, and the patient was success-
fully mask ventilated, but with difficulty. Compliance Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring
was definitely abnormal but gradually improved. Oxy- and respectful behaviors when interacting with
gen saturation fell during this episode but returned patients and their families.
to 100% in approximately 2 minutes. She was subse-
410 quently reintubated, and both end-tidal CO2 and bilat- Of course, theres no family in the room after
eral breath sounds were confirmed and the chest was induction, so its easy to concentrate on saving the
Case 73 Aborted takeoff

patients life. There is no doubt, however, that caring Can you say think fast? Endotracheal intubation
and respectful behaviors will go a long way in inform- was easy, but esophageal tube placement is always a
ing this child and her parents of the complication and possibility. After the reintubation, the lack of end-
cancellation of the surgery. Full disclosure is an impor- tidal CO2 , poor compliance, and no chest rise, dif-
tant part of maintaining trust in the patient-doctor ferential diagnosis included mechanical obstruction
relationship. or bronchospasm. The circuit and endotracheal tube
(ETT) were not the culprits. So how do you treat
Gather essential and accurate information about life-threatening bronchospasm in the operating room?
their patients. Mask ventilation is a good place to start, but antici-
pate that reintubation will likely be necessary because
Identify and execute appropriate tests and consults. a longer-acting neuromuscular blocker had been
Verification of all findings, in particular, the radiologi- given and the hypoxemia and poor compliance might
cal studies, is essential here. Put a few more Benjamins become difficult to manage by mask ventilation. In the
in your friendly neighborhood radiologists pocket and meantime, turn up your agent as far as it will go, get
get an official read. Consults and a chest CT are a good on 100% oxygen if you arent already, and adminis-
place to start, but consider other investigations as those ter a beta agonist and possibly steroids. If the bron-
dont necessarily constitute what you will need to ade- chospasm does not abate with volatile anesthetics, con-
quately get the information you need. sider giving magnesium sulfate or epinephrine. Always
And then, if you order a test, you must follow up have in the back of your mind that you may need
to get the results. This patient had preoperative films assistance.
with a radiologists reading that said the patient had
evidence of a foramen of Morgagni hernia! Presumably Counsel and educate patients and their families.
both the orthopedic surgery team and the anesthesiol-
ogy team had reviewed the film reports before the day It is hoped that youve discussed the potential risks
of the case, and no one from radiology called to alert of general anesthesia with this young girl and her
the ordering physician of the presence of an unusual patients. Education is important so that families have
and unexpected finding. realistic expectations, and its also important to pro-
tect you from a legal standpoint. Exercise compassion,
Make informed decisions about diagnostic and patience, and humility when disclosing the event to
therapeutic interventions based on patient this patients parents! Be forthright and dont place
information and preferences, up-to-date scientific blame on anyone. Everything that happened in this
evidence, and clinical judgment. case was unexpected; further investigate the medical
history for any suggestion of past breathing problems.
In the middle of the crisis, evaluate all components
of the oxygen delivery system, the airway, and then the Use information technology to support patient
patients lungs. There are many causes of perioperative care decisions and patient education.
hypoxia, and its important for you to develop a dif-
ferential diagnosis and then narrow it! Arriving at a Information technology is only useful if a person
(correct) diagnosis will help this patients recovery. enters the history or data and if the next person reads
Experience and judgment also help in the crisis what is there. If there is good transfer of informa-
and afterward when making decisions about when tion to supplement a history and physical examina-
to cancel the case. Cancellation was not a difficult tion, patient care decisions should be safer and more
choice in this case because of unexpected and persis- effective.
tent wheezing, significant A-a gradient, and abnormal
pulmonary compliance all of this in the setting of a Perform competently all medical and invasive
patient due to have an all-day surgical procedure for a procedures considered essential for the area of
severe scoliosis and a new diagnosis of diaphragmatic practice.
Before anesthetizing a patient for this procedure,
Develop and carry out patient management plans. a careful anesthesiologist would establish adequate 411
intravenous access (if appropriate for the child) and
Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

would be planning an arterial line, and possibly cen- On the issue of the diaphragmatic hernia, per-
tral venous access. In this case, the circumstances of haps the resident reading the preoperative radiology
the immediate postinduction period may preclude the report didnt know what a Morgagni hernia was? It is
routine placement of an arterial line. After stabiliza- sometimes necessary to open a book, search the lit-
tion, most would agree that an arterial line is compul- erature, or even search the Internet when you dont
sory and would consider central access for vasoactive know a definition or diagnosis. That day, we sim-
drug administration. Dont forget sterile technique! ply Googled the word Morgagni, and the second
item returned was the following Wikipedia entry on
Provide health care services aimed at preventing congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH): This rare
health problems or maintaining health. anterior defect of the diaphragm is variably referred
to as Morgagnis, retrosternal, or parasternal hernia.
Stabilization is the key here. Were no longer wor- Accounting for approximately 2% of all CDH cases, it
ried about fixing this childs scoliosis; rather, we just is characterized by herniation through the foramina
aim to get back to where we started. of Morgagni which are located immediately adjacent
to the xiphoid process of the sternum. The majority of
Work with health care professionals, including hernias occur on the right side of the body and are gen-
those from other disciplines, to provide erally asymptomatic; however newborns may present
patient-focused care. with respiratory distress at birth similar to Boch-
dalek hernia. Additionally, recurrent chest infections
In such a crisis, the Partridge Family approach is
and gastrointestinal symptoms have been reported
essential. Youll need help from other anesthesiolo-
in those with previously undiagnosed Morgagnis
gists, nursing staff, and potentially the surgeon, as well.
hernia [1].
Remember that the patient is the most important per-
son in the room.
Know and apply the basic and clinically
supportive sciences that are appropriate to
Medical knowledge their discipline.
Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab-
lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cognate As an anesthesiologist, airway management and
(e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sciences the physiology of oxygen-carbon dioxide exchange are
and the application of this knowledge to patient care. your bag, baby! You need to be able to anticipate a
difficult airway and know what to do when you dont
Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic expect a difficult airway but you find one nonethe-
thinking approach to clinical situations. less. Immediate postintubation hypoxemia happens,
and you may only have seconds to correct it. Your auto-
While hypoxia is a common problem in the oper- matic internal checklist in this situation should include
ating room, in this case, it was sudden, severe, and the following:
coupled with failed ventilation, and the etiology was
unknown. That being said, the child became hypox- 1. Check your machine. Are you delivering oxygen
emic and difficult to ventilate for a reason. As men- at an appropriate partial pressure? Is the ventilator
tioned before, you need to put on your thinking cap on? Is your circuit connected to the machine? Are
and come up with a differential diagnosis, and fast! you achieving appropriate tidal volumes? Are
Think about what would cause hypoxemia and diffi- your airway pressures sky high or too low? Are
culty with ventilation in a child with no known lung you reading sustained end-tidal CO2 ?
disease. Always start with the basics make sure 2. Check the patient. Is he or she blue or a nice
youre on supplemental oxygen, ensure that theres not shade of pink? Is the chest rising symmetrically?
a mechanical problem with your anesthesia machine, Are all connections between the ETT and the
and verify patency of airway. It cant hurt to listen to circuit intact? Is there a significant leak around
the chest, either. Once you have a thought about what the cuff of the ETT, and if so, is your cuff
412 is causing the problem (in this case, bronchospasm), adequately inflated? Is the patient biting down on
start treatment. the tube?
Case 73 Aborted takeoff

3. Listen to the air bags. Do you have bilateral breath It is a given that patients always come first during
sounds? Does the patient sound ronchorus, a crisis and in the operating room. They also always
crackly, or wheezy? deserve our full attention during preparation for a case
and full vigilance during the case, whether simple or
Practice-based learning complex. We then have to be accountable for the time
during which we are caring for the patient. When a
and improvement complication occurs, it is our professional duty to fully
Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their disclose the event.
patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific For patients, the distinctions between the terms
evidence, and improve their patient care practices. errors, adverse events and unexpected complications
are not important. Patients experience harm, and
Analyze practice experience and perform regardless of how members of the health care commu-
practice-based improvement activities using a nity and legal profession wish to classify it, patients
systematic methodology. who have suffered harm expect and deserve a timely,
supportive and informative conversation about their
From your vast experience, you know that pro-
concerns. [2, p. 1236]
longed hypoxemia can become full-blown cardiores-
piratory arrest. You need to act fast. After the acute
event has passed, regardless of the outcome, root cause
analysis is indicated to evaluate how you can better
Interpersonal and communication
respond to such an event in the future. Ask yourself, skills
could we have anticipated this problem? Was our pre- Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal
operative assessment appropriately diligent? Did we and communication skills that result in effective infor-
respond appropriately to the crisis? Did we ensure ade- mation exchange and teaming with patients, their
quate aftercare once the patient was stabilized? patients families, and professional associates.

Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically
scientific studies related to their patients health sound relationship with patients.
Listen, listen, listen, and disclose what happened.
You dont have time to do this during the crisis, but When an error or unexpected outcome occurs, iden-
after the patient is safely delivered to the postanesthe- tify it and take responsibility for the care of the patient.
sia care unit, you can reflect on the events and dis- Even if it was only a minor problem, you must still give
cuss them with the rest of the team. Debriefings are the patient and his or her family adequate time to ask
meant to lead to solutions to problems and learn how questions. Each event is different, so your conversation
we might have handled the situation differently. Then, and how you identify the causes of the problem will be
search the relevant literature. unique to each situation. When serious events occur,
it is natural to feel uncomfortable with the conversa-
Professionalism tion. Take another team member with you so that the
disclosure is complete and you have support. The Aus-
Residents must demonstrate a commitment to car-
tralian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health
rying out professional responsibilities, adherence to
Care has published the following guidelines for man-
ethical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient
aging an error [3]; these are further discussed in other
publications [4]:
Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a
responsiveness to the needs of patients and society How to manage a medical error [3]
that supersedes self-interest; accountability to  Identify that an error has occurred.
patients, society, and the profession; and a  Take responsibility for the error, apologize, and
commitment to excellence and ongoing explain what happened to the patient and his or
professional development. her support people. 413
Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

 Explain how further similar errors will be

5 Any side eects to look out for
 You may at some later time experience. . . . In

Provide appropriate care.

 this event you should. . . .
Adjust the response to the severity of the error: A
clinician can handle minor incidents on his (or
her) own, while a team should be involved in Work effectively with others as a member or
major incidents. leader of a health care team or other professional
 Consider nancial compensation. group.
Discuss with the surgeons the need to cancel and
Examples of words to use initial discussion then arrange for consultations after the patient is
with patient awake and delivered to the postanesthesia care unit
from: (PACU).
2571D50001E19D/$Rle/hlth careprofhbk.pdf
 These are examples of phrases that may assist in
Systems-based practice
Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and
the disclosure process. However, they should be
responsiveness to the larger context and system of
used as a guide only and not be read out
verbatim. health care and the ability to effectively call on system
 Area of discussion examples
resources to provide care that is of optimal value.
1. Expression of regret Understand how their patient care and other

I am very sorry this has happened. professional practices affect other health care

I realize it has caused great professionals, the health care organization, and
pain/distress/anxiety/worry. the larger society and how these elements of the
2. Known clinical facts system affect their own practice.

We have been able to determine
A systems defect occurred that resulted in schedul-
that . . .
ing this patient for major spine surgery without

Unfortunately . . . has happened.
acknowledging the findings of a foramen of Morgagni

We are not sure exactly what happened at
hernia with bowel in the chest. The preparations for
present; however, we will be investigating the
matter further and will give you more
the spinal fusion, including autologous blood dona-
information as it becomes available. tion, should not have occurred. The radiologist and
3. Patient questions/concerns surgeon should have known about the Morgagni her-
nia weeks before the scheduled surgery, and the anes-

How do you feel about this?
thesia team should have learned of it the day before.

Do you have any questions about what we
have discussed? Practice cost-effective health care and resource

What do you think might have happened? allocation that does not compromise quality of

You must be feeling pretty care.
disappointed/angry/upset/distressed about
this. It was not cost-effective to cancel this case, but it

I think I would feel the same way too. was not safe to proceed. The best options in this case,
4. Discussion of ongoing care after cancellation, included the following:

I have reviewed what has occurred and this
 workup of the reactive airway disease
is what I think we need to do next.  design of a treatment plan to optimize lung

Ill be with you every step of the way as we function
get through this and here is what I think we  meticulous planning for the surgery to correct the
need to do now. diaphragmatic hernia
Case 73 Aborted takeoff

References Australia; 2003. Available from: http://www
diaphragmatic hernia
2. Flemons WW, Davies JM, MacLeod B. Disclosing
4. Calvert JF, Hollander-Rodriguez J, Atlas M. What are
medical errors. CMAJ 2007;177:1236.
the repercussions of disclosing a medical error?
3. Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Available from:
Health Care. Open disclosure: health care
professionals handbook. Canberra: Commonwealth of

Part 5 Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under
Case Deborah A. Schwengel

74 Revenge of the blue crab cake

Samuel M. Galvagno Jr. and Theresa L. Hartsell

The case and beer in Baltimores Inner Harbor before heading

to the emergency room.
A 26-year-old moderately obese woman presented
to the emergency department (ED) with progressive
abdominal pain and nausea. She was found to have
tenderness over a preexisting 4-cm-diameter umbilical
Patient care
hernia and was posted to the operating room (OR) for Residents must be able to provide patient care that is
an exploratory laparotomy and repair of likely incar- compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat-
cerated hernia. She denied any medical problems or ment of health problems and the promotion of health.
Despite the curious aroma of Old Bay seasoning, Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring
the patient vehemently denied having had anything and respectful behaviors when interacting with
to eat or drink for 2 days! Couldnt even get out of patients and their families.
bed! I promise! she said. Hmmm . . . Her sister and
several friends who had accompanied her to the ED Hmmm. Sounds like a seemingly healthy patient,
exchanged a few anxious glances before agreeing but the real question, is she really nil per os (NPO)?
nothing to eat or drink within the past 48 hours. You know the American Society of Anesthesiology
In the OR, she underwent a standard intravenous (ASA) guidelines for perioperative fasting specifically
induction, followed by easy mask ventilation. Then the state that a patient may have a light meal 6 hours before
inevitable occurred. Before the trachea was intubated, general anesthesia, but by light, they mean light. Not
the patient vomited copious amounts of undigested one Big Mac instead of two Big Macs. Toast, crackers,
food. What a mess! Trying hard not to swear under and clear liquids are probably fine, but anything else
your breath, you manage to place an endotracheal tube may prolong gastric emptying time and increase gas-
after aggressively suctioning and manually clearing her tric volume. Deep-fried boardwalk-style crab cakes,
oropharynx. Hoping that the worst of it is over, you smothered with tartar sauce and Old Bay seasoning,
patiently wait for the beep of the pulse oximeter to dont qualify. Its up to you to rapidly gain the trust
return to normal. Unfortunately, her SpO2 remains in of both the patient and her family in an effort to
the 85% to 90% range, despite now being on 100% obtain the correct information required to keep her
oxygen and increased positive end-expiratory pressure safe.
(PEEP). You call for a bronchoscope and take a look;
you see large amounts of particulate matter, clearly rec- Gather essential and accurate information about
ognizable as . . . crab cake? their patients.
In the meantime, the surgeon has already pro-
ceeded with incision. You tell her to make quick work Did she or did she not eat? You want the truth, and
of things, and in a stroke of good luck, the patients you can handle the truth! A discussion about the con-
bowel is found to be normal. The incision is closed sequences of not being NPO, done in a professional
and you bring her to the intensive care unit for further and nonthreatening manner, is called for here. You
care. In the waiting room, the patients sister and her cant place an endoscope to prove that shes lying; good
friends reveal that, never one to miss the excitement, old-fashioned history-taking skills are what it takes to
416 your patient had insisted on stopping for crab cakes get the job done.
Case 74 Revenge of the blue crab cake

Make informed decisions about diagnostic and to you? That wont help matters. What is done is done.
therapeutic interventions based on patient Better to use this as an opportunity to explain to the
information and preferences, up-to-date scientific family why accurate information about her NPO sta-
evidence, and clinical judgment. tus might have been important. Explain how you and
your ICU team are now going to do everything possi-
Obviously, confirmation of a full stomach drasti- ble to take care of this patients aspiration pneumoni-
cally changes your plans. The standard of care for such tis, and let them know what to expect in the hours
cases is a rapid sequence induction (RSI) and intuba- and possibly days to come. Managing the complica-
tion. That, or an informed discussion with the surgeon tions of anesthesia is part of the job, and this includes
about the risks involved with proceeding emergently to communication with the patient and her family and
the OR versus waiting for a few hours. Of course, you friends.
could certainly argue that with an incarcerated her-
nia (heck, maybe she even has a bowel obstruction!), Use information technology to support patient
you would assume high aspiration risk regardless of her care decisions and patient education.
NPO time and proceed with a rapid sequence induc-
There isnt much here that would have helped you
tion anyway. Unfortunately, theres no solid evidence
in your decision making. You had all the objective
to guide you here, just a fair bit of standard of care
information that you needed while doing your assess-
stemming from physiologic reasoning.
ment in the ED. Should a nasogastric tube have been
Ultimately, it comes down to your clinical judg-
placed beforehand? Should she have had an upper
ment. What does your Spidey sense tell you about
endoscopy? Its easy to play the Monday morning quar-
her aspiration risk? Are you able to effectively treat
terback in cases like this, but the bottom line is that no
the consequences if youre incorrect? Youll obviously
amount of preexisting information other than a more
need to take her airway and pulmonary status into
detailed history would have been likely to help you
consideration, as you might just realize that a rapid
in this case. Nevertheless, we are always obligated to
sequence induction has minimal risk and may, poten-
learn as much as we can about our patients, so the
tially, have quite a bit of benefit.
responsibility of going over previous charts, studies,
Develop and carry out patient management plans. labs, and electronic records with a fine-toothed comb
falls squarely on your shoulders.
Have her chug some Bicitra (sodium citrate) and However, with increasing information available to
consider administering an H2-blocker before going patients via the Internet and other health portals, we
back to the OR. Metoclopramide, in the face of a poten- as anesthesiologists can work to educate the public as
tial bowel obstruction, is relatively contraindicated. much as possible on issues important to our care. Mak-
Once in the OR, execute an RSI with cricoid pressure ing sure that we, as a group, take advantage of such
(keeping the pressure in place until tube placement is media as well as making sure that misinformation is
confirmed). Keep in mind, though, that cricoid pres- not propagated will be part of our job, now and in
sure is meant to protect against passive reflux of stom- the future. This can carry over into resources that we
ach contents. If she does experience an active emetic use in our own clinical setting. For example, perhaps a
event, youre best off with a plan that includes tipping pamphlet in the preop area or emergency room about
the table into Trendelenburg (to let gravity move gas- fasting guidelines and aspiration risk would have been
tric contents up and away from the glottic opening) an additional way to inform your patient about risks?
and a very large bore suction device! She might have been more receptive to your questions.
Many hospitals are starting to use television or com-
Counsel and educate patients and their families. puter screens in strategic places to give patients and
visitors key pieces of information this, too, could be
The damage is done. The patient has aspirated and
harnessed to help inform your patients.
has landed herself a bed in the intensive care unit
(ICU) with a stormy postoperative course lying ahead. Perform competently all medical and invasive
Are you going to stomp out into the waiting room, red- procedures considered essential for the area of
faced and irate, letting her family members know that practice. 417
it is their fault that this happened because they lied
Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

After ensuring adequate intravenous access and them how to correctly perform cricoid pressure and
appropriate preoperative medication, you preoxy- have them do it. If you need to push the drugs, have the
genate the patient with 100% oxygen. In a moder- surgeon, nurse, or surgical resident hold the mask over
ately obese female, her functional residual capacity the patients face (but make sure they do not bag the
is already decreased, and with her underlying patho- patient; there is no need to insufflate the stomach while
physiology of a potential bowel obstruction, general doing an RSI). Once the patient has aspirated, inclu-
anesthesia, and the supine position, she might be sion of the other team members becomes even more
near her closing capacity. But all physiologic babble important. You will not have enough hands to simul-
notwithstanding, her lack of pulmonary reserve will taneously intubate, suction, bronch, reposition, and do
be self-evident as you hear the steadily descending whatever else it takes to keep the patient alive. Direct-
tones (blip-blip-blip) of the oxygen saturation mon- ing the other team members helps them feel involved
itor should you try to intubate her without preoxy- and allows you to maintain control of a bad situa-
genating first. Cricoid pressure, despite the possibility tion.
that you might obscure your laryngoscopic view, is still
regarded as a standard of care. Hold it until the tube Medical knowledge
is in. You can choose any drug you want for induc-
tion as long as you know how to use it. Propofol Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab-
or thiopental are usual first choices. Adding a bit of lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cog-
fentanyl might help blunt the hemodynamic changes nate (e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sci-
associated with your laryngoscopy. In terms of para- ences and the application of this knowledge to patient
lytics, succinylcholine is still the fastest, so push it and care.
wait at least a full 30 seconds before proceeding with Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic
direct laryngoscopy. Performing the rapid sequence thinking approach to clinical situations.
induction and intubation is just one procedure youll
be doing tonight. Being facile with bronchoscopy to Theres not much to investigate during a critical cri-
evaluate and clear the airways, particularly with her sis such as obvious aspiration, and the analytic think-
clinical status pushing you to be both fast and accu- ing approach should have happened long before you
rate, will be important here. Youll also probably want encountered a situation like this in the OR. Being pre-
to place an arterial line, both for measurement of arte- pared beforehand by thinking and talking through
rial blood gases now and in the ICU and to keep an eye problems like this is the way to go. In aviation par-
on her blood pressure, which may be fine now but may lance, pilots chair fly the next days flight to make sure
not stay that way for long! they get everything right. Get into a habit of chair fly-
ing your cases for the next day as well as other emer-
Provide health care services aimed at preventing gency cases that you might have read about but have
health problems or maintaining health. not yet encountered. Critical action procedures that
should already have been learned and memorized for
Theres not much youll be able to do at this this case are as follows:
point about preventing health problems. Sticking to  100% oxygen
the established guidelines for perioperative antibiotics,  head down at least 30 , allowing gastric content to
perioperative fasting, and standard anesthetic tech-
niques will certainly go a long way toward maintaining  apply cricoid pressure
this patients health.  suction the oropharynx
 intubate the trachea
Work with health care professionals, including  suction through the ET tube quickly
those from other disciplines, to provide  maintain 100% oxygen
patient-focused care.  provide PEEP
An RSI and intubation truly require a team  apply in-line bronchodilators, as needed
approach. You will be intubating and pushing drugs.  place an orogastric tube
Get the surgeons and nurses in the OR involved. Show continue positive pressure ventilation
Case 74 Revenge of the blue crab cake

As with most cases in this book, this case should be

Know and apply the basic and clinically
presented at a multidisciplinary morbidity and mor-
supportive sciences that are appropriate to their
tality (M&M) conference. Furthermore, cases like this
should be exactly what we practice in the simulator or
Aspiration of gastric contents into the lung, as in other simulated environments.
described in Mendelsons classic 1946 paper, is asso- After the dust has settled and as the patient is cool-
ciated with much badness [1]. Respiratory distress ing off in the ICU, you should gather the team mem-
is imminent, followed by bronchospasm, hypoxemia, bers involved and have a debriefing. An analysis of
and severe dyspnea. The critical pH for aspiration of what went right and what could have been done better
gastric contents has been described as 2.5, the level may singularly be one of the most productive learning
at which the bronchioles become severely reactive to opportunities during your residency.
hydrochloric acid and clamp spasm in response. A
paltry 25 mL of gastric contents with low pH, when Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from
injected into the lungs, is all it takes to cause massive scientific studies related to their patients health
pulmonary damage aspiration pneumonitis [2]. problems.
But what about prophylactic antibiotics? How You already know the pathophysiology of aspira-
about steroids? They prevent inflammation, and a tion pneumonitis after having read the major anesthe-
pneumonitis is, by definition, an inflammatory pro- sia texts and all the other review articles on the sub-
cess, right? Aspiration pneumonitis is not the same ject (Paul Mariks 2001 review article in the New Eng-
as aspiration pneumonia. Once a secondary infection land Journal of Medicine is particularly good [2]). Now
is established, antibiotics might be acceptable, but it is your responsibility to integrate the clinical evi-
they should not be otherwise administered routinely, dence into your practice. Sometimes after reading the
especially not so early in the course. The same goes literature, you might end up with more questions than
for steroids. While it might intuitively make sense, answers:
steroids are not recommended [35]. Were not mak-
 Does an H2-blocker help decrease acidic gastric
ing this up. All of this has been rigorously studied!
Now that the event has happened and the patient contents?
is in the throes of hypoxia, knowledge of pulmonary  Are you absolutely sure I shouldnt give antibiotics
physiology and the evidence surrounding treatment of right away?
severe hypoxia are key. Although she may not yet meet  How about neutralizing the acidic contents by
the full criteria for adult respiratory distress syndrome, injecting some bicarb during the bronch?
you may decide to use some of the information we have  Why shouldnt I try to wash out some of the acid
about therapy and outcomes in that syndrome to guide with saline?
your management prophylactically. This is where some
knowledge of how your ventilator works, knowledge of Patients with aspiration pneumonitis will be in-
the risks associated with barotrauma and volutrauma, credibly ill, and you will find yourself wanting to do
and a working familiarity of some of the ARDSNet more for them to get them better. The bottom line with
studies would be helpful. aspiration pneumonitis is that supportive care is the
only way to go. The H2-blocker that you gave in the
preop area wont do much during this short case but
Practice-based learning may help lower gastric pH down the line. You have
and improvement to remember that pneumonitis is not the same ani-
Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their mal as pneumonia [2]. Supportive ICU care, includ-
patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific ing mechanical ventilation and PEEP, are the corner-
evidence, and improve their patient care practices. stones [6,7]. Irrigating the bronchial tree with saline
is not indicated, nor is the instillation of bicarbon-
Analyze practice experience and perform ate, even though both therapies might intuitively make
practice-based improvement activities using a sense. Adding funky ventilator modes may be indi-
systematic methodology. cated, however, as part of your supportive strategy. The 419
patient in this case eventually required high-frequency
Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

oscillatory ventilation for a day after becoming more passed. Managing the vast amount of clinical informa-
hypoxemic on an ARDSNet protocol. It did the trick; tion available is just one of the many challenges for our
she was extubated 3 days after the event and had an generation of anesthesiologists.
excellent recovery.

Obtain and use information about their own Professionalism

population of patients and the larger population Residents must demonstrate a commitment to car-
from which their patients are drawn. rying out professional responsibilities, adherence to
ethical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient
The risk factors for aspiration pneumonitis include population.
extremes of age, neurologic dysphagia, disorders of
the gastroesophageal junction, general anesthesia, and Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a
other anatomic abnormalities. Drug overdoses are responsiveness to the needs of patients and society
another likely cause, and knowing your patient popu- that supersedes self-interest; accountability to
lation may help you identify and act on these risk fac- patients, society, and the profession; and a
tors. In this case, there was little you could do for this commitment to excellence and ongoing
seemingly healthy (yet deceitful) patient. professional development.
Apply knowledge of study designs and statistical Liars! Chastising the patient, her friends, and her
methods to the appraisal of clinical studies and sister is not the right move. Use the situation as an
other information on diagnostic and therapeutic opportunity to let them know about the importance of
effectiveness. providing an accurate medical history. Should any of
Getting back to the steroid and antibiotic issue, them be faced with a similar problem again, it is likely
youll run across this again. The surgeon will be shout- that the problem can be avoided. Keep in mind that,
ing across the curtain with instructions for you to start regardless of what they did or didnt do that impacted
steroids, antibiotics, and other agents that you know the case, they now have a loved one who is critically ill
will simply not work. This is where knowing the litera- and are in need of support and nonjudgmental expla-
ture comes into play. Politely, but firmly, tell the sur- nation to help navigate this crisis.
geon to read em and weep. In the world of anes- Well, its not my fault. The surgeons insisted that
thesiology, 1974 was a big year for publications on the this was an emergency case. Likewise, pointing fin-
effect of steroids for aspiration pneumonitis. Two large gers at the surgeons will get you nowhere. Part of your
studies, one by Downs and colleagues and one by Dud- job will always include building relationships with
ley and colleagues, showed that they dont really work other medical professionals. Again, a debriefing pro-
[3,4]. Experiments done in the lab by Lowrey a few vides a great opportunity for everyone to vent, and by
years later confirmed this [5]. Several other studies organizing this and leading the discussion, you will
have since shown that the issue is, at best, still contro- also be establishing yourself as a leader and expert in
versial. Supportive care is fairly well backed up by the perioperative medicine.
literature, and knowing this not only helps you provide
better care for your patient, but also establishes you as Demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles
a subject area expert as you should be. pertaining to provision or withholding of clinical
care, confidentiality of patient information,
Use information technology to manage informed consent, and business practice.
information, access online medical information,
and support their own education. Still miffed and steaming after the case, while in the
elevator with a colleague, you say, Can you believe that
Although a simple Google search is frowned on they lied to me? Oh well, shes in the ICU now, sick as
in most academic circles, youll find Mariks paper a dog. Guess she got what she deserved. Sure, youll
among your first hits if you do so. PubMed, Ovid, be very angry having exposed a patient to unnecessary
STAT!Ref, and many other online resources are only risk in the context of having received misinformation,
420 a point and a click away. The days of trying to get away but HIPAA violations and privacy are taken very seri-
with the excuse of being computer illiterate have long ously nowadays. No matter how tempted you might be,
Case 74 Revenge of the blue crab cake

save it for the debriefing or for M&M. Even if youre that argument with your significant other earlier today,
retelling the story for an educational purpose, just to carries over to the patient. Often we have just a few
help the listener learn from your mistake, the elevator moments to gain our patients trust so that theyll be
and the lunchroom are not the appropriate places for open and honest no small feat, given that many
this conversation. may assume well be judgmental about certain areas.
Thinking back to the concept of informed con- Of course, communication isnt just about verbal lan-
sent, you wonder whether you could have used this guage learning to read a patients expressions and
as a communication tool when your gut instinct told body language can be very helpful in deciding what
you your patient may not be sharing all the pertinent areas may need some more gentle probing to get the
information. Perhaps your taking a moment from your information you need to form a safe anesthetic plan.
usual consent spiel and discussing the risks of aspira- What about once the case is over? The damage
tion in patients with food in their stomach would have done? Of course, once youve turned the patients care
made the difference in this case. Perhaps not. But it over to your colleagues in the ICU, youll need a
makes sense to be sure to include this as a risk when moment to collect your thoughts and rest. But remem-
you consent your next patient! ber, the patient is still sick from what happened!
Youve spoken to the family extensively after the case,
Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to using your best nonconfrontational and supportive
patients culture, age, gender, and disabilities. language, but your responsibility doesnt end there.
You were still the patients physician in the OR. Stay
In this situation, theres not much more to this than
on the case. Get updates from the ICU team and con-
common sense. You dont know what was underlying
tinue to communicate with the family. As the patient
her decision not to be truthful with you, or her decision
recovers, she may want to know what happened to her.
to stop by the crab shack on the way to the emergency
There is no better person to give her that information
room in the first place. However, this is not the oppor-
than someone like you, with the front seat view.
tunity to let any inner bias show, particularly when her
friends and family come clean and give you their rea-
sons for the impromptu dinner party and for not let- Use effective listening skills and elicit and
ting you know about it at the appropriate time. provide information using effective nonverbal,
explanatory, questioning, and writing skills.

Interpersonal and communication This is what its all about in this case how to listen
skills effectively and use all our skills to deliver information
to our patient and her family and friends in a way in
Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal
which they can understand and become willing part-
and communication skills that result in effective infor-
ners in the health care process. Your communication
mation exchange and teaming with patients, their
with the patient beforehand needs to convey through
patients families, and professional associates.
both verbal and nonverbal techniques that her well-
Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically being is your first concern and that you will treat all
sound relationship with patients. the information she gives you in a nonjudgmental and
professional manner. Depending on her level of under-
If you figure that an ounce of prevention is worth standing, careful explanation of risks specifically tuned
a pound of cure, then getting this patient to be hon- to her vocabulary is needed. Afterward, the same is
est with you up front about her NPO status and other true as you explain the circumstances to her family and
potential issues would be one of the key moments of friends. Perhaps a diagram of the aerodigestive tract is
the night. How often do we rush through preoper- called for here to explain the pathophysiology of aspi-
ative evaluations in a very doctor-centered manner, ration to the family. Certainly give a careful and sen-
aiming to get all the vital pieces of information we sitive explanation of what they can expect when they
need, while being so goal oriented that we forget to walk into the ICU and see her for the first time!
notice the patient on the other side of the conversa- Finally, keeping in mind that this patient is
tion? Of course, we dont act that way all the time, extremely ill and will have multiple caregivers as well 421
but sometimes the pressure to get a case started, or as multiple people reviewing her chart, possibly for
Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

legal reasons, carefully worded documentation of your As anesthesiologists continue to gain the respect
discussions with her, what happened in the OR, and and trust they deserve from the medical community,
what you did in response will be exceedingly impor- it is important to remember that our job continues
tant. An additional note in the chart, as opposed to well beyond the confines of the operating room. Estab-
just on your anesthesia data record, may be helpful lishing protocols (for fasting in this case), training
for both the ICU team and for the primary surgical programs (simulation exercises, knowledge of criti-
team. In todays world of postgraduate medical edu- cal action procedures), follow-up care (making sure
cation and duty hour restrictions, it is rare that one postoperative checks get done), and means for effec-
group of individuals can maintain a continuous stream tive communication are skills that are now within
of information about patients without a legible written the realm of anesthesiologists as perioperative medi-
record. Provide the future teams of residents, interns, cal specialists.
and attending with an accurate written description of In this case, your understanding of the system can
what happened. be very helpful in coordinating the best care for your
patient. Knowing what level of care can be provided in
Work effectively with others as a member or the recovery room versus the intensive care unit, and
leader of a health care team or other professional realizing that her care needs (critical care bed, specialty
group. ventilator equipment, and increased levels of nursing
support) may take some time to set up, will allow you
As discussed earlier, there are ample opportunities to address her postoperative needs even before the
in a case like this to distinguish yourself as a leader and surgery is complete and provide for as seamless a tran-
a concerned, conscientious physician. First of all, as sition of care as possible. Efficiently obtaining needed
in most intraoperative crises, your role in leading the resources is an important part of your role, in addition
team to stabilize and treat the patient is crucial. This to your hands-on patient care. Knowing who to call,
is why they train us in crisis resource management and what issues may exist regarding scarce resources
sometimes how you communicate with and enlist oth- (ICU beds, ventilators, etc.), allows you to advocate for
ers for help is as important, if not more so, than the your patient from a systems standpoint. This is crucial
patient care you deliver yourself. Here the specifics of for this situation, in which you have a single, critically
how you communicate with the surgical team and the ill patient, but will become all the more important as
other anesthesia providers who come to your aid will we begin to consider needs for resource management
go a long way toward effectively treating the patient during disasters or epidemics.
as well as avoiding the finger-pointing that sometimes
occurs later on. Youll keep your cool and demonstrate Practice cost-effective health care and resource
authority with a sense of urgency, but also of control, allocation that does not compromise quality of
making sure the surgeons know what you need from care.
them (waiting before proceeding, stopping as soon as
they are safely able) and assigning roles to others who This is linked to the evidence for providing the
arrive to help. proper supportive care for a patient with aspiration
pneumonitis. Starting antibiotics, steroids, or other
non-evidence-based therapies just so you or the sur-
Systems-based practice geons will feel better does not help the patient and, in
Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and aggregate, may impose considerable cost to the health
responsiveness to the larger context and system of care system as a whole. Individual therapies, such as
health care and the ability to effectively call on system the high-frequency oscillator or inhaled nitric oxide,
resources to provide care that is of optimal value. are expensive in their own right, and so taking into
consideration the realities of whether they will help
Understand how their patient care and other your patient is important before making treatment
professional practices affect other health care decisions.
professionals, the health care organization, and
the larger society and how these elements of the Advocate for quality patient care and assist
422 system affect their own practice. patients in dealing with system complexities.
Case 74 Revenge of the blue crab cake

As described earlier, your job does not start and the bronchoscope in a timely fashion? Was everything
stop at the doors to the OR. A case like this demon- in working order? Did you know who to call to get that
strates multiple opportunities for you to stay involved, emergency ICU bed? Were the surgeons responsive to
while helping your patient and her family through your patient care needs, and did they give you the time
a critical event. Even small things like showing your and support to stabilize the patient before proceeding?
patients sister to the ICU waiting room or walking her Dont forget, also, to ask whether there is anyone who is
in to introduce her to the nurse and helping explain so upset by the circumstances that he or she may need
some of what is going on will help cement your role as some extra support?
a patient and family advocate. Later on, look-backs in the form of morbidity and
mortality conferences, departmental difficult case
Know how to partner with health care managers files, simulator curricula, or problem-based learning
and health care providers to assess, coordinate, sessions are some of the opportunities that you, as a
and improve health care and know how these leader in the field of perioperative medicine, can sup-
activities can affect system performance. port or institute in an effort to improve quality and
safety in your department. Cases like this one, in which
First of all, once youve had a chance to rest briefly, there are clear teaching points both in up-front deci-
grab a drink, and let your own heart rate come back sion making and in crisis management are some of
down to normal, you need to have a quick debrief- the best examples to use in these conferences. Take
ing session with others involved in the incident. We advantage of multidisciplinary opportunities, as well:
know that moments of terror are part of the anesthe- dont be surprised if 1 year later, you are called back by
siology workday, but its important to make sure that an OR nurse manager to give a lecture on fasting guide-
while everyones memory is still fresh, you allow folks lines or aspiration pneumonitis. Alternatively, some
to reflect on their performance, give positive and con- of the best learning that takes place during residency
structive feedback, and discuss if there was anything comes from resident-to-resident teaching. A conversa-
that could have been done better. In particular, discuss tion about the case, preferably in a confidential setting
whether there were any equipment or system issues (and not over lunch!), may prove to be invaluable for
that need to be improved or fixed. Were you able to get your colleagues in their own future care.

Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

References 5. Lowrey LD, Anderson M, Calhoun J, Edmonds H,

Flint LM. Failure of corticosteroid therapy for
1. Mendelson CL. The aspiration of stomach contents experimental acid aspiration. J Surg Res
into the lungs during obstetric anesthesia. Am J Obstet 1982;32:168172.
Gynecol 1946;52:191205.
6. Girard TD, Bernard GR. Mechanical ventilation in
2. Marik PE. Aspiration pneumonitis and aspiration ARDS: a state-of-the-art review. Chest
pneumonia. New Eng J Med 2001;344:665671. 2007;131:921929.
3. Downs JB, Chapman RL Jr, Modell JH, Hood CI. An 7. Chan KP, Stewart TE, Mehta S. High-frequency
evaluation of steroid therapy in aspiration oscillatory ventilation for adult patients with ARDS.
pneumonitis. Anesthesiology 1974;40:129135. Chest 2007;131:19071916.
4. Dudley WR, Marshall BE. Steroid treatment for
acid-aspiration pneumonitis. Anesthesiology

Part 5 Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under
Case Deborah A. Schwengel

75 Mind, body, and spirit

Christina Miller and Adam Schiavi

The case uled for surgery. The transplant team tells the anesthe-
A 31-year-old African American with Downs syn- sia team that the patient has refused blood products,
drome developed end-stage renal disease 8 years ago that the case has been cleared with the Hopkins ethics
and has been maintained on peritoneal dialysis (PD) and legal teams, and that there is court documentation
since then. He lives with his parents, who are quite of the parents as guardians who will be making medi-
devoted and lovingly care for all his needs at home. He cal decisions.
does well with PD, but it is cumbersome and time con- The patient proceeds to surgery. Intraoperatively,
suming. Several years ago, the patient was evaluated for the patient suffers acute blood loss and a period of
a kidney transplant and placed on the transplant list. hypotension after reperfusion with blood pressures in
The parents are Jehovahs Witnesses, and the family the 80s/50s for several minutes. He is treated with
is quite active in the religious community. They con- vasopressors and resuscitated with crystalloid. The
sider their son to be a Jehovahs Witness, as well. He patient comes to the surgical intensive care unit (SICU)
participates in church activities and gets great plea- in the evening postoperatively with hemoglobin of
sure from singing in church and his involvement in 6. The transplanted kidney is not making urine. The
the community. He has limited cognitive ability and morning after his arrival, a new SICU attending comes
has the intellectual capacity of a young school-aged on service and an ethics consult is called with the
child. During his perioperative evaluation, he is watch- question of whether it is permissible to transfuse this
ing Sesame Street. patient against his familys wishes in the event that his
On initial evaluation by the transplant team, the anemia becomes life threatening.
family is clear that their son is unwilling to accept The parents remain adamant that they do not want
blood products. The transplant team assures them that their son to be transfused, even if it means that he
bloodless kidney transplants are done routinely and will die. They maintain that they never would have
that this will not be a problem. The options of preop- proceeded with the transplant had they known that
erative hemoglobin supplementation with intravenous there was a possibility that their son would be trans-
iron or erythropoietin are never discussed. The team fused against their wishes, and they feel that they were
tells the parents that they will need legal papers estab- promised that this would not be the case. They feel that
lishing guardianship of their son because of his adult transfusion would be an assault tantamount to rape.
status. However, if the medical team goes against their wishes
They obtain a short statement from the court indi- and transfuses the patient, they do not believe that
cating that they are the guardians of their son; however, God or the Jehovahs Witness community will reject
it does not elaborate specific circumstances, includ- the patient because he will be viewed as the victim of a
ing medical decision making. At the time of the ini- crime.
tial evaluation, the transplant team contacts the legal When the patient is questioned regarding his
department about the issue via e-mail. Legal is con- beliefs (postoperatively, with a hemoglobin of 5), he
cerned about the complexity of the situation and rec- says that he does not want a blood transfusion because
ommends a formal ethics consult. The transplant team that would be bad. He answers affirmatively to the
never pursues this. question are you a Jehovahs Witness? and then pro-
Several years after the initial evaluation, a cadaveric ceeds to answer the same way to are you Jewish? Are
donor kidney match is found, and the patient is sched- you Muslim? and are you Hindu?
Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

Patient care beliefs of the patients family, their specific wishes for
their sons medical treatment, the patients compre-
Residents must be able to provide patient care that is
hension of the beliefs of the Jehovahs Witnesses, and
compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat-
the patients level of competency. Each of these things
ment of health problems and the promotion of health.
can significantly impact the teams decision regarding
whether to transfuse if the anemia becomes a threat to
Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring the patients life.
and respectful behaviors when interacting with
patients and their families. Make informed decisions about diagnostic and
As a member of the ICU team, you have been put therapeutic interventions based on patient
in a difficult position. Lets first consider this familys information and preferences, up-to-date scientific
situation. They agreed to a bloodless kidney trans- evidence, and clinical judgment.
plant with the intention of helping their son, thereby This is the crux of the issue. In this case, the
freeing him from dependence on dialysis. Their reli- patients parents preferences are at odds with the stan-
gious beliefs and refusal of blood products were clearly dard therapeutic intervention for anemia, a blood
communicated to the surgical team. They followed the transfusion. The ICU team must take each conflict-
teams instructions and obtained legal guardianship of ing priority and weigh it carefully to come to a deci-
their son. They now find themselves after the opera- sion. The first issue is whether the team ought to
tion with a son who has a tenuous kidney graft and transfuse for life-threatening anemia. If they decide
life-threatening anemia, and a new ICU team is telling to transfuse, they must determine their transfusion
them that the treatment plan they agreed on may not threshold by balancing the risks and benefits. In this
be valid and that their son could be transfused against case, the patients hemoglobin is critically low, and he
their wishes to save his life. is showing hemodynamic pathophysiology associated
At this point, it is crucial that the ICU team com- with anemia. However, the risks of transfusion for this
municate effectively and demonstrate behaviors that patient are distinct, beyond the standard risks associ-
are caring and respectful. One must maintain an open ated with receiving blood. The patient risks being spiri-
dialogue with the patients parents about his health tually marred in the eyes of his parents and his commu-
issues and the deliberation regarding whether the ICU nity by a transfusion. This has the potential to distance
team will override the parents refusal to transfuse the him from his community and may impact his par-
patient. It is reasonable for the patients family to feel ents relationship with their community if they do not
confused, betrayed, and angry. The ICU team mem- successfully prevent their son from being transfused.
bers must demonstrate their concern for and com- Exercising clinical judgment becomes even more dif-
mitment to the well-being of this patient. They must ficult when there is no up-to-date scientific evidence
be respectful of this familys religious beliefs and cog- to support or refute ones position; in medical ethics
nizant of the enormous emotional burden this family literature, there is no precedent for how to treat an
must feel when making life or death decisions for their adult who has never had the capacity to make health
son. They must gain the trust of this family and quickly carerelated decisions yet has family that wishes him to
demonstrate that they have the patients best interest refuse blood products based on faith. Decisions must
at heart. As a member of this team, you have about a be made with the utmost care, with the understanding
minute to do all of this. Good luck. that they could impact how these issues are dealt with
in the future.
Gather essential and accurate information about
their patients. Develop and carry out patient management plans.
Information gathering from a variety of sources is In this case, the ICU team felt that this complex
essential. The ICU team must determine the patient case warranted a consult from the hospital ethics com-
and his familys understanding of the gravity of the sit- mittee. The ethics team determined that the patients
uation, the details of the agreement the patients fam- family had his best interest at heart and were acting
426 ily had with the transplant team, the specifics of the lovingly on behalf of their son. After this, they care-
legal documentation the family obtained, the religious fully weighed the conflicting responsibilities involved
Case 75 Mind, body, and spirit

in the ICU teams care of the patient, which involved the risks and benefits so that the patient can make deci-
not only preservation of life, but also preservation of sions consistent with his or her beliefs.
that patients self-image and his relationship with his
parents and community. On deliberation, the ethics Use information technology to support patient
committee decided that it would be ethically permis- care decisions and patient education.
sible either to transfuse the patient to save his life or to Technology has developed several blood alterna-
honor his parents wishes and allow him to die of ane- tives, some approved for routine use and some prod-
mia. Either alternative was ethically defensible, and it ucts that are still experimental but may be approved
was left to the judgment of the ICU team to make the for compassionate use. Awareness of these alternative
ultimate decision. The ICU team discussed the issue therapies and their associated risks is important to
extensively and decided by a slim margin to transfuse helping this patient and his family make decisions con-
the patient in the event that the patient became hemo- sistent with their wishes. As the medical professional,
dynamically unstable and was refractory to all alter- you must use your resources to gather this information
native treatments in a precode situation. In the end, in a timely manner, integrate it into the overall treat-
the patient was able to survive a tenuous period of ment plan, and present these options to the family.
severe anemia with no such imminently fatal events.
He was transferred out of the ICU and recovered his Perform competently all medical and invasive
red cell counts without allogeneic blood cell prod- procedures considered essential for the area of
ucts. After many months of delayed graft function, his practice.
transplanted kidney recovered, and he was taken off
hemodialysis. Intensive care involves a number of medical and
invasive procedures. There are several challenges with
this patient. First, he is an adult patient with develop-
Counsel and educate patients and their families.
mental delay, which can make painful invasive proce-
Once the ICU team had reached a plan for patient dures like lab draws a challenge. Second, every effort
management, this needed to be communicated in a must be made to minimize blood sampling, while still
candid and sensitive way to the patient and his fam- monitoring crucial labs like kidney function and levels
ily. It was very important to express to the family of potentially toxic antirejection drugs. It is also impor-
how difficult it was for the team to reach this deci- tant to gain peripheral access quickly and with min-
sion and the great lengths the team would take to imal blood loss, when necessary. This patient doesnt
exhaust alternative options before deciding to trans- have much blood left to lose.
fuse. The family has refused blood based on their Provide health care services aimed at preventing
religious beliefs as members of the Jehovahs Wit- health problems or maintaining health.
ness faith. Many Jehovahs Witnesses adhere to Watch-
tower Doctrine, which specifically prohibits allogeneic In a patient with severe anemia, for whom trans-
and preoperative autologous transfusion of four blood fusion would only be considered in the most criti-
fractions: red cells, white cells, platelets, and plasma. cal situation, care must be taken to avoid unnecessary
However, official doctrine discourages, but does not blood loss or anything that could perturb hemody-
specifically prohibit, other minor fractions, which namic stability. Every effort must be made to avoid
include human blood derivatives such as albumin, hypoxemia and maintain oxygen delivery with judi-
cryoprecipitate, immunoglobulin, and so on. Other cious use of supplemental oxygen. Volume status,
options include erythropoietin, chemically modified blood pressure, and heart rate are of great importance;
bovine hemoglobin, and recombinant factor VII. the patient needs to be adequately resuscitated with
Beyond the product itself is the manner in which it is crystalloid after a large intraoperative blood loss to
utilized; hemodilution, cell salvage, cardiopulmonary perfuse vital organs, including the new kidney graft.
bypass, dialysis, and plasmapheresis are a few examples However, despite the transplant, the patient remained
[1]. Medical science presents myriad specific options anuric postoperatively and was still requiring dialysis
that patients may not have considered in the past; it for volume and electrolyte management. Other aspects
is up to the care team to explain each of the relevant of ICU care postoperatively include maintaining nor- 427
options to the patient and counsel him or her about moglycemia, deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis,
Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

treatment of postoperative pain, and maintenance of cific situation. At this point, a thorough discussion was
the patients immunosuppression regimen. held with the patient and his parents, and the ethics
committee was consulted to investigate the matter fur-
Work with health care professionals, including ther; this led to consultation with the hospital legal
those from other disciplines, to provide team, and a search for ethical and legal precedents in
patient-focused care. this situation began. With no prior cases of this com-
plex nature, it is up to the ethics committee and ICU
Care of the medical issues of any transplant patient team to balance conflicting ethical principles and for-
requires members from the ICU, transplant surgery, mulate a plan.
anesthesia, nursing, nutrition, physical therapy, and
social work to work collaboratively. The ethical issues Know and apply the basic and clinically
in this specific case also required the involvement of supportive sciences that are appropriate to their
the hospital ethics and legal teams. Communication discipline.
between each of these groups is important to present
a unified plan to the patient and family. During these The optimal goal of the postoperative period is to
deliberations, it is crucial that the staff maintain open keep the patient alive, healthy, and with good func-
lines of communication with the family. It should be tional capacity, without having to transfuse blood
continuously reinforced that each team is working in products (in a perfect world, with a working kidney,
the best interest of the patient because the family may as well). This requires specific knowledge of the patho-
feel that their trust has been betrayed. physiology of anemia and kidney failure to understand
how and to what extent the body is able to compen-
sate for these deficiencies. Tachycardia, for instance, is
Medical knowledge a compensatory mechanism, and in a 31-year-old with
Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab- no heart disease, it could be devastating to attempt to
lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cognate treat this compensation with beta-blockade. It is also
(e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sciences important to understand where the limit of compensa-
and the application of this knowledge to patient care. tion lies the point at which only red cells can prevent
the situation from deteriorating into an arrest [2,3].
Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic With a hemoglobin of 5 and absence of kidney func-
thinking approach to clinical situations. tion, homeostasis is much more precarious. Specific
knowledge of pharmacology, including being able to
From an ethics standpoint, this is a complex and
identify drugs that may exacerbate anemia or hemo-
difficult case, and it deserved careful consideration
dynamic instability, have prolonged or toxic effects in
prior to surgery. The patient has Downs syndrome
kidney failure, or jeopardize the newly transplanted
with associated mental retardation; he has never been
organ is key to the care of this patient.
competent enough to make complex medical deci-
sions. If he were a minor, the medical team would
not permit his parents to refuse life-saving treatment Practice-based learning
on his behalf, but he is a disabled adult, and there and improvement
is no clear precedent on what to do in this case. The
Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their
transplant was done with insufficient investigation into
patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific
these ethical dilemmas. The anesthesia team in the OR
evidence, and improve their patient care practices.
proceeded with the operation with the assurance of
the transplant team that everything had been cleared Analyze practice experience and perform
with the ethics committee, when, in fact, it had not. practice-based improvement activities using a
Once the surgery and the irreversible acute blood loss systematic methodology.
had occurred, the ICU team was presented with the
case. This illustrates the important lesson that you can- Once the ICU team began investigating how the
not blindly trust information that you are given. There surgery had been performed without a prior ethics
428 was no ethics consult preoperatively, and the legal doc- consult, we began to identify problems in the system
umentation was cursory and did not pertain to the spe- that had prepared the patient for surgery. Our patient
Case 75 Mind, body, and spirit

was evaluated several years prior to the surgery, when Transplants in Jehovahs Witnesses are not uncom-
his family first considered transplant as an option. mon at our institution. The idea of accepting a solid
At this time, one of the transplant nurses who saw organ transplant but not a transfusion of blood prod-
the family e-mailed the story to the ethics commit- ucts may seem incongruous. However, it is important
tee; there was obvious concern that further workup to respect the autonomy of these patients. In the case
was needed, and the ethics committee suggested a for- of competent adults, one must discuss what interven-
mal consult. From an ethics standpoint, the patient was tions and products the patient will accept or refuse in a
lost to follow-up and several years elapsed. When the life-threatening event prior to surgery and then respect
patient had risen on the transplant list and surgery in those decisions. The important point is that each Jeho-
the near future was likely, the case should have been vahs Witness has individual beliefs, and it is crucial
revisited. First, the case needed to be evaluated from that we discuss each option with each patient in detail
an ethics perspective, and second, the patient needed preoperatively so that there is no ambiguity about what
to be optimized from a medical standpoint prior to treatments are available in an emergency situation.
surgery. The patients starting hemoglobin was 11. This
patient could have benefited from preoperative ery- Apply knowledge of study designs and statistical
thropoietin therapy to increase his hemoglobin. Intra- methods to the appraisal of clinical studies and
operative cell salvage could have been arranged, if the other information on diagnostic and therapeutic
family was willing to accept this therapy. The key is effectiveness.
to determine the optimal time to do this based on the
patients position on the list: too early and the patient Ethics literature consists almost exclusively of case
endures unnecessary therapy; too late and these details reports and editorials. Precedent may be firmly estab-
are lost in the excitement to rush to transplant once an lished after multiple legal cases reach similar conclu-
organ becomes available and the clock starts ticking. sions, but this is not a field that lends itself to formal
studies and statistical analysis of data.
Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from
scientific studies related to their patients health Use information technology to manage
problems. information, access online medical information,
and support their own education.
From the medical perspective, there is literature
on the optimization of Jehovahs Witness patients While there are mostly case reports, legal verdicts,
before surgery that involves boosting the starting and editorials in medical ethics literature, these ref-
hemoglobin. Helm et al. [4] published a report of 100 erences can be quite helpful in guiding ones thought
consecutive coronary artery bypass graft operations process when considering an ethical dilemma. These
without transfusion utilizing a comprehensive mul- papers are available through online ethics journals,
timodal blood conservation strategy, which included and the vast array of sources can be manipulated with
preoperative erythropoietin, iron, folate, and vitamins search engines like PubMed. Our hospital legal depart-
B12 and C. In terms of ethics literature, there is strong ment has access to similar search engines, such as
precedent for allowing competent adult Jehovahs Wit- Westlaw or LexisNexis, which permit identification of
nesses to refuse blood products and for not permitting landmark cases and judicial opinions.
parents to refuse life-saving therapy on behalf of their
minor children. What is not clear is what to do with a Professionalism
never-competent adult whose guardians refuse on his
Residents must demonstrate a commitment to car-
behalf. The Americans with Disabilities Act does offer
rying out professional responsibilities, adherence to
some guidance that adults who are mentally disabled
ethical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient
should be treated as adults and not according to their
age mentally.

Obtain and use information about their own Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a
population of patients and the larger population responsiveness to the needs of patients and society
from which their patients are drawn. that supersedes self-interest; accountability to 429
patients, society, and the profession; and a
Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

commitment to excellence and ongoing transplant in this patient was more complex than usual
professional development. and may have been oversimplified in some respects;
the issue of who was authorized to make medical
The patients we see come from a wide variety of decisions for this patient was not clearly delineated
ethnic, religious, cultural, and socioeconomic back- prior to transplant. After the surgery was complete, the
grounds that are likely distinct from our own. Under- patients parents both said that they never would have
standing the belief systems of our patients, how they agreed to transplant if they had thought that there was
view health and disease and end-of-life issues, enables any chance their son would be transfused against their
us to gain perspective into their decisions and helps will. These were details that would have been better
us assist them in making decisions that are consistent addressed prior to surgery.
with their beliefs. The ICU team members, although
they did not share the familys beliefs regarding blood Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to
transfusions, fully supported the parents autonomy to patients culture, age, gender, and disabilities.
refuse a transfusion for themselves. What was not clear
was whether they had the right to refuse a life-saving The ICU team had an incredibly hard task. It is dif-
transfusion for their adult son. Ultimately, the team ficult to convey respect for the familys religious beliefs
was accountable to the patient. While the ICU team and yet violate them by transfusing the patient. The
valued maintaining the patients positive self-image team made it clear that they would comply with the
(the patient understood that it was wrong to accept familys wishes up until the point at which the patient
blood) and the patients relationship with his commu- could imminently die from anemia. We asked the fam-
nity, it is more difficult to say that these considera- ily to talk openly about their belief and consulted with
tions would prevail over protecting the patient from elders from their community. Additionally, the patient
the harm of death from an easily treatable condition. was a 31-year-old man with developmental delay, func-
When acting on behalf of this vulnerable patient, one tioning at the intellectual level of a young school-aged
has to weigh the merits of life at the expense of spiritual child. During rounds on the first postoperative day,
harm and backlash from the patients support system. the patient was watching Sesame Street. The team did
everything possible to alleviate the fear and uncer-
Demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles tainty associated with being in an ICU. We explained
pertaining to provision or withholding of clinical our role in caring for the patient in an intellectual-age-
care, confidentiality of patient information, appropriate manner and limited painful procedures
informed consent, and business practice. as much as possible. We discussed with the patient
his views about being part of the Jehovahs Witness
The ethical issues are paramount in this case. The
community and his thoughts about receiving blood.
complexity of the issues makes the answer unclear.
In some respects, he received treatment as an adult
Withholding blood products is consistent with the
would, but in others, he was protected similar to the
wishes of the family and community who have loved
way a pediatric patient would be.
and supported this patient for 31 years. If the patient
was competent to consciously choose a religion for
himself, most likely, he would be a Jehovahs Witness, Interpersonal and communication
a community in which he already actively participates, skills
and he may have views on transfusion that are simi-
Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal
lar to his parents views. However, there is an array of
and communication skills that result in effective infor-
practices among Jehovahs Witnesses, and many do not
mation exchange and teaming with patients, their
adhere to Watchtower Doctrine in this regard. Provi-
patients families, and professional associates.
sion of a transfusion is consistent with a medical com-
munity and concerned society that aims to protect dis- Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically
abled and vulnerable patients from harm. Ultimately, sound relationship with patients.
the ethics committee decided that neither option was
ethically objectionable and that either argument could The ICU team interacted with this patient in a
430 be substantiated. The process of informed consent for caring and compassionate manner. Every attempt was
Case 75 Mind, body, and spirit

made to keep medical care consistent with the fam- the various teams and the family. The final clinical
ilys beliefs and longtime practices, to which the patient decision rested on the ICU attending of record, who
was accustomed. At the same time, we were candid made a judgment based on multiple solicited opinions
with the family about our ethical duty to protect the from all levels of training within the various teams.
patient from harm and our intent to transfuse him in a
truly life-threatening situation. Our honesty and con-
sistency as a team was essential because the family had
Systems-based practice
dealt with so many care teams throughout this process Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and
and had received conflicting promises with respect to responsiveness to the larger context and system of
transfusion. health care and the ability to effectively call on system
resources to provide care that is of optimal value.
Use effective listening skills and elicit and provide
information using effective nonverbal, Understand how their patient care and other
explanatory, questioning, and writing skills. professional practices affect other health care
professionals, the health care organization, and
It was critical that the patients parents had the the larger society and how these elements of the
opportunity to express their beliefs and wishes to a system affect their own practice.
concerned and attentive team. Regardless of the teams
decision to transfuse, if the family felt that an indif- The involvement of the ethics and, ultimately, the
ferent team of doctors who did not respect them was legal teams in this case was of key importance. The
overriding their will, it would have been damaging to ICU team identified a potential problem but was hin-
the therapeutic relationship. In addition, it was impor- dered by the responsibility for many important aspects
tant for the family to feel that they had done every- of clinical care and a position that seemed at odds with
thing to defend their son from what they consid- the parents position. The team consulted the ethics
ered to be an assault. Interviewing the family about committee, which was able to bring skill and exper-
how they would feel toward their son if he received tise in dealing with this manner of dilemma and which
a transfusion, how the community would treat the acted as a neutral, nonthreatening third party that was
patient and his parents, what they felt this meant for able to facilitate a difficult discussion between par-
his spiritual future, and how they would handle his ties that were not in agreement. As a result, a forum
death if it occurred as a result of refusing blood added was created, in which members from the various care
nuance to this complicated discussion. This sensitive teams and the parents could express their concerns
and sophisticated interview helped to shape the teams with mediation by the consult team. The involvement
decision on how to act (or not act), if required to of these resources not only helped to clarify the issues
do so. in this particular case, but may also help to shape hos-
pital and, potentially, societal policy on how to address
Work effectively with others as a member or similar cases.
leader of a health care team or other professional
group. Practice cost-effective health care and resource
allocation that does not compromise quality of
The care of this patient required the coordinated care.
effort of multiple teams, including transplant surgery;
the ICU team; and nursing, ethics, and legal teams. The goal of minimizing near-code situations and
Each team had different priorities for how best to minimizing duration spent in the ICU are certainly in
care for the patient, and within each team, there were accordance with the practice of cost-effective health
widely differing opinions on how the situation should care. Proper ethical and legal consultation as well
be addressed. This required a great deal of calm and as maintaining open, honest communication with
controlled communication in a situation in which it the patient and family minimizes litigious behavior,
would have been easy to point blame at others. The which is extremely costly to the hospital and to soci-
ICU team consulted the ethics committee to clarify ety and detrimental to the doctor-patient relation-
the pertinent issues and facilitate discussion between ship. Resource allocation is particularly relevant in this 431
Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

case because solid organs are relatively scarce. One vide optimal patient care for the physical and spiritual
might ask whether organs should be transplanted into needs of the patient. It was important to reassess the
patients who are unwilling to accept resources such previous plan, rather than unconsciously following it
as blood products to support the graft. Patients may for the sake of continuity.
be judged to be poor stewards of a donated organ if
they are unwilling to take immunosuppressive drugs Know how to partner with health care managers
or unable to come for follow-up appointments. This and health care providers to assess, coordinate,
may be a valid reason for taking them off the transplant and improve health care and know how these
list. Would a patient who promises to do everything activities can affect system performance.
possible to support the donation be more deserving of This case identifies a flaw in the transplant pre-
the organ? operative evaluation system. The failure to involve
Advocate for quality patient care and assist the ethics team prior to the surgery might point to
patients in dealing with system complexities. a lack of training in identifying this scenario as a
potential problem, a lack of awareness regarding the
By the time the patient reached the ICU, he had resources the ethics committee could provide, or a
partially navigated the complex health care system. problem in accessing these resources. Communication
However, at that point, it was appropriate to reevalu- by providers back to health care managers can prompt
ate the prior agreement the family had with the trans- an evaluation of this process, with a targeted assess-
plant team to ensure that a plan was in place to pro- ment of how to improve the system.

Case 75 Mind, body, and spirit

References 3. Tobian AA, Ness PM, Noveck H, Carson JL. Time

course and etiology of death in patients with severe
1. Remmers PA, Speer AJ. Clinical strategies in the
anemia. Transfusion 2009;7:13951399.
medical care of Jehovahs Witnesses. Am J Med
2006;119:10131018. 4. Helm RE, Rosengart TK, Gomez M, et al.
Comprehensive multimodality blood conservation:
2. Carson JL, Noveck H, Berlin JA, Gould SA. Mortality
100 consecutive CABG operations without
and morbidity in patients with low postoperative Hb
transfusion. Ann Thorac Surg 1998;65:125136.
levels who decline blood transfusion. Transfusion

Part 5 Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under
Case Deborah A. Schwengel

76 Hes not dead yet!

Veronica Busso and Mark Rossberg

The case of history, physical findings, and treatment given.

A history of problems with anesthesia should be
A 5-year-old boy is taken from the emergency depart-
probed, as should a family history of life-threatening
ment (ED) to the operating room (OR) for an emer-
reactions to anesthesia. Other pertinent information
gency ventricular peritoneal shunt revision for a prox-
includes vital signs, cardiovascular stability, vomit-
imal ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunt obstruction. The
ing/aspiration, and other medical conditions. This
patient is transported with his mother by a neurosur-
should be done while transferring the monitors and
geon and an ED nurse and is monitored with pulse
moving the patient to the OR table so as not to delay
oximetry, electrocardiogram, and noninvasive blood
anesthetic induction and surgery to quickly relieve the
pressure (NIBP). He is receiving oxygen by face mask
shunt obstruction.
and has a heart rate of 54, a blood pressure of 120/54,
and an O2 saturation of 99%. He is obtunded. His intra- Make informed decisions about diagnostic and
venous (IV) is infiltrated. therapeutic interventions based on patient
The child is a former 24-week premature infant information and preferences, up-to-date scientific
who had had an intracranial bleed with subsequent evidence, and clinical judgment.
hydrocephalus, which was treated with a VP shunt
insertion in infancy. The child awakened this morn- We concur with the emergent nature of this situa-
ing with a headache. Over the course of the day, he tion, and then we must quickly protect the brain. The
developed nausea, vomiting, and lethargy. His mother major risks to this patient are as follows:
was worried and brought him to the ED this evening. 1. Increased intracranial pressure (ICP) is present,
The child also has a history of chronic lung disease and which compromises cerebral perfusion, worsens
asthma. cerebral ischemia, and increases the risk of
impending herniation.
Patient care 2. Increased risk of pulmonary aspiration is present.
Residents must be able to provide patient care that is This is secondary to delayed gastric emptying
compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat- from elevated ICP, vomiting from the same, and
ment of health problems and the promotion of health. possible diminished ability to protect the patients
airway secondary to altered mental status.
Gather essential and accurate information about 3. Potential for intraoperative bronchospasm with
their patients. hypercarbia and hypoxia further worsening
elevated ICP and cerebral ischemia.
This child is symptomatic from increased intracra-
nial pressure. He demonstrates evidence of Cush-
ings reflex, indicative of brain-stem ischemia. (Cush- Develop and carry out patient management plans.
ings reflex is the hypertension often seen as part of
Cushings triad: hypertension, bradycardia, and irreg- This is an absolute emergency!
ular respirations.) This is a late sign of increased 1. Ensure that all placed monitors are functional.
intracranial hypertension. To safely take care of this 2. Check the suction and laryngoscope.
child in an optimal fashion, a pertinent history 3. If the patient does not already have an IV, place
434 should be obtained rapidly from the parent and the one and have the parents escorted to the waiting
ED and neurosurgeon. This includes a brief report room with the exiting ED team.
Case 76 Hes not dead yet!

4. Preoxygenate with 100% FiO2 . contraction. It is interesting to note that the

5. Request some quiet in the room. administration of intravenous lidocaine is
6. Perform modified rapid sequence induction (RSI) often used to attenuate ICP increases that
of general endotracheal anesthesia (GETA) with occur with direct laryngoscopy and
cricoid pressure. After loss of consciousness, we endotracheal intubation; however, there is
choose to ventilate the patients lungs while little evidence to support this intervention
applying cricoid pressure until successful tracheal [1,2].
intubation has been confirmed. This is done to 8. Successfully intubate the trachea.
decrease ICP through hyperventilation, while 9. Quickly position for surgical intervention.
protecting the airway from passive regurgitation 10. Mildly hyperventilate the patients lungs to help
during anesthetic induction. decrease ICP until it is relieved surgically.
7. Use anesthetic agents that are going to provide
rapid intubating conditions while either
Counsel and educate patients and their families.
decreasing ICP or at least without increasing ICP.
Direct laryngoscopy and endotracheal intubation A cursory conversation about risks with attention
cause an increase in intracranial pressure, the to pulmonary aspiration and asthmatic exacerbation
mechanism of which is unclear. should take place if time permits. Remember that
a. Atropine is useful to prevent worsening of this child is hypertensive, bradycardic, and lethargic.
bradycardia or precipitation of asystole with We dont want him to herniate while we discuss the
induction and intubation. nuances of risks that only increase if we delay.
b. Ketamine should be avoided (increases ICP). Perform competently all medical and invasive
c. Thiopental and propofol both decrease ICP procedures considered essential for the area of
and are effective for RSI. Propofol is preferable practice.
to thiopental in this patient because it will
blunt airway reflexes, and thiopental can Intubate the trachea!
trigger asthma.
Work with health care professionals, including
d. We will avoid succinylcholine here because it
those from other disciplines, to provide
increases ICP. Other problems with the use of
patient-focused care.
succinylcholine in this patient include the risk
of malignant hyperthermia and the potential We obtained necessary information from the neu-
for exaggerated potassium release if this child rosurgeon and the ED staff. We had an orderly transfer
has a yet to be diagnosed muscular dystrophy. of care. We informed the family, the OR nurses, and the
e. Rocuronium will be our paralytic of choice 1 neurosurgeons of our plans. We politely reestablished
mg/kg for intubation. It does not increase ICP. order and quiet in the room and refocused everyone
It does not cause histamine release, which on the patient for a safe neuroprotective general endo-
could trigger bronchospasm, but it does tracheal anesthetic.
provide the most rapid onset of paralysis after
f. Fentanyl 1 mcg/kg will be given with
Medical knowledge
induction to blunt the noxious effects of direct Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab-
laryngoscopy. lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cognate
(e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sciences
g. Lidocaine 11.5 mg/kg will also be given prior
and the application of this knowledge to patient care.
to intubation to decrease the likelihood of
bronchospasm. Lidocaine has been Know and apply the basic and clinically
demonstrated to be useful for this purpose. Its supportive sciences that are appropriate to their
mechanism of bronchospasm prevention has discipline.
been speculated to include blockade of
histamine-related bronchospasm as well as While a complete discussion of the pathophysiol- 435
blockade of parasympathetic smooth muscle ogy of increased intracranial pressure is beyond this
Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

exercise, some understanding of ICP is central to the

management of a patient with a VP shunt obstruction. Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a
Once the fontanelles of a child close, an increase in responsiveness to the needs of patients and society
volume in any intracranial compartment brain, cere- that supersedes self-interest; accountability to
bral blood volume, or cerebrospinal fluid will cause patients, society, and the profession; and a
a displacement of one of the other intracranial com- commitment to excellence and ongoing
partments. There is little room within the rigid cra- professional development.
nial vault, and small increases in intracranial volume If, after an uneventful induction, the case is pro-
can cause significant increases in intracranial pressure. ceeding well and the child is stable with the relief of the
Normal ICP measurements are 515 mmHg in adults shunt obstruction, a member of the anesthesia team
and 37 mmHg in children. Maintenance of adequate may choose to go out to the waiting room to reassure
cerebral blood flow (CBF) is critical to the preven- the family that things are OK.
tion of cerebral ischemia [3]. Cerebral autoregulation
maintains CBF constant over a range of cerebral per-
fusion pressures (CPP) of 50150 mmHg (in adults Interpersonal and communication
without chronic hypertension). CPP is the difference skills
between mean arterial pressure and ICP:
Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal
and communication skills that result in effective infor-
mation exchange and teaming with patients, their
patients families, and professional associates.
The hallmark of anesthesia management for patients
with VP shunt obstructions is to maintain CPP and
decrease ICP. Strategies employed include the avoid- Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically
ance of hypotension to avoid decreases in MAP and sound relationship with patients.
CPP, hyperventilation to decrease CBF and ICP, and After the case, we apologize to the parents for the
the use of drugs, such as intravenous agents (except for rushed, cursory history and physical and preop dis-
ketamine) and inhaled isoflurane, that decrease cere- cussion and explain that our urgency to proceed with
bral metabolic rate (CMRO2 ). the case was with the best interests of their child in
mind. We reassure the parents and answer any linger-
ing questions.
Practice-based learning
and improvement Work effectively with others as a member or
Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their leader of a health care team or other professional
patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific group.
evidence, and improve their patient care practices.
This patient presents to the hospital and then to
the operating room in critical condition. It is impor-
Analyze practice experience and perform
tant that the patient care team form quickly and work
practice-based improvement activities using a
together effectively. There should be no unnecessary
systematic methodology.
delay in starting this case. Handoff of this patient to
After the case is over, reflect on what went well and the anesthesia team should be done in a rapid, orga-
what you would do differently next time. Consult the nized fashion, with a report given during movement
literature, if needed. of the patient to the OR table and replacement of
In the event of further deterioration of the patients
Professionalism condition with worsened bradycardia, atropine and
Residents must demonstrate a commitment to car- epinephrine should be administered, as needed, and
rying out professional responsibilities, adherence to surgery to relieve ICP should proceed immediately.
436 ethical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient Should cardiac arrest ensue in this child, the anesthesi-
population. ologist should take charge of the resuscitation, provide
Case 76 Hes not dead yet!

airway management, administer drugs, and continue tem resources to provide care that is of optimal
monitoring. The anesthesiologist should assign some- value.
one from the nursing or surgical team to do chest com-
pressions and should discuss with the surgeon the best Understand how their patient care and other
way to proceed with relieving the increased intracra- professional practices affect other health care
nial pressure. professionals, the health care organization, and
the larger society and how these elements of the
system affect their own practice.
Systems-based practice
Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and Make sure your emergency response system is
responsiveness to the larger context and system of functional so that a critically ill patient like this can be
health care and the ability to effectively call on sys- cared for without delay.

Contributions from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions under Deborah A. Schwengel Part 5

References pretreatment with intravenous lignocaine/lidocaine

lead to an improved outcome? A review of the
1. Hamill JF, Bedford RF. Lidocaine before endotracheal
literature. Emerg Med J 2001;18:453457.
intubation: intravenous or laryngotracheal?
Anesthesiology 1981;55:578581. 3. Bershad EM, Humphries WE III, Suarez JI.
Intracranial hypertension. Semin Neurol
2. Robinson N, Clancy M. In patients with head injury
undergoing rapid sequence intubation, does

Part Contribution from the Medical College

6 of Wisconsin under Elena J. Holak

Part 6 Contribution from the Medical College of Wisconsin under
Case Elena J. Holak

77 The Four Horsemen of Notre Dame or

the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?
The story of how horses tried to ruin
my first night on call
Elena J. Holak and Paul S. Pagel
The case roasted chicken, which became lodged in his esoph-
Its my first night on call alone, all by myself. Ive finally agus and caused complete obstruction. He was not a
relinquished the puppy-call leash that tethered me to healthy man, as his past medical history of essential
a supervising senior resident since the beginning of hypertension, non-insulin-dependent diabetes melli-
my anesthesiology residency training. Of course, Im tus, tobacco abuse, and morbid obesity (shock and
scared out of my mind! Im armed with every medica- awe) indicated. The staff gastroenterologist had not yet
tion and portable airway device known to man; I look graced the scene with his beatific presence, and the
like Im about to be deployed to Fallujah, Iraq. I sin- GI fellow had begun performing an esophagoscopy
cerely regret my complete lack of weight training at without supervision. The patient received intravenous
the Highlander Elite Tennis and Racket Club. Its not midazolam (3 mg) and fentanyl (200 g), and the GI
that all the heavy equipment provided me with any fellow had been pulling shreds of chicken from the
legitimate sense of self-confidence. To the contrary, patients esophagus for over 45 minutes, when I was
Im watching the clock, quietly counting the minutes summoned to provide assistance with further con-
until the night is over, and praying that I wont acci- scious sedation and possible airway management.
dentally kill anyone with my lack of experience, which The body habitus of this unfortunate man was
has never been more blatantly obvious (at least to highly reminiscent of the Star Wars villain Jabba the
me). My prayers go unanswered, and my night doesnt Hutt. Considering the patients penchant for fast food,
pass silently. I conclude that God doesnt exist when I Jabba the Pizza Hut seems like a perfect moniker
receive a stat page to the gastroenterology (GI) labo- for the current report. While in the GI lab, I kept
ratory at the convenient time of 3:00 a.m. It probably hearing hoofbeats (it wasnt schizophrenia as I had
goes without saying that I wasnt sleeping anyway. A taken my Prolixin earlier in the day); I was hoping
female voice screams into my pager, We need you now for help from the Four Horsemen of Notre Dame
in GI room 3. (Stuhldreher, Miller, Crowley, and Layden) to provide
Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, I brute strength, but instead, I believed that the Four
appear in the GI lab within mere seconds of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Famine, Pestilence, War,
page, thereby proving some evidence, at least, that my and Death) may be arriving at any minute. That piece
health club cardio training was beneficial, or alterna- of chicken in Jabbas esophagus was certainly the Red
tively, that epinephrine is a truly miraculous substance. Horse War! I was at war with an intrusive invader
Im immediately confronted by a disoriented, com- of the esophagus and the airway problems created by
bative, 42-year-old, 205-kg, 165-cm male in a semire- Jabbas obesity combined with too much conscious
cumbent position being physically restrained by sev- sedation. It was obvious that the patient didnt believe
eral nurses, residents, and medical students. Clearly in the Black Horse Famine. He also hadnt heard of
the concept of restraint is not easily achieved when Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig (who doesnt own a
the weight (in kilograms) to height (in centimeters) horse of any color, at least to my knowledge). While we
ratio is greater than 1. In the emergency department, were all struggling with the patient and trying to for-
the patient claimed to have taken a small bite of a mulate a plan, the staff gastroenterologist (just call him
Contribution from the Medical College of Wisconsin under Elena J. Holak Part 6

Dr. X the Absent) finally arrived and harshly admon- cared for the same way that you would like a mem-
ished the GI fellow for failing to complete the proce- ber of your family treated when seeking health care. A
dure. He complained indignantly that someone with patient may remember a particular good or bad expe-
an ancient Toyota Corolla had taken his favorite park- rience for the rest of his or her life. In the information
ing spot near the hospital entrance, forcing him to park age, a physicians name and reputation certainly have
his new (gull-wing doored, Grigio Antares metallic) the potential to appear in an Internet chat room in very
Lamborghini Murcielago in a less convenient location. positive or negative light, depending on an individual
Dr. X openly criticized every aspect of the patients patients experience. This is a very sobering thought
care in front of the struggling man, while completely indeed.
ignoring him, but instead of assisting or instructing
the GI fellow, he went straight to the computer to Gather essential and accurate information about
check the status of a pair of ostrich boots advertised their patients.
on CraigsList. His nickname X the Absent was well
earned as he typically assists with most procedures for In the current case, the very limited information
only 5 to 10 minutes and then retires in glorious tri- was available from the medical record. The proce-
umph over his personal conquest of disease and his dure was deemed a medical emergency because the
salvation of mankind. Of course, he always leaves the esophageal obstruction prevented the patient from
patient with the impression that he alone performs all swallowing saliva. As a result, he was urgently trans-
procedures billed under his name. In his profound nar- ported to the GI lab after a very cursory initial eval-
cissism, he is, of course, the only person who possi- uation. Laboratory analysis demonstrated a blood
bly could have provided care, but Im thinking that he glucose concentration of 250 mg/dL (non-insulin-
is one totally bogus dude, to paraphrase Bill and Teds dependent diabetes and recent chicken consumption),
Excellent Adventure. but no other abnormalities were observed. The arterial
My dilemma: how was I going to sedate this gigan- oxygen saturation measure using pulse oximetry was
tic man while protecting his airway from aspiration, 89% with the patient breathing room air. The electro-
preserving oxygenation, and maintaining adequate cardiogram was normal. The patient received lisino-
ventilation? Im beginning to think that Ive lost my pril and metformin for treatment of hypertension and
mojo. diabetes, respectively. In the emergency department,
the patient denied a history of obstructive sleep apnea,
Patient care but he lived alone and was unaware whether he snored
on a regular basis. A complete history and physical
Residents must be able to provide patient care that is
examination is essential to modern anesthesia prac-
compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treat-
tice, but I was unable to obtain any historical infor-
ment of health problems and the promotion of health.
mation from the patient because he was sedated and
Communicate effectively and demonstrate caring combative.
and respectful behaviors when interacting with On physical examination, a Mallampati class III
patients and their families. airway, poor dentition, and a small mouth opening
were readily apparent. His cervical range of motion
Dealing with a partially sedated, combative patient was quite limited. The patient also had a bushy beard
in the wee hours of the morning is not optimal for that was clearly hiding micrognathia. With the beard
effective communication. Nevertheless, demonstrat- and generous abdominal girth, Jabba the Pizza Hut
ing a respectful, caring approach to the patient is of could have easily passed as the bass player for ZZ Top
paramount importance. However difficult the circum- (whose name happens to be Dusty Hill, for readers
stances, the physician must use the tone of voice and who are students of rock and roll history). I couldnt
general demeanor necessary to engender a feeling of help but wonder how hed managed to shovel down
trust. Social scientists indicate that one of the most all that food, enabling him to achieve the size of three
primitive actions for which humans strive is connec- grown men. He was literally wearing his addiction to
tion, that is, an insatiable inner need for meaningful food. I kept these thoughts to myself, of course, as one
442 interaction with others. Thus each patient should be day, I, too, may become a Hostess Twinkies addict,
Case 77 The Four Horsemen of Notre Dame or the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?

thereby transforming myself from a svelte figure into able. This adverse effect may provide succor to the Red
a walking water bed. Horse in his struggle to win the Battle of Chicken. The
nares were pretreated with oxymetazoline 0.05% spray
Develop and carry out patient management plans. (a vasoconstrictor that reduces the risk of intranasal
hemorrhage), followed by a nebulized treatment of 4%
The patient needed oxygen, oxygen, and more oxy-
lidocaine mixed with phenylephrine. Five milliliters of
gen, which is the other big O (and Im not referring
2% lidocaine jelly were then placed in the right nares,
to Othello, Oliver Twist, the Cirque du Soleil show, or
and a series of red rubber dilators were used to facili-
the large Internet retailer Adminis-
tate passage of the endotracheal tube (ETT). The tube
tration of oxygen by face mask increased the patients
passed easily through the nares, but unfortunately, a
arterial oxygen saturation to 95%. An indwelling 20-
small area of the patients hypopharynx had not been
gauge peripheral intravenous catheter was secured and
rendered insensate by inhaled, nebulized lidocaine. Of
standard American Society of Anesthesiology (ASA)
course, the ETT stimulated this precise location, and
monitors were applied. A second suction set was
this irritation by the ETT incited the most violent,
obtained to allow the patient to suction his own saliva,
bombastic cough recorded in human history. The Big
thereby providing him with a modicum of control
Bad Wolf couldnt hold a candle to Mr. Jabbas F-5
over his predicament. I had to immediately address
tornadic wretch emanating deep from the diaphragm.
the type and conduct of anesthesia for the remainder
Perhaps he was an opera singer and not a founding
of the procedure. Dr. X the Absent and his patheti-
member of ZZ Top in a former life. In any case, the
cally compliant GI team favored additional conscious
cough was forceful enough to bring up the remain-
sedation, but this strategy was unacceptable to me
der of the roaster chicken, which had happily resided,
because the airway was unsecured and the patient
minding its own business, in the patients lower esoph-
remained at high risk of aspiration. It was at this very
agus. The shear volume of chicken was astounding;
moment that X the Absent exclaimed, Damn, think I
if this were Jabbas idea of a little bite of chicken, Id
may get those boots! How nice for an awake patient
hate to see what he considered a large morsel. For an
in acute distress to hear this comment! Note to self:
instant, I thought that hed swallowed an entire 25-
look for mojo in the morning, or is it a cup of Joe?
pound Butterball Thanksgiving turkey, complete with
Because Jabba was conscious and maintaining ade-
stuffing and gravy. Another thought crossed my mind:
quate arterial oxygen saturation, I had time to pro-
could the anesthesiology department bill for the GI
vide topical local anesthesia before securing his air-
procedure since I was solely responsible for dislodg-
way using a fiber-optic bronchoscope. After successful
ing the esophageal chicken? I, and I alone, drove off
nasal endotracheal intubation using this approach, I
the Red Horse and won the war. With all due respect
planned to provide additional sedation, thereby allow-
to your 580-horsepower, V-12 Lamborghini, ostrich
ing Dr. X and his inadequate GI fellow to be more
boots, and massive ego, Dr. X you are a total loser! Res
aggressive in their retrieval of the chicken playing
ipsa loquitur.

Perform competently all medical and invasive Provide health care services aimed at preventing
procedures considered essential for the area of health problems or maintaining health.
The high risk of aspiration was critically important
The key component to any successful fiber-optic in the management of this patient, and every precau-
intubation is excellent topical anesthesia. Intravenous tion was taken to prevent this potentially catastrophic
glycopyrrolate is usually administered as an antisialo- event. After the chicken had been deesophagized (First
gogue before topical aerosolized 4% lidocaine is used authors note: deesophagized is the coolest word in
to provide pharyngeal and hypopharyngeal anesthe- this entire book. We kept the best for last!), the aspira-
sia. However, glycopyrrolate was not used in this case tion risk was no longer an acute concern. However, the
because there was inadequate time for the medica- patient clearly required a dietary referral for portion
tion to take effect. In addition, the anticholinergic control and a sensible, easy-to-follow weight-loss regi-
side effect of reduced GI peristalsis was not desir- men. A lower body-mass index may resolve or at lease 443
Contribution from the Medical College of Wisconsin under Elena J. Holak Part 6

substantially improve his comorbid conditions. A psy- ities, a competent anesthesiologist must be an excel-
chiatric evaluation should also be strongly considered lent historian capable of performing a comprehensive,
for assessment and definitive treatment of a compul- careful physical examination; possess a deep under-
sive eating disorder. standing of the patients family and community; have
the empathy to understand the patients beliefs and
Work with health care professionals, including values; and recognize the availability of resources in
those from other disciplines, to provide the community. The anesthesiologist should rapidly
patient-focused care. be able to identify precise, clearly defined goals and
formulate a detailed plan and timetable for achieving
During the acute event, two major medical services
them for each patient.
(gastroenterology and anesthesiology) were needed to
care for the patient. All members of the health care
team participated in caring for this morbidly obese Practice-based learning
man who just consumed half a chicken in one bite, and improvement
but the contributions of the GI attending physician,
Residents must be able to investigate and evaluate their
Dr. X were less than ideal. It is very important for the
patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific
attending physician to communicate with the team and
evidence, and improve their patient care practices.
actually participate in the care of the patient.
Analyze practice experience and perform
Medical knowledge practice-based improvement activities using a
Residents must demonstrate knowledge about estab- systematic methodology.
lished and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cognate
Analyzing practice experience is a multistep pro-
(e.g., epidemiological and social-behavioral) sciences
cess. The right questions require formation, and the
and the application of this knowledge to patient care.
relevance and validity of appropriate information
Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic need to be examined before the information can be
thinking approach to clinical situations. applied to each patients clinical condition. Dr. Evil
(of Austin Powers fame) used these principles, and
I knew I was in deep kimchi when confronted by Mini-Me quickly incorporated them. The patient, and
the combative, drooling Jabba the Pizza Hut and his not pathophysiologic reasoning or a specialty-specific
difficult airway. My mind reflexively recited the ASA approach, is the center of all care decisions within the
difficult airway algorithm in four different languages, guidelines of conscientious, explicit, and judicious use
but instead of following such a similar, well-established of current best evidence.
strategy, many physicians have relied on dogma, anec-
dote, and tradition to guide patient care. A sensible Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from
plan for patient care is generated that provides the scientific studies related to their patients health
most ideal possible care for the patient and uses the problems.
best available resources. The ASA difficult airway algo-
The ASA difficult airway algorithm clearly delin-
rithm was the template I followed in this case, albeit
eates the appropriate strategy for successful manage-
with somewhat unexpected results.
ment of the patient with a difficult airway. Neverthe-
Know and apply the basic and clinically less, case reports, diagnostic dilemmas, and review
supportive sciences that are appropriate to their articles expand the breadth of knowledge and expertise
discipline. in this highly technical area. Evidence-based medicine
also encourages a culture of inquiry. Anesthesiologists
Medical information alone is not the only prerequi- may have clear evidence to support current medical
site for compassionate, effective patient care. The his- practice in many circumstances, but extrapolation of
tory of medicine is full of examples in which dogma research data or anecdotal experience may be required
and tradition were later proven false. Trephination, when little other information is available to guide care.
444 bloodletting, and laser face-lifts represent only three Remember when duodenal ulcers were treated with
examples. Thus, along with solid communication abil- a bland diet? Who would have ever thought that a
Case 77 The Four Horsemen of Notre Dame or the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?

bacterium was responsible for ulcer disease? Blood- Professionalism is an elusive, intangible concept
letting was used as a cure for centuries, but President that may be easier to identify than define. The Amer-
George Washington probably expired as a result of ican Board of Internal Medicine was the first to
hypovolemic shock after too much bloodletting. Oops. delineate the tenets of professionalism, which include
altruism, accountability, excellence, duty, honor and
Apply knowledge of study designs and statistical integrity, and respect for others. These noncognitive
methods to the appraisal of clinical studies and behaviors and habits are not easily taught in traditional
other information on diagnostic and therapeutic ways and require a new pedagogy. In 1925, Abraham
effectiveness. Flexner described scientific medicine in America as
young, vigorous, and positivistic. Unfortunately, he felt
Medically useful information has three attributes:
that medicine was sadly deficient in cultural and philo-
it must be correct, easily accessible, and immedi-
sophical background. Of note, Jordan Cohen, presi-
ately relevant. Dr. X the Absent was a genius at the
dent emeritus of the American Association of Medical
easy part and little else. When evaluating a study in
Colleges felt that a deficiency in professionalism would
the literature, the anesthesiology resident should verify
result in the loss of autonomy in our interactions with
that the reference standard was applied to all patients,
patients, self-regulation, public esteem, and a reward-
assess for appropriate blinding and inherent study
ing career. His personal sentiment was that profession-
design bias, and evaluate whether the authors tested
alism was the basis of medicines contract with society
a clear hypothesis. The reader should critically assess
and thus, the keystone in the future of medicine.
whether the conclusions reached by the authors are
The Hippocratic Oath and HIPAA are all over this
consistent with the data. Systematic reviews and meta-
one. How pleasantly ironic is it that Hippocrates and
analyses can be powerful tools, but such studies should
HIPAA both start with H-I-P? So does hippopotamus,
contain only the results of randomized, controlled
which might also apply to the current case. HIPAA
clinical trials.
clearly delineates the principles of patient confiden-
Use information technology to manage tiality. This patients story should not be fodder for
information, access online medical information, chats in the break room, regardless of how interest-
and support their own education. ing, funny, difficult, or entertaining it may be. The Hip-
pocratic Oath clearly states, I will prescribe regimens
The Internet is a very powerful tool. Google will for the good of my patients, according to my ability
reveal millions of hits on the vast majority of medical and judgment and never do harm to anyone. Patient
subjects, which may initiate further questions. Two confidentiality is addressed as well: all that may come
particularly useful Web sites are the Cochrane Library to my knowledge in the exercise of my profession or
( and in daily commerce with men, which ought not to be
the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality spread abroad, I will keep secret and never reveal.
(AHRQ) ( Readers are always Does anyone remember agreeing to being free of mis-
encouraged to check sources for validity. chief and in particular of sexual relations with both
female and male persons be they free or slaves? This
Professionalism part of the Hippocratic Oath somehow escaped the
authors attention when they graduated from medical
Residents must demonstrate a commitment to car-
school. Neither of us realized that we were committed
rying out professional responsibilities, adherence to
to a life of celibacy on graduation.
ethical principles, and sensitivity to a diverse patient
Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness to
Demonstrate respect, compassion, and integrity; a patients culture, age, gender, and disabilities.
responsiveness to the needs of patients and society
that supersedes self-interest; accountability to It is certainly not sensitive or professional for the
patients, society, and the profession; and a authors to nickname the patient Jabba the Pizza
commitment to excellence and ongoing Hut because of his rather large size. The fact that he
professional development. attempted to consume one half a roaster chicken in a 445
single bite should also not be a source of amusement.
Contribution from the Medical College of Wisconsin under Elena J. Holak Part 6

These examples were used only in this chapter to spective that they are able to clearly understand. Med-
illustrate the irony of a tragic situation, that is, a ical jargon that is unintelligible is useless and does
frightened, morbidly obese man with multiple chronic nothing but alienate, confuse, and frighten the patient.
medical problems in acute distress resulting from an Translators, sign language interpreters, and pictures
esophageal impaction. Professional behavior entails should be liberally used with patients who do not speak
showing respect for patients, colleagues, and oneself. English, are deaf, or cannot read, respectively. The use
The need for empathy and compassion at all times can- of such tools should be clearly documented in the
not be overemphasized. This behavior was one termed operative consent and continued into the postopera-
bedside manner, admirably displayed by the quartet of tive period.
famous television characters Ben Casey, Dr. Kildare,
Marcus Welby, and Benjamin Franklin Hawkeye Work effectively with others as a member or
Pierce. leader of a health care team or other professional
Interpersonal and communication The anesthesiologist is a member of the operating
skills health care team whose critical functions are to keep
Residents must be able to demonstrate interpersonal the patient alive and out of harms way. The surgeon
and communication skills that result in effective infor- may claim that he or she is the captain of the ship as
mation exchange and teaming with patients, their Walt Whitman wrote, Oh Captain! My Captain! Our
patients families, and professional associates. fearful trip is done / the ship has weatherd every rack,
the prize we sought is won / the port is near, the bells I
Create and sustain a therapeutic and ethically hear, the people all exulting but the anesthesiologist
sound relationship with patients. is the admiral who decides whether and how the ship
sails in the first place. Dr. Surgeon may feel that good
This objective proved to be a very difficult task
old Walt personally wrote the poem for him or her, but
with Jabba the Pizza Hut as he was relatively hypox-
every member of the operative team contributes to the
emic, sedated, and combative. Obviously, the current
successful outcome of the patient. Surgery truly is a
case is not the ideal situation in which to demonstrate
team sport, and there is no I in team, only in amide
this Core Clinical Competency. A sound relationship
local anesthetics.
is predicated on the principle of respect. The physi-
cian must listen to the patient and develop an under-
standing of the patient, family, and culture, but an Systems-based practice
anesthesiologist may not be able to accomplish this
Residents must demonstrate an awareness of and
objective in a 5- to 10-minute preoperative evalua-
responsiveness to the larger context and system of
tion. Instead, stronger, more sincere efforts should be
health and the ability to effectively all on system re-
made to imbue a sense of mutual trust, respect, and
sources to provide care that is of optimal value.
rapport. Radar OReilly, from the old television series
MASH, was portrayed with an excellent set of com-
munication skills. He was attuned to the needs of oth- Understand how their patient care and other
ers before being asked for a particular item, favor, or professional practices affect other health care
skill and even completed the thoughts and sentences of professionals, the health care organization and the
friends and coworkers. Given the time and experience, larger society and how these elements of the
many physicians are able to develop similar insights system affect their own practice.
into their patients.
Anesthesiologists are often focused on limited
Use effective listening skills and elicit and provide specialty-specific ideologies that may adversely affect
information using effective nonverbal, our ability to acknowledge the viewpoint of other med-
explanatory questioning, and writing skills. ical specialties. Recognition of this potential source
of distraction from patient-centered care is an impor-
446 It bears repeating that conversations with patients tant component of systems-based practice. Mastery
and their families should be approached from a per- of skills used in the service of others, compliance
Case 77 The Four Horsemen of Notre Dame or the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?

with a code of ethics, and dedication to continuous Advocate for quality patient care and assist
education of colleagues, residents, and medical stud- patients in dealing with system complexities.
ies within the framework of a professional culture are
also essential goals of systems-based practice. In the All physicians are dedicated to providing excellent
current case, a sensible, nonconfrontational conversa- patient care. This should be job number 1, not Mission
tion between the gastroenterologists and the anesthe- Impossible. Our motto: treat every patient as if he or
siologist, in which the advantages of airway control she were a family member. System complexities may be
were compared with additional conscious sedation, difficult to navigate, but proper counsel, support, and
opened a line of communication between the physi- assistance from ancillary staff facilitate the journey. It
cians involved in Jabbas care. This approach allowed is always the small acts of kindness that people remem-
the gastroenterologists to understand the anesthesi- ber the most.
ologists specialty-specific needs, without jeopardizing
patient safety. Know how to partner with health care managers
and health care providers to assess, coordinate,
and improve health are and know how these
Practice cost-effective health care and resource
activities can affect system performance.
allocation that does not compromise quality of
care. In this case, the anesthesiologist partnered with
gastroenterology as a team to explain to the patient the
The supplies (oxygen, topical lidocaine, oxymeta- course of events, immediate treatment, and the poten-
zoline, and phenylephrine) used in the care of the tial mechanisms by which a future recurrence may
current patient were very cost-effective. A fiber-optic be avoided. Referrals may be made to other special-
bronchoscope is a very durable product that can be ists who are able provide assistance with the patients
used for years after a simple cleaning procedure, plethora of medical problems. Should he avail him-
thereby recouping the initial cost of the device. Expen- self of these opportunities, his general overall state
sive sedatives were not used in this case. Perhaps Ivana of health may improve, thereby making him a hap-
Trump would not care for this approach, but she isnt pier, healthier person and reducing the burden on the
a physician! health care system.

Contribution from the Medical College of Wisconsin under Elena J. Holak Part 6

Additional reading 6. Lema MJ. Professionalism and the anesthesiologist: Ill

know it when I see it. ASA Newsl 2003;67(9):1, 30.
1. Robins LS, Braddock CH, Fryer-Edwards KA. Using
the American Board of Internal Medicines Elements 7. Medical professionalism in the new millennium: a
of Professionalism for undergraduate ethics physician charter. Ann Int Med 2002;136:243246.
education. Acad Med 2002;77:523530. 8. Sackett DL, Haynes RB, Guyatt GH, Tugwell P.
2. Stern DT, Papadakis M. The developing physician Clinical epidemiology: a basic science for clinical
becoming a professional. N Engl J Med 2006;355:17. medicine. 2nd ed. Boston: Little, Brown; 1991.
3. Lattore P, Lumb P. Professionalism and interpersonal 9. Amalberti R, Auroy Y, Berwick D, Barach P. Five
communications: ACGME Competencies and core system barriers to achieving ultrasafe health care. Ann
leadership development qualities why are they so Intern Med 2005;31:756764.
important and how should they be taught to 10. Sise MJ, Sise CB, Sack BA, Goerhing M. Surgeons
anesthesiology residents and fellows? Sem Anesth attitudes about communicating with patients and their
Perioper Med Pain 2005;24:134137. families. Curr Surg 2006;63:21318.
4. Baker DP, Salas E, King H, Battles J, Barach P. The role 11. Sloan PD, Slatt LM, Ebell MH, Jacques LB, Smith MA.
of teamwork in the professional education of Essentials of family medicine. In: Information
physicians: current status and assessment mastery: basing care on the best available evidence. 5th
recommendations. J Qual Patient Safety 2005;31. ed.: Lippincott, Williams, and Wilkins; 2007: 85
5. Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs. Code of 96.
medical ethics: current opinions. American Medical
Association; 1992.


You can think what you like about the Core Clin- ident). This little foray attempted to make the Core
ical Competencies. You can slice them, dice them, Clinical Competencies if not delectable at least
julienne them. But you still have to teach them (if digestible.
youre an attending) and learn them (if youre a res- Bon appetit!
And keep quiet in the elevators!


abdominal hysterectomies, core ACLS. See advanced cardiac life patient care as, 301302
clinical competency for, support (ACLS), core clinical management plans for, 302
128132 competency for patient history in, 301
anesthesiology, basic plans in, Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome practice-based learning and
203209 (ARDS), 73 improvement as, 303304
communication and interpersonal professionalism as, 304
skills as, 131132 advanced cardiac life support (ACLS), systems-based practice as, 304305
in patient care, 128129 core clinical competency for,
324332 American College of Chest Physicians
medical knowledge as, 130 (ACCP), HITT
critical analysis in, 130 communication and interpersonal
skills as, 329330 recommendations, 372
patient care as, 128130 for cardiac surgery, 372
communication skills as part of, in team dynamics, 330
128129 medical knowledge as, 326327 anaphylactoid reactions, from AVM,
counseling in, 129 application of sciences for, 327 250
diagnostic and therapeutic patient care as, 324326 Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation
interventions in, 129 information technologies for, (APSF), 221
management plans for, 129 325326
with other health care management plans for, 325 anesthesiology, aneurysms and, from
professionals, 130 with other health care Cushings triad, 12
with placentia previa, 129 professionals, 326 anesthesiology, basic plans in,
practice-based learning and practice-based learning and 203209. See also obstetric
improvement as, 130131 improvement as, 327328 anesthesia; pediatric anesthesia
systematic methodology in, systematic methodology for, communication and interpersonal
130 327328 skills for, 207208
professionalism as, 131 professionalism as, 328329 medical knowledge in, 205206
system-based practice as, 132 systems-based practice as, 330332 for patient care, 3, 203205
abdominal pain. See diffuse abdominal advocacy, for patient care, 5 counseling in, 204
pain, core clinical competency in anesthesiology plans, 208 information technology for,
for for aneurysms, 16 204205
for Brown-Sequard syndrome, 50 management plans for, 204
ACCP. See American College of Chest for CRPS, 88 practice-based learning and
Physicians for esophagectomies, 38 improvement in, 206207
Accreditation Council for Graduate for ETT placement, 26 systematic methodology in, 206
Medical Education (ACGME), during Foley catheter placement, professionalism and, 207
core competency guidelines 20 systems-based practice for, 208209
under, for hypercoagulable state, with resource allocation in, 208
for communication and pregnancy, 93 systems-based practice in, patient
interpersonal skills, 279 for lung failure, 77 advocacy in, 208
for medical knowledge, 278 for nephrectomies, 231 for VADs, 385
for patient care, 276278 for PA catheter placement, 32 aneurysms, core clinical competency
for practice-based learning and AHI. See Apnea Hypopnea Index for, 1116
improvement, 278279 communication and interpersonal
for professionalism, 279 air embolism, during craniotomies, skills as, 15
for systems-based practice, core clinical competency for, team dynamics and, 15
279280 301305 in writing, 15
communication and interpersonal from Cushings triad, 11, 12
ACGME. See Accreditation Council skills as, 304
for Graduate Medical medical knowledge as, 12 451
medical knowledge as, 302303 from Cushings triad, 11, 12

aneurysms, core clinical (cont.) intraoperative evaluation for, in patient care, 79

through physiological assessment, 247249 in team dynamics, 81
12 for embolization, 249 medical knowledge as, 8081
patient care for, 1112 for induced hypotension, 248 of GERD, 80
Pentathol for, 11 induction agents in, 248 patient care as, 7980
practice-based learning and IV access, 248 communication skills as part of,
improvement as, 1214 with monitors, 247248 79
through assimilation of evidence, for oxygen desaturation, 248249 patient history for, 80
13 ventilator settings, 248 professionalism as, 81
clinical study design knowledge postoperative management for, broken catheters. See catheters,
in, 13 249250 broken, competency for
information technology use in, for anaphylactoid reaction, 250
1314 for blindness, 249250 bronchospasms, core clinical
population information in, 13 preoperative evaluation for, competency for, 6567
systematic methodology in, 246247 communication and interpersonal
1213 lab studies in, 246 skills as, 67
professionalism as, 14 lack of patient cooperation in, 246 listening skills, 67
compassion as part of, 14 medication protocol in, 247 in patient care, 65
cultural sensitivity and, 14 patient history in, 246 in team dynamics, 67
prophylactic antibiotic medical knowledge as, 66
arthroplasty. See total knee application of sciences for, 66
administration for, 12 arthroplasty, core clinical
systems-based practice as, 1516 critical analysis of, 66
competency for patient care as, 6566
health care system coordination
in, 16 aspiration pneumonia, from aspiration communication skills as part of,
in macrocontexts, 1516 of gastric contents into the 65
patient care advocacy in, 16 lungs, 419 diagnostic and therapeutic
resource allocation in, 16 AVM. See arteriovenous malformation interventions in, 65
(AVM), core clinical with other health care
anticoagulation therapy, for HITT, 69 professionals, 66
competency for
aortic stenosis, core clinical patient history for, 65
competency for, 252259 awake intubation, clinical core professionalism as, 6667
communication and interpersonal competency for, 4344 cultural sensitivity and, 67
skills as, 256257 communication and interpersonal lack of self-interest and, 66
in team dynamics, 257 skills as, in patient care, 43
medical knowledge as, 43 Brown-Sequard syndrome, core
medical knowledge as, 254255 clinical competency for, 4650
critical analysis of, 254 critical analysis in, 43
patient care as, 43 communication and interpersonal
of pulsus paradoxus, 254 skills as, 4950
patient care as, 253254 communication as part of, 43
with other health care listening skills, 49
diagnostic and therapeutic in patient care, 46
interventions in, 253 professionals, 43
practice-based learning and in team dynamics, 4950
patient history for, 253 medical knowledge as, 4748
practice-based learning and improvement as, 4344
for submandibular abscess, risk assessment in, 47
improvement as, 255256 patient care as, 4647
systematic methodology in, 255 149150
communication as part of, 46
professionalism as, 256 counseling in, 47
systems-based practice as, 257259 beta-blockers, 4 diagnostic and therapeutic
macrocontexts in, 257258 POISE study on, 4 interventions in, 46
resource allocation in, 258 information technologies as part
bivalirudin, 69
Apnea Hypopnea Index (AHI), 290 of, 47
blindness, from AVM, 249250 management plans for, 4647
APSF. See Anesthesia Patient Safety
Foundation blood banks. See aortic stenosis, core with other health care
clinical competency for professionals, 47
ARDS. See Acute Respiratory Distress patient history for, 46
Syndrome blood transfusions, religious conflicts
performance of medical
over, 427
Argatroban, 69 procedures for, 47
breast biopsies, core clinical practice-based learning and
arrhythmias, 385386 competency for, 7981 improvement as, 4849
arteriovenous malformation (AVM), communication and interpersonal from clinical study design, 4849
452 core clinical competency for, skills as, 81 evidence assimilation, 48
246250 listening skills, 81 with information technologies, 49

from larger populations, 48 canceled surgery, core clinical for air embolism, during
systematic methodology in, 48 competency for, 410414 craniotomies, 301305
professionalism as, 49 communication and interpersonal for aneurysms, 1116
cultural sensitivity and, 49 skills as, 413414 communication and
systems-based practice as, 50 during medical errors, 413414 interpersonal skills for, 15
patient advocacy in, 50 medical knowledge as, 412413 from Cushings triad, 11, 12
resource allocation in, 50 application of sciences for, medical knowledge for, 12
Burn Diagrams, 355356 412413 patient care for, 1112
of Foramen of Morgagni hernia, Pentathol for, 11
burns, core clinical competency for, 411, 412 practice-based learning and
5659, 352358 patient care as, 410412 improvement for, 1214
communication and interpersonal management plans for, 411 professionalism for, 14
skills as, 58, 356357 patient history for, 411 prophylactic antibiotic
compassion in, 56 practice-based learning and administration for, 12
in endotracheal airway, 191196 improvement as, 413 systems-based practice for,
communication and professionalism as, 413 1516
interpersonal skills as, 195 systems-based practice as, for aortic stenosis, 252259
medical knowledge as, 193 414 communication and
patient care as, 191193 interpersonal skills as, 256257
practice-based learning and carcinoid syndrome, 308310
medical knowledge as, 254255
improvement as, 193194 catheters, broken, competency for, patient care as, 253254
professionalism as, 194195 137140 practice-based learning and
systems-based practice as, medical knowledge, 138 improvement as, 255256
195196 patient care, 137138 professionalism as, 256
medical knowledge as, 57, 354355 counseling in, 137138 systems-based practice as,
critical analysis of, 57 diagnostic and therapeutic 257259
of physiology after, 354355 interventions in, 137 for AVM, 246250
patient care as, 5657, 352354 practice-based learning and intraoperative evaluation for,
adequate venous access as part of, improvement, 139 247249
354 professionalism, 139 postoperative management for,
compassionate communication systems-based practice, 139140 249250
in, 56 central pain syndrome, 270 preoperative evaluation for,
counseling as part of, 353 246247
diagnostic and therapeutic chronic obstructive pulmonary disease for awake intubations, 4344
interventions in, 5657 (COPD), 116. See also tobacco medical knowledge as, 43
infection risk and, 354 use, lung impairment from, patient care as, 43
information technology in, core clinical competency for practice-based learning and
353354 clinical case studies, core clinical improvement as, 4344
management plans for, 57, competency in for submandibular abscess,
352353 for abdominal hysterectomies, 149150
with Parkland Formula, 353 128132 for breast biopsies, 7981
performance of medical communication and communication and
procedures in, 57 interpersonal skills as, 131132 interpersonal skills as, 81
practice-based learning and medical knowledge as, 130 medical knowledge as, 8081
improvement as, 5758, patient care as, 128130 patient care as, 7980
355356 with placentia previa, 129 professionalism as, 81
Burn Diagrams and, 355356 practice-based learning and for broken catheters, 137140
clinical study design in, 58, improvement as, 130131 medical knowledge of, 138
355356 professionalism as, 131 patient care for, 137138
complications and, 355 system-based practice as, 132 practice-based learning and
information technologies in, for ACLS, 324332 improvement for, 139
58 communication and professionalism for, 139
professionalism as, 58, 356 interpersonal skills as, 329330 systems-based practice for,
systems-based practice as, 59, medical knowledge as, 326327 139140
357358 patient care as, 324326 for bronchospasms, 6567
resource allocation in, 357358 practice-based learning and communication and
improvement as, 327328 interpersonal skills as, 67
CABG. See coronary artery bypass professionalism as, 328329 medical knowledge as, 66
surgery (CABG), core clinical systems-based practice as, patient care as, 6566 453
competency for 330332 professionalism as, 6667

clinical case studies, core (cont.) medical knowledge as, 8788, practice-based learning and
for Brown-Sequard syndrome, 319320 improvement as, 155
4650 patient care as, 8687, 318319 professionalism as, 155156
communication and practice-based learning and systems-based practice as, 156
interpersonal skills as, 4950 improvement as, 320 for esophageal obstruction, 439447
medical knowledge as, 4748 professionalism as, 320321 for esophagectomies, 3438
patient care as, 4647 systems-based practice as, communication and
practice-based learning and 321322 interpersonal skills as, 37
improvement as, 4849 for DIC, 73, 310311, 313316 medical knowledge as, 35
professionalism as, 49 communication and patient care as, 3435
systems-based practice as, 50 interpersonal skills as, 315 practice-based learning and
for burns, 5659, 352358 medical knowledge as, 314315 improvement as, 36
communication and patient care as, 313314 professionalism as, 3637
interpersonal skills as, 58, systems-based practice as, systems-based practice as, 37
356357 315316 transhiatal, 211214
in endotracheal airway, 191196 for diffuse abdominal pain, 232234 for ETT placement, 2326
medical knowledge as, 57, communication and communication and
354355 interpersonal skills as, 232, 233 interpersonal skills as, 2526
patient care as, 5657, 352354 medical knowledge as, 232 with laryngeal mask airways,
practice-based learning and practice-based learning and 2324
improvement as, 5758, improvement as, 233234 medical knowledge as, 24
355356 professionalism as, 232 patient care as, 2324
professionalism as, 58, 356 systems-based practice as, 233 practice-based learning and
systems-based practice as, 59, for Downs syndrome with ESRD, improvement as, 2425
357358 425432 professionalism as, 25
for CABG, 198201 communication and systems-based practice as, 26
communication and interpersonal skills as, 430431 tube construction and,
interpersonal skills as, 201 medical knowledge as, 428 complications from, 123126
medical knowledge as, 199200 patient care as, 426428 for EXIT procedures, 397401
patient care as, 198199 practice-based learning and communication and
practice-based learning and improvement as, 428429 interpersonal skills as, 400401
improvement as, 200 professionalism as, 429430 medical knowledge as, 399
professionalism as, 200201 systems-based practice as, patient care as, 398399
systems-based practice as, 201 431432 practice-based learning and
for canceled surgery, 410414 for endotracheal airway burns, improvement as, 399400
communication and 191196 professionalism as, 400
interpersonal skills as, 413414 communication and systems-based practice as, 401
medical knowledge as, 412413 interpersonal skills as, 195 for exploratory laparotomies,
patient care as, 410412 medical knowledge as, 193 307311
practice-based learning and patient care as, 191193 communication and
improvement as, 413 practice-based learning and interpersonal skills as, 310
professionalism as, 413 improvement as, 193194 intraoperative evaluations for,
systems-based practice as, 414 professionalism as, 194195 307
for clopidogrel use, 340345 systems-based practice as, medical knowledge as, 309310
communication and 195196 patient care as, 308309
interpersonal skills as, 344 with equipment failure, 169173 postoperative evaluations for,
medical knowledge as, 341342 communication and 307308
patient care as, 340341 interpersonal skills during, 172 practice-based learning and
practice-based learning and medical knowledge and, 170171 improvement as, 310
improvement as, 342343 patient care with, 169170 preoperative evaluations for,
professionalism as, 343344 practice-based learning and 307
systems-based practice as, improvement with, 171 systems-based practice as,
344345 professionalism during, 171172 310311
for craniotomies, air embolism systems-based practice with, 173 for extubation, 4041
during, 301305 for ERCP, 153156 with mandible fixation, 95100
for CRPS, 8688, 318322 communication and medical knowledge as, 4041
communication and interpersonal skills as, 156 patient care as, 40
interpersonal skills as, 88, medical knowledge as, 154155 practice-based learning and
454 320321 patient care as, 153154 improvement as, 41

with pseudoseizures, 119121 practice-based learning and practice-based learning and

systems-based practice as, 41 improvement as, 92 improvement as, 75
for eye injury, 281286 professionalism as, 9293 professionalism as, 7576
communication and systems-based practice as, 93 systems-based practice as, 7677
interpersonal skills as, 286 for kidney transplants, 164167 for mandible fixation, with
medical knowledge as, 283284 communication and extubation, 95100
patient care as, 281283 interpersonal skills as, 166167 communication and
practice-based learning and Isoflurane for, 167 interpersonal skills as, 99
improvement as, 284285 medical knowledge as, 165 medical knowledge as, 9697
professionalism as, 285 patient care as, 164165 with OMFS, 95
for fires in operating rooms, practice-based learning and patient care as, 9596
217223 improvement as, 165166 practice-based learning and
communication and professionalism as, 166 improvement as, 9798
interpersonal skills as, 222 with liver transplants, 266268 professionalism as, 9899
medical knowledge during, systems-based practice as, 167 systems-based practice as,
219220 for laparoscopic cholecystectomies, 99100
patient care during, 217219 260262 for mediastinal mass with tracheal
practice-based learning and communication and compression, 347350
improvement for, 220221 interpersonal skills as, 262 medical knowledge as, 348
professionalism during, medical knowledge as, 261 patient care as, 347348
221222 patient care as, 260261 practice-based learning and
systems-based practice for, practice-based learning and improvement as, 348349
222223 improvement as, 261 professionalism as, 349350
for Foley catheter placement, professionalism for, 261262 systems-based practice as, 350
1821 systems-based practice as, 262 for mediastinoscopy, 6163
communication and for laparoscopic colectomies, 8384 communication and
interpersonal skills as, communication and interpersonal skills as, 6263
20 interpersonal skills as, 84 medical knowledge as, 62
medical knowledge as, 19 medical knowledge as, 83 patient care as, 6162
patient care, 1819 patient care as, 83 practice-based learning and
practice-based learning and practice-based learning and improvement as, 62
improvement as, 1920 improvement as, 8384 professionalism as, 62
systems-based practice in, professionalism as, 8384 systems-based practice as, 63
2021 for L&D with morbid obesity, for morbid obesity, pregnancy and,
for Hextend, allergic reaction to, 158162 108112
134136 communication and communication and
medical knowledge as, 134135 interpersonal skills as, 161 interpersonal skills as, 111
patient care as, 134135 medical knowledge as, 159160 for L&D, 158162
practice-based learning and patient care as, 158159 medical knowledge as, 110
improvement as, 30 practice-based learning and patient care as, 108110
for HITT, 6971, 369373 improvement as, 160 practice-based learning and
ACCP recommendations, 372 professionalism as, 160161 improvement as, 110111
communication and systems-based practice as, 161 professionalism as, 111
interpersonal skills as, 69, for lower left extremity pain, systems-based practice as,
373 269274 111112
medical knowledge as, 6970, communication and for nephrectomies, 227230, 231
371372 interpersonal skills as, 272273 communication and
patient care as, 69, 369371 medical knowledge as, 270271 interpersonal skills as, 230
practice-based learning and patient care as, 269270 medical knowledge as, 228
improvement as, 70, 372 practice-based learning and patient care as, 227228
professionalism as, 7071 improvement as, 271272 practice-based learning and
systems-based practice as, 71, professionalism for, 272 improvement as, 228229
373 systems-based practice as, professionalism as, 229
for hypercoagulable state, with 273274 systems-based practice as,
pregnancy, 9093 for lung failure, 7377 230231
communication and communication and for nitric oxide use, 365367
interpersonal skills as, 93 interpersonal skills as, 76 communication and
medical knowledge as, 9192 medical knowledge as, 7475 interpersonal skills as, 367
patient care as, 9091 patient care as, 7374 medical knowledge as, 366 455

clinical case studies, core (cont.) patient care as, 289291 professionalism as, 111
patient care as, 365366 professionalism as, 292293 systems-based practice as,
professionalism as, 366367 systems-based practice as, 293 111112
properties of, 365 for perioperative fasting, 416423 for pseudoseizures, with extubation,
systems-based practice as, 367 communication and 119121
uses for, 365 interpersonal skills as, 421422 medical knowledge as, 120
for OSA, 175179 medical knowledge as, 418419 patient care as, 120
in children, 289293 patient care as, 416418 practice-based learning and
communication and practice-based learning and improvement as, 120
interpersonal skills as, 178 improvement as, 419420 professionalism as, 120121
medical knowledge as, 177 professionalism as, 420421 for renal transplants, 263265
patient care as, 175177 systems-based practice as, with liver transplants, 266268
practice-based learning and 422423 for spinal surgery with significant
improvement as, 178 for Pierre Robin Malformation, blood loss, 360363
professionalism as, 178 142145 communication and
systems-based practice as, communication and interpersonal skills as,
178179 interpersonal skills as, 144 362363
for PA catheter placement, 2832 medical knowledge as, 143 medical knowledge as, 361
communication and patient care as, 142143 patient care as, 360361
interpersonal skills as, 31 practice-based learning and practice-based learning and
medical knowledge as, 29 improvement as, 143144 improvement as, 361362
patient care as, 2829 professionalism as, 144 professionalism as, 362
practice-based learning and systems-based practice as, 145 systems-based practice as, 363
improvement as, 30 for postoperative nausea and for stent placement, 5254
professionalism as, 3031 vomiting, 181182 communication and
systems-based practice as, 3132 medical knowledge as, 181 interpersonal skills as, 54
for pectus excavatum, 403408 patient care as, 181 medical knowledge as, 53
communication and practice-based learning and practice-based learning and
interpersonal skills as, 406407 improvement as, 181182 improvement as, 53
medical knowledge as, 404405 professionalism as, 182 professionalism as, 5354
patient care as, 403404 for postpartum hemorrhage, systems-based practice as, 54
practice-based learning and 102106 for submandibular abscess, 147151
improvement as, 405406 Code Noelle and, 102 communication and
professionalism as, 406 communication and interpersonal skills as, 150
systems-based practice as, 407 interpersonal skills as, medical knowledge as, 148149
for pediatric congestive heart 105 patient care as, 147148
failure, 375380 medical knowledge as, 103104 practice-based learning and
communication and patient care as, 102103 improvement as, 149150
interpersonal skills as, 379 practice-based learning and professionalism as, 150
medical knowledge as, 377378 improvement as, 104 systems-based practice as,
patient care as, 375377 professionalism as, 104105 150151
practice-based learning and system-based practice as, for substance abuse, 184187
improvement as, 378379 105106 communication and
systems-based practice as, for PPH, 391395 interpersonal skills as, 186187
379380 communication and medical knowledge as, 185186
for pediatric intracranial pressure, interpersonal skills as, 394 patient care as, 184185
434437 medical knowledge as, 393394 practice-based learning and
communication and patient care as, 391393 improvement as, 186
interpersonal skills as, 436437 professionalism as, 394 professionalism as, 186
medical knowledge as, 435436 systems-based practice as, 395 for TEF, in neonates, 295299
patient care as, 434435 for pregnancy, with morbid obesity, communication and
practice-based learning and 108112 interpersonal skills as, 298299
improvement as, 436 communication and with complications, 295
professionalism as, 436 interpersonal skills as, 111 medical knowledge as, 297298
systems-based practice as, 437 for L&D, 158162 patient care as, 295297
for pediatric OSA, 289293 medical knowledge as, 110 practice-based learning and
communication and patient care as, 108110 improvement as, 298
interpersonal skills as, 293 practice-based learning and professionalism as, 298
456 medical knowledge as, 291292 improvement as, 110111 systems-based practice as, 299

for tobacco-induced lung counseling as part of, 340341 for diffuse abdominal pain, 232, 233
impairment, 114117 diagnostic and therapeutic for Downs syndrome with ESRD,
communication and interventions with, 340 430431
interpersonal skills as, 117 with other health care in patient care, 426
medical knowledge as, 115116 professionals, 341 in team dynamics, 431
patient care as, 114115 spinal hematomas as risk in, 340 for endotracheal airway burns,
practice-based learning and practice-based learning and 194195
improvement as, 116 improvement as, 342343 in patient care, 191
professionalism as, 116 professionalism as, 343344 during equipment failure, 172
systems-based practice as, 117 systems-based practice as, 344345 in team dynamics, 172
for total knee arthroplasty, 240244 Code Noelle, 102 for ERCP, 156
communication and for esophageal obstruction, 446
interpersonal skills as, 242243 colon cancer. See laparoscopic for esophagectomies, 37
medical knowledge as, 242 colectomies, clinical core patient care and, 34
patient care as, 240241 competency for patient relationships and, 37
systems-based practice as, communication and interpersonal through team dynamics, 37
243244 skills, as core clinical writing skills, 37
for transhiatal esophagectomies, competency, 45 for ETT placement, 2526
211214 for abdominal hysterectomies, patient relationships, 25
communication and 131132 in team dynamics, 2526
interpersonal skills as, 214 in patient care, 128129 tube construction and,
medical knowledge as, 213 for ACLS, 329330 complications from, 125
patient care as, 211213 in team dynamics, 330 writing skills in, 25
practice-based learning and during air embolism, during for EXIT procedures, 400401
improvement as, 213214 craniotomies, 304 for exploratory laparotomies, 310
professionalism as, 214 anesthesiology and, 5 for extubations, 40
systems-based practice as, 214 for anesthesiology plans, 207208 with mandible fixation, 99
for trauma, for aneurysms, 15 for eye injury, 286
breathing assessment and, 276 team dynamics and, 15 during fires in operating rooms, 222
circulation assessment and, 276 in writing, 15 in patient care, 217218
communication and for aortic stenosis, 256257 for Foley catheter placement, 20
interpersonal skills as, 279 in team dynamics, 257 patient relationships, 20
disability assessment and, 276 for awake intubations, 43 in team dynamics, 20
medical knowledge as, 278 for breast biopsies, 81 writing skills in, 20
patient care as, 276278 listening skills, 81 for HITT, 69, 373
practice-based learning and in patient care, 79 for hypercoagulable state, with
improvement as, 278279 in team dynamics, 81 pregnancy, 93
primary survey and, 276 for bronchospasms, 67 in patient care, 9091
professionalism as, 279 listening skills, 67 for identity mistakes between
systems-based practice as, in patient care, 65 patients, 337
279280 in team dynamics, 67 for kidney transplants, 166167
with VADs, 382389 for Brown-Sequard syndrome, with liver transplants, 267268
communication and 4950 language translation and, 23
interpersonal skills as, 387388 listening skills, 49 for laparoscopic cholecystectomies,
medical knowledge as, 384386 in patient care, 46 with pregnancy, 262
patient care as, 382384 in team dynamics, 4950 for laparoscopic colectomies, 84
practice-based learning and for burns, 58, 356357 for L&D with morbid obesity, 161
improvement, 386 compassion in, 56 in team dynamics, 161
professionalism as, 386387 for CABG, 201 for lower left extremity pain,
systems-based practice as, with canceled surgery, 413414 272273
388389 during medical errors, 413414 for lung failure
Clinton, Hillary, 4 for clopidogrel use, 344 in patient care, 73
in team dynamics, 344 in team dynamics, 76
clopidogrel, core clinical competency during craniotomies, air embolism for mandible fixation, with
for, 340345 during, 304 extubation, 99
communication and interpersonal for CRPS, 86, 88, 320321 in patient care, 95
skills as, 344 health care coordination in, 88 in team dynamics, 99
in team dynamics, 344 in patient advocacy, 88 for mediastinal mass with tracheal
medical knowledge as, 341342 for DIC, 315 compression, 350 457
patient care as, 340341

communication and (cont.) management plans for, 8687 management plans for, 302
for mediastinoscopy, 6263 medication options and, 8687 patient history in, 301
for morbid obesity, pregnancy and, nerve blocks and, 87 practice-based learning and
111 patient history for, 86 improvement as, 303304
in patient care, 108109 physical therapy and, 86 professionalism as, 304
for nephrectomies, 230 practice-based learning and systems-based practice as, 304305
for nitric oxide use, 367 improvement as, 320 CRPS. See Complex Regional Pain
with obstetric anesthesia, 238239 professionalism as, 320321 Syndrome (CRPS), core clinical
for OSA, 178 systems-based practice as, 321322 competency for
in children, 293 congestive heart failure, pediatric, core
for PA catheter placement, 31 cultural sensitivity
clinical competency for, in patient care, 23
through patient care, 28 375380
patient relationships, 31 professionalism and, 25
communication and interpersonal for bronchospasm treatment, 67
through team dynamics, 31 skills as, 379
writing skills, 31 for Brown-Sequard syndrome, 49
in patient care, 375 for esophagectomies, 3637
for pectus excavatum, 406407 medical knowledge as, 377378
in team dynamics, 407 for HITT, 70
patient care as, 375377 for hypercoagulable state, with
pediatric anesthesia and, communication skills as part of,
for pediatric congestive heart pregnancy, 9293
375 for L&D with morbid obesity, 161
failure, 379 diagnostic and therapeutic
in patient care, 375 for mandible fixation, with
interventions in, 375376 extubation, 9899
for pediatric intracranial pressure, health care services in, 377
436437 for PA catheter placement, 31
management plans for, 376 during religious conflicts over
for perioperative fasting, 421422 with other health care
in team dynamics, 422 blood transfusions, 430
professionals, 377
for Pierre Robin Malformation, practice-based learning and Cushings triad, 11, 12
144 improvement as, 378379
for PPH, 394 systems-based practice as, 379380
for renal transplants, DIC. See disseminated intravascular
with liver transplants, 267268 continuous positive airway pressure coagulation (DIC), core clinical
for residents, 45 (CPAP), 176 competency for
for spinal surgery with significant Continuous Quality Improvement diffuse abdominal pain, core clinical
blood loss, 362363 committees, 13 competency for, 232234
for stent placement, 54 communication and interpersonal
for submandibular abscess, 150 COPD. See chronic obstructive skills as, 232, 233
for substance abuse, 186187 pulmonary disease medical knowledge as, 232
for TEF, in neonates, 298299 coronary artery bypass surgery of endoscopic procedures, 233
for tobacco-induced lung (CABG), core clinical practice-based learning and
impairment, 117 competency for, 198201 improvement as, 233234
for total knee arthroplasty, 242243 communication and interpersonal professionalism as, 232
for transhiatal esophagectomies, 214 skills as, 201 systems-based practice as, 233
for trauma, 279 medical knowledge as, 199200 disseminated intravascular
VADs and, 387388 critical analysis of, 199200 coagulation (DIC), core clinical
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome patient care as, 198199 competency for, 73, 310311,
(CRPS), core clinical management plans in, 198199 313316, 371
competency for, 8688, practice-based learning and communication and interpersonal
318322 improvement as, 200 skills as, 315
communication and interpersonal professionalism as, 200201 medical knowledge as, 314315
skills as, 88, 320321 systems-based practice as, 201 of coagulation disorders, 315
health care coordination in, 88 CPAP. See continuous positive airway of uterine atony, 314315
patient advocacy and, 88 pressure patient care as, 313314
for patient care, 86 systems-based practice as, 315316
craniotomies, air embolism during,
medical knowledge as, 8788, health care system coordination
core clinical competency for,
319320 in, 316
for diagnosis of, 8788 resource allocation in, 316
communication and interpersonal
patient care as, 8687, 318319
skills as, 304 Downs syndrome, with ESRD, core
communication as part of, 86
medical knowledge as, 302303 clinical competency for,
counseling and, 87
458 health care coordination and, 87
patient care as, 301302 425432

communication and interpersonal patient care during, 124 with Downs syndrome, 425432
skills as, 430431 practice-based learning and communication and
in patient care, 426 improvement for, 125 interpersonal skills for,
in team dynamics, 431 professionalism during, 125 430431
medical knowledge as, 428 system-based practice and, 125126 medical knowledge of, 428
of renal pathophysiology, 428 endotracheal tube (ETT) placement, patient care for, 426428
patient care as, 426428 core clinical competency for, practice-based learning and
communication as part of, 426 2326 improvement with, 428429
diagnostic and therapeutic communication and interpersonal professionalism and, 429430
interventions in, 426 skills as, 2526 systems-based practice for,
management plans for, 426427 patient relationships, 25 431432
practice-based learning and in team dynamics, 2526 epidurals, 212
improvement as, 428429 writing skills in, 25
evidence assimilation in, 429 equipment failure, competency for,
with laryngeal mask airways, 2324 169173
systematic methodology in, medical knowledge as, 24
428429 communication and interpersonal
application of sciences in, 24 skills during, 172
professionalism as, 429430 critical analysis as, 24
cultural sensitivity and, 430 in team dynamics, 172
patient care as, 2324 medical knowledge and, 170171
ethical principles and, 430 counseling in, 24
systems-based practice as, 431432 critical analysis of, 170
cultural sensitivity in, 23 patient care with, 169170
with legal involvement, 431 diagnostic and therapeutic management plans for, 169170
interventions in, 2324 monitor function and, 169
electrosurgical units (ESUs), 220 information technologies for, practice-based learning and
endoscopic retrograde 24 improvement with, 171
cholangiopancreatography language translation and, 23 professionalism during,
(ERCP), core clinical management plans in, 24 171172
competency for, 153156 with other health care systems-based practice with,
communication and interpersonal professionals, 24 173
skills as, 156 patient history for, 23
practice-based learning and ERCP. See endoscopic retrograde
medical knowledge as, 154155 cholangiopancreatography
patient care as, 153154 improvement as, 2425
through assimilation of evidence, (ERCP), core clinical
patient history for, 154 competency for
practice-based learning and 25
improvement as, 155 with information technologies, esophageal obstruction, core clinical
professionalism as, 155156 25 competency for, 439447
systems-based practice as, 156 through systematic methodology, communication and interpersonal
2425 skills as, 446
endotracheal airway burns, core professionalism as, 25 medical knowledge as, 444
clinical competency for cultural sensitivity and, 25 patient care as, 442444
communication and interpersonal integrity and, 25 management plans for, 443
skills as, 195 systems-based practice as, 26 performance of medical
in patient care, 191 in macrocontexts, 26 procedures in, 443
medical knowledge as, 193 patient care advocacy in, 26 practice-based learning and
application of sciences for, 193 resource allocation in, 26 improvement as, 444445
critical analysis of, 193 tube construction, complications professionalism as, 445446
patient care as, 191193 from, 123126 Hippocratic Oath and, 445
communication skills as part of, communication and systems-based practice as, 446447
191 interpersonal skills for, 125
diagnostic and therapeutic medical knowledge of, 124125 esophagectomies, core clinical
interventions in, 191192 patient care during, 124 competency for, 3438
practice-based learning and practice-based learning and communication and interpersonal
improvement as, 193194 improvement for, 125 skills as, 37
professionalism as, 194195 professionalism during, 125 patient relationships and, 37
systems-based practice as, 195196 system-based practice and, through team dynamics, 37
125126 writing skills, 37
endotracheal tube (ETT) construction, medical knowledge as, 35
complications from, 123126 end-stage renal disease (ESRD), 165. through application of sciences,
communication and interpersonal See also Downs syndrome, 35
skills for, 125 with ESRD, core clinical through critical analysis, 35 459
medical knowledge of, 124125 competency for

esophagectomies, core clinical (cont.) EXIT. See ex utero intrapartum communication and interpersonal
patient care as, 3435 treatment (EXIT) procedures, skills as, 286
communication in, 34 core clinical competency for medical knowledge as, 283284
counseling in, 3435 extremity pain, lower left, core clinical patient care as, 281283
with diagnostic and therapeutic competency for, 269274 practice-based learning and
interventions, 34 communication and interpersonal improvement as, 284285
health care services for, 35 skills as, 272273 professionalism as, 285
information technologies for, 35 listening skills, 273
management plans in, 34 medical knowledge as, 270271 fires, in operating rooms, core clinical
with other health care patient care as, 269270 competency for, 217223
professionals, 35 for central pain syndrome, 270 communication and interpersonal
patient history for, 34 management plans in, 270 skills as, 222
practice-based learning and patient history for, 269270 in patient care, 218
improvement as, 36 practice-based learning and medical knowledge during,
through assimilation of evidence, improvement as, 271272 219220
36 professionalism for, 272 critical analysis of, 219220
from information technologies, systems-based practice as, 273274 of ESUs, 220
36 of isopropyl alcohol, 220
from larger populations, 36 extubation, core clinical competency
for, 4041. See also mandible of oxidizers, 220
through systematic methodology, patient care during, 217219
36 fixation, with extubation, core
clinical competency for communication skills as part of,
professionalism as, 3637 217218
cultural sensitivity and, 3637 communication and interpersonal
skills as, 40 with other health care
integrity and, 36 professionals, 219
systems-based practice as, 37 with mandible fixation, 95100
communication and practice-based learning and
health care system coordination improvement for, 220221
in, 38 interpersonal skills as, 99
medical knowledge as, 9697 professionalism during, 221222
in macrocontexts, 37 systems-based practice for, 222223
patient care advocacy in, 38 with OMFS, 95
patient care as, 9596 resource allocation in, 223
resource allocation in, 3738
transhiatal, 211214 practice-based learning and first-degree burns. See burns, core
communication and improvement as, 9798 clinical competency for
interpersonal skills as, 214 professionalism as, 9899 Foley catheter placement, core clinical
medical knowledge as, 213 systems-based practice as, competency for, 1821
patient care as, 211213 99100 communication and interpersonal
practice-based learning and medical knowledge as, 4041 skills as, 20
improvement as, 213214 critical analysis in, 41 patient relationships, 20
professionalism as, 214 patient care as, 40 in team dynamics, 20
systems-based practice as, 214 communication in, 40 writing skills in, 20
counseling as part of, 40 medical knowledge as, 19
ESRD. See end-stage renal disease diagnostic and therapeutic application of sciences in, 19
ESUs. See electrosurgical units interventions in, 40 critical analysis as, 19
ETT. See endotracheal tube (ETT) information assessment in, 40 patient care, 1819
construction, complications management plans in, 40 diagnostic and therapeutic
from; endotracheal tube (ETT) with other health care interventions in, 18
placement, core clinical professionals, 40 management plans in, 18
competency for performance of essential with other health care
procedures in, 40 professionals, 19
ex utero intrapartum treatment (EXIT) practice-based learning and
procedures, core clinical patient history for, 18
improvement as, 41 practice-based learning and
competency for, 397401 with pseudoseizures, 119121
communication and interpersonal improvement as, 1920
medical knowledge as, 120 through assimilation of evidence,
skills as, 400401 patient care as, 120
medical knowledge as, 399 19
practice-based learning and with clinical study design, 1920
patient care as, 398399 improvement as, 120
practice-based learning and with information technologies,
professionalism as, 120121 20
improvement as, 399400 systems-based practice as, 41
with informatics, 400 with PubMed, 20
professionalism as, 400 eye injury, core clinical competency through systematic methodology,
460 for, 281286 19
systems-based practice as, 401

systems-based practice in, 2021 patient relationships and, 71 practice-based learning and
health care system coordination in team dynamics, 71 improvement and, 336
in, 2021 systems-based practice as, 71, 373 professionalism during, 336337
patient care advocacy in, 20 resource allocation in, 71 systems-based practice and, 337
resource allocation in, 20 Hextend, allergic reaction to, core idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
Foramen of Morgagni hernia, 411, 412 clinical competency for, (ITP), 371
32134 in vitro fertilization (IVF),
gastroesophageal reflux disease medical knowledge as, 134135 professionalism with, 92
(GERD), 80 patient care as, 134135
practice-based learning and informatics, 400
improvement as, 30 interpersonal skills. See
health insurance, lack of, 114117. See communication and
also tobacco use, lung Hippocratic Oath, 445
interpersonal skills, as core
impairment from, core clinical HITT. See heparin-induced clinical competency
competency for thrombocytopenia (HITT),
communication and interpersonal core clinical competency for intracranial pressure, pediatric, core
skills with, 117 clinical competency for,
hypercoagulable state, with pregnancy, 434437
medical knowledge and, 115116 core clinical competency for,
patient care and, 114115 communication and interpersonal
9093 skills as, 436437
counseling in, 115 communication and interpersonal
diagnostic and therapeutic medical knowledge as, 435436
skills as, 93 patient care as, 434435
interventions in, 114115 in patient care, 9091
management plans for, 115 management plans in, 434435
medical knowledge as, 9192 risk assessment in, 434
practice-based learning and patient care as, 9091
improvement as, 116 practice-based learning and
communication skills as part of, improvement as, 436
professionalism and, 116 9091
systems-based practice for, 117 professionalism as, 436
counseling in, 91 systems-based practice as, 437
hemorrhages. See spinal surgery, with other health care
significant blood loss with, core professionals, 91 intubations. See awake intubation
clinical competency for patient history for, 91 Isoflurane, for kidney transplants, 167
heparin-induced thrombocytopenia practice-based learning and
improvement as, 92 isopropyl alcohol, flammability of, 220
(HITT), core clinical
competency for, 6971, from clinical study design, 92 ITP. See idiopathic thrombocytopenic
369373 information technology in, 92 purpura
ACCP recommendations, 372 from larger populations, 92
IVF. See in vitro fertilization (IVF),
with cardiac surgery, 372 systematic methodology in, 92
professionalism with
communication and interpersonal professionalism as, 9293
skills as, 69, 373 cultural sensitivity and, 9293
for IVF issues, 92 Jehovahs Witnesses. See Downs
medical knowledge as, 6970,
systems-based practice as, 93 syndrome, with ESRD, core
health care system coordination clinical competency for;
of anticoagulation therapy,
in, 93 religious conflicts, over blood
patient advocacy in, 93 transfusions
critical analysis of, 371372
patient care as, 69, 369371 hypovolemia, 385
communication skills as part of, kidney transplants, core clinical
hypoxia, from aspiration of gastric
69, 369 competency for, 164167
contents into the lungs, 419
diagnostic and therapeutic communication and interpersonal
interventions in, 370 hysterectomies. See abdominal skills as, 166167
health care services as part of, hysterectomies, core clinical Isoflurane for, 167
370371 competency for medical knowledge as, 165
management plans for, 69, of ESRD, 165
370 identity mistakes, between patients, of metabolic acidosis, 165
patient history in, 369370 334337 patient care as, 164165
platelet count in, 69 communication and interpersonal diagnostic and therapeutic
practice-based learning and skills for, 337 interventions in, 164
improvement as, 70, 372 medical knowledge and, 335336 management plans for, 164
professionalism as, 7071 patient care and, 335 with other health care
cultural sensitivity and, 70 record keeping for, 335 professionals, 165 461

kidney transplants, core clinical (cont.) practice-based learning and mandible fixation, with extubation,
practice-based learning and improvement as, 8384 core clinical competency for,
improvement as, 165166 professionalism as, 8384 95100
professionalism as, 166 laparotomies, exploratory, core clinical communication and interpersonal
with liver transplants, 266268 competency for, 307311 skills as, 99
communication and communication and interpersonal in patient care, 95
interpersonal skills for, skills as, 310 in team dynamics, 99
267268 intraoperative evaluations for, 307 medical knowledge as, 9697
patient care for, 266267 medical knowledge as, 309310 application of sciences for, 97
practice-based learning and for carcinoid syndrome, 308310 critical analysis of, 9697
improvement for, 267 of octreotide, 310 with OMFS, 95
professionalism for, 267 patient care as, 308309 patient care as, 9596
systems-based practice for, 268 patient history in, 308 counseling and, 96
systems-based practice as, 167 postoperative evaluations for, diagnostic and therapeutic
macrocontexts for, 167 307308 interventions in, 96
knife extractions. See Brown-Sequard practice-based learning and health care system coordination
syndrome, core clinical improvement as, 310 for, 96
competency for preoperative evaluations for, 307 information technologies for, 96
systems-based practice as, 310311 management plans for, 96
patient history for, 9596
labor and delivery (L&D), with morbid laryngeal mask airways, 2324 practice-based learning and
obesity, core clinical lepirudin, 69 improvement as, 9798
competency for, 158162 clinical design study in, 98
communication and interpersonal lung failure, core clinical competency evidence assimilation in, 9798
skills as, 161 for, 7377 in first tier therapies, 9798
in team dynamics, 161 communication and interpersonal in second tier therapies, 98
medical knowledge as, 159160 skills as, 76 systematic methodology in, 97
application of sciences for, in patient care, 73 in third tier therapies, 98
159160 in team dynamics, 76 professionalism as, 9899
critical analysis of, 159 medical knowledge as, 7475 cultural sensitivity and, 9899
patient care as, 158159 application of sciences for, 7475 systems-based practice as, 99100
management plans in, 158159 of ARDS, 73 health care system coordination
with other health care critical analysis of, 74 and, 100
professionals, 159 of DIC, 73 with ICU checklist, 100
practice-based learning and of PE, 73
improvement as, 160 of TACO, 75 mediastinal mass, with tracheal
professionalism as, 160161 of TRALI, 73, 75 compression, core clinical
cultural sensitivity and, 161 patient care as, 7374 competency for, 347350
systems-based practice as, 161 communication skills as part of, communication and interpersonal
health care system coordination 73 skills as, 350
in, 162 information technologies for, 74 medical knowledge as, 348
management plans for, 7374 patient care as, 347348
laparoscopic cholecystectomies, with other health care practice-based learning and
pregnancy and, core clinical professionals, 74 improvement as, 348349
competency for, 260262 practice-based learning and professionalism as, 349350
communication and interpersonal improvement as, 75 systems-based practice as, 350
skills as, 262 from clinical study design, 75
medical knowledge as, 261 mediastinoscopy, core clinical
evidence assimilation in, 75 competency for, 6163
patient care as, 260261 from information technologies,
practice-based learning and communication and interpersonal
75 skills as, 6263
improvement as, 261 from larger populations, 75
professionalism for, 261262 medical knowledge as, 62
systematic methodologies for, 75 patient care as, 6162
systems-based practice as, 262 professionalism as, 7576 patient history for, 61
laparoscopic colectomies, clinical core systems-based practice as, 7677 practice-based learning and
competency for, 8384 health care system coordination improvement as, 62
communication and interpersonal in, 77 clinical study design in, 62
skills as, 84 macrocontexts for, 76 systematic methodology for, 62
medical knowledge as, 83 patient advocacy and, 77 professionalism as, 62
462 patient care as, 83 resource allocation in, 7677 systems-based practice as, 63

medical knowledge, as core clinical of esophagectomies, 35 of mandible fixation, with

competency through application of sciences, extubation, 9697
of abdominal hysterectomies, 130 35 application of sciences for, 97
critical analysis in, 130 through critical analysis, 35 critical analysis of, 9697
for ACLS, 326327 for ETT placement, 24 for mediastinal mass with tracheal
application of sciences for, 327 application of sciences in, 24 compression, 348
of air embolism, during critical analysis as, 24 of mediastinoscopy, 62
craniotomies, 302303 tube construction and, for morbid obesity, pregnancy and,
for anesthesiology, 34 complications from, 124125 110
in application of sciences, 34 of EXIT procedures, 399 of obstetrics, 110
of new devices, 4 of exploratory laparotomies, of pathological changes, 110
of physical landmarks, 4 309310 of physiological changes, 110
in anesthesiology plans, 205206 for carcinoid syndrome, 308310 of nephrectomies, 228
of aneurysms, 12 of octreotide, 310 of nitric oxide use, 366
from Cushings triad, 11, 12 for extubations, 4041 for right ventricle failure, 366
through physiological assessment, critical analysis in, 41 obstetric anesthesia and, 237
12 with mandible fixation, 9697 of OSA, 177
of aortic stenosis, 254255 with pseudoseizures, 120 in children, 291292
critical analysis of, 254 for eye injury, 283284 of polysomnograms, 176, 177
of pulsus paradoxus, 254 during fires in operating rooms, of STOP questionnaire, 177
for awake intubations, 43 219220 of pectus excavatum, 404405
critical analysis in, 43 critical analysis of, 219220 application of sciences for, 405
for breast biopsies, 8081 of ESU, 220 of pediatric congestive heart failure,
GERD and, 80 of isopropyl alcohol, 220 377378
for broken catheters, 138 of oxidizers, 220 of pediatric intracranial pressure,
of bronchospasms, 66 of Foley catheter placement, 19 435436
application of sciences for, 66 application of sciences in, 19 of perioperative fasting, 418419
critical analysis of, 66 critical analysis of, 19 for aspiration of gastric contents
of Brown-Sequard syndrome, 4748 of Hextend, allergic reaction to, into the lungs, 419
risk assessment in, 47 134135 assimilation of evidence for,
for burns, 57, 354355 of HITT, 6970, 371372 419420
critical analysis of, 57 of anticoagulation therapy, 69 of study designs for, 420
of physiology after, 354355 critical analysis of, 371372 of Pierre Robin Malformation, 143
of CABG, 199200 of development profess for, for postoperative nausea and
critical analysis of, 199200 371372 vomiting, 181
with canceled surgery, 412413 of hypercoagulable state, 9192 for postpartum hemorrhage,
application of sciences for, identity mistakes between patients 103104
412413 and, 335336 of PPH, 393394
Foramen of Morgagni hernia and, of kidney transplants, 165 application of sciences for,
411, 412 of ESRD, 165 393394
for clopidogrel use, 341342 of metabolic acidosis, 165 critical analysis of, 393
of craniotomies, air embolism with liver transplants, 267 of pseudoseizures, with extubation,
during, 302303 of laparoscopic cholecystectomies, 120
of CRPS, 8788, 319320 with pregnancy, 261 for residents, demonstrations of,
for diagnosis of, 8788 of laparoscopic colectomies, 83 34
of DIC, 314315 of L&D with morbid obesity, in analytic thinking, 3
of coagulation disorders, 315 159160 in application of sciences, 3
of uterine atony, 314315 application of sciences for, of spinal surgery with significant
of diffuse abdominal pain, 232 159160 blood loss, 361
of endoscopic procedures, 233 critical analysis of, 159 for stent placement, 53
of Downs syndrome with ESRD, 428 for lower left extremity pain, application of sciences for, 53
of renal pathophysiology, 428 270271 critical analysis of, 53
for endotracheal airway burns, 193 of lung failure, 7475 of submandibular abscess, 148149
application of sciences for, 193 of ARDS, 73 for substance abuse, 185186
critical analysis of, 193 critical analysis of, 74 of neuraxial analgesia, 186
equipment failure and, 170171 of DIC, 73 of nonopioid analgesics, 186
critical analysis of, 170 of PE, 73 for TEF, in neonates, 297298
of ERCP, 154155 of TACO, 75 for tobacco-induced lung
of esophageal obstruction, 444 of TRALI, 73, 75 impairment, 115116 463

medical knowledge, as core (cont.) neonatal care. See Pierre Robin communication and
of total knee arthroplasty, 242 Malformation, core clinical interpersonal skills as, 293
application of sciences for, 242 competency for; medical knowledge as, 291292
of femoral nerve, 242 tracheoesophageal fistula patient care as, 289291
of transhiatal esophagectomies, (TEF), in neonates, core professionalism as, 292293
213 clinical competency for systems-based practice as, 293
for trauma, 278 nephrectomies, core clinical communication and interpersonal
for VADs, 384386 competency for, 227231 skills as, 178
of afterload processes, 384 communication and interpersonal medical knowledge as, 177
for anesthetic plans, 385 skills as, 230 of polysomnograms, 176, 177
of anticoagulation status, 385 medical knowledge as, 228 of STOP questionnaire, 177
of arrhythmias, 385386 patient care as, 227228 patient care as, 175177
of hypovolemia, 385 counseling in, 227228 clinical definition of condition in,
for location, 385 management plans for, 227 175
for positioning, 385 medical procedures during, 228 with CPAP treatment, 176
of preload processes, 384 preoperative evaluations for, information technologies for,
of stability, 385 227 176177
of structure and function, 384 practice-based learning and management plans for, 176
mistaken identity, for patients. See improvement as, 228229 patient history and, 176
identity mistakes, between systematic methodology in, 229 practice-based learning and
patients professionalism as, 229 improvement as, 178
systems-based practice as, 230231 with clinical study designs,
morbid obesity, pregnancy and, core 178
clinical competency for, macrocontexts for, 230
patient advocacy in, 231 professionalism as, 178
108112. See also obstructive RDI for, 290
sleep apnea (OSA), core resource allocation in, 230231
systems-based practice as, 178179
clinical competency for neuraxial analgesics, 186
communication and interpersonal octreotide, 310
nitric oxide, core clinical competency
skills as, 111 for, 365367 oral-maxillary facial surgery (OMFS),
in patient care, 108109 communication and interpersonal 95
for L&D, 158162 skills as, 367 OSA. See obstructive sleep apnea
communication and medical knowledge as, 366 (OSA), core clinical
interpersonal skills as, 161 for right ventricle failure, 366 competency for
medical knowledge as, 159160 patient care as, 365366
patient care as, 158159 oxidizers, flammability of, 220
for right ventricle failure, 365
practice-based learning and professionalism as, 366367
improvement as, 160 properties of, 365 PA catheter (PAC) placement, core
professionalism as, 160161 systems-based practice as, 367 clinical competency for, 2832
systems-based practice as, 161 uses for, 365 communication and interpersonal
medical knowledge as, 110 skills as, 31
of obstetrics, 110 nonopioid analgesics, 186 through patient care, 28
of pathological changes, 110 NUSS procedure, 405 patient relationships, 31
of physiological changes, 110 through team dynamics, 31
patient care as, 108110 writing skills, 31
communication skills as part of, obstetric anesthesia, 236239
communication and interpersonal medical knowledge as, 29
108109 through application of sciences,
management plans for, 109 skills with, 238239
medical knowledge and, 237 29
patient history for, 109 through critical analysis, 29
practice-based learning and patient care with, 236237
practice-based learning and patient care as, 2829
improvement as, 110111 communication in, 28
professionalism as, 111 improvement for, 237238
reflective practice in, 237 counseling as, 2829
systems-based practice as, 111112 diagnostic and therapeutic
for outpatient anesthesia professionalism with, 238
systems-based practice for, 239 interventions in, 28
consultation, 112 health care services with, 29
for prepregnancy education, 112 obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), core information technologies for, 29
clinical competency for, management plans in, 28
nausea. See postoperative nausea and 175179 with other health care
vomiting, core clinical AHI for, 290 professionals, 29
464 competency for in children, 289293 patient history for, 28

practice-based learning and for breast biopsies, 7980 for craniotomies, air embolism
improvement as, 30 communication skills as part of, during, 301302
through assimilation of evidence, 79 management plans for, 302
30 patient history for, 80 patient history in, 301
with clinical study designs, for broken catheters, 137138 for CRPS, 8687, 318319
30 counseling in, 137138 communication skills in, 86
with information technologies, diagnostic and therapeutic counseling and, 87
30 interventions, 137 health care coordination and, 87
from larger populations, 30 for bronchospasms, 6566 management plans for, 8687
through systematic methodology, communication skills as part of, medication options and, 8687
30 65 nerve blocks and, 87
professionalism as, 3031 diagnostic and therapeutic patient history for, 86
cultural sensitivity and, 31 interventions in, 65 physical therapy and, 86
integrity and, 3031 with other health care cultural sensitivity in, 23
systems-based practice as, professionals, 66 for DIC, 313314
3132 patient history for, 65 for Downs syndrome with ESRD,
health care system coordination for Brown-Sequard syndrome, 426428
and, 32 4647 diagnostic and therapeutic
through macrocontexts, 31 communication as part of, 46 interventions in, 426
patient care advocacy in, 32 counseling in, 47 management plans for, 426427
through resource allocation, diagnostic and therapeutic for endotracheal airway burns,
3132 interventions in, 46 191193
pain. See extremity pain, lower left, information technologies as part diagnostic and therapeutic
core clinical competency for of, 47 interventions in, 191192
management plans for, 4647 with equipment failure, 169170
Parkland Formula, 353 with other health care management plans for, 169170
patient care, as core clinical professionals, 47 monitor function and, 169
competency patient history for, 46 for ERCP, 153154
for abdominal hysterectomies, performance of medical patient history for, 154
128130 procedures for, 47 for esophageal obstruction, 442444
communication skills as part of, for burns, 352354 management plans for, 443
128129 adequate venous access as part of, performance of medical
counseling in, 129 354 procedures in, 443
diagnostic and therapeutic compassionate communication for esophagectomies, 3435
interventions in, 129 in, 56 communication in, 34
management plans for, 129 counseling as part of, 353 counseling in, 3435
with other health care diagnostic and therapeutic with diagnostic and therapeutic
professionals, 130 interventions in, 5657 interventions, 34
for ACLS, 324326 infection risk and, 354 health care services for, 35
information technologies for, information technology in, information technologies for, 35
325326 353354 management plans in, 34
management plans for, 325 management plans for, 57, with other health care
with other health care 352353 professionals, 35
professionals, 326 with Parkland Formula, 353 patient history for, 34
for air embolism, during performance of medical for ETT placement, 2324
craniotomies, 301302 procedures in, 57 counseling in, 24
management plans for, 302 for CABG, 198199 cultural sensitivity in, 23
patient history in, 301 management plans in, 198199 diagnostic and therapeutic
in anesthesiology plans, 3, 203205 with canceled surgery, 410412 interventions in, 2324
counseling in, 204 management plans for, 411 information technologies for,
information technology for, patient history for, 411 24
204205 for clopidogrel use, 340341 language translation and, 23
management plans for, 204 counseling as part of, 340341 management plans in, 24
for aneurysms, 1112 diagnostic and therapeutic with other health care
for aortic stenosis, 253254 interventions with, 340 professionals, 24
diagnostic and therapeutic with other health care patient history for, 23
interventions in, 253 professionals, 341 tube construction complications
patient history for, 253 spinal hematomas as risk in, and, 124
for awake intubations, 43 340 for EXIT procedures, 398399 465

patient care, as core clinical (cont.) communication skills as part of, for pediatric congestive heart
for exploratory laparotomies, 73 failure, 375377
308309 information technologies for, 74 communication skills as part of,
patient history in, 308 management plans for, 7374 375
for extubations, 40 with other health care diagnostic and therapeutic
with mandible fixation, 9596 professionals, 74 interventions in, 375376
with pseudoseizures, 120 for mandible fixation, with health care services in, 377
for eye injury, 281283 extubation, 9596 management plans for, 376
during fires in operating rooms, communication skills as part of, with other health care
217219 95 professionals, 377
communication skills as part of, counseling and, 96 for pediatric intracranial pressure,
217218 diagnostic and therapeutic 434435
with other health care interventions in, 96 management plans in, 434435
professionals, 219 health care system coordination risk assessment in, 434
for Foley catheter placement, for, 96 for perioperative fasting, 416418
1819 information technologies for, 96 diagnostic and therapeutic
for Hextend, allergic reaction to, management plans for, 96 interventions for, 417
134135 patient history for, 9596 management plans for, 417
for HITT, 69, 369371 for mediastinal mass with tracheal with other health care
communication skills as part of, compression, 347348 professionals, 418
69, 369 for mediastinoscopy, 6162 performance of medical
diagnostic and therapeutic patient history for, 61 procedures in, 417418
interventions in, 370 for morbid obesity, pregnancy and, RSI as part of, 418
health care services as part of, 108110 for Pierre Robin Malformation,
370371 communication skills as part of, 142143
management plans for, 370 108109 diagnostic and therapeutic
patient history in, 369370 management plans for, 109 interventions in, 142143
for hypercoagulable state, with patient history for, 109 management plans for, 143
pregnancy, 9091 for nephrectomies, 227228 patient history for, 142
communication as part of, 9091 counseling in, 227228 for postoperative nausea and
communication skills as part of, management plans for, 227 vomiting, 181
9091 medical procedures during, 228 for postpartum hemorrhage,
counseling in, 91 preoperative evaluations for, 227 102103
with other health care for nitric oxide use, 365366 communication skills as part of,
professionals, 91 for right ventricle failure, 365 102
patient history for, 91 with obstetric anesthesia, 236237 diagnostic and therapeutic
identity mistakes, between patients, for OSA, 175177 interventions in, 102103
and, 335 in children, 289291 information technologies for, 103
for kidney transplants, 164165 with CPAP treatment, 176 for PPH, 391393
diagnostic and therapeutic definition of, 175 for pseudoseizures, with extubation,
interventions in, 164 information technologies for, 120
management plans for, 164 176177 for renal transplants,
with other health care management plans for, 176 with liver transplants, 266267
professionals, 165 patient history and, 176 resident responsibilities in, 3
with liver transplants, 266267 overview of, 3 for spinal surgery with significant
for laparoscopic cholecystectomies, for PA catheter placement, 2829 blood loss, 360361
pregnancy and, 260261 communication in, 28 management plans for, 360361
for laparoscopic colectomies, 83 counseling as, 2829 for stent placement, 52, 53
for L&D with morbid obesity, diagnostic and therapeutic for submandibular abscess, 147148
158159 interventions in, 28 antibiotic administration as part
management plans in, 158159 health care services with, 29 of, 148
with other health care information technologies for, 29 counseling in, 147148
professionals, 159 management plans in, 28 management plans for, 147
for lower left extremity pain, with other health care medical services as part of, 148
269270 professionals, 29 patient history for, 147
for central pain syndrome, 270 patient history for, 28 for substance abuse, 184185
management plans in, 270 for pectus excavatum, 403404 diagnostic and therapeutic
patient history for, 269270 management plans in, 403404 interventions in, 185
466 for lung failure, 7374 patient history for, 403 management plans for, 185

with other health care for intracranial pressure, 434437 diagnostic and therapeutic
professionals, 185 communication and interventions in, 142143
patient history in, 184 interpersonal skills for, management plans for, 143
for TEF, in neonates, 295297 436437 patient history for, 142
diagnostic and therapeutic medical knowledge of, 435436 practice-based learning and
interventions in, 295296 patient care for, 434435 improvement as, 143144
management plans for, 296297 practice-based learning and professionalism as, 144
for tobacco-induced lung improvement for, 436 systems-based practice as, 145
impairment, 114115 professionalism for, 436 placentia previa, 129
counseling in, 115 systems-based practice for,
diagnostic and therapeutic 437 pneumonia. See aspiration pneumonia,
interventions in, 114115 for OSA, 289293 from aspiration of gastric
management plans for, 115 communication and contents into the lungs
for total knee arthroplasty, 240241 interpersonal skills for, 293 POISE study, 4
information technology for, 241 diagnostic and therapeutic
medical procedures in, 241 interventions for, 290 polysomnograms, 176, 177
patient history for, 240 management plans for, 290291 postoperative nausea and vomiting,
for transhiatal esophagectomies, medical knowledge for, 291292 core clinical competency for,
211213 patient care for, 289291 181182
with epidurals, 212 practice-based learning and medical knowledge as, 181
information technologies in, 212 improvement for, 292 patient care as, 181
patient history for, 211 professionalism for, 292293 practice-based learning and
for trauma, 276278 systems-based practice for, 293 improvement as, 181182
with VADs, 382384 Pentathol, 11 professionalism as, 182
patient care advocacy. See advocacy, perioperative fasting, core clinical postpartum hemorrhage, core clinical
for patient care competency for, 416423 competency for, 102106
PE. See pulmonary embolism (PE) communication and interpersonal Code Noelle and, 102
skills as, 421422 communication and interpersonal
pectus excavatum, core clinical skills as, 105
competency for, 403408 in team dynamics, 422
medical knowledge as, 418419 in patient care, 102
communication and interpersonal medical knowledge as, 103104
skills as, 406407 for aspiration of gastric contents
into the lungs, 419 patient care as, 102103
in team dynamics, 407 communication skills as part of,
medical knowledge as, 404405 assimilation of evidence for,
419420 102
application of sciences for, 405 diagnostic and therapeutic
patient care as, 403404 of study designs for, 420
patient care as, 416418 interventions in, 102103
management plans in, 403404 information technologies for, 103
patient history for, 403 diagnostic and therapeutic
interventions for, 417 practice-based learning and
practice-based learning and improvement as, 104
improvement as, 405406 management plans for, 417
with other health care from larger populations, 104
with NUSS procedure, 405 professionalism as, 104105
with Ravtich procedure, 405 professionals, 418
performance of medical system-based practice as, 105106
professionalism as, 406 health care system coordination
systems-based practice as, 407 procedures in, 417418
RSI as part of, 418 in, 106
pediatric anesthesia. See also practice-based learning and PPH. See primary pulmonary
congestive heart failure, improvement as, 419420 hypertension (PPH), core
pediatric, core clinical professionalism as, 420421 clinical competency for
competency for; endotracheal systems-based practice as, 422423
airway burns, core clinical practice-based learning and
with other health care providers,
competency for improvement, as core clinical
for congestive heat failure, 375380 competency
communication and Petrie, Aviva, 58 for abdominal hysterectomies,
interpersonal skills as, 379 Pierre Robin Malformation, core 130131
medical knowledge as, 377378 clinical competency for, systematic methodology in, 130
patient care as, 375377 142145 for ACLS, 327328
practice-based learning and communication and interpersonal systematic methodology for,
improvement as, 378379 skills as, 144 327328
systems-based practice as, medical knowledge as, 143 for air embolism, during
craniotomies, 303304 467
379380 patient care as, 142143

practice-based learning and (cont.) for ETT placement, 2425 for mediastinoscopy, 62
for anesthesiology, 4 through assimilation of evidence, clinical study design in, 62
beta-blocker use and, 4 25 systematic methodology for, 62
in anesthesiology basic plans, with information technologies, 25 for morbid obesity, pregnancy and,
206207 through systematic methodology, 110111
systematic methodology in, 206 2425 for nephrectomies, 228229
for aneurysms, 1214 tube construction and, systematic methodology in, 229
clinical study design knowledge complications from, 125 for obstetric anesthesia, 237238
in, 13 for EXIT procedures, 399400 reflective practice in, 237
evidence assimilation in, 13 with informatics, 400 for OSA, 178
information technology use in, for exploratory laparotomies, 310 in children, 292
1314 for extubations, 41 with clinical study designs, 178
population information in, 13 with mandible fixation, 9798 for PA catheter placement, 30
systematic methodology in, with pseudo seizures, 120 through assimilation of evidence,
1213 for eye injury, 284285 30
for aortic stenosis, 255256 for fires in operating rooms, with clinical study designs, 30
systematic methodology in, 255 220221 with information technologies,
for awake intubations, 4344 for Foley catheter placement, 1920 30
for broken catheters, 138139 for assimilation of evidence, 19 from larger populations, 30
for Brown-Sequard syndrome, with clinical study design, 1920 through systematic methodology,
4849 with information technologies, 20 30
from clinical study design, 4849 with PubMed, 20 for pectus excavatum, 405406
evidence assimilation, 48 through systematic methodology, with NUSS procedure, 405
with information technologies, 49 19 with Ravtich procedure, 405
from larger populations, 48 for Hextend, allergic reaction to, 30 for pediatric congestive heart
systematic methodology in, 48 for HITT, 70, 372 failure, 378379
for burns, 5758, 355356 for hypercoagulable state, with for pediatric intracranial pressure,
Burn Diagrams and, 355356 pregnancy, 92 436
clinical study design in, 58, from clinical study design, 92 for perioperative fasting, 419420
355356 information technology in, 92 for Pierre Robin Malformation,
complications and, 355 from larger populations, 92 143144
information technologies in, 58 systematic methodology in, 92 for postoperative nausea and
for CABG, 200 for identity mistakes between vomiting, 181182
for canceled surgery, 413 patients, 336 for postpartum hemorrhage, 104
for clopidogrel use, 342343 for kidney transplants, 165166 from larger populations, 104
Continuous Quality Improvement with liver transplants, 267 for pseudoseizures, with extubation,
committees and, 13 for laparoscopic cholecystectomies, 120
for craniotomies, air embolism with pregnancy, 261 for renal transplants,
during, 303304 for laparoscopic colectomies, 8384 with liver transplants, 267
for CRPS, 320 for L&D with morbid obesity, 160 for residents, 4
for diffuse abdominal pain, 233234 for lower left extremity pain, for assimilation of evidence, 4
for Downs syndrome with ESRD, 271272 with clinical study design, 4
428429 for lung failure, 75 information technology
evidence assimilation in, 429 from clinical study design, 75 competence and, 4
systematic methodology in, evidence assimilation in, 75 with population information, 4
428429 from information technologies, through systematic methodology,
for endotracheal airway burns, 75 4
193194 from larger populations, 75 for spinal surgery with significant
with equipment failure, 171 systematic methodologies for, 75 blood loss, 361362
for ERCP, 155 for mandible fixation, with for stent placement, 53
for esophageal obstruction, 444445 extubation, 9798 for submandibular abscess, 149150
for esophagectomies, 36 clinical design study in, 98 with awake intubation, 149150
through assimilation of evidence, evidence assimilation in, 9798 clinical study design in, 149150
36 in first tier therapies, 9798 for substance abuse, 186
from information technologies, in second tier therapies, 98 for TEF, in neonates, 298
36 systematic methodology in, 97 for tobacco-induced lung
from larger populations, 36 in third tier therapies, 98 impairment, 116
through systematic methodology, for mediastinal mass with tracheal for transhiatal esophagectomies,
468 36 compression, 348349 213214

for trauma, 278279 for ACLS, 328329 for laparoscopic cholecystectomies,

for VADs, 386 for air embolism, during with pregnancy, 261262
pregnancy, core clinical competency craniotomies, 304 for laparoscopic colectomies, 8384
for. See also disseminated in anesthesiology, 5 for L&D with morbid obesity,
intravascular coagulation basic plans and, 207 160161
(DIC), core clinical for aneurysms, 14 cultural sensitivity and, 161
competency for; compassion as part of, 14 for lower left extremity pain, 272
hypercoagulable state, with cultural sensitivity and, 14 for lung failure, 7576
pregnancy, core clinical for aortic stenosis, 256 for mandible fixation, with
competency for; postpartum for breast biopsies, 81 extubation, 9899
hemorrhage, core clinical for broken catheters, 139 for mediastinal mass with tracheal
competency for for bronchospasms, 6667 compression, 349350
with EXIT procedures, 397401 cultural sensitivity and, 67 for mediastinoscopy, 62
communication and for Brown-Sequard syndrome, 49 for morbid obesity, pregnancy and,
interpersonal skills as, 400401 for burns, 58, 356 111
medical knowledge as, 399 for CABG, 200201 for nephrectomies, 229
patient care as, 398399 with canceled surgery, 413 for nitric oxide use, 366367
practice-based learning and for clopidogrel use, 343344 with obstetric anesthesia, 238
improvement as, 399400 for craniotomies, air embolism for OSA, 178
professionalism as, 400 during, 304 for PA catheter placement, 3031
systems-based practice as, 401 for CRPS, 320321 cultural sensitivity and, 31
from IVF, 92 cultural sensitivity and, 25 integrity and, 3031
laparoscopic cholecystectomies and, for diffuse abdominal pain, 232 for pectus excavatum, 406
260262 for Downs syndrome with ESRD, for pediatric intracranial pressure,
communication and 429430 436
interpersonal skills as, 262 ethical principles and, 430 for perioperative fasting, 420421
medical knowledge as, 261 for endotracheal airway burns, for Pierre Robin Malformation, 144
patient care as, 260261 194195 for postoperative nausea and
practice-based learning and during equipment failure, 171172 vomiting, 182
improvement as, 261 for ERCP, 155156 for postpartum hemorrhage,
professionalism for, 261262 for esophageal obstruction, 445446 104105
systems-based practice as, 262 Hippocratic oath and, 445 for PPH, 394
morbid obesity and, 108112 for esophagectomies, 3637 for pseudoseizures, with extubation,
communication and cultural sensitivity and, 3637 120121
interpersonal skills as, 111 integrity and, 36 for renal transplants,
for L&D, 158162 for ETT placement, 25 with liver transplants, 267
medical knowledge as, 110 cultural sensitivity and, 25 for residents, 5
patient care as, 108110 integrity and, 25 for spinal surgery with significant
practice-based learning and tube construction and, blood loss, 362
improvement as, 110111 complications from, 125 for stent placement, 5354
professionalism as, 111 for EXIT procedures, 400 lack of self-interest and, 53
systems-based practice as, for extubations for submandibular abscess, 150
111112 with mandible fixation, 9899 for substance abuse, 186
with pseudoseizures, 120121 for TEF, in neonates, 298
primary pulmonary hypertension for eye injury, 285 for tobacco-induced lung
(PPH), core clinical during fires in operating rooms, impairment, 116
competency for, 391395 221222 with economic sensitivity, 116
communication and interpersonal for HITT, 7071 for transhiatal esophagectomies,
skills as, 394 cultural sensitivity and, 70 214
medical knowledge as, 393394 patient relationships and, 71 for trauma, 279
application of sciences for, in team dynamics, 71 with VADs, 386387
393394 for hypercoagulable state, with
critical analysis of, 393 pseudoseizures, with extubation, core
pregnancy, 9293 clinical competency for,
patient care as, 391393 cultural sensitivity and, 9293
professionalism as, 394 119121
for IVF issues, 92 medical knowledge as, 120
systems-based practice as, 395 identity mistakes between patients patient care as, 120
professionalism, as core clinical and, 336337 practice-based learning and
competency, 5 for kidney transplants, 166 improvement as, 120
for abdominal hysterectomies, 131 with liver transplants, 267 professionalism as, 120121

PubMed, 20 macrocontexts for, 5 patient care as, 147148

pulmonary embolism (PE), 73 patient care advocacy in, 5 antibiotic administration as part
resource allocation in, 5 of, 148
pulsus paradoxus, 254 counseling in, 147148
Respiratory Disturbance Index (RDI),
290 management plans for, 147
rapid sequence induction (RSI), 418 medical services as part of, 148
right ventricle failure patient history for, 147
Ravtich procedure, 405 medical knowledge of, 366 practice-based learning and
RDI. See Respiratory Disturbance patient care for, 365 improvement as, 149150
Index RSI. See rapid sequence induction with awake intubation, 149150
(RSI) clinical study design in, 149150
record keeping, identity mistakes as
professionalism as, 150
result of, 335
systems-based practice as, 150151
reflective practice, 237 Sabin, Caroline, 58
substance abuse, core clinical
religious conflicts, over blood second-degree burns. See burns, core competency for, 184187
transfusions, 427. See also clinical competency for communication and interpersonal
Downs syndrome, with ESRD, spinal hematomas, 340 skills as, 186187
core clinical competency for medical knowledge as, 185186
communication and interpersonal spinal surgery, significant blood loss
of neuraxial analgesia, 186
skills during, 430431 with, core clinical competency
of nonopioid analgesics, 186
legal issues with, 429 for, 360363
patient care as, 184185
patient care during, 426428 communication and interpersonal
diagnostic and therapeutic
professionalism during, 429430 skills as, 362363
interventions in, 185
cultural sensitivity and, 430 medical knowledge as, 361
management plans for, 185
ethical principles and, 430 patient care as, 360361
with other health care
management plans for, 360361
renal transplants, core clinical professionals, 185
practice-based learning and
competency for, 263265 patient history in, 184
improvement as, 361362
intraoperative evaluation, practice-based learning and
professionalism as, 362
with liver transplants, 266268 improvement as, 186
systems-based practice as, 363
communication and professionalism as, 186
interpersonal skills for, stent placement, core clinical
surgery. See canceled surgery, core
267268 competency for, 5254
clinical competency for
patient care for, 266267 communication and interpersonal
skills as, 54 systems-based practice, as core clinical
practice-based learning and
in patient care, 52 competency, 56
improvement for, 267
medical knowledge as, 53 for abdominal hysterectomies, 132
professionalism for, 267
application of sciences for, 53 for ACLS, 330332
systems-based practice for, 268
communication as part of, 52 for air embolism, during
residents. See also clinical case studies, counseling in, 53 craniotomies, 304305
core clinical competency in critical analysis of, 53 for anesthesiology, 56
communication skills for, 45 diagnostic and therapeutic in anesthesiology plans, 208209
medical knowledge for, interventions with, 5253 patient advocacy in, 208
demonstrations of, 34 with other health care resource allocation in, 208
in analytic thinking, 3 professionals, 53 for aneurysms, 1516
in application of sciences, 3 patient history for, 52 health care system coordination
in patient care, 3 patient care as, 52 in, 16
practice-based learning and practice-based learning and in macrocontexts, 1516
improvement for, 4 improvement as, 53 patient care advocacy in, 16
for assimilation of evidence, 4 professionalism as, 5354 resource allocation in, 16
with clinical study design, 4 lack of self-interest and, 53 for aortic stenosis, 257259
information technology systems-based practice as, 54 macrocontexts in, 257258
competence and, 4 resource allocation in, 54 resource allocation in, 258
with population information, 4 for broken catheters, 139140
through systematic methodology, STOP questionnaire, for OSA, 177
for Brown-Sequard syndrome, 50
4 submandibular abscess, core clinical patient advocacy, 50
professionalism for, 5 competency for, 147151 resource allocation, 50
systems-based practice for, 5 communication and interpersonal for burns, 59, 357358
health care system coordination skills as, 150 resource allocation in, 357358
470 in, 5 medical knowledge as, 148149 for CABG, 201

with canceled surgery, 414 for L&D with morbid obesity, 161 patient care advocacy in, 5
for clopidogrel use, 344345 health care system coordination resource allocation in, 5
communication skills, as core in, 162 for spinal surgery with significant
clinical competency, for lower for lower left extremity pain, blood loss, 363
left extremity pain, 273 273274 for stent placement, 54
for craniotomies, air embolism for lung failure, 7677 resource allocation in, 54
during, 304305 health care system coordination for submandibular abscess, 150151
for CRPS, 321322 in, 77 for TEF, in neonates, 299
for DIC, 315316 macrocontexts for, 76 for tobacco-induced lung
health care system coordination patient advocacy and, 77 impairment, 117
in, 316 resource allocation in, 7677 for total knee arthroplasty, 243244
resource allocation in, 316 for mandible fixation, with for transhiatal esophagectomies, 214
for diffuse abdominal pain, 233 extubation, 99100 for trauma, 279280
for Downs syndrome with ESRD, health care system coordination with VADs, 388389
431432 and, 100
with legal involvement, 431 with ICU checklist, 100 TACO. See transfusion associated
for endotracheal airway burns, for mediastinal mass with tracheal circulatory overload (TACO)
195196 compression, 350
with equipment failure, 173 for mediastinoscopy, 63 TEF. See tracheoesophageal fistula
for ERCP, 156 for morbid obesity, pregnancy and, (TEF), in neonates, core
for esophageal obstruction, 446447 111112 clinical competency for
for esophagectomies, 37 for outpatient anesthesia third-degree burns. See burns, core
health care system coordination consultation, 112 clinical competency for
in, 38 for prepregnancy education, 112
in macrocontexts, 37 for nephrectomies, 230231 thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP),
patient care advocacy in, 38 macrocontexts for, 230 371
resource allocation in, 3738 patient advocacy in, 231 tobacco use, lung impairment from,
for ETT placement, 26 resource allocation in, 230231 core clinical competency for,
in macrocontexts, 26 for nitric oxide use, 367 114117
patient care advocacy in, 26 for obstetric anesthesia, 239 communication and interpersonal
resource allocation in, 26 for OSA, 178179 skills as, 117
tube construction and, in children, 293 medical knowledge as, 115116
complications from, 125126 for PA catheter placement, 3132 patient care as, 114115
for EXIT procedures, 401 health care system coordination counseling in, 115
for exploratory laparotomies, and, 32 diagnostic and therapeutic
310311 through macrocontexts, 31 interventions in, 114115
for extubations, 41 patient care advocacy in, 32 management plans for, 115
with mandible fixation, 99100 through resource allocation, practice-based learning and
for fires in operating rooms, 3132 improvement as, 116
222223 for pectus excavatum, 407 professionalism as, 116
resource allocation in, 223 for pediatric congestive heart with economic sensitivity, 116
for Foley catheter placement, 2021 failure, 379380 systems-based practice as, 117
health care system coordination for pediatric intracranial pressure,
total knee arthroplasty, core clinical
in, 2021 437
competency for, 240244
patient care advocacy in, 20 for perioperative fasting, 422423
communication and interpersonal
resource allocation in, 20 with other health care providers,
skills as, 242243
for HITT, 71, 373 423
medical knowledge as, 242
resource allocation in, 71 for Pierre Robin Malformation, 145
application of sciences for, 242
for hypercoagulable state, with for postpartum hemorrhage,
of femoral nerve, 242
pregnancy, 93 105106
patient care as, 240241
health care system coordination health care system coordination
information technology for, 241
in, 93 in, 106
medical procedures in, 241
identity mistakes between patients for PPH, 395
patient history for, 240
and, 337 for renal transplants,
systems-based practice as, 243244
for kidney transplants, 167 with liver transplants, 268
macrocontexts for, 167 for residents, 5 tracheal compression. See mediastinal
with liver transplants, 268 health care system coordination mass, with tracheal
for laparoscopic cholecystectomies, in, 5 compression, core clinical
with pregnancy, 262 macrocontexts for, 5 competency for 471

tracheoesophageal fistula (TEF), in communication and interpersonal VADs. See ventricular assist devices
neonates, core clinical skills as, 214 (VADs), core clinical
competency for, 295299 medical knowledge as, 213 competency for
communication and interpersonal patient care as, 211213 ventilator settings, 248
skills as, 298299 with epidurals, 212
with complications, 295 information technologies in, ventricular assist devices (VADs), core
medical knowledge as, 297298 212 clinical competency for,
patient care as, 295297 patient history for, 211 382389
diagnostic and therapeutic practice-based learning and communication and interpersonal
interventions in, 295296 improvement as, 213214 skills as, 387388
management plans for, professionalism as, 214 medical knowledge as, 384386
296297 systems-based practice as, 214 of afterload processes, 384
practice-based learning and for anesthetic plans, 385
trauma, core clinical competency for, of anticoagulation status, 385
improvement as, 298 breathing assessment and, 276
professionalism as, 298 of arrhythmias, 385386
circulation assessment and, 276 of hypovolemia, 385
systems-based practice as, 299 communication and interpersonal for location, 385
TRALI. See transfusion related lung skills as, 279 for positioning, 385
injury (TRALI) disability assessment and, 276 of preload processes, 384
transfusion associated circulatory medical knowledge as, 278 of stability, 385
overload (TACO), 75 patient care as, 276278 of structure and function, 384
practice-based learning and patient care as, 382384
transfusion related lung injury improvement as, 278279
(TRALI), 73, 75 practice-based learning and
primary survey and, 276 improvement, 386
transfusions. See blood transfusions, professionalism as, 279 professionalism as, 386387
religious conflicts over systems-based practice as, 279280 systems-based practice as, 388389
transhiatal esophagectomies, core TTP. See thrombocytopenic purpura vomiting. See postoperative nausea
clinical competency for, and vomiting, core clinical
211214 uterine atony, 314315 competency for


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