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Name: Maria Franciosa Date: 4/10/15 Grade Level: 3

Subject: Science Topic: Amphibians

Purpose: To have students explore the different aspects of amphibians through hands on

NGSS Curriculum Standard(s):

LS1.B: Growth and Development of Organisms: Reproduction is essential to the continued
existence of every kind of organism. Plants and animals have unique and diverse life cycles.

Common Core Standards:

RI.3.1: Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to
the text as the basis for the answers.
RI.3.3: Describe the relationship between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or
concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text, using language that pertains to time,
sequence, and cause/effect.
RI.3.7: Use information gained from illustrations (e.g., maps, photographs) and the words in a
text to demonstrate understanding of the text (e.g., where, when, why and how key events
MP.2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
MP.4: Model with mathematics.
3.MD.B.3: Draw a scaled picture graph and a scaled bar graph to represent a data set with
several categories. Solve one and two step how many more and how many less problems
using information presented in scaled bar graphs.

Students will be able to read an informational text on amphibians and extract information from
the text, recording on their data sheet.
I can research like a scientist.
Given amphibian identification books, students will be able to sort different species of
amphibians, graph the data and answer questions based on that data.
I can identify and record different species of amphibians like a scientist.
Given a miniature amphibian habitat, students will be able to observe and infer different
aspects of amphibian habitats.
I can observe and record like a scientist.
Students will be able to work in groups and use materials safely and responsibly.
I can collaborate and work safely and responsibly.
Students will be able to explain what Big Night is and how we can help.
I can describe Big Night and how to help.

Materials Needed for Learning Experience:
Amphibian text, amphibian data sheet, amphibian identification books/charts, species cards,
species data sheet, habitat bin, habitat data sheet, colored pencils, pencils, Is It Time Yet?, Prezi

Anticipated Length of Learning Experience: 1hr

Student Grouping: Center Groups then Whole group

Prerequisite Knowledge:
Teacher: Salamander life cycle, Big Night, vernal pools, Amphibians, 4 types of
amphibians, habitat, species identification

Student: Amphibian research knowledge from prior lesson

Safety Considerations/Ethical Consideration: Making sure centers stay safe and organized

Last 2 rotations of centers: roughly 15-20min each
Wrap up centers, one thing they learned or found interesting

o Salamander life cycle
o Big Night
Is It Time Yet?
o How we can help amphibians

Check center work to assess what the students took away from the lesson.
1-Needs 2-Meets 3-Exceeds
Improvement Expectations Expectations
Participation Studentstrugglesto Studentparticipates Studentgoesabove
participateinwhole inwholegroupand andbeyondin
groupandcenter centeractivities. participationof
activities. wholegroupand

Responsibility Studentisnotvery Studentis Studentisvery

self-directed, self-directed,uses self-directed,assists
requiresalotof materialssafelyand otherstudents,
prompting, responsiblyand cleansupanduses
misusingmaterials, managestransitions materialssafelyand
andhasdifficulty well. responsiblywhile

CenterWork Studentcompletes Studentadequately Studentgoesabove
centerworkwith completescenter andbeyondin
littletonoattention workwithsome completionof
todetailoreffort. attentiontodetail centerworkandhas
andwithgood ahighattentionto
effort. detailandeffort.

Informal comprehension check during Is It Time Yet? through plot questions and open ended


Differentiated Instruction: Different activities to keep students engaged in their learning.

Hands on, visual and auditory (if reading is read aloud) activities

Differentiated Assessment: Rubric identifies at what level students have completed their work
for the day, identifying not only how they completed their work but also how they worked with
others and stayed on task.

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