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GMR Institute of Technology

Rajam, Andhra Pradesh

(An Autonomous Institution Affiliated to JNTUK, AP)

Department of Chemical Engineering

Class 3rd Sem. - B. Tech. (Chemical Engineering)
Course Chemical Process Calculations Course Code CHEM-2403
Prepared by Mr. P. Satya Sagar, Sr. Assistant Professor
Lecture Topic Stoichiometric relations
Course Outcome CCHEM203.1 Program Outcome PO1,PO13
Duration 50 min Lecture 1 of 45 Unit I


(Tick whichever is applicable)

1. Objectives
a. To make understand mole
b. To familiarize methods of converting mass to mole , mole to mass
c. To understand the importance of Stoichiometric relations and their usage to
industrial applications
2. Topic Learning Outcomes
After the completion of the class the students will able to:
a. Define mole
b. Convert mass to mole and moles to mass
c. Calculate amount of raw materials required to produce any compound
3. Teaching Methodology
a. Chalk & Talk /PPT Mode
4. Applications
a. Process design.
b. to predicting yields;
c. to understanding recycle, purge, and bypass schemes.
d. useful tools for the study of plant operation and troubleshooting.

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5. Evocation

6. Discussion

Chemical engineers are concerned with the design and development of processes which
involve changes in the bulk properties of matter. To make a quantitative estimation of these
processes, chemical equations showing the quantities of reactants and products are used. Though
internationally we follow SI system of units, a chemical engineer is expected to be familiar and
conversant with all the systems so far adopted for measuring and expressing various quantities.
A system is referred to a substances or a group of substances under consideration and process is
to the changes take place within that system. Thus nitrogen, hydrogen and ammonia may
constitute a system. The reaction of nitrogen, hydrogen to form ammonia considered as a
process. Within a isolated system, the mass of a system remains constant regardless of the
changes taking place within the system. This statement is known as the law of conservations
of mass and it is the basis of the so called material balance of a process. (The first law of

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The state of a system is defined by numerous properties. These properties are divided into three
types (i) intensive properties (ii) extensive properties and (iii) special properties.
The intensive properties are independent of mass. Ex: temperature.
The extensive properties depend upon on mass under consideration, Ex: volume.
The special properties consist of molar properties and partial molar properties. Molar
property is the one which defined as the ratio of intensive properties to number of moles
considered whereas partial molar property is the one which accounts for non-ideality of the
system. For ideal systems, molar property and partial molar properties both are equal.
1 g mole of any gaseous substance at NTP occupies 22,414 cc or
22.414 litres and 1 lb mole of the same substance occupies 359 ft3at NTP.
1 kmole of any gaseous substance occupies 22.414 m3 at NTP.
Note: NTP = Normal temperature (273 K) and pressure (1 atmosphere) are also referred to at
as standard conditions (SC).
In stoichiometric calculations, the mass relations between reactants and products of a chemical
reaction are considered and are based on the atomic weight of each element involved in the
For the following reactions the material balance is established as indicated below:
The relationship of mass and volumetric compositions of a chemical reaction designated as
Stoichiometric relationship. Consider the reaction
N2 + 3H2 2NH3
In the system of nitrogen and hydrogen underwent chemical reaction to form ammonia the total
mass of system remains the same.
The word weight is entrenched in engineering literature as synonymous with mass, the common
practice will be followed as frequently referring to weights of material instead of using the more
exact term mass as a measure of quantity. Weights and masses are numerically equal only at a
location where the gravitational constant as the standard value of 980 cm/sec2. The variation in

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the weight of a given mass over the earths surface is negligible for ordinary engineering work.
All the atoms of given element are of the same mass but the atoms of different elements have
different masses. The individual mass of atoms of various elements vary and it is called atomic
weight of the element.
The composition of a chemical compounds can be expressed by a formula which indicates the
element that comprises the compound and relative proportions of atoms of various elements
Example: N2 + 3H2 2NH3
Atomic Weights: Nitrogen 14.008
Hydrogen 1.008
Molecular Weights
NH3 = 14.008+ 3 x 1.008 = 17.032
N2 = 2 x 14.008 = 28.016
H2= 1.008 x 2 = 2.016
The relative weights of reactants and products is given by in the formula
Example: N2 + 3H2 2NH3
28.016 3x2.016 2x17.032
Weight of reactants
Nitrogen = 28.016
Hydrogen = 6.048
Weight of products
Ammonia = 2 x 17. 032 = 34.064
Thus 28.016 parts by weight of nitrogen will react with 6.048 parts by weight of
hydrogen to form 34.064 parts by weight of ammonia.
The above problem indicate not only the relative weights involved the chemical reaction but also
the relative volumes of those reactants and products that are in gaseous state.
Thus the three volumes of hydrogen, one volume of nitrogen produces two volumes of
ammonia when all the materials are reduced to same temperature and pressure. This volumetric

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relation follows from Avogadros law which states that equal volume of gases at the same
condition of temperature and pressure contains the same number of molecules regardless of
nature of gas. This relation is applied only for ideal gases but not for liquids and solids. The
mass in grams of given element that is equal numerically to its atomic weight is termed as gram
The formula of a chemical compound indicates the relative numbers of atoms that unite
to form a compound. For example: The formula for NH 3 indicate that Nitrogen and Hydrogen
Atoms are present in the compound in a 1:3 ratio and this is called one gram mole.
One gram mole represents weight in grams of all gram atoms which in the formation of
compound combined in the same ratio as the atoms themselves.
G-atoms of an elementary substance = mass in grams / atoms weight
Grams of an elementary substance = g-atoms x atomic weight
G-moles of a substance = mass grams / molecular weight
Grams of a substance = g-moles x molecular weight
It is observed that all the substances in ideal gaseous state one gram mole of material at standard
contents occupies 22.414 liters. The standards conditions are 0oC and 760 mmHg which
indicates that 34.064 grams of ammonia contains two gram moles and will occupy 2 x 22.4 liters
of volume at standard conditions.
7. Mind Map :

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8. Readings:
1. Hougen, Olaf A., and Kenneth M. Watson. "Chemical Process Principles-Part 1:
Material and Energy Blances." (1948).
2. Himmelblau, David Mautner, and James B. Riggs. Basic principles and calculations in
chemical engineering. FT Press, 2012.
3. Bhatt, B. I., and S. M. Vora. Stoichiometry:(si units). Tata McGraw-Hill Pub. Co.,
9. Questions:
1) Define the fallowing: chemical Process, system, extensive and intensive properties,
mole, Stoichiometric coefficient
1) How the Stoichiometric coefficient is used to in predicting the reactions raw material
requirement in chemical industries
2) What is a mol of a species of molecular weight M, in terms of i. a number of molecules?
ii. a mass?
1) How many moles of Nitrogen is required for making 1 Kg ammonia
2) How many grams of C3H8are contained in 2kmol of this substance?
3) One hundred kilograms of molecular hydrogen (H2) is fed into a reactor each hour.
What is the molar ow rate of this stream in gram-moles/hour?
10. Key Words:
Stoichiometric coefficient
Avogadros Number

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