Department of Chemical Engineering: GMR Institute of Technology Rajam, Andhra Pradesh

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GMR Institute of Technology

Rajam, Andhra Pradesh

(An Autonomous Institution Affiliated to JNTUK, AP)

Department of Chemical Engineering

Class 3 Sem. - B. Tech. (Chemical Engineering)
Course Chemical Process Calculations Course Code CHEM-2403
Prepared by Mr. P. Satya Sagar, Sr. Assistant Professor
Humidity chart for Air-water system Use of humidity charts for engineering
Lecture Topic
Course Outcome CCHEM203.2 Program Outcome PO1,PO13
Duration 50 min Lecture 12 of 45 Unit I
Learning Level
(Tick whichever is applicable)

1. Objectives
Enable to use Humidity chart for Air-water system
2. Topic Learning Outcomes
After the completion of the class the students will able to:
a. Calculate % saturation, wet bulb temperature , dry bulb temperature, molal humidity,
relative saturation molar humidity, humid heat from the humidity chart when any two
components are givin in the above said parameters
b. Use of humidity charts for engineering calculations
3. Teaching Methodology
a. Chalk & Talk/PPT Mode
4. Applications
a. Cooling towers , Weather reports
b. Drying
c. Humidifiers design and operation
5. Evocation

Form No. AC 04. 00.2016 GMRIT, Rajam, Andhra Pradesh 1

6. Discussion

The Humidity Chart: In Figure 3.1 is plotted a molal humidity chart covering a range of molal
humidities from 0.00 to 0.34 and a range of dry bulb temperatures from 0 to 115 oC. A chart of
this type was described in the literature by Hatta. A lower-range chart plotted on a semi log
scale is shown in Fig.3.2. Values of molar humidities are plotted as ordinates and dry-bulb
temperatures as abscissas. Both charts are based on a total pressure of 29.92 in Hg. The
relationship between the molal heat of vaporization of water and temperature I shown in curve C
of Fig.

Humidity chart for Air-water

system Use of humidity charts
for engineering calculations

Department of Chemical Engineering

Class 3rd Sem. - B. Tech. (Chemical Engineering)
Course Chemical Process Calculations
Prepared by Mr. P. Satya Sagar, Sr. Assistant Professor

Curve A of Fig.. termed the saturationi curve, is a plot of molal humidity Hm against
temperature for a total pressure of 1.0 atm. Curve A is applicable not only for the water air
system but for any gas that is saturated with water vapor but not reacting therewith and for
which Daltons law applies. Curves A express the relationships between molal humidities and
temperatures corresponding to specified values of percentage humidity. These curves are also
independent of the nature of the gas admixed with water vapor under the conditions stated

Under these assumptions, the saturation curve A is calculated from the relation

Hms =
p ps

Where Hms = molal humidity at saturation , ps = vapor pressure of water at temperature

toF, p = total pressure = 29.92 in . Hg for Figs. 19 and 20

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The percentage humidity lines A are constructed from the saturation curve by direct

y p H ms
Hms =

Where yp = percentage humidity.

Curves B are lines of constant wet-bulb temperature for mixtures of water vapor with air. They
are valid also for gases other than air, having the same molal heat capacity as air.

Fig 3.1 The Humidity Chart

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Fig. 3.2 Molal Humidity chart (low temperature range)

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Fig 3.3 Pressure correction to humidity chart

7. Mind Map

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8. Readings:
1. Hougen, Olaf A., and Kenneth M. Watson. "Chemical Process Principles-Part 1: Material
and Energy Blances." (1948)
2. Himmelblau, David Mautner, and James B. Riggs. Basic principles and calculations in
chemical engineering. FT Press, 2012
3. Bhatt, B. I., and S. M. Vora. Stoichiometry:(si units). Tata McGraw-Hill Pub. Co., 1996

9. Questions:
1. Describe the humidity chart with its application
1. A volume of moist air of 0.792 cubic meters at a total pressure of 740 mmHg and a
temperature of 300C contains water vapor in such proportions that its partial pressure is 22
mmHg. Without the total pressure being changed, the temperature is reduced to 150C and
some of the water vapor removed by condensation. After cooling it is found that the partial
pressure of water vapor is 12.7 mmHg. Using partial pressure method, calculate:
(a) The volume of gas after cooling and, (b) The weight of water removed
2. Air at a temperature of 200C and a pressure of 0.987xl05N/m2has a relative humidity of
80%. Calculate the following:
(a) The molal humidity of the air.
(b) The molal humidity of the air if its temperature is reduced to 100C and its pressure is
increased to 2.38xl05N/m2condensing out some of the water.
(c) The weight of water condensed from 28.3 m3of the original wet air in cooling and
compressing to the conditions of part (b).
(d) Calculate the nal volume of the wet air of part (c).Vapour pressure of water:
0.023xl05N/m2at 200C, 0.012xl05N/m2at 100C
10. Key Words:
Molar humidity, psychometric chart, humidity chart , specific volume of dry air

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