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Phytopextraction 299




Clstenes Williams Arajo do Nascimento1*; Baoshan Xing2

UFRPE - Depto. de Agronomia, Rua Dom Manoel de Medeiros s/n - Dois Irmos, 52171-900 - Recife, PE -
University of Massachusetts, Department of Plant, Soil, & Insect Sciences, Stockbridge Hall, Amherst, MA,
01003, USA.
*Corresponding author <>

ABSTRACT: Phytoextraction has emerged as a novel approach to clean up metal-polluted soils in which
plants are used to transfer toxic metals from soils to shoots. This review provides a synthesis of current
knowledge on phytoextraction of metals from soils and their accumulation in plants. The objective is to
integrate soil-related (root exudates and chemical amendments) and biological advances to suggest research
needs and future directions. As far as can be deduced from the literature, it will be some time before
phytoextraction may be established as a commercial technology. For chemically-assisted phytoextraction,
research has not shown easily biodegradable compounds to overcome the risks associated with the use of
EDTA for poorly available metals in soils. On the other hand, significant progress has been made on the
physiological and molecular aspects regarding tolerance and phytoaccumulation of metals in plants. A
multidisciplinary approach is warranted to make phytoextraction a feasible commercial technology to
remediate metal-polluted soils.
Key words: EDTA, phytoremediation, heavy metals, organic acids



RESUMO: A fitoextrao uma tecnologia emergente para despoluio de solos contaminados por metais
pesados que usa plantas para transferir metais do solo para a parte area, a qual pode ser removida da rea
poluda. Esta reviso apresenta uma sntese do atual conhecimento sobre fitoextrao de metais pesados
do solo e sua acumulao em plantas. O objetivo integrar em uma mesma discusso os avanos relacionados
qumica do solo (exsudao radicular e adio de agentes quelantes para aumentar a absoro) e
biologia (tolerncia a metais e melhoramento gentico) visando sugerir futuras pesquisas na rea. Embora
promissor, o atual estado de desenvolvimento da fitoextrao ainda no permite estabelec-la como uma
tecnologia comercial. A pesquisa ainda no encontrou agentes quelantes facilmente biodegradveis que
possam substituir o EDTA na solubilizao de metais pouco disponveis em solos. Entretanto, significativos
progressos tm sido feitos no entendimento dos mecanismos fisiolgicos e moleculares de tolerncia e
acumulao de metais em plantas. Uma abordagem multidisciplinar dos vrios aspectos que envolvem a
fitoextrao poder tornar essa tecnologia econmica e ambientalmente vivel a mdio prazo.
Palavras-chave: EDTA, fitorremediao, metais pesados, cidos orgnicos

INTRODUCTION with these elements are an environmental problem that

requires an effective and affordable solution.
Excessive metal concentration in soils pose Although a number of techniques have been
significant hazard to human, animal and plant health, developed to remove metals from contaminated soils,
and to the environment in general. Contamination of many sites remain contaminated because economic and
soils with toxic metals has often resulted from human environmental costs to clean up those sites with the
activities, especially those related to mining, industrial available technologies are too high. According to
emissions, disposal or leakage of industrial wastes, ap- Ensley (2000), the estimated expenses incurred in the
plication of sewage sludge to agricultural soils, ma- remediation of a site contaminated with Pb using the
nure, fertilizer and pesticide use. Due to the potential conventional excavation-landfill approach most com-
toxicity and high persistence of metals, soils polluted monly practiced in the United States are approximately

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300 Nascimento & Xing

$150-$350 t-1. Taking into account such a high demand

of economic resources, methods of environmental res-
toration of metal-polluted soils using a plant-based
technology have attracted increasing interest in the last
two decades. In this context, phytoremediation has
been developed as a cost effective and environmentally
friendly remediation method of contaminated soils.
Remediation of contaminated soils using plants may
cost in the order of US$ 20-80 t-1 (Ensley, 2000) or
US$ 0.25 M ha-1 (Cunningham & Berti, 2000), which
makes it an economically attractive approach to decon-
taminate soils polluted by heavy metals.
Phytoremediation for metal-contaminated soils repre-
sents a market opportunity of approximately US$1 bil-
lion per year (Glass, 2000) in the USA alone; the U.S.
phytoremediation market currently comprises only
0.5% of the total remediation market, equivalent to
circa US$ 100-150 million per year (Pilon-Smits,
2005). Thus, there is a large repressed demand for
such technology. Because of its relatively low costs,
phytoremediation poses a viable approach to cleaning
up soils in developing countries as well, where
funds available for environmental restoration are
Technologies for metal phytoremediation in-
clude: 1) phytoextraction the use of plants to remove
metals from soils and to transport and concentrate them
in above-ground biomass; 2) phytostabilization the
use of plants to minimize metal mobility in contami- Figure 1 - Schematic representation of the processes involved in
nated soil through accumulation by roots or precipita- phytoextraction of metals from soils.
tion within the rhizosphere; and 3) phytovolatilization
the use of plants to turn volatile chemical species of et al., 2004). The main characteristics of these two
soil metals (Chaney et al., 1997; Garbisu & Alkorta, phytoextraction systems are summarized in Table 1.
2001; McGrath et al., 2002; Lasat, 2002; Ernst, 2005). The current knowledge on how root exudates,
Phytoextraction seems to be the most promising tech- as well as organic acids and synthetic chelator amend-
nique and has received increasing attention from re- ments, might hasten both the phytoextraction of met-
searchers since it was proposed by Chaney (1983) as als from soil and their translocation to shoots is ex-
a technology for reclaiming metal polluted soils. plored ahead. As the ability of plants to accumulate
Phytoextraction of metal-contaminated soil re- metals is somewhat dependent on their capacity to tol-
lies on the use of plants to extract and translocate met- erate high levels of metals in tissues, some mechanisms
als to their harvestable parts (Figure 1). The aim of involved in metal accumulation by plants such as
phytoextraction is reducing the concentration of met- compartmentation in the vacuole and chelation in the
als in contaminated soils to regulatory levels within a cytoplasm are also examined.
reasonable time frame. This extraction process depends
on the ability of selected plants to grow and accumu- Role of root exudates in metal phytoextraction
late metals under the specific climatic and soil condi- Taking into account the significant advances
tions of the site being remediated. Two approaches in the knowledge of root biology during the last de-
have currently been used to reach this goal: the use of cade (Waisel et al., 1996; Walker et al., 2003), roots
plants with exceptional, natural metal-accumulating ca- can no longer be considered a hidden half. However,
pacity, the so-called hyperaccumulators, and the utili- knowledge on the more complex rhizospheric pro-
zation of high-biomass crop plants, such as corn, bar- cesses mediated by root exudates has not developed
ley, peas, oats, rice, and Indian mustard with a chemi- at the same pace as the knowledge on roots biology
cally enhanced method of phytoextraction (Huang et overall (Bais et al., 2004), and much remains to be in-
al., 1997; Salt et al., 1998; Lombi et al., 2001; Chen vestigated regarding phytoextraction systems as well.

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Table 1 - Main characteristics of the two strategies of phytoextraction of metals from soils.
C he mic a lly a s s is te d p hyto e xtr a c tio n N a tur a l p hyto e xtr a c tio n
P la nts a r e no r ma lly me ta l e xc lud e r s P la nts na tur a lly hyp e r a c c umula te me ta ls
F a s t gr o wing, high b io ma s s p la nts S lo w gr o wing, lo w b io ma s s p r o d uc tio n
S ynthe tic c he la to r s a nd o r ga nic a c id s a r e us e d to e nha nc e
N a tur a l a b ility to e xtr a c t high a mo unt o f me ta ls fr o m s o ils
me ta l up ta k e
C he mic a l a me nd me nts inc r e a s e the me ta l tr a ns fe r fr o m r o o ts
Effic ie nt tr a ns lo c a tio n o f me ta ls fr o m r o o ts to s ho o ts
to s ho o ts
Lo w to le r a nc e to me ta ls ; the inc r e a s e in a b s o r p tio n le a d s to High to le r a nc e ; s ur viva l with high c o nc e ntr a tio ns o f me ta ls
p la nt d e a th in tis s ue s
Ris k o f le a c hing o f me ta l c he la te s to gr o und wa te r N o e nvir o nme nta l d r a wb a c k r e ga r d ing le a c hing o f me ta ls

Notwithstanding the fate of exudates in the of specific exudates in the uptake and accumulation of
rhizosphere, and the nature of reactions involved in potentially toxic metals by plants are known so far. In
phytoextraction and transport of metals by plants be- addition, the exudation rates and chemical composition
ing not yet fully understood, it is recognized that they of exudates of hyperaccumulator species are virtually
contribute significantly to the accumulation of metals unknown.
in plants. Chemical compounds likely to occur in the Salt et al. (2000) were unable to identify any
rhizosphere are clearly associated with increase of met- high-affinity Ni-chelator compound in the rhizosphere
als uptake from soil and their translocation to shoots of the Ni hyperaccumulator Thlaspi goesingense. In
(Mench & Martin, 1991; Salt et al., 1995; Krishnamurti contrast, they found that Ni-chelators histidine and ci-
et al., 1997; Lin et al., 2003; Wenzel et al., 2003). trate accumulated in the root exudates of the non-
Low molecular-weight organic acids are prob- hyperaccumulator Thlaspi arvense exposed to Ni. Such
ably the most important exudates in natural findings led the authors to suggest that the release of
phytoextraction systems. They influence the acquisi- these exudates by T. arvense may be a strategy to re-
tion of metals by either forming complexes with metal duce Ni uptake and toxicity, but exudate releasing is
ions or decreasing the pH around the roots and alter- not involved in the hyperaccumulation of Ni by T.
ing soil characteristics. Despite the fact that metals up- goesingense. Persans et al. (1999) also established that
take may be increased due to decreasing pH (Brown Ni hyperaccumulation in T. goesingense is not deter-
et al., 1994), it is clear that the complexing capacity mined by the overproduction of histidine in response
of organic acids, rather than their capacity to decrease to Ni. Since at non-toxic Ni concentrations, both plant
pH, is the main factor related to mobilization of met- species translocate Ni to shoots at equivalent rates
als in soil and their accumulation in plants (Bernal et (Krmer et al., 1997), the existence of a more efficient
al., 1994; McGrath et al., 1997; Gupta et al., 2000; translocation mechanism in T. goesingense does not
Quartacci et al., 2005). Indirect effects of root exudates seem to explain the capability of this species in accu-
on microbial activity, rhizosphere physical properties mulating Ni. Krmer et al. (2000) provided evidence
and root growth dynamics may also influence ion solu- that free histidine may be also involved in shuttling Ni
bility and uptake (Marschner, 1995; Walker et al., across the cytoplasm into the vacuole in T.
2003). For instance, microorganisms have been shown goesingense, which could be responsible for Ni toler-
to mobilize Zn for hyperaccumulation by Thlaspi ance and accumulation. Krmer et al. (1996) have al-
caerulescens (Whiting et al., 2001) via dissolution of ready reported a 36-fold increase in the concentration
Zn from the non-labile phase in soil. of free histidine in the xylem exudates of the Ni
Some plants release specific metal-chelating or hyperaccumulator Alyssum lesbiacum after exposure to
reducing compounds into the rhizosphere to aid the Ni, suggesting that histidine could be involved in the
absorption of Fe and Zn when availability of these mi- transport and storage of Ni in such species. Kerkeb &
cronutrients is low (Marschner, 1995). Other environ- Krmer (2003) recently provided further evidence that
mental stimuli have also been associated with root exu- histidine enhances the release of Ni from roots into the
dation of organic acids, including anoxia (Marschner, xylem, not only in A. lesbiacum but also in the non-
1995) and exposure to Al (Ma, 2000; Pieros et al., hyperaccumulator B. juncea. Salt et al. (2000) identi-
2002). It is thought that metal accumulators may en- fied Zn-histidine complexes in the roots of the Zn
hance metal solubility by releasing chelators from the hyperaccumulator Thlaspi caerulescens, but Knight et
roots. However, only a few reports on the involvement al. (1997), McGrath et al. (1997) and Zhao et al. (2001)

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did not detect any specific exudate related to accumu- unavailable forms, thus soil conditions have to be al-
lation of Zn by this species. tered to elicit phytoextraction since the phenomenon,
Not only the role that rhizosphere exudates depends on a relatively abundant source of soluble
play in accumulation of Ni and Zn is not fully under- metal to enable significant metal uptake and translo-
stood, but there is also a lack of information on the cation to shoots. Metals such as Pb and Cr have their
role of root exudation in metal phytoextraction for extraction rate limited by their inherently low solubil-
most of the environmentally-relevant metals. As a mat- ity. In such a case, organic compounds can be utilized
ter of fact, there is no conclusive evidence so far that as amendments to enhance phytoextraction. Such sub-
hyperaccumulators exude specific chelators in the stances can complex and chelate metal ions, therefore
rhizosphere to enhance metal uptake. Therefore, the modifying the availability of metals in soils.
release of specific chelators associated with enhanced Ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA) is prob-
metal uptake and translocation needs more intensive ably the most studied amendment in phytoremediation
research. Indeed, increasing root uptake is the first step research. It has been successfully utilized to enhance
to successful removal of metals from soils. Insights phytoextraction of lead and other metals from contami-
into the understanding of these processes and the com- nated soils (Cunninghan & Ow, 1996; Blaylock et al.,
pounds involved are essential to boost phytoextraction 1997; Chen et al., 2004). Huang et al. (1997) showed
technology. that EDTA was the most efficient chelator for induc-
As pointed out by Ryan et al. (2001), the fact ing the hyperaccumulation of Pb in pea plants shoots
that plants can benefit from organic acid exudation in (Figure 2), a naturally Pb excluder. Blaylock et al.
a number of ways has aroused interest of genetic en- (1997) demonstrated that the ability of soil-applied
gineering to increase organic acid exudation in crop EDTA to increase metal uptake in a multi-contaminated
and pasture species. These authors sustain that large soil is not limited to Pb, since EDTA was also efficient
changes in organic acid production can be achieved in in increasing Cd, Cu, Ni, and Zn concentrations in
yeast and bacteria by inactivating or overexpressing shoots of B. juncea. However, synthetic chelators such
specific genes whose products are involved in organic as EDTA are barely degradable by microorganisms and
acid biosynthesis. These studies with microorganisms can pose a threat to the environment by metal leach-
may be helpful in determining which enzymes could ing to groundwater (Sun et al., 2001; Wenzel et al.,
be successfully manipulated to alter organic acids bio- 2003; Madrid et al., 2003; Chen et al., 2004), and ad-
synthesis and organic acid exudation in plants. verse effects on soil microbiota (Welper & Brummer,
Of course, such an advance on the knowledge 1997; Bouwman et al., 2005). We also observed EDTA
of genetic control of root exudation would be used to toxicity and drastic plant growth reduction in Indian
hasten the ability of plants in extracting metals from mustard grown on a metal multicontaminated soil
soil. Once specific root exudates related to increasing (Nascimento et al., 2006). Successful phytoextraction
uptake of metals from soil are identified, plants could depends not only on metal concentration in shoots but
be genetically engineered aiming at higher exudation also on high biomass production. Thus, maintaining
of such natural biodegradable compounds. Genetic ma- plants capable of accumulating metals as long as pos-
nipulation of plant rhizosphere to enhance metal solu-
bility may thus be a good bet, and may not only make 12000
phytoremediation more efficient but also overcome
environmental constraints associated with chemically- 10000
Pb concentration in plants (mg kg-1)

assisted phytoextraction.
The use of chemical amendments to enhance metal
phytoextraction and accumulation 6000

Metal solubility and availability are both de-

pendent on soil characteristics and are strongly influ- 4000

enced by pH and the degree of complexation with

soluble ligands (Kaschl et al., 2002). Metals exist in 2000

soil in various pools: in solution as ionic or organically

complexed species; on exchange sites of reactive soil Control EDDHA EGTA DTPA HEDTA EDTA
components; complexed with organic matter; occluded Soil Treatment
in Fe, Al, and Mn oxides and hydroxides; entrapped Figure 2 - The effect of five chelators added to a contaminated
in primary and secondary minerals (Shuman, 1985; soil at concentration of 0.5 g kg-1 soil on Pb uptake
Mann & Ritchie, 1993). Most metals in soils exist in by pea plants (Data from Huang et al., 1997).

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sible is desirable in phytoextraction. For instance, it has plexes may be found in soil pore water up to
been observed that citrate and gallic acid were as ef- five months after EDTA application (Lombi et al.,
fective as EDTA at enhancing removal of Cd, Zn, Cu, 2001). This slow degradation rate and high persistence
and Ni from soil, as a result of the higher biomass pro- increase the leaching risk associated with EDTA
duction of plants treated with citrate and gallic acid, application in field conditions. Indeed, such
in comparison to EDTA-treated plants (Nascimento et effects must be weighed against its use in
al., 2006). phytoextraction. Some biodegradable synthetic
The amount of metals made soluble by syn- chelators, such as ethylenediaminedissuccinate (EDDS)
thetic chelators usually exceeds by far the plants up- and methylglycinediacetate (MGDA), have been evalu-
take capacity, although attempts should be made to ated as EDTA alternatives (Groman et al., 2003;
minimize this by applying the chelator at the time of Tamura et al., 2005). Although to date these chelators
maximum crop biomass (Salt et al., 1998). This high have not been extensively studied, they show promise
amount of soluble metals implies risks related to for environmentally safe phytoextraction, especially for
groundwater pollution when such chelators are applied Pb-contaminated soils.
under field conditions. Chen et al. (2004) reported high Taking into account the negative side-effects
mobility of EDTA-chelated metals in soils columns af- of applied synthetic chelators, the use of root-produced
ter water application, equivalent to 158 mm of rain- agents which are naturally degradable by microorgan-
fall precipitation within 2 days (Table 2). Amounts of isms is preferable. Such an approach sounds better to
Pb, Cu, Zn, and Cd in the leachates increased dozens the public acceptance of phytoextraction technology.
of times after addition of 5 mmol kg-1. In a lysimeter Unfortunately, a large body of literature has demon-
study under field condition using another synthetic ch- strated the lower effectiveness of natural organic ac-
elator (EDGA), Rmkens et al. (2002) observed that ids on metals mobilization and subsequent plant up-
dissolved Cu and Cd remained mobile in soil and take as compared to synthetic chelators, especially in
leaching prone. Therefore, even if suitable irrigation the case of Pb phytoextraction (Salt et al., 1995; Gupta
strategies are implemented as proposed (Blaylock et et al., 2000; Lombi et al., 2001; Wu et al., 2003; Kos
al., 1997; Madrid et al., 2003), the potential of metals & Lestan, 2004). The efficiency of organic acids re-
leaching in synthetic chelator-treated soil is still high leased by roots to mobilize metals from soil seems to
during seasons of intense rainfall. In a preliminary depend upon the rate of biodegradation (Krishnamurti
study that used 1 week-old seedlings, Li et al. (2005) et al., 1997; Renella et al., 2004). The biodegradation
registered that turning EDTA into a slow-release com- process is under control of the soils microbial com-
pound through coating of the EDTA granules with sili- munity, which is also not fully understood (Ryan et al.,
cates could reduce the risk of metal leaching. More 2001), but the process of consumption of organic ac-
studies with older plants on a field scale are needed ids by microorganisms is probably an important pro-
to assess the usefulness of this technique for overcom- cess in reducing their effectiveness in complexing met-
ing the leaching risks while maintaining a high metal als around the plant roots. As a result, low effective-
uptake rate by plants. ness of phytoextraction using natural organic acids has
Results of Satroutdinov et al. (2000) not only been reported due to rapid mineralization when small
corroborate the persistence of EDTA towards biologi- doses are applied (Romkens et al., 2002; Meers et al.,
cal degradation but also demonstrate that the most 2004). On the other hand, higher doses may be toxic
stable metal-EDTA complexes (i.e. chelates of Cu2+, to plants (Turgut et al., 2004), resulting in impaired
Co2+, Zn2+, and Pb2+) have to dissociate prior utiliza- phytoextraction. Thus, it might be necessary to add or-
tion by bacteria. As a consequence, metal-EDTA com- ganic acids several times to maintain an optimal con-

Table 2 - Total amounts of Pb, Cu, Zn, and Cd in leachates after application of 1000 mL of rainwater in soil columns
(adapted from Chen et al., 2004).
M e ta ls in le a c ha te s
M e ta l To ta l c o nte nt o f me ta ls in s o il c o lumns
Witho ut EDTA With EDTA
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - mg - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Pb 3280 1.58 11 6
Cu 860 3.19 136
Zn 1730 6.47 237
Cd 15.8 0.13 3.25

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304 Nascimento & Xing

centration of soluble metals during the phytoextraction Together with a high extraction rate by roots,
process. Krishnamurti et al. (1997) observed that Cd the success of phytoextraction depends on substantial
release from soils increased initially up to a reaction increases in the transfer of metals to shoots. Actually,
period of 2 h and then slowly decreased with time; in- the chemically-induced phytoextraction must be seen
creasing amounts of Cd were released from the soils as a two-step process in which plants first accumulate
with renewal of organic acids every two hours. These metals in their roots, and then translocate them to the
results highlight the importance of the kinetics of metal shoots more efficiently as a consequence of environ-
release from low molecular weight organic acids and mentally-safe chelator addition.
their degradation rate. They also point towards research Vassil et al. (1998) found that Indian mustard
needs that will be essential for optimizing the exposed to Pb and EDTA in nutrient solution accumu-
phytoextraction using these compounds. lated 11,000 mg kg-1 Pb in dry shoot tissue. Blaylock
For instance, coating natural organic acids to (2000) described two successful field demonstrations
maintain a stead concentration of metal-organic acids of the use of EDTA-assisted phytoextraction of Pb by
complexes in soil solution, as done to EDTA by Li et Indian mustard. It has also been demonstrated that ad-
al. (2005), could be an alternative. Apparently fast bio- dition of synthetic chelators increase the translocation
degradation rather than the low organic acid ability to not only of Pb but also of Cd, Zn, Cu and Ni (Blaylock
solubilize metals is the main reason for unsuccessful et al., 1997). However, unsuccessful cases have also
phytoextraction (Krishnamurti et al., 1997; Nascimento been reported. Lombi et al. (2001) concluded that EDTA
et al., 2006). Thus, the slow release of organic acids increased metal mobility in soil and uptake by roots, but
from coated materials could provide a sustained uptake did not substantially increase the transfer of metals (Cd,
rate while decreasing the rapid disappearance of metal- Zn, Pb, Cu) to corn shoots. They suggested that EDTA
organic acid complexes from the soil solution by buff- was far more efficient in overcoming the diffusion limi-
ering the solution for chelators. tation of metals to the root surface than the barrier of
Despite the relative success observed for met- root to shoot translocation. Ebbs & Kochian (1998)
als of low solubility in soils, chemically-enhanced showed that EDTA increased the concentration of Zn
phytoextraction has faced serious limitations when ap- in shoots of Indian mustard to a lesser degree than the
plied to multi-contaminated sites with more values reported by Blaylock et al. (1997). The contra-
bioavailable metals. Metals such as Cd, Zn, and Cu diction can be attributed to differences in metal solu-
may cause severe toxicity to plants even before chela- bility in soils. Blaylock et al. (1997) spiked the soil
tors are added to soil (Sun et al., 2001; Lombi et al., tested with ZnCO3, which may be more easily solubi-
2001; Marchiol et al., 2004; Wu et al., 2004). Such an lized by EDTA than Zn present in the aged-contami-
inhibition of plant growth limits phytoextraction suc- nated soil used by Ebbs & Kochian (1998).
cess. For example, Lombi et al. (2001) suggested that The understanding of the physiological mecha-
phytoextraction of Zn and Cd by T. caerulescens is nisms involved in accumulation of metals in shoots is
constrained by Cu toxicity. Similarly, Ebbs & Kochian still incipient. Metals themselves can damage plant
(1997) observed that the removal of Zn and Cu from membranes (Marschner, 1995), and as a result high
soil solution by Brassica species was reduced in the concentrations of Pb (Kumar et al., 1995), and Cd (Salt
presence of both metals, as compared to single metal et al., 1995) alone might induce elevated accumulation
treatments. Thus, the chelator enhancement seems to of these metals in plants. Salt et al. (1995) demon-
be plant- and metal-specific, and might be inhibited strated that Cd toxicity might cause the breakdown of
when multiple metals are present. physiological barriers for the accumulation of metals
Exceptional results of metal phytoextraction in shoots due to the dramatic effect of toxic concen-
have been reported, especially on Pb accumulation trations of Cd in nutrient solution on Cd concentration
(Huang et al., 1997; Blaylock et al., 1997; Vassil et al., in xylem sap.
1998). However, results from soils artificially contami- Vassil et al. (1998) speculated that synthetic
nated with a single metal do not address the real life chelates can destroy physiological barriers in roots that
multicontaminated soils. For instance, 70% of all control the uptake and translocation of metals, for in-
metal-contaminated Superfund sites in The United stance, by removal of Zn and Ca from the plasma mem-
States involve two or more metals (Forstner, 1995). brane. Regardless the exact mechanism involved,
The development of plants and processes which can metal-EDTA complexes are absorbed by plants and
efficiently decontaminate these sites is a great research transported to shoots via the xylem (Epstein et al.,
challenge. This must be a focus in phytoextraction re- 1999; Collins et al., 2001). Sarret et al. (2001) dem-
search if phytoremediation technology is to be broadly onstrated that the mechanism of metal accumulation in
used in field conditions. Phaseolus vulgaris induced by EDTA depends upon
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Phytopextraction 305

the nature of the studied metal. Regarding Zn, they did The precise relationship between metal
not observe difference between plants grown in Zn- hyperaccumulation and tolerance is still a subject of
EDTA and Zn(SO)4 solutions. In both cases, Zn was debate. Some authors have proposed that there is no
found predominantly precipitated as Zn phosphate in correlation between these traits (Baker & Walker,
roots and leaves. In contrast, cerussite was the major 1990; Baker et al., 1994), while others suggest that
form of Pb in the absence of EDTA, whereas in the hyperaccumulators possess a high degree of tolerance
presence of EDTA, part of the Pb present in the leaves to metals (Reeves & Brooks, 1983; Chaney et al.,
was complexed as Pb-EDTA. Thus, Sarret et al. (2001) 1997). Macnair et al. (2000) compiled a number of
concluded that metal-EDTA complexes in soil solution studies in which the accumulation of metals by toler-
can be totally (Zn) or partially (Pb) dissociated when ant and non-tolerant clones of species had been com-
absorbed by P. vulgaris. Furthermore, as the concen- pared, and concluded that there is no pattern regard-
trations of both Pb and Zn in the shoots were much ing tolerance and accumulation. Both shoot and root
higher in plants grown in EDTA solution, the translo- concentrations are equally variable even when only one
cation of Zn from roots to shoots in P. vulgaris does particular metal is considered. However, at least in
not seem to be dependent on EDTA complexation. some cases, it is clear that increased tolerance leads
to greater accumulation of metals. For instance, Cd tol-
Metal hyperaccumulation and tolerance in plants
erance appears to be the most important criterion in
The capacity to hyperaccumulate metals is a
developing lines of T. caerulescens with great
relatively rare phenomenon in the plant kingdom, oc- phytoextraction potential (Roosens et al., 2003). As a
curring in approximately 400 species of vascular plants matter of fact, it is plausible to consider that to cope
total (Reeves & Baker, 2000), the vast majority of the with high concentrations of metals in their tissue,
species discovered so far being Ni hyperaccumulators. plants must also hypertolerate the metals that they ac-
Plant species that can accumulate Cd, Pb, Zn, Co and cumulate.
Cu are much less numerous (McGrath et al., 2001). Plants may use two strategies to deal with high
The concept of hyperaccumulation has been metal concentrations adjacent to their roots: 1) exclu-
extended to a plant growing in its natural habitat in sion (avoidance) mechanisms by which the uptake and/
which those metal concentrations have been recorded or root-to-shoot transport of metals are restricted; and
in the dry matter of any aboveground tissue. This more 2) internal tolerance mechanisms that immobilize, com-
detailed definition includes plants that accumulate met- partmentalize or detoxify metals in the symplasm
als in aerial tissues other than leaves, which might be through production of metal binding compounds
useful to phytoextraction as well, and disqualify any (Rauser, 1995; Marschner, 1995; Kpper et al., 1999).
species that hyperaccumulates metals under artificial Given that the goal of phytoextraction is to maximize
conditions, such as massive addition of metals to soil metal accumulation in plant tissues, mechanisms of in-
or nutrient solution (Reeves & Baker, 2000). Despite ternal tolerance are likely to be important.
such observation, chemically-assisted uptake and ac- Internal tolerance to metals is thought to be
cumulation of metals is useful for phytoremediation based on several mechanisms rather than one alone,
purposes and has currently been developed as a and the lack of a comprehensive understanding of this
phytoextraction technique as previously discussed. complex metal homeostatic network in plants remains
It is worth pointing out here the great ability a major bottleneck in the development of
of the brake fern Pteris vitata in accumulating arsenic phytoextraction technologies (Hirschi et al., 2000;
(Ma et al., 2001). This species can accumulate up to Krmer, 2003). Compartmentation in the vacuole and
95% of the As taken up from soil in its shoots. Be- chelation in the cytoplasm are among the most signifi-
cause this enormous translocation, P. vitata shoot con- cant mechanisms proposed to be related to metal ac-
centrations of As can reach up to 23,000 g g-1. Tamura cumulation by plants.
et al. (2005) have recently discovered that common Metal transport from the cytosol to the vacu-
buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) can natu- ole is considered an important mechanism of both
rally accumulated up to 4,200 g g-1 of Pb in the shoot. metal tolerance and accumulation in plants. For this
Amending the soil with the biodegradable chelator reason, much work has been dedicated to investigat-
MGDA resulted in a 5-fold increase in the Pb shoot ing subcellular localization of metals in
concentration. Common buckwheat is the first known hyperaccumulators (Vzquez et al., 1992; 1994;
Pb hyperaccumulator species with high biomass pro- Kpper et al., 1999; 2000; Hirschi et al., 2000; Krmer
ductivity. This relevant finding qualifies this species et al., 2000; Sarret et al., 2002). Krmer et al. (2000)
as an excellent candidate for remediating Pb-contami- isolated vacuoles from Ni-tolerant T. goesingense and
nated soils. Ni-sensitive T. arvense aiming directly to address the

Sci. Agric. (Piracicaba, Braz.), v.63, n.3, p.299-311, May/June 2006

306 Nascimento & Xing

role of vacuolar Ni storage in Ni tolerance. They found Zn influx across the root cell plasma membrane in T.
that T. goesingense accumulated two-fold more Ni in caerulescens. Following its entry in the cytoplasm, Zn
the vacuole than T. arvense (Figure 3). Since protoplast is sequestered in the vacuole of T. arvense and made
and apoplast Ni contents were similar in both species, unavailable for translocation to the shoot, since the rate
vacuolar compartmentalization in T. goesingense seems of vacuolar Zn efflux is significantly smaller in T.
to play a major role in Ni-accumulation and tolerance. arvense at similar amounts of Zn accumulated in the
Subcellular compartmentation in the vacuole is root cells of the two Thlaspi species. In T.
also a mechanism of Zn tolerance used by the Zn caerulescens, on the other hand, symplasmic Zn is
hyperaccumulator T. caerulescens (Vzquez et al., readily available for loading into the xylem and sub-
1994; Kpper et al., 1999) and probably by sequent long-distance transport to the shoot. As a con-
Arabidopsis halleri (Neumann & Zur-Nieden, 2001). sequence, T. caerulescens accumulated about five-fold
In the leaves of the latter species, Zn is predominantly higher concentrations of Zn in the xylem sap compared
complexed to malate (Sarret et al., 2002). As this acid to T. arvense.
seems to be the most abundant organic acid in vacu- Chelation and sequestration of metals by par-
oles of T. caerulescens (Tolra et al., 1996), it is sup- ticular ligands are also mechanisms used by plants to
posed to be related to metal chelation and accumula- deal with metal stress. The two best-characterized
tion in this species as well. However, as pointed out metal-binding ligands in plant cells are the
by Sarret et al. (2002), the mere presence of malate, phytochelatins (PCs) and metallothioneins (MTs) (Grill
or another organic acid, does not guarantee high metal et al., 1988; Cobbett, 2000; Cobbett & Goldsbrough,
accumulation rates in shoots. This is rather dependent 2002). Both ligands are widely distributed in plants and
on both the location of malate (vacuolar or cytoplas- form stable complexes with metals in the cytosol which
mic) and the quantity of metal transmembrane trans- can be subsequently sequestered into the vacuole
porters. For instance, Ni hyperaccumulation in T. (Zenk, 1996; Goldsbrough, 2000). Many physiologi-
goesingense is achieved by an efficient system that cal and genetic studies indicate that PCs and MTs are
pumps Ni into the vacuole of shoot cells (Krmer et critical for metal tolerance and accumulation in plants
al., 2000). Such a vacuolar sequestration of Zn seems (Howden & Cobbett, 1992; Zhu et al., 1999; Schmger
to be driven by a member of the cation diffusion fa- et al., 2000; Inouhe et al., 2000; Hartley-Whitaker et
cilitator family (TgMTP1), constitutively-expressed in al., 2001; Van Hoof et al., 2001). A comprehensive re-
T. goesingense. Similar constitutively enhanced expres- view of PCs and MTs and their characteristics is found
sion by cation diffusion facilitators has also been ob- in Cobbett & Goldsbrough (2002).
served for T. caerulescens and A. halleri (Assuno et Naturally hyperaccumulating plants do not
al., 2001; Becher et al., 2004). overproduce phytochelatin as part of their mechanism
Lasat & Kochian (2000) proposed a model to against toxic metals. This appears to be an inducible
explain the higher accumulation of Zn by T.
caerulescens compared to T. arvense (Figure 4). Ac- Epidermis/Cortex Xylem/Parenchyma
cording to their model, several altered transport sys- To shoot
tems account for the Zn hyperaccumulation in T.
caerulescens. The first step is the higher capacity for Zn

Thlaspi caerulescens Xylem

Epidermis/Cortex Xylem/Parenchyma
To shoot


Thlaspi arvense Xylem

Figure 3 - Subcellular localization of Ni in leaves of Ni-tolerant Figure 4 - Model for Zn transport and compartmentation in root
T. goesingense (A) and Ni-sensitive T. arvense (B) as cells of T. caerulescens and T. arvense. The thicker
a percentage of total leaf Ni (Adapted from Krmer the arrow, the higher the Zn influx or efflux. (Adapted
et al. 2000) from Lasat & Kochian, 2000).

Sci. Agric. (Piracicaba, Braz.), v.63, n.3, p.299-311, May/June 2006

Phytopextraction 307

rather than a constitutive mechanism, observed espe- 4.3-fold more Se in its shoots than wild type, while
cially in metal non-tolerant plants (Freeman et al., ECS and GS lines accumulated 2.8-fold and 2.3-fold
2005). Instead, hyperaccumulator plants rely on con- more Se than wild type, respectively.
stitutive mechanisms including enhanced vacuolar The full understanding of the tolerance and ac-
compartmentation as discussed above. However, over- cumulation mechanisms of metals and metalloids by
production of phytochelatin has played an important plants (Clemens et al., 2002), is a long way ahead but
role in the attempts to genetically transform high bio- future advances in this field will represent large and
mass plants into efficient phytoremediators. For ex- essential steps in phytoextraction efforts. No natural
ample, transgenic seedlings of Brassica juncea hyperaccumulating plant is so far recognized as use-
overexpressing -glutamylcysteine synthetase (- ECS), ful for commercial phytoextraction of metals from
had higher concentrations of PCs than wild genotype multicontaminated soils, but Thlaspi hyperaccumulator
seedlings (Zhu et al., 1999). As a consequence, the species have proved to be an excellent model for study-
transgenic plants accumulated more Cd than the wild ing the mechanisms of metal tolerance and accumula-
genotype and possessed shoot Cd concentrations 40% tion in plants (Krmer et al., 2000; Freeman et al.,
to 90% higher. Gisbert et al. (2003) demonstrated that 2004; 2005). The greater the knowledge on major
the overexpression of a wheat gene encoding genes controlling such traits, the higher the possibil-
phytochelatin synthase in Nicotiana glauca (shrub to- ity of biotransformation of selected crop species for use
bacco) markedly increased the species tolerance to Pb in phytoextraction. The outcome of these physiologi-
and Cd. The transformed plants accumulated twice as cal and genetic studies might ultimately be the fast-
more Pb than the wild type when grown in a mining growing, high-biomass, multimetal accumulator plant
contaminated soil. that researchers have in mind today.
In an innovative and promising approach,
Dhankher et al. (2002) combined the - Final Remarks and future research directions
glutamylcysteine synthetase (- ECS) expression with Important advances have been made in the last
a leaf-specific arsenate reductase (arsC), thereby few years in understanding the processes involved in
avoiding diminution of the root pool of arsenate (oxi- phytoextraction of metals from contaminated soils, es-
dized form) which could move to the leaf. This enabled pecially on the processes that contribute to uptake and
the transformed Arabidopsis thaliana plants to trans- hyperaccumulation of metals. However, many gaps in
port arsenate to aboveground parts where it was re- both soil chemistry and microbial and plant physiologi-
duced to arsenite and sequestered in thiol-peptide com- cal knowledge must be filled before phytoremediation
plexes, such as PCs and MTs. As a result, As concen- can become a commercial technology. For example, a
trations in shoots were three-fold higher than those of better understanding of the interactions taking place in
the wild type. This substantial increase in As accumu- the rhizosphere will be important to the ultimate suc-
lation, however, is not impressive compared to the high cess of phytoextraction as a technique to clean up soils.
ability of P. vitata in concentrating As in the shoots. Advances in this research field are expected to produce
Additional understanding of the rhizospheric processes a substantial impact on phytoextraction potential. The
involved in As absorption by roots is required to fur- identification of specific exudates associated with solu-
ther understanding the increase in As accumulation by bilization of metals in soils could enable alternative
transgenic plants. Insights into the effects of root exu- ways of manipulating the plant rhizosphere to enhance
dates on As, as well as on environmentally important metal bioavailability.
metals (Pb, Cd, Ni, Zn, Cu) are urgently necessary and For chemically-assisted phytoextraction, the
will have a dramatic impact on the feasibility of dynamics of metal chelates in the rhizosphere need to
phytoextraction, either by using wild or transgenic be examined, either to overcome the risks associated
plants. with low degradability of synthetic chelators, or to op-
The efficacy of genetically altered plants for timize the use of more biodegradable compounds. Ad-
phytoremediation has also been successfully tested un- ditionally, researchers and policy makers must also
der actual field conditions (Bauelos et al., 2005), uti- look into the chemical pools of metals in soils and
lizing three transgenic Indian mustard lines identify which ones are the targets for phytoextraction.
overexpressing genes that encode the enzymes adenos- Although there is a consensus that total concentration
ine triphosphate sulfurylase (APS), -glutamylcysteine does not correlate with bioavailability, most legislation
synthetase (- ECS), and gluthathione synthetase (GS), on soil remediation focuses on total concentrations of
respectively. The three transgenic lines accumulated metals in soils. If this is to be followed, chemical
substantially larger amounts of Se in their shoots than amendments should be reactive enough to extract met-
the wild type. The APS transgenic line accumulated als tightly bound to oxides and silicate minerals and

Sci. Agric. (Piracicaba, Braz.), v.63, n.3, p.299-311, May/June 2006

308 Nascimento & Xing

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