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Java Garbage Collection

Best Practices for Sizing and Tuning the Java Heap

Chris Bailey

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IBM Software Group


Selecting the Correct GC Policy

Sizing the Java heap


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Garbage Collection Performance

GC performance issues can take many forms
Definition of a performance problem is user centric
User requirement may be for:
Very short GC pause times
Maximum throughput
A balance of both

First step is ensure that the correct GC policy has been selected for
the workload type
Helpful to have an understanding of GC mechanisms

Second step is to ensure heap sizing is correct

Third step us to look for specific performance issues

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Selecting the Correct GC Policy

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Understanding Garbage Collection

Responsible for allocation and freeing of:
Java objects, Array objects and Java classes

Allocates objects using a contiguous section of Java heap

Ensures the object remains as long as it is in use or live

Determination based on a reference from another live object or
from outside of the Heap

Reclaims objects that are no longer referenced

Ensures that any finalize method is run before the object is


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Object Allocation
Requires a contiguous area of Java heap
Driven by requests from:
The Java application
JNI code

Most allocations take place in Thread Local Heaps (TLHs)

Threads reserve a chunk of free heap to allocate from
Reduces contention on allocation lock
Keeps code running in a straight line (fewer failures)
Meant to be fast
Available for objects < 512 bytes in size

Larger allocates take place under a global heap lock

These allocations are one time costs out of line allocate
Multiple threads allocating larger objects at the same time will

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Object Reclamation (Garbage Collection)

Occurs under two scenarios:
An allocation failure
An object allocation is requested and not enough contiguous memory is available
A programmatically requested garbage collection cycle
call is made to System.GC() or Runtime.GC()
the Distributed Garbage Collector is running
call to JVMPI/TI is made

Two main technologies used to remove the garbage:

Mark Sweep Collector
Copy Collector

IBM uses a mark sweep collector

or a combination for generational

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Global Collection Policies

Garbage Collection can be broken down into 2 (3) steps
Mark: Find all live objects in the system
Sweep: Reclaim unused heap memory to the free list
Compact: Reduce fragmentation within the free list

All steps are in a single stop-the-world (STW) phase

Application pauses whilst garbage collection is done

Each step is performed as a parallel task within itself

Four GC Policies, optimized for different scenarios

-Xgcpolicy:optthruput optimized for batch type applications
-Xgcpolicy:optavgpause optimized for applications with responsiveness
-Xgcpolicy:gencon optimized for highly transactional workloads
-Xgcpolicy:subpools optimized for large systems with allocation

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Parallel GC (optthruput)
Parallel Mark Sweep Collector, with compaction avoidance
Created to make use of additional processors on server systems
Designed to increase performance for SMP and not degrade
performance for uni-processor systems

Optimized for Throughput

Best policy for batch type applications

Consists of a single flat Java heap:

0 GB 2 GB


Heap Size
Heap Base Heap Limit

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GC Helper Threads
Parallelism achieved through the use of GC Helper Threads
Parked set of threads that wake to share GC work
Main GC thread generates the root set of objects
Helper threads share the work for the rest of the phases
Number of helpers is one less than the number of processing
So helper threads and main GC thread equals the number of
processing units
Configurable using -Xgcthreads

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Parallel Mark/Parallel Sweep view of GC

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Concurrent GC (optavgpause)
Reduces and makes more consistent the time spent inside Stop the
World GC
Reduction usually between 90 and 95%

Achieved by carrying out some of the STW work whilst application is

1.4.2: Concurrent Marking
5.0: Concurrent Marking and Concurrent Sweeping

Slight overhead on thruput for greatly reduced STW times

Policy is ideal for systems with responsiveness criteria
eg. Portal applications

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Parallel and Concurrent Mark/Sweep

Concurrent Kickoff

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Concurrent Mark hidden object issue

Higher heap usage

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Concurrent Mark hidden object issue

Higher heap usage

Dangling pointer!

because not all garbage removed

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Generational and Concurrent GC (gencon)

Similar in concept to that used by Sun and HP
Parallel copy and concurrent global collects by default

Motivation: Objects die young so focus collection efforts on

recently created objects
Divide the heap up into a two areas: new and old
Perform allocates from the new area
Collections focus on the new area
Objects that survive a number of collects in new area are
0 GB promoted to old area (tenured) 2 GB

Allocate Survivor LOA

Nursery (new) Space Tenured (old) Space
Heap Base Heap Size Heap Limit

Ideal for transactional and high data throughput workloads

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Nursery (new) Space Copy Collection

Nursery/Young Generation

Allocate Space
Survivor Space Survivor
Allocate Space

Nursery is split into two spaces (semi-spaces)

Only one contains live objects and is available for allocation
Minor collections (Scavenges) move objects between spaces
Role of spaces is reversed
Movement results in implicit compaction

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Subpooling (subpool)
Reduce allocation lock contention by distributing free memory into
multiple lists
Reduce allocation contention through use of atomic operations instead of
a heap lock
Prevent premature garbage collections by using a best fit (or closer to
best fit) policy instead of address ordered

Ideal for very large SMP systems where large amounts data is being
where there is heap lock contention

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Looking for Heap Lock Contention

All locks can be profiled using Java Lock Analyzer (JLA)
Provides time accounting and contention statistics for
Java and JVM locks
Functionality includes:
Counters associated with contended locks
Total number of successful acquires
Recursive acquires times a thread acquires a lock it
already owns
Number of times a thread blocks because a monitor is
already owned
Cumulative time the monitor was held.

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JLA Sample Report

System (Registered) Monitors
87 5273 5273 4572 0 710708 18487 1 95408 JITC Global_Compile lock
9 6870 6869 631 1 113420 2976 0 11807 Heap lock
5 1123 1123 51 0 11098 286 1 248385 Binclass lock
0 1153 1147 5 6 1307 33 0 47974 Monitor Cache lock
0 46149 45877 134 272 36961 877 1 6558 JITC CHA lock
0 33734 23483 19 10251 6544 150 1 17083 Thread queue lock
0 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 9309689 JNI Global Reference lock
0 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 9283000 JNI Pinning lock
0 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 9442968 Sleep lock
0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Monitor Registry lock
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Evacuation Region lock
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Method trace lock
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Classloader lock
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Heap Promotion lock
Java (Inflated) Monitors
15 68 68 10 0 2204 56 2 11936405 test.lock.testlock1@A09410/A09418
2 42 42 1 0 186 5 0 300478 test.lock.testlock2@D31358/D31360
0 70 70 0 0 41 1 0 7617 java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue$Lock@920628/920630

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JLA: Fields in the report

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Choosing the Right GC Policy

Four GC Policies, optimized for different scenarios
-Xgcpolicy:optthruput optimized for batch type applications
-Xgcpolicy:optavgpause optimized for applications with
responsiveness criteria
-Xgcpolicy:gencon optimized for highly transactional
-Xgcpolicy:subpools optimized for large systems with allocation

How do I know whether to use optavgpause or gencon?

Monitor GC activity
Look for certain characteristics

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Monitoring GC Activity
Use of Verbose GC logging
only data that is required for GC performance tuning
Graph Verbose GC output using GC and Memory Visualizer (GCMV) from ISA

Activated using command line options

[DIR_PATH] is the directory where the file should be written
[FILE_NAME] is the name of the file to write the logging to
X is the number of files to
Y is the number of GC cycles a file should contain

Performance Cost:
(very) basic testing shows a 2% overhead for GC duration of 200ms
eg. if application GC overhead is 5%, it would become 5.1%

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Important Characteristics for Choosing GC Policy

Rate of Garbage Collection

High rates of object burn point to large numbers of transitional objects, and
therefore the application may well benefit from the use of gencon

Large Object Allocations?

The allocation of very large objects adversely affects gencon unless the nursery is
sufficiently large enough. The application may well benefit from optavgpuse

Large heap usage variations

The optavgpause algorithms are best suited to consistent allocation profiles
Where large variations occur, gencon may be better suited

Rule of thumb: if GC overhead is > 10%, youve most likely chosen the wrong one

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Rate of Garbage Collection

optavgpause gencon

Gencon could handle a higher rate of garbage collection

Completing the test quicker
Gencon had a smaller percentage of time in garbage collection
Gencon had a shorter maximum pause time

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Rate of Garbage Collection

Gencon provides less frequent long Garbage Collection cycles

Gencon provides a shorter longest Garbage Collection cycle

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Large Object Allocations

(Very) Large Object allocations affects the gencon GC policy
If object is larger than the Nursery size, the object is immediately tenured
Removes the benefit of generational heaps
Still has the additional overhead of running generational

If object is fits in the nursery but fills it, frequent nursery collects will have to occur
Too frequent nursery collects mean objects are likely to survive and need copying
Copying is an expensive process

If (Very) Large Objects are being used, a sufficiently large enough nursery is required

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Sizing the Java Heap

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Sizing the Java Heap

Maximum possible Java heap sizes

The correct Java heap size

Fixed heap sizes vs. Variable heap sizes

Heap Sizing for Generational GC

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Maximum Possible Heap Size

32 bit Java processes have maximum possible heap size
Varies according to the OS and platform used
Determined by the process memory layout

64 bit processes do not have this limit

Limit exists, but is so large it can be effectively ignored
Addressability usually between 2^44 and 2^64
Which is 16+ TeraBytes

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Java Process Memory Layout

An Operating System process like any other application:
Subject to OS and architecture restrictions
32bit architecture has an addressable range of:
2^32 which is 0x00000000 0xFFFFFFFF
which is 4GB
0 GB 2 GB 4 GB
1 GB 3 GB

0x40000000 0xC0000000
0x0 0x80000000 0xFFFFFFFF

Not all addressable space is available to the application

The operating system needs memory for:
The kernel
The runtime support libraries

Varies according to Operating System

How much memory is needed and where that memory is located

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Memory Available to the Java Process

On Windows:
0 GB 2 GB 4 GB
1 GB 3 GB

Operating System Space

0x40000000 0xC0000000
0x0 0x80000000 0xFFFFFFFF


0 GB 2 GB 4 GB
1 GB 3 GB

Kernel Libraries

0x40000000 0xC0000000
0x0 0x80000000 0xFFFFFFFF

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Java Process Restrictions

Not all Java Process space is available to the Java application
The Java Runtime needs memory for:
The Java Virtual Machine
Backing resources for some Java objects

This memory area as well as some other allocations, is part of the

Native Heap

Memory not allocated to the Java Heap is available to the native heap

Available memory space Java heap = native

Effectively, the Java process maintains two memory pools

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The Native Heap

Allocated using malloc() and therefore subject to memory
management by the OS

Used for Virtual Machine resources, eg:

Execution engine
Class Loader
Garbage Collector infrastructure

Used to underpin Java objects:

Threads, Classes, AWT objects, ZipFiles

Used for allocations by JNI code

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Native Heap available to Application

On Windows
0 GB 2 GB 4 GB
1 GB 3 GB

Java Heap Native Heap Operating System Space

0x40000000 0xC0000000
0x0 0x80000000 0xFFFFFFFF
VM Resources Libraries

On AIX (1.4.2 with small heaps)

0 GB 2 GB 4 GB
1 GB 3 GB

Kernel Java Heap Native Heap Libraries

0x40000000 0xC0000000
0x0 0x80000000 0xFFFFFFFF

VM Resources

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Layout with Large Java Heaps on AIX

Applies to heaps > 1GB in size and Java 5.0

Java heap becomes allocated using mmap()

Segments used start at 0xC and work downwards

understanding memory layout important for monitoring

0 GB 2 GB 4 GB
1 GB 3 GB
0x3 0x7 0xD

Kernel Native Heap Java Heap Libraries

0x40000000 0xC0000000
0x0 0x80000000 0xFFFFFFFF

VM Resources

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Memory Layout for Linux

0 GB 2 GB 4 GB
1 GB 3 GB

Java Heap Native Heap Kernel

0x40000000 0xC0000000
0x0 0x80000000 0xFFFFFFFF
VM Resources


0 GB 2 GB
1 GB

Java Heap

0x0 0x7FFFFFFF
VM Resources

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Theoretical and Advised Max Heap

Sizes The larger the Java heap, the more constrained the native heap
Advised limits to prevent native heap from becoming overly
restricted, leading to OutOfMemoryErrors
Platform Additional Options Maximum Possible Advised Maximum
AIX automatic 3.25 GB 2.5GB
Linux 2 GB 1.5GB
Hugemem Kernel 3 GB 2.5GB
Windows 1.8GB 1.5GB
/3GB 1.8GB 1.8GB
z/OS 1.7GB 1.3GB

Exceeding advised limits possible, but should be done only when

native heap usage is understood
Native heap usage can be measured using OS tools:
Svmon (AIX), PerfMon (Windows), RMF (zOS) etc

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Moving to 64bit
Moving to 64bit remove the Java heap size limit

However, ability to use more memory is not free

64bit applications perform slower
More data has to be manipulated
Cache performance is reduced
64bit applications require more memory
Java Object references are larger
Internal pointers are larger

Major improvements to this in Java 6.0 due to compressed pointers

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The correct Java heap size

GC will adapt heap size to keep occupancy between 40% and 70%
Heap occupancy over 70% causes frequent GC cycles
Which generally means reduced performance
Heap occupancy below 40% means infrequent GC cycles, but cycles
longer than they needs to be
Which means longer pause times that necessary
Which generally means reduced performance

The maximum heap size setting should therefore be 43% larger than the
maximum occupancy of the application
Maximum occupancy + 43% means occupancy at 70% of total heap
Eg. For 70MB occupancy, 100MB Max heap required, which is 70MB +
43% of 70MB

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The correct Java heap size Heap Size

Too Frequent Garbage Collection


Heap Occupancy


Long Garbage Collection Cycles


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Fixed heap sizes vs. Variable heap sizes

Should the heap size be fixed?
i.e. Minimum heap size (-Xms) = Maximum heap size (-Xmx)?

Each option has advantages and disadvantages

As for most performance tuning, you must select which is right for the particular

Variable Heap Sizes

GC will adapt heap size to keep occupancy between 40% and 70%
Expands and Shrinks the Java heap
Allows for scenario where usage varies over time
Where variations would take usage outside of the 40-70% window

Fixed Heap Sizes

Does not expand or shrink the Java heap

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Heap Expansion and Shrinkage

Act of heap expansion and shrinkage is relatively cheap

However, a compaction of the Java heap is sometimes required

Expansion: for some expansions, GC may have already
compacted to try to allocate the object before expansion

Shrinkage: GC may need to compact to move objects from the

area of the heap being shrunk

Whilst expansion and shrinkage optimizes heap occupancy, it

(usually) does so at the cost of compaction cycles

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Conditions for Heap Expansion

Not enough free space available for object allocation after GC has
Occurs after a compaction cycle
Typically occurs where there is fragmentation or during rapid
occupancy growth (i.e., application startup)

Heap occupancy is over 70%

Compaction unlikely

More than 13% of time is spent in GC

Compaction unlikely

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Conditions for Heap Shrinkage

Heap occupancy is under 40%

And the following is not true:

Heap has been recently expanded (last 3 cycles)
GC is a result of a System.GC() call

Compaction occurs if:

An object exists in the area being shrunk
GC did not shrink on the previous cycle

Compaction is therefore likely to occur

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Introduction to Xmaxf and Xminf

The Xmaxf and Xminf settings control the 40% and 70% occupancy
-Xmaxf: the maximum heap space free before shrinkage (default is 0.6
for 40%)
-Xminf: the minimum heap space before expansion (default is 0.3 for

Can be used to move optimum occupancy window if required by the

eg. Lower heap utilization required for more infrequent GC cycles

Can be used to prevent shrinkage

-Xmaxf1.0 would mean shrinkage only when heap is 100% free
Would completely remove shrinkage capability

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Introduction to Xmaxe and -Xmine

The Xmaxe and Xmine settings control the bounds of the size of
each expansion step
-Xmaxe: the maximum amount of memory to add to the heap
size in the case of expansion (default is unlimited)
-Xmine: the minimum amount of memory to add to the heap
size in the case of expansion (default is 1MB)

Can be used to reduce/prevent compaction due to expansion

Reduce expansions by setting a large -Xmine

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GC Managed Heap Sizing

Heap Size

Expansion (>= -Xmine)

To Frequent Garbage Collection


Heap Occupancy


Long Garbage Collection Cycles

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Fixed or Variable??
Again, dependent on application

For flat memory usage, use fixed

For widely varying memory usage, consider variable

Variable provides more flexibility and ability to avoid

Some of the disadvantages can be avoided:
-Xms set to lowest steady state memory usage prevents
expansion at startup
-Xmaxf1 will remove shrinkage
-Xminf can be used to prevent compaction before
-Xmine can be used to reduce expansions

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Heap Sizing for Generational GC

Options Are:
Fix both nursery and tenured space

Nursery Tenured

Allow them to expand/contract

General Advice:
Fix the new space size
Size the tenured space as you would for a flat heap

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Sizing the Nursery

Copying from Allocate to Survivor or to Tenured space is expensive
Physical data is copied (similar to compaction with is also expensive
Ideally survival rates should be as low as possible
Less data needs to be copied
Less tenured/global collects that will occur

The larger the nursery:

the greater the time between collects
the less objects that should survive
However, the longer a copy can potentially take

Recommendation is to have a nursery as large as possible

Whilst not being so large that nursery collect times affect the
application responsiveness

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GC Policy should be chosen according to application scenario

Java heap should ideally be sized for between 40 and 70%


Min=Max heap size is right for some applications, but not for others

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