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Review : A Crazy Little Thing Called Love

Rate : 4-half-StarsS (Really like it)
Type : Movie F
Language : Thai
Genre : Comedy, Romantic, School Life
Cast : Mario Maurer (Chon), Pimchanok Lerwisetpibol (Nam)
Info : [Thai-Movie]
Release Date : 2010 E
Genre (
: Comedy | Romance
, I wondered, whyLINam was so quickly become a beautiful girl? Just suddenly, hmm
Nam is a very Tsimple high school girl whos secretly attracted to Shone, Nam is an
unattractive girl Lwith dark complexion, nerd glasses and braces but her character changes
her appearance.Nam E lives with her sister and mother. Ever since Nam met Shone whos a star
in school,Together with her three friends, they discovered the book called 9 Recipes of
Love, to help Nam H win the affection of the boy she liked. Not only this, Nam tried to be a
I changed her appearance .
star in school so she
Nam playsG snow white in the school drama, Snow white. Shone's childhood friend Top
joins the school..Some
C days later Top confesses his love to Nam. She is shocked and does not
answer. Next morningA Top asks her to go to the football match to see Shone Play. She agrees to
that idea. At the birthday
L night party of Ake, Top and Shone share say that they promise never to
fall in love with the
L same girl. During a dance Top kisses Nam's cheek. That night Nam breaks up
with him. Three years
E has passed by since the beginning of her story. Nam secures the first position
in her exam. She would
D leave for USA to be with her dad. On the closing of the school year, she
finally confesses toL Shone. But is heart broken when she sees that Pin and Shone are together. That
night Shone leaves O his diary in front of her house. That diary contained all of Nam's photos. He
always loved her V but their time never matched. Shone leaves for Bangkok.
She never knew the owner of the diary until 9 years have passed. Nam became
successful fashion designer while Shone was a professional photographer, both are not
married yet. The two were invited in a variety show where they reunited after many years.
Finally, . In a reality show Nam and Shone have the chance to express their love for each other

The moral value is you should be yourself (its common), no pain no beauty (thats a real),
make the refusal becomes your motivation to be better (like what Nam do)


kita semua
memiliki seseorang yang tersembunyi di dasar hati
Ketika kita berpikir tentang dia, kita akan merasa seperti umm .
Selalu merasa sedikit sakit di dalam
Tapi kita masih ingin mempertahankan dia
Meskipun aku tidak tahu di mana dia sekarang ..
Apa yang dia lakukan
Tapi dia adalah orang yang membuatku mengetahui hal ini..
Hal-hal gila, yang disebut CINTA (crazy little thing called love)
(Prolog film crazy little thing called love)
Nam tinggal bersama kakaknya dan ibu. Dia junior Shone itu SMP dan diam-
diam mencintainya. Nam dan teman-temannya membantunya mengaku cintanya dengan
bantuan resep buku '9dari cinta '. Sementara itu guru Inn dan guru Orn terus-menerus bersaing
satu sama lain untuk guru olahraga. Nam memainkan salju putih dalam
drama sekolah, Salju putih. Top teman masa kecil Shone bergabung sekolah. Dia
memiliki keinginan instan untuk hari her.Some kemudian Top mengaku cintanya
kepada Nam. Dia terkejut dan tidak menjawab. Top Keesokan paginya meminta dia untuk pergi
ke pertandingan sepak bola untuk melihat Shone Putar. Dia setuju untuk gagasan
itu. Padapesiar Shone akhirnya mengakui secara tidak langsung bahwa dia mencintainya, tapi
terganggu oleh Top. Pada pesta ulang tahun malam Ake, Top dan Shone berbagi cerita mereka
dan mengatakan bahwa mereka berjanji untuk tidak jatuh cinta dengan gadis yang
sama. Selama pipi seorang Top tari ciuman Nam. Itu Nam malam putus dengan dia. Tiga
tahun telah berlalu sejak awal ceritanya. Nam mengamankan posisi pertama dalam ujian. Dia akan
berangkat ke Amerika Serikat untuk bersama ayahnya. Pada penutupan tahun ajaran, ia
akhirnya mengaku kepada Shone. Tapi patah hati ketika ia melihat bahwa Pin dan Shone bersama-
sama. Malam itu Shone meninggalkan buku hariannya di depan rumahnya. Bahwa buku
harian berisi semua foto Nam. Dia selalu mencintainya tapi waktu mereka tidak
pernah cocok. Shone daun untuk Bangkok.

Sembilan tahun kemudian, Nam adalah desainer kostum sukses dan Shone telah
berubah profesinya menjadi fotografer pro.Dalam kenyataan menunjukkan Nam
dan Shone bertemu kembali.

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