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J ee ee LL LS ST Spin ueeame a RSA bik sino: 10115503 HLE12 Register Number 2012 GENERAL ENGLISH WITH GENERAL KNOWLEDGE ‘Time Allowed : 3 Hours] [Maximum Marks : 800 Read the following instructions carefully before you begin to answer the questions. IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS ‘This Booklet has a cover (this page) which should not be opened till the invigilator gives signal to open it at the commencement of the examination. As soon as the signal is received you should tear the right side of the booklet cover carefully to open the booklet. Then proceed to answer the questions. ‘This Question Booklet contains 200 questions. Prior to attempting to answer the candidates are requested to check whether all the questions are there and ensure there are no blank pages in the question booklet, Answer all questions, All questions carry equal marks. You must write your Register Number in the space provided on the top right side of this page. Do not write anything else on the Question Booklet. ‘An Answer Sheet will be supplied to you separately by che Invigiator to mark the answers. You must write your Name, Register No., Question Booklet SI. No. and other particulars with Blue or Black Ball point pén on side 2 of the Answer Sheet provided, failing which your Answer Sheet will not be evaluated You will also encode your Register Number, Subject Code, Question Booklet Sl. No. etc. with Blue or Black ink Ball point pen in the space provided on the side 2 of the Answer Sheet. If you do not encode properly or fail to encode the above information, your Answer Sheet will not be evaluated. Each question comprises four responses (A), (B), (C) and (D). You are to select ONLY ONE correct response and mark in your Answer Sheet. In case, you feel that there are more than one correct response, mark the response which you consider the best. In any case, choose ONLY ONE response for each question. Yaur total marks will depend on the nurpber of correct responses marked by you in the Answer Sheet. In the Answer Sheet there are four brackets (A] (B] [C] and {D] against each question. To answer the questions you are to mark with Ball point pen ONLY ONE bracket of your.choice for each question. Select one response for each question in the Question Booklet and mark in the Answer Sheet, If you mark more than one answer for one question, the answer will be treated as wrong. e.g. If for any item, {Bis the correct answer, you have to mark as follows (a) MHC) (0) You should not remove or tear off any sheet from this Question Booklet. You are not allowed to take this Question Booklet and the Answer Sheet out of the Examination Hall during the examination. After the examination is concluded, vou must hand over your Answer Sheet to the Invigilator. You are allowed to take the Question Booklet with vou only after the Examination is over, ‘The sheet before the last page of the Question Booklet can be used for Rough Work. Failure to comply with any of the above instructions will render you liable to such action or penalty as the Commission may decide at their discretion, For Question No. 101 t 200 in all matters and in cases of doubt, the English Version is final. Do not tick-mark or mark the anawers in the Question booklet. (TAMIL VERSION OF INSTRUCTIONS IS PROWIDED ON THE BACK COVER OF THIS BOOKLET] [Turn over Sai a Select the odd sentence pattern from the following (A) He ate the cake Yo ‘This shoe is large (C) She sang a song (D) I wrote a letter Find out the antonyms for the underlined word Some people mess up their houses with ever lasting rubbish. 1 Lasting ‘Temporary 3. Changing 4. Endless 5. Eternal (A) 3,4and5 (B) 1,2and4 (C) 2, 8and5 BPP A 2and 3 Change the following into positive degree This temple is the biggest in India. (A) This temple is as big as that temple vs No other temple in India is as big as this temple (©) This temple is very big (D) Very few temples are as big as this temple Identify the compound sentence. (A) The box is too heavy to carry (B) Owing to illness Rajan did not appear for the examination (©) Even though he is poor he donates generously Ww We must eat or we cannot live 3 HLE12 [Turn over 5. Select the correct suffix to frame a new word. Using the given word ‘Purpose’. (A) able Val less (D) ness 6G, Choose the correct antonym for the underlined word from the options given His ways of presentation is Unique common (B) comparable . (©) indifferent (D) wrong 7. Which one of the following is a correct sentence? (A) Thad been living here since 1995. 8) T have heen living here since 1995 (©) Twere living here from 1995 (D)_ Twas living here since 1995 8. Pick out the statement that doesn't match with the given question tag (A) Wait a minute, can you? (B) Push the door to the corner, can you? (©) Get the guide who can help you, can you? PP Have some more rice, can you? 9. Choose the correct synonym of the underlined word. ‘The rules are made to be enforced. (A) replied Vs applied (C) supplied (D) engraved HLE12 4 10. 1 Match the following sentences in Column A with the units in Column B and select the correct answer from the codes given below Column A Column B (a) I dream evervdav 1 noun (b) Life is a gift verb (c) L write a letter 3. adjective (a) It is a business letter 4, adverb f@) &) © @ @ 43 1 4 1 2 8 (Cc) 4 2 3 1 m1 4 2 3 Comprehension “All the warld’s a stage And all the men and women merely players They have their exits and their entrances” Q: The word ‘Exit and Entrance’ refer to (A) Love and Hatred LPO Bieth and death (©) Life and love (D) Dream and reality Give the suitable order of articles in the blanks of the given passage. Write the correct code given below old man said to his daughter, “lf —_—_— servant finds any money on ——— floor when she cleans ———-—— room, it is mine.” (A) The,a, the, a (B) An, the, a,a we the, the, the (D) ‘The, a, a, the 5 HLEI2 (Turn over 13, Match the following synonym from Column A with Column B and select the correct answer from the given codes Column A Column B (a) Lazy L Deep admiration . (b) Shouted 2. Unwilling to work () Learn Speak loudly | (d@) Respect 4. Acqitire knowledge @ © © @ @ 3 1 4 2 @® 2 4 1 38 M4 1 3 2 14. Identify the sentence. ‘A man’s modesty is in inverse proportion to his ignorance. AS simple (B) compound (©) complex (D) none 15. Choose the correct antonym for the underlined word from the options given Einstein published his theory of General Relativity that was confirmed experimentally in 1921 (A) promised 8) disproved (©) refused (D) accepted 16. Rahul a lab assistant, a teacher, a book seller and now he ——— a journalist. (A) is, was ®) isis (C) was, was we has been, is HLEI2 6 A 17, 1——— the instructions but 1 them. (A) will read, did not understand (B) will not read, will not understand EH have vend, do not understand (D) read, has not understood 18. Mateh the correct noun form for the verb ‘disturb’ (A) disturbing YI disturbance (©) disturbed (D) disturbingly 19, Select the correct noun form word from the following verb ‘frighten’. (A) fighting LPT fright (©) fights (D) frightening 20. Change the following verb into noun form Die. (A) Deadly (BY Dead (© Dying Pr Death 21. Fillin the blank with suitable article. poor always work hard. A The @) A (© An @) No article a 7 HLE12 [Turn over 22. Find out the appropriate comparative degree for the following sentence. ‘This is the best response. (A) This and that are better responses (B) (©) This is a good response eo) 23, He-——__— ill since Monday and so he AT has been, could not attend @) (C) was, cannot attend (D) 24. Comprehension This response is better than that ‘This is a better response than any other — the meeting, is, could not attend had been, cannot attend Language is the light of mind. So, is the English language is today's context. But ever since, we have become free, some people have protested against the retention of this language, which. has pros, and cons to it. Q: Pros and Cons’ means (A) Dreams and reality B) Like and dislike (C) Differences and similarities BY Advantages and disadvantages (A) She is a clever girl (B) 25. Identify the sentence which does not contain an adjective It is a pleasant evening i (©) He is an honest man POT play chess regularly (A) Ihave an English guide By (GH Patents side their children ©) HLEI2 8 26. Find the sentence in which the underlined word is used as a verb. Where is the tour guide We are in a guides camp 27 28. 29, 30, Match the following words given in Column A with their antonyms in Column B and select the correct answer from the codes given below Column A. Column B (a) Conflict 1, Empty (b) Petrified 2 Peaceful © Fiery 3. Agree (a) Full 4. Reassure @ © © @ @ 1 2 3 4 ® 4 3 1 2 8 4 2 0 MO 2 1 4 3 Identify the compound sentence (A) Despite her poverty, Amuja stood first in the examination (B) Although Anuja is poor she stood first in the examination (C) When Anuja is poor. She stood first in the examination wn Anuja was poor yet she stood first in the examination Identify the incorrect prepositional phrase from the options given below ‘There is a car-park. (A) near the railway station (B) in front of the hotel (©) for the show-room (LPP? against this building Fill in the blank with suitable article. Man, thou art wonderful animal, A) an ABD a (C) the () noarticle 9 HLE12 (Turn over 31, Change the adjective AN quietly (C) quietness ‘quiet’ into adverb using the given words. B) quieten (D) quietism 32. Which one of the following has a correct infinitive? QP had rather play than work (8) I vather play than work (C) wish to play than work (D) Lam playing than working 33. Match the following phrases given in Column A with their meaning in Column B Column A (a) Plenty of (b) Worry about (©) Ina half (@) Take a vacation @ %) © AA 2 1 4 ® 3 1 2 © 4 203 M1 4 2 34. She (A) fell, is getting al fell, was getting HLE12 Column B 1 Regret 2 Alotof 3. Rest 4 Inanger (@) as she into a taxi. (B) fell, has getting (D) falls, will be getting 10 36. 36 37. 38, Effective Time Management means accomplishing more in less time. Beware of the importance of Time. Q: Time Management means (A) Time table (B) Wasting time JM Poin more in ess time (D) Whiling away the time Fill up the blank with suitable prepositions given below as option Priya worked midnight. (A) until 7) till (C) on @) along Select the incorrect sentence from the following (A) Look! the children are playing (B) He is studying medicine LOM The child always erving (D) Ibis getting late Match the underlined words in Column A with the parts of speech in Column B and select the correct answers from the codes given : Column A Column B (a) Like apples 1. Adjective (b) Like white colour. 2 Adverb (©) T watch movies often. 3. Verb (a) 1 go to park daily. 4. Noun fa) &) @ @ @ 4 8 2 1 u HLEI2 [Turn over 39, Fill in the blank with the correct ‘Homophone! I don’t want to ——— marks (A) Loose (B) Loss ws Lose () Louse 40, [——— —— my lunch. 1 — —_—— uneasy now. [ —_——__——to digest it (A) had had, feel, had to walk (B) will have, felt, had to walk (C) would have, feel, had to walk Pe have had, feel, have to walk 41. Comprehension : “Life is Queer with its twists and turns As everyone of us sometime earns” Q: The word ‘Queer’ means (A) Familiar ®) Common (Gr Strange (D) Queen ~ 42. Choose the appropriate active voice for the following At what time was the mail delivered? UA) At what time did they deliver the mail? (B) At what time will they deliver the mail? (C) At what time would they deliver the mail? (D) At what time have they delivered the mail? 43. Select the correct sequence of prepositions. I wil! call -—_————— your office some time the evening. V® atin (B) an, in (C) no preposition, in @) to, in 44, Find out the error, ‘The captain with his team members were in the field, (A) the captain \8) With his team members ws were (D) in the field HLE12 12 moet 46. 46. 47. Fill in the blank with correct ‘Homophone’, We were surprised to know his ————__— (A) Decent (B) Descent SPM Dissent (D) Descented Select the appropriate active voice for the underlined words He must be written to, (A) must be writing (B) must written (C) must have been writing AD} must write Fill in the blanks with suitable participle. Many ‘we were freed from anxiety. (A) were arriving (B) had arrived AG having arrived (D) had been arriving 13 HLEL2 [Turn over 48. Select the correct option to complete the given sentence ‘The officer looked — (A) to the matter (B) at the matter one the matter (D) in the matter 49. The light —— - off while 1. ———_——___ (A) goes, wrote (B) went, am writing went, wi w writing (Cy went, will write PB ent, was writing 50. Choose the correct antonym for the underlined word from the options given They tried to harness the ultimate secret. (A) Gather aI Release (C) Win @) Discover 51. Find out the antonyms for the underlined word, His look is Whimsical. 1. Modern 2. Unrealistic 3. Imaginary 4. Rational 5. Fantastic (A) 1,24 ands 48) 12,3 ands (©) 2,3, 4and5 @) 1,2,3and4 52. Identify the word which is not a verb. (A) prepares cue angry (© rises (D) plays HLE12 14 aaa 53. Match the following phrases given in Column A with their meaning in Column B. Column A Column B (a) Depend on 1. To pay a lot of attention to something or somebody (b) Attend to 2. To sit or lie down in a warm and protected 7 place (c) Fuss over 3. Rely on (ad) Nestled up 4, Make much of things of no importance @ 6) © @ Is 1 4 2 (B) 4 3 2 1 @ 2 1 4 38 @ 3 2 1 4 54, Which of the following sentence is correct? LAI Few people knew the way didn't they? {85 Few people knew the way did they? 1 (©) Few people knew the way don't they? 4 (D) Few people knew the way do they? 55. Identify the simple sentence. (A) Ifyou permit me I will go away B) You permit me and I will go away (C) [will go away ifgiven permission __ (D) With your permission I will go away A 15 HLE2 [Turn over 56. Match the following words given in Column A with their Antonyms in Column B and select the correct answer from the codes given below > Column A Column B (a) Ornamented 1. Darken (>) Isolation 2 Limited © Infinite 4. Unification (a) Dazzle 4. Plain f@ %) © @ t Jb 4 a 2 1 @® 12 3 4 ©3 4 22 ©) 57. Pick out the sentence with SVIODOA pattern (A) He gave her a lot . (B) Lastnight [had a bad dream (©) Lucy presented the youngest one (puppy) to her friend ww Henry gave her a pen yesterday 58. Comprehension : India possesees a variety of forests and natural vegetation. We have tropical Evergreen forest in Western ghats and semi Evergreen forest in Orissa. Q: Which of the following statement is not true? (UA) There are no forests in India (B) Orissa is rich in semi Evergreen forests (©) Western ghats is famous for tropical evergreen forests (D) India is rich in natural vegetation HLE12 16 a 59. Pick out the sentence which does not have a verb. (A) He drives carefully VA My new, pink purse (©) He opens the door (D) Don't make noise 60. Fill in the blank with suitable prepositional phrase given below dogs when you enter a stranger's place. (A) Aware of BB) Beware of (C) Careful of (D) Assure of 61. Select the plural form of “Knife” (A) Knifes wi Knives (©) Knaifs @) Knies 62. The origins of cricket are obscure and there are several theories on how it started. The shepherds used to play it, with one standing in front of the wicket gate to the sheep fold and another bowling a stone or something at him and he would have to hit it with his crook. Here crook means (A) astaff (®) ahalfstaff OF hooked staf (D) iron pole 63. Choose the correct antonym for the underlined word from the options given : He possessed great innate wisdom. @® inborn (B) unnatural VO acquired (D) artificial a 7 HLE12 [Turn over | i 64. 65. 66. Choose the correct question tag ‘There are some late bloomers in your group. ‘A) aren't they? AB) aren't there? (C) isn’t it? (D) are they? Fill in the blanks with the correct verb choosing from the given words for the noun ‘examination’, They ———— the knowledge of the candidates. Call examine (B) examinable (©) exam (D) examiner Match the following words given in Column A with their meanings in Column B. Column A Column B (a) Inflation 1. Unforgettable (b) Enhanced 2 Increased (© Advent 3. Increase in prices (@)_Indelible 4. Arrival @ ® © @ ® 1 3 4 © 4 1 3 2 M4 38 2 1 HLE12 18 68. 69, 70. Give the suitable order of article in the blanks of the given passage and choose the correct code given below Rama entered ————————- shop. owner received him. He looked at things in the shop, Finally he purchased ——__—— umbrella (A) the, a,a,an BT a, the, the, an (©) a, an, the, an (D) the, a, an, the Fill up the blank with suitable preposition given below as options. Nobody knows the answer — —-————— Murali. (A) for AB excent (© against (D) than Identify the degree and choose the correct answer. ‘Tokyo is larger than any other cities in the world. (A) superlative degree PP comparative degree (C) positive degree (D) none of these Identify the degree and choose the correct answer Malacca is the oldest town in Malaysia. (A) positive degree (B) comparative degree al superlative degree (D) none of these Give the suitable order of articles in the blanks of the given passage and choose the correct code given below Brihadeeswarar temple or big temple as it is commonly called by ————————_ natives of Thanjavur is -—————— architectural marvel of immense glory. (A) The, a, a, the (B) The, an, an the (C) The, the, a, the LPF The, the, the, an 19 HLE12 [Turn over 72. Fillin the blanks with suitable options » He — the room and ~ down in the chair. (A) crossed, sits (B) crosses, sat (C) cross, sit * crossed, sat 73. Match the following (2) Stimulate 1. Disbelieve ) Blurt 2. Curtail (© Impate 3. Courageous @_ Protract: 4, Conceal 5. Pacify WM 5 2 2 38 wm © 2 1 4 OM 3 4 5 1 74, Match the statements given in Column A with their question tags in Column B and select the correct answer from the codes given below (a) He is good 1. aren't they? (®) They are friends 2 ishe? ; (© He is not good 3 am? (@ Zam not ill 4. isn't he? (a) .) © (dd) @ 1 2 4 8 V8) 4 © 3 2 1 4 @) 4 HLE12 20 A 75. Fill in the blank with a suitable article In olden days, ——— father is considered as the breadwinner of the family. JD noarticle ®) a © an (D) the 76. Find out the active voice from the options given (A) It has been tested (B) Itwas yet to be tested (©) Itis said that she is arrogant VI It is an interesting book 77. Match the following words given in Column A with their antonyms in Column B, and select the correct answer from the codes given below Column A Column B | (a) Exuberance 1 Benign (b) Malignant 2. Wisdom (© Mute 3. Apathy @ Poity 4. Noisy @ © © @ @ 8 4 2 1 © 4 1 2 3 M2 38 4 1 a a HLEL2 (Turn over 78, Fill in the blanks with correct cogent order of prepositions given below as options. pursuance your letter we are writing today the Chairman and posting it to him along —-—— your letter. (A) in, to, with, of AS in, of, to, with (of in, to, with (D) with, of, to, in 79. Identify the sentence which does not contain a noun. (A) Parents guide their children (B) Always give willingly \ J Boldly, smartly and slowly (D) Students like cricket 80. Comprehension : He, who teaches us anything which we know, not before, is undoubtedly to be loved as a benefactor and he that supplies life with amusement will be caressed as a pleasing person. Q:A Benefactor’ is one (A) Who blames others (B) Who aims at his personal gains (C) Who takes money wr Who teaches unknown facts 81. Which of the following sentence does not contain an adverb? (A) He came late (AB Chennai is a big city (©) I shall meet you tomorrow @) Lusually drink milk at night 82, 1 1 his address (A) wished, know (wish, knew (©) wish, known (D) am wishing, am knowing HLE12 22 A 83, Choose the correct antonym for the underlined word from the options given All her efforts turned futile (A) useless AB useful (©) harmful (D) peaceful 84. Match the correct suffix, for the given root word ‘cardio’. (A) ism ®) -ish (©) ment PO" -sram ~ 85. Find out the antonyms for the underlined word. Raju had apparently changed his mind, 1. Obscure 2 Lucid 3. Confused 4. Perplexed 5. Irrational (A) 2,3,4and1 (B) 3,4and5 (©) 1,2,8and5 PP 38, Hand 5 86. Select the incorrect sentence from the following sentences. (A) You met the actor who is the hero of this movie AB) The bridge was damaged whom they were willing to set right (C) T found my key which was missing (D) Tbought the book which 1 saw in shop 87. Find out the parts of speech that are used in the underlined words. 1. You dictate the answer 2. Catch me if you can. 3. He is an honest man. 4, He revealed the truth honestly. (A) verb, noun and adjective (B) adjective, adverb and noun AO. adverb, vorb and adjective (D) noun, verb and adverb A 23 HLE12 [Turn over 88. 89, 90. HLEL2 24 a A knocking was heard suddenly in the silence of the night. Someone was knocking at the castle gate. On hearing the sudden sound, Macbeth trembled like a leaf. He said, “How 1 wish the knocking were able to awaken the dead king!" Identify the tone of the speaker LQ remorse @) suspicion (© pessimism (D) none of these Select the correct sentence. (A) He put out his coat (B) He put in his coat (©) He put at his coat JP) He put on his coat Match the following words given in Column A with their Antonyms in Column B, and select the correct answer from the codes given below Column A Column B (2) Inquisitive 1. Leisurely (6) Inhale 2, Incurious (©) Hastily 3. Simple (2) Complicated 4. Exhale @) &) ©) @ vy 2 4 1 8 @® 1 2 3 4 © 3 4 1 2 OM 4 2 8 21 91 92. 93. 94. Identify the tense form of the underlined word/words Neetu has had a bad car crash. (A) simple present tense (B) simple past tense JO) present perfect tense (D) present perfect continuous tense Choose the appropriate passive voice for the following sentence. Where did the police catch the thief? (A) Where did the thief catch the police? (8) Where will the thief catch the police? (©) Did the police catch the thief? Bm Where was the thief caught by the police? Fill up the blank with suitable preposition. Leela went into the auditorium mistake. 4) by ®) in (© of (D) incase of Match the statements in Column A with the question tags in Coluran B and select the correct answer from the codes given below Column A Column B (2) The apples aren't good 1. aren’t they? (b) All those boys are boistorows 2 don't you? (©) Tam nota fool 3. are they? (a) You like him 4. ami? fa) () @ @) @ 2 3 4 21 @® 1 2 38 4 Oa 1 4 2 @M 4 38 2 4 25 HLE12 [Turn over 95. Fillin the blank with the correct ‘Hormophone’. i many points in favour of his case. (A) sighted US cited (©) sited (D) sittea 96. Change the noun ‘fall’ into verb choosing from the following words. (A) Fallen (B) Falling (C) Feeling er Fen 97. Select the word with the correct prefix, (A) antelope (B) antique JF" antisocial (D) antonym 98, Comprehension ‘To cultivate positive thinking, speak hopefully about everything. Positive thinking creates a positive atmosphere and produces positive results. Q: Ifyou want to cultivate positive thinking, you. (A) speak boldly (B) speak loudly woe think and speak hopefully (D) speak softly 99. - Pill in the blank choosing from the given word the correct ‘verb’ for the noun ‘Pay’. ‘The manager ————— the salary in cash. (A) paying (B) payable (©) payee Pr paid 100. Find out the meaning for the underlined word ‘The postmaster looked at the boy suspiciously. 1. Careful 2. Doubtful 3. Untrustworthy 4. Distrustful 5. Dubiously (A) 1,2,3and4 (AS 2,3, hands (C) 2,3and4 (D) 2,2,8and5 HLE12 26 A 101. Match the following (a) Dispute between Union and 1. Judicial review State Government (6) Declaring a law unconstitutional —-2.——Original jurisdiction (©) Appeal from High Court 3. High Court (@) Single integrated judiciary 4, Supreme Court (a) (b) (©) (@ 2 1 4 3 1 4 2 Ey © 3 4 2 1 Spagarcrarponp aflurs Gung igs (a) w66w-wiBlo sneer Grésmenscr 1, BH wg piso) ©) 9G sLLb onfiue ersesp6 2, pscrene apy Benno eovomengy ©) ewisoapsASosg Goo papSLG 3. rwifSocpa @ ggav gordaanps Svand 4, 2éePSwodrpd fa) (b) © (d) (A) 2 1 4 3 @®) i 4 2 3 © 38 4 2 1 OM 1 2 3 4 a 27 HLE12 [Turn over 102. Consider the following statements 1. Kwashiorkor is a protein deficiency disease IL, Kwashiorkor is an iron deficiency disease IIL Kwashiorkor is a nutritional deficiency disease Now select the correct answer, (A) Land IT are correct (B) Mand [are correct U6 Sipéacin. eundSurriscnarés cual Tand JM are correct. (D) All three are co1 1. sGaunadigiani, urge Germans axgid Gomis IL 6CamaSprsn, Qeodysss) opamd evepie Cpmis TIL, sCamafigiant, ssganay gerne cums Gomis sflusian Blercouss GpipAs@ A) Topped T afi (B) TH wbguo I aft © Labgya Ut af D) gpenga of 103. The younger leaves of a tomato plant in your garden shows interveinal chlorosis. Select what supplement you will give? (A) Sulphur 485 Tron (©) Copper (D) Molybdenum amis Com sPecrar pasrah Aegulir Blond Blmanahe, praQen sold usosund Génh sramiuG hing. sine Bist dren aig naftinSicdr? A) appa B) Qooy (©) smbind D) wredirgend HLE12 28 a 104. The soil zone is considered to be a great biological factory because; (A) a great varieties of erganic compounds are generated in the soil layers (B) necessary nutrients are made available to plants from the soil layers (© _ soil layer holds water in storage which is used by plants and animals Supra of the above nMflans AsnPoancooden es ups sidan nx IDE AcriiG ADs). genchier; (A) war aE Gsrcr UeppUICL euMUTEEr © 16H exormanoM orcoInsngs B) wer aVSGscidpAg, press e5ig CrorauTen agibact Bon SAemDg (CO) srampmse5igw. OamigceHsGl Crcnauinen £7 nat DSA Cevlegy oadsiuGAdrns (D) Gopeashus sonoma 105. Name the neighbour galaxy of our own Milky Way galaxy. (A) Antlia (B) Aquila (©) Andromeda D) Auriga Big) UTedau AainBer oc sAen oGaenngs BleinBer asso Quit (A) gene dun (B) sagoor om em Con Gio (D) ayflen 106. Every year, May 22 is celebrated as an 1AM} _ International Day of Biological Diversity ) International Day of Tree Plantation (C) International Day of Environment Conservation (D) International Day of Conservation of Natural Resources Pang ein Gi Go 22 Cs Haus lemons Aasrair_n@AGpma. (A) cram. @ pneur Usvevensenin pt (B) _ucronG oid 8 pirat (CO) usnensd @ sims Ga umgend@id pret CD) Loren G Qurens cngong umgyesnaie to paren a 29 HLE12 [Turn over 107. + 308, Which of the following is/are wrong? I. The Indus people had the knowledge of surveying and geometry I. Indus people had the knowledge of Astronomy III. Botanical aspects were very familiar to the Indus people @) 1 @) Landy (©) J, Wand iif are wrong pr Derauggaveriasshpr poupmemeneu orgy tenes? TL. Aig LUGS) wiser Pov sarees wg cveny Sewilgrd UdHw siGleneucs Aro GssgserA. IL Big USS wasepig anathusc eMey Qo dsE. TL. press Que sndstismars ups Sig DdR5EG DONG OMAP OHS al ®B) Losgw 1 © Li wpgo Mo guy (D) mm Which of the following Vedic Literature contains the fine specimens of lyric poetry notably addressed to the Goddess of the Dawn (Usha)? (A) Chandogya Upanishad US Rig Veda Samhita (C) Yajur Veda Samhita (D) Atharva Veda Samhita Sipascin aps Cas gid liquid Queer Ggisouren (2.09n)-coor ipl GpigBusmer Qeooins m8 Un. gsi Lum doacoar Qainein @crargy? (A) 26505 ouSspib B) As Carp ndgiigd ©) wget Garg aioaiblgrd D) iste: Cos soils HLEI2 30 A 109. Ketone bodies appear in the urine due to diabetes mellitus during MO Ketosis (B) Albuminuria (©) Creatinuria (D) Myoglobinuria Saleen cbs Hleneouer AB Mled ALCL ner Qungparcr Gprérguid? (A) &@Lndleo B®) goSentur ©) AfusngeorOue D) exGurgemdgn fun 110. The GPS is a 97 Satellite based system that can be used to locate position anywhere on the earth (B) Satellite based system that can be used to identify the type of forests (C) System used for measuring earthquake's magnitude (D) System used for assessing population density GPS arcing (A) Yoder Gropupinder 2 ren Wmsoflen seni sang AsupmasCancradt epob flog) Gander (B) sn@scflen eucnsscener eurenssGamenact dpe splay Gasmeranrd (©) Ba sPiraysafica itoransengs GowpenssCancredr aparid pligs Qanerere D) waser igAWer ugaima GeuiperséGandrescr epard sxH\se 111. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), one of the major important educational programme is connected with the 4A Elementary Education (B) Higher Education (©) Vocational Education (D) Adult Education ‘sires Moga s1Gusrat (SSA) argyd (pSSusoren soe Qanerensuinongy seen Asm. fyonwgs A) Apms5ssd8 flan (B) e.witglenws ere ©) Apngipaded ©) pPGuri sco a 31 HLE12 [Turn over 112. Ifthe GDP is measured at the price prevailing at a point of time, then it is called (A) GDP current price (B) GDP market price | I” GDP constant price @) (A) +(B)+(C) | 96 GAIT CprBPo Pade Aree oyLLAWle GDP-aus gerne, 005s ' Spiscineung @DUGLama | (A) putny Beans GDP (B) sus craved GDP (C) Paveousren elenooude GDP Oo) @&+Q+O 113. The product method of measuring GDP involves (A) incomes generated from the production of goods and services (B) adding up the value of everything produced in the country during the year (©) adding up all expenditures on final output (D) none of the above 2.6 (pms o4yHUcoL ud sore_GUGs GDP 2 dren séugy (A) Gungaract opi Georouseticn 2 pup Puden Cuingy a. GairdatuGld axgionemd Va 9G GHUILL AG SIS GH Smad 2 HUSH QaiwiCiuGo pAeuny Qunwgaflen Per vuyid aL Gag (©) ya Peoaud a crar Qungsaraaier Bsiten GaarcSlaven at Daisy (D) Casandra agaylb sida 114. A higher interest rate might induce households to —_———— but businesses to VAS save more, borrow less (B) save less, borrow more (©) save more, borrow more (D) save less, borrow less 2S culty. Spionens) GO GGOU HenwUau eniipsares ————— Qa groinGid. penned Qpmpheo Sy ovarivsener ————— (A) sevorer Co8iy wim Gepana sch oumive grein D> B) Geparnen GeO wig xAlswren se anrig sd © sPaworen Cody wopw sPsioren scr anne (D) Gepernen GeWY 1Wdpw GapouTer 5c anuGso HLE12 32 A 115. Consider the following 1 I 1 WV, CO burns with a blue flame CO is good reducing agent and reduces alkali metal oxides CO is toxic because it forms a complex with Haemoglobin in the blood and this complexes is 300 times more stable chan oxy-haemoglobin CO form complex with Ni at 50° C and decomposition resulting complex gives pure Ni Which of the statements given above is/are correct? “@ Us © oO) IL m W. (a) ®) ©) ) All are correct. IL is not correct while I, HII and IV are correct I, IL and Il only correct II, Hand IV are correct CO, fe fips at_ Gri orflusd Sain WSs CO creig ise Sings ayccieger 988. Og) any a Carns yronarQscnrat EOEAIDS: CO aenugy pis scion amides. Oo Aasssld ecrar efCongGomgner Qeneaigs Slenanrays Caiingiens BO. Dds Sranoys Goro, sols CiomgGemSeren i. 300 wig Hlenerjigdnono Debss) 50° C Qeviuyflonad CO artigy Ni 2L6r Csiiigy sinamayé Congas soi. QaGsiod Aegaydy giu Ni-g 5510. Gropargmd mpgisaie org /eronai sMusrerenes? Smensgiio sflusmensoas UL afusnangs tsb00 genre I, TIL, IV eflurencnes 1, I, Tw. aftusrencnos Il, IIL, IV 0 Qo fumencoas 33 HLEI2 [Turn over 116. Reduction of ‘smoke and collection of fuel wood! to check deforestation is promoted by (A) Community and Institutional Biogas (CIB) (B) Institutional Bio-gas Plants (IBP) (©) National Programme on Improved Chullas (NPIC) (D) National Project on Biogas Development (NPBD) arQadr syfigra sQUUpiaTE os Hg aAAinEr o7eLesdr Caasgow GOpLUBHars sHuGSALULAsror remot (A) Community and Institutional Biogas (CIB) (B) Institutional Bio-gas Plants (IBP) wa National Programme on Improved Chullas (NPIC) (D) National Project on Biogas Development (NPBD) 117. Which city is famous for ‘Kumbh Mela’? (A) Ujjain (8) Thrissur WO Hardwar (D) Uttarkhashi j ‘@wLGvaM' ImApralne yap Guo par ag? (A) agaguser B sige (©) sotiggyeunit @D) eg Srand HLE12 a4 a 118. Article 3 authorises the parliament to 1. Form anew state I. Increase or diminish the area of any state TIL. Alter the boundaries of any state IV. Alter the name of any state. Of these, (A) Land Il are correct (B) IT, Wand IV are correct (©) 1, Wand Il are correct PI 1, Mand IV are correct opduceoiy Bf (Article) 36 2p Qisu unmegvdnsdog Qoopis oupioaiue Oar. L @@ ug) wapBland sonnéa IL. g@unflagPer Pouriony sPashes coms Goss IIL. wonglerisofien srcbonesensr toribgl xennbs IV. wnfladisatidr Guwsoy wn) sonwés. Qarnfle, (A) Lwpguia TI aftusnenenar ®B) 1, Ul wig IV sfwsnenenas (©) 1, Tugs MM efunencoas D) 1, Hl wpgea IV sfiuinenenes 119. Which one of the following power is NOT in the concurrent list? (A) Marriage and divorce (B) Newspapers JON Foreign policy (D) Stamp duties Spagamardyd Gungiuiqud sPenroPo augng Panna og? (A) AGwand wpgid Heunsyégs (B) prefisp (© Qarefuypays Aaincirenss ©) qpfsleongner soy a 35 saisnnd HLE12 {Turn over 120, Find the remainder when 2" is divided by 5 (a) 2 () 3 © 1 er 4 2 92 5 ya ans iq Gung: Hla & Glo BA) cretion? a) 2 @®) 3 oO. wm) 4 121. A six digit number is formed by repeauing a three digit number, Example 341341 ete. Any number of this form is always divisible by (Ay 1100 (8) 1011 AO) 1001 (D) 1010 9G Yay QOS cteinensr opiguy VssHAd TWA OG AO MOSS ori o GasndaluiGSng agmyamd 341341 etc., Qs send aGainssUUGla weinscr eLALMUQEID 15g crairomns aug saLGb? (a) 1100 (B) 1011 © 1001 () 1010 122, The Universal Serial Bus (USB) standard enables upto devices to be connected to a Personal Computer. (A) 130 (B) 128 (© 10 (D) 127 sada ——— s cAscnst Qovenriis USB Cancun 2.gaib. (a) 130 (B) 128 (©) 150 vr 127 123. SVGA supports (A) 1 million colors Yo 16 million colors (©) 20 million colors (D) L trillion colors SVGA «1856 gman Ung? (A) 1 Medan auairemniesde (B) 16 WeveSluseir eusinaemrnescir (©) 20 Berediuscn auairomiied (D) 1 PiMedaSusen cuciresrtisst HLEL2 36 a 124, Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists. (a) by © (a) ‘a (B) @) List J Resignation of Congress Ministries Sir Stafford Cripps Quit India Resolution Azad Hind Fauj (a) (b) (co) @) 4 3B 1 2 2 1 4 3 4 3 2 1 4 1 2 3 1 List II Singapore 8 August, 1942 Member of Labour Party 1939 cufleng [Len euflens [leBerant Quins arflonsse5eG &ip QanGéariuc Geren AgsresiuDgrcren #fusnen Boo evens Opa, Qari f@) (b) (&) @) ®) © ®) eufeng I srridins soninseyor ged arsed of ou rGuni® Sifts QorcrenenuCen GaohGuigy Sironenda B91 DHS UN @) (b) © @ 4 3 1 2 2 1 4 3 4 3 2 1 4 1 2 3 we 3. 37 euflens IL Amscyi 8 cayssiv., 1942 AsmP pA 2. gUBent 1939 HLE12 {Turn over 125. Find out from the following paivs of Sangam ‘Tamil literature, the one which comes under the category of Ettuthogai. (A) Narrinai and Naladiyar ®) Silappadikaram and Manimekalai (©) Kurinchippattu and Mullaippattu —()y\ Agananuru and Purananury Ey spud cre sis ana gdp Posdumuepar op OG gros Ganen Ugs aL Qgdarons primates cosh? A) pishoarad proquin Gd (B) MeatuiPsrpgous weaiGwracr1ydo (C) GA ACME OH apedenortium Grd D) S65reuM Uppreago 126. Which of the following is correctly matched? I. Baridshahi Kingdom Ahmednagar IL Imadshahi Kingdom - Berar Ul. Nizamshabi Kingdom - — Bijapur IV. AdilshahiKingdom - Bidar a @ i a © m @ iv Spiscirudger oflurs Qung spe Oarerg og? 1. ufigiend Guns = sug pat I. Qwgsra Gugye = Symi TIL, fleniserd Cuma: - Spoua LV. 1808 Gung = Suni A) 1 ® u (o) tl ©) IV HLE12 38 127. A railway engine, which is moving towards the platform with a speed of 20 km/hr, blows a whistle of frequency 320 Hz, The apparent frequency of sound heard by a stationary person on the platform will be greater than 320 Ha (B) equal to 320 Hz (©) zero (D) less than 420 Hz OG TH ausing 20 km/h PleneCerss Aid per Geren GprdA 320 Hz aSliGeueir Qanaim_ omse cahié Aanein® aug Gungy, Coco ude Peng Aanein® GrGauit Ca ob Condo siB\iGevein (A) 320 Hz fang (B) 320 1266 si ye . ©) spurge @) 320 Hz geopanei 128. The source of solar energy is (A) fission (B) radiation JEST fusion (D) conduction GAlus gpaser Gsmngeumir A) saps0q Goro) B) sBlicson ©) sigpssg Gates (D) a ggipo 129. Consider the following statements . Assertion (A): Insulisi lowers the ‘blood glucose concentration Reason (R) Lowered blood glucose concentration stimulates secretion of glucagon Now select your answers according to the coding scheme given below . (AY Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) (B) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A) (© (A/is true, but (R) is false (D) A) is false, but (R) is true a 39 HLE12 [Turn over Apanain expgecmer eave aig (A) Devoid Fuss HHA sisson seroas eopading sroernd (R) + BenMds Orbs sidseny oeney GgRaGarandr orenp goriGonene spss eLEpg) Spare GG per afusnen een ous EsipAsin (A) A) wig (R) Oyeinghd #@ woHguid (R) eres, (A)ed ofusmer Alans (B) (A) wiged (R) QyearOa afl wy (R) ordnvgy (Aer aflusren eLlonéaundre. (© Ayah gamed @) sug ©) (A) saup gon (aA 130. The best known example of waggle dance was exhibited by Honey bees which was first observed by (A) Girolami and Bielert 1987 (B) Dixon 1998 (©) Eugave Marais in 1920 (JB Karl Von Prisch in 1940 Cpe fuga eurdlr pend gogeled ungned aus g)? f (A) dems wig mudera 1987 (B) qéscn 1998 (C) yylcu worpnev 1920 (D) said aumen cafe 1940 | 131. Fill in the blank Bacteria differ from viruses in being sensitive to —————~. bs) Sugars (B) Proteins : (AF Tetracycline (D) Fats and oils | Geng cr gudons Griys . Lndefue, aougads Doss CapruOsyee arpond, seer — ————é@ genpairar erpittoosé sme Gaus. (A) st&aanq (B) ups (C) QutipnensBoen D) Bangg wypyn eein@ennis HLEI2 40 A 182, Which of the following pair is correctly matched? Choose the correct answer using cade given below. L Bharat Nirman Shelter and hasie service needs of poor IL Rajiv Awas Yojana Support for shelter, redevelopment and recreation of housing stock Il, Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission Building infrastructure and basic amenities (A) Tonly (®) only (©) Wand Ill only (@) Land Honly Sipacin GAUSC QLein QsneinG aAunes Gloromenus Gpstay Aerie. 1. ups namin 1 gapscildr ongciuanr Cea wap seule TL. gmgeu gyeuncv Guinggene GouGur wpgo SLigcr wgaarias\ Hyd WpLoarpemoc yh gienesmusmusl ess g UL gargpiand Gog Gefus aque. AaoraAuniss wpgnd cuartadig, Groover BELO Yee] GW STI HOO salen HL Gonemid (A) Twc@o (2S Loco (©) Hedge Ii wo (D) Twpgu Loc @d 183. An developing economy has the following features. (A) Low per capita income, chronic unemployment cecupational pattern (B) Population pressure © Only (A) Or A+B) 9O HoT G uid DurGerEIMd IdraGds GamBardrsener Qusppsrengs (A) Gemis san AAS axg.oneMd, Gonsoren Gormerideneoin Lomi Qgmple Cusmig, B) wascrgrens s1upssid © @) vied @) A) +B) + 41 HLE12 [Turn over 134. ‘The pH of a soft drink is 3 and that of milk is 7. How many times greater is the concentration of H,O* in soft drink than in milk? (A) 4 times (B) 40 times (C) 1,000 times Pr 10,000 times 8G @ehturensPér pH wily 3 wpgud undlén PH wy 7 coher goliiurarg sie HO oma Dafa; ume axpgerar WL ig endawas Bose? a4 (B) 40 (©) 1,000 (D) 10,000 135. Nicotine upon oxidation with chromic acid gives (UAT Pyridine-3-carboxylie acid (B) Pyridine-2-carboxylic acid (©) Pyridine-4-carboxylic acid (D) Pyridine-2, 3-dicarboxylic acid GCINDS oUlod WWE OSH HlaCamLyen Congas aSaNgGonidnd Asiegnd er_crigy A) Biec-3-srrundMedés Wert (B) GAtaca-2-sivnédicés onSlortd (©) ace 4-asiind Meds o1erid D) Dfteca-2, 3-enanii ns Aes aGovla 136. Natural rubber is (A) Polymer of ethylene {B) Polymer of butadiene (©) Polymer of acetylene ee) Polymer of 2-methyl butadiene Quipeos pout weg, A) ag Ader ceriger LOLI, B) Ay Len ufer crémygerr UaDUy, © siAiLycer crenugen vOLe, D) 2-GvsPé Gye neoLusar carpe VOU HLEL2 42 A 137. What is special about this group? Mahan Maharaj, Samir, Brahmachayi, Shiraz, Minwalla’ AL. Recepient of Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Award, 2011 (B) Scientists involved in the research if Higgs Boson (©) Scientists involved in space research (D) Recepient of Bharat Ratna, 2011 ‘wands wanqng, sift, Smogsn, £992. Slerosnaon DisE GEpelen Apa creer? (A) 2011 2p geimgisnen anpB dave Ut pra ogg Qaucnpauitsdr (B) aBlécd Gunavneir yymishie mOUucy Gee Agrenaiec (C) BainGaueh yomissdude = GUL Aeron Mepepremlecr (D) 2011 2g geinashsiren uns nBenT cBepg Qudpeutssr 138, Mr. X wants to establish a broadband wireless net connection for his employers spread over a radius of 30 kms. The wireless standard he needs to impart to them is (A) Bluetooth connectivity (B) Infra-red connectivity LAB) Wimax connectivity (D) Wifi connectivity 30 BBC LA yg Up Digs Cuma Gaius sag) Lanunoni sera Degeurart. X sisasucer Asrae adie AgmiGoor unas AsriGner sm0é5 AGeYAnMt Dat seursense go Gaucing.us adMS Apr Adan everasAgm i gs crear? (A) UesGé Opminy B) ssbAessy Opry (O) as Gwisn Osriiy (D) wor cou Oger; a 43, HLE12 (Turn over 139. Consider the following statements In the words of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, Directive principles of state policy are the “Novel feature” ‘ of thy Indian Constitution because, I, These principles are in the nature of general direcction or guidance to the state. I. They embody the principles or objectives and ideals which union and state governments must bear in mind while formulating policy and making laws. Which of the statements given above is/are correct? (A) Lonly B) Lonly (QA Both I and It (D) Neither I nor IL v Apasein eunéBusiineror save Dr. 9. .2gf. aabCupst mSusnorgs “sis ApHé ConLunGacr, Gislus syoomncnSen alg SLs png” oGanenpres, 1. @enar prt er auflm qusnes spcouphgysroren. Low, wiBlo eapeost pid ai tiseronys, Aondrnaamanyd Gurr Cungy, Qeres 2 pours BGsGo. arpa erames eflusnenenas? (A) Loc go (B) Wwe @w (©) Lwgne His (D) Wd Qaeoo» Mh sven 140. The constitution 52* Amendment Act of 1985 was enacted for what purpose Choose your answer from the following responses. (A) To enhance the salaries of Supreme Court and High Court judges (B) Mizoram was elevated to a ‘state’ from union territory WES) Por outlawing defection (D) Creation of National Commission for scheduled tribes 198d -gamyo 521g snAWamMoty ar SSH spb aBbsrs Oonein® apg? sfluren BeoLcou GpidAsGasay (A) awifPodpd oppib a sof,Psnp Séluplsciien siduor 2 witayssnes (B) yetuca yCsowre Peyos iWenprb’ wnBlowns ombo ur sg (©) aA gnard gon Aan: (D) Urigucléa cron FopBengésnen CES ymemUin MeO.0de HLE12 44 ~~ i Item Food Clothing Education House rent Others Expenditure: 300 40 75 M0 When we represent the data on percentage diagram, the percentage of expenditure on clothing is (A) 18.33% (B) 6.66% (12.5% (D) 50% OWL: Rema, Do. UML aITLes geeWerdenp Qsavay 300 75 40 3 110 AsnGsaiuL Ocror Maspiiscmar Augésr® Ue. GlordaciuLid apaid eyaicningigned, a.orasiren Asavroy Aapar® sang (A) 18.33% (B) 6.66% se 12.5% (D) 50% 142. If BHASHA is coded as 154754, BRAIN is coded as 13408, AHINSA will be coded as (ay 458078 (B) 405847 (Cc) 450847 (D) 450874 BHASHA eng) 154754 aréognd BRAIN ercrugy 13408 creigna @MéstuscLte AHINSA erdnugs séueurg GASH? (A) 458074 (B) 405847 (©) 450847 er 450874 143. The sum of odd numbers from 1 to 31 is (A) 496 Ly 256 (©) 240 () 288 16g g4 31 axen7 2.star PArDLLENL censafica sal GSABTe si estat (A) 496 (B) 256 («C) 240 @) 288 a 45 HLE12 [Turn over 144. The Ministry headed by Rajaji in 1937 consisted of the following ministers (Identify the correct one). (A) T. Prakasam, VV. Giri, AT. Pannirselvam, T.S.S. Rajan (8) V.V. Giri, T. Prakasam, TT. Krishnamachari, T.S.S. Rajan (©) TT. Krishnamachari, T. Prakasam, A.Y. Pannirselvam, S. Ramanathan Gr Prakasam, V.V, Giri, TS.S. Rajan, S. Ramanathan 19374 Qrregnel senerenos Gerco—y <}oo1_vseTLo Qari). ores oimokepenandd Gerougueiisc xeonderammdeep sari (ones A) 4. Pnsnai, 68.68. 8M, oy. udtaiasdad. 4.c1ov.erev. Oregar B) Ho. AA, y. Doarow, yg. AGezemocdsM, y.crciv.crev. Pome CO qq AegegemonsanA, y. Brana, 5.15. usraheOsdand, cis. Qymopngsea D) 4 Bpsnad, 8.68. SM, w.crov orci. Dongger. ered. Qomopnper 145. The congress passed the ‘Quit India’ Resolution on 8 August, 1942 for the following reasons : . 1 Failure of the Cripps Mission IL. Japanese forces moved towards India Il. Sympathy with Japan IV. To compe! the British to accept the demand of Indians for independence V. To support the Soviet Union. JAM) LIL and TV are correct (B) 1,11, Mand IV are correct (C) 1,11, Hand V are correct (D) 111, [Vand Vare correct energy snemnssigsbans 1942 yein() yscd() Bid ser sanislns ‘oustnaruiGer Gorshugy’ Siorengons Quohugs 1, APcieo gngyi GugSSen GpnercHuSenne LU. Qsunsom Cond piunaRuscs conser DLL gerne TL guurefiio srg sigusrugsionnds IV. gwhCauisc QpPurtsaficr AOsew Carflacsonw op ys Qencren s. WIUOSHeuphsis V. Conefiugs yottuenen ysALuspans AO LE, espa V6 aft B) 1, UW wpgi Va af © 11, Wage Via aA ©) 1,0, Vasgw Vo oh HLEI2 46 a 146. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists. @ © © @ a) @) Ve @) List] Gulbadan Begum Inayat Khan Abdul Hamid Lahori Abul Fazal (a) (b) (©) 4 3 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 3 1 4 @ List IT 1. Padsha Namah 2. Akbar Namah 3. Humayun Namah 4, Shahajahan Namah ouflens Iyer auflens Hfenents Gung idl auftnssess@ Bip AsnQssculGerer AsnGuIDGsg sflusrar Ble enend Olay Qsiss. (a) b) © (d@) (a) ®) () auflene 1 augré: Gust Qoupanen S159 a0i8g) Cora S14 une ® ®% © 4 3 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 3 1 4 @ auflens IL 1 mage pmo w Sau pon 3. eBluomyyen mor 4. agnggemen pmor ro HLE12 [Turn over 147, 14s. 149. Which of the following is correct regarding steel? (A) Tron with > 0.5% carbon (B) Tron with < 0.25% carbon (©) Iron with 0.25 ~ 2% carbon (D) Tron with 2 ~ 4.5% carbon Epbangyrd mbgaate otéAeerts Quay spine gdh <1g) aflusrar sasogy? (A) @ebuLer> 0.5% anituds (B) Boer yd < 0.25% snus Gibyy_et 0.25 — 2% asniride (D) Agwoyrer 2- 4.5% smi eo Wimbledon 2012 men's Champion Roger Federer belongs to which country? (A) United States of America (B) Spain (©) Switzerland (D) Germany 2012-€ yan @arapisnen dar or Garten Lions Garda Gong GUL om app BmLco. s Caixgsauiy (A) siQiofléan (B) ALU QD vecsieonday D) Aginoah Jt Match the list of provisions and articles which can be amended under Art. 368 and select the correct answer using the code given below the lists Provisions Article (a) Election of President 1. Art. 54. and 55 (b) High Court for Union territories 2 Art. 241 (©) Executive powers of union and states 3. Art. 73 and 162 (a) Distribution of legislative powers between union and states 4, Art, 245 to 255 @ %) © @ (B) 2 3 4 1 © 4 3 2 1 oO 2 1 4 3 HLE12 48, a | wonBusd sory AS 3686 Sip Aancin® apis Mloyssr npg spAusd sooty oAfsenar stuns Gungspond. Ine Ey AanGssUucGsror GHuSMame Comaing fuser Bleu CpnBQ6. Bley sip Busds srooi0cny MB) (2) GqusT8% smeaut Cairay 1. Art. 54 wigud 55 b) woRucr InGpariee5se eunS Socio 2. Art. 241 © vsGw wdgd ono snasesee, Broun aero 3. Art. 73 bg 162 2) ws Aw opgs oMBle> sinasaflen uTeonest slipping aSisny UBliroy 4. Art, 245-@ Boba 255 ascoy (a) &) ©) @ am oo. 2 3 4 @ 2 3 4 1 ©) 4 3 2 1 om 2 1 4 8 150. The smallest difference in radiance detected by the satellite sensor is called 4 ®) () @) Spectral resolution Spatial resolution Radiometric resolution ‘Temporal resolution Bas grvelu: DauLusors ser Husin oudenad Cand ipincim _eaveatie ctoncu? (a) ®) (©) (D) Blpwrencr aq iLicoL ude Sironeahgsed AcirAareh 14: S.e0uded Sinoraissd aun@on) Lginy ongcisen ued Birorallg.scd G59 Sigurd Sinorallsse 49 HLE12 {Turn over 151 j i 152. Consider the following statements Assertion (A) : 41 percent of the moon surface is never secon from the earth Reason (R) The moon rotates and revolves in the same direction as does the earth. (A) Both (A) and (R) are individually true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) (B) Both (A) and (R) are individually true but (18) is not a correct explanation of (A) (©) (A)is true but (R) is false (D) (A) is false but (R) is true Apaangpid emaBlusiisencn eset epg (A) Bovollen 41 apes u68 Yee eciCungiGo YosuGarpfloena. annem (R) —: flor yoRuden aGs Pesos aA spesicnngy (A) (A) opis (B) AuciaGGvs sf, Gogud (R) eérug AeAG ene Borda, PA (A) wbgnd (R) Qacin@io of, Gogyd (R) crengy (ANAS ofan Monsiswdder. (C) (A) af ggenmes (R) pougy (D) (A) segs ganned (R) af Fujita scale refers to (A) the scale to assess the severity of flood (B) the scale to assess the earthquake severity (C)_ the scale to assess the relative severity and damage of tornado (D) the scale to assess the cyclonic severity Gus gn creiny meray mengss GHEE EI? (A) Garcon Bier SoA pong WALI o.GoH.d o1aTa} B) Ba pHasbAen Forging oBLuI 2 wand sxerey WED sips anppier oAingens GUID Eg cigeiTe SUG -snPlrauyd OPUID SE D) yw Selle Seng WHLUD wgayid sera HLE12 50 153. Consider the following statements : ‘The aim of proportional representation is 1 IL ML Iv. ©) ‘To eradicate the defects in the ordinary system of election. ‘To ensure the representation of all the people in the legislature. To enable minority representation ‘To ensure the representation of every minority group as well as majority in proportion to their electoral strength. elect your answers using the coding scheme given below Iand Honly (B) 1 Mand Ul only 11, HLand IV only (D) 1,1, Mand iv Aipascin asnifussusonen svcd afledls D5 AOS poe Cosa cnenpier Eprdsid L IL mL IV. acgnyan Caisa cpenpilien Gmnpscne 5508) aenensgy wishes IANA gerpeos 1 Lseo.ned Horapa Hevgy AQurdieooCunhle IP HAsg:anid HIDE Syurc@wCurGd, GugdUnésuTBd gs ceinaMensstann SpLUH, Epis sqyoLULir 685s evensuderren spoon Apacs GHSOseer UWE Sp) aflusren eBlen_eow reps a) © Topgnd II ot Oi (B) 1, Hogg Ml vc@w TI, WL wip IV ot Ow D) 1,1, Wppd IV 154, Match List I with List I (@) (b) © @ ) © List 1 List IL Shiksha 1. Metrics Kalpa 2. Grammar Vyakarna 3. Phonetics Nidhi 4. Asteonomy Chandas 5. Rituals dyotisha 6. Chronology Select the answer from the codes given below @) B) © (a) (b) () (@) (e) co) Hons saao 51 HLEI2 [Turn over utquid Te Lar Ut guid Tgp Quin gays. ucagued I udgusd IL (a) Aéagr 1 undue (b) seus 2 Qossemd (©) Bumsiteas 3 gauss @ ps 4 arafiud (©) sainundv 5. LNG qpenpadr ® CgrgAagr 6. sneod saafitsy peng SHUPsaAleg,ags often AyoLvow Csi AoGauoyd (a) (b) © (@) ) ) aol 3 2 5 4 6 ® 2 1 3 6 5 4 ©) 6 3 2 1 6 4 @) 3 5 2 6 1 4 155. Which among the following Thirthankaras completed the concept of “Panchama Dharma” by adding “Brahmacharya” as the fifth doctrine? (A) Rishaba (B) Arishtanemi (©) Parsva BT" Mahavira Gy CsnGssiucr Sissmsqraché, cout “Mmbwetuid” ccnp aBses Congg “Ugew sino” GerLumon yigd Qacigmi? (A) Ragu B) sifleqoGnwt (©) uniéout D) wenresgi 156. Which is wrongly matched? (A) Zine-Enaymes (B) Iron Hemoglobin (JEP Magnesium — Dry cell (D) Beryllium ~ X-ray tubes Soupren QinESsSOpH Keim(iShg Oy. (A) gs preib ~ erénonemid By Qe@wsuy- abGoreGormGen (©) waetfoSusis - avi Birsenid D) QuMedoSuid~X-she emis HLE12 52 A 167. Match the following (a) Article 74 1. Council of Ministers (b) Article 856 2, Amendment Procedure (©) Article 370 3. Jammu and Kashmir (A) Article 368 4, Emergency (a) (b) ( (a) @®) 2 1 4 3 © 3 2 1 4 4 1 3 2 Gung ges (@) «Agi74 1 soysndley 248 wp Alec (b) 9 356 2 epBlwacmncs Doss Cpenpscr © ag370 3. gabon whpd anegqibsr 5 (@) 89368 A Apiqaiy Hlone oho @) ) () (a) } @ oo1 4 3 2 @) 2 1 4 3 © 3 2 1 4 @) 4 1 3 2 a 53 HLEL2 [Turn over 158. Which position was held by all the following personalities? L 2. 3 Krishan Kant Gopal Swarup Pathak Bairon Singh Shekhawat Choose the correct answer a) Deputy Prime Minister (B) Chairman of UPSC IA Chairman of Rajya Sabha (D) Chief Justice of India Apacin oeaaugn app upeanu Ag pnicedir? 1 2. 3 Begsgan acim. Goinuined svaiggcs upé smisGycr Bits Caganoung afluiton Beorenus GpipQe Qa. A) ®) © ) Bean Oqgoit of Bus Ueafunoni Cpa) arenemrund sonaenin sxflsrAl ionflomeeonanider smaeit 2.49 SOoep seoseno SOUP 159. Which one of the following statement is correct? A) @) (C) val A person can enroll as a voter in more than one constituency A person can enroll as a voter in more than one part of constituency Only fine is imposed for giving false particulars in voter's registration Both fine and imprisonment can be imposed for giving false particulars in voter's registration Spagamaigar a6 edn sfusrongy? a) ®B) © @) HLE12 9G Bui QU DENG HHG Cod airéanenors UPay Covniemd 80 SUA OG AprE HIE: Ua UBPschd auréananyns Uplay QaLweM aunéarenynas Upelén Gung sunren Aum GenQsand sugns QsconsCw sair_cnemumeid aundenenqres upier Cungy seupren upd Oen@ggnd ougig Gsnersud. git yein@ Sep Saim_enennjd MPsEOUGID 54 a 160, 161 What is the value of X in Fig. II? 2 6 9 16 [22] 3 | fo fo a [as wo x 81 1 IL Hl (A) 4 (B) 16 © 3 @) 2 Lib He 2 dren X-@ler oly 25 os 3 te | 22) a6 o fal ot + |) a a9 x a I tg Hi @) 4 VS 16 © 3 ©) 2 For a set of 500 observations variance is found to be 125. If 25 is added to each observation and 55 is subtracted then the new variance is (A) 95 (150 (C) 180 (@D) 128 it seanp Alen 600 son Sls sereHler wma mM 125 yew. Wy my erent 55-— Gedouney ITH EG. aPsprer, Denon yBws onpLUMnongy (a) 95 (B) 150 «C) 180 Pr 125 162, Two students A and B scored the same average marks in 10 tests and the standard deviation of marks are 2.5 and 3 respectively for A and B. If the consistency of performance is the criterion for awarding prize, then (A) B should get the prize -@) A should get the prize (©) Both A and B should share the prize equally (D) Prize winner cannot be decided. Since average mark is not given QuawG wrameviscr A sdgud B syrafuins 10 Cpicle gr UPILCusir Ady appar. A vpgio Bidar SLL Awssioneng 25 wom 3 ~wepCu. seiseidr Penoiuys scrnw GunGsg ule eupdscuGargy cra (A) Bufis Qup Goud Qu B) Aufl Qup Casein (©) AwsgwB ufteos mowns Giggs Asnéter Goucar Grd (D). spre oP NAUsit GenGssiuLnpand ufls Qupiciers epysi Qau Query 55 HLE12 [Turn over 163. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists. List I List 11 (a) New India 1. Lala Lajpat Rai ! (b) The People’s Friend 2 Bipin Chandra Pal (©) Bante Mataram 3. Dadabhai Naoroji (@) Rast Goftar 4. AO, Hume (a) (b) © @) 2 4 1 3 @) a 1 4 2 @ 4 3 2 1 @) 2 1 3 4 Ucgud Teer ucqud gd Quip és. Uquds sags Sy acrer AsngaGSeyigy afwnen Do Wereng Qpfla eis, uciquud T \utiquisd I (2) Buy QsAum 1 @reon agus amis (by BH SLuysioiv Sugai 2 BGen a6 89 ued (© epg wngnis 3. smpsmumis Operon (d) grove Gaeta 4. 6B pilusd ; @®@ ®© © @ | a 2 4 1 3 ® 3 1 4 2 © 4 3 2 1 Oo 2 1 3 4 HLE12 56 a 164. Under the leadership of Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan, popularly known as "The Frontier Gandhi the Pathans organised the society of Khudai Khidmutgar (or servants of god), known popularly as (A) White shirts (B) Red army (©) Red shirts (D) White army ‘cree smb Bh cron YapQubp ser SEI suum aren sormsniId Lgnahuradr ‘GEL Alpopsiicd’ i Bs si Gor Aging (sLafésr Gsaisisci) acing shapes Apm mBeni. 1g) srnercunrguid crétenGesengy ews g? (A) Qeusrenaré a ooacr (B) Asiyu vam we Agiys aL act (D) Gaudrenems wer 165. Match List ] with List Il and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists. List I List Tl Poets Works (a) Kalidasa 1, Ashtanga Sangrata (&) Vishnu Sarma 2. Surya Siddhanta (©) Aryabhatta 3. Panchatantra (@) Vaghbhatta 4. Sakuntalam | Codes (a) (b) © (@ © 1 2 3 4 @ 2 1 4 3 A 87 HLE12 [Turn over done LLyuImeEnjd, Orem rag UL_Uc@ULs GILG, Spescim. Opmgcuder gonemCurG. 8usnen Bienen wrest wcquid T utyud I yeu Uispamiadt (a) snetignoor 1. icine ordi (b) Bigguy suc 2. @fludspaneo © giwulur 3. ugespsind (@) amauick 4. ac@ppab osc ® ® © @& (A) 4 3 2 1 @ 3 4 1 2 © 1 2 3 4 @ 2 1 4 3 166. In which Edict did Ashoka declare his faith in Buddha, Dharma and Sanga” (A) Maski Minor Rock Bdiet (B) Rumminedi Minor Pillar Edict (©) Sarvath Pillar Edict (PY Bhabra Minor Rock Edict assOGeLggycrer 7% Amando Usst, pind, smd QawPer und oGersir sorgyr_ws FOUL co snes ggséranni? (A) wncrdden Ag Gary soGaO (B) GdUOGpquier Ay grat oiGen_O (©) snignpBlen gqcin 00000 D) unin Ay Geng sear 167. Why Lord Canning was called as Clemency Canning? (A) He loved Indians and gave them high posts {BF He issued general pardon to the mutineers (C) He reduced land tax (D) He was appointed as the First Viceroy under British Crown sail Igy “sGaveamujcron eraAes” rey Benypaacuc gy od? (A) QeSuisatien 5g: Webs senGun@ awinigedscnar anpriuies B) Adumd sessed mQULL sienenaGS Sw Aung wdraiiiy anpprdlursirds (©) Bla cuflenus xyauit Ganngsere D) DALgey sense Hen eppe ocudloruns mou GusssUc. sre HLE12 58 a 168. In the digestion of carbohydrates, the following sugars are converted to their simpler forms I. Starch + Maltose + Isomaltose Il, Maltose > Glucose II, Lactose + Maltose IV. Sucrose + Glucose * Fructose Which one is/are correct? (A) Talone (B) Uand It (©) Mi, Wand IV PP I, Mand IV sniGurman Gx Asforeneher, Sipssnamd srdsonps GungLad eubsler callus cugeruacrns wrppuughenpen 1. soLnté > word. Guaney + gCemondoeGLaev WL wre Guney + Gie5éGamev UL. eon Gna >» wrin Gund IV, #&Gqnov > @e5sGonco + GyaCyncio ergy) steven aft? (A) 1a @w @) Hodge I (©) 1, I eppo 1V ©) 1. Mepgilv 169. Match List I with List IT and select your answer using the codes given below : List 1 List II (2) Smallest flower 1. Dischidia rafflesia (b) Biggest flower 2 Canna (© Irregular flower 3. Phyllanthus (@ Monochlamydous flower 4. Wolfia Codes (a) (b) () @) 2 1 3 @® 1 2 3 © 3 4 1 oer 4 1 2 a 39 HLE12 [Turn over ew ee ur quid Ig ucgue Il ees Gun 88, Blip GaerQsotuc Geran wis Qacnarés Ganein® eMusen SBo_ows CarbGs@ vicywe T ucque I (0) yoda Wend A6ig5 1. geod wir grSeSu (b) yeh Baoyd Qutugy 2 seaman (oc) sweSviw uy 3. DaGadiscv @) 6b cul Lid ol ib 2 rer yy 4 eédum @uSQaee @®@ ® © @ a 2 1 3 4 (B) 1 2 3 4 © 3 4 1 2 @) 4 1 2 8 170. A is the assertion and Ris the reason, Examine these two statements carefully and select the answer using the code given below : A: We are able to hear the sound behind the walls or obstacles R: When the wavelength of a wave is comparable or less than that of an obstacle, diffraction happens. 49 Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A (B) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A (©) Ais true; but Ris false () Ais false; but Ris true A cdg aig. R aremugs srpemb. Berag Qrcn@ emshumscer aig. Gengmiuce SALYss@mET UGG SH BeoLwohssayd A. sani optd Som aE5EGH Deere BOG AGW gaeous pmb CaL_AGpmd R. git smandar senafend sper urengidd aren senrscr pH GunGLsdfer sere Gs aooraCour, GennamEGaut QGpGTe, Hab assnanay UG (A) Awpgia R ouréuniect solgpallGus aM, Revcnugy Adena efuinon sige B) Awpprd RenéSunuscr sage Cus 2 cinsow. agennd R arénugy Aésren anya sa (© Asi, Reflude (D) Ra, gone A sftuscdas HLEIZ 60 a 171. Consider the given Fig, of ocean currents around North America. Match List | with List II and select the correct using the code given below lists. y" Za fy Noxthi America List List II Current Number Current Name 1 1 Alaska (b) 2 Gulfstream @ mW 3. California @) IW 4. Labrador (a) (b) © (d “A 3 4 2 1 (B) 2 1 3 4 QO 4 2 3 1 1 3 4 2 ig AsnQssiue Gcrer uiaCoAsenenaré shPuyerer so Sqr Wace isos EGG Aan. aufleoa T auflene 1 Quin B 8, eAlwaren GGUuSG 2.cton Uplenars Cais As Oda. euftcns I oueng I £GamcL ores BCom gen Que 1 @ 1 1. sierdvsit ) IT 2 sssluts SGML © Wm 3. sollGLimtatfuum @ wv 4. @upmint (a) (b) () @ @ 3 4 2 1 ®) 2 1 3 4 O© 4 2 3 1 o 1 3 4 2 a 61 HLE12 [Turn over 172. Match the following Neolithic centres of paintings with their districts. ‘The Son Valley fa) (b) © @ Manikpur Singanpur Hoshangabad a 2, 4, Select the answer from the codes given below rs (By © @) (a) 2 (b) 4 © 1 @ 3 ts Raigarh Mirzapur Central Province Uttar Pradesh UssbsTe Gos sLowEIKEDST -o15KH WOU L MEE cr CLMSES. (a) (b) @ @ wreath Picancinyit Conco usrorignag Ganragrism ings 1 gaia Bieomgt Lous wren 26 8rs QoGpaw GMIHSEAA GEE swine Aonew CEMBASDSEouD a) B) © ALE12 (a) a (b) 4 62 173. The title ‘Sardar’ was given to Vallabhbhai Patel during the (A) Salt Satyagraha 48) Bardoli Satyagraha (©) Civil Disobedience Movement (D) Cabinet Mission arrival Sigel Tee ULL w AdOUMi UCC VG MSHAapsAIG Cung ocMassU Kg (A) ety af Bundigaus (B) uaGgrol as Dusndyaid © scr wpiy Que (D) snGend senndsi Gey eugersuien Cungy 174. Who had sing songs on Nammalwar as God instead of Thirumal? (A) Mathurakavi Alwar (8) Thontaratippodi Alwar (©) Poikaialwar (D) Thiruppanazhwar AQwIOt UrLeod pibiompaunenjCu OpiELOTEL UMyusest WAH? VA vpinscSwrpeuri (B) Agen pyGumgunpaunt (©) Gumienswmpeusit D) AGourammpouné 175, Match the following Quotations: Authors (a) Mathar thammai Izhivu ceyyum 1. Kavimani Thecika Vinayakam Pillai Matamaiyai Koluthuvom (o) Kalviyillatha penksl Kalarnilam —2._—-Bharathiar (© Mankaiyarai Pirappatharku—Nalla 3. Namakkal Kavinjar Mathavam Ceithita Vendum (2) Tamilar enru Sollata - 4, Bharathidhasan ‘Thalai nimirnthu Nillata (a) (b) © (d) wm 4 1 3 2 ® 11 8 2 4 GQ 2 4 1 3 O 38 2 4 1 a 63 HLE12 [Turn over Apdanggnd gn iacoer seuisen -AfiuiaGen® Gunes gm ter eadigitedr (0) wrgt pdow Qa Gotubd ecweus 1. — ecdioan G5fla oApneseid Acrener AsmenggiCeuro ) saeiuaang Qucinast sar fleid 2 ung Swair (©) wiienewamin ImcupidGs:- pre 3. pmobad ad esi | tongauh Gad Geasin Gi ! @) giper crdny Gerdarrn, pene Bling 4. nosed Adour @®@ ® © @ (A) 4 1 3 2 @) 1 3 2 4 / © 2 4 L 3 Oo 8 2 4 1 176. Match List I with List ID List I List I ‘Thermal power projects States (a) Dhurvan 1. Gujarat (6) Korba 2 Orissa © Obra 3. Uttar Pradesh (d) Talcher 4. Madhya Pradesh (a) (b) (o) (a) A) @) were Reon wees (D) Utiqwe Ieérenp Uy. wed IT oer Gunes ucque I udiguie UL Sioned en POL taesir onglerisect @) g@aucr 1 GRIN (b) Qaim 2. gfe © eben 3. eb InGERd @ 4. edu Gree ) © @ (A) 1 3 2 4 @®) 1 2 3 4 © 1 4 3 2 @) 2 3 4 2 HLE12 64 a 177. Mateh the following Writs Feature (a) Habeas Corpus 1. not available against administrative authorities (b) Prohibition 2, cannot be applied against ministerial office (©) Certriorarii 3. may be applied by a stranger or a social worker who need not be an affected person (@) Quo-warranto 4. not available against legislative bodies and private individuals (a) (0) © (d) 8 1 4 2 B41 2 3 4 oO 2 3 4 1 @) 3 4 2 1 Beraxgassneupeon Gung pgs SAUCLgMee pues (@) ayerGainanrit gener 1 Blrons sPanileepag Pots Ip Cundis Quongs (b) po pena 2. slennisiaie5ig afr SoGundlie Quscongy © Bpiepsnp e-psse 3. Opgh, unglsysedromans nbs aes piv. Cangormd @) 568 qpenpeienn A andy serwdysst wird sailpuiserdg erfiors AyCusrdlise Qseorgs (a) &) © (d) A 3 1 4 2 @) 1 2 3 4 © 2 3 4 1 . @) 3 4 2 1 A 65 HLE12 [Turn over 178. Match the following is correct answer, (a) Manikodi 1. G.Subramani Ivar (&) Elutho 2 Thiew. Vi. Ka. (© Sudesamitiran 3. PS. Ramaiha (@) Nava Sakthi 4. C.Su, Cellappa Codes ® ®% © @ @ 1 2 3 4 (B) 4 1 2 3 © 2 3 4 1 @ 3 4 1 2 Letgu® [eg Uc qwed II ere QunGéA. Sp ConGisLUuLOcrer GAMUHseerd Qsvan® suse Ao cous SsreO5O wc quid T ucywa IT (@) we&Qsing LB. stuqwedtias ust 0) aweéa 2 Posie. (©) s@geéDrcn 3. Rac. granoun @ pass 4. 16. Qsoouur euler fa) (b) ©) @ A) 2 3 4 B 4 1 2 3 O 2 3 4 1 JO) 3 4 1 2 179. Find the odd man out (A) Thiuthonda Thokai (B) Thiruthondar Thiruvanthathi (©) Thirvthondar Puranam (@) Thirwvilaiyatal Puranam Sipesramvercuiner Aungssoppasé GHUIPS. (A) DOsAsraim gears B) Pq~Opnainis Sparsanél (©) BewsAsnei_a yonomd Pr Big sBenennsa pugnaand HLE12 66 a 180. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists, (a) (b) © (@ “~ ®) ws ©) List I Direct Action Day Interim Government Mountbatten Plan Attlee's statement @ % © @ 3 4 2 1 3 1 2 4 3 4 1 2 4 3 2 1 List IT 1. 20 February, 1947 2 3dune, 1947 3. 16 August, 1946 4, 2September, 1946 arflens le. aiflens Hednends Gung és eflnsse5se 8p AarGassUC Geran AsngUIOees, aflusnen Bien uenengs Bley Genie. fa) (b) () (a a) (B) (cy @) oufles I Epflen_é Qaussypner Gan sere sine Groorein Gurion PLL BAU ouBleSey (a) (b) © @) 3 4 2 1 3 1 2 4 3 4 1 2 4 3 2 1 auflens TT J. 20:Bdimeutt, 1947 2 39611947 3. 16 ysciv®, 1946 4. 2Qecuubut, 1946 67 HLE12 [Turn over 181. Which one of the following fundamental rights is applicable only to citizens and not to foreigners? (A) Equality before law (B) Right to elementary education (C) Freedom to manage religious affairs (BP Right of minorities to establish and administer educational institutions Deragocauppar G_nése5s Ao sat Gupir yond Gaciigm.iagig dasa Quong 2 Mann 1g? (A) cL 6896 war aod B) aymbu sareAlsres 2. Meo (©) sow Papaisae Goomesd sppinb D) sAeAl Pp arcudsenrer Hypa Plieuligid AprncrenouPercpsaten 2 Meno 182. Which of the following provisions came into force even before the commencement of the Constitution of India? (A) Fundamental Rights GID Citizenship (©) Directive Principles of State Policy ; (D) Amendments to the Constitution DeraG dd sideRschd Qs Bw PdUMOwLY FEL PODdE UGAUSHS HOIGSS Qewdume HH ous oH? (A) oq CiL1601, elena (B) Gqujfleno (CC) 27s Asncrnsuen onplsm_G Apihlacr D) snAuoaoiny Pexsgsroser HLE12 68 a dt ub 183, Match the following List I and List I and select the correct answer. @) (b) © (a) List 1 Cyano bacteria Ammonifying bacteria Photosynthetic bacteria Denitrifying bacteria List IT 1. Rhodospirillum 2 Thiobacillus 3. BagiJlus 4. Nostoe Find the choice of correct combination. i) (@) © ae (a) 1 1 4 4 (b) 2 2 3 3a ©). (@) Epsedr UC quid Ig udywad Haier QunggA, aflusres Boo _ouss CoieGs@. ecg L udaquisd IT (@) ensue ude Mun 1. Gar GLncveoutdrerd ) srbConeMuinoud gid undiefinar 2 eosGuun Cuderecie (©) geféGsiders unéafuin 3. undldversio @) enpcogener GenpsGw Undiefur 4. pice, aflunets QungsBLLLL ops Cpr sQAmoyd. fa) ) (©) @ (A) 1 2 4 3 @®) 1 2 3 4 © 4 3 2 1 @ 4 3 1 2 a 69 HLEI2 {Turn over 184. Consider the following pairs 1. Willy-Willies - Australia Il Typboons = China Ul Hurricane ~ Japan Which of the pair given above is/are correct? (a) Tonly oe Land II (©) Wand it (D) Monly Denougs Qorarsoner aeis6le Camere L AleveSi-afeveBloin — caycivng Gyo Te auyerac Sean TL. gpfiGacs equines CoP SHMAILL Menamsaler orgy a? (A) Teco B) Toppa I (©) Wag it (©) wi ow 185. Match the Geological Era with their periods, (a) Precambrian 1. Jurassic (b) Cenozoic 2, Archaen (©) Mesozoic 3 Silurian (@) Palaeozoie 4. Eocene (a) (b) © @ UI 2 4 1 3 ® 9 2 4001 © 4 1 3 2 HLELW 70 / 4 4 4 | 186 Yl teoi0cnGUse usstisensr oiperser soomEGorn® AuTei—rs (a) GaisAfugyig qoereand (b) QaGamGamiis was (©) BGanGomdes was (a) Open gyudir aad (a) (b) () @ a 2 4 1 3 ® 3 2 4 1 © 4 1 3 2 @ 1 3 2 4 Match the following (a) Doctor wind (b) Cherry blossom (©) Blood rain (@) Foehn @ ® © @ (a) 1 3 2 4 AF 2 4 38 1 © 3 2 4 1 © 4 1 3 2 Sxpscin_aupanp suns Gung ses (=) LréLirambgs ) Geil unde © Biss wep @) uma (a) b) © (d) (a) 1 3 2 4 B 2 4 3 1 © 3 2 4 1 @O 4 1 3 2 1 ene fs eN nm epee BiGewer Agaflues Qeunden Switzerland Sahara of Africa South Italy Karnataka (India) seston s5qT (a iGifheamr) 9856 Bésrd sign_an (@édwr) HLE12 [Turn over 187. Arrange the following divisions of the Vijayanagar Empire in descending order. L TL. TIL, Iv, (a) ( Rajyams Kurrams Valanadus Nadus 1, 1, 1V, I (B) 1, UL LV, TIT 11, UL IV,T @) 1,4, 0, 1V Berovgid eBigQupsns CuspAlen Baysoner Qo tig aflensude orwps 1 IL UL. wv. us () nrg src enpypruadt oxemgn scr sr@aer TMI, - (B) LAL Iv 11, 11, V1 (D) 1, HL, 1, 1V 188. Point out the wrong statement in the following Statements (A) @) Samudra Gupta defeated 12 kingdoms in the South Fahien’s travel account deals with the conditions of the Gupta Empire er Skanda Gupta was defeated by the Huns (D) Kumara Gupta issued silver coins in Western India Apssam sqpgaacie papers 6.48 sramSéooud aq isis oy) (B) © (D) HLE12 SEpBAT Gdpt OpcraAePusnssled 12 wigssene Qeucrpnt Lnailuinalien spgeor Ply Elis smbsmyUséslen Hlonorervenus erie dings vais GUipit ar Gamisama Cpnhay.SsOUCL me S017 Giipii Code Osuna Qeuerafl pramusisssanen auptvslennit 72 | | | 189. The state of matter in their increasing order of entropy is (A) Solids, Liquids, Gases, BE (B) Liquids, Gases, BECs, Solids oO , Liquids, Solids, B {PM BUCS, Solids, Liawids, Gases UMLALRpsle Henarsongy sre GrmBeorer geese SIL g) (A) Denotiacn. Hours, cumujéisdr, OS ar (B) Praumiscr, emacs, FQ) Aer, Demorusdr CO) amass, Dpariacr, Plaimoiser, 8.Q Asch D) GQ slash, Pamadscr, Syeurvach, amysaci 190. Black Sea is named so because (A) itis black in eslour _ #8) ofits rich concentration of micro algae (C) its, water converts everything into black (D) both (A) and (C) AQ ALA cong Qu DLO GUppanea srpald (A) 2g sqm PoAse Qari pre B) pews gundier De Sumar Gaplebles snpemone CO) aps fit snappy span HnsADG wrdgesre D) (a) wdgrd (Q) wu Oyen 191. Match the following : (a) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad 1. Desh (b) Mahatma Gandhi 2. ‘The Peoples’ friend (©) Allan Octavian Hume 3. The Harijan (@ Dr. Rajendra Prasad 4, Al Hilal (a) (b) (c) w) (A) 1 2 3 4 wr 4 38 2 41 © 2 4 1 3 @) 3 1 2 4 A 73 HLE12 (Turn over | Quins (@) Bwererncan ous seam eng 1 ®) wangwon ana (© gerch2ysGLeSuscn ginuyd 3 @ cravat. QnCyssln Bran 4 fa) (b) © (a) “@ 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 © 2 4 1 3 @ 3 1 4 Cray waar perme Benfiggen 218 gleaned 192. Which one of the following is a polar orbiting satellite? (a) INSAT 3) GSAT (©) METSAT wr Resource sat Sipascin_ovdyyar giepauld Unengemus mid AawpensaCanci ag? (a) INSAT @) (© METSAT ) 193. Thermal power stations are located in ® Tuticorin, Ramagundam, Rajghat —(B) (C) Caddalore, Kota, Tarapur «D) sends len Boneusiiedr xooopsgyeiror Gi cust (A) S168SGy, OGeMLw, gngeme B) (©) stg Ganiun, sromiyst 0 HLE12 14 GSAT Resource sat Narora, Kaiga, Palghat Salem, Pune, Narora BGqn5n, eas, undone. Geert, Ger, sConmr 194. Mateh the following (a) Manchester of South India 1 Sivakasi (b) Little Japan 2 Chennai (©) Textile Capital of TamilNadu 3. Coimbatore (a) Detroit of South Asia 4. Karur @ ® © @ 4 ers 1 4 2 + (B) 3 1 2 4 © 1 3 4 2 (D) 2 1 3 4 Guna sys (a) Agen @pAunefler onerGaso. st 1 Blousndh () @Cy giant 2 Qucrenen (0) Opacys senepagia 3 Comuauysgai (@) Qs panAwneMen QC grin. 4 oni ®@ © © @ (A) 3 1 4 2 @) 3 1 2 4 () 1 3 4 2 3 @) 2 1 3 4 195. Deflation refers to a condition of —————— prices. A) falling (B) rising (©) constant (D) moderate Lame Lib aerugy Blnaiier aps Sonorcousss Glare? (A) Bae gape (B) elena ausiger (OC) Bore PoinGssiudse (D) Bgwren Bere avis A 8 HLEI2 [Turn over 196, Identify the odd one from the group of materials given below Glass, ebonite, copper, rubber (A) ebonite ea) copper (©) glass (D) rubber 8p AanQSaiUC Geren GungLaster GuoepAide urEbprpewoy exif scisromrm,, exGcamanem’, er i, ph (A) @GumenentL (B) smtiuir (O) xciramry, (D) guui 197. Which of the following statements about ‘sound! is TRUE? I. It consists of longitudinal and transverse pressure waves TI It travels through vacuum IIL. Beats are produced due to interference of sound waves IV. Intensity of sound is measured in Hertz (A) Tana IL (B) Tonly (©) Monly (D) Mand ty qollcousts LidBlus Sipacin excbgsetld eflusmenenes erensu? 1 golureng: OpCLenmacir inp Gguiencvect encima L. qSwnerg Capi sBgud wweskigia LL, gol soomscien SDSELO AearcMennde aim neugy Abwaraar ays IV, geil sine Gafheflen sing, amin AG (A) Lpgub I B) Wwego 2M Moos (D) Things tv ALE12 16 198. Which of the following compilation of Nalayira Divya Prabandam (4900 sacred Hymns) is correctly matched? (A) First thousand Hymns — Iyarpa $8 Second thousand Hymns ~ Periya Thirumozhi (©) Third thousand Hymns ~ Thiruvaimozhi (D) Fourth thousand Hymns ~ Thivumozhi ' Sppésairaudgcr promis Pausc Buss pPer os AsngLy eure GungyipLue Oerergy? . A) (pomp unoast~ Quspur (B) Qyam_monAgid um daér — Quitlus Seg Qonygi (©) gperpromdind um dsc — Bgeimi@uomp (D) pnénanamAyio un daar Heung 199. Purath Thooimai Necraan Amaiyum; Agath Thooimai, (A) Thavaththaan Varum AT Vaaymaiyan Kaanappadum (©) Thoontak Kedum (D) Oliyodu Ozhugappadum | Ups giscoin Sorc Steniousid; srepENSCND erpenned oy DWsLILIGIb? (A) seuggndr agin (B) eumbenousndin snestu@ud ' (©) grein 4 OsGid D) gahQun® qugatiudy ) 200, Which of the following is called as ‘Thodar Nilaicheyyul’? , (A) Neethi Ilakkiyam (B) Ettuthokai Noolkal E LG Bpic Literature (D) Pillaithamizh Nakkiyam , | ‘QML Somers Gains’ eto Apmis Oi Qarsdlus eune og? | A) SA osu (B) al.Qsgnane gress t (CC) sminIw QosAusid (D) Bcrmonsgdp QosAund i} a 7 HLE12 | [Turn over SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK HLE12 8 HLE12 & (TITTITN 2012 Gung Bedard Gung siGlayd signeBestiic Geer Gpid : 3 west) [Quon wBUCusradt : 300 Haris GaG UPostagener Epsadin Sayerrsmar soveroTai U_s ab padu sBlaisonscr _} 1. is Beans sagt GG Gogiernent (Gb Udshonp\s Canangcreng. Cota Asma CprbBd Blas Aprgsieors Snixruy sebraraflcasrarit apd cucoi9e> Cioggeenanug Anka sat ng. Siar BASNE DUR j SpsGHL quire Usiies scinsrae one esis) Qubmaycé Gogenpte cing npeng saucnons Apes spss } CasainQ. wipdrdee CucreBing Lwetlaais Opn susan, } 2 Gibs Beans Asneiuy 290- Shemssoars AancinGeragy. onuclen Apr vigapee MescerngAgnestudeo | cid Slam a.s(a5 BA Gugypcrenoraun cron uengud Don ude 743% Qaroppsndrsdt o-drareneun erdruensut | cafluriibgya Qaocrora 3. eden Slain apa Blon_wehasaud. ston sesmdstaple sucoran og sudinadr Qasnain ens | 4. rR gFEOLW Lpay ceinnar Oe Uda Alen esis Cod pment 15a Kamobsdren Gi ssa Srwdr regs Cauein (Dib, Coug crenguyin iam ApneLiSO Gat Gare eSupmsmar Bwiscrareys Casini, suena eruaag don sgnai AsdanpprssliuGs. 6 RBisICF SOLU UPay stain, Ceaser eraix opps eeregABnE Ly auflene ran (SL. No.) apseSwcudenpuylo Leg Gln ssrcia Qrimmd sso oeramgssis eowpginen Dial foo smog egao Ap mwujeoLus Upgiapencrts Gucmmediennd GAldays an Carin Qid. Gunjdseine euntissenon lon agndtie frist Gfls gs an 5 soenne o.tiscr San dgidi GodonpprdsUuQd. 7. gear leay’ (A), B), (C) dquo (D) orem pn, Bln scoard Aas Octwigy Bic eneusatla Gr ge afro ‘Bln sou Gptay Onisgy Ble. jasratis Gig nL GaxcnGhb. genes Cans e sfuuman alia sar G5 Caseig, Goce aaBame frsscr ss sunny con tongs acggibiSisGam opp eco enus len apnahc elegy sm GainGid. ceagunilgnd ge Cacrebs G07 gr Ber cousignen GoipAsOss Cain Oid. a rimapan ns Qong iWPLOe sca rsd eBor pte eins on (oePisner clon sa cncoinaafizenscous0 QUIN 8 Aan gprafie geiemnes Gacred eines cBied (A), TB), [C] wypgyd [D] cron peng Bar aC ssc caren 2G CactciG em wotias Stedi sAQuier a@pyid Haan GOr GB Sen sas AGO wl Gd vss apron, GusemeSlene @dlagie an. GouinGib. peulaing CacreOaeib Gx Ban us CEAOEOEG Ber sgrote Gx GaanOd go Garde, GepsG COPULL clr uiahipre ais coor. ZaUDreNBTe SHOUD. »,gigemoTs Buse [B] ceruag sflurar Bla urs aepfiama oes Deraxpiong @pisgs m1. Cousin. @ oD 9. lisér Beans Agngiiden apsti udspesud FeaCam sms MPasCon mrng. Cosioy Cpysda Dis chennp ApretoarGun soap Bor ssrererGun Cras msong 9 Gaia «OG Asdaseat 16. Gates conseSes fist nines

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