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Attendance Management System ManualV7.0.

changes in the
number version change the contents of the summary of of to changedate of
peoplechange the original creation Jamson 2010-06-26
23 additional personneldescriptionimport Jamson 2010-06-29
36 increaseshift Management Jamson 2010-07-23


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Attendance Management Systemspecification V7.0.6 1
system management 3
1. System registry 32.
The main interface 33.
Rights Management 54.
the datato maintain 6
The basis ofset 6
5. Attendance rule 66.
Statisticsrules 7
of Personnel Management 10
7. Department set 10
8. Personnel-based setting 119.
Inputpersonnel 11
device management 14
10. device management 14
Attendance management 15
11. Frequency setting 15
12. Scheduling registration 17
13. Shift Management 19
14. Leave registration 20
15. Artificial recharge card 2116.
Registration Closed 21
Report 22
17Manager. Data analysis
18. Punch card records 23
19. Attendance Daily Report 23
20. Attendance monthly report 24

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System Management

1. System Login

Note: Admin is the administrator, the initial password is blank

refers to the current year and month of attendance month, after a successful login into the system <system
operating the main interface>

2. The main interface

Note: 2.1 Attendance Management System provides the main interface to the operating menu, navigation map
provides the functionality for daily use
2.2system includes six major functions:
1) Function 1: System-based settings, including:
corporate setting, you can set the name of the company
attendance period, that set attendance month beginning and ending date
attendancerules,attendance rules provide configurable functionality includingstaff repeatedly punch
in how many minuteseffectively, attendance exceed the number of minutes after starting the
calculation ofovertime, late for many minutes, excluding thelate, late and leave early more than the
number of minutes after the total absenteeism
statisticsrules,statements of statistics on attendance can be set rules for calculating the project, each
project can be set statistical units (days, hours and minutes, which can only be set to minutes late
and leave early), the other statistical items can be set to take each the entire base (eg 15 minutes, 30
minutes, etc.) and rounded up (eg, more than 16 minutes within 30 minutes, etc.) or rounded down
(if less than 30 minutes total, etc.) at a

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frequencysetting,set the employee's work schedule can be
holiday setting, which date can be set for the holidays, set after the holidays, attendance reports will
be reflected in the holiday sabbatical project, if employees have to work on holidays, the system
will be in attendance statistics report festival overtimethe
leave class to setproject,the system types of projects leave their name can be modified features to
meet the actual use of these categories will leave the project in the attendance statistics reflected in
the report.
password change, each user log on to this system can modify their password

2) Function 2: Personnel
managementsettings,you can set the business-related functions such as
personnel-basedsettings,you can set the position, education, job, nationality, origin and other
A file employees can establish the above pre-set <department setting> <personnel based settings>
will be used when filing the staff, including department employees must be set in order to
build the file.
B provides personnel files from EXCEL to import functions, and personnel to import EXCEL to
import interface provides a standard format.
C provides Personnel Information Batch Edit function, you can batch change sectors, frequency, time
and attendance rules and entry date, etc.
3) Function 3: Device Manager
provides the following functions:
add Attendance
Attendance settings, such as modification time attendance machine, cancel the administrator rights,
Clear attendance records, attendance and otherinitialization,
data acquisition such as collecting data from the attendance machine, import data from the U disk,
data from a text file into
the registration:
A reading such as employee attendance files from information
from Attendance B employees to read the fingerprint registration information is saved to local
database of
C into U-disk collection of fingerprint information is saved to the database
D will be kept by local database staff attendance machine fingerprint information into the
personnel files of E will be written in the name of the employee Attendance ofto
Fremove employees in attendance machine fingerprint information registered on the
personnel files of G will be the ID card number in the entry is written to the attendance machine
4) Function 4: Attendance Management
provides the following functions:
frequency settings
can be set to the enterprisework schedule
can be setemployees daily attendance frequency, frequency shift set in the definition of a goodin the
leaveregistration of
leave time employees can be registered, you can set a specific starting and ending point in time,
according to the actual time to set, leave category will be transferred lies in <leave class to set> the
list ofin the name of the
artificial rechargecard
if employees forget the punch, can be appropriate in this makeup onattendance time
the main settingsstaff weekend break, commonly used in the monthly salary of employees, such as
fixed Saturday and Sunday rest, in this setting to
5)function V: Report Manager
provides the following functions:
dataanalysis,that, according to employees punch card records, scheduling flights, fill card records,
leave records and other information to calculate the attendance daily report.
punchrecord,that staff's original punch card records, data collected from the attendance machine or
artificial recharge cards can be reflected in this.
attendance dailyreport,the data analysis will have a daily report of the attendance record.

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attendance monthlyreport,that attendance on Summary report

6) The functions VI: System Maintenance

provides the following functions:
rightsmanagement,user can set the system operation can be set to allow its operating system which
features to add functionality specific excision of each set of permissions
datamaintenance,the initial system can be of (for the first time using this system, or rebuild the
system), data backup, data recovery, database compression, restore the default settings (the main
provider of attendance rules and statistical rules to restore the default setting)

3. Rights Management

Note: This can add new users and their default passwords.

4. Data maintenance

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Note: This can be in the system initialization, database backup, database recovery, database compression, clear
historical data, to restore the default settings.

Basis set
5. attendance rules

6. Statistical rules

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Note: The
definition of late 5.1:
Set the unit of minutes late and leave early attention can only be set in minutes,
calculated as a fixed time, attention tardiness can be set to a fixed time
of 1 minutes, note tardiness can be set to 1
rounded base 15, rounded rounded upthe direction of the
oversetting to achieve the following
requirements:9:00 work, 9:15 begins late, 9:16 / 17/18/19. . . . 9:30 to 29 points are as late; 9:31 /
32/33. . . 9:45 to 44 points are as late

5.2 extend the definition of overtime:

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Set the unit of hours, pay attention to here is usually set in hours, of course, can be set to
calculated as a fixed time, attention here is usually set to a fixed time
of 1 minutes, if the unit is hours, minutes is 60 minutes, if the unit is minutes, the number of
minutes here is a
rounded base 30, rounded down to take the whole direction
Above settings can achieve the following
requirements:18:00 to work, every half hour, no overtime for 18:30 or 19:00, for example, 19:47
left, as 19:30 on overtime; 23:18 left on as 23:00 of overtime; and so on.

5.3 Definition of attendance

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Set the unit for the day, pay attention to here is usually set in hours, of course, you can set the
calculated as the frequency of time, attention here is typically set to shift time to complete
such a shift is the day, because some frequencies may be counted as more than 8 hours a day.
minutes as, if calculated in days, calculated as the frequency of time, you do not need to set
the number of minutes, if the set is calculated as a fixed time, usually 480 minutes toa few
takethe entire base of 1, rounding direction is empty, is not involved in rounding calculations,
if calculated in hours, then the calculation should be selected for the fixed time, the number of
minutes should be changed to 60 minutes

7. department and set

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8. Personnel-based setting

9. Personnel entry

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9.1 add, modify personnel information:

Of which: departments<departmentsetting>in the pre-defined, jobs, education, jobs, etc. In"personnel-

basedsettings>in the pre-defined,
frequency in the <shift management> in the pre-defined, time and attendance rules <attendance rules> in pre-
defined and so on.

9.2 Select the right employees and cancellation of employee turnover can be set toleave
9.3 tothe form of personnel files show the display order of columns and whether to display the settings.

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9.4 Personnel Import: Import the current support from EXCEL:
A first, click on <Import> and then enter the following interface:

B and then click <import template> Export, the system will open the current export EXCEL file,remember
click <save> this EXCEL file, when prompted to save the EXCEL <is covered with the latest in
Microsoft Excel format?> Select <a>.

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C Note: The first four columns (job number, registration number, name, department) must be imported
items, pre-set in EXCEL, the proposed section 5 is also set up in advance, because the attendance management
system and personnel files and attendance analysis staff is closely related to the entry date, entry date of course
you can make bulk changes in the personnel files
followingis the basic standard format for importing,note the date of entry of which format YYYY-MM-DD

D: The system will automatically join the department under the name of the department set the table.

Device Management
10. Device Management

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A Add Attendance

attendance management
11. Frequency setting

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Instructions are as follows:
9.1 Click [New],

Note: the number of minutes included in the normal attendance than usual overtime, there can not be
set to 0, this setting is the role:
Some companies require to work more than 8 hours, more than the total attendance time for the
overtime hours, then here should be set to 480 minutes The system default setting is 1440, which is
equivalent to not enable this feature.

Section 9.2 class settings:

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A class section of categories there are two options First attendance, the other is usually overtime, such as:
09:00 ~ 18:00 total attendance, the daily schedule, this time class attendance segment categories should be
but if at 19 : 00 ~ 21:00 total overtime, then the time course segment categoryshould be
Bto workispunch, if ticked, the data analysis if the punch does not work, the system default leakage card, there
will be absenteeism if not checked, then if the work is not punch, the system will default to shift the definition
of working hours.
C work is punch, with the [work is punch]
D is count late, that section of this class are required to work late punch card computing late
E is total leave early, that this class section of work ahead of punch, require calculation or early
F is total absenteeism, namely, the combined attendance rules, tardiness exceeds a certain limit is a
requirement to accrue absenteeism.
G usually work overtime segment, generally set excluding late, excluding leave early, Excluding

Night set in paragraph 9.3

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Note: If the night shift is 00:00 to 08:00, then the required start time for the day before 24 o'clock, the
time required to work greater than the
attendance statistics for the previous day to night, night classes even if section 08 for the 03:00 - : 00,
the same request start time 23:59

12. Scheduling registration

12.1 Click [New], and then click the [employee selection]:

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Note: In this selectableinshifts ofemployees,
optionsthe frequency12.2 this frequency is in the <shift management> in predefined, the selected frequency
will be selected in the current frequency ofbox is displayed
the smart12.3 frequency, which more than a day to set the frequency of data analysis will choose the closest
frequency to calculate a
12.4starting and ending time, that set the beginning and end of this timescheduling
12.5 manualoptions, especially for a more convenient setting off months

12.6 Scheduling delete

A in the blue state visit, the frequency of the current frequency selected is empty, double-click the column
heading for the 1-31 cell to delete the corresponding frequency ofthe corresponding date
B to deleteon scheduling, select the first cell in column , and then click [Delete] button

13. Shift Management

feature in the menu <Attendance Management \ shift management>, enter the following interface:

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13.1 first person selected on the left, then select the shift rules, such as <length of the Week> If more
than one week shift cycle, the start date only from Monday, the system will automatically adjust for the
Monday, the end date next to the "Enabling > option, if the check indicates that this law applies only to
shift the start date and end date, after the end date of this shift will be invalid if the <enable> is not
checked, then the laws of this shift has been effective from the start date
13.2View of personnel shifts, the first targeted to this employee, the employee's name and then click at
right will display the employee's regular shift and the shift frequency list
13.3 defined shift rules:
Click the right shift rule [ >>] button, enter the following interface:

Note: There are two classes in shifts, one day of the week, the other is the day, if the week, shift cycle
can only be an integer multiple of seven days, by clicking on the button to shift up and down cycle right
to change the shift cycle, if it is day, you can manually enter the shift cycle
frequency at the input table shows:
first select the appropriate frequency of the lower left, then click the table cell, you can directly
assign, or select multiple cells in the table, and then double-click the bottom right the corresponding
frequency, the system will automatically assign.
14. leave registration

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A leave category there is a [days off], commonly used in management will be adjusted to the normal rest
day attendance, such as: holidays, usually taking up work time, holidays, after the rest day will be adjusted to
the normal attendance.
B by setting the starting and ending time , can be like him one day off, you can just leave a few hours, it can
be all day, but leave time to pay attention to frequency, such as night shift from 20:00 to 04:00, then leave for
the current start time 20:00, end 04:00 hours the next day
15. artificial recharge card

16. Closed Registration

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Report Manager
17. Data Analysis

Data analysis as follows:

16.1 Statistics frequency precedence rules are as follows:
If the current date in the<schedulingregistration>have set, then it shifts the frequency of
registration, if registration of the corresponding date scheduling with multiple flights, the system
will records of employees clocking in mind the frequency of automatic calculations to find the
if not scheduling registration, set to take a fixed frequency shiftthe management
ifdoes not shift register, then take thepersonnel fileset the default shift
if youregister shifts and personnel Files are not defined in the frequency, the system will not
statistics, then you can view the log, the system will keep track of which employees have not set
one day trips.

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16.2 Attendance Report Statistics rules are as follows:
According to the leave records, that is<leaveregistration>registered , the statistics for the various
categories appropriate leave time to leave is how long each,
according to<sabbaticalregistration>recorded a few weeks rest, the report will be the corresponding
date in the project reflected the sabbatical if holidays have punch card records, Reports will be
overtime in the corresponding date in the project reflected sabbatical,
according to <festive setting> recorded in the holiday break, report the appropriate date will be
reflected in sabbatical project, if there are holiday punch card records, the report will be
corresponding to the date of the project reflected holiday overtime.
late, leave early, items such as overtime and absenteeism statistics are based
on<attendancerules>celebrated by the definition of rules to calculate the
Statisticalresults are based on unit value<statisticalrules>defined in the corresponding item in the
unit to calculate the statistical value of the actual project is based on
rounding<statisticalrules>defined in rounding up the base and rounded down to determine the
direction of the
16.3attendance statistics report will be followed attendance reports and attendance at the monthly report on
reflected, 12.1 or 12.2, etc. Note that a change in any of them, have to repeat the data analysis, reporting and
attendance or attendance on monthly statements will not change.

18. Punch card records

19. Attendance Daily Report

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20. Attendance monthly report

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