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UIUC Physics 436 EM Fields & Sources II Fall Semester, 2015 Lect. Notes 3 Prof.

Steven Errede

Conservation Laws (continued): Angular Momentum Associated with EM Fields
We have learned that the macroscopic EM fields have associated with them:
EM Energy:
1 1 2
EM Energy Density: u EM r , t o E 2 r , t
2 o
B r,t Joules/m 3

1 1 2
EM Energy: U EM t u EM r , t d o E 2 r , t B r , t d Joules
v v 2
1 Watts Joules
Poyntings Vector: S r,t E r ,t B r ,t 2
o m
m -sec

EM Linear Momentum:
EM Linear Momentum Density:

EM r , t o o S r , t 2 S r , t o E r , t B r , t
kg m 2 -sec
EM Linear Momentum:
v c v v

pEM t EM r , t d 2 S r , t d o E r , t B r , t d kg-m sec

The macroscopic EM fields can additionally have associated with them:

EM Angular Momentum:
EM Angular Momentum Density:
EM r , t r EM r , t o o r S r , t 2 r S r , t
c kg

o r E r , t B r , t


EM Angular Momentum:

LEM t EM r , t d r EM r , t d 2 r S EM r , t d kg -m 2
v v
c v

o r E r , t B r , t d

Note that even STATIC E & B fields can carry net linear momentum pEM fcn t and

net angular momentum LEM fcn t as long as E B is non-zero! Again, at the microscopic
level, virtual photons associated with the macroscopic EM fields carry angular momentum

L as well as linear momentum p and (kinetic) energy E!

Only when the EM field contributions are included for the total linear momentum pTot and the

total angular momentum LTot , i.e. pTot pmech pEM and LTot Lmech LEM is conservation of
linear momentum and conservation of angular momentum separately, independently satisfied.

Professor Steven Errede, Department of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois 1

2005-2015. All Rights Reserved.
UIUC Physics 436 EM Fields & Sources II Fall Semester, 2015 Lect. Notes 3 Prof. Steven Errede

Griffiths Example 8.4

EM Angular Momentum Associated with a Long Solenoid & Coaxial Cylindrical Capacitor.
Consider a long solenoid of radius R and length L R , with n turns per unit length
n NTot L carrying a steady/DC current of I Amperes.
Coaxial with the long solenoid is a cylindrical (i.e. coaxial) capacitor consisting of two
long cylindrical conducting tubes, one inside the solenoid, of radius a < R and one
outside the solenoid, of radius b > R. The cylinders are free to rotate about the z -axis.
Both cylindrical conducting tubes have same length L with a & b .
The inner (outer) conducting cylindrical tube carries electric charge +Q (Q) uniformly
distributed over their surfaces, respectively.
When the current I in the long solenoid is slowly/gradually reduced (see e.g. Griffiths Example
7.8, p. 306-7), the cylindrical conducting tubes begin to rotate - the inner (outer) conducting
cylindrical tube rotating counter-clockwise (clockwise), respectively as viewed from above!!!

z Long Solenoid

z 12 L a R b L

Binsol z
a b z 12
LR Ein
L a, b ; L

z 12

I Cylindrical
z 12 L

QUESTION: From where/how does the mechanical angular momentum originate?

ANSWER: The mechanical angular momentum imparted/transferred to the cylindrical
conducting tubes was initially stored in the EM fields associated with this system:
The B -field associated with the long solenoid: Binside o nIz R, z L 2 and
cap Q 1 a b,
The E -field associated with the cylindrical capacitor: Einside
2 o z 2

2 Professor Steven Errede, Department of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois

2005-2015. All Rights Reserved.
UIUC Physics 436 EM Fields & Sources II Fall Semester, 2015 Lect. Notes 3 Prof. Steven Errede

cap sol
n.b. Einside is non-zero for { a b .and. z 2 }, Binside is non-zero for { R R b
.and. z L 2 L }. Hence, in the region { a R & z 2 } only:
Poyntings Vector (Energy Flux Density):

1 Q 1

S r E r B r o nIz
o 2 o

2 o

Very useful table: z

z z
z z z
z z

nQI Watts a R
S Coordinates
2 o m 2
EM energy/EM power circulates in the direction in the region a R & z 2 :

EM field linear momentum density: EM r o o S r o E r B r
nQI nQI kg
EM r o o o 2
2 o 2 m -sec

EM angular momentum density:
EM r r EM r EM r o
E r B r

n.b. in cylindrical coordinates, thus:
nQI nQI nQI kg
EM r EM r o o o z
2 2 2 m-sec
Note that: EM r o constant!!! EM r points in z direction.

We then compute the EM angular momentum LEM by integrating EM r over the volume v
corresponding to the region a R & z 2 :
R 2 z 12 nQI
LEM EM r d
a 0 z 12
o z d d dz

constant vector!

nQI R 2 z 12
o z 1 d d dz
2 a 0 z 2 d

= volume v of region { a R .and. z 2 }

o z R 2 a 2 12 o nQI R 2 a 2 z

Professor Steven Errede, Department of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois 3

2005-2015. All Rights Reserved.
UIUC Physics 436 EM Fields & Sources II Fall Semester, 2015 Lect. Notes 3 Prof. Steven Errede

Thus, the EM angular momentum is LEM 12 o nQI R 2 a 2 z kg-m 2

When the current I in the long solenoid is slowly/gradually reduced, the changing magnetic field
induces a changing circumferential electric field, by Faradays Law: E d Bda
C dt S
z sol
Since: Binside o nIz R then
for contour C1 R :
Bin o nIz
IN 1 dI 2 1 dI
1 2 E R o n o n
S2 S1 2 dt 2 dt
C1 C
for contour C2 R :
1 dI 2 1 dI R 2
o n R
2 dt
dt 2

The {instantaneous} mechanical torque exerted on the inner conducting cylinder

(of radius a) by the tangential E -field E IN R is:
1 dI t
N amech r , t r FE r , t a
r QE IN , t a a o nQ a
2 dt
dI t 2 dI t 2 kg-m 2
N amech a, t o nQ a o nQ a z N-m=
dt z
dt sec 2

d L t
But torque (by its definition) = time rate of change of angular momentum, i.e. N t
The corresponding {increase} in the mechanical angular momentum the inner cylinder
acquires in the time it takes the current in the solenoid to decrease from I t 0 I to

mech d Lmech t kg-m 2
I t t final 0 is given by: N t d Lmech t N mech t dt and:
dt sec

mech final a t t final
mech mech t t final
final a t t final Linit a t 0 = L final a t t final
La mech d Lmech = Lmech N amech t dt
Linit a t 0 0 t 0

t t final t t final dI t 2
final a t t final t 0
Lamech Lmech N amech dt o nQ a z dt
t 0
2 dt
1 t t final dI t 1 I t 0 1
o nQa 2 dt o nQa 2 dI t o nQa 2 z 0 I
2 t 0 dt 2 I t I 2
mech kg-m 2
Thus: Lmech
final a t t final L a
o nQa 2
Iz n.b. points in z direction.
2 sec
the inner conducting cylinder {viewed from above} rotates counter-clockwise @ t t final !

4 Professor Steven Errede, Department of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois

2005-2015. All Rights Reserved.
UIUC Physics 436 EM Fields & Sources II Fall Semester, 2015 Lect. Notes 3 Prof. Steven Errede

Similarly, the {instantaneous} mechanical torque exerted on the outer conducting cylindrical

tube (of radius b) by the tangential E -field E OUT R is:
1 dI t R 2
N bmech r , t r FE r , t b
r QE OUT , t b b
0 nQ
1 dI t 2 1 dI t 2
kg-m 2
N bmech b, t o nQ R o nQ
R z
2 dt 2 dt sec 2

The corresponding {increase} in the mechanical angular momentum the outer cylinder
acquired in the time it takes the current in the solenoid to decrease from I t 0 I
to I t t final 0 is given by:

mech final b t t final
mech mech t t final

Lb mech
Linit b t 0 0
d Lbmech = Lmech
final b t t final Linit b t 0 L final b t t final t 0 Nb t dt

t t final dI t 2 t t final dI t
final b t t final
1 1
Lbmech Lmech o nQ R z dt o nQR 2 z dt
t 0 0
2 dt 2 dt

1 I t t final 0 1
o nQR 2 z dI t o nQR 2 z 0 I
2 I t 0 I 2
mech kg-m 2
final b final
Thus: Lmech t t L b o nQIR 2

z n.b. points in z direction.
2 sec
outer conducting tube rotates clockwise at @ t t final viewed from above!
mech mech 2
Now note that, for t t final : Lmech
final Tot L final a L final b Lmech
final i
i 1

o nQIa 2 z o nQIR 2 z o nQI R 2 a 2 z
1 1 1
final Tot
2 2 2

But this is precisely the EM field angular momentum, for t 0 : LEM o nQI R 2 a 2 z
i.e. LEM t 0 L final Tot t t final o nQI R 2 a 2 z kg-m 2 sec
Thus, we explicitly see that angular momentum is conserved angular momentum that was
originally stored in the EM fields of this device is converted to mechanical angular momentum as
the current in the long solenoid is slowly/steadily decreased!
Again, microscopically, angular momentum is carried by virtual photons associated with the

macroscopic E & B fields in this region of space. The angular momentum, as initially carried by
the EM fields in the region a R and z 2 is transferred to the two charged conducting
inner/outer cylindrical tubes as the current flowing conducting in the solenoid is slowly
decreased from I 0 , the cylinders acquiring non-zero mechanical angular momentum,
the total of which = initial EM angular momentum! Note also the time-reversed situation
(I increasing, i.e. from 0 I ) also does the time-reversed thing because the EM
force/interaction (microscopically & macroscopically) obeys time-reversal invariance!!!

Professor Steven Errede, Department of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois 5

2005-2015. All Rights Reserved.
UIUC Physics 436 EM Fields & Sources II Fall Semester, 2015 Lect. Notes 3 Prof. Steven Errede

The EM Field Energy Density uEM , Poyntings Vector S , Linear Momentum Density EM

and Angular Momentum Density EM Associated with a Point Electric Charge qe
and a Point Magnetic Monopole g m

n.b. This is a static problem i.e. it has no time dependence!

1 qe 1 qe
Point electric charge at origin: E r 2 r 3r r rr
4 o r 4 o r

Point magnetic monopole e.g. located at d dz :

gm 0 g m
B r o 2 r 3 r r r r
4 r 4 0 r
r P observation/field point

r r dz r r dz
d dz r

r r dz & r r d
qe @
origin Law of Cosines: r 2 r 2 d 2 2rd cos

x r r 2 d 2 2rd cos

o g m o g m r dz
B r
3 r
4 r 4 r 2 d 2 2rd cos 2

EM field energy density:

1 1 2 1 1
u EM r o E 2 r B r o E r E r B r B r
2 o 2 o

1 1
2 r 2
qe 1 o gm
uEM o
r 2 2 3
r r
2 4 o

r o

4 r d 2rd cos
2 2


r 3
1 1 qe 1 gm
u EM r o 2 o 2
2 4 o r o 4 r d 2rd cos

1 qe2 1
g m2
but: o o 1 c 2
u EM r o 2 2 4 2 2
2 16 o r o 16 r d 2rd cos
2 2

6 Professor Steven Errede, Department of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois

2005-2015. All Rights Reserved.
UIUC Physics 436 EM Fields & Sources II Fall Semester, 2015 Lect. Notes 3 Prof. Steven Errede

1 qe g m2 c 2 1 1 2 g m2 c 2
u EM r qe 2
32 2 o r 4 r 2 d 2 2rd cos 2 32 2 o r 4

1 dr 2 dr cos

1 2 Joules
qe g m c
n.b. for r d (also true for d = 0): u EM r 2 2

32 o r 4

1 Watts
Poyntings Vector: S r E r B r
o m

1 1 qe o g m r dz
S r 3 r 3

o 4 o r

4 r d 2rd cos
2 2 2

In spherical coordinates: r r 0 , z cos r sin , r z r sin and r , r rr .

z r rr
r z
n.b. r z sin
y is to r and to z

r sin

1 qe g m dr z d qe g m
S r r z
16 2 o r 3 r 2 d 2 2rd cos 3 2 16 2 o r 3 r 2 d 2 2rd cos 3 2

r sin

d qe g m d qe g m
S r r z sin
16 o r 3 r 2 d 2 2rd cos 16 o r 2 r 2 d 2 2rd cos 3 2

2 3 2

Note that Poyntings vector S r i.e. EM energy is circulating in the (azimuthal)

direction in a static problem! Note also that S r vanishes when d = 0 (i.e. monopole g m is on top
of electric charge qe ) and also vanishes whenever r or anti- to z (then r z sin 0 )!

EM Field Linear momentum density: EM r o o S r S r c 2 o E r B r 2
m -s
r sin
d d
qe g m qe g m
EM r o 2 3
r z o 2 sin
16 r 2 r 2 d 2 2rd cos 2 16 r 2 r 2 d 2 2rd cos 3 2

Here again, note that EM r i.e. EM linear momentum density is circulating in the

(azimuthal) direction in a static problem! Note also thatEM r vanishes when d = 0
and also vanishes whenever r or anti- to z (then r z sin vanishes)!

Professor Steven Errede, Department of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois 7

2005-2015. All Rights Reserved.
UIUC Physics 436 EM Fields & Sources II Fall Semester, 2015 Lect. Notes 3 Prof. Steven Errede

EM Field Angular momentum density: EM r r EM r
d qe g m
EM r o 2 r r z but: r rr
16 r 2 r 2 d 2 2rd cos 2


d qe g m
EM r o 2 r r z
16 r r 2 d 2 2rd cos 3 2

Now: r r z r r z z rr r r z z r cos z r cos r cos sin sin

where: r z r r cos sin cos and: z r cos sin

d qe g m kg
EM r o 2 sin
16 r r 2 d 2 2rd cos 3 2

2 g m2 c 2
1 1 qe Joules
EM Field Energy Density: u EM r 2 2 2
32 o r r
2 3
r d 2
2 rd cos

d qe g m Watts
Poyntings Vector: S r sin 2
16 o r 2 r 2 d 2 2rd cos


d qe g m kg
EM Linear Momentum Density: EM r o 2 sin 2
16 r 2 r 2 d 2 2rd cos 3 2
m -s

d qe g m kg
EM Angular Momentum Density: EM r o 2 sin
16 r r 2 d 2 2rd cos 3 2

The Total EM Field Energy: U EM u EM r d Joules because E r 0 and B r r

both diverge/are both singular (at r 0 and r r respectively) so this is not a surprise!!!

However, the EM Power flowing through/crossing the enclosing surface S is zero (!!!):
d 1
PEM S r da qe g m S sin da 0 Watts !!!
S 16 o
r 2 r 2 d 2 2rd cos

But: S r 0 !!! The EM Power PEM 0 because da dan dar and r 0 , i.e. is always
to r !!! EM field energy associated with electric charge magnetic monopole qe g m
system circulates! (i.e. is fully contained within enclosing surface S !!!)

8 Professor Steven Errede, Department of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois

2005-2015. All Rights Reserved.
UIUC Physics 436 EM Fields & Sources II Fall Semester, 2015 Lect. Notes 3 Prof. Steven Errede

Total EM Field Linear Momentum:

d qe g m kg-m
pEM EM r d o 2 sin d
v 16 v
r 2 r 2 d 2 2rd cos
2 sec

Note that: EM r da 0 because EM r da r EM Field Linear Momentum

circulates (i.e. EM field linear momentum is also fully contained within the enclosing surface S)!

d 2 r r 2 dr sin 2 d d
pEM o 2 qe g m
0 0 r 0

16 r r d 2rd cos
2 2 2

o d 2 r dr sin 2 d d
e m 0 0 r 0
q g
16 2
r d 2rd cos
2 2 2

Lets do the -integral first (trivial get 2 ):

d r dr sin 2 d
pEM o qe g m

0 r 0 3
r 2
d 2
2 rd cos 2

Next, lets do the r-integral:

d 2 2r 2d cos sin 2 d
pEM o qe g m
8 0

4d 2 2d cos

r 2 d 2 2rd cos
d 4 r d cos sin 2 d
o qe g m
8 0
4 d 2 1 cos 2 r 2 d 2 2rd cos
r 0
o d r d cos sin 2 d
qe g m 0 2
8 d 2 sin r 2 d 2 2rd cos r 0
o r d cos d
qe g m 0 2 2
8 d r d 2rd cos r 0

o qe g m 1 cos d
8 d 0

Finally, we carry out the -integral:

pEM o qe g m sin 0 o qe g m 0 0 0 o qe g m
8 d 8 d 8 d
qg kg-m
or: pEM o e m
8d sec

Note that the EM field linear momentum pEM is finite as long as the electric charge-magnetic
monopole separation distance d 0 . When the electric charge qe is on top of the monopole g m ,

then d 0 and pEM becomes infinite.

Professor Steven Errede, Department of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois 9

2005-2015. All Rights Reserved.
UIUC Physics 436 EM Fields & Sources II Fall Semester, 2015 Lect. Notes 3 Prof. Steven Errede

Total EM Field Angular Momentum: LEM EM r d
kg-m 2

o d qe g m r cos z o d qe g m 2 r r cos z r 2 sin d d
16 2 d
16 2
r r 2 d 2 2rd cos r r 2 d 2 2rd cos
v 3 0 0 r 0 3
2 2

Lets work this out in Cartesian coordinates: r sin cos x sin sin y cos z
o d qe g m 2 r sin cos x sin sin y cos z cos z r sin d d dr

16 2 0 0 r 0
r r 2 d 2 2rd cos 2

dqg 2 r sin cos cos x sin cos sin y cos 1 z r 2 2

sin d d dr
LEM o e2 m
r r 2 d 2 2rd cos
0 0 r 0 3

2 2
Now note that: 0
cos d 0 sin d
2 2
0 cos d sin d 0
2 2
sin 0 cos 0 0
Thus, the integrals over the -variable for both the x and y terms explicitly vanish,

x - and y - components of LEM both vanish due to manifest axial/azimuthal symmetry
(rotational invariance) of this problem about the z -axis; only the z-term remains:
dqg 2 r cos 1 z

LEM o e2 m
16 r 2 dr sin d d
r r d 2rd cos
0 0 r 0 3
2 2 2

Now: 1 sin 2 cos 2 sin 2 cos 2 1

dqg 2 2 r sin 2 z
LEM o e2 m
16 r 2 dr sin d d
r r 2 d 2 2rd cos
0 0 r 0 3

Lets do the -integral first - (trivial), since integrand has no explicit -dependence, get:
d q g 2 r sin 2 z
LEM o e m r 2 dr sin d
8 0 r 0
r r d 2rd cos
2 2

Next, lets do the r-integral noting that:

r dr r rdr r cos d

d 1 cos r 2 d 2 2rd cos
r r 2 d 2 2rd cos r d 2 2rd cos
r 0 3 r 0 3 2
2 2 2
r 0

cos d 1 cos 1 cos 1

d 1 cos d 1 cos d d 1 cos d 1 cos 1 cos d 1 cos
2 2 2

10 Professor Steven Errede, Department of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois

2005-2015. All Rights Reserved.
UIUC Physics 436 EM Fields & Sources II Fall Semester, 2015 Lect. Notes 3 Prof. Steven Errede

d qe g m sin 3 d qg sin 2 sin d

8 0 d 1 cos
z o e m
8 0
1 cos

Finally, lets do the -integral:

Let u cos and du d cos sin d , and sin 2 1 cos 2 1 u 2
For 0 u 1 and for u 1

qg u 1 1 u du z

but: 1 u 2 1 u 1 u
Then: LEM o e m
1 u
u 1

q g u 1 1 u 1 u q g u 1
LEM o e m duz o e m 1 u duz
8 u 1
1 u 8 u 1

u 1
qg 1 2 qg qg
LEM o e m u 2 u z o e m 2 z o e m z
8 u 1
8 4

LEM o qe g m z
kg-m 2

Note that the EM field angular momentum associated with the electric charge-magnetic monopole
system is independent of the qe g m separation distance, d !!!

Quantum mechanically LEM is quantized in integer (or even half-integer) units of h 2 ,
where h = Plancks constant,
h o
i.e. LEM qe g m qe o g m 2h !!!
2 4

However, recall the Dirac Quantization Condition (P435 Lecture Notes 18) which arose from
insisting on the single-valued nature of the electrons wavefunction circling/orbiting a {presumed}
heavy magnetic monopole:
eg m
e o g m nh (SI units) Dirac Quantization Condition

These two formulae agree if 2 n or n 2 , thus if n = 1,2,3, then 12 ,1, 32 , 2... and

h o
LEM 12 ,1, 32 , 2...
2 4
qe g m kg-m 2

Professor Steven Errede, Department of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois 11

2005-2015. All Rights Reserved.
UIUC Physics 436 EM Fields & Sources II Fall Semester, 2015 Lect. Notes 3 Prof. Steven Errede

The EM Field Energy Density uEM , Poyntings Vector S , Linear Momentum Density EM

and Angular Momentum Density EM Associated with a Point Electric Charge qe

and a Point/Pure Magnetic Dipole Moment m mz
n.b. This is {again} a static problem has no time dependence!
1 qe 1 qe
1) This time, we locate the point charge qe at d dz : E r 2 r 3 r
4 o r 4 o r

2) We locate the pure/point magnetic dipole moment m mz at the origin:
m 8
B r o 3 3 mr r m m 3 r in coordinate-free form
4 r 3
m 8
4 r

B r o 3 2 cos r sin m 3 r
in spherical coordinates

P r = observation/field point

r Vectorially:

r rr , r r r and m mz
d dz
r r d dz

r r d r dz
m mz
y r r d

x Law of cosines: r 2 r 2 d 2 2rd cos

r r 2 d 2 2rd cos r
EM Energy Density:

1 1 2 1 1
u EM r o E 2 r B r o E r E r B r B r
2 o 2 o
2 2
1 1 qe2 1 o m 2
uEM r o 4 cos
sin 2

2 4 o r 2 d 2 2rd cos 2 o 4 r 6 3cos 2 1

m 2 8
3 8 2 3 2

2 3
r 3

2 cos r sin cos r sin r m r

12 Professor Steven Errede, Department of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois

2005-2015. All Rights Reserved.
UIUC Physics 436 EM Fields & Sources II Fall Semester, 2015 Lect. Notes 3 Prof. Steven Errede

1 1 1 o m 2
r o 6 3cos 1
u EM 2
2 4 o r d 2rd cos o 4 r
2 2

16 m 2 8 2 3 2
2 cos
3 r 3
sin r m r

3cos 2 1
1 1 1 o m 2
6 3cos 1
u EM r 2
2 4 o r d 2rd cos o 4 r
2 2

16 m 2 8 2 3 2

3 r3
3cos 1 r 3 m r

1 qe2 1
u EM r 2 2 2
32 o r d 2rd cos 2

m2 16 3 8 2

o 6 3cos 2 1 r 3cos 2 1 3 r r 6 3 r
r 3 3

qe2 m2
o 2 3cos 1
n.b. If r d (or d 0) then for r 0 : uEM r 4 2

32 r o r

Poyntings Vector: S r
E r B r
1 1 qe o m 8

S r r
o 4 o r 3 4 r 3
2 cos

mz 3

qe m 8

2 3 3
16 o r r

r 2 cos r sin r 3 z 3 r

but: r r d r dz rr dz and z r cos sin then:

r 2 cos r sin rr dz 2 cos r sin

2r cos r r r sin r 2d cos z r d sin z

0 sin cos

r sin 2d sin cos d sin cos r sin 3d sin cos

r z rr dz z r r z d z z r r z

rr r cos sin r r r cos r r sin r sin

Professor Steven Errede, Department of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois 13

2005-2015. All Rights Reserved.
UIUC Physics 436 EM Fields & Sources II Fall Semester, 2015 Lect. Notes 3 Prof. Steven Errede

In spherical coordinates:
z r and z cos r sin

z r cos r sin r

r cos r r sin r sin


z cos r sin


cos r sin cos
1 qe m 8 4 3
S r 3 3 r sin 3d sin cos r sin r
16 o r r

1 qe m 8 4 3
3 3 r 3d cos r r sin
16 o r r
But: r r 2 d 2 2rd cos
r 3d cos r 4 3 r
3 Watts
qe m sin
S r 2
16 o
r 3 r 2 d 2 2rd cos 2

Note that:

1.) S r points in the -direction!!!

2.) S r vanishes (for r > 0) when: 1 3 dr cos 0 !!!
i.e. when: cos 13 dr 3dr equation for a line-curve (corresponds to a surface in !!)

3.) S r also vanishes (for r > 0) when: sin 0 i.e. at 0 and i.e. @ N/S poles!

4.) Note also that {here} S r does not vanish when d = 0 (i.e. when point electric charge

qe and point magnetic dipole moment m mz are on top of/coincident with each other!!
1 qe m Watts
5.) For r d (or d 0 , with r > 0): S r 5 sin 2
16 o r

EM Field Linear Momentum Density: EM r o o S r
8 4 3
r 3 d cos r r
o 3 sin kg
EM r o o S r 2 e
16 r 3 r 2 d 2 2rd cos 2
m -sec

Same comments made above for S r apply here for EM r .

14 Professor Steven Errede, Department of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois

2005-2015. All Rights Reserved.
UIUC Physics 436 EM Fields & Sources II Fall Semester, 2015 Lect. Notes 3 Prof. Steven Errede

EM Field Angular Momentum Density: Em r r EM r where r rr and r
Very Useful Table:
8 4 3
r 3d cos r r r r
EM r o 2 qe m sin
r r
16 r r d 2rd cos
2 2 2
r r

direction for 0 2
Note that for 0 r 3d cos that EM r points in:
direction for 2
Energy in EM Field:

1 q 1
U EM u EM r d v eo r 2 d 2 2rd cos 2
v 32 2
m2 16 3 8 6 3 2
o 6 3cos 1
r 3cos 1 r r r d

r 3 3

U EM E diverges at r =d , B diverges at r =0
d r 2 dr sin d d

Power in EM Field crossing/passing through enclosing surface S: PEM S r da 0

because da dan dar but S points in the -direction. EM energy circulates within volume
v, enclosed by surface S !!!
Total Linear Momentum in EM Field:

8 4 3
r 3d cos r r
pEM EM r d o 2 qe m v sin d
v 16 r r d 2rd cos
3 2 2

Carrying out the 3-D volume integral is ~ tedious. We do not explicitly wade through this
here. The contributions from each of the 3 terms associated with the numerator in the integrand

are a.) finite, b.) logarithmically-divergent, and c.) zero respectively. Thus pEM here, and

also note that each of these 3 terms is proportional to o2 qe m , which is strongly divergent as

the electric charge qe point/pure magnetic dipole m separation distance d 0 .

Note again that EM r da 0 i.e. EM field linear momentum circulates in -direction.

Professor Steven Errede, Department of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois 15

2005-2015. All Rights Reserved.
UIUC Physics 436 EM Fields & Sources II Fall Semester, 2015 Lect. Notes 3 Prof. Steven Errede

Total Angular Momentum in EM Field:

r 3d cos r 4 3 r
LEM EM r d o 2 qe m sin d
v 16 v r 2 r 2 d 2 2rd cos 2

8 4 3
r 3d cos r r
o 2 qe m r 2 dr sin 2 d d
16 v r 2 r 2 d 2 2rd cos 2

r 3d cos r 4 3 r
LEM o 2 qe m dr sin 2 d d d r 2 dr sin d d

r 2 d 2 2rd cos 2

We again choose to work this out in Cartesian coordinates, so sin r cos z

r 3d cos r 4 3 r
LEM o 2 qe m r cos z dr sin d d


r 2 d 2 2rd cos 2

Then r sin cos x sin sin y cos z , thus:

r cos z sin sin cos cos x sin cos sin y cos2 z z sin
sin 2 cos cos x sin 2 cos sin y sin cos 2 z sin z
sin 2 cos cos x sin 2 cos sin y sin 1 cos 2 z
sin 2 cos cos x sin 2 cos sin y sin 3 z

Again, the integrals for the x and y components of LEM will contribute nothing when the
2 2
integrals of 0
... cos d and 0 ... sin d are carried out only the z term survives the
r 3d cos r 4 3 r
LEM o qe m dr sin 3 d z


r 2 d 2 2rd cos 2
0 r 0

Carrying out the remainder of the integration is ~ somewhat tedious, so we dont explicitly
wade through this here, but interestingly enough, it yields a finite result (for d 0 ):

LEM o qe m 4 z , which diverges as the electric charge qe point magnetic dipole
8 d

moment m separation distance d 0 , which coincides with that of a real/physical electron
i.e. a point electric charge e with point magnetic dipole moment of magnitude = .

16 Professor Steven Errede, Department of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois

2005-2015. All Rights Reserved.
UIUC Physics 436 EM Fields & Sources II Fall Semester, 2015 Lect. Notes 3 Prof. Steven Errede

The main purpose of the above example, aside from its instructional use as academic exercise to
illustrate a simple static electromagnetic system in which energy, linear momentum and angular
momentum are all involved, is also to emphasize/underscore the important point that real/physical
electrons simultaneously have both a point electric charge and a point magnetic dipole moment
both of which are necessary ingredients in order to be able to transfer {apparently} arbitrarily large
amounts of energy, linear and angular momentum to other such particles via the electromagnetic
interaction. Without the simultaneous presence of both an electric charge and a magnetic dipole
moment, transfer of linear & angular momentum could not occur!
It is not surprising that classical macroscopic electrodynamics fails here to correctly
quantitatively explain the physics operative at the microscopic scale the domain of quantum
mechanics (and beyond i.e. the structure of space-time itself at the smallest distance scales).
Despite more than 100 years of collective effort, since explicit discovery the electron by
J.J. Thompson in 1897, and the discovery of electron spin and the electrons magnetic dipole
moment by first observed experimentally by O. Stern & W. Gerlach in 1922 and subsequently
explained theoretically by W. Pauli and S. Goudsmit and G. Uhlenbeck in 1925, today, we still
have gained no fundamental insight as to what precisely electric charge is, nor do we understand
the physics origins of intrinsic spin angular momentum (associated with either spin- fermions
{and the accompanying Pauli exclusion principle} or integer spin bosons, such as the photon
{and their accompanying gregarious nature at the quantum level the opposite of that for
fermions!}, nor any fundamental explanation of the existence of the intrinsic magnetic dipole
moment(s) associated with all of the fundamental, point-like electrically-charged particles three
generations of integer-charged point-like leptons e, , and six point-like quarks 2 3 : u , c, t
and 1 3 : d , s, b . Note that the W boson the spin-1 electrically-charged mediator of the weak
interactions also has a magnetic dipole moment, as well as an electric quadrupole moment. These
same fundamental particles also interact via the weak interaction and thus have weak charges and
weak magnetic moments {the W boson also additionally has a weak quadrupole moment}. The
spin- quarks additionally interact via the strong interactions, and hence have strong chromo-
electric charges (red, green & blue) as well as strong chromo-magnetic dipole moments.

Thus, point charge and point magnetic dipole moments, etc. associated with the all of the
fundamental particles we know and love transcends each of the individual forces, and in fact
points to/hints at a single common explanation. We do know that intrinsic spin and the
accompanying magnetic dipole moments of these particles are indeed manifestly fully-relativistic
phenomena, and thus hint at an explanation operative only at the smallest conceivable distance
scale, where the quantum behavior of space-time itself becomes manifest i.e. the so-called
Planck distance scale, also known as the Planck length: LP GN c 3 1.61624 1035 meters,
with corresponding Planck time t P LP c GN c 5 5.39056 1044 seconds! It may seem
surprising that Newtons gravitational constant GN enters here however, Einsteins general
theory of relativity tells us that there is an intrinsic link between the gravitational force as we
understand it macroscopically in the every-day world and the curvature of space-time!

Professor Steven Errede, Department of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois 17

2005-2015. All Rights Reserved.

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