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Table of Content

No. Content Page

1.0 Introduction 3
2.0 Installation Process
2.1 Reinforced Earth Retaining Wall 4
2.2 Sea Wall 6

3.0 Advantages and Disadvantages of Earth Retaining Wall

3.1 Advantages of Earth Retaining Wall 8
3.2 Disadvantages of Earth Retaining Wall 10

4.0 Case Study

4.1 Malaysian Case Study
~ MSE Earth Wall located in Southern California 12
4.2 International Case Study
~ Sea Wall located in Worli Seaface, Mumbai,
Maharashtra, India. 15

5.0 Conclusion 18

6.0 Reference 19


Construction is the process of constructing a building or an infrastructure. It is an important

aspect of the industrial culture. Construction has been a part of life since the beginning of human

existence. With the help and advancement of construction technology, the construction industry is

able evolve and adapt to the latest trend and designs. This has clearly helped to change the way of

construction, allowing us to build high-rise building, underground structures, bridges and more

structures. With that being said, one of the construction technologies that have made a huge impact on

our construction industry is the very well-known Earth Retaining Wall.

Earth Retaining Wall is a structure that retains soil, rock, and other materials in a vertical

condition. They provide support to resist the lateral pressure of soil, preventing the soil from

collapsing. Some of Earth retaining walls applications are to build basements, underground parking

lot, and roadway overpass. The materials used to build these structures include wooden sheets,

reinforced concrete sheets, steel interlocking sheets and anchors. Likewise, the most common types of

earth retaining walls are the cantilever retaining wall, counterfort retaining wall, gravity retaining wall,

and semi gravity retaining wall.


2.1 Reinforced MSE Earth Retaining Wall

1. For the first row, knock off the flanges with a

hammer and chisel to make sure the blocks will sit flat.

Safety glasses and work gloves are equipped when using

a chisel on the blocks.

2. Starting at the end with the lowest elevation, set the

first block in place and check for level side-to-side
as well as front-to-back. After that, continue
installing by checking for level periodically.

3. To level the rows and keep the blocks

even, fill in under low blocks with paver base
or tap down high blocks with a rubber mallet.
Sweep dirt off the tops for each row.

4. To start the second row, cut a block to stagger the

joints. Mark it, cut it with a masonry blade, and put
the cut block in place, keeping the flange tight
against the first row. Check it for level.

5. After installing the next few rows, you'll need to
add drainage directly behind the blocks. Lay down
landscape fabric behind the wall, leaving enough excess
to reach the top of the blocks.

6. Fill in directly behind the wall with gravel. Then,

continue to build, by adding more rows.

7. For the last two rows of full blocks, apply

concrete adhesive to the wall block tops, then set the next
row of blocks in place.

8. Fold the excess fabric back and fill in with

soil and plants.

2.2 Sea Wall

1. Try to obtain the relevant license from the local building authorities . Without
permission, you may create structured conflict on regulation and building codes.
2. Hire an inspector look over your home and the area in which you want to install a
seawall to determine the feasibility of building. Paperwork must be prepared before
starting construction.
3. Set the posts at 8 feet intervals in their designated spot; start by excavating the area
then set the posts in place.
4. Position the rebar towards the water and align the posts at equal levels.
5. Pour concrete mixture to secure the posts and leave for approximately 24 hours to
cure and dry completely.
6. Saw lumber pieces and affix them to the posts with washers and screws.
7. Cut off any excess rebar with a saw then apply sealant to cover it.
8. Finish the wall by adding stones, rocks and sand, in that order, over on the land side,
add rip rap to prevent corrosion of the structure.

Materials & Tools

4 ft long by 3 inches Metal pipe

Concrete mix
2 x 10 lumber
Silicone sealant
4 1/2 inch threaded U shaped rebar
Reciprocating saw

Tips and warnings

Remember the highest water levels when building the seawall or else it will be a
useless structure.
Before construction begin, ensure you are well informed on the tides around the area
and the climate. Better consult a local expert for help with this.
Depending on the size of the structure, assistance may be needed to aid in transporting
and putting the walls in the right location.
Build seawall during the summer day will lead the concrete dried quickly. Stormy
weather makes it difficult to construct a seawall, as the tides will be very high and make
it impossible for you to work.
Though building a seawall is not hard, it will take time, so patience is required. For
very large properties, it is best to hire the help of professionals to get the seawall built.


3.1 Advantages of Earth Retaining Wall

1. Prevents erosion

Prevents erosion on steep slopes by retaining soil and providing lateral support as

strong water current flows through (by excess rainfall).

Strong enough to resist the high hydrostatic pressure of water and soil weight.

Reduce costly damage, delayed traffic, and destroy of land structure.

Set up earth retaining wall with a good drainage system.

Erosion Use of Earth Retaining Wall

2. Have Aesthetic feature

Create a landscape that is more visually pleasing to the eye.

Factors such as the colour, texture and pattern of walls can influence the perception on


Made into plenty of designs and styles.

Provide an attractive and satisfying look when stacked nicely.

3. Durable and have low maintenance
Strong and resistant to harsh weather conditions.

Made from natural materials such as wood, rocks, stone, gabion, and concrete block.

Materials are manufactured locally and accustomed to their weather.

Save time and maintenance cost.

4. Environmentally-friendly and can be obtained locally

Uses natural materials such as wood, stones and gabion.

Requires minimal amount of bonding agent to stack the wall.

Prevents fertilizers from being washed down into sewers and waterways, reducing

pollution and ruined crops.

Uses sustainable materials that are obtained locally.

Resist local weather conditions, affordable and long-lasting.

Wooden Stone Gabion

3.2 Disadvantages of Earth Retaining Wall

1. Height and design limitations

Concrete block retaining wall has maximum height of 4 feet.

They dont have footings at the bottom.

Reduces overall durability and strength.

Concrete block retaining wall designs are permanent.

Difficult to change the designs and positions.

Need heavy equipment to dismantle it.

2. Might rot and attract pests

Timber earth retaining walls may rot and attract termites due to moisture trapped

inside them.

Subterranean termites damage wood that is untreated and moist.

Dry wood termites attack and stay in wood that has low moisture.

Use liquid termite, soil treatment or termite baits.

3. Hard to install and transport

Hard to install as concrete earth retaining wall may crack during construction or

casting on site.

Reduces strength and lead to shrinkage.

Should have maintenances and inspections, and reduce water and cement usage.

Difficult to transport as prefabricated concrete retaining wall panels are heavy.

Require special equipment to lift and install them.

4. Vertical cracks

Vertical cracks might be visible in concrete retaining walls due to:

Unskilled contractors or workers.

Extreme change in temperature

Excess pressure.
Reduces strength and causes shrinkage.

Provide good drainage system and regular maintenance.


4.1 Malaysian Case Study

Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) Retaining Wall

Product : Verdura Wall 40,000 SF wall face with Miragrid 8XT (50,000 SY)

Application : MSE Retaining Walls in Lime Treated Soil

Location : San Clemente, southern California

Date of Installation : January 2011

Engineer : NMG Geotechnical

Contractor : Soil Retention System

Over the past three decades, Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) retaining walls have been
increasingly used as design alternatives to traditional reinforced concrete retaining walls.
MSE walls can retain earth fills of significant height and sustain surface applied loads at
lower cost because it flexible and mechanically redundant structures. MSE walls are
particularly suitable for difficult foundation soil conditions where differential settlements are
anticipated. It also can combine selected granular backfill with steel or geosynthetic tensile
reinforcements, welded wire mesh or semi-elliptical steel panels and hence become
Reinforced Earth MSE retaining walls.
Consideration of Reinforced Earth MSE Retaining Wall

A) External Stability

External stability of Reinforced MSE Earth Wall structure is checked for sliding, overturning,
bearing or slip by considering factors such as effects of dead loads, live load and dynamic
load and the force acting on the structure.

B) Internal Stability

It covers internal mechanism (tension and pull out failure) such as shear within the structure,

arrangement and behaviour of the reinforcement and backfill. It checks the stability of

wedges within the reinforced fill.

To support large building pads in southern California. The cost of the near vertical MSE
retaining wall, compared to a fill slope, is justified by the high real estate value provided by
the additional usable land. The lime treatment design for MSE wall called for 6% lime added
to the native fill resulting in a soil pH of 12.

= Scraper bringing lime treated soil to MSE Wall

= Lime treatment soil mixer

= Verdura Wall positive connection

4.2 International Case Study

Worli Seaface

Map of Worli Seaface located in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

Location of Site
Worli Seaface is a locality in the city of Mumbai, Maharashtra. Originally Worli was a

separate island, one of the Seven Islands of Bombay which were ceded by the Portuguese to

England in 1661.

Worli Seaface, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

What is Sea Wall?

Sea Wall is a man-made structure constructed to protect the shore from tidal waves,

preventing erosion and flooding. It also protects human habitation and recreational activities

from the sea waves. Sea wall reduces the wave energy by reflecting it back to the sea which

reduces the energy and erosion of the existing coastline.

Sea Wall can be large or small, high or low, and constructed using materials (wood,

concrete, rock, construction rubble, steel, aluminium, rubber tires, and sandbags structure)

built on the beach parallel to the shoreline. Seawalls are massive concrete emplaced along a

considerable stretch of shoreline at urban beaches.

The rubble mound seawall is designed to accommodate three layers which are the viz,

core and secondary layer and a minimum two layers of stones armour layer.

Sea Wall Design

Before evolving a design, the highest and the lowest water levels at the site must be known.

The highest water levels helps in deciding the exact crest level while the lowest water levels

guides the location of the toe. The bed slopes in front of coastal structure have an important

bearing on the extent of damage to the structure and wave run up over the structure. Seawall

should be located in a position where the maximum wave attack is taken by the armour slope

and the toe.

Advantages of Sea Wall

protection against coastal flooding and erosion

lower space requirement than other coastal defences

Exist longer in high energy environments

Can be used for recreational and sightseeing

Disadvantages of Sea Wall

Very expensive to construct

Disrupt natural shoreline processes

Causes beach to dissipate

Have significant loadings due to wave impact

5.0 Conclusion

As we know that Earth Retaining Walls shall be designed to withstand lateral earth

and water pressures, the self-weight of the wall, the effects of surcharge loads and in special

cases (earthquake loads). Hence, the quality of in-service performance is an important

consideration in the design of permanent retaining walls.

In a nutshell, Earth Retaining Walls are very important in our construction industry.

They play a critical role in the protection of structures from damage related to soil collapse

while reducing lasting and costly damage due to erosion. Although there are clear advantages

constructing them, they also have a few disadvantages such as having cracks and height

limitations. However, we can use remedies to reduce them. We should also make sure they

are installed and maintained in good condition.


1. Advantages of Constructing Sea Walls. (2014, May 18). Retrieved July 02, 2017,



2. The Benefits of Retaining Walls. (n.d.). Retrieved May 20, 2017, from

3. Home. (n.d.). Retrieved May 20, 2017, from


4. Blog. (n.d.). Retrieved May 20, 2017, from

5. The disadvantages of retaining walls. (n.d.). Retrieved May 21, 2017, from

6. Concrete Retaining Wall Pros and Cons - Articles. (n.d.). Retrieved May 21, 2017,


7. Seawalls. (n.d.). Retrieved July 02, 2017, from


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