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Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2013) 97:53155327

DOI 10.1007/s00253-013-4869-y


Biosurfactant-enhanced immobilization of hydrocarbon-oxidizing

Rhodococcus ruber on sawdust
Irena B. Ivshina & Maria S. Kuyukina &
Anastasiya V. Krivoruchko & Oleg A. Plekhov &
Oleg B. Naimark & Elena A. Podorozhko &
Vladimir I. Lozinsky

Received: 1 February 2013 / Revised: 17 March 2013 / Accepted: 19 March 2013 / Published online: 13 April 2013
# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013

Abstract Immobilization of microorganisms on/in insolu- and distribution of immobilized R. ruber cells. Sawdust-
ble carriers is widely used to stabilize functional activity of immobilized R. ruber can be used as an efficient biocatalyst
microbial cells in industrial biotechnology. We immobilized for hydrocarbon transformation and degradation.
Rhodococcus ruber, an important hydrocarbon degrader, on
biosurfactant-coated sawdust. A biosurfactant produced by Keywords Biosurfactant . Immobilization . Rhodococcus
R. ruber in the presence of liquid hydrocarbons was found ruber . Sawdust carrier . Hydrophobization . High-resolution
to enhance rhodococcal adhesion to solid surfaces, and thus, profilometry . Infrared thermography
it was used as a hydrophobizing agent to improve bacterial
attachment to a sawdust carrier. Compared to previously
used hydrophobizers (drying oil and n-hexadecane) and Introduction
emulsifiers (methyl- and carboxymethyl cellulose, poly(vi-
nyl alcohol), and Tween 80), Rhodococcus biosurfactant Immobilized microbial cells are widely used in membrane
produced more stable and homogenous coatings on wood bioreactors (Cheng et al. 2010), biochips and biosensors
surfaces, thus resulting in higher sawdust affinity to hydro- (Borghol et al. 2010), and biofertilizers and biocatalysts
carbons, uniform monolayer distribution of immobilized R. (awniczak et al. 2011) developed for various technological
ruber cells (immobilization yield 2930 mg dry cells/g), and processes. To increase immobilization efficacy, different engi-
twofold increase in hydrocarbon biooxidation rates com- neering approaches are utilized, including cell surface design
pared to free rhodococcal cells. Two physical methods, (Kondo and Ueda 2004), micro-patterning of carrier surfaces
i.e., high-resolution profilometry and infrared thermogra- (Choi and Lee 2011), biospecific attachment (Tk et al. 2005;
phy, were applied to examine wood surface characteristics Borghol et al. 2010), magnetic and electric fields (Keshavarz
2005; Robatjazi et al. 2012), transition metal activation
I. B. Ivshina : M. S. Kuyukina : A. V. Krivoruchko (Fernandes 2006), and physicalchemical modification of car-
Institute of Ecology and Genetics of Microorganisms, rier surfaces with polymers (Carnazza 2007; Choi and Lee
Russian Academy of Sciences, 13 Golev Street, 2011). Among these approaches, relatively simple and cost-
614081 Perm, Russia
effective methods of carrier coating with substances which
I. B. Ivshina : M. S. Kuyukina : A. V. Krivoruchko (*) enhance microbial adhesion, e.g., hydrophobizing agents, are
Microbiology and Immunology Department, currently explored. Hydrophobizing coating reduces free sur-
Perm State National Research University, Perm, Russia face energy leading to a sharp decrease in the adhesion energy
barrier and therefore facilitates microbial immobilization.
O. A. Plekhov : O. B. Naimark Various chemicals may be used as hydrophobizing agents,
Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics, such as light crude oil (Pirog et al. 2005), indium tin oxide
Russian Academy of Sciences, Perm, Russia (Bayoudh et al. 2006), and Teflon-like and organosilicon thin
E. A. Podorozhko : V. I. Lozinsky
films (Lehock et al. 2009).
A.N. Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds, It should be noted that optimal hydrophiliclipophilic
Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia balance (HLB) of the hydrophobizer and its homogenous
5316 Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2013) 97:53155327

distribution on a carrier surface are required for successful involved in bioremediation of oil-contaminated ecosystems,
hydrophobization. However, excessive hydrophobization degradation of xenobiotics, production of valuable metabo-
was shown to affect negatively bacterial immobilization lites, bioindication of oil and gas deposits, microbial enhanced
(Podorozhko et al. 2008; Lehock et al. 2009). For instance, oil recovery, and biotransformations of hydrophobic organic
Rhodococcus sp. S3E2 and Rhodococcus sp. S3E3 poorly compounds (Martnkov et al. 2009; Kuyukina and Ivshina
adhered to highly (8.620.5 mJ/m2 total surface energy) hy- 2010a; Yam et al. 2010). Previously, we immobilized
drophobic paper coated with Teflon-like or organosilicon films Rhodococcus ruber into natural (pine sawdust) (Podorozhko
(Lehock et al. 2009). We previously found that a number of et al. 2008) and synthetic (poly(vinyl alcohol) and poly(acryl-
immobilized Rhodococcus cells on sawdust decreased dramat- amide) cryogels) (Kuyukina et al. 2006, 2009) carriers to
ically after its excessive (in a ratio of carrier/hydrophobizer of stabilize functional activities of rhodococcal cells. In the pres-
1:2, v/v) treatment with drying oil (Podorozhko et al. 2008). ent work, a possibility to enhance R. ruber immobilization
Homogeneous coating of a carrier surface could be achieved on sawdust using a biosurfactant was studied. A crude
by applying an organic solvent solution or fine dispersed water biosurfactant from R. ruber IEGM 231 grown in the presence
emulsion of the hydrophobizer. However, conventional organ- of liquid hydrocarbons was used (Kuyukina et al. 2001). The
ic solvents used for this purpose are toxic, so their application main active components of this biosurfactant are three treha-
is hindered by health safety regulations. A preferable way lose lipids with various alkyl chain lengths (Philp et al. 2002),
would be hydrophobizer dispersion in water using emulsifying and other components include 4.3 % of protein and 44.3 % of
agents, e.g., starch (Tesch et al. 2002), methyl celluloses nonpolar lipids and a residual hydrocarbon. The HLB value of
(Kulicke et al. 1998), or synthetic surfactants (Tadros et al. the R. ruber biosurfactant was 6.47.5 (Kuyukina et al. 2006).
2004). In this connection, a search for new solvent-free The advantages of this biosurfactant compared to other micro-
hydrophobization techniques and emulsifiers with improved bial surfactants (e.g., rhamnolipids, emulsan, sophorolipids,
functional and safety characteristics is of current interest. surfactin) are as follows: it is produced by nonpathogenic
We hypothesized that microbial surfactants could help to bacteria, functionally stable under extreme conditions, has
overcome hydrophobization difficulties described above. In relatively low HLB value, and shows high surface and emul-
contrast to synthetic analogs, biosurfactants are environmentally sifying activities (Kuyukina and Ivshina 2010b). In the present
friendly, biodegradable, and less toxic (Mukherjee et al. 2006; paper, applications of Rhodococcus biosurfactant as
Kuyukina and Ivshina 2010b). Most biosurfactants are nonionic hydrophobizing and emulsifying agents for the sawdust sur-
and bind to a solid carrier through polar or nonpolar groups that face modification are discussed.
depend on biosurfactant and carrier properties. Nonpolar sur-
factant groups interact with hydrophobic carriers via van der
Waals forces. Simultaneously, polar surfactant groups presented Materials and methods
to a water medium result in surface hydrophilization. With
initially hydrophilic carriers, biosurfactants interact through Bacterial strains, growth conditions, and reagents Five R.
polar groups, forming hydrogen bonds with hydroxyl groups ruber strains IEGM 73, IEGM 77, IEGM 172, IEGM 231,
on a carrier surface. Nonpolar biosurfactant groups are and IEGM 241 from the Regional Specialized Collection of
presented to a water medium and increase surface hydropho- Alkanotrophic Microorganisms, Perm, Russia (acronym
bicity. Effect of hydrophilization/hydrophobization is strongly IEGM, WFCC # 768,
related to the HLB value of a biosurfactant (Zhang and were used in this study. The cultures were pre-grown on
Somasundaran 2006). Biosurfactants with high HLB values nutrient agar at 28 C for 72 h. For experiments, bacterial
were applied for hydrophilization of medical and industrial cells were grown in 250-mL Erlenmeyer flasks containing
materials, e.g., silicone rubber, polystyrene, stainless steel, or 100 mL of Luria-Bertani broth (LB) or Rhodococcus sur-
Teflon, to inhibit adhesion of microorganisms and prevent factant (RS) medium supplemented with 3 % (v/v)
microbial contamination (Rodrigues et al. 2004; Shakerifard et n-hexadecane. The RS medium contained (in grams per
al. 2009; Zeraik and Nitschke 2010). However, in natural liter): KH2PO4, 2.0; Na2HPO4, 2.0; (NH4)2SO4, 2.0; NaCl,
conditions, many microorganisms produce surfactants to pro- 1.0; KNO3, 1.0; MgSO4 7H2O, 0.2; CaCl2 2H2O, 0.02;
mote colonization of solid substrates, e.g., high-molecular par- FeCl3 7H2O, 0.01; yeast extract, 0.1; and trace element
affins, polyaromatics, elemental sulfur, coal particles, and solution, 1.0 mL. Inoculated flasks were incubated in a
suspended organic matter via an increase in surface hydropho- rotary shaker (160 rpm) at 28 C for 2846 h. Late expo-
bicity (Neu 1996). Thus, biosurfactants with low HLB values nential phase cells were used in all experiments. Absorbance
can be applied as alternative hydrophobizing agents for en- (A 600 ) measured with the UV/Vis spectrophotometer
hancement of microbial immobilization. Lambda EZ201 (Perkin-Elmer, USA) and the bacterial bio-
Hydrocarbon-oxidizing actinobacteria of the genus mass values calculated (in grams of dry cells per liter) were
Rhodococcus are industrially important microorganisms used to monitor the bacterial growth.
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2013) 97:53155327 5317

All reagents were >97.0 % purity unless otherwise men- 1 min. Water emulsions of drying oil were prepared by thor-
tioned. Hydrocarbons, LB, and iodonitrotetrazolium violet ough mixing with Rhodococcus biosurfactant, methyl cellu-
(INT) were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. Mineral salts lose (Reachim, Russia), carboxymethyl cellulose (Reachim,
and crystal violet were purchased from Reachim (Russia). Russia), poly(vinyl alcohol) of 16/1 trade mark (viscosity
Organic solvents (acetone, chloroform, ethanol, ethyl ace- average molecular weight 69,000, 99 % hydrolyzed) (NPO
tate, n-hexane, isopropanol) purchased from Sigma-Aldrich Azot, Ukraine), or Tween 80 (Sigma-Aldrich) added into
or Acros Organics (Belgium) were GC-MS grade. water at concentrations of 1.03.0 % (w/v). Alternatively,
drying oil was dissolved in a Stoddard solvent (Polychim-
Biosurfactant production R. ruber strains were grown in RS Invest, Russia). Sawdust and a hydrophobizer in a ratio of
medium supplemented with n-hexadecane for 5 days, as 1:1 (w/w) were mixed thoroughly for 10 min, dried under
described above for growth conditions. Rhodococcus sterile air at 25 C for 24 h, and then dried at 110 C for 1 h.
biosurfactant was extracted from the bacterial culture with In some cases, sawdust hydrophobization was performed by
methyl tert-butyl ether (Kuyukina et al. 2001), and the exposing sawdust to n-hexadecane vapors (Podorozhko et al.
amount of the crude biosurfactant recovered was determined 2008). Hydrophobized sawdust samples were sterilized by
gravimetrically. autoclaving at 105 C for 15 min. Since most biosurfactants
are thermostable (Rapp and Gabriel-Jrgens 2003; Khopade et
Bacterial adhesion measurements Adhesive activities of R. al. 2012), this autoclaving regime was expected to not influ-
ruber strains were determined according to Huber et al. ence biosurfactant-hydrophobized sawdust properties.
(2001) in 96-well polystyrene microplates (Medpolymer, Relative hydrophobicity of native and hydrophobized
Russia) coated with Rhodococcus biosurfactant. The sawdust was estimated by measuring contact wetting angles
biosurfactant was dissolved in isopropanol at concentrations of water droplets using Axiostar plus microscope (Carl
of 0.01, 0.1, 1.0, 10, or 100 mg/L, and 200 L of these Zeiss, Germany) equipped with VideoTesT-Size software
solutions were added into microplate wells. The plates were (VideoTesT, Russia) at 10 magnification. Examination
then dried overnight under sterile air to evaporate of the location of hydrophobized sawdust samples in the
isopropanol. Biosurfactant-coated and control (without n-hexadecane/water (1:1, v/v) two-phase system was
biosurfactant) plates were filled up with 200 L of RS performed after 5-day incubation in a rotary shaker at
medium supplemented with n-hexadecane and inoculated 130 rpm, 25 C. Hydrocarbon adsorption to sawdust was
with 5 L of rhodococcal cell suspension (109 cells/mL). determined after the liquid phase removal followed by fil-
Inoculated plates were incubated in a Titramax 1000 incu- tration through the filter paper (Whatman no. 1). Adsorbed
bator (Heidolph Instruments, Germany) at 150 rpm, 28 C n-hexadecane was extracted with n-hexane and measured
for 48 h. After incubation, the culture medium with non- gravimetrically. Amounts of water vapors adsorbed by
adhered bacteria was carefully removed and the plates were hydrophobized sawdust were determined as described pre-
washed twice with phosphate buffer (3.53 g/L of Na2HPO4, viously (Podorozhko et al. 2008).
3.39 g/L of KH2PO4, pH 7.0) using a Stat Fax 2600
washer (Awareness Technology Inc., USA). After washing, Bacterial immobilization on hydrophobized sawdust R.
1 % (w/v) aqueous crystal violet solution was added into the ruber cells grown in LB were washed twice with phosphate
plate wells. Following 20-min staining at room temperature, buffer and resuspended in the same buffer to the concentration
the dye was removed and the plates were washed twice with corresponding to A600 1. Immobilization was performed in
phosphate buffer. Crystal violet incorporated into adhered 250-mL Erlenmeyer flasks containing 1 g of hydrophobized
cells was extracted with the acetone/ethanol mixture (1:4, v/v) sawdust and 50 mL of the bacterial suspension in a rotary
and A630 was measured with a Multiscan Ascent photometer shaker (130 rpm) at room temperature for 6 days. The A600 of
(Thermo Electron Corporation, Finland). Calibration curves R. ruber suspension was measured daily to monitor cell im-
for A630 and numbers of colony-forming units (CFU) were mobilization. Control flasks containing hydrophobized saw-
used for quantification of bacterial adhesion (data not shown). dust and the buffer without bacterial cells were used to
estimate the resistance of coatings to mechanical stress (shak-
Sawdust hydrophobization procedure Pine sawdust was ing and long contact with water) during incubation. Numbers
sieved to obtain 12 mm particles. Rhodococcus biosurfactant, of immobilized R. ruber cells on sawdust were determined
5.0 % (w/v) as well as sunflower seed-based drying oil (Oksol, using the modified INT staining method (Wrenn and Venosa
Russia) and n-hexadecane both at concentrations of 10.0 % 1996). For this, sawdust samples with immobilized cells were
(w/v) were used as hydrophobizing agents (Podorozhko et al. washed three times with water and incubated with 0.01 %
2008). Hydrophobization procedures are summarized in (w/v) INT solution at room temperature for 24 h, thus allowing
Table 1. A water emulsion of the biosurfactant was prepared the reduction of INT into insoluble redviolet INT-formazan.
using a Soniprep 150 sonicator (Sanyo, Japan) at 23 kHz for After the liquid phase removal, INT-formazan was extracted
5318 Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2013) 97:53155327

Table 1 Hydrophobization var-

iants for sawdust carriers Hydrophobizing agent Concentration of a Emulsifier Concentration of
hydrophobizing agent (%) an emulsifier (%)

Rhodococcus biosurfactant 5.0 No No

n-Hexadecane 10.0 No No
Drying oil 10.0 No No
Drying oil 10.0 Rhodococcus biosurfactant 2.5
Drying oil 10.0 Methyl cellulose 1.0
Drying oil 10.0 Carboxymethyl cellulose 1.0
Drying oil 10.0 Polyvinyl alcohol 3.0
Drying oil 10.0 Tween 80 3.0

with ethyl acetate, and A490 was measured. Calibration curves immobilized bacterial cells served as abiotic controls.
for A490 and CFU were used to calculate numbers of viable Thermal images were processed using Altair (FLIR Systems,
immobilized cells (data not shown). Numbers of cells tightly Netherlands) and MathCad 15.0 (Parametric Technology
bound to hydrophobized sawdust were determined after the Corporation, USA) software. Temperature differences (t,
washing thrice with 1 M NaCl. in degrees Celsius) between inoculated and non-inoculated
block surfaces were determined for all experimental variants.
High-resolution profilometry and infrared thermography Since bacterial cells represent weak heat sources, statistically
Physical methods of high-resolution profilometry with a significant positive t values were used as indicators for
New View 5000 interference microscope (Zygo, USA) and viable immobilized bacteria. Additionally, wood blocks
infrared (IR) thermography with a CEDIP Silver 450 M hydrophobized with drying oil in excess (at ratio of 1:2
camera (CEDIP Infrared Systems, France) were used to (w/w)) and adsorbed a priori low numbers of R. ruber cells
analyze wood surfaces with immobilized rhodococcal cells. (Podorozhko et al. 2008) were prepared and analyzed in a
It is essential for these methods to use flat (smooth) surfaces similar way. The numbers of immobilized R. ruber cells on
with low values of roughness allowing the obtaining of wood blocks were also controlled by the INT staining.
readable images. For this, 222 cm pine wood blocks
were polished with fine sand paper (58.5 m, average grit Hydrocarbon oxidation measurements The hydrocarbon-
size) to remove surface imperfections. As a result, the oxidizing activity of immobilized R. ruber cells was deter-
polished wood blocks with more than 80 % readable areas mined in 250-mL Erlenmeyer flasks containing 100 mL RS
were obtained. The blocks were hydrophobized using the medium supplemented with n-hexadecane after incubation
same procedure as described for sawdust hydrophobization. in a rotary shaker (160 rpm) at 28 C for 10 days. Prior to
Rhodococci were immobilized onto hydrophobized blocks incubation, the flasks were inoculated with free or
and glass slides used as reference smooth surfaces under the immobilized cells taken at equal concentrations. Flasks were
conditions similar those described above for bacterial im- closed with cotton wool stoppers to keep sterility and pro-
mobilization on sawdust. After immobilization, blocks were vide optimal aeration conditions. Non-inoculated flasks with
washed twice with phosphate buffer, dried at room temper- sawdust were used as controls. Residual n-hexadecane was
ature for 1 h, and scanned using the interference microscope extracted with n-hexane and analyzed by GC-MS using the
under a 50-W halogen daylight lamp by moving the micro- Agilent 6890N chromatograph equipped with a quadrupole
scope objective in a vertical position with a scanning pitch mass spectrometric detector Agilent MSD 5973N (Agilent
of 75 nm. Interference images captured during scanning Technologies, USA) and a quartz column HP-5MS having a
with a video analog camera were analyzed with the length of 30 m, diameter of 0.25 mm, and a film thickness of
MetroPro software (Zygo, USA) generating topographic 0.25 km. GC-MS conditions were as follows: 80 C for
maps and surface profiles. 2 min, 10 C/min, 300 C for 5 min, temperature of injector
The IR camera (with the following characteristics: sensi- 280 C, injection mode is splitless, the carrier gas is He, rate
tivity to the passive emission of 35 m wavelength IR 1 mL/min, and m/z range of 40600.
photons, 14 bits, 0.025 C thermal resolution, 320256 pixels
per image, and 380 Hz full frame) was used for thermal
imaging of the wood blocks. Imaging was performed at day- Results
light illumination, temperature of 221 C, camera exposure
of 2,100 s, and the distance between the camera and the Biosurfactant effect on R. ruber adhesion Rhodococcus
sample of 15 cm. Hydrophobized wood blocks without biosurfactant was found to affect the R. ruber cell adhesion.
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2013) 97:53155327 5319

Strong positive correlations (R = 0.92, p =0.03) between
90 *
biosurfactant production and adhesive activities towards * *
the polystyrene surface were revealed for all five R. ruber 80

Adhesive activity (%)

strains studied (Fig. 1). Namely, R. ruber IEGM 73, IEGM 70 *
77, and IEGM 231 with high (5972 %) adhesive activities 60
demonstrated higher (8.213.7 g/L) biosurfactant produc- 50 *
tion, whereas R. ruber IEGM 172 and IEGM 241 with 40
relatively low (3031 %) adhesive activities produced lower
(4.55.8 g/L) amounts of the biosurfactant. Furthermore, in
the experiments with native and Rhodococcus biosurfactant-
coated polystyrene microplates, a 1.83.4-fold increase in R.
ruber adhesion was registered after polystyrene treatment 0
0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100
with the biosurfactant (Fig. 2). Adhesion of rhodococcal Rhodococcus biosurfactant concentrations (mg/L)
cells increased exponentially at biosurfactant concentrations
ranging between 0.01 and 1.0 mg/L, then amounted to the Fig. 2 Adhesion of R. ruber IEGM 231 to polystyrene coated with
Rhodococcus biosurfactant at different concentrations. Meansstandard
maximum value at 1.0 mg/L and did not change further at
deviations of triplicates are shown. Asterisk: statistically significant
higher (10100 mg/L) biosurfactant concentrations. (p<0.05) differences between untreated (control) and biosurfactant-coat-
ed polystyrene surfaces
Physicochemical properties of hydrophobized sawdust As
seen in Table 2, Rhodococcus biosurfactant increased the
hydrophobicity of sawdust. Sawdust samples hydrophobized As an emulsifying agent, Rhodococcus biosurfactant
with the biosurfactant located at the n-hexadecane/water in- acted similarly to methyl cellulose, carboxymethyl cellu-
terface had a water contact angle 86, adsorbed 0.34 g/g water lose, and poly(vinyl alcohol) and did not influence signifi-
vapors, and 32 % n-hexadecane. For comparison, native saw- cantly physicochemical properties of sawdust carriers
dust located in water had a contact angle of 67 and adsorbed (Table 2). However, hydrocarbon adsorption to sawdust
5 % n-hexadecane. Interestingly, the relative hydrophobicity, treated with drying oil emulsified by the biosurfactant was
hydrocarbon/water location, and water vapor-adsorbing ca- two to five times higher than that of sawdust hydrophobized
pacity of biosurfactant-coated sawdust were similar to those with drying oil in the presence of other emulsifiers. It should
of sawdust samples hydrophobized with drying oil or n- be noted that the application of synthetic surfactant Tween
hexadecane which is also located at the interface, adsorbed 80 resulted in the lowest (only 5 %) adsorption of n-
0.310.33 g/g H2O, and had a water contact angle of 9496. hexadecane, carrier location in the water phase, and decreas-
However, hydrocarbon adsorption to biosurfactant-coated ing a contact wetting angle to 67, similar to unmodified
sawdust was three to five times higher compared to drying sawdust (Table 2).
oil and n-hexadecane-treated carriers.
R. ruber immobilization results As seen in Fig. 3, the aver-
age numbers of immobilized R. ruber cells on sawdust
treated with different hydrophobizing formulations were
similar (3.5 10 9 , 2.8 10 9 , and 4.0 10 9 CFU/g for
biosurfactant, drying oil, and n-hexadecane, respectively).
80 R. ruber
Adhesive activity (%)

R. ruber IEGM 73 However, differences in bacterial immobilization dynamics

70 IEGM 77
R. ruber were revealed. Namely, 5274 % of rhodococcal cells adsorbed
60 IEGM 231
R. ruber on sawdust samples hydrophobized with Rhodococcus
50 IEGM 241 biosurfactant or n-hexadecane after 12 days, then immobiliza-
40 tion process slowed down and the rest of bacterial cells were
R. ruber
30 IEGM 172 adsorbed within the next 45 days, thus demonstrating two-
y = 4.8709x + 10.083
20 R = 0.92, p = 0.03 phase immobilization. Using the sawdust hydrophobized with
10 drying oil, we observed rather a monotonous bacterial immobi-
0 lization curve with poorly distinguished phases (Fig. 3).
3 6 9 12 15 Averagely, 9299 % of R. ruber cells remained tightly bound
Produ ction of Rhodococcus biosu rfactan t (g/L) to hydrophobized sawdust after washing it with 1 M NaCl (data
Fig. 1 Correlation between R. ruber biosurfactant production and not shown).
adhesion to polystyrene. Meansstandard deviations of triplicates are Applied as an emulsifying agent for drying oil,
shown; R is a Pearson correlation coefficient Rhodococcus biosurfactant provided significant time reduction
5320 Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2013) 97:53155327

Table 2 Physicochemical properties of hydrophobized sawdust carriers

Hydrophobizer Contact wetting Location in the Water vapors Adsorption of

angle, deg n-hexadecane/water system adsorbed (g H2O/g) n-hexadecane (%)

Rhodococcus biosurfactant 866 Interface 0.340.03 323

Drying oil 949 Interface 0.330.02 101
n-Hexadecane 9610 Interface 0.310.02 71
Drying oil + Rhodococcus biosurfactant 916 Interface 0.380.03 232
Drying oil + methyl cellulose 965 Interface 0.350.01 111
Drying oil + carboxymethyl cellulose 958 Interface 0.310.01 81
Drying oil + poly(vinyl alcohol) 898 Interface 0.280.01 101
Drying oil + Tween 80 627 Water 0.280.01 52
Without hydrophobizer 675 Water 0.340.02 52

(up to 2 days) for bacterial immobilization on hydrophobized coatings resulting in liquid medium A600 increases to 0.321,
sawdust compared to other emulsifiers studied (Fig. 4a). 0.442, 0.537, and 0.929 optical units, respectively (Fig. 4b).
Moreover, R. ruber immobilization efficiency on sawdust
treated with biosurfactant-emulsified drying oil was 2.75.7 Results of high-resolution profilometry and IR thermography
times higher than corresponding values for Tween 80, methyl Using high-resolution topographic maps obtained by the in-
cellulose, or carboxymethyl cellulose used as emulsifiers. As terference microscopy, the concentration and distribution of
seen in Fig. 4a, sawdust treated with methyl cellulose- rhodococcal cells on the surface of wood blocks treated with
emulsified drying oil did not adsorb R. ruber cells and even a different hydrophobizers were determined (Fig. 5). An aver-
slight increase in the cell suspension A600 value by 0.180 age number of R. ruber cells on biosurfactant-treated blocks
optical units was observed. Furthermore, most stable drying was (1.30.1)107 cells/cm2. As seen in Fig. 5a, rhodococcal
oil coating on sawdust was formed in the presence of the cells were uniformly distributed across the surface forming cell
biosurfactant as evident from the low release of coating resi- monolayers with distances between the cells averaging 0.5
dues into the liquid medium (A600 of 0.166) in uninoculated 2.0 m. Topographical maps of R. ruber cells immobilized on
flasks (Fig. 4b). In comparison, conventional emulsifiers, such biosurfactant-treated blocks were similar to those on wood
as poly(vinyl alcohol), Tween 80, methyl cellulose, and blocks hydrophobized with drying oil (Fig. 5a, b). However,
carboxymethyl cellulose led to the formation of less stable in the case of blocks hydrophobized with n-hexadecane, R.
ruber formed clusters consisting of 6080 cells with intercluster
distances from 0.5 to 5.0 m and intercellular distances from
4.0 0.2 to 1.0 m (Fig. 5c). Smaller cell clusters consisting of three
3.5 to ten cells were observed on glass slides used as the reference
smooth surfaces (Fig. 5d). It could be resumed that although the
Adsorption (x10 9 CFU/g)

3.0 concentration of R. ruber cells immobilized on differently

2.5 treated pine blocks and glass slides did not vary significantly
(average value was 107 cells/cm2), their distribution across
2.0 surfaces depended on the material to be hydrophobized and
1.5 the hydrophobization procedure applied.
Analyzing surface profiles of pine blocks, it was found
1.0 that the initial (non-hydrophobized) wood surface was quite
0.5 rough, which roughness was 39 times higher than that of a
control (glass slide) surface (Fig. 6). Particularly, small
0.0 irregular pores (0.10.5 m wide and 0.62.3 m deep)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time (days) were observed on the surface of non-hydrophobized pine
blocks (Fig. 6a). Rhodococcus biosurfactant was shown to
Fig. 3 Dynamics of R. ruber IEGM 231 immobilization on sawdust fill up these pores and smooth out the pine block surface to
hydrophobized with the biosurfactant and conventional hydrophobizers.
Hydrophobizers: black up-pointing triangleRhodococcus biosurfactant,
the level of glass slides (Fig. 6b, e), thus suggesting a
white squaren-hexadecane, white circledrying oil. Meansstandard formation of homogenous hydrophobic coating. However,
deviations of triplicates are shown drying oil and n-hexadecane were revealed to produce
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2013) 97:53155327 5321

1.6 a 1.6 b
1.4 1.4

1.2 1.2

1.0 1.0

A600 0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0.0 0.0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time (days) Time (days)

Fig. 4 Dynamics of R. ruber IEGM 231 immobilization on sawdust cellulose, Greek capital deltacarboxymethyl cellulose. Experimental
hydrophobized with drying oil in the presence of different emulsifiers. variants: a cell suspension, b control. Meansstandard deviations of
Emulsifiers: black circleRhodococcus biosurfactant, white circle triplicates are shown
poly(vinyl alcohol), lozengeTween 80, multiplication signmethyl

disruptive coatings on pine blocks, which appeared on sur- Discussion

face profiles as broken lines of 0.4 to 1.4 m amplitude
(Fig. 6c, d). It should be noted that drying oil coating One of the physiological roles of biosurfactants, apart from
produced more regular peaks on the surface profile com- hydrocarbon solubilization, is to enhance bacterial adhesion
pared to n-hexadecane coating which was characterized by and subsequent surface colonization (Neu 1996; Rodrigues
irregular peaks and valleys on a profilometry curve. et al. 2006). Biosurfactant molecules are adsorbed onto solid
As seen in the thermal images obtained (Fig. 7), R. ruber substrates and coat them with a conditioning film having
cells immobilized on biosurfactant-hydrophobized wood high affinity to microbial cells. Moreover, biosurfactant
blocks generated heat as evident from the temperature shift molecules can saturate a bacterial cell wall, increase cell
t=2.97 C similar to that produced by bacteria immobilized surface hydrophobicity, and thereby enhance adhesion
on drying oil-hydrophobized blocks (t=3.14 C). However, (kvarla et al. 1998). Biosurfactant-producing bacteria in-
on blocks hydrophobized with n-hexadecane, R. ruber cells volve these mechanisms to regulate adhesion, biofilm for-
produced a lower temperature shift (t=2.29 C). The lowest mation, and substrate colonization processes (Kinsinger et
heat release (t=1.38 C) was registered for rhodococcal cells al. 2003; Mehdi and Giti 2008). Effects of Rhodococcus
immobilized on blocks hydrophobized with drying oil in biosurfactants on the adhesion of producing strains were
excess that correlated with the low number of viable R. ruber not studied previously. In the present work, a strong (R=
cells (4.0106 CFU/cm2) on this carrier as determined by the 0.92, p=0.03) correlation between adhesive activities and
INT staining (data not shown). In comparison, numbers of biosurfactant-producing abilities and an increase in cell
viable bacteria on wood blocks hydrophobized with a adhesion to polystyrene coated with Rhodococcus
biosurfactant, drying oil, and n-hexadecane ranged from biosurfactant were demonstrated for R. ruber strains.
1.1107 to 1.9107 CFU/cm2 (data not shown). These findings suggest that the biosurfactant is implicated
in the rhodococcal adhesion, and therefore, it could be used
n-Hexadecane oxidation results Data presented in Fig. 8 to enhance R. ruber immobilization on solid carriers.
suggest that the hydrocarbon-oxidizing activity of R. ruber Furthermore, the adhesion-promoting effect of the
immobilized on hydrophobized sawdust was 1.62.5 times biosurfactant was found to be concentration dependent.
higher than that of freely suspended bacteria. This finding The highest number of R. ruber cells adhered on polysty-
was in agreement with our previous results (Podorozhko et rene was detected at 1.0 mg/L biosurfactant, whereas sub-
al. 2008). Treatment of a sawdust carrier with Rhodococcus sequent increase in biosurfactant concentration did not
biosurfactant was shown to enhance n-hexadecane oxidation affect bacterial adhesion (see Fig. 2). Presumably, at low
by immobilized R. ruber up to 35 mg/(Lh). This was biosurfactant concentrations (<1.0 mg/L), heterogeneous
compared (3940 mg/(Lh) to n-hexadecane oxidation rates adsorption of biosurfactant molecules on polystyrene sur-
of R. ruber immobilized on sawdust modified using drying face led to the formation of biosurfactant-based sites with
oil. For comparison, the hydrocarbon-oxidizing activity of high affinity to R. ruber cells. Similar ununiform coatings of
R. ruber immobilized on sawdust hydrophobized with n- SiO2 on ferric (III) oxide particles were described at low
hexadecane was 1.5 times lower than that of rhodococci (0.04 M) SiO2 concentrations, whereas at high (0.68 M)
immobilized on biosurfactant-hydrophobized sawdust. SiO2 concentrations, Fe2O3 particles were smooth and fully
5322 Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2013) 97:53155327

Fig. 5 Topographic maps of

solid surfaces with immobilized
R. ruber IEGM 231 cells (on
the left) and free of cells (on the
right). Surfaces: a pine blocks
hydrophobized with
Rhodococcus biosurfactant, b
pine blocks hydrophobized with
drying oil, c pine blocks
hydrophobized with n-
hexadecane, d glass slides.
Color scales show the height
gradient from minimal to
maximal. Black color indicates
unreadable areas. Arrows point
to immobilized cells

coated (Han et al. 2000). At threshold biosurfactant concen- with high affinity to hydrocarbons hence suggesting its
tration (1.0 mg/L), polystyrene was fully coated with a optimal hydrophiliclipophilic properties for bacterial im-
homogenous biosurfactant film, and the whole surface be- mobilization and hydrocarbon oxidation. Acting as solubi-
came available for bacterial adhesion. Similarly, homoge- lizing agents for hydrocarbons, biosurfactants form micelles
nous distribution of the biosurfactant on solid surfaces (pine with hydrocarbon molecules located in a core volume of the
blocks) was confirmed by high-resolution profilometry micelles (Neu 1996; Page et al. 1999). Biosurfactant satura-
(Figs. 5 and 6). Apparently, further increase in the tion with hydrocarbons depends on a structure of nonpolar
biosurfactant concentration did not increase the surface area groups of the biosurfactant, mainly hydrophobic tail length
available for bacterial adhesion. (Gambi et al. 2005). R. ruber trehalose lipids contain long
Studying physicochemical properties of sawdust carriers, chain (2941 carbon atoms) branched fatty acids (Philp et
a significant increase in hydrophobicity of sawdust after al. 2002), which provide a large micelle core volume for
Rhodococcus biosurfactant treatment was revealed. hydrocarbons (Page et al. 1999). For comparison, n-
Biosurfactant-treated sawdust was moderately hydrophobic hexadecane chain length is 16 carbon atoms, and drying
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2013) 97:53155327 5323

Fig. 6 Surface profiles of

uninoculated solid carriers.
Carriers: a pine blocks without
hydrophobization, b pine
blocks hydrophobized with
Rhodococcus biosurfactant, c
pine blocks hydrophobized with
drying oil, d pine blocks
hydrophobized with n-
hexadecane, e glass slides
5324 Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2013) 97:53155327

Fig. 7 Thermal images of hydrophobized pine blocks without cells (a) scales show the temperature gradient from minimal to maximal. Means
and with immobilized R. ruber IEGM 231 cells (b). The hydrophobizer standard deviations of triplicates are shown. Asterisk: statistically
used and mean t are shown below the corresponding image. Color significant (p<0.05) differences

oil unsaturated fatty acids consist of 1618 carbon atoms. sixfold increase in bacterial immobilization efficacy that
Similarly, a glycolipid biosurfactant from Rhodococcus was supposed to be due to sawdust surface hydrophobization
strain H13-A formed micelles with four time larger diameter (Fig. 4). Based on the low toxicity and high emulsifying
than Tween 80 micelles, which resulted in higher saturation activity of Rhodococcus biosurfactant (Ivshina et al. 1998),
of polyaromatic hydrocarbons (Page et al. 1999). In our it can be recommended as an emulsifying agent for carrier
study, the hydrocarbon adsorbed by biosurfactant-treated modifications rather than chemical solvents, polymers, or
sawdust remains available for oxidation by immobilized R. surfactants.
ruber that resulted in its efficient biodegradation, similarly It is known that attachment of microbial cells to solid
to previously described for crude oil, diesel, oil slops, and carriers involves two phases. The first reversible phase is the
phenanthrene degradation (Quek et al. 2006; Xia et al. initial contact of cells with a carrier, and the second irreversible
2010). Previously Rhodococcus sp. F92 immobilized on phase is slow multipoint binding of cells to the carrier surface.
polyurethane foam with high oil-adsorbing capability was The first phase depends on the number of cell binding sites,
shown to reduce hydrocarbon concentrations in the medium while the second phase is determined by affinities of these sites
and their toxic effects on suspended microorganisms (Quek to bacteria (Bos et al. 1999; Adamczyk et al. 2005; Hori and
et al. 2006). Matsumoto 2010). The differences revealed in R. ruber immo-
In experiments with different emulsifiers for drying oil, bilization dynamics between sawdust samples (see Fig. 3)
Rhodococcus biosurfactant was shown to produce a stable could be explained by different binding site numbers and
hydrophobic coating on a sawdust surface compared to affinities of hydrophobic coatings to rhodococcal cells.
poly(vinyl alcohol, methyl cellulose, carboxymethyl cellu- For visualization of hydrophobized carrier surfaces with
lose, and Tween 80). Moreover, a stable homogenous coat- immobilized R. ruber cells, relatively new in biological
ing in the presence of the biosurfactant resulted in three- to practice methods of high-resolution profilometry and IR
thermography were used. These methods are non-
contacting and non-destructive, highly sensitive, and soft-
n-Hexadecane oxidation, mg/(Lh)

45 ware equipped; also, no special sample preparation is re-

40 quired. High-resolution profilometry with a white light
interferometer was previously used for topographical anal-
ysis of corrosive bacterial biofilms on polished steel, calcite,
and hydroxyapatite surfaces (Waters et al. 2009). In this
15 work, the initially high roughness of polished wood blocks
10 was decreased to the level of glass slides by the treatment
5 with the biosurfactant (see Fig. 6). Topographic maps
0 recorded for blocks with immobilized bacteria confirmed
a b c d e
that rhodococci were uniformly distributed and formed cell
Experimental variant
monolayers on the biosurfactant-hydrophobized carrier
Fig. 8 Rates of n-hexadecane oxidation by R. ruber cells. Experimen- (Fig. 5). Such monolayer distribution of bacteria on a carrier
tal variants: a freely suspended cells, be cells immobilized on sawdust surface was suggested to be most favorable for hydrocarbon
hydrophobized with n-hexadecane (b), Rhodococcus biosurfactant (c),
drying oil in the presence of Rhodococcus biosurfactant used as an
assimilation (Hori et al. 2008). Opposite cell arrangement
emulsifier (d), and drying oil (e). Meansstandard deviations of trip- was observed on wood blocks hydrophobized with
licates are shown n-hexadecane where R. ruber formed dense cell clusters
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2013) 97:53155327 5325

(Fig. 5). A possible reason for cell clustering lays in the uniformly on the surface of biosurfactant-treated sawdust and
formation of heterogeneous n-hexadecane coating on the demonstrated high hydrocarbon-oxidizing activity.
wood surface recorded by profilometry which resulted in
bacterial attachment mostly to coated sites served as adsorp- Acknowledgments The research was partially supported by the grants
of the Russian Academy of Sciences Presidium Program Leaving Na-
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condensed on the sawdust surface in separate drops, serving Molecular and Cell Biology (no. 01201256863) and the Russian Foun-
as sites for bacterial adhesion (Rose 2002). Apparently, dation for Basic Research grant (11-04-96045-r_ural_).
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