The Pepian

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The pepin was served in the religious and political ceremonies as for example in the changes of leaders. This dish is
prepared in several ways with black or red scraps, you can add chicken, chicken or beef rib.
4 tomatoes
1 medium onion
2 cloves of garlic
2 Ounces of miltomate
2 Ounces of sesame
2 ounces of green pepitoria
1 Chile guaque
1 Chile goes
1 Bunch of cilantro -
1 cinnamon sprite
1 liter of pure water
1/2 Gisquil - 1/2 pound of green beans
1/2 pound of medium potatoes
salt and pepper
1 pound of beef
1 pound chicken

FIRST STEP: In a comal or frying pan, brown chilies, miltomate, tomatoes, chopped onion, sesame seeds, pepitoria, garlic
cloves and cinnamon sticks.
SECOND STEP: Simultaneously, cook the beef and chicken in the liter of pure water. When steaks and chicken are cooked
at their point, add the potatoes, the gisquil and the green beans to be cooked as well.
STEP THREE: After the ingredients of the first step have been completely browned, they should be liquefied all together,
also adding cilantro and some broth of the cooked meats. This blender should be boiled for about 30 minutes. Finally,
add the meats and vegetables to mix them until they boil again and the broth thickens.
The Pepin can be served, if possible, in clay bowls accompanied by white rice, tortillas or corn tamales.
To see the video of how to prepare El Pepin click on the following link: El Pepin by Chapas and Mas Recipes
This dish is made from hen, fowl, beef or chicken. The sauce is green, it is eaten a lot in the west of the country.
2 1/2 pounds chicken
6 green onion stems
1 manojito de corantro
1/2 pound green tomato
1/2 pound of miltomate
6 medium green chilli peppers
1 French bread previously soaked
Corn dough
salt to taste
Pepper, optional
The Jocn - by
To cook the chicken, cut in pieces, in approximately 1 1/2 liters of water with salt and, if you want, some spices of your
liking. Meanwhile, cook in little water the onion stems, coriander, green tomato, miltomate and chilli peppers. When
they are ready, add French bread and stir, lick, or pass through the food processor.
When the chicken is ready, you should not let it cook too much because then you will have to let it boil inside the scrap,
remove it from the broth and reserve 2 cups for use in preparing the Jocn.
The rest can be used as a base for soup or for other dishes. To put to fry the mixture of green vegetables in 3 tablespoons
of oil.
Add the 2 cups of broth you had reserved. The jacn is not a message that is characterized by being very thick.
Adjust the thickness with corn masa, which is used for tortillas, dissolved in a little water. Use about 4 tablespoons of
dough. Add a pinch of pepper and salt, if necessary.
Add the chicken pieces. Let the boil for about 10 minutes and remove from heat.
The Jocn is served in a bowl, with rice and tortilla.
To see the video of how to prepare El Jocn click on the following link: El Jocn by Chapas and Mas Recipes
THE KAQ'IK (Commercial)
Ancestral meal of pre-Hispanic ancestry, it is red, which is the ritual blood of the ceremony of the ancestors. It is a turkey
soup (chunto or chompipe). It is the typical dish of Cobn.
If you want to see the recipe of the Kaq'Ik Rural, click to the following link:


(For 15 people)
7 liters of water
6 Pounds of turkey (chompipe, turkey)
4 Chilli red peppers
4 Chiles happens big
1 Chile guaque
3 Onions
1 head of garlic
4 Ounces of miltomate
1 Bunch of cilantro (if you find cilantro silvester, it is the best)
1 bunch of spearmint
2 pounds of tomato
4 Cloves
3 Fat Peppers
2 Castilian Peppers

El Kak'ik - Photo by Rudy Girn

The turkey meat is sewed in the 7 liters of water for 45 minutes or when the meat is almost cooked. Then roast all the
ingredients in a frying pan, being very careful not to burn them.
When the meat is already, it is separated from the broth. All the ingredients and roasts are placed in a blender and the
broth is added, when the mixture is already fine (preferably pass through a fine strainer or piece of gauze), put in a
suitable container and in this place the mixture Liquefy all the ingredients, let it boil for 10 minutes, then add the turkey
meat and let it boil for another 10 or 15 minutes. You can accompany it with rice, tamalitos de masa with oil and salt,
Cobn chili powder.

This is a dessert that we can eat at any time.
3 Ripe bananas
1/2 pound of very good quality chocolate
2 ounces of pepitoria
2 Ounces of sesame
1/2 ounce cinnamon
2 Chiles pasa

Bananas in Mole - Photo of

The bananas are sliced, placed on the chopping board horizontally and making half a centimeter slices, with slightly
diagonal cuts and fry until they brown.
Then, in a frying pan, the pepitoria, sesame, cinnamon and chile are toasted.
Prepare the chocolate in 2 cups of water, place it in a blender along with the spices previously toasted and liquefy until
the mixture is thin; This sauce is dropped on the bananas, add sugar to taste and boil for 5 minutes.

Typical Guatemalan food, which can be prepared with chicken, marrano or beef.

The pulque
INGREDIENTS (for 6 servings):
2 liters of water and a tablespoon of salt (to prepare the meat)
1 chicken or 2lbs of beef or marrano
1 pound tomatoes
4 ounces miltomate
1 cooked guacacha chile
2 teaspoons flour
1 sprig of apazote
1 piece of onion
2 cloves garlic
4 Fat Peppers
2 ounces of soaked rice
1 achiote (to give color)
PREPARATION: Apart from the preparation of the meat (which is cooked separately in water with salt until smooth), the
following ingredients are made in the list: grind the tomatoes, miltonates, onion, garlic, Pepper and soaked rice.
After making the ground, this is added directly to the cooking meat, then you can add a coriander branch, apazote and a
peeled gisquil cut into pieces, half a cup of cut up prunes and 1/2 pound of potatoes cut and peeled.
It can be thickened with 4 tablespoons of flour or 3 loaves soaked and ground, instead of rice, and to add color achiote is
added, let simmer for 10 minutes, taste the seasoning and ready to serve and enjoy.
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Typical Guatemalan food, can be made preferably rooster, if not chicken.

Gallo in Chicha - by

1 rooster (or hen)
3 ounces butter
1 cup chicken broth
1 cup prepared chicha, or 1 cup vinegar and 4 oz. Of rapadura (brown sugar)
cinnamon sticks
Salt and pepper to taste
6 cloves
2 onions
3 tomatoes
2 heads of garlic
4 ounces raisins
2 chilli peppers
2 ounces pickled onions
6 glasses of chicha.
PROCEDURE: The rooster is cleaned well and cut into pieces, browning it in oil. Add some broth and cook hour on
medium heat and leave for several hours (one day) soaked in chicha. Then the following ingredients are liquified:
cinnamon, salt, pepper, cloves, garlic, onion, tomatoes and raisins and added to the rooster which must already be
prepared for this. Cook over low heat for one hour. When served it is decorated with strips of peppers and tanned
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Typical Guatemalan dessert prepared with gisquiles.

Chancletas - by
INGREDIENTS (for 8 servings):
4 matches
1 ounce almonds
1 ounce raisins
6 egg yolks
2 ounces butter
1/4 cup crumbs
3 ounces of sweet wine
1 cup raisins (no seed)
2 teaspoons salt,
2 tablespoons powdered sugar and cinnamon to taste
PROCEDURE: The gisquiles are sewed with little water or steam, already cooked they are split in half (along) and the
pulp is removed which is ground with a fork. It is mixed with the other ingredients (except the crumb of bread.) All this is
fried in butter. With this mixture the shells of the gisquiles are filled to which they are made above the crumb of the
loaves. Bake for 20 minutes at 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) and serve hot.

2 carrots
3 large potatoes
1 pound of green beans
1 onion
3 garlic diets
1 pound of marrano or chicken meat
1 dozen eggs
Bread crumbs
15 chilli peppers
For salsa

10 tomatoes
1 onion
1 chili pepper


For Salsa:

It is put in a pot to cook with 3 cups of water all the ingredients.

Being cooked it is allowed to cool, then liquefy with half the water it has. Having it already all liquefied it is put to simmer
the sauce adding a spoonful of oil and salt to the taste, for 15 minutes.

For Chiles:

Start by finely chopping the carrot, green beans and potatoes.

Having chopped, they are cooked separately until cooked.

Separately, the meat is cooked. Having cooked the meat begins to chop, the onion and the garlic, then having it already
chopped all this is put to fry to simmer with 3 leaves of laurel and 2 sprigs of thyme stirring so that it does not stick.

Then the crown of the chili pepper is cut and all the seeds are removed and placed in the pan or a rotisserie.

Having them ready already begins to peel removing all the skin, (can be placed in a bag while the others are together and
this will make them sweat and make it a little easier to peel them).
Having cooked the vegetable, it drains well and then stirs with the meat and season with salt to taste, (can season it also
with consom), then adds crumb of bread mix well and is left for 5 minutes more to the fire always mixing it To prevent it
from sticking.

Ready the chopped, by aparate separate the yolks from the whites, in a bowl the whites are beaten to the point of snow.

Then add the yolks, flour and a pinch of salt and mix well.

Then we put to heat a frying pan with enough oil and we began to fill the peppers with the chopped peppers.

Having them already filled up we pass them through the egg and we put them to fry of giving of turn so that they are
doren of both sides and that they do not burn.

On a large plate we place butler to absorb the fat that the chiles have.

Ready you can serve them with the tomato sauce or you can also accompany them with white rice.

This recipe yields 25 towers

The ingredients we will need are:

Bread, whether they are muffins or the shells we all know about butter bread.
Handle your choice
3 tablespoons flour
A pinch of salt
3 to 4 cloves
Cinnamon sticks
Raisins and nuts to taste

1 Lt. of milk
Cinnamon sticks and powder
1 egg
1 cup cornstarch
1 cup of water
Preparation of the delicacy

The traditional delicacy can be made by mixing in a small pot 1 liter of milk with two
cinnamon slices and then liquefy 1 cup of water, 1 cup of cornstarch and 1 egg.

When the pot with the liter of milk and cinnamon boil, mix the cornstarch you just made.
Mix and do not stop moving, because if you stop doing it, will form lumps. When it takes
the consistency that you want, you can remove it.
Cool and refrigerate until gelatin is obtained.

Add a little powdered cinnamon to your taste and remove the cinnamon in raja.

Let cool.

Preparation of the turrets

First, we must take the bread, and above cut a small notch in a circular way so that we
can remove a lid and in that small hole is placed the (already cold) delicacy of your choice.

When you have the delicacy ready, it is added through the hole to the bread. Then place
the bread on the side and make the egg mixture.

Place the egg whites in a bowl and in a bowl apart the yolks, as these will be added later.
Beat the egg white to snowy point and when ready, add the yolks, 3 tablespoons of flour
and a pinch of salt and beat a little more.

Heat the frying pan with oil and beat it in no time, pass the bread through the egg mixture
and let it fry.

On the other hand, we must have boiling in a large pot, a moderate amount of water,
taking into account the size of the panela. Depending on how much you need turrets, you
should calculate the water.

When the water is boiling, we will add the whole picture of the panela and wait until it
dissolves, mixing at all times. When the panela is dissolved, add 3 to 4 cloves and
cinnamon slices. If you want the turjas not to be so dark, add half of the panela box and
substitute with a little brown sugar.

Wait until the turjas are fried and chopped in the panela mixture. We let them float while
the pan boils about 15 to 30 minutes and if necessary and so you consider, up to 45

Then, they will be ready and you can serve them to your liking. You can add raisins, as
well as nuts.

White Fiambre

Guatemala, Oct 10, 2013 - 15:48:00

Ingredients (Vegetables)
3 large carrots
1 medium cauliflower
Half a pound of green beans
Average Pound of peas
4 tender pacayas
Average Pound of sweet beans
Average Pound of Brussels sprouts
1 Dozen asparagus
Vinegar, Laurel, jengiblre, salt, mustard, sugar and fenugreek
Preparation of Vegetables
Cut the carrot in thick julienne, separate the cauliflower in small branches passed by
boiling water with salt for 2 minutes the peas, 5 minutes the julienne, 2 minutes. Take out
each one immediately, they do not overcook. Put in ice water to keep them from cooking.
Reserve the water in which you cooked the vegetables. Boil the pacayas for 10 minutes in
salted water and throw away the bitter water. Boil brussels sprouts for 5 minutes.
Drain the vegetables. In a wide skillet, with oil, saut the vegetables with raw onions. Do
not fry them, just skip them briefly, because the white ham is not pickled.
Add vinegar to vegetable water and choke seeds of fenugreek, grated ginger, bay leaf,
salt, mustard and a pinch of salt. Boil 5 minutes and remove from heat.
Ingredients (meats and cheeses)
Half Pound of cecina
Half pound of marrano post
1 pound chicken breast
3 black sausages
3 red sausages
3 butifarras
Ham, sausage and sausage
Fresh and layered cheese
4 ounces kraft or yellow cheese
8 ounces of dry cheese.
Preparation of Meat
Cook everything separately, cut and cut into slices.
Hams are split into strips. The soft cheeses are cut into strips and the dry cheese is added
to the end, sprinkled.
Ingredients (ornaments and others)
3 chiles lengths (cut into strips)
Chiles Camborotes (adornment, 1 per dish)
Escarole lettuce
1 bunch of radishes
Stuffed olives
Capers without saltpetre
Chopped parsley
Preparation of Dishes
Make your personal dish, pronouncing as a base the vegetables, alternated with the other
ingredients. Garnish with radish flowers, chamborote chile, chopped parsley and drizzle
with dressing and cheese powder.

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