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TEOH ZI WEI 0323372
LEE XIN YING 0322432
TAN JIT KIM 0323854

Table of Content

No. Content Page Number

Task 1
1.0 Company Background 4

1.1 Vision Statement 5

1.1.1 Our Companys Vision Statement

1.2 Mission Statement 6-7

1.2.1 Our Companys Mission Statement

1.3 Core Values 8-9

1.3.1 Our companys core values

1.4 Goals 10-11

1.4.1 Short Term goals
1.4.2 Mid-term goals
1.4.3 Long-Term goals

1.5 Organizational Structure 12-17

1.5.1 Functional Structure
1.5.2 Divisional Structure
1.5.3 Matrix Structure

1.6 Job Responsibilities of Each Position 18-24

1.6.1 Engineering Department
1.6.2 Project Department
1.6.3 Purchasing Department
1.6.4 Human Resource Department
1.6.5 Finance Department
1.6.6 Marketing Department

1.7 Strategic Planning 25-28

1.7.1 Swot and External & Internal analysis
1.7.2 Long term objectives and evaluation of strategy
1.7.3 Implementation of strategy

1.8 Personal Evaluations 29-30

1.9 Organizational Culture 31-32

No. Content Page Number
Task 2
2.1 Management Trainee Recruitment 33-34
2.1.1 Job Description of Management Trainee
2.1.2 Selection Criteria of Management Trainee

2.2 Interview Activities 35-37

2.2.1 Group Assessment
2.2.2 Individual Assessment

3.0 Introduction to Information Technology 38

3.1 Information Technology (IT) 39-41

3.1.1 Building Information Modelling (BIM)
3.1.2 Mobile Device Management

3.2 Information Management 41-43

3.2.1 Cloud Computing
3.2.2 Co-construct (Project/ timeline management software)
3.2.3 Local area network (LANS)
3.3 How IT create competitive advantage 44-45
3.3.1 Technology and Value Chain

3.4 Our companys core competencies 45

3.4.1 fast and high quality construction skill

4.0 Reference 46

1.0 Company Background

Prior Wing Corporation is an advancing construction company which showcase a

strong reputation for its quality products and services, persistence in being on time and
having capabilities to be at a competitive and suitable price. The company was founded
in 2007 by a group of talented individuals who have a common passion and dream to
start-up a construction business. Trust, dedication, commitment and the drive for
success is the key factors that kept the company going.

Since then, the company has become a well-established construction company,

specializing in building and infrastructure works which consist of piling and foundation
works, road construction, educational buildings, factories, school, apartments and
condominiums. Recently, we are also progressing to build shopping complexes and
hotels which calls for a high demand in the market. To step up our game, we use
Building Information Modelling (BIM) software and the well-known industrialised building
systems such as steel framing system and precast concrete framing systems in our work.
Although the software might be more expensive at first, its 3D design would give us and
our customers a clearer picture of what our future product would be like, encouraging
them to believe in us whole-heartedly. Until now, our company is continuously improving
to ensure constant quality in our products which allow us to satisfy our customers and
their needs.

Moreover, Prior Wing Corporation has achieved many awards along its journey.
One of it includes the Excellence Award which has given us the confidence and
inspiration to move further and sustain in the industry. We owe our success to our board
of directors, dedicated employees, reliable business associates, our customers and
everyone who believed in us. We are very proud of our company and our outstanding
employees who work hard to achieve our goal whether it is in short-term or long-term.
We will continue to maintain our standards while preserving our organizational culture in
order to make a difference in shaping our future.

1.1 Vision Statement

Vision Statement is a description or a picture of what an organization aspire to be in the

future. Likewise, it is also what they would like to achieve and accomplish in the mid-
term or long-term future. A Vision Statement is important as it serves as a clear guide
intended to help us choose the most suitable current and future courses of action while
assisting strategic planning and strategic decision-making for our organization to move
further in the industry. It may be applicable to an entire organization or even a single
division of that organization. Some criteria of a good Vision statement are short, simple,
clear, realistic, understandable and memorable. We should have good Vision
Statements as it provides a sense of direction which motivates and guide employees
throughout their journey in an organization.

1.1.1 Our companys Vision Statement

To make a difference in the construction industry by delivering quality, timely

and profitable projects, and shape our future using trust, dedication and

Prior Wing Corporation has a strong desire to deliver quality products and services
towards our wonderful customers. We want customers to believe in us and believe in our
products for what it is. We would constantly improve ourselves for the sake of our
customers satisfaction. At the same time, we also want to construct something in a
shorter time while achieving maximum profit. We want to show that our companys
values and culture can shape the future, one building at a time, pursuing perfection. The
key to success is through trust, dedication and innovations.

1.2 Mission Statement

Mission Statement is a short sentence or paragraph used by a company to explain a

companys purpose. They help employees to remain focused on the tasks at hand, as
well as encourage them to find innovative ways to achieve organizational goals. Besides,
a Mission statement serves as a framework for making future strategic decisions. They
also provide strategic direction for employees and focuses directions on the
organizations basic charge. Mission statements differ from vision statements. A mission
statement remains unchanged and is what an organization aspires to be for its whole
existence while a vision statement is what an organization aspire to be in the future.

The characteristics of a good mission statements include being realistic, specific

and short, achievable, understandable and avoid jargon. Normally, good mission
statements would define organizational goals in at least three dimensions. These
dimensions are what the organization does for its customers, employees and owners.
Some Mission Statements extends towards the fourth and fifth dimensions which are
what our company can do for the community and for the world.

1.2.1 Our companys Mission Statement

1. What our company provide for our customers:

To obtain trust from customers by ensuring their satisfaction on our products.

2. What our company provide for our employees:

To provide harmonious environment for employees to work in by promoting
teamwork and dedication.
Encourage and drive their passion to achieve company goals.

3. What our company provide for our owners:

To accept change and improve ourselves continuously
To obtain maximum profit while ensuring quality.

4. What our company provide for our community:
To provide a comfortable environment for people to live in.

5. What our company provide for our world:

Use green building.

Our mission statement

At Prior Wing Corporation, our mission is to become a leading construction company,

build relationship through trust and dedication, using commitment and innovation to
overcome challenges and surpassing expectations, pursuing perfection.

1.3 Core Values

Core Values are fundamental beliefs of a person or organization. These values serve as
a foundation or guiding principles which direct our behaviours and action. It can guide a
company to make the right decisions, help us determine whether we stand on the right
path which guides us to achieve organizational goals, fulfilling our mission and purpose.

1.3.1 Our Companys Core Values

There are a variety of values which range from being achievement-driven to leadership
to trust. Since there are so many values to choose from, no two companies will hold the
same core values, making every company unique and different from one another. Some
of our companys core values are Teamwork, Continuous improvement, Trust,
Innovations, Commitment and Dedication.

Team Work

Our company believes that our primary asset is our people. We promote teamwork
among our organizational members, knowing that collaborations or working in a team
can bring out the best results in them. This is because many brains thinking are always
going to be better than one brain, resulting in plenty of creative ideas instead of one.
Work together not only enhance the relationship between employees, but also build trust
and the togetherness, driving their passion to achieve organizational goals together. As
the head of the company, we could give opportunity and encourage them.

Dedication and Commitment

We feel that commitment is the key to success. We prefer to hire people who are more
committed towards their work. This is because even if they are less skilful, they can take
the extra mile to learn and train into the desired outcome. Besides, customers tend to
believe in people who are more committed and would pay more attention to them. Here,
at Prior Wing Corporation, we believe in a more genuine relationship, committing
personal attention to customers and treat them like friends than profit.

Continuous Improvement

We believe that everyone needs to improve themselves in order to become a better

them. This is the same for our company. We accept change and always make a move to
improve ourselves, maintaining our high quality products and services and standards.
We want to gain customers in using our product. We also dream to be one of the best
construction companies in the world.


Trust is a key motto for our company. With the widespread of uncertainty and distrust in
the economy today, it is important that our company is built on trust. We want customers
to trust and believe in us for our worth and commitment to them. This would give us
much more confidence to move further.


Innovations mean creating new ideas and methods. Our company promotes innovation.
We accept change and are continuously improving ourselves to become a better version
of us. For instance, we use Building Information Modelling (BIM) software to assist our
construction method. This is to obtain the best quality of products and obtain gain
customers trust in us.

1.4 Organizational Goals

Organizational goals are overall objectives, purpose and mission of an organization that
have been established by its management and communicated to its employees. It is
created in an attempt to achieve a desired state of profit and success. It is generally
found in an organizations mission and vision statement, but its details are defined in the
business plan.

1.4.1 Short term goals

A short-term goal is something that you want to accomplish or achieve in the near future.
The near future can mean today, this week, this month, or even this year. It is important
to make short-term goals as it can help you think about what you can do at the moment
and help you manage your time. Completing short-term goals might lead to big
accomplishments if you work hard on it.

Some of our short-term goals include:

i. To create a branding for our company.

ii. Produce high quality product for our customers.

iii. Develop a strong image in the construction industry.

iv. To tender large project worth RM 30 Million in total within 6 months.

v. Encourage teamwork among employees during problem solving and decision-


vi. Provide high quality customer service to our clients.

vii. Constantly reflect and make improvements.

1.4.2 Mid-term goals

Mid-term goals are priorities that can be accomplished within two to five years. Some of
the mid-term goals are:

i. Raise enough money to expand the company.

ii. Become a public listed company in Malaysia.

iii. Provide quality products to customers and gain loyal customers.

iv. Maximize profit for the company.

v. Maintain our standards and continue to improve ourselves.

1.4.3 Long term goals

A long-term goal is something you want to do further in the future. Long-term goals
require time and planning. They are not something you can do this week or even this
year. Long-term goals usually take more than 5 years to achieve or more to achieve.

Some of our long-term goals include:

i. Upgrade to Grade 7 contractor in order for us to get higher value project.

ii. Expand our company business to overseas within 10 years.

iii. Have at least 3% market share in global construction industry.

iv. Be Leader of contractor in construction industry in Malaysia.

v. Construct high value project.

1.5 Organizational Structure

An organizational structure is a chain of command and hierarchy of responsibility,

authority and accountability that consists of explicit and implicit institutional rules and
policies designed to outline how various work roles and responsibilities are delegated,
controlled and coordinated.

An organizational structure shows how information flows between the different

levels of management within the company. For example, in a centralised structure,
decisions flow from the top of the hierarchy to the bottom. This means that the top levels
of management possess most of the decision-making power and have control over the
departments of a company. On the other hand, in a decentralised structure, decisions
are made at various levels. Decision-making power is distributed among departments,
making them more independent in making decisions.

There are four types of organizational structure including Functional structure,

Divisional structure, Matrix structure and Network structure. All of these structures have
different functions and advantages. After much consideration, our company has
decided that Matrix structure was the best choice. A Matrix structure is a
combination of both Functional structure and Divisional structure.

1.5.1 Functional Structure

Functional structure groups organizational members based on their specializations.

It consists of different departments which perform different functions. For example, in a
Marketing Department, there are Marketing team, Sales team, and advertisement team.
A Marketing Departments job is mainly to advertise and sell the product of an
organization to achieve organizational goals.

Before constructing a Matrix structure, we had to first come up with our functional
structure. Our company has come up with six departments which each hold a different
function in the company. They include Project Department, Engineering Department,
Purchasing Department, Human Resource Department, Marketing Department and
Finance Department. These Departments are led by a general manager and Board of
directors. Although every department function differently due to their different
specialization, they all share a common organizational goal.

Functional Organizational Chart

The Organizational Chart Below is our companys functional structure where each
department consist of organizational members that support and enhance the department
based on their specialization.

Board of Directors

General Manager

Project Engineerin g Purchasing Human Resource Finance Marketing

Department Department
Department Department Department
Project Engineer Purchasing HR Financial Marketing
Manager Director
Manager Manager Director Director

Quantity Site Purchasing Office Auditor Sales

Surveyors Engineer Agent Manager

Architect Structural Training Accountant Marketing

Engineer Manager Team

Site Civil Admin and Planning & Advertisement

Engineers Engineer Budgeting

1.5.2 Divisional Structure

A divisional structure is designed so that members of the organization are grouped on

the basis of common products or services, geographic markets or customers served.

Board of Directors

Superior Project Manager

Project Manager A Project Manager B Project Manager C

Engineering Engineering Engineering

Department Department

Purchasing Purchasing Purchasing

Department Department

Human Resource Human Resource Human Resource

Department Department Department

Finance Finance Finance

Department Department Department

Marketing Marketing Marketing

Department Department Department

1.5.3 Matrix Structure

How Matrix Structure works

An organizational structure defines how much group tasks are allocated, coordinated

and being supervised and how it is being directed towards the achievement of an

organization. From our research, we feel that Matrix structure is the best and the most

suitable structure compare to other organizational structure as it fulfil our business

purpose, scale and function. Normally, in matrix structure, employees are required to

report their work not only to functional departments, but also to their respective project

managers while in functional structure, they will only have to report to their respective

functional department. We find that this makes matrix structure more reliable and


Matrix structure is a structure in which the reporting relationships are set-up as a

grid, or matrix, rather than in the traditional hierarchy. It often combines the functional

structure with a product based or division based structure. In our company, our matrix

structure consists of the functional team at the top of the hierarchy, and the project-

based structure below it. Our functional teams consist of several departments, led by the

functional manager or Board of Directors. Our functional teams include Engineering

Department, Purchasing Department, Human Resource Department, Finance

Department and Marketing Department.

Each functional team will control and supervise the working progress of their

members respectively. At the same time, it also acts as a supporting and advice team for

the project-based team. Employees in each project will be reporting their work to both

project managers and functional department managers. For example, when a problem is

found in a company, the project managers will seek advice from the superior project

managers. For more queries and information, they can also request for the support and

assistance from the functional department.

Our Matrix Structure

The organizational chart below is derived from our Matrix structure.


Superior Engineering Purchasing Human Finance Marketing

Project Department resource Department Department
Manager Department

Project Engineering Purchasing Human Finance Marketing

Manager A department resources department department
(Team A)
(Team A) (Team A) (Team A) (Team A)

Project Engineering Purchasing Human Finance Marketing

Manager B department resources department department
(Team B)
(Team B) (Team B) (Team B) (Team B)

Project Engineering Purchasing Human Finance Marketing

Manager C department resources department department
(Team C)
(Team C) (Team C) (Team C) (Team C)

Matrix structure

Advantages of Functional-Project based Matrix Structure

Since there is more than one project going on in our company, it is difficult for us to

manage the company with just one functional department. To cut down the department

work load and clarify the responsibilities of each member, the project-based structure is

the most efficient way. Each project managers will be in charge of their own project.

They are only eligible to obtain technical and monetary support from the functional

departments. This is to avoid confusion with functional departments as well as lower

down their work load.

Furthermore, matrix structures promote reporting relationship set up as a grid

rather the traditional hierarchy. Information will flow seamlessly and both across and up

through the organization. Being in contact with many people will help employees in the

decision making process. The resources can be used efficiently too as the

resources is shared between different projects and managed by the facilities

management team.

1.6 Job Responsibilities of Each Position

1.6.1 Engineering Department

The engineer department is responsible for the planning of the construction project. This
includes conducting surveys, engaging in research, analysing results, planning the
construction and supporting all technical issues during the project.

Engineering Manager

Confer with management, production, and marketing staff to discuss project

specifications and procedures.

Recruit employees; assign, direct, and evaluate their work; and oversee the

development and maintenance of staff competence

Prepare budgets, bids, and contracts, and direct the negotiation of research


Coordinate and direct projects, making detailed plans to accomplish goals and

directing the integration of technical activities.

Structural Manager

preparing reports, designs and drawings

making calculations about loads and stresses

selecting appropriate construction materials

providing technical advice

obtaining planning and/or building regulations approval

liaising with relevant professional staff such as architects

monitoring and inspecting work undertaken by contractors

administering contracts

Civil Engineer

undertaking technical and feasibility studies including site investigations

using a range of computer software for developing detailed designs

undertaking complex calculations

liaising with clients and a variety of professionals including architects and


compiling job specs and supervising tendering procedures

resolving design and development problems

managing budgets and project resources

scheduling material and equipment purchases and deliveries

Site Engineer

Managing parts of construction projects

Overseeing building work

Undertaking surveys

Setting out sites and organising facilities

Checking technical designs and drawings to ensure that they are followed


Supervising contracted staff

Ensuring projects meet agreed specifications, budgets or timescales

1.6.2 Project Department

Project department is responsible for scheduling and managing for each project. The
project manager needs to decide the budget, assign employees and their duties to
complete the job, oversee the safety of workers. They need to make sure the
construction work can be well completed according to the contract.

Project Manager

Set objectives in line with your organisation or client needs, which may include

scope, content, timings and budget.

Plan work and set deadlines to meet the agreed needs.

Select, lead and motivate your project team from both internal and external

stakeholder organisations.

Monitor the work to make sure it is on time and within budget.

Co-ordinate the work of your project team and delegate tasks where appropriate.

Identify and manage risks to ensure delivery is on time.

Quantity Surveyor

Manages all costs relating to building and civil engineering projects, from initial

estimates, right through to the final acquisition of materials

Minimise the costs of a project and enhance value for money, while still achieving

the required standards and quality.

Work for either the client or the contractor, in an office or on site.

Prepare tender and contract documents, including bills of quantities with the

architect and/or the client;

Undergo cost analysis of maintenance and repair work

Feasibility studies of client requests

Analysing completed work and arranging payment to contractors


liaising with construction professionals about the feasibility of potential projects

working around constraining factors such as town planning legislation,

environmental impact and project budget

working closely with a team of other professionals such as building service

engineers, construction managers, quantity surveyors and architectural


adapting plans according to circumstances and resolving any problems that may

arise during construction

playing a part in project and team management

travelling regularly to building sites, proposed locations and client meetings

1.6.3 Purchasing Department

Purchasing departments main role is purchasing supplies and materials used in the
projects and company daily needs. They need to compare among different suppliers and
finding the items with correct prices and qualities.

Purchasing Manager

Negotiate and agree contracts, monitoring the quality of service provided;

Process payments and invoices;

Keep contract files and use them as reference for the future;

Forecast price trends and their impact on future activities;

Give presentations about market analysis and possible growth;

Develop a purchasing strategy;

1.6.4 Human Resources Department

The H&R department is responsible for staff recruitment and training, record keeping,
compensation and benefits, insurance, and employee relations.

HR Manager

recruiting and staffing

organizational departmental planning
performance management and improvement systems
organization development
employee relations
company-wide committee facilitation

Training Manager

Identifying and assessing future and current training needs

Drawing an overall or individualized training and development plan
Deploying a wide variety of training methods

Office Manager

Develop and implement new administrative systems, such as record

Record office expenditure and manage the budget
Organise the office layout and maintain supplies of stationery and equipment
Oversee the recruitment of new staff, sometimes including training and induction
Carry out staff appraisals, manage performance and discipline staff


Projects such as gathering information by phone, letter, email or in person
Research for projects of your manager(s)
Recording and updating databases
Photocopying and scanning documents

1.6.5 Financial Department

The financial department is responsible for management of the companys cash flow and
ensuring there are sufficient funds available to meet the day to day payments. They are
also responsible for overseeing the company's profitability, ensuring timely and accurate
financial reporting, and ensuring that the company builds and maintains effective internal
accounting controls. The accounting team member will be a certified public accountant.

Finance Director

Monitoring business performance

Monitoring cash flow
Supervising your own accounts team
Preparing accounts
Planning for the future
Strategic planning


Preparing accounts and tax returns

Administering payrolls and controlling income and expenditure
Auditing financial information
Compiling and presenting reports, budgets, business plans, commentaries and
financial statements
Analysing accounts and business plans


Ensures compliance with established internal control procedures by examining

records, reports, operating practices, and documentation.
Verifies assets and liabilities by comparing items to documentation.
Appraises adequacy of internal control systems by completing audit
Maintains internal control systems by updating audit programs and
questionnaires; recommending new policies and procedures.

1.6.6 Marketing Department

The marketing department is responsible for market research, marketing strategy, sales,
advertising, promotion, pricing, product development, and public relations activities.

Marketing Director

Working closely with the companys Sales team

Guiding the day to day activities of the marketing team.

Ensuring that the marketing objectives are implemented by the marketing team.

Work closely with product management team

Manage social media presence

Developing and delivering marketing and communications strategies

Sales team

Assist to maintain well stocked as well as neat store appearance.

Identify and handle client orders quickly, appropriately and in friendly manner.

Supervise and ensure to follow refunds procedure along with error correction.

Maintain accurate and precise cash control.

Comply with company procedure to handle financial instruments.

Comply with all organization policies, guidelines and standard practices.

1.7 Strategic Planning

1.7.1 SWOT and External & Internal analysis

After developed our company vision, mission and core value the top management
should come out with the long term objectives to provide a guideline for the employees.
Before creating a long term objective, the internal and external analysis has to be done
to understand the opportunity, threat, strength and weakness of the company.

For the external study, our surveying group have go into detail analysis for 4
different sectors which is economic trends, technology, political-legal environment. From
the study of New York Times, economical trends in construction industry is going slow at
the years of 2016 and is expected to continue till the end of 2017,this is because there is
not many new projects is on-going and the uncertainty of RM currency and bad rumours
of Malaysias politic. Although it is not on a favourable trends, but upon the completion of
the mega project and infrastructure in the year of 2020 ,the market will turn better.

The invention of new technologies and system have boosted up the Malaysia
economy .The launching of EWTP (Electronic World Trade Platform) ,Malaysia trading
have move from information base to database , which means trading of investment
become more convenience which will likely to attract more investors from overseas to
invest in the property market. Apart from that, the many Building Information Modelling
software have been widely use in the construction industry. This software will cut down
the working load and assist in decision making of the project confessions.

Political-legal environment is also an important factor to be considered. In the mid

of 2016, the Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) has tightening of credit lending requirements
which indirectly cause the falling trends of properties market. The policy of lending loan
is expecting to be loosened at the year of 2020.

Apart from studying the external factors, understanding internal values and
strengths is important as well. Our company provide customers with fast and high quality
construction method by using the standard modulation to create precast components,
precast method will allow us to perform the component and erected it on site. This will
definitely lower down the construction times and provide high quality building as all of the
parts and components is molded in a controlled environment. We also have a wide
network of customers and maintain good relationship with every each of them and this
will ensure the smooth relationship selling effect.

However, we have weaknesses as well. To provide high quality and fast
construction, our pricing should not be set at a low range, this may cause lower volume
of customers as some of them may prefer a cheaper construction method. Apart from
that, our company is still consider as a medium scale contractor which means our
branding power is not that strong as others big scale contractor that handle mega project.

SWOT Analysis Table below will summarize both external and internal


Fast construction method Pricing in higher range

INTERNAL High quality product Only medium scale
FACTORS Wide network of customers
Insufficient branding power
Smooth relationship selling


Launching of EWTP Uncertainty of RM currency

(Electronic World Trade
EXTERNAL Bad rumors of Malaysias
More convenience for
Tightening of credit lending
Falling trends of properties
Building Information Modeling
(BIM) software have been
widely used

1.7.2 Develop of long term objective and evaluation of strategy

The SWOT table above clearly show about the strength and weakness of our
company .After several discussion , our top management team have decided to set our
company 5 years long team objective as: To become grade 7 contractor (RM30million value)
and turn the be Malaysia leading contractor. After we develop our long term objective, it is
time to come out with alternative choice of strategy to archive it.

As our company provide with fast and high quality construction method, not every
customers willing to afford the price for our services, simply means that our company is
serving a niche market specific for those customers who wish to build building with high
durability and luxury. One of our strategies is to cooperate with company such as ECO
WORLD and Forest Height whose mainly focus on luxury building products such as 5 star
hotel, Semi D and bungalow. As what is shown above, one of the main weaknesses we have
is low branding power, this partnership is most probably going to solve this problem as those
developers are much more powerful and influence in the construction industry.

Apart from cooperate and build partnership relationship with others company , we
can also raise our company branding by organizing public events such as charity drive ,
marathon and else .Throughout these events, the public will get know of our company better
and may turn into our potential buyers as well.

From the external analysis, we understand that, 2020 year will be a boosting year for
our Malaysia economy as well as for the construction industry. Our company is planning to
complete most of our on-going projects before the years of 2020 so that our properties can
be face in the market to meet the boosting market trends. To make this happen, we must
adopt and adapt Building Information Modelling software well to simplified the works and
shorter the construction time.

1.7.3 Implementation of strategy

To archive the long term objective of our company which is To become grade 7 contractor
(RM30million value) and turn into Malaysias leading contractor. Implementation of strategy
is the most important stage.

The alternative strategies we have is to cooperate with others companies, organizing

communities activities to raise our branding power and to complete at least phrase one of all
of our project before the year of 2020.The implement all these strategies ,detail planning is
very important.

We will form a special teams which in-charge of partnership development with others
companies. The team members should be expert in finance and legalistic to pitch with the
others companies, and ensure our greatest goods. Once we have come to a duel, we will be
taking part in their construction projects.

To organize community activities such as marathon, community service and charity

drive, our human resources department will need to assign certain agency companies to
work on it. The agency company report us with the activities detail and arrangement on
transportation, accommodation and else.

Lastly, to ensure most of our project is completed by 2020, our company will need to
hire more experts of building information modelling and project management. With their
professional advice and monitors, it will not be an issue for our project to be completed in

1.8 Personal Evaluations

Personal evaluations is a system that are to provide an equitable measurement of an

employee's contribution to the workforce, produce accurate appraisal documentation to
protect both the employee and employer, and obtain a high level of quality and quantity in
the work produced. There are two types of evaluation that could evaluate our company
performance which is external and internal evaluation.

An external evaluation is an assessment conducted by a person who is not directly

involved in the development or operation of the system being evaluated such as the
management or human resources departments outside the project team. In this way, the
external evaluator has many advantages, objectivity, both the lack of interest, and the ability
to look at the problem from a new perspective. External evaluators also have few
shortcomings, but most are related to the relevant value system, and the assessment staff
lacks participation in project-related decisions. For example, such an assessor may not be
fully aware of why the development team chose to act in a particular way or appreciate the
ideas behind some of the decisions. The project team may also be threatened by the
assessor and consider that external values or negative attitudes are being adopted.

In addition, internal evaluation is evaluation that is carried out by someone from the
actual project team. An evaluator has the advantage of understanding the thinking behind
the development, together with an appreciation of any problems that may have arisen, and
should also command the trust and cooperation of the other members of the team. On the
other hand, such an evaluator may find it difficult to make any criticisms of the work carried
out, and, because of their close involvement with the project, may be unable to suggest any
innovative solutions to such problems that are identified. Such an internal evaluator will know
only too well how the members of the group have struggled to produce their course,
curriculum or package, and may shrink from the thought of involving them in more work.

To perform the performance evaluations on our employees, we will have to follow the
process. There are five steps in the evaluation process which is develop an evaluation form,
identify performance measures, set guidelines for feedback, create disciplinary and
termination procedures and set an evaluation schedule. For the first step which is develop
an evaluation form, prepare a form that focus only on the essential job performance areas.
By doing this, it makes the assessment more meaningful and relevant and allows you and
the employee to address the issues that matter most. Furthermore, identify performance
measures which is step two is a Standard performance measures, which allow you to
evaluate an employees job performance objectively, can cut down on the amount of time
and stress involved in filling out the evaluation form.

The third step is setting guidelines for feedback. Feedback is what performance
evaluations are all about. Before we implement the performance evaluation system, we will
make sure that everyone who will be conducting evaluations knows what kind of feedback to
provide, how to give it, and how to get it from the employee in return. Create disciplinary and
termination procedures which is the next step is having well-defined, written disciplinary and
termination procedures in the working place. For example, we could give verbal warning or
written warning which is warning letter and termination. Last step is setting an evaluation
schedule. After we gone through all the process above, we will start to decide when to
conduct the performance evaluations. Some practices do all employee evaluations at the
same time of year, while others conduct them within 30 days of each employees
anniversary of employment. We will ensure that each appraiser consistently meets the

1.9 Organizational Culture

Organizational culture gives a sense of common identity to all the employees in the
organization, it creates values and beliefs beyond their own personal aspirations. It also
provide a guidance to creates good working relationships as well as promoting ethical
communication and behaviours between employees. Hence, it is important to have our own
organizational culture as it may differentiate us to be special or better compare to other

We will focus more on developing a collaborative team in our company. So, we

create a team-oriented culture in our company. Team-oriented culture will guide our
employees to develop a collaborative environment while everyone is free to voice out. This
culture will directly emphasize their team spirit and feel more responsible to help each other
in order to achieve the task given as they feel themselves are being part of the team.
Moreover, ideas from a person can be refined and improved which results in an outstanding
outcome due to our team-oriented approach. Besides, teamwork also can be trained when
they have mutual understanding for each other. To implement this culture, we will build a
sense of unity, making sure they have clear understanding of annual goal and willing to
make contribution to the each other. There is no perfect individual, only have the perfect
team. A success of a company can only be achieved with an excellent teamwork and
cooperation by a great team.

On the other hand, our employees will be trained to respect each other when they
are approved to enter our company. Hence, respecting employees is a broad commitment
that means respecting all people who come into contact with our organization. For us, our
employees are not just a pairs of hands but knowledge workers who accumulate the wisdom
of experience on the companys front lines. Therefore, everyone in our company or interact
with our company should be respected mutually. Respecting culture developed in our
organization is to create a working environment where employees can fully trust on company
as they feel themselves being respected and trusted with their talent. If they know how to
respect each other and work collaboratively, a better future achievement will not be just a

Through implementation of these cultures, we try to promote a strong and close
relationship between employees. We want our employees to feel comfortable in their
working environment as we believe that the social barrier between department members can
be lowered through this approach. Besides, employees behaviour and decisions are better
understood or justified by the management only the employees are guided by a proper
organizational culture. Then, we will not be anxious our work productivity and performance of
the whole organization as it will be boosting indirectly along with it.


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