Warhammer 40k Campaign Rules Version 1

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The campaign is ordered through a Primary Victory Conditions

series of campaign phases. Each player

I. Take Territory
acts simultaneously during these phases
Three territories on the map are
in the order outlined below. This order
noted with the TT reference.
attempts to bring a manageable order to
One of these will be located in
the tumult and chaos that a campaign
the players beginning territory.
When selecting this as a Primary
During a campaign phase each player Victory Condition the player
gets the opportunity to take part in the must select one of the territories
planning phase, movement phase and outside of their beginning
finally the resolution phase. Once each territory as the target of their
player has finished the resolution phase victory. If at the end of any
then the campaign phase is considered campaign phase they control this
complete. After this any battles that territory then they are considered
need to be resolved are played and any to have won the campaign.
affect they have on the campaign is II. Breakthrough
recorded and resolved. Then a new Three territories on the map are
campaign phase begins. noted with the BK reference.
One of these will be located
Campaign Set Up
within the players beginning
As we are playing a narrative campaign territory. When selecting this as
it is important to understand how the a Primary Victory Condition the
campaign should unfold beforehand. player must select one of the
We are using a map to organize the territories outside of their
campaign. The map will be small to beginning territory to be their
limit the amount of movement that each breakthrough point. If they are
player will have to do to initiate a fight. able to move an army into this
territory and subsequently move
Victory it off the edge of the map then
There are three victory condition open they are considered to have won
to each player. These are decided in the campaign.
secret and are only revealed when one III. Hold Territory
player has completed theirs or the Three territories on the map are
defined number of turns has been noted with the HT reference.
completed. One of these is located in each of
the players territories. If a player
If the number of turns runs out and who selected this as their
none of the primary conditions have Primary Victory Condition holds
been achieved then victory will be all three of these territories at the
determined by secondary victory start of a campaign phase then
conditions outlined later.
they are considered to have won If when determining Secondary Victory
the campaign. Conditions two or more players have
achieved the same number the
Secondary Victory Conditions
campaign is considered to have resulted
During the course of the campaign each in a stalemate with nobody emerging as
player should track the following the clear victor.
statistics for their side after each battle
Army Creation and Size
is resolved; HQs killed, Troop squads
killed, and Vehicles killed. Vehicles Each player in the campaign begins
must have the vehicle keyword and with two hundred power points from
have more than seven wounds to count which they will conduct their
for this category. campaign. This represents the total
forces at their disposal during the time
I. Assassinate
that the campaign represents.
If the player has selected this as
their Secondary Victory Initially only one army is deployed on
Condition and has killed the the map. The minimum size of this
most HQs they are considered army is fifty power and the maximum
to have won the campaign. size is sixty power. This army begins
II. Disrupt the campaign on the players HT
If the player has selected this as territory.
their Secondary Victory
At the beginning of the third campaign
Condition and has killed the
phase two armies are deployed to the
most Vehicles they are
players BK territory. The minimum
considered to have won the
power of each of these armies is forty
and the maximum power is sixty. The
III. Demoralise
armies may not occupy the same
If the player has selected this as
territory by the end of the third phase.
their Secondary Victory
This is the only time that two friendly
Condition and has killed the
armies may occupy the same territory.
most Troop squads they are
considered to have won the Armies may never exceed 75 power
campaign. during the course of the campaign.
Armies may never have less than
twenty power. If an army ever falls
If two or more players achieve their below this threshold they are
Primary Victory Condition at the same considered to have been scattered and
time then victory should be are no longer effective as a fighting
immediately determined by which of force. They are removed from the map.
them has achieved their Secondary
The Campaign Turn
Victory Condition.
A campaign consists of eight turns. reinforced may only take the hold
Players may choose to extend or option in the Army Planning Phase. A
shorten this prior to the beginning of player using this option should record it
the campaign. in secret and only reveal that they have
selected this option when they also
Each campaign turn consists of five
reveal what movement the army is
phases that are conducted in the
following order:
Army Planning
I. The Strategy Phase
II. The Army Movement Phase Each player in secret records where
III. The Battle Phase each of their armies will move to and
IV. End Phase how they move. Each army and
V. Result Phase territory on the map should be named or
numbered so that they can be easily
The Strategy Phase identified.
The strategy phase is the first phase of a The movement option selected also
campaign turn. The strategy phase is determines the attack/defence abilities
ordered into the following sub-phases: open to that army when it comes to
I. Victory Determination select one in the battle phase.
II. Army Reinforcement The following four movement options
III. Army Planning are available to each army:
IV. Strategy and Tactics Planning
I. Hold
Victory Determination The army remains in position
At this point any player who has and fortifies the area against
achieved their Primary Victory attack. The army does not move.
Condition must declare so. Once this II. Patrol
has been verified then that player is the The army moves slowly with
Victor. scouts and patrols covering its
movement. It is the most
Army Reinforcement cautious way to move but it
protects best against enemy
Armies can be reinforced during the
forces. The army may move into
Planning phase. A single army on the
an adjacent territory.
players side may be reinforced with up
III. Advance
to ten power. An army is only eligible
This represents the standard
for reinforcement if it fought a battle
movement of an army. Scouts
during the previous campaign phase.
and patrols are still used but to a
Any power added to an army is
lesser degree enabling the army
removed from the players pool of
to make quick time but leaving
available power. An army that has been
them more vulnerable to attacks. The army movement phase is the
The army may move into an second phase of the campaign turn. It is
adjacent territory. ordered into the following sub-phases:
IV. Rapid Advance
I. Reveal
This represents a desperate
II. Move
headlong movement. Whether to
III. Resolve
escape a foe or to pin one in
place this is best used with Reveal
caution as it leaves the army in a
precarious state unable to predict At this point each player reveals the
the movement of any enemies in plans made for each armies movement
the area. The army may move as was recorded in the previous phase.
through an adjacent territory into Players should do this simultaneously
another. for each of their armies.

Strategy and Tactics Planning Players the reinforced an army also

reveal that fact at this point.
Each player will have a hand of three
strategy and tactics card drawn from the Move
appropriate deck at the start of the turn. Each player takes it in turn to move a
Each card contains the information on it single army. The distance is determined
that informs the player how the card by what option was selected and
may be used. Only one strategy and one recorded.
tactic card may be played in each
campaign phase. An army may not move into a territory
occupied by an enemy army. If their
At the start of the campaign phase a movement would take them through an
player may discard up to one card, opposing army they must stop and
either strategy or tactics, and draw up to remain where they are. If the army that
three cards. A player may never hold stopped had a Patrol order they may
more than five cards after drawing immediately convert that order into a
cards. Hold order.
Most strategy cards are played at this Two friendly armies may temporarily
stage of the campaign phase though occupy the same territory during this
they are often not revealed until later. sub-phase.
Tactics cards are used during battle Resolve
only and a player may play any card at
any appropriate time. After all armies have had a chance to
move it is time to resolve any effects.
The Army Movement Phase
If two friendly armies are currently in Patrol: Reinforce, Reconnoitre
the same territory they have two or Advance
options, to amalgamate or fall back. Advance: Reinforce,
Reconnoitre, Advance or Flank.
If two armies amalgamate add their
Rapid Advance: Advance or
current power together. Anything above
75 is wasted. Then remove the second
army marker. This newly formed army
may only take the reinforce option in
the following battle phase.

If the decision is made to fall back then

one army may immediately move
through an adjacent territory into
another ignoring the presence of an
enemy army in the first territory they
pass through. They also lose d6x5
power as they move permanently. They
may only take the flank option in the
following battle phase.

The Battle Phase

The battle phase is ordered into three


I. Attack/Defence
II. Battles
III. Results

Attack/Defence Phase

During this phase each army that is

adjacent to an enemy army must decide
a strategy to conduct the battle. Each
player determines and records the
strategy of each army in secret and then
revels these simultaneously at the end
of the phase.

The movement conducted by each army

determines what strategy they may
choose for the upcoming battle.

Hold: Hold or Reinforce

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