Causes of Death

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Causes of Death

Abby Dalling


NURS 410

Causes of Death


There are many things to be concerned about as a parent. Safety of the child is one of

them. There are many ways a child can be put in harms way but some occur more often than

others. The three most common causes of death for infants, early childhood, late childhood, and

adolescents will be discussed.


Congenital Anomalies

Some infants are born with congenital anomalies while others are not. Not all congenital

anomalies are the same or have the same level of severity. Some are not compatible with life and

nothing can be done to save these children. The new development of life is the time to see if the

infant will be able to live.

It is important for a nurse to make sure the family understands the problem. Encourage

the parents to ask questions if there is any. Let the parents spend as much time with the infant as

possible (Perry, S., Hockenberry, M., Lowdermilk, D., & Wilson, D., 2014, p.724).

Low Birth Weight

Low birth weight can lead to many problems for an infant. Infants are the age group at

risk from dying from this because the first year of life is usually the most dangerous time for a

low birth weight infant.

This can be a very hard thing for parents to handle because it may feel as if the parents

are to blame. It is important help the parents feel at peace and allow time with the infant.

Encourage the parents to ask questions that they may have and explain what has happened to

their infant (Perry et al., 2014, p.724)


Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

Infants that have a low birth weight, low apgar scores, recent viral infection, siblings od

SIDS victims, or are male sex are at more risk for SIDS. It is important that the family knows if

their infant has these risk factors.

There are many risk factors for SIDS. Some of the most prevalent are maternal smoking

before infant is born and infant being around smoke after he or she is born, infant sharing a bed

with someone else, prone sleeping, and soft bedding. It is important to teach parents about these

things and make sure there is understanding (Perry et al., p.912)

Early Childhood


The developmental level of early childhood children causes them to be prone to accidents

because of their high level of curiosity and their lack of knowledge. They do not yet know what

can or cannot hurt them.

It is important to teach parents about the most common accidents that happen so they can

be aware of preventing them. Some of the most common are burns, motor vehicle accidents, and

drowning. Teach parents to watch child closely and use safety features when possible (Perry et

al., p.943).

Congenital Anomalies

The child is still very young and may still be suffering from congenital anomalies from

birth. Some anomalies allow the child to live for a few years after birth but not long after.

It is important to teach the parents about the childs problem and ways that the child can

be helped. It is also important to explain that sometimes there is nothing they can do and they

need to not be hard on themselves.



There is increasing rise of violence in young children. Developmental factors that could

put children more at risk is their lack of understanding about life and that once it is gone it

cannot be brought back.

Parents need to be taught to not let their children play violent videogames so that they do

not become desensitized (Perry et al., p. 724)

Late Childhood


These children start to be involved in activities away from home. Speed and motion

interest them and they are easily distracted by the environment. According to Erikson this is the

stage of industry.

Teach parents to educate child about seatbelts and safe pedestrian behavior. There are

many types of accidents such as drowning, motor vehicle accidents, and burns that parents

should be teaching the child about.


Cancer can happen to anyone at anytime but this is the second leading cause of death for

this age group.

Teach parents things to look out for like the child waking up with headaches, having

constant pain, or anorexia.


Depression can be a problem in this age which can lead to suicide. There is so many

changes happening with the body and mind and it can be a lot to handle.

Teach parents to seek help if the child exhibits signs of depression or if the child is

struggling in school (Perry et al., p.1007)



This age group has peak physical, sensory, and psychomotor function. This gives

adolescents a feeling of strength and confidence. It is common for this age group to often act on

impulse instead of logical thinking and have a feeling of indestructibility. This raises the risk of


Teach parents to teach their children about safe driving and the consequences that can

happen if there is not safety. Teach them how to swim and be a safe pedestrian. Allow them to

learn by doing and respect their thoughts (Perry et al., p. 1029).


Peers play a big role in adolescents lives. The environment that the adolescent has also

plays a big role. Gay, Lesbian, and bisexual adolescents are particularly at risk for suicide.

Teach parents to be alert for signs of depression and the adolescents peer interactions. If

the adolescent threatens or attempts suicide teach parents to seek immediate help (p.1044).


The presence of a gun in the house increase the adolescents risk for homicide.

Environment and peers also play a major role. Adolescents are easily influenced and affected by


Teach parents to keep guns and other weapons hidden. Teach them to be aware of what

the adolescent is involved in and what peers he or she is being influenced by.


There are many dangers to watch out for as a parent. It is important to always watch your

child safely and teach them about things that can cause harm. Certain ages require different

methods of teaching and it is important to teach parents about the different developmental stages.


Perry, S., Hockenberry, M., Lowdermilk, D., & Wilson, D. (2014). Maternal Child Nursing

Care. St. Louis, MO: Mosby, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.

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