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Oath in Litem

An oath respecting the value

of the property which is the subject of
an action.

Oath of Office

The oath taken by a person

upon assuming public office.

Oath Oath Purgatory

A solemn declaration of An oath taken by a person

intention to tell the truth. The method who is guilty of a contempt of court
of administering an oath may be whereby he submits facts to excuse his
varied to conform to the religious conduct.
belief of the party so as to make it
binding upon his conscience. Most Obit
commonly it is on the gospel by the
taking of the book in hand and kissing A requiem mass or a mass for
it after the words have been ad repose of the departed in the Roman
dressed to the party taking the oath, Catholic liturgy.
though the kissing has in some places
been abolished. Not unfrequently, Obiter
oaths are administered by the uplifted
hand, the party or witness holding up Lat. In passing; by the way.
his right hand while the proper officer
repeats to him the necessary words. Obiter Dictum
Another form of attestation, called an
affirmation, is commonly used by per A statement by the court of a
sons who have conscientious scruples legal principle which is not necessary
against taking an oath. to the case before it. Such a statement
is not binding as a precedent but may
Oath Decisory be of value nonetheless.

In civil law: An oath which a

party to an action leaves to the other
party and upon which the decision is Objection
An argument or reason
presented against an act of the adverse

party or his counsel, or against a Lat. An obligation that arises
determination by the court in the upon a contract.
course of a trial. It is most commonly
used against the ad mission of Obligatio Ex-Delicto
testimony during a trial. The usual
form of general objection to testimony Lat. Civil obligation or
is that it is ''immaterial, irrelevant and liability arising from the commission
incompetent. But the grounds of the of a crime.
objection should be stated.
Obligatio Ex-Maleficio
Objection to Evidence
Lat. Civil obligation or
Objection to evidence cannot liability arising from the commission
be raised for the first time on appeal; of a crime.
when a party desires the court to
reject the evidence offered, he must so Obligation
state in the form of objection. People
vs Aplat, 720 SCRA 260; People vs A juridical necessity to give,
Cabrera, 740 SCRA 41 to do or not to do. (Article 1156, Civil
Objection to the documentary
evidence must be made at the time it An obligation is a juridical tie
is formally offered, and not earlier. be tween two persons, by virtue of
Republic vs Sandiganbayan, 722 which one of them, the creditor, has
SCRA 211 the right to den1and of the other, the
debtor, a definite prestation. In the
Oblatio words of Manresa, it is the legal
relation established between one party
Lat. In civil law: Money which and another whereby the latter is
a debtor tender to his creditor in bound to the fulfillment a prestation
payment of the debt. which the former may demand of
Oblation Elements of Obligations:

An offering made for the Every obligation has four

furtherance of the functions of the definite elements:
clergy or of the church. ( 1) an active subject, who
has the power to demand the pre
Obligatio Ex Contractu station, known as the obligee or

(2) a passive subject, who is Obligee
bound to perform the prestation,
known as the obligor or creditor; One to whom a legal duty is
(3) an object or the prestation; owed
(4) the efficient cause or the Obligor
juridical tie between the two subjects
by reason of which the debtor is One who is under a legal duty
bound in favor the Creditor to or obligation
perform the prestation.
Oblique View
Obligation with Period
That which is obtained from a
Obligations with a resolutory wall at an angle with the boundary
period take effect at once, but line, such that in order to see the
terminate upon arrival of the day adjoining tenement. It is necessary to
certain. A day certain is understood to put out or turn ones head to the left
be that which must necessarily come, or to the right.
although it may not be known when.
(Article 1193, Civil Code) Direct view: which is obtained
from a wall parallel to the boundary
Those whose consequences line, such that from the opening in
are subjected in one way or another to such wall it is possible to see the
the expiration of said period or term. adjoining tenement without the
(Lirag Textile Mills, Inc. vs. Court of necessity of putting out or turning
Appeals, 63 SCRA 374) one's head

Obligatory Redeemable Share Obloquy

Or Compulsory redeemable Disgrace; reproach

share: As to mining company, it refers
to such stock as is Issued to those who Obrem
originally own the mining ground or
valuable right connected therewith, in Lat. On account of or a suit
consideration to their deeding the against the thing.
same to the mining company, when
the company is incorporated. It may
also mean such stock as is issued, or
those interested in the company, or Obreption
incorporating it.

In ecclesiastical law: The A term implied to a law
obtaining of some church privilege by which is not repealed but which is not
a false statement enforced.

Obstructing Execution of Process
A term implied to acts or
words or representations that shock Attempting to prevent or
public ideas of sexual purity or actually preventing the execution of
modesty. The test of obscenity has lawful process. It is considered a high
been said to be whether the words offense, more particularly so where
would tend to defame the morals of the obstruction of an arrest upon
persons who would see the criminal process, in which case the
publication by suggesting lewd person opposing the arrest thereby
thoughts and exciting sensual desires becomes a party to the crime, that is,
an accessory in felony or a principal in
Such indecency as is high treason to constitute such
calculated to promote the violation of obstruction the officer must be
the law and the general corruption of prevented by actual or threatened
morals. It is indictable. The exhibition violence on the part of one having
of an obscene picture is indictable at capacity to employ it.
common law even though not charged
to have been exhibited in public, if Obstruction Of Justice
exhibited to per sons for money
Acts which tend to hinder or
Obscenity obstruct the trial of an action,
especially a criminal proceeding,
View that Roth v. United including each stage thereof.
States, 354 U.S. 476 (1957), laid down
the more reasonable and thus, more Obvention
acceptable test for obscenity: whether
to the average person, applying An incidental profit or
contemporary community standards, advantage, especially to a beneficed
the dominant theme of the material clergyman.
taken as a whole appeals to prurient
interest. Soriano vs Laguardia, 65
SCRA 254.

Obsolete Obviously Manufactured Return

Election return that is Taking possession, or the act
statistically improbable. (Sinsuat vs. of possession, of some property,
Pendatun, 33 SCRA 630) generally land or buildings.

Occupancy A trade, profession or

business in which a person is
The taking possession of engaged.
ownerless property, or property The term also denotes the
which has been intentionally possession of the territory of the
abandoned, even if in law ownership enemy in time of war.
has not been lost.

Occupational Disease
One in actual possession of a
house, or some rights within a One which results from the
building or organization, like the pew nature of the employment, and by
of a church or an office. nature is meant to conditions to which
all employees of a class are subject
An actual, bona fide settler: and which produce the disease as a
Should be taken to mean the physical natural incident of a particular
possessors and does not include any occupation, and attach to that
other possessors, such as those occupation a hazard which
claiming to have constructive or legal distinguishes it from the usual run of
possession. (Barromeo vs. Lopez, CA- occupations and is in excess of the
G.R. No. 28669-R, June 26, 1964) hazard attending the employment in
general. (Me:iiez vs. Employees'
Occupant Load Compensation Commission, 97 SCRA
The maximum number of
persons that may be allowed to This type of disease is
occupy a particular building, structure characterized by the fact that
or facility or portions thereof. (Rules (1) it occurs in association
and Regulations Implementing the with particular types of occupation,
Fire Code of the Philippines) and
(2) the disability due to the
injurious exposure grow gradually
over a period of time.


Occupational Tax Occurrence

A tax or excise levied for the Or transaction: The word

right to engage in specified business. ''trans action" may comprehend a
series of many occurrences,
Occupation of Real Property depending not so much upon the
immediateness of their connection as
In criminal law: A person upon their logical relationship. In
who, by means of violence against or other words, the rule requiring the
intimidation of persons, takes pleading of a counterclaim, any claim
possession of any real property, or arising out of transaction or
usurps any real rights in property occurrence that is the subject matter of
belonging to another. (Article 312, the opposing parties' claim, the term
Revised Penal Code) "transaction" is broad enough to
include an occurrence and the
The requisites of usurpation words ' 'transaction' ' or ' 'occurrence' '
are that the accused took possession of as used include the facts out of which
another's real property or usurped a cause of action may arise and
real rights in another's property; that probably mean whatever may be done
the possession or usurpation was by one person which affects another's
committed with violence or rights and out of which a cause of
intimidation and that the accused had action may arise. In determining
animo lucrandi. In order to sustain a whether it is necessary to file a
conviction for "usurpacion de counterclaim, or to be barred from
derechoes reales," the proof must asserting it, the test to be applied is
show that the real property occupied whether the same evidence will
or usurped belongs, not to the support or refute the opposing claim.
occupant or usurper, but to some
third person, and that the possession Octave
of the usurper was obtained by means
of intimidation or violence done to the The eighth day after a festival,
person ousted of possession of the counting both days. The Octave of
property. Easter was the following Sunday.

Occupavit Ocular Inspection

Lat. He occupied or took Where the object in question

possession. A writ which lay to cannot be produced in court because it
recover a freehold by one who was is immovable or inconvenient to
evicted in time of war. remove, the natural recourse is for the
tribunal to go to the object in its place

and there observe it. This process, The term applied to counsel in
traditionally known as a ''view'', has an action who may not be counsel of
been recognized as an appropriate record.
one. (Brown vs. Meralco, 20 Phil. 406.)
Of Course
Occupied Bandwidth
A proceeding involving action
The frequency bandwidth of a court or of an agency, which will
such that, below its lower and above certainly be granted, without
its upper frequency limits, the mean argument or proof.
powers radiated are each equal to
0.5% of the total mean power radiated Off-Days
by a given emission. In some cases, for
example multi channel frequency- Rest days for the worker.
division system, the percentage of (Philippine Airlines Employees
0.5% may lead to certain difficulties in Association (PALEA) vs. Philippine
the practical application of the Airlines, Inc., 70 SCRA 244)
definitions of occupied and necessary Offended Party
bandwidth; in such cases a different
percentage may prove useful. (Article In criminal law: A person to
1, Section 3, Radio Regulations.) whom a violation of law was made.

Odio Et Atia, De Offense

Lat. Concerning hatred and A violation of law, including

enmity. An ancient writ. It was the all crimes and misdemeanors as well
foundation of a great part of the early as every other kind of contravention.
criminal procedure and may have
been one of the important elements in A violation of established
the development of criminal trials. rules of morality or proper conduct.

Of Age Offensive

The age of maturity is twenty- In pollution law: There is no

one years old. (Article 402, Civil Code) doubt that the word ''offensive''
The person who has reached majority includes strong stench. In order that
is qualified for all acts of civil life. an occupation or trade may be
sanitarily regulated, it is not necessary
Of Counsel that life and health be exposed to
danger; it is sufficient that the
business produces something

offensive to the senses, something that As used in Section 35, Rules of
renders the enjoyment of life and Court: An offer of evidence means the
property hard and unbearable. statement made by the counsel, when
(People vs. Sia Huat, 2 O.G. 494) the court has sustained an objection to
the evidence presented by him, as to
what he expects to prove by the
Offer witness. In other words, the offer of
evidence should be made in reference
The proposal to enter into a to what the witness would testify, if
contract made by one person called permitted.
the offeror to another called the
offeree. All the terms of the proposed Office
contract must be contained in the
offer, so that any indication of assent A position of trust or
will be sufficient to create the contract. authority in government. All officers
An offer does not arise until it is may be deposed for misbehavior in
communicated, i.e., comes to the office. An office is not a contract with
knowledge of the offeree. It ceases to the government or the appointing or
exist when it is revoked or rejected, or electing power, and, in the absence of
when it is accepted, since it then constitutional prohibition, the term of
becomes a contract. A counter-offer by an officer may be abbreviated or
the offeree is a rejection of the offer. extended by the legislature, or the
emoluments of the office may be
An offer will expire by lapse increased or diminished during the
of a set time is such a time is stated in term. Not unfrequently, however,
the offer, or by the lapse of a there are constitutional provisions
reasonable time, if no time is preventing the increase or
indicated. What is a reason able time diminishing of emoluments of state
is determined by usage or by the officers during the term and similar
special circumstances of the case, until legislative prohibitions with respect to
offer has expired, it may be revoked local offices.
by the offeror as soon as knowledge of
its withdrawal is communicated to the The room or place in which
offeree. In the same was it may be the public officer transacts business.
revoked as soon as knowledge of the
offeree's refusal reaches the offeror. If The right, authority and duty,
the offer has expired, it can neither be created and conferred by law, by
revoked, rejected nor accepted. which for a given period either fixed
by law or enduring at the pleasure of
Offer of Evidence the creating power, an individual is
invested with some portion of the

sovereign functions of the The Office of the President is
government, to be exercised by him tasked to provide administrative,
for the benefit of the public. (Oliveros advisory, consultative and other
vs. Villaluz, 57 SCRA 163) support services to the President in
the latters exercise of his/her powers
and functions as Head of State and of
Office-Block Ballot the Executive Branch

It is sometimes called by Office of the Solicitor General (OSG)

virtue of its origin, the Massachusetts
ballot. Names of all candidates, by The OSG represents the
whatever party nominated, for each Government of the Philippines, its
office are grouped together on the agencies and instrumentalities and its
office-block ballot, usually with an officials and agents in any litigation,
indication alongside each name of the proceeding, investigation or matter
party affiliation. The supposition is requiring the services of lawyers.
that the voter will be compelled to When authorized by the President or
consider separately the candidates for head of the office concerned, it shall
each ballot, in contrast with the also represent government owned or
encouragement given to straight-ticket controlled corporations.
voting by a single mark. (Peralta vs.
Commission on Elections, 82 SCRA Officer
A person entrusted with the
Office Copy duties of any office, public or private.
A person employed by a corporation
Transcript of legal to perform important administrative
proceedings which is filed in the duties, like president, secretary, or
appropriate public office. general manager.

Office of the Government Corporate As distinguished from ' 'clerk'

Counsel (OGCC) ' or "employee": Refers to those
officials whose duties, not being of a
Safeguard the legal interest of clerical or manual nature, may be
all government-owned and controlled considered to involve the exercise of
corporations, their subsidiaries, other discretion in the performance of the
corporate offspring and government- functions of government, whether
acquired asset corporations. such duties are precisely defined by
law or not. (Ibid.)
Office of the President
Officer Breaking Seal

Officers generally are bound
In criminal law: Any public to the exercise of ordinary care and
officer charged with the custody of diligence in the performance of their
papers or property sealed by proper duties whether paid or not. If paid, the
authority who breaks the seal or degree of care and diligence required
permit them to be broken constitutes a of them is increased, and they are
crime. liable personally for loss arising from
failure to perform their duties with the
Officer De Facto requisite care and diligence, and one
doing an act on behalf of a corporation
One who has the reputation of forbidden by law is liable personally
being the officer he assumes to be, and therefor. Officers of a corporation as
yet is not a good officer in point of well as the corporation itself may be
law. He must have acted as an officer held responsible for maintenance of a
for such a length of time, under color public nuisance even though that
of title and under such circumstances nuisance consists of the business of
of reputation or acquiescence by the the corporation itself.
public and pub lie authorities, as to
afford a presumption of appointment Official
or election, and induce people,
without inquiry, and relying on the The person appointed by
supposition that he is the officer he archbishop, bishop or dean, to
assumes to be, to submit or invoke his exercise ecclesiastical jurisdiction.
action. (Torres vs. Ribo, 81 Phil. 44) Sometimes used as a synonym for
Officers of Corporations
Pertaining to or in connection
Duties of: Corporation officers with the performance of a public office
have authority, in general, to perform or the status of a public officer.
such duties as customarily devolve
upon them as well as those which are Official Secrets
expressly allotted to them by the by-
laws or by statute. Acts done by them Matters which, in a public
within the scope of their usual and office, are classified by that office as
customary duties are presumed to material not to be communicated to
have been legally done, and are unauthorized persons or to the public
binding upon the corporation in the without official permission.
absence of some express prohibition in
the by-laws or elsewhere.

Official Receipts

Office of the Court In banking law: Only foreign
Administrator (OCA) Circular No. 22- banks or local branches of foreign
94 provides that the duplicate and banks may be authorized to operate
triplicate copies of court receipt must an offshore banking unit in the
be carbon reproduction in all respects Philippines.
of whatever may have been written in
the original. Office of the Court The OBU shall be under the
Administrator vs Pacheco, 626 SCRA supervision of the Central Bank.
686. Provisions of the Usury Law, Uniform
Currency Law and the Philippine
Officio, Ex Deposit Insurance Law shall not apply
to OBU's, except the Secrecy of Bank
Lat. Out of the office, i.e., by Deposits Law.
virtue of office. The term is in constant
use to describe certain functions Oficios De Hipoteca
which are incidental to holding office,
especially in the case of high executive Sp. During the early part of
officers, who are ex officio also the 19th century, oficios de hipoteca
members of certain boards and were under the charge of the
committees. escribano de ayuntamiento (municipal
secretary). These offices were
established to record various land
grants authorized by the Crown as
well as transactions relating thereto.
Officious Will Later, the alcaldes mayores took over
and then the escribario de cabildo.
A will in which the testator Again at a time, the functions were
does not disregard those who have a placed in certain offices known as
natural claim on his bounty. It is a contadurias, anotadurias and jusgado
descriptive, rather than a technical receptores.
Oil Burning Equipment
An oil burner of any type
An area situated off the shore together with its tank, piping, wiring
within a zone generally considered to controls, blower and related devices,
extend to three miles. (De Castro vs. and shall include all oil fired units,
Marcos, 26 SCRA 644) heating and cooking appliances.
(Rules and Regulations Implementing
Offshore Banks (OBU) the Fire Code of the Philippines).

Tasked to exercise disciplinary
In ordinary parlance: authority over all elective and
Lubricants, not gasoline or kerosene.
appointive officials, save only for
(Qua Chee Gan vs. Law Union and
impeachable officers. Alejandro vs.
Rock Insurance Company, 98 Phil. 85)
Office of the Ombudsman, 695 SCRA 35
Old Age [2013]

The mitigating circumstance Under Section 12, Article XI of

of old age under Article 13 (2) of the the 1987 Constitution, the Office of the
Revised Penal Code applies only Ombudsman is envisioned to be the
when the offender is over 70 years of protector of the people against the
age at the time of the commission of inept, abusive, and corrupt of the
the offense. Reyes vs. People, 626 Government, to function essentially as
SCRA 782.
a complaints and action bureau.
Gonzales vs. Office of the President, 714
SCRA 611 [2014]
A written instrument which is
entirely in the handwriting of the The Ombudsmans broad
person signing it. investigative and disciplinary powers
include all acts of malfeasance,
misfeasance, and nonfeasance of all
public officials, including Members of
the Cabinet and key Executive officers,
during their tenure. Gonzales vs. Office
of the President, 714 SCRA 611 [2014]
The power of the Office of the
Ombudsman to investigate extends to
View that the duties of the
all kinds of malfeasance, misfeasance,
Ombudsman and Deputy
and non-feasance that have been
Ombudsman are provided for in
committed during his tenure of office
Article XI, Section 13 of the 1987
by any officer or employee of the
Constitution. These include the duty
Government, or of any subdivision,
to direct any public official or
agency or instrumentality thereof,
employee of the government to
including government-owned or
perform and expedite any act or duty
controlled corporations. Office of the
required by law, or to stop, prevent,
Ombudsman vs. De Leon, 692 SCRA 27
and correct any abuse or impropriety

in the performance of duties. Gonzales The Ombudsman shall give
vs. Office of the President, 714 SCRA 611 priority to complaints filed against
[2014] high ranking government officials
and/or those occupying supervisory
positions, complaints involving grave
Under Section 13(8), Article XI
offenses as well as complaints
of the 1987 Constitution, the
involving large sums of money and/or
Ombudsman is authorized to
properties (Sec. 15, R.A. No. 6770).
promulgate its own rules of
procedure. Casimiro vs. Rigor, 744 Omissio
SCRA 611 [2014]
Lat. Omission.
In terms of composition, Section
3 of R.A. No. 6770 defines the Omission
composition of the Office of the
Ombudsman, including in this Office A failure to perform an act
which is a legal duty.
not only the officers of the several
Deputy Ombudsmen but the Office of
A failure to insert or mention
the Special Prosecutor as well.
something in a document.
Gonzales vs. Office of the President, 714
SCRA 611 [2014] Omnia Praesumuntur Contra
DEPUTIES, as protectors of the people Lat. Every presumption is
shall act promptly on complaints filed made against a wrongdoer
in any form or manner against officers
or employees of the Government, or of Omnia Praesumuntur Rite Et
any subdivision, agency or Solemniter Esse Acta
instrumentality thereof, including
government-owned or controlled Lat. All facts are presumed to
corporations, and enforce their have been done regularly.
administrative, civil and criminal
liability in every case where the
evidence warrants in order to promote
efficient service by the Government to Omnibus Bill
the people (Section 13, R.A. No. 6770;
see also Section 12 Article XI of the A statute which contains a
1987 Constitution). number of different bills.

Omnibus Election Code

Lat. Every innovation
A code which shall govern all occasions more harm by its novelty
election of public officers and, to the than benefit by its utility.
extent appropriate, all referenda and
plebiscites. BATAS PAMBANSA Omnis Ratihabitio Retrotra Hitur Et
BILANG 881, Section 2 Mandato Priori Eaquiparatur

Omnibus Motion Lat. Subsequent ratification is

equivalent to prior command.
A motion attacking a pleading
or a proceeding which include all Once a Mortgage Always a
objections then available, and all Mortgage
objections not so included shall be
deemed waived. (Section 8, Rule 15, The doctrine was firmly
Rules of Court) established from an early day that
The purpose is to avoid multiplicity of when the character of a mortgage has
motions which is a cause of attached at the commencement of the
unnecessary delays and expenses in transaction, so that the instrument,
the administration of justice. In the whatever be its form, is regarded in
interest of justice, litigants should not equity as a mort gage, that character
reiterate identical motions, of mortgage must and will always
speculating on the possible change of continue. If the instrument is in its
opinion of the court or of the judges essence a mortgage, the parties cannot
thereof. by any stipulations, how ever, express
and positive, render it anything but a
Omnibus Rules on Leave mortgage or deprive it of the essential
attributes belonging to a mortgage in
Pursuant to Section 63, Rule equity. (Reyes vs. Sierra, 93 SCRA 472)
XVI of the Omnibus Rules on Leave,
as amended by Civil Service One Half Month Salary
Resolution No. 070631, an employees
Absence Without Official Leave The Supreme Court (SC), in
(AWOL) for at least thirty (30) the case of Elegir vs. Philippine
working days warrants his separation Airlines, Inc., 676 SCRA 463 (2012) has
from the service. Alano vs Sahi, 738 recently affirmed that one-half (1/2)
SCRA 261 month salary means 22.5 days: 15
days plus 2.5 days representing one-
Omnis Innovatio Plus Novitate twelfth (1/12) of the 13th month pay
Perturbat Quam Utilitate Protest and the remaining five (5) days for
Service Incentive Leave (SIL) (Grace

Christian High School vs Lavandera, persons thus caring for them, such a
733 SCRA 498) contract does not constitute a
donation remuratoria but a donation
Onerari Non con causa onerosa, and is governed by
the law of contract and not that of
Lat. Not chargeable with the donation. (Carlos vs. Ramil, 20 Phil.
debt. 183)

Onerari Non Debet One Subject - One Title Rule

Lat. He ought not to be The one subject/one title rule

burdened. A plea in the old action of expresses the principle that the title of
debt which denies the personal a law must not be so uncertain that
obligation of the defendant on the the average person reading it would
debt which is the basis of the action. not be informed of the purpose of the
enactment or put on inquiry as to its
Onerous contents, or which is misleading,
either in referring to or indicating one
At the common law: An subject where another or different one
obligation entailing burdensome and is really embraced in the act; or in
difficult duties. omitting any expression or indication
of the real subject or scope of the act
At the civil law: A contract or Imbong vs Ochoa, Jr. 721 SCRA 146
title which is granted for valuable On Freight
consideration, as distinguished from
gratuitous. A type of compensation for
the crew In a written instrument: A
Onerous Cause recital of a date when not known with
certainty; an approximation of date.
An obligation assumed for
valuable consideration. On Shares

Onerous Donation A type of compensation for

the crew of the vessel: Compensation
When two persons advanced is based on the resultant profits of the
in years, being entirely alone and voyage.
requiring the care of younger people,
enter into a contract whereby it is
agreed that, in consideration of such
care during the lifetime of the former,
they transferred their real estate to the On The Occasion

In criminal law: The character To begin a trial or to be the
of a person in authority is not first to present argument to a court.
assumed or laid off at will, but To make public the contents of a
attaches to a public official until he sealed instrument, like a bid, a will or
ceases to be in office. an account.

Online Social Networks Not yet settled or completed,

as of a question of law or fact which
The purpose of an Online has not been finally determined. An
Social Networks (OSN) is precisely to offer is open until it is accepted,
give users the ability to interact and to revoked, rejected or expired by
stay connected to other members of limitation of time.
the same or different social media
platform through the sharing of Open Account
statuses, photos, videos, among
others, depending on the services A series of several financial
provided by the site. Vivares vs St. transactions between the same parties,
Theresas College, 737 SCRA 92 in which debits and credits are
balanced against each other and no
Only final settlement has as yet been made.
Also called account current or running
As used in Article 1734, Civil account.
Code: The word "only" conveys the
idea that the enumeration is exclusive.
Open and Closed Shop
On or About
The term ''open shop'' does
The phrase as employed in the not merely mean that the employer
information does not require the will recognize or deal with a union,
prosecution to prove any precise date but refers to a shop in which union
but may prove any date which is not and non-union men are employed
so remote as to surprise and prejudice without discrimination.
the defendant. (People vs. Borromeo, The term ' 'closed shop' ' usually de
123 SCRA 253) notes an establishment in which all
employees are members of a labor
Onu Probandi union.

Lat. Burden of proof.

Open Open and Notorious

equal access for purposes of
A term used of misconduct so commerce.
flagrant that any observer could notice
it and know its character. It is applied Open-End Company
especially to acts which shock public
morals like adultery. It is an investment company
which is offering for sale or has
Open City outstanding any redeemable security
of which it is the issuer.
In military law: In land
warfare, is a city within the combat
zone, which is laid open to the grasp
of the attacker's land forces by leaving Opening of Closed Documents
it undefended
In criminal law: Any public
An undefended city or town, officer who has no proper authority
one, i.e., that has no fortification opens and permits to be opened any
within or around it and no military closed papers, documents or objects
equipment to repel attack. entrusted to his custody can be
convicted of infidelity in the custody
Open Corporation of documents.

One in which the general Open Policy

public may become corporators or
members thereof. In insurance law: One in
which the amount to be paid in case of
Open Court, In loss is left to be fixed after the loss
A phrase describing an act
done publicly in the presence of the One in which the amount of
judge and the other officers of the liability is left open to be determined
court. according to the actual loss, either by
agreement of the parties, or on proof
Open Door Policy in compliance with its terms or with
the rules of evidence. However, there
In international law: The may be an amount written on the face
policy favored by some western of the policy, but that represents only
powers of demanding that a newly the maximum amount of recovery,
settled sections or in nations that beyond which there is no liability
previously excluded foreigners, like upon the in surer, even for damage
China and Japan, all foreigners have actually suffered.

and positive refusal. The judgment or
order must have been legally issued.
There should be criminal intent to
Open Port defy the superior authority.

A port or harbor to which Open Sea

ships can resort with the
understanding that goods unloaded In international law: That part
there may not, without special of the sea which is not enclosed
permission, be transported into the between head lands or included in
interior. narrow straits.

Operative fact doctrine Open Shop

The doctrine of operative fact, A business or industry in

as an exception to the general rule, which the employer is free to employ
only applies as a matter of equity and both union and non-union labor at his
fair play. It nullifies the effects of an pleasure.
unconstitutional law by recognizing Operation
that the existence of a statute prior to a
determination of unconstitutionality is Synonymous with
an operative fact and may have management, administration or
consequences which cannot always be control and the terms denote the
ignored. The past cannot always be authority to direct, restrict or regulate.
erased by a new judicial declaration. There is no legal differentiation
The doctrine is applicable when a among these terms and they signify
declaration of unconstitutionality will positive, rather than mere negative
impose an undue burden on those conduct.
who have relied on the invalid law.
Thus, it was applied to a criminal case Operation of Law
when a declaration of
unconstitutionality would put the A term describing the fact that
accused in double jeopardy Chavez vs. rights may be acquired or lost by the
Judicial and Bar Council, 696 SCRA 496 effect of a legal rule without any act of
[2013] the person affected.

Open Refusal Operator

In criminal law: Frankly and Includes the owner, manager,

unreservedly refusing to execute the administrator, or any other person
judgment or order, a clear, manifest who operates or is responsible for the

operation of business establishment or used instead of the decision or
undertaking. (Section 3(z), Local Tax judgment.
Opium Den

A dive or resort where any

Operative prohibited drug is used in any manner
contrary to law. (Article 191, Revised
Applied to words in a legal Penal Code)
instrument which are necessary to
produce the legal effect which is the
purpose of the instrument, like the
words of grant in a deed.
Opposite Numbers
Operative Fact Doctrine
In diplomatic parlance:
The operative fact doctrine is Normally diplomats deal only with
a rule of equity. As such, it must be their opposite numbers. However, if a
applied as an exception to the general diplomat of higher rank chooses to do
rule that an unconstitutional law so, he may take the initiative in
produces no effects. It can never be dealing with one of the lower rank.
invoked to validate as constitutional
an unconstitutional act. G.R. No. Oppression
The partiality of judges in
Opinion favor of one party rather than of the
The formal statement by a
judge of the reasons for his decision in The improper or excessive use
a case presented. As a rule, opinions of power or authority.
are rendered only by appellate court
in determining question of law; but in An act of cruelty, severity,
many cases trial courts also give unlawful exaction, domination, or
written opinions when only a question excessive use of authority. (Ochate vs.
of law is involved in a case, as when a Ty Deling, L-13298, March 30, 1959)
demurrer is ruled on. In many
jurisdictions, the constitution requires Oppressive
the filing of a written opinion by an
appellate court. The term is sometimes Unreasonable burdensome,
used to include the judgment or unjustly severe, or harsh. (Section 3(a-
decision, and occasionally is loosely l), Local Tax Code)

from the consideration for the offer;
Optima Legum Interpres Est but when the option; i.e., the
Consuetudo continuing offer is accepted, it ceases
to be an option and becomes a
Lat. Custom is the best mutually binding agreement of sale.
interpreter of the law.
Optional Dividend

One in which the stockholder

has the choice as to form.

Optimus Interpres Rerum Usus

Optional Redeemable Share
Lat. Usage is the best
interpreter. In corporation law: It is one
which accords to the issuing
Option corporation the right to call in or
purchase the share at a certain
A power of selection between redemption price.
two or more courses of action, either
of which will satisfy a claim. Optional Retirement

A contract to keep an offer A government officer or

open for a definite time. If the offer is employee has the option to retire if he
revoked before the expiration of the so desires provided he meets all the
time, the option may sue for the requirements prescribed by the
breach of the contract of option, but retirement laws.
not of the con tract contained in the (Commonwealth Act. No. 186, as
offer. If the latter contract, however, amended; Republic Act Nos. 340;
was one which could be specifically 910, as amended.)
enforced, the optionee may bring an
action to enforce the con tract of the Optionee
offer, as though the offer were still
open. A person who has secured by
contract the right to keep an offer
The distinguishing open.
characteristics of an option is that it
imposes no binding obligation upon Optioner
the person holding the option, aside

A person who has by contract heard, or addresses itself to the sense
bound himself to keep an offer open. of hearing, not of sight. In oral
defamation, the language used must
Or be defamatory and clear so as to leave
no room for doubt that it is addressed
The term "or" has, oftentimes, to a determinate person. Although the
been held to mean, "and," or vice- defamation may be direct or indirect
versa, when the spirit or context of the or in the form of allusions, it must
law warrants it. (Gonzales vs. nevertheless be positive, that is, it
Commission on Elections, 21 SCRA must express the idea or element
774) punished by the law. There is oral
defamation even if other persons and
not the offended party heard the
slanderous words. This principle is in
accordance with sound reason
because even if the offended party
Oral him self has not heard the slanderous
words, his reputation is affected if
By speech or word of mouth, such words were heard by persons
as contrasted with writing. The same whose opinions regarding his honesty
as parole. and integrity may be lowered.
However, the person defamed must
Oral Complaint be clearly identified.

An informal recital of a cause Oral Pleading

of action endorsed upon the
summons, usually in a court of Verbal pleading in open court.
inferior juris diction.
Oral Defamation
To decree; constitute; enact.
It distinguishes between To appoint to an office.
serious slander, a less grave felony,
and light slander, a light offense. The Order
gravity of the oral defamation
depends not only upon the A formal direction by a court,
expressions and how used but also on commanding or forbidding some act.
the personal relations of the accused
and the offended party and the A written determination of a
circumstances surrounding the case. court in connection with litigation and
Oral defamation refers to the words

not included in the judgment or
decree. Ordinary
Decrees issued by the President
during Martial law in the exercise of a As an adjective: Having
quasi-legislative prerogative. original, i.e., non-delegated
In Mercantile law: One of the
words of negotiability, i.e., "pay to the As a noun: The archbishop or
order of," which indicates that the bishop of a diocese. In the case of
paper must be indorsed in order to be ecclesiastical law, the bishop's deputy
effectively transferred. In many may be called the ordinary.
jurisdictions such a power of transfer
by indorsement, as though made "to
order of," will be implied if payment
is directed to a particular person and Ordinary and Liquidating Dividend
further transfer is not in express
terms, forbidden. In corporation law: That the
distribution of dividends of a
company which voluntarily wound
itself and its business sold to a new
Order of Business company incorporated under the laws
of the Philippines to ''carry on its
The order in which legislative business in trust for the corporation"
business is conducted. (vendor) and other successive
distributions of amounts in question
Ordinance among stockholders in the nature of
steps obviously to complete. Its
A local law or regulation liquidation are not distributions of
issued by a municipality, common ordinary dividends not being in the
council or council of the elders. ordinary course of business and with
intent to maintain the corporation as a
In administrative law: An act going concern but are after liquidation
passed by the municipal council in the of business had been decided upon
exercise of its law-making authority. payments for the surrender and
The passing of an ordinance is the relinquishment of holder's interest in
main function of the municipal the corporation or the so-called
council. There can be no effective local liquidating dividends. The test is
government if the municipal council is whether distribution was in the
powerless in passing measures ordinary course of business.
necessary to regulate the various Distribution of liquidating dividends
activities of the municipality. and not ordinary dividends is taxable.

(Wise & Company vs. Meer, 78 Phil. Ordinatione Contra Servientes
Lat. Concerning the order
Ordinary Care against servants.

The care to be exercised by a Ore

reasonable man under the particular
circumstances. Synonymous with R.A. No. 7942 defines ore as
reasonable care. naturally occurring substance or
material from which a mineral or
Ordinary Life element can be mined and/or
processed for profit SR Metals Inc. Vs
Or straight life: In insurance Reyes, 724 SCRA 535
law: The insurer pays fixed premiums
every year throughout his life and the Ore Tenus
beneficiary is entitled to receive the
face value only upon death of the Lat. By word of mouth.
insured. This kind of insurance has a
cash surrender value. Also known as Up to the lips. By word of
whole to regular life. mouth. The phrase is applied to any
argument made orally to a court,
especially when it modifies or
Ordinary Repairs supplements arguments already
presented in writing.
Such as are required by the
wear and tear due to the natural use of Organic Act
the thing and are indispensable for its
preservation. (Article 592, Civil Code) A Federal statute which gives
Requisites: ( 1) The deteriorations or self-government to the people of a
defects arise from the natural use of territory.
the thing, and (2) the repairs are
necessary for the preservation of the Organic Coating
A liquid mixture of binders
Ordination such as alkyd, nitro-cellulose, acrylic,
or oil, and flammable and combustible
The conferring of holy orders sol vents such as hydrocarbon, ester,
on a Christian minister, especially ketone, or alcohol, which when spread
applied to priests of the Roman on a surface becomes a durable
Catholic or Anglican Communion. protective and decorative finish.

(Rules and Regulations Implementing
the Fire Code of the Philippines) In general: A term applied to
any thing which is first in time or
Organic Law importance. It is used in a number of
special senses.
The organic law of a state or
nation is contained in its constitution. Original Bill
The term organic law is also as a
synonym of constitutional law. The bill filed at the beginning
of a suit in equity.
Organic Peroxide

A strong oxidizing compound

which releases oxygen readily. It
causes fire when in contact with Original Conveyance
combustible materials especially
under conditions of high temperature. The documents that creates an
(Fire Code of the Philippines. estate.

Organization Original Cost

In corporation law: Executive For newly acquired

structure, election of officers, machinery not yet depreciated and
providing for subscription and appraised within the year of its
payment of capital, adoption of by- purchase, refers to the actual cost of
laws, and other steps necessary to the machinery to its present owner
endow the legal entity with capacity (plus the cost of transportation,
to transact the business for which it handling and installation at the
was created. (Benguet Consolidated present site). (Section 3, Presidential
Mining Company vs. Pineda, 98 Phil. Decree No. 464.)
Original Entry
The first entry of a series of
To prepare an organization or transactions which a merchant makes
entity for the transaction of business, in his account book.
by assembling it, choosing officers,
committees, etc. (Mejia vs. Balolong, Original Jurisdiction
81 Phil. 486)
That conferred on, or inherent
Original in, a court in the first instance.

bar to another prosecution for the
The jurisdiction by a court to offense charged.
hear a case at its beginning, and
conduct it in a judgment that will be Orphan
final unless appealed.
A minor child that has lost
Original Package both his parents.

The package in which goods A minor child that has lost

are packed, shipped, handled and one parent. In determining whether a
delivered in the course of their child may be admitted to an
transportation from one country to orphanage or orphan asylum, such
another. half-orphans are frequently included.

Original Paper Ossuary

As used in Section 7 of Rule In building law: The

48, Rules of Court: Refers to papers interment space for bones of the dead.
that originals of which are of record in
the lower court, which the appellate Ostensible
court may require to be transmitted
for inspection. But if the original Applied to something that
paper in question has not been professes to be what it is not.
presented before the lower court as
part of its record, the same cannot be Ostensible Agency
transmitted on appeal under the said
section. The principal is bound by the
acts of his agent with the apparent
Original Stock authority which he knowingly permits
the agent to assume, or which he
Or formative stock: That holds the agent out to the public as
issued by an existing and completely possessing. The question in every case
organized corporation. is whether the principal has by his
voluntary act placed the agent in such
Or Otherwise Terminated a situation that a person of ordinary
prudence, conversant with business
When the case against the usages and the nature of the particular
defendant is dismissed or otherwise business, is justified in presuming that
terminated without the express such agent has authority to perform
consent of the defendant the dismissal the particular act in question.
or termination of the case shall be a

Ostensible Partner Out of its Not Being Used

A person not the member of a The phrase refers only to

partnership or firm, who permits the property that has once been used in
use of his name as a general partner in the trade or business. (Consolidated
transactions with third persons. He is Mines, Inc. vs. Court of Tax Appeals,
liable, on the principle of estoppel, to 58 SCRA 618)
all who reasonably might conclude
that he is a general partner. He is also Outrage
referred to as a nominal partner.
A wrong; the violation of a
Otherwise right.

In general: The word As a verb: To commit such a

"otherwise means but for, or under violation or wrong.
other circumstances; in a different
manner; in another way, or in other Outstanding
ways. (Cu Unjieng &Sons, Inc. vs.
Board of Tax Ap.!. peals, L-6296, An obligation which is due
September 29, 1956) and unpaid.

Oust In corporation law: As applied

to issued capital stock it means stock
To deprive a person of in the hands of shareholders and not
property of which he is in possession, treasury stock.
rightfully or wrongfully.

Ouster Outstanding Capital Stock

The deprivation or In corporation law: The total

dispossession of a person from shares of stock issued to subscribers or
property of which he is in possession; stock holders, whether or not fully or
a wrongful dispossession. partially paid (as long as there is a
binding subscription agreement),
Out of Court except treasury shares. (ec. 137,
Corporation Code of the Philippines)
Said of a person who has not
the legal right to conduct an action in Over

A term used to describe a gift
or limitation that comes into existence Over Issued Stock
on the termination of a previous
estate. That on which the corporation
agrees to pay interest, but such a
Overbreadth Doctrine contract is legal only when considered
as requiring payment for profits only.
Decrees that "a governmental Hence, it is really a preferred stock,
purpose may not be achieved by except perhaps that the discretion of
means which sweep unnecessarily the directors to use profits for other
broadly and thereby invade the area corporate purposes may be limited.
of protected freedoms." Estrada vs.

Overdraft Line Overloading

Maximum amount which a The use of one or more

bank agrees to lend in a lump sum or electrical appliances or devices which
by several payments, and which may draw or consume electrical current
be overdrawn by checks, bills of beyond the de signed capacity of the
exchange or drafts. existing electrical system. (Fire Code
of the Philippines)
To draw checks on a bank for
a larger amount than the drawer has Surpluses, or excess over a
on deposit there. Just as the bank given amount.
deposit is really a loan of money to the
bank, so the overdraft is a loan of Overrule
money to the depositor. Generally,
overdrafts are prohibited by bank By a court: To deny an
rules, and, under strict supervision of objection:
bank practices, are forbidden by To refuse to abide by a prior
statute as well. court decision, thus overturning its
authority as a precedent.
To disregard or make void.
The condition of an obligation
or in negotiable instrument on the day Overseas Filipino Workers
after it should have been satisfied or

Overseas Filipino or which evidences the existence of a
Workers or OFWs are Filipinos who conspiracy.
are employed in foreign countries.
They travel abroad to seek better Some physical activity or
opportunities in order to provide for deed, indicating the intention to
the needs of their families in commit a particular crime, more than
the Philippines. They are also known a mere planning or preparation, which
as "Overseas Contract Workers" if carried to its complete termination
(OCWs), since they work abroad following its natural course without
through a contract of several years being frustrated by external obstacle
with their employer. Overseas Filipino nor by the voluntary desistance of the
Workers (OFWs) used to be more perpetrator, will logically and
commonly referred to as Overseas necessarily ripen into a concrete
Contract Workers (OCWs). The term offense.
OFWs was officially adopted under
the President Fidel V. Over-The-Counter Transactions
Ramos Administration to give
recognition to millions of Filipinos In securities law: A
who sacrifice by working in other transaction not made on the floor of
countries. The change, replacing the stock exchange but outside the
'Contract' with 'Filipino' - honors same and directly between the broker
these Filipino workers by pledging the and the customer.
Philippine government's commitment
to their welfare wherever they may be, Overthrow
and removing the pre-condition of
possession of contract in order for The use of violent and other
Philippine consulates to come to their illegal means.
aid, under the Migrant Workers and
Overseas Filipinos Act of 1995 Overtime Pay
(Republic Act 8042).
Overtime is defined as work
performed beyond 8 hours in a work
day. A work day is also defined as a
Overt Act 24 hours period from the start of
work. So if an employee works from
Any act which an observer 8am to 4pm and then from 12am to
could notice. The term is applied to 8am, even though there is a 8 hours
the requirements of an acceptance of gap in between, it is still considered a
an offer to make a contract, and also, single work day. Therefore, overtime
in criminal law, to that act which premium shall apply.
constitutes the commission of a crime

According to Article 87 of the but subject to the restrictions imposed
Labor Code of the Philippines, there by law and the rights of others.
are 2 different overtime rates. The
overtime rate for a normal working Owner's Risk
day in the Philippines is 25% plus the
employees regular wage. However, if The risk, assumed by the
overtime time is performed on a rest owner of merchandise in transit, that
day or holiday, the overtime rate shall the goods may be damaged or
be increased to 30% plus the destroyed.
employees regular wage.
Oxidizing Material
A material that readily yields
That which is unpaid, as a oxygen in quantities sufficient to
debt. stimulate or support combustion. (Fire
Code of the Philippines)
A person entitled to the
privileges and rights of ownership Fr. To hear; to demand a copy
and subject to its obligations. of a document.

Owner-Manager Oyer of a Deed

In land reform law: The The hearing or inspection of

owner of a parcel of land devoted to an instrument in open court which a
agricultural production who provides party to an action might demand,
the capital and management in the whenever that instrument is made the
farm enterprise. subject of a claim, or might serve the
interests of the demanding party.

Ownership Oyez

The independent right of Fr. Hear ye. The cry used by a

exclusive enjoyment and control of a crier or a clerk of court to secure
thing for the purpose of deriving silence before the announcement that
therefrom all advantages required by the court is in session. It is usually
the reasonable needs of the owner and repeated three times.
the promotion of the general welfare


A bundle made up for transportation;

a packet; a bale; a parcel; or that in
which anything is packed; a box, case,
barrel, crate, etc., in which goods are
packed; a container. (Caltex (Phil.),
Inc. vs. Manila Port Service, 17 SCRA


An agreement or contract; a solemn


Pacta Sunt Servanda

Pacta Sunt Servanda is a fundamendal

maxim of international law that
requires the parties to keep their
agreement in good faith. Land Bank of

the Philippines vs Atlanta Industries, such as foreclosure proceeding and
Inc., 729 SCRA 12 (2014) public sale.

Lat. Agreement must be kept. It is an Pactum De Contrahendo

age-old rule in international law
according to which every State must In International law: An agreement by
execute in good faith the obligations a State to conclude a later and final
incurred by treaty. agreement. When these preliminary
agreements are expressed with suffi
cient precision, they create valid obli
Pacta Tertiis Nec Nocent Nec Prosunt gation.

Lat. In International law: The basic Paid or Incurred

theory that treaties do not impose du-
ties upon, nor create rights in favor of, Paid or accrued: Should be construed
States not parties to them. according to the method of accounting
upon the basis of which the net
Pactum income is computed. (Section 84(q),
National Internal Revenue Code)
Latin word for ''agreement.''
Paid- Up Capital Stock
Pactum Commissorium
In Corporation law: That percentage
Pactum Commissorium is among the of the subscribed capital stock is paid
contractual stipulations that are up. It is required to be at least 25% of
deemed contrary to law. It is defined the total subscription (Sec. 13,
as a stipulation empowering the Corpora tion Code of the Philippines).
creditor to appropriate the thing given
as guaranty for the fulfillment of the Paid-Up Insurance
obligation in the event the obligor fails
to live up to his undertakings, without A variation of life insurance policies: It
further formality, such as foreclosure is a unilateral contract executory as to
proceedings, and a public sale. the insurer but wholly executed as
Philnico Industrial Corporation vs. to the insured. Here, the insured does
Privatization and Management Office, not have to pay any premium, but the
733 SCRA 703. (2014) face value is reduced.

It is a stipulation giving power to the Paid-Up Stock

creditor to appropriate the thing given
as security, if the principal obligation In Corporation law: It has been fully
is not fulfilled without any formality, paid for by its subscriber or purchaser.

Paid-Up Surplus The payment of an employee on task
or pakyaw basis alone is insufficient to
In Corporation law: It arises from the exclude one from the coverage of
sale of par value stock at a premium. Service Incentive Leave (SIL) and
holiday pay. Id.

In determining whether workers

Pairing Judge engaged on pakyaw or task basis is
entitled to holiday and Service
The authority of a pairing judge is to Incetive Leave (SIL) pay, the presence
take cognizance of matters of another (or absence) of employer supervision
branch in case the presiding judge is as regards the workers time and
absent. performance is the key. Id.

Paitic Paliuntod

Played by spinning two coins and Vis. A homemade gun. (People vs.
later covered with a coconut shell Sarip, 88 SCRA 666)
while the coins are still moving and
the gam blers would bet whether the Panabas
coins would turn tails or heads and
the result of the game is determined A Muslim bolo. (People vs. Mago
by pure luck because the winner or nawal, 63 SCRA 108)
the person who will guess will be
declared the winner. (People vs. Tan, Panaksak
73 SCRA 288)h
Tag. A stabbing i'lstrument. (People
Engagement on pakyaw or task vs. Estero, 91 SCRA 93)
basis does not characterize the
relationship that may exist between Pandacan Oil Terminal
the parties, i.e., whether one of
employment or independent The Pandacan Oil depot remains a
contractorship. David vs. Macasio, 729 terrorist target even if the contents
SCRA 67. have been lessened. Social Justice
Society (SJS) Officers vs. Lim, 742
A distinguishing characteristic of SCRA 1
pakyaw or task basis engagement,
as opposed to straight-hour wage It is the removal of the danger to life
payment, is the non-consideration of not the mere subdual of risk of
the time spent in working. Id.

catastrophe that we saw in and made betterment. (Estorque vs. Estorque, 33
us favor Ordinance No. 8027. Id. SCRA 540)

Panel of Arbitrators Article 828, Civil Code, also considers

as mejora such bequest or legacy to a
The Panel of Arbitrators (POA) has child or descendant as cannot be in
jurisdiction to settle disputes over cluded in the free portion, as long, of
rights to mining areas. Narra Nickel course, as the strict legitime of the
Mining and Development Corp. vs com pulsory heirs is not impaired
Redmont Consolidated Mines Corp., thereby. (Ibid.)
722 SCRA 382.
It is clear that the Panel of Arbitrators Paper
(POA) has exclusive and original
jurisdiction over any and all disputes i\ document or pleading.
involving rights to mining areas. Id.
Paper Money
Government notes and bank notes
Tag. A reaping knife. (People vs. circulating as medium of exchange in
Damaso, 86 SCRA 377) place of gold or silver.
In a more extended sense, commercial
Panic Hardware paper is accepted in payment of debts
and circulates for that purpose, may
A mechanical device consisting of be included in the term.
linkages and a horizontal bar across a
door, which when pushed from the in Paper Title
side causes the door to open and
facili tates exit from a building, A title evidenced by conveyances or
structure or facility. (Rules and similar documents which, however,
Regulations Imple menting the Fire confer no substantial right, either be
Code of the Philip pines) cause the property has become value
less or because a paramount title
In building law: A bar which extends exists which could oust any claim
across at least one-half the width of under these conveyances.
each door itself, which will open the
door if subjected to pressure. Par

Panubli The established value of the mone tary

circulating unit of a country in terms
The nearest equivalent in the Vis ayan of a metal standard, like a de finite
dialect to the concept of mejora or weight of gold or silver of a cer tain

fineness. This is especially indi cated can oust the title created by a
by a comparison between the cur particular conveyance.
rency of other countries using the
same standard. Paramour

Equally between the market and One who loves or is loved illicitly; one
nominal value of securities of stocks taking the place without the legal
or bonds, so that a certificate of stock rights of a husband and wife;
with the face value of Pl 00 will be mistress-called also lover. (Fernandez
sold at par for PlOO or above or below vs. Lantin, 74 SCRA 338)
par if it is sold for more or less.
Paraffin Test
In civil law: All the property which a
A forensic test to indicate whether a woman possesses when she is married
person has recently fired a gun, in and which is not made part of her
which the person's hand is coated in dowry.
hot paraffin wax which cools and sets
and is peeled off and tested for the Paraphernal Property
presence of residue from the gun.
Any property which is brought by the
Paralysis of Both Legs wife to the marriage as her own; or
which she acquired during the
The permanent, total paralysis of marriage by lucrative title, or which is
both legs suffered by the herein appel- acquired by right of redemption or by
lant is equivalent to loss of both legs, exchange with other property
since he will obviously be bedridden belonging exclusively to her, or which
for the rest of his natural life. Besides, is purchased with her own exclusive
the amputation of both legs would money. (Article 135, in relation to Art.
not in any way alter the result, as the 148, New Civil Code)
loss of the use of both legs has been
diagnosed in his case by the attending All property brought by the wife to
physician as a disability for life. the marriage, as well as property pur
(Panaton vs. Ma layan Insurance Co., chased by her with funds received
Inc., 59 O.G. 749) from her parents. (Article 135, New
Civil Code)
Property inherited by the wife, as
A general term applied to a superior well as property purchased by her
title to property of which the holder with funds received from her
parents, are paraphernal. (Alvaron

vs. Marquez, 11 Phil. 263; persons have rightfully acquired by
Mirasol vs. Lim, 59 Phil. 701; Veloso reason of the commission of the crime
vs. Avila, 60 Phil. 208) or the imprisonment; for example, if a
wife has obtained a divorce as a result
Parcel of the commission of the crime or of
the imprisonment of her husband, the
A section or part of landed property. status will not be changed by the
It is an act of grace proceeding from
Sheepskin prepared for writing. the power entrusted with the
execution of the laws which exempts
the individ ual on whom it is
bestowed from the punishment the
Pardon law inflicts for the crime he has
To absolve the penalty of a crime. The
power of granting pardons in the Kinds of pardon: (a) Absolute pardon
Philippines is vested in the President. and (b) Conditional pardon.
It applies to all cases of conviction A pardon, whether absolute or condi
except impeachments. Not tional, is in the nature of a deed, for
uncommonly, the case with reasons the validity of which delivery is an
for granting a pardon are presented indis pensable requisite. Until
along with evidence and argument accepted. all benefits to the grantee
before a pardoning board which may be cancel led. But once accepted
makes a favorable or unfavorable by the grantee, the pardon already
recommendation to the executive who delivered cannot be revoked by the
usually acts in accordance with such authority which granted it.
re commendation.
Parens Patriae
A pardon protects the criminal from
the offense pardoned but from no Lat. Father of his country.
other. It has been held that a pardon
of assault and battery which The term is applied to the state, to
afterwards became murder by the justify the intervention of public
dying of the person beat en will not authority to protect children or
operate as a pardon of murder. For the incompetent persons generally.
most part the pardon restores the
person to all his rights. It does not, Doctrine of: A doctrine which refers to
however, restore his civil capacity nor the inherent power and authority of
will it affect the status which other the state to provide protection of the

person and property of a person non The rule on parental consent is found
sui juris. Under that doctrine, the state under Article 14 of the Family Code. It
has the sovereign power of states that in case either or both of the
guardianship over persons under contracting parties are between the
disability. Thus, the state is considered ages of eighteen and twenty-one, they
the parens patriae of minors. (Vasco shall exhibit to the local civil registrar,
vs. Court of Appeals, 81 SCRA 762) the consent to their marriage of their
father, mother, surviving parent or
guardian, or persons having legal
Parental Authority charge of them, in the order
Parental Authority over minor
children is lodged by Art 176 on the The parental consent shall be
mother. Since parental authority is manifested in writing by the
given to the mother, then custody over interested party, who personally
the minor children also goes to the appears before the proper local civil
mother, unless she is shown to be registrar, or in the form of an affidavit
unfit. Grande vs. Antonio, 716 SCRA made in the presence of two witnesses
698 [2014] and attested before any official
authorized by law to administer oaths.
View that as a natural right, The personal manifestation shall be
parental authority is recognised as an recorded in both applications for
inherent right, not created by the State marriage license, and the affidavit, if
or decisions of the courts, but derives one is executed instead, shall be
from the nature of the parental attached to said applications.
relationship. Imbuing vs. Ochoa, 721 Non-compliance with the requirement
SCRA 146 [2014] of parental consent does not make the
marriage invalid or void but merely
It is known in the Roman Law as pat annullable, which means that the
ria potestas. marriage is valid until annulled. As a
result, a petition for the annulment of
The mass of rights and obligations the marriage may be filed by the
which parents have in relation to the parents, guardian or person having
person and property of their children, substitute parental authority over the
until their majority age or emancipa party seeking the annulment, in that
tion, and even after this uncertain cir order, unless after attaining the age of
cumstances. (Luna vs. Intermediate twenty-one, such party freely
Appellate Court, 137 SCRA 7.) cohabited with the other and both
lived together as husband and wife.
Parental Consent (

archives/parental-consent-vs-parental- To represent them in all matters
advice) affecting their interests;
To demand from them respect and
Parental Rights obedience;
To impose discipline on them as may
The following are the rights and be required under the circumstances;
duties of parents with respect to their To be civilly liable for the injuries and
unemancipated children or children damages caused by the acts and
below 18 years of age as provided omissions of their unemancipated
under Articles 220, 221, and 225 of the children living in their company and
Family Code of the Philippines: under their parental authority subject
To keep them in their company; to the appropriate defenses provided
To support, educate, and instruct by law;
them by right precept and good To jointly exercise legal guardianship
example; over the property of their
To provide for their upbringing in unemancipated common children
keeping with their means; without the necessity of a court
To give them love and affection, appointment;
advice and counsel, companionship To perform such other duties as are
and understanding; imposed by law upon parents
To provide them with moral and
spiritual guidance; The relationship between the parents
To inculcate in them honesty, and their minor children naturally
integrity, self-discipline, self-reliance, gives rise to various rights and
industry, and thrift; obligations affecting the welfare of,
To stimulate their interest in civic and the parents control over, the
affairs; child. Some of these are recognized in
To inspire in them compliance with law. Other have only a moral sanction.
the duties of citizenship; Parental duties, it is said, are not
To enhance, protect, preserve, and always legal duties, and the law
maintain their physical and mental cannot inquire in every case how
health at all times; fathers (and mothers) have fulfilled
To furnish them with good and their duties (59 Am. Jur. 91 as
wholesome educational materials; mentioned in Sta. Maria, 2004).
To supervise their activities, Nevertheless, the above rights and
recreation, and association with duties of husband and wife with
others; respect to their unemancipated
To protect them from bad company; children together with their rights and
To prevent them from acquiring obligations between themselves as
habits detrimental to their health, husband and wife under Articles 68 to
studies, and morals; 71 of the Family Code of the

Philippines are relevant in corporations, to elect a majority of the
determining whether or not either of directors of such other corporation.
the spouses is psychologically
incapacitated to comply with the Parenticide
essential marital obligations of
marriage. Under Article 36 of the A person who kills his parent. Killing
Family Code, a marriage contracted of a parent.
by any party who, at the time of the
celebration thereof, was
psychologically incapacitated to
comply with the essential marital Parents
obligations of marriage shall be VOID,
even if such incapacity becomes Father and mother. Resemblance to a
manifest only after its solemnization. parent furnishes at least some
( evidence of paternity and in most
14/08/07/family-law-rights-and-duties- places it is per missible to exhibit the
of-parents-to-their-unemancipated- child and the al leged parent to the
children/) judge to assist in de termining the
question, particularly if the child has
Parent and Child passed mere babyhood with its
known immaturity of features. Blood
At the common law: There could be tests to determine paternity are also
no relation of parentage except of legi often used.
timate children. The natural father or mother of a
child. Ordinarily, the term does not
In general: The parentage of the include adoptive parent or step-
mother in the case of illegitimacy was parent. The word ''ancestor'' is used to
always acknowledged, and, upon refer to remote as well as immediate
legiti mation, the father had the ancestors.
responsibili ties and rights of a parent,
whether or not he was married to the Pares
The term for "peers" or "equals", In
Parent Corporation the phrase ''trial by one's peers'' or in
Latin "judicium parium." All th
Or holding corporation: It is one 1nen who were vassals of the same
which is so related to another corpora lord form his homage and constituted
tion that it has the power either his court. They were, accordingly,
directly or indirectly through another called ''pares curiae,'' ''peers of the
corpora tion -Or series of court.''

Pari may be used as an aid in statutory
interpretation of each other.
Lat. With equal, or in equal.
Par In Parem Non Habet Imperium
Lat. An equal has no authority over
Pang.: Constitutes two (2) identical an equal.
structures 12 meters apart. Each struc
ture is composed of two parallel posts, In international law: No State can
5 rows of posts parallel to each other, claim jurisdiction over another. This is
on top of which are joined bamboo only of the consequences which flow
rail ing similar to raft. Between these from the doctrine of equality of States.
two structures, a fishing net is hanged
with a circumference of 50 meters, Pari Passu
more or less, attached to four posts
equipped with ropes and pulley to Lat. With equal step; on equal footing
enable the net to be raised or lowered Equally and to the same degree. To
at will. (Landi ngin vs. Gacad, L- share 'pari passu" means to share
12659, October 28, without preference.
Pari Ratione
Pari Delicto, In
Lat. For like reason.
Lat. In equal guilt. The ablative case of
the Latin phrase ''par delictum''. It is
used when a person who has partici
pated in a wrong or in an act contrary Parish
to public policy, sues to recover on a
con tract or a tort founded on that In the Roman Catholic Church: A
wrong; as the attempt to recover division presided over by a priest, not
money paid on a wager, or as a bounded as a rule by territorial limits
commission for arranging a marriage, but constituted of the worshippers in
or for a breach of con tract involving a particular church.
illicit or immoral consideration.
Pari Materia, In
Equality; used particularly with res
Lat. On the same subject. pect to foreign exchange.

Statutes dealing with the same sub ject Park

are said to be "in pari materia", and

As a noun: A public ground, of great place or close thereto for an
er or smaller size, kept for purposes of appreciable period of time. A motor
ornament and public recreation. vehicle which properly stops merely
to discharge a passenger or- to take in
As a verb: To station automobiles a waiting pas senger, or to load or
along the sides of public streets or in unload a small quantity of freight
places adjacent to public street. It is with reasonable dis patch shall not be
generally more than a momentary or considered as ''park ed'', if the motor
temporary stopping. Parking is subject vehicles again moves away without
to strict regulation by municipal or delay. (Article II, Section 3[eJ, Land
city ordinances and violation of these Transportation and Traffic Code.)
ordi nances is generally a
misdemeanor, The leasing of space in Parliament
vacant lots to drivers for a
consideration is somewhat akin to In Great Britain: The parliament is the
stabling horses, but the liability varies legislative branch of the Government.
with the specific contract m ;tde, It is composed of the House of Lords
generally by placards in the lot itself, and the House of Commons. The
or on the .ticket giving the license to House of Lords consists, first,.of the
park. two Archbishops and all the Bishops
of the Anglican Church; and,
Parking secondly, of noblemen with hereditary
titles of ba ron or higher, who are the
The stationing of automo biles, trucks, ''peers of the realm.'' Those whose
jeepneys, etc. titles. are exclu sively in the peerage of
Scotland elect a representative peer to
The term "parking'' ordinarily implies sit in the House of Lords. A few
something more than a mere tem judges or ex-judges hold life peerages.
porary and momentary stoppage at a The Lords are sum moned by writs
curb for the purpose of loading and addressed to them by name.. The
un loading passengers or House of Commons consists of
merchandise. It involves the idea of members elected by almost universal
using a portion of the street as storage suffrage and secret ballot in the
space for an auto mobile. (City of various constituencies of England,
Ozamis vs. Lumapas, 65SCRA43) Wales, and Scotland. The presiding
Parking Or Parked officer of the House of Lords is the
Lord High Chancellor who is a
A motor vehicle is ''parked'' or ''par member of the Cabinet. The presiding
king'' if it has been brought to a stop officer of the House of Commons is
on the shoulder or proper edge of a the Speaker, elected by the House
high way, and remains inactive in that itself.

U three separate govern mental
The Head of the entire Parliament is functions.
the sovereign, who in theory shares in
the legislative power, since all Acts of The history of the English Parliament
Parliament are in form his enactments. is of the highest importance in the de
In fact, however, the sovereign has velopment of free institutions. The
never refused his assent since the term is derived from-the Latin word
reign of Queen Anne. Further, the "parlia mentum" (Fr. parlement),
share of the House of Lords in which properly means a ''conference.''
legislation has been much reduced by It was at first applied to the conference
recent statutes, and for nearly all itself, rather than to the body which
important issues is merely suspensive. the conference was held, which was
Legislative power is consequently, in the feudal ''Grand Council of the
practice, almost exclusively in the Realm,'' i.e., the chief tenants of the
hands of the House of Commons. King, the ''mag nates" or greater
barons, whose as sent, on feudal
A parliament duly summoned will theory, was necessary for any change
last for five years, unless it is in the established customs, and in the
dissolved before that time. It will imposition of subsidies for general
almost always be dissolved, if the purposes, and who acted as a court
governing ministry or cabinet, whose when one of their members was
members all have seats in Parliament, charged with a feudal offense. This
are defeated in a vote which can be Great Council included the prelates of
construed as a vote of no confidence. the Church in their capacity as feudal
And Parliament may, by its own acts, lords.
continue its existence beyond the five-
year limit. During the thirteenth century re
presentatives of the towns and of the
The term "omnicompetent" has been smaller landed proprietors were
devised instead of the excessive term irregularly required to be present at a
''omnipotent'', to express the parliament to give advice on the
practically unlimited power of the Bri collection of subsidies and were heard
tish Parliament. There are now no con on petitions for the redress of
stitutional limitations that would grievances. Out of this practice the
make ari Act of Parliament, duly House of Commons arose, but it was
passed, void. by reason. Custom, is, not organized as a separate "house",
however, an effective check against nor did it become an integral part of
many of the abuses of power which, Parliament-already thought of as a
in the United States as well as the body- till well in the fourteenth
Philippines, are prohibited by a century. It increased in importance
written Constitution de limiting the during the Wars of the Roses during

the fifteenth century and shared in the parliaments on the English model,
eclipse of Parliament during the Tudor con sisting of a ' 'lower house' '
period. It was in the seventeenth -different names in the different
century under the Stuarts that the states-and an ''upper house,'' also
House of Commons rapidly rose into called by different names. In imperial
a predominant position which, in the Germany and Aus tria it was called
last fifty years, has made it in effect the ''house of lords'' herrenhaus. The
the only power in the state. The House lower house was and is usually
of Commons was, despite its name, an elected by popular suffrage.
aristocratic rather than a popular In the Philippines: The most signi
body, till the various broadenings of ficant change in the 1973 Constitution
the elec torate, beginning with the as originally framed was the shift
Reform Bill of 1882, have turned it in from the Presidential system of
the fullest sense into a body government under the 1935
representing the en tire people. Constitution to a modi fied
parliamentary system, similar in a
The full title of Parliament, "High number of respects to the British. It
Court of Parliament,'' is maintained by did not last long. As amended in April
the fact that the House of Commons of 1981 and lately in January of 1984,
has a certain amount of judicial power there is a return to the presidential
and that the House of Lords exercises sys tem. Some writers say this is the
formal appellate jurisdiction in all Philip pine version of parliamentary
cases. system of government, while others
say, French version, the parliament
The term ''Estates of the Realm'', introduced by Charles de Gaulle when
applied to the medieval parliaments, he was made premier in 1958 with
largely by a transfer of European power to rule by decree. He had a new
term inology, never really described constitution drawn up, was elected
the English system, since the three president late in the year.
"estates", i.e., clergy, nobility, com
monalty, which in France and else Along with the President, there is a
where sat in three separate "houses" Prime Minister. It is the President,
and spoke separately for the members who is the head of state and chief
of their class, did not sit separately in executive of the Republic of the
England, although the clergy of the Philippines. He has a cabinet, to be
two Church provinces had composed of Minis ters who are his
parliaments for ecclesiastical purposes appointees. He nomi nates the Prime
called ''Con vocations. ' ' Minister, the head of the Cabinet,
from among the Members of the
Most modern European nations, after Batasang Pambansa, to be elect ed by
the French Revolution, establish a majority of all the members thereof.

dis tricts of Metropolitan Manila in
The legislative power is vested in a accord ance with the number of their
unicameral body, the Batasang respec tive inhabitants and on the
Pam- bansa. This was ,originally basis of a uniform and progressive
provided in the 1935 Constitution, ratio. How ever, the provinces with
there was like wise a one-chamber their compo nent cities and highly
legislature then called the National urbanized shall have at least the same
Assembly. As amended in 1940, a total number of representatives as
Congress of the Philippines, a under the 1935 Con stitution.
bicameral body consist ing of a Senate
and a House of Repre sentatives, was The present Constitution further
established. provides that the manner of the
election. of the representatives, as well
Under the present Constitution the as the number of representatives from
Batasang Pambansa shall be each sector and the manner of their
composed of not more than two election or selection shall be
hundred members unless otherwise prescribed or provided by law.
provided by law. It shall include
representatives elected from the The speaker: The speaker is elected by
different provinces with their the majority vote of all the members of
component cities, highly urbanized ci the Batasang Pambansa from among
ties as may be declared by or pursuant its elected provincial, city, and district
to law, and districts in Metropolitan representatives. Such other officers, as
Manila, those elected or selected from the Batasang Pambansa may deem
the various sectors as may be nec essary' shall also be chosen by
provided by law, and those chosen by them.
the President from members of the
Cabinet. The 1973 Constitution Under the 1935 Constitution, the
originally provided for representation Senate elected its Senate President,
by region. The 1935 Constitution and the House of Representatives, its
apportioned the member ship of the Speaker. The President of the country
House of Representatives to provinces was elected by the entire electorate.
Composition of the Cabinet: The
Each district in Metropolitan Manila actual running of the governmental
shall comprise, as far as practicable, ma chinery is in the hands of the
contiguous, compact, and adjacent ter Cabinet, subject, of course, to the
ritory. The elective representatives control of the President. The Cabinet
shall be apportioned by law among is comp()$ed of Ministers with or
the provinces with their component without portfolio, who are appointed
cities, highly organized cities, and the by the President. At least a majority of

them are chosen from among the The procedure and rules adopted to
provincial, city, or district govern the conduct of the business of
representatives of the Batasang a legislative or other deliberative
Pambansa. group.

Heading the Cabinet is the Prime

Minister. Upon nomination by the
Pres ident from among the members Parol
of the Batasang Pambansa, he shall be
elected by a majority of all the The French word for "word." Pl.
members thereof. "parols." Law Fr. "parolx."

The Prime Minister and the Cabinet Parol Contract

shall be responsible to the Batasang
Pambansa for the program of the gov At common law: Any contract not un
ernment. They are charged its enforce der seal, whether reduced to writing
ment and adn1inistration. The Prime or not.
Minister, as the head, is assisted by his
Cabinet in carrying out the program Generally, today, a parol contract is
of government. The Cabinet thus one not in writing, or only partly so,
plays a vital role in administration. and is now more generally called oral
con tract.

Parliamentary Law

In England: The body of regulations of

procedure which have become gen Parole
eral in most deliberative bodies
throughout the world. They are based A conditional release of a prisoner
on the practice developed in the Eng with an unexpired sentence. It is a
lish House of Commons. Several sus pension of sentence, not a
manuals of parliamentary law, such as remission thereof.
Cushing's Manual and Robert's
Rules of Order, which more precisely The release of a person from prison
define procedure, are current in the subject to his compliance with
United States and the Philippines, and specified conditions, and upon the
often adopted officially by public and violation of which he may be
private groups. recommitted to prison.

Parliamentary Procedure A conditional release from prison. The

condition being that if the prisoner

fulfills the requirements of his parole, of the writing, except in certain cases.
he will be given an absolute discharge; (Section 7, Rule 130, Revised Rules of
if he fails to fulfill the terms of the pa Court)
role, he may be returned to prison to
serve out the unexpired term. The so-called "parol evidence" for bids
any addition to or contradiction of the
terms of a written instrument by
Parol Evidence testimony purporting to show that, at
or before the signing of the document,
Oral or verbal evidence, that which is other or different terms were orally
given by word of mouth; the ordinary agreed upon by the parties.
kind of evidence, given by witnesses
in court. In a particular sense, and The right of a valid contract is, of
with reference to contracts, deeds, course, a condition precedent to the
wills, and other writings, parol ap plication of the rule. It is a principle
evidence is the same as extraneous that, ''in order to exclude oral
evidence or evid ence aliunde. evidence of a contract, it must he first
estab lished that there is a subsisting
Application: Parol or extrinsic evi written contract between the parties;
dence is not admissible to add to, sub and where the immediate issue is
stract from, vary or contradict, judicial whether there is or was a writing
or official records or documents, or covering the contract, it is not
written instruments which dispose of competent to exclude oral testimony
property or are contractual in nature, bearing on that issue upon n
and which are valid, complete, assumption of such writing. To do so
unambi guous and unaffected by IS to beg the question.
accident or mistake. It is a cardinal rule of evidence not one
of technicality but of substance, which
Parol Evidence Rule it is dangerous to depart from, that
A rule of evidence which prohibits the where written documents exist they
receipt of parol evidence to contra shall be produced as being the best
dict, add to or vary the terms of a evidence of their own contents.
writ ten agreement.
It is likewise a general and most in
When the terms of an agreement have flexible rule that wherever written in
been reduced to writing, it is to be struments are appointed, either by the
considered as containing all such requirements of the law, or by the
terms, and, therefore, there can be be compact of parties, to be the
tween the parties and their successors repositories and memorials of truth
in interest, no evidence of the terms of any other evidence is excluded from
the agreement other than the -contents being used either as a substitute for

such instruments, or to contradict or obvious that written instruments
alter them. This is a matter both of would soon come to be of little value if
principle and policy; of principle, their explicit provisions could be
because such instruments are in their varied, controlled, or superseded by
nature and origin entitled to a much parol evidence, and it is also plain that
higher degree of credit than parol a different rule would greatly increase
evidence, of policy, be cause it would the temptations to commit perjury;
be attended with great mischief, if and courts have expressed regret that
those instruments upon which men's in their anxiety to avoid possible
rights depended were liable to be injustice in particular cases, they have
impeached by loose collat eral been gradually construing away a
evidence. Where the terms of an principle which has always been
agreement are reduced to writing, the considered one of the greatest barriers
document itself, being constituted by against fraud and perjury.
the parties as the expositor of their in
tentions, is the only instrument of evi The reason for the rule is that when
dence in respect of that agreement the parties have reduced their
which the law will recognize, so long agreement to writing, it is presumed
as it exists for the purpose of evidence. that they have made the writing the
Reason for the rule: The parol evi only re pository and memorial of the
dence rule is a reasonable and most truth, and whatever is not found in
salutary one, and it should be strictly writing must be understood to have
adhered to. It is founded on been waived and abandoned except in
experience and created by necessity; certain cases.
and it is de signed to give certainty to
a transaction which has been reduced
to writing by protecting the parties Parol Gift
against the doubtful veracity of
interested, and the uncertain memory A voluntary transfer of property with
of disinterested wit nesses. The rule is out consideration. The gift may be
founded on the long experience that either personal property, land or real
written evidence is so much more estate. Where one declares that he
certain and accurate than that which gives and identifies so that it may be
rests in fleeting memory only, that it clear what land is meant and
would be unsafe, when parties have included, and the done upon faith of
expressed the terms of their contract the declar ation enters into possession
in writing, to admit weaker evidence and im proves it, this will give him
to control and vary the stronger and to title by what is termed parol gift, for it
show that the parties in- tended a would be in equitable that he should
different contract from that expressed spend his money upon the faith of the
in the writing signed by them. It is gift and that it should be afterwards

taken from him. Such a gift, however,
cannot take effect as against the rights Any article designed or manufac tured
of third par ties, such as creditors of for the special purpose of being used
the donor, whose right already existed as, or to replace, a component part of
at the time the gift was made. such vehicle, and which reason of
some characteristic is not such a
Parricide commercial article as ordinarily
would be sold for general use, but is
Parricide is committed when: (1) a primarily adapted for use as a
person is killed; (2) the deceased is component part of such vehicle.
killed by the accused; (3) the deceased (Collector of Internal Revenue vs.
is the father, mother, or child, whether Rodriguez, Jr., 1SCRA 766)
legitimate or illegimate, or a legitimate
other ascendants or other In law of taxation: The term ''part'' is
descendants, or the legitimate spouse any article designed or manufactured
of the accused. People vs. San Gaspar, for the special purpose of being used
720 SCRA 409; People vs. Zapata, 730 as, or to replace, a component part of
SCRA 312. such vehicle, and which by reason of
Article 246 of the Revised Penal Code some characteristic is not such a com
provides that the penalty for the crime mercial article as ordinarily would be
of Parricide is Reclusion Perpetua to sold for general use, but is primarily
Death. People vs. San Gaspar, 720 adapted for use as a component part
SCRA 409 of such article. (Collector of Internal
Revenue vs. Rodriguez, L-12783,
Pars Rationabilis March 25, 1961)

Lat. Reasonable doubt.

Particeps Criminis
Lat. An accomplice or partaker in the
A portion or share of a whole. crime; A participant in the crime.

The portion of the personalty (gene A person guilty of a crime as an ac

rally one-third) which, by custom, was complice, rather than an accessory.
at one time set aside for the wife and
children of a decedent, and of which Participating Policy
he, therefore, could not dispose by
will. This rule was abrogated for the A variation of life insurance policies;
com mon law by later statutes of Holder is entitled to dividends.
distribu tion, but was retained in
certain local customs. Particular Average

The rule that ''particularization fol
In code of commerce: All damages lowed by a general expression will
and expenses caused to the vessel or ordinarily be restricted to the former''
cargo which have not inured to the is based on the fact in human
common benefit and profit of all per experience that usually the minds of
sons interested in the vessel or cargo. parties are addressed specially to the
All the expenses and damages particularization, and that the
caused to the vessel or to her cargo generalities, though broad enough to
which have not inured to common comprehend other fields if they stood
benefit. These include ( 1) Damages alone, are used in contemplation of
and expenses due to deterioration of that upon which the minds of the
hull and equipment; (2) Damages to parties are centered. (Em pire
goods to inherent defect or force Insurance Company vs. Rufino, 90
majeure; ( 3) Damage suffered by SCRA 437)
goods loaded on deck except in
coastwise navigation if the marine Particularization Followed By a
ordinances allow it; (4) Wages and General Expression Will Ordinarily
provisions for the crew in case of Be Restricted To The Former
detention or embargo, force majeure if
charter is for fixed sum; (5) The This rule is based on the fact in hu
necessary expenses on arrival at port, man experience that usually the
in order to make repairs or secure pro minds of parties are addressed
visions; ( 6) The value of the goods specially to the particularization, and
sold by the captain in case of arrivals that the generali ties, though broad
under stress; (7) The victuals and enough to com prehend other fields if
wages of the crew while the vessel they stood alone, are used in
is quarantined; contemplation of that upon which the
(8)Damages to vessels and cargo in minds of the parties are centered.
accidental collisions; and (9) Damages (Empire Insurance Company vs.
and losses to cargo through the fault, Rufino, 90 SCRA 436)
negligence, or barratry of the captain
or the crew. Particular Lien

Person who bears the expenses for A lien which attaches to particular
particular averages: Expenses for part property for work done with respect
icular averages shall be borne by the to it.
owner of the goods or ship as the case
may be. General lien: A right to retain proper
ty of a debtor to secure debts due on a
Particularization general account.

Particular Partnership Where lands belong to two or more
co-heirs or co-owners, each of them is
Concept of: A particular partnership entitled to have a partition or division
has for its object determinate things, of the land. The partition may be
their use or fruits, or a specific under voluntary and by mutual agreement
taking, or the exercise of a profession which may be effected by mutual
or vocation. (Article 1783, Civil Code) conveyances or releases to each person
of the share which he takes under the
Particular Tenant agreement, executed by the other
owners. Where the parties cannot
The owner of a particular estate. agree, application may be made to a
proper court by any one interested to
Partidas, Las effect a partition or division of the
property, or to enable one or more to
Or las siete partidas: Sp.: The seven take the property at a valuation, he or
divisions. they paying the others an equitable
amount of money in place of their
A statement of the laws of the King shares. Another method is to secure a
dom of Castile, first drawn up in 1260 sale of the property and a distribution
by Alfonso X, but not given statutory of the proceedings. Such proceedings
force till the decree of Alcala by the are usually regulated by the statutes
lat ter's great grandson, Alfonso XI, in of the various countries.
1338. It is in effect a code, and became
one of the chief sources of Spanish law A division between two or more per
both for Spain itself and the colonies sons of real or personal property
in the orient (Philippines), North and which they own as co-parceners, joint
South America (The Indies), till the tenants, or tenants in common,
adoption of the modern Spanish code. effected by the setting apart of such
It was therefore an integral part of the interests so that they may enjoy and
law of Spanish American, including possess it in sever alty, or by a sale of
Mexi co, at the time of the revolt from the whole and the awarding to each of
Spain in 1821, and consequently of his share of the proceeds.
substan tial importance in tracing Partition, in general, is the separation,
legal doc trines in those countries as division and assignment of a thing
well as in those of the American states, held in common among those to
formerly a part of Mexico, especially whom it may belong. The thing itself
Texas and California. be divid ed or its value.

Partition Classes of partition: (1) Voluntary

partition is a division of the property
by the act of the parties themselves

and (2) Compulsory partition is a tition." While this word connotes divi
partition by judicial proceedings at the sion, physical division is not
instance of one or more of the co- necessarily meant. Ideal division
tenants without regard to the wishes resulting in the co-ownership (pro-
of the other co tenants. indiviso, or undi vided) among the
heirs in accordance with their
In general, is the separation, division proportionate shares is as much a
and assignment of a thing held in partition or distribution of the estate
com mon among those to whom it as physical division. Perhaps,
may be long. The thing itself may be "adjudication" and "settlement" are
divided. (Article 1079, Civil Code) better terms.

The separation, division and assign Reason for partition: Co-ownership or

ment of things held in common, community of property (Article 484) is
among persons to whom they belong. not favored by the Civil Code. Upon
Kinds of partition: (1) Total or partial- the death of the testator, all the heirs
Partition is total when all the things become co-owners of the hereditary
are divided among the participants; it es tate, and a co-owner has the right to
is partial when some of the things are demand the division or partition
divided, the rest remaining in thereof at any time (Article 494),
community ownership. although an agreement among them
(2)Provisional or definite-Partition is for a specified period not exceeding
provisional when it is temporary or ten years is valid, which may be
conditional (Article 1084), that is, until extended by a new agreement (Article
a final or definite division is made; de 494, par. 2).
finite, when the division resulting is
permanent, final and absolute. The common property should be
(3)Judicial or extrajudicial-Judicial divided into lots with equality, or
partition takes place when the court things of the same nature, quality and
in tervenes and approves the division kind as signed to each co-heir (Article
(Rules 90 and 69, Rules of Court); but, 1086). But if the property is legally
the division may be made by the tes indivisible, it may be adjudicated to
tator himself, or by some person one heir upon payment of the excess
named by the deceased or amicably in cash or the property may be sold
by the in terested heirs (Rule 74, at public auction and the proceeds
Section 1) by common agreement. In divided (Article 1086; see also Article
the latter cases, it is extrajudicial. 498 and Articles 912- 913).

One of the reasons in the delay of dis In building law: An interior subdivid
tributing the estates of deceased is the ing wall.
misconception of the meaning of "par

An association of two or more per
Partitione Facienda, De sons to carry on as co-owners a busi
ness for profit.
Lat. Concerning making a division.
The definition of a partnership does
Partner not include religious associations, con
jugal partnerships and others of a
A member of a partnership. simi lar nature because a partnership
as de fined by law (Article 1767, Civil
Partnership Code) refers only to associations the
purpose of which is to obtain profits
to be distri buted among the partners.
A partnership is defined Moreover, a partnership is created by
as two or more persons who the express or implied agreement or
bind themselves to contribute contract of the parties, whereas
money, property, or industry to religious societies, conjugal
partnerships and others not
a common fund with the comprised in this definition are not
intention of dividing the profits the outcome or the result of
among themselves. Narra Nickel agreements or contracts.
Mining vs. Redmont Consolidated,
722 SCRA 382 [2014] The definition refers to "profits" only
and is silent as to "losses." The reason
for this is that the object of a
A partnership is defines as two or
partnership is primarily the sharing of
more persons who bind themselves to
profits, while the distribution of losses
contribute money, property or
is but ''a consequence of the same.''
industry to a common fund with the
The most important obligation of a
intention of dividing the profits
partner is to contribute to the common
among themselves. Narra Nickel
' fund what he has promised to
Mining and Development Corp. vs.
contribute thereto. Each partner
Redmont Consolidated Mines Corp.,
becomes a debtor of the partnership
722 SCRA 382.
from the time of the celebration of the
A legal relation based upon the ex
contract, un less otherwise provided.
press or implied agreement of two or
(Article 1786, Civil Code)
more competent persons whereby
they contribute their money, property,
Concept: By the contract of partner
labor or skill to a common fund for the
ship two or more persons bind them
pur pose of carrying on some lawful
selves to contribute money, property,
busi ness as principals for their joint
or industry to a common fund with
profit. (Art. 1767, New Civil Code)

the intention of dividing the profits shall have no juridical personality,
among themselves. Two or more and shall be governed by the
persons may also form a partnership provisions relating to co-ownership
for the exercise of a profession (Article (Article 1775); One rous- because
1767, Civil Code). The partnership has the prestations of the partners are
a juridical personality separate and deemed, the equivalent of the profits
distinct from that of the partners even they expect to make, and (5) Contract
in case of fail ure to record the articles of successive performances because
of partnership with the Securities and it is not extinguished by the
Exchange Com mission (Article 1768). performance of one or various
Characteristics of partnership: Part deter minate prestations.
nership is ( 1) Consensual- because it
is perfected by the mere consent of the Rules to determine whether partner
parties (Article 1767) and hence it be ship exists: In determining whether a
gins from the moment of the execution partnership exists, these rules shall
of the contract (Article 1784) which apply:
can be in any form (Article 1771) ( 1) Except as provided by Article
except (a) when it is otherwise 1825, persons who are not partners as
stipulated (Article 1784) or (b) when to each other are not partners as to
immovable property or real rights are third persons;
contributed, in which case there must
be a public instrument to which is (2)Co-ownership or co-possession
attached an inventory of the does not of itself establish a partner
immovable properties signed by the ship, whether such co-owner or co-
parties, otherwise partnership is void pos sessors do or do not share any
(Articles 1771, 1773); (2) Bilateral-be profits made by the use of the
cause the rights and obligations property;
arising therefrom are reciprocal; (3) (3)The sharing of gross returns does
Prepara tory- because an entity is not of itself establish a partnership,
created des tined for other contracts whether or not the persons sharing
(Article 1778) even if not recorded them have a joint or common right or
with Securities and Exchange interest in any property from which
Commission (Article 1772, par. 2) the returns are derived;
capable of acquiring and convey ing
immovable property or an interest The receipt by a person of a share of
therein in the partnership name the profits of a business is prima facie
(Article 1774). Hence associations and evidence that he is a partner in the
socities, whose articles are kept secret business, but no such inference shall
among the members, and wherein any be drawn if such profits were received
one of the members may contract in in payment; (a) as a debt by
his own name with third persons, installment or otherwise, (b) as wages

of an employee or rent to a landlord,
(c) as an annuity to a widow or Classification of partnership: ( 1) Ac
representative of a deceased partner; cording to object it is either universal
(d) as interest on a loan, though the or particular; with the former being
amount of payment vary with the divided into universal partnership of
profits of the business, (e) as the all pre sent property or universal
consideration for the sale of a good partnership of profits (Articles 1776,
will of a business or other property by 1777); (2) Ac cording to liability, it is
installments or otherwise (Article either general or limited (Article
1769). 1776); (3) According to duration, it is
either partnership for a fixed period or
Essential requisites of partnership: partnership at will (Article 1785).
The essential requisites are: ( 1) An
agreement to contribute money, pro Universal partnership of all present
perty or industry to a common fund property: It is defined as that in which
(Article 1767)-this is complied with if the partners contribute all the
(a) each one of the partners brings or property which actually belongs to
is obliged to bring something to the them to a common fund, with the
part nership and (b) that which is intention of di viding the same among
brought becomes common property; themselves, as well as all the profits
(2) Intent to divide the profits among which they may acquire therewith
the con tracting parties (Article 1767)- (Article 1778). It includes: ( 1) All
this is complied with if (a) partnership present property of partners at time of
is es tablished to obtain profit; (b) constitution of the partnership plus
profit must be common to all the the profits therewith (Article 1779,
parties (Arti cle 1770, par. 1); (c) profit par. 1), (2) any other profits if
or loss must be divided among all stipulated (Article 1779, par. 2); (3)
partners (Article 1799). fruits of property acquired
subsequently by inheritance, legacy,
Purpose of partnership: A partner ship or donation if stipulated (Article 1779,
must have a lawful object or pur pose par. 2),-but not the property itself
(Article 1770, par. 1). When an acquired by such means even if
unlawful partnership is dissolved by a stipulated (Article 1779, par. 2).
judicial decree, the profits shall be Universal partnership of profits: It is
con fiscated in favor of the State, the that in which the partners contribute
effects and instruments of the crime the usufruct of all the immovable and
are con fiscated in accordance with the movable properties which each of the
provi sions of the Penal Code (Article partners may possess at the time of
1770, par. 1) but the capital of the the celebration of the contract as well
partners are returned to them if they as all that they may acquire by their
are not in struments of crime. industry or work during the existence

of the partnership. It includes: ( 1) all any settlement or liquidation of the
property acquired by the industry or partnership affairs, is prima facie evi
work of the partners during the dence of a continuation of the partner
existence of the partnership plus the ship (Article 1785). However, the part
fruits thereof (Article 1780, par. 1), (2) nership may also be continued by an
usufruct of movable and immovable express agreement among all the part
property possessed by each partner at ners.
time of celebration of contract. (Article
1780, par. 1) Contributions of partners: The part
ners may contribute money, property
Presumption and prohibition: Arti cles or industry (Article 1767); if money or
of universal partnership, entered into property, they are called capitalist
without specification of its nature, partners and if industry, they are
only constitute a universal partnership called industrial partners. The amount
of profits (Article 1781). Persons who of contribution is subject to agreement
are prohibited from giving each other and in the absence thereof, the
any donation or advantage cannot partners shall con tribute equal shares
enter into universal partnership to the capital of the partnership
(Article 1782). (Article 1790) and every partner is
considered a debtor of the partnership
Concept of particular partnership: A for whatever he may have promised to
particular partnership has for its contribute thereto (Article 1786, par.
object determinate things, their use or 1).
fruits, or a specific undertaking, or the
exist ence of a profession or vocation. Where contribution is money or pro
(Ar ticle 1783) perty: In case a partner contributes, (1)
Money- in case he fails to do so, he
Continuation of partnership: When a shall pay interest and damages from
partnership for a fixed term or the time he should have complied
particu lar undertaking is continued (Arti cle 1788) without need of any
after the termination of such term or demand;
particular undertaking without any (2)Specific determinate things-he
express agreement, the rights and must (a) preserve the property (b)
duties of the partners remain the same deli ver fruits from time of
as they were at such termination, so agreement (c)
far as is consistent with a partnership warrant against eviction and hidden
at will. defects (d) transfer ownership on deli
very to partnership and (e) pay dam
A continuation of the business by the ages for delay without necessity of
partners or such of them as habitually demand (f) bear risk of loss before
acted therein during the term, without deli very- however in this case the

partner ship is considered dissolved differ ent with regard to capitalist
(Article 1830, No. 4). The same rule of partners who are only prohibited from
risk of loss and effect on partnership engaging in a business in
applies when only the use and fruits competition with the partnership,
of specific, determinate non -fungible unless otherwise stipulated,
things are contributed (Article 1795, otherwise all profits of such partner
par. 1); (3) Goods- they must be belong to the partnership and all
appraised in the manner prescribed losses shall be for his account (Article
by contract of partnership otherwise 1908).
by experts chosen by partners
according to current prices. The Responsibility between partnership
partnership shall bear the subsequent and partner: The partnership shall be
changes in value (Article 1787) as well responsible to every partner for the
as their loss but limited to their amounts he may have disbursed on
appraised value (Article 1795, par. 2). be half of the partnership and for the
The partnership shall likewise bear cor responding interest, from the time
the loss after delivery if things the expenses are made; it shall also
contributed are fungible, or cannot be answer to each partner for the
kept without deteriorating or if they obligations he may have contracted in
were contributed to be sold (Article good faith in the interest of the
1785, par. 2). partnership business, and for risks in
consequence of its management
Where contribution is industry: An (Article 1796). On the other hand, the
industrial partner cannot engage partner is liable to the partnership ( 1)
in business for himself, unless the for interest and damages from the
part nership expressly permits him to time of conversion for any sum of
do so and if he should do so, the money which he may have .taken
capitalist partners may either exclude from the partnership coffers and con
him from the firm or avail themselves verted to his own use (Article 1788,
of the ben efits which he may have par. 2); (2) for damages suffered by it
obtained in violation of this through his fault, and he cannot
provision, with a right to damages compensate them with the profits and
in either case (Article 1789). The bene fits which he may have earned
reason for the law in provid ing for for the partnership by his industry.
this restriction is that an indus trial However, the courts may equitably
partner contributes only his work and lessen this responsibility if through
industry and if he is allowed to en the partner's extraordinary efforts in
gage in business, the partnership will other activities of the partnership,
be prejudiced because of the reduction unusual profits have been realized
of the time and effort which he will (Article 1794); (3) for the return of his
use for the said business. The rule is share of a partnership cre dit which he

has received but where the other pugn within three months from
partners have not collected theirs if knowl edge (Article 1798, par. 1).
the debtor should thereafter become
insolvent (Article 1793); for any Property rights of a partner: The pro
benefit derived by him without the perty rights of a partner are: ( 1) His
consent of the other partners from any rights in specific partnership property
transaction connected with the (Article 1810, No. 1) is merely inchoate
formation, conduct, or liquidation of and is not effective except in concert
the partnership or from any use by with all partners, since the property is
him of its property (Article 1807). owned by the juridical person and
hence is not assignable nor subject to
Sharing of profit and loss among attachment or execution for partner's
partners: The distribution of profits individual debts or for legal support
and losses shall be in conformity with (Article 1811);
the agreement. If only the share in the
pro fits is agreed upon, the share in His interest in the partnership
the los ses shall be in the same (Article 1810, No. 2) which is his share
proportion (Article 1797, par. 1), but a of the profits and surplus (Article
stipulation which excludes one or 1812) and therefore subject to the
more partners from any share in the contin gency if there being profits or
profits or losses is void (Article 1799), surplus but is transferable either
but the industrial partner shall not be voluntarily (Article 1813) or by order
liable for losses (Article 1797, par. 2). of the court (Article 1814). If
In the absence of stipulation, the share voluntarily transfer red, partnership
in the profits and losses shall be in is not dissolved and assignee only
proportion to con tribution except the acquires right to profits to which
industrial partner who shall receive a assignor is entitled as well as
share of the profits as may be just and assignor's interest after dissolution
equitable under the circumstances but does not become a partner nor is
(Article 1797, par. 2). If the industrial he en titled to a partner's rights
partner contributes capi tal, he (Article 1813). He may, however, ask
receives an additional share in for judi cial dissolution of partnership
proportion to his capital (Article 1797, at expi ration of term or any time if it
par. 2). The designation of losses and is a part nership at will. (Article 1831,
profits cannot be entrusted to one of par. 2) If transferred by order of
the partners (Article 1798, par. 2), but court on fore closure of interest after
may be left to a third person whose the issuance of a charging order by
designation is valid unless manifestly the court at in stance of creditor of
inequitable. However, it cannot be im partner, interest may be redeemed
pugned by a partner who has begun before foreclosure or sale, without
to execute the same or who fails to im dissolving the partner ship, (a) with

separate property by any one or more of the partnership and anyone may
of the partners or (b) with partnership bind the partnership but all partners
property if consented to by all must consent to important alterations
partners (Article 1814). Purchaser does on im movable property, even if
not become a partner but only useful to partnership. Court may
acquires partner's share of profits and intervene in case of unjust refusal to
surplus and the right to ask for give consent (Article 1803); (e) If a
judicial dissolution at end of period or partner author ized to manage collects
any time if it is a partnership at will a demandable sum, which was owed
(Article 1831, par. 2) to him in his own name, from a
person who owed the partnership
His right to participate in the another sum also demand able, the
management (Article 1810, No. 3), the sum thus collected shall be applied to
the right of management is governed the two credits in proportion to their
by stipulation or if none in all partners amounts even though he may have
(Article 1803); hence, (a) If partner ap given receipt for his own credit only;
pointed manager in Articles of but should he have given it for the
Partner ship despite opposition, and account of the partnership credit, the
his power cannot be revoked except amount shall be fully applied to the
by partners representing controlling latter. The provisions of this article are
interest pro vided there is just or understood to be without prejudice to
lawful cause (Article 1800, par. 1); (b) the right granted to the debtor by Arti
If partner appointed manager after cle 1252, but only if the personal credit
partnership has been constituted- his of the partner should be more onerous
power can be revoked at any time to him (Article 1792).
(Article 1800, par. 2); (c) If two or
more partners are appointed as Partner's right to information, ac
managers- each one may separately counting and to associates: Each part
execute all acts of administration but ner is entitled ( 1) to true and full
if opposed, majority shall prevail, and infor mation of all things affecting
if no n1ajority, partners owning partner ship (Article 1805); (2) to have
control ling interest will decide access to, inspect and copy the
(Article 1801) If there is stipulation partnership books at reasonable hours
that all must act jointly-then (Article 1805); (3) to a formal account
concurrence of all is re quired and of part nership affairs; (a) when he is
absence or disability of any one wrongly excluded from partnership
cannot be alleged unless there is business or possession of its property
imminent danger of grave or irrepar by other partners, (b) when the right
able injury to partnership (Article exists under the terms of any
1802); (d) If no managing partners ap agreement, (c) when one partner has
pointed- then all partners are agents

made profits without the consent of its signature; (3) by a person
the others (Article 1809); authorized to act for the partnership;
(d) when it is just and reasonable (4) the partnership assets are already
(Arti cle 1809); (4) to associate another exhausted. This is without prejudice
with him in his share but associate to the liability of a partner who
also shall not be a partner without the entered into a separate obligation
consent of all partners even if (Article 1816) and any exemption from
associated by a managing partner the above liability is void except as
(Article 1804). between the partners (Article 1817).

Operations of partnership: Every A.Liability for tortious acts-all

partnership shall operate under a firm partners are liable solidarity with the
name, which may or may not include partnership (Article 1824) for (I)
the name of one or more of the wrongful acts and omissions causing
partners. Those who, not being loss to a non-partner (Article 1822)
members of the partnership, include and (2) con version or
their names in the firm name, shall be misappropriation of funds belonging
subject to the liability of a partner to a stranger received in the usual
(Article 1815). The latter are called course of business by partnership or
Partners by estoppel. Furthermore, a partner (Article 1823).
person may be considered a partner
by estoppel if he represents himself to B.Liability of person admitted into an
be either directly or in directly to be existing partnership-a person ad
connected with partner ship to third mitted as a partner into an existing
persons or by making such partnership is liable for all the
representation in a public manner. In obligations of the partnership arising
such a case, he will be liable as a be fore his admission as though he
partner if partnership liability had been a partner when such
results, otherwise pro rata with the obligations were incurred, except that
other per sons who consented to such this liability shall be satisfied only out
representation (Article 1825). of partner ship property, unless there
is a stipul ation to the contrary (Article
Liability of individual partners to 1826).
third persons: A. Liability for
contractual obligations- all partners, Authority of partners to bind partner
including the industrial partner, are ship: A. In the absence of designation
liable pro rata with all their of specific managers, all partners are
properties for con tracts with third considered agents of the partnership
persons provided: ( 1) they were and their acts for apparently carrying
entered into in the name and for the on in the usual way the business bind
account of the partnership; (2) under the partnership except when partner

has no authority and such fact is partners- partner in whose name
known to the third person (Article property stands may convey title but
1818, par. 1). The following acts are partnership may recover property if
considered not usual in the course of act is not apparently for carrying on in
business and require consent of all the usual way the business or unless
the partners in order to bind the buyer is a holder for value without
partnership unless the others have notice. (Article 1819, par. 3)
abandoned the business: ( 1) assign Where title to property in name of one
the partnership property in trust for or more or all partners or that of a
creditors; (2) dispose of the third person in trust for the partner
goodwill of the business; (3) do any ship-conveyance by a partner in his
act which will impede the carrying on own name or that of the partnership
ordi nary business; (4) confess a will pass the equitable interest of the
judgment; part nership provided the act is one
(5) enter into compromise regarding for apparently carrying on in the
partnership claim or liability; (6) usual way of business. (Article 1819,
submit partnership claim to par. 4)
arbitration; (7) renounce a claim of the 3.Where title to property is in name of
partnership (Arti cle 1818, par. 3). all partners- title will pass by con
Restrictions on authority of a partner veyance by all partners (Article 1819,
must be made known to third persons par. 5).
otherwise partnership is liable (Article
1818, par. 4). Notices to and admission by partners:
B. Conveyance of real property-the Partnership is bound (1) by notice to a
following are the rules: ( 1) Where title partner of any matter relating to
to property is in the partnership name, partnership affairs; (2) by knowledge
then title will pass to the buyer but the of the partner acting in the particular
partnership may recover property if mat ter, acquired while a partner or
the partner did not act for apparently then present to his mind; (3) by
carry ing on in the usual way the knowledge of any other partner who
business or unless property has been reasonably could and should have
acquired from grantee by a buyer in communicated it to acting partner
good faith for value and without (Article 1821); ( 4) by admission or
notice; but if convey ed by partner in representation of any partner
his own name, then only the equitable concerning partnership affairs within
interest of the part nership passes scope of his authority (Article 1820).
provided partner acted for apparently Dissolution and winding up of part
carrying on in the usual way of nership: The dissolution of a partner
business (Article 1819, pars. 1 and2). ship is the change in the relation of the
2.Where title to property in the name partners caused by any partner
of one or more but not all the ceasing to be associated in the

carrying on as distinguished from the plication of a partner, decrees dissolu
winding up of the business (Article tion on any of the following grounds: (
1828). On dissolu tion the partnership 1) insanity of any partner (Article
is not terminated, but continues until 1831, No. 1); (2) incapacity of any
the winding up of partnership affairs partner (Article 1831, No. 2); (3)
is completed (Arti cle 1829). prejudicial conduct of any partner
(Article 1831, No. 3); (4) Willful
Causes of dissolution: A. By the will of breach of agreement by any partner
the partners- this may be done in two (Article 1831, No.4); (5) business can
ways: (1) Without contravention of the only be carried on at a loss (Article
agreement by (a) termination of term 1831, No. 5); (6) just grounds (Article
or particular undertaking (b) by 1831, No.6) or (7) when applied for by
express will of any partner acting in a buyer of partner's interest upon
good faith when it is a partnership at termination of period or at any time if
will (c) express will of all the partners it is a partnership at will (Article 1831,
who have not assigned their par. 2).
(d) bona fide expulsion of any partner Effect of dissolution of partnership on
in accordance with the agreement authority of partners: Dissolution
(Article terminates all authority of any partner
(2)1830, No. 1); (2) In contravention of to act for the partnership (Article 1832,
the agreement, by the express will of par. 1) and the partners are not liable
any partner at any time (Article 1830, for the act of any partner if dissolution
No.2). is caused by other than the act, insolv
ency or death of a partner (Article
B.By operation of law-this takes place 1832, No. 1); but in case of dissolution
when ( 1) the business becomes due to the act of a partner, they are
unlawful (Article 1830, No. 3); (2) liable un less partner acting had know
when specific thing promised perishes ledge of dissolution, and in case of
before delivery to the partnership or death or in solvency of a partner, the
by loss of the specific thing whose use partner act ing had notice or know
and enjoy ment has been transferred ledge of such fact (Articles 1832, No.
to the part nership (Article 1830, 1-b; 1833). As to third persons a
No.4); (3) a part ner dies (Article 1830, partner cannot bind the partnership:
No.5); a partner or the partnership (a) where partnership is dissolved
becomes insolvent (Article 1830, No. because the business be comes
6); (4) any partner suffers from civil unlawful (Article 1834, par. 3[ 1]);
interdiction (Article 1830, No.7). where the partner has become
judicially insolvent (Article 1834,
C.By judicial decree (Article 1830, No. par. 3[2]); (c where partner has no
8)-this occurs when court, on ap winding up authority (Article 1834,

par. 3[3]). However a partner can part ner may have the partnership
even after dis solution, bind the property applied to the partnership
partnership: (1) for acts appropriate debts and the surplus applied to pay
for winding up (Article 1834. par. in cash the net amount owing to the
1[1j); (2) for any act which would bind respective partners, but in case of
the partnership if not dis solved bona fide expul sion of a partner, the
provided third person acted in good latter shall receive in cash the net
faith and without knowledge or notice amount due him (Article 1837, par. 1);
of dissolution (Article 1834, par.
1[2]). However, in the case of a 2.When partnership is dissolved in
partner who is unknown to third per contravention of the agreement-the
sons to be a partner and so far innocent partners have the right (a) to
unknown and inactive in partnership have the partnership assets applied
affairs that his connecting with the to the partnership debts and the
partnership had no effect on the surplus to what is owing them (Article
latter's business reput ation, his 1837, par. 2, [1a]) (b) to damages from
liability is limited to his in terest in the guilty partner (Article 1837, par.
the partnership (Article 1834, par. 2). 2[b])
Right of partner to accounting: The (c) to continue the business of the
right to an accounting of his interest part nership, under the same name,
shall accrue to any partner, or his re either by themselves or with others,
representative as against the winding and for that purpose may possess the
up partners or the surviving partners partner ship property, provided they
or the person or partnership pay or se cure the payment to the
continuing the business, at the date of guilty partner of his interest less
dissolution. in absence of any damages due from him (Article 1837,
agreement to the con trary (Article par. 2[2]). The guilty partner shall
1842). have the right: (a) in case of non-
continuance of partnership, to have
Partners entitled to liquidate partner partnership assets applied to part
ship: Winding up is done by partners nership debts and the surplus paid
designed in the agreement or in to wh"" 0 due him minus the damages
default thereof by the partners who he caused by dissolution (Article
have not wrongfully dissolved the 1837, par. 2[3a]) (b) in case of
partnership or the legal representative continuance of partnership, to have
of the last surviving partner not the value of his interest, minus
insolvent, but the court may award damages and good will
right to others (Article 1836, par. 1). ascertained and paid or secured and
Rights of partners after dissolution: to released from all existing liabilities
1. Where partnership is dissolved in of the partnership (Article 1837, par.
ac cordance with agreement- each 2[3bJ).

3.When partnership contract is re 4. Partnership creditors have priority
scinded on the ground of fraud or over partnership property and
mis representation of one of the separate creditors over individual
partners the innocent partners have a property saving the rights of lien or
right (a) t a lien or retention of surplus secured creditors. (Article 1837, No.8);
property for any amounts of money 5. When partner becomes insolvent,
advanced or contributed by them (b) the owner of preference is: (a) separate
to stand in the place of creditors for creditors; (b) partnership creditors; (c)
payments made by partnership partners on account of contributions
liabilities (c) to damages from guilty (Article 1837, No.9).
partner (Article 1838).
Rules in liquidation of assets of part Continuation of business after dis
nership: 1. The partnership assets solution: (1) Creditors of the dissolved
are: partnership are also creditors of the
(a) Partnership property; (b) person or partnership continuing the
Contributions Qf the partners business if it is continued without liq
necessary for the payment of all uidation of the partnership affairs
liabilities (Article 1838, No. 1[a] and (Arti cle 1840, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6), or if
[b]) those continuing business promise to
2.The order of payment of liabilities is: pay debts (Article 1840, No. 4);
(a) Those owing to creditors other 2. When the business is continued
than partners; (b) Those owing to without any settlement of accounts
part ners other than for capital and with a deceased or retired partner, the
profits; re tired partner or the legal
(c) Those owing to partners in representative of the deceased partner
respect to capital; (d) Those owing to may have the value of his interest at
partners in respect to profits (Article the date of liquidation ascertained
1834, No. 2 [a,b,c,d]); (Article 1841) except when there is
3. Application of assets to the pay already an agreement as to what the
nlent of liabilities: (a) Partnership pro retiring partner shall receive, and
perty must first be applied (b) individ receive as an ordinary creditor, at his
uaJ liability of partners in accordance option; (a) the value of his
with Article 1797 which can be participation plus interest or (b) the
enforced by the assignee of creditors profits attributable to the use of his
or any partner or his legal property of the dissolved partner ship;
representative to the ex tent of the provided the creditors of the dis
amount which he has paid in excess of solved partnership are preferred (Arti
his liability; this liability is not affected cle 1841).
by death of partner (Article 1837, Nos.
3, 4, 5, 6, 7); Limited Partnership: One formed by
two or more persons under the

provi sions of the following article, the right, if given, of the remaining
having as members one or more general partner or part ners to
general partners and one or more continue the business on the death,
limited partners (Arti cle 1843). In retirement, civil interdiction, in sanity
order to form a limited partnership, or insolvency, of a general part ner;
the parties must (1) sign and swear and (n) the right, if given, of a lim ited
to a certificate which shall state (a) the partner to demand and receive pro
name of the partnership, adding perty other than cash in return for his
thereto the word "Limited"; (b) the contribution; (2) file for record the
character of the business; (c) the certi ficate in the Office of the
location of the principal place of Securities and Exchange Commission.
business; (d) the name and place of A limited part nership is formed if
residence of each member, general there has been sub stantial compliance
and limited partners being in good faith with the foregoing
respectively designated; (e) the term requirements (Article 1844). In order
for which the partner ship is to exist; that there be a limited partnership
(f) the amount of cash and a there must be at least one general and
description of and the agreed value one limited partner (Article 1843).
of the other property contributed by
each limited partner; (g) the Concept of a limited partner: A limit
addtional contributions if any, to be ed partner is not really a partner but
made by each limited partner and the an investor in the partnership, hence
times at which or events on the not bound by the obligations of the
happening of which they shall be partnership (Article 1843). To be a
made; (h) the time, if agreed upon, limited part ner the contribution must
when the contribution of each be cash or property but not services
limited partner is to be re turned; (Article 1845) and he must not allow
(i) the share of the profits or the other his surname to appear in the
compensation by way of income partnership name (Article 1846). He
which each limited partner shall can loan money to the partnership and
receive by reason of his transact other business with the
contribution; (j) the right, if given, of partnership and receive on ac count of
a limited partner to substitute an resulting claim against the
assignee as contributor in his place, partnership, with general creditors,
and the terms and conditions of the his pro rata share of the assets (Article
substitution; (k) the right, if gien, of 1854, par. 1) except that he cannot re
the partners to admit additional ceive or hold partnership property as
limited partners; (l) the right, if given, security (Article 1854, No. 1) nor
of one or more of the limited partners receive payment or release of money
to priority over other limited partners, lia bility to the prejudice of creditors
as to contributions or as to (Arti cle 1854, No. 2). A limited
compensation by way of income,

partner is only liable to the stated in the Certificate of Limited
partnership and is not a proper party Partnership. In this case he shall have
to proceedings by or against the all the rights and powers and be
partnership except to en force a subject to all the re strictions of a
limited partner's rights against or general partner except that as to the
liability to the partnership (Article other partners, he has the rights of a
1866). However, when there are limited partner in respect to his
several limited partners the members contribution (Article 1853).
may agree that one or more of the
limited partners shall have a priority The general partner in the limited
over other limited partners as to the partnership: At least one general part
return of their contributions, as to ner is required in a limited
their compensation by way of income, partnership (Article 1843) and he shall
or as to any other matter. If such an have the same rights and powers and
agreement is made it shall be stated in be subject to all the restrictions and
the certificate, and in the absence of liabilities of a partner in a general
such a statement all the limited partnership (Arti cle 1850). However,
partners shall stand upon equal without the written consent or
footing (Article 1855). ratification of the specific act by all the
limited partners, a general partner or
When limited partner liable as a gen all of them cannot: (1) do any act in
eral partner: A limited partner is liable contravention of the certificate;
as a general partner: (1) when he (2) do any act which would make it
allows his surname to appear in im possible to carry on the ordinary
partnership name as regards a busi ness of the partnership; (3)
creditor without knowledge (Article confess judgment against the
1846, par. 2); (2) when he knowingly partnership; (4) possess partnership
allows certificate to contain a false property, for other than a partnership
statement as against a person who purpose; (5) admit a person as a
suffers loss by reliance on such general partner; ( 6) admit a person as
statement (Article 1847); (3) when he a limited partner, unless the right to
takes part in the control of the do so is given in the certificate;
business (Article 1948); (4) when on (7) continue the business with partner
learning (contrary to his belief) that ship property on the death,
there is no limited partnership, he retirement,
does not promptly renounce his insanity, civil interdiction or
interest in the profits of the business insolvency of a general partner, unless
or other compen sation by way of the right so to do is given in the
income (Article 1852); certificate (Article 1850, Nos. 1-7). The
(5) when he agrees to be a general retirement, death, insolvency, insanity
part ner at the time which fact is or civil interdiction of a general

partner dissolves the part nership not been paid, or the partnership
without prejudice to the re maining property is insufficient for their
general partners continuing the payment as re quired by the first
business with the consent of all paragraph No. 1, and the limited
members or in case it is so stated in partner would otherwise be entitled to
the certificate (Article 1860). the return of his contribu tion (Article
1857, last par. 1and 2).
Rights and liabilities of the limited
partner: A. The rights of the limited B. The liabilities of the limited part ner
partner are: ( 1) to inspect and copy at are: 1. To the partnership- (a) For the
reasonable hours the partnership difference between his contribution as
books and have them kept at the actually made and that stated in the
principal place of business (Article certificate as having been made
1851, No. 1); (Article 1853, par. 1[1]); (b) For any
(2)to have on demand true and full in unpaid con tribution which he agreed
formation of all things affecting part to make in the future at the time and
nership (Article 1851, No. 2); (3) to on the condi tions stated in the
have a formal account of partnership certificate (Article 1853, par. 1[2]); (c)
af fairs whenever just and reasonable To hold as trustee for the partnership
(Ar ticle 1851, No. 2); (4) to have specific property stated in the
dissolu tion and winding up by decree certificate as contributed by him but
of the court (Article 1851, No. 3); (5) to which was not contributed or
re ceive a share of the profits or other wrongfully returned and money or
compensation by way of income stip other property wrongfully paid or
ulated for in the certificate, provided conveyed to him on account of his
that after such payment the contribution (Article 1858, par. 2 [1 &
partnership assets are in excess of all 2]); (d) to any sum, not in excess of
liabilities of the partnership except returned contribution with interest,
liabilities to lim ited partners on necessary to discharge liabilities to all
account of their contri bution and to creditors who ex tended credit or
general partners (Articles 1851, par. 2; whose claim arose be fore return
1856); (6) to the return of (Article 1858, par. 4). These liabilities
their contribution (Articles 1851, par. may be waived or com promised only
2; 1857; (7) to loan money and if (a) all members con sent, (b)
transact other business with the certificate amended accord- ingly,
partnership (Article 1854); (8) to have and (c) creditors are not pre judiced
partnership and its affairs wound up (Article 1858, par. 3).
when he right fully but
unsuccessfully demands the return 2.To individual creditors-upon ap
of his contribution, or the other plication of a creditor (whose other re
liabilities of the partnership have medies remain unimpaired), the court

may issue a charging order on the in unless other wise stated in certificate
terest of the limited partner but said or consented to by all members
interest may be redeemed with the (Article 1857, par. 3).
separate property of any general
partner but not with partnership Additional limited partners: After the
property. The limited partner is formation of a limited partnership, ad
entitled to his statutory exemptions. ditional limited partners may be
(Article 1862) admit ted upon filing an amendment
to the original certificate in
To partnership creditors -limited accordance with the requirements of
partner is not liable to partnership Article 1865 (Arti- cle 1849).
cred itors except in the cases where he
is liable as a general partner and Assignment of limited partner's in
where the object is to enforce limited terest and its effects: A limited part
partner's liability to partnership ner's interest may be assigned (Article
(Article 1866). 1859, par. 1) and in that case assignee
does not become a partner but merely
Return of contribution of a limited acquires the share of the profits or
partner: A limited partner is entitled other compensation by way of income,
to the return of his contribution if: (1) or the return of his contribution to
af ter payment, there remains which his assignor is entitled (Article
property of the partnership sufficient 1859, par. 3). However, assignee may
to pay all li abilities of the partnership become a substituted limited partner
except to general partners and to if all the members consent or if the as
limited part ners on account of their signor, having that right in the certifi
contribution (Article 1857, par. 1, No. cate, gives assignee the right (Article
3); (3) all members consent or the 1859, par. 4) but does not actually be
return of the contribution can be come one until certificate is amended
rightfully demand ed (Article 1857, (Article 1859, par. 5).
par. 1, No. 2). The contribution may be
rightfully demanded (a) on A substituted limited partner is a
dissolution of the partnership (Article person admitted to all the rights of a
1857, par. 2, No. 1) (b) when the date limited partner who has died or has
specified in the certificate has arrived as signed his interest in a partnership
(Article 1857, par. 2, No. 2) (c) on six (Ar ticle 1859, par. 2), and he has all
month's notice in writing to all the rights and powers and is subject to
members if no time is specified in all the restrictions and liabilities of his
certificate either for return or for as signor except those h did not
dissolution of partnership (Article know and which cannot be
1857, par. 2, No.3). A limited partner's ascertained from the certificate
contribution shall be returned in cash (Article 1859, par. 6).

court to that effect and (2) recording
The executor or administrator of a the writing or order of the court with
deceased limited partner has the the Securities and Exchange
power as deceased had to make his Commission (Article 1865).
assignee a substituted limited partner
as well as all the rights of a limited Dissolution and liquidation of limited
partner for the purpose of settling his partnership: The limited partnership
estate, but the latter is liable for is dissolved: (1) in case of retirement,
liabilities of the de ceased limited death, insolvency, insanity, or civil in
partner (Article 1861). terdiction of a general partner (Article
1860); (2) when asked for by a limited
Amendment and cancellation of certi partner under the provisions of Article
ficate: Amendment of certificate is 1857.
made by: (1) executing a writing
which In settling accounts, the liabilities of
(a)shall conform to the requirements the partnership shall be paid as
of Article 1844 as far as necessary to follows: ( 1) those to creditors in the
set forth in certificate the desired order of priority as provided by law;
changes (2) those td limited partners in
(b)shall be signed and sworn to by all respect to their share of the profits
members including additional or and other compensation by way of
substituted limited or general partners income on their contribution; (3) those
as well as assigning limited partner to limited partners in respect to the
(Article 1856, par. 1). In case of refusal capital of their contributions; (4) those
to sign, the aggrieved party may go to to general partners other than for
court who shall order Securities Com capital and profits; (5) those to general
mission to record amendment or partners in respect to profits; ( 6) those
cancel lation and in the former case to general partners in respect to
plus a cer tified copy of its decree capital (Article 1863).
setting forth amendment; (2)
recording the writing with the Rights of existing partnerships: A
Securities and Exchange Com mission limited partnership under the law
(Article 1865). The grounds for prior to the effectivity of the Civil
amendment are stated in Article 1864. Code, until or unless it becomes a
limited partner ship under the New
Cancellation of certificate is proper Civil Code, shall continue to be
when the partnership is dissolved or governed by the pro visions of the old
all limited partners cease to be such law. It can however form under the
and is accomplished by ( 1) executing new law by complying with the
a writing to cancel certificate signed provisions of Article 1844 and setting
by all mem bers or an order of the forth in the certificates; ( 1) the

amount of the original contribution of compensation for his services in the
each limited partner, and the time form of a share of the profits in a
when the contribution was made; particular department or branch of the
and business is not a partner. This is also
(2)that the property of the partnership true where one in good faith lends
exceeds the amount sufficient to dis money to the firm upon an agreement
charge its liabilities to persons not to receive a share of the profits in lieu
claiming as general or limited partners of interest.
by an amount greater than the sum of
the contributions of its limited If one holds himself out to be a part
partners (Article 1867). ner and knowingly permits it to be
done by others, though he may not
Other illustration: An association of actually be a partner, as between
two or more persons to carry on, as himself and members of the firm, he
co owners, a business for profit. The will be a partner as to third persons
es sential feature of a partnership and be liable as such even though he
contract is the agreement to share does not intend it, and will be bound
profits in the business or undertaking by the contracts made by his
in connection with which the supposed partners. This is to prevent
combination exists. Consequent upon the fraud to which creditors and
the sharing of profits is the sharing of parties dealing with the firm would be
losses, unless it is other wise agreed, subject if the rule were otherwise. It
for there may be a part nership also serves to prevent false credit
without all the partners sharing the being given to a partnership on the
losses. faith of the supposed partner's
Usually there is a community of in responsibility, for every partner is
terest in the capital employed and a personally liable for the entire debts of
community of power in the manage the partnership after the exhaustion of
ment and business, but neither of the partnership assets. So
these is essential to a partnership for binding is this rule that in order to
one partner may contribute skill or hold a nominal or pretended partner
labor alone, and the business may be it is not necessary that the creditor at
Juan aged by one to the exclusion of the time of the contract be aware of
the others. In fact there may be little or the composition of the partnership.
no capital, for there may be a There is no particular method thus
partnership between persons acting con stituting one's self a partner as to
merely as man agers or disposers of out side parties. The use of his name
the goods of others, and there may be over a shop door or in printed notices
a partnership in a single transaction as or bills or advertisements or the doing
well as in a continuous series of of var ious acts indicating partnership
transactions. One who receives and sufficient to induce others to

believe him to be a partner will effect
the re sult. If, however, there is a The formation of a partnership may be
stipulation among the partners that a in writing or verbally or from tacit
person ap pearing to be a partner shall understanding evidenced by mere acts
be liable to no less he will not be so but it must be voluntary and no
liable to one having absolute stranger can be introduced into the
knowledge of the stipulation. firm without the consent of the whole
The presumption is that there is a firm. Therefore, unless it is otherwise
partnership where there is a sharing ex pressed in the contract of
of profits. This presumption, partnership. executors and
however, may be overcome by representatives of a de ceased partner
showing that one receives a share of will not take his place in the
percentage of profits merely as partnership, and even such an ex
en1ployee, agent, factor, broker or press provision only has the effect of
otherwise by way of compen sation giving such executors or represent
for labor, trouble or services, or for atives an option to become partners or
rent of factory or for some other not. Under the Statute of Frauds an
privilege, for there is a distinction be agreement of partnership to
tween an agreement to share profits as commence more than a year
such, and an agreement to share and subsequent should be in writing. An
pay out profits not as profits but in agreement of partner ship for buying
payment for something. and selling land should be written.
There may also be a partnership with
Officers and crews of sailing vessels a partner or a sub-partnership, but the
who are paid by a portion of the prod sub-partner will not have relations
uce of the voyage are not partners, nor with the main partnership. He
is a captain who takes a vessel under participates in the profits of the
an agreement to share profits or to particular partner with whom he
pay certain charges and receive a contracts and his responsibility or
portion of the earnings, and those liability for the debts of the general
making ship ment or freighting goods partnership are co-extensive with
for part of the profits are generally not those of the particular partner with
considered partners with the owners. whom he contracts. If he causes dam
Dormant partners are liable to third age to the partnership by his default
parties when discovered, as well as the party taking him into partnership
others. Sharing in profits, they must will be liable to the other partners.
also share in burdens. Any other rule A partnership may exist in any busi
would furnish a means whereby one ness or transaction which is not a
might obtain what would be in effect mere personal office. There may be a
usurious interest on money invested part nership to trade in land, or to
by him. own and make use of a ship, though

mere joint ownership of a ship will or entering into partnership relations
not constitute the owners partners. with him run the risk of his avoiding
and repudiating the contract if it
Partners ordinarily are liable person proves disadvantageous to him. If
ally for partnership debts after arriving at age he agrees to carry on
exhaus tion of partnership assets, yet the partnership or receives profits
statutes authorize the formation of from it, this will amount to a
limited part nership, limiting the confirmation, and will make him
liability of the in dividual partners, liable on the contracts of the firm
-usually to the ex tent of the capital made during minority. A married
subscribed by them individually. woman can enter into partnership as
well as con duct business for herself.
Certain requirements in such cases are
made as to character and method of In all partnerships in trade such in
execution of articles of association and dividual partner is an agent for the
as to recording the same in the proper other and his act or contract binds all
public office open to public inspection with reference to matters in the usual
and usually notice of the character of course of partnership business or nec
the partnership must be given by essary thereto, whether the partners
post ing a notice in the chief place of are ostensible, dormant, actual or no
busi ness or using the word, "limited", minal. He may effect insurance,
as a part of the name of the concern receive or receipt for money for the
and the like. firm, com promise with its debtors or
creditors, release debts due to it,
The term "joint stock company" is borrow money, purchase goods and
sometimes applied to ordinary may even sell the whole personal
partner ship containing a large effects of the firm at a single sale.
number of members and in some
instances, possibly, to limited A partner may pledge or mortgage
partnership. Partnerships with limited the partnership goods unless
liabilities are much in the nature of otherwise provided by statute, as
corporations and the general rules of security to prior debts or debts
law relating to them are similar to thereafter to be contract ed on account
those relating to corporations. of the firm. He may as sign the
property for the benefit of one creditor
Any person of legal capacity to enter or several or all the creditors of the
into a contract may become a partner. firm, but, of course, each assign ment
A minor may become a partner or must be for the benefit of all and not
make any other trading contract of one or several where the statute
which will possibly turn out to his laws in force so provide. It should be
benefit, but per sons dealing with him added that authorities differ as to his

power to make a general assignment partner ship injures a person or his
alone for the benefit of creditors. The property, the other partners will be
power of a single partner, however, to liable. For a willful tort, however,
dispose of the partnership property committed by one partner, another is
does not extend to real estate. in general not liable. All the partners
will be responsible for a wrongful
A partner may draw, accept and en conversion by one of them of the
dorse bills, notes and checks in the property of an outsider to the use of
name and for the use of the firm and if the firm.
so executed it is presumably for part Generally the act or admission of one
nership purposes. But if a partnership partner in legal proceedings is binding
is carried on in the name of a single on the firm. Notice to one is notice to
per son, in order to hold the all.
partnership liable it must be shown
that it was given in connection with One partner cannot bind the firm in
the partnership busi ness. guaranteeing the debt of another, or as
surety, or as a party to an
Though one is held out as a partner, accomodation bill or note, unless there
yet if he is not a partner, one who gave is a special au thority given for that
the firm credit not knowing that he purpose, or one implied from the
was so held out, cannot hold him common course of business, or from a
respon sible. Where there was a previous habit of dealing known and
change in the composition of a firm, consented to by the other partners, the
the new firm un dertaking to pay the transaction is sub sequently adopted
debts of the old out of the business, it or ratified by the firm. If one takes the
was held that credit ors of both the instrument knowing the partnership is
new and the old firm have preferences a party thereto as guarantor, surety or
against partnership assets over the accommodation endorser, it devolves
creditors of the individ ual members upon him to show circumstances
of the new firm. establishing the liability of the
members of the firm other than the
One partner will be bound by the one signing.
fraud of his co-partner in contracts
relating to partnership affairs made One partner without authority ex
with third persons innocent of the press or implied from circumstances
fraud, but where there is collusion cannot bind the firm by a contract to
between the third party and the convey real estate or by conveyance
contracting partner. thereof or by the execution of any in
strument which the law requires to be
If the partnership, in pursuit of the in the form of a deed (that is, an
partnership business and with instru ment of writing under seal), but

this does not apply to an instrument they will not be liable, for the
which may legally be under seal or authority from one partner to another
not at the option of the parties. One to contract and act as his agent is
partner can not bind his co-partners implied only, and the right to control
by a voluntary confession of judgment and direct that agency, if expressly
against the firm. The act of a partner exercised and declared, in each
in a matter wholly unconnected with partner. If the dissenting partner,
the partner ship business binds however, afterwards assents and
himself only. rati fies the transaction or receives
benefit from it, he will be bound by it.
Partnership assets are first liable for Where the majority acts it must be
the debts of the firm, and this will in- fairly con stituted and proceeds in
elude real estate used by the partner entire gooc1. faith.
ship and purchased with partnership
funds, and such real estate will not be Each partner has a specific lien on
subject to dower or to inheritance partnership stock for the payment of
until the partnership liabilities have debts made by him to third persons,
been met. Each individual partner is and for the amount of his own share
likewise liable for all the debts of the of the partnership stock and for all
partner ship, and his property may be mon eys advanced by him and the
sold by a creditor of the firm after moneys abstracted by the partners
exhaustion of the partnership assets. beyond their shares. Such lien also
attaches to part nership real estate,
In an ordinary partnership no ar and any stock ex tracted by a partner
rangement between the partners having the lien to - an extent sufficient
them selves, however, valid and to make him equal with other
binding be tween them, limiting their partners. Such prior claims of
several lia bilities can limit or prevent partners must be satisfied before a
their liabi lity to persons dealing with creditor of the individual partner
the firm. Where, however, a creditor can realize on his share of the
has express notice of a private partnership assets, or in other words,
arrangement be tween the partners by the partner's share as against his
which either the power of one to bind individual creditors will be
the firm, or his liability on partnership diminished to the extent of the liens of
contracts is qualified or defeated, such his co-partners.
creditor will be bound by the
arrangement. And where one The exact firm name should be em
contracting with one partner has ployed by each partner in signing
express notice from the others before papers, otherwise there is danger of
the contract is closed that they will not the one signing becoming personally
consider themselves responsible, liable to the firm, no partner having

implied authority other than by the iiiegal where they pass off themselves
firm alone. If,however, the firm has no or their goods for the original firm of
fixed name one signing in the name of its goods, and if done intentionaily it
himself and associates will bind the will be illegal even though the
partnership, but it should appear for imitators really have the same name
whom he signs. An adopted as the original. firm.
partnership name may be the same of A partner has no right as between the
a single person not even interested in partners to pay his individual debt by
the business will bind all the partners. setting off against it a debt due from
If the name of one partner is used as his creditor to the firm. But if he does
the firm name and he does business this and the credit is made
also on his own private ac count, a accordingly on the books of the firm,
contract signed by him will be the partnership cannot afterwards
presumed being by him individually recover it.
until it is shown to be on behalf of the
firm. A partnership will be dissolved by the
termination of the period for which it
It is said that a partner can be neither was formed if this is for a definite
debtor nor creditor of the firm of period (unless there has been an ex
which he is a member, though he may press or tacit agreement to continue
be a debtor or creditor of a co-partner, it), or at any time by mutual consent
and a firm may not sue or be sued by of the parties and if no fixed time is
one of its members for this would limited for its continuance any partner
result in the seeing of himself. may dis solve it at any time. The death
Partnerships sue and are sued in the of a partner terminates the
names of ali partners. Similarly one partnership unless there is an express
firm cannot sue another where the stipulation for the continuance thereof
same individual is a partner in each, to the personal representatives of one
though, as to this, statute laws have in dying. Upon the death of a partner,
some instances been enacted enabling the surviving partners have a right to
suits to be brought in such cases. The realize upon the assets of the firm, pay
above must not be construed to mean the debts and distribute the balance
that suits in equity cannot be brought among the living partners and the
for an accounting between partners, or representatives of the one deceased.
for the purpose of correct ing wrongs Bankruptcy of a partner will termin
committed by partners against other ate the partnership; so will the assign
partners in the conduct of the affairs ment of the partnership effects for the
of the concern. benefit of creditors or sale of the share
of a partner under execution. The civil
A firm name may operate as a trade death of one of the partner effects the
mark and if so its use by others will be same result. Dissolution may take

place also by the extinction of the mutual confidence amongst the part
subject matter of the partnership or ners. But a partner cannot
the completion of the business intentionally create such conditions
undertaking to which the partnership for the purposes of securing a
pertains; also by the assignment of dissolution and thus effect the result
one partner's interest to a co-partner desired by himself. A dissolution by
or a third person. decree may be obtained if the business
is in a hopeless state, and the property
Members of a m1nmg partnership is liable to be stated and lost.
holding the larger interest or portion The confirmed insanity or other infir
of the property have power to do mity of a partner may be cause for a
what is necessary and proper for de cree of dissolution both to protect
carrying on the business and the lunatic and to relieve the co-
controlling the work, in case of partners, but neither insanity nor
disagreement, for the benefit of all some other in firmity will of
concerned, but, of course, the business themselves dissolve the partnership
must be carried on in good faith. A without some action taken, and to
partnership in boring for oil is of this secure a decree, the lunacy or malady
nature. With respect to such a must be clearly established. A
partnership it may be said that if a temporary illness is not sufficient. A
member dies or becomes bankrupt, or partnership dissolved by death of a
sells to a stranger or to an associate, partner is dissolved as to the
these incidents do not affect a dissolu whole firm.
tion as in ordinary partnerships,
owing to the disastrous consequences As to third persons, partnerships will
that would result in such cases from not be dissolved without notice to
the fol lowing usual role. them that the partnership no longer
exists, and this notice must be
A partnership of a firm may be dis actual and brought home to persons
solved before the expiration of the who have been in the habit of dealing
term by a decree of a court of equity with the firm, but as to persons who
founded on a willful fraud or gross did not have such previous dealings,
misconduct of one of the partners, or notice fairly given in the public
upon his gross carelessness or waste, newspapers is sufficient. Notice is
or on his exclusion of other partners necessary to termin tte the agency of
from a just share of the management, each partner and consequently his
or upon the existence of violent and power to bind the firm. It is not
lasting dissensions between the necessary to give notice of the
partners which prevent the business withdrawal of a dormant partner from
from being conducted upon the the firm to any creditors who do not
stipulated terms or destroys the know of his being a partner. Though

notice is not given, the estate of a ance. It will also satisfy the Statute of
deceased partner will not be bound by Frauds in the case of sale of goods.
contracts made after the death, nor is
notice necessary where dissolution is Part Performance
compelled by operation of law as in
the case of bankruptcy of a member of The partial carrying out of an oblig
the firm. ation to do something which will in
some cases prevent, in equity, the de
A dissolution terminates all transac fense of informality in the making of
tions between the partners and be the contract.
tween them and third parties except
for the purpose of winding up the Party
concern and carrying out contracts
already made. The firm continues to A person who takes part in a legal
exist so far as is necessary to wind up transaction, especially in an agree
the business and complete contracts ment. The various parties are
and to convert the assets for payment described as "parties of the first part,"
of debts and dis tribution amongst the "of the second part,'' etc.
partners. Where there is a
disagreement or dispute amongst the A litigant, whether as plaintiff, de
partners a receiver may be appointed fendant or intervenor.
by a court of equity to wind up the
affairs and make proper disposi tion One who is to be benefited or injured
of the proceeds. If all the partners by a judgment or order of a court, and
agree, however, and debts are all paid includes any person who is a party to
and satisfied, the dissolution and the record. (People's Homesite and
distri bution of the assets may be Housing Corporation vs. Jeremias, 73
made in way satisfactory to them. SCRA 221)

Part Owners A group of persons, organized for

political purposes, and recognized by
Owners in common or jointly of the law in the Philippines as entitled to
same property; especially said of a no minate candidates for office. The
vessel. legis lature has the constitutional
power to regulate such political
Part Payment parties, so far as they involve the
rights of a citizen freely to select his
Payment of a part of a debt due. This party and to participate in its
satisfies the debt pro tanto, and tolls organization.
the Statute of Limitations for the bat

Party in Interest (
In the law of procedure: A party in
interest is a person who has a Party Wall
beneficial interest in the result of the
action or who might be injured as the A wall erected on the line between
result thereof, and who is entitled to two adjoining properties, belonging to
maintain an action. different persons, for the use of both
estate. In general, by statute such
In some jurisdictions: Evidentiary walls must be built equally on both
rules prohibit a party in interest properties at the general expense of
from testifying as to transactions with the owners; but, if only one owner
a de cedent. wishes to use it, he builds it at his own
expense, the other paying half of its
One who would be benefited by the value when in the future he makes use
estate, such as an heir, or one who has of it. Each owner has a right to put his
a certain claim against the estate, such joints in it and use it for the support of
as a creditor. (Ngo The Hua vs. Chung his roof and house.
Kiat Hua, 9 SCRA 113)
Where the party wall has been built
Party List System and the adjoining owner wishes to
have a deeper foundation under it, he
It is a mechanism of proportional may undermine the wall, using due
representation in the election of care and diligence to prevent injury to
representatives to the House of his neigh bor, and if he does he is not
Representatives from marginalized or liable for injury that may arise. If one,
underrepresented national, regional in tearing down his building, takes
and sectoral parties, or organizations down the party wall with it he must
or coalitions thereof registered with erect another with in a reasonable
the Commission on Elections time and with the least possible
(Comelec). inconvenience to his neighbor. If the
wall requires repairs the other owner
It is part of the electoral process that which, however, may not exceed his
enables small political parties and portion of the cost of the old wall, or
marginalized and underrepresented of a new wall similar to the old one. If
sectors to obtain possible the wall is taken down negligently so
representation in the House of as to injure the neighboring houses
Representatives, which traditionally is dam ages may be recovered.
dominated by parties with big
political machinery. One does not have a right to put
windows in a party wall. The

adjoining owner has a right to have Corporation Code. (Sec. 6,
the wall built solid. Corporation Code of the Philippines)

Par Value Stated money value which appears on

the face of the certificate. Such shares
Variously termed legal exchange rate may not be originally issued by the
or par of exchange, is the official rate corporation for a consideration less
of exchange, established by a govern than the par or issued value of said
ment, in contrast to the free market shares.
rate. (Gonzalo L. Manuel & Co., Inc.
vs. Central Bank, 48 SCRA 533). Pass

The ''par value'' is defined by law, and To transfer, as in the case of title to
(as in the case of the pesos) is based property of any kind; or, intransitely,
upon its gold content. (Commis sioner to be transferred, as in the phrase, "the
of Internal Revenue vs. Tan juatco, 101 title passes'' or ''the estate passes.''
SCRA 816). To accept as valid or to allow, a report
or an account. With the preposition
In banking laws: The official rate of "on" or "upon," it is equivalent to '
exchange established by a 'decide' ' or ' 'determine. ''
government, in contrast to the free
market rate. It is the value as officially Passage
defined in terms of gold or, under the
silver standard, where there was such The privilege of transportation or
a standard, in terms of silver. It transit, especially by water.
signifies the amount it takes one
currency (for example, based on gold) The voyage itself, especially by water.
to buy a unit in another currency The money paid for passage.
(also based on gold), that is, how
many pieces of the unit (or their gold Passenger
content) are necessary to equal the
gold content of the other unit. One who is carried by a public carrier
from one place to another, whether for
Par Value Share consideration or without it. The
master, mate and crew of a ship and
In corporation law: A class of share the train personnel of a railroad or
with specific money value that monorail, are not included in the term.
appears on the face of the stock The laws relating to common carriers
certificate au thorized to be issued by determine the rights, privileges and
stock corpo rations under the New duties of passengers, with respect to
tort and contract obligations. A quest,

e.g., in an auto mobile, is not generally Diligence required of common car
considered a passenger. riers of passengers: Common carriers,
from the nature of their business and
A passenger is a person who under for reasons of public policy, are bound
takes with the consent of the carrier to to observe extraordinary diligence for
travel in the conveyance provided by the safety of the passengers transport
the latter, otherwise than the service of ed by them, according to all the
the carrier as such. circumstances of each case. (Article
1733, Civil Code.)
Necessity of contract: A contract,
either express or implied, is generally A common carrier is bound to carry
viewed as essential to the creation of the passengers safely as far as human
the relationship of carrier and care and foresight can provide, using
passenger. The basic requirement of a the utmost diligence of every cautious
valid contract should accordingly, be persons, with a due regard for all the
fully satisfied, whether its origin is in circumstances. (Article 1755, Civil
the acts of the parties or in Code)
relationship that the law creates upon
the ground of public policy. The extraordinary diligence required
of common carrier is calculated to pro
Tickets: Bills of lading or tickets in the tect the passengers from the tragic
case of transportation of passengers mis haps that frequently occur in
may be different, one for persons and connec tion with rapid modern
another for baggage, but all of them transportation. This high standard of
shall contain the name of the carrier, care is impera tively considered that
the date of shipment, the points of de every person must in every way be
parture and arrival, the price, and safeguarded against all injury. (Report
with regard to baggage, the number of the Code Commission, pp. 35-36)
and weight of the packages, with any The present Code introduces into
other indication which may be Philippine Law the Anglo-American
considered necessary in order to easily principles on common carriers. The
indemnify them. (Article 352, Code of nature of the business of common car
Commerce.) riers and the exigencies of public
policy demand that they observe
The relationship of carrier and pas extraordina ry diligence. With the
senger is not terminated if the passen modern development of science and
ger returns to the bus to get a piece of invention, transportation has become
baggage left therein. (La Mallorca vs. more complicated and hazardous, so
Court of Appeals, 17 SCRA 739.) that the public is forced to trust all the
more in the utmost diligence and
foresight of common carrier, whether

by land, sea, or air. The extraordinary truck with seating com partments at
diligence imposed by the present code the back not used for hire shall be
on common carrier is but -justification registered under special ''S''
of the ancient principle that the well- classifications. In case of dispute, the
being of the people is the supreme Commissioner of Land Transportation
law. (Report of the Code Commission, shall determine the classification to
pp. 65-67) which any special type of motor
See also Common Carriers. vehicle belongs. (Article II, Section
3[b], Land Transportation and Traffic
Passenger Automobiles Code.)

All pneumatic-tire vehicles of types Passim

similar to those usually known under
the following terms: touring car, com Lat. Scattered.
mand car, speedster, sportscar, road
ster, jeep, cycle car (except motor A term used to express the fact that a
wheel and similar small outfits which word or provision occurs in many
are classified with motorcycles), places in the same statute, or book.
coupe, landdaulet, closed car,
limousine, car briolet and sedan. Passional Obfuscation

Motor vehicles with changed or re There is passional obfuscation when

built bodies, such as jeepneys, jitneys, the crime was committed due to an
or station wagons, using a chassis of un controllable burst of passion
the usual pneumatic-tire passenger provoked by prior unjust or improper
au tomobiles type, shall also be acts, or due to a legitimate stimulus so
classified as passenger automobiles, if powerful as to overcome reason. But
their net allowable carrying capacity, passional obfuscation is not mitigating
as deter mined by the Commission of if the accused was actuated more by a
Land Transportation, does not exceed spirit of lawlessness and revenge
nine passengers and if they are not rather than any sudden and legitimate
used and primarily for carrying impulse of natural and uncontrollable
freight or mer chandise. fury. Where the policeman came to
arrest him, the anger and indignation
The distinction between ''passenger of the accused resulting from the
truck'' and ''passenger automobiles'' arrest cannot be considered passional
shall be that of common usage; obfuscation.
Provid ed, that a motor vehicle
registered for more than nine The son's annoyance at his mother for
passengers shall be classified as her failure to prepare his meal does
"truck"; And, provided, further, That a not amount to obfuscation that would

mitigate his liability for parricide (he
strangled her). The obfuscation must
be caused by an unlawful act. An Passive Solidarity
order made by the constabulary
soldiers that the palay on the disputed Where solidarity exists among the
land should be deposited with the debtor, i.e., each debtor may be com
barrio Lieutenant is not an unlawful pelled to pay the whole obligation to
order that should cause obfuscation. the common creditor. This may
Acting on the im pulse of anger was likewise exist although the debtors
considered mitigating in libel. are not bound in the same manner
Obfuscation cannot be mitigating if and by the same periods and
the cause of the loss of self-control conditions. Hence the creditor may
was trivial and slight as when the proceed against any one of the
victim failed to work on the hacienda solidary debtors or some or all of
of which the accused was the overseer them simultaneously except in the
because said victim had been case of judicial bonds. The demand
confessed in anticipation of his made against one of them or the
marriage; or where there was a breach pendency of a claim against one of the
of contract for the hire of a boat; or debtors or the death of one of the
where the accused was in des pair debtors or the death of one of the
because he was broke; or where the solidary debtors, shall not be an
killing was the offshoot of land obstacle to those which may sub
trouble; or where the two accused saw sequently be directed against
their uncle picking fruits from a tree the others, so long as the debt
claimed by them; or where the victim has not been fully collected.
made this chance remark: ''What of it
if you throw away the water I can also
get water as easily as you can?' ' Passive Trust

Passive A trust which has become a naked

trust or bare trust, i.e., in which the
A term applied to bonds or deben trustee no longer has any active duty
tures to indicate that they bear no to perform.
Also called a dry trust.
Passive Satellite
An earth satellite intended to transmit
adio co munication signals by re A passport is an official document of
flectiOn. (Article 1, Section 2-A, Radio identity and nationality issued to a

per son intending to travel or sojourn There are other kind of passports
in foreign countries. which is issued in time of war. It con
sists of a written permission given by
The issuance of passports is essen a belligerent to enemy subjects or
tially the functions of the Foreign others entitling them to pass
Office of a State; however, today most unmolested with in his territory or
countries authorize their consuls enemy territory occu pied by him.
abroad to issue passports. In
exceptional cases, diplomatic officers The statement that the Foreign Of fice
may also do so. The various types of of a certain government' 'has hand ed
passports commonly used are: the ambassador of----his pass ports''
Diplomatic passpots: Issued to am simply means that the receiving State
bassadors, ministers, officers of the has ordered the ambassador to leave.
Foreign Service and other persons Fonnerly, recervmg govern ments
hav ing a diplomatic status, and actually issued passports to for
members of their immediate families. eigners, which served as their entry
Special passports: Issued to Govern and exit visas. So when a host govern
ment officials who do not have diplo Inent handed an ambassador his exit
matic status and members of their im passport or visa, it was tantamount to
mediate families; and telling him that the government
Regular passports: Issued to private wanted him to leave. Nowadays, this,
persons who are eligible to apply for of course, is no longer done but the
them under the laws and regulations expression, ''handling the ambassador
of the country. his pass ports'' is still sometimes used
Some States issue other types of
passports besides those mentioned Past Consideration
above for particular purposes. For ex
ample, in the United States system An act done not in exchange for any
there are the so-called: promise and which is not good
Service passports: Issued abroad by consid eration for a subsequent
designated officers of the Foreign promise. In certain cases past
Serv ice to American citizens or consideration is valid consideration.
nationals who owe allegiance to the
United States; and Dependent Generally, a written promise to pay a
passports: Issued for use in connection debt barred by the statute of
with the bearer's visit or residence limitations or by discharge in
abroad as a dependent of American bankruptcy will revive the obligation.
military, naval, air or civilian
personnel on active duty outside the
continental limits of the United States.

Past Due At the common law: The term is
loosely used in the sense of a father
A debt which existed before a note act ing as head of his family. The term
was made promising to pay it or has no legal significance at common
before property was transferred to law except as a variant for "father" or
secure it or to satisfy it. The existence ''husband.''
of a past debt makes the transferee a Paternity
bona fide purchaser unless he knows
of any defect in the property The civil status of a father in relation
transferred. to the children begotten by him. In a
sense, it is also used to designate the
Pasture civil status of a mother in relation to
the children begotten by her. The
Pasturage: The right of grazing cattle matter of paternity and filiation is
in a particular place. governed by Title VIII of the New
The place which is employed for Civil Code.
grazing cattle.
Lat. Country.
As an adjective: Applied to some thing
apparent on the face of an instru ment, The word used, when procedure was
as an ambiguity or an error. in Latin, to describe the jury. "Ponit se
super patriam;"- "He puts himself on
As a noun: An exclusive right to an his country.''
invention throughout the Republic of
the Philippines granted to the Patria Potestas
patentee) his heirs or assigns for the
term there of. (Sec. 20, R.A. 165, as Lat. Paternal power.
At Roman law: The almost unrestrict
Paterfamilias ed power which a man, a
paterfamilias, had over his children or
Lat. Father of the family. descendants. It extended to the power
of life and death, of selling into
In Rornan law: A man ''sui juris' slavery, and included the title to all
whose father, under whose potestas property acquired by children or
(paternal power) he was born, has descendants. Unless forn1ally sur
died, or one who has been rendered by emancipation, it lasted till
emancipated by his father. the death of the pater familias, no
matter how old the children were. If a

man having sons and grandchildren Land that is other than part of the
died, the grandchildren came under patrimonial property of the State,
the potestas of their father. Abuse of provinces, cities and municipalities is
patria potestas was checked by of private ownership if it belongs to a
custom and, in later Roman law, by private individual. (G.R. No. 179987,
specific legal pro visions. Heirs of Mario Malabanan, vs.
At the common law: The term is used Republic of the Philippines)
loosely for the rights of a father over Patrimonial Sea
his minor children. In International law: There is now a
growing number of states asserting
jur isdiction over what they call the
exclu sive economic zone or the
patrimonial sea, which extends two
Patrimonial Properties hundred naut ical miles from the coast
or the base lines. All living and non-
Article 422 of the Civil Code states living re sources found therein are
that "[p]roperty of public dominion, claimed to belong exclusively to the
when no longer intended for public coastal state.
use or for public service, shall form
part of the patrimonial property of the The concept of the patrimonial sea
State." It is this provision that controls was adopted in the Declaration of
how public dominion property may Santo Domingo, by the Carribean
be converted into patrimonial states, in 1972, the General Report of
property susceptible to acquisition by the African States Regional Seminar
prescription. on the Law of the Sea, held in
Yaounde in 1972, and the Addis Ababa
Land, which is an immovable Declaration of 1973, adopted by the
property,10 may be classified as either council of Ministers of the
of public dominion or of private Organization of African Unity, and
ownership.11 Land is considered of has also been formally proposed by
public dominion if it either: (a) is Kenya. However, it has not yet been
intended for public use; or (b) belongs re cognized as a rule of international
to the State, without being for public law.
use, and is intended for some public
service or for the development of the It will be so, though, if the new Con
national wealth.12 Land belonging to vention on the Law of the Sea is rati
the State that is not of such character, fied.
or although of such character but no
longer intended for public use or for
public service forms part of the
patrimonial property of the State.13

Patrimony As distinguished from indigent: The
difference between ''paupers'' and
The entire sum of all the hereditary "indigent" persons is that the latter
rights of any person, after it has come are persons who have no property or
into his possession. source of income sufficient for their
support aside from their own labor,
Patron though self-supporting when able to
work and in employment. (Ibid.)
At Roman law: A man who has eman
cipated a slave. Many rights remained
in a patron over his emancipated slave
(libertus), especially rights of inherit
ance and a claim to certain dutiful Pauperis, In Forma
Lat. A phrase used for the right to
Pauper bring an action or any other
proceeding at law or equity without
Properly, the Latin term for a poor paying the legal fees or by paying
man. This is the sense in which it is only a nominal fee. Motions to be
used in the phrase in forma pauperis. permitted to proceed in this way will
A person so poor that he must be be granted if supported by evidence of
supported at public expense. (Acar vs. poverty. This generally fixed by court
Rosal, 19 SCRA 625). of rule or statute.

Also a suitor who, on account of Pauper Litigant

poverty, is allowed to sue or defend
without being chargeable with costs. One who is authorized by the court to
(Ibid.) prosecute his action or defense as a
pauper upon a proper showing that
An indigent when referring to suits in he has no means to that effect. (Section
forma pauperis. (Ibid.) 22, Rule 3, Revised Rules of Court)

As applied to statutes or provisions on Pawn

the right to sue: An applicant for leave
to sue in forma pauperis need not be a To lend money on the security of per
pauper; the fact that he is able bodied sonal property.
and may earn the necessary money is
no answer to his statement that he has The act of pledging property as secu
no sufficient means to pro secute the rity for a loan.
action or to secure the costs. (Ibid.)

Pawnbroker is lim ited merely to the delivery of
money due. There is therefore
A person licensed to lend money on payment in all kinds of obligation,
the security of personal property whether to give, to do or not to do.
pledg ed to him. He is permitted by
law to charge interest greatly in Characteristics of payment: (1) integ
advance of that which other lenders rity of payment, i.e., that the thing or
may charge, but he is subject to strict service in which the obligation
policy regul ation. If the pawned consists has been completely
articles are notre deemed they may be delivered or ren dered as the case may
sold, under spe cial statutes, without be; (2) identity of payment, i.e., that
being offered to the highest bidder. the very thing or service or abstention
The price may not be more than the must be rendered or delivered; and (3)
money loaned and accrued interest. indivisibility of paymentt, i.e., no
partial payment or performance is
Pax Ecclesiae allowed.

Lat. A proclamation of the Church Recompense: Payment must be made

during the Middle Ages which by money unless there is an
forbade fighting in the vicinity of agreement to accept something else,
church build ings, or against clerics, and the payee may insist upon having
pilgrims, mer chants, women or legal tender money. The creditor
peasants. waives this right, however, and
anything he accepts in satisfaction will
Payable be considered pay ment. If one agrees
to pay a debt in stock, but fails to do
Applied to debts which are due at so at the time agreed upon, upon
once or at a specified future time. demand being made, the indebtedness
then becomes due in money. Though
Payee Bank of Indone sia notes are legal
tender in Indonesia, bank notes are
The person to whom a promissory not legal tender in the Philippines. Yet
note or other debt is payable. by common usage they are regarded
as cash and effect pay ment when
Payment accepted.

Means not only the delivery of money Giving a check is not considered pay
but also the performance, in any other ment, that is, does not cancel the debt
manner, of an obligation. The legal until paid or collected, and the holder
meaning of payment is broader than may treat the check as a nullity if he
the ordinary meaning since the latter derives no benefit from it, provided he

has not been guilty of negligence in and sue upon it or may sue
holding it until the bank on which it is immediately upon the original
drawn has failed or until in other indebtedness after it becomes due.
man ner loss is caused to the drawer
thereof. Payment may be made through a
third party. Where betting is not
Payment in forged bills or counterfeit illegal, money deposited with a stake
coin is generally a nullity unless it is holder may be paid to the winner. If
agreed that specific money be illegal, the depositor may reclaim the
accepted when the goods are sold or money at anytime before it is paid
the debt is contracted, but the false over, or give the stakeholder notice
money must be returned promptly or not to pay and hold him responsible if
within a rea sonable time. Payment to he does. If one owes another and gives
a bank by its own note which is the money to a third person to pay to
received as cash and passed to one's the other, the right to the money
credit is good payment. If a bill of becomes vested in the creditor and the
exchange or promissory note is debtor cannot re cover it back from
accepted as payment it will be good as the third party. If both the debtor and
such, but it will not effect payment, creditor agree with the third party that
unless it is shown that such was the the last named shall do the paying
in tent of the parties, until the money instead of the debtor, this is payment
is collected thereon. Giving one's own as to the debtor and re leases him, and
note for the amount of a debt he owes, the third party takes his place as
in general, does not nullify the debt debtor.
for which it is given. That is, it is not
pay ment unless it be so expressed. In A legacy may operate as payment of a
the sale of goods if the note of a third debt if the creditor authorizes the
per son is accepted for the price it is a debtor to send money in payment by
good payment. It is otherwise, letter and he does so this would
however, if the note is that of one of operate as a payment. If the money is
the partners in payment of a lost the loss will be the creditor's but
partnership debt. Gen erally, too, it the debtor must exercise care in
may be said that if at the time of sale it sending it.
was agreed that payment was to be
made in notes, a note given A receipt is only prima facie evidence
accordingly will effect payment and of payment and it is permissible to
dis charges the original debt, but if show that it was given by mistake,
the note was received as a mere and that notwithstanding the receipt
accommo dation to the purchaser the money was not paid. The receipt
there will be no payment, and the for the last year's or quarter's rent is
creditor may retain the note until due prima facie evidence of the payment

of all rents previously due, and in third person whether agent or not by
fact the receipt for any periodical direction of the principal will bind.
payment is prima facie evidence of the Payment to a broker or factor who
payment of all periodical payments or sells for a principal not named is
installments previously coming due. good. Payment to an attorney is as
Possession of an accepted bill of ex effectual as payment to his client, and
change by the acceptor, or a note by an attorney of record may even
the drawer, is prima facie evidence of discharge and satisfy a judgment for
the payment thereof. Irrespective of his client, but an agent appointed by
the bar of the various statutes of the attorney to collect may not.
limitation, a debt will be presumed to
have been paid after twenty years, If a sheriff collects money on execu
even if in the form of a judgment or tion he may pay it to an attorney for
mortgage or if evidence by an his client, but not if the power of
instrument under seal. This attorney to act as such has been
presumption, however, may usually revoked and the sheriff has notice.
be rebutted by evidence that the debt Payment to one part ner extinguishes
has not in fact been paid. The lapse of the debt either before or after
time shifts the burden of proof as to dissolution of the partnership.
payment from the debtor to the credit Payment to the creditor's wife will not
or. A judge may even infer payment discharge the debt unless she is his
from a shorter lapse of time if there be agent. The mere. fact that one is an
circumstance favoring the auc tioneer to sell real estate does not
presumption. au thorize him to receive a receipt for
the purchase money. Payment to one
An agent may make payment for his of several joint creditors or to one of
principal and an attorney-at-law may sev eral executors is sufficient.
discharge the debt against his client.
Payment may be made to an Payment should be made at the exact
authorized agent of the creditor, but time agreed upon. If this is not done
generally if made to the agent it must in terest will be allowed thereafter by
be in money in order to bind the way of damages. If payment is to be
principal, but if he takes goods on a future date nothing can be
without authority, even slight, previously demanded, and if there is a
subsequent acts of acquiescence will condition precedent to the liability,
be deemed a ratification. If the the condition must be performed
payment is made in the ordinary before payment can be exacted. The
course of business to an agent without debtor cannot require the creditor to
notice requiring the payment to be receive payment before the debt is
made to him self, this is binding upon due. Payments must be made at the
the principal, and payment to any place agreed upon unless changed by

the consent of both parties. If no place barred by limitation (out of date), the
of payment is mentioned the debtor creditor may apply it to the debt so
must seek out the creditor to pay him. barred unless the debtor has applied it
The creditor may require payment of to the other debt, but his doing so will
his whole claim at one time, unless not have the effect of reviving and
there is a stipulation for payment in putting new life into the un paid
parts, and may refuse part payment. balance of the debt which was bar red.
If the debtor in making the payment
If a payment is erroneously made enters it upon his book, as against a
under a mistake of fact it may be re particular debt and communicates the
covered back, but a mistake as to one's fact to the creditor, this will be an ap
legal liability under an admitted state propriation, but if he does this
of facts furnishes no grounds for without informing the creditor or
recovering back money paid without the creditor knowing it, it will
voluntarily under a claim that it was not operate as an appropriation by the
owing. This latter rule does not hold debtor, and the creditor has the
good, however, in some jurisdictions privilege to apply the payment as he
where the law is more liberal to the likes.
mistaken party. In this connection it
may be said that laws of another If the debtor owes one amount per
country are matters of fact rather than sonally and another amount as an exe
law. Hence, a payment made under cutor, or in any other representative
mistake as to what is the law in capacity he will not have an election
another country could be re covered but, must apply the payment to the
back. If one ignorantly pays a public personal account unless otherwise
officer fees which he is not entitled to, directed or permitted. Where either
and the officer does not inform him of the debtor or creditor has made an
the fact, the money may be re covered appropriation of the money to a
back. particular debt, the law will apply it in
If payment is made by letter, in gen accordance with justice and equity
eral it may be said that the debtor is and this will usually be to the most
discharged, though the money does precarious debt, unless there is some
not reach the creditor. reason to the contrary. Where,
If one owes another on two distinct however, one debt is a mortgage will
accounts, he may direct any payment be first paid on the ground that it
that he makes to be applied to which appears more for the interest of the
ever account he desires. If the debtor debtor to have this debt discharged. If
thus makes no appropriation of the the sum paid will exactly satisfy one
payment to a particular debt, the of the debts. it will be applied to that
creditor may then apply it as he one on the presumption that such was
desires. If one of the two debts is the intention.

receive it. When so paid the party
If one debt is absolute and the other paying escapes further responsibility
contingent, as where the creditor is a with respect thereto, and divests
surety or an endorser for the debtor in himself of all right to withdraw the
a note not yet paid,. the payment will money except by leave of court.
be applied to the absolute debt unless
the debtor directs otherwise. If a Sometimes where suit is brought for a
partner ship is indebted to one, and a given amount the defendant admits
partner who is also indebted to the that a smaller amount is due. Such
same person makes a payment from smaller amount with all costs accrued
partnership funds, without may be tendered by the defendant to
designating the debt to whic.h it shall the plaintiff and, if not accepted by
be applied, it must be applied to the him, may be paid into the court, the
partnership debt. object being to escape payment of any
Payment For Honor further costs in case the plaintiff fails
to recover more than the amount
In Negotiable Instruments law: tender ed. By such payment into court
"Payment for honor" may be made not the de fendant admits conclusively all
only Y a stranger but also by a party that the plaintiff will be obliged to
to the bill. The drawer of a check prove in order to recover the amount
which had been dishonored and so paid. He admits that the amount is
protested has the right to intervene due in the manner alleged in the
and pay it to pro test for his honor. It plaintiff's declar ation or statement.
may even be made by a drawee after
he has refused to accept the bill. In Payment not Extended
order to operate as payment for honor
supra protest and not as a mere In Tax law: Where a deficiency, or any
voluntary payment, it must be attested interest assessed in connection
by a notarial act of honor which may therewith, or any addition to the taxes
be appended to the protest. (Sees. 171 provided for in section one hundred
& 172, Negotiable Instruments Law) twenty is not paid in full within thirty
days from the date of the notice and
Payment into Court de mand from the Commissioner,
there shall be collected as a part of the
Money paid into court by direction or taxes, interest upon the unpaid
leave of court upon application of the amount at the rate of one per centum a
party owing or holding it where the month from date of such notice and
per son entitled will not accept it, or demand until it is paid. (Section 20,
his whereabouts is unknown, or National Internal Revenue Code)
where dif ferent parties are claiming
it, or where there is no one qualified to Payroll Period

Peace, Bill of
In Tax law: A period for which a pay
ment of wages is ordinarily made to An action in equity to quiet title to
the employee by his employer, and property when it is probable that
the term ''miscellaneous payroll claims will be asserted by a number of
period'' means a payroll other than a persons in separate actions. At
daily, weekly, bi-weekly, semi- present time, the same result may be
monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or reached by a bill to quiet title, or, if
annual period. (Article 1, National several actions have already been
Internal Re venue Code) begun, by a petition to consolidate
them and enjoin separate prosecution.
A period for which a payment of
wages is ordinarily made to the em
ployee by his emplcyer.
Pay To Cash Or Order Peace, Justice Of The
A public official having minor judicial
In Negotiable Instruments law: An power. By statute his jurisdiction may
instrument "Pay to cash or order" is be limited to the trial of
payable to bearer and the drawee misdemeanors, or he may only act as a
bank may pay it to the person committing ma gistrate. He may also
presenting it without indorsement of be given power to try civil cases in
the drawer. However, as a matter of limited amounts.
banking prac tice, and as a security
measure, a bank may require the Peace Officer
indorsement of the drawer or of some
other person known to it and thus Person who is competent to file a
avoid possible complica tions as criminal complaint, a member of the
forgery of drawer's signature, loss of Constabulary and also who is directly
the check by its owner or raising of charged the preservation of peace, law
amount payable. (Ang Tek Lian vs. and order, whose duty to investigate
Court of Appeals, 87 Phil. 383) crimes and bring criminal offenders to
justice. (People vs. Barut, 89 SCRA 14)

Dictionary meaning: The absence or

cessation of war.
In a system of power politics: Peace is Peculatus
merely a negative state, i.e., the state
in which subjects of International Law Lat. Embezzlement, used occasionally
are not at war with each other. by common law writers in this sense.

Peculium tial damages'' which is only No.2 in
the order of payment.
Lat. Private property.
Courts cannot disregard the order of
Pecuniary Liability payment: When the respondent judge
permitted the accused to pay the P500
Applicability: In case the property of fine ahead and postponed the
the offender should not be sufficient payment of the indemnity of Pl,900 to
for the payment of all his pecuniary some other date, he obviously
liabilities. The order of payment is deviated from the express mandates
provided for under Article 38, Revised of the law. In demnity is No.2 and fine
Penal Code. is No. 3 in the order of payment. What
was done was exactly the opposite of
Non-applicability: If the offender has what the law or dained. What the
no sufficient or no property, there is court had done was to ommit the
no use for Article 38. accused to jail for a periOd not
exceeding six months. (Arti cle 39, par.
The order of payment of pecuniary 2, Revised Penal Code) upon non-
liabilities in Article 38 must be observ payment on the date sched uled for its
ed: Thus in robbery with violence execution of the indemnity imposed
against persons, A inflicted B serious by the sentence. (Domalaon vs. Yap,
physical injuries and took the latter's 59 O.G. 6675)
watch and ring worth Pl,250. As a re
sult of the physical injuries inflicted, B There is reparation in the crime of
was hospitalized and was not able to rape when the dress of the woman is
attend to his works for one month. For torn: In a case where the accused was
hospital bills he paid P500. For his fail convicted of rape, that part of the
ure to earn his salary for one month, judg ment ordering the defendant to
he lost P300. If A, after conviction, had pay the value of the woman's torn
only property not exempt from execu garments is reparation for the damage
tion worth Pl,OOO, it shall be applied caused to her property and is distinct
to the payment of the watch and ring, from indemnity.
which could not be returned, because (U.S. vs. Yambao, 4 Phil. 204)
they are covered by the ''reparation of
the damage caused'' and it is No. 1 in
the order of payment under Article 38.
The hospital bills in the amount of
P500 and the salary which he failed to Pecuniary Penalty
earn in the sum of P300 are covered by
the indemnification of the consequen The term ''pecuniary penalties'' (las
pecuniarias) in Article 89, Revised

Penal Code, refers to the fine and purpose of resale. (Section 194(f),
costs. (People vs. Satorre, 72 SCRA National Internal Rev enue Code)
Descent, especially where titles to
The term hawker is rarely used, and a nobility or interests in property are
peddler may travel either on foot or in con cerned. Bibles and similar books
a conveyance drawn by a horse or in which family relationship is
don key, or in an automobile. Both customarily recorded, charts and
peddler and hawker are distinguished tombstones, are admitted in evidence
from canvasser, drummer or solicitor to prove pedigree.
in fact that the latter merely take
orders and do not have goods with Pedis Possessio
them for immediate delivery.
Lat. A bare foothold.
In Local Tax law: Any person who,
either for himself or on commission,
travels from place to place and sells Pedophiliac
his goods or offers to sell and delivers
the same. Whether a peddler is a A pervert who prefers children as
wholesale peddler or a retail peddler sexual objects. (People vs. Santos, 85
of a particu lar commodity shall be SCRA 710)
determined from the definitions of
wholesale dealer or retail dealer as Penal
provided by this Code. (Section 3(b-l),
LocalTax Code) Pertaining to punishment.

In Tax law: Any person who either for Penal Action

himself or on commission travels
from place to place in town or country An action to recover a statutory pe
and sells his goods or offers to sell and nalty, as distinguished from an action
deliver the same. Whether a peddler is to recover damages by way of
a wholesale peddler or a retail peddler compen sation.
of a particular commodity, shall be
deter mined from the definitions of
wholesale dealer and retail dealer, as
hereinbelow given in connection with
the particular commodity peddled. A Penal Clause
wholesale ped dler of manufactured
tobacco is one who sells for the

The penalty clause is strictly penal or the Code or (2) to laws enacted
cumulative in character and does not subsequent to the Rev ised Penal
partake of the nature of liquidated Code, in which the penalty is more
damages (pena sustitutiva) when the favorable to the accused.
parties agree ''que el acreedor podra
pedir, en el supuesto incumplimiento Penal Statute
o mero retardo de la obligacion
principal, ademas de la pena, los A state which imposes a penalty or
daflos y perjuicios. Se habla en este forfeiture for violation as a vindication
caso de penal cumulativa, a of public justice and not as reparation
differencia de aquellos otros to an individual.
ordinarios, en que la pena es sus See also Penal law.
titutiva de la reparacion ordinaria.
(Pa mintuan vs. Court of Appeals, 94 Penal Sum
SCRA 556)
The amount mentioned in a contract
Penal Duty as a penalty for its breach. Suit for it
may be brought if it can be interpreted
That which imposes punishment for as liquidated damages and not as a
an offense committed against the state, penalty proper.
which the executive of the state has
the power to pardon. (Hernandez vs.
Al bano, 19 SCRA 95)
In common use: This sense has been Penalty
enlarged to include under the term
"penal statutes" all statutes which The punishment inflicted for the
command or prohibit certain acts and commission of a crime.
establish penalties for their violation,
and even those which, without Any disadvantage or forfeiture im
express ly prohibiting certain acts, posed by law for the doing of an act
impose a penalty on their commission. for bidden or legally discouraged.
(Ibid.) The sum which by contract, is to be
paid, if a contractual obligation is not
Penal Law fulfilled. Unless the amount can be
con sidered as liquidated damages,
The same as Criminal law. such penalties are .usually considered
void. The contractual penalty is often
The phrase "penal law" relates (1) to called the penal sum. Such penalties
penal laws existing prior to the are, how ever, generally considered
Revised Penal Code, in which the valid ir;t. con struction contracts, if the
penalty was less severe than those of

completiOn of the work is omitted or The phrase as used in Section 88 of
delayed. Republic Act No. 180, must be con
strued to refer to the general election
A sum of money assessed as punish for provincial officials in November,
ment by statute against persons guilty 1947, which was the next ones after
of certain offenses, which under a stat cre ation or coming into existence of
ute can be sued for by a private person the City of Dagupan on June 20, 1947,
either as a prosecutor or informer. and not to the general elections for
provin cial or municipal officials, to be
Penance held after the organization of the
govern ment of the City of Dagupan
A punishment imposed by a religious by Presid ential Proclamation. (Mejia
superior, as an evidence of penitence vs. Halo long, 81 Phil. 486)
or as amends for the sin committed:
The failure to submit to a duly Penitentiary
imposed pen ance may entail other
measures of ec clesiastical discipline. The general name for a prison as dis
tinguished from a reformatory. It is
Pendente Lite the nature of the institution rather
than its name which determines
Lat. While litigation 1s pending; whether it is a penitentiary, as that
usually of administrator. term may be used in a statute.
A phrase which marks the period be
tween the filing of an action and its Pension
de termination in the trial court; or in
some instances, up to the final A stated allowance made to a public
determination in the appellate court or or private employee who has retired
courts. Thus, temporary alimony and from the service in which he was en
support may be granted pendente lite, gaged, either by reason of age or be
or a temporary injunction may be so cause of incapacity suffered during
granted. the service. It is taken to be
compensation for services rendered in
Pending the past or for surrender of rights and
Prior to the completion or conclusion;
during In Tax law: A pension is not treated as
a gift and is taxable as income.
Pending The Next General Elections
For Provincial And Municipal

People Per Capita

A particular organized assembly of Lat. By the heads, or, individually.

individuals in which, according to the
Constitution, the highest power exists. A phrase used to describe the fact that
(Sanidad vs. Commission on persons equally entitled by descent to
Elections, 73 SCRA 333) the estate of an intestate each take an
individual share.
All persons living within the state
during the whole time of the existing Perception
of the state. (Ibid.)
The taking or receiving of crops from
The sum of all individuals as an or an enterprise, generally in satisfaction
ganized group living within the state of a claim. The term is taken from the
at the same time. (Ibid.) civil law, but is occasionally used in
the same sense in common law
The organized group of individuals discussions.
living in the state with the exception
of the government. (Ibid.) In the law of torts: It refers to a
persons knowledge of the
In International law: People as an surrounding circumstances.
element of the state refers to the
human beings living within its Perch
territory. They should be of both sexes
and sufficient in number to maintain A term of linear measure in Great
and perpetuate themselves. Britain, now standardized at five and
Individuals of different races, lan one-half yards.
guages and religions very often Per Contra
actually form one "people", that is to
say, the people of one state. Lat. On the contrary; on the other
Per Corpus
A Latin preposition meaning
through, by means of, or Lat. By the body.

Per Annum Per Curiam

Lat. By the year; yearly. Lat. By the court, i.e., an opinion that
is rendered by the court as a whole,

and not by a single justice with whom existing claim or right. A peremptory
the other justices concur. exception is a plea which, if sustained,
will require a final dismissal of the
Perdefaltam action. Contrasted with dilatory plea.
At the common law: A writ or order,
Lat. By default. like a mandamus, which requires
unqualified obedience. Contrasted
Per Diem with an alternative writ.

Lat. By the day; daily. Peremptory Challenge

A daily allowance given for each day Modern statutes allow peremptory
he (an officer or employee) was away challenges in all criminal prosecutions
from his home base. (Lexal and fix the number for both the prose
Laboratories vs. Nationa; Chemical cutory and the defendant. Under
Industries Workers Union-PAFLU, 25 some statutes the number of
SCRA 668) peremptory challenges allowed
defendants jointly indicted is the
Per diem is intended to cover the cost same though there were only one
of lodging and subsistence of officers defendant, while under stat utes
and employees when the latter are on each defendant is allowed the
duty outside of their permanent same number of challenges as
station. (Ibid.) though he were prosecuted
individually. Some of these statutes
A per diem usually signifies a increase the number of challenges
reimbursement of expenses incurred allowed the prosecution when
in the performance of ones duties. If the number of defendants is in
employed in a statute in the concept of creased, while under others the prose
remuneration, however, there must cution is only given additional
be, to justify an additional challen ges when the defendants are
compensation, a specific law that so entitled to additional challenges.
provides. Otherwise, fidelity to the (Martelino vs. Alejandro, 32 SCRA
constitutional demand against double 106)
compensation is lacking. (Peralta vs.
Mathay, 38 SCRA 260) Per Fas Et Nefas

Lat. By rightful or wrongful means.

Peremptory A phrase used by extreme supporters
of the duty of an attorney to further
In the Civil law: Applied to something the interests of his clients.
which removes or takes away an

Perfect "good and sufficient deed," the deed
must not merely be right in form, but
To make final; to complete. it must transfer a good title.

Per Formam Doni If a contract is severable, or may be

fairly divided into parts, and there
Lat. By the form of the gift. may be performance of one of the
parts, re covery may be had for such
Performance part per formance. But if the contract
is entire and indivisible, there must
The doing of an act which, in whole or be, in gen eral, complete performance
in part, is a fulfillment of an oblig before there may be recovery. Thus if
ation or is accepted as such. In the there is a contract of sale and delivery
case of a contract which, for one of a large number of a given article at
reason or another, could not have an agreed price for each, and a part
been enforced by action, performance only is deliv ered, recovery may be
may have the effect of satisfying the had for those delivered with a proper
Statute of Frauds, or, if the contract is deduction for any loss the party may
rescinded, founding a claim for have sustained by reason of a failure
restitution. to complete the contract.

The carrying out of provisions in a Where, however, in process of re

contract. Performance of a contract moval by a contractor a building was
must be in accordance with the inten consumed by fire through no fault of
tion of the parties as it appears in the his, the contractor is entitled to
contract. It is apparent that there may recover the value of the work already
be cases in which a literal, accurate done, al though he had contracted to
per formance may not be in do the entire job for a specified price.
accordance with the evident intent of
the parties, in which case the evident Usually, if there is a time limit within
intent must con trol. Thus a contract which a contract shall be completed
for the conveyance of real estate is not and it is not completed until some
satisfied by a mere formal conveyance. days af ter, an action may be sustained
The conveyance must in addition be for the price, but the party may
valid and give a good title, unless the require a de duction for any injury be
contract expres ses and defines the sustained by the delay. But if the
exact method of conveyance, in which parties state in unequivocal language
case, if the me thod is actually that there shall be no payment, unless
followed, there will be a sufficient fulfillment is ac complished within the
performance though no good title time designated, then in case of failure
passes. If the contract is to convey by a to comply no re cGvery can be had. In

such cases time is said to be of the entire ty if a distinct part which is
essence of the contract, though even severable from the entire contract has
then if the party receives and accepts been per formed, for it would be
the article after the time of delivery, it unfair that he should profit from a
can hardly be said that he would not partial perform ance without any
be bound to pay a reasonable amount corresponding per formance or
for it though it is less than the contract payment whatever on his part.
price and though due allow ance is
made to him for loss sustained by Where one has contracted to do a
tardy delivery. thing he must either do it according to
the contract before he can recover any
Where no time for the performance of thing by reason of the contract, or he
the contract is specified a reasonable must show inability to perform by rea
time is intended, and what is a reason son of some act or failure on the part
able time will depend upon the of the other contracting party, accom
circum stances of the case. Where a panied by a tender of performance by
place of delivery is designated but no himself. It is not sufficient for him to
time, usually the delivery must be show a mere readiness to discharge
made upon demand. When a given his part of the agreement, but he must
length of time is allowed for show that he did all he could under
performance, in computing this date the circumstances. If either non-
when the contract was made must perform ance is caused or if
usually be excluded, unless it appears performance is pre vented by the act
that the language of the con tract or fault of the other party, this will
imports a different intent. The ex relieve the party whose duty it was to
pression ''between two days'' excludes perform.
both. Where the time of performance
under a contract happens to be on Where a contract provides that a thing
Sun day, it may be done on Monday. shall be done on notice given, the
If one has undertaken to do a thing by provision as to notice should be
a given time, and by some act careful ly complied with. Where a
distinctly incapa citates himself from thing is to be done by one on
doing it at that time, the injured party performance of an act by another, the
may sue at once and not await the other must give notice to the first
fulfillment of the time. party that the act has been performed.
Although where one fails to perform Where a natural intervention or so
his part on the contract, or disables called act of God prevents
himself from doing so, the other may performance this will relieve a party
treat the contract as rescinded if he of responsib ility, but if the prevention
himself has not been in default, yet he is only in part he will be relieved only
cannot rescind the contract in its to that extent. If one is bound to

perform a future act and before the of the sea; ( 2) Ordinary wear and tear
time for doing it declares an intention of the ship; and (3) the negligent
not to do it, this will not con stitute a failure of the ship's owner to provide
breach of contract unless he puts the vessel with proper equipment to
himself in such position that it will be convey the cargo under ordinary
impossible to perform it when the conditions.
time arrives.
The insurer undertakes to insure
against peril of the sea, not against
peril of the ship.
Performance Bond
Insurer is liable only for such losses or
A contract wherein a third-party, in damages proximately caused by the
exchange for a fee, secures another's perils insured against.
fulfillment of a contract
or performance of a duty. Per Incuriam

Per Fraudem Lat. By inadvertence.

Lat. Fraudulently. Per Industriam Hominis

Per Hoc Lat. By the industry of man.

Lat. By an agent. Per infortunium

Perils Of The Sea Lat. By misadventure.

Risks which result directly or in Per, In The

directly from sea navigation, and
which differ from the ordinary risks, The claim to title, as heir or assign,
such as theft or spoiling, which exist through a person last entitled.
in all forms of transportation.
In Insurance law: Those casualties due Period
to the unusual violence or extra
ordinary action of wind and wave, or Dictionary meaning: Period is length
to other extraordinary connected with of existence; duration. A point of time
navigation. marking a termination as of a cause or
an activity; an end, a limit, a bound;
A loss which is the ordinary course of conclusion; termination. A series of
events results from any of the follow years, months or days in which some
ing: (1) Natural and inevitable action thing is completed. A time of definite

length. Definite, having distinct or cer
tain limits; determinate in extent of Perjury
character; limited; fixed- as definite
period. ( Capiral vs. Manila Electric The crime of deliberately swearing
Company, L-15721, December falsely, or of asserting under oath
27, 1963) something as true which the swearer
does not know to be true. A false
Period to File Action state ment by affirmation is likewise
perjury. By later statutes, whenever
The Supreme Court deleted the clause state ments are required to be filed
in Section 4, Rule 65 that permitted and sign ed for many governmental
extensions of the period to file purposes, such as income tax forms, a
petitions for certiorari, since sixty (60) false state ment knowingly made is
days is more than ample time to punishable as perjury.
sufficiently prepare for filing;
Exceptions: 1. Most persuasive and Swearing wilfully, absolutely and
weighty reasons; 2. To relieve a falsely, under oath, in a matter
litigant from scribed procedure; 3. material to the issue. In general,
Good faith of the defaulting party by perjury may be committed in case of
immediately paying within a an affirmation as well. Subornation of
reasonable time from the time of the perjury is the of fense of procuring
default; 4. The existence of special or another to make such false oath as
compelling circumstance; 5. The would constitute per jury in the
merits of the case; 6. A cause not principal.
entirely attributable to the fault or
negligence of the party favored by the To constitute perjury the oath must be
suspension of the rules; 7. A lack of taken and the falsehood asserted with
any showing that the review sought is deliberation and with conscious ness
merely frivolous and dilatory; 8. The of the nature of the statement made,
other party will not be unjustly for if made through inadvertence,
prejudiced thereby; 9. Fraud, accident, surprise or mistake of the import of
mistake or excusable negligence the question, there is no corrupt
without appellants fault; 10. Peculiar motive. If one swears willfully and
legal and equitable circumstances deliberately to a matter which he
attendant to each case; 11. In the name rashly believes, but which is false, and
of substantial justice and fair play; 12. which he has no probable cause for
Importance of the issues involved; and believing, he is guilty of perjury. Even
13. Exercise of sound discretion by the if one intend ing to deceive, asserts
judge guided by all the attendant what may hap pen to be true, without
circumstances. People vs. Espinosa, a knowledge of the fact, the accidental
721 SCRA 53.

truth of his evid ence will not excuse oath; (b) before a competent officer au
him. thorized to administer oaths; (c)
willful and deliberate assertion of a
Before one can be convicted of per falsehood by the offender; and (d) the
jury it must appear that the oath or af sworn statement containing the falsity
firmation was administered by one is re quired by law.
having competent authority to do so False testimony may be committed in
in the particular case, and an oath a sworn statement made in a prelim
before a private person or before an inary examination which leads to the
officer having no jurisdiction is no issuance of a warrant of arrest.
crime. The proceeding must be before Example: The law requires that a
him who is in some way entrusted preliminary examination of a criminal
with the administration of justice, and case all the witnesses. including the
the testimony must be in respect to a complainant, must be examined under
matter regularly before him. The oath. Therefore, a sworn statement
assertion must be ab solute. If, containing a falsity made by a witness
however, one swears merely he in a preliminary examination which
believes that to be true which he leads to the issuance of a warrant of
knows to be false it will be perjury; arrest may constitute perjury.
and it is immaterial whether the
testimony is given voluntarily or in Per Legem Terrae
answer to a question.
Lat. By the law of the land.
Another necessary element in per jury
is that the oath must be material. to Permanent Appointment
the issue. If the facts sworn to are for
eign to the matter in question there It is predicated, upon the appointee
can be no perjury; yet even questions possessing all of the qualifications re
on cross-examination asked for the quired by law and regulations for the
proper purpose of testing the credit of position to which he is appointed.
the wit ness as for example whether (Ata vs. Namocatcat, 47 SCRA 314)
he has before been convicted of
felony, are considered material. A permanent appointment is issued to
Declarations under oath on material a person who meets all the require
matters in non-judicial proceedings. ments for the position to which he is
Perjury may be committed in a testi be ing appointed, including the
mony made before the immigration approp riate eligibility prescribed, in
board of special inquiry. accord ance with the provisions of
law, rules and standards promulgated
Elements: (a) A statement or affida vit in pursu ance thereof. (Presidential
upon a material matter made under Decree No. 807, Section 2 [a].)

is it affected by the performance of
Permanent Disability occa sional odd jobs, (Ibid.)

Permanently incapacitated from Any impairment of mind or body ren

work. (Begoza vs. Chairman, dering it impossible for the insured to
Philippine Veterans Administration, follow continuously a substantially
32 SCRA 466) gainful occupation, without seriously
The term does not mean state of ab impairing his health, the disability be
solute helplessness, but inability to do ing permanent when such nature as to
substantially all material acts render it reasonable certain to
necessary to prosecution of any continue through the lifetime of the
occupation for re muneration or profit insured. (Malaysian International
is substantially customary ancrusual Shipping Cor poration vs. Lariza, 133
manner. (Balenga vs. Government SCRA 237)
Service Insurance Sys tem, CA-G.R.
No. 22686-R, June 22, 1960) Per Minas

Permanent Total Disability Lat. By threats or duress.

Disablement of an employee to earn Permissive

wages in the same kind of work, or
work of a similar nature that he was Applied to language in a statute
trained for, or accustomed to perform, which allows certain acts or
or any other kind of work which a conditions without requiring them.
person of his mentality and This is ordina rily indicated by words
attainment could do. A workman, ''may'' is some times used in a
who; sOlely because of his in jury, is mandatory sense, and, on the other
unable to perform or to obtain any hand, peremptory lan guage like '
substantial amount of labor, either in 'shall' ' will sometimes be taken to be
his particular line of work, or in any merely permissive.
other for which he would be fitted for
the injury is totally disabled within Permissive waste indicates that acts,
the meaning of the Workmen's which ordinarily would be waste, are
Compen sation Law. (Marcelino vs. within the rights of the tenant, if
Seven-up Bottling Co. of the special permission to do them is
Philippines, 47 SCRA 343) granted.

An incapacity to perform gainful Permit

work which is expected to be perma
nent. This status does not require con
dition of con1plete helplessness. Nor

A license to engage in certain activi the whole estate as well as of his half
ties or business, or to practice certain interest in it.
A special privilege of a permission or
authority to do what is within its The act of receiving rents, profits or
terms. It is not in any way vested, tithes.
permanent, or absolute. It is not a
contract between the sovereignity and Pernor
the licensee or permittee, as to which
the Constitution al prescription One who receives rents, profits, or
against impairment of the obligation tithes.
of contracts may extend. (Gonzalo Sy
Trading vs. Central Bank, 70SCRA570) Perpetual Injunction
In Building law: As used in National
Building Code and its Implementing An injunction which is final, as dis
Rules and Regulations, the principal tinguished from a temporary InJunc
(building) permit and all the ancillary tion, which is granted to maintain the
or accessory permits pertaining to a status quo until the action is finally
building and its appurtenances, such de termined.
as mechanical and electrical permits,
sanitary/plumbing permits, and Perpetual Lease
permit to construct a fence, sidewalks,
towers, signboards, etc. A lease which the tenant has the
option of renewing as soon as it
Permit Office expires.

In Building law: The Office of the Perpetuate Testimony

Building Official which under the Na
tional Building Code is the one single To secure a permanent record of
office to handle the processing of testimony of a witness, when there is a
appli cations for, and the issuance of, danger that the witness will not be
all kinds of permits pertaining to available when action is brought, or
build ings, both public and private, that his recollection of the facts to
and all other appurtenances thereto. which he testifies, may be impaired.
Most codes of civil procedure have
Per My Et Per Tout pro visions specifying the conditions
under which testimony may be
Fr. By half and by whole. Used to de perpetuated.
scribe the interest of two joint tenants,
each of whom is in law the owner of Perpetuation Of Testimony

A person who desires to perpetuate Perpetuity
his own testimony or that of another
person regarding any matter that may A condition or status which, by
be cognizable in any court of the arrangement between private
Philip pines, may file a verified persons, is made to last unchanged for
petition in the court of the province of an exces sively long time.
the residence of any expected adverse
party. (Section 1, Rule 134, Revised The rule to prevent the tying of es
Rules of Court) tates and property, so as to make them
incapable of being conveyed for any
Whenever there is reasonable cause to great length of time. This is the well
apprehend future litigation in regard known rule against perpetuities. A
to a particular subject or matter and lim itation of property making it
the person threatened with or exposed inalienable for a longer period than a
to suit himself is unable to bring the life or lives in being twenty-one years
issue to an immediate judicial beyond, and, in case of a posthumous
determination, or when he himself child, about nine months more
proposes or intends to institute an allowing for the period of gestation.
action for the purpose of establishing
his rights with respect to a particular Per Plegium
matter or subject, but is un able, by
reason of some legal impedi ment, to Lat. By a security or pledge.
do so immediately, a court of equity
will entertain a bill or petition to Per Procuration
perpetuate, by the taking and filing of
their depositions, the testimony of In Negotiable Instruments law: When
wit nesses for the plaintiff who, an agent signs ''per procuration," it is a
because of his peculiar position, notice that he has but a limited
cannot avail him of such testimony in authority to sign and the principal is
an immediate judicial investigation bound only in case the agent in so
and decision of such controversy. signing acted within the actual limits
A petition to perpetuate testimony is of his authority. (Sec. 21, Negotiable
an original petition in anticipation of Instruments Law)
li tigation and is designed to secure
and preserve testimony or evidence. It Per Procurationem
is brought by the petitioner who
expects to be a party to an action in a Lat. Signature by an agent under lim
court of the Philippines but is ited authority.
presently unable to bring it or cause it
to be brought. Perquisite

The characteristic of a person is that
Formerly, acquired by the holder of he has the capacity to appear at law to
copyholds, above the rents, such as defend his rights or prosecute his
the special feudal rights, relief, claims. Until modern times, the extent
heriots, etc. of this capacity varied greatly with the
status of the person. Some persons
Anything lawfully acquired by an of had full capacity and some only a
ficer beyond the salary or wages of his limited capacity. But personally
office. existed, if there was any such
capacity, no matter how restricted.
Perquisition Even a serf was a per son to some
extent. The only exception was that of
Anything acquired by a holder of land a slave, wherever slavery was lawful.
otherwise than by inheritance. At the present time, every living
human being is, at common law, a
Per Quod person, although there are still
degrees of legal capacity, depending
Lat. By which. on status, on age and, in a number of
juris diction, on sex.
A phrase used to introduce an alle
gation of special damages. It was used In a few common law jurisdictions:
especially in such phrases as ''per Persons condemned to life imprison
quod servitium amisit," (Lat. "By rnent are declared to be "civilly dead,"
reason of which he [sc. the plaintiff] but they do not thereby cease to be
has lost the services'') in actions for per sons in many important respects.
the seduction of a daughter or a They may be sued at law, although
servant and ''per quod consortium they generally may not be plaintiffs,
amisit'' (Lat. ''by rea son of which he and various devices are used to
[sc. the plaintiff] in actions for injuries protect their property interest.
to a wife.'').
Human beings are called ''natural''
persons, to distinguish them from
Per Se ' 'artificial'' persons or corporations.
At common law: Corporations are de
Lat. Standing alone, or, in itself. clared to be "persons at law," or "arti
ficial'' persons. As such they may sue
In some cases, practically equivalent and be sued, and are invested with
to "as a matter of law." rights and liabilities different from
those of all or any of the natural
Person persons who by combination form
them. To acquire the status of artificial

or legal personality, the group seeking to any difference of race, color, or
it must be incorporated, i.e., must nationality, are protected. Aliens are
obtain a formal state license, which is included. Corporations and
now obtainable upon fulfilling certain partnerships. are ' 'persons' 'within
relatively simple requirements. the scope guarantees in so far as their
Unincorporated groups, like property is concerned.
partnerships, clubs, churches,
societies, are given a certain limited In rules of court: The very person
and restricted personality at common named in the summon is living at the
law, but that is rather for convenience time when the service is made, even
than in recognition of a legal status. though he may be temporarily out of
the country at the time. (Keister vs.
In modern Civil law: While incorpo Navarro, 77 SCRA 209)
ration is necessary for some purposes,
chiefly as a suit, may be treated as an As used in Section 3, Rule 110, Rules
artificial or legal person, and the same of Court: The term refers to natural
is true of a fund, like a foundation or persons only. So it was held that
trust, or a complex of interests like the corpo rations cannot be prosecuted
estate of a decedent. criminally and brought into court. The
only pro cess known to the Code of
A being, physical or moral, real or Criminal Pro cedure after an
juridical and legal, which is information is filed is an order of
susceptible of rights and obligations, arrest of the accused, and only natural
or of being the subject of the legal persons can be arrested. A cor
relations. poration is an artificial being created
by operation of law.
Kinds of persons and distinctions: ( 1)
A natural person or human being has In Local Tax law: Every physical or
physical existence, whereas a juridical moral, real or juridical and legal
person exists only in contemplation of being, susceptible of rights and
law; and (2) A natural person is the obligations or of being the subject of
pro duct of procreation, whereas a legal relations. (Sections 3 (c-1), Local
juridical person is the product of legal Tax Code)
fiction. In law of Taxation: An individual, a
trust, estate, corporation, or a duly re
In Constitutional law: Artificial or gistered general co-partnership.
juridical persons, such as the estate of
a decedent, as well as natural persons. In subdivision and condominium
(Limjoco vs. Fraganta, 80 Phil. 776) buyer's protection law: A natural or a
All persons within the territorial ju juridical person. A juridical person
risdiction of the state, without regard refers to a business firm whether a

cor poration, partnership, cooperative Lat. A phrase in the older terminology
or association or a single used to refer to a person de scribed or
proprietorship. (Presidential Decree named as an individual and not
No. 957, The Sub division and merely as a member of a class.
Condominium Buyers' Protective
Decree) Person Aggrieved

In Election law: An individual, part The phrase "person aggrieved" is that

nership, committee, association, party ''aggrieved by the judgment or
corpo ration and any other decree where it operates on his rights
organization or group of persons. of property or bears directly upon his
(Gatchalian vs. Com mission on interest. (Palting vs. San Jose Pet
Elections, 35 SCRA 435) roleum, Inc., 18 SCRA 924)

In the absence of an expressed stat Personal

utory provision or instruction the
word ''person'' comprehends private Appertaining or belonging to an in
corpo rations unless it appears that it dividual person, as distinguished
is used in a more limited sense, and from characteristics common to a
that prima facie the word ''person'' group or belonging to property.
under even a penal statute which is In Insurance law: A characteristic of
intended to inhibit an act, must be a insurance contract. Each party has in
''person in law" -that is, an artificial as view the character, credit, and
well as a natural person and therefore conduct of the other.
includes corporations if they are
within the sphere and purpose of the Personal Action
statute. (Ibid.)
An action brought to recover dam
In Building law: Any individual, part ages suffered by a breach of contract
nership, corporation, association and or by an injury to a person or to
public or private organizations of any personal property.
An action brought to recover person al
In Labor law: An individual, partner property.
ship, association, corporation, One brought for the recovery of per
business trust, legal representative, or sonal property, for the enforcement of
any orga nized group of persons. some contract or recovery of damages
for its breach, or for the recovery of
Persona Designata damages for the commission of injury
to the person or property. (Hernandez

vs. Development Bank of the though the inter val is technically
Philippines, 71 SCRA 290) outside the regular hours of
employment in the sense that the
Personal Chattels worker receives no pay for that time
and is in no degree under the control
Movable personal property which a of the employer, being free to go
natural person may carry about with where he pleases. This principle is
him from place to place; as distin justified in part on a sort of
guished from real chattels. presumption that as long as the
employee is on the premises he is
Personal Contract subject to . all the environmental
hazards associated with the employ
A contract whose subject matter is ment, and also that although he may
personal property. be free t<:)_ go elsewhere during the
inter val, he is in some degrees subject
Personal Cultivation to the control of the employer if he
actually chooses to remain on the
Cultivation by the lessee or lessor in premises merely by virtue of being on
person and/or with the aid of labor the em ployer's property. (William
from within his immediate household. Lines, Inc. vs. Saiiopal, 42 SCRA 48)
(Section 166, Code of Agrarian
Reform) Personal Injury

Personal Data Sheet In Workmen's Compensation law The

term includes death and that th
Personal data sheet (PDS) is a public deceased employee's heirs or the legal
document required of a government r presentative of his estate may choose
employee and official by the Civil either of the two options granted by
Service Commission. Pagaduan vs. Workmen's .compensation law. (Gene
Civil Service Commission, 741 SCRA rosa vs. Universal Textile Mills Inc
334. 95 SCRA 128) ' .,

In Workmen's Compensation law:

Any harm or damage to the health of
an employee, however caused,
Personal Doctrine whether by accident, disease, or
otherwise. Early Views on personal
In Workmen's Compensation law: In injury concerned some definite
juries occurring on the premises organic injury taking place suddenly
during a regular lunch hour arise in and forceable to a single event. Later
the course of employment, even courts, however, gradually developed

broader conceptions of the term. personal liberty may, however, be
Today, personal injury is cons trued to abridged by due process of law.
include functional and organic harms,
as well as disease. Under the Personal Novation
Workmen's Compensation Act "in
jury'' includes both traumatic ha ms as Or subjective novation: May take
well as sickness. place in either of two ways: ( 1) by
sub stituting the person of the debtor
Personality or (2) by subrogating a third person in
the rights of creditor. Substitution of
The status of being a person, natural the person of the debtor may take
or artificial. place either by expromission or
delegacion. There is expromission
Personal Jurisdiction when a third per son distinct from the
creditor and debtor spontaneously
In International law: The power exer assumes the obli gation of the latter,
cised by a state over its nationals. It is relieving him of the same, with the
based on the theory that a national is creditor accepting the change and
entitled to the protection of his state without any intervention on the part
wherever he may be and is, therefore, of the original debtor. There is
bound to it by a duty of obedience and delegacion when the old debtor
allegiance. This duty follows him even presents a third person who will
when he is outside the territory of his assume the obligation, relieving the
state and he may not ordinarily be debtor of the same, and with the
excused from it unless he is prepared change being accepted by the
to renounce his own nationality. At creditor. Substitution of debtor may
that, some states do not even allow take place even without the
this under the doctrine of indelible knowledge or against the will of the
alle giance. The fact that personal debtor but not without the consent of
jurisdic tion is not easy to enforce does the creditor. The consent of the
not, of course, detract from the legal creditor may be given at any time and
power possessed by the state over its need not be simultaneous with the
nationals abroad. assent of the new debtor provided it is
made before the new debtor
Personal Liberty withdraws his offer. The consent of
the creditor may be given in any form
Freedom or liberty of movement, and may be implied from his acts.
without being subject to restraint or
imprisonment. It includes freedom Should the substitution of debtor be
from physical restraint, the right to by expromission the insolvency of the
make contracts, etc. The right of new debtor or his nonfulfillment of

the obligation will not give rise to any personal proper ty; so are rents,
liability on the part of the original copyrights and patent.
debtor whose liability is not, therefore,
revived. But if the substitution is by Title to personal property may be ac
delegacion, the insolvency of the new quired in different ways as by original
debt-or will not as a general rule acquisition by occupancy, capture in
revive the liability of the old debtor war, or finding lost thing by accession,
except when said insolvency was by intellectual labor, as in case of
already existing and of public copy rights and patents, by transfer,
knowledge or known to the old debtor by for feiture, by judicial sale, by will
when he delegated his debt. or through intestate laws or by gift.

Personal Property A synonym for personality.

Things movable or separate from real Personal Representative

estate. It includes choses in action
such as bonds and other obligations The executor or administrator of a
and debts, also most things of a deceased natural person. Under
perishable character or of possible certain circumstances, the heir of a
brief duration. A crop growing in the decedent may be treated as the
ground is com monly considered personal representative of the
personal property, and contrary to the decedent.
rule with respect to land, it may be
sold without any instru ment in In wills, where such intent appears
writing. Yet in a sale of the land, if not these words are sometimes construed
reserved, it will go with it. to mean next of kin.

Stock in corporations is personal pro Personal Rights

perty even though the possessions of
the corporation are real estate. Though The rights of a natural person to
trees in general are part of the real security of life, limb, reputation,
estate, this is not true of nurseries status, or liberty, including liberty of
which are much like crops in this speech, religion, thought and
respect. Bricks in a kiln are personal movement; as distinguished from
property, so also are buildings where property rights and political rights.
erected on another's land with the Certain rights for the violation of
agreement with the landowner that which the person injured may bring
they shall not belong to him or that suit but which may not be transferred
they shall not be part of his land. or assigned to another person, as
Mortgages and leases of land are contras ted with a ''property right.''

Personal Service their substantive rights are protected.
Castro vs. Gregorio, 738 SCRA 415.
In Court Procedure: When service is Tendering summons is itself a means
made by personal delivery, it is of personal service as it is contained in
deemed complete and effective upon Rule 14, Section 6. Personal service, as
actual deli very. From then, all the provided by Rule 14, Section 6, is
periods of limitations shall begin to distinguished from its alternative
run against the party served (Section substituted service as provided by
8, Rule 13, Rules of Court) Rule 14, Section 7. Manuel vs. Ong,
738 SCRA 489.
Under Section 7, Rule 14 of the Rev
ised Rules of Court, summons may be Personality
served personally by handing a copy
thereof to the defendant in person or if All property not classified as realty.
he refuses to receive it, by tendering it The distinction between the two forms
to him. Personal service means actual of property has its origin in feudal
delivery or tender of the summons to England, when real property, or land,
the defendant personally. (Matan was of the first importance in
guihan vs. Tengco, 95 SCRA 478) determining social and political status.
Accordingly, the legal rules relating to
Personal Service Is Complete Upon the two forms differed extensively.
Actual Deli Very Under certain circumstances, real
property may be converted into
In rules of court: There must be ac- ' personal property (e.g., standing
tual physical transfer of the possession timber cut into boards) and vice versa
of the copy of the court order from the (bricks used to make a building).
possession of the clerk of the court to
the counsel. In mere "tender," there is A synonym for personal property.
no corporeal transfer of possession
and_hence, it is merely "constructive"
and not ''actual'' delivery. The term
"actual" means "real" in opposition to
constructive or speculative, something Personal Union
existing in fact. (Andrada vs. Argel,
65 O.G. 40) - --- In International law: A classification of
a State. A personal union comes into
Personal Service of Summons being when two or more independent
states are brought together under the
Personal service of summons should rule of the same monarch, who never
have been effected on the spouse and theless does not constitute one inter
all legitimate children to ensure that national person for the purpose of re

presenting any or all of them. As in
the case of Belgium and the former Usually the offended host govern
Congo Free State from 1885 to 1095, ment requests the sending
each member remains a state and an government to recall the offending
international person, although its diplomat. This request is normally
external policies are directed by the complied with. If it is declined the
same ruler who dictates the foreign host government simply informs the
affairs of the other components of the diplomat that it would hold no further
union. Strictly speaking, therefore, the official intercourse with him. Or, it
personal union is not a composite may summarily dismiss him.
state because no new international In the past the host government ac
person is created to represent it in tually issued a passport to the foreign
international relations. This is envoy accredited to it to enable him to
probably the reason why some enter and leave its territory; hence, the
writers, like Moore, discuss the expression, ' 'handing him his pass
personal union under the port,'' when the government wanted
classification of simple states. the diplomat to leave the country un
ceremoniously. This of course does
Persona Non Grata not hold true anymore but the
expression is sometimes still used
Lat. A person not acceptable. figuratively.

In Diplomatic Parlance: An expres- Personate

sion in reference to a diplomat who is
no longer welcome to the government To profess falsely to be a person who
to which he is accredited after he has has an interest in litigation or is bail
already been received and has entered for a prisoner.
upon his duties, or before arriving in
the territory of the receiving State. To impersonate is to pretend to be
another person. If done to defraud, it
Diplomats have been declared per was an offense at common law.
sonae non gratae for: mal-dng dispar
aging remarks against the host Personnel
govern ment; violating its laws;
interfering with its politics; meddling In common parlance: As used gen
with its do mestic affairs; using erally to refer to subordinate officials
offensive language against it; or clerical employees of an office or
criticising its Head of State; enter prise, not to managers,
committing acts inimical to its directors, or he ds thereof.
interests or security; and similar (Manalang vs. Quitoriano, 50 O.G.
grounds. 2515)

that article 152 of the Revised Penal
Personnel Economic Relief Code as now worded does not confine
Allowance (PERA) the concept of persons in authority to
those directly invested with judicial or
The Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) quasi-judicial functions.
had long been replaced by Personnel A division superintendent of schools
Economic Relief Allowance (PERA) is a person in authority within the
such that there may not even be a meaning of Article 148, in connection
need for the payment as integrated of with Article 152 of the Revised Penal
the COLA after its replacement. Land Code. (People vs. Benitez, 73 Phil. 671)
Bank of the Philippines vs. Naval, Jr., As distinguished from agent of a per
720 SCRA 796. son in authority: A person in
authority, in the words of Article 152
Personnel Action of the Rev
ised Penal Code is ' 'any person
Concept of: Any action denoting the directly vested with jurisdiction,
movement or progress of personnel in whether as an individual or as a
the civil service is called a personnel member of some court or government
ac tion. Such an action includes corporation, board or commission,"
appoint ment through certification, while an agent of a per son in
promotion, transfer, reinstatement, authority is one who, by direct
reemploy ment, detail, reassignment, provisions of law, or by appointment
demotion, and separation. by competent authority, is charged
(Presidential Decree No. 807, Section with the maintenance of public order
24.) and the protection and security of life
and property as who comes to the aid
Persons In Authority of a per son in authority. (People vs.
Carpizo, 80 Phil. 234)
One directly vested with jurisdiction.
By ' 'directly vested with jurisdic Illustrations of persons in authority:
tion'' is meant the power or authority Among the persons considered
vested in the judges to administer jus persons in authority are: The Chief
tice, that is, to try civil or criminal Executive, municipal and city mayors,
cases, or both, and to render judgment justice of the peace, provincial
therein in accordance with law. governor, provin cial treasurer,
''An Director of Posts, Divi sion
other" as well as "directly vested with Superintendent of Schools, school
jurisdiction'' are two different things teachers, election inspector, a munici
which should be conferred by law. pal councilor, a judge of first instance,
Note a barrio captain, and a barangay chair

Persons Protected Persuasion

In Constitutional law: The equal pro A synonym for religion, or member

tection clause is available to all per ship in a definite religious group.
sons, natural as well as juridical.
Artifi cial persons, however, are Pertinet
entitled to the protection only insofar
as their pro perty is concerned. Having some logical relation to a
statement or allegation made, or fur
By constitutional reservation, certain thering an argument offered.
rights are enjoyable only by citizens,
such as the rights to vote, hold public Pertinent Cargoes
office, exploit resources, and operate
public utilities, although aliens are Goods or commodities which are nor
comprehended in the guaranty. In mally stored in a warehouse for safe
fact, ordinary statutes can validly keeping to prevent loss or damages
distin guish between citizens and and to preserve their commercial
aliens or, for that matter, even value until withdrawn by the
between or among citizens only. importer, owner or consignee. (Wil
Wilhemsen, Inc. vs. Baluyot, 83 SCRA
Per Stirpes 38)

Lat. By stocks. Petitions for Review

A phrase used to describe the fact in The petition shall be filed in seven (7)
cases of intestacies, those entitled, but legible copies, with the original copy
in unequal degrees of relationship to intended for the court being indicated
the intestate, take "by stocks," i.e., as such by the petitioner, and shall (a)
the children of a deceased heir take state the full names of the parties to
the share he would have had. It is the case, without impleading the
contras ted with per capita. lower courts or judges thereof either
as petitioners or respondents; (b)
An expression used in connection indicate the specific material dates
with the descent or distribution of a showing that it was filed on time; (c)
de cedent's estates, where, the parent set forth concisely a statement of the
being dead, his children stand in his matters involved, the issues raised, the
place and take equally his share. specification of errors of fact or law, or
both, allegedly committed by the
Regional Trial Court, and the reasons
or arguments relied upon for the

allowance of the appeal; (d) be fuels, diesel oils, fuel oils, waxes and
accompanied by clearly legible petrolatums, asphalts, bitumens, coke
duplicate originals or true copies of and refinery sludges, or such refinery
the judgments or final orders of both petroleum fractions which have not
lower courts, certified correct by the undergone any process or treatment
clerk of court of the Regional Trial as to produce separate chemically-
Court, the requisite number of plain defined compounds in a pure or
copies thereof and of the pleadings commercially pure state and to which
and other material portions of the various substances may have been
record as would support the added to render them suitable for
allegations of the petition. (RULE 42 in particular uses: Provided, That the
the Petition for Review From the resultant product contains not less
Regional Trial Courts to the Court of than fifty percent (50%) by weight of
Appeals) such petroleum products. (Republic
Act No. 8180 "Downstream Oil
Petitions for Reciew in Certiorari Industry Deregulation Act of 1996.")

A petition for review on certiorari Perturbacion De Derecho

under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court
must contain a certified true copy or Sp. Legal trespass.
duplicate original of the assailed
decision, final order or judgment. Perturbacion De Mero Hecho
Failure to comply with such
requirements shall shall be sufficient Sp. The mere fact of a trespass.
ground for dismissal of the petition.
Macapagal vs. People, 717 SCRA 425. Per Verba De Futuro; Per Verba De
Per Totam Curiam
Lat. By words regarding the future the
Lat. By the full court. present.

Petroleum Products Two phrases of the canon law taken

from Peter Lombard, Bishop of Paris
Petroleum products shall refer to in the 12th century, distinguishing a
products formed in the course of con tract of marriage per verba de
refining crude petroleum through prae senti, in which two persons by
distillation, cracking, solvent refining that con tract agree at once to be
and chemical treatment coming out as husband and wife, from one per verba
primary stocks from the refinery such de futuro, in which they agree to
as, but not limited to, LPG, Naphtha, become husband and wife at some
gasolines, solvent, kerosenes, aviation future time. In either cese, even

without a religious ceremony, neither title as against right to possession, is
can validly marry anyone else. sought. The phrase is most commonly
Perverse used in admiralty law.

As applied to the verdict of a judge, it Petition For Relief Of Judgment

means one that is corrupt or against
the weight of evidence. When a judgment or final order is
entered, or any other proceeding is
As applied to a judgment, it means thereafter taken against a party in any
one that is contrary to law. court through fraud, accident,
mistake, or excusable negligence, he
Petition may file a petition in such court and in
the same case praying that the
An application addressed to some judgment, order or proceeding be set
governmental body, or to some execu aside.
tive officer, urging an action lying
with in the discretion of that body or A petition for relief from judgment is
officer. It is generally couched in an equitable remedy and is allowed
terms of pray er and entreaty, even only in exceptional cases.36 It is not
when the request emphasizes that available if other remedies exist, such
what is sought for is a moral right. as a motion for new trial or appeal.

An application to the head of the state, Petty

or to the highest authority in it, for
relief from oppressive condition. In Small or trifling. Often in contrast
the Philippines, the right of petition with "grand." The same as the French
for the redress of grievances is one of ''petet,''
the Constitutional rights.
Petty Treason
The crime committed by the murder
Designation given to the party insti of a master by a servant or of a
tuting an action originally filed in the husband by his wife, or of a prelate by
Intermediate Appellate Court (Rule his eccle siastical subordinate.
47, Sec. 1, Revised Rules of Court).
Petitory Action
A seat in a church which has become
An action in which title to property is the property right of some person.
asserted against adverse claims, and a
judgment, determining the

Pews in English Churches are often hereafter determine. It shall be placed
enclosed and can be entered only outside the facility preferably beside
through a door. the spot where the facilitys name is
In England: It is regarded as a right in written. If, for any reason, the
real property, although the owner accreditation of the institution is
could not maintain trespass. revoked or suspended, the
Corporation reserves the right to place
In the United States: It is little more another sign indicating the same.
than a license. (Section 72 of Republic Act 7875 as
Amended by Republic Act 9241)
Pharmaceutical Products
Philippine Amusement and Gaming
Adulterated/Deteriorated Corporation (PAGCOR)
Pharmaceutical Products refer to
pharmaceutical products, unfit for Philippine Amusement and Gaming
human consumption, following the Corporations (PAGCORs) sole and
standards of quality or purity of exclusive authority to restrict and
which are, as those stated in the control the operation of gambling
United States Pharmacopeia/National casinos in the country cannot be said
Formulary and Philippine to be absolute, but must be exercised
Pharmacopeia in its latest edition or with due regard to the terms of its
any standard reference for drugs and agreement with the license. Philippine
medicines which are given official Amusement and Gaming Corporation
recognition as well as those provided vs. Thunderbird Pilipinas Hotels and
for in R.A. No. 3720, otherwise known Resorts, Inc., 720 SCRA 178.
as the Food, Drug and Cosmetic
Act, as amended, and R.A. No. 9711, A license from Philippine Amusement
known as the Food and Drug and Gaming Corporation (PAGCOR)
Administration Act of 2009. to operate a casino is not absolute and
(Republic Act No. 10918) unconditional as to constitute a right
in esse which the license may enforce
through a writ of injunction as a
matter of law, or treat as a property or
a property right; The license takes his
Philhealth Accreditation license subject to such conditions as
the grantor sees fit to impose,
All accredited health care institutions including its revocation at pleasure.
shall likewise put up conspicuous Id.
signs indicating that they are
PhilHealth accredited, of size and Philippine Cooperative Code of 2008
dimension as the Corporation may

Philippine Cooperative Code of 2008 management; (e) Allow the lower
is a declared policy of the State to income and less privileged groups to
foster the creation and growth of increase their ownership in the wealth
cooperatives as a practical vehicle for of the nation; and (f) Cooperate with
promoting self-reliance and the government, other cooperatives
harnessing people power towards the and people-oriented organizations to
attainment of economic development further the attainment of any of the
and social justice. A cooperative is an foregoing objectives.
autonomous and duly registered
association of persons, with a common
bond of interest, who have voluntarily Philippine Currency
joined together to achieve their social,
economic, and cultural needs and During Japanese occupation: The
aspirations by making equitable Japanese military notes in circulation
contributions to the capital required, in the Philippines, were legal tender
patronizing their products and therein. In this sense, said military
services and accepting a fair share of notes were, therefore, Philippine cur
the risks and benefits of the rency. (Pablo vs. Facundo, 44 O.G.
undertaking in accordance with 4414)
universally accepted cooperative
principles. Philippine Economic Zone Authority
The primary objective of every
cooperative is to help improve the attached to the Department of Trade
quality of life of its members. Towards and Industry - is the Philippine
this end, the cooperative shall aim to: government agency tasked to promote
(a) Provide goods and services to its investments, extend assistance,
members to enable them to attain register, grant incentives to and
increased income, savings, facilitate the business operations of
investments, productivity, and investors in export-oriented
purchasing power, and promote manufacturing and service facilities
among themselves equitable inside selected areas throughout the
distribution of net surplus through country proclaimed by the President
maximum utilization of economies of of the Philippines as PEZA Special
scale, cost-sharing and risk-sharing; Economic Zones.
(b) Provide optimum social and (
economic benefits to its members; (c)
Teach them efficient ways of doing
things in a cooperative manner; (d) Philippine Fisheries Development
Propagate cooperative practices and Authority
new ideas in business and

The Philippine Fisheries Development tives of the people are performed. It is
Authority (PFDA) is the government the agency through which the will of
agency mandated to strengthen the the people is given expression and
government's developmental thrusts there after enforced.
in fisheries through a program that
would balance production ventures In Administrative law: The corporate
with adequate post-harvest support government entity through which the
facilities. functions of government are exercised
throughout the Philippines, including,
Created on August 11, 1976. PFDA is save as the contrary appears from the
vested with powers and context, the various arms through
responsibilities of promoting growth which political authority is made
of fishing industry and improving effec tive in the Philippines whether
efficiency in the handling, preserving, pertain ing to the Central Government
marketing and distribution of fish and or to the provincial or municipal
fisheries products through the branches, or other forms of local
establishment and administration of government.
fish ports, fish markets and other
infrastructure necessary for the In jurisprudence: An institution or
progressive advancement of the aggregate of the institutions by which
fishing industry. Its establishment an independent society makes and
signaled the thrust of the government carries out those rules of action which
at providing modern orgranizational are necessary to enable men to live in
and marketing framework to a social state or which are imposed
supplement current and future upon the people forming that society,
infrastructure development programs by those who possess the power and
in the fishing industry. au thority of prescribing them.
p/aboutus) Philippine Maritime Law

Philippine Government Philippine maritime law is contained

in Book III of the Code of Commerce
In Constitutional law: The preamble en titled Maritime Commerce, the
clearly states that the Filipino people Cus toms Law found in Book II of the
ordain and promulgate the Tariff and Customs Code (Republic
Constitution in order to establish a Act No. 1937, as amended by
Government. The Constitution then is Presidential Dec ree No. 34), the
the fundamental law of that Salvage Law (Act No. 2616), the
Government of the Republic of the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act
Philippines. That Government is the (Commonwealth Act No. 65), the Qua
instrumentality by which the objec rantine Law (Republic Act No. 123),

the Public Service Act industrial infrastructure projects.
(Commonwealth Act No. 146, as Notable architectural structures and
amended) and other rel ated laws. thoroughfares scattered all over the
land are evidences of the public's
Philippine Mining Act of 1995 (R.A. confidence bestowed on PNCC's
7942) competence and distinction in a wide
range of construction and engineering
Philippine Mining Act of 1995 is an act activities.
instituting a new system of mineral
resources exploration, development, The advancement brought about by
utilization, and conservation. the construction of the historical San
Juanico Bridge and the first Light Rail
All mineral resources in public and Transit System is an affirmation of the
private lands within the territory and construction company's capability to
exclusive economic zone of the introduce new construction
Republic of the Philippines are owned technology in the country.
by the State. It shall be the
responsibility of the State to promote PNCC was responsible for the
their rational exploration, construction of an efficient tollway
development, utilization and network in Luzon which has brought
conservation through the combined about the benefits of urbanization to
efforts of government and the private nearby towns and provinces and has
sector in order to enhance national provided safe, fast and convenient
growth in a way that effectively tollway travel.
safeguards the environment and
protect the rights of affected The North and Souh Luzon Tollways,
communities. the government's first visionary
undertaking and inceptive of the
Philippine National Construction Build-Operate-Transfer scheme,
Corporation (PNCC) inspired the beginning of PNCC's rise
and distinction of building and
A distinguished partner in Philippine managing the two most important
progress and economic development, arteries of Manila and its vital links to
the Philippine National Construction neighboring provinces.
Corporation is proudly known for its
landmark projects, its expertise, and Lately, the introduction of the first
its vision. ever elevated highway in the country,
the Metro Manila Skyway, is again
Established in 1966, PNCC has been a another illustration of the company's
reliable and international associate in inventiveness in the name of
the construction of roadway and transportation and public service.

retirement or separation benefits,
PNCC is also known for the where the trustee is a Philippine
extraordinary task it had undertaken nation al and at least sixty percent
in the land reclamation and soil (60% ) of the fund will accrue to the
stabilization of the 3,000 hectare benefit of the Philippine nationals.
foreshore area along the Manila Bay
known as the Manila-Cavite Road and Where a corporation and its non-Fili
Reclamation Project (MCCRRP). pino stockholders own stock in a
PNCC's ingenuity and engineering regis tered enterprise, at least sixty
capability have spread far and wide percent (60%) of the capital stock
not only within the local confines but outstanding and entitled to vote of
also in the international both corporations must be owned and
arena. PNCC's reputation in held by citizens of the Philippines and
excellence expanded to other at least sixty per cent (60%) of the
countries such as Saudi Arabia, Iraq, members of both cor porations must
Hongkong, Malaysia and Indonesia, be citizens of the Philip pines in order
thus, earning the reputation of being that the corporation may be
the biggest construction firm in considered a Philippine national.
Southeast Asia.
Philippine Overseas Employment
Today, PNCC still continues to render Administration
its commitment to excellence and
dedication to public service as a joint -is a government agency mandated to
venture partner in the development of promote and develop the overseas
tollway extensions to link the South employment program and protect the
Luzon and North Luzon. rights of migrant workers.
Philippine Tourism Authority
Philippine Nationals
The Philippine Tourism Authority is a
In investment law: (1) Citizens of the government owned and controlled
Philippines; (2) Partnerships or asso corporation which was mandated to
ciations wholly owned by citizens of administer tourism zones. Laborte vs.
tlie Philippines; (3) Corporations Pagsanjan Tourism Consumers
organized under the laws of the Cooperatives, 713 SCRA 536
Philippines of which at least sixty per
cent (60%) of the capital stock Philippine Truth Commission
outstanding and entitled to vote is
owned and held by citizens of the The Philippine Truth Commission was
Philippines; and (4) Trustee of funds created to find out the truth about
for pension or other employee reports of large scale graft and

corruption in the previous do business with the firm picketed,
government; to put a closure to them and, in a public matter, that efforts
by the filing of the appropriate cases should be made to redress the
against those who were involved. grievance. Peace ful picketing in
Furthermore, to deter others from general lawful, al though it has been
committing such crimes and to restore at various times held by statute and
the peoples faith and confidence in decisions that mass picketing is
the Government and in their public unlawful, because by its nature,
servants. On July 30, 2010, intimidation.
President Benigno Aquino, III set up Secondary picketing exists when the
the Philippine Truth Commission to employees engaged in the primary
find out the truth about reports of dis pute extend their activity so as to
large scale graft and corruption in the exert pressure upon their employer's
previous government and to put a vendee.
closure to them by the filing of the
appropriate cases against those who The term "picketing" has refuse to its
were involved. Furthermore, to use in promoting a strike, boycott, or
prevent others from committing such some other form of industrial dispute.
crimes and to restore the peoples The word is borrowed from the
faith and confidence in the nomenclature of warfare. As used in
Government and in their public connection with labor disputes, the
servants. term has been said to mean the
( establishment and maintenance of an
nes_Truth_Commission) organized espionage upon the works
of an employer and upon persons
Picketing going to and from them. It may mean
simply the stationing of men for
The marching to and from before the observation, or for the purpose of
premises of an establishment involved attempting to induce workers to quit
in a labor dispute, generally accom their employment or intending
panied by the carrying and display of workers not to seek employment, or
signs, placards, or banners bearirtg for the purpose of apprising the public
statements in connection with the of the dispute with the employer and
dispute. influencing them to withhold their
patronage. The term "picketing" may
Standing or marching before a place of be used in the sense of stationing
business or a public office for the persons for the purpose of
purpose of making public a labor accomplish ing such things by
grievance or a protest of any kind. It coercion or intimidation. And it may
suggests to sympathizers in the case of be broad enough, it has been held, to
a labor dispute that they should not include acts remote from the place of

business, such as interviewing columns, lintels, trusses, and similar
employees on the street or at home. structural parts.

Picking Rooms Piercing the Corporate Veil

In Fire law: Rooms where baled, bun Piercing the veil of corporate fiction is
dled or piled materials are segregated an equitable doctrine developed to
into desired sizes or groups. address situations where the separate
corporate personality of a corporation
Piece Of Work is abused or used for wrongful
purposes. Livesey vs. Binswanger
A contract where a contractor binds Philippines, Inc., 719 SCRA 433.
himself to execute a piece of work for
the employer, in consideration of a In jurisprudence: A rich store of ju
cer tain price or compensation. The risprudence has established the rule
con tractor may either employ only his known as the doctrine of disregarding
labor or skill, or also furnish the or piercing the veil of corporate
material (Ar ticle 1713, Civil Code). fiction. Generally, a corporation is
As distinguished from the contract of invested by law with a personality
labor: In the case of a contract for a separate and distinct from that of the
piece of work, thE> contractors under persons composing it as well as from
take to perform a complete work. He that of any other legal entity to which
is an independent contractor whose it may be related. By virtue of this
con tract is for a certain price payable attribute, a corporation may not,
upon the delivery of the work (Article generally, be made to answer for acts
1720, Civil Code). In contrast for labor, or liabilities of its stockholders or
the laborers agree to perform work or those of the legal entities to which it
serv ices for the employer. Hence, in a may be connected, and vice versa.
con tract for a piece of work, the object This separate and distinct
is the result of the work, and the risk personality is, however, merely a
is borne by the contractor before fiction created by law for
delivery (Article 1772). In contract for convenience and to promote the ends
labor, the object is the daily services of of justice. (Laguna Transportation
laborers, and they do not incur any Company vs. Social Security
risk for any loss, unless such loss be System, L-14606, April 28, 1960; La
due to their own fault or negligence. Campana Coffee Factory, Inc. vs.
Kaisahan ng mga Manggagawa sa
Pier La Campana, L-5677, May 25, 1953)
For this reason, it may not be used or
In Building law: An isolated mass of invoked for ends subversive of the
masonry forming support for arches, policy and purpose behind its

creation (Emiliano Cano En terprises, frauds, defend crimes or as a mere
In. vs. CIR, L-20502, Feb. 26, 1965) or dummy, the law will regard the
which could not have been in tended corporation as having no personality
by law to which it owes its being distinct and separate from its
(McConnel vs. Court of stockholders.
Appeals, 1 SCRA 722.) This is
particularly true where the fiction is Being a mere creation of law, a cor
used to defeat pub lic convenience, poration may be allowed to exist only
justify wrong, protect fraud, defend for lawful purposes but where the cor
crime (Yutivo Sons Hard ware porate fiction is used as a cloak or
Company vs. Court of Tax Ap cover for illegality or fraud, or to
peals, 1 SCRA 160), confuse legitimate defeat pub lic convenience, justify
legal or judicial issues (R.F. Sugay & wrong, protect fraud, or defend crime,
Co. vs. Reyes, L-20451, Dec. 28, 1964), or for ends des structive of the policy
perpetrate deception or otherwise and purpose behind its creation,
circumvent the law (Gregorio particularly where the corporation is a
Araneta, Inc. vs. Tuason de Paterno, close family corpo ration, the
49 O.G. 721). This is likewise true corporate fiction will be dis regarded
where the corporate entity is being and the corporation and the
used as an alter ego, adjunct, or individuals composing it will be
business conduit for the sole benefit of considered identical. In the
the stockholders or of another aforementioned cases, the corporate
corporate entity (Mc Connel vs. Court entity will be considered only as an
of Appeals, Supra; Commissioner of association of individuals or, where
Internal Revenue vs. Norton Harrison there are two entities, they will be
Co., L-7618, Aug. 31, 1964). (Cease vs. joined as one, the one being
Court of Appeals, 93 SCRA 493) considered only as part or parcel of
the other.
Doctrine of: The corporation is a dis
tinct legal entity to be considered as This doctrine is the exception to the
separate and apart from the rule of non-assessability. Consequent
individual stockholders who compose ly, stockholders may be held liable for
it, and is not affected by the personal corporate debts even beyond their
rights, obligations and transactions of fully paid share.
its stock holders.
Cases where courts have ''pierced the
In the interest of justice, courts are veil of corporate entity:" (1) A cor
justified in piercing the veil of poration is organized by an insolvent
corporate entity. When the notion of debtor to defraud his creditors and he
legal entity is used to defeat public transfers his properties to it in
convenience, justify a wrong, protect further- ance of such fraudulent

purposes. (Pa lacio vs, Fely disregarded. (Villa-Rey Transit, Inc.
Transportation Company, 5 SCRA vs. Ferrer, 25 SCRA 845)
1011) (5)When sales of cars are made Cor
(2)When a corporation is only a poration A to Corporation B which are
conduit of its President who later sold to the public at a higher
contracted for the administration and price and it appears that both
supervision for the painting of a corporations are owned and
factory of another corporation, and to controlled by the same taxpayer and
evade liability the first corporation Corporation B was the medium
alleged that the Pre sident is only the created by Corporation A to reduce its
agent of the second corporation, the sales tax liability under the National
veil of corporate entity should be Internal Revenue Code, there is
pierced when the corporation is used sufficient justification to disregard the
as a shield to perpetrate fraud. separate corporate identity of one
(R.F. Sugay, Inc. vs. Reyes, 12 SCRA from the other. (Liddel and Co., Inc.
700) vs. CIR, 25 SCRA 632)
(3)When a corporation functions for
the benefit of a single individual who (5)The corporate veil shall be pierced
completely controls the funds and the when a corporation is dissolved and
said person is the sole owner, the cor its assets are transferred to another
poration is only an alter ego or corpo ration to avoid financial liability
conduit of the owner and the of the first corporation to its
corporate property may be considered employees, the same individual
the property of the owner and may be controlling and owning both
seized in an action against him. companies, with the result that the
(Collector vs. Norton & Harrison, 11 second corporation is merely a
SCRA 714; Collector vs. conduit of the first. (Claparols vs. CIR,
University of Visayas, 12 SCRA 65 SCRA 613)
193; (6)Where a party owns 86% of a cor
National Marketing poration's stock, said party may ask
Association vs. for execution pending appeal if it is
Associated Finance Company, Inc., 19 the cor poration that needs to possess
SCRA 962) the pro perty in litis immediately. (Lu
(4) When a seller of a Certificate of vs. Vale riano, 111 SCRA 87)
Public Convenience forms a
corporation to evade his individual Pigeonhole
contract that he ' 'shall not for a period
of ten ( 10) years from the date of this To lay aside or shelve proposed legis
sale, apply for any TPU service lation while in committee; to fail to
identical or competing with the buyer, take action.
'' the corporate entity shall be

Pignus ship, even if his services have been
Lat. Property pledged as security for a refused, provided the ship is not
debt or obligation. already provid ed with a pilot.

Pilapiles Pintakasi

Or pilapil: Tg.-Made of earth and are Tg. A customary farm undertaking

about a foot high surrounding the whereby the barrio farm hands collec
land on which palay is planted. tively plow the farm of another in con
(Marce lino vs. Miguel, CA-G.R. No. sideration for an agreed share in the
14560-R, May 21, 1975) harvest. (People vs. Aquino, 93 SCRA
Pilaster Pioneer Enterprise

In Building law: A portion of the wall In investment incentives law: It is a

which projects on one or both sides registered enterprise (a) engaged in
and acts as a vertical beam, a column, the manufacture, processing,
or both. assembly or packaging, of goods,
products, commo dities or raw
Pilot materials that have not been or are not
being produced in the Philippines on
A person licensed after due qualifi a commercial scale or
cation set forth in statutes or maritime (b) which uses a design, formula,
regulations, to conduct vessels into or scheme, method, process or system of
out of a harbor or in specific water production or transformation of
where special skill or experience in any
navigation is required. element, substance or raw material
into another raw material or finished
A person licensed to fly an airplane, good which is new and untried in the
either alone or with passengers. Philip pines, provided that the final
product involves or will involve
Pilotage substantial use and processing of
domestic raw mate rials, whenever
The act or business of being a li available. (Art. 16,
censed pilot. P.D. 1789, Omnibus Investments
The compensation allowed a licensed
pilot for conducting a ship into or out Piracy
of a port. It is usually fixed by statute
or port regulations and half-pilotage An act of violence done on the high
can be claimed, if a pilot has hailed a seas through an attack or seizure of a

vessel by any person not member of neutral to crimes. (People vs. Lol-lo, 43
the vessel's complement or Phil. 19)
passengers with the whole or part of
the vessel's cargo or equipment or Illustration: In Lol-lo case (43 Phil.
passenger's personal belongings being 19), two boats left matuta, a Dutch
seized. (Art. 122, Revised Penal Code) pos session, for Peta, another Dutch
Statutory piracy is piracy as defined in pos session. In one boat was a
the municipal law of a State. Piracy Dutch.sub ject, and in the other were
jure gentium is piracy under Interna eleven men, women and children,
tional law. also Dutch sub jects. The boats
arrived between the Islands of
All States are authorized under Inter Buang and Bukid in the Dutch
national Law to seize, by means of Indies. There it was surrounded by
their public or other authorized six vintas manned by 24 armed
vessels, pirates on the open sea or any Moros. The Moros attacked the men in
other place outside the jurisdiction of the boats and brutally violated two of
any State, and punish them regardless the women by methods too horrible to
of their nationality in accordance with describe. All of the persons in the
their laws. Pirates are deemed hostes Dutch boat, except the two women,
humani generis. were again placed on it and holes
were made in it, with the idea that it
Robbery or forcible depredation on would be submerged. The two women
the high seas, without lawful were taken to Maruro, a Dutch
authority and done animo furandi, possession, where they were able to
and in the spirit and intention of escape. Two of the Moro marauders
universal hostil ity. Pirates are in law were Saraw and Lol-lo. The latter had
hostes humani generis. (People vs. raped one of the women. Lol-lo and
Lol-lo, 43 Phil. 19) Saraw returned to their home in Sulu,
Piracy is a crime not against any part where they were arrested and charged
icular State but against all mankind. It with piracy. Held: The crime was
may be punished in the competent qualified piracy, as it was
trib unal of any country where the accompanied with rape and
offender may be found or into which abandonment of persons without
he may be carried. The jurisdiction of apparent means of saving themselves.
piracy un like other crimes has no Nocturnity, cruelty, ignominy and
territorial lim its. As it is against all, so abuse of superiority were aggravating.
it may be pun ished by all. Nor does it Lack of instruction was mitigating.
matter that the crime was committed Lol-lo was sentenced to death and
within the juris dictional three-mile Saraw to life imprisonment.
limit of a foreign State, for those
limits, though neutral to war, are not Pirate

A person guilty of an act of piracy. Plagiarism
Pirates have no national character and
are punishable in any country where Palming off another's idea or writ ings
they are apprehended, no matter as one's own.
where their acts of piracy were
committed. Plagium

Piscary Plaguiarii: The offense at Roman and

civil law which resembled kidnapping
The right of catching and removing at the common law.
fish from waters owned by another
per son, or from common land.
It is the nature of a ''profit a prendre,"
and, like a profit, is often re ferred to
as an easement, especially when it is Plaint
An old word for complaint, the intro
Placement ductory pleading in modern
In diplomatic parlance: The method of
seating diplomatic guests at the Plantation Agricultural Workers
dinner table according to precedence
to avoid ruffled feelings. Agricultural workers employed in
any plantation or agricultural
Placement Fees establish ment with an area of more
than 24 hec tares in a locality or which
Placement Fee refers to any and all employs at least 20 workers.
amounts charged by a recruitment
agency from a worker for its
recruitment and placement services as
prescribed by the Secretary of Labor Plaintiff
and Employment. (Revised Poea
Rules And Regulations Governing The One who complains or brings suit in
Recruitment And Employment Of cluding anyone having an interest in
Landbased Overseas Filipino Workers the subject of the action and in obtain
Of 2016) ing the relief demanded. (Rule 3, Sec.
2, Revised Rules of Court)
Placita Communia The person who brings an action at
law by filing a declaration in the com
The Latin for common pleas. mon law procedure, or a complaint

under code procedure. The term is harrow-ing does not constitute part of
also applied to petitioners in equity, the work. (Alvaran vs. Pingol, L-9201,
espe cially when law and equity are May 31, 1957)
merged under code provisions or
rules of prac tice. Plaster, Portland Cement

In many jurisdictions, when an appeal In Building law: A mixture of port

is taken from a lower to a higher land cement, or portland cement and
court, the appellant, whether he was lime, and aggregates and other
plaintiff or defendant in the court be approv ed material.
low is called the ''plaintiff in error.''
Plastics, Approved
Plain View Doctrine
In Building law: Plastic materials
Under the plain view doctrine, objects which have a flame rating of 225 or
falling in the plain view of an officer less.
who has a right to be in the position to
have that view are subject to seizure Platform, Enclosed
and may be presented as evidence.34
The plain view doctrine applies when In Building law: A partial enclosed of
the following requisites concur: (1) the an assembly room the ceiling of which
law enforcement officer in search of is not more than 1.50 meters above the
the evidence has a prior justification proscenium opening and which is de
for an intrusion or is in a position signed or used for the presentation of
from which he can view a particular plays, demonstrations, or other enter
area; (2) the discovery of the evidence tainment wherein scenery, drops,
in plain view is inadvertent; and (3) it deco rations, of the effects may be
is immediately apparent to the officer installed at or used.
that the item he observes may be
evidence of a crime, contraband or
otherwise subject to seizure. (Judge
Abelita III v. P/Supt. Doria, 612 Phil. Plea
1127, 1135-1136)
The formal answer of the defendant in
Planting Rice common law pleading.

The setting of the palay seedlings in The answer of "guilty" or "not guilty' '
the ground for growth and even in an arraignment for a criminal
under the new tenancy law (Republic charge.
Act. No. 1199) uprooting the seedlings
prepar atory to transplanting and final

Any pleading in an ecclesiastical forth the facts which consti tuted his
count, whether the first one or subse cause of action. (b) Which either
quent one. denied the plaintiff's statements, and
presented an issue to be tried, or else,
Any action at law. by confession and avoidance,
admitted the allegations or destroyed
Plead the legal effect of those allegations. (c)
Replication (or reply): The answer of
To file an answer to a declaration in a the plaintiff to the plea, if it set up new
jurisdiction in which common law matter. This once more might raise an
pleading is maintained. issue by denial of the allegations or set
up a new matter to avoid the plea. A
To answer a criminal information af similar course could be followed by all
ter arra:tgnment. the subsequent pleadings. (d) Rejoin
der: By the defendant. (e)
To make an argument in a court of Surrejoinder: By the plaintiff. (f)
law. Rebutter: By the defendant. (g)
Surrebutter: By the plaintiff.

In theory, further pleadings were

Pleader possible, but there are no examples
known beyond the surrebutter. The
A barrister or advocate who argues issue in this way might be narrowed
before a court. down from the general cause of action
set forth in th declaration, to a minor
Pleadings incident upon which the entire contro
versy hinged.
Written obligations of the parties of
their respective claims and defenses Under the codes and practice acts
submitted to the court for trial and which have superseded common law
judgment. (Rule 6, Sec. 1, Revised pleadings in most jurisdictions, there
Rules of Court) are only two pleadings, the complaint
and the answer, or at most three, the
At common law: The successive complaint, the answer and the reply.
statements by which litigants set forth Where there are only two, all new
the statements and allegations upon matter in the answer, pleaded in
which they base their own claims or confession and avoidance, is
challenge the claims of their presumed to be denied, and the
opponents. At common law, the plaintiff may on trial offer evidence to
pleadings were the following: (a) avoid it. Where there are three, the
Declaration: In which the plaintiff set reply must either deny the new matter

in the answer, or present other
allegations to avoid its effect, and this The confession of guilt, although
new matter will be pre sumed to be subsequent to the consummation of
denied by the defendant. the crime and entirely alien to its
develop ment, constitutes a cause for
In both the common law and the code the miti-gation of the penalty, not
system, all pleadings after the first one because it is a circumstance modifying
(declaration or complaint) may, criminal res ponsibility already
instead of being peremptory-which incurred and in the evolution of which
would raise an issue on the merits- be it has not intervened absolutely, but
dilatory, i.e., they may be demurrers, because, an act of repentance and
or pleas to the jurisdiction or in abate request for the law, it indicates a
ment. If a dilatory plea is successful, moral disposition in the accused
and there is no amendment allowed or favorable to his reform. It is clear that
possible, the judgment will not be these benefits are not deserved by the
final and the action may be accused who submits to the law only
commenced over again. after the presentation of some
evidence for the prosecution,
believing that in the end trial will
Plea In Bar result in his conviction by virtue
thereof. (People vs. De la Cruz, 63
A plea in confession and avoidance Phil. 874)
which sets up a new matter to defeat
the plaintiff's claim. Undoubtedly, the legislator's pur pose
in establishing such a mitigating
Plea Of Guilty circumstance was to encourage
repent ance, which not only enables
A judicial confession of guilt-an the soul and tends to avoid recidivism
admission of all the material facts al but also saves the Government the
leged in the information, including the expenses of a trial and the judicial and
aggravating circumstances alleged. To executive of ficials much trouble. He
be considered, it must be made who repents for his crime is almost
sponta neously in open court prior to innocent, as candor is a compound of
the pre sentation of evidence. It must justice and the love of truth.
also be made unconditionally. (People
vs. Co mendador, 100 SCRA 155) Plebiscite
The offender had voluntarily confes
sed his guilt before the court prior to A direct vote of the people of a region
the presentation of the evidence for to determine their desideratum on a
the prosecution. (Article 13[7], question of great importance such as
Revised Penal Code)

the adoption of a constitution or ces
sation of territory. An accessory, real and unilateral con
tract by virtue of which the debtor de
A term used chiefly on the Continent livers to the creditor or a third person
or in international law, to denote a personal property to guarantee with
vote taken on some question the same the fulfillment of a certain
submitted to the people of a country. obligation, upon which fulfillment of
Plebiscites are generally on important the thing pledged should be returned
questions of governmental to the debtor with the fruits and
organization, and are often employed accessories. Pledge is a real contract
when a totally new Constitution is because for its perfection, the thing
proposed. pledged must be placed in the
possession of the creditor or a third
Pledge person by common agreement and a
promise to constitute a pledge gives
A form of security for a debt or obli rise only to a personal action be tween
gation in which possession of personal the contracting parties. Third persons,
property is physically delivered to the however, are not affected un less in
creditor, to be held in order to insure addition to a description of the thing
payment or performance. Title to pledged and the date of the pledge
the security does not pass to the appear in a public instrument. Only
creditor upon breach of the obligation. movables which are susceptible of
possession and within the commerce
The creditor can enforce the pledge by of man, including incorporeal rights,
selling it in a manner usually pre may be pledged, but in the latter case,
scribed by statute, and must account the negotiable instrument, bill of
for the proceeds. The pledge depends lading, share of stock, bond,
on possession, and the security is lost warehouse receipt and similar
if possession is surrendered. If the documents evidencing the rights must
obli gation is performed, or if be delivered to the creditor and if
performance is tendered, the pledged negotiable, must be indorsed. The
property must be restored to the indorsement and delivery, how ever,
debtor and its reten tion is a does not transfer ownership to the
conversion. pledgee and hence will bear risk of
loss of goods represented by the docu
The property transferred as security is ments.
itself frequently called the pledge.
To transfer possession of personal Plegius
property as security for the perform
ance of an obligation or payment of a

Plegii: The medieval Latin term equi
valent to surety, especially in proced Plenum Dominium
ural matters.
At the Roman law: The term for "full"
Plenary or "absolute" ownership, in which
title and right of possession were
Full or complete; composed of all united.
members of a body, like a court or
council; applied particularly to the Plight
sessions of such a body.
To pledge, as in the expression ' 'to
Plenary Suit plight one's troth or faith. ''

An action in which all the forms of the The condition which a thing or person
necessary litigation are carried out in maybe in.
accordance with the existing rules of
procedure; as contrasted with Plumbing
summary procedure, which is usually
incidental to some other litigation and The system of piping, fixtures and
procedure, and in which many of the equipment installed in a building for
formal elements of a suit are omitted. the purpose of: (1) supplying water in
desired quantities to the point of
Plene Administravit usage, and (2) removing water and
waterborne from fixtures, equipment,
Lat. He has fully administered. wares and appliances. It is thus clear
The technical defense of an adminis that water closets are classified more
trator or executor when he is sued for appropriate ly as ''plumbing
a debt of the decedent which he installations'' or fix tures. (Norton &
cannot satisfy out of the assets of the Harrison Co. vs. Lac son. CA-G.R. No.
estate. 23560-R, November 26, 1963)

Pleno Jure Plurality

Lat. With full rights. A larger number than another num

ber with which it is compared. In
Plenum nearly all elections, a plurality is the
largest number cast for a candidate'
In Fire law: An air compartment or whether it is a majority of all the votes
chamber to which one or more ducts cast or not.
are connected and which form part of
an air distribution system. Plurality Of Crimes

When the President fails to take posi
There is plurality of crimes or "con tive action on a bill, and retains it for a
curso de delitos'' when the actor period of ten days at the end of which
commits various delictual acts of the the Congress has adjourned, the bill is
same or different kind. (Gamboa vs. automatically vetoed.
Court of Appeals, 68 SCRA 308)
POEA Standard Employment
Pluries Contracts (POEA-SEC)

Lat. Several times. Deemed incorporated in every

seafarers employment contract,
At common law: The writ that follows denominated as the POEA-SEC or the
when the original writ and two alias Philippine Overseas Employment
writs have been without effect. Administration-Standard
Employment Contract, is a set of
Poach standard provisions determined and
implemented by the POEA, called the
To kill or catch game or fish by tres Standard Terms and Conditions
passing on the property of some other Governing the Employment of
person. It was a crime at common law, Filipino Seafarers on Board Ocean
but was not, properly speaking, theft, Going Vessels, which are considered
since the owner of the property did no to be the minimum requirements
own the wild animals or birds acceptable to the government for the
roaming or flying over it. employment of Filipino seafarers
Poacher onboard foreign ocean-going vessels.
Racelis vs United Philippines Lines,
One who poaches. Inc., 740 SCRA 122 (2014)

Poblacion Pole

Sp. The center of a municipality. A long, comparatively slender cylin

drical piece of woods or timber, as
Pocket-Judgment typically, the stem of a small tree
strip ped of its branches; also, by
A popular name for a statute-mer extension, a similar typically
chant which could be executed cylindrical piece or object of metal or
without judgment when overdue. the like. (Board of As sessment
Appeals vs. Manila Electric Company,
Pocket Veto L 15334, January 31, 1964)

An upright standard to the top of occupation of the thing; (2) by the
which something is affixed or by exercise of a right; (3) by the fact that
which something is supported; as a the property is subject to the action of
dovecote set on a pole; telegraph our will; and (4) by the proper acts
poles; a tent pole; sometimes, and legal formalities established for
specifically, a vessel's mast. (Ibid.) acquiring the right. Republic vs. Ng,
692 SCRA 589 [2013]
In Constitutional law: Although there
The department of government is no express provision for police
charged with the prevention of crime power in the 1935 and 1973
and the detection, arrest and punish Constitutions, it is inherent in the very
ment of offenders. concept of the state and is a
manifestation of the exercise of
The term "police" of the state, is a sovereignty. Police power, along with
comprehensive sense, embraces its taxation and eminent domain, is a pre
whole system of internal regulation rogative enjoyed by the state. It
for the preservation of public order enables the government to perform
and the prevention of offenses some of its most vital functions.
against the state. (City Mayor vs. Police power, thus, is a limitation on
Chief of Philip pine Constabulary, 21 liberty and pro perty by the bill of
SCRA 665) rights.

An organized civil force for maintain Police power has been identified with
ing order, preventing and detecting state authority to enact legislation that
crime and enforcing law. (Ibid.) may interfere with personal liberty or
property in order to promote the gen
Police Power eral welfare.' Persons and property
could thus be subjected to all kinds of
It is the plenary power vested in restraints and burden in order to
the legislature to make statutes and secure the general comfort, health and
ordinances to promote the health, pros perity of the nation. It is the
morals, peace, education, good order or power to prescribe regulations to
safety and general welfare of the people. promote the health, morals, peace,
Fernando vs St. Scholatica College, 693 education, good order or safety, and
SCRA 141 [2013] general welfare of the people. It may
include the authority to legislate so as
Possession to increase the industries of the state,
develop its resources, and add to its
Possession is acquired in any of wealth and prosperity.
the following ways: (1) by the material

Police power usually takes the form of Policy Of Insurance
regulatory measures restraining
either the rights to property or liberty. The written instrument in which a
They are necessary to avoid friction contract of insurance is set forth. (Sec.
and maintain harmony. They may be 49, Insurance Code)
ques tioned as violative of the
Constitution, if they do not satisfy the As a distinct and independent con
standards of the due process and tract: It is well-settled that a policy of
equal protection. Where deprivation insurance is a distinct and
or curtailment of li berty is involved, independent contract between the
particularly where it concerns insured and in surer, and third
freedom of the mind, more care persons have no right either in a court
should be exercised than in re- of equity, or in a court of law, to the
straints on property. proceeds of it, unless there become
contract or trust, expres sed or
The power to regulate the exercise of implied, by the insured and the third
constitutional rights is termed the sov persons (Lampano vs. Jose, 30 Phil.
ereign "police" which is the power to 537). Bailee is liable for the pro perty
prescribe regulations, to promote the held by him in trust for others. (Lopez
health, morals, peace, education, good vs. Del Rosario, 44 Phil. 98)
order or safety, and general welfare of
the people. (Premicias vs. Fugoso, 80 Insurance, therefore, shall be applied
Phil. 71) exclusively to the proper interest of
the person in whose name or for
Policy whose benefit it is made unless
otherwise spe cified in the policy.
The contract of insurance made by an
insurer, usually a corporation licensed
for that purpose, with a person called Political Ad Ban
the insured.
Section 9(a) of the
In statutory construction: The gen eral Commission on Elections (COMELEC)
purpose of a statute or of a whole Resolution No. 9615, with its adoption
body of legislation, or the general pur of the aggregate-based airtime
pose followed by the executive branch limits unreasonable
of the government or by some
adminis trative board. The
ascertainment of this policy will be of Political Appointee
great assistance in in terpreting or
construing the statute. In diplomatic parlance: A non-career
person appointed envoy as distin

guished from a professional diplomat. The term ''political offense'' includes
In England, France, Germany and the treason; sedition and espionage,
Soviet Union the general practice is to whether committed by one or more
appoint only career men as Ambassa per sons; it includes any offense
dors and Ministers. In exceptional connected with the activities of an
cases, however, non-professionals organized group directed against the
who are otherwise qualified are given security or governmental system of
the assignments. There have been the requesting State (i.e., the State
some very successful non-career asking for the ex tradition of the
ambas sadors, a prominent example Offender); and it does not exclude
being Lord Bryce. other offenses having a political
Political Committee
Political Party
Any committee, association or organ
ization which accepts contribution or An association of voters with certain
makes expenditures for the purpose of principles of government, formed to
influencing or attempting to influence urge the adoption and execution of
the election of candidate, whether it be such principles in governmental
a national or local committee of a affairs through officers of like belief.
politi cal party or a branch thereof. (Peralta vs. Commission on Elections,
(Section 39, Revised Election Code) 82 SCRA 30)

Political Dispute Political parties result from the vo

luntary association of electors, and do
A dispute which the parties consider not exist by operation of law. The ele
as not appropriate for settlement, ment of time is not essential to the
through legal process. formation of a legal party; it may
spring into existence from the
Political Offense exigencies of a pal(ticular election, and
with no inten tio,h of continuing after
The term is used to refer to such of the exigency has passed. (Ibid.)
fenses against the states as treason An organized group of persons pur
and sedition. suing the same political ideals in a
gov ernment. It is necessary that there
One of the principles of extradition is should be "an organized group." In
that political offenses are not extradit order that a group of persons be
able. The baffling question is how to organ ized, it .is. necessary that all of
distinguish political offenses from them be joined in a corporate body,
non political offenses. articulate with the attributes of a
social personal ity. A constitution, by-

laws, niles, or some kind of charter is departments of government or has
needed so to give existence to the reserved to be settled by its own extra-
organization. Some kind of govern mental action. (Sanidad vs.
agreement, written or un written, Commis sion on Elections, 73 SCRA
must exist on how the group is to 333)
function, to be presided over and how
it is to express its collective will. A matter which is to be exercised by
(Lagasca vs. De Vera, 79 Phil. 376) the people in their primary political
capacity or that has been specifically
An organized group of persons pur delegated to some other department
suing the same ideology, political or particular officer of the
ideals or platform of government and government, with discretionary power
includes its branches and divisions. to act. In other" words, it refers to
(Section 7, Article IV, Batas Pambansa those questions which, under the
Big. 697.) Constitution, are to be decided by the
people in their sovereign capacity, or
Acquiring judicial personality. - To in regard to which full dis cretionary
acquire judicial personality and to en authority has been delegated to the
title it to the rights and privileges legislative or executive branch of
here in provided for political parties, a government. (Ibid.)
politi cal party shall first be duly
registered with the Commission. Any In determining whether an issue falls
registered political party that singly or within the political question category,
in coalition with others fails to obtain the absence of a satisfactory criterion
at least three percent of the votes cast for a judicial determination or the ap
to the consti tuency in which it propriateness of attributing finality to
nominated and sup ported a the action of the political departments
candidate or candidates in the election of government is a dominant
next following its registration shall, consider ation. (Ibid.)
after notice and hearing, be deemed to
have forfeited such status as a The term in both legal and ordinary
registered political party, in such con parlance means a question of policy or
stituency. (Ibid. ) one to be decided by the people in
their sovereign capacity or with
respect to which full discretionary
authority has been delegated to the
legislature or to the executive branch
Political Questions of the govern ment. (Taiiada vs.
Cuenco, L-10520, February 28, 1957)
Those which the sovereign has en In ordinary parlance: A question of
trusted to the so-called political policy. It refers to those questions

which under the Constitution are to be may be engaged. (Villanueva vs. City
decided by the people in their of Iloilo, 26 SCRA 578)
sovereign capacity; or regard to which
full discre tionary authority has been Polyandry
delegated to the legislative or
executive branch of the Government. Marriage of a woman to several hus
(Casibang vs. Aquino, 92 SCRA 642) bands at the same time, with all of
whom she cohabits. The custom is
Polling Place found in some tribes of Southwestern
The place where votes are cast at
public election.

A place designated by the Commis

sion on Elections where the meetings Polygamy
of the board of inspectors for
registration of voters and the election Marriage of one man to several
are held. (Section 62, Revised Election wives at the same time. Polygamy was
Code) formerly the rule among nearly all the
people of Asia both civilized and un
Polls civilized, and is still lawful among the
Chinese and those who profess
The place where elections are held, in Moham medanism (Islam) who live
this sense equivalent to polling place. chiefly in Asia and Africa. It was
Special police precautions are re lawful among the Jews during Biblical
quired by statute to prevent disorder times but seems never to have existed
or violence at the polls, or any form of among either the Greeks or Romans. It
electioneering. was strictly forbidden by the Christian
reli gion and was abolished among
A word used as the approximate Euro pean Jews in the eleventh
equivalent of election. century.

In modern times, the Mormons of the

Poll Tax Western United States practiced poli
gamy but have abandoned it since the
A tax of a fixed amount upon all per admission of the State of Utah to the
sons, or upon all the persons of a cer Union. In all European, American and
tain class, resident within a specified Philippine jurisdictions, polygamy is
territory, without regard to their pro classified as bigamy and is nearly al
perty or the occupations in which they ways a severely punished felony.

Pontage In Corporation law: Shareholders
agree to vote their shares as a unit for
A duty or tax paid in lieu of rendering the election of directors, in order to
personal service in making or control the management.
repairing a bridge. Such services were
imposed by customs on the residents Poor
of certain communities and could be
compounded for in money. Needy; in want; destitute. Frequently
used to indicate the need for public
A toll for the use of a bridge or road, assistance.
which was devoted to its
maintenance. Poor Laws

The body of statute laws dealing with

relief of the indigent poor.

Pontibus Reparandis Popular Action

Lat. A writ requiring owners of land At the common law: A suit which any
to repair bridges. member of the public may bring to re
cover a penalty for some act forbidden
Pool by statute.

Any fund created by combining the At the older Roman law: The equiv
money or property or the interests of a alent of a modern criminal action. In
number of people in order to carry on the absence of a public prosecutor,
a common commercial adventure. any citizen might bring an action in
the name of the people to secure the
Any combination between competing punishment of a person accused of a
and independent interests in order crime. A failure to convict, if the
either to limit competition, or reduce prosecution was not in good faith,
expenses and allocate the profits. subjected the prosecutor to the
penalty he demanded against the
The persons who enter into a pooling accused.
arrangements as above.

To enter into a pool as above.

Pooling Agreement

In ecclesiastical law: To tender, es Law which, at a given time, has been
pecially when a proctor presents a bill deliberately set by members of a so
for cost. ciety to govern their actions. This may
Port be done by specific enactment or by
ac cepted custom. The term is usually
A place to which vessels may resort to contrasted with natural law, and is at
load or unload cargoes, or passen times referred to as ''revealed'' law.
gers. It is used in a variety of senses,
and may designate any landing place, Posse
or it may cover all the geographical
approaches to a harbor. In this latter As used in the phrase ''in posse,'' it is
sense, a port is an important maritime Late Latin for "in possibility," to de
district subject to legal regulations, scribe things which might come into
and often under a Port Authority. existence as distinguished from what
is already' 'in esse," i.e., in existence.
For use of the term as calling upon the
The part of an estate given to a child aid of all citizens to enforce the pub lic
or other heir by descent, and some peace.
times assigned to him before the death
of the testator.

Port Of Entry Posse Comitatus

A port where there is a customhouse. Lat. The force of the country; the force
that a sheriff may call to assist him in
Positive making an arrest.

Certain or absolute, as distinguished In common law: All the male able

from negative. bodied inhabitants over fifteen years
of age of a county, who may be
Positive Easement summoned or deputized by the sheriff
as an enlarged police force in case of a
One which imposes upon the owner riot or the pursuit of a criminal.
of the servient estate the obligation of
allowing something to be done or of Possession
doing it himself. (Article 616, Civil
Code) A term used in several related senses
which are frequently confused.
Positive Law

As a complex of property rights, lim- - occupant. The occupancy can be held
ited in time and scope, and chiefly in by another in his name. But it is
cluding rights of user and necessary that there should be such
exclusion. Normally, powers of occupancy or there is no possession.
disposal or rights of misuser would
not be included, and it is generally Republic Act No. 4, amending Sec tion
implied that there are, or may be, 2692 of the Revised Administrative
superior rights, called owner ship or Code, in its pertinent provision is dir
title, in some one else. ected against any person who
As a term to denote the mere fact of possesses any firearm, ammunition
physical control over tangible objects. therefor, etc. A point to consider in
Often loosely used as the equivalent of this connection is the meaning of the
ownership or title, especially in regard word ''possesses.'' This word was
to intangible. employed in its broad sense so as to
include ' 'carries' ' and "holds." This
In Civil law: The holding of a thing or had to be so if the manifest intent of
the enjoyment of a right, either by the Act is to be effective. The same
mat erial occupation or by the fact of evils, the same perils to pub lic
sub jecting the thing or right to the security, which the Act penalizes exist
action of our will. whether the unlicensed holder of a
prohibited weapon be its owner or a
The holding of a thing or the enjoy borrower. To accomplish the object of
ment of a right. (Article 523, Civil this law the proprietary concept of the
Code) possession can have no bearing.
(People vs. Melgar, 100 Phil. 298)
Concept of: To possess, in the gram
matical sense, means to have, to Possession Money
actual ly and physically occupy a
thing, with or without right. In The fees retained by the sheriff's
general, it is the hold ing of a thing or deputy for holding property which
of a right, whether by material was levied upon.
occupation or by the fact that the
thing or the right is subjected to the Possession, Writ Of
action of our will.
Material occupation: Possession At common law: A writ by which, in
always includes the idea of the old action of ejectment, the
occupation, and except in the cases success ful plaintiff was put in
mentioned in Article 537, Civil Code, possession of the land.
possession cannot exist without it. It is
not neces sary that the person in Possessor In Bad Faith
possession should himself be the

In Civil law: One who possesses pro predecessor had a forged title, or
perty contrary to the requisites of pos where the nullity is apparent from the
sessor in good faith. (See Possessor in examination of the title thereof.
Good Faith) (Philippine Abaca A person who, having knowledge of
Develop ment Company vs. Labaya, an annotation in the Registry of
CA-G.R. No. 22729-R, January 12, Proper ty prohibiting the sale of an
1963) immovable, accepts the said
One in possession of property know immovable in payment of a mortgage
ing that his title thereto is defective, is credit contracted after the annotation,
a possessor in bad faith. cannot be considered as a possessor in
good faith. Neither can one who
Examples: Where the possessor of the purchases the property of a minor at a
land knows that she has no title private sale, be considered as in good
thereto, because she bought the house faith.
erected thereon from whom she knew
was merely a tenant on the land; Intransmissible: Only personal
where the possessor knew at the time knowledge of the flaw in one's title or
of occu pation that the land mode of acquisition can make him a
belonged to an- other; where parties possessor in bad faith, for bad faith is
enter upon proper ty to profit not transmissible from one person to
therefrom without the con sent of the another, not even to an heir as may be
owner; where persons take possession seen from Article 534 of the Civil
of property which had been Code.
temporarily abandoned by the
owners because of war; where a Possessor in Good Faith
purchaser at an execution sale refuses
to admit re demption and to accept In Civil law: One who is not aware
the price ten dered to that end, that there exists in his title or mode of
without justifiable cause, where acquisition any flaw which invalidates
possession was acquired after having it (Philippine Abaca Development
knowledge of certain facts that put in Com pany vs. Labaya, CA-G.R. No.
doubt the title of the assign ees; where 22729-R, January 12, 1963).
property was purchased while still in
litigation, or where the buyer knew One who is unaware that there exists a
that someone else was claiming flaw which invalidates his acquisition
ownership aside from the ven dor; of the thing. Good faith consists in the
where a tenant, after the termin ation possessor's belief that the person from
of the period of lease, continues to whom he received a thing was the ow
hold the property without right to do ner of the same and could convey his
so; and where a person purchases title. Since good faith is a state of the
property with know ledge that his mind, and is not a visible, tangible fact

that can be seen or touched, it can
only be determined by outward acts One who claims property by inherit
and proven conduct. It implies ance from his mother, and at her
freedom from knowledge and death goes into possession of the
circumstances which are to put a same, under an honest belief that he is
person on inquiry. A purchaser cannot the sole heir, is a possessor in good
close his eyes to facts which should faith. And even though a vendor may
put a reasonable man upon his guard have acquiredthe property in bad
and then claim that he acted in good faith, the vendee to whom he sells said
faith under the belief that there was no property may be in good faith. The
defect in the title of his vendor. Thus, vendee will not be held a possessor in
where a vendee is put in inquiry by bad faith merely because a careful
purchasing immovable pro perty examination of the registry records
under a deed of sale reciting ''with no might, or would have disclosed the
warranty whatsoever of title,'' and nullity of the vendor's title.
does not avail himself of the means at
hand to inform himself of the true Ignorance of the law: Under Article 3
facts, he can claim no better consider of the Civil Code, ignorance of the law
ation than he could if he knew the true does not excuse anyone from
facts. A deed of conveyance made sub compli ance therewith. Manresa is
ject to the condition that the land of the opinion that in excusable
would be finally adjudicated in favor ignorance of the law itself, cannot be
of the transferor is an the basis of good faith. Sanchez
acknowledgment by the latter that his Roman and Navar-_ ro Amandi
title is precarious; it is an invitation to sustain the theory that even ignorance
the transferee to invest igate his of the law can be the basis of good
transferor's title or take pos session of faith, because Article 526 of the same
the land at his peril. Whether the code, in its paragraph, makes no
transferee made such investigation or distinction. All seem to agree,
not, he is not a possessor in good faith. however, on the proposition that error
in the ap plication of the law, in the
The belief of the possessor that he is legal solu tions that arise from such
the legal owner of the thing must be application, in the appreciation of the
based upon some title or mode of legal conse quences of certain acts,
acqui sition, such as a sale, a donation, and in the in terpretation of doubtful
in heritance or other means of provisions or doctrines, may properly
transmit ting ownership; for without serve as a basis for good faith. This is
this, there can be no real well- now expressly provided in the last
grounded belief of one's ownership. paragraph of Arti cle 526.
Such belief would be a capricious and
arbitrary one. Possessory Action

An act on dealing with the possession
of land as distinguished from one The money charged by law for the
which determines the title. Examples carrying of mail.
are the action of forcible entry and
detainer, ejectment.
Postal Union
An organization established by treaty
In law, an uncertain future event. A between several governments to apply
distinction was made between a uniform rules concerning the
''bare'' possibility, such as the transmission of mail between
likelihood of a man succeeding to his countries. Most of the nations of the
father's undetailed property, which world are now members of it.
could not be transferred, and
''possibility with an interest '' like the Postdate
holder of a contingent remainder.
Another obsolete distinction is that In Negotiable Instruments law: To
between a ''common possibility, such date an instrument as of some day
as the issue of a married couple, and a later than the day on which it is
"double possibility, '' such as that two actually made. The postdating of a
persons will marry and have issue. check may protect the maker from
criminal prosecution in the event that
Possibility of Reverter there are insufficient funds.

The interest which is retained by a Post Diem

grantor after he has transferred a
determinable fee, which, however, is Latin: After the day has passed.
not certain to be terminated.
Possible Condition
The entry made by a judge after the
Those which are not contrary to verdict summarizing the proceedings
nature, to law, good customs or public reciting the issue and the judgment
policy and are therefore valid and rendered. It is issued to the successful
allowed by law. party.

Post Post-Employment
Medical Examination
A Latin preposition meaning ''after.''

As a general rule, a medically Or postliminy: The rule that a person,
repatriated seafarer is required to captured by the enemy, will be re
submit himself to a post-employment stored on his return to exactly the
medical examination by the same status and rights which he had
companys designated physicians before capture.
within three (3) working days upon
his return. Status Maritime The term is borrowed from the Ro
Corporation vs. Delalamon, 721 SCRA man law concept according to which a
390 (2014) person who has been captured and
afterwards returns within the
Post Entry boundaries of his own State was
restored to all his former rights.
An entry of goods at a custom house
to bring the original entry to the total In modern international law: It is
which had been reported. applied chiefly to property taken by
the enemy. When it is brought back to
Poster the jurisdiction from which it is taken,
all the rights and interests in it are re
A fabricated flat surface which a established as of the time of capture.
message is either posted or painted.
Applied to modern practice the doc
Posterity trine denotes that territory, persons
and property, after having come
All the direct descendants of a person, under the authority of the enemy,
excluding the collaterals. revert to the territory of the original
sovereign upon retaking possession.
Post Factum However, acts of the enemy involving
the captured per son or property
Latin: Referring to an act which is while in the enemy's possession are
done afterwards. not necessarily invalidated if under
international law the occupant was
Posthumous Child competent to perform them.

One born after the death of the father. Post Litem Motam
The posthumous child has the same
legal status or standing as one born Latin: After the beginning of the
before. action or litigation.


A letter carrier.
Post Obit
Literally: After death
The head of a local post office.
A contract or promise to pay a sum of
money after the death of a named
Postmaster General person from whom the promisor
hopes to inherit property.
The head of the Department of the
Post Office in the Philippines. Post Office

Post Mortem The department of government

charged with the transmission of
Latin: After death. letters and mailable packages within a
country and between countries.
A term which is used with reference The local office in which mail is
to the examination of the bodies of received and from which it is
deceased persons who have died distributed.
under suspicious circumstances.
The grant or denial of a motion for
Latin: A younger son. postponement rests or the courts on
the courts sound discretion; it is a
Post Notes matter of privilege, not a right. Santos
vs Alcazar, 718 SCRA 636
Bank notes payable on demand but at
a future date. Potestative Condition

Post-Nuptial A condition the happening of which

depends on the sole will of one of the
Applied to a transaction entered into parties. However, if the fulfillment of
between husband and wife after the the condition depends upon the sole
marriage has taken place; e.g., post will of the debtor) the conditional
nuptial agreement or settlement. Post obligation shall be void. (Art. 1182,
nuptial agreements will in general be New Civil Code.)
enforced if they violate no principle of
public policy and are fair to the wife. Potestative condition may be made to
They are generally entered into in depend on the will of the creditor or
contemplation of a separation. that of the debtor, and in case of the

latter may either be suspensive or The affidavit necessary in order to be
resolutory. A potestative condition permitted to sue ''in forma paupers.''
that depends upon the sole will of the
creditor is valid. A potestative Power
condition that depends upon the sole
will of the debtor is valid if it is The capacity to create or destroy a
resolutory but void if it is suspensive. legal right or obligation or another
Pouch, Diplomatic legal power.
The authority of a trustee to dispose of
The mail bag in which is placed the the thrust property whether acting
official correspondence between the lawfully or unlawfully.
Foreign Office or Department of The authority of an agent to bind his
Foreign Affairs of a government and principal by contracts or transactions.
its diplomatic posts abroad. It is
sealed with the official seal and is Power of Attorney
inviolable; it is not inspected by
customs officers; it is exempted from A formal document by which an agent
all interference. is appointed, generally with wide
general powers, although it may be
Pound for a limited group of transactions, in
which case it is called a ''special''
An enclosure established by public power of attorney. It is subject to all
authority where animals may be the rules of agency and to regulations
confined, when they are found that are peculiar to itself.
straying away from the land of their
owner. An instrument in writing authorizing
a person to act as the agent or
In ancient times: Lost or detrained attorney in-fact for the person
property and cattle might be kept in granting it is called a power or letter
the pound, and returned to the owner of attorney. It may be general,
only if they were redeemed. authorizing the agent to act generally
in behalf of the principal, or special,
Poundage limiting his authority to particular
acts. It may be by parole, that is, not
The percentage of a sale allowed to a under seal, or it may be under seal.
sheriff or other officer who is The attorney cannot execute a sealed
authorized to sell goods on execution instrument so as to bind his principal
or fore closure of a lien. unless the power to him be under seal.
Power of attorney will not be
Poverty Affidavit construed to more than they clearly
import, that is, they will be strictly

construed, and if general terms are Control is defined as the power of an
used in connection with a particular officer to alter or modify or nullify or
subject matter such terms will be set aside what a subordinate officer
construed to refer to that particular had done in the performance of his
matter only. A power of attorney duties and to substitute the judgment
authorizing the execution of a of the former for that of the latter. It
recordable instrument should itself be includes the authority to order the
recorded, and to be recorded it must doing of an act by a subordinate or to
of course be acknowledged or be undo such act or to assume a power
accompanied with other legal directly vested in him by law.
requisite to recording. (Cruz,2002).
Power of Augmentation com/2010/07/control-power.html

View that for the power of Power of Politics

augmentation to be validly exercised,
the item to be augmented must be an A system of international relations in
item that has an appropriation under which groups consider themselves as
the General Appropriation Act (GAA); ultimate ends; use, at least for vital
if the item funded under the purposes, the most effective means at
Disbursement Acceleration Program their disposal and are graded
(DAP) through savings did not receive according to their weight in cases of
any funding from Congress under the actual or hypothetical conflict.
General Appropriation Act, the
Executive cannot provide funding; it Power to Regulate
may not countermand legislative will
by augmenting an item that is not And power to prohibit: The power to
existing and therefore can never be regulate is not synonymous with the
deficient. Araullo vs. Aquino III, 728 power to prohibit. Stated differently
SCRA 1 (2014) the power to make regulations does
not carry with it the power to prohibit.
Power of Control To the extent that newspapers and
others who have no direct or tangible
Section 17, Article VII of the interest in the records are
Constitution mandates that the obstructed from lacking an
President shall have the control of all examination thereof a part, indeed the
the executive departments, bureaus larger part of the public is thereby
and offices. He shall ensure that the excluded from the right granted by
laws be faithfully executed. law. Such prohibition is at war with
the requirement that the books and
records of registered lands shall be

open to the public. (Subido vs. Ozaeta, Practice of accountancy shall
80 Phil. 383) constitute in a person, be it in his
individual capacity, or as a partner or
Power of Supervision staff member in an accounting or
auditing firm, holding out himself as
An officer in control lays down the one skilled in the knowledge, science,
rules in the doing of an act, and if they and practice of accounting, and as
are not followed, he may, in his qualified to render professional
discretion, order the act undone or services as a certified public
redone by his subordinate or he may accountant; or offering or rendering,
even decide to do it himself. or both, to more than one client on a
Essentially, the power of supervision fee basis or otherwise, services such as
means no more than the power of the audit or verification of financial
ensuring that laws are faithfully trans actions and accounting
executed, or that subordinate officers records; the preparation, signing, or
act within the law- the supervisor or certification for clients of reports of
superintendent merely sees to it that audit, balance sheets, and other
the rules are followed, but he does not financial accounting and related
lay down the rules, nor does he have schedules, exhibits, statements, or
discretion to modify or replace them; reports which are to be used for
It is the provincial government and publication or for credit purposes, or
not the governor alone which has to be filed with a court or government
authority to exercise control and agency, or to be used for any other
supervision over provincial jails. purpose; the installation and revision
Ambil, Jr vs. Sandiganbayan, of accounting system, the preparation
653SCRA576 (2011) of income tax returns when related to
ac counting procedures; or when he
Practice re presents clients before government
agencies on tax matters related to ac
The conduct of legal proceedings in all counting or renders professional
its stages and all its forms. The assistance in matters relating to
customary methods used in any court accounting procedures and the
of litigation, outside of the rules recording and presentation of
prescribed by codes or statutes of financial facts or data. (residential
procedure. Decree No. 692; The Revised
Accountancy Law)

Practice of Accountancy
Practice of Law

The practice of law is not Latin: Writ commanding defendant to
limited to the conduct of cases or do a certain thing or show reason why
litigation in court; it embraces the he should not do it; request for a
preparation of pleadings and other particular writ.
papers incident to actions and special
proceeding, the management of such Prayeh
actions and proceedings on behalf of
clients before judges and courts, and That part of the bill or complaint in a
in addition, conveying. In general, all suit in equity which states what relief
advice to clients, and all action taken is sought by the action.
for them in matters connected with
the law incorporation services, Preamble
assessment and condemnation
services, contemplating an appearance The introductory part of a statute or
before judicial body, the foreclosure of constitution which states the reason
mortgage, enforcement of a creditors and purpose of the legislation; often
claim in bankruptcy and insolvency recites the: facts or conditions which
proceedings, and conducting have occasioned it. It is properly of
proceedings in attachment, and in peaking, not an operative part of the
matters of estate and guardianship statute but it is of great importance in
have been held to constitute law determining how the statute is to be
practice. Practice of law means any interpreted, whenever there is doubt
activity, in or out court, which as to the meaning or effect of any
requires the application of law, legal words in it.
procedure, knowledge, training and
experience. Cayetano vs Monsod 201 Precarious
SCRA 2010
It applied to anything which may be
Practice of Medicine ended at the will of another person as
a precarious right.
The practice of medicine has been said
to mean, in its broadest sense the Precarium
practice of the act of healing disease or
preserving health. (People vs. Balicte, The bailor may demand the thing at
57 O.G. 90) will, and the contractual relation is
called a precarium, in the following
cases: (1) If neither the duration of the
contract nor the use to which the thing
loaned should be devoted, has been
Praecipe stipulated; or (2) If the use of the thing

is merely tolerated by the owner. (Art. A command directed by a superior to
1947, New Civil Code) an inferior officer.

Precatory Precedent

Having the character of an entreaty or Establish forms of pleading or

request. The term is applied to words transaction which have already been
in a will, like "desire," "hope," ''trust,'' accepted by courts and may therefore
''feel confident,'' ''request.'' At the serve as examples of correct pleading
present time are generally considered or of valid transactions.
as merely advisory, and may be
disregarded by the trustee or executor In common law jurisdictions: They are
unless the general purpose of the trust regarded as a primary source of law.
and the context in which the words Even in the case of statutes,
are used make it clear that they are precedents in the interpretation of
meant to be directive or mandatory. statutory provisions are treated as
almost final determinations of how
the statute is to be applied. However,
Precautionary Principle precedents are not absolutely binding,
since they may be and have been
View that the precautionary principle overruled, and, when the court
seeks to protect the right of the disapproves of them, may be
present generation as well as to distinguished in a way that is
enforce intergenerational tantamount to overruling.
responsibility, that is, the present
generation should promote In Civil law courts: Strong words have
sustainable development and act as sometimes been used against treating
stewards or caretakers of the precedents of courts as a source of law
environment for the benefit of at all. But they have al ways been
generations yet unborn. Imbong vs. employed to some extent, and in
Ochoa, Jr., 721 SCRA 146 (2014) general it is admitted that a series of
similar precedents has very strong
Precedence force.

Superiority in rank, involving rights Precept

rather of ceremony than of substantial.
In International law: Respect for A warrant, order of writ, issued to an
precedence is part of what is now officer like a sheriff, authorizing or
called protocol. commanding him to perform some act
within the powers of his office.

Precocious Puberty A person who has an estate or title
before some other holder.
The complainant is a case of
precocious puberty. She is Preemption
according to said findings, "fairly
developed and fairly well-nourished The right of purchasing property
girl'' with breasts that ''are before or in preference to some other
moderately developed, slightly person. Charters of private
conical in shape,'' but already ''soft in corporations often provide that the
consistence, with nipples corporation itself shall have the right
prominent." Her labia Inajora and of pre emption of all stock that a
labia minora are "gapingr' and stockholder wishes to dispose of.
"slightly pirnented and
hypertrophied. Hymen edges could In International law: The right of a
hardly be capitated. Hugositos are belligerent to seize and purchase of an
slightly obliterated.'' All these are appraised value neutral contraband
unequivocal signs-especially the goods en route to the enemy, other
gaping and hypertrophied labia and than absolute contraband, i.e.,
the obliteration of the rugositos- that munitions of war. It may also be
complainant, despite her relatively exercised over such goods on the high
tender age, had already been seas or in appropriated territory.
indulging in many acts of sexual In civil law: Conditions for right of
gratification or by repeated preemption of adjoining owner:
''masturbation'' or insertion of Where it has been neither proved nor
foreign bodies into the vaginal tract. alleged that the purchased land in
(People vs. Dolores, CA-G.R. question is so small or so situated that
No. 18065-R, August 23, 1957) a major por tion thereof cannot be
used for any practical purpose or that
Pre contract it has been bought merely for
speculation or, even, that it is about to
An agreement to marry. Such be resold, it is held that Article 1622 of
agreements per verba de futuro did the New Civil Code concerning the
not create the status of husband and right of preemption of an adjoining
wife but did constitute impediments owner of urban lands is not in point.
in canon law against the marriage of (Soriente vs. Court of Appeals, 62 O.G.
either party with anyone else. The 7013)
impediment may be removed by
consent of both parties. Requisites: in order that the adjoining
lot owner may have the right of pre
Predecessor emption, the following conditions
must exist: (1) the piece of urban land

must be so small that it cannot be used of Ruby Industrial Corporation vs.
for any practical purpose within a Lim 650 SCRA 461 (2011)
reason able time; and (2) such urban
land was bought merely for Pre-Existing Legal Duty
speculation. (Loot vs. Rovira. 63 O.G.
5972; De Santos vs. City of Manila, 45 Generally, a promise to do, or actually
SCRA 414) doing, what a party to a contract is
already under a legal obligation to do,
Under Article 1622 of the Civil Code, is not valid consideration to support a
Whenever a piece of urban land which promise of the other party to pay
is so small and so situated that a major additional compensation. In some
portion thereof cannot be used for any cases, the courts will find the existence
practical purpose within a reasonable of a rescission and the making of a
time, having been bought merely for new agreement.
speculation, is about to be re-sold, the
owner of any adjoining land has a Preference
right of pre-emption at a reasonable
price. The transfer of property by an
insolvent debtor to a creditor, the
If the re-sale has been perfected, the effect of which is to give the creditor a
owner of the adjoining land shall have larger share of the insolvent's estate if
a right of redemption, also at a he later becomes a bankrupt, than
reasonable price. other creditors of the same class.

When two or more owners of Preferred Area of Investment

adjoining lands wish to exercise the
rights of pre-emption or redemption, In Investment Incentives law: It is an
the owner whose intended use of the economic activity declared as such by
land in question appears best justified the Board of Investments.
shall be preferred.
In Omnibus Investments code:
Economic activities that the Board
Pre-Emptive Right shall have declared as such in
accordance with Article 30 of the Code
Section 39 of the Corporation Code which shall be either non-pioneer or
refers to the right of a stockholder of a pioneer.
stock corporation to subscribe to all
issues or disposition of shares of any The Board shall take into account all
class, in proportion to their respective the following criteria:
shareholdings. Majority Stockholders 1. Gaps between prospective demand
and existing supply and the additional

production capacities and must be to be paid the accumulated dividends
induced where such gaps exist; together with those due for that year,
2. Potential of such areas of before dividends shall be paid to
investments for creating new markets, holders of common shares.
both domestic and foreign, for
domestic suppliers of raw materials or Preferred Mortgage
for domes tic consumers of products;
3. Potential of such areas of In ship mortgage decree: A valid
investment for creating productive mortgage which, at the time it is
employment; made, includes the whole of any
4. Potential for earning foreign vessel of domestic ownership shall
exchange; have, in respect to such vessel and as
5. Ex tent to which investment in such of the date of record the preferred
areas will integrate existing status if:
production facilities; 1. The mortgage is recorded with the
6. Amounts of import substitution or Philippine Coast Guard;
of new exports such areas of 2. An affidavit of good faith is filled;
investment will promote; and
7. Amount of capital normally needed; 3. The mort gage does not stipulate
8. Nature of the risk, commercial or that the mortgagee waives the
otherwise; preferred status thereof.
9. Pro portion of the required capital,
raw materials and labor inputs of Benefits accorded a preferred
indigenous origin; mortgage: The preferred mortgage
10. Rate of profitability; lien shall have priority over all claims
11. Rate of return to the national against the vessel, except the
economy; following claims in the order stated:
12. Maintenance of competition; 1. Expenses and fees taxed by the
13. Comparative advantage they enjoy Court and taxes due to the
or could be made to enjoy; and government;
14. Such other criteria as the Board 2. Crew's wages;
may adopt. 3. General average;
4. Salvage, including contract salvage,
Preferred Cumulative Stock 5. Maritime liens arising prior to the
recording of the pre ferred mortgage;
In Corporation law: If the stipulated 6. Damages arising out of tort; and
dividend on preferred stock is not 7. Preferred mortgage registered prior
paid for any one year, it shall be to time.
added to the dividends which shall be
due the following year, and dollars of Preferred Non-Cumulative Stock
said preferred shares shall be entitled

In Corporation law: If dividends are Prejudicial Question
not given or declared in a given year,
the right to that dividend is Defined as that which arises in a case,
extinguished. the resolution of which is a logical
antecedent of the issue involved
therein, and the cognizance of which
Preferred Participating Stock pertains to another tribunal. Strategic
Alliance Development Corporation vs.
In Corporation law: After the Star Infrastructure Development
preferred dividend is paid; the holder Corporation, 647 SCRA 545 (2011)
of such shares again receives an equal
amount of what the holders of It is said to come into play when a
common shares get. However, the civil action and a criminal action are
term "participation" may be varied. both pending and there exists in the
Stock is participating only when the former case an issue which must be
Articles of Incorporation expressly so preemptively resolve before the latter
provide. case may proceed since the resolution
of the issue in the civil action is
Prejudice resolve would be determinative juris
et de jure of the guilt or innocence of
A state of mind in which a person the accused in the criminal case. Id.
entertains a judgment about an event,
the character of a person or the Two Essential Requisites:
validity of a proposition, without 1. The civil action involves an issue
examining the facts or hearing similar or intimately related to the
evidence. It is generally assumed that issue raised in the criminal action,
the judgment so entertained is and, 2. The resolution of such issue
unfavorable, so that the term determines whether or not the
''prejudicial'' generally means harmful criminal action may proceed
or detrimental.
Preliminary Attachment
In the phrase ''without prejudice'', the
words has its literal meaning of ''pre- A provisional remedy issued, upon an
judgment.'' It is used when a suit is order of the court where an action is
dismissed for formal or technical pending, to be levied upon the
reasons which do not prevent it from property or properties of the
being brought again. defendant therein, the same to be held
thereafter by the sheriff as security for
the satisfaction of whatever judgment
might be secured in said action by the
attaching creditor against the

defendant. Likewise it is settled in this injunction, be it mandatory or
jurisdiction that the effect of a writ of prohibitory, will issue:
Preliminary Attachment levied upon 1. The applicant must have a
the property or properties of the clear and unmistakable right to be
defendant is to create or impose protected, that is a right in esse;
thereon a lien in favor of the attaching 2. There is a material and
creditor in relation to the purpose for substantial invasion of such right;
which the writ was issued. (Militante 3. There is an urgent need for
vs. Edrosolano, 39 SCRA 473) the writ to prevent irreparable injury
to the applicant; and
Preliminary Examination 4. No other ordinary, speedy,
and adequate remedy exist to prevent
A previous inquiry or examination the infliction of irreparable injury
made before the arrest of the Thunder Security and Investigation
defendant by the Judge or officer Agency vs. National Food Authority
authorized to conduct the same with (Region I), 654 SCRA 714 (2011)
whom complaint or information has
been filed imputing the commission of Preliminary Investigation
an offense cognizable by the court of
first instance. Preliminary investigation is an
inquiry or proceeding for the purpose
The purpose of this examination is to of determining whether there is
determine whether there is a sufficient ground to engender a well-
reasonable ground to believe that an founded belief that a crime cognizable
offense has been committed and the by the Regional Trial Court has been
accused is probably guilty thereof so committed and that the respondent is
that a warrant of arrest may be issued probably guilty thereof, and should be
and the accused held for trial. held for trial. (Rule 112, Section 1, 1985
Rules on Criminal Procedure)
Preliminary Injunction
While the right to have a preliminary
A writ of preliminary investigation before the trial is
injunction is an extraordinary event statutory rather than constitutional, it
and is the strong arm of equity or a is a substantive right and a component
transcendent remedy. It is granted of due process in the administration of
only to protect actual and existing criminal justice. Ocampo vs Abando
substantial rights. Pahila-Garrido vs. 715 SCRA 673
Torogo, 655 SCRA 553 (2011)

The following requisites must

be proved before a writ of preliminary

Preliminary Mandatory Injunction shall have been annulled or dissolved,
if she marry before her delivery or
A preliminary mandatory before the expiration of the period of
injunction is more cautiously regarded three hundred and one day after the
than a mere prohibitive injunction legal separation. (Article 351, Revised
since, more than its function of Penal Code)
preserving the status quo between the
parties, it also commands the Elements :
performance of an act. Dela Rosa vs. Premature marriages are prohibited to
Heirs of Juan Valdez, 654 SCRA 467 prevent confusion in filiation of
(2011) paternity, inasmuch as the widow
might have conceived and become
Preliminary Prohibitory Injunction pregnant by her late husband. The
law, in fixing 301 days, admits the
One granted by the judgment which possibility that a woman may be
finally disposes of the injunction suit. pregnant for more than nine months
It forms a part of the judgment on the and that the birth of a child taking
merits, and it can be properly ordered place nine months after it was
only on the final judgment. conceived is not impossibility. A
Injunctions of this class are in no sense woman who became a widow on June
provisional remedies but are always, 29, 1985 and remarried on August 19,
and must be, final relief. In order to 1985 is guilty of contracting a
grant relief on the merits of the case premature marriage. However, where
by perpetual in junction it is not a the widow lived with her first
prerequisite that a temporary husband for 18 years and they had no
injunction should have been applied children, and later the husband was
for and granted. found by a doctor to be impotent, and
where five months after the death of
Premature Marriage said husband, the widow remarried
and became pregnant, she was
Any widow who shall marry within not guilty of contracting a premature
three hundred and one day from the marriage. She had no criminal intent.
date of the death of her husband, or
before having delivered if she shall Premeditacion Conocida
have been pregnant at the time of his
death, shall be punish by arresto Sp. Deliberate Premeditation.
mayor and a fine not exceeding 500
pesos. Premeditation

The same penalties shall be imposed It is the planning of an act before its
upon any woman whose marriage commission. It is an essential element

in the crime of murder in the first
degree. Prende Acte

Premier Fr. In Diplomatic parlance: Roughly,

to take note of: specifically to declare
A term commonly used instead of that one will avail one's self, should
Prime Minister. the necessity arise, of a declaration or
ad mission made by the other party,
Premises with out conceding that one is in any
way bound by that declaration.
It is the actual property itself which is
conveyed or leased; or which is Prepaid Stock
insured by a policy of insurance. It
almost always refers to lands and the In Corporation law: It has been fully
buildings on it, but is occasionally paid for before the same is issued.
used to designate some kind of
personal property, such as a vessel. Prepayment

Premium The delivery of the proper indemnity

required by law for the damage that
In Insurance law: The sum paid by the might be incurred by the serviette
insured to the insurer as the estate in the event the legal easement
consideration for insurance. It should is constituted. (Talisay-Silay Miiling
be paid to the insurer as soon as the Co,, Inc:. vs. CFI of Negros Occidental,
thing insured is exposed to the peril 42 SCRA 577)
insured against. (Sec. 77, Insurance

Premium Pudicitiae Preponderance of Evidence

Latin: Payment for chastity. Preponderance of evidence

means that the evidence adduced by
A term used to explain the one side is, as a whole, superior to or
''Morgenagabe,'' i.e., the gift given by has greater weight than that of the
the husband to the bride after the other. Aba vs. De Guzman, Jr., 662
wedding night. SCRA 361 (2011)

Premium Stock In determining whether or not there is

preponderance of evidence, the court
In Corporation law: That issued for may consider the following:
more than its par or issued value.

1. All the facts and circumstances of Prescription
the case;
2. The witnesses manner of testifying, Under the common law: The word
their intelligence, their means and ''prescription'' is generally used with
opportunity of knowing the facts to reference to the acquisition of a right
which they are testifying, the nature of by the lapse of time, It is said, for ex-
the facts to which they testify, the ample, under the common law, that
probability or improbability of their one may acquire a right to real
testimony; property or to an easement by
3. The witnesses interest or want of prescription" On the other hand, the
interest, and also their personal word "limitation" as applied to actions
credibility so far as the same may under the common law, has reference
ultimately appear in the trial; and to the time within which an action
4. The number of witnesses, although must be brought after the right of
it does not mean that preponderance action has accrued. Under the Civil
is necessarily with the greater number. Code, the word "prescription" is used
Id. to cover both these ideas.

Prescribe Kinds of prescription:

1. Acquisition of a right by the lapse of
To assert a claim based on possession time; known as acquisitive
or use for a definite period, or fron1 prescription, and
immemorial times. To outlaw or 2. The loss of a right of action by the
extinguish a right by usage which lapse of time, known as extinctive
contradicts it. prescription, or limitation of actions.

To determine prescription, what is

essential only is that the facts
demonstrating the lapse of the
Pre-proclamation Controversy prescriptive period were sufficiently
and satisfactorily apparent on the
Any question pertaining to or record either in the allegation of the
affecting the proceedings of the Board plaintiffs complaint, or otherwise
of Canvassers which may be raised by established by the evidence. Bank of
any candidate of political party or the Philippine Islands vs.
coalition of political parties before the Commissioner of Internal Revenue,
board or directly with the 729 SCRA 375 (2014)
Commission. (Section 50, Article XIII,
Batas Pambansa Big. 697.)

Prescription of the Crime 2. That the period of time prescribed
by law for its enforcement has
Generally, the prescriptive period elapsed.
shall commence to run on the day the
crime is committed. Presidential Ad Presentment
Hoc Fact-Finding Committee on
Behest Loans vs. Desierto, 648 SCRA In law of commercial paper: The
586 (2011) producing and offering of a negotiable
instrument to the maker, drawee or
In People v. Pacificador, 354 SCRA 311 acceptor at the proper time and place.
(2001), the rule is that in the Presentment is one of the conditions
interpretation of the law on necessary to fix the liability of an
prescription of crimes, that which is endorser or anyone secondarily liable.
more favorable to the accused is to be
adopted. Presidential Commission Presentment for Acceptence
on Good Government (PCGG) vs. In Negotiable Instruments law: The
Carpio-Morales, 740 SCRA 368 (2014) production of a bill of exchange to the
drawee for his acceptance. (Windham
There are two (2) reckoning points for Bank vs. Norton, 56 Am. Dec. 397)
the counting of the prescription of an Requisites:
offense: (1) the day of the commission 1. Must be made by or on behalf of
of the violation of the law; and (2) if the holder;
the day when the violation was 2. At a reason able hour on a business
committed be not known, then it shall day;
begin to run from the discovery of 3. Before the bill is overdue; and
said violation and the institution of 4. To the drawee or some person
judicial proceedings for investigation authorized to accept or refuse
and punishment. Id. acceptance on his be half. (Section 145,
Negotiable Instruments Law)
Prescription of the Penalties
Presentment for Payment
The loss or forfeiture of the right of
the Government to execute the final Presentment of payment is the
sentence after the lapse of a certain presentation of the instrument to the
time. person primarily liable for the
purpose of demanding and obtaining
Two conditions necessary in payment thereof. Hongkong and
prescription of penalty: Shanghai Banking Corporation
1. That there be final judgment; and Limited Philippine Branches vs.
Commissioner of Internal Revenue,
724 SCRA 299. (2014)

gifts are subject to final acceptance by
Presents the Philippine Government.''

In diplomatic parlance: The practice of ''Section 13. No officer or employee of

making presents to and conferring the Foreign Service shall receive any
decorations upon foreign diplomatic gift or remuneration of any value from
representatives on special occasions private persons in consideration of
was carried to extravagant limits two services rendered or to be rendered,
centuries ago when some royal by him in an official capacity.''
governments bestowed lavish sums of
money, valuable gifts and By Executive Order 7577 of March 19,
distinguished orders upon 1937 (U.S. Government) it is pro vided
ambassadors and minister of the that ''American diplomatic and
conclusion of treaties or at the consular officers are hereby prohibited
termination of their missions. The from accepting in any circumstances
custom grew to such evil proportions any present, decoration, medal, order,
that it had to be curbed. At present testimonial, or other thing that may be
governments do not follow this tendered to them by any foreign King,
practice anymore. Some governments prince, or foreign state.''
prohibit their diplomats abroad from
receiving such presents or decorations It is believed that this prohibition does
by law and regulation. not apply to inexpensive or token
presents. For instance, it is customary
For example, the Philippine Foreign in some capitals to give flowers on
Service Regulations contain the special occasions or in appreciation of
following provisions: hospitality from friends or officials. A
"Chapter III, Part G, Section 9: No diplomat may also give a colleague a
Chief of Mission, Principal Officer, specimen of an article in which his
Foreign Affairs Officer or any other country takes special pride. And there
officer or employee shall, without the could be no objection to a group of
consent of the Congress, accept any diplomats giving a departing
decoration, medal, honor, present, colleague of long standing a collective
emolument, office or title of any kind gift as a testimonial of their esteem for
what ever from any foreign state. him.
Chief of Mission and Principal
Officers may receive gifts to the Presents, These
Philippine Government, or to any of
its agencies, by the Government to The English translation of the term
which they are accredited, with the ''hae praesentes littirae, '' used in the
understanding however that such document of referring to itself.

Presidency Agrarian Reform (DAR) Secretary, by
his own authority as such, cannot
All executive and administrative plausibly do so, as the acceptance
organization are adjuncts of the and/or approval of the Stock
Executive Department. Angeles vs. Distribution Plan (SDP) sought to be
Gaite, 646 SCRA 309 (2011) taken back or undone is the act of
PARC whose official composition
View that a sitting president cannot be includes, no less, the President as
sued. This immunity exists during the chair, the DAR Secretary as vice-chair,
Presidents incumbency only. Imbong and at least eleven other department
vs. Ochoa, Jr., 721 SCRA 146 (2014) heads. Hacienda Luisita, Incorporated
vs. Presidential Agrarian Reform
President Council, 653 SCRA 154 (2011)

The official title of the head of state

and chief executive of the Republic of
the Philippines. (Section 1, Article VII, Presidential Elector
ew Constitution)
One of the persons chosen by popular
Presidential Agrarian Reform vote to cast a vote for president and
Council (PARC) vice-president.

The authority to approve the plan for Presidential Electoral Tribunal (PET)
stock distribution of the corporate
landowner belongs to presidential Under the doctrine of necessary
Agrarian Reform Council (PARC), and implication, the additional jurisdiction
the PARC also has the power to bestowed by the last paragraph of
revoke or recall an approved Stock Section 4, Article VII of the
Distribution Plan (SDP)- following the Constitution to decide presidential
doctrine of necessary implication, the and vice-presidential elections
conferment of express power to contests includes the means necessary
approve a plan for stock distribution to carry it into effect. Macalintal vs.
of the agricultural land of corporate Presidential Electoral Tribunal 651
owners necessarily includes the power SCRA 239 (2011)
to revoke or recall the approval of the
plan. Presidential Immunity

Only the Presidential Agrarian Settled is the doctrine that the

Reform Council (PARC) can effect the President, during his tenure of office
revocation of a Stock Distribution or actual incumbency, may not be
Option (SDO)- the Department of sued in any civil or criminal case, and

there is no need to provide for it in the handbills, radio and television as
Constitution or law- it will degrade instruments of mass communication
the dignity of the high office of the are likewise included. Freedom of
President, the Head of State, if he can press is guaranteed by Section 9,
be dragged into court litigation while Article IV of the New Constitution.
serving as such. Boac vs. Cadapan, 649
SCRA 618 (2011) Pressurized or Forced Draft Burning
Press Attache
In Fire law: Type of burner where the
Most embassies in major capitals fuel is subjected to pressure prior to
nowadays have officials known as discharge into the combustion
Press Attache. It is the function of the chamber and/or which includes fans
Press Attache to read, analyze and or other provisions for the
interpret the important articles in the introduction of air at above normal
local press especially those bearing on atmospheric pressure into the same
political subjects and to report thereon combustion chamber.
to the Chief of Mission whenever
warranted. Usually he is responsible
for the dissemination of information Presumed Negligence
about his country, and for the
correction of erroneous or derogatory It is such a firmly established
news stories unless it is deemed principle, as to have virtually formed
advisable to ignore them to avoid part of the law itself, that the
focusing public attention on them. He negligence of the employee gives rise
handles the press relations of the to the presumption of negligence on
ambassador, prepares press re leases, the part of the employer. This is the
and through prudent social contacts presumed negligence in the selection
tries to gather valuable information and supervision of the employee. The
from his opposite numbers in the theory of presumed negligence, in
diplomatic corps and the local contrast with the American doctrine of
journalists. respondent superior, where the
negligence of the employee is
Press, Freedom Of conclusively presumed to be the
negligence of the employer, is
The right to print and to publish clearly deducible from the last
without subjection to license paragraph of Article 2180 of the Civil
requirements or censorship. Code which provides that the
The press comprehends every sort of responsibility therein mentioned
publication; books, periodicals, shall cease if the employers prove
newspapers, pamphlets, leaflets, that they observed all the diligence of

a good father of a family to prevent which, by means of data founded
damages. (Poblete vs. Fabros, 93 upon common experience, natural
SCRA 200) reason draws from facts which are
proved; an inference is a per missive
Presumption deduction while a presumption is a
deduction directed to be drawn by
An inference which a judge is law.
required to draw from certain facts
which have been proved or admitted. Presumption of Causality
Except for a small number of
"conclusive" presumptions, all The claimant must not merely rely on
presumptions are prima facie. No the dispute presumption, but must be
evidence is necessary to establish able to present no less than substantial
them, but may be controverted by evidence to support her claim. Talosig
evidence which tends to disprove vs. United Philippine Lines, Inc., 731
them. In most jurisdictions a SCRA 180 (2014)
presumption is not itself evidence but
merely a justification for offering
none. Consequently, on appeal, the
upper will reverse a judgment if it is
supported only by a presumption and Presumption of Fact
if some evidence has been offered to
controvert the presumption. In a An inference which may properly be
minority of jurisdiction a presumption drawn from the evidence adduced at a
is treated as evidence, and a judgment trial.
based on it cannot be reversed, even if
no other evidence relying on the Presumption of fact is a deduction or
presumption. inference which reason or experience
draws from other facts proved.
A rule of law that attaches definite A presumption of fact is that mental
probative value to specific facts or process by which the existence of one
draws a particular inference as to the fact is inferred from proof of some
existence of one fact, not actually other fact or facts with which
known, arising from usual connection experience shows it is usually
with other particular facts which are associated by succession or co-
known or proved. existence.
A presumption of fact is that mental
It has also been said that a process by which the existence of one
presumption is a rule which the law fact is inferred from proof of some
makes upon a given state of facts, other fact or facts with which
while an inference is a conclusion experience shows it is usually

associated by succession or co- Presumption of Law
existence. It is inseparable from
inductive reasoning as an interference A legal conclusion which is drawn
of the unknown from proof of the from the proof of certain facts and
known. which may be conclusive or
Presumption of innocence Presumption ''juris'', is a deduction
which the law considers as established
The Constitution mandates that an from proven facts.
accused shall be presumed innocent until An inference which, in the absence of
the contrary is proven beyond reasonable
direct evidence on the subject, the law
doubt. Atienza vs. People, 716 SCRA 84;
People vs. Sabdula, 722 SCRA 90 [2014] requires to be drawn from the
existence of certain established facts. It
The weakness of the defense of the is an assumption made by the law that
accused, mere denial and frame up, a strong inference of fact is prima facie
cannot justify his conviction the correct, and will therefore sustain the
burden is always on the prosecution burden of evidence, until conflicting
to prove his guilt beyond reasonable facts on the point are shown.
doubt, and not on him to prove his
innocence. People vs Gatlabayan, 653
SCRA 803 (2011)

The Constitution mandates that an Presumption of Regularity

accused shall be presumed innocent
until the contrary is proven beyond The presumption of regularity in the
reasonable doubt. Atienza vs. People, performance of official duty obtains
716 SCRA 84; People vs. Sabdula. 722 only where nothing in the records is
SCRA 90 (2014 suggestive of the fact that the law
enforcers involved deviated from the
As a rule, an attorney enjoys the legal standard conduct of official duty as
presumption that he is innocent of the provided for in the law-otherwise,
charges against him until the contrary where the official act in question is
is proved; Considering the serious irregular on its face, an adverse
consequence of disbarment or presumption arises as a matter of
suspension of a member of the Bar, course. People vs. Lorena, 639 SCRA
the Supreme Court has consistently 139 (2011)
held that clear preponderant evidence
is necessary to justify the imposition The presumption of regularity in the
of administrative penalty. De Jesus vs. performance of official duty obtains
Risos-Vidal, 719 SCRA 376 (2014) only when there is no deviation from

the regular performance of duty. 3. That the compulsory heir omitted
People vs. Casabuena, 741 SCRA 80 survive the testator.

Presumptive Under Article 854 of the Civil Code,

the preterition or omission of one,
Referring to something that may be some, or all of the compulsory heirs in
inferred or presumed. the direct line, whether living at the
time of the execution of the will or
Presumptive Title born after the death of the testator,
shall annul the institution of heir; but
A title to land that may be inferred the devise and legacies shall be valid
from open possession and use. insofar as they are not inofficious.

If the omitted compulsory heirs

Pretended Right should die before the testator, the
institution shall be effectual, without
A claim of right in land against the prejudice to the right of
person in possession. representation.

Preterition Pretermission

The total omission of a compulsory The failure of a testator to mention

heir from the inheritance- it consists in any of his children; lineal (natural) or
the silence of the testator with regard adopted in his will. If any of his
to a compulsory heir, omitting him in children have predeceased him
the testament, either by not leaving issue, his failure to mention
mentioning him at all, or by not giving the issue is also pretermission. The
him anything in the hereditary pretermitted child or grandchild will
property but without expressly receive the share he would have had if
disinheriting him, even if he is his ancestor h & d died intestate.
mentioned in the will in the latter
case. Heirs of Policronio M. Ureta, Sr. Pretermit
vs. Heirs of Liberato M. Ureta, 657
SCRA 555 (2011) Fail mention a lineal heir in a will.

The requisites of preterition are as Pretium Affectionis

1. That there is a total omission, Latin: Price of affection.
2. That the person omitted is a
compulsory heir in the direct line. The value placed on something by
And some person who has a sentimental

desire to possess it, without regard to verdict is rendered and judgment
its monetary or economic value. entered.

Pre-Trial The prevailing party is that party to a

suit who successfully prosecutes the
A pre-trial order is not intended to be action or successfully defends against
a detailed catalogue of each and every it, prevailing on the main issue, even
issue that is to be taken during the though not to the extent of his original
trial, for it is unavoidable that there contention.
are issues that are impliedly included
among those listed or that may be To be the prevailing party does not
inferable from those listed by depend upon the degree of success at
necessary implication which are as different stages of suit, but whether, at
much integral parts of the pre-trial the end of the suit, or other
order as those expressly listed. proceeding, the party who has made a
Philippine Export and Foreign Loan claim against the other, has
Guarantee Corporation vs. successfully maintained it.
Amalgamated Management and There can be but one prevailing party
Development Corporation, 658 SCRA in action at law to recover a money
273 (2011) judgment, and though each party
wins as to some issues, and as to such
Pre-Trial Conference; Subjects: The issues prevails, the one in whose favor
pre-trial conference shall consider the the verdict compels a judgment, or
following: who in the end endures the most
(a)Plea bargaining; points, is the ''prevailing party or
(b)Stipulation of facts; winner.
(c)Marking for identification of
evidence of the parties; Prevarication
(d)Waiver of objections to
admissibility of evidence; and At Roman law: A feigned prosecution
(e)Such other matters as will pro mote by collusion with the person accused.
a fair and expeditious trial. The purpose was to exclude other
prosecutors, since any citizen could
Prevailing Party bring a criminal action in behalf of the
people; and then to prosecute in such
There can be but one prevailing party a way that an acquittal was inevitable.
where there is only a single plaintiff Prevarication was itself a criminal
and a single defendant. offense.

The prevailing party in any action is At the older common law: A collusion
one in whose favor the decision or between an informer and the defend

ant, in order to secure a discharge or Price Escalation
Price escalation, as explained in
Preventive Suspension paragraph 6 of C1 2.1 of the
implementing rules and regulation
Preventive suspension is merely a (IRR), is meant to compensate for
preventive measure, a preliminary changes in the price of relevant
step in an administrative construction necessities during the
investigation. Office of the Deputy effectivity of the contract, resulting in
Ombudsman for Luzon vs Francisco, more than 5% increase or decrease in
Sr., 662 SCRA 439 (2011) the unit price of those items.
Philippine Economic Zone Authority
Preventive suspension is a measure vs. Green Asia Construction &
allowed by law and afforded to the Development Corporation, 659 SCRA
employer if an employees continued 756 (2011)
employment poses a serious and
imminent threat to the employers life Price Money
or property or of his coworkers. Bluer
Than Blue Joint Ventures That which consists of a certain
Company/Mary Ann Dela Vega vs. portion of the bets or wager funds
Esteban, 720 SCRA 765 (2014) placed by the betting public, does not
belong to the club. It is merely held in
The preventive suspension order is trust for distribution as prizes to the
interlocutory in character and not a owners of winning horses. It is
final order on the merits of the case. destined for no other object than the
Office of the Ombudsman vs. payment of prizes and the club cannot
Capulong, 719 SCRA 209 (2014) otherwise appropriate this portion
without incur ring the liability to the
Previous owners of winning horses. It cannot be
considered as an item of expense
The word "previous" in Section 9(c) of because the sum used for the payment
the Probation Law relates to the date of prizes is not taken from the funds
of conviction, not to the date of the of the club but from a certain portion
com mission of the crime. (Rura vs. of the total bets especially earmarked
Lopena, 137 SCRA 121.) for that purpose. (Manila Jockey Club,
Inc. vs. Philip pine Jockeys Union,
Price CA-G.R. No. 33037-R, February 4,
The consideration in money paid or
agreed to be paid by the purchaser of They (i.e. the money) are, of course,
personality less commonly -of realty. moneys received by the racing track;

but they are moneys earmarked by evidence, but which may be disproved
law or regulations for horse owners or rebutted by other evidence.
and jockeys, and do not for a single
minute, become the property of the A prima facie case is one which is
racetrack. (Commissioner of Internal supported by sufficient evidence and
Revenue vs. Manila Jockey Club, Inc., will support a finding in the absence
L-13890 and L-13887, June 30, 1960) of evidence to controvert it.
Evidence sufficiently strong to be
Priest accepted unless either rebutted or
A person of the Angelican, Roman
Catholic or Greek Catholic Church Prima Facie Evidence
and Aglipay Church who has taken
orders of a higher degree than deacon. The term ''prima facie evidence''
In the Roman Catholic Church, denotes evidence which, if
ordination as a priest is a sacrament. unexplained or uncontradicted, is
sufficient to sustain the preposition it
Primae Impressionis supports or to establish the facts, or to
counterbalance the presumption of
Latin: of first impression. innocence to warrant conviction.
(Salonga vs. Pafio, 134 SCRA 438)
Primae Noctis, Jus

Latin: Right of the first night.

The right asserted of the medieval
Lord to spend the first night with the First in importance or in time, as
newly married wife of his vassal. contrasted with secondary. As applied
to rights or obligations, it denotes
Prima Facie those which may be enforced in the
first instance, before resort is had to
Latin: At first view; on the face of it. secondary rights. The term is used
The inference drawn about a thing by particularly in the law of surety ship
mere observance of it, or about an and in that of commercial paper.
event by knowledge of its occurrence,
without further investigation in either In the case of public and private
case. duties, "primary" refers to those duties
which must be first performed, even if
A presumption of fact, which will be less important duties are neglected.
accepted as evidence or in lieu of

In the law of evidence: The term refers
to the best evidence which could
prove a fact; again as contrasted with Principal
The sum of money loaned for which
As applied to elections: The term periodic interest is due.
refers to the selection by qualified
voters of candidates who will be voted In the law of agency: The person who
on at a general election. grants authority to a person, called an
agent, to make contracts or enter into
Primary Evidence transactions, which the principal may
enforce and on which he will be liable.
The best evidence which could prove
a fact; as contrasted with secondary. In the law of surety: A person who is
primarily liable to a creditor, but who
Primary Jurisdiction, Doctrine of incurs that liability jointly with a third
person, the surety.
The doctrine of primary jurisdiction,
courts must refrain from determining In Criminal law: The actual
a controversy involving a question perpetrator of a crime as
which is within the jurisdiction of the distinguished from his accomplice
administrative tribunal prior to its and his accessories.
resolution by the latter, where the
question demands the exercise of One who took direct part in the
sound administrative discretion commission of the crime, or indirectly
requiring the special knowledge, forced or induced others to commit it
experience and services of the or cooperated in its commission by
administrative tribunal to determine some indispensable act.
technical and intricate matters of fact.
Bagunu vs. Aggabao, 655 SCRA 413 Principally
As used in Article 364 of the Civil
Primary Radar Code: Not equivalent to "exclusively"
so that there is no legal obstacle if a
A radio detention system based on the legitimate or legitimated child should
comparison of reference signals with choose to use the surname of its
radio signals from the position to be mother to which it is equally entitled.
determined. (Article 1, Section 2, (Duterte vs. Republic, 97 SCRA 858)
Radio Regulations.)
Principal Conditions

The term principal conditions in

Article 1291 of the Civil Code should be In code of commerce: When it cannot
construed to include a change in the be determined which of the two
period to comply with the obligation, vessels has caused the collision, both
which change in the period would only be shall be solidarity liable for the
a partial novation, since the period
damages occasioned to their cargoes.
merely affects the performance, not the
creation of the obligation. Ong vs.
Bogalbal, 501 SCRA 490 [2006] Principle of Interpretation

Principal Office of the Corporation In case of doubt, all labor legislations

In Corporation law: The place where and all labor contracts shall be
the books of the corporation are kept, construed in favor of the safety and
where its officers usually and decent living for the laborers. (Article
ordinarily meet for the purpose of 1702, Civil Code)
managing the affairs and transacting
the business of the corporation. The Prior Applicant Rule
location of the principal office is
important in determining the courts in In Public Service law: Priority in the
which the corporation is liable to suit filing of the application for a certificate
and so forth. of public convenience is, other
conditions being equal, an important
Principle factor in determining the rights of the
public service companies; but, if other
A statement of a rule of law of great conditions are not equal, such priority
generality, and one that is accepted is not ordinarily of sufficient
among lawyers as basic, so that any importance to control the granting of a
less general rule or any specific certificate of public convenience
decision which contradicts it, would (Batangas Transportation Company
be either obviously wrong or vs. Orianes, 52 Phil. 455; Litimco vs.
justifiable only by extremely La Mallorca, Inc., 5 SCRA 43)
exceptional circumstances. Whether a
general statement is a principle which Priority
may not be questioned or
contradicted, or a rule which may The right to be paid or to have an
hold for one class of cases and not for obligation satisfied, before some other
another, is often a matter of person is paid or has his obligation
controversy, and will be determined satisfied. Creditors have priority over
by valuations that will change with legatees in the distribution of a
time and place. decedent's estate. Secured creditors
have priority over general creditors in
Principle of Inscrutable Fault the distribution of a bankrupt's estate,
and, among general creditors some

are given by statute priority over The old operator rule must promptly
others. Among lien-holders, priority is offer to meet the increased demand
usually given them the order in which before another operator offers to
the lien attaches. render the additional service.
(Raymundo Transportation Co. vs.
Prior Judgment Cerda, 99 Phil. 99)

A prior judgment to constitute a bar to Prior restraint (censorship)

a subsequent case, the following
requisites must concur: View that by allowing the
1. It must be a final judgment; government to electronically search
without warrant and administratively
2. It must have been rendered by a
censor all categories of speech,
Court having jurisdiction over the specifically speech which is non-
subject matter and over the parties; pornographic, not commercially
3. It must be a judgment on the merits; misleading and not a danger to national
and security, which cannot be subjected to
4. There must be, between the first and censorship or prior restraint, Section 19 is
the second actions, identities, identity unquestionably repugnant to the
of subject matter and identity of guarantees of free speech, free
action. (Mendoza vs. Arrieta, 91 SCRA expression and free press and the rights
to privacy of communication and against
unreasonable searches and seizures.
Disini vs. Secretary of Justice, 716 SCRA
Prior Operator Rule 237 [2014]

In Public Service law: Before permit View that prior restraint is defined as
ting a new operator to invade the the official governmental restriction
territory of another already on the press or other forms of
established with a certificate of public expression in advance of actual
convenience, the prior operator must publication or dissemination. GMA
first be given opportunity to extend its Network, Inc. vs. Commission on
service in order to meet the public Election, 734 SCRA 88 (2014)
needs in the matter of transportation.
(Javier vs. Orlanes, 53 Phil. 468; Prision Correccional
Darang vs. Salamida, 105 Phil. 1316)
However, the prior operator rule Duration of penalty from six months
cannot take precedence over the and one day to six years. (Article 27,
convenience of the public. (Intestate Revised Penal Code)
Estate of Tiongson vs. Public Service
Commission, 36 SCRA 241) Prision Mayor

Duration of penalty from six years the power of the hostile government,
and one day to twelve years. (Article but not in that of the individuals or
27, Revised Penal Code) corps who capture them. They must
be humanely treated. All their
Prision Perpetua personal belongings, exceptions,
horses, and military papers remain
Life imprisonment. their property.

Prison Prison Labor

It is a place where persons are kept in Labor which is carried on by convicts,

custody pending trial or confined as and which may be imposed as
punishment after conviction. punisment.

Prisoner Prins Tempore, Portior Jure

In a broad sense: A prisoner is any Latin: First in time, stronger in right.

person unlawfully restrained of his
liberty or unlawfully detained from Privacy, Right to
his proper custody; any person who is
being held in confinement against his The right of privacy has been
will; a captive detained in some place accorded recognition as a facet of the
of confinement. (People vs. Liong, 47 right protected by the guarantee
O.G. 1321) against unreasonable search and
seizure under Section 2, Article III of
In a narrower and more technical the 1987 Constitution. Pollo vs
sense: A prisoner is a person deprived Constantino-David, 659 SCRA 189
of his liberty by virtue of a judicial or
other lawful process; a person The right to privacy, or the right to be
commit ted to prison; one that is let alone, was institutional in the 1987
confined in prison on an action or Constitution as a facet of the right
upon commandment. (Id.) protected by the guarantee against
A person confined to a prison by ureasonable searches and seizures.
judicial process. Disini, Jr. vs. Secretary of Justice, 716
SCRA 237 (2014)
Prisoners of War, Treatment of
In International law: Article 4 of the
Hague Regulations Respecting the That which affects or relates to private
Laws and Customs of War on Land persons, as distinguished from that
pro vides that prisoners of war are in which affects the public in general.

Section 20, Rule 132 of the rules of
Private Alley court provides that proof of private
document. Before any private
An alley which is not dedicated to the document offered as authentic is
public use and to which the general received in evidence, its due execution
public is denied access or which is set and authenticity must be proved
apart for some particular purpose. either: (a) By anyone who saw the
(City of Manila vs. Entote, 57 SCRA document executed or written; or (b)
497) By evidence of the genuineness of the
signature or handwriting of the
Private Carriers maker.

One engaged in the business of Any other private document need

transporting goods by land, through only be identified as that which it is
its trucking service, is a common claimed to be.
carrier, as distinguished from a
private carrier wherein the carriage is Private Enemy Vessels,
generally undertaken by special Appropriation of
agreement and it does not hold itself
out to carry goods for the general In international law: It had been the
public. Loadmaster Customs Services, old rule dating as far back as the
Inc. vs. Glodel Brokerage Corp., 639 Middle Ages that private vessels and
SCRA 69 (2011) private enemy goods thereon may be
seized and appropriated. Since the
Private Communication Declaration of Paris of 1856 did not
revoke this rule it would seem that it
A communication made by any is still valid although there has been
person to another in the performance much agitation for its abolition.
of any legal, moral or social duty. (Art
354, Revised Penal Code) However, under Article 4 of
Convention XI of the Second Hague
Private Documents Conference this rule does not extend
to vessels with a religious, scientific or
Every deed or instrument executed by philanthropic mission.
a private person, without the
intervention of a public notary or Private International Law
other person legally authorized, by
which document of some disposition The so-called private international law
or agreement is proved, evidenced or is the best of rules which are observed
set forth. in deciding cases where there is a
conflict between the municipal laws of

two or more States involving private relation to lands and tenements but
rights. It is therefore not international also to persons.
law in the true sense of the word. A
more apt term for it is conflict of laws. As distinguished from public
However, when some of these rules nuisance: The difference between
are embodied in a treaty they assume public and private nuisances is that a
the character of rules of conventional public nuisance affects the public at
inter national law, e.g., the Geneva large, and a private nuisance, the
Convention on Bills of Exchange. individual or a limited number of
individuals only. The test is not the
That part of the law of each state number of persons annoyed, but the
which determines whether in dealing possibility of annoyance to the public
with a factual situation involving a by the invasion of its rights- the fact
foreign element, the law of some state that it is in a public place and
will be recognized. The foreign annoying to all who come within its
element may appear in simple or sphere.
complex form.
Private Placement
Private Law
In Securities Act: An issue that is
That branch of the law which is con offered to a single or a few investors
cerned with the legal relations as opposed to being publicly offered.
between private individuals, as Private placements do not have to be
distinct from public law. registered with the Securities and
Exchange Commission.

Private practice of law

Private Nuisance Essentially, the term private

practice of law implies that one must
have presented himself to be in the active
One which violates only private rights and continued practice of the legal
and produces damages to but one or a profession and that his professional
few persons. While in some cases a services are available to the public for a
private nuisance has been said to exist compensation, as a source of his
only where one is injured in relation livelihood or in consideration of said
to a right which he enjoys by reason of services. Busilac Builders vs. Aguilar, 504
his ownership of an interest in land, SCRA 585 [2006]
still many cases have extended the
scope of a private nuisance as to Private Servant
include only annoyance not only in

In diplomatic parlance: A person who
is in the domestic service of a member Rules on privileged communications:
of the diplomatic mission and who is Tied up with the existence of malice
not an employee of the sending State. are the so-called privileged matters,
such as
Private Wharf 1. Privileged communications,
2. Fair and true report of official
One whose owner or lessee has proceedings,
exclusive enjoyment or use thereof. 3. Fair comment by newspapers and
(Aboitiz Shipping Corporation vs. 4. Criticisms of the actuations of
City of Cebu, 13 SCRA 449) public officials. These matters, though
libelous, are not actionable because
their authors are supposed to have
Privies acted without malice and with good
motive and justifiable end. Malice
Persons who are mutually interested being lacking, there is no libel. It
in a thing because of their relations to should be noted that libelous remarks
each other, but not including persons made maliciously in connection with
who have contracted together. privileged matters are actionable.
(Article 362, Revised Penal Code)
Privilege from Arrest
A benefit or immunity conferred by
law on a person or group of persons. In Civil cases: Ambassadors, public
In Local Tax law: A right or immunity ministers and their servants are
granted as a peculiar benefit, privileged from arrest. So are
advantage or favor. members of National Assembly,
witnesses and parties to suit, and bail
Privileged Communication, Doctrine while going to, returning from and
of remaining about the business in which
they are engaged; barristers and
The concept of privileged attorneys while engaged in the
communication is implicit in the business of the court; clergymen while
constitutionally protected freedom of going to church, performing service
the press, which would be threatened and returning.
when criminal suits are
unscrupulously leveled by persons Privilege Tax
wishing to silence the media on
account of unfounded claims of A tax levied on any business or
inaccuracies in news reports. Yambot occupation. (Section 178, National
vs. Tuquero, 646 SCRA 249 (2011) Internal Revenue Code)

adjudicated by special courts set up
Privity for that purpose, called Prize Courts.

Relationship between persons who are Prize Court

participants in a transaction by
knowledge or interest, or are In International law: An admiralty
successively interested in property, as court which has jurisdiction over
occupants or owners. Privity thus prizes- that is, ships and cargoes
exists between a testator and executor, carried therein which are the lawful
bankrupt and trustee, etc. object of seizure-captured in time of
war. Prize courts are municipal courts
Privity of Contract al though in most countries they may
to a limited extent apply international
The general requirement that a per law. At Hague Conference of 1907 an
son who sues upon a contract must be at tempt was made to establish a
the promisee or must have some legal special universal court for the
interest in the undertaking. There are settlement of prize cases, the
some exceptions to the rule: (a) Where International Prize Court which was
assets come into the promisor's hands to be an international court of appeal
which is equity belong to a third per superior to national prize courts. The
son; (b) where the plaintiff is the object was agreed on by the
beneficiary solely interested in the Conference in its 12th convention but
promise, the convention was never ratified.
If the capture of a private enemy
I.e. where the contract is for the vessel or private enemy goods is con
benefit of the third party beneficiary. firmed by a Prize Court they become
the property of the belligerent whose
forces made the capture.
In International law: The general term
applied to captures of ships and their Latin: For; on account of; by way of;
cargo made at sea in time of war. The according to; in place of.
rights of the parties concerned in the
capture and the disposition of private Probable Cause
vessels or goods are determined by
the national prize court. Personal Knowledge of facts must be
based on probable cause, which
Property captured from the enemy at means an actual belief or reasonable
sea. Claims in regard to prize are grounds of suspicion; A reasonable
suspicion must be founded on

probable cause, coupled with good either of special courts, or of courts of
faith on the part of the peace officers general jurisdiction.
making the arrest. People vs. Uyboco,
640 SCRA 146 (2011) To prove a written instrument as a
deceased person's will and testament.
Probable cause is defined as such facts The act or process of proving a will by
as are sufficient to engender a well- a court having competent jurisdiction.
founded belief that a crime has been
committed, and that the persons being Probate Court
charged are probably guilty thereof.
Araullo vs. Office of the Ombudsman, The jurisdiction of a probate court
731 SCRA 34 (2014) extends to matters incidental or
collateral to the settlement and
Probable Cause for Search distribution of the estate, such as the
determination of the status of each
Such facts and circumstances which heir and whether the property in the
would lead a reasonable discreet and inventory is conjugal or exclusive
prudent man to believe that an offense property of the deceased spouse.
has been committed and that the Agtarap vs. Agtarap, 651 SCRA 455
objects sought in connection with the (2011)
offense are in the place sought to be
searched. (Burgos, Sr. vs. Chief of Probate court having jurisdiction over
Staff, Armed Forced of the properties under administration has
Philippines, 133 SCRA 800) the authority not only to approve any
disposition or conveyance, but also to
Probable Debts annul an unauthorized sale by the
prospective heirs or administrator.
In Insolvency law: (1) All debts and Silverio, Sr. vs Silverio, Jr., 733 SCRA
payable from the debtor at the time of 183 (2014)
the adjudication of insolvency; and (2)
All debts then existing but not payable Probate Proceedings
until a future time.
The appointment of a special
administrator is an interlocutory or
preliminary order to the main case for
Probate the grant of letters of administration in
a testate or intestate proceeding.
The acceptance of a document as the Manungas vs. Loreto, 655 SCRA 734
last will and testament of a deceased (2011)
person. It is the subject of jurisdiction

Formerly, Act. No. 3221, the Probation
An order placing defendant on Law, was declared unconstitutional in
''probation" is not a "sentence" but is People vs. Vera, 65 Phil. 56.
rather in effect as suspension of the
imposition of sentence. It is not a final Probation Officer
judgment but is rather an
''interlocutory judgment'' in the nature One who investigates for the court a
of a conditional order placing the referred for probation or supervises a
convicted defendant under the probationer or both. (Section 3(c),
supervision of the court for his Presidential Decree No. 968)
reformation, to be allowed by a final
judgment of discharge, if the Probation Law
conditions of the probation are
complied with, or by a final judgment The Probation Law, said the court in
of sentence if the conditions are Francisco, requires that an accused
violated. (Baclayon vs. Mutia, 129 must not have appealed his conviction
SCRA 148.) before he can avail himself of
probation. Colinares vs. People, 662
View that probation is special SCRA 266 (2011)
privilege granted by the state to
penitent, qualified offenders who Probationary Employees
immediately admit to their liability
and thus renounce the right to appeal. A probationary employee, like regular
Disini, Jr. vs. Secretary of Justice, 716 employee, enjoys security of tenure;
SCRA 237 (2014) Grounds for termination on the
services of an employee engaged on
Probationer probationary basis. Robinson
Galleria/Robinsons Supermarket
One who is on trial or probation. Corporation vs. Ranches, 640 SCRA
The practice under special statutes in 135 (2011)
Great Britain, the United States and
lately in the Philippines, of releasing There are two grounds to legally
first offenders who have been terminate a probationary employee, it
convicted of a crime, with special may be done either:
regulations of reporting and 1. For a just cause; or
investigation, so as to ensure their 2. When the employee fails to
good behavior. Violation of probation qualify as a regular employee in
rules may result in a rearrests and accordance with reasonable standards
sentence on the original charge. made known by the employer to the
employee at the start of the
employment. Hacienda Primera

Development Corporation vs.
Villegas, 647 SCRA 536 (2011) Elements of: (1) The civil case involves
facts intimately related to those upon
A probationary employee is one who which the criminal prosecution would
is on trial by the employer during be based; (2) in the resolution of the
which the employer determines issue or issues raised in the civil
whether or not said employee is action, the guilt or innocence of the
qualified for permanent employment. accused would necessarily be
Universidad de Sta. Isabel vs. determined; and (3) jurisdiction to try
Sambajon, Jr., 720 SCRA 486 (2014) said question must be lodged in
another tribunal. (Prado vs. People,
Probe 133 SCRA 602.)

An inquiry or investigation into

irregularities by public officials or Procedural Rules and Technicalities
others. Probes are frequently
instituted by department head or by Procedural rules should be liberally
special committee chosen for that construed in order to promote their
purpose by the legislative. To conduct objective and assist the parties in
such an inquiry. obtaining just, speedy and
inexpensive determination of every
Pro Bono Publico action or proceeding. F.A.T. Kee
Computer Systems, Inc. vs. Online
Latin: For the public good; for the Networks International, Inc., 641
general welfare. SCRA 390 (2011)

Procedural Due Process The Supreme Court has ruled that

technical rules of procedures should
The essence of procedural due process be used to promote, not frustrate the
is expressed in the immortal cry of cause of justice. Crisologo vs. JEWM
Themistocles to Eurybiades: ''Strike, Agro-Industrial Corporation, 717
but hear me first.'' In more familiar SCRA 644 (2014)
words the justice that procedural due
process guarantees, to repeat, with Procedural laws have retroactive
Daniel Webster, is the one which application. Light Rail Transit
hears before it condemns, which Authority vs. Salvana, 726 SCRA 141.
proceeds upon inquiry and renders (2014)
judgment only after trial.''
Rules of procedure are established to
secure substantial justice, and that
Procedural Question technical requirements may be

dispensed with in meritorious cases. One of equivocal import, and of great
Barcelona vs. Lim, 724 SCRA 433 generality. It does not necessarily
(2014) mean money, its meaning in each case
depending very much upon the
Procedure connection in which it is employed
and the subject matter to which it is
Procedure is generally accepted as applied. Strictly speaking, it implies
embracing both pleading and practice something that arises out of or from
and it also includes evidence. (Tiglao another thing, and in its ordinary
vs. Commission on Elections, 34 SCRA acceptation, when ap plied to the
456) income to be derived from real estate.
it embraces the idea of issues, rents,
Proceeding profits, or produce. In a commercial
sense it means the sum, amount, or
The form in which actions are to be value of goods or things and
brought and defended, the manner of converted into money. (Consolidated
intervening in suits, of conducting Mines. Inc. vs. Court of Tax Appeals,
them, the mode of deciding them, of 58 SCRA 618)
opposing judgments and of executing.
(Companie Des Messageries Process
Maritemes vs. Court of Appeals, 99
SCRA 644) The means used by a court to compel
obedience to its mandates, as to
The alternative phrase ''or such compel the defendant's appearance, as
proceeding was taken,'' employed in to attach or levy upon the defendant's
Section 3, Rule 38 of both the old and property, etc.
new Rules, on the entry of judgment,
means other proceedings which are Original process is used to compel the
not to be "entered." In such a case, the defendant to submit to the court's
period must have to commence from jurisdiction.
the date of occurrence because entry is
either unnecessary or inconsequential. Processing
One good example of a ''proceeding''
is a writ of execution. And so is an In omnibus investments code:
order approving a compromise Converting of raw materials into
agreement which right then and there marketable form through physical,
writes finis to the controversy. (Dirige mechanical, chemical, electrical,
vs. Biranya, 17 SCRA 840) biochemical, biological or other means
or by a special treatment or a series of
Proceeds actions, such as slaughtering, milling,
pasteurizing, drying, or desiccating,

quick freezing, that results in a change Fr. Next friend.
in the nature or state of the products.
Merely packing or packaging shall not Proclamation
constitute processing.
A public notice made by the
Processing Tax president, governor or mayor.

A tax upon persons who process Pro Confesso

agricultural commodities.
Latin: As confessed.
Process Servers
In Equity: A decree taken where the
As a process server, it is the duty of defendant is in default in appearing or
respondent to ensure that court answering.
notices are promptly served upon the
parties. Santiago, Jr. vs Camangyan, Proctor
657 SCRA 472 (2011)
An attorney who is admitted to
The duty of a process server is vital to practice in a court of probate or
the machinery of the justice system. admiralty, or in an ecclesiastical court.
His primary duty is to serve court
notices, which precisely requires Procuration
utmost care on his part by seeing to it
that all notices assigned to him are A power or authority given in writing;
duly served upon the parties. Tan vs. as a power of attorney.
Azcueta, 739 SCRA 1 (2014)
Process Verbal
A proctor. One who holds a
Fr. An authenticated official procuration.
In diplomatic parlance: The formal Prodest
record of the proceedings of a
conference or congress, for which Latin: Every innovation occasions
sometimes the term ''protocol'' is used more than harm by its novelty than
inappropriately in the view of the benefit by its utility.
Producing Patented Mineral Claims

Prochein Ami

Claims producing mineral for The profert is considered equivalent to
commercial purposes. (Section 18, attaching a copy to the pleading.
Presidential Decree No. 464.)
Profert in Curia
Latin: He produces in court.
A substance produced from another
substance. (Philippine Manufacturing Profession
Company vs. Meer, 76 Phil. 436)
A calling which requires the passing
Production Cost of an appropriate government board
or bar examination, such as the
In omnibus investments code: The practice of law, medicine, public
total of the cost of direct labor, raw accountancy, engineering, etc. (Section
materials, and manufacturing 3 (e-1), Local Tax Code)
overhead determined in accordance
with generally accepted accounting Professional Driver
principles, which are incurred in
manufacturing or processing the Every and any driver hired or paid for
products of a registered enterprise. driving or operating a motor vehicle,
whether for private use or for hire to
Pro Falso Clamore Suo the public. Any person driving his
own motor vehicle for hire is a
Latin: By reason of his false claim; professional driver. (Article II, Section
because of which the plaintiff was 3[e], Land Transportation and Traffic
amerced. Code.)

Profanity Professional Employee

Cursing, swearing. Any employee who is engaged in

work predominantly intellectual and
Profanity may constitute a punishable varied in character, and requires the
offense. consistent exercise of discretion and
judgment in its performance, and is of
Profert such a character that the output
produced or the result accomplished
An offer to produce or production of a cannot be standardized in relation to a
written instrument, as a deed, in given period of time, and whose hours
court. The offer may be made in the of work of the same nature as that
pleading or on the trial of the action. performed by non-exempt employees
do not exceed twenty percent of the

hours worked in the work week by gross re turns does not constitute a
the non-exempt employees, except partnership, for the essential element
where such work is necessarily in a partnership is an agreement to
incident to work of a professional share profits as such. A participation
nature; and which requires, first, in commission has been held to be
knowledge of an advanced type in a such a participation in profits as to
field of science or learning make the parties sharing the
customarily acquired by a prolonged commissions partners, and
course or specialized intellectual commissions received are not
instruction and study, or second, frequently accounted as profits.
predominantly origin al and creative
in character in a recognized field of
artistic endeavor. (National Profit a Prende
Waterworks & Sewerage Authority vs.
NWSA Consolidated Union, 11 SCRA Fr. The right to take the fruits of the
766) land.

Professional Reinsurer The right to take produce of land,

minerals, timber, etc., where the land
In Insurance law: Any person, belongs to another.
partnership, association or
corporation that transacts solely and Pro Forma
exclusively reinsurance business in
the Philippines. Latin: For form's sake; as a matter of
Pro Forma Motion
To offer or propose.
A motion for reconsideration is pro
Profit forma when it does not specify the
findings or conclusions in the
Gain, as the difference between the judgment which are not supported by
cost of goods and the selling price evidence or which are contrary to law,
when the latter exceeds the former. making express reference to the
Excess of returns over expenditures pertinent evidence or legal provisions,
from a transaction or business. A as expressly required in the third
division of gross returns, though it paragraph of Section 2, Rule 37 of the
may include a division of profits, is Rules of Court. (Cruz vs. Villaluz, 88
nevertheless not a division of profits SCRA 506)
as such. Hence, it has been held that
a pure, simple agreement to share

Prohibition Pro Interesse Suo

The function of prohibition is to Latin: According to his own interest.

prevent the unlawful and oppressive
exercise of legal authority and to Project Employees
provide for a fair and orderly
administration of justice. Yusay vs The litmus test to determine whether
Court of Appeals, 647 SCRA 269 an individual is a project employee
(2011) lies in setting a fixed period of
employment involving a specific
A writ of prohibition only lies against undertaking which completion or
the tribunal, corporation, board, termination has been determined at
officer or persons exercise of judicial, the time of the particular employees
quasi-judicial or ministerial function. engagement. Leyte Geothermal Power
Kalipunan ng Damayang Mahihirap, Progressive Employees Union-ALU-
Inc. vs. Robredo, 730 SCRA 322. (2014) TUCP vs. Philippine National Oil
Company-Energy Development
Prohibitory Injunction Corporation, 646 SCRA 658 (2011)

Prohibitory, sometimes called A project employment contemplates

preventive, injunction is one that on arrangement whereby the
operates to restrain commission or employment has been fixed for a
continuance, of an act, and to prevent specific project or undertaking whose
threatened injury. It commands a completion or termination has been
person to refrain from doing an act. determined at the time of the
Kinds of prohibitory injunction: engagement of the employee.
Prohibitory injunction may be Universal Robina Sugar Milling
classified into (a) preliminary Corporation vs. Acibo, 713 SCRA 596
injunction and (b) final injunction. (2014)

Pro Hoc Vice Projecting Sign

Latin: For this occasion. A sign fastened to, suspended from or

supported on a building or structure
Pro Indiviso the display surface of which is
perpendicular from the wall surface or
Latin: As undivided. Referring to is at an angle therefrom.
lands held in common or jointly.

The killing by a parent of offspring; An estoppel may arise from the
e.g., infanticide. making of a promise, even though
without consideration, if it was
intended that the promise should be
Prolixity relied upon, and if a refusal to enforce
it would be virtually to sanction the
In pleading: The allegation of perpetration of fraud or would result
superfluous facts. in other injustice. (Ramos vs. Central
Bank, 41 SCRA 565)
Promissory Note
One to whom a promise is made.
An agreement or declaration that an In Negotiable Instruments law: A
act will be performed. negotiable promissory note is an un
conditional promise in writing by one
Promise of Marriage person to another, signed by the
maker, engaging to pay on demand,
A promise to marry may be inferred or at a fixed or determinable future
from and proven by showing the time, a sum certain in money, to order
conduct of the party and general or to bearer. Where a note is drawn to
circumstances which usually attend a the maker's own order, it is not
marriage engagement, such as complete until indorsed by him.
writing, understanding among friends
and relations, and preparations for A written unconditional promise to
marriage. If the offer is by letter by pay a definite sum of money on
one at a distance, it will be presumed demand or on a specified or
to continue for a reasonable time for determinable date. The person making
the other party's consideration, and if the note is the maker and it is payable
accepted within a reasonable time and to a named per son (the payee), to his
before it is revoked the contract is order, or to bearer.
completed. If made, however, and
both parties do not treat the contract Promissory Representation
as continuing it will be considered to
be abandoned by mutual consent. In Insurance law: A promise to be
performed after the contract has come
Promisor into existence, or a statement by the
in sured, concerning what is to
One who makes a promise. happen during the term of insurance.

Promissory Estoppel Promissory Warranty

In Insurance law: One in which the and usually accompanied by an
insured undertakes that something increase in salary. (Sta. Maria vs.
shall be done or omitted after the Lopez, 31 SCRA 637)
policy takes effect and during its
continuance. It is of an executory
character and is in the nature of a Promotion Share
condition subsequent.
In Corporation law: As to mining
Promoter company, it refers to such stock as is
issued to those who originally own
One who undertakes to organize a the mining ground or valuable right
corporation. Promoters may enter into connected therewith, in consideration
contracts before the corporation is to their deeding the same to the
organized and often have the mining company, when the company
corporation subsequently assume is incorporated.
such liabilities. Unless specifically It may also mean such stock is issued
released, however, the promoter will to promoters, or those interested in
also be liable. The relationship is that the company, or incorporating it.
of a beneficiary and fiduciary, and he
is accountable for secret gains. Promulgation of Judgment

In Securities Act: Any person who, Promulgation of the decision is an

directly and indirectly, takes initiative important part of the decision making
in founding and organizing the process. Promulgation signifies that
business or enterprise of an issuer. on the date it was made, the judge or
Any person who, in connection with justices who signed the decision
the founding and organizing of the continued to support it which could
business of an issuer, directly or be inferred from his silence or failure
indirectly, receives in consideration of to withdraw his vote despite being
services or property or both services able to do so. A decision or resolution
and property, ten ( 10% ) per centum of the court becomes such, only from
or more of any class of securities of the moment of its promulgation.
the issuer or ten (10%) per centum or Payumo vs. Sandiganbayan, 654
more of the proceeds from the sale of SCRA 277 (2011)
any class of such securities.
The burden of proof is generally on
The advancement from one position to the party seeking relief or having the
another with an increase in duties and affirmative of an issue. The burden
responsibilities as authorized by law, then shifts to the defendant to

establish the contrary position. If the
proof adduced by the plaintiff does One who may join as plaintiff or be
not outweigh that of the defendant he joined as defendant because there is a
has not sustained his burden. question of law or fact common to the
right or duty in which he is interested
The evidence introduced upon the and another legal right sought to be
trial. enforced in the action. (Balbastro vs.
Court of Appeals, 48 SCRA 231)

Proof beyond Reasonable Doubt In Constitutional law: One who has

sustained or is in immediate danger of
Basic is the rule that in order to affirm sustaining an injury as a result of the
the conviction of an accused person, act complained of. Until and unless
the prosecution must establish his such actual or potential injury is
guilt beyond reasonable doubt. People established, the complainant cannot
vs. Rebucan, 654 SCRA 726 (2011) have the legal personality to raise the
constitutional question.
Proof beyond reasonable doubt is the
degree of proof that, after Property
investigation of the whole record,
produces moral certainty in an The owner of a parcel of land is the
unprejudiced mind of the accuseds owner of its surface and of everything
culpability. Atienza vs. People, 716 under it, and he can construct thereon
SCRA 84 (2014) any works, or make any plantations
and excavations which he may deem
Proper proper. Castro vs. Monsod, 641 SCRA
486 (2011)
Suitable or correct.
Property Dividend
Proper Name
A kind of dividend: One in the form of
The Christian or given name. property.

Proper Parties Property Registration Decree (P.D.

No. 1529)
In modern practice: Parties who may
be joined in an action, as where their All lands not appearing to be clearly
right to relief arises out of the same within private ownership are
transaction or series of transactions, presumed to belong to the state; The
jointly or severally, if there exist burden of proof in overcoming the
common questions of law and fact. presumption of State ownership of the

lands of the public domain is on the A property tax is ordinarily measured
person applying for registration (or by the amount of property owned by
claiming ownership), who must prove the taxpayer on a given day, and not
that the land subject of the application on the total amount owned by him
is alienable or disposable. during the year. It is ordinarily
Petitioners need to prove that: assessed at stated periods determined
1. the land forms part of the alienable in advance, and collected at appointed
and disposable land of the public times, and its payment is usually
domain; and enforced by sale of the person
2. they, by themselves or through their assessed. (Villanueva vs. City of Iloilo,
predecessors-in-interest, have been in 26 SCRA 578)
open, continuous, exclusive, and
notorious possession and occupation Property Used in Trade or Business
of the subject land under a bona fide
claim of ownership from June 12, 1945 Property used in trade or business of a
or earlier. Valiao vs. Republic, 661 taxpayer does not include property,
SCRA 299 (2011) the management and handling of
which he leaves entirely to a Filipino
Property Relations firm while living abroad and merely
receiving income, as he cannot be
In void marriage, regardless of its considered as engaged in the estate
cause, the property relations of the business in the Philippines. (Arcelles
parties during the period of vs. Meer, 1-3730, April25, 1952)
cohabitation are governed either by
Article 147 or Article 148 of the family Propinquity
Consanguinity; relationship; near
For article 147 of the Family Code to kindred.
apply, the following elements must be
present: Proposal

1. The man and the woman must be In the law of contracts: It may mean
capacitated to marry each other; an offer or invitation to deal.
2. They live exclusively with each
other as husband and wife; and Expression of intention.
3. Their union is without the benefit of
marriage, or their marriage is void. In Criminal law: There is proposal
Dino vs Dino, 640 SCRA 178 (2011) when the person who has decided to
commit a felony proposes its
Property Tax execution to some other person or

persons. (Article 8, Revised Penal
Code) Pro Reo

As a rule proposal is not a crime, View that the rationale behind the pro
however, proposal to commit treason reo rule and other rules that favor the
and rebellion is punishable under accused is anchored on the
Articles 115, 136 and 141 of the rehabilitative philosophy of our penal
Revised Penal Code. system. Corpuz vs. People, 724 SCRA
1 (2014)
Pertaining to a proprietor or owner.
A postponement or continuance, as of
a legislative session.

Proprietor Prose

An owner of property. Latin: For himself or on his own

Proprio Vigore
Prosecuting Attorney
Latin: By its own force; automatically.
An attorney who has the duty of
Pro Rata prosecuting criminal actions.

Latin: According to or in proportion. Prosecution

The conduct of a law suit; the conduct
Applied to the distribution of a fund of the trial of a criminal action. The
in accordance with a certain rate or word may also be used to refer to the
standard. party conducting the suit or
In proportion or ratably, or a division
according to share, interest or liability Prosecution of Crimes
of each. (Carried Lumber Co. vs.
ACCFA, 63 SCRA 408) The prosecution has the discretion as
to how to present its case and it has
Pro Renata the right to choose whom it wishes to
present as witness. People vs.
Latin: According to the occasion or Aleandro, 721 SCRA 102 (2014)
emergency as it may arise.

Prosecutors to the public to subscribe to shares
there m.
All criminal actions commenced by
complaint or information are
prosecuted under the direction and
control of public prosecutors. Bureau
of Customs vs. Sherman, 648 SCRA Prostitute
809 (2011)
A woman who engages in
The primary duty of a lawyer in promiscuous sexual intercourse for
public prosecution is to see that justice pay.
is done to the State that its penal laws
are not broken and order maintained; Any woman who, for money or profit,
to the victim, that his or her rights are habitually indulge in sexual
vindicated; and to the offender, that intercourse or lascivious conduct.
he is justly punished for his crime. (Article 202 (5), Revised Penal Code)
People vs. Pareja, 714 SCRA 131 (2014)
A woman who habitually and idly
Prospective Interpretation loiters about hotels, cafes,
drinking saloons, houses of ill-repute,
One that makes the provision of the gambling houses, etc., behaving as a
test applies only to future cases or woman of ill-repute and catering to
transactions. the soldiers' pleasures at night is a
vagrant under Section 822 of the
Prospective Trust Revised Ordinances. It is not
necessary to prove that she had no
A word used by writers instead of visible means of support.
spendthrift trust.
Prospectivity of Laws
The law defines prostitution as any
Laws shall have no retroactive effect, act, transaction, scheme, or design
unless the contrary is provided. involving the use of a person by
Barcelona vs. Lim, 724 SCRA 433 another, for sexual intercourse or
(2014) lascivious conduct in exchange for
money, profit, or any other
Prospectus consideration. Disini Jr. vs. Secretary
of Justice, 716 SCRA 237 (2014)
A written statement of the purposes
for which a company is being formed
and containing, usually, an invitation Pro Tanto

(Art. 1707, Ibid). The laborer's wages
Latin: For so much; To that extent. shall not be subject to execution or
attachment, except for debts incurred
for food, shelter, clothing and medical
attendance (Art. 1708, Ibid). The
employer shall neither seize nor retain
Protection of Citizens any tool or other articles belonging to
the laborer. (Art. 1709, Ibid).
In diplomatic parlance: One of the
duties of a diplomatic envoy is to Protection Orders
protect the interest of his countrymen
who happen to be in the country to A protection order is an order issued
which he is accredited. If such to prevent further acts of violence
countrymen are arrested and against women and their children,
detained in custody, or their rights their family or household members,
have been abused by local authorities, and to grant other necessary reliefs. Its
or gross injustice has been committed purpose is to safeguard the offended
against them, and they are unable to parties from further harm, minimize
obtain redress through regular any disruption in their daily life and
channels, the envoy may intervene facilitate the opportunity and liability
in their behalf. But the intervention and ability to regain control of their
must be conducted through the life. Tua vs. Mangrobang, 714 SCRA
ministry or department of foreign 428 (2014)
affairs of the host country. The extent
and scope of the intervention is Protectorate
determined by the laws and
regulations of the envoy's In International law: The relation be
government. A diplomatic tween a protecting State and a
representative should not interpose protected State. Although
in behalf of citizens of countries other exceptionally the term is used to
than his own. describe the relation between a
protecting State and an area or people
Protection of Labors Earnings not possessing the status of a State.
As the term implies the protected
The laborer's wages shall be paid in (weak) State is placed under the
legal currency (Art. 1705, Civil Code). protection of the protecting
Withholding of the wages, except for a (comparatively stronger) State, and
debt due, shall not be made by the the latter assumes the management of
employer (Art. 1706, Ibid). The the important inter national affairs of
laborer's wages shall be a lien on the the former. The protected State retains
goods manufactured or the work done

all the rights and privileges which it 3. If payment or acceptance is refused,
has not yielded to the protecting State. the notary public then makes a minute
of the dishonor on the instrument or
Protgs on his notarial register, stating the
year, the month and the day of the
In diplomatic parlance: The citizens of dishonor, his charges and affixes his
a State abroad who are under the initials thereon. This must be done on
diplomatic protection of another State the day of dishonor and the act is
by virtue of an international called "noting"; and
agreement. This may take place in the 4. On the same day or shortly
case of a very small State that may not afterwards, the notary extends the
be in a position to establish missions protest thus noted by embodying in a
abroad, or when a State has certificate the fact of the protest and
withdrawn its mission be cause of a his acts in making presentment,
rupture of diplomatic relations. demand and in giving notice of
dishonor, all of which must bear his
Pro Tempore official seal.

Latin: For the time being; Temporarily. Protesting Negotiable Instruments

Protest In diplomatic parlance: The non-

acceptance or non-payment of bills of
In International law: A formal exchange and other negotiable
statement of dissent or disapproval instruments must be proven by means
made by one State to another State of a protest, and in international
whereby the former objects to an act transactions, the formal act of protest
already per formed or about to be is done by a consular officer.
performed by the latter. The purpose
of a protest is to preclude any Protest for Better Security
inference of implied recognition or
acquiescence so that a State's rights In Negotiable Instruments Law: It is
may be safeguarded. that protest for the purpose of
apprising the persons secondarily
Steps taken in making protest: liable of the fact that in all
1. The holder of the dishonored probability, the instrument will not
instrument takes it to a notary public; be honored upon its maturity, so that
2. The notary himself presents the they may provide other means for
instrument against to the party who the payment of the bill when due, and
previously dishonored it, demands thereby prevent the loss or re
acceptance or payment as the case exchange, etc., occasioned by the re
may be; turn of the bill. However, if the

drawer and endorsers refuse to
give better security, the holder must, Sound farming practices generally
nevertheless, wait till the bill be due accepted through usage or officially
before he can sue either of those recommended by the Agricultural
parties. Productivity Commission for a
particular type of farm. (Section 166,
Code of Agrarian Reforms)
Provisional Appointment
Etiquette: The body of accepted
practices which has grown up among One which may be issued, upon the
the nations in the course of their prior authorization of the
contracts with one another. It is a Commissioner of Civil Service in
recognized system of international accordance with the provisions of the
courtesy. It plays an important role in Civil Service Law and the rules and
carrying out a successful foreign standards promulgated thereunder, to
policy. a person who has not qualified in an
appropriate examination but who
The rules prescribing the etiquette in otherwise meets the requirements for
ceremonies of state; the code appointment to a regular position in
prescribing deference to rank and the competitive service, whenever a
strict adherence to the order of vacancy occurs and the filing thereof
preference and correct procedure; and is necessary in the interest of the
a term applied to diplomatic service and there is no appropriate
formalities including official register of eligible at the time of
ceremonies, precedence, immunities, appointment. (Ata vs. Namocatcat, 47
privileges, courtesies, etc. SCRA 314)

Prout Pateat Per Recordum Provisional Director

Latin: As appears by the record. In Corporation law: An impartial

person who is neither a stockholder
A phrase formerly used in pleading nor a creditor of the corporation or of
when any statement on record was any subsidiary or affiliate of the
referred to. corporation, and whose further
qualifications, if any, may be
Prove determined by the Securities and
Exchange Commission.
To establish by legal evidence.
A provisional director is not a receiver
Proven Farm Practices of the corporation and does not have

the title and powers of a custodian or produces the injury, and
receiver. without which the result would
not have occurred. Mendoza vs.
A provisional director has all the
rights and powers of a duly elected Gomez, 726 SCRA 505 [2014]
director of the corporation, including
the right to notice of and to vote at Proximate cause is that which, in
meetings of directors, until such time natural and continuous sequence,
as he is removed by order of the Com unbroken by an efficient intervening
mission or by all the stockholders. cause, produces injury, and without
which, the result would not have
Provisional Remedies occurred. Ocean Builders
Construction Corp. vs. Cubacub, 648
A preliminary injunction is merely a SCRA 605 (2011)
provisional remedy, adjunct to the
main case and subject to the latters Proximate cause is defined as that
outcome. It is not a cause of action in cause, which, in natural and
itself. Dela Rosa vs. Heirs of Juan continuous sequence, unbroken by
Velez, 654 SCRA 467 (2011) any efficient intervening cause,
produces the injury, and without
which the result would not have
Provisio occurred. Mendoza vs. Gomez, 726
SCRA 505 (2014)
A condition or stipulation, as in an
agreement or statute. An exception. Proximate Rule

Provoke In Workmen's Compensation law:

The proximity rule exception to the
To excite, incite or induce a person to general going and coming rule is that
do some particular act; to irritate or an employee is generally considered
stimulate by words or acts that which to be in the course of his employment
follows. (People vs. Imson, 80 Phil. while coming to or going from his
284) work, when, though off the actual
premises of his employer, he is still in
close proximity thereto, is proceeding
Proximate Cause diligently at an appropriate time, by
reasonable means, over the natural,
Proximate cause is defined practical customary, convenient and
as that cause, which in natural recognized way of ingress, or egress
and continuous, unbroken by either on land under the control of the
employer, or on adjacent property
any efficient intervening cause,

with the express or implied consent of discharged by the parties to the
the employer. (Iloilo Dock & marriage. Marable vs Marable, 639
Engineering Co. vs. Work men's SCRA 557 (2011)
Compensation Commission, 26 SCRA
102) Psychological Incapacity must be
characterized by:
Proxy 1. Gravity;
2. Juridical Antecedence; and
A written instrument authorizing the 3. Incurability;
person to whom it is given to vote in These guidelines do not require that a
place of another; it may also refer to physician examine the person to be
the person so authorized. It is declared psychological incapacitated;
commonly used in connection with The root cause may be medically or
the election of corporate directors or clinically identified. Kalaw vs.
voting for other corporate purpose. Fernandez, 657 SCRA 822 (2011)
The appointment of a proxy is purely
personal and an incident of ownership Puberty
and, therefore, a by-law provision
prohibiting the use of proxy is In males generally, the age of four
contrary to law and, hence, null and teen years and in females, generally
void. the age of twelve years. It is the age at
which males and females are
Limitations on proxies: considered to be competent to enter
1. Proxies shall be in writing, signed into the marriage state. The period in
by the stock holder or member and which the sexual reproductive organs
filed before the scheduled meeting mature.
with the corporate secretary;
2. Unless otherwise pro vided in the Public
proxy, it shall be valid only for the
meeting for which it is intended; and The citizens or body politic of a state.
3. No proxy shall be valid and
effective for a period longer than five Public Administrator
(5) years at one time.
A state official who administers the
Psychological Incapacity estate of a decedent where there is no
one entitled under the law to supply
Psychological Incapacity must refer to for letters of administration.
no less than a mental incapacity that
causes a party to be truly in cognitive Public Aircraft
of the basic marital covenants that
concomitantly must be assumed and

An aircraft used exclusively in the government-owned lot is that they
service of the National Government of must own the subject house. Campos
the Republic of the Philippines or of vs. Ortega, Sr., 724 SCRA 240 (2014)
any political subdivision or
instrumentality thereof, but not Publication
including any govern ment-own
aircraft engaged in air commerce. While promulgation would seem
(Section 3, Republic Act No. 776.) synonymous to publication, there is
a statutory difference in their usage.
Public Assembly Building Gutierrez vs. The House of
Representatives Committee on Justice,
Any building or structure where fifty 643 SCRA 198 (2011)
(50) or more people congregate,
gather, or assemble for any Public Auction
purpose. (Fire Code of the
Philippines) Properties of public dominion are not
only exempt from real estate tax, they
Public Documents are exempt from sale at public
auction- property of public dominion,
View that a public document is which generally includes property
admissible in evidence even without belongings to the state, cannot be
further proof of its due execution and subject of the commerce of man. City
genuineness, but a private document of Pasig vs Republic, 656 SCRA 271
must be property authenticated before (2011)
it is admitted in evidence. Republic vs Public Biddings
Sandiganbayan, 722 SCRA 211 (2014) Public biddings are intended to
minimize occasions for corruption and
Public Dominion temptations to abuse discretion on the
part of government authorities in
Properties of public dominion are awarding contracts.
outside the commerce of man. These
properties are exempt from levy, It has been held that the three
encumbrance or disposition through principles in public bidding are:
public or private sale. City of Lapu- 1. The offer to the public;
Lapu vs. Philippine Economic Zone 2. An opportunity for competition;
Authority, 742 SCRA 524 (2014) and
3. A basis for the exact comparison of
Public Lands bids.

One of the requirement before an Power Sector Assets and Liabilities

entitlement to an award of the Management Corporation vs.

Pozzolanic Philippines Incorporated,
656 SCRA 214 (2011) Public Forest

Public Building In administrative code: Public forest

includes except as otherwise
In Criminal law: Every building specifically implicated, all unreserved
owned by the Government or public land including nipa and
belonging to a private person but used mangrove swamps and all forest
or rented by the Government, reserves of what ever character.
although temporarily unoccupied by (Section 1820, Revised Administrative
the same. (Article 301, Revised Penal Code)
The term ''public forest'' includes all
Public Defender unreserved public land, and lY
unreserved lands are included nipa
In some jurisdictions, an attorney who and mangrove swamps of the public
is chosen to represent and defend domain. (Demegillo vs. Director of
persons who have been charged with Forestry. CA-G.R. No. 24410-R,
criminal offenses. October 18, 1965)

Public Document Public Juris

It is a settled rule that documents Latin: Of public right, Said of common

acknowledge before notaries public property.
are public documents which are Public Instrument
admissible in evidence without
necessity of preliminary proof as to Under Spanish notarial law: A class of
their authenticity and due execution. public documents defined in Article
Realubit vs. Jaso, 658 SCRA 146 (2011) 596 of the "Key Enjuiciamiento Civil,"
similar to those mentioned in Sections
Public Domain 32 and 39 of Rule 123 of the Rules of
Court. (Pareja vs. Pareja, 95 Phil. 167)
Lands which are owned by the
government, including the forests and Public Interest
the national parks.
The expressin affected with a public
Public Enemy interest is the equivalent of subject
to the exercise of the police power.
A foreign nation at war or a citizen or (In re: Atty. Marcial Edillon, 84 SCRA
national of such a nation; the term also 554)
includes pirates.

Public Land lease, subject to municipal supervision
and control. (Salgado vs. De La
The term "public land" refers to all Fuente. 87 Phil. 343)
lands of the public domain and
excludes the patrimonial property of Public Nuisance
the government as well as the "Friar
Lands." It specifically refers to lands Nuisance is either public or private.
whose title still remains in the One that affects a community or
Government. (Arch bishop of Manila neighborhood or any considerable
vs. Director of Lands, number of persons, although the
27 Phil. 245.) extent of the annoyance, danger or
damage upon individuals may be
Public land which is identical with unequal. A private nuisance is one
land of the public domain are lands that is not included in the foregoing
as are thrown open to private definition. (Article 695, Civil Code)
appropriation and settlement.
(Montano vs. Ins. Govt., 12 Phil. 572.) Public Office

The Constitution stresses that a public

office is a public trust and public
Public Law officers must at all times be
accountable to the people, serve them
That branch of law which is concerned with utmost responsibility, integrity,
with the relations between loyalty, and efficiency, act with
governmental divisions, the patriotism and justice, and lead
organizations of government, and the modest lives. These constitutionally
relation between the individual and enshrined principles, oft-repeated in
the state. our case law, are not mere rhetorical
flourishes or idealistic sentiments.
Public Market They should be taken as working
standards by all in the public service.
A market is a public market when it Government Service Insurance System
is dedicated to the service of the (GSIS) vs. Mayordomo, 649 SCRA 667
general public and is operated under (2011)
government control and supervision
as a public utility, whether it be Public Officers
owned by the government or any
instrumentality thereof or by any In revised administrative code:
private individual. It is settled "Officer" when used with reference to
doctrine that "a public market may be a person having authority to do a
the object of individual owner ship or particular act or perform a particular

function in the exercise of Public policy has been defined as that
governmental power, shall include principle under which freedom of
any government employee, agent, or contract or private dealing is restricted
body having authority to do the act or for the good of the community. Power
exercise the function in question. Sector Asset and Liabilities
Management Corporation vs.
In Criminal law: Any person who, by Pozolanic Philippines Incorporated,
direct provision of the law, popular 656 SCRA 214, (2011)
election or appointment by competent
authority, takes part in the Public Quasi Corporation
performance of public functions in the
Government of the Philippines, or A body which possesses a limited
performs in said Government or in number of corporate powers and
any of its branches public duties as an which are low down in the scale or
employee, agent or subordinate grade of corporate existence. The term
official, of any rank or class. (Article is often applied to a body which
203, Revised Penal Code) exercises certain functions of a
corporate character, but which has not
As a public officer and a trustee for been created a corporation formerly
the public, it is the ever existing by any state.
responsibility of respondent to
demonstrate courtesy and civility in
his official actuation with the public. Public Service
Alconera vs. Pallanan, 714 SCRA 204
(2014) It includes every person that now or
hereafter may own, operate, manage
or control for hire or compensation,
Public Order with general or limited clientele
whether permanent occasional or
The term which was found in Spanish accidental and done for general
Civil Code is not as broad as public business purposes any common
policy as the latter may refer not only carrier or public utility.
to public safety but also, to
considerations which are move by the Includes every person that now or
common good. (Philippine Bank of hereafter may own operate manage,
Communications vs. Echivarri, 99 or control in the Philippines for hire or
SCRA 508) compensation with general or limited
clientele, whether permanent,
Public Policy occasional or accidental and done for
general business purposes, any
common carrier railroad x x x. wire or

wireless communication system, wire benefit, etc., especially where the
or wireless broadcasting stations and interest involved are of considerable
other similar public services x x x. magnitude. (Guido vs. Rural Progress
(Bureau of Telecommunications vs. Administration, 84 Phil. 847)
Public Service Commission, 29 SCRA
751) Public Utility

Public Trial A business which produces and

distributes certain essential services or
The trial must be public. It possesses commodities, e.g., electric power, gas,
that character when anyone transportation, telephone service, etc.
interested in observing the manner a Public utilities are generally subject to
judge con ducts the proceedings in his governmental regulations and control.
court room may do so. There is to be It is a devotion of private property by
no ban on such attendance. His being its owner to such a use that the public
a stranger to the litigants is of no generally has a right to demand that
moment. No relationship to the use or service so long as it is
parties need be shown. The thought continued, conducted with reasonable
that lies behind this safeguard is the efficiency and under proper charges.
belief that thereby the accused is
afforded further protection, that his
trial is likely to be con ducted with Public Way
regularity and not tainted with any
impropriety. (Garcia vs. Domingo, 52 In Building law: A parcel of land
SCRA 143) unobstructed from the ground to the
sky, more than 3.00 meters in width,
Public Use appropriated to the free passage of the
general public.
The restrictive view of the term
''public use" cannot be adopted in the In Fire law: Any street, alley or other
Philippines which does not have big strip of land unobstructed from the
and correctly located public lands ground to the sky, deeded, dedicated
and which has never been a laissez- or otherwise permanently
faire state. (Heirs of Juancho Ardona appropriated for public use.
vs. Reyes, 125 SCRA 220)
Public Wharf
Public use is synonymous with public
benefit, public utility, or public One that is used generally by public,
advantage, and to authorize the free of charge or for compensation.
exercise of the power of eminent (Aboitiz Shipping Corporation vs.
domain to pro mote such public City of Cebu, 13 SCRA 449)

Public Writings
The word applies to the buying of real
The written acts or records of the act estate and goods and chattels. In legal
of the sovereign authority, of official phrase it means every method of
bodies and tribunals, and of public acquiring estate and property, except
officers legislative, judicial and that by which an heir becomes
executive, whether of the Philippines, substituted in the ownership of the
or of a foreign country. property on the death of his parent or
Public records, kept in the Philippines, ancestor. Title by purchase may be
of private writings. (Section 20, Rule acquired by deed, will, prescription,
132, Rules of Court) possession or occupancy, by escheat
or through execution.
Purchase of property is broad enough
To bid of an auction sale for the sole to include an exchange. (De Navarra
purpose of raising the price. Such act vs. People, 52 O.G. 2392)
one renders the sale voidable by the
purchaser. Purchase and Sale
To exaggerate the value of goods by
so-called sales talk; or expression of A bilateral contract which is a
opinion as to value. composite of various obligations,
depending on the terms agreed upon
Puis Darrein Continuance by the parties regarding the payment
of the price, on the one hand, and the
Since the last continuance. delivery of the thing sold and the title
At common law: A plea setting forth thereto, all of which are reciprocal, as
facts or matter arising or coming to distinguished from correlative ones.
the defendant's knowledge since his (Luzon Brokerage Co., Inc. vs.
last plea or since the last continuance. Maritime Building Co. Inc., 46 SCRA
Puppet Government
Purchase Money
One which acts as another wills or
dictates. (Etorna vs. Ravelo, 78 Phil. A term used often in real estate
145) dealings. In case of conveyance of real
estate the seller has a lien upon the
Pur Auter View property for the unpaid money. This
lien exists, however, only between the
Latin: During the lifetime of another. parties to the sale and those having
notice that the purchase money has

not been paid. Third parties who, not competent proof. (Cui vs. Henson, 57
knowing of the non-payment, lend Phil. 606)
money to the purchaser upon
mortgage or judgment duly recorded Who is a purchaser in good faith: A
or entered, will be preferred. As purchaser in good faith is one who
against such, however, one holding a buys property of another without
purchase money mort gage or notice that some other person has a
judgment note will have time if he right to, or interest in such property
acts with all possible diligence in and pays a full and fair price for the
getting his judgment or mortgage en same, at the time of such purchase or
ten d for record, and if it is so entered, before he has notice of the claim or
it will have priority over other mort interest of some other person in the
gages and judgments whether entered property. (Ibid.)
before or after.
An innocent purchase for value''
referred to in Section 38 of Act No. 496
Purchaser has been variously defined and
construed as follows:
Properly any buyer. It formerly was (a)A purchaser in good faith is one
used almost exclusively in the sense of who buys property of another without
a buyer of realty, but is increasingly notice that some other person had a
used in its ordinary and literal sense right to, or interest in such property
of a buyer of either realty or and pays the full and fair price for the
personality. same, at the time of such purchase, or
before he has notice of the claim or
Purchaser in Good Faith interest of some other person in the
property. Good faith consists in an
One who buys property of another honest intention to abstain from
without notice that some other person taking an unconscientiously
has a right to, or interest in, such advantage of another. Good faith is an
property and pays a full and fair price opposite of fraud and bad faith, and
for the same, at the time of such its non-existence must be established
purchase, or before he has notice of by competent proof. (Cui vs. Henson,
the claim of interest of some other 51 Phil. 606.)
person in the property. Good faith (b)A purchaser for value, who takes
consists in an honest intention to property upon the faith of the
abstain from taking any certificate so issued, acquires a good
unconscientiously advantage of title regard less of irregularity in the
another. Good faith is an opposite of reoccurrence of such order. Any other
fraud and of bad faith and its non- conclusion would be wholly
existence must be established by inconsistent with the spirit and

purpose of the Land Registration Law. certificate of title. (lnquimboy vs.
(Castillo vs. Valdez, 53 Phil. 120.) Cruz. L-3953, July 26, 1960.)
(c)One who is without notice of (h)Innocent purchaser for value
defective title. (Emas vs. includes also innocent mortgagee,
Zuzuarregui, 53 Phil. 129.) lessee and other encumbrances.
(d)A bona-fide mortgagee who (Section 38, Act No. 496.)
registers his mortgage given for
money advanced to a forger in
reliance on a certificate issued to the
forger as transferee on a forged
transfer has a valid charge against the
registered land. (53 Pure Endowment Insurance
C.J. 1141.)
(e)Where purchaser or mortgagees, A variation of life insurance policies:
acting in good faith, relies on the The amount of benefit to the
certificate of title in the name of a beneficiary would be the premium
person appearing therein as single paid.
without being cognizant of the rights
of his common-law wife as co-owner, Pure Obligation
they must be afforded the full
protection of the Torrens system. That in neither which no condition is
(Flores vs. R.F.C., L-5798, Feb. 26, placed nor a day fixed for its
1954.) compliance. A pure obligation
(f)The innocent purchaser for value therefore must be subject to neither a
protected by the law is one who condition nor a period and is
purchases a titled land by virtue of a in1mediately demandable. Immediate
deed executed by the registered demand ability, which is the most
owner him self, not by a forged deed. noteworthy characteristic of a pure
(Joaquin vs. Madrid, L-13551, Jan. 30, obligation, must be understood
1960.) rationally. Hence it does not mean
(g)If the purchaser had no knowledge, right here and now but within a
actual or imputable, of the right of reasonable time.
another person on the property, he is
still a purchaser in good faith Purge
although the vendor was in To clear one's self of a charge, as of a
possession of the deed of sale from the criminal contempt.
registered owner, where the vendor
was in possession of the deed of sale An act or instance of purging; a
from the registered owner, together ridding (as of a nation or party) of
with the owner's duplicate copy of the element or members as treacherous,

disloyal or suspect. (Clemente vs. has thus come to mean the general
Commission on Audit, 128 SCRA 297.) scope and intention of a statute.
A proviso or exception in a statute.

Purparty Put

A share or portion of an estate allot In Securities Act: A contract sold for a

ted to a coparcener. price that gives the holder the right to
sell to the writer of the contract a
Purpose Clause of Corporations specified amount of securities at a
specified price over a specified period.
(1) Must be lawful; Putative
(2) Must be definitely stated;
(3) Where a corporation has more A term used to indicate that persons
than one stated purpose, the are treated as though they had a
articles of incorporation shall specific status when in strict law no
state which is the primary such status exists. It is used in several
purpose and which is/are the connections, chiefly in family law.
secondary purpose or
purposes; A putative marriage is declared to
(4) A non-stock corpo ration may exist between two persons who
not include a purpose which believe them elves married but who
would change or contradict its are not in fact married because of the
nature as such; and (5) Must absence of some formal requirement.
be capable of being combined A putative wife or husband is a term
lawfully. sometimes applied to the party to a
bigamous marriage who contracted
Purpresture the marriage in good faith.

The wrongful enclosing of or A putative father is the person duly

encroachment on land belonging to declared in filiation processes to be the
the public, such as a common, or a father of a bastard. He is liable for the
high way, a river, a harbor, or a tort. It support of the child, but otherwise the
was also applied to an encroachment relations of parent and child do not
on the public forest. exist, especially the right of
inheritance. The putative father will
Purview ordinarily be preferred as guardian to
any person, except the mother, but
The body of a statute, i.e., all the this is not a matter of legal right.
enacting clauses after the preamble. It

Put in Fear

A necessary element in an information

for robbery which formerly had to be
expressly pleaded. It will now be
generally inferred from an allegation
of force and violence.

Puts and Calls

A put is the option of delivering a

specified amount of a particular stock
at a certain price at a particular time.

A call is the corresponding option to

demand such delivery.

Pyramid Scam

When the investor is relatively

uninformed and turns over his money
to others, essentially depending upon
their representations and their
honesty and skill in managing it, the
transaction generally is considered to
be an investment contract. Securities
and Exchanges Commission vs.
Santos, 719 SCRA 514 (2014)


Descriptive of any substance that

agilities spontaneously when exposed
to air. (Fire Code of the Philippines)

One who pretends to be skilled in the
practice of his profession.

Calling a physician a quack is


Quacunque Via Data

Latin: Whatever way it is given.


Having four parts or four divisions. It

is used of a contract or other trans
action to which there are four parties.


The issue of a mulato and a white



A pleading at civil and canon law

corresponding to the rebutter of

common law.

Quae est Eadem

Lat. Which is the same.

A phrase used in common law

pleading to show that the act referred
to as a trespass in the declaration is
Qua the same as that mentioned in the plea
or other subsequent pleading.
Latin: In virtue of being; in so far as.
Quae Plura
Lat. What more.

Formerly the name of a writ issued The necessary qualification of sureties
after an inquisition had been made of to a property bail bond shall be as
lands, or office found, of which a man follows:
died seized, to find out what other (a)Each of them must be a resident
lands he may have been seized. owner of real estate within the
Quaere (b)Where there is only one surety, his
real estate must be worth at least the
Lat. Inquire, or, investigate. amount of the undertaking;
(c)In case there are two or more
Used in reports to indicate that fur sureties, they may justify severally in
ther inquiry should be made of a legal amounts less than that expressed in
point. It is generally found in the the undertaking if the entire sum
combination "Sed quaere" (But inquire justified to is equivalent to the whole
further) added to reports of cases amount of Jail demanded.
when the reporter regards the syllabus In all cases, every surety must be
as doubtful as a matter of law. worth the amount specified in his own
undertaking over and above all just
debts, obligations and property
Quaerens Non Invenit Plegium exempt from execution. (Rule 114,
Section 11; 1985 Rules on Criminal
Lat. The plaintiff has not found (i.e., Procedure)
furnished) a pledge.
The return of the sheriff in the old
procedure to indicate that a plaintiff, Conditional or limited.
who has been required to file a bond
or give security in order to proceed, Having met or complied with certain
has failed to do so. qualifications.

Qualification Qualified Endorsement

Limitation or condition An endorsement without recourse.

The necessary attribute for position or Qualified Fee

office, or which makes a thing fit for a
certain purpose. A fee or estate subject to a condition
which will end the estate when the
Qualification of Sureties in Property con dition fails. Sometimes called a
Bail Bond base fee or determinable fee.

Qualified Piracy
Qualified rape
Qualified piracy is committed
whenever a vessel is seized by To warrant the imposition of qualified
boarding or firinb upon the same, or rape the following additional elements
whenever the pirates have abandoned must be present: (1) that the victim is
their victims without means of saving under eighteen years of age at the
themselves or whenever the crime is time of the rape and (2) the offender is
accompanied by murder, homicide, a parent whether legitimate,
physical injuries or rape. It is illegitimate or adopted of the victim;
punishable with life imprisonment to Section 2 of Republic Act No. 9346
death. (Art. 123, Revised Penal Code) imposes the penalty of reclusion
In code of commerce: ''By complement perpetua in lieu of death, when the
of a vessel shall be understood all the law violated makes use of the
persons on board, from the captain to nomenclature of the penalties of the
cabin boy, necessary for the Revised Penal Code (RPC). People vs.
management, maneuvers and Burce, 720 SCRA 212 (2014)
service, and therefore, the
complement shall include the crew, Rape is qualified when the victim is
the sailing mates, engineers, stokers, under eighteen (18) years of age and
and other employees on board not the offender is a parent, ascendant,
having specific designations; but it step-parent, guardian, relative by
shall not include the passengers or the consanguinity or affinity within the
persons whom the vessel is trans third civil degree, or the common-law
porting. (Article 648) spouse of the parent of the victim.
See also Piracy. People vs Buclao, 726 SCRA 365 (2014)

Qualified Political Agency In case of qualified rape, moral

ascendancy or influence supplants the
All executive and administrative element of violence or intimidation.
organization is adjuncts of the Id.
Executive Department. Angeles vs.
Gaite, 646 SCRA 309 (2011) Qualified Seduction

Qualified Property The seduction of a virgin over twelve

years and under eighteen years of age,
An interest in personal property committed by any person in public au
dependent on continued possession thority, priest, house-servant,
properly dependent on continued domestic guardian, teacher, or any
possession and lost when possession person who, in any capacity, is
is lost. entrusted with the education or

custody of the woman seduced. implies superior power or abuse of
(Article 337, Revised Penal Code) confidence on the seducer's part in
relation to the seduced. Qualified
Seduction (estupro) is either qualified seduction may be committed only by
or simple. Virginity is an element of the person mentioned in Article 337,
qualified seduction, as in consented Revised Penal Code. The charge must
abduction. However, in seduction of a specify that the defendant belongs to
sister or descendant (incest), or a any of the classes of persons
widow of good reputation, virginity is mentioned therein. If the indictment
not an element. The purpose of the does not specify that the defendant is
statute is not to punish illicit a person in authority, servant, etc., the
intercourse, but to punish the seducer crime would not be qualified; it may
who, by means of a promise of be only simple seduction, assuming
marriage, destroys the chastity of an that there was deceit. This rule applies
unmarried female of previous chaste even if there is proof that the seducer
character, and who thus draws her lived in the house of the family of the
aside from the path of virtue and offended party. The woman seduced
rectitude, and then fails and refuses to must be over 12 and under 18 years of
fulfill his promise, a character age. If she was 30 years old when she
despicable in the eyes of every decent was seduced, she could not recover
and honorable man. (People vs. Iman, damages although she submitted to
62 Phil. 92) sexual intercourse due to the promise
of marriage. A higher penalty is
Seduction generally means to imposed for qualified, than for simple
withdraw a virgin from the path of seduction, because of the abuse of
rectitude or to lead her astray. It confidence and the moral influence
imports not only illicit sexual which the seducer exercises over the
intercourse but also a surrender of victim, as in the case of teacher and
chastity; a surrender of the woman's pupil.
personal virtue. The law is for the
protection of the chastity of unmarried Elements: The requisites of qualified
women. In qualified seduction, the seduction are that there be carnal
existence of virginity at the time of the intercourse with a virgin (doncella)
intercourse is a necessary ingredient over 12 years of age and under 18
of the offense. The prostitute may be years of age and that it be committed
the victim of rape but not of by a person in public authority, priest,
seduction. house servant (criado), domestic,
guardian, teacher, or any person who
Simple and qualified seduction in any capacity is entrusted with the
distinguished: Simple seduction education or custody of the seduced
requires deceit. Qualified seduction girl. The seduction of a sister or

descendant is known as incest. Elements: (a) The offender is a priv-
Virginity (doncellez) is not required ate person; (b) he entered the dwelling
and the woman may be over 18years of another; (c) against the latter's will.
of age. Rerationship by consanguinity, The penalty attached to the crime is
not by affinity, is contemplated. The made to depend upon whether in
relationship need not be legitimate. forcing his entrance the offender did
The testi mony of the complaining girl or did not use violence or intimidation
may be sufficient for conviction in as a means of attaining his purpose.
seduction cases.
Qualified Voter
Qualified Theft
A term used to indicate a person who
Theft is qualified under article 310 of has a legal right to vote in a particular
the Revised Penal Code under the place and at a particular time, whether
following circumstances: or not he registers, or votes. However,
1. if the theft is committed by a the term is sometimes used to refer to
domestic servant; registered voter.
2. if the theft is committed with grave
abuse of confident;
3. if the property stolen is a
a. motor vehicle
b. mail matter Qualifying Circumstances
c. large cattle
4. if the property stolen consist of Those that change the nature of the
coconuts taken from the premises of a crime.
5. if the property is fish taken from a The revised rules on Criminal
fishpond or fishery; or Procedure which took effect on
6. if property is taken on the occasion December 1, 2000 explicitly mandates
of fire, earthquake, typhoon, volcanic that the information must state in
eruption, or any other calamity, ordinary and concise language the
vehicular accident or civil disturbance. qualifying and aggravating
Clay & Feather International, Inc. vs circumstances attending an offense.
Lichaytoo, 649 SCRA 516 (2011) People vs. Condes, 644 SCRA 312
Qualified Trespass to Dwelling
The term aggravating circumstance
Any private person who enters the is stricty construed when the
dwelling of another against the latter's appreciation of the modifying
will. (Article 280, Revised Penal Code) circumstances can lead to the
imposition of the maximum penalty of

death; The qualifying circumstances of
relationship, even if established Lat. To the extent (that it is) less.
during trial, could not affect the
criminal penalty of the accused by At Roman law: An action or defense
virtue of its non-allegation in the {i.e., exception) in a sale, when the
information. People vs. Dadulla, 642 arti cle sold is less in value that was
SCRA 432 reason ably expected, because of
defects, al though there has been no
Quality specific guar anty. It is used as an
alternative to a right of rescission for
The characteristics or nature of some breach of an im plied warranty.
person or thing. It was formerly neces
sary in pleading to state the quality of Quantity
the thing incidentally referred to or
connected with the situation that Extent; duration.
consti tutes the cause of action or the
crime charged. Quantum Damrinificatus

In modern pleading: Precision in this Lat. How much (has he been) dam
respect is no longer required, if the aged.
pleading is substantially correct
Quamdiu Se Bene Gesserit Quantum Meruit

Lat. As long as he conducts himself Latin: The amount deserved for

well. services.

The Latin equivalent for the phrase Quantum meruit means that in an
'during good behavior,'' used in ap action for work and labor, payment
pointment to public office, when the shall be made in such amount as the
appointment is made for life, subject plaintiff reasonably deserves. Heirs of
to general rules of retirement. It Ramon C. Gaite vs. The Plaza, Inc.,
implies that the holder of the office 640 SCRA 576 (2011)
may not be removed except for cause
duly shown, after a hearing. Quantum of Evidence

Quando Acciderint In administrative cases, substantial

evidence is required to support any
Lat. When they shall fall in (i.e., come finding. Substantial evidence is such
into his hands). relevant evidence as a reasonable
mind may accept as adequate to
Quanti Munoris support a conclusion. While in

criminal cases, the accused is entitled quantum meruit, the plaintiff may not
to an acquittal, unless his guilt is both rely on an express contract of
shown beyond a reasonable doubt. sale and on an implied contract to pay
Proof beyond reasonable doubt does the value of the goods.
not mean evidence that which
produces absolute certainty; only This term applies where goods are
moral certainty is required or that sold without specifying the price. The
degree of proof which produces price to be recovered in such case is
conviction in an unprejudiced mind. that at which goods are commonly
Tolentino vs. Loyola, 654 SCRA 420 sold in the neighborhood or locality.
(2011) This is what the purchaser
presumably under takes to pay.
Quantum of Proof
Preponderance of evidence is the
weight, credit, and value of the Fr. A period of forty days, during
aggregate evidence on either side and which a widow may occupy the
is usually considered to be mansion or manor-house of her
synonymous with the term greater deceased husband, while waiting for
weight of the evidence or greater dower to be assigned to her.
weight of the credible evidence- In Maritime law: The period during
preponderance of evidence is a phrase which a vessel may be detained,
which, in the last analysis, means before disembarking passengers or
probability of the truth, evidence unloading goods, for the purpose of
which is more convincing to the court determining whether there is danger
as worthy of belief than that which is of infectious or contagious disease
offered in opposition thereto. being spread in the country, if
Philippine Commercial International disembarking or unloading were
Bank vs. Balmaceda, 658 SCRA 33 permitted. The period was originally
(2011) forty days, but no such time
restriction is now attached.
Quantum Valebat
Lat. As much as goods are reasonably
worth. Lat. Wherefore.

The basis of an action for the value of Quare Clausum Fregit

goods actually received and accepted
by the defendant when the latter has Lat. Wherefore he has broken the
made no promise to pay a specific close.
price for them. As in the case of

Quare Ejecit Infra Terminum Quartered means having the dead
traitor's body cut into four parts.
Lat. Wherefore he ejected him within
the term. Quartering of Soldiers

Quare Impedit The right of a military commander, in

time of war or emergency, to require
Lat. Wherefore he hinders. civilians for compensation to furnish
board and lodging to soldiers.
Quare Incumbra Vit
Lat. Wherefore he encumbered.
In computing time: A quarter year at
Quarens Nihil Capiat Per Billam law is taken to be ninety days.

Lat. Let the plaintiff take nothing by Quash

his complaint.
To annul; To render why void and
ineffective. The term is use a chiefly in
criminal law in connection with
Quare Obstruxit charges. A motion to quash is based
on defects so grave that no valid
Lat. Wherefore he obstructed. judgment could be rendered.
The term is also used in civil, as well
Quarter as criminal procedure, when
irregularities appear so serious that
In the law of war: The right of a belli they render any judgment based on
gerent, who surrenders, to be taken them subject to being set aside.
prisoner instead of being killed.
Quarter Days
As if; Seeming, or in a way.
The four days on which rent payable
quarterly is due. A word frequently used as part of a
compound or as a separate word, to
Quartering indicate that one situation or
transaction is closely analogous to
One of the incidents in executions for another, without being the same.
high treason. The person is sentenced
to be hanged, drawn and quartered. Quasi-Confession

The silence of a person in a direct and thought of as an entity, al though it
specific accusation of crime. (People has no legal status as such.
vs. Pilones, 84 SCRA 156)
Offenses against the public, not pun
A claim created by law, based upon ishable by fine or imprisonment, but
equity and independent of any subjecting the perpetrator to arrest or
agreement between the person against disqualifying him for certain types of
whom the claim is made and the public employment. Unlawful
claimant; an implied contract. The immigra tion which renders the
term is often taken to include claims immigrant liable to deportation is an
created by statute, without reference example. Expres sion of disloyalty
to either equity or agreement. justifying dismissal from office may be
considered in the same class.
Classifications: (1) Nominate and (2) Contempt proceedings are also often
Innominate. The former is called by referred to as quasi-criminal.
the Civil Code (a) Negotiorum Gestio
and Quasi-Delict
(b) Solutio Indebite.
In International law: A juridical A quasi-delict, is defined as an act, or
relation which is not based on any omission which causes damage to
agreement, express or implied, another, there being fault or
between the parties to it, but which negligence. Navida vs. Dizon, Jr., 649
the law regards as creating obligations SCRA 33 (2011)
between them because of the Requisites: (1) An act or omission; (2)
circumstances in which they find Existence of fault or negligence; (3)
themselves. Damage caused by said act or
omission; ( 4) Direct relation of cause
Quasi-Corporation and effect between act or omission
and damage; (5) No pre-existing
An association which, for many contractual relation between the
purposes, may be treated as a parties.
corporation, although it has in fact
never been incorporated in proper Quasi-Delictual Action
form. Labor Unions, fraternal lodges,
some churches, are examples. The Requisites: (1) An act or omission
word may also be ap plied to a constituting fault or negligence on the
complex of interests such as the estate part of private respondents; (2)
of a deceased person, which is often Damage caused by the said act or
omission; (3) Direct causal relation

between the damage and the act or Quasi in Rem
omission; and (4) No pre-existing
contractual relation between the An action to subject certain property
parties. Tayag, Sr. vs. Alcantara, 98 of the defendant to payment of a
SCRA 723 claim.
An action between parties where the
Quasi-Deposit direct object is to reach and dispose of
property owned by them, or of some
A deposit effected without the agree interest therein. (De Midgely vs. Fe
ment of the depositary to assume the randos, 64 SCRA 23)
obligation of a deposit. In the case of a
lost personal property which is not a Quasi-Judicial
treasure and the owner is unknown,
the finder is obliged to deposit it with As if judicial. Said of procedure
the mayor of the place where finding which has some of the attributes of
took place. (Art. 719, New Civil Code) judi cial function, e.g., the limited
Examples: The obligation of the find activities of administrative boards.
er of property, and of the owner of
land on which, in case of emergency
or dis aster. goods are placed in order Quasi-Legislative
to save them. (See Arts. 2168 & 2171,
New Civil Code) As if legislative. Procedure which has
some of the attributes of the
Quasi-Derelict functions of a legislature.

The condition of a vessel which, Quasi-Offense

without being abandoned, is unable to
navigate either because of injury or Offenses are committed in the
the incompetence of those on board. following:
1. By committing through reckless
Quasi-Easement imprudence any act which, had it
been intentional, would constitute a
An implied easement or grant of an grave or less grave felony or light
easement by implication from the cir felony.
cumstances. 2. By committing through simple
imprudence or negligence an act
Quasi-Entail which would otherwise constitute a
grave or less serious felony.
An estate for life which is limited to a 3. By causing damage to the property
person 'and the heirs of his body.'' of another through reckless

imprudence or simple imprudence or new felony. (Art. 160, Revised Penal
negligence. Code)
4. By causing through simple
imprudence or negligence smne Ele1nents: (1) That the offender was
wrong which, if done maliciously, already convicted by final judgment of
would have constituted a light felony. one offense. (2) That he connnitted a
new felony before beginning to serve
Quasi-Personality such sentence or while serving the
Personal property or chattels pertain
ing to real property, as leases. Quasi-Stepfather

Quasi-Possession The paramour or lover of the mother.

(People vs. Samillano, 56 SCRA 574)
The enjoyment of a right to a thing as
distingui hed from possession of the Quasi-Trustee
thing itself.
A person who is made liable to the
Quasi-Public Corporation beneficiary for any gains acquired
through breach of a trust. It has also
Private corporations which have been held that one who has a life
functions that are affected with public estate is a quasi-trustee for the
interest, e.g., common carriers electric remainder man.
companies, telephone companies, etc.
A warehouse receipt for commodities
That which is treated as real property or goods such as sugar, tobacco, rice
and which may descend as such, as or hemp.
title deeds and heirioorns.
Que Donera
Quasi Recidivist
Fr. To whom he will give.
A special aggravating circumstance
where a person after having been Que Estate
convicted by finai judgment, shall
commit a new felony before beginning Fr. Which estate.
to serve such sentence, or while
serving the same. He shall be The name of a plea whereby a person
punished by the maximum. period of says he and those whose estate he has
the penalty pre scribed by law for the

have enjoyed the same for the period There is a question of fact when the
barred by prescription. doubt arises as to the truth or falsity of
the alleged facts. F.A.T Kee Computer
Que est Iesme Systems, Inc. vs. Online Networks
International, Inc., 641 SCRA 390
li'r. Which is the s::Jnw, (2011)

QUEREl A Question of Law

Lat. (\;mpJs)nL The Latin term. for a A question of law arises when there is
complaint or deelarati.on, doubt as to what the law is on a
certain state of facts. F.A.T Kee
Computer Systems, Inc. vs. Online
Querens Networks International, Inc., 641
SCRA 390 (2011)
Lat. The complainer. The Latin term
for plaintiff or complainant. Questus est Nobis

Lat. He complained to us.

Querida An old writ used in an action of nui
sance against the legal possessor of a
Sp. Paramour. tenement on which the nuisance is
maintained. It was authorized by stat
Question ute.

In the law of Evidence: An interro Before that time only the person who
gation addressed to a witness. created the nuisance could be sued.
In Procedure: An issue of fact or law
that arises during the litigation. Quia
A common term for torture, where
this means of eliciting information Lat. Because.
was legal, as in civil law countries
before the French Revolution. When this word was used in a plead
The term is derived from the Latin ing. the clause it introduced was treat
''quaestio,'' ''investigation,'' the ed as an affirmation. not as an argu
phrase "per torments," "by torture," ment.
being understood.
Quia Datum est Nobis Intelligi
Question of Fact
Lat. Because we have been given to

but that rule has generally been
Quia Erronice Emanavit chang ed by statute.

Lat. Because it (sc. the writ) issued Quid Juris Clamat

Lat. What right does he claim.
Quia Timet
A writ that lay for the grantee of a
Lat. Because he fears. reversion or a remainder, to whom the
particular tenant refused to attorn.
The name of an action in equity
brought to settle rights in land and Quid Pro Quo
based on the likelihood that adverse
claims will be made, although none Lat. Something for something; mu tual
has in fact as yet been made. consideration.
It is an action to quiet title.
A term used to describe the fact that
an act or a transfer or a promise was
Quick not performed gratuitously. It is in
general equivalent to consideration in
Pregnant; being with young. a con tract.

Quick Assets Quiet Enjoyment

All assets which are either in the form A cobenant is a lease which guaranties
of cash, or can easily be turned into to the lessee a peaceable enjoyment of
cash. They include, besides mon ey. the leased premises. It is broken when
accounts receivable or negotiable the lessee is expelled from the
instruments which are due within six premises under a claim of para mount
months, merchandise or goods in the title, but not by the mere asser tion of
course of manufacturers and other such title. It is equally broken when
pro perties. like stocks and securities, the lessor tortiously enters the
for which there is a present available premises.
Quieting of Title
Quieting of title is a common
The sensation, experienced by a law remedy for the removal of any
pregnant woman, of the motion of the cloud upon, doubt, or uncertainty
embryo. Abortion before quickening affecting title to real property. Green
was formerly not regarded as a crime,

Acres Holdings vs. Cabral, 697 SCRA Qui Improvide
Lat. Who inadvertently.
In order that an action for quieting of
title may prosper, two requisites must The name of a supersedeas writ,
concur: granted in the place of a previous one
1. the plaintiff or complainant has a which was improperly issued.
legal or equitable title or interest in the
real property subject of the action; and Qui Prior est Tempore, Patior est Jure
2. the deed, claim, encumbrance, or
proceeding claimed to be casting Lat. He has the better title who is first
cloud on his title must be shown to be in point of time.
in fact invalid or inoperative despite
its prima facie appearance of validity Qui Sentit Commodum, Sen-Tire
or legal efficacy. Phil-Ville Debit et Onus
Development and Housing
Corporation vs. Bonifacio, 651 SCRA Lat. He who derives the benefit ought
327 (2011) to sustain the burden.

Qui Tam

Lat. Who as well.

Actions for violation of postal or cus

Quiet Title toms laws.

A bill in equity to establish the title of Who as well; to recover for the state as
the petitioner to certain lands of which well as for self.
he claims lawfully to be in possession,
and to remove from the record any in Quitclaim
struments or document which may
vexatiously be used to interfere with A waiver or quitclaim is a valid and
the possession or title, or to demand binding agreement between the
the surrender and cancellation of such parties, provided that it constitute a
documents. credible and reasonable settlement,
and that the one accomplishing it has
Qui Facit per Alium Facit per se done so voluntarily and with a full
understanding of its import. Plastimer
Lat. He who acts through another is Industrial Corporation vs. Gopo, 643
deemed in law to act himself. SCRA 502 (2011)

/\ term used in older pleading to in
A form of release. An acquittance. troduee an inducement, but not to duce a positive averment.
Quod Cijiua Concessit
Lat. As far as. QUOAD HOC
Lat. \Vhich the court granted.
Lat. As far as this (sc. is concerned).
Quod Permittat
Quoad Sacra
Lat. That he permit.
Lat. As far as religious matters (sc. is
concerned). A writ used to claim common of
pasture against the heir of the
Quoad Ultra disseisor.

Lat. As far as the rest (sc. is con Quod Permittat Prosternere

Lat. That he permit (sc. the
Quo Animo complainant) to demolish.
The name of a writ by which the
Lat. With what mind. defendant is ordered to permit the
A term appended to a statement complainant to abate a nuisance.
charged a.s defaniatory, to show the
intention with which the words were Quod Prostra Quod
ut tered. Lat. That he abate.
A writ to abate a nuisance.
Quod Computet
Quod Recuperet
Lat. That he account.
Lat. That he recover.
The nmne of an interloeutory decree
in equjty or in vrobate by whkh a mas Quod Si Contingat
i:er is directed to tahe an account. of
daims against c-n1 estate and report Lat. That, if it happen.
thPm to the court.
Quod Vide
I.Jat. Which see.
Lat. For that since.

Quo Jure The term is derived from the Latin
words of appointment. "Quorum vos \Vitb. what right. unum esse volo" (Of whom Idesire
you to be one).
A_ writ requiring the defendant to
show by what right he dem.ands a Quorum is necessary in meetings:
common of pasture in the land of the Unless otherwise provided for in this
complainant. Code or in the by-laws, a quorum
shall consist of the stockholders
Quorum representing a majority of the
outstanding capital stock or a
The nmnher of persons whose pre majority of the members in case of
sence in the meeting of any non-stock corporation. (Section 52,
association, or public administration, Corporation Code)
deliberative or judicial body, permits
the meeting to be lawfully conducted, Quota
Hnd makes the re sultant acts of the
body valid. 1'he number necessary is A specified proportion; e.g., the
often preseribed by statute or eustom. immigration laws provide for a quota
or rules" If no such particular of immigrants to this country,
prescription exists it is often said that depending on their nationality.
a quorun1 requires a n1ajority.
The number of mmnbers whose pre A tax levied in an equal manner.
sence is required before a meeting can
legally take action. It is usually a The number of persons who may be
major ity of the entire body. selected for military service.
The number of persons of the body
which, when legally assembled in Quousque
their places, will enable the body to
transact its proper business, or, in Lat. Up to the point that, or, until.
other words, that number that makes A phrase used in old conveyances as a
a lawful body and gives it power to term of limitation. It was also used in
pass a law or ordi nance or do any executions, like the capias ad satisfa
other valid corporate act. (Javellana ciendum, in which the property was
vs. Tayo, 6 SCRA 1042) held until the judgment was satisfied.

There must at least be a quorum Quovis Modo

which is a majority of all the members,
or one-half their members plus one. Lat. In whatever manner.
(Torres vs. Ribo, 81 Phil. 44)
Quo Warranto

Lat. By what authority; proceeding to
determine authority of officer.

Quo warranto is a remedy to try

disputes with respect to the title to a
public office. General vs. Urro, 646
SCRA 567 (2011)

67; Republic vs. Raneses, 725
SCRA 424 [2014]

The burden of proof in

overcoming in the presumption
of State ownership of the lands
of the public domain is on the
person applying for
registration, who must prove
that the properties subject of the
Regalian doctrine application is alienable and
disposable. Remman Enterprises,
All lands of the public domain
belong to the State, and that the State is Inc. vs. Republic, 742 SCRA 658
the source of any asserted right to [2014]
ownership of land and charged with the
conservation of such patrimony. Republic- Reinstatement
Bureau of Forest Development vs. Roxas,
712 SCRA 177 [2013] Reinstatement, as a labor law
concept, means the admission of an
The State owns all lands and employee back to work prevailing prior to
waters of the public domain. The Doctrine his dismissal; restoration to a state or
is the foundation of the principle of land position from which one had been
ownership that all lands that have not removed or separated, which
been acquired by purchase or grant from presupposes that here shall be no
the government belong to the public demotion in rank and/or diminution of
domain. Chaves vs. Public Estate salary, benefits and other privileges; if the
Authority, 403 SCRA 1 [2015] position previously occupied position in
terms of salary, benefits, and other
Under the Regalian privileges. Baares vs. Tabaco Womens
doctrine, which is embodied in Transport Service Cooperative, 694 SCRA
312 [2013]
our Constitution, all lands of
the public domain belong to the An illegally dismissed employee
should be entitled to either reinstatement
State, which is the source of any if viable, or separation pay if
asserted right to any ownership reinstatement is no longer be visible plus
of the land. Republic vs. back wages in either instance. Hacienda
Leddy vs. Villegas, 735 SCRA 663 [2014]
Enterprises, 717 SCRA 171;
Gaerlan vs. Republic, 719 SCRA Where reinstatement is no longer
viable as an option, separation pay

equivalent to one-month salary for every actual sensations and perceptions already
year of service should be awarded as an produced by the external shock. Since this
alternative. The payment of separation utterance is made under the immediate
pay is in addition to payment of and uncontrolled domination of the
backwages. Given the strained relations
senses, rather than reason and reflection,
between the parties, the award of
separation pay, in lieu of reinstatement is and during the brief period when
in order. Manarpiis vs. Texas Philippines, consideration of self-interest could not
748 SCRA 511 [2015] have been fully brought to bear, the
utterance may be taken as expressing the
real belief of the speaker as to the act just
observed by him. In a manner of
speaking, the spontaneity of the
Res gestae declaration is such that the declaration
itself may be regarded as the event
Res gestae means the things done. It speaking through the declarant rather
refers to those exclamations and than the declarant speaking for
statements made by either the himself. People vs. Manhuyod, 290
participants, victims, or spectators to a SCRA 257 [1998]
crime immediately before, during, or
immediately after the commission of the Resignation
crime, when the circumstances are such
that the statements were made as a Resignation is defined as the act
spontaneous reaction or utterance of giving up or the act of an officer by
inspired by the excitement of the occasion which he declines his office and
and there was no opportunity for the renounces the further right to it.
declarant to deliberate and to fabricate a Fetalino vs. Commission on Elections,
false statement. A spontaneous 686 SCRA 813 [2012]
exclamation is defined as a statement
or exclamation made immediately after Reversion
some exciting occasion by a participant or
spectator and asserting the circumstances Reversion is a proceeding by
of that occasion as it is observed by him. which the State seeks the return of
The admissibility of such exclamation is lands of the public domain or the
based on our experience that, under improvements thereon through the
certain external circumstances of physical cancellation of private title
or mental shock, a stress of nervous erroneously or fraudulently issued
excitement may be produced in a over it. Figuracion vs. Libi, 539 SCRA
spectator which stills the reflective 50 [2007]
faculties and removes their control, so
that the utterance which then occurs is a Revision
spontaneous and sincere response to the

In Constitutional law: Revision may tion, or some part of it, in a corrected
involve a rewriting of the whole or improved form. (Ibid.)
consti tution. (Javellana vs. Executive
Secret ary, 50 SCRA 30). "Amendment" and "revision" of
constitution are separate procedures
Illustration: When a house is com each having a substantial field of
pletely demolished and another is er appli cation, not mere alternative
ected on the same location, do you procedures in the same field. (Ibid.)
have a changed, repaired and altered
house, or do you have a new house? Revivai.J
Some of the materials contained in the
old house may be used again' some of The agreement to maintain as valid,
the rooms may be constructed the for both parties, a conLr&et which has
same, but this does not alter the fact been rescinded.
that you have altogether another or a The act of restoring the power to levy
new house. We conclude that the in execution on a judgment which, while
strument as contained in GA.L. 1945, still valid, has been dormant for a spe
pp. 8-89, inclusive, is not an amend cified time.
ment to the Constitution of 1877; but Obligations barred by the Statute of
on the contrary it is a completely Limitations or by discharge in bank
revised or new constitution. (Ibid.) ruptcy may be revived by a promise to
As distinguished from amendment: pay the debt, executed in writing by
The act of amending a constitution en the debtor, after the obligation has
visages a change of only specific been barred. The moral obligation is
provi sions. The intention of an act to consid ered sufficient consideration
amend is not the change of the entire for the new promise.
constitu tion, but only the
improvement of spe cific parts of the After an action has been abated, as by
existing constitution of the addition of death of a party, it may generally be
provisions deemed es sential as a received by his heirs or represent
consequence of new condi tions or the atives.
elimination of parts already
considered obsolete or unresponsive Revival of Judgment
to the needs of the time. (Ibid.)
A procedural means of securing the
Every proposal which affects a change execution of a previous judgment
in a Constitution or adds or takes which has become dormant after the
away frmn it is an "amendment," passage of five years without its being
while a ''revision'' implies a re-exam executed upon motion of the
ination and statement of the Constitu prevailing party. It is not intended to
reopen any issue af fecting the merits

of the judgment debtor's case nor the In the law of Agency: Any indication
propriety or cor rectness of the first by the principal that he wishes the re
judgment. As a rule, only matters of lation of principal and agent to be ter
jurisdiction and those arising after minated. It is complete when
the finality of the first judgment may communi cated to the agent. If the
be raised in the new action. principal dies or becomes bankrupt,
(Philippine Reconstruction Cor this fact is a revocation, even if not
poration, Inc. vs. Aparente, 45 SCRA communicated. However, an agency
217) coupled with an interest in the subject
matter may not be terminated at will.
The withdrawal of an offer to make a

The cancelling of a license issued by a

Revivor public administrative agency.

A bill in equity to reestablish and

continue proceedings which have
been abated. Revocatur

Lat. It is recalled.
The term formerly used for the an
Revocable Permit nulment of a judgment or decree for
er rors of fact, as distinct from a
reversal for errors of law.
In Public Land law: A permit issued
for the temporary occupation and use Revoke
of a tract of land not covered by a
regular public land application. To withdraw an offer. To terminate an
(Mauleon vs. Court of Appeals, 66 agency. To cancel a license.
SCRA 101)
Revolving Letter Of Credit
Revocable Proxy
In Code of Commerce: One in which
In Corporation law: One that can be the credit is automatically replenished
revoked. Generally, proxies are re as the drafts are drawn.
Rex Extra Commercium
Lat. Things outside the commerce of

Rex Non Debet Esse Sub Homine, In Insurance law: A printed or type
Sed Sub Deo Et Sub Lege Quia Lex written stipulation on a slip of paper
Facit Regem attached to the policy and forming a
part thereof. (Ang Giok Chip vs.
Lat. The king is under no man, yet he Springfield Fire & Marine Insurance
is under God and the law, for the law Co., 56 Phil. 375)
makes the king.
Rien Passa Per Le Fait
Rex Non Potest Peccare
Fr. Nothing passed by the deed.
Lat. The king can do no wrong.
A plea in a suit on a specialty that a
Rice and Corn Industry deed duly executed was, for some
other reason, defective or void.
( 1) Acquiring by purchase or barter
rice and corn and their by-products to Riens En Arriere
the extent of their raw materials re
quirements when used in the Fr. Nothing in arrear.
manufac ture of their finished A plea that there is nothing remain ing
products and (2) Engaging in the due of the plaintiff's demand.
culture, production, milling,
processing and trading (except Right
retailing) of rice and corn.
A legally enforceable claim, is sepa
rably associated with remedy.
Richard Roe The term is also used of a liberty,
freedom or privilege of which the es
The fictitious name of a defendant sence is the absence of any duty. This
whose real name is unknown to the is the commoner sense in relation to
plaintiff. poli tical rights.

The name of the fictitious ejector in an Sometimes used of a power of ap

action for ejectment. pointment or choice, e.g., a right of
election of remedies.
The fictitious name of one of the
sureties or pledges who formerly had In Constitutional law and Industrial
to subscribe a plaintiff's pleading to Peace Act: The right of the employees
gua rantee the prosecution of the suit. to form or join associations, a right
comprehends at least two broad no
Rider tions, namely: (1) liberty or freedom,

i.e., the absence of legal restraint, cred itor (Article 1200, Civil Code) or
whereby an employee may act for to a third person (Article 1309), and
him self without being prevented by may be express and becomes effective
law; and (2) power, whereby an when communicated to the other
employee may, as he pleases, join or party (Arti cle 1201) or implied when
refrain from joining an association. only one al ternative remains possible
(Victoriano vs. Elizalde Rope Workers (Article 1202). The debtor shall have
Union, 59 SCRA66) no right to choose those prestations
which are impossible, unlawful or
In law of Donation: The term ''right'' which could not have been the object
must be understood "propriety" sense, of the obligation (Article 1200), but
over which the possessor has the jus once choice is made, it is irrevocable.
disponendi. (Republic vs. Court of If through the cred itor's acts the
Appeals, 73 SCRA 160) debtor cannot make a choice
according to the terms of the
obligations, the latter may rescind the
contract with damages (Article 1203),
but if, on the other hand, the debtor
refuses to elect, then an action may be
Right Against Self-Incrimi Nation brought to compel him to choose
not any particular prestation but just
A constitutional right not to be com to act, i.e., to make the choice.
pelled to be a witness against himself.
(People vs. Tampus, 96 SCRA 634)

Right of Asylum Right of Confrontation

In International law: The right of bel A constitutional right which guaran

ligerent warships to shelter in neutral tees to the accused the right to cross
ports and waters when they are driven examine the witnesses for the prosecu
by stress of weather or otherwise re tion, is one of the most basic rights of
duced to an unseaworthy condition. an accused person under our system
of justice. It is a fundamental right
Right of Choice which is part of due process not only
in crim inal proceedings but also in
The alternative obligation before per civil pro ceedings as well as in
formance must be refused to a simple proceedings in administrative
obligation through a choice which tribunals with quasi judicial powers.
ordi narily belongs to the debtor but (People vs. Seneris, 99 SCRA 92)
which may be expressly granted to the

Right Of Recourse Against Indorser delayed in payment of the price
(Article 1533, par. 3).
In Negotiable Instruments law: It
refers to the right of a holder to Right of Retention
compel the general indorser to pay the
instru ment. This right is similar to the The right of retention has been con
''right of recourse against the drawer.'' sidered as one of the conglomerate of
But as between the drawer and the in measures devised by the law for the
dorser, the indorser has a right of re protection of the possessor in good
course against the drawer the latter is faith. Its object is to guarantee the re
a prior party. imbursement of the expenses, such as
those for the preservation of the pro
Right of Resale perty, or for the enhancement of its
uti lity or productivity. It permits the
The right of he unpaid seller in pos actual possessor to remain in
session of the goods under a lien or possession while he has not been
who has properly stopped the goods reimbursed by the per son who
in tran sit, restoring his lien, to defeated him in the possession for
foreclose his lien security by selling those necessary expenses and use ful
the goods apply ing the proceeds to improvements made by him on the
the contract price and holding the thing possessed. The principal charac
buyer for any defi ciency. The right teristic of the right of retention is its
can be exercised only in three cases: accessory character. It is accessory to a
( 1) where the goods are of a principal obligation. Considering that
perishable nature; (2) where the seller the right of the possessor to receive
expressly reserves the right of resale the fruits terminates when his good
in case the buyer should make default; faith ceases, it is necessary, in order
(3) where the buyer has been in that this right to retain may be useful,
default in the payment of the price for to con cede to the creditor the right to
an unreasonable time (Article 1533, secure reimbursement from the fruits
par. 1, Civil Code). The sale can be of the property by utilizing its
made either at a public or private sale proceeds for the payment of the
but the seller must exercise reasonable interest as well as the principal of the
care and judgment in making the debt while he re mains in possession.
same and without directly or This right of re tention of the property
indirectly buy ing the goods (Article by the creditor, according to Scaevola,
1533, par. 5). Notice of sale to buyer is in the light of the provisions of Article
not essential but lack of such notice 502 of the Spanish Civil Code, is
will be relevant in determining considered not a coercive measure to
whether buyer was un reasonably oblige the debtor to pay, depriving
him temporarily of the en joyment of

the fruits of his property, but as a Article 1994 of the same Code, may
means of obtaining compen sation for retain the thing in pledge until the
the debt. The right of reten tion in this full payment of what may be due him
case is analogous to a con tract of by reason of the deposit. The
antichresis and it can be con sidered usufructuary, pursuant to Article 612
as a means of extinguishing the of the same Code, may retain the
obligation, inasmuch as the right to property until he is reimbursed for,
retain the thing lasts only for the the amount paid for taxes levied on
period necessary to enable the creditor the capital (Ar ticle 597) and for
to be reimbursed from the fruits for extraordinary repairs (Article 594).
the nec essary and useful expenses. (Ibid.)
(Ortiz vs. Kayanan, 92 SCRA 146)
In all of these cases, the right of re
According to Manresa, the right of tention is used as a means of extin
retention is, therefore, analogous guishing the obligation. As amply ob
to that of pledge, if the property served by Manresa: ''El derecho de
retained is a movable, and to that of retencion, lo hemos dicho, es el
antichresis, if the property held is derecho de prenda or el de antichresis
immovable. This construction appears consti tuido por la ley con
to be in harmony with similar independencia de la voluntad de las
provisions of the civil law which partes." In a pledge, if the thing
employs the right of retention as a pledged earns or produces fruits,
means or device by which a creditor is income, dividends or interests, the
able to obtain the payment of a debt. creditor shall compensate what he
Thus, under Article 1731 of the New receives with those which or owing
Civil Code, any person who has per him. In the same manner, in a contract
formed work upon a movable has of antichresis, the creditor acquires the
a right to retain it by way of pledge right to receive the fruits of an im
until he is paid. Similarly, under movable of his debtor with the obli
Article 1914 of the same Code, the gation to apply them to the payment
agent may retain in pledge the things of the interest, if owing, and thereafter
which are the ob ject of the agency to the principal of his credit. The
until the principal effects debtor cannot reacquire enjoyment of
reimbursement of the funds the immovable until he has actually
advanced by the former for the execu paid what he owes the creditor. (Ibid.)
tion of the agency, or he is
indemnified for all damages which he Right of Way
may have suf fered as a consequence
of the execution of the agency, An easement giving a property owner
provided he is free from fault. To the the right to go over the land belonging
same effect, the deposit ary, under to another. A private right of way is

created by prescription, conveyance or Who may demand: Not only the
by necessity. A public right of way re owner of the dominant tenement may
sults from prescription or dedication. demand the right of way, but also all
The path so passed over. persons who, by virtue of a real right,
may cultivate and use the tenement.
An easement, an encumbrance on a Thus, the usufructuary may demand
servient estate, a real right of limited it. But the lessee cannot demand this
use without possession and right, because his action is against the
ownership of the land upon which the lessor who is bound to maintain him
easement was established. (Angeles in the enjoyment of the property. It is
Estate, Inc. vs. Court of First Instance immaterial that the right of way is to
of Negros Occidental, 24 SCRA 501) be utilized by the lessee, because it is
always understood that he does so in
An easement granting the owner or the name of the owner.
any person who by virtue of a real
right may cultivate or use any Necessity required: To justify the
immovable, which is surrounded by imposition of this servitude there
other immov ables pertaining to other must be a real, not a fictitious or
persons and without adequate outlet artificial, necessity for it. Mere
to a public highway, a right of way convenience for the dominant estate is
through the neighboring estates, after not enough to serve as its basis. Even
payment of the proper indemnity. when there is a necessity, it can be
(Article 649, Civil Code) satisfied without imposing the
servitude should not be imposed.
Acquisition by prescription: When the Where a tenement is not enclosed by
right of way is permanent and has an others, this legal easement cannot be
apparent sign, Jike a road, it can be established.
acquired by prescription. If the land
itself occupied by the road can be ac Access to highway: The right of way
quired in ownership by prescription, may be demanded: ( 1) When there is
why can't a servitude, which is less absolutely no access to a public high
than ownership? When there is a way, and (2) when, even if there is
permanent road, the easement one, it is difficult or dangerous to use,
should be - from obtaining a legal or is grossly insufficient. Thus, when
servitude of right considered the access is through a dangerous
continuous, because the of water way, or a steep cliff or incline, it
way existence of the road is a is the same as if the access does not
continuing assertion of a right against exist. Where, the access to the
the exclusive dominion of its power. highway can be used only at certain
times of the year, Bolieux and
Manzoni are of the opinion that the

right of way may be demanded for expensive to construct a bridge across
the entire year. But when the want of it, there is no outlet.
access to a public highway is due to
acts imputable to the owner himself, Reasonable and necessary: The
as when he constructs building or servitude must be such as to meet the
grants concessions to others obstruc requirements of the dominant tene
ting the old ways, the law prevents ment. The extent of the right of way
him must follow and be adapted to the
bene ficial use for which the dominant
Adequate outlet: This easement can be tene ment is intended. The right of the
established for the benefit of a dominant proprietor to have a right of
tenement with an inadequate outlet, way, reasonably necessary and conve
but not when the outlet is merely nient for the purpose for which the
incon venient. Thus, when a person ser vitude is created, is subject, of
has al ready established an easement course, to the limitation that the
of this nature in favor of his tenement, usefulness of the servient tenement to
he can not demand another, even if its owner, is not thereby unreasonably
the first passage has defects which impaired. Whether a right of way is
make pass age impossible, if those reasonable and necessary depends
defects can be eliminated by the upon the cir cumstances of each
proper repairs. The law does not particular case, the
require that the adequate outlet interests of both parties being consid
should necessarily be by land; hence, ered. Thus, where the creation of a
it has been held that an outlet by driveway over a person's land will
navigable river, suitable to the condi work no undue hardship on him and
tions of the tenement, by which will cost the least expense and labor to
persons and things can reach a public the owner of the dominant tenement
highway, would be sufficient. and the least inconvenience to the
least number of people; where the
The outlet, however, must be suffi dominant tenement is only about a
cient for the purpose and needs of the meter from the highway across said
dominant owner, although it did not land, as against 150 meters along on
be public. It would be adequate if it alley to another highway; and where
can be established at reasonable the servitude in question will not
expense; but if the cost of the outlet is greatly diminish the value of the
dispropor tionate to the importance of servient lot, said servitude should be
the outlet, the easement can be granted.
established. Thus, if a tenement is
separated from the public highway by No alienation of land: Payment of the
a dangerous river, and it will be too value of the land for a permanent use

of the easement does not mean an re scind must be manifested by the
alien ation of the land occupied. seller by an overt act such as notice to
the buyer or other acts, which
Right-Of-Way Rule however need not be communicated
to the buyer but the lack of such notice
The circumstance that a motorist has will be rele vant in determining
the right-of-way does not relieve him whether buyer has been unreasonably
of the obligation to use ordinary care delayed in the pay ment of the price.
to avoid injury to a pedestrian Once the transfer is rescinded, the
crossing the street. Thus, the fact that seller shall not be liable to the buyer
one has the preferred right-of-way on the contract but may recover
does not warrant him to proceed damages for breach thereof. (Article
ignoring the conse quences and the 1534, Civil Code)
safety of others. Too much insistence
on a right-of-way, even if one is Right to Vote
entitled to it, is in itself negli gence
and may even be the grossest kind of A constitutional guarantee. It is a
negligence. right without which the principle of
sovereignty residing in the people be
Right o Hold Office comes nugatory. In the traditional
ter minology, it is a political right
The just and legal claim to hold and enabling . every citizen to participate
enjoy the powers and responsibilities in the pro cess of government to
of the office. (Paredes vs. Abad, 56 assure that it de rives its power from
SCRA 522) the consent of the governed.
(Puiigutan vs. Abubakar; 43 SCRA 1)
Right to Rescind Transfer Of title
Right to Remain Silent
The right of the unpaid seller having
the right of lien or having stopped the Section 12. (1) Any person under
goods in transitu to rescind the investigation for the commission of an
transfer of title and resume the offense shall have the right to be
ownership in the goods as a means of informed of his right to remain silent
foreclosing his lien security. The and to have competent and
right can be exercised only in two independent counsel preferably of his
cases: ( 1) where the seller expressly own choice. If the person cannot
reserved the right to do so in case the afford the services of counsel, he must
buyer should make default and (2) be provided with one. These rights
where the buyer has been in default hi cannot be waived except in writing
the payment of the price for an and in the presence of counsel.
unreasonable time. The intention to

View that the right to remain silent is bling together of their own authority
given to persons under suspicion for with intent to assist each other against
committing some crimes, not to the any who opposes them in the
victims whose duty is to promptly execution of some enterprise of a
assist the police investigators in private nature. The enterprise must be
pinpointing criminal responsibilities. executed in a violent and turbulent
People vs. Feliciano 724 SCRA 148 manner, to the terror of the people. It
[2014] is immaterial whether the act intended
itself was law ful or unlawful.
Right-Wrong Test
The gathering together must be with
A test of the responsibility for crim an unlawful intent, for if people are
inal acts, when insanity is asserted, is together for a lawful purpose and af
the capacity of the accused to distin terwards engage in a quarrel or fight,
guish between right and wrong at the the offense is an affray and not a riot,
time and with respect to the act which if being lawfully assembled they form
is the subject of the inquiry. (People into parties with promises of mutual
vs. Ambal, 100 SCRA 325) assistance, either express or implied,
the offense will be a riot, for there will
Rigor Juris be an unlawful assembling within the
meaning of the law, and in this
Lat. The right of the law. manner a lawful assembly may be
converted into an unlawful one. One
A term used when a strict interpret joining the rioters after the riot has
ation of a legal rule is either applied or actually begun will be equally guilty
rejected. as if he had joined them while
To establish this offense actual vio
A public disturbance of the peace of a lence and force must be shown or
serious nature, committed by three or such circumstances as have an
more persons, assembled to carry out apparent ten dency to force and
a common purpose. violence, and are calculated to strike
At common law: Rioting is a misde terror into the pub lic mind. It must be
meanor, and is generally punishable shown that the ac cused either
by fine or imprisonment. Severe actually participated in the
penal ties may be provided if the disturbance or was present encourag
rioters are armed. ing or giving countenance, support or
acquiescence to the act. It is not requi
A tumultuous disturbance of the site to the offense that personal vio
peace by three or more people assem lence be actually committed. It is suffi

cient that the acts of the persons
engaged are to be terror of the people, Those who own lands on the borders
as by a show of arms, threatening of a water course.
speech es or turbulent gestures.
Riparian Rights
The rights possessed by riparian
In a broad sense: Any property hav proprietors to the banks, waters and
ing a water frontage. (Santulan vs. bed of the water course. The waters
Executive Secretary, 80 SCRA 548) may generally be used for any proper
In strict sense: Riparian refers to purpose if such use does not interfere
rivers. (Ibid.) with the rights of other riparian
Riparian Owners
Rise; Rising
Where a stream constitutes the
boundary between property owners, The term used to express the fact that
the owners in such cases known as the court has finally adjourned. It is
riparian owners, the property of the equivalent to "last day of the term."
respective owners will extend to the
middle of the stream, unless the Risk Capital Rule
courses which constitute the bounding
lines of the property are expressly In Securities Act: Under the Risk
stated to be elsewhere. In some Capital Rule, an investor actively
streams that are navigable, even parti cipates in the activities and
where the tide does not ebb and flow, manage ment of the enterprise where
the soil of the bed of the river belongs such in vestors' monetary contribution
to the riparian owners, subject to the consti tutes a part of the initial
right of navigation in the public. capitalization of the enterprise.

A person who owns land situated on Risks and Perils

the bank of a river. (Santulan vs. Exe
cutive Secretary, 80 SCRA 548) In Insurance law: Those loses
The term ''riparian owner'' em braces against which the holder of the policy
not only the owners of lands on the is pro tected by his contract.
banks of rivers but also the littoral
owners, meaning the owners of lands River
bordering the shore of the sea or lake
or other tidal waters. (Ibid.) A body of water, whether
navigable or non-navigable, flowing
Riparian Proprietors

in a natural stream between banks or The natural bed or channel of
walls. a river or creek is the ground covered
by its waters during high tides.
A compound concept (Miranda vs. Mun1cipality of Bacolor,
consisting of three elements: CA-G.R. No. 6287-R, August 2, 1951)

( 1) the running waters, Other authorities have

(2) the bed and defined the river bed of a river as that
(3) the banks. All these constitute portion of its soil which is ultimately
the river. (Hilario vs. City of covered and left bare as there may be
Manila, 19 SCRA 931) an increase or diminution in the
supply of water and which is
A "river" consists of water, a adequate to contain it at its average or
bed and banks, these several parts main stage during the entire year.
consti tuting the river, the whole river. (Ibid.)
It is a compound idea; it cannot exist
without all its parts. Evaporate the The portion of its soil which is
water, and you have a dry hollow. If ulti mately covered and left bare as
you could sink the bed, instead of a there may be an increase or
river, you would have a fathomless diminution in the supply of water and
gulf. Remove the banks, and you have which is adequate to contain it at its
a boundless flood. (Ibid.) average or mean stage during the
entire year. (Cruz vs. Secretary of
In International law: Rivers are clas Public Works and Com munications,
sified as follows: ( 1) National rivers 60 O.G. 7223)
those that lie wholly within the Article 502 of the New Civil Code
bound aries of one and the same State; provides, inter alia, that rivers and
(2) Boundary rivers- those which their natural beds are public
separate two different States from dominion. The natural bed or channel
each other; (3) Non-national rivers- of a river or creek is the ground
those which flow through several covered by its waters during the high
States; and (4) Inter national rivers- floods. (Com monwealth of the
those which runs through several Philippines vs. Me neses, CA-G.R.
States but are open to the navigation No. 1576, January 31,
of the merchantmen of all nations in 1939)
time of peace pursuant to
conventional International Law. Road

River Bed A passage through the

country to which the public has a
right of way. Roads are exclusively

within the juris diction of the person'' need not be in its strictly
provinces, municipalities, cities, and literal sense, for the taking may be
barangays, except when they are from the person's pres ence, when it is
national highways, in which case they done with violence and against his
are within the jurisdiction of the consent.
Ministry of Public Works and
Highways. The violence and putting to
fear need not concur, and if a man is
An open passage of the sea knocked down and robbed while
near the land, in which vessels may unconscious the offense is still
anchor and ride at anchor. A robbery. If one is put in fear by threats
roadstead. and then robbed, no other violence is
necessary to constitute the crime,
Robber though the violence or put ting in fear
may be at the time of the act or
A person guilty of robbery. immediately preceding.

Robbery It has been held that when an

article is snatched merely by a sudden
The taking of anything of pull, even though a momentary force
value from the person of another with be exerted, this is not such violence as
intent to gain by means of violence to constitute a robbery, though if there
against or intimidation of any person is any struggle or disruption of the
or using force upon anything is offense is robbery. If the property is
robbery. (Art. 293, Revised Penal taken under a bona fide claim of right
Code) and not with a view to wrongfully
taking another's property there is no
The felonious and forcible robbery.
taking from the person of another of
goods or money of any value against Any person who, with intent
his will by violence, or by putting hin:i to gain, takes any personal property
in -fear. The violence necessary to this belonging to another, by means of
crime, how ever, is not confined to an violence against or intimidation of any
actual assault of the person by beating person, or using force upon anything,
and knocking him down or forcibly is guilty of robbery. (Article 293,
wresting the thing from him. Revised Penal Code)
Whatever goes to intimidate by
apprehension of personal violence or Elements: The elements of
by fear of life, with a view to robbery are that there is a taking of
compelling the delivery of property, is personal property; that the personal
sufficient. The ''taking from the property belongs to another; that the

taking be with animo lucrandi and different ob jects found on the scene
that the taking be con violencia o of the crime.
intimidacion en las personas o con
fuerza en las cosas. Robbery in all its Where the only evidence in
forms is the greatest scourge in the rob bery is the testimony of the
agricultural communities. complain ant and it appears that he
did not immediately report the
A person who takes alleged robbery to the police, it cannot
possession of personalty by means of be said that the robbery was proven
a search war rant is not guilty of beyond reasonable doubt.
robbery. The aban donment of things
taken after the com mission of the Robbery with Homicide
robbery does not nega tive the
existence of the crime. Robbery with homicide exist
when a homicide is committed either
Proof of robbery: Where there by reason, or on occasion, of the
was no eyewitness to the alleged robbery. People vs. Torres 735 SCRA
robbery, and the evidence merely 687 [2014]
shows that after the killing some of
the things inside the house, where the To sustain a conviction for
killing took place were missing, it robbery with homicide, the
cannot be presumed that the accused prosecution must prove the following
killers committed rob bery. It is elements: 1) the taking of personal
necessary to prove intent to rob.' This property belonging to another; 2) with
necessarily includes evidence to the intent to gain; 3) with the use of
effect that the accused carried away violence or intimidation against a
the effects or personalty of the person; and 4) on the occasion or by
offended party. In the absence of evi reason of the robbery, the crime of
dence that the accused carried away homicide, as used in the generic sense,
the missing objects, they cannot be was committed. People vs. Quisayas
convic ted of robbery. In People vs. 721 SCRA 16 [2014]
Kamad, 540.G. 40, the presence of the
accused at the place where the In robbery with homicide,
robbery with homicide was committed civil indemnity and moral damages
and his subsequent flight were are awarded automatically without
considered insufficient to convict him the need of allegation and evidence
of the crime. other than the death of the victim
owing to the commission of the
The accused in a robbery case crimes. People vs. Torres 735 SCRA
may be identified by means of the 687 [2014]
finger prints which he had left on the

Rogatory, Letters inscribed in the Roll of Attorneys
resorted to de ception and
A commission from a judge demonstrated lack of can dor in
author izing or requesting a judge of dealing with the courts. Offend ing
another or foreign jurisdiction to attorney is reprimanded and
examine a wit ness. warned. (Ibid. )

Role D'equipage Roman Law

Fr. List of equipment. Properly, the law of the

Roman people, the "populus
The muster-role or list of the Romanus," of which the oldest
mem bers of a ship's crew. monument, only frag mentarily
preserved, is the Law of the Twelve
Roll Tables of about 350 B.C. The Roman
law developed by statute, the edicts of
A record, particularly when magistrates, especially the praetor (ius
kept on parchment. honorarium), and by dP-ci sions and
expositions of lawyers (juris
Rolling Stock prudentes, juris consulti) into a vast
body of law, revised and summarized
The cars and vehicles of a by the legislation of the Emperor Justi
railroad which are moved by wheels nian in 528-535 A.D., the Corpus Juris
on the tracks of the railroad. It has Divilis, in which latter form it has
some quali ties of a fixture, but may be come down to us. A great many other
treated as a chattel or personal sources, i.e., literature, inscriptions,
property and execu tion may be levied papyri, have given additional inform
on it. ation about the historical Roman law,
and modern research has made a great
Roll Of Attorneys deal of use of them, and has substan
tially changed former concepts of the
The official record containing development of the Roman law.
the names and signatures of those Frequently used as equivalent to Civil
who are authorized to practice law. A law. It is extremely important,
lawyer is not authorized to use a name however, to separate the two terms.
other than the one inscribed in the
Role of Attor neys in his practice of Rood
law. (Pangan vs. Ramos, 93 SCRA 87)
One fourth of an acre. A
A lawyer who uses before the crucifix.
courts a name other than the name

Roof Sign
A payment made to the owner
In Building law: A sign of a patent or copyright for the right to
installed on roofs, roof decks or eaves. manufacture, sell or use the patented
or copyrighted article.

ROTA When used in connection with

a li cense under a patent: The
A canon law court of the compen sation paid by the licensee to
Roman Catholic Church under the the li censor for the use of the
existing system of Codex Juris licensor's patented invention.
Canonici. It has appellate jurisdiction (Universal Food Corporation vs.
in matrimonial causes. Court of Appeals, 33 SCRA 1)

Rotation by Exclusion Ruinous Competition

The rotation by exclusion rule Such competition that would

provides that once a member of a prevent the operator from obtaining
chapter is elected as governor, his {or sufficient profits to pay a dividend or
her} chapter wuld be excluded in the reasonable interest upon invested
next turn until all have taken their capital (Halili vs. Ice and Cold Storage
turns in the rotation cycle. Once a full Industries, Inc., 77 Phil. 823). Mere
rotation cycle ends and a fresh cycle reduction of income does not
commences, all the chapter in the constitute ruinous competi tion.
region are once again entitled to vie (Halili vs. Daplas, 14 SCRA 14)
but subject again to the rule on
rotation by exclusion. Maglana vs. Rule
Opinion 726 SCRA 17 [2014]
A roster or list. In the English practice: An
order of the court. The term is also
In the present jeepney driver's used in some American jurisdictions
term: The route of the passenger and in the Philippines.
jeepneys from one point to another.
Rule in Double Sale
The rule in double sale will
A group of persons only apply if the same thing is sold by
assembled with the intention of the same vendor to different vendees.
engaging in a riot. Thus where a land was sold by the son
as at torney-in-fact of his father and
Royalty later on resold by the son in his own

name, the rule on double sale will not yields to priority of registration (Jove
apply (La yog vs. Barbero, 55 O.G. llanos vs. Dimalanta, L-1736, January
1032). Like wise where vendor sold 30, 1959) provided registration is done
property to one and the right of in good faith (Cagaoan vs. Cagaoan,
repurchase to another, the rule will 43 Phil. 554). It has been held that
not apply (Dischoso vs. Roxas, L- while one who buys from the
17441, July 31, 1962). In case of registered owner does not need to
movable property, the ownership is look beyond Certificate of Title, one
transferred to the person who may who buys from one who is not the
have first taken possession in good registered owner, but who claims
faith (Ar-ticle 1544, par. 1). Thus right under the regis tered owner, is
where a sur plus depot in Samar expected to examine not only the
was sold by the Surplus Property Certificate of Title but all factual
Commission to Villa Abrille and circumstancf>s necessary for him to
then resold to Gancayco who determine if there are any flaws in
assigned his right to Tomassi, the title of the transferor or in his capacity
former was adjudged the owner to transfer land. Failure to do such
be... cause he first took possession will prevent buyer from being
in good faith of the depot (Tomassi considered in good faith and hence
vs. Villa Abrille, 55 O.G. 3830). In priority in regis tration will not confer
case of im movable property, the any right (Revilla
ownership shall belong to the person & Fajardo vs. Galindez, L-9940, March
acquiring it who in good faith first 30, 1960), unless transferor although
recorded it in the Regis try of not registered owner at time of sale to
Property (Article 1544, par. 2). buyer, should subsequently become
one (Inquimboy vs. Paez Vda. de
Should there be no Cruz, L-13953, July 26, 1960). The rule
inscription, the ownership shall on double sale applies to double
pertain to person who in good faith donations (Article 744).
was first in possession, and, in the
absence thereof, to the person who Rule-Making
presents the oldest title, provided
there is good faith (Article 1544, par. A legislation on the
3)-Hence, he who first re gisters in administrative level, i.e., legislation
good faith is considered the owner of within the con fines of the granting
the immovable property (Bua son vs. statute, as requir ed by the
Panuyas, L-11415, May 25, 1959; constitution and its doctrine of non-
Beatriz vs Cedena, L-17703, Feb ruary delegability and separability of
28, 1962) even if the other party was powers. (Central Bank vs. Claribel, 44
first in possession (either actual or SCRA 307)
symbolic) for priority in possession

It is the function of laying rumors, false news and information
down general regulations as and gossip, or causes the publication,
distinguished from orders that apply distribution, circulation or spreading
to named per sons or to specific of the same, which cause or tend to
situations, the latter being cause panic, divisive effects among
adjudicatory in nature. (Ibid.) people, discredit of or distrust for the
duly constituted authorities,
Rule Nisi undermine the stability of the Govern
ment and the objectives of the New
In the older practice: An Society, endanger the public order, or
order, ob tained ex parte to show cause damage to the interest or credit
cause why a certain relief granted in a of the State. (Presidential Decree No.
lower court should not be set aside. 90)
The rule will be made absolute, i.e.,
the relief granted will be affirmed, Running Account
unless (nisi) sufficient cause is shown
to set it aside. If such cause is shown, A current or open mutual account,
the rule will be dis charged. usually between merchants, involving
reciprocal claims which have not been
Rule Of Imputed Knowledge finally settled or adjusted.

In Insurance law: Where it is Running at Large

stipul ated in a policy that if
additional insur ance is obtained A term applied to astray
without the permission of the insurer, domestic animals, wandering out of
the policy may be avoid ed, and the sight of their owners and beyond the
insured violates the condi tion with boundaries of their owners' lands.
the know ledge of the insurer's agent,
unless there is collusion between the Running, Blanket or Floating Policy
insured and the insurer's agent, the
knowledge of the agent is deemed to A type of fire insurance
be that of the insurer and the latter is policy: One in which the risk
deemed to have waived the conternplated in shift ing, fluctuating,
prohibition. (Leonor vs. Filipinas Cia. or varying, and which covers a class of
de Seguros, 48 O.G. 240) property rather than any particular
thing, which cannot be covered by
Rumor-Mongering specific insurance of its frequent
change of location and quan tity, or
A crime committed by a for property of such a nature as not to
person who offers, publishes, admit a gross valuation.
distributes, circulates and spreads

Running Policy 1984)

In Insurance law: A policy that con Relating to or constituting

templates that the property insured tenement in land adapted and used
shall be added to or further defined by for agricul tural or pastoral purposes.
latter additions of the policy. It is one which, regardless of site, is
principally used for the purpose of
Running with the Land obtaining prod ucts from the soil as
opposed to urban lands which are
A term applied to certain principally for the pur pose of
covenants, attached to grants or leases, residence. (Ibid.)
which are intended to apply to the
land granted or leased into The very same word has been
whomsoever's possession the land de fined as relating to, or associated
may come. It is sometimes dif ficult to with, or typical of the country, the
determine which covenants run with word being derived from the Latin
the land and which do not. It has been word "ruralis" meaning country. It
said that such covAnants ''must pertains to the country as
directly affect the nature, quality or distinguished from a city or town.
value of the land. or the estate in the (Ibid.)
land. either as continuing benefits or
burdens.'' Both definitions are
undoubtedly correct insofar as the
It is also said that, for word is ordinarily and commonly
covenants to run with the land, there used or understood. However, it is
must be privity of estate between the the legal definition of the word with
party claiming the benefit of the which we are concerned. We are
covenant and the party against whom dealing here with the exercise of a
it is to be enforced. right based on the provision of law. It
is the meaning intended by the
Rural Land framers of the law which we must
seek to uphold. The sense in which the
Product-producing lands: words are used furnishes the rule of
Regardless of site, if the principal construction. A sentence or paragraph
purpose is to obtain products from the in a statute can not be analyzed with
soil, the lease is of rural lands. Hence, respect to some preconceived pattern
as used here rural lands are those in the reader's mind, but it must be
where the lessee principally is analyzed with respect to that which
interested in soil prod ucts. (Fabia vs. the author at tempted to define. Thus,
Intermediate Appellate Court, G.R. a construction of the word "rural" that
No. 66101, November 21,

is in conso nance with the legislative
purpose must be followed. (Ibid.)

The use of property for

agricultural purpose is essential in
order that the same be characterized
as rural land for purposes of legal
redemption under Article 1621 of the
Civil Code. The con sideration of the
use and destination of the lands and
that of the customs of each town will
be the data that ought to be taken into
account in order to decide fitly the
cases where the qualification appears
doubtful. The small parcel of land one
hectare or less in area, must be
dedicated to agriculture before the
owners of adjoining lands may claim a
right of redemption under Article 1621
of the Civil Code. (Ibid.)

Rural lands are distinguished

from urban tenements by its purpose
or being for agricultural, fishing or
timber exploitation, and not for
dwelling, industry or commerce.

criminal court which has exclusive original
jurisdiction in all cases involving violations
of Republic Act 3019 committed by
certain public officers, as enumerated in
Presidential Decree 1606 as amended by
Republic Act No. 8249. This includes
private individuals who are charged as co-
principals, accomplices or accessories
with the said public officers. People vs.
Go, 719 SCRA 704 [2014]

Self-incrimination clause

What the Constitution prohibits is

Sale the use of physical or moral compulsion
to extort communication from the
A valid contract of sale accused, but not an inclusion of his body
in evidence, when it may be material.
requires: (a) a meeting of minds Dela Cruz vs. People, 730 SCRA 655 [2014]
of the parties to transfer
ownership of the thing sold in Social Justice and Human Rights
exchange for a price; (b) the
The law in protecting the rights of
subject matter, which must be a the laborer authorizes neither oppression
possible thing; and (c) the price nor self-destruction of the employer.
Vigilla vs Philippine College of
certain in money or its
Criminology, 698 SCRA 2476 [2013]
equivalent. Recio vs. Heirs of the
Spouses Aguedo and Maria Constitution is committed to the
policy of social justice and the
Altamirano, 702 SCRA 93 [2013]
protection of the working class, it does
not necessary follow that every labor
Sandiganbayan dispute will be automatically decided
in favor of labor. - Although the
The Sandiganbayan has original
Constitution is committed to the
and exclusive jurisdiction not only over
principal causes of action involving policy of social justice and the
recovery of ill-gotten wealth, but also protection of the working class, it does
incidents arising from, incidental to, or not necessary follow that every labor
related to such cases. Pres. Corazon dispute will be automatically decided
Aquino, Metropolitan Bank and Trust in favor of labor . The management
Company vs. Sandoval, 691 SCRA 92 also has its own rights. Out of concern
[2013] for the less privileged in Montero vs.
Times Transportation, 753 SCRA 250
The Sandiganbayan is a special [2015]


Strike means any temporary

stoppage of work by the concerted
action of employees as a result of an
industrial or labor dispute, and the
fact that the conventional term strike
was not used by the striking
employees to describe their common
course of action is inconsequential,
since the substance of the situation
will be deemed controlling. Toyota
Motor Phils. Corp. Workers Association
(TMPCWA) vs. National Labor Relations
Commission, 537 SCRA 171 [2007]

Summary Judgment

A summary judgment, or
accelerated judgment, is a procedural
technique to promptly dispose of
cases where the facts appear
undisputed and certain from the
pleadings, depositions, admissions
and affidavits on record, or for
weeding out sham claims or defenses
at an early stage of the litigation to
avoid the expense and loss of time
involved in a trial. When the
pleadings on file show that there are
no genuine issues of fact to be tried,
the Rules allow a party to obtain
immediate relief by way of summary
judgment, that is, when the facts are
not in dispute, the court is allowed to
decide the case summarily by
applying the law to the material facts.
Philippine Business Bank vs. Chua, 634
SCRA 635 [2010]


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