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RU Teacher Education Lesson Plan Format

Candidate Name:Emily Scharps

Date: 10/3/16

Grade Level: Kindergarten

Lesson Title/Topic: Pumpkin Life Cycle Book


English K.1 The student will demonstrate growth in the use of oral language.
e) Use complete sentences that include subject, verb, and object.

English K.5 The student will understand how print is organized and read. a)
Hold print materials in the correct position. d) Follow words from left to right
and from top to bottom on a printed page.

Science K.7 The student will investigate and understand basic needs and life
processes of plants and animals. Key concepts include c) plants and animals
change as they grow, have varied life cycles, and eventually die;

Specific Observable Objectives

I can begin to read or recognize the words I, see, and the.

I can show how to read the words in the book by pointing to the words.

I can name the main stages for the life cycle of a pumpkin.

Essential Vocabulary:

Blooms - vine has flower grow out of it

I assessed the childrens ability to sound out the sight words. They are just
learning how to read so I did not do a formal assessment on their ability to
read. I assessed each child individually by making them read the words
with my assistance, but had them track with their finger where they begin
reading and where they end. I only made each student read one page. I also
assessed each group on if they could name the four main stages of the life

Student considerations:

The aide highlighted over the sight words for the children who needed
additional help. I also assisted children by helping them sound out and hear
the individual sounds of each word. I did not make the students who were
having too much difficulty read the sentence aloud. I had them practice with
the aid dragging their finger from left to right under the words.

Instructional Resources, Materials, and Technology:

DLTK Pumpkins book, highlighters, markers

The Beginning (a.k.a. Anticipatory Set): (3 minutes)

I discussed the sight words I, See, and The with the children. We
sounded out the different words, and discussed that these are words we will
see a lot throughout the book. I allowed the students to explore through the
book. We read each page of the book together. We did a similar activity on
the life cycle of a pumpkin so they have a bit prior knowledge.

The Middle: (11 minutes)

As a group we went through and highlighted each of the different sight

words one at a time. For the students who understood what to do, I let them
work at their own pace on highlighting the different words. For the rest of
the small group, we page by page and highlighted all of the Is and then all
of the Sees. We had to discuss that even though the word seed has see
in it, its still a different word. After they highlighted the words they were
colored the pictures of each page.

The End (a.k.a. Closing) : (5 minutes)

Then I asked each student individually to read one page from the book. I
modeled first, by using my finger to track the words and read aloud. Each
student picked a page, and followed the words left to right. Although most
students can not accurately track each word yet, they got the practice of
pointing. We then discussed the four main stages that the book mentioned
for the life cycle of a pumpkin.

Teacher Reflection on Practice (following the lesson):

I collected their books to see if they were able to highlight the words, but
they were returned to the students that day. All the students were able to
highlight the words with my assistance. Some of them missed a sight word
or two, but they corrected it once I checked their book.

I will continue to work on different sight words and expanding their

vocabulary. They will work more on guided reading as the school year moves

If I were to reteach this lesson, I would have collected their books before
correcting their work and make a checklist of who needed additional
assistance, and who understood how to recognize these words. I also would
have focused only on English SOLs, to limit how much information they were
taking in at once.

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