NAP Schema Review and To Be Created in NSpira Dev

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NAP Schema review and to be created in NSpira Dev

2. Not sure why reporting analytics was done on the old schema instead of the new
schema, we need to talk about this as it relates to cost

3. Security implementation at the page in request and response.

[Seshu Kumar] : There will be two types of Security need to implement. The first
one is the Request and Response level security, in general terms we will call it as the
Transport Security. This can achievable by implementing the security certificate and
we need to make the url as https.

The second one it the Authorization, We are working on this and we need to
implement the same in a single point where this will remove the vulnerability to the
Role based Authorization implemented by the developer. But unfortunately, there is
no possiblity to implement the Single point check for the role based authorization on
the action that is performed by the end user. We need to merge all the web apis in
to one project and then we need to implement the same.

4. Why is there a change in the DAO layer with the managed code? This will impact
for the most part of all the applications.

[Seshu Kumar] : In the application developers used the un-managed oracle dll to
access the database. And this will not clean the memory with the .Net garbage
collector, this happened because the memory that is created by this dll will be in the
out of process of the .Net Engine.
So while doing the memory check we found this one and we are tried to implement
the Managed Dll for the orcale to access the database.

5. Below clarifications on the teleric reports

Dynamic Charts/Reports - Ability to add, hide columns as needed

[Seshu Kumar] : I will not say this is impossible, but it will take more time
for development and testing too. Because we need to develope more generic
way to create the report definition from the back end coding.

[Seshu Kumar]: We can have the sub reports are there in the telerik and we
can implement the same. We can have a session on this, so that all developers
will have some knowledge on this item.
Graphical reports - Bar charts, Pie charts, etc.
[Seshu Kumar]: We can have the Graphical Reports are there in the telerik
and we can implement the same. We can have a session on this, so that all
developers will have some knowledge on this item.
Access Restrictions - Role/User based access restrictions to reports.
[Seshu Kumar]: As per my knowledge and discussion with team, we have
implemented the report security, and if the end user has the permission then he
will be able to access the reports.

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