Guide - QualiPoc Freerider III

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Freerider III
Getting Started

7827737444 01
Test & Measurement

Getting Started
The software contained in this product makes use of several valuable open source software packages. For information, see the
"Open Source Acknowledgment" on the user documentation CD-ROM (included in delivery).
Rohde & Schwarz would like to thank the open source community for their valuable contribution to embedded computing.

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SwissQual...QualiPoc Contents

1 System Overview................................................................................... 5
1.1 Introduction................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 System Communication Overview.............................................................................. 6

2 Starting Your Freerider III System........................................................ 7

3 Creating a Measurement Campaign..................................................... 9

3.1 Creating a Single Job................................................................................................. 12
3.1.1 Advanced Forcing......................................................................................................... 15
3.2 Deleting a Measurement Campaign.......................................................................... 17

4 Creating a Scanner Measurement...................................................... 19

Getting Started 7827737444 01 3

SwissQual...QualiPoc Contents

Getting Started 7827737444 01 4

SwissQual...QualiPoc System Overview

1 System Overview
QualiPoc Freerider III is a backpack benchmarking system with an Android tablet (FR
Master), up to 6 smartphones slaves with optional RF connectors for external anten-
nas, and an RF scanner.

You can also use a smartphone as a FR Master. For the best Freerider III experience,
use a tablet.

Introduction............................................................................................................... 5
System Communication Overview............................................................................ 6

1.1 Introduction
Freerider III has been optimized for indoor and outdoor testing, for example, in build-
ings, in public transportation, and in pedestrian areas. You can also mount the Free-
rider III hardware in a vehicle.

Figure 1-1: Freerider III

Getting Started 7827737444 01 5

SwissQual...QualiPoc System Overview
System Communication Overview

1.2 System Communication Overview

Freerider III use the following forms of communication:

Scanner NCM GPS Mouse


Freerider Slave Smartphones

Figure 1-2: System communication overview

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SwissQual...QualiPoc Starting Your Freerider III System

2 Starting Your Freerider III System

This procedure assumes that your Freerider III system is pre-configured. For a descrip-
tion on how to create a Freerider III system, see the
Manual - Freerider III.pdf document.

To start your Freerider III system

1. Turn on the master tablet and start QualiPoc.

2. Press the main power button (I/O) between the two fans on the FR3-CORE.







Locking Bar

Figure 2-1: Location of main power button (I/O) on FR3-CORE

3. On the "Slaves" monitor on the master tablet, ensure that the unit status of each
slave phones is idle.

Figure 2-2: Status icon for an idle slave

4. On the FR Master, touch the menu icon at the top of the screen, touch "Device
manager", and then verify that the NCM and optional scanner are connected.

Getting Started 7827737444 01 7

SwissQual...QualiPoc Starting Your Freerider III System

Figure 2-3: NCM and scanner ready

Note: For more information on configuring a scanner, see Chapter 4, "Creating a

Scanner Measurement", on page 19.

Getting Started 7827737444 01 8

SwissQual...QualiPoc Creating a Measurement Campaign

3 Creating a Measurement Campaign

This following procedure describes how to create a blank campaign.

QualiPoc automatically saves changes while you configure a campaign.

To create a measurement campaign

1. On the FR Master, touch the menu icon at the top of the screen and touch "Cam-

Figure 3-1: Campaigns

2. Swipe from the left or touch the sliding drawer icon to open the "All campaign
folders" drawer and touch the "Create campaign" icon .

Figure 3-2: Create campaign

3. In the "Create campaign" box, enter a name for the campaign, and then touch

Getting Started 7827737444 01 9

SwissQual...QualiPoc Creating a Measurement Campaign

Figure 3-3: Blank campaign

4. Assign the FR Slaves to the campaign.

To assign an individual slave, touch "[Not assigned]" at the top of a column,
and then touch a FR Slave in the list.
Assigned slaves in the list are light grey.

Figure 3-4: Campaign tags

To automatically add FR Slaves to all of the columns, touch the context menu
at the top of the screen, and touch an option, for example, "Auto-assign con-
nected slaves".

Getting Started 7827737444 01 10

SwissQual...QualiPoc Creating a Measurement Campaign

Figure 3-5: Auto-assign slaves

Note: When you create a new campaign, "Auto-assign connected slaves" is the
default assignment option.
5. Create a "Single Job" or "Job Sequence".

6. (Optional) If you need to override the start delay that QualiPoc calculates, touch
the gear icon , touch "Instant start delay", and then touch a value.

Figure 3-6: Instant start delay

Getting Started 7827737444 01 11

SwissQual...QualiPoc Creating a Measurement Campaign
Creating a Single Job

Figure 3-7: Instant start delay value

3.1 Creating a Single Job

For a description of the types of jobs that you can configure, see the
Manual - QualiPoc Handheld.pdf document.

To run a single job on a single FR Slave, create a campaign with only one job and one
assigned FR Slave.

To create a single job

1. Start the job creation.
In basic mode, touch the context menu for the FR Slave and touch "Add Job".

Getting Started 7827737444 01 12

SwissQual...QualiPoc Creating a Measurement Campaign
Creating a Single Job

Figure 3-8: Create job in basic mode

In "Advanced mode", touch the context menu at the top of a FR Slave and
touch "Single Job".

Figure 3-9: Single job in Advanced mode

2. In the "Select job type" list, touch a category, for example, "Single Call Tests", and
then touch a job, for example, "Call to any Number".

Getting Started 7827737444 01 13

SwissQual...QualiPoc Creating a Measurement Campaign
Creating a Single Job

Figure 3-10: Select job type

3. Enter the relevant information, for example, a "Phone number", and then use the
toolbar icons to specify the settings for the test.

Figure 3-11: Toolbar icons

Grey icon = Not set

Green icon = Set
Red icon = Set but not valid, for example, when you copy a test from one FR Slave to another FR
Slave the used Access point is not valid or the set forcing is not supported by that device

Table 3-1: Description of the toolbar icons

Toolbar Icon Setting Category

Forcing settings
You can also specify advanced forcing settings
such as "Channel", "Cell lock", and so on. The
settings that are available depend on the device
that you are using. For more information, see
Chapter 3.1.1, "Advanced Forcing", on page 15.

Access point settings

Packet capture settings

Note: Mandatory parameters are highlighted in red.

Getting Started 7827737444 01 14

SwissQual...QualiPoc Creating a Measurement Campaign
Creating a Single Job

Figure 3-12: Mandatory parameters

4. Create the scanner measurement tasks.

3.1.1 Advanced Forcing

You can use advanced forcing as Job forcing in a measurement. You can copy and
paste forcing settings from one FR Slave to another as well as from one job to another

Getting Started 7827737444 01 15

SwissQual...QualiPoc Creating a Measurement Campaign
Creating a Single Job

Figure 3-13: Copy forcing settings

When you apply the advanced forcing settings, QualiPoc reboots the affected FR

Getting Started 7827737444 01 16

SwissQual...QualiPoc Creating a Measurement Campaign
Deleting a Measurement Campaign

Older jobs or campaigns in which "Context deactivation" is enabled, display a red forc-
ing icon in the Campaign Manager and will fail to start on the FR Master.
To disable "Context deactivation", touch "Used interface", and touch an interface.

Figure 3-14: Context deactivation

The forcing icon turns green and the existing schedule jobs are executed correctly.

3.2 Deleting a Measurement Campaign

To delete a measurement campaign

1. On the FR Master, touch the menu icon at the top of the screen and touch "Cam-

Getting Started 7827737444 01 17

SwissQual...QualiPoc Creating a Measurement Campaign
Deleting a Measurement Campaign

Figure 3-15: Campaigns

2. Swipe from the left or touch the sliding drawer icon to open the "All campaign
folders" drawer.

Figure 3-16: Delete Campaign

3. Touch a campaign in the list and touch the "Delete" icon .

Getting Started 7827737444 01 18

SwissQual...QualiPoc Creating a Scanner Measurement

4 Creating a Scanner Measurement

This section describes how to configure a scanner measurement with the Device Man-

To create a new scan

1. On the FR Master, touch the menu icon at the top of the screen, and touch
"Device manager".
Tip: You can also open the "Device manager" by touching and holding the NCM
icon on the Information Banner.

2. In the "Devices" list, click the scanner, for example, "Scanner RuS (TSME)".

6 8

2 9

Figure 4-1: Scanner configuration

1 = Scanner status
2 = Press and hold to move, cut, copy, delete, or paste a scan
3 = Add scan to selected configuration
4 = Displays list of available scanner configurations
5 = Creates new scanner configuration
6 = Delete or duplicate scanner configurations
7 = Check scanner details and change scanner name
8 = Updates scanner configuration
9 = Details of scanner configuration profile

Getting Started 7827737444 01 19

SwissQual...QualiPoc Creating a Scanner Measurement

3. Click "Add scan" at the bottom of the screen and specify the scan settings.
Note: Repeat this step for each scan that you want to add.
4. Click "Apply scanner configuration".

5. If you want to save a scanner measurement files, touch the menu icon at the top
of the screen, touch "Campaigns", and then touch the "Start Scanner Measure-
ment" check box.
Note: If you select this option, QualiPoc validates the parameters that the scanner
measurement does not support before starting the measurement, that is, "Schedul-
ing" and "Cycles".
6. In the "Devices" list, click "GPS", and configure the GPS options.


Figure 4-2: GPS Configuration

1 = Configure internal GPS device

2 = Select the GPS source
3 = Pair the FR Master with a new Bluetooth GPS device
4 = GPS location information

Note: Figure 4-2 is for an internal GPS device. You can also connect a USB or
Bluetooth GPS device to the NCM, which sends the location information to the FR
Master, which in turn shares the information with the FR Slaves.

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