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Logic of Phantasy 15

Jacques Lacan
雅克 拉岡

Lacan Seminar 14:

The Logic of Fantasy 5
Seminar 5: Wednesday, December 14, 1966

(4) I am not saying at all by one of the others, and you are going to see why. We are going to symbolise

this Klein group by the operations in questions, on condition that they are organised in a network such

that each coloured line corresponds to one of these operations. The colour pink, then, corresponds to

one and the same operation, this blue colour also, the yellow line also. You see then that each one of

these operations - which I can leave in the most complete indetermination, until I have given it greater

specificity - each of these operations is found at two different places in the network. We define the

relation between these operations, by which they are founded as a Klein group. It is the same Klein that

I mentioned in connection with the bottle, called by that name. Operations of these three, a, b, c, each of

them, all of them, have this character of being operations which are described as involutional. The most

simple, to represent this type of operation, but not the only one, is for example: negation.








You deny something, you put the sign of negation onto something, whether it is a predicate or a

proposition: it is not true that... You put a negation again on what you get. The important thing is to posit

that there is a use of negation where there can be admitted the following: not as you are taught, that two

negations are the same as an affirmation (we do not know what we started from, we have perhaps not

of which I am giving you an example in negation, has as a result: zero. It is as if one had done nothing.

That is what is meant by saying that the operation is involutional.





Therefore, we can write, (if by making the letters succeed one another, we mean that the operation is

repeated) that aa, bb, cc, are each equivalent to zero. Zero with respect to what we had before, namely,

that if before, for example, we had 1, that means that after aa, there will still be 1. This is worth

underlining. But there can be many other operations of negation which have this result. Suppose it is a

question of a change of sign (this is not the same as negation). By having 1 at the beginning. I would

have -1, then, making the minus function on the minus of -1, I would again have 1 at the start. It

nevertheless remains that these two operations, although different, would have had as a same

manifestation being involutional, namely, to arrive at zero as a result.







On the other hand, it is enough for you to consider this diagram for you to see that a to which there

succeeds b has the same effect as c, that b to which there succeeds c has the same effect as a. This is

what is called the Klein group.





Since, perhaps, certain intuitive exigencies you may have, would like to have on this a little more to get

your teeth into, I can note for you - because here, this week, it is (7) really within the reach of everyone,

in all the kiosques - a rather slim issue of a journal which ... (you know already what I think of journals

and I am not going to indulge today in the repetition of a certain play on words that usually use),

anyway, in this journal (Les Temps Modernes) where there is not very much, there is an article on

structure in mathematics which obviously could be more developed buts which - on the short surface

that it has chosen, quite correctly, faith, since it is precisely the Klein group that is involved - chews

things over for you, I must say with extreme care. For what I have just shown you there, which is very

simple, I believe that there are, in faith, twenty-four pages which are taken a step at a time.



於杂志的看法。我今天不是要旧话重提。)无论如何,在这本杂志Les Temps Modernes,内容不是很丰富,




Nevertheless, this could be a very useful exercise - in any case for those who like things to be drawn out

- a very useful exercise, which can really accustom you to what is involved in this Klein group. If I take it

up it is because -and if I present it to you from the beginning - it is going to be, at least I hope so, of

some service to us.




If we start again from structure, you remember enough of the steps I made it turn around for the idea to

strike you that the functioning of a group structured in this way ... which to function, as you see, can be

satisfied with four elements, which are represented here on the network which supports it by the

vertices, in other words where there is encountered the skeleton of this little figure that you see

inscribed here. Note ... (How long are we going to have to put up with this?).





Note that there is no difference between this figure and the one that I sketch in here rapidly with the

white chalk and which also has four vertices, each one having the property of being linked to the three

others. From the point of view of structure, it is exactly the same. But we have only to colour in the lines

that join the vertices, two by two, in the following way, for you to see that it is exactly the same structure.

In other words, the median point in this network, in this figure is not privileged. The advantage in

representing it differently is to mark that there is not, in this respect, any privilege. Nevertheless, the

other figure has still another advantage, which is to make you put your finger on the fact that there is

here one thing among others that the notion of proportional relation may eventually overlap. I mean that:













(8) for example, is something which functions, but among others, among numerous other structures

which have nothing to do with proportion, according to the law of the Klein group. It is a matter for us of

knowing whether the function that I introduced under terms, like for example that of the function of

metaphor, as I represented it by the structure: S, a signifier, in so far as it posits itself in a certain

position which is properly the metaphorical position or that of substitution with respect to another

signifier - S coming then to substitute itself for S' - something is produced, in so far as the link between

S' and S is preserved, as possible to reveal, there comes to result from it the new meaning otherwise

called a signified effect.




就是比喻的立场,或是针对另一个意符的代替立场。这个主体於是针对另一个生命的主体‘ 拿自己来代替对



Two signifiers are involved, two positions of one of these signifiers, and a heterogeneous element, the

fourth element s, signified effect, the one which is the result of the metaphor and that I write as follows:

S (signifier) S'


S' (signifier) s (signified effect)







The fact is that S in so far as it has come to replace S', becomes the factor of an S(1/s) which is what I

call the metaphorical effect of meaning.

S S' (1)


S' s (s)







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