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CME Diabetes Clinical Medicine 2010, Vol 10, No 5: 5059

Microvascular complications: bleeds. Furthermore, the lack of lym-

phatic drainage within the retina causes
fluid accumulation in the presence of
pathophysiology and management hyperglycaemia resulting in macular
oedema. Macular oedema can be associ-
ated with any of the aforementioned
Karunakaran Vithian, specialist registrar blood flow and changes in endothelial stages. The classification of different
endocrinology; Steven Hurel, consultant permeability, extravascular protein depo- forms of retinopathy is given in Table 1.
in diabetes/endocrinology sition and coagulation resulting in organ The UKPDS trial highlighted that up to
dysfunction. Current evidence demon- 40% of patients with type 2 diabetes
Department of Diabetes and Endocrinology, strates a clear relationship between blood (T2DM) have some retinopathy at the
University College London Hospitals, London pressure (BP) and progression of time of diagnosis, reflecting late presenta-
nephropathy5 and retinopathy.6 These tion in this group. This contrasts with
are now established as independent epidemiological data in which the
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is characterised risk factors for microvascular disease prevalence varies from 1695%
by organ dysfunction arising directly or progression. depending on duration of diabetes.7
indirectly from the effects of chronic
Diabetic retinopathy is rare in newly
hyperglycaemia. The chronic complica-
diagnosed patients with T1DM where the
tions of diabetes are traditionally classified Diabetic retinopathy
presentation is more acute. Diabetes
as macro- or microvascular depending on
Diabetic retinopathy is the most common duration, glycaemic control and BP are
the underlying pathophysiology. The
cause of visual loss in working-age adults the strongest risk factors for the develop-
microvascular triad of retinopathy,
in the developed world. It occurs ment and progression of retinopathy.
nephropathy and neuropathy is unique to
following hyperglycaemia-mediated There is some evidence that rapid
diabetes.1 Most patients with diabetes will
damage within the retinal microvascula- improvements in glycaemic control
have one or more of these as overt or sub-
ture. This damage causes basement mem- can cause transient worsening of
clinical manifestations during the course
brane thickening, increased capillary retinopathy.8 In patients with advanced
of their disease. This review aims to give
permeability and the formation of retinopathy improvements in glycaemic
a broad overview of diabetes-related
microaneurysms. These changes lead to control should therefore be gradual.9,10
microvascular disease.
intravascular coagulation, resulting in Retinopathy is known to deteriorate
retinal ischaemia which drives the forma- during pregnancy;11,12 these patients
tion of new vessels within the retina (neo- need to have retinal assessments soon
The underlying driver of microvascular vascularisation). These new vessels are after their first appointment and again in
disease is tissue exposure to chronic fragile and may rupture causing retinal the 28th week of pregnancy.13
hyperglycaemia. Landmark clinical trials
such as the UK Prospective Diabetes Table 1. Classification of diabetic retinopathy.
Study (UKPDS) and Diabetes Control of
Stage Features
Complications Trial (DCCT) have estab-
lished a clear relationship between Background retinopathy Microaneurysms (saccular pouches due to capillary distension)
microvascular disease and glucose con- Dot/blot haemorrhages
trol.2,3 Microvascular disease tends to Hard exudates (lipid deposits related to extravascular leaks)
occur predominantly in tissues where
Pre-proliferative Cottonwool spots (areas of retinal ischaemia)
glucose uptake is independent of insulin
Venous beading
activity (eg kidney, retina and vascular
Intraretinal microvascular abnormalities
endothelium) because these tissues are
Proliferative retinopathy Neovascularisation:
exposed to glucose levels that correlate
very closely with blood glucose levels.1 new vessel disc
The development of disease is the result new vessel elsewhere
of a combination of direct glucose- Advanced eye disease Vitreous haemorrhage
mediated endothelial damage, oxidative Traction retinal detachment
stress due to superoxide overproduction, Rubeosis iridis
and the production of sorbitol and Rubeotic glaucoma
advanced glycation end-products due to Maculopathy Macular oedema
the prevailing state of hyperglycaemia.1,4 Hard exudates in macular region
These metabolic injuries cause altered

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CME Diabetes

Management Nephropathy Management

Pan-retinal photocoagulation, intro- Diabetic nephropathy arises from the com- Aggressive blood pressure reduction is of
duced in the early 1970s, is the treatment bination of hyperglycaemia and hyperten- vital importance in managing diabetic
of choice for proliferative and pre-prolif- sion driving glomerular damage. The nephropathy. Individuals with microalbu-
erative retinopathy. This procedure coag- underlying pathological changes involve minuria need to have BP 125/75.18
ulates the ischaemic retina which acts as thickening of basement membrane, Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors
the driving factor for new vessel forma- atrophy, interstitial fibrosis and arterioscle- (ACEIs) and angiotensin receptor blockers
tion (presumably by reducing vascular rosis.15 This initially results in glomerular (ARBs) are first line agents for treating
endothelial growth factor. Focal laser hyperfiltration and subsequently progres- hypertension with numerous trials
treatment is also used in macular sive loss of renal function.16 Diabetic showing their effectiveness in reducing
oedema to reduce vascular leakage. Laser nephropathy occurs in 3040% of patients proteinuria and deterioration of renal
treatment can bring down the five-year within 25 years.17 It is not understood why function,1921 but often multiple blood
incidence of blindness from 50% to some individuals with poor control are pressure lowering agents are required.
5%,14 but at the expense of losing up to protected against renal disease. Early studies suggested that combining
50% of peripheral vision10 with pos- ACEIs and ARBs was superior to
sible implications for driving licence Microalbuminuria monotherapy in reducing proteinuria,22
holders. but recent evidence highlights increased
Increased glomerular filtration pressures side effects (hyperkalemia and renal
result in albuminuria, a driver for ongoing impairment) of combination therapy with
renal damage.16 Microalbuminuria (Fig 1) quite modest outcome benefits.23,24 Both
is the first step towards developing overt the UKPDS and the DCCT have demon-
No significant nephropathy proteinuria, but only 20% of patients strated the importance of glycaemic con-
with the condition progress towards trol in retarding progression of
proteinuric nephropathy.15 Proteinuric nephropathy, whereas the evidence for
nephropathy continues to have a poor positive outcomes with low-density
prognosis, with most patients dying from lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol reduction
cardiac disease or progressing to end-stage appears less clear. Patients with worsening
renal failure. Furthermore, proteinuria is a proteinuria or deteriorating renal function
Severe/resistant hypertension marker of vascular endothelial dysfunction will need to be seen by nephrologists to
and there is a good correlation between ensure that renal replacement therapy can
cardiovascular risk and degree of albumin- be planned appropriately.
uria. The presence of microalbuminuria
should therefore prompt clinicians to
manage all cardiovascular risk factors
aggressively. Criteria for referrals to Diabetic neuropathy refers to a spectrum
(30300 mg/l albumin excretion) nephrology services need to be defined so of various neurological disorders associ-
that these patients can be referred in a ated with diabetes. Rarely, hyperglycaemia
timely manner and their care optimised. can induce an acute neuropathy that is

Table 2. Overview of the clinical spectrum of diabetic neuropathy.

Type of neuropathy Clinical phenotype

Hyperglycaemic neuropathy Reversible, influenced by glucose levels

Symmetrical sensorimotor neuropathy Most common presentation, glove and stocking
(>300 mg/l albumin excretion) pattern
Focal neuropathy Entrapment syndromes (carpal tunnel/meralgia
Cranial nerve palsies
Diabetic amyotrophy
Autonomic neuropathy Postural hypotension
Progressive deterioration Erectile dysfunction
of renal function Gastroparesis
Gustatory sweating
Fig 1. Progression of nephropathy.

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CME Diabetes

reversible when glycaemic control is need to be told of the importance of Preventing microvascular
improved, but neuropathy is usually per- paying attention to foot care and wearing disease
sistent. The most common form is a appropriate footwear as they are at high
distal, symmetrical sensorimotor neu- risk of developing ulcers. Patients also Risk factors
ropathy which may be asymptomatic in need to have access to podiatry and chi- The prevention of microvascular disease
up to 50%.25 The spectrum can include a ropody services for regular assessment of involves paying attention to aggravating
wide range of clinical syndromes (Table 2), their feet. risk factors and implementing screening
including cranial nerve palsies, mononeu- Severe symptoms. Autonomic neuropathy programmes to improve early detection.
ropathies and autonomic dysfunction. can have devastating effects on patients Both the UKPDS and DCCT have clearly
The main sequel of neuropathy is foot lives. Postural hypotension increases the demonstrated that progression of
deformity, ulceration and Charcot risk of falling. Standard treatments such retinopathy and nephropathy is linked to
arthropathy. The combination of neu- as fludrocortisone are usually not glycaemic control and that it is crucial
ropathy, arteriopathy and infection are the possible due to coexisting hypertension. that patients maintain HbA1c less than or
driving factors behind most diabetic foot Gastroparesis can cause intractable equal to 6.5% to minimise disease pro-
amputations. nausea and vomiting in severe cases. gression. In contrast, the association
Delays in food absorption in mild cases between glycaemic/BP control and neu-
cause severe problems in insulin treated ropathy progression is more tenuous.
patients where erratic food absorption
The management of neuropathy is pre- causes fluctuations in blood glucose levels Blood pressure
dominantly supportive. Good glycaemic that are difficult to control with conven-
control can reduce its progression. tional basal bolus regimens. In fact, a large BP needs to be kept below 140/80 mmHg
However, once neuropathy has been proportion of patients with brittle dia- to prevent microvascular disease, but
established glycaemic control has little betes have some degree of underlying once this has been established it needs to
influence in controlling pain which is the gastroparesis. Mild cases can be managed be more aggressively treated with targets
main symptom. Simple analgesics suffice with prokinetic agents such as metoclo- below 125/75 mmHg.26
in mild cases of painful neuropathy, but pramide, domperidone, erythromycin
opiates may be required in more severe and dietary modification. More severe Angiotensin-converting enzyme
cases. Amitriptyline, duloxetine, cases may require gastric electrical stimu- inhibitors (ACEIs)
gabapentin and pregabalin all have evi- lation where implanted electrodes act as a
dence of being superior to placebo.25 form of gastric pacemaker and stimulate ACEIs and angiotensin receptor antago-
Tricyclic antidepressants such as gastric contractions. Unfortunately, this nists are first-line agents. Many clinical
amitriptyline are first-line agents but pre- procedure is performed only in specialist trials have demonstrated their efficacy in
gabalin is particularly useful as thera- centres. Erectile dysfunction affects up to reducing proteinuria and delaying
peutic benefits are seen early. Clinicians 50% of men with diabetes and is often progression of renal failure. In the
need to have empathy with a holistic multifactorial (a combination of neu- Heart Outcomes Prevention Evaluation
approach when dealing with these ropathy, small vessel disease, medication (HOPE) study ramipril reduced overt
patients and often high doses of analgesics and psychological), requiring a holistic nephropathy by 24%.19 In the Reduction
are needed. Patients with neuropathy approach. of Endpoints in NIDDM with the
Angiotensin II Antagonist Losartan
(RENAAL) trial there was a 25% reduc-
Key points
tion in retinopathy progression and the
risk of end-stage renal disease was
Diabetes is associated with significant microvascular complications: retinopathy, reduced by 28%.20 Angiotensin blockade
neuropathy and nephropathy
with ACEI also has a useful role in pre-
Diabetic retinopathy remains the most common cause of blindness in working-age venting retinopathy and reducing its pro-
adults in the developed world. gression by 50%.27 However, these agents
are potentially teratogenic which needs
Early aggressive treatment of microalbuminuria reduces the risk of the development
to be considered when prescribing them
of nephropathy
to women of reproductive age.
Neuropathy may manifest in different ways and can be difficult to manage
Prevention and reduction in progression of microvascular complications requires
intensive management of glucose, blood pressure and lipids Statins are useful in reducing the pro-
gression of nephropathy. They reduce
KEY WORDS: complications, diabetes, management, prevention proteinuria and have modest effects in

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CME Diabetes

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Address for correspondence:

Dr S Hurel, Department of Diabetes
and Endocrinology, University College Fig 1. Development of analogue insulins with modifications of human insulin to alter
Hospital, 250 Euston Road, London the rates of insulin absorption and activity. Reprinted with permission from MacMillan
NW1 2PQ. Email: s.hurel@ucl.ac.uk Publishers Ltd: Drug Discovery 2002.5

Royal College of Physicians, 2010. All rights reserved. 509

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