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North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services

Office of the Chief Medical Examiner

3025 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-3025
Telephone 919-743-9000
Fax 919-743-9099
Document Identifier B201700927
Autopsy Type ME Autopsy
Name Willard Eugene Scott Jr
Age 31 yrs
Race Black
Sex M
Authorized By Elizabeth L. McKinnon MD Received From Durham
Date of Exam 02/15/2017 Time of Exam 09:45
Autopsy Facility Office of the Chief Medical Examiner Persons Present Ms. Nicola Litchfield; SA Russell
A. Holley, SBI
Cause of Death
The facts stated herein are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Digitally signed by
Susan E. Venuti MD 03 July 2017 17:48
Penetrating gunshot wound of torso
Entrance wound, left lateral lower back
Hemorrhagic wound track through left psoas muscle, abdominal aorta, small bowel, liver and gallbladder,
diaphragm, and anterior right 7th intercostal space
Deformed, copper-color jacketed bullet recovered from subcutaneous tissues of right anterior chest
No exit wound
Associated retroperitoneal hemorrhage
Status post emergent thoracotomy, exploratory laparotomy and gastrostomy
Trajectory of the wound track is back to front, left to right and upward with the body in the anatomic position

Penetrating gunshot wound of lower torso

Entrance wound, right inferior buttock
Hemorrhagic wound track through right pelvic bone
Deformed, copper-color jacketed bullet fragments recovered from pelvis/pelvic bone
No exit wound
Trajectory of the wound track is back to front with the body in the anatomic position

Body Identified By
Papers/ID Tag

Length 76 inches
Weight 184 pounds
Body Condition Intact
Rigor Rigor mortis is firmly developed in the extremities and jaw, and not present in the neck.
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Livor Livor mortis is faint pink, posterior and fixed.
Hair The scalp hair is black and curly. The decedent wears a mustache and goatee beard.
Eyes The eye globes appear deflated. The cornea are pale. The irides are brown.
Teeth The teeth are natural and in good repair.

The body is received supine in an unsealed body bag. As indicated by a notation on the outer body bag, the unsealed bag
was previously opened on 02/13/17 by Dr. Nelson, Associate Chief Medical Examiner, and Ms. Winner, Medical
Examiner Specialist, for the SBI to obtain GSR @ 1025 hours. The brown paper bags were removed from the bilateral
hands and remained with the body.

CLOTHING AND PERSONAL EFFECTS: The body is received unclad and is not accompanied by any articles of
clothing. On the left third finger is a yellow metal ring.

EVIDENCE OF MEDICAL/SURGICAL INTERVENTION: Taped to the decedent's left forehead is an identification

band with "Unkn, Foxtrot Bb, medical record #D2068116". The eyes are covered with clear film. Extending from the
mouth are an endotracheal tube secured about the neck with Velcro and an orogastric tube. Electrocardiogram
monitoring pads are present on the right shoulder, left shoulder, and left upper chest. Extending from the left upper
chest inferior to the clavicle is an intravenous catheter with a triple port. Encircling the left upper arm is a disposable
blood pressure cuff. At the left antecubital fossa is an intravenous catheter secured with tape. Extending from the left
inguinal area is a triple-lumen intravenous catheter. Extending from the right inguinal area is a triple-lumen
intravenous catheter. Inferior to the right knee is an intra-osseous catheter. Encircling the right ankle is an
identification tag with "Unkn, Foxtrot Bb". On the left great toe is an identification tag with "Unkn, Foxtrot Bb"; on the
opposite side is taped a small tag with "Scott, Willard, Jr 12/14/1985". A right-sided chest tube is present. Over the left
chest extending laterally from the midline and passing through the nipple is a 10 1/4", horizontal thoracotomy incision
closed with suture material. Extending from the xiphoid to pubis is a 13", vertical laparotomy incision closed with
suture material.

IDENTIFYING MARKS, SCARS AND TATTOOS: Multiple rounded, hyperpigmented scars with central white areas are
present on the left face. On the left posterior upper shoulder is a pink scar, measuring 3/8 x 1/4". Over the left superior
shoulder are two round, hyperpigmented scars. Over the left anterior lateral chest is a 3", horizontal scar. On the left
anterior lateral upper arm is a large scar resembling a C, measuring in aggregate 2 x 1". At the left lateral upper arm is a
round scar. Over the left medial distal forearm are faint irregular tattoo markings, measuring 1 1/2 x 1/2". On the left
anterior distal forearm is an area of brown scabbing with pale scarring, measuring in aggregate 1 1/2 x 1/2". A diagonal
scar is noted over the right lateral distal forearm, measuring up to 3". At the left anterior thigh is a rounded, 1/2 x 1/2"
scar. On the left lateral thigh is a rounded, 1 x 1" scar. Over the right anterior proximal lower leg is an ovoid scar,
measuring 3/4 x 1/2". On the posterior mid aspect of the left lower leg is a 3/4" scar. Above the right knee is scarring or
a tattoo of "MOB". A hypopigmented scar is present over the left lower back, measuring 1 1/2 x 1 1/4".

The body is that of a well-developed, well-nourished black male appearing consistent with the reported age of 31 years.
The head is normocephalic. Blood is present over the face and at the nares and mouth. The chest is symmetrical. The
abdomen is soft. The upper and lower extremities are symmetrical. The hands are not covered with brown paper bags.
The fingernails are of irregular lengths. Multiple non-specific abrasions are present at the bilateral knees. The toenails
appear trimmed and clean. The external genitalia are those of an adult male. No blood or stool is present at the anus.


On the left lateral lower back, located 28" below the top of the head and 5 1/4" to the left of midline, is a round gunshot
wound of entrance, measuring 3/8 x 3/8", with a thin marginal pink abrasion. Lateral to the wound and extending
superiorly and inferiorly are small, irregular, red-brown abrasions with a larger, irregular, pink abrasion, measure in
aggregate 2 1/4 x 1 3/4". No soot and/or gunpowder stippling is seen surrounding the wound. The hemorrhagic wound
track passes through the left psoas muscle, the abdominal aorta (below the origin of the renal arteries), loops of small
bowel, the liver and gallbladder, the diaphragm, and the right anterior rib cage between ribs #7 and 8. The perforating
wound through the liver enters posteriorly at the right gallbladder disrupting the gallbladder wall, and exits the liver
over the anterior right lobe. The overlying right diaphragm is perforated. A deformed, copper-color jacketed bullet is
recovered in the subcutaneous tissues of the right anterior chest, located 23 3/4" below the top of the head and 5" to the

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right of midline. The wound track is associated with a large amount of hemorrhage involving the peripancreatic soft
tissues and the retroperitoneum. The trajectory of the wound track is back to front, left to right and upward with the
body in the anatomic position. The abdominal cavity was previously explored by medical personnel, status post
laparotomy and gastrostomy with the release of a large amount of blood.


Over the right inferior buttock, located 37 1/2" below the top of the head and 2 7/8" to the right of midline, is a round
gunshot wound of entrance with a central 1/4 x 1/4" perforation and a thin marginal abrasion. No soot and/or
gunpowder stippling is seen surrounding the wound. The wound track passes through the pelvic bone with
fragmentation of the bullet. A portion of the bullet is recovered anteriorly at the right pelvic bone, and the remainder of
the bullet is found within the bony pelvis. The bullet fragments are deformed with copper-colored jackets. The
trajectory of this wound track is back to front with the body in the anatomic position.

Other Injuries:

A small abrasion is present on the left naris, measuring up to 1/4". On the proximal interphalangeal joints of the left 3rd
and 4th fingers are very superficial abrasions. On the right dorsal hand is a small linear red abrasion, measuring 3/16".
On the right dorsal 4th finger are discontinuous pink-orange abrasions, measuring 3/4 x 1/2" in aggregate. On the right
posterior lateral elbow is a red abrasion, measuring 3/8 x 1/4". On the right upper knee are discontinuous, pink-brown
abrasions, measuring in aggregate 2 x 1/2". At the left superior knee is a pale pink-brown abrasion, measuring 1/2 x
1/4". At the left medial knee is a faint abrasion. On the right lateral back are linear, dark red-purple, diagonal abrasions,
superiorly measuring 1 1/2 x 1/4", and inferiorly measuring 3 x 1/2" in aggregate. Inferior to this is a diagonal, brown,
possible contusion, measuring in aggregate 5 x 1/2".


The following items are released with the body
The following items are preserved as evidence
The right and left hand bags, two recovered projectiles, pulled head hair, a blood spot card, and the ring are released to
SA R.A. Holley, SBI.

Full body radiographs are taken revealing two projectiles, one fragmented at the right pelvis and one at the right lower
chest area.

Body Cavities
The body cavities are examined by the customary Y-shaped incision. The chest and abdominal cavities, including the
pericardial sac, have previously been opened by hospital personnel. Liquid blood is present in the bilateral pleural
cavities. Liquid blood and laparotomy sponges are present in the peritoneal cavity. Approximately 300 mL of residual
blood remains in the peritoneal cavity. The abdominal panniculus measures up to 3/8" in thickness.
Cardiovascular System
Heart Weight 470 grams
The epicardial surface is smooth and glistening. The coronary arteries have their usual origin and distribution with
patent lumina. The myocardium is red-brown without pallor, hemorrhage or scarring. Biventricular hypertrophy is
present. The left and right ventricular walls measure 1.9 and 0.7 cm in thickness, respectively. The cardiac valves are
normally formed, thin and flexible. The aorta is of normal caliber with a smooth intimal surface. The distal abdominal
aorta is perforated.
Respiratory System
Right Lung Weight 760 grams
Left Lung Weight 350 grams

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The lungs have the usual lobation. The left lung is collapsed. The lungs are diffusely red-purple without additional gross
lesions. The pulmonary arteries are free of emboli. The airway is patent.
Gastrointestinal System
The esophagus is lined by smooth, pink-white mucosa without ulceration or varices. A perforation involves the
stomach, status post gastrostomy. Injury involves the small intestine. The small bowel contains red-brown liquid.
Brown liquid stool is present in the large bowel. The appendix is present and unremarkable.
Liver Weight 1760 grams
The hepatic capsular surface is smooth and brown. A gunshot wound track passes through the liver as previously
described. No additional gross lesions are identified. The disrupted gallbladder contains no bile. The gallbladder
mucosa is red-green.
Spleen Weight 150 grams
The splenic capsule is intact. The parenchyma is red-purple and firm.
The pancreas is pink-tan and lobulated. Peripancreatic soft tissue hemorrhage is present.
Right Kidney Weight 180 grams
Left Kidney Weight 200 grams
The renal cortical surfaces are pale brown and smooth. Cut sections reveal well-demarcated corticomedullary junctions.
The urinary bladder contains 150 mL of very pale, clear yellow urine.
The prostate gland is unremarkable.
The thyroid gland is symmetrical and purple-brown without gross lesions. The adrenal glands have yellow-orange
cortices and gray-tan medullae.
Brain Weight 1370 grams
The deep scalp is atraumatic. The calvarium and basilar skull are intact and free of fractures. The dura mater is intact.
There is no subdural or subarachnoid hemorrhage. The brain is symmetrical. The leptomeninges are thin and
transparent. Cut sections of the cerebrum, cerebellum and brainstem reveal no focal lesions.
Musculoskeletal System
The musculature is red-brown. Rib fractures are not present. A thoracotomy incision passes through the left 4th
intercostal space. The right chest tube passes through the right 6th intercostal space. Fractures involve the right pelvis
secondary to a projectile. The spine is intact. Extremity fractures are not palpated. The tongue is free of intramuscular
hemorrhage. The strap and paraspinal muscles of the anterior neck are free of hemorrhage. The hyoid bone, thyroid
cartilage and cricoid cartilage are intact and free of fractures.


Willard Eugene Scott, Jr., a 31-year-old man, was shot during police intervention. He was emergently transported to the
hospital and underwent an emergent thoracotomy and an exploratory laparotomy. Due to a major aortic injury with
massive blood loss, he died during the operative procedure. Two projectiles were recovered at the time of autopsy.

1. Body Diagram: Adult (Front/Back)

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