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Distributor Reward and Recognition, Idea Bandhan

Objective: To set key performance indicator for distributors & reward the best
performing distributors. This will help us in bringing distributors focus on all key
parameters, create competition among distributors, give them sense of achievement and

Reward & Recognition,

- Distributor R&R will be bimonthly

- Top performing distributors from each zone will get Rs10000/- & appreciation
- Second best from each zone will get Rs5000/- & appreciation certificate.

Performance Indicators,

Criteria Weight age

Gross Achievement 20

VLR to gross Conversion 20

CAF Compliance 20

Appointing new & transacting retailers > Rs. 250 20

Increase SIM Selling/activating retailers 20

Criteria Details,

1. Gross Achievement,
Gross achievement = S2C with FRC48 and above/Activation TGTX100

- Weighted Average of achievement against monthly TGT will be calculated

e.g. against TGT of 1000 activations for full month, activations are 1100 & the
achievement would be 1100/1000)X20 = 22 Points
- Capping of 120% achievement of gross to Target
2. VLR to gross,

VLR Conversion = Gross VLR Adds/Gross activationsX100

- Gross VLR adds would be the total number of customers which were acquired during
the particular month and present on the VLR on 3rd 4th & 5th day of the subsequent
i.e. Gross VLR adds of August’10 would be calculated based on the VLR dump of 3rd ,
4th and 5th Sep’10
- Weighted Average of VLR conversion will be calculated as
E.g. VLR is 650 to 1000 gross then the VLR conversion will be 65% then the distributor
will get =65%*20=13 points

3. CAF Compliance,

CAF Compliance = CAF received with in 0+7days/activations X100

- Activation day will be counted as 0 day and the 7th day is considered as CAF pickup by
the agency.
e.g. If the 80% CAF are received with in 7 days then earned points would be 80%*20=
16.00 points
4. Appointing new and transacting retailers,
- Outlets with more than Rs. 250 Vtop up/ transacting will only be counted
- Growth over last month actual would be the criteria
- Points for Active Flexi outlet performance will be counted as per matrix below
No Growth / -ve Growth - (5) points
.01% to .1.99% Growth - 2 points
2% to 4.99% Growth - 4 points
5% to 7.99% Growth - 8 points
8% to 9.99 %Growth - 15 points
10% & above Growth - 20 points
For e.g. Existing transacting retailers are 200 and adds another 10 transacting in 2
months then the score would be = 210/200=105% X 20= 21 Points

5. Increase SIM activating/selling retailers,

- SIM activating/selling retailers would be counted with activation 1 & above in the
retailer’s code
-Weighted Average of achievement against monthly TGT will calculated as,
e.g. 160 outlets did at least 1 activations out of 200 active/transacting retailers, then
points earned would be =160/200X20 = 16 points

Qualifying Criteria,

Distributor need to earn minimum 75 points and who so ever gets the maximum will get
the reward.

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