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ABC Book Report

Name: __________________________________________________________________

Hour: ________________________

Due Date: ___________________________________________

1. Title of the actual book read.

2. Need an introduction page with the actual book title; author; and you as
the retold by.
3. One page per alphabetical letter.
4. Every letter must have a graphic or illustration that corresponds with your

Description Pt. Self Teache

Valu Score r
e Score

Looks like an actual book 10

Looks like a document 5

Title of book is actual book & is spelled, capitalized & 5

punctuated correctly

Author of book is spelled and capitalized correctly 5

Your name is listed as Retold by and is spelled and 5

capitalized correctly

There is a picture for every letter 13

There is a sentence explaining each letter word 52

Correct spelling, capitalization, punctuation and grammar 10


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