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Theme Book Report

Name: __________________________________________________________________

Hour: ________________________

Due Date: ___________________________________________

Has an effective beginning, middle and end

well developed
introduction states what the paper contains
Uses paragraphing appropriately
Contains a strong, controlling idea
Progresses in a logical order
Clearly shows an awareness of audience and purpose
Has few errors in grammar, spelling, capitalization and punctuation
Effectively uses writing techniques
metaphor, simile
point of view
exclamatory sentences
your personality shines through
Sentences are clear and varied in structure
open with a past participle
open with an adjective phrase
open with a noun clause
Clearly addresses topic; uses specific and relevant details
Uses precise and vivid language
uses strong, active verbs
Uses effective cohesive devices
synonyms for key words
I, he, she, we, they, them
parallel structure
body follows thesis statement
each paragraph has topic, body and concluding sentences

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