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1. Am I in the right room? I will be standing in the classroom door to help
anyone who needs help finding their classroom. Also, there will be a sign
with my students name posted on the classroom door.
2. Where am I supposed to sit? The first day of class you may sit where
you want; however, by the end of the week each student will have
assigned seating.
3. What are the rules in this classroom? The classroom rules will be
posted on each wall in the classroom to avoid misunderstandings.
4. What will I be doing this year? Each week there will be a weekly agenda
posted on the classroom board. Each student will copy down the
assignments and expectations in their notebook.
5. How will I be graded? Each student will grade on their mastery of the
learning criteria.
6. Who is the teacher as a person? Each week one student will be
designated to bring an object about them.
7. Will the teacher treat me as a human being?

how you treat yourself with respect, dignity, and love,

how you greet your students at the door,
how you dress,
what signs are posted in your classroom,
the message on the chalkboard,
the obviousness that you are organized and ready, and
That you are in control of the learning environment for the

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